QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020

QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
2019 | 1.3° above average

                            Major Projects
                            Pipeline 2020
                            A joint initiative

                            IAQ                  QLDMPP.COM.AU | i
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
Nowhere else in Australia do infrastructure peak bodies consult so
                                          closely with both their respective governments, government-owned
                                          corporations and private sector proponents to accurately chart the
                                          status of all major projects in their home state.

          We are proud to introduce       The outcome of this collaboration is an authoritative
                                          report which describes the scale, timing and location
                                                                                                      We live in uncertain times. This year Australia has
                                                                                                      lived through one of the worst bushfire seasons in

          the 2020 Queensland Major       of all major engineering projects being considered or
                                          developed in Queensland.
                                                                                                      living memory. While some may question whether the
                                                                                                      bushfires are linked to climate change, the evidence
                                                                                                      that climate change is real cannot be ignored as

          Projects Pipeline Report
                                          For 2020 we have moved away from printing the               our report cover graphically illustrates. Combined
                                          large static report and placed greater emphasis on          with accelerated biodiversity loss, increased natural
                                          digital. All your detailed information and in-depth         disasters, infectious diseases, the water crisis,
                                          analysis can be found at our dedicated website –            geopolitical tensions and technological changes,

          to you – an initiative of the   qldmpp.com.au – where, for the first time, you will
                                          also be able to search and sort data in the pipeline
                                          project listing.
                                                                                                      the long-term global outlook is hard to predict.

                                                                                                      For these reasons sustainability and resilience are

          Queensland Major Contractors    In another first, we will issue two updates to the
                                          report during 2020. In June we will provide an update
                                                                                                      key themes in the report. As well as our traditional
                                                                                                      focus on the economic sustainability of the industry,
                                                                                                      we also explore issues related to environmental

          Association (QMCA) and the      addressing projects advanced in both the State and
                                          Federal budgets and another update addressing the
                                          State election in October.
                                                                                                      sustainability such as the need for action to make
                                                                                                      Queensland’s existing infrastructure more resilient to
                                                                                                      natural disasters, what new infrastructure is required

          Infrastructure Association of   The Queensland Major Projects Pipeline Report
                                          (QMPPR) 2020 presents mixed news for the major
                                                                                                      to combat the effects of climate change and what we
                                                                                                      can all do to address the causes and impacts of
                                                                                                      climate change.

          Queensland (IAQ).
                                          projects industry. At just over $50b, the five-year
                                          pipeline is larger than in 2019. However, this is due       Sincere thanks go to our partner BIS Oxford
                                          to the addition of $9.4b in unfunded works, mainly          Economics for their expert guidance, compilation
                                          backed by the private resources sector. The public          of the project listings and the detailed independent
                                          sector continues to do the heavy lifting.                   analysis that underpins the report. We also would like
                                                                                                      to thank our report sponsors whose support enables
                                          Globally, the pressure on governments to build more         us to provide such in-depth analysis.
                                          and more infrastructure and deliver services keeps
                                          growing without a sufficient income base. Queensland
                                          is one of Australia’s largest states and with its growing
                                          and dispersed population, feels this burden acutely.
                                          Public spending is under pressure from competing
                                          needs with ever increasing community needs for
                                          spend on health and education as well connecting
                                          infrastructure in transport, water, energy and digital.

                                          Queensland needs to secure more financing without
                                          placing an unsustainable burden on public borrowing
                                          or taxation. Increasing private sector spend on
                                          economic enabling public infrastructure is crucial
                                          to increase sustainability and maintain liveability.
                                                                                                      Jon Davies                   Priscilla Radice
                                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer      Chief Executive Officer
                                          The south east Queensland (SEQ) City Deal and a
                                          successful bid for the 2032 Olympics would be great
                                          catalysts to lift business confidence and attract more
                                          private funds.

ii | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                            QLDMPP.COM.AU | 1
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
Queensland Major Projects
Pipeline Report 2020 is a joint
initiative of QMCA and IAQ.

The creation of this report
is supported by BIS Oxford
Economics and Struber.

Visit the website for the         WELCOME

full report, including an          4
interactive database of the       Introduction and
projects in the pipeline.         overview

qldmpp.com.au                     THE OUTLOOK

                                   6                        20                         24
                                  Pipeline outlook          Regional outlook           Construction outlook
                                  – risks, challenges and   – substantial disparity    – productivity, capacity
                                  opportunities             and mixed fortunes         and capability

Online you will find the
detailed analysis:                12                        18
Executive summary
Interactive project list          Environmental             Financial sustainability
State pipeline outlook
Regional pipeline outlook         sustainability            – advocating for a
Sustainability insights
Economic summary
                                  – a visceral issue for    healthy pipeline
Construction outlook              Australians

                                  ECONOMY                                              PROJECT LIST

Supported by                      28                                                   Interactive project list
                                                                                       – visit qldmpp.com.au
                                  – the risks and

2 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                     QLDMPP.COM.AU | 3
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
This pipeline report
gathers data from
222 projects, each                                                       28
                                                                                                                 her reso

                                                                                                                                                       Ro                        72
with a value of                                                                                           l



                                                                              Pipelines Telecom
$50m+, organised


                                                                                  Oil and gas
                                                                                                                      projects in
into 11 sectors.                                               2                                                     the pipeline

                                                                                       c tr

                                                                                           i ci



                                                                                                                                               rs   /P
Distribution of the project pipeline
                                                                    28                                  Se
                                                                                                                                   H  a r b ou
                                                                                                                   rag                      ce
by sector.                                                                                                             e
                                                                                                                                   D e fe n                                     17

The long standing Queensland                                                                        9                                                          10
Major Projects Pipeline Report                                                                                             21              6
(QMPPR) is developed by the
Queensland Major Contractors
Association (QMCA) and the
Infrastructure Association of
Queensland (IAQ).                                     The list includes all engineering construction projects                   In June we will provide an update addressing
                                                      in excess of $50m. It was developed by BIS Oxford                         projects advanced in both the State and Federal
The QMPPR has become the barometer of current         Economics with QMCA and IAQ member input                                  budgets and another update addressing the State
and future major project activity, and construction   throughout November 2019 to January 2020.                                 election in October.
industry conditions in Queensland. The online
report provides a comprehensive list of major         A complete list of major projects has been                                To see the report in its complete detail and use the
infrastructure projects and an analysis on the        considered for this analysis (and is available online                     interactive project list, visit qldmpp.com.au.
corresponding level of construction activity based    at qldmpp.com.au) including explicit assumptions
on both the completion of existing projects and the   of work done for each project.
likelihood of potential projects proceeding.

