Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor

Page created by Carrie Richardson
Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
32nd Annual

Regeneron Greater Capital Region
Science and Engineering Fair, Inc.
       Hosted by Saratoga Springs High School
                  March 26, 2022

             Presenting Sponsor

                   Major Support
Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
Science Fair Program

March 26             Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair

March 27             Awards Ceremony Streamed Live on YouTube

March 26, 2022

8:00 – 9:00 a.m.     Judges receive orientation (Dr. Matt Nielsen and Dr. Dan Norton)
8:00 – 8:45 a.m.     Students arrive and set up projects

8:45 – 9:00 a.m.     Electronic welcome to students and important information (Joan
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
                     Morning student interviews
11:30 a.m. – 12:30
p.m.                 Lunch, book lottery and judges discuss projects

12:30 – 2:30 p.m.    Afternoon student interviews

2:45 p.m.            Students clean up presentation area, pack up exhibits, depart for
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
                     Judges final deliberation on projects
March 27, 2021
2:00 p.m.            Awards Ceremony streamed live on YouTube (visit
                     for link)
Presentation of Awards*
                                                         *Medals, ribbons, certificates and prize
Special Awards                                           money will be sent directly to student
Presented by Dr. Matt Nielsen and                        awardees. In order to receive their
                                                         monetary award, students must
Dr. Dan Norton, Coordinating Judges
                                                         download a W-9 Form and Social
                                                         Security Form from the GCRSEF
Grand Prize Awards                                       website under forms
Dean of the Rensselaer School of Science:                ( and
Dr. Curt Breneman                                        submit them to Fair Director, Joan
                                                         Wagner. Forms can be sent by email
$50,000 Rensselaer Scholarship                           to or to 7 Bluebird
                                                         Court, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.
Dr. Curt Breneman
Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
21-Project Category Abbreviations

           Animal Science (ANIM) or (AS)
      Behavioral and Social Sciences (BEHA)
                Biochemistry (BCHM)
      Biomedical and Health Sciences (BMED)
          Biomedical Engineering (ENBM)
       Cellular and Molecular Biology (CELL)
                  Chemistry (CHEM)
  Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBIO)
     Earth and Environmental Sciences (EAEV)
            Embedded Systems (EBED)
  Energy: Sustainable and Materials Design (EGSD)
           Engineering Mechanics (ENMC)
         Environmental Engineering (ENEV)
             Materials Science (MATS)
                 Mathematics (MATH)
                Microbiology (MCRO)
           Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
                Plant Sciences (PLNT)
     Robotics and Intelligent Machines (ROBO)
             Systems Software (SOFT)
       Translational Medical Sciences (TMED)

              GCRSEF | March 26, 2022
Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
Science Fair Judges

Name                         Affiliation/Company
 Humza         Ahmed          Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Katie         Barno          Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Thomas        Beusse         Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Mike          Brun           GE-GRC, retired
 Seema         Chaturvedi     Siena College
 Rhys          Cook           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Matthew       DeStefano      Momentive Performance Materials
 Susan         DiFranzo       Hudson Valley Community College
 Sean          Dinn           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Mark          Doherty        GE Research
 Susanne       Erb            GlobalFoundries
 Elizabeth     Fisher         Neural Stem Cell Institute
 Yifan         Gao            GlobalFoundries
 LeShante      Garris         Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Ashley        Gifford        Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Andrew        Hall           Naval Nuclear Laboratory
 Ryan          Harm           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Charles       Heap           Relay Therapeutics
 Ashley        Herkert        Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Hayley        Herock         Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Andrew        Hoffman        GE Research
 Kideok        Jin            Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
 Keefe         Robert         NYS Department of Health
 Coleman       Larlee         Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Larry         Lewis          Retired GE Chemist
 Julianne      Lo             Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Kathleen      Maleski        GE Research
 Sovaira       Mall           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Michael       Mendez         Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (RPI)
 Nick          Moore          Monroe Tractor, Inc.
 Adam          Nelson         Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Tristan       Nowak          SUNY University at Albany, Wadsworth Center, NYSDoH
 Usha          Palaniswamy    Maria College
 Andrew        Pyler          Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (RPI)
 Isabella      Reddish        Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (RPI)
 Jennifer      Rico-Varela    Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Cheyenne      Rinehart       Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Christopher   Schmidt        Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Ashok         Sedhain        GlobalFoundries
 Vir           Singh          Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
 Nilesh        Tralshawala    PARC
 Megan         Wegener        Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Jeff          Wegener        Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
 James         Williams       Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 Abigail       Wilson         Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (RPI)
 Daniel        Woods          Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
 Eric          Yager          Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
 Robert        Zack           GlobalFoundries
Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
Junior Division Projects (T after project number indicated
                      team project)

