Red-Zone: Towards an Intrusion Response Framework for Intra-vehicle System
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Red-Zone: Towards an Intrusion Response Framework for Intra-vehicle System Mohammad Hamad, Marinos Tsantekidis and Vassilis Prevelakis Institute of Computer and Network Engineering, TU Braunschweig, Germany {mhamad, tsantekidis, prevelakis} Keywords: Security, Automotive Security, Intrusion Response System, Insrution Detection System, Red-Zone. Abstract: Modern vehicles are increasingly equipped with highly automated control systems both for driving and for passenger comfort. An integral part of these systems are the communication channels that allow the on-board systems to interact with passenger devices (e.g. tablets), ITS systems (e.g. road-side units), and other vehicles. These advances have significantly enlarged the attack surface and we already have numerous instances of successful penetration of vehicular networks both from inside the vehicle and from the outside. Traditional mechanisms for detecting and responding to such attacks are ill-suited to the vehicular domain mainly due to the fact that the entire process of dealing with an attack must be handled automatically and in a way that does not affect safety or severely impacts the continued availability of the vehicle or its key systems. Once a security breach is suspected, the system must evaluate the circumstances in order to determine whether the threat is real (and not a false positive) and select the optimal response through the use of an Intrusion Response System (IRS). Although IRSs have been adopted in other domains, there is a lack of such systems in the vehicular field. In this paper, we investigate the challenges and requirements for integrating such a mechanism inside a vehicle. In addition, we present an Intrusion Response System based on the Red-Zone principle which meets the identified requirements. Finally, we discuss the integration of IRS through the vehicle system development and the different aspects which support such a process. 1 INTRODUCTION as well as comfortability of both drivers and passen- gers. Recently, vehicle manufacturing has changed signif- However, the enormous growth of vehicle func- icantly. These changes were clearly reflected by the tionalities, capabilities and connectivity was accom- increasing complexity of the modern vehicle system. panied by new security vulnerabilities which ex- Nowadays, vehicles are becoming like a network of panded the vehicle’s attack surface and made it a connected computers on wheels. A contemporary very attractive target to adversaries (Koscher et al., vehicle contains more than 70 microcontroller-based 2010; Checkoway et al., 2011; Hamad et al., 2016a). computers known as Electronic Control Units (ECUs) Attackers were able to exploit these vulnerabilities which are distributed all over the vehicle, intercon- mounting serious attacks without the need of physi- nected via different types of networks such as Con- cal access to the vehicle (Ishtiaq Roufa et al., 2011). troller Area Network (CAN), Flexray, and Ethernet Therefore, developing mechanisms to prevent and/or (Broy, 2006). In addition, the software in each car detect such attacks became a very crucial require- comprises millions of lines of code (LOC) (Charette, ment (Larson and Nilsson, 2008). As a first line of 2009) which are integrated within the various ECUs defense, many prevention mechanisms were adopted to implement the different functions in the car, rang- to guarantee data confidentiality and integrity and to ing from very simple ones such as controlling cour- prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing ser- tesy lights to highly critical ones such as engine con- vices and communication channels within the vehi- trol. Modern vehicles also rely on many external in- cle. Since security can never be absolute, Intrusion terfaces, such as bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, etc, to in- Detection Systems (IDSs) were introduced as a sec- teract with the outside world and communicate with ond layer of defense. The IDS is used to monitor the other vehicles, passenger devices and road side units vehicular system and its network to detect any viola- to improve vehicle and road safety, traffic efficiency, tion of a predefined security policy or any malicious
behavior of the system components during operation widely developed to detect, analyze and report in- (Hamad et al., 2016b; Larson et al., 2008). Whenever trusions in a computing system. Whenever a task an attack is detected, the IDS has to alert the system behaves abnormally or violates a predefined secu- in order to react accordingly. rity policy, the IDS considers this task as a mali- The embedded nature as well as the safety-critical cious one. Some IDSs have already implemented aspects of the vehicle make the response to the limited static responses, such as generating an alarm detected attack as critical as the detection of the or report (Kemmerer and Vigna, 2002). However, attack itself. The typical system response when with increasing levels of attacks’ complexity and tar- detecting an attack to a component is, optionally, geted domains, more comprehensive response strate- to restart that component (Strasburg et al., 2009) gies are required. These strategies could be imple- in the hope that the failure, which was caused by mented through Intrusion Response Systems (IRS). the attack, was a transient one. For critical-safety Authors in (Stakhanova et al., 2007; Shameli- systems, this default response is not satisfactory or Sendi et al., 2012; Inayat et al., 2016) have surveyed even desired because it may cause an accident if a the existing IRSs. They have proposed a taxonomy of certain component stops working (Le Lann, 1996). these systems according to different characteristics: The security policy of the vehicle has to imple- Time of Response: this aspect determines when the ment different strategies in order to react to an attack, responding action should take place. IRSs ei- strategies which need to ensure high system resilience ther activate the response after the occurrence of and safety. The response strategies are implemented the attack (delayed response), or take action be- through a so-called Intrusion Response System (IRS). fore the attack has affected the system resources Generally - and even more so in the vehicular domain (proactive response). - IRSs have received less attention and research effort compared to IDSs (Stakhanova et al., 2007) until now. Nature of Response: Determines the activity of the selected response. IRSs can issue a response Contribution: In this paper, we discuss the main re- which aims to limit the effect of the attack (active quirements and challenges that the adoption of an IRS response). Another response could only notify the within the vehicular domain faces. In addition, we system (passive response) without any further ac- propose an Intrusion Response Framework for intra- tions. vehicle systems based on the Red-Zone principle. We Degree of Automation: This characteristic defines discuss the different aspects that need to be consid- how the response is taking place. Some IRSs re- ered during the development of such a framework. quire the interference of the system administrator The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec- in order to apply the predefined response (man- tion 2 mentions the current state of affairs concerning ual response), while others are totally independent Is. In Section 3, we present the challenges IRSs face and do not require any human interaction to react in a vehicular context and the requirements of such a to an intrusion (automatic response). system. In Section 4, we present a general overview Response Selection: Authors distinguish between of the Red-Zone principle and the IRS based on that the different IRSs based on the way these systems principle. The development of the IRS and the differ- choose the applied responses. Most of the IRSs, ent related aspects are explained in Section 5. In Sec- such as (Locasto et al., 2005), are using a fixed tion 6, we discuss the development process as well as predefined response for a certain alert (static re- the proposed responses using autonomous driving as sponse). A number of IRSs choose the response a use-case. Finally, we conclude our paper in Section based on attack metrics, therefore the response for 7. the same attack could be different from one in- stance to another (dynamic response). 2 INTRUSION RESPONSE SYSTEMS 3 IRS FOR VEHICLES The growth of hacker knowledge, expertise and tools Most of the existing IRSs are mainly deployed for put cyber systems in continuous danger, as indi- normal network systems or usual computer systems cated by the increasing incidents of attacks each year. (e.g. (Sterne et al., 2001),(Herold, 2017), etc.). Consequently, intrusion prevention mechanisms (fire- Within the vehicular domain, very few authors have walls, cryptography, access control, etc.) alone are investigated the design of an IRS. Even in these few not sufficient to mitigate these attacks. IDSs were proposals, authors have looked at the response as
a part of the intrusion detection framework (Hoppe 3.2 Requirements et al., 2008). Recently, Vőlep et al. (Vöelp and Esteves-Verissimo, 2018) have proposed an intrusion- The existing IRSs, which are deployed on the other tolerant architecture to tolerate partial compromise domains, fulfill only a subset of the aforementioned of software components of autonomous vehicle. In challenges. Therefore, based on both the challenges other case, e.g. (Nadeem and Howarth, 2014), intru- of the vehicular domain and the general IRS tax- sion detection and adaptive response mechanism were onomies (see Sec. 2), we propose here the desired designed to detect a range of attacks and to provide properties for any IRS which is developed for the an effective response for Mobile Ad hoc Networks intra-vehicle system. The proposed IRS should be: (MANETs). However, the vehicle, which is consid- Proactive: An IRS should be designed to predict an ered as a safety-critical system, has its own special attack on the system and not wait until after the properties and restrictions which limit the adoption of attack takes place to detect it. Early prediction the existing IRS of the other domains. In the next sub- provides the system with a sufficient amount of section we explain some of these challenges which time to respond in an effective manner. However, affect the design of any intrusion response framework complications arise from the possibility that we for the intra-vehicle system. are responding to a false positive. Unfortunately, as the security constraints are tightened, the like- 3.1 Challenges lihood of false positives increases. Highly Interconnected Architecture: As we men- Active: The proposed system should react in a way tioned in the intro, a vehicle contains a huge num- that mitigates the damage caused by the attack ber of ECUs