Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff

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Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff

JULY 2021

      Real Estate
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
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Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
In this edition

Reform of property law

–   Volume ownership: a major change

In the spotlight

–   Updated FAQ on the 6% VAT-rate for demolition and reconstruction

–   Annual property tax in the COVID-19 era

–   Overview interesting case law of the past 6 months

Last month in short

On our website
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
Reform of property law
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
Real Estate Update 5

The law of 4 February 2020 containing Book 3 “Goods” of the new Civil Code has been
approved and shall enter into force on 1 September 2021 (with exceptions). It undoubtedly
introduces the most far-reaching reform of Belgian property law since the Code Napoleon
of 1804. The new Book 3 repeals, inter alia, the acts of 10 January 1824 on long-term lease
right and right to build.

With the new Book 3, the legislator wishes to better structure, modernize and integrate
(the rules of) property law into a single code. In addition, the legislator wants to create a
functional, useful and flexible set of rules with a new - sometimes delicate - balance between
contractual freedom and legal certainty.

This reform will surely be on top of your agenda. On our side, sharing knowledge is a top
priority and, on this topic, we are organizing the following sharing moments:

–   A monthly update on a specific topic via this newsletter
–   A series of breakfast webinars given in French and in Dutch
–   A half-day seminar to go deeper into the new regulations on usufruct right (droit
    d’usufruit/vruchtgebruikrecht), right to build (droit de superficie/opstalrecht) and long-
    term lease right (droit d’emphytéose/erfpachtrecht), to analyse the tax aspects of these
    new regulations and to comment on bankability of property rights structure. This seminar
    shall be given in English.

Any questions or suggestions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Ariane Brohez
Lien Bellinck
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff

    Volume ownership: a major change
    Title 3 of the new Civil Code introduces the possibility of a horizontal division creating a
    perpetual volume ownership. This is a major change in Belgian law, although the concept
    already exists in other countries. However, this possibility is subject to strict conditions and its
    practical application remains a source of questions.

    Current legal framework                                           What is the proposed solution?
                                                                      The owner of the land will create a right to build for the
    The horizontal division of a building is already possible         benefit of a third party, allowing the latter to acquire
    today, although the current legal framework is not optimal.       ownership of a volume on, above or below the land. This is
    Indeed, the use of co-ownership in such a scenario is             the classic definition of the right to build, which allows
    sometimes “artificial”, as the parliamentary work points          its holder to obtain ownership of such a volume, built or
    out. The creation of a right to build is possible but only        not. This right to build can be perpetual, and thus give its
    allows for a temporary split of ownership. Moreover, the          holder perpetual ownership of this volume, in order to allow
    use of easements (plumb line, anchorage) does not offer           the division into volumes of a complex and heterogeneous
    a solution to all factual situations. And finally, as for the     real estate complex comprising several volumes likely to
    recent case law of the Supreme Court, which seems                 be used autonomously and in various ways, which do not
    to consider that a waiver of accession should not be              have any common part between them.
    assimilated to the granting of a right to build: we believe
    that the decision is difficult to transpose to all cases, given   Under what conditions?
    the particular situation referred to in the case.                 The conditions are strict and the right to build in question
                                                                      only remains perpetual as long as these conditions
    Conclusion: the current legal framework does not offer            are met.
    sufficient possibilities and security to create a perpetual
    volume ownership.                                                 -   The perpetual right to build can only be granted
                                                                          by the owner of the land. This is the application of
    Reform                                                                the principle “nemo plus iuris...”: only the holder
                                                                          of a perpetual right can grant a perpetual right of
    The horizontal division of a building, creating a perpetual           use. The consequence of this is that the holder of a
    volume ownership, will henceforth be possible using an                long-term lease on a building cannot grant a perpetual
    exceptional perpetual right to build. However, a red line is          right to build on the volume above this building
    drawn: this type of horizontal division may not infringe the          (for example, in order to build a new volume), but that
    mandatory provisions on co-ownership.                                 this right to build can only be temporary (whereby the
                                                                          building lease right may have as its maximum duration,
                                                                          the duration of the leasehold right). On the other hand,
                                                                          we do not see what would prevent the owner of the
                                                                          land, after having granted this perpetual right to build
                                                                          (for example for the volume under the land), from
                                                                          subsequently granting a long-term lease on the land.
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
-   This horizontal division can only be conceived if,
    on the same property, at least two independent
    volumes coexist comprising structures intended
    for different uses and capable of independent
    management. It is necessary that the separate
    volumes correspond to different uses, for example
    the division of a tower into two retail floors and
    five residential floors. We do not believe that the
    destination given from the point of view of town
    planning is relevant here: indeed, town planning law
    is a regional matter and to proceed in this way would
    necessarily introduce differences between the three
    Regions. About these structures, it seems to us that
    the parliamentary works contradict the legal provisions
    when they mention that the volume must “include”
    structures. We believe that this should be understood
    as meaning that the planned constructions should be
    realised within the volumes, i.e. “be built”. Indeed, the
    essence of the right to build is to obtain ownership of a
    built or unbuilt volume. Limiting the perpetual building
    right to already built volumes has no basis in the law
    and would run counter to the legislator’s intention,
    namely the optimal use of space, including in the
    context of property developments.