       Project    First Name   Last Name   Grade                      Project Title

     J-BMED-001   Jackson      Slater      7th     Concussion Rate in Contact Sports vs
                                                   Concussion Rate in Non-Contact Sports
     J-CHEM-001   Harper       McCarthy    7th     The Effect of Temperature on Water's Surface
     J-EAEV-001   Charlotte    Collins     7th     Going Green with Your Laundry
     J-EAEV-002   Samuel       Magowan     7th     The Effect of Support Material on House
                                                   Movement in an Earthquake
     J-EAEV-003   Johnathan    Morency     8th     Testing North and South of Finch Paper on the
                                                   Hudson River: The Effect of Manufacturing
                                                   Products on The River
     J-EAEV-004   Sarah        Radovich    8th     Can it be Stopped Before it Begins?
                                                   Effectiveness of Different Methods to Inactivate
                                                   Purple Loosestrife Seed Before Growth
     J-EAEV-005   Avery        Timmins     7th     Does PLA Degrade Faster and Better than
                                                   Polypropylene and Polyethylene
     J-ENMC-      Brian        Sun         7th     What Is the Best Way To Optimize a Catapult?
     001T         Jason        Lian
                  Andrew       Zhang
     J-MATS-001   Maxwell      Aierstok    7th     Paper or Plastic? How About Recycled Paper
                                                   Made from Plastic Bags: A Study Evaluating
                                                   the Quality and Possibilities of Recycled Plastic
     J-MCRO-001   Lyla         Curtis      8th     The Effect of Food Preservatives on Bacteria
     J-MCRO-002   Hudson       Logan       8th     Greasy, Grimy, Grocery Bags!
     J-MCRO-003   Levi         Murray      8th     Applying Dairy Milk Tests to Plant Based
     J-MCRO-004   Carson       Reynolds    7th     Spill or Kill: A Study of the Effect of Penicillium
                                                   and Pseudomonas' Degradation of Oil in Salt
                                                   and Fresh Water
     J-PLNT-001   Samuel       Dixson      7th     Hay Sugar What's Up? The Effect of the Time
                                                   of Day Timothy Hay is Cut on the Sugar
     J-PLNT-002   Mason        Foster      7th     The Effect of LED Light on the Growth of Basil
     J-PLNT-003   Kate         Fowler      8th     The Effect of Soil Degradation on Marigold
     J-PLNT-004   Kendall      Hamilton    8th     To Grow or Not to Grow: The Effect of Calcium
                                                   on the Growth of Aquatic Plants
     J-PLNT-005   Ella         Smith       8th     Strawberries or Moldberries: The Effect of Aloe
                                                   Juice and a Vinegar Solution on Mold
                                                   Prevention of Strawberries

Regeneron Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc - Presenting Sponsor
Senior Division Projects
 Project   'First Name    Last Name   Grade                         Project Title

