PVG at WASSA 2021: A Multi-Input, Multi-Task, Transformer-Based Architecture for Empathy and Distress Prediction

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PVG at WASSA 2021: A Multi-Input, Multi-Task, Transformer-Based
                                                    Architecture for Empathy and Distress Prediction

                                                Atharva Kulkarni1 , Sunanda Somwase1 , Shivam Rajput1 , and Manisha Marathe2
                                            1, 2
                                                   Department of Computer Engineering, PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology,
                                                                  affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.
                                                {atharva.j.kulkarni1998, sunandasomwase, shivamraje43}@gmail.com
                                                                      mvm comp@pvgcoet.ac.in

                                                              Abstract                          the weak notion of the constructs themselves, and
                                                                                                inter-disciplinary dependencies have hindered the
                                            Active research pertaining to the affective phe-
                                            nomenon of empathy and distress is invalu-          progress. The WASSA 2021 Shared Task on Pre-
arXiv:2103.03296v1 [cs.CL] 4 Mar 2021

                                            able for improving human-machine interac-           dicting Empathy and Emotion in Reaction to News
                                            tion. Predicting intensities of such complex        Stories (Tafreshi et al., 2021) provides a quality,
                                            emotions from textual data is difficult, as these   gold-standard dataset of the empathic reactions to
                                            constructs are deeply rooted in the psycholog-      news stories to predict Batson’s empathic concern
                                            ical theory. Consequently, for better predic-       and personal distress scores.
                                            tion, it becomes imperative to take into ac-
                                                                                                   Empathy, as defined by Davis (1983), is consid-
                                            count ancillary factors such as the psychologi-
                                            cal test scores, demographic features, underly-     ered as “reactions of one individual to the observed
                                            ing latent primitive emotions, along with the       experiences of another.” It is more succinctly sum-
                                            text’s undertone and its psychological com-         marized by Levenson and Ruef (1992) in three key
                                            plexity. This paper proffers team PVG’s solu-       components, “(a) knowing what another person is
                                            tion to the WASSA 2021 Shared Task on Pre-          feeling (cognitive), (b) feeling what another person
                                            dicting Empathy and Emotion in Reaction to          is feeling (emotional), and (c) responding compas-
                                            News Stories. Leveraging the textual data, de-
                                                                                                sionately to another person’s distress (behavioral).”
                                            mographic features, psychological test score,
                                            and the intrinsic interdependencies of prim-
                                                                                                Distress, on the other hand, as delineated by Dowl-
                                            itive emotions and empathy, we propose a            ing (2018), is “a strong aversive and self-oriented
                                            multi-input, multi-task framework for the task      response to the suffering of others, accompanied
                                            of empathy score prediction. Here, the empa-        by the desire to withdraw from a situation in order
                                            thy score prediction is considered the primary      to protect oneself from excessive negative feelings.”
                                            task, while emotion and empathy classification      Empathy and distress are multifaceted interactional
                                            are considered secondary auxiliary tasks. For       processes that are not always self-evident and often
                                            the distress score prediction task, the system is
                                                                                                depend on the text’s undertone. Moreover, along
                                            further boosted by the addition of lexical fea-
                                            tures. Our submission ranked 1st based on the       with the textual data, multiple psychological and
                                            average correlation (0.545) as well as the dis-     demographic features also play a vital role in deter-
                                            tress correlation (0.574), and 2nd for the empa-    mining these complex emotions. Evidence by Fabi
                                            thy Pearson correlation (0.517).                    et al. (2019) suggests that empathy and distress
                                                                                                are not independent of the basic emotions (happi-
                                        1    Introduction
                                                                                                ness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger) the
                                        In recent years, substantial progress has been made     subject feels during a given scenario. This apposite-
                                        in the NLP domain, with sentiment analysis and          ness of the primitive emotions with empathy and
                                        emotion identification at its core. The advent of       distress can be aptly exploited using a multi-task
                                        attention-based models and complex deep learning        learning approach.
                                        architectures has led to substantial headways in sen-      Multi-task learning has led to successes in many