which are supplied by different ven- and prevents its propagation to other subsystems. dors with widely varying degrees of security aware- In addition, it must consider issues such as con- ness. These ECUs need to collaborate with each tainment, continued availability, interaction with other, therefore many of them are connected with var- other subsystems and, in certain cases, latency. ious sub-networks and share the same bus system with These requirements are in many cases in conflict each other. The unrestricted interaction among those with each other; for example, security and avail- ECUs puts the whole system in danger. Any attack ability often work against one another) (Tryfonas on one of these ECUs could cause a domino effect of et al., 2000). attacks on the whole system (Koscher et al., 2010). Correct: The IRS should react properly, based on the Consequently, any response or mitigation mechanism type and target of a potential attack. In a case should consider the highly interconnected and dis- if the IRS detects that a component is acting off- tributed nature of a vehicular environment. nominally, it responds to that behavior by termi- Ever-changing Scenery: Cars are designed to work nating (killing) the running process and executing for an average of 12 years (Markit, 2016). So, a car a new instance of it. However, such response is in its lifespan may have updates in both its hardware not preferable because it may cause an accident. and software components. This means that the rules On the other hand, because of the lack of direct of the security policies in an IRS cannot be static, but interaction with the driver to solve the security is- must be defined as dynamic and changing in order to sue, terminating the malicious task without any accommodate the behavior of the newly introduced relevant information about the vulnerability may components as well as the new discovered threats. not be the right choice, as an attacker could use Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Nature: Un- the same obscure vulnerability to break the newly like in a traditional IT environment where a human instantiated task repeatedly. administrator would be expected to approve and ap- ply the response, in the vehicular environment this Heterogeneous: The IRS should be designed to re- may not always be applicable in the case of an au- spond in multiple ways, including a fully auto- tonomous car. Nowadays, some might consider the mated response. When a task is terminated, re- driver as the administrator of the vehicular environ- gardless of the cause of termination, security re- ment. This assumption is not preferable because the lated or otherwise, the system should respond to driver’s attention must not be diverted while driving, the failure by, (i) using an alternate system to pro- for safety reasons. Moreover, she may not have the vide the functionality that is lost by the demise of technical knowledge about the attack and the required the failed task, (ii) determining whether the sys- response. tem can continue running without this functional- ity (fail-continue), or (iii) forcing the system into a fail-safe condition, i.e. it goes into a mode where
the safety of the vehicle and passengers is assured Detected behavior Normal Zone even if the system can no longer continue to oper- ate. Although there are regulations which ensure Intended behavior that the safety decisions must be taken only by the driver (Hoppe et al., 2009), the situation has to Red-Zone change to reflect the rise of the autonomous and self-driving technology. In the meantime, a semi- automated response which requires partial inter- action with the driver could be adopted. Dynamic: The IRS may need to react dynamically. The system must react to the same attack in a dif- ferent way based on many factors, such as the contextual information during the different oper- Unanticipated behavior Termination Zone ational modes of the vehicle, the attack severity, the targeted subsystem and other systems depen- Figure 1: Red-Zone Principle. dent on it. However, expressing all these different specifications using static security rules or deci- sion table is not a trivial task. Therefore, the use of 4 RED-ZONE FRAMEWORK a dynamic security policy to express these param- eters could be a preferable solution (Debar et al., Improving the response strategies of any secure mech- 2007b; Hamad et al., 2017). anism is dependent on early detection (i.e. early pre- Deactiveable: A response to a malicious attempt, diction) of a potential attack. Early prediction pro- like any other security countermeasure, comes vides the system with a sufficient amount of time to with a price. The IRS introduces extra over- initiate recovery actions to respond in an effective head on the system’s performance, based on the manner. Our strategy to solve this conundrum in- type and duration of the response. To minimise volves using the principle of Red-Zone which we in- this overhead, the IRS should be able to deacti- troduced in (Prevelakis and Hamad, 2015). vate the response mechanism when specific, pre- defined conditions within the security policy are 4.1 Red-Zone Principle met (Kanoun et al., 2013). Distributed: Each ECU should have its own IRS. Every task, in a given system, is usually designed to When a component is potentially under attack, the accomplish a certain job and behave in a well-defined corresponding IRS detects the malicious attempt way. The task is considered normal as long as it keeps and decides