Pumas' fear of humans precipitates changes in plant architecture

Page created by Phyllis Freeman
Pumas' fear of humans precipitates changes in plant architecture
Pumas’ fear of humans precipitates changes in plant architecture
               VERONICA YOVOVICH           ,1,2,   MEREDITH THOMSEN            ,3   AND   CHRISTOPHER C. WILMERS           1

      Center for Integrated Spatial Research, Environmental Studies Department, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz,
                                                           California 95064 USA
         Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley, 145 Mulford Hall, Berkeley,
                                                           California 94720 USA
          Biology Department and River Studies Center, University of Wisconsin, 1725 State Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 USA

  Citation: Yovovich, V., M. Thomsen, and C. C. Wilmers. 2021. Pumas’ fear of humans precipitates changes in plant
  architecture. Ecosphere 12(1):e03309. 10.1002/ecs2.3309

  Abstract. Fear of predation can elicit strong behavioral responses from prey, with impacts that cascade
  through food chains. While this indirect effect of natural predators on ecosystems is becoming better
  understood, far less is known about how humans—the world’s most ubiquitous super-predator—influence
  subsequent trophic levels through changes in carnivore habitat use and behavior. Here, we combined
  puma GPS tracking data with field experiments to understand the extent to which anthropogenic develop-
  ment has cascading impacts from pumas to plants. We examined spatial patterns in puma feeding sites
  and found that pumas preferentially kill deer away (>340 m) from human development. This aversion
  appears to create refugia for deer, as deer more than doubled their relative activity near (
Pumas' fear of humans precipitates changes in plant architecture

2000, 2004, Terborgh and Estes 2010, Ford and              grazing or browsing in preferred safe prey habi-
Goheen 2015, Ripple et al. 2016), but few stud-            tat can significantly impact plant abundance,
ies have addressed the role of trophic cascades            shifting species composition toward less palat-
in shaping plant architecture.                             able vegetation (Augustine and McNaughton
   Trophic cascades have been found across                 1998, Ford et al. 2014). In this way, a super-
many habitat types and species communities                 predator can have impacts extending throughout
(Schmitz et al. 2000, 2004, Terborgh and Estes             the community, ultimately restructuring plant
2010, Ford and Goheen 2015, Ripple et al. 2016),           morphology (Beschta and Ripple 2012, Mathisen
and anthropogenic habitat modification has been             et al. 2017), with potential ecosystem feedbacks.
documented globally as well. Recent research                  Here, we studied the dynamics of pumas
has shed new light on how human activities                 (Puma concolor), black-tailed deer (Odcoileus hemi-
extend beyond the urban–wildland interface,                onus columbianus), and woody plant species in
impacting carnivore space use (Berger 2007, Wil-           the context of human development. We
mers et al. 2013, Suraci et al. 2019), influencing          addressed three interlocking hypotheses to eluci-
community dynamics (Hebblewhite et al. 2005,               date the nature of interactions among these spe-
Wang et al. 2015, Suraci et al. 2019), contributing        cies: (1) human activity drives puma feeding site
to species decline (Gibbons et al. 2000), and alter-       selection, (2) predation risk influences relative
ing ecosystem function (McKinney 2002), but                deer activity, increasing the relative rate of deer
few have addressed the indirect effects that               browsing in low predation risk areas, and (3)
humans have on plant morphology.                           increased deer activity in low-risk areas will
   In a tri-trophic cascade, predators limit prey          influence woody plant architecture (Fig. 1). We
density and/or change prey behavior, indirectly            studied these dynamics in the Santa Cruz Moun-
benefiting local primary producers (Paine 1969,             tains, California. Pumas, deer, and woody plants
Estes and Palmisano 1974, Power 1990, Schmitz              are each widely distributed across the Americas,
et al. 2000, 2004, Hebblewhite et al. 2005, Ford           making the results of this study highly applicable
and Goheen 2015, Donadio and Buskirk 2016).                to a broad geographic area. In addition, as the
Human activities can add an additional super-              human population grows, it further increases the
predator-like trophic level, strongly mediating            likelihood and spatial extent of these interac-
trophic interactions by directly or indirectly             tions.
influencing carnivore abundance or behavior
(Hebblewhite et al. 2005, Ripple and Beschta               MATERIALS AND METHODS
2006, 2008, Waser et al. 2014, Darimont et al.
2015, Clinchy et al. 2016, Smith et al. 2017, Suraci       Study area
et al. 2019). Much like gaining an additional                 We conducted our study in the Santa Cruz
trophic level to the system, humans have both              Mountains of California (Fig. 2), where the cli-
consumptive (hunting, lethal removal, poisoning,           mate is Mediterranean with hot, dry summers,
roadkill, etc.) and non-consumptive effects on             and cool, wet winters. The 1600-km2 study area
predators (disrupting behaviors, aversive stim-            ranges from sea level to 1155 m in elevation,
uli, impeding movement, etc.), thereby lowering            with two distinct climactic zones. The coastal
predator density and/or altering their habitat use         west side is cooler and wetter, with average high
(Hebblewhite et al. 2005, Ordiz et al. 2011, Wil-          and low temperatures of 20° and 7.5°C, respec-
mers et al. 2013, Patten and Berger 2018).                 tively, and 77 cm annual rainfall. Vegetation is
   Prey respond to shifts in predation risk, behav-        dominated by mixed evergreen forest, with red-
iorally or numerically, changing where and to              wood (Sequoia sempervirens), tanoak (Lithocarpus
what degree they forage (Lima and Dill 1990,               densiflorus), coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), and
Lima 1998, Schmitz et al. 2004, Ripple et al.              Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), interspersed
2016). Potentially leveraging these dynamics to            with chaparral and grassland. On the inland east
their advantage, prey may use human activities             side, average high and low temperatures are 33°
as a shield against predation (Martin and Szuter           and 1°C, respectively, with 46 cm annual rainfall.
1999, Ripple and Beschta 2006, 2008, Berger 2007,          Vegetation is dominated by chaparral on south-
Muhly et al. 2011, Steyaert et al. 2016). Heavy            and west-facing slopes, with mixed oak (Quercus

