Register today for Spring 2021! Take UAF classes at Kuskokwim Campus in Bethel Classes start January 11, 2021

Page created by Carolyn Manning
Register today for Spring 2021! Take UAF classes at Kuskokwim Campus in Bethel Classes start January 11, 2021
Register today for Spring 2021!
                      Take UAF classes at
                  Kuskokwim Campus in Bethel
                    Classes start January 11, 2021
UAF Admissions has received funding to waive the application fee for all undergraduate CRCD
programs for this year. The waiver code is UAFCRCDWAIVER and can be used for any
undergraduate CRCD program.
This waiver is only active for this fiscal year (so it will expire on June 30, 2021) and can be used for
any application term that is open (so someone could use it now for Spring 2021).

Learn about:
Alaska Native Languages, Anthropology, Communication &
Journalism, Early Childhood Education, Ethnobotany, Health,
Yup’ik Language and much more!
                         Ayagneruluni Maani Assirtuq
                          KuC - A Great Place to Start
     Call 543-4500 or 1-800-478-5822 and ask for an advisor
     Visit: and

                         UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits
                                     illegal discrimination against any individual:
Register today for Spring 2021! Take UAF classes at Kuskokwim Campus in Bethel Classes start January 11, 2021
KuC Spring 2021 Course Schedule
              Kuskokwim Campus, College of Rural and Community Development • • 1-800-478-5822 • 907-543-4500

       CALENDAR – SPRING 2021                                             KuC STUDENT SERVICES AND ACADEMIC ADVISING
November 9: Registration Opens                   Jessica Glore, 543-4559, Student Services Manager & RRANN Student Success Facilitator
TBA:        Freshman Orientation                 Dorothy Chase, 543-4563, Financial Aid & Advisor
January 11: KuC Classes Start                    Agnes McIntyre, 543-4554, Emerging Scholars Program & Advisor
January 18: Alaska Civil Rights Day              Kendra Krenz, Academic and Career Advisor, 543-4587
January 22: Deadline to Pay for Courses          Danny Nelson, 543-4505, Student Services Technician
FIND YOUR COURSE ONLINE:                  MUST MEET WITH AN ADVISOR                                                            COST PER CREDIT:
•                 Register Online:                                         Resident
• Click Class Schedule                    • Select Login to uaonline (Students, Staff & Faculty)                               100–200 level $234
• Select term; select                     • Once logged in, select Student Services & Account Information                      300–400 level $282
  UAF/Kuskokwim Campus                    • Select Registration, Register/Add/Drop, Select Term                                NonResident
• Select specific/all subject(s)          • Enter Education Levels                                                             100-200 level $800
• Take note of the CRNs for               • Enter CRNs in Class Worksheeta                                                     300-400 level $848
  classes you want to register in.        • Select Complete Registration Changes & accept the terms                              ORDER YOUR BOOKS AT:
                              ALL Spring Semester Courses will be available by Distance methods:
                   Zoom; Computer-internet; Audio/phone Conference; Asynchronous: by Computer “on your own”
          Specific degree requirement codes: a– content is relevant to northern, arctic or circumpolar studies, an–Alaska Native-themed, h–humanities,
                    s–social sciences, m–mathematics, n–natural science; General education requirements have course numbers ending in X.
 CRN       DEPT-#-SECTION-CREDITS                                       COURSE                                      DAY              TIME                DATES
36789      ANL F150 UK1         1                Interpretive Communication                                       T            10:00–11:00am             1/11–5/1
36472      ANTH F100X UK1       3                Individual, Society and Culture                                  M, W         6:50–8:20pm               1/11–5/1
37037      COJO F141            3                Fund Oral Comm-Public Context                                    M, W         9:15–10:45am              1/11–5/1
36144      ECE F119 UK1         3                Curriculum I: Principles and Practices                           T            5:40–7:10pm               1/11–5/1
36145      ECE F170 UK1         3                Practicum I                                                      R            3:30–5:00pm               1/11–5/1
36146      ECE F242 UK1         3                Child and Family Ecology                                         W            5:40–7:10pm               1/11–5/1
36147      ECE F270 UK1         3                Practicum II                                                     R            3:30–5:00pm               1/11–5/1
36148      ECE F301 UK1         3                Parents as Partners in Education                                 W            7:20–`8:50pm              1/11–5/1
37012      ENGL F270X           3                Introduction to Creative Writing                                 M, W         5:10–6:40pm               1/11–5/1
36153      EBOT F200 UK1        1                Seminar in Ethnobotany                                           W            6:00–7:00pm               1/13–5/1
36250      EBOT F230 UK1        3                Ethnobotanical Chemistry                                         M, R         6:50–8:20pm               1/12–5/1
36152      EBOT F251 UK1        2                Applied Ethnobotany Spring                                       SAT          9:00–12pm                 1/16–5/1
36947      EBOT F336 KA1        3                Ethnomycology                                                    T            6:00–9:00pm               1/11–5/1
34514      HLTH F100 KX1        3                Medical Terminology                                              asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34515      HLTH F100 KX2        3                Medical Terminology                                              asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34516      HLTH F106 KX1        3                Human Behavior in Health Care                                    asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34517      HLTH F110 KX1        2                Professional Skills for the Workplace                            asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–3/7
34518      HLTH F116 KX1        3                Mathematics in Health Care                                       asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34519      HLTH F118 KX1        2                Medical Law and Ethics                                           asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34520      HLTH F130 KX1        3                Medical Office Technology                                        asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34521      HLTH F203 KX1        3                Science of Nutrition                                             asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34522      HLTH F203 KX2        3                Science of Nutrition                                             asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34524      HLTH F235 KX1        4                Medical Coding                                                   asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
34525      HLTH F237 KX1        3                Inpatient Health Care Reimbursement                              asynch.      eLearning                 1/11–5/1
37025      HUMS F250            2                Mindfulness for Well-being                                       F            12:00–2:00pm              1/11–4/9
36143      LS F101X UK1         1                Library Information and Research                                 R            6:50–8:50pm               1/11–2/26
36086      MATH F065 UK1        1                Mathematics Skills                                               T            4:00–5:00pm               1/11–5/1
36087      MATH F065 UK2        1                Mathematics Skills                                               R            4:00–5:00pm               1/11–5/1
36088      MATH F068 UK1        4                Math Essentials                                                  M, W         4:30–6:30pm               1/11–5/1
36089      MATH F105 UK1        3                Intermediate Algebra                                             T, R         6:50–8:20pm               1/11–5/1
36474      MATH F151X UK1       4                College Algebra for Calculus                                     M, W         2:00–4:00pm               1/11–5/1
37110      RECR F120C UK1       1                Beginning Yoga                                                   T, R         2:15–3:45pm               1/11–5/1
37072      SWK F220             3                Ethics, Values & Social Work Practice                            T, R         12:00–1:30pm              1/11–4/30
37078      WRTG F111X           3                Writing Across Contexts                                          M, W         12:30–2:00pm              1/11–5/1
37036      WRTG F213            3                Writing and the Sciences                                         T, R         12:30–2:00pm              1/11–5/1
36149      YUP F103 UK1         3                Conversational Central Yup’ik I (an, a)                          T, R         5:10–6:40pm               1/11–5/1
36150      YUP F104 UK1         3                Conversational Central Yup’ik II (an, a)                         T, R         5:10–6:40pm               1/11–5/1
36151      YUP F130 UK1         3                Beginning Yup’ik Grammar (an, h, a)                              M, W         11:00–12:30pm             1/11–5/1

