Reduction of Food Loss and Waste - The Challenges and Conclusions for Actions - Scientific Group
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The Scien� fi c Group for the UN Food Systems Summit h�ps// Food Systems Summit Brief prepared by Research Partners of the Scientific Group for the Food Systems Summit February 15, 2021 Reduction of Food Loss and Waste – The Challenges and Conclusions for Actions Findings and Recommendations for Actions of an international Conference by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences with the Rockefeller Foundation by Joachim von Braun, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo and Roy Steiner Introduction The global food system is malfunc�oning, leaving large SDG 12 – ENSURING SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION segments of the popula�on undernourished or mal- AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS nourished, and causing large environmental damage. By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at Food losses in the produc�on, processing and market- the retail and consumer levels and reduce food ing parts of the food systems are part of the problem. losses along production and supply chains, in- Food was�ng at the retail, household and restaurant cluding post-harvest losses”. Since loss and levels is a serious problem too. The analyses and calls waste are related but distinct phenomena, each for ac�on in this volume are mo�vated by the United may merit a unique indicator, as stated by FAO: Na�ons Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 12, i.e. Ensuring sustainable consump�on and produc�on Sub-Indicator | Food Loss Index: The pa�erns, and specifically, “By 2030, halve per capita Food Loss Index (FLI) focuses on food global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and losses that occur from production up reduce food losses along produc�on and supply chains, to (and not including) the retail level. including post-harvest losses”. This goal is very much in line with the Encyclical Laudato Sub-Indicator | Food Waste Index: A proposal Si’, where Pope Francis calls for changes to overcome for measuring Food Waste, which comprises the “throwaway culture”. Food Loss and Waste (FLAW) retail and consumption levels, is under consid- is a moral issue because of the adverse effects on peo- eration. Clarity on content of these indicators ple and our planet. It is detrimental to the planet due to could be helpful to measure and guide actions. greenhouse gas emissions and the was�ng of the water Source: and land used as inputs, and to people – the poor in velopment-goals/indicators/1231/en/ par�cular – whose labor is squandered and whose live- lihoods are compromised when FLAW occurs. 1
food systems summit brief An aim of this conference and its proceedings volume1 requires a change in mindsets among those who waste is to reach different but complementary communi�es food and large-scale investments in value chains that are that can broaden the alliance needed to address the losing food. How to go about these challenges is empha- challenge of food loss and waste. Key objec�ves are sized in the chapters of this volume and summarized in to share the latest scien�fic evidence on how to re- the statement on conclusions and proposed ac� ons. duce food loss and waste and thereby contribute to global food and nutri�on security. Secondly, to provide Conclusions and Proposed Actions - Statement by recommenda�ons for expanded global and na�onal contributors and supporters (see below) ac�ons, including public and private investments and ini�a�ves by ci�zens, corpora�ons, governments, and 1. Mo�va�on of the conference interna�onal organiza�ons. Moreover, the alliance of In the Encyclical Laudato Si’ Pope Francis calls for glob- actors must become broader to make significant im- al changes to overcome the “throwaway culture”. A provements globally in reducing FLAW. representa� on of this culture is Food Loss and Waste To fulfil these objec�ves, we focus on clearly defin- (FLAW), which has serious moral repercussions, in ing food loss and waste, while adop�ng a value-chain view of the prevailing hunger of more than 820 million approach. When considering the magnitude of the people and lack of access to healthy diets by 2 billion food loss and waste challenge, summing up the ton- people (FAO’s SOFI report 2019). Resources such as nage of different foods is not appropriate; not only water and fer� le land are becoming scarcer because weight but the economic and environmental cost of food is produced but never eaten. wasted and lost food must be considered. The latest FLAW