              v www.esajournals.org                    2            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309
Pumas' fear of humans precipitates changes in plant architecture

   Fig. 1. Pumas avoid hunting near human development, making habitat close to humans relatively safer for
deer. In response, deer increase their relative use of areas adjacent to development by increasing browsing pres-
sure, which removes new growth and promotes lateral bud development. The heavier browse pressure increases
structural complexity in woody plants near human development (A). Altogether, the human-induced cascade
makes bushes growing near human development bushier (A) than bushes in areas farther from humans, where
pumas are more active, deer do not browse as heavily, and woody plants grow fewer branch ends (B).

spp.), bay laurel (Umbellularia californica), and          density of 0–40 units per acre, as well as trails,
tanoak on north-facing slopes. Vegetation com-             fire roads, residential roads, and highways.
munities are highly diverse and heterogeneous,             Though pumas in our study area are no longer
and composition depends upon the distance to               hunted, interactions with humans (e.g., animals
the ocean, elevation, slope, and aspect. In the dry        shot for livestock predation, automobile colli-
season, herbaceous plants die back leaving                 sions, poisoning, etc.) remain the leading source
mostly woody species remaining. The study area             of puma mortality (Wilmers, unpublished data).
also encompasses a range of human develop-
ment and protected lands, creating a mosaic of             Animal captures and monitoring
land use. There are large blocks of private or gov-          We captured 25 pumas (15 females and 10
ernment-managed preserved habitat, inter-                  males) from 2008 to 2014 with cage traps, leg
spersed with human-dominated areas ranging                 hold snares, or trailing hounds as described in
from rural to urban development with housing               Wilmers et al. (2013). Individuals were tran-

               v www.esajournals.org                   3            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

  Fig. 2. Predation risk map in which model output depicts blue areas as those with low predation risk and red
as areas with high predation risk. Sites consisted of paired plots, one plot in high-risk habitat (black triangle) and
one in low-risk habitat (white circles). All sites were placed in closed-canopy forest, and we controlled for differ-
ences in slope, aspect, canopy closure, and forest composition within pairs.

