Renewable Energy for a Decentralised, People-Centred Energy Transition in Africa
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A Factsheet Authors: Kerstin Opfer, Leonie Beaucamp, for Civil Society Augustine B Njamnshi JANUAR 2022 Renewable Energy for a Decentralised, People-Centred Energy Transition in Africa same time reaching the millions born every year in areas with no access to electricity1. At What is a Decentralized Renewable the same time, African countries have con- Energy (DRE) system? siderable and largely untapped potential in A decentralized energy system (DRE) describes a system, renewable energies2 and benefit from being in which energy production facilities and the site of energy a latecomer, which enables leapfrogging to consumption are located in close proximity. These DRE sys- smart, participatory, distributed energy sys- tems vary in sizes and range from an installed power capacity tems3. DRE can be useful in urban, semi-ur- of 1 W (single solar lamp) to an installed power capacity of ban, and rural settings. up to 2 MW (large mini-grid). A DRE system allows for more optimal use of renewable energy as well as combined heat DRE systems are a reliable and cost-effec- and power, reduces fossil fuel use, and increases eco-effi- tive solution to electrify remote areas4. IEA ciency. The local distribution grid can work independent- suggests that 70% of all rural areas glob- ly from the main grid (also referred to as off-grid) or can ally are not suited for an extension of the be connected to the main grid. Domestic, institutional, or national electricity grid. DRE systems can commercial consumers are sourcing electricity from one or provide reliable and affordable energy ac- several generation units in the region. This factsheet focuses cess for people and for productive sectors primarily on off-grid DRE systems. (e.g. agriculture, small, and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), community services). Further, the very nature of DRE systems ensures community focus, and promotes broad multi-stakeholder participation5 and Why are DRE systems use- energy democracy, ensuring that the energy ful in Africa? provided really performs for the people. The African continent needs to vastly accel- A number of initiatives (e.g. Sustainable En- erate its renewable energy transition. To- ergy for All, Power Africa, AREI, LDC REEEI, day, African countries have the youngest Desert to Power, etc.) have been put in place and most rapidly growing population in to promote the use of DRE systems. Further, the world. Within this is the dual challenge an increasing number of African govern- of providing access to the 595 million peo- ments (e.g. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, An- ple currently lacking electricity, while at the gola, Nigeria) recognise the importance of 1
off-grid DRE and are supporting their roll-out through spe- cialised programs, policy reforms, and energy policies. In the early 2010s, Tanzania pioneered mini-grid market tools with the RE potential of the 310 a well-designed regulatory framework and financial support African continent is about 310 GW by 2030 from donors and to date has one of the highest numbers of installed mini-grids (although electrification rate is general- ly very low). Another example is Kenya, who established the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (RE- REC) with the vision to provide sustainable energy solutions GW for all through rural electrification and renewable energy for socio-economic transformation. According to REREC, rural electrification is to be achieved mainly through mini-grids. Desert to power initiative6 Mauritania = Focus on 5 Sahel Countries Mali Niger Chad Sudan Eritrea Senegal Burkina Djibouti = 11 Countries involved Faso Nigeria and benefitting Ethiopia The Desert to Power Initiative is a re- CASE STUDY newable energy and economic devel- opment initiative led by the African Development Bank. The overarching goal includes providing solar electric- ity access across the Sahel region by creating a capacity of 10GW through photovoltaic systems in public private, grid and off-grid projects by 2030. The five priorities the initiative set include: 1. Accelerate the deployment of solar energy production 2. Extend and strengthen the power transmission network 3. Accelerate electrification through off-grid solutions 4. Revitalize national power utilities 5. Improve the business climate 2
Advantages Challenges 7 Social/Developmental Social/Developmental DRE systems can enable progress on all SDGs Power imbalances and resulting access privileges Rural electrification and access to energy Exclusion of stakeholders (e.g. marginalised groups, Energy democracy and multi-stakeholder participation migrants, women, youth, etc.) Job creation and capacity development Ownership issues Gender-sensitive and women empowerment (see Conflicts over utilisation (public lighting vs small solar sisters, etc.) businesses) Health benefits of clean local energy (if generators, Lack of productive-use cases biomass cook stoves, etc. are replaced) Lack of educational measures for communities (e.g. re- Environmental lated to energy efficiency awareness) and skills training Climate mitigation through increasing the share of Environmental renewables8 Pollution through lack of waste management and recycling Lower environmental impact than large-scale RE pro- Economic jects (e.g. dams, wind parks) Poorly designed tariffs (e.g. failure to cover operating Potential replacement of generators and other sources costs, unaffordable) of