Quantum Computing Counterpoint Global Insights - Morgan Stanley

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Quantum Computing Counterpoint Global Insights - Morgan Stanley
Counterpoint Global Insights

Quantum Computing

                                                Quantum computing was first
Morgan Stanley Investment
Management’s Counterpoint Global                theorized in 1981 as a way to address
shares their proprietary views on a big         a subset of exponentially complex
idea that has the potential to trigger
far-reaching consequences — ​ideas such         computing problems that classical
as blockchain, autonomous vehicles,             computers can’t solve. It has taken
machine learning and gene editing.
                                                more than three decades, but we
Counterpoint Global’s long-term
ownership mindset emphasizes                    are now at the cusp of moving from
perspective, insight and thinking across        scientific theory to commercial reality.
categories, while our investment process
focuses on identifying unique companies         Quantum computers rely on quantum mechanical properties
with sustainable competitive advantages.        of matter to encode data and perform calculations. These
Through The EDGE, we share our                  effects, which include superposition and entanglement,
framework for thinking about change             occur only at atomic and subatomic scales. Because quantum
and our process for recognizing patterns        computers process information in a fundamentally different
that may drastically alter the investment       way than classical computers do, they can tap an exponential
landscape over the longer term.                 increase in computing power. We are likely to achieve
This work complements our team’s                quantum supremacy, the point at which quantum computers
more traditional, fundamental research          can solve problems that classical computers cannot, in the
to create a framework for long-term             next few years. This will move quantum computing from the
investing that is grounded in intellectual      realm of science project to solving real challenges.
curiosity and flexibility, perspective, self-
awareness and partnership.
                                                How It Works
                                                Scientists including Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and
                                                Erwin Schrödinger developed the theory of quantum
                                                mechanics in the early 1900s. This new theory explained
Quantum Computing Counterpoint Global Insights - Morgan Stanley

phenomena they saw in their experiments
but were unable to reconcile with classical
Newtonian physics. These phenomena                          Quantum computing is so potentially
enable quantum computing.
                                                            disruptive because the computing power
The fundamental building block in classical
computing is the bit, which is either a 0 (the              doubles with every incremental qubit
transistor is off) or a 1 (the transistor is on).
Transistors, which were invented in 1947,                   added to the computer.
are the building blocks of microprocessors
and other computer chips. Computing
power has continuously improved by
shrinking the size of transistors but we are        one qubit effectively acts on all the        challenges remain. For example, the
now running into physical limits.                   entangled qubits simultaneously.             transistor is the standard form factor for
                                                    Superposition and entanglement allow         a bit in classical computing, but there
The fundamental building block in a                 quantum computers to process                 is no standardized qubit in quantum
quantum computer is the quantum bit                 information simultaneously. This means       computing. Scientists are pursuing
(qubit). As in classical computing, the             that they have the potential to process      multiple methods to build qubits,
qubit also takes the form of a 0 or a 1. But        massive amounts of data exponentially        including superconducting circuits,
here is where it gets tricky. Due to the            faster than can a classical computer.        ion traps, and silicon quantum dots.
quantum phenomenon of superposition, a                                                           The largest quantum computers today
qubit can also be a 0 and a 1 at the same           Here’s why quantum computing is              have fewer than 100 qubits and are not
time. This enables a qubit to store more            so groundbreaking: With classical            yet capable of performing useful tasks.
information than a bit. Quantum                     computers, computing power doubles           However, new applications will blossom as
computers also benefit from the                     as the number of bits doubles. With          quantum computer hardware improves.
phenomenon of entanglement, or what                 quantum computers, computing power
Einstein called “spooky action at a                 doubles when an incremental qubit is
                                                                                                 Why It’s Disruptive
distance.” When qubits become entangled,            added. Today quantum computing is
they become intrinsically linked and hence          in its infancy, similar to where classical   Ironically, one of the first likely
no longer act independently. Acting on              computing was in the early 1950s. And        applications of quantum computing is to


