Review ar cle Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi ons.

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Review ar�cle

Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.
Mohammed Saiful Islam Bhuiyan1

 1. Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology & Venereology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

 Dermatology is known to be a non-emergency cool discipline, but many dermatological en��es really
 deserve special immediate interven�on. Some of them also have significant disease related fatality.
 Understanding the e�opathogenesis and disease course of these condi�ons are very important to save
 pa�ent’s life. Among them severe drug reac�ons, acute ur�caria, angioedema, anaphylaxis,
 erythroderma, flare of pre-exis�ng inflammatory dermatoses, bullous diseases and infec�ons including
 staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), necro�zing fascii�s (NF) etc. Failure of �mely diagnose and
 intervene against many of these condi�ons may lead to acute skin failure and mul�organ failure. This
 ar�cle is aimed to discuss dermatological emergencies, their e�opathogenesis, consequences, diagnosis
 and management.
 Keywords: Dermatology, Emergency, Dermatological emergency, Acute skin failure.

                                                                              nature and extend of emergency dermatological
Introduc�on:                                                                  situa�on which will ensure �mely and appropriate
Dermatological diseases are the fourth leading                                iden�fica�on of dangerous skin condi�on to take life
cause of nonfatal burden in global disease burden                             saving measures.
(GBD).1 Cutaneous and subcutaneous diseases were                              Certain situa�ons are really candidates for emergen-
responsible for 41.6 million Disability-Adjusted Life                         cy interven�on; Acute ur�caria, angioedema,
years (DALY) and 39.0 million Years loss due to                               erythrodermic flares of preexis�ng dermatoses like
disability (YLD) in 2013.2 Dermatological diseases                            psoriasis, atopic derma��s etc, boils, celluli�s,
imposes physical disability, discomfort, disfigura-                            staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, sep�cemia,
�on, psychological distress and even death. As skin                           toxic shock syndrome, necro�zing fascii�s, erythe-
lesions are readily visible and present mostly with                           ma mul�forme, drug reac�on with eosinophilia and
pruritus, it creates significant impact on daily quality                       systemic symptoms (DRESS), Stevens-Johnson
of life.3-4 Though dermatology is generally consid-                           syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), acute
ered as a cool and non-emergency discipline but                               generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP),
very o�en some situa�ons demand emergency care.                               anaphylac�c drug reac�on, vasculi�s, etc. ,
All over the world a good propor�on of pa�ents                                Dermatological emergencies: Although there is no
come to emergency room for their skin problems.                               well-established defini�on of the word dermatologi-
Some�mes skin is primarily involved and in other                              cal emergency, any disease presen�ng with general-
situa�ons skin manifests some signs of dreadful                               ized cutaneous and mucous membrane involvement
internal diseases. In emergency department 3-21%                              which demands urgent life-saving interven�ons.
of a�ending pa�ents seek care for dermatological                              Dermatological emergency can be defined as ‘an
issues and among pediatric popula�on it may be up                             acute or worsening derma��s for
Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                 JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

   Table I: Dermatological diseases need emergency care.9-12

     Dermatological emergencies
     Group of diseases                       Cause
     Infec�ous skin diseases                 Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, staphylococcal scalded
                                             skin syndrome, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, necro�z-
                                             ing fascii�s, celluli�s, sep�cemia, cutaneous abscess/furun-
                                             cle/carbuncle, meningococcemia, Lyme disease, viral exan-
                                             thema, measles, chicken pox, herpes zoster, Rocky Mountain
                                             spo�ed fever, acute paronychia, disseminated candidiasis
     Ur�caria, angioedema and                Viral infec�on, medica�ons, foods, radiocontrast media, hair
     anaphylaxis                             dye, arthropod and insect bite.
     Drug reac�on                            Stevens-Johnson syndrome [SJS], toxic epidermal necrolysis
                                             (TEN) drug reac�on with eosinophilia and systemic symp-
                                             toms (DRESS), drug reac�on with different hypersensi�ve
                                             syndrome, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
                                             (AGEP), ur�caria, and erythema mul�forme.
     Inflammatory skin diseases               Eczema, contact derma��s, pustular psoriasis, erythroder-
                                             mic psoriasis.
     Acute erythroderma                      Psoriasis, atopic derma��s, pityriasis rubra pilaris, seborrhe-
                                             ic derma��s, pemphigus foliaceus, mycosis fungoides, sezare
     Physical or agents                      Burn, irritant contact derma��s (acid, alkali, hair dye)
     Auto immune bullous                     Pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid
     skin diseases
     Connec�ve �ssue                         Acute SLE, Dermatomyosi�s, Leukocytoclas�c vasculi�s
     disease, vasculi�s,                     (LCV), Henoch-Schonleinpurpura, poly arteri�s nodosum.
     superficial thrombosis/
     Benign or malignant tumor               Mycosis fungoides, sezare syndrome, leukemia cu�s, mela-
                                             noma, mastocytosis
     Neonatal skin diseases                  Harlequin ichthyosis, epidermolysis bullosa, acroderma��s
     Other condi�ons                         Acute gra�-versus-host disease (aGVHD), calciphylaxis,
                                             purpura fulminans, Kawasaki disease, Sweet syndrome and
                                             its his�ocytoid variant, pyoderma gangrenosum (PG), erythe-
                                             ma nodosum, Lepra reac�on, diaper derma��s, Jarisch-Herx-
                                             heimer etc.