emission / pollutants Lack of access to upfront investment, especially for Economic small projects Cost-effectiveness: RE technology is cheaper than Lack of private sector investment fossil technology Lack of awareness at the investors’ side Low capital costs per project compared to utility scale Lack of bundling approaches to finance small-scale power plants projects Reduced need for transmission and distribution net- Initially higher capital costs per kW work expansion and maintenance Technical Increased eco-efficiency through lower transmission Lack of technical standards losses May result in the instability of the voltage profile Technical Technology failure Increased energy resilience and reliability through Poor system maintenance decreased vulnerability to single points of failure Lack of availability of access of replacements and (e.g. through environmental disasters) spare parts Increased planning flexibility due to small size and Poor system design that does not meet energy needs short construction lead times or does not consider future demand Modularity: size of DRE system adaptable to demand Governance Increased energy efficiency through use of smart me- Lack of policy framework ters. Lack of energy access plan marking off-grid areas Energy security through decreasing dependency on Lack of main grid arrival policy volatile fossil fuel market Lack of political support: state-controlled electricity No large land areas required markets hinder development of DRE systems Governance Lack of ownership schemes and pricing systems Empowerment of local authorities and local communities Lack of institutional arrangement to ensure reliable Dilution of political interference and vested interests and efficient operation and maintenance over time Enabling of energy democracy Enabling and well-designed DRE policy can solve many of these challenges. Further, careful DRE systems can bring about multiple planning of DRE projects and a profound know- socio-economic, developmental, ledge of the local context can address socio- environmental and technical advantages. economic and socio-technical challenges. 3
generators) in so called hybrid-systems. In A gender perspective off-grid DRE systems, the installed power generation capacity is independent from the on DRE systems main grid. A typical SPS off-grid systems is DRE systems and their applications can be designed in ways composed of (Fig. 1): that are gender-sensitive, because they bring energy choic- es to the household and community level, where women Photovoltaic cell/module/array: to tend to have a greater voice. Further, the decentralized and convert solar energy into electric energy modular nature of DRE systems offers great opportunity for engaging women in design, implementation, and opera- Charge controllers: to protect and regu- tions and for tailoring energy services to gender-differen- late the charging of batteries tiated needs. This can in turn create co-benefits related to gender equality, empowerment, and income generation. Rechargeable battery bank: to store the surplus of solar energy. Through the employment of storage technologies, the energy use can take place independently How do DRE systems from the time of generation. work?10 Inverter: to convert the direct current DRE systems allow generating electricity (DC) from the photovoltaic modules in where it is needed. It involves home-owners, alternating current (AC), which is neces- small communities or businesses owning sary for products such as domestic appli- and operating electricity generation and/or ances, computers, and urban lights. If the storage assets largely for their own use. Solar power generation capacity is less than photovoltaic systems (SPS) are most com- 100 W, the inverter can be avoided, thus monly used for rural electrification purposes. avoiding conversion losses. Also possible are solar thermal technology (e.g. for water heating, solar cooking) wind, Optional generator (in hybrid-sys- hydro, geothermal, and biomass11. To ensure tems) as emergency response back-up reliability of DRE systems, energy generation (in case batteries are empty and sun is can also come in conjunction from a variety not shining) of sources (e.g. PC, wind turbines, biomass, optional generator charge controller P = V*I P is the electric power measured in solar panels inverter house watts (W), V is the electric potential or Voltage measured in volts (V), and I is the electric current measured in amperes (I). battery bank Figure 1: Elements of a typical SPS off-grid system 4
a single solar panel with a size of 1-100 W or Grid-connected DRE system through a group of panels up to a size of 500 W. The energy can power small single devices (e.g. If there is no direct use of the generated energy and no stor- lamps, radio, phone charges, etc.) or multiple age medium but a possibility to link the system to the na- devices in a single household, or non-house- tional grid, a “grid-connected DRE system” can be a more hold appliances such as water pumping sys- suitable option to ensure permanent access to energy. In tems for small-scale agricultural use. such a system, energy that is not consumed directly can be fed into the grid to avoid waste and generate income. In order to power more than a single house- Grid-connected DRE systems can be less expensive and hold, e.g. a village with small businesses and more effective, because it is not necessary to store energy. other productive uses such as agricultural machines, mini-grid systems are installed. Mini-grids are electricity distribution net- DRE systems