Re-Opening Ireland During - COVID-19 IN THIS EDITION: Safety Alerts - National Irish Safety ...

Page created by Ben Gonzalez
Re-Opening Ireland During - COVID-19 IN THIS EDITION: Safety Alerts - National Irish Safety ...
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                                                     NISO is a not-for-profit voluntary body,
                                                       dedicated to the promotion of health
                                                                and safety in Irish workplaces

      SUMMER 2020

                                                           IN THIS EDITION:

                                                           Ireland During
                                                           Safety Alerts
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                                                                 Presidents Message
                                                                 A New Government                 Prevent the spread of this
         IN THIS ISSUE                                           Now that we have a new           virus has rightly been the
                                                                 Government in place we will      mantra of our leaders both
         Editorial...........................................2   be watching closely to see if    political and medical over
                                                                 they have an overall plan or     the last few months, just as
         News ...........................................3-5     vision for health and safety,    Eliminate, Substitute and
                                                                 not just in the workplace but    Prevention has been the
         New members..............................6
                                                                 in the entire community.         mantra of all OSH
         Safety alerts..................................7                                         professionals for decades.
                                                                 During the course of their       Where in the programme for
         NISO Cert Course .......................8               hearings the Special             Government are these
                                                                 Committee on COVID-19            sentiments of Mitigate,          Harry Galvin, president,
         Re-opening Ireland                                                                                                        National Irish Safety Organisation
                                                                 questioned the role of the       Supress and Prevent or
         during COVID-19........................9                                                 Eliminate, Substitute and
                                                                 Health and Safety
         Awards/Quiz ad.........................10               Authority (HSA) during           Prevention set out?              We must acknowledge that
                                                                 this crisis even though the                                       the Chief Medical Officer,
         Legislation/Statistics/                                 committee had set out the        Co-ordinated approach            his staff, the HSE and the
         New publications .....................11                rules that COVID-19 was a        NISO has called many times       Department of Health
                                                                 Public Health issue and the      over the years for a co-         worked extremely hard
         Events ...........................................12    reporting, recording and         ordinated approach from          during this crisis and we
                                                                 guidance was a matter for        Government to the whole          should acknowledge the
                                                                 our Health Professionals.        area of safety and health in     excellent work by our health
                                                                 COVID-19 was not                 its widest sense with the        authorities during this public
                                                                 deemed, by our elected           focus on prevention, which       health crisis. However, they
                                                                 representatives, to be a         would lead to a major saving     were forced to make up the
                                                                 matter of responsibility for     to the economy as well as a      guidance and source
                                                                 the HSA.                         healthier society and less       emergency supplies in many
                                                                                                  demand on our health             cases on the “hoof”.
                                                                 During the Committee             services and reduced
                                                                 meetings TDs from all            insurance costs.                 Now, as the crisis is under
                                                                 parties asked for increased                                       control and we will
                                                                 resources for the HSA and        We have made many                hopefully eliminate it from
                                                                 questioned why the HSA           requests and submissions to      our shores, there is a danger
                                                                 had not been more visible        the Government to increase       that our politicians will
                                                                 with inspections. Having got     funding and support for          move on and forget what has
         Members visit                                           their media headlines and        health and safety services       happened. Government to download                                     soundbites as they both          across the country and all       should now establish a
                                                                 criticised the HSA and called    our approaches for increased     Department of Public Safety,
         previous copies of                                      for extra resources for the      resources for the HSA were       which would oversee the
         the NISO Update!                                        HSA, we did not have to          ignored in Dail Eireann. It is   entire area of health and
                                                                 wait long to see how genuine     not just NISO’s requests that    safety and the prevention of
                                                                 their comments were. These       have been ignored - we have      illness and injury.
                                                                 same political parties then      heard the representatives of
                                                                 set about agreeing a             doctors, nurses, ambulance       Stay safe,
         NISO Update! is issued
                                                                 program for government           crews and other health
         by the National Irish
         Safety Organisation                                     which did not include any        professionals making the                          Harry Galvin,
         (NISO).                                                 reference to health and          case for extra staffing and            President, National Irish
                                                                 safety in the workplace.         facilities including extra                  Safety Organisation
         Material printed in NISO Update!
         is not necessarily endorsed by the                                                       beds, equipment and
         National Irish Safety                                   Indeed, there is no reference    ambulances.
         Organisation.                                           to a framework or plan for
         Editorial enquiries to: The Editor,                     our health services or our       COVID-19 Crisis
         NISO, A11 Calmount Park,                                health workers in dealing        Our, whole way of life, has
         Calmount Avenue, Ballymount,                            with a pandemic situation,       been changed by COVID-19
         Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760                             which will arise again at        and all employments
         Fax: 01 465 9765                                                                         (employers and employees)
                                                                 some stage, or for the other
                                                                 health issues that have been     will need to change and
         Design & Print: Print Bureau                            sadly lacking in recent years.   consider how to manage any
         Tel: 01 4733 567                                        Mitigate, Supress and            contagious virus or disease.

