Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5 SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science - Deloitte

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Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5 SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science - Deloitte
Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5
SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line
with climate science
Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5 SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science - Deloitte
SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science | ESG Real Estate Insights 2022

With buildings being responsible for
38 percent1 of global CO2 emissions and
growing societal demand for addressing
environmental issues, the Real Estate
sector is on the front line of combating
the climate change.

Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5 SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science - Deloitte
SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science | ESG Real Estate Insights 2022

    Each year, an increasing number of                Decarbonizing a business is not an easy
    companies consider the impact that                process. Technical difficulties aside, quanti-
    their offices, warehouses, and other              fying carbon footprint and setting
    premises have on the environment                  up a strategy to reduce it create many            1.5° C target
    – therefore, they evermore require                challenges. To help companies with the            decarbonization strategy, that would
    their buildings to have minimal or                decarbonization process, the Science              allow to keep the global warming below
    zero carbon footprint. This trend,                Based Targets initiative (SBTi) was estab-        1.5° C above the pre-industrial level.
    combined with stakeholders’ demand                lished. SBTi is a globally recognized organi-     To achieve that global CO2 emissions
    for addressing environmental                      zation founded as a joint venture between         must be cut by 48 percent by 2030 and
    issues and considerable risk of                   climate-oriented organisations – such             reach net zero by 2050.
    physical damage caused by climate                 as United Nations Global Compact and
    change, puts pressure on realtors                 World Wide Fund for Nature – and tasked
    to decarbonize their ventures. As                 with creating standardized approach for
    a result, Real Estate’s interest in               decarbonizing companies in line with latest
    science-based targets is growing                  developments in climate science. Currently        Scope 1 emissions
    rapidly: during the last two years the            nearly 3000 companies around the world            direct emissions from owned or
    number of companies engaged in                    have joined the initiative, ranging from          controlled sources, such as natural gas
    the SBTi nearly quadrupled. There’s               heavy industries and petrochemical sector         or transportation fuels.
    good rationale for that – joining SBTi            to financial institutions and IT industry. SBTi
    and actively working on reaching                  is vital for mitigating climate changes, as it
    decarbonization targets makes the                 provides companies and their stakeholders
    future of the business sounder and                with clear methodology and detailed guid-
    safer, both through keeping up with               ance for defining decarbonization targets         Scope 2 emissions
    customers’ expectations and by                    consistent with the Paris Agreement, thus         indirect emissions associated with
    curbing climate change and its effects.           allowing for auditing, monitoring, and revis-     usage of electricity, district heat, steam
                                                      ing decarbonization strategy.                     or district cooling.

                                                                                                        Scope 3 emissions
                                                                                                        emissions outside organizationʼs scope
                                                                                                        1 and 2 boundary, resulting from
                                                                                                        assets not owned or controlled by the
                                                                                                        organisation, but connected with its
                                                                                                        value chain (i.e., business travels or
                                                                                                        purchased goods).

Real Estate Insights 2022 | Article #5 SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science - Deloitte
SBTi: decarbonizing real estate in line with climate science | ESG Real Estate Insights 2022

