Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources

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Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
Research Article                                                                                                                                  5873

                          Regulation of two insulin granule populations within
                          the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
                          Mingming Hao1, Xia Li2, Mark A. Rizzo1, Jonathan V. Rocheleau1, Benoit M. Dawant2 and David W. Piston1,*
                           Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA
                           Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA
                          *Author for correspondence (e-mail:

                          Accepted 9 September 2005
                          Journal of Cell Science 118, 5873-5884 Published by The Company of Biologists 2005

                          Insulin granule trafficking is a key step of glucose-                                cytoskeletal network is involved in both types of granule
                          stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic ␤ cells. Using                          movement. The fast-moving granules are correlated
                          quantitative live cell imaging, we examined insulin granule                          temporally and spatially to the replacement of the secreted
                          movements within the reserve pool upon secretory                                     insulin granules, which supports the hypothesis that these
                          stimulation in ␤TC3 cells. For this study, we developed a                            granules are responsible for replenishing the readily
                          custom image analysis program that permitted automatic                               releasable pool. Our study provides a model by which
                          tracking of the individual motions of over 20,000 granules.                          glucose and other secretory stimuli can regulate the readily
                          This analysis of a large sample size enabled us to study                             releasable pool through the same mechanisms that regulate
                          micro-populations of granules that were not quantifiable in                          insulin secretion.
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                          previous studies. While over 90% of the granules depend
                          on Ca2+ efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum for their
                          mobilization, a small and fast-moving population of                                  Supplementary material available online at
                          granules responds to extracellular Ca2+ influx after                       
                          depolarization of the plasma membrane. We show that this
                          differential regulation of the two granule populations is                            Key words: Insulin, Granules, Calcium, Reserve pool, Pancreatic
                          consistent with localized Ca2+ signals, and that the                                 beta cells

                          Introduction                                                                         results in influx of Ca2+ through voltage-gated calcium
                          Pancreatic ␤ cells play an essential role in glucose homeostasis                     channels (Berggren and Larsson, 1994). Ca2+ influx can also
                          by secreting insulin in response to a variety of stimuli,                            stimulate Ca2+ efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
                          especially a rise in blood glucose levels. Insulin is stored in                      through a process called Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (Lemmens
                          large dense-core secretory granules. Although an individual ␤                        et al., 2001). Despite its importance in glucose-stimulated
                          cell in a mouse islet contains over 10,000 granules (Dean,                           insulin secretion, the role of Ca2+ in granule mobilization
                          1973), only a small fraction (
Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
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                          long distances, limits the analysis to a small fraction of the            N3 for ECFP using BamHI and BsrGI restriction sites. The proinsulin-
                          granules, and is susceptible to bias from the observer-defined            EYFP-DsRed construct was also made from proinsulin-ECFP by
                          granules selected for analysis. We addressed these issues by              substitution of the EYFP coding sequence from pEYFP-N3 for ECFP
                          enabling observer-independent tracking of a large number of               using the BamHI and BsrGI restriction sites. The cDNA sequence
                          fluorescently labeled granules in each cell. We developed                 encoding DsRed (pDsRed-C1) was then amplified by PCR (sense
                                                                                                    primer: 5⬘-TAGGTACCATGGTGCGCTCC-3⬘; antisense primer 5⬘-
                          custom image analysis software utilizing two different tracking           ATGGGCCCCTGAGCAGGAAC-3⬘) and inserted C-terminal to
                          algorithms designed to specifically track each type of granule            EYFP using KpnI and ApaI restriction sites. ECFP-ER was from BD
                          movement (Li et al., 2004). Our analysis pool of over 20,000              Biosciences. Plasmid DNAs were introduced into ␤TC3 and MIN6
                          granules allowed us to quantify population dynamics and                   cells suspended in Dulbecco’s PBS in a 2-mm gapped cuvette by ten
                          examine potential mechanisms.                                             50-␮second square-wave pulses of 300 V at 500-msecond intervals
                             In this study, we consider how granule mobilization from the           with a BTX ECM830 electroporator (Holliston, MA). Transfected
                          reserve pool may contribute to the refilling of the RRP. Our              cells were plated on glass-bottomed coverslip dishes (MatTek Corp.,
                          analysis quantifies two distinct populations of insulin granules          Ashland, MA) in regular growth medium and switched to growth
                          within the reserve pool identifiable by their relative mobility.          medium containing 2 mM glucose for 48 hours. Cells stably
                          We aimed to explore two questions: (1) are these two                      transfected with phogrin-EGFP were generated using G418
                                                                                                    (Mediatech, Inc., Herndon, VA). Cells were equilibrated in BMHH
                          populations differentially regulated?; (2) what is the                    buffer (125 mM NaCl, 5.7 mM KCl, 2.5 mM CaCl2, 1.2 mM MgCl2,
                          significance of the fast-moving granules? Our results show that           and 10 mM Hepes, and 0.1% BSA, pH 7.4) for 4 hours (basal,
                          the two populations respond differently to stimulation by                 unstimulated condition) prior to microscopy.
                          insulin secretagogues and are regulated by separate Ca2+
                          sources. Extracellular Ca2+ influx activates a small population
                          of fast-moving granules; intracellular Ca2+ efflux from the ER            Fluorescence microscopy
                          initiates mobilization of the larger population of slow-moving            Confocal fluorescence microscopy was performed using an Axiovert
                          granules. This differential regulation of the two granule                 100M inverted microscope equipped with an LSM 510 laser scanning
                          populations appears to utilize localized distribution of spatially        unit and a 63⫻ 1.4 NA plan Apochromat objective (Carl Zeiss, Inc.).