KuC Spring 2021 Course Schedule
          Kuskokwim Campus, College of Rural and Community Development • • 1-800-478-5822 • 907-543-4500
                        Academic Calendar for Spring Semester 2021

October 26           Spring 2021 course list available at UAOnline

November 9           Spring registration and fee payment opens for UAF degree-seeking students

November 23          Spring registration opens (all UAF, UAA, and UAS students, including nondegree

January 4            Campus reopens for spring 2021 registration
   5                 Sackett Hall opens for Freshman Orientation
   TBA               Freshman Orientation
   10                Sackett Hall opens for returning students
   11                First day of instruction; late registration begins.
   18                Alaska Civil Rights Day (campus closed)
   22                Last day to add classes, late registration, 5 PM in person, midnight at
   22                Last day to drop with 100% Refund of Tuition & Fees (Course does not appear
                     on academic record)
   24                Deadline for tuition and fee payment. Late fee applied after this date.

February 8           Assessment (4th week ESP students) for Semester Courses
   15                Last day to apply for spring 2021 graduation
   15                Last day to apply for UA Foundation and privately funded scholarship applications
   22                Early progress reports due (Mandatory for CRCD)

March 8-12           Spring Break (No Classes)
   7-15              Sackett Hall dorm closed (7th @5pm & reopens 15th)
   12                University Holiday (most offices closed)
   26                Last day for student/faculty initiated withdrawals (W grade given for course)
   29                Assessment (12th week ESP students) for Semester Courses

April 5              Registration and fee payment opens for fall 2021
   26                Last Day of Instruction
   30                KuC Commencement

April 27-May1        Final Exams
   2                 Sackett Hall Closes at 5pm
   5                 Deadline for Faculty to Post Final Grades, noon

  To view the full 2020-2021 Academic Calendar visit:

 Please Note: Students must pay their balance in full or be enrolled in a payment contract by the
 published deadline or they will be dropped from classes.
 To be reinstated after being dropped, students must pay their balance in full or be enrolled in a
 payment contract, pay the late fees and the reinstatement fee.


Register for Classes                                 Books
You need to be an active degree seeking student      Once you register for a course, order books
or nondegree seeking student.                        online at
                                                     For questions on orders contact: 1-907-474-7348
New students visit:           or Email:
                                                     Once you register on uaonline click on the get
Degree-seeking students must speak with an
                                                     books button which will direct you to your list of
advisor before registering. Advisors will “pin” you
                                                     required books & materials. How to Charge your
to make online registration available. If you use a
                                                     books to your student account and Textbook
paper registration form, your advisor’s signature is
                                                     loans and advance of funding form information
                                                     can be found here:
Ways to Register:                                    students/payments/payment-plan.php
   • Log in to your account at                            2020-2021 UAF RESIDENT TUITION + FEES
   • Or print a registration form from KuC            Course Level Per-credit Network Rural fee: $20              Example:
       website                                                         tuition    charge      Facilities fee: $6 3-credit
       Email to: Danny Nelson at
                                                      100 & 200           $234       $9               $26            $807*                           level courses
       Fax to Student Services 907-543-4527           300 & 400           $282      $11               $26            $957*
       Mail to:                                       level courses
       Student Services                               Graduate-           $513      $21               $26           $1,680*
       Kuskokwim Campus                               Level  courses
                                                               *These examples do not include books, lab fees, etc.
       P.O. Box 368, Bethel, AK 99559
How to Search for Course Online:                              How to Make a Payment
  •                                 • Online: Log onto UAOnline to pay with your
  • Click Class Schedule                                           credit card, debit card, or checking
  • Select Term                                                    account.
  • Select UAF and choose a campus(es)                          • By mail: Kuskokwim Campus, Business
  • Select Specific/all subject(s)                                 Office, P.O. Box 368, Bethel, AK 99559
  • Take note of the Course Reference                           • By phone: 907-543-4504 8am-5pm
     Number (CRN) or check the box next to                      • Agency pay: If an agency is responsible for
     the class and add it to your schedule                         your bill, an authorization letter must be on
     worksheet                                                     file from the agency with the KuC Business
                                                                   Office or UAF third-party billing.
How to Register Online:
  • Go to:                             UAOnline Payment Plan Enrollment
  • Log in to your account, select Student                         Instructions:
     Services & Account Information                                1. Log into UAOnline
  • Select Registration                                            2. Click on "Student Services and Account
  • Select Term                                                       Information"
  • Select Register/Add/Drop Classes                               3. Click on "Student Account"
                                                                   4. Click on "Account Detail for Term
  • Enter Education Levels
                                                                      (Semester) / Pay Term Balance/Payment
  • Enter CRNs in Class Worksheet
                                                                      Plan Setup"
  • Select Complete Registration Changes                           5. Make sure the current term is selected and
For assistance, contact student services or your                   6. Click on the grey "PAY NOW" button
academic advisor.                                                     above your "[Current Term] Semester