                                        timent/ emotion classification and their intensity      applications of NLP such as machine translation
                                        prediction. However, the studies addressing the         (McCann et al., 2017), speech recognition (Arık
                                        prediction of affective phenomenons of empathy          et al., 2017), representation learning (Hashimoto
                                        and distress have been relatively limited. Factors      et al., 2017), semantic parsing (Peng et al., 2017),
                                        such as lack of large-scale quality labeled datasets,   and information retrieval (Liu et al., 2015) to name
a few. NLP literature (Standley et al., 2020) sug-                  Dataset          Datapoints
gests that under specific circumstances and with                    Train            1860
well-crafted tasks, multi-task learning frameworks                  Development      270
can often aid models to achieve state-of-the-art                    Test             525
performances. Standley et al. (2020) further as-
serts that seemingly related tasks can often have                     Table 1: Data distribution.
similar underlying dynamics. With the same intu-
ition, Deep et al. (2020) designed a multi-task learn-
                                                         plated a computational approach for understanding
ing model for sentiment classification and their
                                                         empathy in text-based health support. They de-
corresponding intensity predictions. Building on
                                                         veloped a multi-task RoBERTa-based bi-encoder
these findings, we propose a multi-input, multi-
                                                         paradigm for identifying empathy in conversations
task, transformer-based architecture for the predic-
                                                         and extracting rationales underlying its predictions.
tion of empathy and distress scores. The multi-
                                                         Wagner (2020) analysed the linguistic undertones
input nature of the framework aggregates informa-
                                                         for empathy present in avid fiction readers.
tion from textual, categorical, and numeric data to
generate robust representations for the regression          Computational work done for predicting distress
task at hand. Exploiting the latent interdependen-       is relatively modest. Shapira et al. (2020) anal-
cies between primitive emotions and empathy/ dis-        ysed textual data to examine associations between
tress, we formulate the multi-task learning problem      linguistic features and clients’ distress during psy-
as a combination of classification and regression.       chotherapy. They combined linguistic features
The model simultaneously classifies the text into        like positive and negative emotion words with psy-
its correct basic emotion, detects if it exhibits high   chological measures like Outcome Questionnaire-
empathy/ distress, and accordingly predicts its ap-      45 (Lambert et al., 2004) and Outcome Rating
propriate empathy/ distress intensity score accord-      Scale(Miller, 2003). Zhou and Jurgens (2020) stud-
ing to Batson’s scale (Batson et al., 1987). This        ied the affiliation between distress, condolence, and
multi-input, multi-task learning paradigm is further     empathy in online support groups using nested re-
bolstered with the addition of NRC Emotion Inten-        gression models.
sity Lexicons (Mohammad, 2018b); NRC Valence,
Arousal, and Dominance Lexicons (Mohammad,               3   Data Description
2018a); and relevant features from Empath (Fast
et al., 2016). Moreover, our proposed models have        The WASSA 2021 Shared Task (Tafreshi et al.,
less than 110k trainable parameters and are still        2021) provides an extended dataset to the one com-
able to achieve relatively high Pearson’s correla-       piled by Buechel et al. (2018). The dataset has a
tion of 0.517 and 0.574 for empathy and distress,        total of 14 features spanning textual, categorical,
respectively, and 0.545 for average correlation, out-    and numeric data types. Essays represent the sub-
performing other teams.                                  ject’s empathic reactions to news stories he/she has
                                                         read. The demographic features of gender, race,
2   Related Work                                         education, and the essay’s gold-standard emotion
                                                         label cover the categorical input features. The nu-
Over the last few years, earnest endeavours have         meric features include the subject’s age and income,
been made in the NLP community to analyze em-            followed by personality traits scores (conscientious-
pathy and distress. Earlier work in empathy mostly       ness, openness, extraversion, agreeableness, stabil-
addressed the presence or absence of empathy in          ity) and interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) scores
spoken dialogue (Gibson et al., 2015; Alam et al.,       (fantasy, perspective taking, empathetic concern,
2016; Fung et al., 2016; Pérez-Rosas et al., 2017;      personal distress). The train-development-test split
Alam et al., 2018). For text-based empathy pre-          of the dataset is illustrated in Table 1.
diction, Buechel et al. (2018) laid a firm foun-
dation for predicting Batson’s empathic concern          4   Proposed Methodology
and personal distress scores in reaction to news
articles. They present the first publicly available      In this section, we posit two multi-task learning
gold-standard dataset for text-based empathy and         frameworks for empathy and distress score predic-
distress prediction. Sharma et al. (2020) contem-        tion. They are elucidated in detail as follows:
Text Inputs                          Numeric Inputs                       Categorical Inputs                                Text Inputs                       Numeric Inputs         Lexical Inputs                         Categorical Inputs
                         Essay                          IRI       Personality                                                                                                      IRI    Personality    NRC          Empath
                                                      Features     Features         Gender    Education     Race      Age                             Essay                                                                       Gender       Education          Race    Age
                                                                                                                                                                                 Features Features      Features      Features

