Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business

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Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Real Estate Predictions 2022
Building a more sustainable
and future-proof business
Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Executive Summary | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Executive Summary
Real Estate Predictions 2022
Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
From advanced analytics for the cities of the future to meeting stakeholder
expectations regarding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. Deloitte’s
Real Estate Industry predictions 2022, developed by Deloitte Netherlands, is an
inspiring outlook on 2022 and beyond, based on Real Estate insights. Our predictions
will help you to future-proof your Real Estate business.

Prediction 1 | Creating smarter                    to meet growing investor, tenant, and           and Governance (ESG) issues and will have
urban environments                                 employee expectations. According                a significant impact in the short term. The
When considering the design of buildings           to 60% of Real Estate respondents of            proposed regulations will be in effect from
and land use planning for urban                    the 2022 Deloitte Center for Financial          2023, and therefore, it is essential to be
development, traditional processes result          Services Outlook Survey, ESG initiatives        prepared. To comply with the requirements
in a number of constraints. First of all, data-    are driving new business opportunities          of the CSRD, it is crucial to do a materiality
driven design is challenging, since there          for their organization, and half of them        analysis and baseline assessment, set your
are so many factors to consider, including         think that these initiatives are giving them    ESG goals within a long-term ESG strategy
economics, feasibility, social governance,         a competitive edge. What can you do to          and prepare your management systems
land use and capital investment. Secondly,         prepare for the new market realities?           and internal controls. The time to start
the planning output represents a fixed-                                                            is now.
state based on current problems, while             Prediction 4 | How AI can enhance
development might take years. This makes           urban planning, asset management                Prediction 6 | The future of the
it more vulnerable to shifts in the market         and investments                                 housing business
or changes to the environmental and social         Customized AI tools can support a review        Inadequate management of aging multi-
context. Finally, it takes a lot of effort to      of large files for Real Estate research,        dwelling units have become a social issue.
make a plan, inhibiting our ability to quickly     quality checking data and providing insights    Digital transformation can help property
generate alternative scenarios or pivot            into the driving factors behind trends.         management companies to address
our approach.                                      Scenario simulation and an evaluation of        concerns in this field, so they can
                                                   their impact can be used to enhance key         benefit from the opportunities of an
Prediction 2 | Driving into the future of          decisions on investing, budgeting and           increasing demand.
Real Estate                                        planning. In this article, which includes a
The rise of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)              case study, we discuss how to harness the       Prediction 7 | Mobility hubs, the
and ridesharing technology is likely to            exponential power of AI for urban planning,     enabler of healthy urbanization?
revolutionize urban transportation. Also,          asset management and investment                 A major challenge in many cities across
the impact on Real Estate is likely to be          decision-making for the cities of the future.   Europe is the (growing) housing shortage.
profound and far-reaching. What is going to                                                        To solve this, new residential developments
happen during the coming revolution and            Prediction 5 | CSRD: Booster for a              are needed. Most municipalities plan
what could be the effects on urban spaces          sustainable Real Estate industry                these within the city borders to keep the
and Real Estate?                                   The Corporate Sustainability Reporting          surrounding areas green. Additionally,
                                                   Directive (CSRD) will radically improve the     many municipalities aim to free up the
Prediction 3 | Incorporating ESG: Living           scope and existing reporting requirements       scarce city space that is currently used
up to stakeholder expectations and                 of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting             by (parked) cars. This will make the inner
business opportunities                             Directive (NFRD). This ambitious package        city greener, healthier and more livable.
Environmental, Social, and Governance              will make it mandatory for many Real Estate     However, it also raises a challenge: how
(ESG) issues have emerged as a top                 organizations to report on all relevant         can cities accommodate a growing number
focus, and companies need to respond               inward and outward Environmental, Social        of citizens within their borders when they

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Real Estate Predictions 2022

are reducing the amount of space that           Prediction 10 | The future of                  Reports have become more common.
these citizens can use to travel from A to      smart buildings                                In fact, 92% of companies on the S&P
B? Mobility hubs are coined as the key          Market participants are still facing a lot     500 Index publish a CSR Report. In an
solution for the transition to a more space-    of uncertainty when it comes to smart          increasing amount of countries, it is even
efficient transport system. Yet, only a few     buildings. This article provides an overview   mandatory to publish CSR reports annually.
of them have been realized. So what can be      of current barriers as well as drivers of      CSR has the potential to change the future
expected of this trend?                         the future of smart buildings, based on        of Real Estate, and more importantly; to
                                                a set of interviews with different market      increase the value in servicing the needs of
Prediction 8 | The value of green               participants from both the owner/              planet, people and prosperity. But how can
buildings                                       developer and the user side.                   you integrate Real Estate as a theme into
Buildings and construction processes                                                           your CSR Report?
need to become “greener” and more               Prediction 11 | The rise of digitalization
environmentally friendly. This is a cross-      The Real Estate industry is growing            Prediction 13 | Digital transformation
industry challenge for all stakeholders.        rapidly. Investments are expanding to new      The pandemic has had a significant impact
What is happening in the field of regulation,   countries with investors from different        on many industries, including Real Estate,
how are start-ups stepping in, and how          countries seeking alternative opportunities.   and will continue to do so. More citizens
can all stakeholders prepare for a              Manual tax reporting solutions no              will continue to work from home, more
greener future?                                 longer meet the requirements, and poor         companies will use online channels
                                                quality and delayed deliveries can trigger     to reach customers, and remotely
Prediction 9 | Building a sustainable           compliance breaches at fund level. It is now   operated processes will increase
future together                                 necessary to adopt a more streamlined          significantly. However, the Real Estate
In today’s corporate world, sustainability      and digitalized approach. What are the         industry is still in the early stages of
is a key concept. It improves the quality of    options? And is there such a thing as a        digitalization. What new technologies are
our lives and ensures harmony between           “one-stop shop” with automated solutions       key for the industry, what does the focus
humans and nature. It is well known             for tax reporting?                             on data mean in terms of investor profile
that the Construction and Real Estate                                                          and performance indicators, and what are
industry can play a significant role in the     Prediction 12 | Responsible Real Estate        the biggest challenges?
development of a more sustainable society.      Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is
But it is also one of the sectors with a lot    the concept that an organization has a
of unreleased potential. The advancement        responsibility to the society, environment
of sustainability in Real Estate provides a     and economy in which it operates.
solid opportunity to tackle climate change’s    Organizations can use Corporate Social
origins and consequences. How can the           Responsibility reports, also called CSR
industry reduce its footprint?                  Reports, to communicate their CSR
                                                strategy. Over the past decade, CSR