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           HSA urge chemical companies
           to prepare for Brexit
           The Health and Safety Authority (HSA)
           is advising all Irish organisations to
           continue their preparations for Brexit.
           As and from the end of the transition
           period on 31 December 2020, Irish
           organisations may have new or
           additional obligations with respect to
           products they purchase in the UK.
               All organisations should examine
           their supply chains and determine
           where they may be reliant on UK
           suppliers, or on Irish distributors, who
           in turn are reliant on UK suppliers. For
           those organisations who plan to             chemicals in the UK should now also          importer under the Transportable
           continue to source chemicals in the         give consideration to changing their         Pressure Equipment Directive after
           UK after Brexit, they need to be aware      supplier to an EU-27/EEA based one.          Brexit, their responsibilities will change.
           that they may become EU importers.             In March 2020, the EU Commission          Additionally, as UK notified bodies will
           This means that these organisations         updated their notice to stakeholders in      no longer be recognised after Brexit,
           may need to take on responsibilities        the field of Chemicals. This notice          any Irish organisation using a UK
           such as registration, authorisation and     also address the implications of the         notified body to carry out conformity
           notification under REACH and CLP.           Northern Ireland protocol and the            assessments or inspections will have to
              Irish organisations who currently        applicability of the rules in Northern       use an EU-27 notified body.
           source chemicals in the UK should now       Ireland at the end of the transition
           speak to their UK supplier to determine     period. The notice is available at           Support and Advice
           their plans post Brexit. It is important   The HSA’s Chemicals Helpdesk is
           to remember that REACH registrations        /notice-stakeholders-brexit-chemicals-       providing advice to Irish organisations
           made by UK manufacturers, importers         reach_en.pdf.                                on all Brexit-related matters. Any
           and Only Representatives will become           Aside from the chemical specific          organisation seeking assistance should
           void if they are not transferred to EU-     issues, it should also be noted that Irish   visit our website or
           27/EEA before the end of the                organisations who import machinery           email our helpdesk
           transitional period. So, any Irish          from the UK post Brexit may also be          ECHA, the European Chemicals Agency,
           organisation using a substance that is      affected, as they will be making that        has detailed advice on its website at
           REACH registered in the UK should           machinery available on the EU market
           speak to their UK supplier now to           for the first time and will be responsible   from-the-eu. Organisations are also
           determine what he has already done, or      for ensuring that the appropriate            encouraged to visit the Government’s
           is planning to do post-Brexit, as regards   conformity assessment is carried out.        Getting Ireland Brexit Ready web pages
           his REACH registrations.                    Similarly, if an Irish organisation          for further information.
              Irish organisations sourcing             changes from a distributor to an                   Source: HSA Chemicals E-bulletin

           Case Study: Eliminating risks from respirable
           crystalline silica dust in the construction sector
           Irish company commended in the              detected, such as working with               productivity by 35%. The method is
           Healthy Workplaces Good Practice            traditional blockwork containing silica      sustainable and fully transferable to
           Awards 2018-19                              or using inadequate techniques to            other similar organisations in the
           An Irish construction company was           supress and extract dust.                    construction sector in any other
           commended in the EU-OSHA’s                    In order to prevent this RCS dust,         country.
           Healthy Workplaces Good Practice            elimination and substitution were               The case study can be read in full at
           Awards 2018-19 for identifying and          applied as well as technical control
           implementing measures to eliminate          measures and appliance of personal           /ireland-eliminating-risks-respirable-
           risks to construction workers from          protection and training. These               crystalline-silica-dust-construction-
           Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS)         measures improved considerably the           sector/view.
           dust. Several areas of concern were         work environment and increased

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      Report calls for action on
      goods vehicle safety
      A new report by the European
      Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has
      revealed that 25% of road deaths in the
      European Union are the consequences
      of a collision involving a goods vehicle.
        According to the new analysis, 3310
      people lost their lives in police-reported
      road collisions involving a heavy goods
      vehicle (HGV) of 3.5 tonnes or above in
      the 27 countries of the EU in 2018. In
      the same year, 2630 people were killed
      in collisions involving a light goods
      vehicle (LGV) of less than 3.5 tonnes.

