Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Diseases: An Interim Report from the NKF-ASN Task Force - JASN

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Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney
Diseases: An Interim Report from the NKF-ASN Task
Cynthia Delgado,1 Mukta Baweja,2 Nilka Ríos Burrows,3 Deidra C. Crews ,4
Nwamaka D. Eneanya ,5 Crystal A. Gadegbeku,6 Lesley A. Inker,7 Mallika L. Mendu,8
W. Greg Miller,9 Marva M. Moxey-Mims,10 Glenda V. Roberts,11 Wendy L. St. Peter ,12
Curtis Warfield,13 and Neil R. Powe14
Due to the number of contributing authors, the affiliations are listed at the end of this article.

For almost two decades, equations that use serum creatinine, age, sex, and race to                     On a national scale, eGFR is used for
eGFR have included “race” as Black or non-Black. Given considerable evidence of                     important surveillance and regulatory
disparities in health and healthcare delivery in African American communities, some                 purposes, including population tracking
regard keeping a race term in GFR equations as a practice that differentially influ-                 of kidney diseases by the Centers for Dis-
ences access to care and kidney transplantation. Others assert that race captures                   ease Control and Prevention and the
important GFR determinants and its removal from the calculation may perpetuate                      United States Renal Data System, re-
other disparities. The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and American Society of                     search supported by the National Insti-
Nephrology (ASN) established a task force in 2020 to reassess the inclusion of race in              tutes of Health (NIH) and other public
the estimation of GFR in the United States and its implications for diagnosis and                   and private funding agencies (including
subsequent management of patients with, or at risk for, kidney diseases. This interim               ongoing clinical trials), and eligibility for
report details the process, initial assessment of evidence, and values defined re-                   kidney-disease education or nutritional
garding the use of race to estimate GFR. We organized activities in phases: (1) clarify             supplementation under the Medicare
the problem and examine evidence, (2) evaluate different approaches to address                      program.2–5 Although GFR estimation
use of race in GFR estimation, and (3) make recommendations. In phase one, we                       has remained an important guide for
constructed statements about the evidence and defined values regarding equity                        clinical decision making and population
and disparities; race and racism; GFR measurement, estimation, and equation per-                    tracking, derived equations, like many
formance; laboratory standardization; and patient perspectives. We also identified                   other tools in medicine, have undergone
several approaches to estimate GFR and a set of attributes to evaluate these ap-
proaches. Building on evidence and values, the attributes of alternative approaches
to estimate GFR will be evaluated in the next phases and recommendations will                       C.D. and N.R.P. are co-chairs of the NKF-ASN Task
be made.
                                                                                                    This article is being published concurrently in the
JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021. doi:                                 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology and
                                                                                                    American Journal of Kidney Diseases. The articles
                                                                                                    are identical except for stylistic changes in keeping
                                                                                                    with each journal’s style. Either of these versions
                                                                                                    may be used in citing this article.
The measurement of creatinine, the                tomography scans or cardiac catheteriza-
muscle protein metabolite, in serum is            tions. Almost all clinical laboratories in the    Published online ahead of print. Publication date
                                                                                                    available at
used to estimate kidney function as               United States now report eGFR with any
eGFR and has served as a major marker             laboratory metabolic panel that contains          Correspondence: Dr. Cynthia Delgado, San Fran-
for the detection, diagnosis, and manage-         serum creatinine, with one estimate for Af-       cisco VA Medical Center, Nephrology Section,
                                                                                                    111J4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA
ment of kidney diseases. Creatinine-based         rican Americans and another for non-              94121, or Dr. Neil R. Powe, Department of Medi-
eGFR (eGFRcr) thresholds guide clinical           African Americans.1 Use of race in medical        cine, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San
practice, including estimation of surgical        practice has come under scrutiny in light of      Francisco General Hospital and University of Cal-
                                                                                                    ifornia San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94110. Email:
complication risk; initiation, discontin-         the most recent reckoning with racism and or
uation, and dosing of medications; and            publicly displayed atrocities against racial
                                                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by the American Society of
utilization of certain contrast-based             and ethnic minorities across the United           Nephrology and the National Kidney Foundation,
tests and procedures, such as computed            States that has been longstanding.                Inc. All rights reserved.

JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021                                                                                           ISSN : 1046-6673/3205-ccc              1