S-ANIM-    Adrianna      Drindak      12th    The Efficacy of Using Imidacloprid Soil Drench
001                                           Application as a Proposed Treatment for the Eradication
                                              of Cryptococcus fagisuga
S-ANIM-    Jack          Mongan       12th    Efficacy of Copper Oxide Wire Particles and
002                                           Albendazole against gastrointestinal nematodes in
S-ANIM-    Christian     Ramsumair    12th    Cognitive Abilities of the Caribbean Hermit Crab
003                                           (Coenobita Clypeatus)
S-BEHA-    Arin          Khare        10th    In the Zone: The Effects of Zoning Regulation Changes
001T       James         Lian                 on Urban Life
           Kai           Vernooy
S-BEHA-    Abigail       Bundy        11th    The Effect of Singing vs Spoken French on French
002                                           Vocabulary Retention in Adults Over 40 in a Four Week
S-BEHA-    Caroline      Cristalli    12th    Sex-specific Effects of Late Adolescent Morphine
003                                           Exposure on Adult Thermal Nociception
S-BEHA-    Elisabeth     Erb          12th    Narcissism in College Students in Comparison to
004                                           National Norms
S-BEHA-    Jasmine       Facchetti    12th    The Relationship Between Dietary Restrictions and
005                                           Mood
S-BEHA-    Varun         Gambhir      12th    The Impact of Particulate Matter 2.5 and 10 on the
006                                           Onset of Depressive Symptoms
S-BEHA-    Khushi        Girish       12th    The Effect of Job Strain on Coronary Heart Disease in
007                                           Teachers
S-BEHA-    Maya          Holguin      12th    The Relationship Between Dog Behavior and Owner
008                                           Personality
S-BEHA-    Jonas         Margono      12th    Comparing Levels of Education and Depression
009                                           Prevalence Between Germany and the United States
                                              Using the PHQ-2 Questionnaire
S-BEHA-    Michael       Shapiro      12th    The Effect of Origami-based Instruction on Spatial
010                                           Visualization, Spatial Perspective Taking, and Geometry
                                              Skills of Students in a Geometry Regents Setting
S-BEHA-    Madeline      Siebeneck    11th    Assessing the Evolution of Marriage Across the Silent
011                                           Generation, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X
                                              and Generation Y
S-BMED-    Carsyn        Bonesteel    11th    A Pre-clinical Investigation of the Therapeutic Efficacy of
001                                           Ventral Pallidum Deep-brain Stimulation for Epilepsy
S-BMED-    Grace         Burke        12th    Effect of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors on COVID -19
002                                           Outcomes
S-BMED-    Nathan        Davis        12th    The Correlation Between LESS Score and Lower
003                                           Extremity Injury in a Group of Single-Sport vs. Multi-
                                              Sport Athletes Using a Jump-Landing Technique
S-BMED-    Imogen        Drake        12th    Predictors of Anxiety One Year After Traumatic Brain
004                                           Injury
S-BMED-    Grace         Herzog       11th    Very Short-term Blood Pressure Variability and Sex
005                                           Differences With Capsaicin in Humans
S-BMED-    Sophia        Herzog       11th    The Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury on Aversive Taste
006                                           Learning in Drosophila melanogaster

