Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use

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Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use
Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight:
                            Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological
                              Communities, and Fishery Resource Use

                                                 FRANK W. STEIMLE and CHRISTINE ZETLIN

              Introduction                           soft sediments, mostly sands, but grad-          line jetties and groins, submerged pipe­
   Spatial distribution and perhaps the              ing to silt-clay in deeper areas (Stumf          lines, cables, artificial reefs, and similar
abundance of fishery resources are in-                and Biggs, 1988; Poppe et al., 1994).            objects or material placed in the marine
fluenced by physical and other habitat                Except for relic sand and gravel ridges,         environment by the human population.
factors. The identification of significant             exposed Holocene to Pleistocene clay             Some of these human additions are
marine habitats and strong or critical               or sandstone in some areas (Allen et             considered objectionable “litter” (Gal­
associations between living marine re-               al., 1969; Wigley and Theroux, 1981;             gani et al., 2000), but larger objects can
sources (LMR’s) and these habitats can               Stumf and Biggs, 1988; Poppe et al.,             function as seabed structures that de­
lead to a better understanding of how                1994; NOAA National Data Center­                 velop and support diverse and special
environmental influences affect LMR’s                 NGDC, 1999), and glacially exposed               biological communities, even if they
and fisheries and support their manage-               rock along the southern New England              can be patchy in distribution. These
ment (NMFS, 1999a).                                  coast, this habitat characterization of          communities differ significantly from
   The Middle Atlantic Bight (the area               the Bight was basically true until Euro­         those of the surrounding well surveyed,
of the U.S. east coast and continental               pean colonization.                               soft sediment seabed of the Bight.
shelf between Cape Cod, Mass., and                      Within the last two centuries there              The expansion of this habitat type in
Cape Hatteras, N.C.) hereafter referred              has been an increase in hard bottom              the Bight by man’s addition of solid
to as the Bight, is characterized as                 or reef (“reef” is used hereafter to             material has probably had an effect on
being a homogeneous habitat of rel-                  refer to this multi-dimensional, hard­           LMR distributions and fisheries (such
atively flat topography, composed of                  substrate, structural habitat) habitats in       as American lobster, Homarus ameri­
                                                     the Bight, which is not commonly rec-            canus; cod, Gadus morhua; red hake,
The authors are with the Sandy Hook Labora-
                                                     ognized by marine geologists and re­             Urophycis chuss; ocean pout, Macro­
tory, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, National   source managers, e.g. shipwrecks, lost           zoarces americanus; scup, Stenotomus
Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 74 Magruder          cargos, disposed solid materials, shore-         chrysops; black sea bass, Centropristis
Road, Highlands, NJ 07732.
                                                                                                      striata; and tautog, Tautoga onitis) and
                                                                                                      possible effect on other resources, but
                                                                                                      these effects are not well known nor
   ABSTRACT—One particular habitat type
                                                                                                      well understood. In fact, reef habitats
                                                     tribution, abundance, use by living marine
in the Middle Atlantic Bight is not well rec-        resources and associated biological commu­       in general seem underappreciated by
ognized among fishery scientists and man-             nities (except on estuarine oyster reefs), and   northeastern U.S. habitat managers or
agers, although it is well known and used            fishery value or management. This poorly          researchers. For example, no type of
by recreational and commercial fisheries.             studied and surveyed habitat can provide fish     reef habitat is even listed as a fishery
This habitat consists of a variety of hard-sur-      refuge from trawls and can be a factor in
face, elevated relief “reef” or reef-like envi-      studies of the distribution and abundance of     habitat in recent reviews of northeast
ronments that are widely distributed across          a variety of reef-associated fishery resources.   fish habitat, except for boulders (Lang­
the predominantly flat or undulating, sandy           This review provides a preliminary summary       ton et al., 1995; Auster and Langton,
areas of the Bight and include both natural          of information found on relative distribution    1999), and they are not considered as
rocky areas and man-made structures, e.g.            and abundance of reef habitat in the Bight,      demersal fish nursery habitat in the
shipwrecks and artificial reefs. Although             the living marine resources and biological
there are natural rock and shellfish reefs in         communities that commonly use it, threats        Bight (Steves et al., 2000). In the waters
southern New England coastal waters and              to this habitat and its biological resources,    south of Cape Hatteras, reef habitats
estuaries throughout the Bight, most reef            and the value or potential value of artificial    are recognized as important to fisher­
habitats in the region appear to be man-             reefs to fishery or habitat managers. The pur­    ies and some of the species found in
made, mostly wrecks and “obstructions,” and          pose of the review is to initiate an awareness
man-made reef habitat modification/creation           among resource managers about this habi­         the Middle Atlantic Bight are also part
may be increasing. Very little effort has been       tat, its role in resource management, and the    of those fisheries (Miller and Richards,
devoted to the study of this habitat’s dis-          need for research.                               1979; Parker and Mays, 1998).