                          distinct Ca2+ pools. We also show that both granule populations           A 40⫻ 1.3 NA plan Apochromat objective was used for FluoZin-3
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                                                                                                    experiments. 457, 488 and 514 nm argon and 543 nm helium-neon
                          require actin rearrangement and microtubule integrity for                 laser lines were used to excite ECFP, EGFP/Alexa Fluor 488/FluoZin-
                          movement. Finally, our data are consistent with the model that            3, EYFP, and DsRed, respectively. Emitted light was passed through
                          the fast-moving granules act as an intermediate pool to enable            bandpass filters for collection of ECFP (470-510 nm), EGFP/Alexa
                          refilling of the RRP.                                                     Fluor 488/FluoZin-3 (505-530 nm), EYFP (530-550 nm) and a long-
                                                                                                    pass filter (560 nm) was used for DsRed.
                                                                                                       The secretion assay was performed with a Nikon TE300 inverted
                          Materials and Methods                                                     wide-field microscope equipped with a 40⫻ 1.3 NA plan Apochromat
                          Materials                                                                 objective using a standard GFP filter combination. Images were
                          Fluorescent protein expression vectors were obtained from BD              acquired with MetaMorph imaging software (Universal Imaging
                          Biosciences (Palo Alto, CA). DNA isolation reagents were from             Corp., Downingtown, PA).
                          Qiagen (Valencia, CA). Restriction enzymes were obtained from New
                          England Biolabs (Beverly, MA). PCR primers were from Integrated
                          DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA). FluoZin-3, tubulin antibody,           Immunofluorescent staining
                          jasplakinolide, Alexa Fluor 488 phalloidin and fluorescently labeled      Cells were first fixed for 30 minutes with 4% paraformaldehyde in
                          secondary antibodies were obtained from Molecular Probes (Eugene,         PBS at 4°C, permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100, and blocked with
                          OR). Guinea pig anti-insulin was obtained from Linco Research,            5% goat serum. For insulin detection, they were then stained with
                          Inc. (St Charles, MO). The phogrin construct was a generous               guinea pig anti-insulin and Alexa Fluor 546-conjugated goat anti-
                          gift from John Hutton (University of Colorado, Denver, CO). S-            guinea pig antibodies. Mouse ␣-tubulin and Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-
                          (–)-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-5-nitro-4-[2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-3-     mouse antibodies were used to detect microtubule distribution. Alexa
                          pyridinecarboxylic acid methyl ester (Bay K8644), 1,4-dihydro-            Fluor 488 phalloidin was used to identify actin microfilaments.
                          2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid 2-
                          methoxyethyl 1-methylethyl ester (nimodipine), and all other
                          chemicals were from Sigma-Aldrich. Cell culture reagents were made        Live cell imaging of granule movement
                          by the Media and Reagents Core of the Diabetes Research and               Sequential images of ␤TC3 cells expressing phogrin-EGFP were
                          Training Center at Vanderbilt University.                                 taken for 2-6 minutes at 1-second intervals. A minimum laser power
                                                                                                    that would give us a useful florescence signal was used and the laser
                                                                                                    intensity was kept the same for all cells. Cellular phototoxicity caused
                          Cell culture                                                              by laser illumination was tested by mimicking acquisition conditions
                          ␤TC3 cells secrete insulin in a regulated manner very similar, but not    used in real experiments but using the buffer alone as the stimulus.
                          identical, to that of intact ␤ cells (D’Ambra et al., 1990). ␤TC3 cells   Cells were first imaged for 2 minutes to establish the unstimulated
                          were maintained in sodium bicarbonate-buffered Dulbecco’s modified        profile. A 20⫻ concentrated stock of stimulus was then added to the
                          Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing 15% horse serum and 2.5%                 cells on the microscope stage. A final concentration of 20 mM
                          FBS, 5 mM glucose, 100 IU/ml penicillin, and 100 ␮g/ml                    glucose, 30 mM KCl, 1 ␮M Bay K8644, 5 ␮M nimodipine, 2 ␮M
                          streptomycin (Life Technologies, Inc.) in an atmosphere of 5% CO2.        thapsigargin, 10 mM caffeine, 10 ␮g/ml cytochalasin D, 1 ␮M
                          MIN6 cells were cultured in similar DMEM supplemented with ␤-             jasplakinolide and 10 mM nocodazole was used. Cells were allowed
                          mercaptoethanol and 15% heat inactivated FBS. Generation of               2 minutes to react to glucose before the stimulated profile was
                          phogrin-EGFP was as previously described (Emmanouilidou et al.,           obtained. In the case of nocodazole, cytochalasin D, jasplakinolide
                          1999). Proinsulin-EGFP was made from proinsulin-ECFP (Rizzo et            and thapsigargin, cells were treated for 20 minutes and a profile taken
                          al., 2002) by substitution of the EGFP coding sequence of pEGFP-          before stimuli were added. All manipulations, as well as fluorescence
Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
Insulin granule regulation by two Ca2+ pools                  5875
                          microscopy, were done on the temperature-controlled microscope             differential interference contrast image. The other group of cells,
                          stage maintained at 37°C using the Zeiss stage incubator.                  transfected with phogrin-EGFP, was used to monitor the granule
                                                                                                     movement. Time series of granule movement were first taken before
                                                                                                     and after adding glucose, and again after glucose wash-out. All time
                          Image analysis                                                             series were acquired for the same field of cells.
                          Summation projection of all background-corrected confocal slices
                          was produced using the MetaMorph imaging software (Universal
                          Imaging Corp., Downingtown, PA). The degree of bleed-through and           Granule movement and pH measurement
                          colocalization between the channels was determined as described            Cells were transfected with proinsulin-EYFP-DsRed. One image was
                          previously (Mallet and Maxfield, 1999; Mukherjee et al., 1999). To         taken of EYFP and DsRed for the pH measurement of granules. The
                          obtain parameters for granule movement, images were first                  two channels were scanned alternately in a line-by-line fashion,
                          background corrected (Hao and Maxfield, 2000) using MetaMorph              having only one laser line and one detector channel on at each time.