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Gaming the commercial real estate talent conundrum | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Table of contents
                     Executive Summary                                              02

Prediction 1         Creating smarter urban environments                            05

Prediction 2         Driving into the future of Real Estate                         07

                     Incorporating ESG: Living up to stakeholder expectations
Prediction 3
                     and business opportunities                                     11

Prediction 4
                     How AI can enhance urban planning, asset management
                     and investments                                                14

Prediction 5         CSRD: Booster for a sustainable Real Estate industry           18

Prediction 6         The future of the housing business                             22

Prediction 7         Mobility hubs, the enabler of healthy urbanization?            26

Prediction 8         The value of green buildings                                   31

Prediction 9         Building a sustainable future together                         34

Prediction 10        The future of smart buildings                                  37

Prediction 11        The rise of digitalization                                     41

Prediction 12        Responsible Real Estate                                        44

Prediction 13        Digital transformation                                         47

                     Authors                                                        50

                     Contacts                                                       52

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Creating smarter urban environments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Creating smarter urban environments
How AI-powered Generative Design can enhance urban and
development planning

When considering the design of buildings and land use planning for urban
development, traditional processes result in a number of constraints. First of all, data-
driven design is challenging, since there are so many factors to consider, including
economics, feasibility, social governance, land use and capital investment. Secondly,
the planning output represents a fixed-state based on current problems, while
development might take years. This makes it more vulnerable to shifts in the market
or changes to the environmental and social context. Finally, it takes a lot of effort to
make a plan, inhibiting our ability to quickly generate alternative scenarios or pivot
our approach.
Urban and development planning is                  A comparison to nature                         blocks to inform detailed master planning.
currently undergoing a massive upgrade,            To explain generative design best, let’s       However, it doesn’t stop there. Each
taking a data-centric approach to design           have a look at nature. When we consider        typology is tested and validated based on
that leverages the power of AI and                 a flower, for example, we marvel at its        simulating various conditions, comparing
analytics. In so doing, it introduces an agile     perfection. Every nuance is perfectly          one typology against the other to identify
approach to master-planning, creating a            calibrated to capture moisture, to survive     weaknesses and redundancies. This
centralized digital twin to manage an urban        in harsh conditions, and to reproduce in a     creates stronger and stronger design
ecosystem in operations.                           living ecosystem. However, this flower did     options the model achieves acceptable
                                                   not come to be overnight. It took millions     operational performance based on project
Traditional processes for the design
                                                   of years of evolution. Millions of design      success criteria. In essence, thousands
of buildings and land use planning for
                                                   iterations one after the other, trial and      of hours of design evolution are being
urban development render a number
                                                   error, update after update. This flower        condensed into a single afternoon—
of constraints. A data-centric approach
                                                   collected information from its existence       based on the power of the processor
to design, based on the power of AI and
                                                   to change its properties over time until       that is running the computations. It
data analytics, could enhance a massive
                                                   it reached the peak of performance and         would be impossible to achieve the
upgrade of urban and development
                                                   efficiency. Generative design emulates this    same output through traditional, human-
planning. Here’s why and how.
                                                   process of evolution.                          powered processes.
How does AI play a part?                           Data-driven design                             Computational design as an enabler of
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and       Generative design creates a virtual world to   better human design
cloud-based processing has created                 test versions of a design solution. Various    This does not mean that we should
a wealth of opportunities across all               data are entered, for example about            replace designers. Instead, we should
industries. It offers us the power to              building use, building height, construction    use computational design to provide
approach complex computing problems                area, loss rate, cost of construction, GHG     a defensible and quantifiable spatial
with incredible speed and accuracy that            emissions targets, number of residents,        development framework to guide detailed
exceed our human capacity. What would              availability of green space, access to         human-led design. Instead of doing
have taken humans weeks to complete can            natural light, connectivity, and proximity     feasibility analysis and concept design,
now be resolved in hours. This is the basis        to transport. A generative design process      human designers are able to focus on
for a revolution in the design process which       then renders this information into a           creative decision-making associated to
can change our approach to planning                series (hundreds) of typologies and            experience design, while relying on data-
buildings and cities.                              spatial development options through            driven feasibility and project resilience.
                                                   computational design: the basic building

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Creating smarter urban environments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Driving into the future of Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Driving into the future of Real Estate
The impact of autonomous vehicles on Real Estate
and infrastructure

The rise of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and ridesharing technology is likely to
revolutionize urban transportation. Also, the impact on Real Estate is likely to be
profound and far-reaching. What is going to happen during the coming revolution and
what could be the effects on urban spaces and Real Estate?

The coming urban                                                            technology1. However, even though there                vehicles towards full self-driving capability.
transportation revolution                                                   has been talk of driverless cars for several           In fact, the highest levels of progressive
Autonomous vehicles                                                         years, the actual implementation to date               automation are now being tested in
In addition to electrification, the majority                                on our roads has been limited. This will               locations across the world2.
of large vehicle manufacturers are also                                     likely change in the near future, with
heavily investing in autonomous driving                                     manufacturers rapidly progressing their

                                                         Partial automation
                                                                                                                 Conditional automation
                                           Vehicle has combined automated
                                                                                                                 Driver is a necessity, but is not
                                       functions, like acceleration and steer-
                                                                                                                 required to monitor the environ-
                                             ing, but the driver must remain
                                                                                                                 ment. The driver must be ready
                                          engaged with the driving task and
                                                                                                                 to take control of the vehicle at all
                                       monitor the environment at all times.
                                                                                                                 times with notice.