24                                                                                                                      Marine Fisheries Review
Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use
Although hard bottom habitats off          these varied roles involving fishery and     cludes references to species, such as
southern New England were explored            habitat management, there is need to        aquatic birds, that interact with reef­
briefly by naturalist dredge in the latter     begin to better understand the commu­       associated fishes.
half of the nineteenth century (Verrill,      nity dynamics and fishery value of this
1872), submarine canyon and tilefish           habitat type in the Bight.                  Characteristics of Reef
habitats were examined by submarine              This paper summarizes available in­      Habitats in the Bight
(Valentine et al., 1980), and some at­        formation in four parts:                       A reef habitat can be composed of
tention was given to biological fouling                                                   natural materials (such as rocks used
(Redfield and Ketchum, 1952), little           1) A characterization and preliminary       for shoreline rip rap jetties), sometimes
other work has been done to examine              assessment of the abundance and          placed by man, or composed of manu­
this habitat type in the Bight. Reef             distribution of reef habitats in the     factured materials (such as sunken ves­
habitats in the Bight, although not              Bight;                                   sels). Some biogenic micro-structures,
as wide in occurrence and coverage            2) Known or probable fishery resource        e.g. coralline algae; anemone, poly­
as the glacially scoured, rocky areas            associations with reef habitats, sev­    chaete, or amphipod tubes; or cobble or
of the Gulf of Maine (Oldale et al.,             eral species of which are currently      dead or fossil molluscan shell patches,
1973), or the fossil coral rock and live         considered “overfished” (NMFS,            have some reduced characteristics of
coral patch reefs south of Cape Hat­             1999b), including some endangered        a reef habitat. These can support small­
teras (Menzies et al., 1966), may have           marine species;                          er organisms or life stages; Auster et
become common enough to warrant               3) What is known of the biological          al. (1995) discusses this use of micro­
consideration of their role in fishery            communities that are associated with     habitat. After a period of submersion
management in the Bight. Although                various estuarine, coastal, and conti­   and epifaunal colonization, most reef
not as common or as spectacular as in            nental shelf reef habitats; and          habitats have a similar appearance and
the tropics, reef-like habitats (especial­    4) Discusses status and trends in reef      function, but there can be subtle differ­
ly shipwrecks) also support recreation­          habitats, threats to these habitats,     ences between natural and man-made
al diving in the Bight, and many divers          some uses of man-made reefs to           reef habitats; the characteristics of each
harvest reef fish resources by spear              manage marine resources, and infor­      type are reviewed separately. The basic
(fish) or hand (lobsters). This recre­            mational or research needs.              source of information on the distribu­
ational diving generates economic ben­                                                    tion of reef habitats is NOAA’s NOS
efits to nearby businesses through sales          This summary is intended to create       Hydrographic Surveys Division Auto­
and services.                                 an awareness of this habitat in the Bight   mated Wreck and Obstruction Informa­
   The introduction of manufactured           and serve the information needs of hab­     tion System (AWOIS, 1997), although
materials as reef habitat, by both ac­        itat and fishery resource managers.          this database only includes structures
cidental and intentional depositions, is                                                  or reefs that might be of concern to
expanding in the Bight. These habitats           The Middle Atlantic Bight Reefs          navigation, and many small “reefs” or
and their associated biological commu­           The Bight generally is defined to in­     “snags” are not included in the data­
nities need the ecosystem/community­          clude estuarine and continental shelf       base. This database is augmented by a
level attention given similar reef habi­      waters and seabed between Cape Cod,         summary of artificial reef construction
tats in the adjacent Gulf of Maine and        Mass., and Cape Hatteras, N.C. It is        from sources involved in various state
South Atlantic Bight areas (e.g. McCar­       a broad indentation in the coast line       artificial reef programs, and a survey
thy et al., 1979; Hulbert et al., 1982;       between these boundaries with inflec­        of relevant literature. The very abun­
Wenner et al., 1983; Chester et al.,          tions at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay        dant and widely distributed shellfish
1984; Sedberry and Van Dolah, 1984;           and New York harbor (Fig. 1). Its           reefs, submerged pipelines, and inter­
Witman, 1985; Witman and Sebens,              nonreef benthic environment and as­         tidal man-made structures, e.g. jetties
1988; Kirby-Smith, 1989). Man-made            sociated communities have been re­          and bulkheads, are only generally con­
or artificial reef habitats are also often     ported by Wigley and Theroux (1981)         sidered. No effort is made in this review
suggested as replacement habitats for         and Theroux and Wigley (1998), and          to estimate the total spatial seabed cov­
losses of other habitats, especially in es­   were reviewed by Pacheco (1988), and        erage of all types of reef habitats in the
tuaries where in-kind mitigation oppor­       are characterized as being composed         Bight. Some of the targets listed on the
tunities are often absent (Sheehy and         of sediments that range from clay to        maps that seem to be inland are actu­
Vic, 1992; Foster et al., 1994). They         gravel, with sand being the dominant        ally within rivers.
are also used to create new habitat,          sediment (Fig. 1). But within this soft
e.g. artificial reefs to enhance fishing        sediment matrix, unnoted natural and        Natural reefs
or surrounding artificial islands (Wil­        man-made reef habitats occur in estu­          Natural reef habitats in the Bight are
liams and Duane, 1975; Seaman and             aries, along the coast, across the con­     found in some areas consisting of bio­
Sprague, 1991), or are segregated as          tinental shelf, and in deeper waters. A     genic or rock material. Biogenic reefs
special fishery management areas or            review of these reef habitats and bio­      are created by living stone coral, Astran­
reserves (GMFMC, 1999). Because of            logical associations follows, which in­     gia poculata, certain shellfishes (east­

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                      25
Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use
ern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and         garis. These reef-building organisms      cause they add structural complexity (or
blue mussel, Mytilus edulis), and poly-        have been called “physical ecosystem      micro habitats) to environments, which
chaete worms, such as Sabellaria vul-          engineers” by Jones et al. (1997) be-     in turn attracts and supports other organ­
                                                                                         isms. Nonbiogenic natural reef habitats
                                                                                         are exposed rock outcrops or random
                                                                                         boulders left by retreating glaciers or
                                                                                         rafted from icebergs, about 12,000 years
                                                                                         before present (YBP), or erosion of sed­
                                                                                         iment-covered rock or deltaic deposits
                                                                                         of rock, cobble, and gravel along former
                                                                                         river channels across a retreating shore­
                                                                                         line since the last glacial period. There
                                                                                         are reports of submerged ridges of ara­
                                                                                         gonitic sandstones, thought to be relict
                                                                                         beach deposits, mid-shelf off Delaware
                                                                                         (Allen et al. 1969). Some natural “reefs”
                                                                                         can be ephemeral, such as tree trunks
                                                                                         that are washed down rivers, become
                                                                                         water logged, and sink to the bottom to
                                                                                         provide temporary habitat until wood­
                                                                                         borers gradually degrade them. Collec­
                                                                                         tions of dead molluscan shells, such
                                                                                         as surf clam, Spisula solidissima; and
                                                                                         whelks, Busycon sp.; and exposed semi­
                                                                                         fossil oyster shell can serve as micro­
                                                                                         reef habitats.
                                                                                            Shellfish reef habitats (primarily
                                                                                         oyster and blue mussels) are primarily
                                                                                         known to occur in polyhaline estuaries
                                                                                         and coastal areas in the Bight, but mus­
                                                                                         sels occur offshore, too. Oyster beds
                                                                                         and reefs are found in Chesapeake
                                                                                         Bay and its tributaries, Delaware Bay,
                                                                                         the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, in coastal
                                                                                         areas of Long Island Sound and South­
                                                                                         ern New England, including bays on
                                                                                         Martha’s Vineyard (Ford, 1997; MacK­
                                                                                         enzie, 1997a, b). Oyster beds were more
                                                                                         extensive in distribution and abundance
                                                                                         in the nineteenth century than current­
                                                                                         ly, and were enhanced in many areas
                                                                                         in the 19th and early 20th century by
                                                                                         transplanting cultch and spat.
                                                                                            Blue mussel beds are attached to
                                                                                         hard surfaces in more marine and cooler
                                                                                         coastal waters, (e.g. Steimle and Stone,
                                                                                         1973; Langton et al., 1995; MacKen­
                                                                                         zie, 1997a). They can also be found
                                                                                         adjacent to larger reef structures after
                                                                                         being sloughed off by strong currents
                                                                                         or storm surges and there they continue
                                                                                         to grow and serve as satellite, low-re­
                                                                                         lief reef habitats. Life spans of a decade
                                                                                         or less, predation, and harvesting make
                                                                                         the presence and size of these beds
     Figure 1.—The underlying dominant sediments types and distributions in the Middle   somewhat dynamic, and they are not
     Atlantic Bight (from Wigley and Theroux, 1981).                                     usually mapped as reef structures.