locally on how to deal with the at- complying with the predetermined execution profile. tack. Although this decision may respond to the However, at run-time, a task may not exercise all the attack against the specific component, it may not intended functionality and, in some circumstances, it be optimal for the overall system. This is why may stray outside its planned operational profile and a global response strategy may need to be imple- become abnormal, for many reasons, such as it is mented which is enforced by each individual com- under attack, it includes a bug, or it behaves legally ponent. but the security policy is incomplete. The sudden ex- change between the normal and abnormal state of the Efficient: Activating the response action should take task may leave the system without sufficient time to place immediately after the attack is detected. In recover which, in critical-safety systems, could lead a different case, if a significant amount of time to catastrophic consequences. passes, the damage might already be done, negat- Therefore, instead of having only the two states ing the purpose of existence of the IRS. Therefore, for any task (i.e. normal and abnormal), we introduce the proposed IRS should evaluate the security pol- a window of observation called the Red-Zone. The icy as well as any other inputs in a very efficient aim of this window is (a) to permit the task to overrun way. its designed operational profile until an ultimate limit, but in an observed mode and (b) to give the system a sufficient amount of time to initiate recovery actions while the task is in the Red-Zone and before it ex- ceeds the ultimate limit, which then causes a security failure in the system. Figure 1 illustrates the possible
Attack Failure IRS leaves the task running until a certain limit. While it is executing, the component could be iso- lated and its communication with the other com- Behaviour Correct Suspicious Wrong ponents on the same ECU or with other sub- systems becomes very limited and traced. The logged information can be used later to design a Red-Zone proper mitigation mechanism. Moreover, the trust level of the component is degraded, so other com- Time ponents become more cautious about the informa- tion delivered from this component. IDS IRS Technology • Suspicious\Malicious Silent (S\MS): The IRS Alarm Error kills the process whenever it exceeds the ultimate bound since the component will suffer from a se- curity failure at this point (Avizienis et al., 2004). Although the IRS may stop the component at the Figure 2: IRS based on Red-Zone Principle. end, which could be the goal of the attacker by causing a denial-of-service, the IRS has plenty of behavior of a given task and how it could be placed time to activate other response strategies ahead of within the different operational zones. this point. Other responses could be also adopted by the IRS 4.2 Red-Zone as an IRS which will affect the whole system’s configuration. Here we summarize some of these possible responses: Figure 2 shows how we can use the Red-Zone princi- ple as a base to develop an IRS and how it could be • Reallocation: Ensuring the availability of the dif- used to manage the interaction with the IDS. Based on ferent components is a high priority. The IRS can this principle, the IDS is used to monitor and evaluate implement a response which ensures that a new the behavior of the different vehicle software compo- healthy instance of the malicious component is nents within each ECU depending on predefined se- initiated. The new instance is mapped to another curity policies. Each policy specifies the correct be- ECU, thus other components that depend on the havior of the given component. Any violation of this misbehaving one need to communicate with the policy is used as a prediction of a potential security newly initiated component instead. This requires breach. At this point, the task enters the Red-Zone the use of a new communication configuration to area and becomes suspicious. The activation of any adjust the reallocation. response mechanism is triggered as soon as it receives • Degradation and Propagation: Some less criti- an alarm about a detected potential attack from the cal services which are mapped to the same ECU IDS. where the malicious component is running on, During the Red-Zone window, the IRS is respon- will have to become silent\inactive to save re- sible for activating multi-level responding strategies: sources for the system to audit and to recover. (a) Local tactics to respond to the misbehaving com- Consequently, the same strategy will have to be ponent as well as other components on the same ECU, applied to other interrelated ECUs which include (b) System-wide responses which are implemented components dependent on the silent ones. by an other IRS on a different dependent ECU within • Preparedness: The IRS applies very strict re- the vehicle. Such responses are activated as soon as a strictions on the ECUs which host the malicious notification from the IRS where the suspicious com- component. This could include performing more ponent exists, is initiated. This alert includes all re- security auditing operations on the communica- quired information (such as the infected ECU, the at- tions of this ECU to prevent any stepping stone tack details, and attack detection time) and transmit- attacks. In case the attack was propagated across ted using a predefined format similar to the format the whole ECU, total isolation of the ECU could proposed in (Debar et al., 2007a). All these responses be adopted. are defined within the security policy as we will see later. The local response of the malicious component • Combination: The IRS could adopt a combina- can be: tion of the aforementioned tactics to achieve the best possible protection before delivering the con- • Suspicious\Malicious Operational (S\MO): trol to the human actor. Although the task is considered malicious, the
