Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference - Rebecca Kujawa Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy September 8, 2020

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Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference - Rebecca Kujawa Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy September 8, 2020
Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference
Rebecca Kujawa
Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy

September 8, 2020
Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference - Rebecca Kujawa Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy September 8, 2020
Cautionary Statements And Risk Factors That May Affect
Future Results
These presentations include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal
securities laws. Actual results could differ materially from such forward-looking statements.
The factors that could cause actual results to differ are discussed in the Appendix herein
and in NextEra Energy’s and NextEra Energy Partners’ SEC filings.

Non-GAAP Financial Information
These presentations refer to certain financial measures that were not prepared in
accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Reconciliations of those
non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures
can be found in the Appendix herein.

See Appendix for definition of Adjusted Earnings, Adjusted EBITDA and CAFD

Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference - Rebecca Kujawa Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy September 8, 2020
NextEra Energy is comprised of strong businesses
    supported by a common platform

                                                                    • ~$137 B market capitalization(1)
                                                                    • ~55 GW in operation(2)
                                                                    • ~$122 B in total assets(3)

                                   • The largest electric utility
                                     in the United States by
                                     retail MWh sales

                                   • Provides electric service                                • The world leader in
                                     to over 470,000 customers                                  electricity generated
                                     in northwest Florida                                       from the wind and sun

                                       Engineering & Construction
                                              Supply Chain
                                    Wind, Solar, and Fossil Generation
                                           Nuclear Generation
     1) As of August 31, 2020; Source: FactSet
     2) Megawatts shown includes assets operated by Energy Resources owned by NextEra Energy Partners as of
        June 30, 2020
3    3) As of June 30, 2020
Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference - Rebecca Kujawa Executive VP and CFO, NextEra Energy September 8, 2020
We have a long-term track record of delivering value to

            Adjusted Earnings Per Share                                                 Total Shareholder Return(1)
                                                                             $8.37   50%                                       119%
                                                                                                43%                120%
                                                                                     40%                           100%
                                                                                     30%               26%         80%
$2.49                                                                                                              60%                48% 53%
 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19
                                                                                      0%                            0%
                                                                                                  One Year                      Three Year

                 Dividends Per Share                                                 180%
                                                                                                162%               600%
                                                                             $5.00                                 500%
                                                                                     120%                          400%
                                                                                                             74%   300%                    257%
                                                                                      80%              63%                          205%
                                                                                      60%                          200%
$1.30                                                                                 40%
                                                                                       0%                        0%
                                                                                                 Five Year                       Ten Year
'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19
                                                                                            ■    NEE ■ S&P 500 Utility Index    ■  S&P 500

             No management team in the industry is more aligned with shareholders

        4    1) Source: FactSet; includes dividend reinvestment as of 12/31/2019
Our strategy has generated real value for all stakeholders

                                                 ESG Highlights(1)
                       Environment                                           Customers
• 47% better CO2 emissions rate than                       • 30% lower bills than the national average
  industry average                                         • 63% better operating costs than industry
• World’s leading wind, solar, and battery                     average
  storage portfolio                                        • >$10.5 B in fuel cost savings to customers
• 97% of power generated from clean or                         since 2001
  renewable resources                                      • 62% better service reliability than national
• 98% of water returned to original source                     average
                        Employees                                           Communities
• 72% improvement in safety performance                    •   $90 B capital invested from 2010 – 2019
  since 2003                                               •   $1.6 B state and local taxes paid
• 800,000 hours of employee training                       •   >$18 MM charitable giving
• Creation of racial equity working team                   •   89,000 employee volunteer hours
• Top quartile engagement score in 2020
       We are passionate about generating clean, renewable energy, while
         protecting the environment and giving back to the community

5 1) All data as of year-end 2019 unless otherwise noted
We are well positioned to continue our track record of growth
                     Wholesale                                           FPL
          Gas        & Service     FPL Coal                             Under-
         Utility      Territory   Retirements                         grounding

       Hydrogen       Battery      FPL Solar         FPL T&D          FPL New
                                                  Infrastructure     Generation        Expect
                                                                                   $50 B - $55 B
                                                                                      of capital
                                                       FPL                          deployment
      Capital         Gulf                                               Asset
     Recycling       Power        Growth            Generation                       from 2019
                                                   Modernization         M&A
                                                                                  through 2022;
                                                                                  ~$12 B - $14 B
                                                                                      per year
                                                Battery        Distributed
         New Wind         New Solar
                                                Storage        Generation

                         Competitive             Gas
          Hydrogen                                                  Supply
                        Transmission       Infrastructure
                                                                   & Trading

          We believe we have the industry’s leading growth
We expect the industry’s disruptive factors will further
    expand and accelerate over the coming years

                           Disruptive Industry Changes Today
                                                                             Potential Cost per MWh Post-2023/2024(1)
                            AI /                                                                         ($/MWh)
                          Learning                                                Near-Firm Wind                              $20 - $30
         Big Data                        Renewables /
                                           Storage                                Near-Firm Solar                                     $30 - $40
                                                                                       Natural Gas                        $30 - $40
                                                                                     Existing Coal                            $35 - $50
                                                    ESG &
Smart                                             Renewable                      Existing Nuclear                             $35 - $50
 Grid                                               Policy
                                                  Tailwinds                                                       Storage Adder
                                                                               U.S. Electricity Production by Fuel Type(2)
    Hydrogen                                 Restructuring

                                                                                            2019                               2030E
               Shareholder      Generation
                Activism       Restructuring

                                                                          Wind & Solar           Natural Gas         Coal & Nuclear        Other

     1) Represents projected cost per MWh for new build wind, solar, and natural gas; excludes PTC for wind and
        assumes 10% ITC for solar; projected per MWh operating cost including fuel for existing nuclear and coal; based
        on NextEra Energy internal estimates
7    2) 2019 source: U.S. EIA; 2030 estimate source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
At FPL, we will continue to focus on the long-term strategy
    that has delivered our best-in-class customer value
                                     FPL Customer Value Focus
                 Operational                                                                 Service
             Cost Effectiveness(1)                                                          Reliability(2)
                        $/Retail MWh                                                              minutes

                                       ~$11.10 –                                      ~55
               $11.78        ~5%        $11.75(4)                                                ~10%
Good                       Reduction                                       Good                Improvement
                            in real$