26                                                                                                        Marine Fisheries Review
Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use
Rocky reefs and associated fauna
are mostly found in New York Harbor,
Long Island Sound, and along the
Southern New England coast, and out­
crops of glauconitic marl (a soft sedi­
mentary rock) occur off northern New
Jersey (the Shrewsbury Rocks and El­
beron Grounds). The AWOIS (1997)
database represents a rough estimate
of reef habitats, including natural rock.
For example, there is evidence of ara­
gonitic fossilized sandstone ridges re­
ported off Delaware at about 80 m
depth (Allen et al., 1969) that do seem
to be in the AWOIS database, and there
are “rocky” areas defined by AWOIS
at the mouths of Delaware and Ches­
apeake Bays (Fig. 2) that are not nat­
ural, but are protective rip rap. Some
natural reef habitat is also known from
areas of the outer continental shelf and
within submarine canyons where other
outcrops of sandstone and clay occur;
the exposed clay in this area is further
enhanced as fishery habitat by the bur­
rowing activities of tilefish, Lopholati­
lus chamaeleonticeps, and crustaceans,
such as American lobster (Cooper et
al., 1987; Steimle et al., 1999f), and by
soft coral colonization. These deeper
reef-like habitats are not included in
the AWOIS database nor on Figure 2.
   There are anecdotal reports by com­
mercial fishermen of cobbles and loose
rock patches associated with gravelly           Figure 2.—Distribution of submerged rocky reef areas (●) in the Middle Atlantic
areas in coastal areas, these could rep­        Bight, based on NOAA NOS’s AWOIS (1997). The targets that appear inland are in
                                                the AWOIS database for rivers.
resent river deltaic deposits during peri­
ods of lower sea levels; but some could
be ballast stones from old wooden ship­      line, they added objects or structures      is also created by epifauna colonizing
wrecks. Off coastal Delaware and south       that functioned as reefs to estuaries,      the system of coastal navigation aids,
these rocky patch are also associated        coasts, and the shelf by building piers,    such as buoys and their anchor chains
with “live bottom,” i.e. the rocks are       docks, bulkheads, and leaving wooden        and the submerged supports of light
colonized by sea whips, stone coral,         shipwrecks. These structures had hab­       towers; there are presently no oil or
and other biogenic structural enhancers      itat value similar to submerged trees       gas rigs in the Bight which would add
(see below).                                 washed down river into estuarine waters     to this type of habitat. Human activi­
                                             by storms, and in some ways they miti­      ties have introduced rocks, as protec­
Man-made reefs                               gated the loss of other structured, veg­    tive structures (jetties, groins, breakwa­
   Although native Americans used            etated habitats (coastal marshes and eel    ters, and ice blockers) along or within
brush and stone weirs to trap fish in         grass beds) that were covered or de­        most coastal areas or bays, or as former
estuaries and rivers, which might be         graded by shoreline development, al­        waste material as off the mouth of New
considered a form of artificial habitat       though the hard structures did not fully    York Harbor, i.e. the Subway Rocks,
which sheltered some fish as well as          mitigate lost primary productivity. In      which are material removed while con­
aggregating them for collection, most        approximately the last century and a        structing the New York City subway
man-made contributions to Bight reef         half, metal vessels have gradually re­      system.
habitat have occurred since European         placed large wooden vessels and cre­           Shipwrecks constitute one of the most
colonization in the seventeenth cen­         ated more enduring sunken structures.       abundant types of man-made reef hab­
tury. As settlers developed the shore-       Mid-depth to surface “reef-like” habitat    itat in the Bight. A summary plot of

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                       27
Reef Habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Abundance, Distribution, Associated Biological Communities, and Fishery Resource Use
wrecks from the AWOIS (1997) data­
base suggest that they are most common
near the mouths of major estuaries or
ports (Fig. 3), as might be expected
from the volume of shipping traffic in
and out of these ports. However, many
smaller or older, partially degraded or
buried wrecks are not in the database
or shown on these charts, and their dis­
tribution is likely to be similar to the
plotted shipwrecks. Many of the ship­
wrecks on the outer continental shelf are
products of WW II submarine attacks.
As shipwrecks degrade, their structural
complexity changes and this affects
their habitat value for fishery resources.
   Another type of “reef” habitat noted
on NOS charts and in the AWOIS (1997)
database, is “Obstructions.” These are
objects on the seabed of unknown com­
position, and many are probably small
or degraded shipwrecks, lost anchors
or deck cargo, a few airplane wrecks,
and similar objects. The most notable
of these are summarized on Figure 4,
and, like shipwrecks, the plot focuses
on larger targets of potential concern to
   In the last half century or so, fish­
ermen and fishery managers have rec­
ognized the value of “reef” and wreck
habitats to fisheries, and they have been
constructing artificial reefs in coastal
waters. The use of artificial reefs for
fishery enhancement has continued to              Figure 3.—Distribution of Middle Atlantic Bight shipwrecks (●) in the NOAA
expand, although they are a relatively           NOS’s AWOIS (1997) considered to be a concern for navigation. The targets that
                                                 appear inland are in the AWOIS database for rivers.
small part of the plotted man-made or
overall reef habitat available in the Bight
(Fig. 5), in comparison with wrecks and       militarized combat vehicles and a va­          abundance of this habitat in the Bight,
obstructions (Fig. 3, 4). Areas where ar­     riety of ships as available at a reason­       because of the reasons previously men­
tificial reefs have been constructed are       able cost (Steimle, 1982; Joint Artificial      tioned. The term, “non-biogenic” is used
noted by an older term, “fish havens,”         Reef Technical Committee, 1998). In            on this figure to note that live coral,
on NOS navigation charts but are not in­      the last decade, prefabricated artificial       mussels, and oyster beds/reefs are not
cluded in the AWOIS (1997) database.          reef units that are specifically designed       included.
Artificial reefs placed on the seabed spe­     and constructed as habitat for fishery re­         The concept of a reef habitat is
cifically for fishery enhancement tend to       sources are increasingly being deployed        more complex than being either nat­
be found in coastal and estuarine waters      (Sheehy and Vic, 1992). The contribu­          ural or man-made and involves a vari­
(Fig. 5) and serve primarily the rec­         tion of artificial reefs to reef-fish pro­       ety of conditions under which a reef or
reational fishery. They have been built        ductivity has been controversial and the       reef-like conditions exists in the Bight.
and developed in the Bight since the          debate continues and fish or fishery pro­        Some characteristics of different reef
1920’s or 1930’s, and especially since        ductivity may vary among reef locality         or reef-like habitats found in the Bight
the 1960’s. Initially they were devel­        and other factors (American Fisheries          are summarized in Table 1.
oped with a variety of recycled materi­       Society, 1997).
als, ranging from Christmas trees stuck          A summary of all reef or reef-like                 Reef-associated Fishery
in concrete bases, wooden beer cases          habitats, i.e. Fig. 2–5, is shown on Fig. 6,          Resources in the Bight
half filled with concrete, rubber auto­        which should be considered a minimum             Reef habitats of all types within the
mobile tires, to the recent use of de-        estimate of the distribution and relative      Bight are used by a wide variety of fish­

