Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico

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Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico
NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION                                   Check List 15 (3): 405–410

Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in
southern Gulf of Mexico
José María Ahuatzin-Hernández1, Andrea del Jesús Couoh-Concha1, Lucio Loman-Ramos2,
Lorena Violeta León-Deniz1

1 Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Carretera Mérida-Xmatkuil Km 15.5, A.P. 97100, Mérida,
Yucatán, México. 2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, Unidad Mérida. Km 6, carretera antigua a
Progreso, A.P. 73, 97310, Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Corresponding author: Lorena Violeta León Deniz, lorena.leon@correo.uady.mx

We report range extensions of Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859) and Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897
to 2 coastal lagoons in the southern Gulf of Mexico. These new records are the first for these species in Yucatán and

Key words
Coastal lagoon, medusae, new records, Yucatán.

Academic editor: Luis Felipe Skinner | Received 2 March 2019 | Accepted 2 May 2019 | Published 17 May 2019

Citation: Ahuatzin-Hernández JM, Couoh-Concha AJ, Loman-Ramos L, León-Deniz LV (2019) Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria,
Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico. Check List 15 (3): 405–410. https://doi.org/10.15560/15.3.405

Introduction                                                                        quadrumanus (Müller, 1859) (Segura-Puertas et al.
                                                                                    2009, Lasley et al. 2016). Their occurrence in coastal
The class Cubozoa (subphylum Medusozoa; Bentlage                                    lagoons in the south part of the Gulf of Mexico is poorly
et al. 2009) contains 2 orders, Carybdeida and Chiro-                               documented. Of the 3 species recorded for the southwest
dropida, which together have 61 valid species (Collins                              Gulf, T. haplonema, C. marsupialis, and C. quadrum-
and Jarms 2019). Cubozoans occur in tropical and sub-                               anus, only the last species has been found in a coastal
tropical zones around the world (Stewart 1996). They are                            lagoon (Flores-Galicia and De la Cruz-Francisco 2018).
exclusively marine and currently are of great scientific                                Tripedalia cystophora and Chiropsalmus quadruma-
interest because they are considered dangerous species                              nus are 2 of the most frequently studied species (Lasley
(Bentlage and Lewis 2012, Cedeño-Posso and Lecompte                                 et al. 2016). They have been used as a model in ecologi-
2013).                                                                              cal and neurobiological investigations, which focus on
    There are 6 species of cubozoans reported for the Gulf                          the advanced sensory complexes, compound eyes, and
of Mexico: Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897, Tam-                                 high toxicity of these species (Stewart 1996, Coates
oya haplonema Müller, 1859, Alatina alata (Reynaud,                                 2003, Gershwin 2006, Garm et al. 2007).
1830) Alatina grandis (Agassiz & Mayer, 1902), Caryb-                                   Chiropsalmus quadrumanus, was first described
dea marsupialis (Linnaeus, 1758), and Chiropsalmus                                  in Brazil (Müller 1859) and has since been recorded

Copyright Ahuatzin-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico
406                                                                                                                 Check List 15 (3)

Figure 1. Worldwide distribution map of Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897 and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859). Previous
records: red dots = T. cystophora; black dots = C. quadrumanus (Gershwin 2006, Ekins and Gershwin 2014). New records: green dot = C.
quadrumanus in Chelem; yellow dot = T. cystophora in Dzilam.