have the advantage that they can be works involving small-scale electricity gen- adapted in size to the respective demand of the region. eration and can optionally be connected The available systems start at stand-alone systems on to the main grid. The big advantage of mi- household or non-household level (Fig. 2), which are ni-grids, however, is that they are a cost-ef- useful for locations that are not fitted with an electric- fective solution for electrifying rural commu- ity distribution system. In stand-alone systems, the nities where a grid connection is challenging energy produced is either directly connected to a DC in terms of transmission and cost. Mini-grids load (direct-coupled systems) or can be connected to are suitable for a power generation capacity a battery. Typically, the power is generated through up to 2 MW (Fig. 2). Size of the installed power generation capacity Powering of small single Pico systems 1 - 10 W devices like a lightbulb DC Off-grid household systems: Solar Lighting and charging of batteries and mobile 10 – 100 household systems phones in mainly non-electrified areas W Non-household stand-alone Institutions in villages 50 – 500 Solar water pumping systems: off-grid systems without grid or mini-grid W Starting at a single 50 W PV module Mini-grid-systems 11, 12 0.2 - 5 kW DC village mini-grids (in some Single village (up to hundreds of 12 - 48 W cases referred to as micro-grids) households) far from existing grid 0.2 – 15 AC anchor-business Powering an anchor customer (ensuring a steady revenue) kW community mini-grids combined with supply to small businesses and nearby villages. 120/230 V 1– Single or several villages, local businesses and small 300 kW AC village mini-grids towns. Far from existing grid. They can run high-power 120/230 V devices like agricultural machines or pumps. Single or several villages, local businesses and small towns > 300 kW Large AC mini-grids Far from existing grid. They can run high-power devices to 2 MW like agricultural machines or pumps. 5
What are Ownership Models of DRE systems? One of the key benefits of DRE systems is that they enable the promotion of multi-stakeholder participation and energy democracy. There are four main ownership models for DRE systems14, 15: 01 Community Ownership16: This can include Community Ownership the legal ownership of the community or the possibility of ownership through buy-in (symbolic Communal ownership). The operation and maintenance can Third party or institutional entity either stay in the community’s hands or be out- Operation and maintenance Ownership of generation and sourced to a third party. In the case of legal own- distribution assets ership, financing can come from (local) donors, NGO’s, and rural energy agencies. There are sev- Donors Support from NGOs and REAs eral legal forms of community-ownership models, (Rural Energy Agencies) Financing including cooperatives, partnerships, non-profit organizations, community trusts, and housing asso- ciations. Community ownership has a strong focus tiated needs. Further, it can create job opportunities and livelihood on the generation of socio-economic benefits. It en- diversification, thereby counteracting youth migration to cities. Com- ables community empowerment, energy democra- munity ownership can also help to foster energy and environmental cy and can be designed to address gender-differen- consciousness. 02 Utility Ownership: Ownership for gen- eration and distribution is with the utility. Utility Ownership Financing and operation and maintenance can be distributed between public and private enti- Utility ties. In this context public-private partnerships can be formed. Ownership of generation and distribution assets Public-private partnerships Operation and maintenance Financing Description of the Elements Ownership of generation Commonly describing legal ownership of the generation and the distribution facility. It can also and distribution assets include the sense of ownership in the form of buy-ins from local population. Financing Funding of the system components, operation, and maintenance through public and private entities. To keep up the performance of the system and ensure longevity of the components the correct Operation and maintenance operation and regular maintenance work (e.g. adjustment, cleaning, lubrication, replacements etc.) are essential. Responsibility for Comprising the organisational tasks and keeping an overview of the elements of the ownership. implementation 6
03 Hybrid Ownership: The ownership of Alternative distribution power generation and distribution as Hybrid Ownership well as the operation and maintenance and financing of the system are shared between Utility or private company Community two or more entities. Ownership of generation and Operation and maintenance distribution assets Responsibility for giving advice and technical backup implementation Private company Hybrid Ownership Power producer selling power Distributor (usually utility) Ownership of generation assets Ownership of distribution assets Shared between public and private entities Financing Operation and maintenance 04 Private Ownership: The ownership of all assets lies with one private unit. Rarely the Private Ownership systems are fully financed by the private owner, but Private Entity rely on commercial loans or governmental support. Ownership of generation Operation and Financing and distribution assets maintenance Completely private or depending on Private equity, commercial loans government support Footnotes 1 13 ca_Energy_Outlook_2019.pdf 14 2 15,%20 Energy-Future Bruce,%20Macgill%20-%202013%20-%20Who%20shall%20inherit%20the%20 3 mini%20grids%20Examining%20ownership%20and%20business%20models%20 Initiatives_A4.pdf for%20PV%20Hybrid%20Mini%20grids.pdf 4 16 Half-a-Billion-People-Market-Outlook-and-Handbook-for-Decision-Makers-Executive- NA_Community_ownership_2020.pdf?la=en&hash=A14542D0C95F608026457B4200 Summary.