-   These volumes, and the (future) works they contain,
    may not have any common parts between them.
    This is the red line drawn by the new regime: the
    parties cannot undermine the imperative nature of the
    rules relating to co-ownership. However, this does
    not prevent “collective equipment” being used by the
    different volumes, such as a lift linking a car park in
    the basement (separate volume) of a shopping center
    above ground (separate volume). We come back to
    this hereunder.
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff

    The permanence of the conditions. These conditions                However, one may wonder about such a provision: is it
    must be fulfilled at the time the perpetual right to build        sufficient or far too broad? It seems to us that it is indeed
    is created, but the right to build remains perpetual only         relevant to have recourse to an easement with regard to
    as long as these conditions are fulfilled. This is likely to      these collective equipment, but it is also relevant not to
    be the case about the condition relating to different uses.       limit oneself to this legal easement, but rather to describe
    For example, a tower divided into two distinct volumes,           and regulate the rights and obligations of the parties
    retail and residential. Let us imagine the disappearance of       (for example with regard to maintenance and repairs)
    the “retail” use, the tower becoming after several years a        concerning these collective equipment.
    tower solely dedicated to residential use. The owner, via
    the right to build, of the “residential” volume will see its      Volume ownership and co-ownership
    ownership become temporary, until the end of the building
    right. This raises the question of the duration of the right to   A red line is drawn between volume ownership and
    build. The parliamentary works tell us that the right to build    co-ownership, as the mandatory legal provisions
    will have a term of 99 years from the time the different uses     concerning the latter cannot be circumvented by means
    disappear. However, there is no legal provision for this; on      of the new volume ownership. However, the two figures
    the contrary, the perpetual right to build is an exception        can be combined: the residential part of the tower can
    to the maximum term of 99 years. Is it to be concluded            be owned as a condominium, with each flat being sold
    that the existing right to build ends on the moment the           piecemeal to individuals. But what will be the object of the
    different uses disappear and that, immediately afterwards,        sale? The private flat and a share in the common parts is
    a new right to build arises? The tax consequences for the         the most obvious answer, but one may wonder what this
    owner of the “residential” volume would be significant.           “share in the common parts” will include.
    Indeed, in case the perpetual right to build would expire
    and a new right to build would be created, the ownership          First, there is the collective equipment. Let us assume that
    of the residential structure would be transferred to the          its ownership is attached to the “retail” volume and that
    land owner (the right of accession revives at the end of          the “residential” volume benefits from an easement for its
    the building right) and, immediately afterwards, a new            use. These utilities will therefore not be considered as a
    building right on the built volume comprising the residential     common part.
    structure would be granted. Since the building right on
    a built volume implies the transfer of ownership of the           Then there is the perpetual right to build. In principle, this
    constructions within the volume, such transfer will trigger       perpetual right to build is supposed to replace the land,
    transfer taxes. A legislative amendment on this point would       and the purchaser of a flat is allocated a share in this right
    be welcome.                                                       to build. This raises the question of the tax treatment of
                                                                      this sale. If VAT does not apply, transfer taxes will be due
    The collective equipment. Unless this reform was to               at the rate of 2% on the price allocated to this share of
    be rendered completely useless, it was inconceivable to           the right to build. One may wonder about the justification
    provide for the introduction of volume ownership without          for this difference in treatment: the purchaser of a flat in a
    introducing a specific regime concerning utilities. In fact,      tower dedicated solely to residential use will bear transfer
    merely stating that volumes cannot have any common                taxes at the rate of 10 or 12.50%, whereas the purchaser
    parts between them would render the regime useless                of a similar flat in a tower of which only a part is dedicated
    (just think of the walls, the various pipes and ducts, etc.).     to residential use will bear transfer taxes on part of the
    The existence of such collective equipment is indeed              price at the rate of 2%, unless it is said that the entire
    authorised, but the legislator has also provided for a new        value is allocated to the full ownership of the flat. And what
    legal easement in the following terms: “the holder of a real      in case of a new building that should be sold under the
    right of use of an immovable property benefits from all the       VAT regime? A strict reading of the legal provisions should
    easements necessary for the exercise of his right on the          lead to the conclusion that there is no question of “land”
    land encumbered by the said real right”.                          adjoining a new building.
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
Nor should it be a question of the transfer of a real right
to a new building since the subject of the right to build
is a volume. Should it therefore also be concluded that
the part of the price allocated to the share in the right to
build is subject to transfer tax at 2% instead of VAT at
21%? What could be the justification for this difference in
treatment, again unless it is assumed that the entire price is
to be allocated to the full ownership of the flat.