4 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                    QLDMPP.COM.AU | 5
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
Pipeline outlook                                                                                                                                                                                            Unfunded
– risks, challenges                                                                                         $2b
                                                                                                                                   $8b                                                                      Unlikely
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Projects considered not to occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in the next five years, even if

and opportunities
                                                                                                                        POSED   ANNOU                                                                       announced. There are $4.6b in
                                                                                                                Y PRO                 NCED
                                                                                                                                                                $2                                          unlikely projects in the pipeline.

                                                                                                                13                                                .9b
                                                                                   $2                                            41
                                                                                               E                                                               PR
                                                                                            TIV                                                                  OC
                                                                                          EC                                                                       UR
                                                                                       OS                                                                             EM
                                                                                     PR                                                                                 EN                                  Projects considered likely to occur
                                                                                                                                                                                                            over the next five years but not

                                                                                                                                                                                                            yet formally proposed. There are
                                                                                                                                                                                                            $7.5b in prospective projects in


                                                                                                                                                                                                            the pipeline.

                                                                                                    $5.4b                              $19.8b



                                                                                                                                                                                                            Credibly Proposed



                                                                                                     Unfunded                                Funded

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Projects that are supported by

                                                                                                                                                                                                            governments and/or the private
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sector but still in prefeasibility/

                                                                                                                                                                                                Valu tity
                                                         Quan e

                                                                                                                                                                                                            business case mode and therefore
                                                                                                                                                                                                            do not have funding committed.


Public and private pipelines distributed                                                                                                                                                                    There are $11b in credibly
by stage in funding lifecycle.                                                                                                                                                                              proposed projects in the pipeline.

There is $50.6b in total major                                                                                                                                                                              Funded

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quan e
                                                         Valu tity

project work in the pipeline



between 2019/20 and 2023/24
inclusive. This is comprised                                                                                                                                                                                Announced
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Projects which have funding
of $27.4b in funded work and

                                                                                                    $17.8b                               $7.6b                                                              support but have not yet entered

$23.2b in unfunded work.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            the procurement stage (as at

                                                                       L IK

                                                                                                                                                                                                            January 2020). There are $9.5b


                                                                                                    Unfunded                                 Funded



                                                                                                                                                                                                            in announced projects in the

Maintaining a growing pipeline of major project



work requires shifting currently unfunded projects

into the funded category, as well as growing the                                             18                                                                            T
value of the pipeline overall. While the most likely                                                                                                                     EN
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Under Procurement
scenario for major project work excludes “unlikely”
                                                                                         PE                                                                         CU
                                                                                                                                                               RO                                           Projects in a procurement
                                                                                                                                                                    .0 3
projects, these are included to show their potential                             $4                             18                                    UN
                                                                                                                                                                                                            stage but have not yet started
impact on major project work, particularly later in                                 .7                                             6                            $                                           construction (as at January 2020).
the forecast.                                                                            b               CRE
                                                                                                                Y PRO
                                                                                                                     POSED      ANNOU
                                                                                                                                     NCED                                                                   There are $3.2b in projects under
                                                                                                                                                                                                            procurement in the pipeline.
The analysis is based on a considered view of both
funded and unfunded projects. The funded forecast
                                                                                                                                 $1. 5 b
view is similar to a “worst case scenario” outlook,
                                                                                                          $9b                                                                                               Under Construction
should international developments or public sector                                                                                                                                                          Projects under construction or
finances deteriorate significantly, or the combination                                                                                                                                                      completed in 2019/20. There are
of threats to the Queensland construction industry                                                                                                                                                          $14.7b in projects currently under
remain unaddressed.                                                                                                                                                                                         construction in the pipeline.

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QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020


                                                                       Credibly proposed
                                                                                                                                                                            Public pipeline

$10b                                                                                                                                                                             $5.4b
                                                                                                                                                                                      $17.8b         $7.6b
 $4b                                                                                                                                                                                 Unfunded       Funded


       FY13       FY14       FY15      FY16   FY17   FY18    FY19     FY20       FY21      FY22    FY23     FY24
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Private pipeline
ABOVE                                                                                                                    RIGHT
Distribution of funded to unfunded projects                                                                              While totals for public and private outlooks
over the next five years.                                                                                                are similar, much of the private pipeline
                                                                                                                         remains unfunded.

The total size of the pipeline has                          increase in unfunded work since last year, however
                                                            72% of the increase in unfunded work ($6.7b) is
                                                                                                                         This year the strong disconnect                          The number and sheer size of unfunded private
                                                                                                                                                                                  sector-backed projects in the pipeline means this
increased significantly by the                              from the resources and heavy industry sector, and            between public and private                               situation can turn quickly. But for now, the public
                                                            includes major additions to the pipeline across coal,                                                                 sector is being asked to do more of the ‘heavy lifting’
addition of $9.4b in unfunded                               gas and minerals projects. Consequently, the large           investment is becoming more                              to maintain the stability of the funded pipeline. As
work. Funding some of these                                 increase in resources-related unfunded work also             pronounced.                                              global economic conditions improve through the
                                                            impacts heavily on the unfunded pipeline and outlook                                                                  2020s (barring further shocks), it can be expected that
projects could see funded work                              volatility for key resources regions including Mackay-       Private sector funding is a persistent weak point in     some of the currently unfunded resources projects
rise back above 2018/19 levels –                            Isaac and Outback.                                           the pipeline. Last year, the value of funded private     will proceed. This highlights the critical importance
                                                                                                                                                                                  of finding ways to attract private sector dollars into
                                                                                                                         sector work was $8.3b, compared to $7.6b in this
and potentially much higher.                                The strong increase in unfunded resources-related            report. More worryingly, the value of privately          public infrastructure in Queensland and gaining
                                                            works points to work done in previous years to bring         funded work announced or under procurement               community acceptance.
With greater visibility on upcoming projects, the total     projects to feasibility stages. However, the uncertain       has nearly halved from $3.5b last year to just $1.8b
outlook for major projects has improved compared            outlook for global growth, commodities demand                this year.                                               The largest driver of engineering construction in
to the QMPPR 2019. The total activity forecast for          and prices continues to drive delays in investment                                                                    Queensland is publicly funded transport projects.
2022/23 is now $4.4b larger than the QMPPR 2019             decisions. While the lack of funding is concentrated                                                                  Only four of the unfunded publicly-backed projects
forecast, with the expansion in major project activity      heavily in resources and heavy industry, rail, roads         The split of public to private major                     are considered unlikely compared to 19 projects
to $12.9b by 2022/23. This is comprised of $5.2b in         and water projects see a similar decline in funding in       project activity is almost 50/50                         originated by the private sector. Much of this
funded work and $7.7b in unfunded work.                     the five-year pipeline. The major project construction                                                                difference lies with resources and heavy industry,
The previously forecast setback in the current              decline in the final year of the five-year pipeline is not   however nearly 80% of publicly-                          where return on investment is more volatile and
financial year has come to pass and activity in 2019/20     unusual because the infrastructure project funding                                                                    strongly tied to commodity prices and general
is expected to reach $6.6b. This is $391m lower than        horizon is closely tied to Government and large              backed major projects are funded                         economic conditions. The long term structural
2018/19 and $727m of this figure remains unfunded.          corporation budget cycles. The 2020 Pipeline reveals         compared to 30% for the private                          issues facing the thermal coal sector in particular
While this is significant, it is unlikely to be as severe   a number of challenges and risks, but there are also                                                                  puts a significant portion of the $8.7b unfunded
as previously predicted. The Australian Government’s        substantial opportunities and potential.                     sector.                                                  coal pipeline at risk. There are also a large number
$1.9b transport package announced in November                                                                                                                                     of unfunded privately-backed major projects in
2019 has expedited project timings and offset the                                                                                                                                 electricity.
decrease in funded projects in other sectors.
All segments except roads and bridges saw an

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QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
Changes in the pipeline between the 2019
and 2020 reports, separated by sector.