28                                                                                                            Marine Fisheries Review
ery resources (Hildebrand and Schro­
eder, 1928; Bigelow and Schroeder,
1953) and a few threatened or endan­
gered species (Lutz and Musick, 1996).
Table 2 summarizes most of these spe­
cies and notes their known or suspect­
ed reef habitat associations; however,
it should be noted that very little in­
formation is available on the inverte­
brate or fish fauna on reef habitats in
the Bight, especially in relatively deep
(>30 m) waters.
   Although many fishery species are
closely associated with reef habitats,
the reef may not adequately supply all
of their needs, especially food, and the
availability of non-reef resources can be
important to these species. For example,
black sea bass, which is a common reef
habitat-associated fish mostly found
during the warmer months in the Bight,
may obtain much of its food from the
sandy bottom or water column around
a coastal artificial reef habitat (Steimle
and Figley, 1996). Thus, the near-reef,
open bottom/water habitat and its bio­
logical resources are linked to the fish­
ery resource production function of a
reef habitat. The open sandy bottom
fauna near reef habitat, conversely, can
be affected by the presence of a reef
and its predatory fauna.
   The habitat needs of reef-associated
fishery resources often shift during on­
togenetic development. Many reef spe­              Figure 4.—Distribution of “obstructions” (●) in the NOAA NOS navigational chart
cies use the marine water column as                database. The targets that appear inland are in the AWOIS database for rivers.
larvae, estuarine structures as juveniles,
                                             Table 1.—Summary of physical and biological characteristics of natural and man-made reef or reef-like habitats in
and gradually return to deeper and more      the Middle Atlantic Bight.
marine habitats at the end of their first
                                             Natural: These are submerged rocks and other hard materials or solid structures made by living organisms (biogenic materials).
season. In the Bight there can also be             Estuarine: Reefs in this environment consist of oysters, mussel, sponge, and tube worm beds: exposed stiff clay, peat,
a seasonal shift in habitat use among              or rocky outcrops; waterlogged trees; or boulder or cobble fields. Oyster and mussels are fishery resource species in
                                                   their own right, and these estuarine biogenic and non-biogenic habitats provide shelter and food for a variety of juvenile
subadults and adults of certain species,           to adult fish (see below).
i.e. winter and summer habitat use can             Coastal (< 12 miles): Mussel and stone coral beds form biogenic reefs here, and other reefs consist of rocky outcrops,
                                                   such as soft marl off northern N.J. and harder rock from N.Y. Harbor east along the southern New England coast
also differ significantly (Steimle et al.,          (Fig. 2); glacial erratic boulders or cobble accumulations from eastern Long Island to Cape Cod with other submerged
1999 b-f; Steimle and Shaheen, 1999;               cobble/ gravel banks reported off New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland1; relict shell fields; exposed stiff clay or peat
                                                   deposits; and kelp beds are found along southern New England.
NMFS, 1999a).                                      Shelf: Reef habitats are scarcer in deeper water but glacial erratic boulders; exposed rock or stiff clay at or near the
                                                   edge of the continental shelf or at the shelf edge heads of submarine canyons; relict clay or peat deposits; and shell
Other Potential or Transient                       fields provide patches or bands of reef-like habitat.
Reef-associated LMR’s in the Bight           Man-made: These types of structured habitats have been available since the 17th century, and a good part of this habitat
                                             is from shoreline construction, such as piers and jetties, but also include the remains of shipwrecks and various materials
                                             deposited to provide an artificial reef-type habitat, as per Fig. 3-5.
   Some reef associated taxa or species,           Estuarine: This type of habitat is often formed by shoreline development, including functional and decaying bulkheads,
that are not included in Table 2 and are           bridge abutements, piers and docks, protective rip rap, groins and jetties; navigational aids such as lighthouses and
                                                   buoys; clay or rock exposed by dredging; submerged natural gas, storm water, processed sewage effluent pipelines;
not presently considered a “living re­             exposed communication cables; sunk or abandoned vessels (including ballast rock piles); and other small to medium
source” in a fishery management sense,              sized materials ranging from beverage containers to vehicles; waterlogged timber; and artificial reefs build of various
                                                   reused and some specifically designed materials to support shell- and finfisheries.
might be of greater value in the future,           Coastal (< 12 miles) and Shelf: Man-made structured habitats in this broad marine zone consist of basically many of
e.g. for biomedical-pharmaceutical re­             the same materials or structures as are found in estuaries, although some structures are larger in size, e.g. shipwrecks
                                                   and artificial reefs, but can include lost ship cargos, and exposed exploratory oil and gas pipe heads in deeper waters.
search and industry (Faulkner, 1984).
Reef-associated taxa known to have           1   Monty Hawkins, partyboat captain, Ocean City Md, personal commun., 2000.

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                                                              29
niidae). Below is an overview of the
                                                                                            communities known to be commonly
                                                                                            found on subtidal reef structures in the
                                                                                            Bight. The type of reef surface, i.e.
                                                                                            rock, wood, metal, or other, has a vari­
                                                                                            able effect on the community formed
                                                                                            on that surface, but this effect is only
                                                                                            briefly discussed here because of the
                                                                                            limited available information. Intertid­
                                                                                            al, semi-hard surface communities (e.g.
                                                                                            peat banks) and submerged aquatic veg­
                                                                                            etation also provide some of the hab­
                                                                                            itat characteristics of reefs, and these
                                                                                            functions are becoming better known
                                                                                            (Able et al., 1988) and are also not
                                                                                            discussed here. Ducks and other verte­
                                                                                            brates are included in the habitat use
                                                                                            synopsis below, when appropriate, as a
                                                                                            reminder of their possible predatory or
                                                                                            competitive interactions with reef fish
                                                                                            and other reef-associated LMR’s. Sci­
                                                                                            entific names are included only for spe­
                                                                                            cies not found in Table 2.

                                                                                            Estuarine Reef Communities
                                                                                            Epibenthic and Epibiotic
                                                                                            (Organisms Attached to Reef
                                                                                            or Shellfish Surfaces)
                                                                                               Several types of polyhaline estua­
                                                                                            rine reef epibenthic communities exist
                                                                                            in the Bight. These communities in­
                                                                                            clude oyster beds; blue mussel beds;
                                                                                            communities attached to nonbiogenic
     Figure 5.—Distribution of artificial reefs, or fish havens, (●) in the Middle Atlantic   hard surfaces such as rock, wood, and
     Bight, based on individual state artificial reef program data.                          metal; and those using semi-hard sur­
                                                                                            faces such as stiff clay and peat.
such potential qualities include: algae         many reefs inhibit the use of towed            Oyster reefs The shells of oysters
species, sponges, coelenterates, nudi­          fishing gear, or the reefs provide shelter   support a diverse epibiotic community
branch mollusks, and tunicates (Lustig­         when this gear passes over a low pro­       that can include barnacles, Balanus
man et al., 1992).                              file structure; however, lobster and fish     sp.; ribbed mussels, Geukensia demis­
   Other fishery resources commonly              traps and gill nets are often effective     sa; and blue mussels depending on sa­
caught or observed above or near high           on or near reefs. Most reefs are heav­      linity, algae, sponge, tube worms (Spi­
profile reef habitats are bluefish, Poma­         ily used by recreational fishermen and       robis sp., Polydora sp., and other spe­
tomus saltatrix; mackerels and tunas,           divers.                                     cies), anemones, hydroids (Obelia sp.
Scombridae; jacks, Carangidae; and                                                          and other species), bryozoa ( Membra­
some benthic species such as summer                Reef Communities in the Bight            nipora sp. and other species), and other
flounder, Paralichthys dentata. These               Reef habitats support biological com­    taxa (Watling and Maurer, 1972; Maurer
fish predators take advantage of aggre­          munities (used here to mean organ­          and Watling, 1973; Kinner and Maurer,
gations of prey on the reef or may be           isms that are commonly found togeth­        1977; Larsen, 1985; Zimmerman et al.,
behaviorally attracted to the reef struc­       er with some degree of interaction) that    1989, Coen et al., 1999). Silt accumu­
ture or the flow refuge effects of struc­        are dependent upon or which signifi­         lated between the oyster shells can sup­
ture (Westman, 1958; Figley, 1996).             cantly benefit from this habitat type.       port benthic invertebrates that are also
   The fish that frequent reef habitats          These communities range from micro­         found on the soft bottoms of the area.
are often less subject to commercial            scopic algae and large kelp (in cooler         Blue mussel beds Many organisms
fishing pressure, because the relatively         waters) growing on reef surfaces to         are found epibiotically on mussel shells;
high relief and complex structure of            fishes and possibly sea turtles (Chelo­      these can include many of the same epi­