                2018                      2021E                                       2018                   2021E
                 Residential Bill(3)                                                 CO2 Emissions Rate
                                                                                                 CO2 Lbs./MWh
                                          ~$95 –                                     ~670
                ~$99                      $100(4)
Gulf Power customers have begun to benefit from execution
    of the NextEra Energy playbook

                  The NextEra Energy Playbook at Gulf Power
      Operational Cost Effectiveness(1)                                                                   Service Reliability(2)
                               $/Retail MWh                                                                               minutes

                     ~$32                                                                                  ~101

    Good                                                                             Good                                                  ~81
                                      ~20%               ~$25                                                              ~20%
                                    Reduction                                                                            Reduction

                      2018                                2019                                              2018                           2019

              OSHA Recordable Rate(3)                                                             1000-kWh Residential Bill(4)
                     ~1.74                                                                                ~$137
                                                                                                                              ~8%         ~$129
                                     ~35%                ~1.15                                                             Reduction
                                   Reduction                                                                                 in real
                                                                                                                            2018 $

                      2018                               2019                                               2018                           2019

     1)   GAAP O&M per retail MWh
     2)   Internal System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
     3)   OHSA Recordable Rate equals number of Occupational Safety and Health Administration Recordable injuries/illnesses *
          200,000/Total Hours Worked
9    4)   Based on a typical 1,000 kWh monthly residential bill; 2018 excludes benefit of accelerated flow back of unprotected deferred
          income taxes of ~$9 per month; 2019 excludes $8 per month surcharge related to Hurricane Michael
We believe Energy Resources’ renewables development
 opportunities have never been stronger
                             Low Cost              Battery
                            Renewables             Storage

             Technology                                         to-Renewables
            Improvements          Buy           Build              Switching
                                Cheaper        Cheaper

                                       ~80 GW
      Federal Tax      Development       U.S.            Operate         Increased
      Incentives          Skills      Renewable          Cheaper          State RPS
                                                                         State RPS
                                      2019 - 2022
                           Innovate                   Finance
          Low U.S.
              U.S.                                                      Solar &
                             Better                   Cheaper
         Renewables                                                 FERC   Orders
                                                                     Storage Under
         Penetration                    Identify                      845 & 841
                                                                     Existing Wind
                           Wind                      C&IC&I
                        Repowering                    Demand
                                                       for ESG

   Energy Resources is well positioned to benefit as the US
 pursues electrification to deliver economic carbon reductions
Technology improvements and capital cost declines have
       significantly improved wind and solar economics

                                            Wind & Solar Technology
                    Levelized Cost of                                                               Levelized Cost of
                  Electricity from Wind                                                           Electricity from Solar
               (Including Production Tax Credits)                                               (Including Investment Tax Credits)
$/MWh                                                                         $/MWh
  $70                                                                          $160
        $55-$65                                                                $140

                                                                               $100              $95-$105
 $40              $36-$42
                                                                                $80                         $73-$83
                            $21-$27                                             $60
 $20                                  $16-$22                                                                         $39-$47
                                                $15-$20             $11-$18     $40                                             $34-$41
                                                          $10-$15                                                                         $25-$35 $24-$30
 $10                                                                            $20

  $0                                                                             $0
                                                                                                                                                (4)       (4)
        2010 (1) 2012 (1) 2014 (1) 2016 (1) 2018(2) 2020E(4) 2022E(4)                    2010 (3) 2012 (3) 2014 (3) 2016 (2) 2018(2) 2020E            2022E

      1) Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Wind Technologies Market Report
      2) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
      3) Source: IHS Markit. The use of this content was authorized in advance. Any further use or redistribution of this
         content is strictly prohibited without written permission by IHS Markit. All rights reserved
   11 4) Energy Resources’ estimate
Increased manufacturing capacity has resulted in energy
    storage cost declines and the ability to create low-cost
    near-firm wind and solar
                                              Energy Storage Costs
               Battery Pack                                                                           4-Hour
         Cost Relative to Capacity(1)                                                        Battery Storage Adder(2)
 $/kWh                                                            GWh      $/MWh
$1,400                                                             350      $80 $71-$81

$1,200                                                             300
$1,000                                                             250
 $800                                                              200                                  $38-$48
 $600                                                              150
 $400                                                              100
                                                                                                                           $9-$16   $8-$14
 $200                                                              50        $10                                                             $4-$9

   $0                                                              0           $0
          2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019                           2010     2012      2014       2016   2018     2020E 2022E
             Battery Pack Cost           Installed Capacity

         1) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
         2) Energy Resources’ estimate; assumes: 4-hour battery storage at 25% of nameplate solar capacity; total
   12       battery system costs calculated as two times Bloomberg New Energy Finance battery pack cost
Energy Resources backlog of future renewables projects
 has never been stronger

                 Energy Resources Renewables Backlog(1)




     Q4 2014           Q4 2015            Q4 2016      Q4 2017      Q4 2018          Q4 2019   Q2 2020
                                     Wind     Solar    Repowering   Energy Storage

        Year to MW
    Our ~14,400 daterenewables
                     2018, Energy    Resources
                                  backlog         announced
                                            is larger than the~2,600 MW wind
                     of new
      and solar portfolios    all but– two
                           ofPPAs      our best
                                           otherperiod  ever in the world(2)

   1) Energy Resources reported backlog
13 2) As of year-end 2019
By leveraging Energy Resources’ best-in-class renewables
 development platform, our distributed generation business is
 an industry leader
         Energy Resources – Distributed Generation (DG)
           Capital Expenditures                            •   Innovative, nimble business
                                                               responding to the demand for
                                                               zero-carbon, low-cost
                                               ~$3 B           renewables
                             ~3x                               – DG group was started in 2013
                         capital                               – Increasing C&I(1) interest with
                       deployment                                370 MW(2) executed to date
                                                           •   Focused primarily on community
             ~$1 B                                             solar, small utility solar and
                                                               behind-the-meter C&I projects
                                                               – Distributed storage deployed as
         2015-2019                        2020-2024
            Actual                             Projected   •   Attractive project returns

                               Energy Resources owns the largest
                       distributed generation C&I portfolio in the country

   1) Commercial and Industrial
14 2) Including backlog, as of July 24, 2020
The DG business has generated benefits throughout the
 NextEra Energy organization