      Key findings:
      • On a per-km basis, many more
        people die in collisions involving         lorries from 2026 by, for example,         has recommended that local authorities
        HGVs than die in collisions involving      enabling drivers to see other road users   to follow the example of cities like
        only non-goods vehicles.                   more easily through larger windscreens     London, by granting lorries access to
      • Over the nine years covered by the         and transparent panels in doors, and by    city centres based on their level of
        report, deaths in collisions involving     requiring pedestrian and cyclist           safety.
        HGVs have been reduced more slowly         detection systems.                           Furthermore, ETSC has also called
        than those in collisions involving only      ETSC is now calling for high             for road infrastructure that better
        non-goods vehicles.                        standards to be implemented as the         protects vulnerable road users from
                                                   detailed technical specifications for      interaction with goods vehicles, such as
      In 2019 the EU agreed to increase the        these standards are currently being        separated cycle lanes.
      minimum safety standards for new             worked out. In the short term ETSC                                   Source:

                                                   recent NUI Galway study, led by Dr.        In addition to lost productivity from
     Study finds                                   John Cullinan and Dr. Margaret             workplace bullying, there are also
                                                   Hodgins, on Workplace Bullying have        likely to be costs associated with early
     workplace                                     been published in the journal              retirement and presenteeism.
                                                   Occupational Medicine.                     Furthermore, bullying-related costs
     bullying costing                                                                         are unlikely to have gone away as a
                                                   Economic costs                             result of new Covid-19 work-from-
     economy                                       In a previous study, the NUI Galway        home practices.”

     €239m per year
                                                   research team highlighted the
                                                   relationship between bullying and          Anti-bullying policy
                                                   work-related stress in the Irish           Dr. Hodgins called for organisations
                                                   workplace. The current study builds        to adopt anti-bullying policies in order
     According to a new study conducted            on this to examine the economic costs      to tackle the problem: “To tackle the
     by NUI Galway, every year a total of          of workplace bullying.                     problem, organisations need an anti-
     1.7 million days are lost due to                The research describes the range of      bullying policy in order to signal to
     workplace bullying at a cost to the           impacts of workplace bullying on           staff that bullying is unacceptable.
     economy of €239 million. In addition,         individuals and organisations. Using       However a policy is insufficient in
     the study found that while bullying is        statistical methods, it estimates the      itself and it is vital that it is
     more prevalent in the public sector, it       number of workdays lost as a result of     implemented fairly and in a timely
     has a larger effect on absences in the        workplace bullying and calculates the      fashion. Ideally, organisations should
     private sector.                               economic value of the associated lost      be proactive, identifying how and
       Workplace bullying is defined as            productivity.                              when bullying occurs in the
     aggressive behaviour perpetrated by             Commenting on the study, Dr.             organisation, and be prepared to
     one or more people, repeatedly and            Cullinan said: “Workplace bullying is      develop specific interventions that are
     systematically over a prolonged time          a pervasive problem with significant       appropriate to context.”
     period, where the targeted person feels       personal and wider costs. Our study
     unable to defend themselves.                  highlights the considerable economic                   Source: and
       The findings are contained in the           cost of workplace bullying in Ireland.                       

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           Public                                                                                   Written submission by email to
           Consultation                                                                             Written submission by post to:

           on Guidance                                  Have your
                                                                                                    Remote Working Guidance Consultation,
                                                                                                    Enterprise Strategy, Competitiveness
                                                                                                    and Evaluations Division,
           for Remote                                     say…
                                                                                                    Department of Business, Enterprise and
           Working                                                                                  23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
                                                                                                    If you are making a written submission it
                                                                                                    is recommended that you review the
           The Department of Business,                                                              Remote Work in Ireland report.
           Enterprise and Innovation has
           launched a public consultation on                                                        Source:
           remote working guidelines. It is           You can make a written submission by
           intended that the guidelines will          email or post. The closing date for receipt   c-Consultation-on-Guidance-for-Remote-
                                                      of submissions is 7 August.                   Working.html
           address issues arising from remote
           working, including health and safety,
           employment rights and data
             The Government published a report         In response to the unprecedented             Remote Working to build on this
           on Remote Work in Ireland in              numbers working from home during               guidance and to effectively deal with
           December 2019 which found a need for      the COVID-19 pandemic the                      the concerns of employers and
           national guidance for employers seeking   Government published Guidance for              employees when it comes to remote
           to engage with remote working             Working Remotely during COVID-19               working. This information will be
           solutions. Since then, with the global    which is available from                        used to shape public policy on remote
           outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-                        working.
           19), those who could work from home         The Government is now looking
           have been encouraged to do so.            launching the Public Consultation on