                          before running through imaging analysis software developed by Li           Focusing was done using the DsRed channel, which would result in
                          et al. (Li et al., 2004). The individual granules are identified           ~0.1% photobleaching of DsRed (Baird et al., 2000). A time series
                          automatically by filtering the images to reduce the noise with wiener      was then acquired with only the DsRed channel to measure granule
                          and median filters, thresholding the images with a combination of          movement. To verify pH dependency of proinsulin-EYFP-DsRed,
                          optimum single and double threshold algorithms, and further                cells expressing the construct were fixed with paraformaldehyde and
                          eliminating spurious points with morphological operations. Two             permeabilized with Triton X-100. In situ images were taken of cells
                          different tracking algorithms were used to track each type of granule      incubated with PBS and adjusted to pHs from 7.5 to 5.5 using
                          movement. Each granule was first subjected to a simple tracking            predetermined amounts of HCl. The fluorescence ratio of
                          algorithm that detected the overlapping regions between successive         EYFP/DsRed at each pH was normalized to that at 7.5 in order to pool
                          frames. If such a region was found, the algorithm would record the         the results from different cells. Furthermore, raising the pH with
                          granule’s position in the current frame. This algorithm worked well        NH4Cl caused an increase in the fluorescence ratio of EYFP/DsRed
                          for the granules that moved short distances. If no overlapping region      in live cells. Images of the same field of cells were taken using the
                          was found, the second tracking algorithm was activated. Briefly, the       same settings before and after 30 mM NH4Cl was added. Fluorescence
                          program calculates parameters about each detected vesicle in the first     intensity was normalized to that of the images before NH4Cl was
                          frame, including size, brightness, and position. Next, a simple linear     added.
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                          model is used to predict the position of the vesicle in the next frame.
                          Then, the image is segmented locally to find possible granules within
                          a box placed around the predicted location. When several potential         Results
                          granules are detected within the box the most likely candidate is
                          chosen based on its size, intensity, and position. When a granule is       Targeting phogrin-EGFP to insulin granules in ␤TC3
                          lost, the tracking program performs analysis only for the frames in        cells
                          which it showed a path. Before the program was applied to all the          Visualization of ␤ cell granules has been greatly enhanced by
                          granules, the output from our tracking software was first manually         the utilization of fluorescent proteins targeted to secretory
                          inspected and then compared with that from Metamorph to ensure             granules. Phogrin (phosphatase on granules of insulinoma
                          accuracy. Our tracking program out performs others by the fact that        cells) is well established for the study of granule dynamics in
                          it not only traces granules with high accuracy, it can track many
                          granules simultaneously and automatically.
                                                                                                     pancreatic ␤ cells because of its specialized localization to the
                             The mean-square displacement (MSD) was calculated using the             insulinoma dense-core granule membranes (Pouli et al., 1998;
                          following equation (Qian et al., 1991):                                    Wasmeier and Hutton, 1996). We fused phogrin with enhanced
                                                                                                     green fluorescent protein (EGFP). To examine whether
                                                  N–n                                                phogrin-EGFP, in a stably transfected ␤TC3 cell line, was
                                                  冱 {[x(j␦t+n␦t) – x(j␦t)]
                             MSD(n␦t) =                                    2                         targeted to insulin secretory granules, the localization of
                                          N–n                                                        phogrin-EGFP was compared with that of immunostained
                                                                     + [y(j␦t+n␦t) – y(j␦t)]2} ,     insulin. Fig. 1A-C shows that most phogrin-EGFP-labeled
                                                                                                     granules contained insulin. In order to avoid artifacts created
                          where ␦t is the time interval at which images were taken, x(t) and y(t)    by the immunofluorescence procedure, we also looked at live
                          are the coordinates of a granule at time t, and N is the total number      cells containing both phogrin-EGFP and an enhanced cyan
                          of images in a recording. n and j are positive integers with n=1, 2, … ,   fluorescent protein (ECFP) construct that was targeted to the
                                                                                                     interior of secretory granules by the connecting peptide
                                                                                                     segment of the murine proinsulin II (proinsulin-ECFP)
                          Granule movement under different insulin secretion conditions              (Watkins et al., 2002; Rizzo et al., 2002). As shown in Fig. 1D-
                          ␤TC3 cells were plated at a low density and cultured for 3 days after      F, phogrin-EGFP colocalized very well with the co-transfected
                          transfection. A cluster of cells was used to produce a detectable          proinsulin-ECFP, with >95% of the phogrin-EGFP-labeled
                          amount of secreted insulin and Zn2+. Two identical groups of cells         granules also containing proinsulin-ECFP. These results
                          were used for this experiment. One group was used to monitor insulin       indicate that most of the phogrin-EGFP expressed in ␤TC3
                          release using sequential images taken in the presence of 2 ␮M              cells was efficiently targeted to the insulin secretory granules.
                          FluoZin-3 before and after adding glucose. The cells were then
                          washed three times and incubated for 1 hour in glucose-free buffer,
                          which was then replaced with fresh glucose-free buffer containing          Two types of granule movement upon stimulation
                          FluoZin-3. A time series was taken after glucose washout. As a
                          control for autofluorescence and focal plane drift, fluorescence in the    Insulin is released from ␤ cells in response to various
                          extracellular medium was monitored in the absence of FluoZin-3             extracellular stimuli. Of the secretagogues used in this study,
                          while glucose was added as before. Fluorescence was quantified in          KCl causes the largest stimulation of insulin secretion in ␤TC3
                          three small regions in the extracellular medium as determined by the       cells and also the most dramatic change in intracellular granule
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                                                                                                                       movement. Sequential images of cells expressing
                                                                                                                       phogrin-EGFP were taken to examine granule
                                                                                                                       dynamics in pancreatic ␤ cells. Fig. 2 shows three
                                                                                                                       frames from a representative set of sequential
                                                                                                                       images taken of the same cell. Several granules
                                                                                                                       were selected from each panel (Fig. 2A-C) and
                                                                                                                       their positions were tracked through 30 frames
                                                                                                                       (the corresponding lower panels in Fig. 2D-F).