Term Detail" after acknowledging the            website
       refund policy terms
   7. You will be directed to the secured              INFORMATION RELEASE/FERPA
       TouchNet epay website. If you have              The Office of the Registrar is responsible for
       multiple accounts select "UAF WEB               keeping student education records. The full copy
       Payments" from the "My Accounts" drop           of the university’s policies regarding access to
       down list and click on "Select". Click on       student records under the Family Educational
       "Payment Plans" on top page bar.                Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is
   8. Click on the green "Enroll Now" button           available at
   9. Select the current term and complete    
       remaining payment plan steps
   10. Make your next payment by the 1st of the        Student Code of Conduct
       next month                                      Part IX - Student Affairs, Chapter 09.02 of the
   11. Success!                                        Board of Regents policies defines both Student
                                                       Rights and Responsibilities and Student Code of
Financial Aid                                          Conduct. All UAF students are subject to these
Fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal       regulations. For more information, go to
Student Aid) to find out if you are eligible for a
federal PELL grant. UAF’s school code is
001063. For assistance contact 543-4500               Non-Discrimination Policy
For more funding opportunities visit:                 The University of Alaska is an affirmative     action/equal opportunity employer and
aid/                                                  educational institution. The University of Alaska
                                                      does not discriminate on the basis of race,
Review Your Information                               religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age,
Review the following at UAOnline. Inform Student sex, physical or mental disability, status as a
Services of other changes.                            protected veteran, marital status, changes in
                                                      marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related
Name: How your name appears on official               medical conditions, parenthood, sexual
records. If incorrect, contact Student Services.      orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or
                                                      belief, genetic information, or other legally
Mailing Address and Phone: It’s your                  protected status. The University's commitment to
responsibility to update information in UAOnline. nondiscrimination, including against sex
    • Permanent Address and Phone                     discrimination, applies to students, employees,
Attend Class                                          and applicants for admission and employment.
You may be dropped if you do not attend the first Contact information, applicable laws, and
class and don’t have instructor approval.             complaint procedures are included on UA's
                                                      statement of nondiscrimination available at
Making Changes to Your Schedule             
Contact Student Services regarding changes to
your schedule, OR you may make changes on the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
web, following the deadlines found in the             The university subscribes to principles of due
Academic Calendar                                     process and fair hearings as specified in the
                                                      “Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of
Disability Services                                   Students.” This document can be found at the
UAF is committed to equal access for students         website of the Center for Student Rights and
with disabilities. Students experiencing a disability Responsibilities. You are encouraged to read it
should contact the Disability Services office at      carefully.
907-474-5655, or on the
Title IX                                                  prospective students to review the report and be
For information visit                familiar with the information included in the report.
On campus resources:                                      Please contact the Center for Student Rights and
KuC Title IX Deputy Coordinator                           Responsibilities if you have any questions about
Andrew James, 543-4566                  the report or the information included (907-474-
UAF's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Annual Security Report is now available. We
encourage all staff, faculty, students and

How to read course descriptions
Dept Course#          Section#       Credits                 Requirement Designator*
ANS    F150           UK1            1 cr                    (an, s, a)

Title & Instructor            Interpretive Communication                                       Sally Samson
Course Reference Number (CRN) CRN: 36789
Course Description                   Communication processes in Yup'ik and English speaking cultures. Solutions to
                                     identify problem areas in cross-cultural communication. Situations such as
                                     conversations, meetings, translating and interpreting. Interpreting meaning in what
                                     is communicated between people of different sociocultural backgrounds.
                                     Kuskokwim Campus only.
Days, Times, and Dates               T        10:00am–11:00am                          1/11–5/1
Delivery Method                      Distance Delivery
Textbook Instructions                No textbook required
Cost for AK Residents                Tuition & Fees: $243.00                          Limit 20 students

      *Requirement Designator:
      Some courses have letters in parenthesis after the title, indicating what requirement the
      course will fulfill.
       (h)    humanities credit                  (m) math credit
       (n)    natural science credit             (s)     social science credit
       (o)    oral intensive credit              (w)     writing intensive credit
       (a)    content is relevant to Northern, Arctic or Circumpolar studies
       (an)   Alaska Native-themed
      X = Baccalaureate Core Requirements are shown directly after the course number.
            Example: ANTH F100X K01.
      Kuskokwim Campus Section Numbers:
      K0 = daytime course             KE                    = evening course after 5pm
      KW = weekend course             KA                    = in-region distance delivered course
      KV = village based course       UK                    = KuC statewide distance delivered
      KX = KuC e-Learning-Online      DK                    = KuC CRCD region distance delivered

      KuC Spring 2021 Course Schedule is based on current information and University
      guidelines. Due to the Cov-19 pandemic, guidelines may change as we adapt to possible
      further recommendations or mandates from UAF, State of Alaska, and CDC.