         Benefits of Energy Resources’ DG Platform
 •   Develop and expand relationships with buyers that may be
     interested in other Energy Resources’ products
      – Customers increasingly interested in other low carbon solutions, driven
        by economics and ESG goals
      – Several C&I customers are repeat buyers across multiple products
 •   Agile and scaleable development platform that can be used for
     toe in the water approach to emerging technologies
      – Battery storage, fuel cells, EVs, hydrogen
 •   Innovative methods to expedite project design process and
     reduce costs
      – Applying these DG methods have mitigated risks and improved returns
        for utility scale projects
 •   Leverage industry intelligence for the benefit of other
     Our distributed generation team is evaluating a number of hydrogen

The many end-uses for hydrogen make it a leading pathway to
  a zero-carbon future
      Sector                  Transport                   Industry                     Buildings

Backup       Remote                                                 Ammonia     Combined
                                      Passenger   Trains on non-
Power       Generation    Trucks                    electrified       and        heat and
                                                      routes        Methanol      power

      Hydrogen       Recip.                                                  Steel      Hydrogen
                                   Buses    Forklifts      Refining
      Turbines      Engines                                               Production     Boilers

                                                   Aviation         Synthetic   Furnaces     Blending of
Ancillary                Regional                    and              Fuel                    Hydrogen
            Microgrids                 going                                      and         in Natural
Services                  Ferries                 Aerospace        Production
                                       Ships                                     Ovens       Gas Boilers

FPL is proposing a hydrogen pilot project that is consistent
   with our toe in the water approach
                                 Okeechobee Clean Energy
                           Center (OCEC) – Hydrogen Pilot Project
                                                                                            •      FPL will construct and operate
               Okeechobee 3 Solar
                                             OCEC Combustion
                                                                                                   a solar and hydrogen system at
              Energy Center (75 MW)
                                             Turbine A
                                             95% Nat Gas / 5% H2
                                                                                                   the existing OCEC site
                                                                                                    – OCEC Solar 3 will generate
                                                                                                      energy for a new electrolysis
                                                                                                      system to produce and store
                                                                         H2                           hydrogen
                                         17 MW
FPL                                                           Fuel Supply
Grid                                                            Header                              – Will utilize solar energy that would
                                                                                         Natural      have otherwise been clipped
                                                                   H2                               – Hydrogen will replace a portion of
       H 2O                               O2                                                          the natural gas used in the OCEC
                              H2                                                                      combined cycle plant
                                 Electrolyzer -                                            •       Capital cost of ~$65 MM
                              H2 13 MW                                  Storage Tanks(1)
                                                                        4,000 kg H capacity•       Plan to file in the rate case with
                                 equivalent H2                                       2
                                                                        @ 1,500 psi
       Hydrogen                          Compressors          H2                                   a December 2023 COD
       Natural Gas
       Clean Energy

       1) Storage capacity equivalent to one full day production from electrolyzer
Hydrogen provides a pathway to achieving a zero-carbon
    future in power as well as through the electrification of
    transportation and industrial sectors
                                        Hydrogen Opportunity(1)
                                                                                            Potential 2050 Zero Carbon
•    NextEra Energy is an early                                              2019
                                                                                             Renewables Deployment
     mover in green hydrogen
                                                                                                           ~5-8x        ~19-24x
•    With cost improvements,                                                                                            Renewables
     green hydrogen supports                                                                               Industrial     Market
     zero carbon future                                                                            ~4-6x   Transport     Hydrogen

       – Opens new potential
         investment opportunities
         to support transportation                                            Hydrogen
         and industrial sectors                                                                                         Addressable
•    Hydrogen is a potential                                                                ~10x
                                                              Renewables ~150 GW
     enabler for NextEra
     Energy to deploy more                                          Fossil

     renewables projects                                           Hydro
                                                                                 Electricity        EVs    Hydrogen     Renewables

     A zero carbon future creates significant future growth opportunities on
         which NextEra Energy is uniquely well-positioned to capitalize

18 1) Based on internal analysis; does not account for all necessary emissions reductions
We remain well positioned to continue our strong adjusted EPS
                              NextEra Energy’s
                  Adjusted Earnings Per Share Expectations

                                                                            •     Expect 6% - 8% growth
                                                         $10.00 -                 through 2021 off our 2018 base
                                           $9.40 -
                                                         $10.75                   of $7.70, plus the expected
                             $8.70 -       $9.95                                  accretion from the Florida
                             $9.20                                                acquisitions of $0.15 and $0.20
                                                                                  in 2020 and 2021, respectively
                                                                            •     For 2022, expect 6% - 8%
                                                                                  growth off 2021 adjusted EPS
                                                                            •     Expect 12% dividend per share
                                                                                  growth in 2020, ~10% annual
                                                                                  growth thereafter through at
                                                                                  least 2022(2)
 2018          2019         2020E          2021E         2022E
           Expected accretion from FL acquisitions(1)

 Will be disappointed if we are not able to deliver financial results at or near
 the top end of our adjusted EPS expectations ranges for 2020, 2021 & 2022

      1) Includes Gulf Power, Florida City Gas, and the Stanton and Oleander natural gas power plants
      2) Off a 2020 base, which is expected to be $5.60 per share; dividend declarations are subject to the discretion of
 19      the Board of Directors of NextEra Energy
NextEra Energy Partners is a best-in-class diversified clean
    energy company

                             NextEra Energy Partners’ Portfolio(1)
•    Stable cash flows supported by:
         – Long-term contracts with credit-
           worthy counterparties
         – Geographic and asset diversity
•    ~5,330 MW of renewables
         – ~4,575 MW wind
         – ~750 MW solar
•    ~4.3(2) Bcf total natural gas
     pipeline capacity
         – Eight natural gas pipelines
         – ~727 miles                                                                                          Wind assets
                                                                                                               Solar assets
         – ~3.5(2) Bcf of contracted capacity                                                                  Pipeline assets

                      Solid distribution growth through accretive acquisitions

          1) Current portfolio as of June 30, 2020
          2) Reflects net Bcf for pipelines where NextEra Energy Partners’ ownership stake is less than 100%
Acquisitions from Energy Resources provide clear visibility to
     continued growth at NEP

                              Energy Resources’ Renewable
                               Portfolio Since NEP’s IPO(1)
GW                                                                                                            ~27 GW -
                                                                                             ~5 GW             32 GW
                                                                            ~13 GW