                                                        +$1.03b                                                                                   +$0.89b
+$0.58b                                                                                        +$0.71b
                                                                                                                                  +$0.13b                                              +$0.28b

     Roads and                                 Railways and                                   Non-water                                     Water and                                     Defence                         Resources and
        bridges      –$0.2b                      harbours                                     utilities                                     sewerage                      –$0.08b                                         heavy industry



The value of the funded pipeline                              Non-water utilities activity, comprising mostly
                                                              electricity and telecommunications work, is expected
is similar to last year's, but there                          to suffer the most. Major project activity declines      Port of Brisbane is building the new Brisbane
                                                              from $2b in work done in 2018/19 to just $56m in
are significant variations by                                 2023/24. This is a consequence of major project          International Cruise Terminal – a world-class facility
sector and some sectors simply                                completions, such as the National Broadband
                                                                                                                       that will transform cruising out of Brisbane.
                                                              Network (NBN), with no large replacements in the
lack projects to sustain growth.                              pipeline to compensate. It is also reflective of the
                                                              falling work done on renewable energy generation         For more information visit www.portbris.com.au/cruise
There is a growing volume of water and resources              projects since the 2018/19 peak. The considerable
project work in the pipeline, although much of it is                                                                   and follow Port of Brisbane on social media
                                                              policy uncertainty at the Australian Government
unfunded. Water and sewerage major project work               level is also likely contributing to the lower levels
rises from $488m in 2019/20 to $1.1b by 2022/23.              of investment.
Funded resources and heavy industry major work in
the pipeline has declined $800m since last year, but          It should be noted that this sector is typically more
the pipeline rises $3.6b by 2022/23. At their respective      volatile than sectors such as transport and, as such,
peaks, however, 67% of water and sewerage projects            the outlook can shift quickly if new projects emerge
(principally dams) and 62% of resources and heavy             or are funded. Given the positive outlook for new
industry projects remain unfunded.                            renewable generation requirements in Queensland
                                                              as part of Australian Energy Market Operator’s
The gas pipeline major project work is currently              (AEMO) Draft 2020 Integrated System Plan (ISP), it is
very weak – the completion of the North East Gas              likely that new projects will originate in this sector
Interconnector in 2017/18 has left a gap in activity.         in coming years. The Queensland Government has
The minimal construction remaining is mostly                  successfully led renewable energy investment, and
supported by the Roma East Gas Project and the                has recently called on the Australian Government to
Arrow Bowen Pipeline as part of the ongoing                   support more investment in renewable energy via the
development of the coal seam gas fields and LNG               Northern Australian Industry Fund. Exploring this
processing facilities in Queensland.                          concept has considerable merit.
                                                                                                                       DELIVERING FOR QUEENSLAND

                                                                                                                       $177 million                     245 jobs supported,            Around   450,000
10 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                     investment by Port of Brisbane   on average, during each year   passengers welcomed in the        QLDMPP.COM.AU | 11
                                                                                                                                                        of construction                2020/21 cruise season
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
– a visceral issue
for Australians

Queensland's mean temperature anomalies
from 1910 to 2019 have risen to 1.3° above

                                                      1910 | 0.51° below average

                                                                                                        2019 | 1.3° above average

Environmental sustainability
is a visceral issue for many
Australians, particularly with
recent disastrous bushfires
across eastern Australia and
crippling droughts and floods.
These events are highlighting the
risks and challenges associated
with ensuring environmental
From an infrastructure and major projects pipeline
perspective, our role includes:
• Acknowledging the risks and opportunities to the
   pipeline from anthropogenic (human-induced)
   climate change;
• Supporting structural adjustment policies and
   reskilling for new industries;
• Embedding impact design principles in new
   infrastructure, especially in coastal zones;
• Ensuring infrastructure is resilient to dangerous
   climate change impacts; and
• Taking steps to address root causes of
   anthropogenic climate change and minimising
   the carbon footprint of our industry.