Infec�ous skin diseases:                                     leading (nearly half) cause of dermatology emergen-
Different bacterial, viral, fungal infec�on of skin,          cy care in many studies.13-14 In an indian study by
subcutaneous or internal organ with wide array of            Priyanka et al.leprosy, STDs and Herpes zoster (21%)
severity can present to dermatology outpa�ent                were the leading cutaneous infec�ons those seek
department (OPD) or emergency room for urgent                emergency care.15 Infec�ons which present with
care. This group of skin diseases were found as the          redness, warmth, pain, tenderness, edema, fever,

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Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                 JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

blister, scalding etc. make pa�ents panic. Some of           in managing drug reac�on.23
them are less serious ini�ally like acute paronychia         Table II: Drugs commonly causes adverse drug
(pseudo dermatological emergency)and some are                reac�on
real candidate of urgent lifesaving interven�on like
necro�zing fascii�s (NF), staphylococcal toxic shock          Drugs
syndrome, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,               An�-convulsants (Carbamazepine, Phenytoin,
streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, meningococce-             Phenobarbital)
mia, sep�cemia, disseminated herpes simplex,                  NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, tramadol,
disseminated chicken pox, herpes zoster ophthalmi-            indomethacin, ketoprofen, diclofenac)
cus or disseminated herpes zoster. Many maculo-
                                                              An�-microbial       agents      (Ciprofloxacin,
papular viral infec�ons especially mumps, measles,
                                                              Amoxicillin,     Cotrimoxazol,    tetracycline,
and rubella as well as other childhood viral infec�on
                                                              Doxicycline, Metronidazole and An�-TB drugs)
like roseola and erythema infec�osum warrant
pa�ent and parents a�end at emergency depart-                 Allopurinol
ment.                                                         Sulfasalazine
Ur�caria, angioedema and anaphylaxis:
Pa�ents with ur�caria with or without angioedema              Dapsone
is very common in the popula�on and concerning to             An�hypertensive
seek urgent supports for the painful, severe itchy
wheals to laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis and severe
respiratory problems. Ur�caria represents about              Acute erythroderma:
11.4 to 68.1% of dermatological emergency.16-17              Acute erythroderma is another deadly skin condi-
Approximately 40% of pa�ents with ur�caria also              �on develops due to generalized inflamma�on
experience angioedema (swelling that occurs                  affec�ng skin. It may develop in normal skin due to
beneath the skin).18 In USA each year 80,000 to              underlying systemic inflamma�on or drug reac�on
112,000 pa�ents a�end emergency department                   (primary) or in pre-exis�ng skin diseases (systemic).
(ED) for angioedema and on average 4.0 persons for           Very o�en it is misdiagnosed. Though the cause of a
each 100,000 persons need hospital admission.19              good number of erythroderma remain unse�led;
Vast majority of acute ur�caria, angioedema and              erythrodermic flare of preexis�ng skin diseases
anaphylaxis are unknown and specific causes cannot            including psoriasis, eczema, PRP, seborrheic derma-
be iden�fied. Viral infec�on as well as drug, food,           ��s, pemphigus foliaceus, cutaneous lymphoma,
radio-contrast media, parasi�c infesta�on, insect or         drug reac�on and internal malignancies are
arthropod bite are responsible for acute ur�caria,           common in elderly.24 Erythroderma in children is
angioedema or anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a                  uncommon but challenging situa�on for its life
drama�c situa�on that can rapidly progress to                threatening poten�als. In infants and newborns
death. Hereditary angioedema is an uncommon.20               infec�ons, ichthyosiform erythroderma, atopic
Drug reac�on: SJS, TEN and DRESS syndrome:                   derma��s, infan�le seborrheic derma��s are
Adverse cutaneous drug reac�ons (ACDR) are very              common cause.25In older children drug reac�on is
common en�ty that brings pa�ents to dermatologi-             the commonest cause of erythroderma followed by
cal emergency. It is the commonest acute drug reac-          psoriasis, genodermatoses, staphylococcal scalded
�on (ADR) and responsible for about 2% of hospital           skin syndrome.25Understanding the cause and the
admissions.21-22 Pa�ents with history of taking differ-       poten�al life threatening consequences is very
ent medica�ons may present with different varie�es            important in the management erythroderma.
drug-induced severe cutaneous adverse reac�ons
(SCARs) include acute generalized exanthematous              Bullous disease:
pustulosis (AGEP), drug reac�on with eosinophilia            Bullous diseases are frightening condi�ons for
and systemic symptoms (DRESS), and epidermal                 pa�ents bring them to emergency department.
necrolysis (Stevens-Johnson syndrome [SJS], toxic            Some of autoimmune bullous diseases including
epidermal necrolysis).23As each of these syndromes           bullous pemphigoid (BP), pemphigus vulgaris, pem-
are dis�nct en��es with different clinical, biological,       phigus foliaceus and paraneoplas�c pemphigus are
and histological pa�erns and iden�fy the par�cular           really life threatening. These are mostly disease of
syndrome and the culprit medicine is the prime job           elderly. Different types of hereditary epidermolysis