           National guidance for employers and employees
           seeking to engage with remote working solutions
           This webpage from the Department of
           Business, Enterprise and Innovation
           details the guidance already available
           for employers and employees on
           working remotely during the COVID-
           19 pandemic across a number of topics
           and contains links to the new guidance
           released in response to remote working
           during COVID-19.
             This webpage provides guidance on
           remote working under the following
           • Safety, Health and Welfare
           • Bullying and Work-Related Stress
           • Employment Conditions
           • Organisation of Working Time
           • Equipment Provision, Home
             Expenses and Tax Reliefs
           • Data Protection
           • Remote Access to Networks
           • Protecting Personal Data
           • Cyber Security                          Access the Guidance for working                Skills/Remote-Working/Guidance-
           • Equality                                remotely during COVID-19 webpage               for-working-remotely-during-
           • Training, and                           here:             COVID-19.html
           • Additional Supports                     We-Do/Workplace-and-

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      Vehicle Scissor                            Face masks designated KN95
      Lifts                                      Issued by: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) UK
      The Health and Safety Authority            Background: A substantial number of face masks, claiming to be of KN95
      (HSA) has issued this safety alert         standards, provide an inadequate level of protection and are likely to be poor
      to warn owners and examiners of            quality products accompanied by fake or fraudulent paperwork. These face masks
      vehicle service lifts (scissor type) of    may also be known as filtering facepiece respirators. KN95 is a performance
      the potential for hairline cracks. It      rating under the Chinese standard GB2626:2006, the requirements of which are
      follows the detection of hairline          broadly the same as the European standard BSEN149:2001+A1:2009 for FFP2
      cracks in vehicle scissor lifts, type      facemasks. However, there is no independent certification or assurance of their
      “Duo” manufactured by Maha,                quality and products manufactured to KN95 rating are declared as compliant by
      revealed during thorough                   the manufacturer.
      examination of the lifts.                  Recommended action: KN95 must not be used as PPE at work as their
                                                 effectiveness cannot be assured. Masks that are not CE marked and cannot be
      Target audience: Owners and
                                                 shown to be compliant must be removed from supply immediately. If these masks
      users of these vehicle scissors lifts
                                                 have not been through the necessary safety assessments, their effectiveness in
      and to maintenance and inspection
                                                 controlling risks to health cannot be assured for anyone buying or using them.
                                                 They are unlikely to provide the protection expected or required.
      Risk: Any person working                   If any are CE marked, suppliers must be able to demonstrate how they know the
      underneath a raised vehicle lift is at     documentation and CE marking is genuine, supported by Notified Body
      serious risk of crush injuries if the      documentation showing compliance with the essential health and safety
      lift fails.                                requirements as required by the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations (EU)
      The cracking in the Maha “Duo”
      vehicle scissor lifts appears to have      Read this safety alert in full:
      occurred towards the end of the life       masks-designated-kn95.htm
      cycle of the lifts. The cracks are
      located at the cross member
      interconnection and take three
      • Circular cracking around the
                                                 Air suspension Systems on Vehicles
        bushing collar
                                                 Issued by: Health and Safety Executive UK (HSE)
      • Cracking from the bushing collar
        into the lift leg                        Background: The HSE has investigated several serious incidents, including
      • Combination of above.                    fatalities, involving air suspension systems on vehicles that have failed.
      Example photos available at        Target audience: Those carrying out or responsible for work on vehicles with air
                                                 suspension systems. This includes motor vehicle repair workshops, the roadside
      Recommended action: The HSA                repair and recovery industry and customer sites where this work is undertaken.
      is advising owners and operators of
                                                 Key issues and recommended actions: HSE has investigated several serious
      Maha “Duo” type lifts who may
                                                 incidents involving air suspension systems on vehicles. The two main causes are
      not have had their lifts inspected,
                                                 collapse of inadequately supported vehicles and unintended rupture or release of
      to ensure that they are inspected
                                                 components from the air suspension system.
                                                 You should
      The HSA also advises lift                  • Undertake minimal repair work at the roadside or third-party premises. The
      maintenance and inspection                   best place to undertake such work is at an adequately equipped vehicle repair
      personnel to be aware of the                 facility.
      hairline cracks detected in Maha           • Prevent movement of air suspension, either by deflating the system or by using
      “Duo” lifts and to check vehicle             suitably rated props or stands to prevent the chassis lowering. Under no
      scissors lifts for these cracks              circumstances should air suspension be relied upon to maintain a vehicle’s ride
      immediately and on an ongoing                height or position whilst people gain access to areas where they may become
      basis during inspection and                  trapped.
      thorough examination, throughout           • Exhaust the air from the air suspension system before working on it.
      its life cycle.                            • Isolate the air suspension system by physical disconnection of the air supply
                                                   before working on it. You should not use clamping of air suspension pipework
      Read this safety alert in full:
                                                   as a means of temporary isolation as it is not secure.
      s/2020/vehicle_scissor_lifts/vehicle_      Read this safety alert in full:
      scissor_lifts.html                         suspension-systems-on-vehicles.htm