                                                                                                                       The accompanying time-lapse movie can be seen
                                                                                                                       in the supplementary material. Most granules
                                                                                                                       display small, confined movements under basal,
                                                                                                                       unstimulated conditions (Fig. 2D). Adding KCl
                                                                                                                       caused a slowing down in the overall granule
                                                                                                                       dynamics (Fig. 2E). However, a small population
                                                                                                                       (~8%) of granules underwent much longer
                                                                                                                       excursions (Fig. 2F). Similar results were obtained
                                                                                                                       using another ␤ cell line, MIN6 (Table 1). Table
                                                                                                                       1 lists the changes in granule mobility under all
                          Fig. 1. Phogrin-EGFP is effectively targeted to the insulin granules in ␤TC3 cells.          the experimental conditions used in this study.
                          (A-C) Cells stably transfected with phogrin-EGFP were plated for 48 hours and                   Our granule tracking analysis shows that the two
                          then immunostained with an insulin antibody and an Alexa Fluor 546 secondary                 subsets of granules respond differently to
                          antibody. (D-F) Cells were co-transfected with phogrin-EGFP and proinsulin-                  stimulation. Two distinct types of motion were
                          ECFP (pseudocolored red). Measures were taken to minimize and correct for                    observed with KCl (Fig. 2E,F). In order to take a
                          crossover fluorescence. Bar, 10 ␮m.                                                          closer look at each population, we used histograms
                                                                                                                       to segment the granules according to their
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                                                                                                                       movement (Fig. 3). The peaks in the histograms
                             Table 1. Insulin granule dynamics in pancreatic ␤ cells                     represent the slow-moving population. The percentage of fast-
                                                            % Change          %
                                                                                                         moving granules is shown as bar graphs in the inset of each
                                                            in granule    >0.4 ␮m/ No. of        No. of  panel. For this study, the fast-moving population was defined as
                          Treatment                         movement       second       cells   granules granules with speeds >0.4 ␮m/second, which was at least two
                          Unstimulated                           0         2.1±0.3       21       1138   standard deviations above the average speed (118.3±10.6 to
                          Photo damage                       f 3.6±0.7     2.4±0.6       12        646   286±27.5 nm/second) under all conditions. In unstimulated
                          Glucose                           F 10.1±1.1     5.8±0.6       16        681   cells, the fast-moving population accounted for only 2.1±0.3%
                          KCl                               f 34.9±2.9     8.5±0.7       26       1590   of the total granules. This number increased to 5.8±0.6% and
                          Glucose+KCl                       f 12.8±1.4     8.8±0.9       18        756
                          KCl+glucose                       f 17.1±2.0     9.2±1.3       11        623   8.5±0.7% when glucose and KCl, respectively, was added (Fig.
                          Bay K8644                         F 11.6±1.2     7.2±1.1        8        424   3A,B, Table 1). To see if glucose had any further effect on the
                          Glucose+nimodipine                f 10.8±1.3     2.1±0.8        8        419   two granule populations segregated by KCl, we included
                          Glucose+thapsigargin              f 20.5±3.4     4.7±0.7       10        429   glucose before and after KCl was added (Fig. 3C,D). Although
                          Glucose+thapsigargin+KCl f 35.3±4.0              7.8±1.0       10        401
                          Caffeine                          F 13.4±2.1     3.2±0.6        9        467
                                                                                                         an increase in the speed of the slow-moving granules was seen
                          Caffeine+KCl                      f 31.8±3.9     8.4±1.4        9        443   when glucose was present, the fraction of fast-moving granules
                          Nocodazole                        f 20.8±2.6     2.1±0.3       17        800   did not increase (Fig. 3C inset, red vs blue bars; compare Fig.
                          Nocodazole+KCl                    f 34.5±2.5     2.5±0.3       17        849   3D and B inset red bars, Table 1). These results indicate that
                          Cytochalasin D                    f 30.8±2.5     4.8±0.6       15        726   conditions other than ATP production are required to activate a
                          Cytochalasin D+KCl                f 23.3±2.6    12.8±1.1       15        709
                          Jasplakinolide                    f 26.3±3.1     2.3±0.4       18        751   large fraction of granules to a more mobile state under KCl
                          Jasplakinolide+KCl                f 30.5±2.5     2.6±0.4       18        738   stimulation.
                          Unstimulated, cell center*        F 17.8±2.0     3.9±0.5       12        759      In addition to the average velocity, we characterized granule
                          KCl, cell center†                 f 21.8±2.3     5.2±0.7       12        706   motion using net displacement and mean-square displacement
                          Unstimulated, MIN6                     0         4.5±0.5       13        984
                          KCl, MIN6                         f 29.8±3.6    12.3±0.7       13        936
                                                                                                         (MSD). First, we wanted to make sure that the granules with
                                                                                                         higher velocities (fast-moving granules) were indeed the ones
                             ␤TC3 cells were used for all treatments, but the effect of KCl was also     that showed greater net displacements. As shown in Fig. 3E,
                          examined in MIN6 cells.                                                        there was correlation of speed and net displacement for
                             Intracellular movement of insulin granules was analyzed as described in the granules undergoing diffusion. More importantly, this panel
                          Materials and Methods. Granule movement was compared before and after a
                          stimulus was added in the same cell. For every condition, a percentage of      shows that fast-moving granules were more likely to
                          change was first calculated in each cell and an average was then taken of all  experience directed motion. To confirm this, we selected 20
                          the cells for the value listed as ‘% change in movement’. The granules imaged  granules from each of the three speed intervals: 0.4 ␮m/second, and
                          (cell periphery) except in experiments designed to look at granule movement
                          in the cell center.
                                                                                                         characterized their motion using MSD. Granule movement
                             *Granule movement in the cell center versus cell periphery under            could be classified into three types (Ivarsson et al., 2004):
                          unstimulated condition.                                                        caged motion, in which the MSD values rapidly reached a
                               Granule movement in the cell center under KCl stimulation versus          plateau for longer time intervals (represented by curve i in Fig.