30                                                                                                           Marine Fisheries Review
biotic organisms found on oyster beds:
barnacles, algae, sponge, the same types
of tube worms, hydroids, anemones,
bryozoa, and slipper shells Crepidula
sp.(Kinner and Maurer, 1977; Newell,
1989). Additional, nonepibiotic macro­
fauna (mainly a diversity of polychaetes
and amphipods) also benefit from the
mussels and live within the interstitial
spaces among the mussel shells and
byssus threads.
   Other hard surfaces (including a
diversity of natural and man-made
submerged materials) These surfac­
es, like that of oysters and mussels, can
support algae where light is sufficient,
barnacles, sponge, tube worms (includ­
ing Sabellaria vulgaris and others), hy­
droids, anemones, encrusting bryozo­
ans, oysters, blue mussels, the jingle
shell Anomia sp., northern stone coral,
Astrangia poculata (in more marine
waters), sea whips Leptogorgia sp. (in
Chesapeake Bay), tunicates Molgula
sp., and caprellid amphipods (Malo­
ney, 1958; Westman, 1958; Watling
and Maurer, 1972; Dean, 1977; Otsuka
and Dauer, 1982). Wooden structures
within estuaries can also be infested
with destructive borers such as Teredo
navalis, and gribbles, Limnoria ligno­
rum (Nigrelli and Ricciuti, 1970) and
weathered creosoted or other antiborer­
treated pilings can become substrates
for some epifaunal colonization, even          Figure 6.—Summary of all reef habitats (except biogenic, such as mussel or oyster
though borers and others may be tem­           beds) (●), Figs. 2-5, in the Middle Atlantic Bight. The targets that appear inland are
                                               in the AWOIS database for rivers.
porarily inhibited by the chemical treat­
ment (Stewart, 1983).
   Semi-hard clay and Spartina peat         Motile Epibenthic Invertebrates                clude adults and juveniles, and species
“reefs” These softer surfaces can sup­                                                     that can be prey (e.g. gobies, Gobiso­
                                               These mostly include decapod crus­          ma sp.), predators (e.g. toadfish, Opsa­
port burrowing mollusks (piddocks
                                            taceans, such as mud (xanthid) crabs;          nus tau), or competitors (e.g. cunner)
such as Pholus sp.,Cyrtopleura costata,
                                            blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus; rock          with resource species (Breitburg, 1999).
Barnea truncata, Zirfaea crispata) and
                                            crabs; spider crabs, Libinia emargina­         There is a gradual shift in the fish spe­
epibenthic algae (Able et al., 1988);
                                            ta; and juvenile American lobsters (al­        cies assemblages that are commonly
motile organisms, such as juvenile
                                            though this species is scarce south of         associated with reef habitats from the
American lobsters and American eels,
                                            Delaware Bay, except in deeper waters),        warmer waters off Virginia to the cooler
also occur in this habitat and are dis­
                                            and sea stars, Asterias sp. and Henri­         waters off southern Massachusetts, and
cussed below.
                                            cia sp. (Jeffries, 1966; Briggs, 1975;         they are thus discussed by subregions.
   Of note and potential interest to
                                            Leathem and Maurer, 1980; Able et al.,            Chesapeake Bight (Delaware–North
fish recruitment success is that the
                                            1988; Barshaw et al., 1994; Wilk et al.,       Carolina) Gobies, spot, striped bass,
larvae of certain epibenthic (reef) or­
                                            1998).                                         black sea bass, white perch, Morone
ganisms can be very abundant at times
in the meroplankton, e.g. barnacle cy­                                                     americanus; toadfish, scup, drum,
prids and mussel larvae, and be a sig­      Fish                                           croaker, spot, sheepshead porgy, pinfish,
nificant source of planktonic food for          A number of fishes are commonly              tautog, and northern puffer, Sphaer­
some larval fishery resources (Rich­         or seasonally found on estuarine reef          oides maculatus; have been reported
ards, 1963).                                or reef-like estuarine habitats. They in­      common on reef habitats in this area

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                             31
Table 2.—List of fishery species that are commonly found on reef or reef-like habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight.

Species                                      Life stage/reef habitat use                                                                 Notes

Algae                                  All stage grow attached to estaurine/            Grows on inter/subtidal surfaces along southern New England coast as deep as light penetration
  (kelp, Laminaria sp., dulse, etc.)   marine hard surfaces.                            allow and provides shelter; some are harvested.

    Blue mussel                        All stages grow attached to hard surfaces        Colonizes intertidal/subtidal surfaces but becomes scarcer towards N.C.; important prey for many reef
       Mytilus edilis                  in polyhaline-marine waters.                     fishery resources; harvested as adults; increases habitat structural complexity and biodiversity.

     Eastern oyster                    All stages grow attached to hard surfaces        Colonizes hard surfaces and/or creates low profile reefs; harvested as juveniles (spat for transplanting)
       Crassostrea virginica           in polyhaline-estuarine waters.                  and adults; increases habitat structural complexity and biodiversity.

     Longfin squid                      Eggs are attached to hard objects in             Hard surfaces of all sizes seem important for egg mass attachment. Eggs and larvae can be prey.
       Loligo pealei                   marine waters.

    American lobster                   All post-larval stages use shelter in            Lobsters are common reef habitat dwellers but are less common south of Delaware Bay; maintain
      Homarus americanus               polyhaline-marine waters.                        reef habitat structural complexity by clearing burrows.

     Jonah crab                        All post-larval stages use shelter in            This larger crab is common to reef habitats; claws are harvested.
       Cancer borealis                 polyhaline-marine waters.

     Rock crab                         All post-larval stages use shelter in            Common on reef habitats as well as on most other habitats; juveniles or smaller sizes important prey
      Cancer irroratus                 polyhaline-marine waters.                        for fish and lobsters; claws are harvested.

  American eel                         Adults found in estuarine to coastal marine      This eel is found seasonally in estuarine areas, including holes in peat banks; harvested by trap and
     Anguilla rostrata                 reefs as well as elsewhere.                      by recreational fishery.

  Conger eel                           Juveniles and adults common in                   This larger eel preys on smaller reef fish; hard to catch but desirable.
   Conger oceanicus                    polyhaline-marine structures.

  Atlantic cod                         Juveniles and adults common on                   This species feeds on reef organisms; uses structure for shelter; but only found during cooler seasons
    Gadus morhua                       polyhaline-marine reefs.                         south of Long Island, N.Y. to about Delaware.