from 3 states of the USA in the northern Gulf of Mex-              first record of both species for Mexican waters and the
ico, i.e., Texas (Guest 1959), Mississippi (Phillips and           state of Yucatán.
Burke 1970), and in Georgia (Kraeuter and Setzler 1975)
and in the southwest Gulf of Mexico from the state of
Campeche (Gómez-Aguirre 1986). This jellyfish also
has been reported in Belize (Larson 1982) and Colombia             The coastal lagoons of Dzilam de Bravo and Chelem
(Cedeño-Posso and Lecompte 2013). Elsewhere in the                 are in northern Yucatán state, Mexico. Dzilam lagoon,
world Chiropsalmus quadrumanus has been recorded                   within the state reserve of Dzilam, is surrounded by
from the Madras and Puri coasts (India), Sumatra (Indo-            mangrove forest principally composed of Rhizophora
nesia), Pointe Nore, Moita Seca, and Banana Island                 mangle (Linnaeus, 1753) and Laguncularia racemosa
i(West Africa), and Margarita Island i(Venezuela) (Ger-            (Linnaeus) CF Gaertner, 1807. The lagoon is connected
shwin 2006) (Fig. 1).                                              to the sea by an inlet in its central part and salinity lev-
    Since the first description of T. cystophora in Jamaica        els are generally estuarine. The principal seagrasses that
(Conant 1897), this species has been reported in several           cover the bottom are Halodule wrightii Ascherson, 1868,
localities around the world. Records from the Atlantic             Thalassia testudinum (Banks ex Köning, 1805), Syrin-
Ocean include Brazil (Migotto et al. 2002), Jamaica and            godium filiforme Kützing, 1860, and Ruppia maritima
Puerto Rico (Coates 2003), and Florida (Orellana and               (Linnaeus, 1753).
Collins 2011). It was reported for the first time in the Gulf          In contrast, the lagoon of Chelem is between the port
of Mexico by Lasley et al. (2016) near Bonita Springs,             of Progreso and the town of Chelem. It is surrounded
Florida. It has also been reported from the Pacific Ocean:         by R. mangle and is one of the lagoons most affected by
Japan (Uchida 1970), Costa Rica (Rodríguez-Sáenz and               urban growth. The lagoon is usually euhaline, connected
Segura-Puertas 2009), Australia, Thailand, Indonesia               to the sea by an artificial inlet, and is covered principally
(Ekins and Gershwin 2014), and Hawaii (Crow et al.                 by H. wrightii and T. testudinum (Herrera-Silveira and
2015), and from the Indian Ocean, from Aldabra Atoll               Morales-Ojeda 2010).
(Ekins and Gershwin 2014, Lasley et al. 2016). We docu-                Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859) and
ment new records of T. cystophora and C. quadrumanus               Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897 were found in sepa-
from the southern Gulf of Mexico. These represent the              rate lagoons, either by surface trawls of 5 minutes dura-
Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico
Ahuatzin-Hernández et al. | Box jellyfish in coastal lagoons of Yucatán                                                              407

Figure 2. Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897. A. Paired gonads (GO), the rhopalia (RO), and the 3 pedalia per side (PE). B. Frown-shaped
rhopaliar niche ostium (NR). Scale bars: A = 6 mm, B = 1 mm.

tion with a zooplankton net of 60 cm in diameter and 333               Results
μm of clear mesh in 6 stations of the Dzilam de Bravo
lagoon (T. cystophora), or with a hand net of 25 cm in                 Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897
diameter and 2 cm of clear mesh in Chelem lagoon (C.                   Figure 2
quadrumanus). All samples were fixed in 4% formalin                    Materials examined. Mexico. Yucatan, Dzilam de
solution and neutralized with sodium borate. The jelly-                Bravo (21°19′ N, 089°58′ W), Lorena León Deniz leg.,
fish were identified according to Gershwin (2006) and                  1.5 m depth, May 2012 (1 specimen, UADY-YUC-CC-
Bentlage and Lewis (2012) using morphological fea-                     250-11-19373).
tures (Table 1) and deposited in the Colección zoológica               Identification. Observed features of the collected speci-
de invertebrados, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y                   mens: cube-shaped bell with 3 pedalia in each of the cor-
Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY-                      ners; pedalia length 1/2 to 2/3 height of bell; bell slightly
YUC-CC), and the Cnidarian´s Collection from the Gulf                  higher than wide, flattened apically in a side view; exum-
of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Universidad Nacional                  brella sparsely covered with small warts of nemato-
Autónoma de México (YUC-CC).                                           cysts; small and flat stomach, connected with 4 gastric

Table 1. Comparison of the average morphometric measurements of Chiropsalmus quadrumanus and Tripedalia cystophora with other
records (minimum and maximum values).

                                  C. quadrumanus                                        T. cystophora           Ekins and Gershwin
                                                            Gershwin (2006)
                                   (Müller, 1859)                                       Conant, 1897                   (2014)
Bell length (mm)                    27.5 (19–33)                   100                     8.6 (7–11)                   10.9
Bell width (mm)                     28.8 (16–38)                   120                    10.3 (8–13)                   12.8
Inter rhopaliar distance (mm)        14.3 (8–19)                   —                       4.6 (4–5)                     —
Pedalia width (mm)                   7.9 (5–11)                    —                       2.3 (2–3)                     —
Pedalia length (mm)                  15 (11–18)                    —                       4.1 (3.5–5)                   —
No. Tentacles per pedalia               6–7                     Up to 7–9                      1                         1
Range expansion of two box jellyfish (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Gulf of Mexico
408                                                                                                                 Check List 15 (3)

Figure 3. Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859). A. Branched pedalia (PE), numerous tentacles (TM), and the rhopalia (RO). B. Dome
shaped rhopaliar niche ostium (NR) and clusters of nematocysts on the umbrellar surface (CN). Scale bars: A = 16 mm, B = 1.5 mm.