                          unstimulated condition. Results are expressed as mean±s.e.m.                   3F), random diffusion, in which the MSD values were fitted to
Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
Insulin granule regulation by two Ca2+ pools                 5877

                          Fig. 2. Tracking of insulin granules in ␤TC3
                          cells reveals two granule populations. (A-C)
                          Three representative frames, at different time
                          points, from a time-lapse movie of secretory
                          granules labeled with phogrin-EGFP before and
                          after KCl stimulation. The first 60 frames (120
                          seconds) were taken under unstimulated
                          condition before 30 mM KCl was added, and the
                          movie continued for another 120 frames to
                          record KCl-stimulated granule movement.
                          Several granules are manually tracked through
                          30 frames to show their paths in D-F. The movie
                          can be viewed in the supplementary material.
                          Bar, 10 ␮m.

                          Fig. 3. Histograms of
                          average velocity reveal
                          segregation of granule
                          populations upon
                          stimulation. The histograms
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                          show the number of granules
                          at different velocities
                          traveled. The inset bar graphs
                          are derived from Table 1 and
                          show the percentage of
                          granules with speeds >0.4
                          ␮m/second, with the error
                          bars representing s.e.m. For
                          all panels, a time series of
                          granule movement was first
                          taken under unstimulated
                          condition and then after each
                          treatment. The treatments
                          were sequential, in the order
                          shown in the symbol legend.
                          Images were taken
                          immediately after KCl was
                          added and 2 minutes after
                          glucose was added.
Regulation of two insulin granule populations within the reserve pool by distinct calcium sources
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                            Table 2. Insulin granule motion characterized based on                            described previously, the mechanisms regulating these motions
                                     mean-square displacement versus time                                     are unclear. While glucose had a small stimulatory effect on
                                            No. of granules        No. of granules       No. of granules      both populations of granules, KCl significantly activated the
                          Speed             showing curve i       showing curve ii      showing curve iii     fast-moving granules (Fig. 3A,B). Data in Fig. 3C,D also show
                          (␮m/second)       (caged motion)       (random diffusion)     (directed motion)     that adding glucose with KCl further stimulated only the slow-
                          0.4                      2                     5                     13            slow-moving granules. This is because high concentrations of
                             Twenty granules were chosen from each speed interval. For each granule,
                                                                                                              KCl are known to induce a much larger and more rapid Ca2+
                          mean-square displacement values were plotted against time and fitted to one         influx than glucose (Graves and Hinkle, 2003), and although it
                          of the three types of curves shown in Fig. 3F using Microsoft Excel. The            increases insulin secretion, raising glucose levels in the
                          curve was first fitted by a linear regression. If the R2 value, which reveals how   presence of high KCl does not further elevate the intracellular
                          closely the estimated values of the fitted curve correspond to the actual data,     Ca2+ concentration (Henquin et al., 2002). We, therefore,
                          was greater than 0.95, the curve was classified as linear (Fig. 3F, type ii).
                          Otherwise, the curve was re-fitted to a second degree polynomial in the form        hypothesize that intracellular Ca2+ may differentially regulate
                          of y=ax2+bx+c. The curve was classified as type i (Fig. 3F) if a0.                                                                                To test this idea, we first looked at changes in granule motion
                                                                                                              when cytosolic Ca2+ levels were altered. Bay K8644 is an
                                                                                                              established L-type calcium-channel activator that increases the
                          a linear function (Fig. 3F, curve ii), and directed motion, in                      mean open time and opening probability of the channels in a
                          which the MSD values were fitted to a second degree equation                        variety of cells (Schramm et al., 1983), including pancreatic ␤-
                          (Fig. 3F, curve iii). Table 2 shows that the slowest granules                       cells (Larsson-Nyren and Sehlin, 1996; Roe et al., 1996; Smith
                          largely exhibited caged motion and the fast granules mostly                         et al., 1989). Nimodipine, which potently inhibits L-type
                          displayed directed movement. These additional analyses show                         calcium channels, has been used to prevent the depolarization-
                          that the granule movement could be quantified using the                             induced Ca2+ rise in ␤ cells (Garcia-Barrado et al., 1996).
                          average velocity.                                                                   When cells were pretreated with these reagents that interacted
Journal of Cell Science

                             It has been shown that insulin granule exocytosis occurs by                      with the voltage-dependent calcium channels, the largest
                          complete fusion and that direct recycling of granules occurs                        changes in granule movement were seen in the fast-moving
                          only rarely (Ma et al., 2004). Using evanescence microscopy,                        granules (Fig. 4A,B insets). This population of granules
                          it was found that there was a significant decrease in phogrin-                      significantly increased with Bay K8644 and decreased with
                          EGFP fluorescence when phogrin-EGFP labeled granules                                nimodipine. Much smaller changes were observed for the slow-
                          interacted with the PM (Tsuboi et al., 2000). These data                            moving population (Fig. 4A,B). These results indicate that the
                          suggest that the majority of the granules in our analysis have                      two types of granule motion respond differently to changes in
                          not undergone exocytosis. To rule out the possibility that                          cytosolic Ca2+ and that the fast-moving granules are closely
                          granule ‘kiss and run’ occurrence (Tsuboi and Rutter, 2003)                         regulated by Ca2+ influx from the L-type calcium channels.
                          could affect our characterization of the granule movements, we                         We next examined the other major intracellular Ca2+
                          used proinsulin-EGFP to image the insulin granules. Unlike the                      source. Upon stimulation, cytosolic Ca2+ increases as a result
                          membrane-bound phogrin-EGFP, proinsulin-EGFP was                                    of Ca2+ influx from extracellular media and Ca2+ efflux from
                          released when insulin granules interacted with the PM, leaving                      intracellular stores (Rojas et al., 1994; Theler et al., 1992).