signifi cantly contributes to greenhouse gas approaches to measurement in economic, caloric, or emissions (SOFA 2019) and thereby to climate change quality-adjusted weight terms are presented and dis- and its consequences. FLAW is detrimental to the cussed. planet and its people. It is morally, economically and Further, food loss and waste reduc�on has environmentally unacceptable in the era of the Sus- huge benefits but also costs and these costs must tainable Development Goals (SDGs). We call on our not be ignored when aiming for efficient solu�ons. leaders, and on all of us, for increased commitment to Benefits and costs must consider environmental as ac� on toward SDG 12.3, i.e. by 2030, halve per capi- well as food and nutri�on security effects. We know ta global food waste at the retail and consumer levels that environmental change and people’s health cannot and reduce food losses along produc� on and supply be easily captured by economic calcula�ons. chains, including postharvest losses – an achievable Successfully mee�ng SDG 12.3 requires approach- goal based on exis� ng knowledge and technology. Yet, es that foster educa�on and awareness, behavioral even though it is within our ability to tackle, FLAW re- change, a renewed global dialogue, and coordinated duc� on needs more a� en� on and investment. global ac�on. Ul�mately, we need to create incen�ves Successfully achieving Target 12.3 of the United that will strengthen the business case to tackle food loss Na� ons SDGs requires a new perspec� ve on how to and waste and move to more sustainable consump�on reduce the use of resources and increase the effi ciency pa�erns. of the produc� on, preserva� on, processing and distri- As we aim to unite and improve our understanding bu� on of food at the producer, intermediary, proces- and strengthen our convic�on to act on food loss, we sor and wholesale level (i.e. losses in the value chain). are aware that these phenomena are embedded within It also requires addressing our “throwaway culture”. a broader food systems context. The plan put forward For that, educa� on, awareness, and behavioral change by the UN Secretary-General to hold a Food Systems among consumers and retailers, are cri� cal. Our con- Summit in 2021 will provide an opportunity to translate ference therefore calls for renewed global dialogue at global goals into ac�ons for FLAW reduc�ons. the highest levels of government, business, religion, and civil society to achieve the target of halving FLAW It is encouraging that ac�ons to reduce food loss and by 2030. waste are already planned or in place in many countries, but so far do not add up to sufficient global impact and 2. Objec�ves of the conference joint learning. The most promising ac�ons can and must The conference took note of new reports on FLAW be enhanced. By bringing together a group of prominent problems, such as the State of Food and Agricul- leaders, ac�vely engaged with this issue, from academia, ture Report (2019) by the Food and religious communi�es, private sector, government, civil Agriculture society, and the United Na�ons (UN), we aim to create an interdisciplinary space for analysis, sharing of knowl- edge and focused solu�ons. Ul�mately, reducing FLAW 1 Conference Proceedings, 2020 h�p:// tent/dam/accademia/pdf/pas_sv147.pdf 2
food systems summit brief Organiza�on (FAO) of the United Na�ons, and Re- �ous foods and a�en�on to food safety (as ad- ducing Food Loss and Waste: Se�ng a Global Ac- dressed in the Conference by the Pon�fical Academy �on Agenda (2019) by World Resource Ins�tute of Sciences and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutri- (WRI) and a coali�on of partners. The findings of �on on Food Safety and Healthy Diets in 2018). these, and other reports, provide a basis for ac�on. FLAW requires our a�en�on along with all aspects The three key objec�ves of the conference were to: of wasteful processing, transporta�on, packaging (e.g. 1. Share the latest scien�fic evidence on how to re- the plas�cs issue) and energy usage along food supply duce FLAW and thereby contribute to a more sus- chains – issues that a circular economy and bioecon- tainable and inclusive global food system; omy are trying to address systemically. A�en�on to 2. Provide recommenda�ons for expanded global preven�on, not just reduc�on, should be considered, and na�onal ac�ons, including public and private and solu�ons need to consider further the possible im- investments and ini�a�ves for ci�zens, the private pacts on food access and affordability. sector, governments, and mul�lateral organiza- 4. Strengthening of informa�on and data �ons; and 