20                              ~9 GW                 ~5 GW


10        ~10 GW


           NEER's            MW Placed in        MW Sold to NEP             Current         Additional     Current Portfolio
        Renewables             Service             since IPO             Renewables       Potential 2019- including Backlog
      Portfolio after IPO                                                   Backlog (2)    2022 Growth (3)     & Growth
                                                                       (ex. Repowering)

           Energy Resources’ portfolio alone provides one potential path to
                     12% - 15% growth per year through 2024

       1) Current portfolio as of June 30, 2020
       2) Includes renewables backlog of 14 GW less 1.2 GW of repowering backlog
       3) Assuming top end of remaining 2019 – 2022 renewables development expectations
NEP’s balance sheet and financing flexibility are expected
    to create a sustainable base for future growth
                                Financial Flexibility
•     Financing and construction of
      organic growth investments
      remain on track                               Convertible   PAYGO Tax        High-Yield
•     Over the past year, NEP’s
                                                       Equity                         Debt
      revolving credit facility was                  Financing
      upsized by $500 MM to $1.25 B                                                              Credit
      and term was extended to 2025           Preferred
       – Net liquidity position, including                                                       Bank
         cash on hand, of ~$650 MM(1)                                                            Term

•                                                 Convertible                                    Loans
      In Q3, NEP received ~$65 MM                   Debt          Equity
      of cash from Desert Sunlight                                            Refinancing
      projects, further supplementing
•     Genesis financing capacity
      provides potential sources of
      additional capital and liquidity
         Access to low-cost financing is a key competitive advantage for NEP

    23 1) As of June 30, 2020
NEP’s long-term outlook for distribution growth through 2024
is best-in-class
          NextEra Energy Partners Financial Expectations
Annualized LP Distributions(1)                                               Adjusted EBITDA and CAFD(3)
                                                      Annual                         $1,225–$1,400 MM
                                                      12% - 15%

                                                                                                                 $560–$640 MM

 Q4 2019          Q4 2020E                           Q4 2024E                            12/31/2020                12/31/2020
                                                                                          Run Rate                  Run Rate
                                                                                        Adj. EBITDA                  CAFD

      1) Represents expected fourth quarter annualized distributions payable in February of the following year
      2) From a base of our fourth quarter 2019 distribution per common unit at an annualized rate of $2.14
      3) See Appendix for definition of Adjusted EBITDA and CAFD expectations; reflects calendar year 2021
         expectations for forecasted portfolio as of 12/31/20 assuming normal weather and operating conditions

Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted Earnings
                 Attributable to NextEra Energy, Inc.
                                      (Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2019)
                                                                            Florida Pow er        Gulf              Energy       Corporate &         NextEra
(m illions, except per share am ounts)                                         & Light           Pow er           Resources         Other          Energy, Inc.
Net Incom e (Loss) Attributable to NextEra Energy, Inc.                     $        2,334   $            180    $      1,807    $       (552)    $       3,769
Adjustments - pretax:
  Net losses (gains) associated w ith non-qualifying hedges                                                               89              457              546
  Change in unrealized losses (gains) on equity securities held in NEER's
  nuclear decommissioning funds and OTTI - net                                                                           (249)                             (249)
  Impact of income tax rate change on differential membership interests                                                   120                               120
  NEP investment gains - net                                                                                             (124)                             (124)
  Operating loss (income) of Spain solar projects                                                                          (8)                               (8)
  Acquisition-related                                                                                      27               8              19                54
  Less related income tax expense (benefit)                                                                (7)             52             (91)              (46)
Adjusted Earnings (Loss)                                                    $       2,334    $            200    $      1,695    $       (167)    $       4,062

Earnings (Loss) Per Share
Attributable to NextEra Energy, Inc. (assum ing dilution)                   $        4.81    $        0.37       $       3.72    $       (1.14)   $        7.76
Adjustments - pretax:
  Net losses (gains) associated w ith non-qualifying hedges                                                              0.18            0.94              1.12
  Change in unrealized losses (gains) on equity securities held in NEER's
  nuclear decommissioning funds and OTTI - net                                                                          (0.51)                            (0.51)
  Impact of income tax rate change on differential membership interests                                                  0.25                              0.25
  NEP investment gains - net                                                                                            (0.26)                            (0.26)
  Operating loss (income) of Spain solar projects                                                                       (0.02)                            (0.02)
  Acquisition-related                                                                                  0.05              0.02             0.04             0.11
  Less related income tax expense (benefit)                                                           (0.01)             0.11            (0.18)           (0.08)
Adjusted Earnings (Loss) Per Share                                          $        4.81    $         0.41      $       3.49    $       (0.34)   $        8.37

Reconciliation of Earnings Per Share Attributable to
                                 NextEra Energy, Inc. to Adjusted Earnings Per Share
                                                             2004     2005      2006      2007      2008      2009      2010      2011      2012      2013      2014      2015      2016(1)   2017(1)    2018       2019

Earnings Per Share Attributable to NextEra Energy, Inc.
  (assuming dilution)                                        $ 2.48   $ 2.34    $ 3.23    $ 3.27    $ 4.07    $ 3.97    $ 4.74    $ 4.59    $ 4.56    $ 4.47    $ 5.60    $ 6.06    $ 6.24    $ 11.39    $ 13.88    $ 7.76
  Net losses (gains) associated with non-qualifying
  hedges                                                       0.01     0.47     (0.38)     0.36     (0.70)     0.07     (0.69)    (0.75)     0.15      0.27     (0.70)    (0.64)     0.23       0.46       0.50     1.12
  Change in unrealized losses (gains) on equity securities
  held in NEER's nuclear decommissioning funds and
  OTTI - net(2)                                                                   0.01      0.02      0.34      0.05     (0.02)     0.03     (0.13)    (0.01)      -        0.05       -        (0.05)      0.38     (0.51)
  Acquisition-related expenses                                                    0.06                                                                                      0.06      0.29       0.20       0.07     0.11
  Loss on sale of natural gas-fired generating assets                                                                               0.36
  Gain from discontinued operations (Hydro)                                                                                                            (0.87)
  Loss (gain) associated with Maine fossil                                                                                                              0.16     (0.05)
  Impairment charges                                                                                                                                    0.70                                     0.89
  Resolution of contingencies related to a previous asset
  sale                                                                                                                                                                               (0.02)
  Gain on sale of natural gas generation facilities                                                                                                                                  (0.95)
  Gain on disposal of fiber-optic telecommunications                                                                                                                                            (2.32)
  Impact of income tax rate change on differential
  membership interests (3)                                                                                                                                                                      (3.97)     (1.17)     0.25
  NEP investment gains - net                                                                                                                                                                               (7.91)    (0.26)
  Operating loss (income) of Spain solar projects                                                                                                       0.03      0.09     (0.01)     0.03      (0.01)       -       (0.02)
  Less related income tax expense (benefit)                    0.00    (0.18)     0.12     (0.16)     0.13     (0.04)     0.27      0.16     (0.01)     0.22      0.36      0.19      0.36       0.11       1.95     (0.08)
Adjusted Earnings Per Share                                  $ 2.49   $ 2.63    $ 3.04    $ 3.49    $ 3.84    $ 4.05    $ 4.30    $ 4.39    $ 4.57    $ 4.97    $ 5.30    $ 5.71    $ 6.18    $ 6.70     $ 7.70     $ 8.37