a nearly 50-year history of re-evaluation,      measured GFR as their White adult             Estimated GFR from cystatin C is not
adaptation, and refinement. This evolu-          counterparts, indicating that determi-        more accurate than eGFRcr; however,
tion continues in the reassessment of the       nants of serum creatinine levels, other       the equation reported in 2012, with a
use of race in estimating GFR.                  than GFR, differed between the groups.8       combination of the two markers, pro-
                                                    Race was among the 16 factors con-        vides more accurate estimates.12 A term
                                                sidered in the derivations and refine-         for African American race is included in
EVOLUTION OF KIDNEY                             ment of the Modification of Diet in            this combined marker equation that is
FUNCTION–ESTIMATING                             Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equation           substantially smaller than in the
EQUATIONS                                       reported in 1999.8 In regression models       creatinine-only equations (1.08). In the
                                                to predict GFR from serum creatinine          report of the equation, the investigators
Since 1976, equations developed to esti-        levels, a term (and coefficient) for self-     noted an insufficient number of African
mate the clearance or filtration function        identified African American race was           Americans were included in the valida-
of the kidney from serum creatinine             found to be a substantial and statistically   tion datasets, prohibiting validation of
concentration have included, and ad-            significant predictor of carefully mea-        the effect of this coefficient in a separate
justed for, various factors, including          sured GFR.8 The MDRD equation was             population outside of the development
age, sex, African American race, and/or         validated in the African American Study       population.
body weight. These equations were               of Kidney Disease.9 At the time, this ad-        Clinical practice guidelines from Kid-
largely developed using clinical, epidemi-      justment was thought to be an advance         ney Disease Improving Global Out-
ologic, and statistical methods that were,      because an important group, with high         comes (KDIGO) recommend that,
at the time of equation derivation, con-        risk for CKD progression, was included        whenever serum creatinine is measured
sidered to be scientifically state of the art.   in studies of measured GFR.                   in clinical practice, an eGFR should be
    The Cockcroft–Gault equation, one               In 2009, the Chronic Kidney Disease       reported with an eGFRcr, using the
of the initial equations, used data from        Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-              CKD-EPI 2009 creatinine equation or a
249 White males with measured creati-           EPI) equation using creatinine was de-        similarly accurate equation. When a
nine clearance ranging from 30 to               veloped in a subsequent analysis with         more accurate assessment of GFR is re-
130 ml/m2 to estimate creatinine clear-         pooled studies of individual partici-         quired, or there are concerns about the
ance.6 Although this equation represents        pants. Meta-analytic regression was           accuracy of eGFRcr, this initial test
one of the initial attempts to approxi-         used in a more heterogeneous partici-         should be followed by a confirmatory
mate kidney function without needing            pant population, which combined data          test using eGFR computed by cystatin
to undergo laborious and potentially in-        from thousands of individuals (includ-        C (alone or in combination with creati-
complete urine collection, the derivation       ing White, African American, and—to a         nine), measured creatinine clearance, or
cohort was limited by lack of both race         far lesser extent—Asian, Hispanic/La-         measured GFR.13 Since the first eGFR
and sex diversity.                              tino, and Native American individuals)        equations were introduced two decades
                                                from ten different independent studies.       ago, data from laboratories in the United
                                                Results were validated in a pooled group      States show continual growth in the re-
RACE IN EGFR ASSESSMENT IN                      of 16 separate studies. 10 Across these       porting of eGFR along with serum cre-
THE UNITED STATES                               studies, investigators found a similar        atinine and, despite KDIGO guidelines,
                                                result for African American race as a pre-    the MDRD equation is the most fre-
After the publication and use of the            dictor of measured GFR, with the mag-         quently used.14
Cockcroft–Gault equation and before             nitude of the coefficient slightly less than
the derivation of subsequent equations,         that in the MDRD Study equation (1.20
published research by the National Insti-       compared with White individuals for the       PROBING THE RATIONALE FOR A
tute of Diabetes and Digestive and              MDRD Study equation, and 1.16 com-            RACE COEFFICIENT
Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) showed that             pared with non-Black individuals for the
serum creatinine concentrations were            CKD-EPI equation). In studies of mea-         Although the biologic rationale for in-
higher among non-Hispanic Black                 sured GFR in the United States, other         cluding coefficients (such as age, sex,
adults when compared with non-                  racial and ethnic groups were not             and body weight) in eGFR equations
Hispanic White adults.7 This research           included in large enough numbers to           seem apparent, the reasons for including
was based on the Third National Health          understand whether differences in non-        race on the basis of serum creatinine ob-
and Nutrition Examination Survey, a na-         GFR determinants of creatinine are            servational data, muscle mass, and/or
tionally representative sample of the US        present in persons of non-White and           other factors are questionable.15 It may
population. Subsequent research by              non-Black race or ethnicity.11                be problematic to rely on a correction
Levey and others found that serum cre-              An alternative filtration marker, cys-     without completely understanding
atinine levels were higher among African        tatin C, is available and does not include    what factors are being captured together,
American adults who had the same                race in its estimating equation for GFR.      and with an underappreciation of the

2        JASN                                                                                                       JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021     SPECIAL ARTICLE

ancestral diversity among African Amer-     DISPARITIES IN HEALTH AND                     related to kidney disease. Multifaceted
icans which exists in other racial and      HEALTHCARE                                    initiatives beyond an examination of
ethnic groups. 16 There is well-known                                                     GFR-estimating equations are impor-
exploitation and inhumane experi-           Studies have shown disparities in             tant to address, and ultimately eliminate,
mentation to which racial and ethnic        health and healthcare disproportion-          disparities.
minority individuals, particularly Afri-    ately affect African Americans. When
can Americans, have been subjected.17       compared with non-Hispanic White
As a small, but growing, number of US       individuals, African Americans have
                                                                                          FORMATION OF THE NKF-ASN
individuals self-identify as being of       nearly double the prevalence of hyper-
                                                                                          TASK FORCE
mixed racial background, the complex-       tension, a common etiology of kidney
ity of a changing racial and ethnic com-    disease. 30–32 Decline in GFR among
                                                                                          The National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
position makes the use of race in the       African Americans occurs at an earlier
                                                                                          and the American Society of Nephrology
practice of medicine further problem-       age and at a faster annualized rate when
                                                                                          (ASN) announced on July 2, 2020 plans
atic. Recent calls for social justice re-   compared with non-Hispanic White
                                                                                          to establish a task force to reassess the
form have galvanized segments of the        Americans, even by cystatin C–based
                                                                                          inclusion of race in diagnosing kidney
medical community into further dis-         GFR assessment.33 African Americans
                                                                                          disease. Representing patients, health-
course and action toward achieving          with advanced kidney disease are youn-
                                                                                          care professionals, and other advocates
greater healthcare equity, including        ger, with an incidence of ESKD nearly
                                                                                          across the world,42 NKF and ASN are
the assertion of race as a social, non-     three times that of their non-Hispanic
                                                                                          two leading organizations dedicated to
biologic, construct.18–24                   White counterparts.5
                                                                                          preventing, treating, and ultimately cur-
    Many assert that removing race from        Such disparities go beyond the bur-
                                                                                          ing kidney disease. During the past two
estimating GFR would achieve better         den of kidney diseases and extend into
                                                                                          decades, both organizations have
health and healthcare equity by miti-       differences in kidney-disease treatment.
                                                                                          championed health equity and health-
gating disparities, particularly for        Before the widespread use of GFR esti-
                                                                                          care disparities in kidney disease. The
African American patients who experi-       mation, it was documented that African
                                                                                          formation of the joint task force is a
ence faster progression to kidney fail-     Americans were more likely to receive a
                                                                                          strong affirmation of both organiza-
ure and lower rates of transplantation.     late referral for an evaluation by a ne-
                                                                                          tions’ commitment to health equity, di-
This rationale posits that such a change    phrologist, a finding that is associated
                                                                                          versity, and scientific evidence.
would result in earlier identifica-          with decreased survival after the devel-
                                                                                             A decision to remove race from the
tion and management of kidney dis-          opment of ESKD.34 Documented since
                                                                                          estimation of GFR is not trivial and
eases for African American patients,        the 1980s and 1990s, African Americans
                                                                                          could have consequences. As such,
referral for specialist care by nephrolo-   are less likely to be treated with home
                                                                                          NKF and ASN charged the task force
gists, and earlier referral for kidney      dialysis therapies and to be waitlisted
transplantation. 2 5 –2 7 Others assert     for kidney transplant, with even fewer
that, even if previously observed racial    being transplanted.5,35–38 The reasons        c   Examining the inclusion of race in the
differences are poorly understood, race     for observed disparities are multifac-            estimation of GFR and its implica-
is capturing important determinants of      torial and may be attributed to inter-            tions for the diagnosis and subsequent
measured GFR. This rationale posits         nalized, personal, or institutionalized           management of patients with, or at
that removing race may create or per-       racism.39,40 To date, disparities in health       risk for, kidney disease.
petuate other disparities by assigning      and healthcare have not been conclu-
the value for non-African Americans         sively attributed to race correction in       c   Recognizing that any change in eGFR
to African Americans.17,28,29 There is      eGFR equations, although research is              reporting must consider the multiple
also a concern of subjectivity in regards   ongoing.                                          social and clinical implications, be
to applying the African American race          Whereas Medicare spends approxi-               based on rigorous science, and be
coefficient on healthcare decision mak-      mately $120 billion annually on people            part of a national conversation about
ing, and personal and/or provider bias      with kidney diseases (including .$70              uniform reporting of eGFR across
in transparency with patient-physician      billion for people with non–dialysis-             healthcare systems.
communication. These points of view,        dependent kidney disease), the NIH
along with others, have highlighted the     budget on kidney research is ,$700 mil-       c   Incorporating the concerns of pa-
need to find an approach to GFR esti-        lion, and little has been allocated to the        tients and the public, especially in
mation that embraces the substantial        understanding of racial disparities in            marginalized and disadvantaged
diversity of the US population and pro-     kidney-disease care and outcomes.5,41             communities, while rigorously as-
motes social and health equity without      Reassessing race in eGFR should be the            sessing the underlying scientific and
creating new, or worsening current,         start of reassessing race in other areas of       ethical issues embedded in current
health disparities.                         diagnosis and management decisions                practice.

JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021                                                                                 Reassessing Race in eGFR      3

c   Ensuring that GFR estimation equa-         deliberations, including: (1) embracing      forward to final recommendations. Task
    tions provide an unbiased assessment       a holistic approach that examines the        force moderators devised goals for each
    of GFR so that laboratories, clinicians,   clinical, psychosocial, and financial         session, an agenda, and an outline of
    patients, and public-health officials       tradeoffs of benefits and harms, balanc-      specific questions for which the task
    can make informed decisions to en-         ing them across racial/ethnic groups         force sought information. For example,
    sure equity and personalized care for      with particular attention to how kidney      a session on race and racism included an
    patients with kidney disease.              diseases affect different races; (2) being   in-depth review of the definitions of race
                                               data driven and generating a solution        and racism, and the effect of internal-
c   Keeping laboratories, clinicians, and      driven by science and evidence; and (3)      ized, personal, and institutional racism
    other kidney health professionals ap-      engaging in effective listening, respect-    on health and healthcare disparities. The
    prised of any potential long-term          ing different ideas and opinions, and        task force defined and discussed genetic
    implications of removing race from         having a willingness to learn after hear-    ancestry and its relation with self-
    the eGFR formula.                          ing all perspectives.                        reported race; examined studies on the
                                                  Importantly, the NKF-ASN leader-          relation of genetic ancestry to serum cre-
    The task force was created to include
                                               ship and the members of the task force       atinine levels; and evaluated the history
a variety of health professionals and pa-
                                               collectively agreed on the confidentiality    of GFR measurement and the underly-
tients, including individuals with exper-
                                               of deliberations (including refraining       ing physiology, study design, popula-
tise in diagnosis, management, and
                                               from social media commentary) to pro-        tions, and statistical methods used for
treatment of kidney disease; measure-
                                               mote candid opinions and exchange of         the derivation of the most commonly
ment and estimation of GFR; healthcare
                                               ideas. Members also mutually agreed to       used GFR-estimating equations.
disparities; epidemiology and clinical re-
                                               work toward the goal of agreement in             Equation examination included an
search; laboratory medicine; pharmacy;
                                               instances where there were differences       intensive review of the race, ethnicity,
health services research; patient safety;
                                               of opinion. All task force weekly sessions   and socioeconomic and clinical charac-
patient experience with care; patient
                                               were held virtually due to social distanc-   teristics of participants in the studies in-
quality of life; medical education; and
                                               ing directives during the coronavirus        corporating the gold standard of direct
prevention/public health. The NKF and
                                               disease 2019 pandemic.                       measurement of GFR included in equa-
ASN leadership selected the cochairs and
                                                  To undertake a comprehensive and          tion derivation. Substantial heterogene-
initial members, recognizing the need
                                               in-depth exploration of several issues       ity exists across individual studies and,
for varying perspectives and back-
                                               germane to race and GFR estimation,          therefore, the task force evaluated ap-
grounds, requisite expertise, interest,
                                               the task force organized its activities      proaches for pooling data from different
and ability to commit to the intensive
                                               into three phases (Table 1). This interim    cohorts (i.e., meta-analysis) for a more
deliberations that lie ahead. The cochairs
                                               report focuses on phase one.                 comprehensive and diverse sample of
additionally suggested to NKF and ASN
                                                                                            people for equation derivation. The
that they appoint patients, an expert in
                                               Phase One                                    task force also explored past efforts to
drug dosing and US Food and Drug Ad-
                                               In phase one, the task force clarified        achieve consistency in eGFR measure-
ministration (FDA) considerations, and
                                               the problem and evidence by examining        ment and reporting across US clinical
an expert on public-health surveillance.
                                               information, including testimony,            laboratories and institutions through
Patients were explicitly included as
                                               lectures, and literature from experts        standardization of laboratory measure-
members because of the importance of
                                               (Table 2). First, the members of the         ments and promulgation of clinical
their voice and the effects any potential
                                               task force collectively identified and de-    practice guidelines. Finally, the task force
change could have on their health and
                                               cided upon the domains to be consid-         considered patients’ perspectives and the
well-being. Task force members are not
                                               ered and the panelists and discussants       role of shared decision making in the de-
remunerated. Disclosures are included
                                               to be formally invited by the cochairs       livery of healthcare. After each session,
at the end of the manuscript.
                                               and NKF-ASN leadership to provide ex-        members of the task force debriefed pri-
                                               pert testimony. We sought a wide range       vately to discuss and summarize invited
                                               of evidence and views, as illustrated by     testimony and independent literature re-
NKF-ASN TASK FORCE PROCESS                     representation across the United States.     viewed. On the basis of this informa-
                                               We assured confidentiality to individuals     tion, the task force developed a series
During the initial meeting of the task         who provided testimony, in some in-          of statements that summarized the evi-
force, members stated their familiarity        stances due to sharing of unpublished        dence and values held by its members
and involvement with the issues and bia-       information. Members of the task force       regarding health and healthcare equity,
ses so that other members of the task          with subject-matter expertise served as      disparities, race and racism, GFR, stan-
force were aware of individual initial         subject moderators so that no one task       dardization, and patients’ perspectives
leanings. The task force then established      force member unduly influenced the en-        (Table 3). All members of the task force
principles to guide its interactions and       tire process, an approach to be followed     actively participated in constructing the