3. Broaden the alliance of actors to make more signif- Only when sound data are gathered and made avail- icant improvements in reducing FLAW. able, measurement and monitoring progress against benchmarks becomes feasible and viable for investors and companies. When considering the magnitude of 3. Localizing the FLAW problem, while tapping into the FLAW challenge, summing up the tonnage of dif- global solu�ons ferent foods does not appropriately capture food, Data deficiencies mask the diversity of the FLAW prob- environmental, and economic issues. We must move lem – which varies greatly across regions and value beyond a weight metric and assess the economic, en- chains. While a high percentage of food is currently vironmental, ins�tu�onal, health, and human costs lost at produc�on, handling and processing stages in of lost and wasted food. The hotspots in value chains low-income and emerging economies, food is wast- where food losses occur are increasingly iden�fied, as ed in retail and consump�on stages in higher income are effects in terms quality losses, economic costs and countries due to market design and consumer behav- emissions costs (FAO’s SOFA report 2019). ior. Yet market design and food waste pa�erns are in- While FLAW reduc�on has huge benefits, the costs creasing in low- and middle-income countries as the of ac�on cannot be ignored when aiming for effec�ve global middle class grows and urbanizes. Solu�ons are and efficient solu�ons. A comprehensive approach of within reach for all country groups, but will need to cost of ac�on versus cost of inac�on may be helpful. be tailored to each specific context, and differen�at- Efforts to collect and analyze data need to double ed by food loss versus food waste as these are related down, not only for repor�ng purposes, but also for the but dis�nct concepts. Food waste happens due to lack iden�fica�on of causes of FLAW and decision-making of appropriate infrastructure, regula�ons, profit-seek- for ac�on by all players in value chains. We encour- ing, and negligence, �me scarcity and economic abun- age agencies in charge of these metrics and analyses dance at the consumer level. Food loss occurs due to to step up efforts in these areas, donors to enhance unfavourable clima�c condi�ons, improper post-har- financial support, and call upon the private sector to vest handling, and incen�ve structures leading to food report on a volunteer basis. The conference explored loss as a ra�onal economic op�on, as well as lack of approaches to measurement in economic, nutrient, informa�on, educa�on, technology, infrastructure, af- and quality-adjusted terms, and called for broader fordable financing and market access. FLAW has social country coverage of data as well as repor�ng on prog- equity and gender implica�ons. Food produc�on, not ress towards 2030. only in low-income countries, involves large shares of women’s unpaid labor and o�en low-paid workers, in- 5. Research in science, technology and extension cluding migrants, producing cheap food that might be We took note of progress made in terms of research, undervalued and thus wasted by customers. In addi- science and technology to address the FLAW problem. �on, all steps in supply chains should be reviewed and For example, the research ini�a�ves by FAO, WRI, IFPRI monitored in order to prevent the use of forced labor (Interna�onal Food Policy Research Ins�tute), UNEP, and modern slavery (according to SDG 8.7). the World Bank, the IADB, the InterAcademy Partner- Value chains of perishable and nutrient-rich foods ship, universi�es and others, highlight opportuni�es (both crops and animal-sourced protein) are signifi- and challenges for research on food and nutri�on se- cantly affected. More nutri�ous and healthier dietary curity and sustainable food produc�on, and propose pa�erns require managing and preserving these nutri- priori�es for natural science, social science 3
food systems summit brief and food postharvest and food technology research a global network. Efforts led by conscious youth need on FLAW reduc�on. support, including consumer and producer/farmer Close coopera� on among research communi� es perspec�ves that care about the sustainability of plan- and diff erent stakeholders across the food system is et and people. called for to make progress on evidence-based FLAW Educa�on, for instance through the global sharing reduc� on and ac� on, including food market analy- of experiences of successful ac�ons, can help coun- sis, to understand the poten� al of solu� ons and in- tries iden�fy solu�ons pertaining to issues of rele- nova� ons, and the feasibility of their adop� on. The