                     RoBERTa Base                                                  Embedding Embedding Embedding Embedding                                                        Dense         Dense   Dense          Dense     Embedding Embedding Embedding Embedding
                        Model                       Dense Layer Dense Layer                                                                          RoBERTa
                                                                                     Layer     Layer     Layer     Layer                            Base Model                    Layer         Layer   Layer          Layer       Layer     Layer     Layer     Layer
                         1D Layer                           Concatenate             Flatten    Flatten     Flatten   Flatten                    GlobalAveragePooling
                                                                                                                                                                                        Concatenate         Concatenate           Flatten       Flatten       Flatten    Flatten
                                                                                                                                                      1D Layer

                     Dense Layer                            Dense Layer                                                                               Dense                               Dense                 Dense
                                                                                                   Concatenate                                                                            Layer                                                     Concatenate
                                                                                                                                                      Layer                                                     Layer

                                                                                      Dense Layer Dense Layer                                                                                                                          Dense              Dense
                                                                                                                                            Dense             Dense                                                                    Layer              Layer
          Dense Layer Dense Layer                                                                                                           Layer             Layer

     Emotion                                 Empathy                                                                              Emotion                                 Distress
  Classification                          Classification                                                                       Classification                          Classification

                                                                     Concatenate                                                                                                                         Concatenate

                                                                     Dense Layer                                                                                                                            Layer

                                                                      Empathy                                                                                                                              Distress
                                                                       Score                                                                                                                                Score

Figure 1: System architecture for empathy score pre-                                                                           Figure 2: System architecture for distress score predic-
diction. The Dense layers in red have an `2 kernel reg-                                                                        tion. The Dense layers in red have an `2 kernel regular-
ularization applied to them.                                                                                                   ization applied to them.

4.1            Empathy Score Prediction                                                                                        embeddings are averaged to generate essay-level
                                                                                                                               representations, followed by a hidden layer (128
Figure 1 depicts the system architecture for em-                                                                               units) for dimensionality reduction. The model
pathy score prediction. We formulate the task of                                                                               further branches into two parallel fully-connected
empathy score prediction as a multi-input, multi-                                                                              layers (16 units each), which form the task-specific
task learning problem. The proposed multi-task                                                                                 layers for empathy and emotion classification, re-
learning framework aims to leverage the empathy                                                                                spectively. Let T1 and T2 denote the generated
bin 1 and the text’s emotion to predict its empathy                                                                            task-specific representations for empathy and emo-
score. Here, the empathy score prediction is treated                                                                           tion classification, respectively, of dimension d1 .
as the primary task, whereas emotion and empathy                                                                               Finally, a classification layer (binary classification
classification are considered secondary auxiliary                                                                              for empathy and multi-class classification for emo-
tasks. The multi-input, multi-task nature of the                                                                               tion) is added to each of the task-specific layers.
framework efficiently fuses the diverse set of infor-                                                                             To incorporate the demographic information en-
mation (textual, categorical, and numeric) provided                                                                            coded in the categorical variables, we make use
in the dataset to generate robust representations for                                                                          of entity embeddings (Guo and Berkhahn, 2016).
empathy score prediction.                                                                                                      Formally, entity embeddings are domain-specific
   For the task of empathy and emotion classifica-                                                                             multi-dimensional representations of categorical
tion, we make use of the pre-trained RoBERTa base                                                                              variables, automatically learned by a neural net-
model (Liu et al., 2019). The contextualized repre-                                                                            work when trained on a particular task. For each of
sentations generated by RoBERTa help extract the                                                                               the demographic features (gender, education, race,
context-aware information and capture the under-                                                                               and age2 ), 3-dimensional entity embeddings are
tone of the text better than standard deep learning                                                                            generated. All the resultant embeddings are flat-
models. For each word in the essay, we extract the                                                                             tened, concatenated, and passed through two fully-
default pre-trained embeddings from the last hid-                                                                              connected layers (32 and 16 units, respectively),
den layer of RoBERTa. The 768-dimensional word                                                                                 generating a layer having relevant information from
                                                                                                                               each categorical input. Let this representation be
      empathy bin is a feature given in the training dataset,
where its value is 1 if empathy score greater than or equal to                                                                 denoted as C of dimension d2 .
4.0, and 0 if empathy score is less than 4.0. Thus, an essay                                                                      The numeric inputs of the personality and the
exhibits high empathy if its empathy bin is 1 and exhibits low
empathy if its empathy bin is 0. The same analogy is true for                                                                        In the dataset age is given as a numeric input. We split it
distress bin.                                                                                                                  into intervals of below 25, 26-40, 41-60, and 61 and above.
Correlation with empathy score                              Correlation with distress score
 NRC        sadness (0.19), fear (0.12), arousal (0.11), joy (0.11),    fear (0.22), sadness (0.20), disgust (0.15), arousal
 features   valence (0.11), dominance (0.10)                            (0.15), anger (0.15), dominance (0.12)
 Empath     domestic work (0.15), death (0.14), home (0.12), sad-       suffering (0.16), death (0.15), torment (0.13), hate
 features   ness (0.12), suffering (0.11), help (0.11), party (0.11),   (0.11), negative emotion (0.10), sadness (0.10), ag-
            family (0.10), shame (0.10), celebration (0.10), leisure    gression (0.09), fight (0.09), help (0.09), pain (0.08),
            (0.9), negative emotion (0.9), air travel (0.8), violence   kill (0.08), horror (0.08), violence (0.08), war (0.08),
            (0.8), pain (0.7)                                           ugliness (0.7)