KuC Spring 2021 Course Schedule
ALASKA NATIVE LANGUAGES                                        of language and literacy. Includes a balance of individual
                                                               and small group experiences, child-centered curriculum
ANS F150 UK1                               1 cr (an, s, a)
                                                               and teacher-directed times, as well as transitions. Focus
Interpretive Communication                Sally Samson
                                                               on emergent curriculum, active learning and play. The use
CRN: 36789           
                                                               of local materials and resources is incorporated. Labs
Distance Delivery Course: Communication processes in
Yup'ik and English speaking cultures. Solutions to identify
                                                               Prerequisites: Placement in WRTG F111X or higher or;
problem areas in cross-cultural communication.
                                                               permission of the program head.
Situations such as conversations, meetings, translating
                                                               T     5:40pm–7:10pm                    1/11/21–5/01/21
and interpreting. Interpreting meaning in what is
                                                                 Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
communicated between people of different sociocultural
                                                                 Student Code: 9498299#
backgrounds. Kuskokwim Campus only.
                                                               Order your textbooks at
T      10:00–11:00am                    1/11/21–5/01/21
                                                               Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books        Limit 20 students
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
  Student Code: 1394096#                                       ECE F170 UK1                                       3 cr
No textbook required.                                          Practicum 1                          Jacqueline Tagaban
Tuition & Fees: $269.00                 Limit 20 students      CRN: 36145              
                                                               Distance Delivery Course: A guided student teaching
ANTHROPOLOGY                                                   experience in working with a group of 0-8 year old
ANTH F100X UK1                                  3 cr (s)       children. Students apply skill in providing quality early
Individual, Society and Culture          Steve Street          care and education based on the knowledge of early
CRN: 36472                        childhood theories and approved practices. Assumes
Distance Delivery Course: An examination of the                increasing responsibility for planning and lead teaching.
complex social arrangements guiding individual behavior        Prerequisites: ECE F101; ECE F104X; ECE F107X;
and common human concerns in contrasting cultural              ECE F110, ECE F119; ECE F140; ECE F213; ECE F229.
contexts.                                                      R      3:30–5:00pm                      1/11/21–5/01/21
Prerequisites: Placement in WRTG F111X                           Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
M, W 6:50pm–8:20pm                    1/11/21–5/01/21            Student Code: 9498299#
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                      Order your textbooks at
  Student Code: 2397413#                                       Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books         Limit 6 students
  Order textbooks at
Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books       Limit 20 students        ECE F242 UK1                                     3 cr
                                                               Child and Family Ecology          Jacqueline Tagaban
COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISM                                     CRN: 36146            
COJO F141X                                        3 cr         Distance Delivery Course: Examines the influences the
Fundamentals of Oral Communication: Public Context             family has on the child, family dynamics and issues
                                              Ben Kuntz        impacting families. Focus on the importance of
CRN: 37037                         understanding relationship building, support for families
Distance Delivery Course: Speaking skills for individual       and interpersonal skill development that is culturally
presentation. Includes verbal and nonverbal skills, critical   conducive with individual communities. Examines the
thinking in selecting and organizing materials, audience       ECE program’s policies and procedures on families and
analysis, informative and persuasive speaking, and actual      parental involvement. Includes practical applications of
presentations. Student evaluations are based on                course reading and content.
nationally normed speaking competencies.                       Prerequisites: Placement in WRTG F111X or higher or
M, W 9:15am–10:45am                     1/11/21–5/01/21        permission of the program head.
  Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806 Student               W     5:40pm–7:10pm                   1/11/21–5/01/21
  Code: 6802924#                                                 Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
Order textbooks at                         Student Code: 9498299#
Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books         Limit 19 students      Order textbooks at
                                                               Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books       Limit 20 students
ECE F119 UK1                                    3 cr
Curriculum 1: Princ & Practice Jacqueline Tagaban
CRN: 36144           
Distance Delivery Course: Methods of creating and
facilitating individually and culturally appropriate
curriculum for young children. Establishing integrated,
meaningful and relevant experiences applied to the area
ECE F270 UK1                                      3 cr       Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books        Limit 20 students
Practicum II                       Jacqueline Tagaban
CRN: 36147                     WRTG F213X                                         3 cr
Distance Delivery Course: An advanced guided field           Writing and the Sciences                       Ben Kuntz
experience in working with a group of young children in a    CRN: 37036                
school or center. May include teaching in a team situation   Distance Delivery Course: An introduction to what
and working with families.                                   writing is and does and how people learn to do it in the
Prerequisites: ECE F170; Placement in WRTG F111X.            social and natural sciences, with a focus on the
R     3:30pm–5:00pm                    1/11/21–5/01/21       disciplinary questions, methods and reasoning that shape
  Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806 Student             the genres and writing practices in the field.
  Code: 9498299#                                             Prerequisites: WRTG F111X. Recommended
No textbook required.                                        Sophomore standing.
Tuition & Fees: $807.00                Limit 6 students      T, R 12:30pm–2:00pm                     1/11/21–5/01/21
                                                               Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806
ECE F301 UK1                                       3 cr        Student Code: 6802924#
Parents as Partners in Education Jacqueline Tagaban          Order your textbooks at
CRN: 36148                     Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books         Limit 19 students
Distance Delivery Course: Study of strategies that will
assist those who work with children and/or families to       ETHNOBOTANY
facilitate supportive partnerships with parents. Includes
partnerships, contemporary issues, school and home-          EBOT F200 UK1                                     1 cr (a)
based programs, rights and responsibilities, professional    Seminar in Ethnobotany                     Lisa Strecker
ethics, and parents with special or unique needs.            CRN: 36153              
Prerequisites: WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X,                       Distance Delivery/Web-delivered Course: Surveys
WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.                                    basic concepts of ethnobotany and ethnoecology, with
W       7:20pm–8:50pm                   1/11/21–5/01/21      emphasis on how people use plants, the role of plants in
  Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806 Student             traditional food systems, and the dynamics of human-
  Code: 9498299#                                             plant-ecosystem interactions in a context of rapid social,
No textbook required.                                        ecological and climatic change. Lectures and discussion
Tuition & Fees: $957.00                 Limit 20 students    focus specifically on plant use in Alaska and other high
                                                             latitude geographic and ecological settings, but
ENGLISH, DEVELOPMENTAL ENGLISH,                              ethnobotanical research in mid latitude and tropical
                                                             settings will be referenced where appropriate. Students
and WRITING                                                  will gain a basic understanding of plant biology and
ENGL F270X                                       3 cr (h)    taxonomy; plants and ecosystem services; the use of
Introduction to Creative Writing             Ben Kuntz       native Alaska plants for food and medicines; the
CRN: 37012                       economics of innovative plant-based businesses; and the
Distance Delivery Course: Forms and techniques of            cultural and economic significance of plant use to other
fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction for beginning        cultures worldwide.
students; discussion of students' work in class and in       Prerequisites: EBOT F100
individual conferences. Close study of the techniques of     Notes: Students need digital camera, headset with mic
established writers.                                         and VHS player (VCR)
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X.                                   W      6:00pm–7:00pm                   1/13/21–5/1/21
M, W 5:10pm–6:40pm                   01/11/21–05/01/21          Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
   Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806                       Student Code: 1297018#
   Student Code: 6802924#                                    No textbooks required.
Order your textbooks at                    Tuition & Fees: $269.00                Limit 20 students
Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books       Limit 16 students
                                                             EBOT F230 UK1                                    3 cr (a)
WRTG F111X                                    3 cr           Ethnobotanical Chemistry                Kevin Jernigan
Writing Across Contexts                    Ben Kuntz         CRN: 36250             
CRN: 37078                       Distance Delivery/Web-delivered Course: Basic
Distance Delivery Course: An introduction to writing         understanding of chemical structure and function of
strategies and processes for reading and responding to       medicinally active plant compounds. How and why plants
rhetorical situations across a variety of public and         produce primary and secondary compounds, how
academic contexts.                                           humans use these compounds and methods used to
Prerequisites: Placement into WRTG F111X.                    isolate and deliver plant-derived compounds. How drugs
M, W 12:30pm–2:00pm                  1/11/21–5/01/21         are derived from plants and the ethics of bioprospecting.
  Audio Conference Number:1-866-832-7806                     Medicinal flora of Alaska from a chemical perspective.
  Student Code: 6802924#                                     Prerequisites: EBOT F100; CHEM F103X OR CHEM
Order your textbooks at                    F105X.