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Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                 JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

bullosa (EB) in children are very disabling and life         Stevens-Johnson syndrome or angioedema with
threatening.                                                 dyspnea can be life-threatening. These situa�on can
                                                             lead to a dangerous sequelae “Acute skin failure”.
Mortality in dermatology:                                    The term “skin failure” is not much known like
It is common believe that skin diseases are not that         respiratory, cardiac or renal failure but in some
fatal but those work in dermatology wards very               situa�ons skin fails to perform its func�on. Many
o�en face of pa�ents with different skin diseases. In         dermatological condi�ons can disrupt the intercon-
an Indian study among admi�ed pa�ents for derma-             nec�ng structural and func�onal integrity of skin.
tological problems yearly mortality rate was 3.58%.          This inability to maintain structural and func�onal
A prospec�ve study on 309 pa�ents of erythroder-             integrity of skin to conserve core temperature,
ma in Brazil over 12 years 9.1% died due to compli-          water, electrolyte and protein leading to fluid-elec-
ca�on of erythroderma. 27 Though overall mortality           trolyte imbalance and failure of its barrier func�on
due to angioedema is very low (0.36 deaths per               to prevent entry of foreign substance.35
million popula�on) it creates significant physical            Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is
discomfort and psychological impact.28TEN is one of          ini�ated by the exfolia�ve (epidermoly�c) toxins
the most serious dermatological emergency                    (ET-ETA and ETB) of Staphylococcus aureus. Both
10%-70%pa�ents of TEN died principally due to                toxins act specifically in the stratum granulosum of
severe complica�ons of mul�ple organ failure and             the epidermis by a�aching to the filaggrin which
disseminated infec�ons.29 Pemphigus vulgaris and             acts as intracellular anchors of desmosomes and
TEN are the leading skin disease of death and most           ul�mately causes epidermal spli�ng.36
of the pa�ents are elderly (61-70 years) involving           In the deadly flesh-ea�ng disease NF seeding of
large areas of skin, sepsis, pneumonia and                   bacteria occurs into the deep �ssue planes following
fluid-electrolyte imbalance.26 Mortality from pem-            penetra�ve injury or surgery and bacteria rapidly
phigus was drama�cally reduced, from 75% to 30%              mul�ply within viable �ssue. It may be either
a�er introduc�on of cor�costeroids in the early              polymicrobial (mixture of aerobic and anaerobic
1950s and further use of adjuvant use of immuno-             organisms, Gram-posi�ve organisms, such as Staph-
suppressants in the 1980s probably contributed to            ylococcus aureus, S pyogenes, and enterococci;
the further decrease in mortality from the disease           Gram-nega�ve aerobes, such as Escherichia coli and
itself to below 5%.30 Death rate for SSSS rate in            Pseudomonas species; and anaerobic organisms,
children is 3% with �mely appropriate treatment,             such as Bacteroides or Clostridium species) or
more than 50% in elderly and nearly 100% in those            monomicrobial. Fibrous adherence between subcu-
with comorbidi�es, despite an�bio�c treatment.31             taneous �ssues and fasciae block extension of infec-
Mortality due to necro�zing fascii�s(NF) is alarming-        �on in the hands, feet, and scalp and absence of
ly high, it is nearly 100% without surgical interven-        such a�achments in the trunk, limbs, vessels favors
�on.32 Purpura fulminans is another grave condi�on           spread of infec�on. Ul�mately it causes widespread
with mortality rate up to 35% but recent advance-            �ssue destruc�on, edema, myosi�s, thrombosis,
ment in the diagnosis and treatment have improved            ischemia and gangrene.32
the survival.33                                              In purpura fulminans rapidly progressing cutaneous
                                                             necrosis and disseminated intravascular coagula�on
Pathogenesis:                                                occurs mostly in large vein vessels leading to wide-
Many serious skin diseases may impair structural             spread mul�organ failure.33 Hereditary or acquired
and func�onal integrity of skin leads to different            defect in protein C and /or protein S or other coagu-
complica�ons including infec�on, loss of fluid,               la�on pathways, infec�on (Neisseria meningi�des,
electrolyte, protein and metabolic derangement. In           Streptococcus pneumoniae, Group A and B strepto-
TEN/SJS full-thickness epidermis of the skin and             cocci, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus
mucous membranes is sloughed. Involvement of                 aureus, other bacteria, Plasmodium falciparum) and
eyes, gastrointes�nal, genitourinary, and respiratory        some unknown e�ology are behind this disseminat-
mucosa can cause grave situa�on like gastrointes�-           ed intravascular coagula�on.33
nal bleeding, pulmonary embolism, myocardial                 In erythroderma where most of the water conserv-
infarc�on, pulmonary edema, and sepsis with                  ing capacity of epidermis is hampered and transpei-
mul�-organ failure.34 Like severe burn, diseases like        dermal water loss raised up to forty �mes than the
SSSS, necro�zing fascii�s (NF), erythroderma,                normal. Body also loses protein, sodium, chloride