vance tailored to specific circumstances. Toolkits in FLAW problem needs further clarifi ca� on as to what it many languages for civil society organiza�ons would means to people and planet, and what it takes to move be helpful. Dialogue on FLAW needs to be replicated towards a more sustainable future. As waste is partly more globally, reinforcing posi�ve social norms, and a behavioral issue, research on the behavioral aspects engaging influencers and role models. of FLAW needs more a� en� on. 6. Religious communi�es’ ac�ons The causes of FLAW from a food system perspec- Our conference was unique in terms of combin- � ve need to be comprehensively inves� gated in order ing the science, policy, NGO and business communi- to avoid trade-off s across interven� ons if prac� ced �es with religious and ethics debates. As Pope Francis within silos, and in order to point at their policy im- put it, “Figh�ng against the terrible scourge of hunger plica� ons in the short and long term. The main knowl- means also figh�ng waste. Waste reveals an indiffer- edge gaps and the research agenda have been outlined ence towards things and towards those who go with- in various recent publica� ons, such as the InterAcade- out. Wastefulness is the crudest form of discarding. I my Partnership report on “Opportuni� es for future re- think of the moment when Jesus, a�er the distribu�on search and innova� ons on food and nutri� on security of the loaves to the crowd, asks for the scraps to be and agriculture” (2018). gathered up, so that nothing would go to waste (cf. Jn We note the need for urgent ac� on, especial- 6:12). Gathering in order to redistribute; not produc- ly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central and Southern �on that leads to waste. To throw food away means to Asia and other developing regions aff ected by high in- throw people away. It is scandalous today not to no�ce cidence of food insecurity and food loss. how precious food is as a good, and how so much good Pathways to eff ec� ve alliances need to refl ect a ends up so badly”. (2019). systemic approach to FLAW reduc� on, incorpora� ng We call upon all religious communi�es not just to innova� ons in science and technology, and in monitor- join ac�ons to change behavior for waste reduc�on ing food items transi� ng through the system. There is and investment ini�a�ves for loss reduc�on, but to a role for extension services in dissemina� on, and for engage in leading such ini�a�ves. Both loss and waste universi� es in building FLAW into their curricula. In- are moral issues causing harm beyond their econom- forma� on and communica� on technologies (ICT) and ic and environmental tolls. Faith-based communi�es data science prove to be game changers in this respect. should ini�ate dialogues on ac�ng together to sup- This conference is calling on the research community port, advocate, and partner on reducing FLAW. We to ommunicate, coordinate and collaborate, and on call on believers of all faiths to communicate through governments, business and founda� ons to invest new prayers and ar�cula�ons by their leaders and commu- resources to fund FLAW research. ni�es for sustained change toward achieving SDG 12.3, Civil society ac� ons: Civil society is taking ac� on halving FLAW by 2030. in areas related to FLAW. Diff erent groups across the globe lead campaigns and disseminate informa� on 7. Government ac�ons and good prac� ces, educa� ng consumers across all Governments at all levels need to set explicit, am- age groups and youth in par� cular, and advoca� ng for bi�ous, and realis�c FLAW reduc�on targets, measure more sustainable consump� on pa� erns. Consumers the level and change of FLAW, and implement an effec- are becoming aware of their environmental footprint �ve and economically efficient FLAW reduc�on strate- when making choices on food purchases, por� on siz- gy. Some countries have invested in developing plans es, packaging materials, and distance that foods trav- and ac�ons to reduce FLAW. So far, however, they do el. Other groups, such as Food Banks, have developed not add up to sufficient global impact and joint ac�on. models to collect, repurpose and re-distribute food in Investments in cri�cal value-chain infrastructure urban se� ngs. need to be priori�zed in low- and middle-income We call for a broadening of efforts at the grass- countries. Such investments would allow for ver�cal roots level from na�onal or regional networks towards coordina�on and moderniza�on of value chains. The 4