Notes: Students need digital camera, headset with mic         HEALTH
Must have Windows, Mac or Unix computer less than 3
                                                              HEALTH – Asynchronous Delivery
years old with 64 MB RAM and sound card.
M, R 6:50pm–8:20pm                   1/12/21–5/1/21           KuC online courses are available through the UAFe-
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                     Learning department at 1-800-
  Student Code: 5721599#                                      277-8060. Tuition and special fees apply.
Order your textbooks at                     Note: Courses are delivered asynchronous, on-line.
Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books      Limit 20 students        Students must have computer access.
                                                              Special Requirements: Access to Blackboard and
EBOT F251 UK1                                      2 cr (a)   Blackboard Collaborate, Computer, Email, and Internet.
Applied Ethnobotany Spring                Lisa Strecker       For e-Learning, X and FM section courses: Purchase
CRN: 36152                      books through UAF Bookstore
Distance Delivery/Web-delivered Course: This is the           Order your textbooks at
Spring section of a year-round course cycle consisting of     Phone: (907)474-7348 Toll Free: (888) 280-8500
two non-sequential applied courses (fall and spring) that     email:
explore the seasonally-appropriate cultural uses of plants    Courses Start 1/11/21 and End 5/1/21
in a Native and non-native, mainly Alaskan, context.          HLTH F100 KX1                                  3 cr
Emphasis will be placed on the underlying scientific          Medical Terminology                     Shawn Russell
aspects of harvesting and using plants. Students will         CRN: 34514            
deepen their understanding of human-plant relationships       HLTH F100 KX2                              3 cr
which will guide them into further studies in ethnobotany     Medical Terminology                 Shawn Russell
and related disciplines.                                      CRN: 34515          
Note: Students need a digital camera, headset with mic
and computer with Windows OS.                                 HLTH F106 KX1                            3 cr
Prerequisites: EBOT F100                                      Human Behavior in Health Care     Shawn Russell
Special Requirements: Blackboard, Computer, E-mail,           CRN: 34516       
Phone, and Internet.                                          HLTH F110 KX1                                2 cr
Sat 9:00am–12:00pm                      1/16/21–5/01/21       Professional Skills for the Workplace
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                     CRN: 34517                   Karina Gonzales-Smith
  Student Code: 1297018#                                      1/11/21–3/7/21     
Order your textbooks at
Tuition & Fees: $538.00 + books         Limit 20 students     HLTH F116 KX1                                3 cr
                                                              Mathematics in Health Care Karina Gonzales-Smith
                                                              CRN: 34518         
EBOT F336 KA1                                      3 cr
Ethnomycology                  Sveta Yamin-Pasternak          HLTH F118 KX1                               2 cr
CRN: 36947                         Medical Law and Ethics                  BJ Aldrich
Distance Delivery/Web-delivered Course: As an                 CRN: 34519          
introductory overview of ethnomycology, the course aims       HLTH F130 KX1                               3 cr
to provide students with greater awareness and                Medical Office Technology           Christian Beks
appreciation of the ways in which the study of the human      CRN: 34520           
relationships with fungi can shed light on broader cultural
                                                              HLTH F203 KX1                               3 cr
processes and socioecological interactions. Scholarly
                                                              Science of Nutrition                Shawn Russell
investigation of human beliefs and practices surrounding
                                                              CRN: 34521          
mushrooms and other fungi is known as a study in
ethnomycology.                                                HLTH F203 KX2                               3 cr
Prerequisites: EBOT F100 and ANTH F100X                       Science of Nutrition                Shawn Russell
Cross listed and stacked: CL# Cross-listed with ANTH          CRN: 34522          
F336                                                          HLTH F235 KX1                              4 cr
Special Requirements: Blackboard, Computer, E-mail,           Medical Coding                      Shawn Russell
Phone, and Internet.                                          CRN: 34524          
T      6:00pm–9:00pm                    1/11/21–5/01/21       HLTH F237 KX1                             3 cr
Order your textbooks at                     Inpatient Health Care Reimbursement Shawn Russell
Tuition & Fees: $957.00 + books         Limit 16 students     CRN: 34525         