The introduction of volume ownership, or perpetual
horizontal division, is a major reform. However, practice,
case law and doctrine will probably still have to refine the
contours of this reform, as one of the obstacles, and not
the least, remains the estate documentation and the land
register, and the question of how these perpetual rights to
build will be identified and transcribed.

Ariane Brohez
Lien Bellinck
Real Estate Update - JULY 2021 - Loyens & Loeff
In the spotlight
Real Estate Update 11

Updated FAQ on the 6% VAT-rate
for demolition and reconstruction
The tax authorities recently published a new FAQ with some clarifications regarding the
temporary favourable VAT-regime for demolition and reconstruction. This FAQ complements a
previously published circular letter on this subject (circular letter n° 2020/C/18) and includes the
complementary FAQ involving specific cases with property developers. Both documents reflect
the tax authorities’ current view on this temporary arrangement. The most important clarifications
are briefly discussed below.

The purchase of a unit in an assisted                             Reconstruction on adjacent plots
living facility unit
                                                                  If a building is to be constructed on different cadastral
The tax authorities clarify that, if all conditions are met,      parcels of which only one was previously built on, more
the sale of a unit in an assisted living facility by a property   than half of the new building must be located on the
developer can also fall in scope of the temporary VAT             previously built-on parcel. If this is not the case, the
regime. Also here, the buyer will have to occupy the              reduced VAT rate of 6% cannot be applied. In addition,
building himself for his own use. In practice, this will lead     a cadastral merger of the two parcels before demolition is
to a circular lease between the buyer (in his capacity as an      insufficient to argue that the demolition and reconstruction
“elderly person”) and the management body.                        have taken place on the same parcel.

What should be considered as                                      When do different buildings qualify as
“demolition”?                                                     “one building”?

It is emphasised once again that a building must be               It is important to know whether several residential blocks
completely demolished in order to fall in scope of the            realised within a real estate project can be considered as
6% VAT regime. It is not sufficient to partially demolish         one building. In this respect, the tax authorities uphold
a multi-layered building to then (further) build on it.           the basic principle that each residential block must
However, it is not required that all buildings on an              be regarded as separate. A mere physical connection
existing plot are demolished as long as the demolished            between the residential blocks is insufficient to consider
buildings are significant, also in relation to the newly          them as a single building. A basic deed which shows that
constructed dwelling.                                             the land and the access roads to the site are common is
                                                                  on itself also insufficient.
However, the tax authorities do clarify in this respect
that there is a single building if there is a common
underground cellar and/or garage with a continuous and
permanent passage between the underground spaces,
as well as the presence of common facilities that relate
to all the residential blocks (e.g. stairs or lifts that are
accessible to all residents, common entrances, common
utilities and technical rooms). If these conditions are not
met, each residential block should be considered as a
separate building.

Demolition and reconstruction by the
same person

This new FAQ includes the specific FAQ deemed to clarify
the regime when property developers are involved.