                 Driver assistance                                                                                                                       High automation
       Vehicle is controlled by the                                                                                                                      The vehicle is capable of perform-
    driver, but some driving assist                                                                                                                      ing all driving functions under
      features may be included in                                                                                                                        certain conditions. The driver
                 the vehicle design.                                                                                                                     may have the option to control
                                                                                                                                                         the vehicle.

                                                                                                                                                                  Full automation
                                                                                                                                                                  The vehicle is capable of perform-
         No automation
                                                                                                                                                                  ing all driving functions under all
      Zero autonomy; the
                                                                                                                                                                  conditions. The driver may have
       driver performs all
                                                                                                                                                                  the option to control the vehicle.
             driving tasks.

When automated vehicle technology is                                        Predictions vary, but autonomous vehicles              If full automation is indeed coming
proven, and governments sanction its                                        could account for as much as 40% of                    in the following decade, obstacles
roll-out, the level of change and impact on                                 personal mileage in Europe alone by 20303.             around safety and legislation can be
society will be exponential and profound.                                                                                          successfully navigated4.

1 Some of the largest technology firms based largely in the Silicon Valley are spending heavily on automation and ridesharing with around $23 billion in total funding
in the last 20 years (Goldman Sachs). It is estimated to grow well beyond $96 billion by 2025 and to $290 billion by 2035. This investment would mean that global
market capitalization would total an estimated 17%, and approximately 27% of vehicle miles travelled will be done in AV by 2035 (Cushman & Wakefield).
2 We can already see nations from almost every continent investing in this technology and preparing their roads for the introduction of AV within the next decade
(the Verge 2020).
3 PWC, Five trends transforming the Automotive, 2017.
4 Troy Baltic, A. C., Russell Hensley, And Nathan Pfaff. How sharing the road is likely to transform American mobility, 2019.

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Driving into the future of Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Ridesharing is omnipresent                               The changes in cost will increase                        we design parks and green spaces, and
Over the past few years, ridesharing                     accessibility and convenience, which will                manage housing, services, production, and
has become omnipresent across global                     prove an attractive alternative to public                the logistics of a wide combination of our
urban centers. Companies like Uber                       transport and personal vehicles. To access               everyday needs.
and Lyft are now household names, and                    the service, users will only require a pick-
considered as genuine alternatives to other              up/drop-off location before moving on to                 Consequence of AV on property
forms of transport, including personal                   collect the next user. With fewer vehicles               & land use
vehicle ownership and public transport.                  on the road, physical resource waste,                    To understand the impact of AV we
Because of their long-term strategies,                   including CO2 emissions9, will drop                      must look at the coming changes in the
they are considered highly valuable by                   dramatically. As electric vehicles only offer            development and redevelopment of
shareholders. These companies are                        a marginal improvement in the whole                      buildings and their surrounding spaces. As
continuously collecting and analyzing data               life carbon emission over internal                       the need for parking spaces diminishes,
on how to optimize vehicle usage and                     combustion engines (ICE), there would                    what will we choose to do with those
customer service. Ultimately, their goal is to           still be concerning levels of emissions                  spaces? It is estimated that London alone
leverage the full potential of Autonomous                and raw material damage from the metal                   would gain an area equivalent to 5 Hyde
Vehicles (AVs) by eliminating the need for               production and energy required to make                   Parks (approx. 7.1km2) from developing all
their largest overhead—the driver5.                      and run vehicles for personal use10.                     its car-parking space, although some of this
                                                                                                                  space would be needed for pick-up and
More space, lower costs                                  Increased productivity from AV will                      drop-off points12.
The benefits of full vehicle automation, in              likely play a determining factor in the
conjunction with ridesharing, will mark the              rapid expansion of driverless vehicles in                All this new space as well as the
biggest change in urban transportation                   major cities. As we begin spending our                   simplification of roads would allow for new
since the invention of the internal                      future commute with the aid of AV and                    developments, expansion of established
combustion engine. Some of these changes                 ridesharing, we could be significantly more              buildings, and the creation of more green
will include the elimination of congestion of            productive and have more time to focus on                and public-use spaces. Lastly, this shift to
our roads when substantial automation is                 other tasks. Across an entire population,                AV would enable governments to provide
achieved. Vehicle size and required driving              this will have a direct effect on a country’s            more affordable homes, drive down the
space will reduce as they will be able to                economy. For example, in the US, with                    inequalities between owners and renters,
”communicate” and therefore travel at                    an average yearly time spent commuting                   and provide solutions to issues like the
closer distances. This will reduce road sizes            estimated at a total of 9 days, leading to a             current housing crisis in many countries13.
in urban areas, providing new space that is              vast waste of time across an entire
no longer required for vehicles6.7                       working population11.                                    Real Estate future value
                                                                                                                  In other words, the introduction of AV
The shift to full automation will probably               Implications for Real Estate                             will impact the value of property and the
almost immediately impact consumer                       The desire to live in central locations could            importance of where individuals choose
costs for AV travel. This in turn will increase          decrease as commuting times drop and                     to live. As the connection time to key
AV utilization, and decrease the usage of                proximity loses value. As the urban sprawl               amenities and the workplace drops, being
public and private transport services8. A                continues, the opportunity to change the                 close to central locations loses significance.
continued knock-on effect would take place               excess land—available because of AV—will                 Properties located within proximity to
within other service industries such as                  become increasingly important. We will                   public transport will inevitably lose their
delivery, logistics and distribution sectors.            need to make decisions on how                            competitive advantage and market value.

5 Uber’s self-driving cars are a key to its path to profitability, 2020
6 Shetty, S, The new economy, Cars take up way too much space in cities, 2021.
7 Stokes, N. Can today’s car parks become tomorrow’s housing developments?, 2017
8 Transport & Environment, Does sharing cars really reduce car use?, 2017
9 Privately owned cars are not in use for 95% of their life cycle (World Economic Forum) highlighting a profound inefficiency in the way cars are used and
interacted with.
10 Transport & Environment, Batteries, 2021.
11 The Washington Post, Average commute time reached a new record last year, 2019.
12 Sidders and Shankleman, A Driverless Future Threatens the Laws of Real Estate, 2018.
13 Breach, Planning for the future: How flexible zoning will end the housing crisis. Centre for Cities, 2020.