Project   First Name   Last Name    Grade                       Project Title
S-BMED-    Varsha       Jegan        12th    The Amount of Gluten Consumption in Relation to
007                                          the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
S-BMED-    Emily        Medina-      12th    The Effect of Maternal Perceived Stress on Fetal
008                     Finsen               Development in the Womb and the Occurrence of
                                             Special Needs Post Birth
S-BMED-    Kate         Putnam       12th    Differences in Spatio-spectral Dynamics of the DBS-
009                                          ON State in Two Conditions: Gradual Increase vs
                                             Continuous ON States
S-BMED-    Carly        Ruschak      12th    Comparing the Effectiveness of Different PANDAS
010                                          Treatments
S-BMED-    Aman         Shetty       12th    The Effects of Slope and Speed Over One Mile on
011                                          the Pressure in the Human Foot
S-BMED-    Jenna        Vaughan      12th    Effect of MA-[D-Leu-4]-OB3 on The Episodic
012                                          Memory of DIO Mice
S-CBIO-    Minyi        Chen         12th    Retroactive Analysis of the Relationship Between
001T       Harrison     Fazzone              Cases of COVID-19 Variants and Related Google
                                             Search Volumes
S-CBIO-    Joanna       Andrews      12th    Using Data Visualization Tools in Python and
002                                          cBioportal to Identify Gene Mutations Linked to
                                             miRNA Expression and Identify Frequently
                                             Expressed miRNA in Ovarian Cancer Patients
S-CBIO-    Aditri       Gupta        12th    Detecting Cardiac Arrhythmia Using an Artificially
003                                          Intelligent System
S-CBIO-    Stephanie    Peng         12th    Effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna
004                                          Vaccines on the Population
S-CELL-    Anushka      Patel        12th    BCL-1 Mutation as a Predictor of Depression and
001                                          BMI
S-EAEV-    Lukas        Chyla        12th    Greenhouse Effect on Fish Population in the Hudson
001                                          River
S-EAEV-    Quinn        Connor       12th    Microplastic Tides: Examining the Effects of Tidal
002                                          Patterns on Microplastic Concentration in the
                                             Hudson River
S-EAEV-    Aliza        Cotton       12th    Air Pollutants and Birthweight, Differentiating County
003                                          and Census Tract Level Relationships
S-EAEV-    Ashlyn       Hutchinson   12th    Investigating the Effectiveness of the Eradication of
004                                          Microcystis Aeruginosa Using Sonication and
                                             Magnetic Filtration
S-ENBM-    Alexander    Do           10th    A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Lung
001                                          Cancer Image Recognition
S-ENBM-    Molly        Egan         12th    The Validity of the Ethoscope in Drosophila
002                                          melanogaster Addiction Testing
S-ENEV-    Ayaan        Bargeer      12th    Find Your Invasive: A Machine Learning Tool for
001T       Avi          Bagchi               Invasive Species Control
S-ENEV-    Vivian       Orthwein     11th    The Effect of Diet Supplementation on Plastic
002                                          Consumption and Health in Tenebrio molitor
S-ENMC-    Owen         Compani      10th    A Life-Saving Sleeve: An Approach to Reducing
001                                          Vehicular Flood Related Deaths

Project      First Name   Last Name   Grade                     Project Title

S-ENMC-      Noah          Ernst       12th    Analysis of the Coin Tap Test for cFRP Fatigue
002                                            Using Fourier Decomposition
S-MATH-      Jiahui        Li          11th    From the Manhattan Project to Statistics of
001                                            Zeros of L-Functions
S-MATS-      Maaz          Hussain     12th    The Next Generation of Computer
001                                            Semiconductors: Determining the Efficiency of
                                               EUV Photoresists
S-MATS-      Jongmyeong    Sung        11th    Growth of Silver and Silicon Schottky Diodes
002          (Joseph)                          using Physical Vapor Deposition

S-MCRO-      Alexandria    Sklenarik   12th    Efforts to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
001                                            Compared to Differences in Antibiotic
                                               Resistance Prevalence Across the U.S. Over
S-PHYS-      Nora          Dreslin     12th    The Effect of Nanoantenna Size on Photon
001                                            Trapping and Enhancement in the Nanocavity
S-PHYS-      Madison       Milla       11th    Mysteries of the Moon: A Search for Minerals
002                                            Below the Surface
S-PLNT-001   Ellina        Yang        12th    A Comparison of a Controlled Environment Lab
                                               Setting to a Natural Outdoor Setting to Study the
                                               Effect of Consistency Within Duckweed Growth
                                               Factors on Spirodela polyrrhiza, Lemna minor,
                                               Wolffia columbiana, and Wolffia brasiliensis
S-ROBO-      Anum          Amir        10th    Robo Chicken Care: Automated Coop Door
S-ROBO-      Juliet        Lovelace    12th    Get in Touch: Fabricating a Soft Prosthetic
S-ROBO-      Arthur        Leung       10th    Medication Identification & Counting: Computer
003                                            Machines vs. Humans
S-SOFT-      Labesh        Baral       12th    Affordable Agricultural Aid: Using a Novel
001                                            Machine Learning Model to Predict Crop Yield
                                               With the Use of Satellite Imagery, Climate, and
                                               Soil Data