©2021 Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology                                                 20
Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

and potassium which leads to reduce intravascular            other cases of chronic erythroderma), and dilu�on
volume, forma�on of hyperosmolar urine, low                  due to hypervolemia (which is not of much signifi-
urinary output leads to renal failure. 37 Pa�ents with       cance).38 Aspira�on pneumoni�s, pulmonary edema
toxic epidermal necrolysis and autoimmune bullous            (secondary to capillary leak syndrome) and adult
disorders have, in addi�on, extra loss of Na+, K+ and        respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are fatal
Cl- in the blister fluid. It also alters body metabolism      respiratory complica�ons.39
enormously, cutaneous blood flow is raised and                Evalua�on of dermatological skin condi�ons: An
causes huge heat loss. Increased compensatory                emergency physician a�ending a pa�ent with
catabolic ac�vity and basal metabolic rate lead to           dermatological complain or work at dermatology
hypoalbuminemia and severe edema. Increased                  ward should look for any feature sugges�ng life
cutaneous blood flow nearby doubles the cardiac               threatening condi�on that need emergency
output and may contribute to high output cardiac             support. Prompt response is essen�al in such
failure.37                                                   dangerous situa�on with abnormal pulse, pressure,
Suppression of insulin secre�on and insulin resist-          temperature, respira�on and level of consciousness.
ance cause hyperglycemia and glycosuria, which               Suppose a pa�ent with wheals may present with
cause amino acid breakdown leading to further                respiratory difficul�es due to laryngeal edema and
worsening of hypercatabolic state and condi�on of            hypotension due to anaphylac�c shock or a toxic
the pa�ent. Both external and internal environment           looking pa�ent presen�ng with petechiae, fever and
favors the growth of different organism leads to              disorienta�on deserve immediate vital rescue. One
bacteremia, sepsis and death. 37                             pa�ent having history of taking medica�on like
Pa�ents with acute generalized pustular psoriasis            methotrexate and present with petechial rash
may develop acute hypocalcemia secondary to                  warrant different line of interven�on. So during
severe hypoalbuminemia. The principal nutrients              evalua�ng an unknown skin condi�on search for
lost in acute skin failure are protein and iron. The         some history, cutaneous and non-cutaneous signs
main causes of hypoproteinemia are con�nuous loss            are important. Important history and physical
through shed scales, increased BMR, decreased                findings that can give a key sign for diagnosis of a
hepa�c synthesis, dermatogenic enteropathy lead-             skin disease needs emergency care (Table III and
ing to protein loss (seen in fulminant psoriasis and         Table IV).
   Table III: Important history and general examina�on features of dermatological emergency condi�ons.40
     History and                          Diseases
     general findings
     Extreme age                          Neonates or infants: Meningococcemia, Kawasaki disease,
                                          viral exanthema, Harlequin ichthyosis
                                          Old age: Pemphigus vulgaris, meningococcemia, toxic epider-
                                          mal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, hypersensi�vity
                                          syndrome, toxic shock syndrome
     Toxic look                           Necro�zing fascii�s, meningococcemia, toxic epidermal
                                          necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, hypersensi�vity
                                          syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, Rocky Mountain spo�ed
     Altered mental status or             Sepsis, hypo perfusion, and meningococcemia.
     Severe itching                          Ur�caria, poison ivy, erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis,
                                             acute exacerba�on of derma��s
     Rapidity of progression                 Ur�caria, poison ivy, erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis,
                                             acute exacerba�on of derma��s
     Insect or bee infesta�on
     Recrea�onal outdoor ac�vity             travel history Dengue, malaria, hemorrhagic fever, Ebola,
     or travel history                       lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spo�ed fever