  Pollack                              Juveniles and adults common on                   Uses structure for shelter or for feeding; but only found during cooler seasons south of Long Island,
    Pollachius virens                  polyhaline-marine reefs.                         N.Y. to about Delaware.

  Red hake                             Juveniles and adults common on                   Common reef habitat dweller; preys on small crabs and other organisms found on or near reefs;
   Urophycis chuss                     polyhaline-marine reefs.                         commercially and recreationally harvested.

  Striped bass                         Juveniles and adults common on                   Juveniles use estuarine structures for shelter; adults find prey near estuarine and coastal structures.
    Morone saxitilus                   estuarine and coastal reefs.

  Black sea bass                       Juveniles and adults common on                   Juveniles use estuarine and coastal structures, and adults mostly use coastal and midshelf structures
    Centropristis striata              estuarine and coastal reefs.                     during warmer seasons.

  Gag grouper                          Juveniles and adults common on southern          Important but variably available fishery species off Virginia and North Carolina.
   Mycteroperca microlepis             Bight reef habitats.

  Scup (porgy)                         Juveniles and adults common on                   Small schools of this species visit coastal reefs for prey and shelter during warmer seasons; found
    Stenotomus chrysops                estuarine and coastal reefs.                     offshore and to the south in the winter.

  Spot                                 Juveniles and adults common on                   A warm season user of reef habitats north on Chesapeake Bay.
    Leiostomus xanthurus               estuarine and coastal reefs.

  Sheepshead (porgy)                   Juveniles and adults common on southern          Common on estuarine (including oyster beds) and coastal reefs, mostly south of Delaware Bay.
    Archosargus probatocephalus        Bight reef habitats.

  Atlantic croaker                     Juveniles and adults common on                   Common on estuarine (including oyster beds) and coastal reefs, mostly south of Delaware Bay.
    Micropogonias undulatus            estuarine and coastal reefs.

  Black drum                           Juveniles and adults common on                   Common on estuarine (including oyster beds) and coastal reefs, mostly south of Delaware Bay.
    Pogonias cromis                    estuarine and coastal reefs.

  Tilefish                              Juveniles /adults use rocky areas or holes       This species contributes to the creation and persistence of the rough bottom habitat and associated
     Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps     in stiff clay at the edge of continental shelf   biological community found in certain areas of the outer shelf and upper slope.
                                       and upper slope.

  Cunner                               All post-larval stages are associated with       A very common small reef fish, especially in the northern Bight; prey for other fish found on or visiting
   Tautogolabrus adspersus             marine-polyhaline reef habitats.                 reefs. Hibernates on reefs in cold winters.

  Tautog                               All post-larval stages are associated with       A common larger reef fish that prey heavily upon mussels; youngest juvenile found in estuaries; may
    Tautoga onitis                     marine-polyhaline reef habitats.                 hibernate during cold winters off New England.

  Gray triggerfish                      Juveniles/adults are warm-season reef            Found on marine reefs and preys on reef dwellers; growing in popularity as food fish.
    Balistes capriscus                 dwellers.

  Ocean pout                           All life stages found on reef habitat,           Adults make and possibly guard egg nests within reef structures during the winter.
   Macrozoarces americanus             including eggs which are nested.

  Sea turtles                          Juveniles and adults of several species          Sea turtles are common summer visitors to the Bight and are known to use reef structures as
    Eucheloniodea                      are associated with reefs.                       sheltered resting areas and can prey on reef crabs.

 Harbor seal                           Juveniles and adults use the above water         Harbor seals are winter visitors to the northern Bight and are commonly observed on dry parts of
   Phoca vitulina                      parts of reefs as resting areas.                 submerged structures and may prey on associated reef fish.

32                                                                                                                                                          Marine Fisheries Review
An assemblage of resident Tau­
                                                                                          tog, Tautoga onitis, and cunner,
                                                                                          Tautogolabrus adspersus, on
                                                                                          some concrete pipe artificial
                                                                                          reef material off New York.
                                                                                          Photographer: Christopher J.

                                                                                                       Tautog are common at the inter­
                                                                                                       face between the predominant
                                                                                                       open sandy bottom of the Middle
                                                                                                       Atlantic Bight and reef-like struc­
                                                                                                       tures. Photographer: Christopher
                                                                                                       J. LaPorta.

A tautog, Tautoga onitis, that
sometimes seeks shellfish prey
on nearby sandy habitats, always
returns to a reef structure.

(Arve, 1960; Richards and Castagna,          can eel, ocean pout, red hake, white          histrionicus; other species can feed on
1970; Feigenbaum et al., 1985; Breit­        hake, cod, juvenile pollack, and various      small fish they find on shallow reefs,
burg, 1999; Coen et al., 1999).              nonfishery species have been reported          e.g. wintering loons,Gavia sp.; and
   New York Bight (New Jersey–south­         on mostly rocky estuarine reefs in this       mergansers, Mergus sp.; and cormo­
ern Long Island, N.Y.) Cunner, toad­         area (Nichols and Breder, 1927; Able et       rants, Phalacrocorax sp.; most of the
fish, spot, gobies, striped bass, sculpins,   al., 1988).                                   year (Martin et al., 1951). In the winter,
juvenile Atlantic cod, juvenile tautog,                                                    harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, visit the
black sea bass, scup, rock gunnel,           Other Vertebrates (Diving birds, seals)       Bight, to at least New Jersey, and may
Pholis gunnellus; conger eel, American          Several species of diving ducks and        find prey around reef habitats near their
eel, red hake, and northern puffer have      geese (Anatidae) feed seasonally upon         haul out, resting places.
been reported on reef habitats in estau­     submerged algae, mussels, and other
ries of this area (Briggs, 1975; Auster,     organisms growing upon shallow reef           Coastal (to depths of ~25 m)
1989; Able et al., 1998).                    habitats, e.g. brant, Branta branta;
   Southern New England (Long Island         scaup, Aythya sp.; goldeneye, Bucepha-        Epibenthic
Sound–Cape Cod) Cunner, toadfish,             la sp., scoters, Melanitta sp., old squaw,      Exposed rock–soft marl (e.g. Shrews-
striped bass, scup, tautog, black sea        Clangula hyemalis; eiders, Somateria          bury Rocks off northern N.J.) Certain
bass, rock gunnel, conger eel, Ameri­        sp.; and Harlequin ducks, Histrionicus        boring mollusks (piddocks such as Cyr­

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                            33
Sea anemones, Metridium senile,
            and other epifauna that are typi­
            cal of a well-established hard sur­
            face epifauna community in the
            Middle Atlantic Bight. Photogra­
            pher: Christopher J. LaPorta.

White frilly patches of northern stone coral,
Astrangia poculanta; anemones, Metridium
senile; and various hydroids often dominate
reef habitat epifaunal communities, when
blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, are absent. Pho­
tographer: Christopher J. LaPorta.

                                                              Dense epifaunal growth on ex­
                                                              posed hard structure or rocks pro­
                                                              vides abundant opportunities for
                                                              juvenile or large fishery resources
                                                              to find shelter.