Teacher Sponsors and Participating Schools

              Name                           School
Andrew Licari         Academy of Holy Names
Jamie Rowe            Bethlehem Central High School
Kelly Dietz           Broadalbin-Perth High School
Gina Reals            Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School
Heidi Gleason         Columbia High School
Alexandra Schmidt     Emma Willard School
Nicole Dixson         Greenwich Junior-Senior High School
Cortney Barber
Tom Vartuli           Hudson Falls High School
Kate Leto             Iroquois Middle School
Daniel Maloney        LaSalle Institute
Alexander Niedbalec   Mohonasen High School
Nancy Flanagan        Monroe-Woodbury High School
Jessica Puopolo
Laura Favata          Niskayuna High School
Sherra Johnson
Katherine Jacobson    Nyack High School
Fran Lohnes           Saratoga Springs High School
Peter Robinson
Nate Covert           Shaker High School
Linda Hopkins         Taconic Hills Jr/Sr High School


                                     Special Awards
  The purpose of these awards is to give recognition to specific areas of science research.

                                       Regional Awards
    These special awards were developed by our Regional Fair and are not offered at the
International finals. Please note, some of the awards are for both divisions and others are for
                                    only one of the divisions.
Monetary awards to teams are shared. Students must download a W-9 Form and Social Security Form from the
GCRSEF website under forms and submit them to Fair Director, Joan Wagner in order to receive their monetary
 award. Forms can be sent by email to or to 7 Bluebird Court, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

                                                          Dudley Observatory Award
American Society for Microbiology,                        The Dudley Observatory offers an award for a
Eastern New York Branch                                   project in astronomy or space science. It is given
This award is given to one project that involves          in memory of past president, Sam Wait.
research related to microbiology.                         Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $100. No
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $100.             teams.
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $50.              Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $50. No
Brown League Sports Science Award
The award is presented to the project that uses a         GCRSEF in Computer Science Award
scientific approach to further an understanding or        The GCRSEF Excellence in Computer Science
improve the performance of a sports-related               Award for a project that demonstrates innovative
phenomena. It is in memory of John Stasenko who           use of computer programs to address an important
first initiated this award.                               problem facing society. This award may be given
Senior Division Award: $50 Amazon Card; no                to an individual or a team.
teams.                                                    Senior Division Award: Certificate and $200.

Cullen Blake and Deena Mousa                              Linda Austin DNA Science and
Excellence in Science Award                               Technology Award
This award is given to a student who demonstrates         This award is offered for research in DNA science
both a love of science and the skill for doing            and technology. It is in memory of Linda Austin
science. This is a junior division award only.            who brought DNA Science and Technology to
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $100.             many, many schools in the Capital Region.
                                                          Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $100.
Curia (Formerly Albany Molecular Research
Inc.): Passion for Scientific Endeavors Award             Momentive Performance Materials
This award goes to individual(s) who demonstrate          This award is for a project that demonstrates the
a passion for scientific discovery and excellence         innovative use of synthetic chemicals to improve
as exemplified in the area(s) of chemistry,               the environment and/or quality of life.
materials, environmental or medicinal applications.       Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $100.
Senior Division Award: Certificate and $150.              Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $50.
Junior Division Award: Certificate and $100.