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                                                            NISO C ERT COURSE A D

                13 weeks; 1 evening per week






    DETAILS AND CONTACTS:                                            :DWHUIRUG,7
    National Irish Safety Organisation                               6HSWHPEHU
    A11 Calmount Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12
    T 1850 SAFETY F 01 4659765                                          $WKORQH,7
    E W                                         6HSWHPEHU
    Course Price: !425 (NISO members); !525 (Non members)    N ISO UPDATE! SUMMER 2020   7
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     NISO Welcomes New Members
     National Irish Safety Organisation               • Primark Ltd.                                  • United Metal Recycling (Ireland) Ltd.
     would like to welcome all of the                 • TMM BOC Gases Ireland                         • Westerwood Global
     organisations that have joined recently.
     As a not for profit organisation with
     charitable status, your membership of
     NISO supports our endeavours to
     promote health and safety in Irish
       Contact NISO on 01 465 9750 or email for further information on
                                                      Flahavan’s is
     NISO membership and to receive a copy
                                                      Ireland’s oldest
     of our Membership Brochure.
                                                      private family food
                                                      business, tracing its
     New Members                                      roots back seven
     Organisations to recently join NISO              generations to 1785
     include:                                         when the family
     • Ardlee Consulting                              were milling in
     • Barretstown                                    Kilmacthomas, Co.
                                                      Waterford.                                       Your Specialist Partners for Metal
     • CES Environmental Services Ltd.                                                                 Recycling, Demolition and Tailored Waste
                                                      Nestled below the Comeragh Mountains,            Management. A family owned and
     • CMS Chemstore Engineering Ltd.                 the company currently sells a range of           operated company based in Limerick
     • DSPCA                                          over 50 oat-based products in 20                 with decades of experience. H UMR not
     • E. Flahavan and Son Ltd.                       countries worldwide, with varying                only are you getting an enthusias
                                                      flavours and formats including Natural,
     • Egis Lagan Services                                                                             • Buying & Selling Ferrous & Non
                                                      Organic, Gluten Free, Multi-seed, Quick
     • Kerrygold Butter Packing Ireland                                                                  Ferrous Scrap Metals
                                                      Oats Pots and Sachets, Flapjacks, Muesli,
     • Lyreco Ireland Ltd.                            Granola and Overnight Oats. Porridge             • Licensed Waste Facilities.
     • MAC Group                                      oats, however, remains at the heart of           • Dismantling, Decommissioning, Site
                                                      the company’s business in Ireland and              Clearance, Demolition & Strip-Out
     • PCP Group                                      Flahavan’s continues to be Ireland’s               Services.
                                                      favourite porridge brand.                        • Health & Safety Commitment-
                                                                                                         Certified to ISO9001.
                                                      Tel: 051 294107
                                                      Web:                   / /
                                                      Email:                     Tel. 061 603848

         At Ardlee Consulting we believe that
         safety is about more than getting the
         paperwork right; it is about looking after
         you and your company. We can offer a
         wide range of Environmental, Health and
         Safety services which include:
         • Health & Safety Consultancy                 PCP Group is committed to
                                                       contributing to safer work
         • Training                                    environments.
         • Workplace Inspections                       An Irish company, established in
         • Management System & Accreditation           1967, providing innovative
           Support                                     technological solutions across a
         • Tender Support                              wide range of industries.
         • Contractor Administration Support           We are Ireland’s leading experts in Dust Management solutions. EHSQ Managers also turn
                                                       to us for air treatment, odour control and metal detection solutions.
         All of our services can be offered
                                                       We work in partnership with our clients to ensure we provide effective, practical systems
         individually or as a complete package
                                                       which bring value to your work process, while helping to protect your people, your assets,
         depending on the needs of your
                                                       and your reputation.
         organisation. Get in touch to discuss how
         Ardlee Consulting can support you today.      Websites:
                                                       Phone: 045 863220
         Contact Ray on: M: 087 7474419
         E: W:            Email:

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                                                                                                                                   F EATU RE