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Driving into the future of Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2022

It is predicted that this will encourage
urban areas to take use of new unused
parking spaces. This will transform
residential areas, increase the ability to
create greener spaces, expand current
and new properties and drive commercial
development14. As AV evolves and becomes
fully operational, property values will
naturally fluctuate again—unused spaces
will become more attractive to investors
and re-development will take place.
Central locations will again have a new
lease of life as they become a hub for
new opportunities, and the demand
for property and services will increase.

Requirements for successful change
All these developments will need careful
planning and management, with sufficient
consideration for socio-economic needs.
Governments must play a role to prevent
vast privatization of new available land, as
well as consider the infrastructure required
to manage this change. If the correct
measures are put in place, we will likely
be able to manage employment, and
improve our general well-being and our
surrounding environment.

14 Planners Press, Chicago, Shoup, ‘The high cost of free parking’, 2005.

Real Estate Predictions 2022 Building a more sustainable and future-proof business
Driving into the future of Real Estate | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Incorporating ESG: Living Up to Stakeholder Expectations and Business Opportunities | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Incorporating ESG: Living Up to
Stakeholder Expectations and
Business Opportunities
Five Steps to Make a Tangible Impact

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues have emerged as a top focus,
and companies need to respond to meet growing investor, tenant, and employee
expectations. According to 60% of Real Estate respondents of the 2022 Deloitte
Center for Financial Services Outlook Survey, ESG initiatives are driving new
business opportunities for their organization, and half of them think that these
initiatives are giving them a competitive edge. What can you do to prepare for the new
market realities?

Be an Industry Leader at the Frontline                  leases command premium rents, and 30%                    Discover Financial Services. This provides
on Addressing Climate Risk?                             state that brown buildings (those without                employment opportunities for
The CRE sector has a huge role to play in               sustainability features) offer reduced rents             local workers.
helping combat climate change. According                to compensate tenants.
to Architecture 20301,3a non-profit                                                                              Prepare for More Stringent
environmental advocacy group, buildings                 Align Social Initiatives with                            Regulatory Requirements
are responsible for nearly 40% of annual                Business Opportunities                                   As regulators step up ESG reporting
global carbon dioxide emissions. Of these,              In our 2022 Deloitte Center for Financial                demands, firms will soon have to prioritize
28% are caused by building operations, and              Services Outlook Survey, ESG is a key                    these efforts. In September, the US
the remaining 11% by building materials                 topic. Turning to the “S” in ESG, only 50%               Securities and Exchange Commission
and construction (embodied carbon). As                  of respondents believe their organization                released a sample letter that requests
the world transitions into a lower-carbon               is making strategic investments to                       additional information from companies
economy, Real Estate leaders can make an                improve affordability and quality-of-                    concerning their efforts to address climate
impact: first by collecting and assessing               life issues in communities in which                      change. Recent disclosure rules in the
data on the environmental impacts of                    they operate. Less than half of them                     European Union’s Corporate Sustainability
building operations, then by investigating              say their institution is taking steps to                 Reporting Directive and the China
and implementing resource efficiencies,                 increase diversity in the tenant-mix                     Securities Regulatory Commission will also
and finally by partnering with                          to reflect community demographics.                       require companies to identify, track, and
developers who use sustainable                          Industry leaders should recognize                        report on key performance indicators, such
practices and materials.                                that stakeholders increasingly expect                    as carbon emissions and human
                                                        improvements in these areas. Developer                   capital metrics.
Green Leasing Offers Upside                             DL3 Realty is now on a mission to revive
By ”green leasing” we mean that tenants                 communities by redeveloping properties                   Our survey showed that for smaller firms,
either commit to or benefit from embracing              in disadvantaged neighborhoods. They                     quantifying climate risks in their business
sustainable practices, such as waste                    have converted a vacated Target store into               and portfolio, as well as quantifying DE&I
reduction. More and more organizations                  a Blue Cross Blue Shield customer care                   initiatives and social equity across different
are focusing on green leasing. Half                     center, creating access to health care for               geographies, was particularly challenging.
of respondents of the 2021 RICS                         neighborhood residents. Another property
Sustainability report claimed that green                was repurposed into a call center for

1 Architecture 2030, “Why the building sector?,” accessed October 8, 2021,

Incorporating ESG: Living Up to Stakeholder Expectations and Business Opportunities | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Five Action Steps:                                   construction. This involves everything            are driving new business opportunities, it
For CRE firms who are aiming to improve              from raw materials to the use of data             is time to act. Firms that take a proactive
ESG governance and impact, we                        analytics to help existing tenants reduce         role in the field of ESG and value planet and
recommend the following actions:                     their carbon footprint.                           people as much as profits, will definitely
                                                                                                       create a competitive edge. We hope our
• Design and implement processes to                • Communicate the firm’s ESG vision and             survey and five action steps will help you
  record progress and hold leaders                   plans to investors and employees alike.           embrace the new market realities.
  accountable for achieving target                   Sustainable investing is a growing area
  metrics. This would improve                        of capital formation. CRE companies
  reporting as regulators increase                   can take advantage of this new wave if
  disclosure expectations.                           they are transparent about how they
                                                     incorporate ESG into the mission of
• Create a road map that establishes and             their company.
  documents ESG strategy as part of the
  broader business strategy. Effective             • Conduct a robust climate risk
  governance and long-term value creation            assessment to mitigate overall risk
  requires a strong focus on priorities and          and inform strategies.
  clear, actionable, and measurable goals.
  Share this road map with stakeholders            In the 2022 Deloitte Center for Financial
  and key decision-makers to help assess           Services Outlook Survey, the responses
  risk and move initiatives forward.               of more than 400 global Real Estate firms
                                                   are discussed in detail. As Environmental,
• Intentionally incorporate ESG into the           Social, and Governance (ESG) have become
  business from the start of a project             a key factor to meet growing investor,
  to how it is managed daily, post-                tenant, and employee expectations, and

Incorporating ESG: Living Up to Stakeholder Expectations and Business Opportunities | Real Estate Predictions 2022

How AI can enhance urban planning, asset management and investments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

How AI can enhance urban planning,
asset management and investments
Advanced analytics for the cities of the future
Customized AI tools can support a review of large files for Real Estate research, quality
checking data and providing insights into the driving factors behind trends. Scenario
simulation and an evaluation of their impact can be used to enhance key decisions
on investing, budgeting and planning. In this article, which includes a case study,
we discuss how to harness the exponential power of AI for urban planning, asset
management and investment decision-making for the cities of the future.