4        JASN                                                                                                     JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021     SPECIAL ARTICLE

Table 1. Overview of work phases and activities of the NKF-ASN Task Force
Phase One                                                       Phase Two                                            Phase Three
Clarifying the problem and evidence      Evaluating the approaches                                      Making recommendations
  eGFR and measurement                     Clinical consequences of different approaches                 Issuance of recommendations
Race, racism, and genetic ancestry.        System and societal consequences of different approaches      Comment on recommendations
  Body composition and populations                                                                       Implementation
      used in eGFR estimation
  Standardization and guidelines
  Patients’ perspective and shared
      decision making
Possible approaches to address race in
  GFR estimation (Table 4)

statements of evidence and value, scru-      kidney diseases in African Americans           approaches on patient safety and health
tinizing and revising them. Revisions in-    and all other races/ethnicities, how           equity put forth in this report (https://
cluded a series of iterations regarding      such changes might affect US FDA ap- 
content, language, and perspective.          proval and labeling of therapies, and the      All of this information will be used to
    The task force then assembled an in-     possible effect on the federal govern-         make future recommendations.
clusive inventory of potential approaches    ment’s tracking of kidney diseases                 In phase three, the task force will de-
to GFR estimation or measurement             require further examination. The avail-        velop recommendations on the basis of
that included approaches in which race       ability in communities of assays for           a number of attributes (Table 5). These
is considered and not considered in          newer, raceless biomarkers (e.g., cystatin     attributes include biomarker choice, in-
derivation and/or reporting of eGFR          C, b-trace protein, b2 microglobulin)          puts and their availability for estimation
(Table 4). The approaches included           also need evaluation.76,96                     and reporting, representation of diver-
those (1) currently in widespread use                                                       sity in participants in research founda-
(including race in eGFR equations), (2)      Phases Two and Three                           tional to equation development, and
recently adopted at some institutions,       Recognizing the use of race in estimat-        equation bias and accuracy compared
(3) currently available that might be am-    ing equations is problematic, the task         with measured GFR for different race
plified more broadly, and (4) recently        force has focused on identifying a path        and ethnic groups. Importantly, attri-
suggested that are currently under devel-    forward. In phase two, on the basis of         butes also include consequences for
opment or could be developed.                testimony, lectures from additional ex-        clinical decisions with regard to evalua-
    Final recommendations will be made       perts, literature, and input from the          tion and management of patients’ GFR
after the task force examines the            community of interested individuals            and feasibility of standardization. Fi-
strengths and weaknesses of existing         and organizations, the task force will         nally, it is very important that any rec-
and newer approaches to estimating           evaluate each of the possible ap-              ommended approach incorporates the
GFR. The downstream consequences of          proaches that could be recommended             patient perspective and be patient
changes from current reporting are un-       with regard to its patient, clinical,          centered.97
known and could be profound. Changes         health system, and societal effects                Recommendations will be reviewed
could lead to overdiagnosis or under-        (Supplemental Materials 1 and 2).              and informed by an advisory board, in-
diagnosis of kidney diseases as a result     The deliberations and conclusions of           cluding members of the NKF’s and
of GFR estimation bias and inaccuracy        these meetings will be presented in de-        ASN’s governing bodies, committees on
for any ethnic group. Conclusive evidence    tail in the final report.                       diversity and inclusion, policy and advo-
on outcomes from well-conducted studies          The task force held a series of forums     cacy panels, and experts in patient safety
will likely take years to produce. The re-   in January 2021 to invite input from           and healthcare quality. The task force is
sultant effects in terms of the numbers of   the broader kidney community (Public           committed to continuing its transpar-
African Americans affected and the           Forums to Provide Input to eGFR                ent, open, and community-based pro-
safety and effectiveness of pharmacother-    Joint Task Force, NKF). Over the course        cess through phases two and three.
apy use and dosing need appraisal. Addi-     of three sessions, the task force heard
tionally, effect on managing risk factors    from (1) students and trainees; (2)
(e.g., hypertension), nephrology referral,   clinicians, scientists, and other health       SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS
transplant waitlisting, and kidney dona-     professionals; and (3) patients, family
tion will also warrant evaluation.           members, and other public stake-               Estimation of GFR is a major underpin-
    The ramifications of changes in eGFR      holders. The task force also seeks input       ning of many clinical decisions in med-
equations on research studies examining      regarding the effect of particular             icine. The use of race to estimate GFR

JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021                                                                                    Reassessing Race in eGFR       5