           Re-Opening Ireland During COVID-19
                                                                                                     This is a very difficult area to resolve
                                                                                                     and we must have some sympathy for
                                                                                                     the pubs in our villages where the
                                                                                                     numbers normally attending these
                                                                                                     venues are generally small with regular
                                                                                                     locals attending. Perhaps special
                                                                                                     consideration could be given to these
                                                                                                     rural pubs which should be treated
                                                                                                     differently to the larger pubs in the
                                                                                                     large towns and cities.
                                                                                                       As we try to find our way safely as a
                                                                                                     nation through this reopening phase
                                                                                                     let’s all try to remain vigilant, cautious
                                                                                                     and mindful of our own health and
                                                                                                     safety and that of the people around
                                                                                                     us. This virus has not gone away yet.
                                                                                                     Let’s not undo all the good work and
           Ireland, and indeed the world, has          allowed on the space available, for           sacrifices made in the early phases of
           endured unprecedented issues over the       example, one person per every three           the pandemic by being careless now.
           last few months. It must be said that       square metres, with insistence on
           the Irish authorities have responded        social distancing maintained. This                          Harry Galvin, President,
           with very clear and important               could be applied to both indoor and               National Irish Safety Organisation
           information backed up by determined         outdoor gatherings.
           and correct actions in imposing
           restrictions to curtail the spread of       International travel
           COVID-19.                                   Another issue that has been generating          Extraordinary
             The initial plans for re-opening          a lot of discussion and criticism across
           Ireland and early phases appear to          many areas of our society is                    first half of
           have worked well, notwithstanding           international travel. We are being
           that there was some concern in mid-         presented with Green lists and Red lists,       2020
           July that people are becoming               locator forms and 14 day required
           somewhat less careful.                      quarantine for some and 14 day                  Our entire country has survived the
             While praise is rightly due to the        restricted movement for others. We have         most extraordinary six months
           authorities for their overall handling of   necessary and unnecessary travel                which has changed our way of life
           the virus, recently some issues in the      without any firm and clear definition           and work. All employers and in
           reopening process have caused some          for what is necessary and unnecessary           particular our safety professionals
           criticism. There appears to be three        travel. These different ideas of travel can     have had to plan new ways of safe
           main areas of criticism: gathering of       be influenced by the different                  working practices, risk assessments
           people both indoor and outdoor,             circumstances individuals have.                 and staff monitoring. Special
           international travel and the pubs.             Would it not have been more                  mention must be made of the work
                                                       practicable to insist that all non-             of our Blue Light workers for their
           Gathering of people both indoor and         nationals entering the country be               total commitment to our safety.
           outdoor                                     required to produce at immigration                 As some sort of new normal
           Currently gatherings are restricted to      control a medical certificate stating           returns and as things settle down,
           50 people indoors and 200 people            that they had been tested within the            we will need to reflect on what has
           outdoors and this has drawn some            previous 48 hours for the virus and
                                                                                                       occurred and revise our thinking on
           criticism. Unfortunately, these             they were negative. Failure to produce
           numbers do not take into                    this certificate would see admission to         how we manage Health issues in
           consideration the size of the venue. So     Ireland refused.                                the future.
           if the GAA, for example, decides to            Irish nationals returning could have            NISO wishes to express a
           hold a match in Croke Park, which as        been required to undertake a test               resounding Well Done to all of you
           a capacity of 82,500, they can only         within 48 hours of returning with a             for your efforts in fighting this virus.
           have 200 people on the grounds.             suitable fine if they failed to do so.             We also express our deep
           Smaller sports grounds with a capacity         These measures would help reduce             condolences to all the families and
           of between 1,000 and 5,000 can also         the considerable risk of importing the          friends of those who lost their lives
           have 200 present. Is this reasonable?       virus, although, the loophole of                to COVID-19. May they all Rest in
              Perhaps it would have been more          people entering via Northern Ireland            Peace.
           practicable to base the numbers             would still remain an issue.

                                                                                                          N ISO UPDAT E! SUMMER 2020 9
Re-Opening Ireland During - COVID-19 IN THIS EDITION: Safety Alerts - National Irish Safety ...
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     FE ATURE : G A S                                                                                              Q U IZ A D

        Take part in the All Ireland Occupational Safety Quiz and raise
        health and safety awareness in your workplace in a fun and
        informative way!
        Quiz Format                                                    The remaining Regional Heats [Eastern, Midland,
        Winning teams the Regional Heats [Previous Entrants or         Midwest, North West and South East regions] will
        Novice categories] will proceed to the All Ireland             be rescheduled in due course. If your
        Occupational Safety Quiz Finals in the Tullamore Court         organisation is interested in participating in the
        Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday, 17 October 2020.     All Ireland Safety Quiz 2020 please send an email
                                                                       to to express your interest. We will
        Results to date                                                then notify you when the Regional Heats have
        Regional Winners – Previous Entrants Category                  been rescheduled.
        • Abbott Ireland Nutrition Division Cootehill representing
          the North East Region
        • Haffey Sports Grounds representing Northern Ireland
        • BioMarin International Limited representing the
                                                                       All Ireland Safety
          Southern Region
        • Ingersoll Rand Thermo King representing the Western Region
                                                                       Quiz Final
        Regional Winners – Novice Category
                                                                       Saturday, 17 October 2020;
        • Abbott Ireland Nutrition Division Cootehill representing
                                                                       14.30hrs; Tullamore, Co. Offaly
          the North East Region                                        To qualify for the All Ireland Safety Quiz Finals your
        • RYOBI representing Northern Ireland                          organisation needs to participate in and win the
        • BioMarin International Limited representing the              relevant category [Previous Entrants or Novice] in
          Southern Region                                              one of the eight regional or Northern Ireland
        • Abbott Rapid DX International Ltd. representing the          quizzes.
          Western Region