Understanding current and future                    complicates the study of their true impact                This analysis can be augmented by linking,
supply-demand dynamics                              on Real Estate demand.                                    where possible, future Building Information
Urban planning, asset management and                                                                          Modelling (BIM) and smart city data.
investment decision-making are key factors          This is where machine learning and AI                     Ultimately this will enable asset managers
for the cities of the future. They require          tools come in. Existing historical data can               to interact with these customized and
a clear understanding of the current and            readily be incorporated into such a tool or               highly interactive analytics, made
future supply-demand dynamics and                   algorithm in a structured and standardized                available in easily digested formats.
underlying macro-economic factors.                  way. Next, relevant information can be                    Wherever and whenever. The solution
Currently, this is a challenge. The Real            reproduced by means of a consistent                       can assist property owners and asset
Estate market data that is required for             standard Extract, Transform and Load                      management companies, in addition to
city and master plans, including supply,            (ETL) Process.                                            providing planning departments and
transactions, price and rent information,                                                                     developers with the information needed to
typically comes in disparate source                 Scenario analysis based on enriched                       support demand-driven decision-making.
formats. Also, the correlation of economic          data sets is helpful as well, as it can show
metrics, such as Gross Domestic Product             the impact of future trends. These data
(GDP), oil price, and construction financing,       sets incorporate asset-level information,
is often not clearly articulated. This              macro-economic data and public opinion.

Figure 1: Real Estate data framework

                                           Sample datasets

       Household income                         Foreign Direct Investment

                                                                                   Scenario analysis                Geo spatial         Decision drivers
                                                Local and Global GDP
       Domestic consumer spend

                                                                                   Test hypotheses              Understand trends       Understand key trends
       Employment by sector                     Oil price                                                       at a district/          and seasonality
                                                                                                                geo spatial level       inherent in your data

                                                                                   Analyse what-if-scenari-     Overlay economic        Understand the key
       Commercial licenses                                                         os by adjusting              data to generate a      driving factors
                                                                                   economic levers              holistic view of real   influencing the real
                                                                                                                estate demand           estate demand
       Tourist arrivals
                                                                                   Leverage scenario            Identify population     Overlay and
                                                                                   insights to better           density changes         compare key
                                                                                   inform real estate                                   milestones against
       Tourist spend                                                               planning decisions                                   macro-economic trends

                                                               Real Estate demand
How AI can enhance urban planning, asset management and investments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Defining the data framework                      • Offices: Information on employment by             final solution also enabled a sophisticated
The starting point for building a customized       sector and the GDP growth forecasts to            scenario modeling component where the
forecasting tool is the review of a range          estimate demand for offices, i.e. GLA.            users can plan for certain cases, identify
of variables and interlinkages driving Real                                                          potential key drivers and ultimately ensure
Estate demand. In order to define the            • Industrial: Assessment of industrial              that better planning takes place for large or
framework for the forecasting analysis,            sector employment, trade and                      small scale events in the future.
historic data can be assessed to find a            e-commerce activity.
potential correlation of factors.                                                                    A fully customizable consumption layer was
                                                 Customized tools can support a review of
                                                                                                     built as a web-based and mobile-friendly
                                                 large files for Real Estate research, quality
The above framework can be delineated                                                                interface for key stakeholders in the Real
                                                 checking data and providing insights into
further into sector level demand                                                                     Estate development lifecycle to access
                                                 the driving factors behind trends. Scenario
drivers, including:                                                                                  the outputs and forecasts. This included
                                                 simulation and an evaluation of their
                                                                                                     macro-economic and sector-specific
                                                 impact will then enhance key decisions on
• Residential: Scenarios                                                                             forecasts, the ability to run scenarios for
                                                 investing, budgeting and planning.
                                                                                                     changes in low, medium and high impact
  – Net additional demand for residential                                                            drivers, and to use the tool to gain a full
    units can be overlaid with information       Case study: The use of Deloitte’s
                                                                                                     view of the Real Estate landscape. The
    on household income, pricing/rents           Intuition accelerator to build a
                                                                                                     solution also enables key stakeholders
    and occupancy by district.                   forecasting tool for a city planning
                                                                                                     to interact with the tool in different ways
                                                 department in the GCC
                                                                                                     through an easy-to-use interface, further
  – Transaction data for residential units,      Deloitte has developed an integrated
                                                                                                     driving adoption in the business.
    which reflects investor and occupier         decision-making framework for a
    demand, can be factored into the             city planning department in the Gulf
                                                                                                     Forecasting is split into two different
    analysis to derive a demand-supply gap       Cooperation Council (GCC). The tool was
                                                                                                     stages. The training step facilitates the
    analysis for the sector.                     created to study the historic trends within
                                                                                                     creation of the models while the second
                                                 the residential, retail, office, hospitality
• Retail: An assessment of consumer                                                                  step is the deployment of the models into
                                                 and industrial sectors, along with relevant
  spend, retail asset transactions,                                                                  the solution.
                                                 macro-economic indicators to provide
  occupancy by district and Gross Leasable       forecasting for key metrics using Deloitte’s
  Area (GLA) per capita to review supply         time series accelerator, Intuition.
  gap, if any.
                                                 Intuition is a bespoke forecasting engine
• Hospitality: Tourism indicators and
                                                 that automates the process of identifying
  information on multiple occupancy
                                                 unique and complex trends within a data
  factors and the average length of stay to
                                                 set by passing the data through different
  estimate the total demand in the number
                                                 algorithms, to pair the most predictive
  of room nights.
                                                 algorithm with the provided data. The