                 1) Amounts have been retrospectively adjusted for accounting standard update related to leases
                 2) Beginning in 2018, reflects the implementation of an accounting standards update related to financial instruments
                 3) Net of approximately $40 MM of income tax benefit at FPL in 2017
Definitional information
NextEra Energy, Inc. Adjusted Earnings Expectations
This presentation refers to adjusted earnings per share expectations. Adjusted earnings expectations exclude the cumulative effect
of adopting new accounting standards, the effects of non-qualifying hedges and unrealized gains and losses on equity securities
held in NextEra Energy Resources’ nuclear decommissioning funds and OTTI, none of which can be determined at this time.
Adjusted earnings expectations also exclude the effects of NextEra Energy Partners, LP net investment gains, gains on disposal of
a business, differential membership interest-related, and acquisition-related expenses. In addition, adjusted earnings expectations
assume, among other things: normal weather and operating conditions; continued recovery of the national and the Florida economy;
supportive commodity markets; current forward curves; public policy support for wind and solar development and construction;
market demand and transmission expansion to support wind and solar development; market demand for pipeline capacity; access to
capital at reasonable cost and terms; no divestitures, other than to NextEra Energy Partners, LP, or acquisitions; no adverse
litigation decisions; and no changes to governmental tax policy or incentives. Expected adjusted earnings amounts cannot be
reconciled to expected net income because net income includes the effect of certain items which cannot be determined at this time.

NextEra Energy Resources, LLC. Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA includes NextEra Energy Resources consolidated investments, its share of NEP and forecasted investments, as
well as its share of equity method investments. Adjusted EBITDA represents projected (a) revenue less (b) fuel expense, less (c)
project operating expenses, less (d) corporate G&A, plus (e) other income, less (f) other deductions. Adjusted EBITDA excludes the
impact of non-qualifying hedges, other than temporary impairments, certain differential membership costs, and net gains associated
with NEP’s deconsolidation beginning in 2018. Projected revenue as used in the calculations of Adjusted EBITDA represents the
sum of projected (a) operating revenue plus a pre-tax allocation of (b) production tax credits, plus (c) investment tax credits and plus
(d) earnings impact from convertible investment tax credits.

NextEra Energy Resources, LLC. Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category
Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category includes NextEra Energy Resources consolidated investments, its share of NEP and
forecasted investments, as well as its share of equity method investments. Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category represents
projected (a) revenue less (b) fuel expense, less (c) project operating expenses, less (d) a portion of corporate G&A deemed to be
associated with project operations, plus (e) other income, less (f) other deductions. Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category excludes
the impact of non-qualifying hedges, other than temporary impairments, corporate G&A not allocated to project operations, and
certain differential membership costs. Projected revenue as used in the calculations of Adjusted EBITDA by Asset Category
represents the sum of projected (a) operating revenue plus a pre-tax allocation of (b) production tax credits, plus (c) investment tax
credits and plus (d) earnings impact from convertible investment tax credits.

Cautionary Statement And Risk Factors That May Affect
Future Results
This presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts, but instead represent the current
expectations of NextEra Energy, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy) regarding future operating results and other future
events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of NextEra Energy's control. Forward-looking statements in
this presentation include, among others, statements concerning adjusted earnings per share expectations and future operating
performance, statements concerning future dividends, and results of acquisitions. In some cases, you can identify the forward-looking
statements by words or phrases such as “will,” “may result,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “intend,” “plan,” “seek,” “potential,”
“projection,” “forecast,” “predict,” “goals,” “target,” “outlook,” “should,” “would” or similar words or expressions. You should not place
undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future performance. The future results of NextEra
Energy and its business and financial condition are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, or may require it to limit or eliminate certain operations. These risks
and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those discussed in this presentation and the following: effects of extensive regulation of
NextEra Energy's business operations; inability of NextEra Energy to recover in a timely manner any significant amount of costs, a return
on certain assets or a reasonable return on invested capital through base rates, cost recovery clauses, other regulatory mechanisms or
otherwise; impact of political, regulatory and economic factors on regulatory decisions important to NextEra Energy; disallowance of cost
recovery based on a finding of imprudent use of derivative instruments; effect of any reductions or modifications to, or elimination of,
governmental incentives or policies that support utility scale renewable energy projects or the imposition of additional tax laws, policies or
assessments on renewable energy; impact of new or revised laws, regulations, interpretations or ballot or regulatory initiatives on
NextEra Energy; capital expenditures, increased operating costs and various liabilities attributable to environmental laws, regulations and
other standards applicable to NextEra Energy; effects on NextEra Energy of federal or state laws or regulations mandating new or
additional limits on the production of greenhouse gas emissions; exposure of NextEra Energy to significant and increasing compliance
costs and substantial monetary penalties and other sanctions as a result of extensive federal regulation of its operations and businesses;
effect on NextEra Energy of changes in tax laws, guidance or policies as well as in judgments and estimates used to determine tax-
related asset and liability amounts; impact on NextEra Energy of adverse results of litigation; effect on NextEra Energy of failure to
proceed with projects under development or inability to complete the construction of (or capital improvements to) electric generation,
transmission and distribution facilities, gas infrastructure facilities or other facilities on schedule or within budget; impact on development
and operating activities of NextEra Energy resulting from risks related to project siting, financing, construction, permitting, governmental
approvals and the negotiation of project development agreements; risks involved in the operation and maintenance of electric generation,
transmission and distribution facilities, gas infrastructure facilities, retail gas distribution system in Florida and other facilities; effect on
NextEra Energy of a lack of growth or slower growth in the number of customers or in customer usage; impact on NextEra Energy of
severe weather and other weather conditions; threats of terrorism and catastrophic events that could result from terrorism, cyberattacks
or other attempts to disrupt NextEra Energy's business or the businesses of third parties; inability to obtain adequate insurance coverage
for protection of NextEra Energy against significant losses and risk that insurance coverage does not provide protection against all
significant losses; a prolonged period of low gas and oil prices could impact NextEra Energy’s gas infrastructure business and cause
NextEra Energy to delay or cancel certain gas infrastructure projects and could result in certain projects becoming impaired; risk of
increased operating costs resulting from unfavorable supply costs necessary to provide full energy and capacity requirement services;
inability or failure to manage properly or hedge effectively the commodity risk within its portfolio;