12 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                 QLDMPP.COM.AU | 13
QMCA A joint initiative - Queensland Major Projects Pipeline 2020
Queenslanders are particularly                            Despite some uncertainty regarding the severity
                                                          of the temperature response to a given increase in
                                                                                                                   will reach 2C above pre-industrial levels or higher4,
                                                                                                                   with catastrophic consequences not just for the
                                                                                                                                                                           Importantly, Queenslanders are increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                           aware of the risks and challenges posed by climate
exposed to the impacts of global                          carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there is a general     environment but also the Queensland economy.            change and want action. Following the most recent
                                                          consensus by climate scientists that2:                                                                           Federal election in May 2019, the ABC/Vox Pop Labs
warming and climate change.                               • The earth’s climate has always changed over            By contrast, the most current drought and bushfires     Australia Talks National Survey6 revealed that 84%
                                                              timescales ranging from thousands of years to        have played out in the context of the current 1C        of Australians wanted at least some action on climate
The first step in addressing environmental                    millennia;                                           of warming above pre-industrial levels. Natural         change. 65% of Queenslanders said that climate
sustainability is recognising the climate is indeed       • Greenhouse gases from human activity are               disasters and extreme weather events such as            change was a problem personally and the single
changing due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in             warming the world (anthropogenic); and               heatwaves, droughts, fires, floods and cyclones         biggest issue keeping them up at night. Even in rural
the atmosphere.                                           • Effort is needed to reduce emissions and to adapt      are predicted by climate science to become more         and regional Queensland where employment in
                                                              to the changes that are likely to occur from the     frequent as warming moves towards 1.5C and 2C           coal and gas industries is most focused, there is only
Greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide,                   gases already in the atmosphere.                     (or higher). Warmer and more acidic seas are also       30% support for more coal as a source of energy,
methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and water vapour)                                                                    expected as the climate warms, affecting coastal and    with 72% and 56% supporting more solar and wind,
are relatively transparent to short-wave infrared         The Queensland economy is dependent on climate-          ocean ecosystems and increasing coral bleaching of      respectively, in the energy mix.
radiation (such as heat from the sun). This means that    sensitive industries such as tourism, agriculture and    the Great Barrier Reef. Rising sea levels have been
they allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere and heat      mining. The state is also more exposed to negative       estimated to impact on 27,000-35,000km of road and      Environmental sustainability provides Queensland
the Earth’s surface. These surfaces then re-radiate       impacts such as increased heatwaves, droughts, fires,    rail assets Australia-wide, with a net replacement      with a massive economic opportunity which is
that heat as long-wave infrared radiation, which          floods, cyclones and rising sea levels.                  value of $51-67b (in 2008 dollars)5.                    potentially far greater than the fossil fuel industry.
greenhouse gases tend to absorb rather than transmit.
The result is that the long-wave infrared radiation is
‘trapped’ and heat accumulates in the atmosphere          Over 60% of the total economic cost                      Climate change is happening and
causing a warming process. This process is known
as the ‘greenhouse’ effect because it is similar to the   of climate-related disasters over                        Queensland is already experiencing
effect that glass has, trapping heat in a greenhouse1.    the decade to 2016 was focused in                        its negative impacts.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and the increase       Queensland. 3                                            These negative impacts will only increase in coming
in the burning of carbon-based fossil fuels (including                                                             decades, even if global carbon emissions were to fall
coal and gas) and increased deforestation since the       Unfortunately, even in an extreme scenario where         steeply. This means that resilience, adaptation and
Industrial Revolution is leading to higher rates of       all human-induced carbon emissions were to cease         climate mitigation strategies need to be employed
global warming as a result of more carbon being           immediately, many decades of high anthropogenic          simultaneously. Resilience and adaptation strategies
concentrated in the atmosphere.                           carbon emissions has already locked in some              will need to take into account the current and
                                                          amount of global warming. Most climate science           potential impacts of warming, but carbon emissions
                                                          now recognises that a best case scenario may be to       reduction will be necessary to keep warming
                                                          limit global warming to just 1.5C above pre-industrial   contained and minimise the costs associated with
                                                          levels. Given slow global action on mitigating carbon    adaptation.
                                                          emissions, it is now more likely that global warming

14 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                  QLDMPP.COM.AU | 15
Resilience and adaptation                                 Optimising the use of less carbon-                        Environmental sustainability provides
strategies will become an                                 intensive materials is likely to be an                    Queensland with a massive economic
increasing part of the major                              important way of cutting embedded                         opportunity which is potentially far greater
projects industry, allowing the                           carbon in new infrastructure.                             than the fossil fuel industry. Supporting
industry to lead and contribute                           International studies indicate that up to half of all     the global effort to reduce emissions will
to better outcomes.                                       CO2 emissions in the construction industry are from       benefit very important industry sectors
                                                          cement production, both in the manufacturing
Fundamentally higher levels of spending on                process and as a by-product of the chemical               to Queensland – tourism and agriculture
infrastructure will likely be required, and this may      reactions8. However, a significant proportion (up to
                                                          43%) of these emissions are re-absorbed as cement
                                                                                                                    – which are highly susceptible to climate
drive a bigger major projects pipeline over time.
The billions spent on desalination and recycled           ages and weathers over time in a process called           change impacts.
water in Queensland (and other states) during the         carbonation9. This illustrates the importance of
millennium drought is one example of how expensive        looking at the full lifecycle of construction materials
adaptation is, and how it impacts the major project       in determining their carbon emissions intensity. Even
industry. In general, given the very long life required   so, low-carbon cements are available which are less
of new infrastructure (typically up to 100 years), and
the uncertainty of how far climate change will go
                                                          energy-intensive to produce as they often include
                                                          magnesia, enabling the absorption of carbon dioxide         1                                       2                                      3
(depending on the success or otherwise of mitigation      during curing. Other 'sustainable' materials such
strategies), infrastructure planners and builders         as timber, straw and compressed earth have lower          Queensland can leverage from            Queensland is already the national     The development of more
will need to embed significant resilience principles      carbon footprints than cement, as well as absorbing       its own natural and comparative         leader in terms of installing new      economic ‘green’ hydrogen
into new infrastructure design, as well as adapting       CO2 while growing.                                        advantages to build new industries      renewable energy generation,           production processes which utilise
existing infrastructure to withstand potentially severe                                                             that will help drive down               particularly solar, and Australia is   renewable energy also offers
climate change impacts.                                   Apart from choice of materials, increasing industry       carbon emissions. This includes         outpacing the world in renewable       considerable opportunity for new
                                                          productivity through new technologies and by              Queensland's world leading              energy generation installation         Queensland jobs and exports. In
Apart from contributing to broader economy-wide           implementing strategies and policies that result in       solar resources and access to           per capita. This illustrates how       2019, the Queensland Government
CO2 emissions reduction targets, the construction         less re-working and waste is also likely to lead to       “next generation” commodities           quickly a fossil fuel-dominated        released a 2019-2024 Hydrogen
industry can also target reductions in its own carbon     the strongest reductions in emissions over time.          including copper, lead, zinc, silver,   industry can transition to cleaner     Industry Strategy with a vision of
footprint as an environmental sustainability goal.        With productivity falling 30% over the past five years    phosphate and rare earths.              renewable energy sources given         making Queensland the leader for
Carbon emissions from the Australian construction         at the national level10, a large potential benefit in                                             the right incentives. While            Australian hydrogen production
industry are estimated to represent around 18%            terms of CO2 emissions could be realised if previous                                              the Queensland Government              by 203011. This followed CSIRO’s
of all emissions, with energy and materials key           productivity performance is restored. Consequently,                                               maintains a 50% renewable              successful demonstration of
contributors7. CO2 is generated throughout the            achieving productivity goals not only assists with                                                energy target, the end of the          their world-first technology for
entire construction process including extraction,         reducing costs of projects and avoiding capacity                                                  Australian Government's 2020           refuelling fuel cell electric vehicles
manufacturing, transportation, construction,              and capability constraints, but can also be a strong                                              renewable energy target and            (FCEVs) from ammonia at the
maintenance and disposal.                                 weapon in the fight against climate change.                                                       lack of a replacement target is –      Queensland Centre for Advanced
                                                                                                                                                            alongside transmission challenges      Technologies.
There are a range of strategies which the Australian      Embracing circular economy                                                                        – negatively impacting the pace
construction industry can employ to reduce carbon                                                                                                           of new renewable installations
emissions, such as increased use of sustainable           principles would provide the industry a                                                           in Queensland.
materials, reduced waste, increased recycling,
reduced transport requirements, utilising less carbon-    common platform for reform.
intensive transport, reduced on-site generators by
establishing grid connections and utilising spatial
technologies to minimise idling and distance travelled
by construction equipment.

