Radioactive waste management

Page created by Roland Washington
Radioactive waste management
                         waste management
      Collecting, sorting,
  treating, conditioning,
   storing and disposing
safely radioactive waste.

                             Thematic series
Radioactive waste management
Radioactive waste is generated not only by the nuclear power
industry, but also by hospitals, universities and non-nuclear
industries. All the regulations applying to waste in general also
apply to radioactive waste. However, radioactive waste emits
radiation, which makes it a particular hazard for human health
and the environment.

It must therefore be managed with special care, from production
to final disposal. Finding suitable waste disposal solutions is
a major challenge for all stakeholders, industry, regulatory
authorities, public authorities, local communities
and the population.

Fuel assembly.
Radioactive waste management
Radioactive waste management
   and disposal

 1 n	 Radioactive waste                           p. 2
		 Definitions and classification

		 Management solutions

 2n    Management of long-lived waste    _        p. 10
		     nPartitioning and transmutation
		     n Deep geological disposal

   3 n	Deep geological disposal
        around the world _                        p. 15

 4 n	Deep geological disposal
      in France  _                                p. 20
		 Scientific and technical challenges for IRSN

		 A specific scientific approach

		 Significant results

		 An informed choice
Radioactive waste management
Radioactive waste
    Radioactive waste is the term used to describe radioactive subs-
    tances for which no further use is planned or considered.

    A radioactive substance is         The radioactive properties of
    one that contains naturally        this waste are:
    occurring or man-made radio-
                                       n   the type of radionuclides
    nuclides, the radioactive level
                                            contained and the radiation
    or concentration of which
                                            emitted (alpha, beta, gamma),
    calls for radiation protection
                                            the activity (number of atomic
                                            nuclei which spontaneously
    According to the Frenc h                disintegrate per unit time -
    Environmental Code (Art.                expressed in becquerels);
    L 542.1-1), final radioactive
                                       n   t he radioactive half-life (the
    waste means radioactive waste
                                            time it takes for a radioactive
    for which no further treatment
                                            sample to loose half of its
    is possible under existing tech-
    nical and economic conditions.
    Treatment particularly entails
    extracting any part of the waste
    that can be recycled or redu-
    cing any pollutants or hazar-
    dous substances it contains.
    The radionuclides contained in
    radioactive waste may be man-
    made, such as caesium-137,
    or found in nature, such as

                                                         Containers for
                                                         vitrified waste (left)
                                                         and compacted
                                                         waste (right).

Radioactive waste management
Most radioactive waste comes       non-nuclear industries and
from the nuclear industry. The     defence-related activities.
remainder comes from the use
of radioactive elements in hos-
pitals, universities, and some

  Definitions and classification
Radioactive waste is classified    and high-level waste. Radioactive
according to its activity level    waste is said to be “short-
and the radioactive half-life of   lived” if it merely only contains
the radionuclides it contains.     radionuclides with a half-life of
The activity level determines      less than 31 years.
the degree of protection to be     It is said to be “long-lived “if it
provided. Waste is therefore       contains a significant quantity
divided into categories, namely    of radionuclides with a half-life
very low-, low-, intermediate-     of over 31 years.

          Radionuclide                        Half-life

            Cobalt-60                          5.2 years

              Tritium                          12.2 years

           Strontium-90                        28.1 years

           Caesium-137                          30 years

          Americium-241                        432 years

            Radium-226                        1,600 years

            Carbon-14                         5,730 years

          Plutonium-239                       24,110 years

          Neptunium-237                     2,140,000 years

            Iodine-129                      15,700,000 years

           Uranium-238                    4,470,000,000 years

Radioactive waste management
Waste categories are as follows:                 part consists either of waste
                                                     contaminated by radium
    n   v e r y s h o r t - l i ve d wa s t e
                                                     (known as radium-bearing
         (VSLW) much of which comes
                                                     waste), resulting mainly from
         from medical applications
                                                     naturally radioactive raw
         of radioactivity (diagnoses
                                                     materials used in industry, the
         and therapy), containing
                                                     retrieval of radium-bearing
         radioactive elements with a
                                                     objects and the cleanup of
         half-life of less than 100 days;
                                                     polluted sites, or graphite
    n   v ery low-level waste (VLLW)                waste, which comes from the
         which comes from the nuclear                decommissioning of old French
         industry, in particular from                gas-cooled reactors (GCRs);
         facility decommissioning
                                                 n   i ntermediate-level long-
         operations. It consists of
                                                      lived waste (ILW-LL) most of
         very slightly contaminated
                                                      which is the result of spent
         dismantled equipment parts
                                                      fuel reprocessing (spent fuel
         and rubble;
                                                      claddings, reprocessing sludge,
    n   low- and intermediate-level                  etc .) and nuclear facility
         short-lived waste (LILW-SL)                  maintenance work;
         which mainly comes from the
                                                 n      igh-level and long-lived
         nuclear industry, as well as a
                                                       waste (HLW-LL) consisting of
         few research laboratories;
                                                       products resulting from spent
    n   l ow-level long-lived waste                   fuel reprocessing that cannot
         (LLW-LL) which for the major                  be recycled.