Cautionary Statement And Risk Factors That May Affect
Future Results (cont.)
effect of reductions in the liquidity of energy markets on NextEra Energy's ability to manage operational risks; effectiveness of NextEra
Energy's risk management tools associated with its hedging and trading procedures to protect against significant losses, including the
effect of unforeseen price variances from historical behavior; impact of unavailability or disruption of power transmission or commodity
transportation facilities on sale and delivery of power or natural gas; exposure of NextEra Energy to credit and performance risk from
customers, hedging counterparties and vendors; failure of counterparties to perform under derivative contracts or of requirement for
NextEra Energy to post margin cash collateral under derivative contracts; failure or breach of NextEra Energy's information
technology systems; risks to NextEra Energy's retail businesses from compromise of sensitive customer data; losses from volatility in
the market values of derivative instruments and limited liquidity in OTC markets; impact of negative publicity; inability to maintain,
negotiate or renegotiate acceptable franchise agreements; occurrence of work strikes or stoppages and increasing personnel costs;
NextEra Energy's ability to successfully identify, complete and integrate acquisitions, including the effect of increased competition for
acquisitions; environmental, health and financial risks associated with ownership and operation of nuclear generation facilities; liability
of NextEra Energy for significant retrospective assessments and/or retrospective insurance premiums in the event of an incident at
certain nuclear generation facilities; increased operating and capital expenditures and/or reduced revenues at nuclear generation
facilities resulting from orders or new regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; inability to operate any of NextEra Energy’s
owned nuclear generation units through the end of their respective operating licenses or through expected shutdown; effect of
disruptions, uncertainty or volatility in the credit and capital markets or actions by third parties in connection with project-specific or
other financing arrangements on NextEra Energy's ability to fund its liquidity and capital needs and meet its growth objectives; inability
to maintain current credit ratings; impairment of liquidity from inability of credit providers to fund their credit commitments or to
maintain their current credit ratings; poor market performance and other economic factors that could affect NextEra Energy's defined
benefit pension plan's funded status; poor market performance and other risks to the asset values of nuclear decommissioning funds;
changes in market value and other risks to certain of NextEra Energy's investments; effect of inability of NextEra Energy subsidiaries
to pay upstream dividends or repay funds to NextEra Energy or of NextEra Energy's performance under guarantees of subsidiary
obligations on NextEra Energy's ability to meet its financial obligations and to pay dividends on its common stock; the fact that the
amount and timing of dividends payable on NextEra Energy's common stock, as well as the dividend policy approved by NextEra
Energy's board of directors from time to time, and changes to that policy, are within the sole discretion of NextEra Energy's board of
directors and, if declared and paid, dividends may be in amounts that are less than might be expected by shareholders; NEP’s
inability to access sources of capital on commercially reasonable terms could have an effect on its ability to consummate future
acquisitions and on the value of NextEra Energy’s limited partner interest in NextEra Energy Operating Partners, LP; effects of
disruptions, uncertainty or volatility in the credit and capital markets on the market price of NextEra Energy's common stock; and the
ultimate severity and duration of the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on NextEra Energy’s or FPL’s businesses. NextEra Energy
discusses these and other risks and uncertainties in its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 and other
SEC filings, and this presentation should be read in conjunction with such SEC filings. The forward-looking statements made in this
presentation are made only as of the date of this presentation and NextEra Energy undertakes no obligation to update any forward-
looking statements.

Expected Cash Available for Distribution(1)
                                (December 31, 2020 Run Rate CAFD; $ MM)
 $1,370-$1,540      ($20-$30)         ($110-$120)
                                                      $1,225-$1,400      ($165-$215)


                                                                                                                                 ($5-$15)   $560-$640

 Project-Level      Corporate         IDR Fees          Adjusted            Debt          Pre-Tax Tax        Non-Cash        Maintenance    Estimated
                                                                                   (2)              (3)              (4)
Adjusted EBITDA     Expenses                            EBITDA             Service          Credits           Income           Capital       Pre-Tax

       1) See Appendix for definition of Adjusted EBITDA and CAFD expectations; Project-Level Adjusted EBITDA
          represents Adjusted EBITDA before IDR Fees and Corporate Expenses
       2) Debt service includes principal and interest payments on existing and projected third party debt, distributions net
          of contributions to/from tax equity investors, investors’ expected share of distributable cash flow from convertible
          equity portfolio financings; excludes distributions to preferred equity investors
       3) Pre-tax tax credits include investment tax credits, production tax credits earned by NEP, and production tax
          credits allocated to tax equity investors
    33 4) Primarily reflects amortization of CITC
Definitional information
NextEra Energy Partners, LP. Adjusted EBITDA and CAFD Expectations
This presentation refers to adjusted EBITDA and CAFD expectations. NEP’s adjusted EBITDA expectations represent projected (a)
revenue less (b) fuel expense, less (c) project operating expenses, less (d) corporate G&A, plus (e) other income less (f) other
deductions including IDR fees. Projected revenue as used in the calculations of projected EBITDA represents the sum of projected
(a) operating revenues plus (b) a pre-tax allocation of production tax credits, plus (c) a pre-tax allocation of investment tax credits
plus (d) earnings impact from convertible investment tax credits and plus (e) the reimbursement for lost revenue received pursuant
to a contract with NextEra Energy Resources.