5 IRS DEVELOPMENT In addition, threat modeling provides us with a good comprehension about the prospective attackers, Developing the response strategies to cover the large their capabilities and their objectives. This informa- number of distributed components is a difficult task, tion is used by the attack tree to perform a risk assess- requiring detailed knowledge of possible interaction ment of each attack which affects the selection of the paths and the dependencies among all those compo- response strategy based on the attack severity. nents, as well as the security threats that could target them along with the possible attack scenarios. When 5.2 Attack Tree considering an evolving system, which shall be updat- able (whereby component interactions may change), As we mentioned above, the main goal of the attack- this task becomes even more difficult and requires a ers is violating the security requirements via different framework which offers IRS support under concur- tools and scenarios. An attack tree (Schneier, 1999) rent change. Therefore, the planning for the response is used to investigate most of these scenarios in a tree strategies has to be integrated through the design and structure as shown in Figure 3. The root of the tree life-cycle of the system (i.e V-model). represents the attacker’s essential goal (e.g. Denial- In this section we show how to integrate the de- of-service against one component), while the inter- velopment of the IRS within the whole development mediate nodes of the tree (sub-goals) define different process of the vehicle system. In addition, we discuss stages to achieve this goal. Each node in an attack tree the various aspects of the system which affect the de- could require achieving all of its sub-goals. In this sign and implementation of the IRS. Figure 3 shows case, the sub-goals are interconnected with an AND the general scheme to develop the IRS. It depicts the gate, while an OR gate is used when an upper node interaction with the existing IDS system, as well as requires achieving at least one of its sub-goals. Leaf the role of the security policy which is used to specify nodes represent atomic attacks. Attack scenarios are the appropriate response. Here, we explain the dif- generated from the attack tree by traversing the tree ferent aspects which need to be considered during the in a depth-first method. Each attack scenario contains development of the different responses. the minimum combination of leafs. The success of an attack depends on the subsequent success of interre- 5.1 Threat Model lated attack steps. The attack tree is created off-line for each sys- Threat modeling is a systematic approach for describ- tem asset (e.g. hardware, software, data). Then, the ing and classifying the security threats which affect a defined attack trees are used to evaluate the security system. Moreover, it provides significant information risks, to calculate the probability of a successful at- that would help to safeguard the target system and to tack and to measure the defense (local response) cost develop effective response strategies against any at- (Edge et al., 2006). Calculating these metrics depends tacks. During the design stage of the V-model, secu- on different aspects (ISO/IEC 18045:2008, 2008), as rity requirements are defined to address all existing well as the information provided by the threat model. vulnerabilities identified by the threat model. At the The attack information, which is delivered by the IDS same time, the response actions for violating these to the IRS after detecting the security violation, is requirements are defined in an abstract view. At a used as an input for the IRS to choose the appropriate later stage (i.e. implementation and integration) the response. response actions become more detailed to reflect the final system architecture and keep complying to the initial actions. 5.3 Dependency Analysis Generally, an attacker aims to violate one or more of the next requirements: Another important aspect of implementing the re- sponse mechanism is to determine all dependency re- • Integrity: unauthorized change of the software lations between other components and the malicious component itself, the run-time environment, saved one. We call a task dependent on another task when it data, or exchanged messages among the different uses a service provided by that task. These relation- components. ships can be denoted in a dependency tree (Toth and • Confidentiality: unauthorized disclosure of the Kruegel, 2002). Then the direct and indirect depen- content of data (i.e. saved data or exchanged mes- dencies are specified. Moestl et al. (Moestl and Ernst, sages) by unauthorized actors. 2015) have proposed a cross-layer dependency analy- • Availability: loss of the ability to reach a compo- sis to detect dependencies between the different com- nent or service as a result of malicious actions. ponent across the different architectural model lay-