In this respect, in case the landowner initially grants a right
in rem (e.g. building right or long-term lease right) to the
property developer, the latter can be considered as the
person carrying out the demolition and the reconstruction
by virtue of its right in rem.

Furthermore, the tax authorities consider the condition
as deemed to be met when, prior to the granting of the
right in rem, or in the context of the right in rem granted
on the land in its future state after demolition, the property
developer carries out the demolition on behalf of the
landowner. In other words, even if the demolition and
reconstruction are not carried out by the same person
(i.e. the demolition is carried out by the property developer
on behalf of the landowner) the tax authorities consider
that the regime can be applied to the extent that the
property developer performs the demolition itself or
through its subcontractors.
Real Estate Update 13

Shared construction management                                   Transfer of undivided shares of a
is allowed                                                       residence that is purchased/occupied
                                                                 under the beneficial regime within the
The previously published circular letter n° 2020/C/18            regularisation period: revision required!
already provided an administrative tolerance in case the
demolition was carried out by the landowner and the              If a dwelling was bought or built with the application of
reconstruction was carried out by the building owner.            the reduced VAT rate, the owner has to use the building
The tax authorities now also accept shared construction          as his/her own and only residence for 5 years. If not
management. In this case, the landowner grants a partial         (for instance when selling the property), he/she loses the
building lease right to a building developer and thereby         right to the reduced rate and regularisation is required.
reserves a part of the land and the new building or flat         The owner must then pay the difference between 6% and
connected to it. In this case, the developer will, on the one    21% to the Treasury. This is the case, for example, if the
hand, act as the owner of the residential units intended         owner sells half of his property to his spouse or gives part
for sale to third parties and, on the other hand, act as         of the property to his children.
the contractor for the demolition and reconstruction of
the residential units reserved for the landowner. The tax        If the owner sells with VAT, the VAT paid on the
authorities accept that in such a case, the reduced VAT          demolition/reconstruction can be recovered. But if it is a
rate of 6% can apply both to the sale of the housing units       sale with registration duties, this is not possible.
to third parties as well as to the construction works on
the reserved parts. Both parties are considered to be            Samira Moujahid
demolishing a building and constructing a new dwelling.

Completion of a building after purchase
or occupation: can the reduced VAT
rate apply?

The answer depends on the subsection of the
arrangement that is applied. If a builder has carried out
the demolition and reconstruction himself and wants
to carry out additional work after the dwelling has been
put into use, the reduced VAT rate can still apply to
the additional work (f.i. tiling the kitchen), provided that
this work is carried out between 1 January 2021 and
31 December 2022 and at the latest on 31 December of
the year in which the dwelling was first put into use.

The situation is different if the reduced rate is applied to
the sale of a new home. In such a case, the buyer cannot
carry out the subsequent finishing work at the reduced
rate, as the buyer does not qualify as the “builder” of the
dwelling. The normal VAT rate of 21% will be applicable
unless it is the seller/constructor who is responsible for the
further finishing of the building.

     Annual property tax in the
     COVID-19 era
     Traditionally, assessment notices for annual property tax (onroerende voorheffing / précompte
     immobilier) are sent out during the holiday months of July and August. The annual property tax
     is a tax on the notional net annual rental value of real estate (building, land, some machines) to
     which you have a property right. Is the tax due even if you did not use the property due to the
     corona pandemic?