CAFD is defined as cash available for distribution and represents adjusted EBITDA less (1) a pre-tax allocation of production tax
credits, less (2) a pre-tax allocation of investment tax credits, less (3) earnings impact from convertible investment tax credits, less
(4) debt service, less (4) maintenance capital, less (5) income tax payments less, (6) other non-cash items included in adjusted
EBITDA if any. CAFD excludes changes in working capital and distributions to preferred equity investors.

NextEra Energy Partners' adjusted EBITDA and CAFD run rate have not been reconciled to GAAP net income because NextEra
Energy Partners’ GAAP net income includes unrealized mark-to-market gains and losses related to derivative transactions, which
cannot be determined at this time.

Cautionary Statement And Risk Factors That May Affect
   Future Results
This presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are not
statements of historical facts, but instead represent the current expectations of NextEra Energy Partners, LP (together with its subsidiaries,
NEP) regarding future operating results and other future events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of NEP’s
control. Forward-looking statements in this presentation include, among others, statements concerning adjusted EBITDA, cash available for
distributions (CAFD) and unit distribution expectations, as well as statements concerning NEP's future operating performance and financing
needs. In some cases, you can identify the forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “will,” “may result,” “expect,” “anticipate,”
“believe,” “intend,” “plan,” “seek,” “aim,” “potential,” “projection,” “forecast,” “predict,” “goals,” “target,” “outlook,” “should,” “would” or similar
words or expressions. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future
performance. The future results of NEP and its business and financial condition are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause NEP’s
actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties could
require NEP to limit or eliminate certain operations. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the following: NEP's ability to
make cash distributions to its unitholders is affected by wind and solar conditions at its renewable energy projects; NEP's business, financial
condition, results of operations and prospects can be materially adversely affected by weather conditions, including, but not limited to, the
impact of severe weather; Operation and maintenance of renewable energy projects involve significant risks that could result in unplanned
power outages, reduced output, personal injury or loss of life; Natural gas gathering and transmission activities involve numerous risks that
may result in accidents or otherwise affect NEP’s pipeline operations; NEP depends on certain of the renewable energy projects and
pipelines in its portfolio for a substantial portion of its anticipated cash flows; NEP is pursuing the expansion of natural gas pipelines and the
repowering of wind projects that will require up-front capital expenditures and expose NEP to project development risks; Terrorist acts,
cyberattacks or other similar events could impact NEP's projects, pipelines or surrounding areas and adversely affect its business; The ability
of NEP to obtain insurance and the terms of any available insurance coverage could be materially adversely affected by international,
national, state or local events and company-specific events, as well as the financial condition of insurers. NEP's insurance coverage does not
insure against all potential risks and it may become subject to higher insurance premiums; Warranties provided by the suppliers of equipment
for NEP's projects may be limited by the ability of a supplier to satisfy its warranty obligations, or by the terms of the warranty, so the
warranties may be insufficient to compensate NEP for its losses; Supplier concentration at certain of NEP's projects may expose it to
significant credit or performance risks; NEP relies on interconnection, transmission and other pipeline facilities of third parties to deliver
energy from its renewable energy projects and to transport natural gas to and from its pipelines. If these facilities become unavailable, NEP's
projects and pipelines may not be able to operate or deliver energy or may become partially or fully unavailable to transport natural gas;
NEP's business is subject to liabilities and operating restrictions arising from environmental, health and safety laws and regulations,
compliance with which may require significant capital expenditures, increase NEP’s cost of operations and affect or limit its business plans;
NEP's renewable energy projects or pipelines may be adversely affected by legislative changes or a failure to comply with applicable energy
and pipeline regulations; Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) may claim certain immunities under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and
Mexican law, and the Texas pipeline entities' ability to sue or recover from Pemex for breach of contract may be limited and may be
exacerbated if there is a deterioration in the economic relationship between the U.S. and Mexico; NEP does not own all of the land on which
the projects in its portfolio are located and its use and enjoyment of the property may be adversely affected to the extent that there are any
lienholders or land rights holders that have rights that are superior to NEP's rights or the U.S. Bureau of Land Management suspends its
federal rights-of-way grants; NEP is subject to risks associated with litigation or administrative proceedings that could materially impact its
operations, including, but not limited to, proceedings related to projects it acquires in the future; NEP's cross-border operations require NEP
to comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations of the U.S. government and Mexico; NEP is subject to risks associated with its ownership
or acquisition of projects or pipelines that are under construction, which could result in its inability to complete construction projects on time or
at all, and make projects too expensive to complete or cause the return on an investment to be less than expected; NEP relies on a limited
number of customers and is exposed to the risk that they may be unwilling or unable to fulfill their contractual obligations to NEP or that they
otherwise terminate their agreements with NEP;

