Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...

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Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
Refrigerant & Energy
Regulations Update
Focus on Refrigeration Applications

Rajan Rajendran
Emerson Climate Technologies
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...

 A Quick History on Refrigerant Progression
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 – First rule to approve new refrigerants in applications
 – Second rule to delist some existing refrigerants by
 – Emerson view and what’s next
 Department of Energy (DOE)
 – Commercial refrigeration equipment, ice
   machines, and walk-in coolers and freezers
 Summary
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
Ozone Hole: Reason for R12 and R22 Phase-out
(Exposure to UV Radiation Leads to Skin Cancer)

    Montreal Protocol, Signed on Sept. 16, 1987, Bans CFCs & HCFCs
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
Montreal Protocol Agreement for Reducing ODP
Refrigerants: R-22 Phase-out Timeline

                 100%                                   Today
        100                                                    90%
 1996                        65%                                          65%
 CAP                                                                          32.5% - 2025
                                                                              2.5% - 2030
         50                                                                   0% - 2040

          1999         2004            2010               2015         2020
                     No New          No New
                   Equipment EU    Equipment US      2013
   US                                             A5 Nations
   A5 Nations

 Developing nations are only now beginning to phase-down use of R22
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
Montreal Protocol’s Positive
Impact on Ozone Hole

 False-color view of total ozone over the Antarctic
 pole. The purple and blue colors are where there     Ozone hole still large, but healing;
 is the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are
 where there is more ozone.
                                                        full recovery expected ~2070
                                                         Source: NASA. Image from Nov. 2, 2014
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
A New Concern: Climate Change,
the Driver for HFC Actions
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
Montreal Protocol’s Positive
Impact on Climate Change

                                            … But, developing nations’
    Montreal Protocol has the biggest
                                            growth could dwarf gains,
       impact on climate change!
                                                per predictions.

Emerson Confidential                    7
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
European F-Gas Regulation:
Phase-down HFC and Application Bans

 2015    2016    2017       2018   2019   2020    2021     2022   2023    2024      2025    2026   2027   2028     2029      2030

                 93%                      July 2020:
 Jan 2015:                                Annex III:
 Applicabi                                split AC
             Jan 2017:                                         Jan 2023:
 lity +
             Report                                            Comprehen
             national                         Jan 2021:        sive report
             codes /                          HFC report       on effect of
             standards re.                                     Regulation
 Domestic    alternatives &           63%
 fridge      training
 GWP >150
             2017:                    Jan 2020:
             Traceability           Moveable AC
                                    GWP > 150
                 July 2017:                                    45%
                 Report             Refrig/Freezers
                 Annex III:         For Comm.
                 multipack          Use                    Jan 2022:
                 Report PD          GWP>2500
                 method                                Refrigeration
                                                       GWP >150
                                    Stationary Ref.
                                    And Service        (except cascades       Jan 2025:                                          21%
                                    Ban                with GWP 2500                                  (GWP >750)                                  Jan 2030:
                                                       Refrig/Freezers                                                 No recycled
                                                       for Comml use                                                   /reclaimed
                                                       herm sealed                                                     GWP >2500
                                                       GWP >150                                                        for servicing
Refrigerant & Energy Regulations Update - Focus on Refrigeration Applications Rajan Rajendran - Emerson Climate ...
North American Proposal
for HFC Phase-down
  GWP Weighted Cap (% of Baseline)


                                                                                   A5 Countries (Asia, etc.)


                                               Non- A5 Countries (U.S.)



                                        2005   2010    2015   2020   2025   2030   2035   2040   2045   2050   2055   Year
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
What Is SNAP? What Are NOPRs?

 SNAP stands for Significant New Alternatives Policy
 – Environmental Protection Agency’s program to approve alternative
   refrigerants to ozone-depleting potential CFCs, HCFCs
 – Approval specific to refrigerant and application
 – Website:

 When EPA approves a refrigerant, a Notice of Public
 Rulemaking (NOPR) is issued in Federal Register
 – Public has 60 days to review and comment
 – All details on how to submit comments are provided in the NOPR
EPA’s First NOPR This Summer
 Published on July 9; comments were due Sept. 8

 Listed new flammable A2 and A3 refrigerants and revised
 venting prohibitions
  – Stand-alone commercial refrigerators and freezers: R600a,
    R441A (150 g)
  – Household refrigerators and freezers: R290 (57 g)
  – Vending machines: R600a, R290 (150 g)
  – Self-contained room AC, PTACs, PTHPs, window AC and single-room
    portable AC: R290, R32, R441A (subject to UL 484 limits)

Second NOPR for Delisting Certain
HFCs by Application
 In 2013 and early 2014, EPA held stakeholder meetings to get
 input on which HFCs, if any, could be delisted

 The NOPR to delist was published on August 6
  – Comments were due on October 20; comment period closed and all
    comments have been posted on public website

 Links to documents:
     Fact sheet:


Second NOPR Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning End Uses Impacted
   Currently Included
    – Retail food refrigeration includes all cold storage cases designed to chill food for commercial sale.
       In addition to grocery cases, the end use includes convenience store reach-in cases and restaurant
       walk-in refrigerators.
    – Vending machines are self-contained units which dispense goods that must be kept cold or frozen.
    – Motor vehicle air conditioning systems, or MVACS, provide comfort cooling for passengers in cars,
       buses, planes, trains, and other forms of transportation.
 Not Included, but Seeking Comment
  – Industrial process refrigeration systems cool process streams in industrial applications.
  – Cold storage warehouses are used to store meat, produce, dairy products, and other perishable
  – Commercial ice machines are used in commercial establishments to produce ice for consumer use,
     e.g., in hotels, restaurants and convenience stores.
  – Refrigerated transport moves products from one place to another while maintaining necessary
     temperatures, and include refrigerated ship holds, truck trailers, railway freight cars, and other
     shipping containers
 Foam and Aerosol Also Impacted

EPA’s Proposed Rule on Delisting
HFCs by Application
Emerson’s Response to EPA Proposal
 Submitted Oct. 20
                                   Supermarket*                                                    Standalone Self
                                                             Condensing Units*                    Contained Comm.
        Refrigerant                                                                                                                    Machines       Foam          Auto AC
                                                                   (field charged)                   Ref. Eqpt*
                                 Direct         Sec.                                                                                      *
                                                                                              (factory charged sealed systems)
                                  JAN           JAN               JAN 2016                            JAN 2016
       R404A/507A                                                                                                                      JAN 2016
                                  2016          2016            Delay 6 years                       Delay 6 years
  HFC-227 ea., R-407B,            JAN           JAN
  R-421B, R-422A, R-422C,
  R-422D, R-428A, R-434A          2016          2016
                                                                                                   JAN 2016 (New)
     R407A, R407F
                                                                                                    Do not delist
                                                                                                                                                     JAN 2017
                                                                                                   JAN 2016 (New)                      JAN 2016                   2021 Model
           R134a                                                                                                                                      Delay 6
                                                                                                    Do not delist                        (New)                       (New)
    Various Blends,
                                                                                                   JAN 2016 (New)
    GWP 600-3990**
                                                                                                                                                     JAN 2017
      Various Foam
                                                                                                                                                      Delay 6
      Various Auto                                                                                                                                                2017 Model
       Blends**                                                                                                                                                      (New)

  *New and retrofit only; Service is allowed              Do Not Delist Now in Industrial and Ice: No Alternates                      Without Glide S.Mkt, Transport – No
**Check EPA Documents for details                         Comment
Aerosol Application not shown in above table
Industrial, Ice Making heads, Warehouses and Transport Applications are not Included in This NOPR but comments have been requested.
What Is Next for Delisting Proposal?

 120 comment letters were submitted to the EPA
  – Majority of the comments requested delays and exemptions from
  – A few supported the EPA’s actions and asked for more stringent
 Next steps for the EPA
  – Review all comment letters
  – Publish final rule, and include responses to all the comments from
    stakeholders and public
  – Expect final rule before middle of 2015
 In the meantime, EPA can be expected to continue approving
 new lower GWP refrigerants in specific applications
Alternatives for Refrigeration and AC
                                   A1 – Non-Flammable          A3 – Flammable B2L – Toxic,            Qualitative Chart –
 Pressure                          A2L – Mildly Flammable                     Mildly Flam.            Not to Scale
 Capacity         CO2

                        R446A, R447A
 R-410A                 R32/HFO     400-675    R32
 Like                    Blends
                                                              R448A = N40
                                                              R449A = DR33                                      R404A
                                  R444B = L20                                                                   R507A
              NH3                                             N20                R22
 R404A &                   ~300   L40, DR7
Refrigerant Options Available in Future
                         Self-contained                      Rack
          Refrigerant                       Walk-in
                           Reach-in                      Refrigeration
                            R404A            R404A          R404A
                            R134a           (R407A)         R407A
                         R448A, R449A     R448A, R449A   R448A, R449A
Refrigeration Energy Regulations
                                                                                                Energy Level
                                Product Class     Current   NOPR       Final     Effective

                                                             Oct.     March       March           kWh/Day
                                  Reach-ins        2010
                                                             2013     2014*       2017           30% – 50%
   U.S. Department of Energy

                                                            March                                kWh/100 lbs
                                                            2014*                                12% – 25%

                                                   2010              Fall 2014   Fall 2017       kWh/100 lbs
                                  Ice Makers                NODA
                                                            Sept.                                 5% – 15%
                                                            2014                               (amend. 9/5/14)

                                 Display Cases,              Oct.     March       March           kWh/Day
                               Including Remote              2013     2014*       2017           30% – 50%

                                   Walk-in                  Sept.      June                        AWEF
                                                   2009                          June 2017
                                (Foodservice)               2013       2014*                     20% – 40%

                                                               California Title 24 Effective July 2014
                                                        Building Energy Alliance Challenge Spec in Process
                                                     ASHRAE 90.1 Advanced Energy Design Guideline in Process
                                                      Canada Supermarket Minimum Efficiency Std. in Process

  * Industry challenging DOE

 Over the next five years, expect
  –   R404A to be delisted and no longer used in new equipment
  –   New R22 retrofit (non-flammable) refrigerants available
  –   R404A retrofits to new lower GWP (non-flammable) refrigerants
  –   New mildly flammable and flammable refrigerants in self-contained and
      walk-in systems
 CO2 systems will grow — cascade, transcritical and secondary
 Energy regulations will impact equipment manufacturers and
 Training and keeping up with technology and changes very
 Emerson and E360 aim to help you with that!
Thank You!


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