quilized using Telazol (Fort Dodge Laboratories,              deer and deer attempt to avoid predation.
Fort Dodge, Iowa, USA) and outfitted with a                    Though deer may avoid habitat types where the
GPS/VHF tracking collar (Vectronics Aerospace                 risk of predation would greatest, as that could
GPS PLUS model, Mesa, Arizona, USA). Collars                  mean certain death, kill site locations provide a
were programmed to acquire a GPS fix every                     reasonable proxy for where predation risk is
4 h. Data were remotely downloaded monthly                    functionally highest, or habitat utilized by deer
via UHF or transmitted via cell phone towers                  where the threat of predation is most consider-
every 1–3 d depending on collar program config-                able. We used a resource selection function (RSF)
uration and local cell phone coverage. Puma cap-              to model relative puma preferences for habitat
turing, handling, and monitoring protocols were               features (Manly et al. 2002). Resource selection
approved by the Animal Care and Use Commit-                   functions allow us to model the proportional
tee at the University of California, Santa Cruz               probability of resource use by comparing habitat
(protocol Wilmc1101), and by the California                   covariates in used sites relative to its availability
Department of Fish and Wildlife.                              within an individual puma’s home range (Boyce
                                                              et al. 2002).
Statistical analyses                                             We identified used points (puma feeding sites)
   Human influence on puma hunting behavior.—We                using puma GPS collar data. We adapted an
analyzed the spatial relationship between puma                algorithm developed by Knopff et al. (2009) to
feeding sites and human development to model                  identify spatially aggregated GPS locations as
how habitat variables influence feeding site selec-            potential puma feeding sites for large prey items.
tion and, by extension, deer predation risk. As               Previous research has determined that GPS data
ambush predators, pumas rely on stealth and                   may be used to accurately predict the locations
surprise to rush deer with little or no pursuit.              of large prey, defined as mammals >8 kg (Knopff
These feeding site locations represent the result             et al. 2009), as such we chose to restrict our defi-
of a predator–prey game in which pumas hunt                   nition of a feeding site to places where pumas

                v www.esajournals.org                     4            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