     10 NISO
     8   N ISOUPDATE!
               UPDAT E!WIN
               UPDATE!  SUMTER
                        SUMMMER 2017
                               ER 2020                                                 N ISO UPDATE! WINTER/SPRING 2018 7
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                                                                                         LE GI SLATION/S TATIS TIC S/ NE W P U BL IC ATIONS

           New Publications                                                       Protocol and should be read in                              policy and practice on
                                                                                  conjunction with the Return to Work                         the prevention of
           Return to Work                                                         Safety Protocol. Employers and workers                      work-related MSDs.
           Safely Protocol                                                        must work together to keep workplaces                       The purpose of this
           This publication by the                                                safe. These checklists will help you to                     research is to support
           Department of                                                          do that.                                                    the development of
           Business, Enterprise                                                   Available at:                                    strategies to tackle
           and Innovation has                                                                                                                 this highly prevalent
           been designed to                                                       Strategies for tackling work-                               occupational safety and health issue
           support employers and employees to                                     related MSDs                                                in Europe’s workplaces. The research
           put measures in place to help prevent                                  A new report from                                           identifies a number of gaps at policy
           the spread of COVID-19 in the                                          the European                                                and workplace levels, explaining why
           workplaces. This protocol should be                                    Agency for Safety                                           work-related MSDs are still a major
           used by all workplaces to adapt their                                  and Health at Work                                          problem despite efforts to prevent
           workplace procedures and practices to                                  (EU-OSHA)                                                   them.
           comply fully with the COVID-19                                         identifies 25 varied                                        Available at:
           related health protection measures                                     initiatives used in
           identified as necessary by the Health                                  14 countries                                                Legislation
           Service Executive.                                                     highlighting what can be done to
           Available at:                                      prevent MSDs, particularly in SMEs. The                     Update of the Biological Agents
                                                                                  research reveals several key elements                       Regulations and Associated
           HSA return to work                                                     important for effective policy-level                        Code of Practice
           COVID-19 templates, checklists                                         interventions, including the                                The Health and Safety Authority (HSA)
           and posters                                                            commitment and participation of all                         has commenced work on updating the
           These checklists and templates have                                    stakeholders at all levels, promoting                       Safety, Health and Welfare at Work
           been prepared by the Health and Safety                                 the adoption of preventive measures                         (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013
           Authority (HSA) to help employers,                                     through positive incentives and the                         and the associated code of practice.
           business owners and managers to get                                    consideration of ergonomics.                                The updates are in order to give effect
           their business up and running again and                                Available at:                                to Commission Directives (EU)
           to inform workers about what they need                                                                                             2019/1833 and (EU) 2020/739.
           to do to help prevent the spread of                                    Preventing work-related MSDs -                              It is anticipated that the code of
           COVID-19 in the workplace.                                             report                                                      practice will go for public consultation
           They have been drafted based on the                                    A new report from EU-OSHA’s                                 in September using the HSA’s normal
           Government’s Return to Work Safely                                     multiannual project exploring research,                     consultation process.

           Fatal Workplace Injuries by Economic Sector 2009-2020 (NACE Revision 2)
                                                                                 2020     2019     2018     2017       2016        2015       2014    2013    2012   2011   2010   2009
            A - Agriculture + forestry and fishing                              15+0+2   19+0+3   15+1+4   25+0+2        21+5       18+6      32+1     16+5   20+8   22+5   21+7   10+3
            B - Mining and quarrying                                                 0        0        0          1          2          0        2        1      1      1      2
            C - Manufacturing                                                        3        4        2          0          2          3        3        1      0      2      2       1
            D - Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply                  0        0        0          0          0          0        1        1      0      0      0       0
            E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and                         1        2        2          1          1          3        0        1      4      3      2       0
                remediation activities
            F - Construction                                                         6       11        5          6        10          11        6       11      8      6      6      11
            G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and             3        1        2          3          2          3        5        3      3      2      4       2
                personal goods
            H - Transportation and storage                                           0        6        8          5          1          3        3        4      1      7      3       6
            I - Accommodation and food service activities                            0        0        0          1          0          0        0        0      0      1      0       1
            J - Information and communication                                        0        0        0          0          0          0        0        0      0      0      0       0
            K - Financial and insurance activities                                   0        0        0          0          0          0        0        0      0      0      0       0
            L - Real estate activities                                               0        0        0          0          0          0        0        0      0      0      0       0
            M - Professional, scientific and technical activities                    0        0        0          0          0          0        1        1      1      2      0       1
            N - Administrative and support service activities                        0        1        0          0          2          0        2        0      1      0      0       1
            O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security        0        0        0          5          0          4        1        0      0      1      0       2
            P - Education                                                            0        0        0          0          0          0        0        1      0      0      0       2
            Q - Human health and social work activities                              0        0        0          0          1          2        0        0      1      1      1       1
            R - Arts, entertainment and recreation                                   1        0        2          0          1          1        1        0      0      1      1       0
            S - Other service activities                                             0        0        0          0          0          0        0        1      0      0      0       0
            Total                                                                   31       47       39        48         48          56       55       47     48     54     48      43
            (Source: HSA, correct at 29 July 2020. Note that some accidents may be under investigation and may not have been recorded yet.)