                          the recycled granules non-fluorescent. Using this construct,                        We tested the role of ER Ca2+ stores in regulating insulin
                          which excluded granules having already undergone exocytosis,                        granule movement. Thapsigargin, an inhibitor of ER Ca2+-
                          we were able to obtain data on glucose- and KCl-stimulated                          ATPases (Islam and Berggren, 1993), is often used to block
                          granule movement very similar to that obtained with phogrin-                        intracellular Ca2+ pumps. Under conditions that depleted the
                          EGFP (data not shown).                                                              ER Ca2+ stores, thapsigargin treatment caused a significant
                             Most of the granules imaged in this study were situated near                     decrease in granule movement, even in the presence of
                          the PM adherent to the coverslip. To confirm that the granule                       glucose (Fig. 4C; Table 1). However, pretreating the cells
                          movement in this plane was representative of the entire                             with thapsigargin had little effect on the stimulation of fast-
                          cell, we looked at the granules in the cell center (Table 1).                       moving granules by KCl (compare Fig. 4C and Fig. 3D inset
                          The overall average speed was higher (17.8±2.0%) under                              red bars, Table 1, P>0.1). To elicit the opposite effect of
                          unstimulated condition compared with granules at the PM.                            thapsigargin, caffeine was used to stimulate Ca2+ release from
                          Unlike granules near the PM, long-distance moving granules                          the ER by activating ryanodine receptors located on the ER
                          at the cell center were only weakly activated by KCl (1.3±1.2%                      membranes (Islam et al., 1998). Caffeine alone produced a
                          vs 6.4±1.0% increase, after KCl treatment, of the fast-moving                       larger stimulatory effect than glucose on the slow-moving
                          population in the center and at the PM, respectively). This                         population, but failed to activate the fast-moving population
                          result suggests that granule mobilization upon KCl stimulation                      (Fig. 4D, Table 1, P>0.1). Similar to thapsigargin, caffeine
                          does not occur uniformly in the entire cell and that there is                       treatment did not affect the fast-moving population when KCl
                          preferential activation at the cell periphery.                                      was added (Fig. 4D vs Fig. 3B inset red bars, Table 1, P>0.1).
                                                                                                              These results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from the ER affects the
                                                                                                              majority of insulin granules (slow-moving population),
                          Two types of granule movement are differentially                                    whereas the small percentage of granules that move
                          regulated by intracellular Ca2+                                                     long distances (fast-moving population) are regulated
                          Although two modes of granule movement have been                                    independently of the ER Ca2+ efflux.
Insulin granule regulation by two Ca2+ pools                   5879
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                          Fig. 4. Insulin granules are differentially regulated by localized Ca2+ upon stimulation. The histograms in A-D were generated similarly to the
                          ones described in Fig. 3. TG, thapsigargin. Measurements were taken 2 minutes after the addition of Bay K8644, nimodipine and glucose, and
                          after 20 minutes of TG treatment. (E) ␤TC3 cells were co-transfected with phogrin-EGFP and ECFP-ER, and stimulated with glucose. An
                          image of ECFP-ER was taken prior to acquiring the time-lapse movie of phogrin-EGFP labeled granules. The distance of each granule to the
                          ER, measured by the fluorescence intensity of ECFP-ER at that position, is plotted against the speed of that granule from the tracking analysis.
                          The fast-moving granules, as defined in this paper, are indicated in red. (F) A similar experiment as in E was performed using ECFP-Golgi
                          instead of ECFP-ER. *P
5880      Journal of Cell Science 118 (24)

                          Fig. 5. Effects of cytochalasin D
                          and jasplakinolide on granule
                          mobility. (A-F) The effects of
                          cytochalasin D (cyto D) and
                          jasplakinolide (Jas) treatment on the
                          actin network in ␤TC3 cells. Cells
                          were incubated with 10 ␮g/ml Cyto
                          D or 1 ␮M Jas for 20 minutes at
                          37°C before being stained with
                          Alexa Fluor 488-phalloidin. (G,H)
                          The histogram of average velocity
                          under basal condition (green), after
                          Cyto D (G) or Jas (H) treatment
                          (black), and after adding KCl (red).
                          The inset bar graphs show the
                          percentage of granules with speeds
                          >0.4 ␮m/second, with the error bars
                          representing s.e.m. *P
Insulin granule regulation by two Ca2+ pools                    5881
                          Fig. 7. Secretory granule trafficking is
                          correlated with insulin secretion and
                          refilling of the RRP. (A) Cells were
                          transfected with proinsulin-EGFP and
                          the overall fluorescence intensity of
                          background-corrected images was
                          plotted over time before and after
                          glucose (blue) or KCl (red) was
                          added. For nocodazole (Noc)
                          treatment, cells were incubated with
                          Noc prior to image acquisition and
                          KCl was added (black). (B) FluoZin-
                          3 fluorescence, shown in red,
                          indicates insulin release before and
                          after adding glucose and again after
                          glucose washout. The blue bars show
                          the percentage of granules with
                          speeds >0.4 ␮m/second (fast-moving
                          population), under identical
                          conditions used to monitor insulin
                          release with FluoZin-3. n=5
                          experiments. The error bars represent
                          s.e.m. (C) pH dependency of
                          proinsulin-EYFP-DsRed. See
                          Materials and Methods for details.
                          Left, normalized fluorescence ratio of EYFP to DsRed is plotted against pH. Right, raising the pH with a permeant base, NH4Cl, caused an
                          increase in the fluorescence ratio of EYFP/DsRed in live cells. (D) The fluorescence ratio of EYFP to DsRed (the lower the ratio, the more
Journal of Cell Science

                          acidic) for each granule is plotted against the speed of movement from the tracking analysis. The fast-moving granules are indicated in red. a.u.,
                          arbitrary units.

                          Granule mobilization is associated with refilling of the                   synchronized change in the fast-moving population (blue
                          RRP                                                                        bars) and insulin release (indicated by FluoZin-3 in red),
                          Granule mobilization has been implicated as a major event                  suggesting that the fast-moving granules are activated upon
                          leading to insulin secretion. To see if the fluorescently labeled          insulin secretion when there is a need to replenish the
                          granules undergo exocytosis when exposed to glucose or KCl,                granules depleted from the RRP, and are reduced when
                          we monitored the disappearance of proinsulin-EGFP.                         insulin secretion decreases.