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 1483B9B82D1828 5 17 6 18 port_2020-en.pdf NA_Community_ownership_2020.pdf?la=en&hash=A14542D0C95F608026457B4200 7 1483B9B82D1828 8 19 NA_Africa_Impact_Report_2020.pdf?la=en&hash=B1AD828DFD77D6430B93185E- 20 C90A0D1B72D452CC 21 9 me=true&width=90%&height=100% perspective_2019.pdf 22 10 Summary_2020.pdf?la=en&hash=1F18E445B56228AF8C4893CAEF147ED0163A0E47 Off-grid_Applications.pdf 23 11 24 12 WorldEnergyOutlook2021.pdf BSW_090507_web.pdf 7
The project “Ensuring a People-Centered En- ergy Transition in Africa through Civil Soci- ety Engagement” aims at strengthening the engagement of civil society in energy system transformation processes in five African coun- tries – Morocco, Nigeria, Cameroon, Botswana, and Kenya. The project promotes an approach to implementing energy initiatives focused on transformational change in the energy sector Supported by: through more appropriate policy frameworks and enabling environments on the national, regional, and continental level. Thereby, the project contributes to an effective acceleration of the renewable energy transition, which not only results in significant short- and long-term emissions reductions but also in well-designed renewable energy systems that meet the energy January 2022 needs of the population and are more resilient to extreme weather events, droughts and supply Germanwatch – Office Bonn shortages. Kaiserstraße 201, D-53113 Bonn, Germany Phone +49 (0)228 / 60492-0, Fax -19 The project is implemented by PACJA with the support of Germanwatch and is financed by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Ger- Contact: Layout: man Federal Ministry for the Environment, Na- Kerstin Opfer Monika Schmitt ture Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). ( 8
Appendix to Factsheet JANUAR 2022 Dimensions of an enabling, national Decentralised Renewable Energy Policy The renewable energy sector holds benefits for other sec- enable bottom-up processes focussed on community tors such as poverty reduction, environmental protection, energy needs. Capacity building should be supported by socio-economic development, public transportation and government policy and programs. agriculture. Hence, accelerating the implementation of de- centralised renewable energy (DRE) projects that bring about W omen empowerment: To leverage above-mentioned those intersecting solutions requires, governments, policy opportunities of DRE systems particularly for women, makers, and regulators to establish an institutional frame- empowerment trainings should be supported as integral work and national strategies that are planned in an integrat- part for DRE planning and implementation to enable all ed manner in coordination with other development policies. community members to be part of decision-making pro- cesses through self-belief, building confidence and ca- The multitude of socio-economic and environmental ben- pacities, and their own ideas for change. This will ensure efits of DRE systems can only be realized with a well-devel- local communities’ energy priorities are sincerely reflect- oped national DRE policy17. Further, such a policy can help ed in the energy needs assessment. with overcoming the above-mentioned challenges18. The design of the policy is context-dependent and needs to S ocial safeguards: DRE development should not be at take into account local and country-specific circumstances. the expense of local communities but should provide Generally, there are four dimensions to an enabling policy broader socio-economic benefits. Therefore, DRE de- framework (Fig. 3): velopment requires strict social safeguards, inclusive, transparent and accountable governance structures, Social / developmental dimension: local participation, multi-stakeholder involvement, and safeguarding of all rights including, socio-econom- Job creation and capacity building: DRE projects ic rights. Following the Precautionary Principle, the must be designed in ways that enable local job creation strongest social and human rights safeguards should and income generation. Capacity building and skills train- apply. DRE projects that may involve land grabbing or ing is necessary to create a skilled labour force to service forced or involuntary displacement of people should and operate decentralized generation, storage and dis- be explicitly excluded from support. The principle of tribution systems, and to ensure that local communities free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) of indigenous have the qualifications to fulfil labour market require- peoples should apply to any project concerning land or ments to access these jobs. Further, capacity building will resource development. enable local communities to participate in decision-mak- ing processes regarding DRE development and therefore 1