16 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                      QLDMPP.COM.AU | 17
Financial                                                                                                               An action plan
                                                                                                                        for financial
sustainability                                                                                                          sustainability
– advocating for a
healthy pipeline                                                                                                        Completing these actions will
                                                                                                                        see Queensland's project pipeline
                                                                                                                        become robust and resilient.

                                                                                                                          1                                    2                                    3
Since its inception, the QMPPR                              There have been improvements ensuring the budget
                                                            allocations are spent on infrastructure as planned,
                                                                                                                        Governments continue to              Australian and State                 Government and industry to work
                                                                                                                        seek collaborative, long term        Governments to include               with community to implement
has not just reported on the                                a greater willingness to utilise cheap debt to finance      value approaches to tendering        resilience and adaptation work in    diversification strategies to
                                                            productive infrastructure investment (helping to
outlook for major project activity                          smooth the path of investment despite economic
                                                                                                                        and procurement to achieve           infrastructure audits and develop    enable a positive transition for
                                                                                                                        sustainable industry outcomes.       a list of at risk infrastructure.    regional economies currently
but has also been a strong                                  volatility), as well as steps to develop a new SEQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                  dependent on fossil fuel
                                                            City Deal.
advocate for the long term                                                                                                                                                                        industries.
sustainability of the pipeline                              The formation of the Infrastructure Industry Steering
                                                            Committee (IISC) has resulted in discussions taking
and the broader industry.                                   place between Government and Industry focused on

Sustainability can be considered in many contexts:
                                                            increasing collaboration in areas such as pipeline of
                                                            work, procurement, project delivery, management of
                                                                                                                          4                                    5                                    6
• Ensuring sustainable levels of infrastructure             project risk and supporting design and innovation.          Industry takes a leading role        The Queensland Government            Government and industry to
   investment to meet projected needs;                      However, these discussions are still yet to result in the   engaging with Queensland             to trial use of lean construction    develop a suite of policies to
• Sustainability of funding and finance for                 development of clear and quantifiable infrastructure        communities to achieve a greater     methodology on new projects          reduce the carbon footprint
   infrastructure projects;                                 investment metrics and targets, or reforming
                                                                                                                        understanding of the sustainable     and work with industry to            of the construction industry
• A financially sustainable industry that can               procurement and contracting relationships to reduce
   continue to efficiently deliver long-lived               costs, boost productivity, and target long term value
                                                                                                                        ways to fund and finance our         provide necessary certainty for      in Queensland.
   infrastructure projects; and                             and quality infrastructure instead of minimising up         growing infrastructure needs,        investment in other productivity
• A visibly funded pipeline that enables the                front capital cost.                                         with the aim to increase private     improving tools and processes.
   industry to invest in training and innovation that                                                                   sector investment in traditionally
   will improve productivity.                               There is also little progress on key policy reforms         public sector infrastructure.
                                                            and initiatives that will help sustain infrastructure
Many of the challenges associated with financial            investment and its efficient funding and delivery
sustainability have been addressed in previous              over the long term, including moving away from
QMPPRs. Progress on meeting QMPPR's                         inefficient, pro-cyclical funding and financing               7                                    8                                    9
recommendations in Queensland has been mixed.               streams, effective encouragement of private
                                                            investment (which in funded terms, remains very             Governments to partner with          Australian and State governments     Government and industry to
This year’s QMPPR shows an increase in the value of         low in the current QMPPR) and leveraging from other         industry to provide funding for      to have consistent plans to reduce   focus on asset management and
the pipeline, with the public sector committing more        financing and funding models, such as those used            further research into the impacts    carbon emissions in the spirit of    take-up of technology to improve
funding to a range of projects – in turn, this is helping   successfully in New South Wales and Victoria.               of climate change on the built       the Paris Agreement.                 productivity outcomes.
to reduce the projected downturn in major project                                                                       environment.
work in 2019/20 that was forecast in last year’s report.

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Regional outlook
– substantial
disparity and                                               $0.3b | Outback

mixed fortunes

                                                                   $0.8b | Cairns
Heat map of funded major project work in
Queensland's regions.                                                $1.7b | Townsville

                                                                              $2.9b | Mackay – Isaac
                                                                                                           Note | Does not include
                                                                                                           multi-regional projects
The overall Queensland outlook
has improved since the previous
year’s QMPPR, however, there                                                         $3.06b | Fitzroy
continues to be substantial
disparity between different                                                               $1b | Wide Bay
regions in terms of activity size,
growth and funding volatility.
Around 40% of all funded work in the pipeline is
focused in south east Queensland with Greater                                               $1.6b | Sunshine Coast
Brisbane expected to see the highest levels of work.
Meanwhile, more of the riskier, unfunded projects lie                                       $7.2b | Greater Brisbane
in the central, northern and western regions of the state
where investment in resources, large water projects
(such as dams) and electricity generation projects are                                      $1.1b | Gold Coast
more prominent, however typically unfunded.
                                                                                       $3.5b | Ipswich, Toowoomba, and Logan
                                                                    $3.5b | Darling Downs – Maranoa

20 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                               QLDMPP.COM.AU | 21
Greater Brisbane                        Gold Coast                               Sunshine Coast                           Outback                               Townsville                             Wide Bay
The Greater Brisbane region has         Queensland's fastest growing             With strong population growth            The outback region has the lowest     Funded activity in the Townsville      While a large proportion
a strong 99% funded pipeline with       population will benefit greatly          and increasing tourism, the              ratio of funded to unfunded           region is more diverse than other      (63%) of work is unfunded,
major project work expected to          from publicly funded transport           Sunshine Coast will mostly benefit       major project work with 94% of        regions. Currently funded work is      this year's pipeline represents an
average $1.4b per annum.                infrastructure over the five-year        later in the pipeline from funded        activity in the pipeline currently    peaking in 2019/20 ($589m) before      improvement in funded transport
                                        pipeline with funded major project       transport projects with an average       unfunded and more than 50% of         a sharp fall in following years        infrastructure with an average
Total pipeline value | $7.3b            activity averaging $212m per             spend of $314m per annum.                this considered unlikely.             with 53% of the pipeline currently     spend of $192m per annum.
Percent unfunded | 1%                   annum.                                                                                                                  unfunded.
Sector Driving Growth                                                            Total pipeline value | $1.6b             Total pipeline value | $5.2b                                                 Total pipeline value | $2.6b
Roads                                   Total pipeline value | $1.8b             Percent unfunded | 0%                    Percent unfunded | 94%                Total pipeline value | $3.6b           Percent unfunded | 63%
Rail                                    Percent unfunded | 42%                   Sector Driving Growth                    Sectors Driving Growth                Percent unfunded | 53%                 Sectors Driving Growth
                                        Sector Driving Growth                    Roads                                    Roads                                 Sectors Driving Growth                 Water
                                        Roads                                    Rail                                     Renewables                            Water                                  Roads
                                        Rail                                     Airport                                                                        Roads
                                +253%                                                                                                                           Defence