                          Proinsulin-EGFP is released when insulin granules fuse with                   To further test if the fast-moving granules could be
                          the PM, thus the fluorescence of proinsulin is lost. KCl and               responsible for refilling the RRP, we examined the pH values
                          glucose caused a 2.2±0.2% and 3.1±0.3% decrease in                         of the insulin granules using a pH sensitive construct. We took
                          fluorescence, respectively, 5 minutes after they were added                advantage of the fact that the brightness of enhanced yellow
                          (Fig. 7A, blue and red lines). Pretreating the cells with                  fluorescent protein (EYFP) is highly dependent on pH (Llopis
                          nocodazole severely impeded granule release after the initial              et al., 1998), while the red fluorescent protein (DsRed)
                          exocytosis (Fig. 7A, black line), consistent with our                      fluorescence is relatively resistant to pH (Baird et al., 2000).
                          observation that granule movement was significantly reduced                The dependence of the fluorescence ratio of proinsulin-EYFP-
                          in nocodazole-treated cells (Fig. 6E). Our observation also                DsRed is demonstrated in Fig. 7C. pH titration of the construct
                          supports the notion that granule mobilization is required for              shows the fluorescence ratio of EYFP to DsRed decreases as
                          sustained insulin secretion.                                               the pH becomes acidic. Adding a permeant base, NH4Cl,
                             We hypothesized that the fast-moving granules act as an                 caused a pH rise, and resulted in an increase in the fluorescence
                          intermediate pool between the RRP and the traditionally                    ratio. Fig. 7D shows that there is an overall inverse relationship
                          defined reserve pool, and may contribute to refilling the                  between the pH of a granule and its speed of movement. The
                          exocytosed granules from the RRP. To see whether there                     fast-moving granules, shown in red, are the most acidic in the
                          is a correlation between the fast-moving granules and                      reserve pool. Since granule acidification has been shown as an
                          insulin release, we measured the size of the fast-moving                   important step during the preparation of granules for
                          population under basal and stimulated conditions. Zn2+                     exocytosis (Barg, 2003; Hutton, 1989), our data show that the
                          indicators (such as FluoZin-3) have been successfully used to              fast-moving population is well suited to becoming release-
                          study insulin release in pancreatic ␤ cells because insulin and            competent upon stimulation.
                          Zn2+ are co-stored in secretory vesicles and co-released by
                          exocytosis (Gee et al., 2002). The FluoZin-3 signal does not
                          accumulate, consistent with diffusional dilution of released               Discussion
                          Zn2+ (Qian et al., 2000). Granule movement and Zn2+                        In this manuscript, we have reported a mechanism whereby
                          secretion were analyzed under three conditions, i.e. basal                 secretory granules from the reserve pool can replenish the RRP
                          unstimulated, stimulated with glucose, and back to basal                   using the same Ca2+ influx that causes insulin release. One of
                          condition after glucose washout. Fig. 7B shows a                           the strengths of this study lies in our ability to automatically
5882     Journal of Cell Science 118 (24)
                          segment and track a large number of granules (over 20,000).           slow-moving population is regulated by Ca2+ efflux from the
                          No prior work in the literature documents such a large scale          ER through Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. We also show that
                          automated individual granule tracking. Our custom-developed           the intracellular localization of insulin granules in relation to
                          image analysis software (Li et al., 2004) enabled us to assay         the PM and the ER is probably the underlying mechanism of
                          quantitatively the small – yet important – fast-moving                such differential regulation by Ca2+ (Fig. 4C). It has been
                          population within the reserve pool. This subset of granules has       shown that Ca2+ distribution resulting from extracellular influx
                          been described previously with limited quantification (Ivarsson       and from intracellular efflux is different (Martin et al., 1997;
                          et al., 2004; Lacy et al., 1975; Pouli et al., 1998; Somers et al.,   Theler et al., 1992), and that there exist steep spatial gradients
                          1979; Tsuboi et al., 2000; Varadi et al., 2003). Owing to limited     of Ca2+ within the ␤ cell (Ammala et al., 1993). This
                          sample size, it was concluded that the intracellular movement         heterogeneous distribution of cytosolic Ca2+ from the two
                          of insulin granules was regulated separately from insulin             different sources has been speculated to exert distinct and co-
                          exocytosis (Hisatomi et al., 1996; Niki et al., 2003). We found       operative influences on the ␤ cell secretory machinery (Niki,
                          this to be true for the slow-moving population, which accounts        1999). The spatially separate Ca2+ pools, such as the glucose-
                          for over 90% of the granules. However, Ca2+ influx also plays         induced microgradients of Ca2+ localized just beneath the PM
                          a role in insulin granule trafficking through its involvement in      of the ␤ cell (Martin et al., 1997), could provide high Ca2+
                          the fast-moving granules. Our study, therefore, provides              concentrations locally for stimulation of subsets of granules.
                          evidence that both insulin secretion and granule trafficking          Indeed, Ca2+ measurements at the surface of ␤ cell granules
                          respond to a central Ca2+-dependent regulatory machinery in           showed that a small population of granules located close to the
                          pancreatic ␤ cells. Furthermore, our data indicate that fast-         PM displayed a greater Ca2+ concentration at the granule
                          moving granules may contribute to the refilling of the RRP            surface compared with granules located farther away from the
                          (Fig. 7), suggesting that refilling of the RRP could be regulated     PM (Emmanouilidou et al., 1999). Differential Ca2+ signaling
                          by the same mechanism as insulin secretion.                           caused by extracellular influx and intracellular efflux has been
                             Granule populations within the ␤ cell are not yet clearly          shown to contribute to the release of IL-1 ␤ and IL-1 ␣ from
                          defined but they have often been described in terms of the RRP        macrophages (Brough et al., 2003), and replenishment of two
                          and the reserve pool. The RRP remains very small even under           synaptic vesicle pools at the neuromuscular junction are also
Journal of Cell Science

                          maximal stimulatory conditions (Eliasson et al., 1997).               separately mediated by Ca2+ influx and efflux (Kuromi and
                          Interference with the refilling of the RRP has been suggested         Kidokoro, 2003).