break encryption on classical computers.       promising applications. Classical computers    In each of these domains, quantum
The secure transfer of data over the           have difficulty modeling the behavior of       computing should be significantly
internet relies on public key cryptography,    molecules accurately because a molecule’s      faster than classical computing but may
which uses a public key to encrypt data        complexity increases exponentially with        not demonstrate the same exponential
and a private key to decode it. Public key     the number of electrons in the molecule.       increase in processing speed as in
cryptography is currently based on prime       For example, caffeine (C8H10N4O2), is          cryptography and quantum simulation.
number factoring. The principle is that        too complex to model on a classical
it is very easy for a computer to multiply     computer even though it is not a large         Challenges
two prime numbers together to produce          molecule. This complexity arises because
                                                                                              Quantum computing is still in its infancy
a third number, but exceedingly difficult      the laws of quantum mechanics govern
                                                                                              and there are still a lot of challenges.
for a computer to start with the third         the behavior of electrons. Electrons
                                                                                              The incredible power of quantum
number and determine its prime factors.        are exceedingly difficult to model on
                                                                                              computers comes from their ability to
The private key is derived from the prime      classical computers as they can exist in
                                                                                              harness superposition and entanglement.
numbers while the public key is derived        superposition and become entangled.
                                                                                              But these quantum phenomena are
from their product. Users can make data
                                               Here is where quantum computing has            very fragile. Decoherence (i.e., losing
secure by making the prime numbers so
                                               a huge advantage. A quantum computer           superposition through the quantum
large that factoring their product through
                                               superposes and entangles its own qubits,       computer’s interactions/entanglement
brute force is intractable for even the
                                               which innately models the behavior of          with the external environment) causes the
most powerful supercomputers.
                                               electrons in the molecule. This allows a       quantum computer to lose information
Peter Shor, a professor of mathematics at      quantum computer to process significantly      to its external environment, similar to
MIT, invented his eponymous algorithm          more data than a classical computer            how a cooling stove loses heat to its
in 1994 that demonstrated that quantum         can. The hope is that scientists can           surroundings. This introduces errors into
computers would excel at this factoring        fundamentally understand how molecules         the computer’s calculations. Preventing
problem. A quantum computer could              work on a subatomic level, which will allow    decoherence requires extreme measures
crack a 2048-bit RSA encryption, the           them to design better materials, catalysts,    such as chilling computers to absolute
gold standard today, in as little as eight     and drugs. For instance, bacteria convert      zero and isolating them from all forms of
hours.1 RSA-2048 remains secure because        atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia using        electromagnetic radiation and sound.
the quantum hardware needed to break it        the enzyme nitrogenase more efficiently
                                                                                              Even with these extraordinary efforts,
does not yet exist. But it could in theory     than do humans, who use the Haber-Bosch
                                                                                              a quantum computer may have only
be broken with a perfectly functioning         process. Scientists know that nitrogenase
                                                                                              milliseconds to perform calculations
quantum computer of just 4,100 qubits.         catalyzes the reaction but still do not
                                                                                              before decoherence renders its results
Based on the present rate of progress,         understand how. They hope that a better
                                                                                              useless. Scientists need to increase
it is likely that a quantum computer           understanding of nitrogenase will allow
                                                                                              coherence time for quantum computers to
will exist within the next decade that         them to design a more efficient process for
                                                                                              be truly useful. Quantum computers by
will be able to crack today’s public key       making ammonia, the key raw material for
                                                                                              nature are error prone because noise can
cryptography. Companies, governments,          nitrogen fertilizers. Producing ammonia
                                                                                              creep into the calculations even without
and organizations that rely on public key      more efficiently would not only lower costs
                                                                                              full decoherence when qubits are exposed
cryptography (i.e., anyone who sends           but would also reduce greenhouse gas
                                                                                              to the slightest perturbation. Classical
or receives data via the internet) will        emissions. This type of modeling, made
                                                                                              computers, by contrast, are discrete and
therefore need to transition to security       possible by quantum computers, will enable
                                                                                              predictable. Scientists are working on
protocols that quantum computers               scientists to design everything from better
                                                                                              error mitigation and error correction
can’t crack. This change might present         batteries to more efficient solar panels to
                                                                                              strategies simultaneously in order to make
cybersecurity companies opportunities          high-temperature superconductors.
                                                                                              quantum computers more practical.
and risks and could provide a pathway for
new entrants into the field.                   Quantum computing has other potential
                                                                                              Scaling is a related obstacle. Adding more
                                               applications. It could shorten the time
                                                                                              qubits to a computer increases challenges
While quantum computing is still in the        required to perform an internet search.
                                                                                              with decoherence and can add errors into
early stage of research, it shows promise      It could tackle all sorts of optimization
                                                                                              calculations. Figuring out how to increase
in other areas as well. It was originally      problems such as scheduling, routing, and
                                                                                              the number of qubits while reducing
proposed as a way to model quantum             options pricing. Quantum computing
                                                                                              errors is a huge focus of research. Finally,
physics and chemistry and those remain         may even apply to machine learning.
                                                                                              scientists need to develop new algorithms to