Figure 2: Forecasting overview

     Model Training                                                                       Model Deployment
     • Uses past data to create                                                           • Uses current data to predict
       the models                                                                           variables into the future
     • Validates the models based                                                         • Integrates with the solutions to
       on historic data                                                                     provide scenario analysis views

How AI can enhance urban planning, asset management and investments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

The training step takes the raw data and                Models deployed within the solution run      Once the data is uploaded, it is
transforms it into training data for the                quarterly, using data from the uploaded      transformed for ingestion into the model,
machine learning model. These models                    data template. The data template is the      checked for stability and baseline forecasts
are validated for accuracy and are then                 fully categorized information for each       are produced and stored. The baseline
incorporated into the solution to                       Real Estate sector that supplies both the    forecasts are validated and, along with the
make forecasts.                                         forecasting model and the performance        model, used for the scenario analysis.
                                                        indicators dashboard.

Figure 3: Scenario analysis extract

                 Residential Sector Scenario Impact Comparison
                 A comparison of scenarios in the residential sector indicating whether the demand
                 has been met or if there is an undersupply or oversupply of units

                 70000 -

                 60000 -
Demand (Units)

                 50000 -
                 40000 -
                 30000 -

                 20000 -
                 10000 -

                           10000             20000              30000                40000              50000                60000                  70000
                                                                            Supply (Units)
Source: Deloitte

Harnessing the power of AI
As the above case study demonstrates, to
thrive in a disruptive economy, key decision
makers can harness the exponential power
of AI to drive real, tangible outcomes. This
will help them to greatly improve the urban
planning, asset management and investment
decision-making that is needed for the cities
of the future.

How AI can enhance urban planning, asset management and investments | Real Estate Predictions 2022

CSRD: Booster for a sustainable Real Estate industry | Real Estate Predictions 2022

CSRD: Booster for a sustainable
Real Estate industry
The EU’s new sustainability directive as a game changer for
Real Estate

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will radically improve the
scope and existing reporting requirements of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting
Directive (NFRD). This ambitious package will make it mandatory for many Real Estate
organizations to report on all relevant inward and outward Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) issues and will have a significant impact in the short term. The
proposed regulations will be in effect from 2023, and therefore, it is essential to be
prepared. To comply with the requirements of the CSRD, it is crucial to do a materiality
analysis and baseline assessment, set your ESG goals within a long-term ESG strategy
and prepare your management systems and internal controls. The time to start
is now.

Purpose and background                               aims to radically improve the existing         commitment and ambition aren’t enough
The EU Green Deal aims to turn an urgent             NFRD reporting requirements to increase        for Real Estate organizations to achieve
challenge into a unique opportunity by               transparency of corporate progress             their sustainability objectives.
cutting 55% of CO2 emissions by 2030 and             in terms of sustainability, and to align
achieving climate neutrality in 2050. As part        sustainability reporting with financial        The CSRD extends the EU’s sustainability
of this effort, the EU introduced an action          reporting. Companies will have to report on    reporting requirements. Also, it applies to
plan to finance the transition to carbon             how ESG issues affect their business as well   all listed companies and large companies
neutrality. Also, it introduced several              as on the impact of their activities on the    on EU-regulated markets that meet any
regulations to support the achievement               environment and on society.                    two of the following three criteria:
of this goal, including the Sustainable
Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the          Why is the CSRD affecting the Real             • ≥ 250 employees
EU Taxonomy, and the proposed Corporate              Estate industry?
Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)            The Real Estate industry is responsible        • ≥ €20mln of assets on balance sheet
as the success of the EU’s Non-Financial             for approximately 40% of CO2 emissions
                                                                                                    • ≥ €40mln of net revenue.
Reporting Directive (NFRD).                          and greatly impacts our daily lives. To
                                                     meet the EU’s climate and energy targets       The widening of the scope is expected to
The purpose of the CSRD is to strengthen             for 2030 and reach the objectives of the       come into effect as of 2023. It will have a
the foundations of sustainable investments           European Green Deal, more and more Real        significant impact on more than 50,000
in the EU’s transition to a fully sustainable        Estate organizations commit themselves         companies in the EU and over 1,700 within
and inclusive economic and financial                 to sustainable climate targets such as zero    the Netherlands, many of which are Real
system, in accordance with the European              emissions, and keeping global warming          Estate organizations. This is due to the
Green Deal and the UN Sustainable                    below 1.5 celsius. However, with the new       nature of the sector with its fairly high net
Development Goals. The proposed CSRD                 CSRD reporting requirements, merely            revenues and balance sheet totals.

CSRD: Booster for a sustainable Real Estate industry | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Figure 1: Relevance of the CSRD


                                                 EU Taxonomy                                SFRD
                                                                                      (Sustainable Financial
                                                                                      Disclosure Regulation)

                                            CSRD reporting will become applicable for Real Estate
                                          organizations meeting at least two of three requirements:

                               >250 employees                     >€40m of revenue                     >€20m of assets