                                                  Small American lobsters,
                                                  Homarus americanus, are
                                                  common within the shelter
                                                  provided by reef habitats in
                                                  the Middle Atlantic Bight,
                                                  and come out at night to
                                                  feed on or near this habitat.
                                                  Photographer: Christopher
                                                  J. LaPorta.

34                                                                     Marine Fisheries Review
In the southern Middle Atlantic
                                                                                         Bight large sheepshead porgy,
                                                                                         Archosargus probatocephalus, are
                                                                                         common residents of reef struc­
                                                                                         tures and feed on epifauna.

                                                                                                    Juvenile and adult cunner, Tauto­
                                                                                                    golabrus adspersus, are perma­
                                                                                                    nent residents of reef habitats in
                                                                                                    the Middle Atlantic Bight. Photog­
                                                                                                    rapher: Christopher J. LaPorta.

Blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, commonly dominate the epifaunal
community on reef structures in the Middle Atlantic Bight and are
readily eaten by a variety of fish and crustacean shellfish, including
the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, that is present in this photo.

topleura costata and Zirfaea crispata)         anemones (Metridium senile, Tealia sp.,    modiolus in deeper and cooler waters
add complexity as they gradually de­           or Stomphia careola); various hydroids     off southern New England; the jingle
grade this substrate. The epifauna on          (Tubularia sp., Obelia sp., Campan-        shell Anomia simplex; bryozoans, in­
this substrate also includes that noted        ularis sp.); northern stone coral, soft    cluding Bugula sp.; skeleton (caprel­
below for harder substrate (Westman,           coral (Alcyonaria sp.) off New England,    lid) and tubiculous amphipods, such
1958).                                         and sea whips (Leptogorgia sp.) south      as Jassa falcata; and tubiculous poly­
   Harder rock When available, this            of New Jersey where it becomes part of     chaetes, such as Sabellaria vulgaris and
rock can be colonized by red algae             a “live bottom” community that is most     Hydroides dianthus. Much hard rock
(Phyllophora sp.); sponges such as Ha­         common south of Virginia; barnacles;       reef structure has been added to the
lichondria sp. and Polymastia sp.; large       blue mussels, horse mussels Modiolus       shoreline of the Bight in the form of

62(2), 2000                                                                                                                        35
jetties, groins, rip rap, and groins that           genbaum et al., 1985; Lavalli and Bar­        most of the species noted in the above
abut the shoreline as beach and other               shaw, 1986; Karnofsky et al., 1989a, b;       Coastal section. The epifaunal coloni­
protection; these can support less sta­             Figley and Dixon, 1994; Mercaldo-Al­          zation of the exposed outer shelf sand­
bile communities because of the great­              len and Kuropat, 1994; Chee1). Mass           stone ridges, reported by Allen et al.
er environmental extremes and stresses              aggregations of Jonah and rock crabs          (1969), is unreported.
that occur in this littoral zone, although          were reported on Southern New England            Wrecks and artificial reefs Size,
fishery resources frequent them when                 rocky ledges (Auster and DeGoursey,           composition, location, and age affect
the rocks are covered by water.                     1983). Loligo squid usually attach their      the structure and habitat value of these
   Wrecks and artificial reefs (of various           egg clusters to a hard object, such as a      reefs. These factors also affect the hab­
compositions) Wood: When exposed,                   reef surface, or shells, gravel, or other     itat value of artificial reefs that were
this provides a substrate similar to soft           hard surfaces on the seabed (Griswold         specifically constructed to support fish­
rock, but can include wood borers (e.g.             and Prezioso, 1981; Roper et al., 1984).      ing. Few scientific studies are known of
Teredo sp. and Xylophaga atlantica)                                                               the epibenthic fauna of wrecks and arti­
that also degrade this type of reef mate­           Fish                                          ficial reefs on the Bight shelf, and those
rial, which is why they do not usually                 Chesapeake Bight Black sea bass,           that are known are mostly within the
persist as significant three-dimensional             pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides; scup,             coastal zone (Figley, 1989; Figley and
structures or habitat for more that a               cunner, red hake, gray triggerfish, black      Dixon, 1994); or are not quantitative or
few decades, unless periodically cov­               grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci; smooth          are anecdotal (Bulloch, 1965).
ered and protected by sediment.                     dogfish, Mustelus canis; summer floun­             Other solid substrates Exposed sub­
   Metal: As per hard rock, but the ten­            der, scads, Decapterus sp.; bluefish, and      marine communication cables can be
dency of sheets of rust to slough off               amberjack, Seriola dumerili, have been        colonized by borers and epifauna (Snoke,
the wreck surface creates a less stabile            reported as common over these reefs           1957), and can serve as limited reef hab­
community; these surfaces are often                 (Feigenbaum et al., 1985; Chee1).             itat for organisms of suitable size.
colonized by hydroids, like Tubularia                  New York Bight Atlantic cod, gray
crocea; anemones, mostly Metridium                  trigger fish, scup, black sea bass, tau­       Motile Invertebrates
senile; northern stone coral; blue mus­             tog, ocean pout, red hake, conger eel,          Most of the motile organisms noted
sels; barnacles; sea stars; and related             cunner, sea raven, Hemitripterus amer­        above for the coastal areas are also com­
fauna (Bulloch, 1965; Feigenbaum et                 icanus; and rock gunnel have been re­         monly found on the shelf, although at the
al., 1985: Chee1).                                  ported on reefs in this area (Westman,        shelf edge, some deepwater taxa occur
   Kelp Laminaria sp. beds occur in                 1958; Briggs, 1975; Steimle and Ogren,        (Cooper and Uzmann, 1971; Wigley and
Long Island Sound and north and are                 1982; Woodhead et al., 1985; Figley           Theroux, 1981; Theroux and Wigley,
noted separately from the seaweeds                  and Dixon, 1994).                             1998).
listed elsewhere. Kelp grows only on                   Southern New England Scup, black
hard reef-like surfaces and adds verti­             sea bass, tautog, Atlantic cod, ocean pout,   Fish
cal relief and more complexity to reef              red hake, conger eel, cunner, sea raven,         Chesapeake Bight Reef fish include
habitats, as well as contributing to pri­           and radiated shanny, Ulvaria subbifurca­      resident species (black sea bass, scup,
mary and detrital production (Alfieri,               ta, have been reported on these reefs (Al­    tautog, and cunner), seasonal residents
1975).                                              fieri, 1975; Carr and Amaral, 1981).           (gag, sheepshead porgy, round herring,
   Other materials (such as various                                                               and sardines), or transients (amber­
plastics and synthetic materials, such as           Other Vertebrates (Diving birds, seals)       jack, spadefish, gray triggerfish, vari­
rubber and concrete) These epiben­                     These use shallow coastal or shore­        ous mackerels and small tunas, and the
thic communities can be similar to that             line reefs, e.g. jetties, as per estuarine    spot-tailed pinfish, Diplodus holbroo­
found on rock and metal reefs (Alfieri,              reefs, above.                                 ki) (Eklund and Targett, 1991; Adams,
1975; McCullough, 1975; Woodhead                                                                  1993).
and Jacobson, 1985; Figley, 1989).                  Shelf (generally depths >25 m)                   New York Bight Gray triggerfish,
                                                                                                  scup, black sea bass, tautog, Atlantic
Motile invertebrates                                Epibenthic                                    cod, ocean pout, red hake, conger eel,
   American lobsters, rock crabs, Jonah                Rocks and boulders Few rocky               cunner, sea raven, rock gunnel, pollack,
crabs, spider crabs, sea stars, and ur­             ledges are found on the Bight’s conti­        and white hake have been commonly
chins, Arbacia punctulata, are found                nental shelf (these occur off southern        reported on these deeper reefs (Bulloch,
on these reefs (Westman, 1958; Cobb,                New England), and most rocky habitat          1965; Woodhead et al., 1985).
1971; Briggs and Zawacki, 1974; Briggs,             consists of boulder and cobble residue           Southern New England Scup, black
1975; Alfieri, 1975; Sheehy, 1976; Fei­              from periods when glaciers covered            sea bass, tautog, Atlantic cod, ocean
                                                    New England and icebergs drifted in           pout, red hake, conger eel, and cunner
1 Chee, P. K. 1976. The ichthyofauna of the Ches­
                                                    the Bight, the last glacial period being      occur here (Auster, 1984), as well as
apeake Light Tower. Old Dominion Univ., Nor­        about 12,000 YBP. Reports of the epi­         other species that are found in the New
folk, Va., Unpubl. Rep., 26 p.                      fauna in this Bight substrate include         York Bight.