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      E VE NTS

          Upcoming Events
          Upcoming dates for NISO training will be scheduled in line with Government advice.

          1. Courses held at the NISO                 2. NISO Certificate in Safety,                 3. All Ireland Occupational
             Training Centre,                            Health and Wellbeing in                        Safety Quiz – Regional Heats
             Ballymount, Dublin 12                       the Workplace                                   Regional Quizzes to be
                                                        Course length: 13 wks / 2                        rescheduled in line with
            Manual Handling Basic                                                                        government guidelines
            NISO Certificate                            evenings p/wk
                                                                                                         Midland, North West, Eastern,
            (half day)                                  EAST REGION                                      South East and Mid West Regions
            13 & 27 August 2020                         Venue: NISO Training Centre,
                                                                                                     4. Working at Height and
            Safe Pass                                   Dublin 12                                       Scaffolding COP – Seminar
            SOLAS                                       Commencing: 15 September 2020                    Galway and Dublin
            (1 day)                                     Contact:                            dates/venues to be rescheduled
            12 & 14 August 2020                         MIDLAND REGION                                   in due course
            Safety Representation                       Venue: Athlone Institute of                  5. Promoting Health and
            NISO Certificate                            Technology                                      Wellbeing in the
            (2 day)                                     Commencing: 21 September                        Workplace – Workshop
            19-20 August 2020                           2020                                             Dundalk, Limerick, Dublin, Cork
                                                        Contact:                           and Athlone dates/venues to be
            First Aid Response                                                                           rescheduled in due course
            PHECC Certificate                           MID WEST REGION
            (3 day)                                     Venue: Limerick Institute of                 6. National/All Ireland Events
            Date TBC                                    Technology, Moylish Campus                       NISO National Annual General
                                                        Commencing: 15 September                         Meeting
            First Aid Response – Refresher              2020                                             Red Cow Moran Hotel
            PHECC Certificate                           Contact:                       30 July 2020
            (2 day)                                                                                      NISO/NISG All Ireland Safety
            Date TBC                                    SOUTH REGION                                     Quiz Finals
                                                        Venue: CSN College of Further                    Tullamore Court Hotel,
            Manual Handling Instruction                 Education, Cork
            QQI L6                                                                                       Tullamore, Co. Offaly
                                                        Commencing: 15 September                         17 October 2020
            (5 day)                                     2020
            Date TBC                                                                                     NISO/NISG All Ireland Safety
                                                        Contact:                            Awards Early Bird Deadline:
            Mobile Working Assessor                     Venue: Tralee TBC                                31 July 2020
            Course                                      Commencing: 14 September                         NISO/NISG All Ireland Safety
            NISO Certificate                            2020                                             Awards Standard Deadline:
            (1 day)                                     Contact:                            25 September 2020
            Date TBC                                                                                     NISO/NISG All Ireland Safety
                                                        SOUTH EAST REGION
            VDU/DSE Assessor Training                                                                    Awards Gala Dinner
                                                        Venue: Waterford IT
            NISO Certificate                                                                             Great Southern Killarney, Co.
                                                        Commencing: 15 September
            (1 day)                                                                                      Kerry
                                                                                                         22 January 2021
            Date TBC                                    Contact:
                                                                                                         Annual NISO Safety
                                                        WEST REGION                                      Conference and Exhibition of
                                                        Venue: GMIT Castlebar Campus                     Health and Safety Goods and
                                                        Commencing: 15 September 2020                    Services
                                                        Contact:                            Cancelled for 2020

                                          NISO, A11 Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Ballymount, Dublin 12.
                                     Tel: 01 465 9760 | Fax: 01 465 9765 | Email: | Website:

     20   N ISO UPDAT E! SUM MER 2020
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