     The tax                                                         As mentioned above, property tax is a regional tax.
                                                                     Brussels does not have a tax reduction for unproductivity.
     The property tax is due by the full owner, the holder of a      The other two Regions do.
     long-term lease, the usufructuary or the holder of a right
     to build of the immovable property, even if the immovable       In general, the reduction for unproductivity is subject to
     property is not rented out. If the property is rented out and   7 conditions.
     the rental contract provides for the recharge the tax to the    a. The building or machinery was not used at all. Less use
     tenant, the landlord is still the taxpayer.                          of a building, or more difficult access to the building
                                                                          is insufficient.
     The tax is calculated on a notional income, namely the          b. The building was not furnished. For company buildings,
     flat-rate estimate of the net annual rental value of the             the tax authorities accept that goods that were in the
     property (irrespective of the actual rental income).                 building remain there, provided that they are not used.
                                                                     c. The building did not produce any income. This means
     The tax is a former federal tax that has been transferred            that if a landlord continues to receive rent, the building
     to the three Regions. The Regions therefore benefit from             is not unproductive even though the tenant was not
     the fiscal income generated by this tax, but they are also           using it.
     competent to change e.g. the tax rate, the exemptions           d. The unproductivity lasts for a minimum period in the
     and reductions.                                                      calendar year: 90 days in the Flemish Region and 180
                                                                          days in the Walloon Region. These days do not have to
     Exemptions and reductions                                            be consecutive.
                                                                     e. Unproductivity may not last longer than 12 consecutive
     Among other things, property tax is not due on school                months. There are numerous exceptions to this.
     buildings, religious buildings, hospitals, etc. Numerous             The 12-month period can be spread over two
     reductions are also possible, for example for new                    calendar years.
     machines or in case of demolition and reconstruction in         f.   The unproductivity is involuntary. It may not be the
     certain city districts.                                              result of a deliberate choice on the part of the owner,
                                                                          usufructuary, etc.
     An important reduction is the reduction for the so-called       g. The taxpayer has done everything possible to end the
     “unproductivity”. If you (or the user) were unable to use the        unproductivity as soon as possible.
     building, the taxpayer can benefit from a reduction subject
     to strict conditions to be complied with.
Real Estate Update 15

Unproductivity in the COVID-19 era                            Objection

Companies that were forced to close during the pandemic       As long as you have not received the assessment notice,
could invoke unproductivity to claim a reduction.             you cannot do anything. The reduction can only be
The conditions regarding not using the property have          requested by means of an objection notice. You must
probably been met. The question is rather whether the         respect the time limits for submitting an objection. In the
minimum period of unproductivity can be achieved. In the      Flemish Region, you only have 3 months (but in all
Flemish Region, there are certainly many businesses that      cases, you have until 31 March of the year following the
have had to close for 90 days (restaurants and cafés spring   assessment year - in this case, 31 March 2022). In the
to mind). In the Walloon region this seems somewhat less      Walloon Region, you have 6 months to lodge an objection.
certain considering the minimum period of unproductivity of
180 days. For landlords, a reduction could be claimed as      Ariane Brohez
well if the tenant was forced to close. However, landlords
cannot claim the reduction for unproductivity if they still
received the rent. It is still unknown whether the regional
tax administrations will accept a waiver of rent as an
‘involuntary’ unproductivity.

     Overview interesting case law of
     the past 6 months
     During the first 6 months of 2021, the Belgian courts issued several significant judgements
     in the context of real estate litigation. Please find below an overview of some key real
     estate cases.

     (VAT)                                                            The Court of Cassation applied this case law in its decision
                                                                      of 21 May 2021. In the case at hand, the Court took
     Court of Cassation - 21 May 2021 – VAT deduction                 a strict position by ruling that the Court of Appeal had
     for brokerage fees and publicity costs (in the context           taken all the circumstances into account and sufficiently
     of the Vos Aannemingen (CJEU - case C-405/19))                   justified its decision when stating that there was no direct
                                                                      and immediate link between the economic activity of the
     The Court of Cassation ruled on the case Vos                     construction company and the part of the expenses that
     Aannemingen, in which the VAT deduction for publicity            benefits the landowner. In this respect, it is important to
     and brokerage costs incurred by a construction company           note that the Court of Appeal previously determined that
     could be limited to the building alone, thus excluding           these costs were partly related to the sale of the land and
     VAT-deduction for costs related to the land.                     that the construction company could allocate these costs
                                                                      to the landowner. The judgement of the Court of Appeal,
     On 1 October 2020, the European Court of Justice already         in which the construction company is only allowed to a
     ruled that the mere fact that the costs incurred are partly      partial VAT deduction, was therefore confirmed.
     for the benefit of the land owner is as such not sufficient to
     automatically restrict the VAT deduction in the hands of the     Notwithstanding this position of the Court of Cassation,
     construction company.                                            the right to VAT deduction in similar cases can, in our
                                                                      view, not be limited as a matter of principle. There are
     To allow the VAT deduction, there should be a direct and         conceivable cases in which there is no direct link between
     immediate link between the expenses and the economic             the costs for brokerage and publicity and the sale of the
     activity of the taxable person and the advantage for             land (e.g. in case there is a purchase obligation leading to
     the third party (in this case the landowner) should be           a situation where the land company does not have to incur
     secondary to the needs of the VAT taxable activity of the        such costs). Hence, a case-by-case assessment is in our
     construction company. The ECJ also clarified that the            view required.
     possibility for the construction company to allocate a
     part of these costs to the land owner can be an element,
     along with all of the other circumstances in which the
     transactions occurred, that the referring court can take
     into account to determine the scope of the right to
     VAT deduction.
Real Estate Update 17