                         operations (VLLW).             Graphite sleeve.

Radioactive waste management
Solid waste in cemented drums before   Embedding in cement.
being embedded in cement.

   Management solutions
Radioactive waste is extremely         Treatment and conditioning:
varied in terms of physical and        different types of waste under-
chemical form, radioactivity and       go different types of treatment
the half-life of the radioactive       (incineration, calcination, mel-
elements it contains, as well as       ting, compacting, cementation,
volume. In France, a specific pro-     vitrification, etc.). It is then sea-
cess is adopted for each category      led in a container. The result is a
of waste, including a series of        radioactive waste package.
operations such as sorting, treat-
ment, conditioning, storage and        Storage and disposal: storage
disposal.                              facilities are designed to accom-
                                       modate waste packages for a
Sorting: this consists in separa-
                                       limited period of time. Disposal is
ting waste according to its dif-
                                       the final stage of the waste mana-
ferent properties, in particular the
half-lives of the radionuclides it     gement process and implies that
contains. It also involves separa-     the packages have reached their
ting waste that can be compac-         final destination or, at least, that
ted, incinerated or melted down        there is no intention of retrie-
to reduce the volume.                  ving them. That means, of course,

Radioactive waste management
VLLW comprises rubble,
                                                   scrap metal and
                                                   piping, primarily from
                                                   decommissioned nuclear

    that the steps taken must protect    was closed in 1994, having
    people and the environment both      reached its design capacity of
    in the short and very long term.     527,000 m3, and the CSA disposal
                                         facility (Aube), opened in 1992
    Very short-lived waste (VSLW),
                                         and operated by Andra since.
    the radioactivity level of which
    disappears almost entirely in a      Low-level long-lived waste
    few weeks to a few hundred days,     (LLW-LL) is stored by the
    is stored long enough to decay       organisations that generated
    before disposal, in particular via   it pending a disposal solution.
    hospital waste systems.
                                         Intermediate-level long-lived
    Ve r y l o w - l e v e l w a s t e   waste (ILW-LL, also called
    (VLLW) is sent to a disposal         “B” waste) is compacted or
    facility in Morvilliers (Aube)       cemented to make packages
    operated by Andra, the French        that are stored where the waste
    National Radioactive Waste           was generated.
    Management Agency. Once all
    nuclear power plants have been       High-level and long-lived
    decommissioned, this waste           waste (HLW-LL, also called “C”
    should represent an estimated        waste) is vitrified. This involves
    volume of one to two million m3.     incorporating highly radioactive
                                         waste in molten glass.
    Low- and intermediate-level
    short-lived waste (LILW-SL, also     The waste, which is in a liquid
    called LLW-ILW or “A” waste) is      form, is mixed with molten glass
    incinerated, melted, embedded        and poured into stainless steel
    or compacted. Most of it is          containers, then hermetically
    cemented in metal or concrete        sealed by a welded lid. Once
    containers. It is disposed of at     the glass has cooled down,
    two surface facilities: the CSM      the radioactivity is trapped
    disposal facility (Manche), which    inside the matrix.These waste

Radioactive waste management
(Marcoule, Gard) or present (La
                                              Hague, Manche) production
                                              Uranium mill tailings are also
                                              considered as waste. Areva is
                                              responsible for the tailings,
                                              which are disposed of on
                                              twenty or so mining sites. They
                                              represent about 52 million
                                              tonnes of material. All uranium
VLLW comprises rubble, scrap metal and        mines in France are now closed.
piping, primarily from decommissioned
nuclear facilities.                           Spent fuel, which contains
                                              uranium and plutonium and is
                                              stored in spent fuel pools at
                                              Areva’s La Hague plant, is not
packages are currently stored by              considered as waste as the
the organisations that generated              French Government implements
the waste (CEA, Areva, their past             a recycling policy.