What is going to change for the Real                 in order to comply with the CSRD, Real                    • Perform a double materiality assessment
Estate industry?                                     Estate organizations must have a long-                      to determine which ESG issues are
Because of the CSRD, Real Estate                     term sustainability strategy and extend                     material for your organization from both
organizations can no longer report on                sustainability management to include both                   an inward and outward perspective.
their financial status without mentioning            inward and outward sustainability risks
their environmental and social impact. In            and opportunities. Because the Real Estate                • Perform an ESG baseline assessment for
order to do so, it is essential to follow the        market is stimulated by financing and                       your material ESG issues to determine
materiality concept when determining                 investments from a wide range of investors,                 your starting point.
which ESG topics you should report.                  understanding sustainability performance,
                                                                                                               • Set measurable ESG goals in line with
Materiality is the concept that defines why          strategy and sustainability risks and
                                                                                                                 the EU Green Deal and UN Sustainable
and how specific issues are significant for          opportunities will become increasingly
                                                                                                                 Development Goals.
a company. By introducing the concept of             important for attracting capital, gaining a
”double materiality”, organizations need to          competitive advantage and achieving your                  • Develop a future-proof ESG strategy
consider both the impact of climate-related          sustainability goals.                                       that includes, among other things, your
risk and opportunities on the company’s                                                                          purpose, vision, objectives, performance
value (”financial materiality” or ”inward            What can you do now?                                        indicators, a strategic roadmap and
impact”), and the external impacts of the            The CSRD will be a major game changer in                    policies required to comply with EU
company’s activities on the environment              corporate ESG reporting with far-reaching                   legislation and mandatory third party
(”environmental and social materiality” or           implications for the Real Estate industry.                  limited assurance as of 2023.
”outward impact”).                                   Real Estate organizations, investors,
                                                     regulators, auditors and other stakeholders               • Set up reporting and monitoring
In addition to mandatory requirements,               will all need to devote significant time and                procedures in order to keep track of
we do believe that the CSRD will be a                resources to prepare for the implications                   your ESG goals over time and reassess
major game changer for the industry in               of the CSRD. Given the significance of the                  material ESG issues.
terms of transparency and insight into               CSRD and the time required to be prepared
sustainability risks and opportunities. Also,        in 2023, these are the key topics you should
it will help Real Estate organizations with          start considering now:
a strong ESG performance attract capital.

CSRD: Booster for a sustainable Real Estate industry | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Figure 2: The double materiality perspective in the context of reporting climate-related information

                       Financial                                                      Environmental & Social
                      Materiality                                                           Materiality

        To the extent necessary for an                                                 ...and impact of its activities
       understanding of the company’s
         development, performance
                and position...
                                                                Company impact on
                                                                   climate can be
                                                                 financial materials

                         Climate change                                                         Company impact
                       impact on company                                                          on climate
     Company                                     Climate                              Company                    Climate

     Primary audience:                                                            Primary audience:
     investors                                                                    consumers, civil society,
                                                                                  employees, and investors
        Recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on
           Climate-Related Financial Disclosures)

                                              Non-financial reporting directive

CSRD: Booster for a sustainable Real Estate industry | Real Estate Predictions 2022

The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

The future of the housing business
Future requirements for the property management of
multi-dwelling units

Inadequate management of ageing multi-dwelling units has become a
social issue. Digital transformation can help property management companies to
address concerns in this field, so they can benefit from the opportunities of an
increasing demand.

The challenges of existing                           so they can benefit from the opportunities     Second, by improving the existing
housing stock                                        of an increasing demand. This requires         inefficient workflow. Examples are online
For a long period after World War II,                four measures: (1) digitalization of           distribution and storage of general and
Japanese governments aspired to increase             property management, (2) division of           board meeting materials, conducting
the housing supply and raise its quality.            property management specifications into        resident surveys online, digitalizing
This changed when the population started             standard and optional, (3) support for self-   inspection and maintenance records,
declining in the 2000s. Policy switched              management of multi-dwelling units, and        and introducing an accounting system. In
towards using existing housing stock.                (4) collaboration between players in           particular, the distribution and collection of
However, one of the problems in utilizing            the industry.                                  paper materials is inefficient and expensive
stock is the inadequate management of                                                               in terms in terms of labour as well as
ageing multi-dwelling units. The owners,             Digitalization of property management          distribution costs (postal, transportation,
or those who inherit a used property                 Property management services today             and storage costs). Additionally, switching
in a multi-dwelling unit, often do not               include participation in and running of        to online exchanges between the head
understand the value of such a property              general and board meetings and other           office and managed properties will reduce
that has been left vacant. They fail to sell         face-to-face duties, and duties that require   the number of site visits by head office
or lease it to others, or do not participate         human labour such as cleaning, inspection,     staff, freeing up time for them to make
in the consensus-forming for repair or               and patrols. Because of the personal           door-to-door on-site visits.
rebuilding the property.                             nature of the services, digitalization has
                                                     not progressed in the industry as a whole.     Lastly, the data accumulated in these
This problem is not limited to Japan - it is a       As the problem of labour shortages             digital operations can be used to improve
social issue shared by countries all over the        becomes increasingly severe, property          the quality of services - and resident
world. Management systems for multiple-              management firms seeking to shore up           satisfaction. By introducing IoT equipment,
dwelling complexes in major countries in             their top-line revenues will need to improve   for example, the air conditioning and
Europe and the US are similar to those in            efficiency in order to increase the number     lighting environment in common areas can
Japan. The framework details differ, but the         of condominium units handled and               be optimized, and upkeep and predictive
complexes in these countries also have               managed per employee. The digitalization       maintenance can be performed based on
management associations composed of                  of property management will improve            the state of wear and tear of equipment
all unit owners, with decisions made at a            efficiency in three specific ways.             and devices in order to fulfil
general meeting. Sometimes, management                                                              residents’ needs.
is outsourced to a management company.               First, simply as a replacement of labour,
In Japan, for example, the tasks outsourced          by means of e.g. cleaning robots, IoT          It is likely that new digitalized services
to management companies include support              technology for inspections and patrols,        will continue to be introduced for various
for general meetings and association                 and chatbots for handling complaints. All      aspects of property management. But even
management, accounting, caretaker duties,            of these will help keep down personnel         before that, the introduction of a number
cleaning, and maintenance and inspection             costs. Human employees can then focus on       of services that already exist is expected
of buildings and facilities.                         added value areas where the human touch        to proceed. Whether or not property
                                                     is preferable. Moreover, the personnel         management is digitalized is a key factor
Digital transformation can help property             freed up by these measures can be used to      for competitiveness.
management companies to address                      increase the managed unit capacity.
concerns about inadequate management,