(VAT)                                                          have to repay immediately all that VAT, plus any applicable
                                                               interest, on the ground that the planned project that
Court of Justice of the European Union, n° C-248/20,           gave rise to the right of deduction did not result in any
18 May 2021 - Deduction of the input tax paid during           taxed activity.
the construction phase of a building – Abandonment
of the initially planned activity – Adjustment of              (Property Tax)
the deduction of the input VAT paid instead of
immediate reimbursement                                        Constitutional Court, decision 51/2021 dated 25
                                                               March 2021 - Taxable basis for annual property tax
In the case at hand, a Swedish company A was
constructing an office building deemed to be rented out        The taxable basis for the regional property tax is the
and opts to subject the renting to VAT. During construction,   so-called cadastral income. This cadastral income is a
a potential tenant withdraws, making the project               lump-sum estimation of the net annual rental value of the
unprofitable so that A stops the project. According to         real estate concerned. The method of calculation of the
Swedish legislation at the time, A lost its status as a        cadastral income has not changed since 1980 and is
VAT payer for that project and the VAT already deducted        based on standards from 1975. For budgetary reasons,
(about 100,000 EUR) had to be refunded immediately             the amount of the cadastral income is indexed.
with interest.
                                                               When a building is erected, a cadastral income is given
In this context, the Court ruled that the acquisition of       shortly after the building is put into use. The owner then
goods or services by a taxable person acting as such           has 6 months to lodge an objection. Once the objection
gives rise to the deduction mechanism. On the contrary,        period is over, the cadastral income is final.
the use of goods or services, or the intention to use the
goods or services merely determines the extent of the          After that, a revision of the cadastral income is only
initial deduction to which the taxable person is entitled      possible in exceptional circumstances that cause
and the extent of any adjustments in the course of the         an increase or decrease of at least 15% in the
following periods, but does not affect whether the right of    cadastral income.
deduction arises.
                                                               A taxpayer who requested such an exceptional review
However, the principle according to which the right of         had his request rejected. No appeal was possible against
deduction is maintained even where an activity is brought      this decision. The taxpayer challenged this before the
to an end before it gives rise to any taxable transactions,    Constitutional Court, but the latter dismissed the case.
must be combined with the rules regarding the adjustment       The Court also states that the transfer of the property does
of VAT deductions. The adjustment mechanism aims to            not open up a new period of appeal.
establish a close and direct relationship between the right
to deduct the input VAT paid and the use of the goods          (CIV)
or services concerned for taxable outgoing transactions.
Therefore, if the taxable person no longer plans to use        Court of Appeal of Brussels, 8 January 2021
these goods and services to perform outgoing transactions      - Sale of real estate - Impact of an urban
subject to VAT or uses them to perform VAT-exempt              planning infringement
transactions, the close and direct relationship is basically
broken and the adjustment mechanism will be applicable.        The purchaser signed a private sale agreement for a
                                                               building that was (in fact) divided into seven housing units.
The Court concluded that a national legislation cannot         In the private sale agreement, the building was described
require that a taxable person who benefitted from the          as a residential and investment house (une maison
optional VAT scheme during the construction of a building      d’habitation et de rapport). The seller refused to shield
that was intended to be let out, and for which the input       the purchaser from possible fines for the absence of a
VAT charged on the incoming transactions was deducted,         planning permission for the division.