36                                                                                                                 Marine Fisheries Review
Outer shelf reefs and clay burrows         Island Sound, and along the Southern         Wooden shipwrecks and other sub­
(and the “pueblo village community”          New England coast, and may be fairly         merged wooden structures can be res­
along southern Georges Bank) Tile­           static, although some rock reefs have        ervoirs and sources of the nuisance
fish, white hake, and conger eel are          been removed or reduced because of           borers, noted above, which can attack
reported using this habitat, as well as      their hazard to deep-draft ship naviga­      wooden (and some concrete and plas­
smaller species (Valentine et al., 1980;     tion, or been covered by shoreline de­       tic-coated) pilings within harbors (Ni­
Cooper et al., 1987).                        velopment or silt. The reports of sand­      grelli and Riccuiti, 1970). All man­
                                             stone outcrops on the continental shelf      made artificial reefs are subject to deg­
Other Vertebrates                            off New Jersey and Maryland need fur­        radation processes to variable degrees
   This habitat is too deep for those bird   ther investigation as to their significance   (depending on the material used and
or seal species that could use estuarine     as fishery habitat. Oyster reef habitats      the severity on environmental condi­
and coastal reefs.                           in many estuaries are greatly reduced,       tions they are exposed to) and some
                                             especially since the 1950’s (MacKen­         types were formerly subject to move­
   Significance, Status, and Trends           zie, 1997a, b). Made-man “reefs” of all      ment of certain reef material out of per­
  of Bight Reef Habitats and LMR’s           sizes are continuing to add this type of     mitted reef sites, such as automobile
   The reef habitats in the Bight are sig­   habitat to the environment in all areas      tires, which interfered with other uses
nificant to fisheries because they expand      via accidental, careless, and intention­     of the coastal zone, e.g. trawling and
the range of some reef-associated spe­       al means. South of Long Island Sound,        bathing. This problem mostly occurred
cies and perhaps their population abun­      man-made reef habitats probably con­         in the early formative and experimental
dance, possibly beyond the apparent          tribute significantly to the wider distri­    phases of artificial reef development,
extent of seabed area the reefs cover,       bution of reef-associated species.           although some old artificial reefs are
as per Figure 6. The growing array or           Although there have been studies          still the source of material lost from the
network of reef habitats (all types), that   of epibenthic fouling (Maloney, 1958)        reef sites.
occur or have become established or          and fishery use of reef habitats in the          Another aspect of the creation of
specifically placed along the coast and       Bight (Figley, 1996), reef habitats in       reef habitat (accidental or intentional)
across the shelf, can also provide corri­    this area have not been well studied or      on open bottom is that the reef and its
dors of supporting habitat for some reef­    examined holistically, with all biologi­     associated community displaces previ­
associated species, such as black sea        cal components and their interactions        ous open bottom communities (Shipp,
bass, to use during seasonal migrations      defined. Questions remain about how           1999). It is normally assumed that open
(Fig. 6). As more fine-scale, side-scan       man-made reef habitats have compen­          bottom habitat is not limited, at least
sonar seabed mapping becomes avail­          sated for functional losses in natural       in the Bight, and that open habitat loss
able, more low profile hard bottom and        reef habitats or other sheltering habi­      caused by the development of new reef
reefs will undoubtedly become known          tats, such as eel grass beds, caused by      habitats will not significantly effect the
or identified, including many of the          man-made alterations, such as exces­         function of this habitat to support desired
objects classified as “obstructions” by       sive nutrient and silt inputs, and toxic     population levels of other managed de­
NOS or known as “snags” by fisher­            pollution.                                   mersal species. It is also a value judge­
men. Table 2 shows that a variety of            Not all reef-associated organisms are     ment of whether the reef habitat fishery
important commercial and recreational        benign or beneficial. Some “reef” spe­        resource community is of equal or great­
fishery resources are known to be as­         cies can be nuisances or cause human­        er value as a harvestable or economic re­
sociated or depend on reef habitats for      interaction problems, e.g. wood-de­          source, than to that of the soft-bottom
some or most of their life history, and      stroying Teredo “shipworms,” gribbles,       community it replaces. These issues are
reef structures can serve as refuges from    and other borers that attack wooden          not easy to resolve, and little informa­
trawling for some species. Certain com­      pilings and vessels; fouling organisms       tion is available for such comparisons.
mercial fisheries, such as American lob­      that inhibit vessel use efficiency, weigh        Several reef-associated fishery spe­
ster or fish trapping and gill netting,       down navigational aids, and fill pipe­        cies are presently considered over- or
favor reef habitats, and recreational fish­   lines that cycle estuarine or marine         fully exploited; these include Atlantic
ermen have long valued wrecks and            waters. Other species can be a source        cod, haddock, pollack, scup, black sea
reefs as fishing grounds. It is also be­      of larval resource species predators,        bass, ocean pout, tilefish, striped bass,
coming evident that several forms of es­     e.g. carnivorous coelenterates such as       and American lobster (Clark, 1998;
tuarine and coastal reef habitats serve as   anemones, or support the sessile stages      NMFS, 1999b). Oysters (as a fishery
juvenile fish nurseries in the Bight, e.g.    of “jellyfish,” such as Chrysaora quin­       resource in this region) persist in de­
oyster and mussel beds, and artificial        quecirrha and Cyanea capillata.              clining natural beds and under cul­
reefs can increase this function (Heise         Besides these nuisance organisms,         ture; but the profitability of labor-in­
and Bortone, 1999).                          the obvious hazards to vessel naviga­        tensive culture is declining because of
   Natural reef habitats occur primarily     tion and safety, and causing the loss        increasing costs and stagnant prices
in the Bight from within and just out­       of towed fishing gear and anchors,            per bushel, and continued investment
side New York Harbor, through Long           reefs have other negative side effects.      in maintaining these beds is in ques­

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