HUMAN SERVICES                                                MATH F065 UK2                                     1 cr
HUMS F250                                       2 cr          Mathematics Skills (Lab)         Kelechukwu “KC” Alu
Mindfulness for Well-being             DeShan Foret           CRN: 36087             
CRN: 37025                         Distance Delivery Course: Designed to assist students
Distance Delivery Course: Selected current issues of          in reviewing and reinforcing course concepts covered by
importance to the human service field. Emphasis on            MATH F054, MATH F055, MATH F062, MATH F105 and
issues impacting Alaskan communities. Repeatable for          MATH F105N. Consists of instruction which may include
credit by Human Services majors to a maximum of 9             lab instruction, individual student work or group work.
credits.                                                      May be repeated.
F      12:00pm–2:00pm                1/11/21–4/9/21           Prerequisites: Appropriate placement test scores.
S      10:00am–2:00pm                2/20/21–2/20/21          Required: Blackboard and Internet.
Order your textbooks at                     Note: For students enrolled in Math F105 CRN 36088 and
Tuition & Fees: $538.00 + books      Limit 18 students        Math F151X CRN 36474
                                                              R        4:00pm–5:00pm           1/11/21–5/01/21
LIBRARY SCIENCE                                                 Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
LS F101X UK1                                        1 cr        Student Code: 1902288#
Library Information and Research         Theresa Quiner       No textbook required.
CRN: 36143                        Tuition & Fees: $269.00                Limit 20 students
Computer Online Course: Introduction to effective
                                                              MATH F068 UK1                                      4 cr
library research methods and principles of information
                                                              Math Essentials                   Kelechukwu “KC” Alu
organization and retrieval. Emphasis on applied
                                                              CRN: 36088              
experience with finding and evaluating information,
                                                              Distance Delivery Course: Teaches the concepts of
especially through use of library catalogs, journal indexes
                                                              basic arithmetic and introductory algebra. Includes
and Internet resources. Some sections may emphasize
                                                              operations and properties on real numbers; ratios;
selected academic areas. Also available online via UAF
                                                              proportion; percent; scientific notation; variation; topics
                                                              from consumer mathematics; evaluation of literal
Special Requirements: Computer, Internet, E-mail
                                                              expressions; solution and graphs of linear equations and
Recommended: Personal laptop.
                                                              inequalities; radicals and exponents; polynomials;
R      6:50pm–8:50pm                    1/11/21–2/26/21
                                                              factoring and special products; fundamental operations
No textbook required.
                                                              with algebraic fractions; solution of quadratic equations;
Tuition & Fees: $269.00                 Limit 20 students
                                                              and elementary systems of equations. Geometric
                                                              formulae are presented on a case-to-case basis as
                                                              needed. Student success strategies and college
MATH F065 UK1                                    1 cr         readiness skills are emphasized.
Mathematics Skills               Kelechukwu “KC” Alu          Prerequisites: Appropriate placement scores required.
CRN: 36086                           Required: Blackboard and Internet.
Distance Delivery Course: Designed to assist students         M, W 4:30pm–6:30pm                      1/11/21–5/01/21
in reviewing and reinforcing course concepts covered by          Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
MATH F054, MATH F055, MATH F062, MATH F105 and                   Student Code: 1902288#
MATH F105N. Consists of instruction which may include         Order your textbooks at
lab instruction, individual student work or group work.       Tuition & Fees: $1,076.00 + books Limit 20 students
May be repeated. Recommended for students who need
more time and help to master the material in                  MATH F105 UK1                                    3 cr
Developmental Math courses.                                   Intermediate Algebra            Kelechukwu “KC” Alu
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement test scores.             CRN: 36089            
Required: Blackboard and Internet.                            Distance Delivery Course: Includes exponents,
T      4:00pm–5:00pm                  1/11/21–5/01/21         radicals, graphing, systems of equations, quadratic
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                     equations and inequalities, logarithms and exponentials
  Student Code: 1902288#                                      and complex numbers using alternative teaching styles.
No textbook required.                                         Prerequisites: MATH F055, MATH F055F, MATH F062,
Tuition & Fees: $269.00               Limit 20 students       MATH F068, MATH F105, MATH F105J, or appropriate
                                                              placement scores; prerequisite courses and placement
                                                              scores must be taken within one calendar year.
                                                              Special Requirements: Blackboard and Internet.
                                                              T, R 6:50pm–8:20pm                   1/11/21–5/01/21
                                                                Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                           Student Code: 1902288#
                                                              Order your textbooks at
                                                              Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books       Limit 20 students

MATH F151X UK1                                     4 cr (m)   YUP F130 UK1                             3 cr (an, h, a)
College Algebra for Calculus Kelechukwu “KC” Alu              Beginning Yup’ik Grammar              Sally Samson
CRN: 36474                           CRN: 36151           
Distance Delivery Course: Numbers and data help us            Distance Delivery Course: An entry-level class for
understand our society. In this course, we develop            persons fluent in Central Yup'ik. Covers reading - silent
mathematical concepts and tools to understand what            and oral - and writing, emphasizing specific skills and
numbers and data can tell us. Topics may include the          practical application of those skills through writing
mathematics of elections and voting, modeling population      assignments. Dialect differences in the Central Yup'ik
growth, financial mathematics, polls and surveying, and       region are used to demonstrate standardization of the
introductory probability and descriptive statistics.          writing systems.
Prerequisites: An appropriate score on the math               Prerequisites: YUP F103 or YUP F122 or basic
placement test, or MATH F105, MATH F105N or MATH              conversational Yup'ik skills.
F105J.                                                        T, R 11:00–12:30pm                    1/11/21–5/1/21
Special Requirements: Blackboard and Internet.                  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806
M, W 2:00pm–4:00pm                     1/11/21–5/01/21          Student Code: 1394096#
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                     Order your textbooks at
  Student Code: 1902288#                                      Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books       Limit 20 students
Order your textbooks at
Tuition & Fees: $1,076.00 + books Limit 20 students

RECR F120C UK1                                 1 cr
Beginning Yoga                            DeShan Foret
CRN: 37110               
Distance Delivery Course by Zoom: Beginning
concepts and philosophy of yoga, breathing, postures,
meditation, Sanskrit names of exercises, increased
muscle tone and flexibility.
T, R 2:15 pm–3:35 pm                  1/11/21–5/01/21
Order your textbooks at
Tuition & Fees: $269.00 + books         Limit 20 student

YUP F103X UK1                               3 cr (a, an)
Conversational Central Yup’ik I     Catherine Moses
CRN: 36149         
Distance Delivery Course: Entry-level course to learn to
speak and understand Yup'ik Eskimo. Focus on
communication in everyday situations. Kuskokwim and
Northwest campuses only.
T, R    5:10pm–6:40pm                  1/11/21–5/1/21                        Want to begin? Please visit us online:
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                or contact:
  Student Code: 7969489#
  Order your textbooks at                               Jessica Glore, Student Services Manager &
Tuition & Fees: $807.00 + books      Limit 20 students                        RRANN Student Success Facilitator
                                                                          Student Services, Kuskokwim Campus, UAF
YUP F104 UK1                                3 cr (a, an)             P.O. Box 368•201 Akiak Drive•Bethel, Alaska 99559
Conversational Central Yup’ik II     Sally Samson
CRN: 36150                                  Office (907) 543-4559 KuC (907) 543-4500
Distance Delivery Course: Continuation of YUP F103.              Fax: (907) 543- 4527•Office hours: M-F 8:30am to 5:30 pm
Beginning level Yup'ik Eskimo. Focus on communication
in everyday situations. Kuskokwim and Northwest                    Upcoming UAA School of Nursing application deadline for
campuses only.                                                         Bethel: July 1, 2022. Start date January 2023.
Prerequisites: YUP F103.
Required: Blackboard and Internet                                              Follow RRANN on FACEBOOK!\
T, R 5:10pm–6:40pm                   1/11/21–5/01/21                            Follow KuC on Facebook!
  Audio Conference Number: 1-866-832-7806                                              or visit us
  Student Code: 1394096#                                                
No textbook required.
Tuition & Fees: $807.00              Limit 20 students