                                                    +171%                                                                                                      +168%

                                                                                                                                             +47%                                                    +46%
                                                                         +16%              Darling Downs
                                                                                            – Maranoa           Fitzroy   Outback                                                                                        QLD average

          Greater Brisbane     Gold Coast        Sunshine Coast           Ipswich                                                           Townsville         Wide Bay            Cairns            Mackay                –0.5%
                                                                       – Toowoomba            –12%                                                                                                   – Isaac
                                                                          – Logan


Ipswich, Toowoomba,                     Darling Downs –                          Fitzroy                                  Cairns                                Mackay – Isaac                         ABOVE
Logan and Beaudesert                    Maranoa                                  Fitroy's outlook goes against most       Funded activity in Cairns             Funded work is expected to peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Expected growth by region in funded
                                                                                                                                                                                                       major project work over the next five years
                                                                                 regional trends – major project          depends entirely on transport         at $1.1b in 2020/21 supported by       – compared to QMPPR 2019.
The outlook has substantially           This region has the most improved        work is expected to continue to fall     infrastructure. Diversity could be    large resource and renewable
improved in the final three years       outlook since last year's report,        over the pipeline, yet it currently      introduced to the major project       projects. Mackay-Isaac has the
of the pipeline, almost completely      with $3.4b and $2.7b in funded           has the highest level of funded          mix if unfunded projects in water     largest unfunded major project
driven by the $3.2b Inland Rail         and unfunded activity respectively,      work in the pipeline ($1.04b) but        and renewables were to go ahead.      activity of any region ($7.2b) and
Project which could trigger other       supported substantially in the           the average per annum sits at                                                  currently has no funded projects
investment, especially in logistics.    latter years by the $3.2b Inland         almost half that ($605m).                                                      in 2023/24.
                                                                                                                          Total pipeline value | $1.1b
                                        Rail Project.
                                                                                                                          Percent unfunded | 30%
Total pipeline value | $5.3b                                                     Total pipeline value | $4.5b                                                   Total pipeline value | $10.2b
                                        Total pipeline value | $6.2b                                                      Sectors Driving Growth
Percent unfunded | 34%                                                           Percent unfunded | 32%                                                         Percent unfunded | 71%
Sectors Driving Growth                  Percent unfunded | 44%
                                                                                 Sector Driving Growth                    Rail                                  Sector Driving Growth
Roads                                   Sector Driving Growth                    Defence                                  Harbours                              Coal
Rail                                    Resources                                Roads                                                                          Rail
Water                                   Rail                                     Coal
                                        Renewables                               Renewables

22 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                            QLDMPP.COM.AU | 23
Construction outlook
– productivity, capacity
and capability
                                                                                                                                                                                            Productivity trends













Queensland construction activity                             BELOW
                                                                                                                                              Queensland construction labour
                                                                                                                                              productivity has seen minute
                                                                                                                                                                                        1   A possible understatement
                                                                                                                                                                                            of employment growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2      The heavy usage of offshore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  fabrication for construction
reached record-high levels in                                Queensland's peak construction activity
                                                             was in 2013/14 and is forecast to be building
                                                                                                                                              historical growth, with 2018/19               in the industry between               products in the peak period
                                                                                                                                              productivity returning to levels              2009 and 2013 due to                  had less intensive labour
2013/14 with $68.7b in work done                             again, though not necessarily to the same
                                                             heights.                                                                         seen in the early 2000s. The figure           a misclassification of                force requirements while
(driven by exceptional resources                                                                                                              above provides a time-series of               construction workers                  generating substantial boosts
                                                                                                                                              construction labour productivity              as mining workers.                    in the Construction Gross
investment), a figure yet to be                                                                                                               since 1997/98, highlighting the                                                     Value Added (i.e. the output
surpassed by any other state.12                                                                                                               lack of growth in the 20-year
                                                                                                                                              time span, both nationally and in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the domestic construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  industry in Queensland, as
Construction had begun to build-up from 2000/01 and                                                                                           Queensland.                                                                         opposed to “work done”).
work done underwent twelve years of consecutive
growth – besides a small dip in 2009/10 – to reach the                                                                                        It seems likely that there has
peak in activity. The volatile and cyclical nature of                                                                                         been little structural change in
                                                                                                             $68b | 2013/14
resources activity is a factor which continues to play                                                                                        construction labour productivity
a significant role in determining future construction                                                                                         in the past two decades, and the
                                                                                                                     $54b | 2024/25           peak in productivity during the
outcomes for Queensland.
                                                                                                                                              second phase of the resources
The construction peak in 2013/14 was also experienced                                                                                         boom can instead be attributed
in Western Australia, similarly benefiting from the                                                                                           to two things:
resources investment boom, and both resource rich
states have experienced sharp declines in the years
following. Queensland work completed fell by a
cumulative 43.1% in 2014/15 and 2015/16, the decline
driven by the sequential completion of multi-billion        $19b | 1993/94
dollar LNG projects and a beyond-uninspiring thermal
coal market.

24 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                                             QLDMPP.COM.AU | 25
21%                                 50–200m                                  4%
                                                                                                                        A key risk for the major projects industry in            While there are many causes of cost overruns,
                                                                                                                        Queensland is that growth in work done in the            including suboptimal approaches to procurement
                                                                                                                        pipeline in coming years will be increasingly            and managing risks, separate studies by BIS Oxford
                                                                                                                        competing for skills and materials from other projects   Economics for road and rail sectors indicate that
                                                                                                                        – both within and outside the construction industry      there remains a national shortage of key skills to
                                                                                                                        – presenting capacity and capability risks to project    deliver all transport megaprojects as mapped out by
                                                                                                                        timings and costs. Already, major projects in other      the Australian and State Governments, particularly
                21%                                200–500m                                      16%                    states, such as Sydney Metro and Sydney Light Rail       from 2021/22 as total construction activity lifts13 14.
                                                                                                                        have seen a significant overrun in costs, while many     Consequently, it remains likely that projects in
                                                                                                                        projects across road and rail in Victoria and New        the QMPPR may be delayed, or be delivered at a
                                                                                                                        South Wales have also been delayed.                      higher cost, than reported here. The result may be a
                                                                                                                                                                                 smoother, less cyclical, pipeline (and higher delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                 costs) as a consequence of market necessity rather
                                                                                                                        Cost overruns represent a ‘double                        than via an effective industry plan.
                                                                                                                        whammy’ for the construction industry
                20%                                 500m–1b                                      15%                    – not only does it affect industry
                                                                                                                        productivity, but it absorbs funds that
                                                                                                                        otherwise could have been earmarked
                                                                                                                        for other projects.