          Metal             Concrete               Vitrified       Compacted
          drum               drum               waste container   waste container

                   Different types of waste package.

Radioactive waste management
Management solutions developed as part of the PNGMDR*
    for various waste categories

       Half-life        Very short-lived         Short-lived               Long-lived
                         (less than 100 days)   (less than 31 years)    (more than 31 years)

      Very low-level                                     Dedicated surface disposal
          waste                                   Recycling solutions (activity < 100 Bq/g)
     Low-level waste                                                     subsurface disposal
                                                  Surface disposal
                                                                        (under consideration)
                              Managed               (CSA disposal
      Intermediate-         by radioactive         facility - Aube)
        level waste             decay

                                                Solutions under consideration under Article 3
                                                   of the Programme Act of 28 June 2006
     High-level waste
                                                       on the sustainable management
                                                     of radioactive materials and waste

    * French national radioactive materials and waste management programme.

Every three years, Andra, the French National Radioactive
Waste Management Agency, prepares and publishes
an inventory of radioactive materials and waste in France

                                Waste       Forecasts for                  Forecasts for
     conditioned m3)        existing at the the end of                      the end of
                             end of 2010        2020                           2030

          HLW                      2,700                4,000                 5,300

         ILW-LL                   40,000                45,000                49,000

         LLW-LL                   87,000                89,000               133,000

        LILW-SL                  830,000              1,000,000              1,200,000

          VLLW                   360,000               762,000               1,300,000
Management solution
   to be defined
                                 approx.               approx.                approx.
                                1,320,000             1,900,000              2,700,000
Volumes at the end of 2010 and forecasts for the end of 2020 and 2030 for each radioac-
tive waste category (National Inventory 2012 - source Andra).

           At Andra’s CSA disposal facility (Aube), waste packages are
                      placed in concrete cells or “disposal structures”.
              When they are full, the cells are covered with a concrete
                                    slab and polyurethane membrane.

Management of
     long-lived waste
     Three areas of research were                       securing of radioactive waste
     selected by the Act of 30                          are implemented.
     December 1991 on the mana-
                                                    The Act institutes a “National
     gement of high-level and
                                                    Plan for the Management
     long-lived radioactive waste:
                                                    of Radioactive Materials and
                                                    Waste” (PNGMDR) and sets
     (area 1), deep geological dispo-
                                                    deadlines for the main mana-
     sal (area 2), conditioning and
                                                    gement milestones. A national
     long-term storage (area 3).
     Areas 1 and 3 are led by the                   committee is responsible for
     CEA and area 2 by Andra. Based                 making an annual assessment of
     on the results of this research,               progress in research and design
     a new Act was issued in 2006                   work on radioactive material
     outlining the steps to be taken                and waste management, consi-
     in waste management.                           dering the guidelines set out in
                                                    the above plan. Decree 2008-
     Th e n ew P rog ra m m e Ac t                  357 sets out the provisions rela-
     2006-739 on the sustainable                    tive to this plan.
     management of radioactive
     materials and waste was passed                 The plan must in particular aim
     on 28 June 2006. It stipulates                 at that the following guidelines
     that:                                          are complied with:

     n   radioactive materials and                 n   r eduction of the quantity and
          waste of whatever nature,                        toxicity of radioactive waste is
          resulting in particular from                     sought in particular by treating
          the operation or dismantling                     spent fuels and by treating and
          of installations using radioac-                  conditioning radioactive waste;
          tive sources or materials, are            n   r adioactive materials awaiting
          managed sustainably with due                     treatment and ultimate
          regard for the protection of                     radioactive waste awaiting
          personal health, safety, and                     disposal are stored in specially
          the environment;                                 laid out installations. After
     n   t o avert or limit the burden                    storage, ultimate radioactive
          that will be borne by future                     waste, which cannot for nuclear
          ge n e ra t i o n s , re s e a rc h i s          safety or radiation protection
          undertaken and the neces-                        reasons be disposed of at the
          sary means for the definitive                    surface or at a low depth, are

disposed of in deep geological     level and intermediate-level
 formations.                        long-lived waste to be carried
                                    out in the three complementary
The Act of 2006 provides for        areas set out below.
research and design work on high-