SBTi has been experiencing extraordinary              nies from finance and professional services           Finding greener suppliers is not the only
growth during the last few years: since               sectors, and 123 engineering and construc-            challenge when enforcing SBTi targets.
the initiative was established in 2015, the           tion companies are taking part in the SBTi.           The process is complicated and consists of
number of participants rose from just 13 to           Respectively 43 percent and 33 percent                several steps: calculating the baseline emis-
29402. The Real Estate sector took part in            have targets already set. However, their              sions, determining the level of ambition,
this, as in the last two years, the number of         ambitions differ as financial sector and              setting targets and their timeline, submit-
companies from this sector engaged in the             professional services chose 1.5o C pathway            ting the targets to SBTi, and finally creating
SBTi nearly quadrupled and currently totals           in 86 percent of the cases, while only                optimal strategy to achieve them. Calculat-
156. The combined market share of real                63 percent of construction and engineering            ing the baseline emissions might be difficult
estate companies involved in this initiative          companies did so4.                                    due to lack of actual and readily available
amounts to approximately 40 percent3.                                                                       data. Secondly, a company must set
Moreover, Real Estate companies enrolled              It is evident, that the SBTi is gaining momen-        operational boundaries (up to 5% of Scope
in SBTi are ahead of the curve: 61 percent of         tum and more companies will be joining the            1 & 2 emissions can be excluded from the
them have SBTi targets already approved –             initiative in the future. Those companies             calculations, given well-argued reason) and
against only 46 percent of other committed            will also be setting targets in Scope 3, which        decide on allocating emissions between the
SBTi participants – and out of those                  in turn will force them to look for greener           Scopes (assuming operational control over
72 percent decided on the most ambitious              suppliers, including greener options in               an asset often depends on the company’s
1.5o C target, which is also above the                leased spaces. This is further amplified              decision). This determines the initial level of
average. Speaking of targets, Scope 3 was             by very active and ambitious approach                 emissions, from which a company will
included by 89 percent of realtors, and in            of the financial and professional services            be reducing its carbon footprint – set it
case of Scopes 1 and 2, 75 percent of com-            sectors, which are key customers of the real          too low and reduction targets will be hard
panies set absolute reduction targets.                estate market. A relative smaller and less            to meet. It also determines the volume of
                                                      ambitious approach of the engineering and             emissions to be reduced in each of the
In case of sector suppliers (construction &           construction sector may be an obstacle                Scopes – targets for Scope 1 and 2 must be
engineering sector) and clients (companies            to reach the target, as companies active in           much stricter and ought to be met sooner
from finance and professional services                this sector are part of Real Estate’s Scope 3         than the targets for Scope 3 (i.e., targets in
sectors) steady increase in SBTi participants         emissions.                                            Scope 3 can rely on supplier engagement).
can also be observed. Currently 412 compa-

Fig. 1 – Number of Real Estate Companies and their peers engaged in the SBTi

                                          160                                                                                                        3.000
                                                                                                         +260% in two years


                                            80                                                                                               156

                                                                                                                                109                  1.000

                                                                               4               7       23
                                                     0            1
                                             0                                                                                                       0

                                                   2015         2016         2017         2018      2019           2020         2021        2022

       Finance & Professional Services              10            21           22              38      65           104         307          412

       Construction & Engineering                    0            0            1               2       13            25          86          123

       All others                                    3            12           44              98      261          598         1651        2249

       Real Estate                                   0            1            4               7       23            43         109          156

However, companies should refrain from          its effects, that can cause financial or phys-
moving as many emissions to Scope 3 as          ical damage to the enterprise. Apart from
possible, as it might be disputed during an     that, improved efficiency means not only
audit and counters the real effect of decar-    less emissions, but also lower operational
bonization efforts.                             costs. Moreover, increased amount of data
                                                on consumed energy carriers means better
Despite those challenges, the SBTi should       understanding of the business, which can
be viewed as an opportunity. Setting up a       lead to further financial savings. And look-
decarbonization target and actively work-       ing at the aforementioned involvement of
ing on emission reduction makes the future      Real Estate companies in the SBTi, it seems
of the business sounder and safer – both        many are well aware of those possibilities
through keeping up with customersʼ expec-       and are taking full advantage of them.
tations and by curbing climate change and

Sources                                         Your Contacts
   „ Zerowy Ślad Węglowy Budownictwa –         Tomasz Gasiński
    Mapa drogowa dekarbonizacji budownict-      Director
    wa do roku 2050”, Polish Green Building     Sustainability Consulting Central Europe
    Council, June 2021, page 4.       
     taking-action (as of May 10th 2022).       Maciej Kempny
     Calculated as sum of reported annual      Senior Consultant
      revenue of Real Estate companies          Sustainability Consulting Central Europe
      engaged in the SBTi, divided by value
      of global Real Estate market, which was
      based on the report “Real Estate Market
      Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By
      Property”, Grand View Research, 2022.
      ing-action (as of May 10th 2022)

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Issue 06/2022
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