          37%                                              1b+                                                 63%


                                                                                       2023/24                           A new freight future
                                                                                                                         for Australia.
Megaprojects are becoming more common

                                                                                                                         7,200 jobs
over the next five years.

Much of major project work                                   Industry capacity and capability risks remain in the

remains concentrated in
                                                             transport megaproject space, given the strong phase
                                                             of megaproject activity nationally. Overall declining
                                                             levels of major project activity indicates industry
                                                                                                                         for Queensland.
‘megaprojects’ over $1b                                      has the capacity and capability to take on new work,
in value posing risks to capacity                            although some sectors (e.g. rail) may experience
                                                             constraints earlier than others. A strong upswing in
and capability.                                              resources-related activity – if it does take hold – also
                                                             presents capacity and capability risks for regional         Inland Rail will transform how we
                                                             Queensland.                                                 move goods around Australia and
In 2018/19, around 21% of major project work was on
projects valued between $50-200m. By 2023/24, this                                                                       generate new economic opportunities
falls to just 4%, with 63% of all major project activity                                                                 for our regions.
based on projects worth over $1b. The falling share of
$50-200m projects is a cause for concern considering                                                                     Spanning 1,700km from Melbourne
that these projects tend to support a large number of                                                                    to Brisbane, this fast freight backbone
highly competitive construction contractors which                                                                        will connect all of Australia – north,
form the backbone for the industry.
                                                                                                                         south, east and west.

                                                                                                                         Learn more about Inland Rail                                                                   The Australian Government is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        delivering Inland Rail through the

26 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                       inlandrail.com.au                                                                              Australian Rail Track Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (ARTC), in partnership with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          QLDMPP.COM.AU               the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | 27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        private sector.

Economy                                                                                                          Coronavirus and pandemics
                                                                                                                 The 2020 World Economic Forum Global Risks
                                                                                                                 Report15 identifies a range of factors which could
                                                                                                                                                                            For Australia, the earliest and most significant
                                                                                                                                                                            impacts on growth are expected to come through

– the risks and                                                                                                  impact negatively on the global economy over the
                                                                                                                 coming decade. These include climate change and
                                                                                                                 accelerated biodiversity loss, increasingly nationalist
                                                                                                                 and unilateralist geopolitics, economic inequality and
                                                                                                                                                                            trade services. In 2019, almost 1.5 million Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                            people visited Australia, including approximately
                                                                                                                                                                            165,000 students in our universities and colleges.
                                                                                                                                                                            This market is at risk from China's suspension of

                                                                                                                 stagnation, and health systems under pressure from         outbound group tours for two months, decisions
                                                                                                                 rising pandemic risks.                                     in Australia to cancel flights to and from China
                                                                                                                                                                            and tougher travel restrictions introduced by the
                                                                                                                 The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which                 Australian Government. However, the virus epicenter
                                                                                                                 originated in China in late 2019, introduces a             of Wuhan is a significant manufacturing hub which
                                                                                                                 significant risk to Australian and global economies.       means the longer strict virus countermeasures are
                                                                                                                 Given the direct impact on production and spending         in place, the greater the risk to industrial production
                                                                                                                 in China, BIS Oxford Economics has already revised         and manufacturing – supply chain and commodity
                                                                                                                 China’s economic growth in the first quarter of 2020       economies, such as Australia, are most likely to feel
                                                                                                                 down by more than 2 percentage points. Even if             these second-round impacts.
                                                                                                                 there is a rebound in the second quarter of 2020, total
                                                                                                                 growth for 2020 is now forecast to be closer to 5% for     The Queensland economy is particularly exposed to
                                                                                                                 2020, compared to 6.1% in 2019.                            the economic risk because it is Australia’s leading
                                                                                                                                                                            economy for tourism and is a key ‘resources
                                                                                                                 With the spread of COVID-19 outside of China, there        state’ that exports raw commodities for Chinese
                                                                                                                 is potential for a more serious and long-lasting global    manufacturing. Weaker growth will likely impact
                                                                                                                 impact. The sharp weakening in first quarter activity      on State Government revenues (through taxes and
                                                                                                                 in China is already applying pressure to the global        royalties) and financial position. In this situation,
                                                                                                                 economy, with fears that sharp sell-offs in financial      there is a risk that public sector funded capital
                                                                                                                 markets could expand into the real economy. A sharp        projects – such as those included in the major projects
                                                                                                                 contraction in global tourism and trade as COVID-19        pipeline – could be delayed or cancelled to preserve
                                                                                                                 spreads in Asia, Europe and the Americas during            the state’s financial position.
                                                                                                                 the first quarter is now likely. Longer term, China’s
                                                                                                                 substantial role in global supply chains will continue
                                                                                                                 to impact production in countries outside of China,
                                                                                                                 with Oxford Economics calling the first quarterly
                                                                                                                 decline in global GDP since the global financial crisis.

The outlook contained in this                         Queensland is also exposed to local, national and
                                                      global risks. The most obvious downside risk to            2020 Queensland State Election and
report is subject to significant                      Queensland’s economic outlook relates to a further
upside and downside risks. The                        weakening in the global economy beyond the                 Early State Budget
                                                      forecasts assumed in this report. Weaker than
cyclical nature of work projected                     expected global growth, impacting on trade and             Given the importance of the public sector in driving       Budget – it will be handed down on the 28 April
                                                      industrial demand, has the potential to impact             the major projects pipeline – whether through direct       2020 instead of in June, and before the Federal Budget
could increase and be further                         investment and production on Queensland resources          investment in transport and utilities infrastructure,      in May.
compounded by external factors.                       projects particularly, as well as affecting Queensland’s
                                                      exports of services such as tourism. In turn, weaker
                                                                                                                 or indirectly through policies designed to stimulate
                                                                                                                 private investment – election years tend to introduce      The early delivery of the Queensland State Budget
Queensland’s economy should improve in coming         export growth can potentially impact on state              an extra element of risk to the major projects outlook.    effectively compresses the timeframe for making
years, although the pace and magnitude of growth      government revenues from royalties and other taxes,        Politicking for the 2019 Federal election resulted in      strategic infrastructure decisions and project choices,
is subject to several significant risks. Queensland   affecting public spending.                                 some significant infrastructure ‘wins’ for Queensland      which are often made in partnership with the
is blessed with natural strengths and advantages:                                                                such as funding for Warrego, Lindesay, Carnavon            Australian Government.
increasing connections with the faster-growing        When considering Queensland's risks, it is worthwhile      and Bruce Highways upgrades, major milestones
economies of Asia, traditionally strong population    discussing the Queensland State Election and Early         for Inland Rail and over a billion dollars for projects    This may give rise to a misalignment between the
growth, and high-quality natural resources which      State Budget, 2020 SEQ City Deal, 2032 SEQ Olympic         through the Northern Australian Infrastructure Fund.       State and Federal Budgets or could enable greater
support mining, tourism and renewable energy          Bid and the growing impact of coronavirus and                                                                         transparency.
industries.                                           pandemics.                                                 The 2020 Queensland State Election, scheduled to be
                                                                                                                 held on 31 October 2020, will likely have a significant    The QMPPR will be updated after the delivery of the
                                                                                                                 impact on the pipeline as currently unfunded projects      2020/21 State and Federal Budgets in April and May
                                                                                                                 may be promised funding, and new projects may be           to ensure it remains up to date with the latest project
                                                                                                                 proposed. Already, the ‘election year’ is driving an       and policy developments.
                                                                                                                 earlier than usual delivery of the Queensland State