food systems summit brief need for such investments is par�cularly acute collabora�ve responses (e.g. coopera�ve-organized when dietary pa�erns are changing, and demand for cold chain development and other value chain im- a more diverse and nutri�ous food basket, especial- provements). ly in urban areas, is rising. We take note of innova�ve 9. Joint ac�ons, leadership and governance solu�ons to finance such government plans. A case is the Sustainable Development Bond launched by the This conference brought together representa�ves World Bank, and innova�ve financing solu�ons such of all key groups of actors. Ac�on areas for each of as a Fund for investments for FLAW reduc�on might them have been outlined actor-by-actor in the previ- facilitate progress in this area. ous points. Yet, to address the FLAW challenge effec- �vely requires more collec�ve ac�on. We call for joint Governments should also seek to redress incen- government, and private sector ac�on at the global, �ve structures (including through price and regulatory regional, country levels, with engagement by religious measures like standards) such as those that encour- communi�es, civil society and consumers. Such joint age farmers and other supply chain actors, as well as ac�ons were iden�fied at the conference and include, retailers and consumers, to adopt prac�ces that help for instance: reduce FLAW. Furthermore, two issues need government con- 1. Alliances of different actors require clearly de- sidera�on at macro scale: diversion from rule-based fined strategies to reduce FLAW (e.g., among free trade can accelerate FLAW and needs a�en�on; farmers, traders and the corporate sector, as as FLAW accounts for a significant share of GHG emis- well as among funders); sions, the issue should feature on the ac�on agenda of 2. Government commitments to measure and climate nego�a�ons and Na�onally Determined Com- report on FLAW metrics are essen�al for joint mitments (NDCs). ac�ons. For this SDG 12.3.1.a (for losses) and SDG 12.3.1.b (for waste) are the indicators 8. Business case and corporate ac�ons that need to be collected; A business case for addressing FLAW seems to exist, 3. Ins�tu�onal innova�ons and incen�ve sys- yet needs to be clearly demonstrated. Public support tems are required to bring together broad, sta- is ini�ally required for implementa�on at scale and to ble and well-funded alliances for the reduc�on reap societal benefits. A case in point is connec�ng to of FLAW; small farmers: As food companies aim to create value, 4. Examples of joint ac�ons need to be systema- business can lead the way in developing models that �cally assessed and evaluated in rela�on to are more inclusive, also sourcing from small-scale pro- their effec�veness. This can provide the bases ducers. New product lines that are more sustainable for good storytelling; will result from implemen�ng business solu�ons that create shared value, and measure progress towards 5. Increased, aligned, and coordinated invest- tangible targets. However, to convince customers, cor- ments (and informa�on on investment re- pora�ons need to assure transparency of ac�ons and turns) will help to expand investments further; results in terms of FLAW targets. 6. Ini�a�ves for complementary and joint ac�on Crea�vity is encouraged. For example, FLAW re- between civil society and businesses can be duc�on can be a large domain for innova�ve start-ups win-win if based on mutual respect and well- targeted by the financial sector. Voluntary efforts be- defined goals; ing taken by businesses can be an effec�ve mechanism 7. Joint ac�on for FLAW must also address food if transparency of results is assured. Market-based safety, to ensure that foods are properly approaches can help, but a�en�on to impacts on handled, stored, and prepared according to low-income people and to the indirect effects on en- strict health and consumer protec�on stan- vironments is necessary. Given simple metrics, se�ng dards. Moreover, supply chains should be ca- targets and following up company by company, includ- refully checked to prevent the use of forced ing input suppliers and employees of companies, is a labor and modern slavery; prac�cal approach. 8. Pathways toward a global ac�on plan and key Taking a shared value approach is promising when commitments to address exis�ng knowledge FLAW issues are included in corporate monitoring, au- and research gaps and investments for the re- di�ng and repor�ng to shareholders. There are also aliza�on of SDG 12.3 need to be promoted; roles for farmers, farmer organiza�ons and small- and 9. Our conference could be cataly�c at best. medium-sized enterprises to create awareness of the Much more is needed. A focused food loss benefits of FLAW reduc�on and, where possible, seek and waste summit conference should be con- 5