sacs directed in position to the velar channels; 4 paired          specimens: swimming bell slightly wider than high with
gonads located in the gastric pouches, usually in form of          a rounded and thickened apex, whitish and translucent;
a butterfly and separated by an interradial septum and             mesoglea rigid; nematocysts clusters present on sur-
attached to septum at center; system of channels con-              face of exumbrella and concentrating these ones moder-
necting the gonads through septum; 4 rhopalia located              ately on fold of umbrellar edge; leaf form gonads joined
on each of the walls on exumbrella; frown-shaped rhopa-            along the interradial septum and extending outward
liar niche ostium; spermatophores present.                         from 4 gastric saccules; manubrium with 4 pointed lips;
    Tripedalia cystophora was determined using mor-                4 branched pedalia with numerous tentacles; 4 rhopalia
phological features such as the number of pedalia per              with niche dome-shaped located each on the 4 walls of
side (key and diagnostic for the identification of this spe-       the exumbrella, lacking rhopaliar horns, Velarium broad
cies), form of the rhopaliar niche, location and number            and with numerous velar channels.
of rhopalia, and shape and location of the gonads (Bent-               The identification of C. quadrumanus was determined
lage and Lewis 2012). This species is easily recognizable          by the diagnostic characters of the genus, such as the
because it differs from other species of Carybdeida by             branching pedalia with the presence of numerous tenta-
the presence of 3 pedalia on each side. This character             cles, the number of gastric saccules, shape of the gonads,
might cause confusion with C. quadrumanus due to the               shape and location of the rhopaliar niche, and the pres-
presence of multiple tentacles; however, T. cystophora             ence of nematocysts warts on the surface of the umbrella
has a single, branched pedalia per side (Lasley et al.             (Gershwin 2006, Cedeño-Posso and Lecompte 2013).
2016). Our measurements of this species from Dzilam                    Our comparison of measurements of our specimens
are slightly smaller than measurements of the bell length          with those made by Müller (1859) in the original descrip-
and width provided by Ekins and Gershwin (2014); this              tion of this species shows that our specimens are clearly
suggests that our specimens were in the early stages of            smaller. They are, however, more similar in size to Ger-
development.                                                       shwin’s (2006) specimens. The presence of nematocyst
    Bentlage and Lewis (2012) noted sexual dimorphism              warts in our specimens is characteristic of the genus
in these species. However, in this case the sex of each            (Gershwin 2006). Two specimens from Chelem lagoon
of our specimens could not be determined because they              have 6 tentacles, whilst the other 6 jellyfish had 7 ten-
were juvenile, or the gonads were damaged by the pro-              tacles. Müller (1859) and Gershwin (2006) indicated a
cess of collection and fixation.                                   range of 7–9 tentacles.

Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859)
Figure 3
                                                                   The new records of Chiropsalmus quadrumanus and
Materials examined. Mexico. Yucatan, Chelem (21°07′
                                                                   Tripedalia cystophora from 2 coastal lagoons of Yuca-
N, 089°40′ W), Lorena León Deniz leg., 2.0 m depth,
                                                                   tán represent range extensions of these species. These
November 2016 (2 specimens, YUC-CC-254-11-01542,
                                                                   two species are associated with the mangrove forest and
                                                                   estuarine ecosystems (Gershwin 2006, Ekins and Gersh-
Identification. Observed features of the collected                 win 2014).
Ahuatzin-Hernández et al. | Box jellyfish in coastal lagoons of Yucatán                                                               409