Cautionary Statement And Risk Factors That May Affect
   Future Results (cont.)
NEP may not be able to extend, renew or replace expiring or terminated power purchase agreements (PPA), natural gas transportation
agreements or other customer contracts at favorable rates or on a long-term basis; If the energy production by or availability of NEP's
renewable energy projects is less than expected, they may not be able to satisfy minimum production or availability obligations under their
PPAs; NEP's growth strategy depends on locating and acquiring interests in additional projects consistent with its business strategy at
favorable prices; Lower prices for other fuel sources may reduce the demand for wind and solar energy; Reductions in demand for natural
gas in the United States or Mexico and low market prices of natural gas could materially adversely affect NEP’s pipeline operations and cash
flows; Government laws, regulations and policies providing incentives and subsidies for clean energy could be changed, reduced or
eliminated at any time and such changes may negatively impact NEP's growth strategy; NEP's growth strategy depends on the acquisition of
projects developed by NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE) and third parties, which face risks related to project siting, financing, construction,
permitting, the environment, governmental approvals and the negotiation of project development agreements; Acquisitions of existing clean
energy projects involve numerous risks; Renewable energy procurement is subject to U.S. state regulations, with relatively irregular,
infrequent and often competitive procurement windows; NEP may continue to acquire other sources of clean energy and may expand to
include other types of assets. Any further acquisition of non-renewable energy projects may present unforeseen challenges and result in a
competitive disadvantage relative to NEP's more-established competitors; NEP faces substantial competition primarily from regulated utilities,
developers, independent power producers, pension funds and private equity funds for opportunities in North America; The natural gas
pipeline industry is highly competitive, and increased competitive pressure could adversely affect NEP's business; NEP may not be able to
access sources of capital on commercially reasonable terms, which would have a material adverse effect on its ability to consummate future
acquisitions; Restrictions in NEP and its subsidiaries' financing agreements could adversely affect NEP's business, financial condition, results
of operations and ability to make cash distributions to its unitholders; NEP's cash distributions to its unitholders may be reduced as a result of
restrictions on NEP's subsidiaries’ cash distributions to NEP under the terms of their indebtedness or other financing agreements; NEP's
subsidiaries’ substantial amount of indebtedness may adversely affect NEP's ability to operate its business, and its failure to comply with the
terms of its subsidiaries' indebtedness could have a material adverse effect on NEP's financial condition; NEP is exposed to risks inherent in
its use of interest rate swaps; NEE has influence over NEP; Under the cash sweep and credit support agreement, NEP receives credit
support from NEE and its affiliates. NEP's subsidiaries may default under contracts or become subject to cash sweeps if credit support is
terminated, if NEE or its affiliates fail to honor their obligations under credit support arrangements, or if NEE or another credit support provider
ceases to satisfy creditworthiness requirements, and NEP will be required in certain circumstances to reimburse NEE for draws that are made
on credit support; NextEra Energy Resources, LLC (NEER) or one of its affiliates is permitted to borrow funds received by NEP's subsidiaries
and is obligated to return these funds only as needed to cover project costs and distributions or as demanded by NextEra Energy Operating
Partners’ (NEP OpCo) . NEP's financial condition and ability to make distributions to its unitholders, as well as its ability to grow distributions
in the future, is highly dependent on NEER’s performance of its obligations to return all or a portion of these funds; NEP may not be able to
consummate future acquisitions; NEER's right of first refusal may adversely affect NEP's ability to consummate future sales or to obtain
favorable sale terms; NextEra Energy Partners GP, Inc. (NEP GP) and its affiliates may have conflicts of interest with NEP and have limited
duties to NEP and its unitholders; NEP GP and its affiliates and the directors and officers of NEP are not restricted in their ability to compete
with NEP, whose business is subject to certain restrictions; NEP may only terminate the Management Services Agreement among, NEP,
NextEra Energy Management Partners, LP (NEE Management), NEP OpCo and NextEra Energy Operating Partners GP, LLC (NEP OpCo
GP) under certain specified conditions; If the agreements with NEE Management or NEER are terminated, NEP may be unable to contract
with a substitute service provider on similar terms; NEP's arrangements with NEE limit NEE’s potential liability, and NEP has agreed to
indemnify NEE against claims that it may face in connection with such arrangements, which may lead NEE to assume greater risks when
making decisions relating to NEP than it otherwise would if acting solely for its own account;

Cautionary Statement And Risk Factors That May Affect
   Future Results (cont.)
NEP's ability to make distributions to its unitholders depends on the ability of NEP OpCo to make cash distributions to its limited partners; If
NEP incurs material tax liabilities, NEP's distributions to its unitholders may be reduced, without any corresponding reduction in the amount of
the IDR fee; Holders of NEP’s units may be subject to voting restrictions; NEP’s partnership agreement replaces the fiduciary duties that NEP
GP and NEP’s directors and officers might have to holders of its common units with contractual standards governing their duties; NEP’s
partnership agreement restricts the remedies available to holders of NEP's common units for actions taken by NEP’s directors or NEP GP
that might otherwise constitute breaches of fiduciary duties; Certain of NEP’s actions require the consent of NEP GP; Holders of NEP's
common units and preferred units currently cannot remove NEP GP without NEE’s consent; NEE’s interest in NEP GP and the control of NEP
GP may be transferred to a third party without unitholder consent; The IDR fee may be assigned to a third party without unitholder consent;
NEP may issue additional units without unitholder approval, which would dilute unitholder interests; Reimbursements and fees owed to NEP
GP and its affiliates for services provided to NEP or on NEP's behalf will reduce cash distributions from NEP OpCo and from NEP to NEP's
unitholders, and there are no limits on the amount that NEP OpCo may be required to pay; Discretion in establishing cash reserves by NEP
OpCo GP may reduce the amount of cash distributions to unitholders; NEP OpCo can borrow money to pay distributions, which would reduce
the amount of credit available to operate NEP's business; Increases in interest rates could adversely impact the price of NEP's common units,
NEP's ability to issue equity or incur debt for acquisitions or other purposes and NEP's ability to make cash distributions to its unitholders;
The liability of holders of NEP's units, which represent limited partnership interests in NEP, may not be limited if a court finds that unitholder
action constitutes control of NEP's business; Unitholders may have liability to repay distributions that were wrongfully distributed to them;
Provisions in NEP’s partnership agreement may discourage or delay an acquisition of NEP that NEP unitholders may consider favorable,
which could decrease the value of NEP's common units, and could make it more difficult for NEP unitholders to change the board of directors;
The New York Stock Exchange does not require a publicly traded limited partnership like NEP to comply with certain of its corporate
governance requirements; The issuance of preferred units or other securities convertible into common units may affect the market price for
NEP’s common units, will dilute common unitholders’ ownership in NEP and may decrease the amount of cash available for distribution for
each common unit; The preferred units have rights, preferences and privileges that are not held by, and will be preferential to the rights of,
holders of the common units; NEP's future tax liability may be greater than expected if NEP does not generate net operating losses (NOLs)
sufficient to offset taxable income or if tax authorities challenge certain of NEP's tax positions; NEP's ability to use NOLs to offset future
income may be limited; NEP will not have complete control over NEP's tax decisions; A valuation allowance may be required for NEP's
deferred tax assets; Distributions to unitholders may be taxable as dividends; and, the coronavirus pandemic may have a material adverse
impact on NEP’s business’ financial condition, liquidity, results of operations and ability to make cash distributions to its unitholders. NEP
discusses these and other risks and uncertainties in its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 and other SEC
filings, and this presentation should be read in conjunction with such SEC filings made through the date of this presentation. The forward-
looking statements made in this presentation are made only as of the date of this presentation and NEP undertakes no obligation to update
any forward-looking statements.

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