                          to contribute to the secretory defect of type II diabetes                Current understanding is limited as to how Ca2+ may
                          (Rorsman et al., 2000). The sustained phase of insulin secretion      regulate insulin granule traffic at the molecular level. Granule
                          involves the recruitment of granules from an intracellular site       movement is believed to involve protein phosphorylation by
                          (Varadi et al., 2002b). We propose that the fast-moving               Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (Ashcroft, 1994). It is
                          population serves as an intermediate pool that provides a             speculated that through the activity of Ca2+/calmodulin-
                          critical means for replenishing secreted granules in the second       dependent protein kinases (Gromada et al., 1999), most likely
                          phase of insulin secretion. We show that fast-moving granules         myosin light chain kinase in ␤ cells (Iida et al., 1997), that
                          are activated at time points after initial insulin secretion (Fig.    energy is generated for granule traffic (Niki, 1999). The
                          7B). Furthermore, the relatively acidic pH values of the fast-        microtubule-associated protein MAP-2 (Krueger et al., 1997)
                          moving granules are closely associated with those of the              and the actin-binding protein synapsin I (Krueger et al., 1999)
                          granules in the RRP (Fig. 7D). Our data strongly suggest an           are both substrates for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein
                          essential role of the fast-moving population in the translocation     kinase II in ␤ cells. In addition, activation of granule
                          of insulin granules from the reserve pool to the PM.                  mobilization is impeded when Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent
                          Nevertheless, our study does not rule out the possibility that        protein kinase II is inhibited (Gromada et al., 1999).
                          the slow-moving granules may also play a role in refilling the           The cytoskeleton network plays a key role in insulin
                          RRP. This population of granules could contribute to                  transport. It has been shown that actin remodeling is necessary
                          diffusional granule mobility and facilitate redirection and           for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (Li et al., 1994; Wilson
                          switching between different microtubules before embarking on          et al., 2001). However, whether actin rearrangement also acts
                          a directed movement (Ivarsson et al., 2004). However, our data,       to facilitate the directed movement of the fast-moving granules
                          and that in the literature, do not support the notion that insulin    has not been tested. We show that transient reduction of actin
                          granules are able to reach the PM by mere diffusion, especially       filaments activates both types of granule movement and in turn
                          over long distances. As pointed out by Ivarsson et al. (Ivarsson      promotes refilling of the RRP, leading to greater insulin
                          et al., 2004), granule diffusion is restricted within functional      secretion. F-actin is a target of Ca2+-dependent signaling
                          ‘cages’ of ~0.9 ␮m diameter. Another study also reported that         cascades (Staiger and Franklin-Tong, 2003) and increases in
                          there is a lack of vesicle movement in space not occupied by          cytosolic Ca2+ stimulate actin depolymerization (Gilman and
                          microtubules, and suggested that free diffusion plays a minimal       Mattson, 2002; Staiger and Franklin-Tong, 2003). Our data,
                          role in long-distance transport (Varadi et al., 2003).                along with these reports, suggest that glucose and other
                             A major question in cell biology is how one signaling              secretory stimuli exert their effects on granule trafficking partly
                          molecule such as Ca2+ can activate different mechanisms to            through Ca2+-mediated actin rearrangement. Microtubules
                          control many diverse processes. Here, we provide an example           have been shown to be involved in the recruitment of secretory
                          of two granule populations regulated preferentially by separate       vesicles to the PM (Varadi et al., 2002b). We show that both
                          cytosolic Ca2+ pools (Fig. 4). Our observations indicate that         types of granule movement are affected by the nocodazole
                          while the fast-moving population is activated primarily by Ca2+       treatment, indicating that both populations of granules are
                          influx through voltage-gated calcium channels on the PM, the          attached to the microtubules. Their intracellular movement
Insulin granule regulation by two Ca2+ pools                              5883
                          reflects either microtubule remodeling or active transport on                    Graves, T. K. and Hinkle, P. M. (2003). Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release in
                          the microtubules.                                                                   the pancreatic beta-cell: direct evidence of endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)
                             In summary, the use of live cell imaging and advanced image                      release. Endocrinology 144, 3565-3574.
                                                                                                           Gromada, J., Hoy, M., Renstrom, E., Bokvist, K., Eliasson, L., Gopel, S.
                          analysis reveals a small population of insulin granules within                      and Rorsman, P. (1999). CaM kinase II-dependent mobilization of
                          the reserve pool that is highly mobilized upon stimulation of                       secretory granules underlies acetylcholine-induced stimulation of exocytosis
                          secretion. This fast-moving population, which is probably                           in mouse pancreatic B-cells. J. Physiol. 518, 745-759.
                          responsible for refilling the RRP, accounts for less than 10%                    Hao, M. and Maxfield, F. R. (2000). Characterization of rapid membrane
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                          of granules. A detailed regulatory mechanism can be deduced                      Henquin, J. C., Ishiyama, N., Nenquin, M., Ravier, M. A. and Jonas, J. C.
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                          insulin secretion.                                                                  cell. Endocrinology 137, 4644-4649.
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                          Ballester and J. Veale for their contribution to this work, and S. C.            Iida, Y., Senda, T., Matsukawa, Y., Onoda, K., Miyazaki, J. I., Sakaguchi,
                          Gunawardana and L. Sethaphong for helpful discussions. This work                    H., Nimura, Y., Hidaka, H. and Niki, I. (1997). Myosin light-chain
                          was supported by NIH Grants DK53434 and GM72048 (D.W.P.), US                        phosphorylation controls insulin secretion at a proximal step in the secretory
                          NIH Research Service Awards DK60275 (M.A.R.) and DK59737                            cascade. Am. J. Physiol. 273, E782-E789.
                          (J.V.R.). Software development was supported by the Vanderbilt                   Islam, M. S. and Berggren, P. O. (1993). Mobilization of Ca2+ by
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                          Advanced Computer Center and NIH grant LM07613.
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