     Although the private sale agreement had already been              The tenant argued that the disadvantage suffered as a
     signed, the purchaser contacted the town planning                 result of the judicial termination of the tenancy agreement
     authorities who informed the purchaser that the building          consisted of (i) losing the advantage of operating its
     was registered as a single-family house (maison                   business in the rented premises and of carrying out
     unifamiliale) and not as a residential and investment house.      important works and (ii) being prevented from transferring
     Five months later the purchaser refused to sign the notarial      this business and therefore losing a profit of 750,000 EUR.
     deed of sale; in reaction the seller claimed a compensation       The tenant further argued that he had suffered these
     payment of 10% of the purchase price as provided by               disadvantages without there being any actual advantage
     the contract.                                                     for the landlord, except for the landlord being able to
                                                                       rent the rented premises to the prospective buyer of the
     The Court of Appeal of Brussels decided that the                  aforementioned business without having to go by the
     purchaser cannot, despite having been expressly invited by        tenant first.
     their notary not to sign the private sale agreement before
     having taken steps with the town planning authorities, use        The Court confirmed the tenants’ position: before he can
     a letter from the municipality confirming the existence of        decide that significant and repeated rent arrears constitute
     this infringement, of which they were aware, as a ground          a serious breach of the lease agreement that justifies the
     for refusing to sign the notarial deed.                           judicial termination of the lease at the tenant’s expense, the
                                                                       judge must first examine the balance between the benefits
     According to the Court neither the object nor the cause of        to be gained by the landlord and the harm to be suffered
     the sale is unlawful since, on the one hand, the planning         by the tenant.
     infringement is not established (the municipality only stated
     that there was a risk of irregularity) and, on the other hand,    (CIV)
     the seller could legitimately wish to sell the building as is,
     after having informed the purchaser of the planning risk          Court of Cassation - 15 January 2021 – professional
     linked to the division of the building into seven units, and to   seller versus specialized seller
     let the latter assume this risk.
                                                                       The Antwerp Court of Appeal had ruled that the seller
     The absence of planning permission for the division of the        of a recreation park, in its capacity of project developer,
     building into seven housing units did not constitute an error     had to be considered as a professional seller who cannot
     or fraud, or a hidden defect, since this element was known        exonerate his liability from hidden defects. The case was
     to the purchaser before the sale.                                 brought before the Court of Cassation. The Court states
                                                                       in its decision of 15 January 2021, that the obligation
     (CIV)                                                             of result (resultaatsverbintenis / obligation de résultat)
                                                                       does not rest upon each professional seller, but on
     Court of Cassation - 4 March 2021 – Commercial                    manufacturers or specialized sellers. The Court rules that
     tenancy agreement and abuse of rights                             such an obligation of result means that the manufacturer
     (rechtsmisbruik / abus de droit)                                  or specialized seller should sell products without defects
                                                                       and should take all necessary measures to (i) detect the
     In this case, the tenant argued that the judgment rendered        possible defects and (ii) indemnify the buyer in the event of
     against him violated the prohibition on abuse of rights           defect, unless he can proof that the defect was impossible
     (rechtsmisbruik / abus de droit) on the ground of article         to detect. To determine whether a party is a specialized
     1134, third paragraph of the old Civil Code, because the          seller, the Court of Cassation states that, as determining
     judicial termination of the lease agreement requested by          criteria, the judge should verify the degree of specialization
     the landlord was granted, on the basis of significant and         and technical competences. By not doing so, the decision
     repeated rent arrears, without examining and balancing            was not justified.
     the advantage sought by the landlord by asking for judicial
     termination and the disadvantage suffered by the tenant.
Real Estate Update 19


Court of Cassation - 12 February 2021 – Limitation of
the decennial liability is null and void, before or after
the acceptance of the work.

In this decision, the Court of Cassation confirmed that
a clause limiting the liability to the part of the architect
and/or contractor (the in solidum clause) in the event
of concurrent faults on the part of the architect and the
contractors, must be regarded as a clause excluding
liability. As the decennial liability is from public order, it is
not possible to exclude the liability and, as a result, the
in solidum clause is considered as null and void.

Besides, the Court of Cassation also considers that
such in solidum clause is also null and void if it relates to
damage suffered in the period before the acceptance of
the executed work. This seems to be contrary to general
accepted principle in regulation, case law and doctrine,
pursuant to which the decennial liability starts as form the
acceptance of the work. Legal authors believe that this
statement must be read in the context of the dispute, in
which the architect agreement was mutually terminated,
and the provisional acceptance of the work never took
place. In such case, the date of the termination of the
architect or contractor agreement could define the start
of the decennial liability term, provided that a threat to the
stability of the executed work is visible at that moment.
Last month in short