  Partitioning and transmutation
Principle                           certain partitioned long-lived
                                    elements (actinides), its appli-
The purpose of partitioning and
                                    cation is certainly very diffi-
transmutation is to reduce the
                                    cult, if not impossible, to other
quantities of long-lived radioac-
tive elements in final waste by     elements such as long-lived
separating them using chemi-        fission products that are more
cal processes, then transmuting     mobile in disposal situations
them under neutron flux, i.e.       since they may be soluble and
transforming them into short-       liable to move with groundwa-
lived elements.                     ter. Consequently, partitioning-
                                    transmutation alone does not
The state of research               seem to be an alternative to
Research has confirmed that the     geological disposal.
objective of partitioning-trans-    Under the provisions of the 2006
mutation is highly ambitious.       Act, research into the partitio-
Partitioning is a complex exten-    ning and transmutation of long-
sion of reprocessing that can       lived radioactive elements will
only be considered for cer-         be continued.
tain types of long-lived waste.     Studies and research in this area
Transmutation presumes the          will be carried out alongside
development of new facilities       work focusing on new-genera-
(reactors, dedicated particle       tion nuclear reactors (see Article
accelerators) and can only be       5 of Programme Act 2005-781
achieved through sustainable
                                    of 13 July 2005 defining energy
programmes spanning a hun-
                                    policy guidelines) and accele-
dred years or so.
                                    rator-driven reactors used for
Moreover, although transmu-         waste transmutation.The objec-
tation is capable of destroying     tive defined in the Act is to pro-

vide an assessment of the indus-         transmutation and start up a
     trial prospects of separation and        prototype facility by late 2020.

                    Aerial view of the Bure laboratory (Meuse/Haute Marne).

Principle                                   simplicity and meet the safety
                                            and radiation protection requi-
Storage consists in placing
                                            rements generally imposed on
radioactive waste temporarily
                                            nuclear facilities. Storage is, by
in a specially designed surface
                                            definition, a temporary solution,
or near-surface facility pen-
                                            and the integrity of packages
ding its retrieval for treatment
                                            must be monitored to allow
or removal to dedicated waste
                                            simple and safe retrieval.
management centres. Storage
particularly concerns waste                 The 2006 Act requires the rele-
awaiting treatment or dispo-                vant studies and research to
sal. Industrial storage facilities          be completed by 2015 in order
already exist on nuclear sites.             to build new storage facilities
                                            or modify existing facilities to
Storage safety
                                            meet the requirements (capa-
Storage facilities must be desig-           city, lifetime, etc.) set out in the
ned to combine robustness and               PNGMDR.

                 Vitrified waste storage View from above the shafts

Deep geological disposal
     Principle                           The geological disposal concepts
                                         studied are based on a multiple-
     This involves placing waste
                                         barrier principle to prevent water
     packages in underground struc-      from coming into contact with the
     tures dug in an impermeable         waste and limit any subsequent
     geological medium with favou-       dispersal of radioactive
     rable properties in terms of its    substances. The barriers
     geological stability, hydro-        include the waste packages,
     geology, geochemistry and           the “engineered barrier”, which
     response to mechanical and          is the manufactured material
     thermal stress.                     that may be placed between
                                         the waste package and the
     The selected medium must
                                         bedrock, and the geological
     avoid areas of outstanding
                                         barrier, which is the bedrock
     interest in terms of exploitable    itself. The geological medium
     underground resources and the       accommodating the disposal
     structures must be located at       facility serves in particular
     least 200 m below the ground        to confine the radioactive
     surface to avoid the effects of     substances released as time
     erosion and human intrusion.        goes by, minimise the migration
     The 2006 Act defines disposal       rate and procure retention in
     in deep geological formations       the areas through which the
     as a sustainable management         substances are transported to
     solution while establishing the     benefit from radioactive decay.
     principle of reversibility. The     The Programme Act of 2006
     minimum period for which the        stipulates that the licence
     reversibility of disposal must be   application to build a disposal
     guaranteed as a precautionary       facility of this type must be
     measure will be defined by law.     examined by 2015. Subject to
     This period cannot be less than     this licence, the facility will be
     a hundred years.                    commissioned by 2025.