Regional Awards (continued)
National Association of Biology Teachers          RPI Scholarship
This award is given an outstanding project in     Given to outstanding project for grades 9-11.
the life sciences.                                The Planning committee for the Fair reserves
Senior Division Award: Certificate and $75.       the right whether or not to offer this award. (No
Junior Division Award: Certificate and            teams).
$50.                                              Senior Division Award: $50,000 ($12,500 per
                                                  academic year).
National Grid Award
for Energy and the Environment                    SI Group Smart Chemistry Award
The award is presented to individual(s) with      This award will be presented to a project that
a research project/exhibit that includes          demonstrates ingenuity in utilizing chemistry to
consideration and/or achievement in energy        promote environmental sustainability.
reduction, sustainability or reduced impact to    Senior Division Award: Certificate plus an
the environment.                                  Apple iPad mini (no teams).
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus           Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $100.
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus           STANYS: Eleanor Miller Reed Science
$50.                                              Research Award
                                                  This award is given to a project that “captures
Northeastern Nuclear Society,                     the spirit of science research.”
American Nuclear Society (NENY-ANS)               Senior Division Award: Certificate and $100.
This is for one project in that involves          Junior Division Award: Certificate and $50.
research related to energy.
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus           Walter Eppenstein Physics/Astronomy
$100.                                             Award
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus           This award is for an outstanding physics or
$50.                                              astronomy project. It is in memory of Professor
                                                  Walter Eppenstein, who brought this science fair
Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation                  to RPI.
Award                                             Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $75.
in Memory of Jane Golub
This award is for a project in nutrition that
promotes good health.
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus

Regeneron George Yancopoulos Award
Awarded to the project that demonstrates
the most creativity in improving or identifying
health issues in an individual.
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus
Junior Division Award: Certificate plus

Regeneron ISEF Awards
                  These awards are also offered at the International finals.

American Meteorological Society                   Department of Defense (DoD) STEM
Projects must be in atmospheric and               Leadership Prize
related oceanic and hydrologic sciences.          This prize acknowledges the middle school
Up to two awards for individual or team           student or team that demonstrates excellence
project may be given.                             in STEM, as well as the problem-solving skills
Senior Division Award: Certificate.               and determination to overcome challenges
Junior Division Award: Certificate.               throughout the research project.
                                                  Junior Division Award: Certificate and $100.
American Psychological Association
(APA)                                             Lemelson Early Inventor Prize
This award recognizes outstanding                 This award is offered to an individual or team
research in psychology under the category         who: (1) Demonstrates problem-solving by
of behavioral and social sciences or any          identifying a critical problem; (2) Applies
category related to psychology (e.g.,             empathy and STEM knowledge to find a
animal sciences, biochemistry, computer           practical solution; (3) Displays entrepreneurial
science, environmental science,                   thinking by developing a tangible invention; (4)
mathematical science, medicine and                Ideally exemplifies environmentally-responsible
health).                                          thinking in their research and creation of the
Senior Division Award: Certificate.               project.
                                                  Junior Division Award: Certificate plus $100,
ASM Materials Education Foundation                to be shared if a team.
This award is for the best materials
engineering project.                              Mu Alpha Theta
Senior Division Award: Certificate and            This is the National High School and Two-Year
Ribbon.                                           College Mathematics Club. It is intended that
The student will be presented with a              this recognition be awarded to a senior division
preliminary certificate, the formal certificate   individual or group project demonstrating the
and ribbon will be mailed in July or August.      most challenging, thorough, creative
                                                  investigation of a problem involving
Association for Women Geoscientists               mathematics.
This award is offered to female students.         Senior Division Award: Certificate.
Teams with at least one female are also
eligible. These projects should exemplify         NASA Earth System Science Award
high standards of innovativeness and              This is for a project exhibiting a clear and
scientific excellence in the geosciences.         focused purpose on Earth System Science that
Special consideration will be given to            is testable using the science process. Founded
projects that increase the public awareness       in 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
of geosciences, illustrate the                    NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in
interdisciplinary nature of the geosciences       space exploration, scientific discovery and
or promote the sensitivity to Earth as a          aeronautics research, answering basic
global system.                                    questions like: What's out there in space? How
Junior Division Award: Certificate.               do we get there? What will we find?
                                                  Senior Division Award: Certificate.