Table 2. Topics and panelists/discussants during phase one
Topic                                                             Moderators and Panelists/Discussants                    Location
GFR: history and evolution of kidney                              Neil Powe, MD, MPH, MBA; Cynthia Delgado, MD
 function measurement over the past                               Andrew S. Levey, MD                            Boston, Massachusetts
 50 years
GFR: measurement, estimation,                                     Lesley Inker, MD
 performance in the United States                                 Josef Coresh, MD, MPH                          Baltimore, Maryland
                                                                  Susan L. Furth, MD, PhD                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
                                                                  Andrew S. Levey, MD                            Boston, Massachusetts
                                                                  Julia B. Lewis, MD                             Nashville, Tennessee
                                                                  Robert G. Nelson, MD, PhD                      Bethesda, Maryland
                                                                  Derek K. Ng, PhD                               Baltimore, Maryland
                                                                  Andrew D. Rule, MD                             Rochester, Minnesota
                                                                  George Schwartz, MD                            Rochester, New York
Race and racism; genetic ancestry and                             Deidra Crews, MD, ScM
  race; creatinine, race and ancestry                             Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, PhDa                 Atlanta, Georgia
                                                                  David R. Williams, PhDa                        Boston, Massachusetts
                                                                  Dorothy E. Roberts, JDa                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
                                                                  Nora Franceschini, MD                          Chapel Hill, North Carolina
                                                                  Alicia R. Martin, PhD                          Boston, Massachusetts
                                                                  Miriam S. Udler, MD, PhD                       Baston, Massachusetts
                                                                  Esteban G. Burchard, MD                        San Francisco, California
                                                                  Jeffery B. Kopp, MD                            Bethesda, Maryland
                                                                  Opeyemi A. Olabisi, MD, PhD                    Durham, North Carolina
Body composition and populations used                             Cynthia Delgado, MD
  in eGFR estimation                                              Kamyar Kalantar Zadeh, MD, PhD                 Los Angeles, California
                                                                  Andrew D. Rule, MD                             Rochester, Minnesota
                                                                  Glen M. Chertow, MD                            Palo Alto, California
                                                                  Kirsten L. Johansen, MD                        Minneapolis, Minnesota
                                                                  Baback Roshanravan, MD                         Davis, California
                                                                  Flor Alvorado, MD                              Baltimore Maryland
                                                                  Abinet M. Aklilu, MD                           New Haven, Connecticut
Laboratory standardization issues with                            Greg Miller, PhD; Mukta Baweja, MD
  markers and guidelines                                          Adeera Levin, MD, FRCPC                        Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                                  Amy D. Karger, MD, PhD                         Minneapolis, Minnesota
                                                                  Andrew S. Narva, MD                            Washington, DC
                                                                  Harvey Kaufman, MD, FCAP, MBA                  Short Hills, New Jersey
                                                                  Holly J. Kramer, MD, MPH                       Maywood, Illinois
                                                                  James Fleming, PhD, FACB                       Greensboro, North Carolina
                                                                  Joseph A. Vassalotti, MD                       New York, New York
                                                                  Neil Greenberg, PhD, DABCC                     Cleveland, Ohio
                                                                  Ravi I. Thadhani, MD, MPH                      Boston, Massachusetts
                                                                  Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer, MD, ScD               Houston, Texas
                                                                  W. Greg Miller, PhD                            Richmond, Virginia
Patient perspective and participatory                             Glenda Roberts, BSc; Curtis Warfield, MS
  decision-making experience and                                  Monica Peek, MD, MPH                           Chicago, Illinois
  patient centered considerations                                 David White                                    Brooklyn, New York
                                                                  Richard Knight                                 Bowie, Maryland
                                                                  Keren Ladin                                    Medford, Massachusetts
                                                                  Kevin Fowler                                   Chicago, Illinois
                                                                  Rajnish Mehrotra, MD                           Seattle, Washington
                                                                  Allison Tong, PhD, MPHb                        Sydney, Australia
                                                                  L. Ebony Boulware, MD                          Durham, North Carolina
                                                                  H. Gilbert Welch, MD                           Boston, Massachusetts
Possible approaches to address race in                            Neil Powe, MD, MPH, MBA; Cynthia Delgado, MD
  GFR estimation                                                  Task Force Members
Previously disseminated video talks were reviewed for these individuals due to their availability.
Video talk was reviewed for this individual due to their availability.

6        JASN                                                                                                          JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021      SPECIAL ARTICLE