     Tax reduction for waiver of rent                              Investing in a residential care center
                                                                   via usufruct
     Parliament has approved a bill extending the tax reduction
     (for individuals) and the tax credit (for corporations) for   The ruling commission recently approved a structure
     waiver of rent (see our April edition of the Real Estate      whereby private investors finance the construction of a
     Update). As such, nothing changes in terms of conditions      residential care center through a usufruct construction.
     and modalities. The law only changes the months for           A landowner grants a right to build to a developer in
     which the waiver must be granted: instead of March, April     order to build a residential care center. The construction
     or May (or several of these months) the waiver must now       is financed by private individuals: they buy a flat in the
     relate to the months of June, July or August, or several      residential care center together with part of the land and
     of these months. However, one condition is added: in the      other common parts (including car parks).
     month for which remission is granted, the tenant must be
     compulsorily closed for at least one day.                     These investors undertake to immediately grant a usufruct
                                                                   right of their flat to a non-profit association that runs the
     In practice, therefore, this measure will hardly ever         residential care center. The usufruct will last for 28 years
     be applied.                                                   and cannot be early terminated.
The ruling commission confirms that the private individuals
owe VAT on the purchase of the flats. Because the flats are
used as residential care centers, the rate is only 12%.
The non-profit association also must pay 12% VAT on
the establishment of the usufruct. This allows the private
investor to recover (part of) the VAT paid. The VAT is
calculated on the total nominal and non-indexed sum of the
usufruct payments.

As regards income tax, the ruling commission further
confirms that the income from the usufruct is not taxable
real estate income and that price increases (as indexation
of the usufruct payments) are not movable income.
Because the private investor transfers the usufruct
immediately after the acquisition of the real estate, there is
potentially a taxable capital gain. But this capital gain will in
practice be equal to zero so that no capital gain tax should
be due either.

VAT and student rooms

At the end of 2020, the ruling commission approved an
ruling request whereby the renting out of student rooms
would be subject to VAT. This allowed the lessor to
deduct the VAT paid on the construction of the complex.
(ruling no. 2020.1867, 06.10.2020)

The government reacted to this in May 2021 via an
amendment to a pending tax bill. According to that
amendment, the renting out of student rooms, even
with additional services, would be explicitly exempt from
VAT. But the Council of State ruled that the amendment
did not have the same “urgency” as the bill itself, so the
amendment was withdrawn.

It turned out to be just a postponement: on 9 July, the
Council of Ministers approved a preliminary draft law
containing various provisions on value added tax. In the
press release about this, the government announced,
in addition to some technical corrections to the existing
legislation, a change in “the taxation of the provision of
furnished accommodation”.

Since Parliament will soon be starting its holiday, we expect
a new bill by the autumn.
On our website
Reform of property law
Read more about the reform of property law (Book 3 Civil Code)
with useful infographics, reports on the different webinars and even
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Reform of property law            Usufruct

Long-term Lease                   Building rights                      Easements


Long-term lease vs                Heavy repairs
(retail) lease

Mortgage in case of split         Building rights in real              Property in volume
ownership                         estate developments

     About Loyens & Loeff                                              Authors of this edition

     We are an international law and tax firm with cross-border        Ariane Brohez:
     expertise in a wide range of sectors. Our specialists in          Lien Bellinck:
     Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland              Samira Moujahid:
     are recognised for their in-depth knowledge and unique
     approach, integrating tax and legal advice.
                                                                       Responsible publisher
     A unique ap­proach
                                                                       Christophe Laurent, Avenue de Tervueren 2 /
     Tax and law are heavily intertwined. That is why we               Tervurenlaan 2, B-1040 Brussels.
     integrate these fields of expertise as much as needed.
     It results into high-end, extremely efficient solutions for our   Don’t hestitate to get in touch with your usual contact
     clients. As an independent full service law firm we assist        person for more information on the topics covered.
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     internationally and locally. We offer our clients integrated
     tax and legal solutions. Our clients inspire us. And that
     makes the difference.

     In­de­pen­dent cross-bor­der ex­per­tise

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     We advise our clients in implementing their business
     objectives in order to create tax and legal efficiencies.
     Consequently it empowers them to grow their business.
     Additionally we maintain excellent relationships with the
     most prominent law practices worldwide, and we are
     highly regarded for being able to work seamlessly together
     with them on cross-border matters.

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