Deep geological disposal
            around the world
Most countries now consider                 Countries with a large number of
deep geological disposal as                 nuclear power plants are among
the standard solution for final             the most active participants
management of high-level                    in this area. They include the
and intermediate-level long-                United States, Canada, Japan,
lived waste. The topic is the               China, Korea and, in Europe,
subject of regular international            Germany, Sweden, Finland, the
discussions.                                United Kingdom, Belgium and
These discussions are aimed at
highlighting common technical               The strategies adopted and the
principles, sharing experience              progress in programmes with a
and pooling research resources.             view to commissioning a deep
In particular, they are part of             geological waste disposal faci-
the work initiated by the OECD/             lity vary from one country to
NEA*, the IAEA** and the                    another.
European Commission***.


    *	In particular within the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC)
       or the Integration Group for the Safety Case of Radioactive Waste Repositories
   **	In particular through the publications of the Waste Safety Standards
       Committee (WASSC).
  ***	In particular through the Research and Development Framework Programme
       in the nuclear field (EURATOM FP).

Vitrified waste storage
                      View of the lower part of the shafts (La Hague).

     The research and studies in                 research programmes in Belgium
     progress mainly focus on three              (Boom clay) and Switzerland
     types of geological formation:              (Opaline clay). In Germany, the
     n   granite;                                focus is on salt formations.

     n   s edimentary formations and,           Some countries – in particular
          more especially, clay beds;            the United States, Germany
                                                 and Finland – have designed or
     n   salt.                                  used underground installations
     Programmes in Sweden and                    for radioactive waste disposal.
     Finland focus on disposal in gra-           In the United States: since 1999,
     nite bedrock. Granite is also stu-          defence-related waste has been
     died in Korea, Japan, Switzerland           disposed of at the WIPP (Waste
     and China.
                                                 Isolation Pilot Plant) where it is
     Clay formations have long been              placed in facilities dug in a salt
     at the centre of major studies and          formation.

In Germany: an old salt mine          waste – both long- and short-
in Morsleben in former East           lived (LILW-SL). There are several
Germany was used for the disposal     strategies for managing short-
of radioactive waste until 1998.      lived waste (disposal in geological
Another site, Konrad, has been        formations for some and surface
licensed to host a geological         disposal for the rest), but they
waste disposal facility. All German   are motivated not by safety
radioactive waste that does not       considerations but by political
release heat should be disposed       decisions (generally depending on
of here. The site was once an iron    the economic and social context).
mine in a sedimentary formation.      All the countries concerned have
                                      agreed on the best practices to
Until 1978, some low- and             be implemented regarding the
intermediate-level radioactive        safety of waste disposal facilities,
waste was disposed of at an           and to that end have approved the
experimental centre built in a        international standards published
former mine in a salt dome in         on this topic by the IAEA.
Asse in Lower Saxony. Since the
end of the 1980s, however, water      A deep geological disposal facility
infiltration had been observed        has yet to be commissioned
in this dome and the German           for high-level and long-lived
authorities ultimately decided to     radioactive waste. However,
retrieve the waste and restore the    projects in some countries are at
mine.                                 an advanced stage and, in some
                                      cases, the licence application
In Finland: two facilities have       procedure is under way.
been dug in granite formations
at a depth of 70 to 100 m for         In the United States: a licence
the disposal of waste from the        application to construct and
Olkiluoto and Loviisa nuclear         operate a waste repository on
power plants. Located near the        the Yucca Mountain site was sub-
                                      mitted in 2008. The formation
two NPPs, the disposal facilities
                                      concerned consists of volcanic
have been in operation since 1992
                                      tuff formed 11 to 14 million
and 1997 respectively.
                                      years ago. Exploratory studies
Other countries such as Korea,        are conducted on the site from
Canada and Hungary also plan to       an underground facility excava-
use underground installations for     ted in 1993 to demonstrate the
their low- and intermediate-level     feasibility of a disposal facility.

Each package has its own bar code specifying its origin
                      and the level and type of radioactivity it contains.

     At present, the project has been           2009 as the possible site for a
     suspended.                                 disposal facility.
     In Finland: the operator Posiva            The licence application to build
     Oy submitted a licence applica-            a waste disposal facility there
     tion at the end of 2012 to build a         was submitted in March 2011,
     spent fuel disposal facility in the        with commissioning expected
     granite bedrock at the Onkalo              between 2020 and 2025.
     site. The facility should be com-
     missioned between 2020 and                 I n m o s t o t h e r c o u n t ri e s ,
     2025. An underground labora-               except for France, programmes
     tory, which will be part of the            concerning the search for a site
     facility, is under construction to         and disposal facility design are
     characterise the site in greater           at a less advanced stage.
     depth.                                     Several countries have decided
     In Sweden: investigations were             to build underground research
     started in 2008 on two granite             laboratories to move ahead with
     sites: Östhammar near Forsmark,            their geological disposal projects.
     and Oskarshamn. Östhammar                  These laboratories generally
     near Forsmark was chosen in                serve two purposes:

n   improving knowledge and
     validating relatively gene-
     ral methods and technology
     concerning a particular type
     of rock;
n    r characterising a specific site
    to assess the feasibility of a
    waste disposal facility.
Methodological laboratories
focusing on the first objective
have been built in granite forma-
tions in Canada (the Whiteshell
Underground Research
Laboratory (URL), now being
dismantled, Sweden (Äspö labo-
ratory), Switzerland (Grimsel
laboratory) and, more recent-
ly, Korea (Kaeri Underground
Research Tunnel - KURT) and
Japan (Tono Mizunami URL).
Similar facilities have been built
in clay formations in Belgium
(Mol), Switzerland (Mont-Terri)
and Japan (Horonobe URL). The
IRSN-run Tournemire experi-
mental facility falls within this
A laboratory has been built
in a tuff formation at Yucca
Mountain in the USA for site
characterisation and qualifica-
tion. Another is being built in
Finland (Onkalo on Olkiluoto
island). Andra’s underground
research laboratory in Bure is
a research facility of this type.

Deep geological disposal
     in France
     The 2006 Act on nuclear waste           disposal facility - www.cigeo.
     management confirmed the                com), a facility located between
     option of reversible disposal in        the Meuse and Haute-Marne
     a deep geological clay formation        departments in eastern France.
     for high-level and long-lived           The facility will be located
     waste. Andra has been entrusted         500 m below the surface in a
     with building this facility, which      clay formation with properties
     is designed to protect people           similar to those being studied
     and the environment from the            at the underground research
     radiological hazards related            laboratory near the town of
     to this waste for hundreds              Bure. It is designed for the
     of thousands of years. The              disposal of high-level waste and
     project currently being studied         intermediate-level long-lived
     is called Cigeo (geological             waste.

                                                     View of the Cigeo facility.

       Scientific and technical challenges for IRSN
     IRSN must give an informed opi-         requirements are met by this large
     nion, within the legal deadlines        underground nuclear facility, which
     for the various phases of the pro-      will be in operation for nearly a
     ject, on the degree of short- and       century.The main long-term safety
     long-term protection from waste-        issue is whether the facility and the
     related hazards that this method        various barriers set up between the
     of disposal is able to provide. In      waste and surface ecosystems will
     2005, Andra’s preliminary report        be capable of confining the radio-
     led IRSN to issue an initial favou-     nuclides for the long -term.
     rable opinion on the feasibility of a
                                             In particular, this involves stu-
     disposal facility in the 500 m deep
                                             dying and discussing the highly
     clay formation studied at the Bure
                                             complex, long-term changes in
                                             the system and the uncertainties
     By 2015, the Institute will have        surrounding them - radiolysis,
     to assess whether the key safety        chemical reactions, interactions
View of a sealing test implemented
                               at the Tournemire experimental
                                             station (Aveyron).

between the radioactive mate-          for more than a century. In parti-
rials disposed of, the components      cular, risks relating to fire must be
of the packages and the structure      carefully analysed in this unique
(different types of metal and          environment, together with those
concrete, etc.), damage caused         induced by the simultaneous per-
to the argillite by digging, loca-     formance of nuclear and conven-
lised alterations in the undistur-
                                       tional work site activities, as well
bed bedrock - which relate to
the long-term behaviour of the         as waste confinement arrange-
structure and its contents.            ments.

Another major challenge is to          Lastly, the radiological impact
manage the risks induced by the        on human health and the envi-
construction and operation of          ronment must be assessed both
this facility, which will be open      in the short and very long term.