Table 3. NKF-ASN Task Force agreed upon statements of evidence and value
Statement: Evidence or Value
Equity and disparities
  (1) Equitya in kidney health and kidney healthcare is a fundamental and important goal. (V)
  (2) Disparities in kidney health and kidney health care should not exist. (V)
  (3) Equity in healthcare, as defined by the NAM is care that does not vary in quality on the basis of personal characteristics, such as sex, race/
      ethnicity, geographic location, or socioeconomic status.43 (E)
  (4) A disparity in healthcare, as defined by NAM, is a difference in care that arises through operation of the healthcare system; legal or regulatory
      climate; or discrimination, biases, stereotyping, and uncertainty; but is not due to clinical appropriateness or patient preference.44 (E)
  (5) A variety of factors influence kidney health across racial and ethnic groups, including delivery of healthcare, clinical/health policies,
      environment, genetics, and health behaviors.45–51 (E) These factors act with a different degree of influence along the life span of individuals
      and along the continuum from health to kidney disease.45–49 (E) There are gaps in our understanding of these influences and how to interrupt
      their effect on creating health disparities.52 (E) To eliminate disparities, multifaceted initiatives beyond an examination of estimating
      equations must be developed. (V)
  (6) Differences in health exist across racial and ethnic groups in the United States, and not all of these differences are accounted for by
      socioeconomic status, geographic regions (including urban versus rural setting), insurance, lifestyle, and clinical factors.53 (E) Disparities in
      healthcare exist across racial and ethnic groups and geographic regions (including urban versus rural setting) in the United States, even after
      accounting for insurance status, income, age, and disease severity.44,54 (E)
  (7) Disparities across racial and ethnic groups in the United States exist in kidney disease. These disparities exist with regard to kidney-disease risk
      factors, comorbidities, and progression to kidney failure.2,5,55 (E) Disparities across racial and ethnic groups in the United States exist in kidney-
      disease care, including diabetes and BP control, nephrology referral, dialysis modality, and transplantation, and with regard to both living and
      deceased kidney donation.56–58 (E) Disparities across racial and ethnic groups in the United States in healthcare exist for diagnostics and
      therapeutics, which rely on GFR assessment (e.g., radiocontrast administration; metformin, anticoagulant, and chemotherapeutic use).59–62 (E)
  (8) Racial and ethnic diversity in participants in health and healthcare research is an important component of equity for studies and their data to be
      useful and generalizable to decisions in routine clinical practice.17,63,64 (E) Research studies should focus on a diversity of racial and ethnic
      groups to allow for greater generalizability. (V)
Race and racism
  (9) Race is defined as a construct of human variability based on perceived differences in biology, physical appearance, and behavior.65 (E) Race
      and ethnicity are social and not biologic constructs.17,66,67 (E)
  (10) Racism is defined as an organized system, rooted in an ideology of inferiority that categorizes, ranks, and differentially allocates societal
      resources to human population groups.68 (E) Racism can be internalized, personal, or institutional.40 (E) As such, racism can be a part of the
      environment/behavior, delivery of healthcare, and clinical/health policy factors, respectively.69 (E) Racism can impede prevention and clinical
      care along the continuum from healthy kidneys, to kidney disease, to treatment.39,70 (E) Implicit bias has also been shown to negatively affect
      patient outcomes, particularly among African American patients in the United States.71 (E) Approaches proven to minimize implicit bias in
      healthcare delivery should be used. (V) The effects of racism can be long lasting and this effect may even be carried forward over
      generations.72–74 (E)
  (11) Although race and genetic ancestry are related, race captures factors beyond genetic ancestry. The relation between race, ancestry, and
      observed biology is poorly understood.17 (E) Research is ongoing to elucidate the relation between genetic ancestry and race.17 (E)
  (12) According to 2019 US Census population estimates, the self-identified racial and ethnic composition of individuals was 76.3% White, 13.4%
      African Americans, 5.9% Asian, 1.3% American Indian/Native American and Alaskan Native, 0.2% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander,
      with approximately 18.5% Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity.75 (E) Approximately 2.9% of US individuals self-identified as being of mixed racial
      background.75 (E) The complexity of changing racial and ethnic makeup makes the use of race in the practice of medicine challenging and
      potentially problematic. (V)
GFR measurement, estimation, and equation performance
  (13) Creatinine and cystatin C are the most commonly used and studied filtration markers for use in estimating GFR.13 (E) Creatinine is used more
      commonly, is more widely available, and has a longer history of study than cystatin C.8,10,76 (E) The determinants of serum concentrations of
      creatinine are not completely understood, and those of cystatin C are even less well understood.77 (E) Assays for cystatin C have greater
      analytical variation than do assays for creatinine.78 (E)
  (14) Over 250 million serum creatinines are performed each year in the United States. The cost for serum creatinine is currently low relative to
      serum cystatin C (Medicare reimbursement rates in 2020, $5.12 and $18.52, respectively).79 (E) With more widespread adoption and use of
      cystatin C, costs could decrease. (V)
  (15) Multiple studies among the US population, including national health statistics studies across age groups, show African American men and
      African American women have higher serum creatinine concentrations than their White counterparts. Not all factors that might affect serum
      creatinine concentrations were accounted for in these studies.7,80 (E) Studies have also shown African Americans have higher serum creatinine
      concentrations than White individuals at the same measured GFR in the United States.81 (E) The reasons for these differences are not
      understood.81 (E)
  (16) Studies have shown the proportion of African ancestry is related to the level of creatinine in US adults.82,83 (E) Studies have not examined the
      relation of genetic ancestry to measured GFR. (E) These studies are desired. (V)

JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021                                                                                                  Reassessing Race in eGFR          7

Table 3. Continued

Statement: Evidence or Value
  (17) All estimates of GFR are subject to bias, imprecision, and inaccuracy.8,10,76,84 (E) Equations should not differentially induce bias and
     inaccuracy by age, sex, or race; i.e., they should not have disproportionate bias, imprecision, or inaccuracy for a particular group according to
     age, sex, or race. (V)
  (18) Clinical algorithms to assess eGFR with additional predictors are a better indicator of GFR than serum creatinine concentration alone.13 (E)
  (19) Individual studies of adults with measured GFR and eGFRcr or eGFRcys have been limited in the diversity of participants with regard to age,
     sex, race, ethnicity, geography, socioeconomic status, comorbidity, and other risk factors for kidney disease. These individual studies have
     also been limited in diversity of participants with regard to absence, severity, and etiology of kidney disease.8,10,76,81 (E) Individual studies of
     adults are also limited in measurements of body composition and chronic or acute illness.8,12,76 (E) Future studies should seek more diversity in
     participants with regard to many patient characteristics (age; sex; race; ethnicity; geography; socioeconomic status; comorbidity; risk factors
     for kidney disease; absence, severity, and etiology of kidney disease; diet; and body composition). (V)
  (20) Estimating equations that were not developed in diverse populations (including race and ethnicity) leads to questions as to how applicable
     they are to populations not included in the developmental phase without further validation. (V)
  (21) To estimate GFR, it is useful to pool data on participants from individual studies (i.e., meta-analysis) to obtain a more comprehensive and
     diverse sample of people (age; sex; race; ethnicity; geography; socioeconomic status; comorbidity; risk factors for kidney disease; absence,
     severity, and etiology of kidney disease; and body composition) for whom eGFR can be applied in clinical practice. (V)
  (22) To approximate measured GFR with greater accuracy and to minimize bias in all groups, creatinine-based estimating equations (MDRD and
     CKD-EPI eGFRcr or eGFRcr-cys) have included a coefficient for age, sex, and race; whereas cystatin C–based equations (CKD-EPI) have
     included coefficients for age and sex alone.12 (E)
  (23) Data in adult ambulatory outpatients show that the most validated equations (CKD-EPI; eGFRcr, eGFRcys, and eGFRcr-cys) perform with
     different degrees of bias and accuracy.12 (E) With regard to accuracy, CKD-EPI 2012 eGFRcr-cys has the highest available accuracy (P30,
     accuracy measured as the percentage of estimates within 30% of measured GFR) at 91.5%, with similar accuracy for CKD-EPI 2009 eGFRcr at
     87.2% and CKD-EPI 2012 eGFRcys at 86.9%.12 (E) Precision (interquartile range) is best for eGFRcr-cys (13.4) and less for eGFRcr (15.4) and
     eGFRcys (16.4), all in ml/min per 1.73 m2.12 (E) Bias (measured minus estimated GFR) is similar among equations: eGFRcr-cys (3.9), GFRcr (3.7),
     and eGFRcys (3.4), all in ml/min per 1.73 m2.12 (E) Bias and inaccuracy of estimated GFR equations are greater at higher measured GFR.12 (E)
     There is no differential accuracy, precision, or bias in equations between Black and non-Black individuals using these equations.12 (E)
  (24) Inclusion of height and total body weight did not improve performance of eGFR estimation in adults.11,85 (E) Validated equations for use in
     children include height, serum creatinine, cystatin c, and BUN, but do not include race.86 (E) Although methods for measuring body
     composition have been useful in research settings, no single method has been widely standardized and adapted for routine clinical use for
     adults in the United States or evaluated for use with eGFR equations. (V)
Laboratory standardization
  (25) Standardization of measurement and reporting of GFR in the United States is important. (V)
  (26) Standardization can be achieved through issuance and adherence to clinical practice guidelines.87 (E)
  (27) Reference materials, methods, and accounting for interfering substances are important in achieving assay equivalence.1,88,89 (E) Results for
     analytes used to estimate GFR should be standardized. (V)
  (28) Implementation efforts to achieve standardization, and adoption and adherence to practice guidelines, are important for uniform practices.
  (29) Clinical laboratories and the manufacturers of laboratory equipment and supplies must be engaged to achieve standardization. (V)
Patients’ perspective
  (30) Patients prefer to have shared decision making with their physician, rather than the patient or the physician being the sole decision maker.90
     (E) Given the diversity of the patient populations within and across healthcare settings, patient education on the clinical implications of eGFR
     should include a discussion on how the equation was derived, its limitations, and how it applies to them. (V)
The task force actively participated in constructing the statements of evidence and value, the statements then underwent scrutiny and revision by all of the members
of the task force. The task force went through a series of iterations regarding content, language, and perspective. V, value; NAM, National Academy of Medicine; E,
evidence; eGFRcys, estimated GFR from cystatin C; eGFRcr-cyst, estimated GFR from creatinine and cystatin C; P30, accuracy measured as the percentage of
estimates within 30% of measured GFR.
 See Supplemental Material 2 for terms and definitions.