RURAL HUMAN SERVICES                                   RHS F150 KA1                              2 cr (a)
                                                       Introduction to Rural Counseling
RHS F110 K01                                  1 cr                                    Diane McEachern
Cross Cultural Bridging Skills                                      
                                 Diane McEachern       RHS Closed Cohort Course: Identification and
                        examination of issues relevant to the delivery of rural
RHS Closed Cohort: Issues and impacts relevant         counseling services focusing on developing the
to     effective   cross-cultural    communication.    understanding and skills necessary for the effective
Understanding barriers to effective cross-cultural     delivery of rural counseling services. Opportunities
communication in rural settings and development of     for development of basic rural counseling skills with
effective cross-cultural communication skills from a   emphasis on integration of Native values and
Native perspective. Development of bridging and        principles and exploring strategies that facilitate
networking skills that integrate Native values and     positive individual, family, and community growth
principles. Student must spend one week in             and development through enhancement of healthy
intensive study at selected delivery site.             lifestyles in rural Native communities.
Intensive in Bethel                                    Intensive in Bethel
Textbook provided by the instructor.                   Textbook provided by the instructor.
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students     Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students
RHS F120 KA1                                2 cr (a)   RHS F220 KA1                             2 cr (a)
Family Systems I                 Diane McEachern       Family Systems II               Diane McEachern
RHS Closed Cohort Course: Survey of historical         RHS Closed Cohort Course: The dynamics and
forces that exerted influence on Alaska Native         issues relevant to personal healing and recovery
families, the impacts of those forces and discussion   from a Native perspective focusing on developing
of their contemporary effects from a Native            the understanding and skills necessary to healing
perspective. Focus on developing options and           and recovery in Native individuals, families and
strategies for developing healthy Native families as   communities. Emphasis on achieving healthy
the foundation for healthy Native communities.         lifestyles through self-understanding based on truth,
Emphasis on developing the understanding and           grieving and positive proactive repositioning.
skills necessary to facilitate development and         Intensive in Bethel
maintenance of healthy families through healthy        Textbook provided by the instructor.
individuals.                                           Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students
Intensive in Bethel
Textbook provided by the instructor.                   RHS F250 K01                                 2 cr (s)
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students     Rural Counseling II              Diane McEachern
RHS F140 K01                                  1 cr     RHS Closed Cohort: Differences and similarities
Alaska Native Values and Principles                    between Native and Western counseling skills.
                                  Diane McEachern      Issues relevant to the development and delivery of
                        basic rural counseling skills and services. Focuses
RHS Closed Cohort: Traditional Native values and       on identifying and building on individual, family and
principles, their applicability to today’s world and   community strengths as the foundation for
issues relevant to their integration into today’s      development of intervention strategies. Addresses
lifestyles. Developing understanding and skills        the importance of integrating Native traditional
necessary for facilitating formulation of positive     values and principles into intervention strategies
world views within Native individuals, families and    and service delivery. Emphasis on developing and
communities. Explores the role of spirituality in a    enhancing basic rural counseling skills and short –
variety of Alaska Native cultures. Student must        and long – term intervention strategies. Student
spend three days in intensive study at selected        must spend one week in intensive study at selected
delivery site                                          delivery site.
Intensive in Bethel                                    Intensive in Bethel
Textbook provided by the instructor.                   Textbook provided by the instructor.
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students     Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students

RHS F260 K01                                2 cr (s)
Addictions: Intervention and Treatment
                                Diane McEachern
RHS Closed Cohort: Dynamics, issues, impacts,
treatment options and intervention strategies
relevant to behavioral and chemical addictions.
Understanding addictive process and developing
treatment options and intervention strategies from
a Native perspective. Emphasis on development of
treatment options and intervention strategies that
integrate Native values and principles. Student
must spend one week in intensive study at selected
delivery site.
Intensive in Bethel
Textbook provided by the instructor.
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students.

RHS F285 KA1                                 2 cr (a)
Case Management                   Diane McEachern
RHS Closed Cohort: Identification and discussion
of issues, components, procedures,
responsibilities, skills and processes for case
management in rural settings with diverse
populations. Emphasis on case management
processes unique to rural and village Alaska and to
the fields of mental health, addictions and
interpersonal violence, Oral and written
communication skills essential to effective case
management explored. Student must be willing and
able to work independently outside the classroom
and in the community.
Intensive in Bethel
Textbook provided by the instructor.
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students.

SWK F220 KA1                                3 cr (a)
Ethics, Values, and Social Work Practice
                                  Diane McEachern
HUMS Closed Cohort, Audio Conference
Course: The professional nature and meaning of
generalist social work practice. Examines the
NASW code of ethics. Introduces interpersonal
communication and interviewing. Assists students
in making decisions about social work or other
helping professions.
Prerequisites: SWK F103 or permission of
Textbook provided by the instructor.
Tuition: Contact the instructor. Limit 35 students