28 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                 QLDMPP.COM.AU | 29
City Deals
                                                                                                                                                                      SMARTER PARTNERSHIPS

An inked SEQ City Deal could provide a catalyst for       The Townsville City Deal unlocked funding for Stage
sustainable growth in infrastructure investment           2 of the Haughton Pipeline, subject to the outcomes
which could have upside potential for the current         of a business case assessment, as well as confirming
major projects pipeline. In March 2019, a Statement       funding for the Port of Townsville Channel Capacity                                                                                Bielby is proud to
of Intent towards an SEQ City Deal was signed in          Upgrade, establishment of the Townsville Industrial                                                                                support the 2020
Brisbane by the Council of SEQ Mayors (CoMSEQ),           Development Board and acceleration of the State
the Queensland Government, and the Australian             Development Area to explore opportunities for new
Government. With City Deal negotiations expected          industrial development, as well as confirming funding                                                                                Major Projects
to last 12-18 months, it is likely that some form of      for the preservation of the Townsville Eastern Access                                                                               Pipeline Report.
City Deal will be completed in 2020, making this          Railway Corridor.
the second such deal between the three tiers of
government in Queensland (the first being the             A SEQ City Deal could have a similar impact on
Townsville City Deal struck in 2016).                     confirming funding for significant transport and
                                                          utilities infrastructure in the region as well as
                                                          accelerating developments, particularly if a 2032
As highlighted in previous QMPPRs,                        SEQ Olympics bid is successful.                                                                                                                   Roads | Marine | Rail | Bridges | Resources | Renewables
the key benefit of a City Deal is                                                                                       ROADS • BRIDGES • RAIL • PIPELINES • DAMS • RENEWABLES                                                                    www.bielby.com.au

the collaborative platform they
provide between the three levels of
government and the private sector.

2032 SEQ Olympics Bid
In December 2019, the Queensland Government               The south east Queensland region, representing
announced it was considering a bid to host the            roughly two-thirds of the state’s population, is
2032 Olympic Games. A 2032 SEQ Olympics would             already expected to experience strong population                                                                                    Advancing analytical solutions
require significant capital expenditure on upgrading      growth and demand for transport services in coming                                                                                    to commercial problems.
or rebuilding venues and enhancing transport              decades. The SEQ Regional Strategic Transport Road
infrastructure in the SEQ region.                         Map developed by CoMSEQ in conjunction with the                                                                                            PRECISE ANALYSIS & PRAGMATIC ADVICE

                                                          Games Feasibility Study indicates that a winning bid
A 2016 study on costs and cost overruns at all Olympic    would require an accelerated (‘advanced’) scenario
Games between 1960 and 2016 has found that the            for transport projects including faster rail links
average cost has been US$5.2b and the average cost        between Brisbane and Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and
overrun has been 156% in real terms16. This makes         Ipswich and an upgrade to the Logan Motorway to be
the Olympics the highest average cost overrun of          delivered prior to the Games instead of in following                                                                                               www.iresolve.solutions
any type of megaproject. No city has run the Games        decades. This is on top of committed base investment
without a cost overrun since the Los Angeles Games        including Cross River Rail, Brisbane Metro, and
in 1984, while the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are currently      Pacific Motorway and Bruce Highway upgrades. Here,
expected to cost US$12.6b, up from a budget of
                                                          the establishment of the National Faster Rail Agency –
                                                          and a commitment to a Brisbane to Gold Coast faster
                                                                                                                                                                                             WE ALWAYS FIND A WAY
                                                          rail business case – in the 2019/20 Budget is a positive
                                                                                                                                                                                             TO DELIVER
In Queensland’s favour, hosting the
Commonwealth Games on the Gold                            There is still uncertainty as to whether Queensland
                                                                                                                                                                                             We successfully deliver
                                                          will bid and the timing of selection of the winning
Coast in 2018 has already established                     bid, which could occur anytime between 2021 and                                                                                    challenging projects for the
                                                          2025. On a more positive note, assuming the current                                                                                energy, infrastructure and
a significant portion of direct Games                     wave of rail infrastructure rolls out as planned, the                                                                              resources industries with a
infrastructure.                                           completion of very large metro and other rail projects                                                                             dedication to problem solving and
                                                          in Melbourne and Sydney could provide a legacy of                                                                                  getting the job done safely and
If Queensland were successful in bidding for the 2032     newly skilled labour to utilise on faster rail initiatives.                                                                        efficiently.
Olympics, it is expected that there would be a positive
impact on the major project pipeline, business
confidence and international reputation.                                                                                                                                                     ENGINEERING - CONSTRUCTION - COMMISSIONING

30 | QLDMPP.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                                         QLDMPP.COM.AU | 31
Visit | holcim.com.au

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  1   Climate Council of Australia (2019) Welcome to Queensland: Renewable one day, and          8   Rodgers, L. (2018) “Climate change: The massive CO2 emitter you may not know
      the next, and next, Will Steffen, Hilary Bambrick, Karen Hussey, Joelle Gergis, Greg           about”, BBC News, 17th December 2018. Accessed at: https://www.bbc.com/news/
      Bourne, Louis Brailsford and Annika Dean                                                       science-environment-46455844
  2   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2014) Climate Change 2014 Synthesis             9   Nogrady, B. (2016) “Concrete products reabsorb nearly half CO2 released in cement
      Report: Summary for Policymakers, Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)                                manufacture”, ABC News, 22nd November 2016. Accessed at: https://www.abc.net.au/
  3   Deloitte (2017) Building Resilience to Natural Disasters in our States and Territories.        news/science/2016-11-22/concrete-is-a-carbon-sink/8043174
      Accessed at: http:// australianbusinessroundtable.com.au/assets/documents/ ABR_            10 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019) Estimates of Multifactor Productivity 2018-19,
      building-resilience-in-our-states-and-territories.pdf                                         Cat. No. 5260.0.55.002
  4   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2018): Summary for Policymakers. In:            11 Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019-2024 (May 2019), State of Queensland,
      Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming              Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning.
      of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission            12 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019) Construction Work Done, Australia, Preliminary,
      pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate        Cat. No. 8755.0
      change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte,
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