Recruitment Information Booklet -

Page created by Brad Mcguire
Recruitment Information Booklet -
Recruitment Information

This booklet provides you with an
overview of what will happen during
the recruitment process and some
information about what it is like to
work within the Department for
Work and Pensions (DWP).

It complements the information you
will receive about the particular job
you are applying for, for example
the detailed job description, working
pattern and location.
Recruitment Information Booklet -
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     Who are we?
     The Department for Work and Pensions,                The Department is committed to providing
     employing over 100,000 people nationally,            services that embrace diversity and promote
     offers excellent career opportunities.               equality of opportunity for our customers,
                                                          partners and the wider community.
     The Department is responsible for the
     Government's welfare reform agenda                   We pursue excellence and innovation through
     of promoting opportunity and independence            a combination of personal drive and teamwork.
     for all. It delivers support and advice through a    We are looking for people who can make a
     modern network of services to people of working      positive impact on the Department's development
     age, employers, pensioners, families and children    and its customers.
     and to disabled people.                              The breadth of our work means we offer a wide
     We deliver the Government's agenda and policies      range of rewarding and challenging career
     through a number of different service providers      opportunities, in addition to an attractive salary
     (called delivery businesses), as well as Corporate   and benefits package. Details of what we offer
     and Shared Services.                                 are on pages 5 to 7.

     Please visit the DWP website at
     for further information about our delivery
     businesses, which are:
     • Jobcentre Plus
     • The Pension Service
     • Child Support Agency
     • Disability and Carers Service
     • Debt Management

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     How we select our people                               Fair and Open: We pride ourselves
     Age: To be eligible to apply and work for DWP          on the effectiveness of our selection procedures.
     you must have reached 16 years of age. For all         We conduct all our permanent selection exercises
     staff applying for jobs in grades from                 under fair and open competition at every stage
     Administrative Assistant (Band A) to Grade 6           (as required by the Civil Service Recruitment Code)
     (Band G) there is no mandatory retirement age.         and we monitor the procedures carefully to ensure
                                                            that they do not discriminate against anyone.
     Nationality: To work for DWP, employees must
     satisfy the Civil Service nationality requirements.    Selection Tools: Our recruitment and selection
     British Nationals, European Economic Area              methods are designed to ensure that access to
     Nationals and Commonwealth Citizens with the           our vacancies is as wide as possible and that our
     necessary right to work will satisfy our nationality   selection tools are fair and objective.
     requirements and can apply. If your nationality is     To find people who can deliver a high quality
     not mentioned, please contact the person named         service, we use a range of tools. As well as the
     in the application pack for further information.       application form, we may use testing (including
     Pre-Appointment Enquiries: If you are                  any of literacy, numeracy, situational judgement or
     successful, your offer of employment is subject to     skills tests). We may also use interviews, group
     the satisfactory completion of a number of pre-        discussions, role-play and presentations.
     appointment enquiries, which will be carried out       Guaranteed Interview Scheme:
     during or after the selection process.                 DWP is committed to the employment and career
     We will need to check your identity, age, health,      development of disabled people. A practical
     nationality, employment history, character and         demonstration of this is our Disability Symbol
     your right to work in the UK.                          accreditation.

     Some of these checks will also need to be              As symbol users we have made a firm
     carried out for all applicants (whether ultimately     commitment to guarantee interviews to
     successful or not), during the selection process.      all disabled applicants who:
     Refusal to allow any of the checks to be               • Meet the minimum criteria for the vacancy
     undertaken will lead to any offer of employment          advertised at the application and testing stages
     being withdrawn.                                         of the selection process
     As part of the character enquiry we may                • Have or have had in the past a disability or long
     undertake a check against the National Collection        term health condition, which has (or had) a
     of Criminal Records. We will seek your permission        substantial disadvantage on their day to day
     prior to carrying out the check. We may also carry       living, and;
     out a Standard Criminal Record Check if you are        • The disability has or is likely to last at least
     applying for a sensitive post. Again we ask for          12 months.
     your permission before making this check.

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     National Insurance Numbers:                         Data Protection Act: The information that you
     To ensure we pay you promptly and accurately you    provide and that we obtain about you to consider
     must provide your National Insurance Number.        your suitability for employment, is subject to the
     New National Insurance Numbers are issued by        provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.
     Jobcentre Plus. Numbers issued as a temporary       It will be treated as confidential and processed
     measure by other sources cannot be accepted.        and stored in connection with your application
     You can be offered an appointment                   for work for the Department for Work and
     if you do not yet have a National Insurance         Pensions or for inclusion in your records if you
     Number. However, you will not be able to take       become a DWP employee. It will be used for no
     up employment with DWP until you can provide a      other purpose.
     full National Insurance Number.                     We may use some of the information,
     If you do not have a National Insurance Number      anonymously, to carry out equal opportunities
     you should contact Jobcentre Plus by telephoning    monitoring and this may influence our
     0845 600 0643 between 8.00am and 6.00pm,            future policies.
     Monday to Friday.                                   Complaints: If you think the selection process
                                                         has not been carried out fairly or openly at any
                                                         stage, you can complain in writing, within 28
                                                         days to the person responsible for the
                                                         recruitment exercise.