Table 2: Selected NRC and Empath features and their pearson’s correlation with training data’s empathy and
distress score.

Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) scores are in-               Empath, respectively.) independently before con-
corporated in the model by passing them individ-                  catenation. The resultant representation is further
ually through a single hidden layer (8 units). The                passed through another hidden layer (48 units). Let
results are concatenated and further passed on to                 this representation be denoted by L of dimension
a fully-connected layer (32 units) to generate their              d4 . It is concatenated with the final layer repre-
combined representations. Let this representation                 sentations from other inputs to generate the final
be denoted as N of dimension d3 .                                 representation F2 for distress score prediction, as
   The task-specific layers for empathy and emo-                  given by equation 2.
tion classification and the representations generated
by the final hidden layer of the entity embeddings                      F2 = [T1 ; T2 ; C; N ; L] ∈ Rd1 +d2 +d3 +d4           (2)
and the numeric psychological score inputs are con-
catenated as given in equation 1 to generate the fi-              5     Experimental Setup
nal representation F1 for empathy score prediction.
                                                                  5.1     Data Preparation
                                       d1 +d2 +d3
        F1 = [T1 ; T2 ; C; N ] ∈ R                       (1)      We applied standard text cleaning steps for each
                                                                  essay in the dataset, such as removing the punctua-
   It is further passed to another hidden layer (16
                                                                  tions, special characters, digits, single characters,
units). Thus, this layer contains the compressed
                                                                  multiple spaces, and accented words. The essays
information from different knowledge views of the
                                                                  are further normalized by removing wordplay, re-
input data. A final regression layer is added for
                                                                  placing acronyms with full forms, and expanding
the empathy score prediction task. The multi-input,
                                                                  contractions 3 .
multi-task model is trained end-to-end with the
                                                                     Each essay is tokenized and padded to a maxi-
objective loss calculated as the sum of the loss for
                                                                  mum length of 200 tokens. Longer essays are trun-
each of the three tasks.
                                                                  cated. Each Empath feature is converted into its
4.2   Distress Score Prediction                                   percentage value. For distress score prediction, the
                                                                  numeric features, NRC lexicon scores, and Empath
Figure 2 depicts the system architecture for dis-
                                                                  features are standardized by removing the mean
tress score prediction. The distress score prediction
                                                                  and scaling to unit variance before being passed to
model is the same as that of the empathy score
                                                                  the model.
prediction model, but with the addition of hand-
crafted lexical features. We use 6 NRC Emotion                    5.2     Parameter Setting and Training
Intensity Lexicons (Mohammad, 2018b); 2 NRC                               Environment
Valence, Arousal, and Dominance Lexicons (Mo-
hammad, 2018a); and 15 features from Empath                       Given the small amount of data, the weights of the
(Fast et al., 2016) as stated in Table 2. These                   RoBERTa layers were freezed and not updated dur-
features are chosen as they exhibit a high Pearson                ing the training. The multi-task model is trained
correlation with the training data. For each essay,               end-to-end using the Adam optimizer (Kingma and
the respective NRC and Empath score is calculated                 Ba, 2014) with a learning rate of 1 × 10−3 and
as the sum of each word’s score in the essay. The                 a batch size of 32. We used Hyperbolic Tangent
NRC lexicons and Empath features are passed to                      3
a single hidden layer (8 and 16 units for NRC and                 pycontractions/
Empathy       Distress      for empathy prediction. This may be explained by
 Model Name                Train Dev     Train Dev
                                                         the theories in the affective neuroscience literature,
 Plain RoBERTa model       0.56   0.47   0.56    0.41
 Plain multi-input model   0.64   0.50   0.64    0.49
                                                         wherein empathy is considered a neocortex emo-