and possible replacements have short-                       Because these differing approaches                    public-health professionals—the task
comings that the task force is currently                 may have varying effects for patients                    force would like to offer a careful and
examining. Nationwide, many institu-                     treated and followed by clinicians—                      judicious review to guide implementa-
tions have made independent decisions                    including but not limited to primary                     tion efforts for a standardized and equi-
to address race in estimation of GFR, but                care physicians, medical specialists                     table approach to care. The task force
these approaches vary and, therefore, GFR                (e.g., nephrologists, hospitalists, endo-                understands how high the stakes are for
estimates and subsequent care decisions                  crinologists, cardiologists, oncologists),               African Americans, recognizes that ex-
are not standardized.                                    surgical specialists, pharmacists, and                   peditious recommendations are needed,

8         JASN                                                                                                                                JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021        SPECIAL ARTICLE

Table 4. Inventory of possible approaches to estimating and reporting GFR for general use
Creatinine Used as Biomarker                                                                                Noncreatinine Biomarker Used
Estimation and reporting with creatinine and race using existing                     Estimation with cystatin C, creatinine, and race using existing
  equations                                                                            equations
  (1) eGFRcr (MDRD or CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate                  (13) eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate
      reported for self-identified African Americans and “non-Black”                       reported for self-identified African Americans and “non-Black”
      estimate reported for persons from other communities8,10,a                          estimate reported for persons from other communities12
Estimation with creatinine and race using existing equations but                     Estimation with cystatin, creatinine, and race using existing
  reporting without specification of race                                               equations but reporting without specification of race
  (2) eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate reported as              (14) eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate
      “high muscle mass,” and “non-Black” estimate reported as “low                       reported as “high muscle mass,” and non-Black estimate reported
      muscle mass”a                                                                       as “low muscle mass”
  (3) eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate reported as              (15) eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with “Black” estimate
      “high value,” and “White” reported as “low value”a                                  reported as “high value,” and “White” reported as “low value”a
  (4) eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with the Black coefficient ignored              (16) eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) with the Black coefficient
      and eGFR value for White/other is reported for alla                                 ignored and value for White/Other is reported for all
  (5) eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race), with the Black coefficient used                (17) eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race), with the Black coefficient
      and eGFR value for African Americans is reported for all                            used and value for African Americans is reported for all
  (6) Blended eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) using a single coefficient              (18) Blended eGFRcr-cys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex, race) using a single
      weighted for percentage of African Americans in the specific                         coefficient weighted for percentage of African Americans in the
      population is reported for all                                                      specific population is reported for all
Estimation with creatinine that do not include race                                  Estimation with cystatin C only
  (7) CG estimated creatinine clearance (age, sex, weight)6,a,b                        (19) eGFRcys (CKD-EPI) (age, sex)76,a
  (8) eGFRcr (FAS) (age, sex)91                                                        (20) eGFRcys (FAS) (age, sex)92
  (9) eGFRcr (EKFC) (age, sex)93                                                       (21) eGFRcys (CAPA) (age)94
  (10) eGFR (LM) (age, sex)95
Equations to be developed to estimate GFR with creatinine that do                    Equations to be developed to estimate GFR with creatinine and
  not include race                                                                     cystatin C that do not include race
  (11) eGFRcr refit without race variable                                               (22) eGFRcr-cys refit without race variable
  (12) eGFRcr refit with height and weight without race variable
                                                                         Estimation with creatinine only that does not include race
                                                                           (23) eGFRcr-cys (FAS) (age, sex)92
                                                                         Estimations with new filtration markers in combination with
                                                                           creatinine or cystatin C that do not include race
                                                                           (24) eGFRcys-b2m-btp (age, sex)96
                                                                           (25) eGFRcr-cys-b2m-btp (age, sex)96
(26) Any of the above either in combination or in sequence with measured GFR using exogenous filtration markers or measured creatinine
  clearance, to be used generally or by clinical indication (e.g., donation, diagnosis, prescription, referral, transplant): Example: One of the
  above approaches followed by another approach for confirmation.
Parentheses indicate coefficients included in the development of the equation. eGFRcr-cys, estimated GFR with creatinine and cystatin C; CG, Cockcroft–Gault;
FAS, full age spectrum; EKFC, European Kidney Function Consortium; CAPA, Caucasian and Asian Pediatric and Adult; LM, Lund–Malmo; b2m, b2 microglobulin;
btp, b-trace protein.
 Used or in use in at least one US setting.
  CG creatinine clearance is reported in ml/min, eGFR results are standardized (or indexed) to a body surface area of 1.73 m2 and are reported in ml/min per 1.73 m2.