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     What DWP can offer you                                DWP offers a wide range of rewards and benefits.
     DWP Values: The Department has four core              These include:
     values, which underpin our work and enable us to
     deliver our key objectives. These are:                Pay and pension
                                                           We offer a competitive salary as described
     • Achieving the best
                                                           in the advertisement, complemented by an
     • Making a difference                                 excellent pension scheme that gives you the
     • Respecting people                                   flexibility to choose a pension that suits you best,
                                                           including a final salary option.
     • Looking outwards
                                                           Pension benefits are provided under the Principal
     If you are successful with your job application you
                                                           Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) Premium
     will learn more about the Departmental values
                                                           Scheme. New recruits will receive details of the
     and how they apply in your workplace, once you
                                                           schemes when they join DWP. You can choose
     start work.
                                                           from a scheme which is contracted out of the
     As an employer we are committed to equality and       State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS)
     valuing diversity in our workforce. Our goal is to    and provides benefits on a final salary basis
     ensure that these commitments, reinforced by our      (contributions are 3.5%); or, a more flexible
     Values, are embedded in our day-to-day working        Partnership pension scheme, which provides
     practices with all our customers, colleagues and      pension benefits based on contributions made.
                                                           Note: Changes to the Pension scheme will affect
     By adopting an inclusive approach, the                new employees from 1st July 2007. Further
     Department aims to treat colleagues with respect      information will be supplied to those recruits with
     and value the differences each individual brings to   employment start dates on or after that date.
     the workplace.

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     Your rights, health and safety                        Time off
     The Department has a range of policies and            We offer paid annual holiday entitlement –
     procedures to protect your rights, health             of between 22 and 25 days depending on grade
     and safety.                                           and length of service, rising to 30 days after 10
     You will have the option to join a Trade Union.       years service in all grades (pro-rata for part-time
     Pay is negotiated on your behalf, and you will have   staff), as well as 8 public holidays and 2.5 privilege
     the opportunity to earn performance related pay.      days holiday per year. We also offer Special leave
                                                           entitlements in exceptional circumstances.
     Employees also have access to an occupational         Other entitlements include Maternity, Paternity
     health service and an employee assistance             or Adoption leave and up to 5 years unpaid
     programme that includes counselling support,          Carer's Leave for staff with caring responsibilities.
     legal and financial advice 24 hours per day.
     Free regular eyesight screening is also available     Learning and Development
     to all staff. Employees may voluntarily join
                                                           Our people are our most valuable asset.
     contributory healthcare schemes.
                                                           We develop and maximise the potential of all
     Our offices are modern and safe. Our staff use        our people by giving them the knowledge, skills
     modern Information Technology.                        and experience necessary for the job and for
     Staff are offered the opportunity to take part in     their career within the Department. We offer
     sports and leisure activities and can join the        comprehensive induction, learning and
     Health and Social Security Recreational Association   development opportunities, which include
     (HASSRA).                                             access to internal and external leadership and
                                                           management programmes
     Smoking is not permitted in any of our offices.
                                                           DWP is committed to Excellence and has Investors
     As an Equal Opportunities employer we provide
                                                           in People accreditation.
     disabled staff with the reasonable adjustments
     they need to do their job effectively.