Economic dimension19: Market transformation: Decentralising power gener- cal network. FIT can also enable communities to pay back ation requires energy market diversification and liberali- soft loans for upfront finance. sation. For countries with fully or heavily state-controlled energy markets, institutions and policies must be over- Access to appropriate finance: DRE require a different hauled to support the participation of local governments, form of finance than utility-scale projects. Therefore, ap- communities, and private businesses in electricity pro- propriate financial environments must be developed that duction and distribution. support DRE projects. These include for example guaran- teeing direct access to sustainable financing through the Incentives: Feed-in tariffs (FIT) are guaranteed payments Adaptation Fund or the Green Climate Fund. Other tools for RE generation and allow flexibility to deliver on- and are risk-taking instruments, such as bundling for DRE pro- off-grid depending on a country’s needs, emphasising ject development. Further, raising awareness among lo- access. FIT for grid-connected renewable energy sources cal financial institutions about the opportunities of DRE could enable decentralised power generation through en- projects is necessary to help mobilize support and to suring that utilities will accept excess power from small, make upfront finance through soft loans and grants easily decentralised producers and make it available to the lo- accessible for local communities. Environmental (E) Governance (G) Environmental impact assessment Clear and coherent policy frameworks Environmental safeguards Good governance and transparency Waste management, recycling and Multi-stakeholder engagement quality standards and community participation E G DRE Systems E S Economic (E) Social / Developmental (S) Market transformation Job creation and capacity building Incentives Women empowerment Access to appropriate finance Social safeguards Figure 3: Dimensions of an enabling DRE policy. Adapted from PtX Hub Berlin20 2
Governance Environmental dimension C lear and coherent policy: Creating an enabling policy Environmental impact assessment: Potential envi- for DRE systems with clear standards and regulations is ronmental impacts need to be assessed when planning key to stimulating investment, mobilizing and capitalising concrete projects. This is particularly true for installations equity, and to accelerating DRE system deployment. based on bioenergy and hydropower but should be best practice for all types of DRE development starting from This framework should be well-adapted to local and the smallest application (e.g. solar water pumps).24 Based country-specific circumstances, be firmly embedded on the results of such assessments, the environmental in the broader development plans and national energy impact of DRE systems should be minimised. strategies, and be in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental safeguards: Strict environmental safe- guards for DRE systems should be developed to define Knowledge sharing: Effective practices, lessons-learned, measures and processes to effectively manage risks and and technical advice should be shared on local, regional, enhance positive impacts for the environment. Key envi- national levels and between countries.21 Through the col- ronmental safeguard considerations should include bio- laboration with other countries, a transfer of knowledge, diversity conservation, sustainable natural resource man- experience and technologies can take place and promote agement, pollution prevention and abatement, pesticide the progress of successful integration.22 use, and greenhouse gas emissions. Good governance and transparency: General key Waste management, recycling, and quality stand- principles of good governance need to be upheld ards: To avoid environmental pollution (e.g. through tox- to ensure that RE initiatives serve the people and the ic metals such as lead and cadmium), the proliferation of planet. These key principles include effective leadership, waste, and wastage of natural resources (e.g. of precious transparency, accountability, and multi-stakeholder par- metals such as silver, aluminium, copper, and lithium and ticipation.23 Further, working towards compliance with rare earth minerals) countries need to build a specialised human rights and anti-corruption standards should be a waste management and recycling plan for material of RE prerequisite. This may require institutions and bodies that technologies including for solar panels and batteries. Fur- support relevant national and international government ther, awareness rising amongst stakeholders is necessary agencies and appropriate transparency mechanisms. to ensure proper waste management on community lev- el. Last but not least, there is a need to invest in energy Multi-Stakeholder engagement and community par- infrastructure and long-lasting, high-quality renewable ticipation: Diverse and meaningful multi-stakeholder input energy technology to avoid avoidable creation of e-waste in policy-making is necessary to ensure that decision-mak- and negative perceptions of RE in society. To achieve this ers consider different issues, perspectives, and options, to the development of national quality standards for RE guarantee that all social and environmental concerns are technology is imperative. well considered and integrated in the planning, and to guar- antee that strategies perform well for the people. On the local level, this means that communities need to be in the driving seat for DRE project development, implementation, and monitoring. Such multi-stakeholder engagement and civil society participation can ensure community buy-in, prevent external interests from driving development, and guarantee a thorough understanding of the local social and environmental context. 3
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