and that a careful review of the evidence                education and sustained efforts to                        kidney health and to eliminate health
must guide its recommendations. The                      monitor and assure patient safety and                     disparities.
task force also recognizes that alignment                health equity. Assessing the inclusion
of US clinical laboratories is critical to               of race in estimating GFR is part of a
maintain the success achieved over the                   larger conversation in addressing ra-                     DISCLOSURES
past two decades in reporting of eGFR,                   cial disparities in kidney health. NKF,
which has improved the quality of care                   ASN, and the task force encourage                            M. Baweja reports having interests/relationships
for millions of Americans.                               the community of healthcare profes-                       with Physicians for Human Rights, Young Center
   NKF, ASN, and the task force ap-                      sionals, scientists, medical educa-                       for Immigrant Children’s Rights, and Premier, Inc.
preciate that issuing recommenda-                        tors, students, health professionals in                   D.C. Crews reports serving on the Nephrology
                                                                                                                   Board of the American Board of Internal Medi-
tions is only the beginning of change.                   training, and patients to join in the                     cine, on the Council of Subspecialist Societies at
Implementing recommendations of                          larger, comprehensive effort needed                       the American College of Physicians, on the Bayer
this magnitude will require extensive                    to address the entire spectrum of                         HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc, Patient and

JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021                                                                                                            Reassessing Race in eGFR              9

Table 5. Sample of attributes to be considered in making a recommendation among alternative approaches to estimation of
kidney function (eGFR)
Filtration biomarker availability
Input variable for computation (race, filtration biomarker, age, sex, body composition measure)
Representation in development and validation of a diverse population with regard to race, ethnicity, sex, age, body composition, severity and
   cause of kidney disease, and socioeconomic status
Bias compared with measured kidney function for different race and ethnic groups
Accuracy compared with measured kidney function for different race and ethnic groups
Consequences of equation used for clinical decisions with regard to evaluation and management of patients’ kidney function, including health
   disparities and bias
Availability of input variables for reporting (race, filtration biomarker, age, sex, body composition measure)
Feasibility of standardization across the United States
Patient-centered perspectives on approaches

Physician Advisory Board Steering Committee for         technical expert panel for Quality Insights Kidney       Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, At-
Disparities in CKD Project, on the editorial board      Care Pilot project; serving as a scientific advisory      lanta, Georgia. The findings and conclusions in this
of CJASN and Journal of Renal Nutrition, as asso-       board member of the NKF and ASN Task Force on            report are those of the authors and do not neces-
ciate editor for Kidney360 as cochair of Kidney360,     EGFR and Race; and having consultancy agree-             sarily represent the official position of the Centers
and on the Board of Directors of the NKF of Mary-       ments with Total Renal Care, Inc. N.R. Powe re-          for Disease Control and Prevention. Because
land/Delaware; receiving research funding from          ports serving as a JASN associate editor; reports        Marva M. Moxey-Mims and Neil R. Powe are As-
Somatus, Inc.; and having consultancy agreements        receiving honoraria from the Patient Centered            sociate Editors of JASN, they were not involved in
with Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation         Outcomes Research Institute, Robert Wood John-           the peer review process for this manuscript. An-
Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation             son Foundation, University of Washington, Yale           other editor oversaw the peer review and decision-
(CORE). C. Delgado reports her contribution is          University, and Vanderbilt University; and serving       making process for this manuscript.
in part supported with the resources and the use        as a scientific advisor for the Patient Centered Out-
of facilities at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.   comes Research Institute, Robert Wood Johnson
N.D. Eneanya reports receiving honoraria from           Foundation, University of Washington, Vanderbilt
Columbia University Medical Center, Gerson              University, and Yale University. G.V. Roberts re-        SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL
Lehrman, Harvard University, Partner’s Health-          ports serving on a speakers bureau with American
care, Quality Insights, SCAN Healthcare, Univer-        Association of Kidney Patients; receiving honoraria        This article contains the following supplemental
sity of California Irvine, and Wake Forest School of    from APOLLO; serving on the APOLLO NIDDK                 material online at
Medicine; serving as a scientific advisor for,           Study Community Advisory Committee, Can-                 lookup/suppl/doi:10.1681/ASN.2021010039/-/
or member of, Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery       SOLVE CKD International Research Advisory Com-           DCSupplemental.
Science and Innovation and Kidney Medicine; and         mittee, International Nephrology Society (ISN) Patient     Supplemental Material 1. Topics and informants
having consultancy agreements with Somatus.             Group, University of Washington (UW) Center for          during phase 2.
C. Gadegbeku reports receiving research funding         Dialysis Innovation Patient Advisory Board, and UW         Supplemental Material 2. Terms and definitions.
from Akebia and Vertex; serving as scientific advi-      Kidney Research Institute Patient Advisory Commit-
sor for, or member of, the ASN Council; and hav-        tee; having other interests/relationships with the ASN
ing consultancy agreements with Fresenius Kid-          COVID-19 Response Team and Transplant Subcom-
ney Care as medical director. L.A. Inker reports        mittee and Kidney Health Initiative Patient and          REFERENCES
serving as scientific advisor or member of, Alport’s     Family Partnership Council; serving as an advisory
Foundation, Goldfinch, and Diametrix; member of          committee member for Home Dialyzors United;               1. Miller WG, Jones GRD: Estimated glomerular
the ASN and member of National Kidney Disease           and having ownership interest in Microsoft.                  filtration rate; laboratory implementation and
Education Program; having consultancy agree-            C. Warfield reports serving on the NKF Indiana                current global status. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis
ments with Diamtrix and Tricidia(through Tufts          on the Board of Directors, and on the Home Dia-              25: 7–13, 2018
MC); and receiving research funding from NIH,           lyzors United Board of Directors. All remaining au-       2. Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Chronic
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apeutics. M.L. Mendu reports having consultancy                                                                      Available at:
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advisor for, or member of, Clinical Chemistry.            None.                                                      cess and product. J Ren Nutr 12: 1–7, 2002
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itor for JASN, as an editorial board member of for                                                                   (CMS): Kidney disease education. Available at:
Pediatric Nephrology, and on the scientific advisory                                                        
boards of NephCure International and NKF. W.L.          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                              disease-education. Accessed January 4, 2021
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Group, and OptumLabs; and serving on the Cen-           Hoffman for assistance during the sessions. The              cember 1, 2020
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10          JASN                                                                                                                           JASN 32: ccc–ccc, 2021        SPECIAL ARTICLE

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