V-Model Dependency Analysis Offline Internal-Online External-Online on Des i Soft. comp grat ig Inte n Imp n Run-Time Infomation(e.g Mode) atio le Policy ment Response Response Policy Mode PEM Attack Goal Av y rit ail IDS teg AND ab In il ity Attack Action Severity OR OR Confidentiality Response Cost Attack Tree Threat Model IRS Attack Notify Attack Information Figure 3: General Scheme of IRS Development. ers in the safety-critical systems such as a vehicle. integration) similar to (Hamad et al., 2017). The de- By defining the dependencies, the IRS on the local fined policy is separated from the service itself which platform can notify all other dependent sub-systems facilitates the independent update of both. about the attack, thus response mechanisms on other platforms are also deployed. In addition, the system- Listing 1: Security Policy Structure. based response cost can be evaluated by using the de- i f ( p r o p e r t y == n o r m a l ) pendency analysis. do ( a l l o w ) e l s e / / Red−Zone 5.4 Security Policy i f ( p r o p e r t y == m a l i c i o u s ) i f ( a t t a c k s e v e r i t y == h i g h ) A security policy is used to define the response of i f ( mode == s t a r t u p ) do ( r e s p o n s e ) the system when a task enters the Red-Zone, the else // fault conditions under which a Red-Zoned task may re- do ( r e s p o n s e ) turn to normal state and, finally, the response to a task breaching its ultimate limit. The main challenge Listing 1 shows the structure of the security pol- in this context is to define a comprehensive security icy. Based on a certain property of a component, policy to manage the various responses in the intra- such as execution time, power consumption, system vehicle system after the final integration phase in a call distribution or bit-rate of message exchange, the development process. This challenge originates from boundary of the Red-Zone is determined in the pol- the high number of integrated ECUs in the vehicle, the icy and the response action within each zone is de- complexity of the dependencies between the different fined. Other properties such as the system operational components on each ECU and the various actors who modes (e.g. vehicle at startup mode) as well as the participate the development process of these compo- attack severity could affect choosing the response ac- nents. On the other hand, another challenge comes tion. All this information is collected while the sys- from the need to update the response strategies in a tem is running and evaluated using the Policy Evalua- later stage to reflect the changes on the actual sys- tion Module (PEM) to choose an action dynamically. tem architecture after the system update or upgrade. Therefore, the response policy is developed in an ab- stract way and is gradually detailed during the dif- ferent development phases (design, implementation,
6 USE-CASE pendent on the GPS module, can keep displaying the given data on the map, but with an alarm sign acti- vated to express the low level of GPS data trust as Autonomous driving has seen huge progress and in- shown in Figure 4-(right). terest in recent years. Figure 4-(left) shows the typi- cal autonomous vehicle system overview where many functionalities are collaborating and many sensors Implementation: We implemented a prototype of and actuators are involved. Figure 4-(right) shows the our IRS on a single platform. We used a Raspberry final integration of these functionalities on the actual Pi 3 (RPI) running mickrokernel operating system to ECUs. One important functionality within this archi- give us more capabilities to control the communi- tecture is the vehicle localization functionality which cation among the different components on the same aims to give the vehicle the ability to determine its platform as well as the isolation mechanism for the position with respect to the environment. The main tasks. We used KeyNote policy definition language information resource for this functionality is provided (Blaze et al., 1999) to express the security policy and by the Global Position System (GPS). By looking at Keynote Trust management to implement the PEM this functionality specifically, we want to show how which is used to evaluate these security policies at we could develop response strategies when a security run-time. violation occurs against it and discuss all the aspects We measured the required time for choosing the presented in Section 5. proper response when one component becomes mali- cious. This time includes the evaluation time of the In the first stage, threat modeling is performed and security policies of all dependent components in the the security requirements for the localization func- same platform. Figure 5, shows the measured time tionality and other ones are defined: (a) availability: when 1 to 5 components are involved. the vehicle needs to be always aware of its current position and (b) integrity: other system components which use the position information need to be sure that the data was received from an authenticated com- 7 DISCUSSION AND ponent and the position data has not been tampered CONCLUSION with. Any violation of these requirements demands the adoption of the proper responses. Attack trees are We propose to use the Red-Zone principle as a base to developed to identify all the attack scenarios which develop an IRS framework. Whenever a component could violate these two requirements. Attacks such is under a cyber-attack, the IDS notifies the IRS to be as spoofing data attack, jamming attack, and many activated. The IRS uses the Red-Zone time period to others are defined (Carroll, 2003; Nighswander