    An earlier record of T. cystophora was reported in                    Banks & Solander ex KD Koening. Annals of botany (König &
the Gulf of Mexico by Lasley et al. (2016) in the north-                  Sims) 2:96.
                                                                      Bentlage L, Cartwright P, Yanagihara AA, Lewis C, Richards GS,
ern Gulf in Florida. Our new record extends this species’
                                                                          Collins A (2009) Evolution of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa),
distribution to the southern Gulf of Mexico and repre-                    a group of highly toxic invertebrates. Proceedings of the royal
sents the first time that T. cystophora was been reported                 society of London B, Biological Sciences 277 (1680): 493–501.
from Mexican waters. Previous lists of jellyfish spe-                     https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2009.1707
cies along the coasts of Mexico (Segura-Puertas et al.                Bentlage L, Lewis C (2012) An illustrated key and synopsis of the
                                                                          families and genera of carybdeid box jellyfishes (Cnidaria:
2003, Gasca and Loman-Ramos 2014) and in the Gulf of
                                                                          Cubozoa: Carybdeida), with emphasis on the “Irukandji family”
Mexico (Segura-Puertas et al. 2009) did not include this                  (Carukiidae). Journal of Natural History 46 (41–42): 2595–2620.
species. Likewise, our new data increases the number                      https://doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2012.717645
of marine invertebrates recorded for the State Reserve                Cedeño-Posso C, Lecompte O (2013) Cubomedusas (Cnidaria: Cubo-
of Dzilam from 19 to 20; cnidarians had not been pre-                     zoa) del mar caribe colombiano. Acta Biológica Colombiana 18
viously recorded from the reserve (Diario Oficial de la                   (1): 205–210.
                                                                      Coates MM (2003) Visual ecology and functional morphology of Cubo-
Federación 2018).
                                                                          zoa (Cnidaria). Integrative and comparative biology 43: 542–548.
    Our record of C. quadrumanus in the lagoon of Che-                Collins AG, Jarms G (2019) World List of Cubozoa. Cubozoa. World
lem is the first for the state of Yucatán. The closest previ-             Register of Marine Species. http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.
ous record is the lagoon of Términos, Campeche, Mexico                    php?p=taxdetails&id=135219. Accessed on: 2019-04-16.
(western Yucatan Peninsula) (Gómez-Aguirre 1986).                     Conant FS (1897) Notes on the Cubomedusae. Johns Hopkins Univer-
                                                                          sity Circulars 132: 8–10.
This is a very well-documented species in the Gulf of
                                                                      Crow GL, Chiaverano LM, Crites J, Khramov MA, Holland BS (2015)
Mexico, principally in northern Gulf.                                     Box jellyfish (Cubozoa: Carybdeida) in Hawaiian waters, and the
    From all the cubozoan reported from the Gulf of                       first record of Tripedalia cystophora in Hawaii. In: Evenhuis
Mexico, most belong to the order Carybdeida, except C.                    NL, Carlton JT (Eds) Lucius G. Eldredge III Memorial Volume:
quadrumanus (Lasley et al. 2016). Reports of cubozoan                     Tribute to a Polymath. Bishop Museum Bulletin in Zoology 9:
species are mostly in the northern Gulf of Mexico in                      93–108.
                                                                      Diario Oficial de la Federación (2018) Actualización del Programa de
contrast to the southern Gulf and Mexican waters, which
                                                                          Manejo Reserva Estatal de Dzilam, Yucatán, México. Gobierno
remain little-studied. The few Yucatán records suggest                    del estado de Yucatán at: www.yucatan.gob.mx/docs/diario_ofi-
that there is a lack of research on jellyfish in the coastal              cial/diarios/2018/2018-09-26_2.pdf. Accessed on: 2019-04-17.
lagoons of Yucatán.                                                   Ekins M, Gershwin L (2014) First record of the Caribbean box jellyfish
    Lasley et al. (2016) mentioned that many of the recent                Tripedalia cystophora in Australian waters. Marine Biodiversity
records of T. cystophora around the world are the result of               Records 7: 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755267214001183
                                                                      Flores-Galicia L, De la Cruz-Francisco V (2018) Primeros registros de
human introductions. However, we cannot conclude here                     medusas (Cubozoa, Scyphozoa), sifonóforos (Hydrozoa) y ctenó-
that our new jellyfish records represent introductions. It                foros (Tentaculata) del Sistema Arrecifal Lobos-Tuxpan, México.
is probable that these species have always occurred in                    CICIMAR Oceánides 33 (1): 25–38.
these lagoons and our new records are only evidence of                Garm A, Coates MM, Gad R, Seymour J, Nilsson DE (2007) The lens
the lack of previous investigation in this field.                         eyes of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Chiropsalmus
                                                                          sp. are slow and color-blind. Journal of Comparative Physiology
                                                                          A 193: 547–557. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-007-0211-4
Acknowledgements                                                      Gasca R, Loman-Ramos L (2014) Biodiversidad de Medusozoa
                                                                          (Cubozoa, Scyphozoa e Hydrozoa) en México. Revista mexicana
We extend our gratitude to Roberto Carlos Barrientos                      de biodiversidad 85: 154–163. https://doi.org/10.7550/rmb.32513
Medina (Department of Ecology, UADY) for revising                     Gershwin LA (2006) Comments on Chiropsalmus (Cnidaria: Cubo-
our manuscript and Ibeth Fernanda Álvarez Cruz for                        zoa: Chirodropida): a preliminary revision of the Chiropsalmi-
                                                                          dae, with descriptions of two new genera and two new species.
image editing.
                                                                          Zootaxa 1231: 1–42
                                                                      Gómez-Aguirre S (1986) Ocurrencia de Chiropsalmus quadrumanus
Authors’ Contributions                                                    (Scyphozoa: Cubomedusae) en la laguna de Términos. Anales del
                                                                          Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacio-
JMAH and LVLD conceived, designed, and financed                           nal Autónoma de México 57, Serie Zoología 2: 227–234.
this project; ACC and LLR developed the methods and                   Guest WC (1959) The occurrence of the jellyfish Chiropsalmus qua-
                                                                          drumanus in Matagorda Bay, Texas. Bulletin of Marine Science
identified the species. All authors wrote, read, com-
                                                                          of the Gulf and Caribbean 9 (1): 79–83.
mented, and approved the final manuscript.                            Herrera-Silveira J, Morales-Ojeda SM (2010) Subtropical karstic
                                                                          coastal lagoon assessment, SE Mexico. The Yucatan Peninsula
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