Regeneron ISEF Awards (continued)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Administration (NOAA) “Taking the Pulse of              (SJWP)
the Planet” Award                                       This is for the best projects related to
This award goes to research that emphasizes             water quality, water resource
NOAA’s mission of science, service and                  management, water protection, water
stewardship in climate, weather, ocean and              treatment or wastewater treatment. Up
coastal sciences.                                       to three senior division awards may be
Senior Division Award: Certificate, Letter and          given.
Medallion.                                              Senior Division Award: Certificate
                                                        plus invitation to compete in the State
Regeneron Biomedical Science Award                      Competition. Up to three awardees
This award is offered to a project in one of the        may register to compete in the State
following categories: Biochemistry, Biomedical &        competition by April 15th. Ten finalists
Molecular Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology,      at the Intel International Fair will
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics,                 receive an all expense trip to
Microbiology and Translational Medical Science.         Stockholm, Sweden where they will
The research has all or some of these attributes:       represent the United States to
(1) Lead with Science: Demonstrate command of           compete in the International Stockholm
and passion for science, (2) Take on Big Ideas:         Junior Water Prize competition. Each
Exemplify traits of a driven thinker, (3) Make it       winner must complete the online form
Happen: Demonstrate flexibility and a continuous        to compete at the higher level.
learner mindset, (4) Be Great Together: Embodies
traits of an inspiring leader, (5) Do What’s Right:     USAID From the American People
Embody a drive to use science for good.                 This award is given to a humanitarian
Senior Division Award: Certificate plus $500.           project that holds the potential to
                                                        improve lives around the world. It
Regional Ricoh Sustainable Development                  addresses health and environmental
Award                                                   problems facing the world such as
This award recognizes projects that demonstrate         clean water, sustainable food, energy
outstanding efforts in addressing issues of             production, climate change and health.
environmental responsibility and sustainable            Senior Division Award: Letter and
development.                                            Certificate.
Senior Division Award: Certificate.
                                                        U.S. Metric Association
Scientific American Subscription                        This is for a student whose project
Scientific American recognizes outstanding              involves a significant amount of
student research. This award goes to the six grand      quantitative measurement and which
prize awardees.                                         best uses the SI metric system for
Senior Division Award: Certificate and one-year         those measurements.
subscription to Scientific American.                    Senior Division Award: Certificate.
                                                        Junior Division Award: Certificate.
Society for In Vitro Biology
To be awarded to most outstanding 11th grade
student exhibiting in the areas of plant or animal in
vitro biology or tissue. If there are no 11th graders
available for award, it can be offered in other                                           13
senior division grades.
Senior Division Award: Certificate.
Regeneron ISEF Awards (continued)

U.S. Air Force
This award is given in any area of science
and engineering (two junior and two senior
Senior Division Award: Certificate.
Junior Division Award: Certificate.

U.S. Navy Office of Research
Five awards are available. Two junior and
three senior awards (no teams).
Senior Division Award: Certificate and
other awards.
Junior Division Award: Certificate and
other awards.

Yale Science and Engineering
Association Inc.
This award is given to the most outstanding
11th grade student exhibiting in the areas of
Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or
Chemistry (team or individual).
Senior Division Award: Certificate and
A preliminary certificate will be mailed to
recipient. A pewter medallion will be sent to
the winner after the Fair Director mails out
the winner’s form.