et al., implement response strategies. Based on this design, 2012). Based on the attacks details, detection mecha- our proposed IRS meets the proactive requirement. nisms are defined and stated in the security policy to There is a period before the task reaches its ultimate detect those attacks while the system is on-line. bound and causes any harm. How long this period is, The responses to these attacks also are expressed is based on the selection of the boundary of the nomi- within the security policy. One response is receiving nal behavior as well as the monitored property. In our the service from anther source. Inertial Navigation previous work (Hamad et al., 2018), we have shown System (INS) could be used as a temporary resource how the temporal property can be used as an indica- for providing localization information. Another re- tion to predict an attack at an early stage, before vio- sponse option is to reallocate the GPS module (in case lating the ultimate temporal boundary (i.e. deadline). of the Receiver Software Attack (Nighswander et al., However, false positives can be a side effect when in- 2012)) either within the same ECU or on another one creasing the Red-Zone time window. (ECU4 on our use-case). Both strategies require the During this Red-Zone period, the IRS is able to communication reconfiguration for the direct depen- activate a first level of response. We have already im- dent components. Dependencies analysis shows that plemented many response strategies (Hamad et al., Local. component, which is mapped on ECU5 , di- 2018) e.g. system notification. The IRS can, subse- rectly depends on the GPS module. Therefore, the quently, apply a second set of actions such as plac- security policy related to Local. component on ECU5 ing the task under supervision. Another level of re- should enable two communication paths with ECU2 sponse can be applied when the task enters the termi- and ECU4 whenever the GPS Module is behaving ma- nation zone (i.e. system failure). All these different liciously. It can also disable the link with ECU1 to response venues attest to how our system can be het- prevent the attack propagation, while HMI compo- erogeneous and active complying with the respective nent, which is mapped on ECU3 and indirectly de- requirements.
GPS Wheelspeed Gyroscope Accelerometers GPS IMU Lider Camera GPS INS HMI Module Localization Perception ECU1 Reallocate X ECU2 ECU3 GPS Module Local. Planning Act1 Control Planning ECU4 ECU5 ECU6 Sensor Functiomality Actuator ECU Soft.Comp IRS Normal Response Figure 4: Response strategies in the presence of security attack on localization functionality of autonomous vehicle use-case. 20 comprehensive measurements to check the required time for the whole system to recover. The communi- cation protocol between the different IRSs is another Evaluation Time(ms) 15 open topic for further research. 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 This work is supported by the DFG Research Unit Controlling Concurrent Change (CCC) project, fund- 0 ing number FOR 1800. Additionally, it is supported 1 2 3 4 5 6 by the European Commission through the follow- Number of Policies ing projects: project H2020 THREAT-ARREST un- Figure 5: Required evaluation time for dependent compo- der Grant Agreement No. 786890, project H2020 nents on the same RPI. CIPSEC under Grant Agreement No. 700378 and project H2020 CONCORDIA under Grant Agree- The proposed framework is integrated within each ment No. 830927. ECU in the system (i.e. distributed). Our pre- liminary measurement results have shown how even resource-limited platforms are (efficient) to imple- REFERENCES ment such a framework. IRSs are designed to use a predefined security policy in different strategies. We Avizienis, A., Laprie, J.-C., Randell, B., and Landwehr, C. have extended the security policy, which was used in (2004). Basic concepts and taxonomy of dependable our previous work (Hamad et al., 2017) to include and secure computing. IEEE transactions on depend- these strategies. We use the policy evaluation frame- able and secure computing, 1(1):11–33. work to evaluate the policies and to enforce the cho- Blaze, M., Feigenbaum, J., Ioannidis, J., and Keromytis, A. sen response. (1999). The keynote trust-management system ver- The role of the security policy is to define the sion 2. Technical report. proper response (correct) of the system when a task Broy, M. (2006). Challenges in automotive software engi- enters the Red-Zone, based on (i) the system states as neering. In Proceedings of the 28th international con- ference on Software engineering, pages 33–42. ACM. well as the attack severity which could be calculated from the attack metrics in conjunction with a refer- Carroll, J. V. (2003). Vulnerability assessment of the us transportation infrastructure that relies on the global ence to the attack (dynamic), (ii) the conditions un- positioning system. The Journal of Navigation, der which a Red-Zoned task may return to the normal 56(2):185–193. state (deactivatable) and, finally, (iii) the response to Charette, R. (2009). This car runs on code. a task breaching its ultimate limit. As future work, we plan to concentrate on imple- Checkoway, S., McCoy, D., Kantor, B., Anderson, D., menting system-wide IRS on multiple RPIs and ex- Shacham, H., Savage, S., Koscher, K., Czeskis, A., periment further in order to get more complete and Roesner, F., Kohno, T., et al. (2011). Comprehensive
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