  A specific scientific approach
In order to make a fully inde-         in areas where scientific and
pendent assessment, IRSN               technical uncertainty is large.
cannot base its opinion on
Andra’s results alone, but must        The Institute has chosen to opti-
acquire data independently             mise its resources by focusing its
of the operator, especially            research effort on two objectives
and setting up partnerships in          In addition, IRSN is involved in
     France (NEEDS with the CNRS)            several research projects orga-
     and abroad:                             nised by the European Union
                                             as part of the research and
     n   a cquisition of scientific data
                                             development framework pro-
          from the Tournemire tunnel,
                                             gramme (FP).
          which was dug in bedrock with
          similar characteristics to those
                                             Europe has four experimental
          in the Meuse/Haute-Marne
                                             research sites in clay formations:
          area, as well as in the Mont-
                                             Mol in Belgium, Mont-Terri in
          Terri international experimen-
                                             Switzerland, Tournemire and
          tal facility;
                                             Bure in France. IRSN (like Andra)
     n   c arrying out modelling and        is involved in several European
          developing its capacity for        programmes calling for these
          simulating various safety-         sites and for analytical experi-
          related phenomena. Within          ments aimed at modelling the
          this context, IRSN developed       behaviour of the components
          MELODIE, a software                of the disposal facility and its
          application for simulating         ultimate environmental impact.
          radionuclide transport in
          underground formations.

         Significant results

     New programmes are under way            The studies performed and
     to support the Institute’s initia-      results obtained by IRSN at
     tive to assess several key points       Tournemire confirmed that the
     regarding safety at the future dis-     progress of water through the
     posal facility. These programmes        undisturbed clay formation is
     concern, in particular, the impact      very slow (a few centimetres in
     of excavation regarding bedrock         a million years).
     damage, the impact of the degra-        They also highlighted the
     dation products of the materials        complexity of forecasting the
     brought into the disposal faci-         behaviour of rock around the
     lity (concrete and metal com-           drifts (damage, desaturation,
     pounds) on the clay’s confine-          etc.). The research carried out
     ment capability, and assessing          also tested the limits of the
     the effectiveness of underground        geophysical seismic reflection
     structure seals.                        method for identifying faults
with slight vertical offset, thus               reconnaissance campaign on the
providing vital knowledge for                   site considered for the future
appraising the results of Andra’s               disposal facility.

   An informed choice
IRSN’s research programmes                      design exper tise and the
provide France with an                          National Assessment Board’s
independent capability for                      guarantee of scientific rigour
assessing the safety of a                       with the preliminary research,
                                                this capability, will allow France
geological waste disposal site
                                                to move ahead in an area where
for high-level and long-lived                   expectations are high among
radioactive waste.                              all stakeholders, i.e. ensure the
                                                safety of this one-of-a-kind
When the decision is made to                    nuclear facility that will be the
proceed with the construction                   keystone of radioactive waste
of the facility, above Andra’s                  management strategy.

Dry boring in a drift in the Tournemire experimental tunnel (Aveyron).
Photo credits: Andra (Francis Roux p.4 right/Films Roger Leenhardt p.16/Philippe Demeil p.7
left, p.6-9-12-18-20) n CEA (P. Dumas cover p.13) n Cogema (Philippe Lesage inside front
cover/Eurodoc La Hague p.2/Eurodoc Centrimage p.16) n EDF Médiathèque (Henri Cazin p.5
left/Jean-Claude Raoul p.5 right) n IRSN (C. Cieutat p.4 left/Olivier Seignette, Mikaël Lafontan
p. 21-23) n SOCODEI (Patrick Lefèvre p.7)
The French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN)
is responsible for the scientific assessment of nuclear and radiological
risk. It is an “EPIC” (a state-owned industrial and commercial enterprise)
that carries out research and surveys for the French Government and
the general public. It is a reference body both in France and internatio-
nally, with a workforce of over 1700 people who cover a diverse range
of disciplines ranging from life sciences to nuclear physics. It carries out
research and assessments in the following areas of expertise:
n protection of people and the environment against the risks of ionising

n safety of facilities and transportation of radioactive material and its

   protection against malicious acts;
n monitoring of nuclear materials and products that may be used in the

   manufacture of weapons;
n emergency response.

It also provides the public with information.

Radioactive waste
Radioactive waste is generated not only by the nuclear power industry, but
also by hospitals, universities and non-nuclear industries. All the regulations
applying to waste in general also apply to radioactive waste. However,
radioactive waste emits radiation, which makes it a particular hazard for
human health and the environment. It must therefore be managed with
special care, from generation to final disposal. Finding suitable waste dispo-
sal solutions is a major challenge for all stakeholders, industry, regulatory
authorities, public authorities, local communities and the population.

                      Head office
                      31, avenue de la Division Leclerc
                      92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
                      RCS Nanterre B 440 546 018

                      +33 (0)1 58 35 88 88
                                                                                  © 2013 IRSN - P. Dumas/CEA

                      Postal address
                      B.P. 17
                      92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex

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