 Start       End          Monday           Tuesday         Wednesday         Thursday           Friday      Saturday
9:00 am    12:00 am                                                                                      EBOT F251 UK1
9:15 am    10:45 am   COJO F141                         COJO F141
9:45 am    11:15 am                    ANS F111X                         ANS F111X
10:00 am   11:00 am                    ANL F150
           12:30 pm   YUP F130 UK1                      YUP F130 UK1
11:00 am                               TM F101                           TM F101
           1:00 pm    TM F293                           TM F293
                                       TM F201                           TM 201
11:30 am   1:00 pm                     RD F225                           RD F225
12:00 pm   2:00 pm                                                                          HUMS F250
12:30 pm   2:00 pm    WRTG F111X       WRTG F213        WRTG F111X       WRTG F213
1:50 pm    2:50 pm                                                       WRTG F068
2:00 pm    4:00 pm    MATH F151 UK1                     MATH F151 UK1
2:15 pm    3:45 pm                     RECR F120C UK1                    RECR F120C UK1
           4:30 pm                     WRTG F111X                        WRTG F111X
3:00 pm               TM F105                           TM F105
           5:00 pm
                      TM F205                           TM F205
3:30 pm    5:00 pm    ANS F242X                         ANS F242X        ECE F170/270 UK1
3:40 pm    5:10 pm                     ENVI F220                         ENVI F220
4:00 pm    5:00 pm                     MATH F065 UK1                     MATH F065 UK2
4:30 pm    6:30 pm    MATH F068 UK1                     MATH F068 UK1
5:00 pm    8:00 pm                     WRTG F211
                      ABUS F154        ABUS F231        ABUS F154BIOL    ABUS F231
                      BIOL F111X       BIOL F103X       F111X            BIOL F103X
                      CHEM F103X       PHYS F102X       CHEM F103X       PHYS F102X
5:10 pm    6:40 pm
                      ENGL F270        WRTG F110        ENGL F270        WRTG F110
                      ENVI F101        YUP F103 UK1     ENVI F101        YUP F103 UK1
                      WRTG F111X       YUP F104 UK1     WRTG F111X       YUP F104 UK1
                      MATH F054                         MATH F054
5:30 pm    6:30 pm
                      MATH F152                         MATH F152
5:40 pm    7:10 pm    ECE F240         ECE F119 UK1     ECE F242 UK1     ECE F107
           7:00 pm                                      EBOT F200 UK1
6:00 pm
           9:00 pm                     EBOT F336 KA1
                                       ABUS F179                         ABUS F179
                                       COJO F131                         COJO F131
                      ANTH F100X UK1                    ANTH F100X UK1
           8:20 pm                     EBOT F230 UK1                     EBOT F230 UK1
6:50 pm               WRTG F213                         WRTG F213
                                       GEOG F101                         GEOG F101
                                       MATH F105 UK1                     MATH F105 UK1
           8:50 pm                                                       LS F101X UK1
                      BIOL F112X                        BIOL F112X                                       Sun: BIOL F100X
7:00 pm    8:30 pm                                                                          BIOL F100X
                      MATH F113X                        MATH F113X
7:20 pm    8:50 pm                                      ECE F301 UK1

     Blue – Distance Course
     BROWN: Cross Regional Distance Course

     Courses not listed on the daily schedule:
     HEALTH – F110, HLTH F116, HLTH F118, HLTH F130, HLTH F132, and HLTH 235

     RHS and other closed cohort courses are not listed on the daily schedule:
     RHS F110 K01, RHS F140 K01, RHS F250 K01, RHS F260 K01, SWK F220 KA1, WRTG F111X

               P.O. Box 368•Bethel, Alaska 99559
               Toll-free: 1-800-478-5822•Phone: (907)543-4500•Fax: (907)543-4527•Web site:

Acting Director
Linda Curda                    Staff                            Staff continued                  Adjunct Faculty             Paul Adams                       Ron Kaiser                       BJ Aldrich, HLTH
                               Sacket Hall Head Cook            Crafts & Trades III    
543-4540, 350-0342
                                        Chris Beks, HLTH
Assistant Director             543-4591                         543-4536               
Katie Rearden                  Cindy Andrecheck                 Kendra Krenz                     Karina Gonzales-Smith
                               Writing Center Coordinator       Academic and Career Advisor      HLTH,                ksgonzales
543-4558                       543-4573                         543-4587
                                                                                                 Kevin Jernigan, EBOT
Faculty                        Ruby Anvil                       Sarah Larson           
Kelechukwu “KC” Alu            Receptionist and Admin. Asst.    Wellness Programming
                                   Specialist/JV                    Catherine Moses, YUP
Developmental Math
543-4525                       Julie Carpenter                  543-4535                         Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
                               Fiscal Officer, B.O.              Agnes McIntyre                  EBOT
Linda Curda, UAF CHAP
                             Academic Advisor Emerging
CRCD Community Health             543-4550                          Scholars Program Coordinator    Steve Street, ANTH
350-0342                       Dorothy Chase              
DeShan Foret                   Financial Aid Coordinator/Advisor 543-4554
Counselor and Social Science                Mikayla Miller                  Affiliate Faculty              543-4563                          Youth Services Assistant
543-4526                       Gerald Domnick                      Community Health
Benjamin Kuntz                 Manager, Local Area Network       543-4504                        Aide Program (CHAP)
English                        (LAN)                            Danny Nelson                     Asela Calhoun                Student Services Technician      Director,
543-4581                       543-4590                            CHA Program/Education
                               Melinda Flemings                 543-4505
Diane McEachern                                                                                  Rahnia Boyer
Human Services                 Fiscal Technician, B.O.          Eleanor Oser                     V.P Village Health/Workforce              Jesuit Volunteer                 Development
543-4597                       543-4504               
                                                                543-4544                         Haskell Derryberry
Rose Meier                     Jessica Glore                                                     Basic Training Instructor
Ethnobotany                    Student Success Manager &        Theresa Quiner
                               RRANN Student Success            Librarian                        Katherine Evon                                                                               Field Supervision Coordinator
474-6935                       Facilitator            
                                    543-4517                         Jesse Gunlik
Joli Morgan                    543-4559                                                          Basic Training Instructor
Emeritus Professor                                              Teddi Worrock            Martha Glore                     Yupiit Piciryarait Manager       Jessica Judy
543-4519                       Office Manager                       Training Center Coordinator
                               Director’s Office                543-4538                         Rita Kalistook
Shawn Russell        
Allied Health                                                                                    Basic Training Instructor
RAH Program Coordinator                                         Placed Faculty and               Barrie Levin           Ryan Henderson                                                    Basic Training Instructor
260-9525                       College Readiness Coordinator    Staff
                                Leif Albertson                   Barb Mickelson
Sally Samson                   543-4580                                                          Basic Training Instructor
                                                                Cooperative Ext. Service Agent
                               Andrew James                      Cameron Mortensen
                               Sackett Hall Program Manager     543-4553                         Basic Training Instructor
                                   Sharon Chakuchin                 Marsha Smith
Lisa Strecker                  543-4566                         Food Stamp Nutrition Ed.         Basic Training Instructor
                               John John                            Jeffrey Thompson
                               Sackett Hall Resident Director   543-4583                         Basic Training Instructor
                                    Twyla Elhardt
Jacqueline Tagaban                                                                               Brandon Nelson
                               543-4566                         UAA Nursing Clinical Faculty
Early Childhood Education                                                                        Basic Training Instructor
                                                                                                                                   Carol Sanders
543-4555 & 500-9940                                                                              Certification & Credentialing
                                                                Kellie Johnson                   Specialist
                                                                Bethel 4-H Program     
                                                                Assistant Program Director       543-6145
                                                                Rachelle White
                                                                UAA Nursing Faculty
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