 Emerging Technology from the arVix. (May 30, 2019). How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours. Retrieved from

                                                            ACTIVE FUNDAMENTAL EQUIT Y | MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT            3

unlock potential applications for quantum      Moore’s Law. In fact, quantum computing
computers because they work completely         is said to follow Neven’s Law, which states,
differently than classical computers do.       “Quantum computing is experiencing
                                               doubly exponential growth relative to
Conclusion                                     conventional computing.” If Neven’s Law
                                               proves true, we can expect to see huge             OTHER DISRUPTORS
The notion that Moore’s Law, the idea that                                                        Other themes the team is
                                               advances in quantum computing over
classical computing capability doubles every                                                      currently researching include
                                               the next decade. Quantum computing
two years, is dead has gained traction in                                                         • Blockchain
                                               offers the potential to improve our lives by
recent years. Quantum computing offers a                                                          • Autonomous vehicles
                                               enabling everything from better renewable
possible path to continue the improvement                                                         • Machine learning
                                               energy technologies to new drugs to cure
in computing. While still nascent, quantum
                                               complex diseases. Quantum computing                • Automation/robotics
computing has the potential to improve
                                               could become a foundational technology in
much faster than the rate suggested by
                                               the decades ahead.

Risk Considerations
There is no assurance that a Portfolio will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the
possibility that the market values of securities owned by the Portfolio will decline and that the value of Portfolio shares may
therefore be less than what you paid for them. Market values can change daily due to economic and other events (e.g. natural
disasters, health crises, terrorism, conflicts and social unrest) that affect markets, countries, companies or governments. It is
difficult to predict the timing, duration, and potential adverse effects (e.g. portfolio liquidity) of events. Accordingly, you can lose
money investing in this Portfolio. Please be aware that this Portfolio may be subject to certain additional risks. In general, equities
securities’ values also fluctuate in response to activities specific to a company. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks
such as currency, political, economic, market and liquidity risks. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater
than risks associated with investments in foreign developed countries. Privately placed and restricted securities may be subject
to resale restrictions as well as a lack of publicly available information, which will increase their illiquidity and could adversely
affect the ability to value and sell them (liquidity risk). Derivative instruments may disproportionately increase losses and have
a significant impact on performance. They also may be subject to counterparty, liquidity, valuation, correlation and market risks.
Illiquid securities may be more difficult to sell and value than public traded securities (liquidity risk).


Counterpoint Global                                                                                                             New York

DENNIS LYNCH,    Head of Counterpoint Global
                                                                                               YEARS OF           YEARS        YEARS
INVESTORS                           RESEARCH RESPONSIBILITIES                                 EXPERIENCE         WITH FIRM   WITH TEAM

 DENNIS LYNCH                       Lead Investor                                                   26               22         22
 SAM CHAINANI                       Communication Services, Financials, Internet                    24               24         20
 JASON YEUNG                        Health Care                                                     23               18         16
 ARMISTEAD NASH                     Business Services, Software                                     20               18         16
 DAVID COHEN                        Consumer                                                        32               27         21
 ALEX NORTON                        Consumer, Industrials, Technology (ex Software)                 25               20         20
 THOMAS KAMEI                       Internet, Sustainability                                        8                 8          8
 MANAS GAUTAM                       Generalist                                                      8                 5          5
 ANNE EDELSTEIN                     Health Care                                                     9                 2          2
 ABHIK KUMAR                        Business Services, Software                                     11                1          1
 JOSHUA JARRETT                     Generalist                                                      15

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