Grand Prizes

Senior Division                            Junior Division

1st Place                                  1st place
Certificate, gold medal, invitation to     GCRSEF Certificate, Broadcom Masters
the Regeneron ISEF, $500 from RPI          Certificate, gold medal, $300 from RPI
School of Science; teams split the         School of Science; teams split the prize
prize money.                               money, invitation to STANYS State
                                           Science Congress. Invitation to SSP
2nd Place                                  National Broadcom Masters Program.
Certificate, silver medal, invitation to
Regeneron ISEF, $300 from RPI              2nd Place
School of Science; teams split the         GCRSEF Certificate, Broadcom Masters
prize money.                               Certificate, silver medal, $200 from RPI
                                           School of Science; teams split the prize
3rd Place                                  money, invitation to STANYS State
Certificate, bronze medal, invitation      Science Congress. Invitation to SSP
to Regeneron ISEF, $200 from RPI           National Broadcom Masters Program.
School of Science; teams split the
prize money.                               3rd Place
                                           GCRSEF Certificate, Broadcom Masters
1st Honorable Mention:                     Certificate, bronze medal, $100 from RPI
Certificate, ribbon, invitation to         School of Science; teams split the prize
STANYS State Science Congress,             money, invitation to STANYS State
$100 from RPI School of Science;           Science Congress. Invitation to SSP
teams split the prize money.               National Broadcom Masters Program.

2nd Honorable Mention                      1st Honorable Mention
Certificate, ribbon, invitation to         GCRSEF Certificate, Broadcom Masters
STANYS State Science Congress,             Certificate, ribbon, $75; teams split the
$75; teams split the prize money.          prize money. Invitation to SSP National
                                           Broadcom Masters.
3rd Honorable Mention
Certificate, ribbon, invitation to         2nd Honorable Mention
STANYS State Science Congress,             GCRSEF Certificate, ribbon, $60; teams
$50.00.                                    split the prize money.

                                           3rd Honorable Mention
                                           GCRSEF Certificate, ribbon, $30; teams
                                           split the prize money.

Our regional Regeneron ISEF may send up to three projects to the International Finals.
The Planning Committee reserves the right to decide how many projects can participate in
     the International Finals. ISEF takes place in Atlanta, Georgia, May 8-13, 2022.

The STANYS State Science Congress is hosted by The Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of
   Science & Technology (MOST) and takes place in Syracuse, NY, June 11, 2022.

 Broadcom MASTERS online information is due June 15, 2022 by 8:00 PM EDT. Semi-
    finalists will be announced on September 7, 2022. Finalists will be announced on
September 21, 2022. Broadcom MASTERS national finals will be held in Washington, DC,
                           from October 27 - November 2, 2022.


                  Copernicus (Title Sponsor)
                  Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

                        Galileo ($5000)

                    Sagan ($2500-$3000)
                     GE Global Research
               Momentive Performance Materials
                         National Grid
             RPI Admissions, RPI School of Science
                           SI Group

                      Brache ($1000-$2000)
     Curia (formally Albany Molecular Research Incorporated)
                Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation

                   Newton’s Apple ($250-$750)
    Eastern Branch, American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Eastern Section of Science Teachers Association of NYS (STANYS)
                Highmark Northeastern New York
                           KAPL NOVA
   Northeast New York American Nuclear Society (NENY ANS)
                         Stewart’s Shops

                     Additional Support
                     Dudley Observatory
       National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
    SAVVAS Education Books (formally Pearson), book lottery
             Scientific American (Subscriptions)
                       Jeffrey Wegener

Regeneron GCRSEF Fair Board Directors

        Peter Robinson, Saratoga Springs High School

                     Awards Committee
    Nate Covert, Gina Reals, Donna Mooney & Fran Lohnes

                     RPI Scholarship
                     Ulysses deArmas

                        SRC Chair
        Robert Keefe PhD, NYS Department of Health

        Secretary and Junior Division Registration
                     Donna Mooney

               Senior Division Registration
         Fran Lohnes, Saratoga Springs High School

            Coordinating Judge Senior Division
        Dan Norton, PhD, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

           Coordinating Judge Junior Division
           Matt Nielsen PhD, GE Global Research

              Treasurer and Public Relations
              Gina Reals, BH-BL High School

           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Liaison
                   Amanda Troutman

         President, Fair Director and Awards Chair
             Joan Wagner:

               Len Behr, University at Albany

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