food systems summit brief sidered, and the planned 2021 United Na�ons Nicolas Gerber, Senior Researcher, Center for Food Systems Summit led by FAO with IFAD, Development Research, University of Bonn WFP, and others, in addi�on to other global Mickey Gjerris, Professor, University of high-level gatherings, should include a strong Copenhagen focus on FLAW reduc�on. FLAW reduc�on ac- Padmanaban Gopalan, Founder of No Food Waste �on for the achievement of SDG 12.3 needs a facilita�ng mechanism, adhered to by United Marcus Gover, CEO of WRAP Na�ons, governments, civil society and the San�ago Guglielme�, WINIM App, Argen�na private sector; Ashok Gula�, Professor for Agricultural Policy, 10. We aim for coordinated communica�on ef- ICRIER, Member of Central Bank Board India forts to raise the profile of the FLAW issue in Craig Hanson, Vice President of Food/Forests/ the media and mobilize civil society and the re- Water/Oceans, WRI ligious communi�es to embed FLAW reduc�on Selina Juul, Stop Was�ng Food efforts as part of an inclusive and sustainable Yolanda Kakabadse, Former President, World Wide food system. Fund Interna�onal Be�y Kibaara, Director, Food Ini�a�ve, The Rockefeller Founda�on The Statement has been signed by: Mar�n Kopp, Director, Living the Change, Joachim von Braun, President of the Pon�fical GreenFaith Academy of Sciences Lucyna Kurtyka, Senior Scien�fic Program Director, H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Bishop- Founda�on for Food and Agriculture Research Chancellor of the Pon�fical Academy of Sciences Steven Lapidge, CEO of Fight Food Waste Msgr. Dario E. Viganò, Vice-Chancellor of the Coopera�ve Research Centre, Australia Pon�fical Academy of Sciences Dirk E. Maier, Professor & Director, Consor�um for Roy Steiner, Senior Vice President, The Rockefeller Innova�on in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Founda�on Reduc�on, Iowa State University Dongyu Qu, Director General, Food and Agriculture Mathias Mogge, General Secretary, Welthungerhilfe Organiza�on of the United Na�ons Saul Morris, Director of Program Service, Global Gilbert F. Houngbo, President, Interna�onal Fund Alliance for Improved Nutri�on for Agricultural Development Clemen�ne O’Connor, Programme Officer, Máximo Torero, Assistant Director General, Sustainable Food Systems, UN Environment Economic and Social Development Department, Programme Food and Agriculture Organiza�on of the United Linus Opara, DST-NRF South African Research Chair Na�ons in Postharvest Technology, Stellenbosch University Rafael Flor, Senior Program Officer, Agricultural Ludovica Principato, Senior Researcher and Development, The Bill & Melinda Gates Founda�on Scien�fic Communica�on Coordinator, Barilla Jane Ambuko, Senior Lecturer, Postharvest Project, Founda�on University of Nairobi Kenneth M. Quinn, President, The World Food Prize Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner, European Founda�on Commission Stefan Schmitz, German Federal Ministry for Marta Antonelli, Barilla Founda�on Economic Coopera�on and Development Vanderlei Bagnato, PAS Academician, University of Philippe Schuler, Too Good To Go Sao Paulo Steve Sonka, University Illinois, Consor�um in Post- Javiera Charad, Nestlé Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduc�on Jacobine Das Gupta, Director Sustainability of DSM Toine Timmermans, Wageningen University Oby Ezekwesili, Public Policy Analyst / Senior Ben Valk, Global Head Mul�lateral Development Economic Advisor, AEDPI Banks and Government Rela�ons, Rabobank Sara Farley, Managing Director, Food Ini�a�ve, The Rob Vos, Division Director, Interna�onal Food Policy Rockefeller Founda�on Research Ins�tute Kevin Fay, Execu�ve Director, Global Food Cold Chain Council Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Federal Republic of Germany 6
food systems summit brief Food Systems Summit Briefs are prepared by researchers of Partners of the Scien�fic Group for the United Na�ons Food Systems Summit. They are made available under the responsibility of the authors. The views presented may not be a�ributed to the Scien� fi c Group or to the partner organisa�ons with which the authors are affiliated. The authors are: Joachim von Braun, Professor for economic and technological change, Bonn University and President of the Pon�fical Academy of Sciences. M. Sanchéz Sor ondo, Chancellor of the Pon�fical Academy of Sciences. Roy Steiner, Senior Vice President, The Rockefeller Founda�on. For further informa� on about the Scien�fic Group, visit h�ps:// or contact @sc_fss2021 7
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