The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Division of property management                      In the case of a high-grade multiple-               Depending on the kinds of services
specifications into standard                         dwelling complex, the emphasis will be              demanded by the management association
and optional                                         on face-to-face communication, with a               and the upper limit on management and
The second measure is to classify property           building superintendent on permanent                outsourcing costs, it might be interesting
management specifications as standard                duty as in the past. Some of the                    to consider the possibility of switching to
and optional: defining the provided                  digitalization initiatives introduced in (1)        self-management.
property management services based                   may be incorporated. Optional services
on factors such as the multi-dwelling                can be added relating to the frequency              Looking at the future of property
unit grade, resident demands, and                    of inspections and patrols, the extent of           management, the services provided by
management and outsourcing costs (see                assistance with running management                  the management company will likely
Figure. 1 below). Currently, the quality of          association general and board meetings,             match the services expected by residents.
property management, and especially                  and the promptness of response to                   Communication with residents will be
resident satisfaction, greatly depends on            emergencies such as loss of keys or water           key to determine the level of property
the quality of the representatives and               leaks. Other possibilities are the provision        management needed and how much
management staff. This means that even               or introduction of services such as                 residents are willing to pay for this.
if the property management agreement                 housework and house cleaning.
itself does not change, and there is no
difference in the provided services, the             In the case of a middle-grade multiple-
skill in handling the duties by staff will likely    dwelling complex, digitalization could take
impact resident satisfaction. By clearly             the place of face-to-face communication.
articulating in writing the kinds of services        This will reduce management costs.
to be received, it is easier to meet the             For instance, by introducing robots
expectations of residents.                           and sensors, online notifications and
                                                     announcements to residents.

Figure 1: Example of standard and optional multi-dwelling unit management services

      Service level
                                              Management Services                                            Optional Services

                               In-person            Superintendent              Handle              Full-scale trouble      Provision or
                              support for             onsite and              accounting            response service         referral of
                            holding general          monitoring by             services                                      shopping,
                               and board                patrols                                                            child care, and
                               meetings                                                                                  other life services

                          Application-based               Remote                Introduce       Self-handling of
                         support for holding          surveillance by          accounting      trouble response
                         general and board                security          services, and have
                              meetings                   cameras             a management
                                                                           association handle


The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Support for self-management of                       Even in highly specialized areas such            services on a BPO basis for the managed
multi-dwelling units                                 as drawing up long-term or large-scale           properties of other firms, in service areas
The trend of rising multi-dwelling unit              repair plans, there are expectations for         or locations where it has an advantage.
management fees may well lead more                   advice and consulting from third-party           By focusing its own resources on its
management associations to look closely              standpoints. By leaving basic property           strengths, it will be able to manage
at the third option: self-management.                management up to the management                  operations efficiently.
Rather than distancing from those                    association and providing only highly
associations that choose this option, we             specialized services as options, it should be    Such collaborative relations are also
can expect demands for providing support             possible to provide high added value and         possible from the viewpoint of digitalization
for self-management, making use of the               high unit price support.                         of property management discussed in
digitalization of property management                                                                 (2). Companies that develop digitalization
introduced in (1) and of the division of             Although self-management support itself          tools, could introduce their own tools to
management specifications into standard              may not lead directly to big profits, actively   other companies, obtaining rental or usage
and optional as discussed in (2).                    engaging in such support is important            fees, and reducing their maintenance costs
                                                     for maintaining good relations with              through scale. The tool users, meanwhile,
Possible ways of supporting self-                    management associations performing               can keep down system development costs
management include provision of support              self-management. Group companies                 and reduce their management costs.
applications and other software. Even                will reap profits when future large-scale
if the management association lacks                  refurbishments or rebuildings are being          There are limits to what a company can
specialized knowledge and experience                 carried out.                                     do on its own in the face of the severe
in property management, the costs and                                                                 problems of labour shortages and rising
trouble of management can be reduced                 Collaboration between players in                 personnel costs. By actively pursuing
if the association can provide one-stop              the industry                                     collaboration with ”the competition” while
assistance for tasks such as keeping                 Another important measure is to                  making the most of a company’s own
track of contracts with service providers            strengthen collaboration between                 areas of specialty, the multi-dwelling units
and of orders, organizing occupant and               “competitors”. Companies that insist             management industry as a whole benefits
owner information, and managing repair               on providing services on their own may           and develops.
reserve fund income and outgo. Leading               increasingly find themselves coming up
management firms have released self-                 short on resources and costs. They could
management support applications in                   outsource them to other companies
recent years. Also, companies offering               in the industry by classifying property
similar services have appeared among                 management services into standard and
Real Estate tech companies, so it is likely          optional, and carving out a portion of these
that competition will heat up for self-              services. At the same time, a company
management support applications.                     might take on certain management

     This paper is an excerpt from the report “The Future of the Housing Business―Prescriptions for real estate companies during the
     housing transformation era” presented in June, 2021.

The future of the housing business | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Mobility hubs, the enabler of healthy urbanization? | Real Estate Predictions 2022

Mobility hubs, the enabler of
healthy urbanization?
Transitioning towards transport modes with a smaller
physical footprint

A major challenge in many cities across Europe is the (growing) housing shortage.
To solve this, new residential developments are needed. Most municipalities plan
these within the city borders to keep the surrounding areas green. Additionally, many
municipalities aim to free up the scarce city space that is currently used by (parked)
cars. This will make the inner city greener, healthier and more livable. However, it also
raises a challenge: how can cities accommodate a growing number of citizens within
their borders when they are reducing the amount of space that these citizens can use
to travel from A to B? Mobility hubs are coined as the key solution for the transition to
a more space-efficient transport system. Yet, only a few of them have been realized.
So what can be expected of this trend?

The challenge: conflicting claims for                mode of transport. Yet, from a collective               the solution to the ”space challenge”. A
scarce city space                                    point of view, we want safe, livable, and               transition from car-dominated travel to less
Individually, we want our trip from A to B to        sustainable cities with a high quality of               space-intensive modalities such as public
be fast, cheap, and comfortable. Therefore,          public space. Comparing the ”footprint”                 transport or bicycles is necessary to free
for many citizens, the car is their preferred        of different transport modes reveals                    up space.

                                                                              1 4 0 m2

             7 m2

                    5 m2

                           2 m2

                                                                                     ped estrian (walking)

                                                                                                         b ik e (15 km/h)

                                                                                                                   T ram (50 occupants)

                                                                                                                    C ar (driving at 50 km/h —1 passenger)

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