 Multi-input, multi-task                                 tion, describing it as an emotional, cognitive, and
 model                     0.74   0.57   0.66   0.53     behavioral process. Thus, one’s empathic quotient
 Multi-input, multi-task                                 is reflected in how one expresses one’s feelings and
 model+ NRC + Empath       0.64   0.54   0.66   0.56     the undertone of it, rather than the mere words one
Table 3: Performance comparison of various models        uses. Moreover, as stated by Sedoc et al. (2020)
as per Pearson’s correlation (p < 0.05).                 in their work, there exist no clear set of lexicons
                                                         that can accurately distinguish empathy from self-
                                                         focused distress. Another reason for the decrease
(tanh) activation for all the hidden layers as it per-   in the performance for empathy score prediction
formed better than ReLU activation and its other         may be attributed to the fact that the Empath fea-
variants. The model is trained for 200 epochs with       tures for empathy, as reported in Table 2 lack some
early stopping applied if the validation loss does       interpretability from a human perspective. Empath
not improve after 20 epochs. Furthermore, the            features such as domestic work, party, celebration,
learning rate is reduced by a factor of 0.2 if val-      leisure, and air travel are not innately empathic cat-
idation loss does not decline after ten successive       egories and perhaps show high correlation due to
epochs. The model with the best validation loss is       corpus-based topical bias. The Empath features for
selected. `2 kernel regularizer of 5 × 10−4 applied      distress, on the other hand, seem quite relevant and
to certain hidden layers as shown in Figures 1 and 2.    thus, might explain the increase in performance for
A dropout of probability 0.2 is applied after the av-    distress prediction. We encourage further research
erage pooling of contextual RoBERTa embeddings.          in this direction.
Our code is available at our GitHub repository.4
                                                         7   Conclusion and Future Work
6       Results and Discussion
                                                         In this work, we propose a multi-input, multi-task,
The performance comparison of the various models
                                                         transformer-based architecture to predict Batson’s
on the validation data is reported in Table 3. As
                                                         empathic concern and personal distress scores.
illustrated in the Table 3, we compare the perfor-
                                                         Leveraging the dependency between the basic emo-
mances of a RoBERTa based regression model, a
                                                         tions and empathy/ distress, as well as incorpo-
multi-input model (text + categorical + numeric);
                                                         rating textual, categorical, and numeric data, our
a multi-input (text + categorical + numeric), multi-
                                                         proposed model generates robust representations
task model; and a multi-input (text + categorical
                                                         for the regression task at hand. The addition of cer-
+ numeric), multi-task model with added lexical
                                                         tain lexical features further improves the model’s
features (NRC + Empath). The systems submitted
                                                         performance for distress score prediction. Our sub-
by our team are highlighted in Table 3. It is evi-
                                                         mission ranked 1st based on average correlation
dent from Table 3 that the addition of categorical
                                                         (0.545) as well as distress correlation (0.574), and
and numeric input features leads to an appreciable
                                                         2nd for empathy Pearson correlation (0.517) on the
improvement in the model’s performance. This fur-
                                                         test data. As for the future work of this research,
ther attests that the demographic features and the
                                                         a weighted loss scheme could be employed to en-
psychological scores contribute valuable informa-
                                                         hance the results. From a psychological and lin-
tion for predicting scores of complex emotions like
                                                         guistic standpoint, features such as part-of-speech
empathy and distress. The performance is further
                                                         tags, syntax parse tree, and the text’s subjectivity
improved by adopting a multi-task approach, thus,
                                                         and polarity scores could also be exploited.
reinstating our belief in the interdependencies be-
tween the primitive emotions and the complex emo-
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