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     Working Patterns                                     Probationary Period: People who join DWP on a
     Subject to business needs a variety                  permanent or Fixed Term appointment serve a 6
     of working patterns may be offered, including        months probationary period (with a possible
     full time, part time and part-year working. These    extension of 3 months).
     options have been designed in order to help          New recruits are normally expected to have been
     employees achieve a strong Worklife Balance.         in their current post for two years before applying
     We recognise that Worklife Balance is no longer      for another post (either on promotion or level
     just about being “Family Friendly” but is about      transfer). This is to ensure that the organisation
     offering a range of options for all its staff.       achieves a good balance between operational
     You will receive information about the working       effectiveness and delivering business objectives.
     pattern(s) that apply to the specific post you are   This condition does not apply to Fixed Term
     applying for. These arrangements may be agreed       Appointments.
     before you start work. They must be agreed with
     you within the first 3 days of starting work.        Travel
                                                          Travel away from your home office:
     What we expect from you                              Some of the jobs in DWP may involve travel to
     We ask our employees to provide an impartial and     other locations and may include the occasional
     professional service to all DWP's customers, to      overnight stay. Staff may claim expenses
     contribute what they can to help the Department      necessarily incurred in carrying out official
     move forward and to provide value for money for      business.
     taxpayers.                                           Moving your place of work: Occasionally it
     Each employee takes personal responsibility for      may be necessary to change your permanent place
     their work, for maintaining good time-keeping        of work. There are certain rules governing these
     and for working hard. Employees need to keep         moves, which should normally be within reasonable
     the Department informed if they are too ill to       travelling distance, defined as:
     work. We expect them to respect and support all      • Travelling time of 11/2 hours from home to office
     their colleagues and customers, be flexible and        judged by whichever available and reasonable
     adaptable. They need to be committed to                mode of transport offers the greatest radius of
     continuous self-improvement throughout their           travel for people at Executive Officer/Band C
     service and keep up to date with changes in the        level and above.
                                                          • Travelling time of one hour from home to office
     DWP requires employees to dress in a professional      judged by whichever available and reasonable
     and businesslike way, in keeping with the high         mode of transport offers the greatest radius
     standards that we expect to provide for our            of travel for people at Administrative
     customers and the respect we have for each other.      Assistant/Band A and Administrative Officer/
     This standard applies across all the Department        Band B level.
     and individual businesses may have additional
     specific business dress requirements.

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                                                  Contact Centres

                                                  What the DWP Contact Centres Do
                                                  DWP Contact Centres provide a wide range of services via the
                                                  telephone and other contact channels, which could include
                                                  helping customers find work, claim a wide range of benefits
                                                  and pensions and enable employers to place vacancies.

                                                  The Selection Process
                                                  As we need to find people who can deliver a high quality
                                                  service we aim to find the right person for each job using a
                                                  range of selection tools. A combination of the following may
                                                  be used:
                                                  •   Application Form / Telephone Application
                                                  •   Literacy and Numeracy Test
                                                  •   Situations Exercise
                                                  •   Skills Tests
                                                  •   Final Assessment Stage, which could include one or more of
                                                      the following: Interview, Group Discussion, Telephone Role
                                                      Play or a Presentation.
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                                                  What you will be doing
                                                  The work entails:
                                                  • Being the first point of contact for customers and/or employers
                                                  • Identifying the most suitable benefit or service for the customer
                                                  • Dealing with customer queries in a knowledgeable and
                                                    professional manner
                                                  • Dealing professionally with customers who may be upset
                                                    or distressed.

                                                  Skills required
                                                  • Good communication skills within a contact centre
                                                  • The ability to understand and meet contact centre targets
                                                    and deadlines
                                                  • The ability to adapt to using IT and telephony systems

                                                  Hours of work
                                                  Full time hours are usually 37 per week over 5 days.
                                                  Part time working is also available.

                                                  The training you will receive
                                                  All new employees receive induction training both in their job
                                                  and DWP as an employer. This can be classroom based training
                                                  or using e learning packages. Training will cover the IT
                                                  packages and our policies and procedures. All training is
                                                  followed by a period of consolidation and continuing support.
12569 DWP Info Pack JC+ Insert   15/3/07   17:05   Page 1

        Who are we?
        Jobcentre Plus provides advice and support to adults of working age, paying benefits accurately
        and on time and helping people find and apply for jobs in support of an active welfare state
        based on rights and responsibilities.
        Jobcentre Plus provides recruitment services to employers to create opportunities for its
        customers, and to address the general need for greater openness and flexibility in the operation
        of an active UK labour market.

        Jobcentre Plus aims to provide work for             Working in Jobcentre Plus
        those who can, and support for those                We employ a wide range of people in a wide
        who cannot, by:                                     range of roles and the competencies needed
        • helping those at greatest disadvantage in         depend on the job people are doing. But to
          the labour market such as lone parents,           achieve our aims we need people with a strong
          older people, those from ethnic minorities        commitment to serving our diverse and often
          into work, as a route out of poverty;             disadvantaged customers.
        • providing financial support as a safety net       For more information visit the Jobcentre Plus
          for people of working age while they are          website at
          out of work;
        • addressing inequalities of opportunity;
        • protecting the integrity of the benefit
          system; and
        • working with our partners to prepare
          customers for the labour market,
          and with employers to fill their job
          vacancies effectively.
        Jobcentre Plus aims to increase the employment
        rates of groups at greatest disadvantage,
        increasing the effective supply of labour in the
        economy and increasing the prosperity of the
        UK. Success in these aims will also contribute to
        the reduction of poverty and social exclusion and
        help to create a fairer society.
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