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Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

     Past medical history                    Pa�ent of valvular heart disease or intravenous drug users
                                             may develop endocardi�s which may present with cutaneous
     Drug                                    Table II (Men�on in Table II)
     Blood or blood product                  Anaphylaxis, transfusion related acute gra� versus host reac-
     Chemical                                Hair dye and corrosive agents
     ChemImmune statusical                   Disseminated herpes zoster, meningococcemia, necro�zing
                                             fascii�s may develop in HIV cases, cancer chemo therapy,
                                             diabe�c or other immune-compromised condi�ons.
     Fever                                   Chicken pox, measles and other viral exanthem, sepsis, Rocky
                                             Mountain spo�ed fever, toxic shock syndrome, erythema
                                             mul�forme, connec�ve �ssue disease, vasculi�s, Kawasaki
                                             disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrol-
     Lymphadenopathy                         Sezare syndrome, drug reac�on with different hypersensi�ve
                                             syndrome, leukemia cu�s
     Low blood pressure                      Sep�cemia, toxic shock syndrome, meningococcemia, Rocky
                                             Mountain spo�ed fever, toxic epidermal necrolysis,
                                             Stevens-Johnson syndrome

     Table IV: Skin presenta�ons of life threatening skin diseases:40
     Cutaneous signs                         Diseases
     Wheals                                  Ur�caria, angioedema, anaphylaxis, Arthropod or insect
                                             bite, mastocytosis, drug reac�on
     Erythroderma                            Pemphigus foliaceus, erythrodermic psoriasis, Atopic
                                             derma��s, pityriasis rubra pilaris, Sézary syndrome
     Pustules                                Generalized pustular psoriasis, Acute generalized exanthe-
                                             matous pustulosis (AGEP), subcorneal pustular dermatosis
                                             of Sneddon and Wilkinson, Sweet syndrome, disseminated
                                             candidiasis, Herpes simplex virus, and Staphylococcus
     Morbilliform erup�on                    Viral exanthems, drug reac�on with eosinophilia and
                                             systemic symptoms (DRESS), Disseminated fungal infec�ons
                                             Drug reac�ons Ricke�sia Toxoplasmosis
     Petechiae                               Thrombocytopenia, leukemia, sepsis, meningococcemia,
                                             endocardi�s, Malaria, Rocky Mountain spo�ed fever,
                                             Tick-borne illnesses, methotrexate poisoning
     Vesicles                                Pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis
                                             bullosa, neonatal herpes simplex virus, smallpox, vaccinia
     Large denuded                           Pemphigus vulgaris

©2021 Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology                                                22
Review ar�cle: Dermatological emergency and life threatening skin condi�ons.                   JBAD 2021; 1(1): 17-25

     Oral or mucosal                         Erythema mul�forme major, toxic epidermal necrolysis,
     or genital lesions                      Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pemphigus vulgaris
     Hemorrhagic                             Meningococcemia
     Violaceous, dusky                       Scleroderma, vasculi�s (SLE, ANCA-related vasculi�s, cryo-
     discolora�ons, Ischemia of              globulinemia, rheumatoid vasculi�s, etc.), embolic diseases,
     the digits and limb,                    necro�zing fascii�s.
     Necro�zing and gangrenous
     Pain or                                 Necro�zing fascii�s, celluli�s
     tenderness of skin

                                                             Dermatologists should be cau�ous and careful in
Management:                                                  diagnosis, management, �mely interven�on and
This review is aimed to understand the burden of             referral in these emergency situa�ons to prevent
emergency situa�ons in dermatology prac�ce. It is            fatal consequences.
crucial to �mely diagnose the diseases which                 Conflicts of interest: No conflict of interest.
demands immediate appropriate interven�on and
seeking support from allied discipline or ICU. Con�n-        References:
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