killed deer. We verified potential feeding site            and chose the most appropriate value as deter-
locations with field site visits and collected data        mined by ΔAIC.
on whether prey remains were found. These data               We used four scales of vegetation cover (US
were fed into a logistic regression model to esti-        Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program May
mate the probability of whether each GPS cluster          2011, National Land Cover, Version 2) to deter-
was a feeding site. Clusters in which prey                mine which resolution was most appropriate for
remains were located and likely feeding sites             our analysis. Scales ranged from a resolution of
identified by the algorithm were considered used           26 vegetation community types, to a binary vege-
points for analyses (for full feeding site identifi-       tation layer in which 0 was open habitat and 1
cation, cluster investigation methods, and predic-        was habitat in which the year-round dominant
tive feeding site probability algorithm, see              vegetation is sufficient cover to conceal a stalking
Wilmers et al. 2013). Pumas with only one veri-           puma. We defined vegetation sufficient to con-
fied feeding site were eliminated from the analy-          ceal a puma as shrubby plants or trees growing
sis, as were juveniles and kittens. Each of the i         to puma shoulder height (52 cm) or above. In
model variables, x, was normalized as follows,            our study system, woody vegetation communi-
                                                          ties, such as chaparral, and coastal scrub, are typ-
              i    ¼ ðxi  xmean Þ=SD
                                                          ically above puma stalking height, whereas
   In our study area, pumas kill a deer once a            herbaceous communities, such as annual grass-
week on average (Smith et al. 2015), a time per-          land, are typically shorter-statured plants below
iod sufficiently large for a puma to traverse its          this height.
entire home range between kills. As such, we                 Top trophic level: puma predation risk model.—We
drew available comparison locations at random             created a resource selection function (RSF) to
from within each puma’s home range. Specifi-               model landscape predation risk (Manly et al.
cally, we created a 95% minimum convex poly-              2002). Feeding site locations served as the used
gon (MCP) from each puma’s GPS collar data                points, and we modeled the relative probability
and generated random points from each MCP at              of resource use with a generalized linear mixed-
a rate of 5 available random points for each used         effects model with a binomial link (lmer package
feeding site location (e.g., Johnson and Gilling-         in R version 2.15.0; Johnson et al. 2006). Used/
ham 2005).                                                available was our binomial dependent variable,
   For each used and available point, we quanti-          and habitat variables were fixed effects. In order
fied habitat data by extracting underlying GIS             to account for variation in individual prefer-
layer information in ArcGIS (v.10.1; ESRI 2011).          ences, we included individual puma identity as a
We created a distance to feature raster layer for         random effect. We selected the best model by
each anthropogenic feature (roads and struc-              comparing ΔAIC values for full and reduced
tures) and landscape features (rivers and lakes);         models.
each raster layer had a resolution of 30 m. We               We included anthropogenic feature, vegeta-
categorized roads into two groups depending on            tion, and topographic feature covariates as pre-
their speed limits: arterial roads with speed lim-        dictor variables in our model. In order to
its of 35 mph or greater, and neighborhood or             determine which housing density kernel was
fire roads with speed limits below 35 mph. We              appropriate for analysis, we varied the housing
created a housing density map by combining                density scaling parameter from 10 to 200 m in
county-level spatial housing data with digital            10 m increments and 200–600 m in 100 m incre-
aerial photographs of the study area; we super-           ments and compared competing models using
imposed the two layers and hand-selected visible          ΔAIC. We used the same incremental process to
structures absent from the housing data. We then          determine the appropriate vegetation classifica-
created a housing density raster layer by apply-          tion scheme. We compared ΔAIC for each full
ing a kernel with a scale parameter to the loca-          model, as well as each full model plus one vege-
tion of each structure and summing the resulting          tation classification level in order to determine
densities. In order to evaluate how best to model         which resolution was most appropriate.
puma behavioral responses to housing density,                Next, we used the predation risk model to
we used a variety of scaling parameter values             map high and low probability puma feeding

              v www.esajournals.org                   5            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

sites, or high and low predation risk areas. We                   the distance to the nearest river as determined
considered a relative probability of 25% or below                 from GIS layers (Bates et al. 2015). We took digi-
to be low-risk and a relative risk of 75% or above                tal hemispherical canopy photographs using a
to be high-risk. Human development was the                        fish-eye lens facing north, mounted 1m high to
single strongest factor influencing predation risk                 calculate percent canopy closure using Gap Light
for deer (Table 1). As such, we held other vari-                  Analyzer v.2 (Frazer et al. 1999), and used a
ables constant and varied housing density to                      paired t-test to evaluate differences in canopy
determine high-risk and low-risk sites. We mea-                   cover. We deployed a motion-detecting camera
sured the average distance between high- and                      (Bushnell Trophy Cam HD; Bushnell, Overland
low-risk areas to the nearest human develop-                      Park, Kansas, USA) on a game trail in each plot
ment edge to determine high- and low-risk plot                    from the winter of 2012 through winter of 2013
configuration. When selecting potential plots, we                  to collect data on relative deer abundance. Cam-
checked sites against the model output to ensure                  eras were mounted 0.5–1 m high, and pro-
that each was accurately assigned as high- or                     grammed to take three photographs when
low-risk.                                                         triggered, with a one-minute lag between bursts.
   Middle trophic level: puma influence on deer space              Unmarked deer cannot be accurately uniquely
use and foraging behavior.—We conducted a ran-                    identified, so we calculated a relative deer activ-
domized block design study to test the impact of                  ity index for each plot (deer photographs/camera
housing density and predation risk on deer habi-                  days at each plot). We compared deer activity in
tat use. We established 15 pairs (1 low-risk and 1                high-risk vs. low-risk plots using a paired t-test.
high-risk) of plots; each pair is referred to here as             Since deer activity data were non-normal, we
a site. Low-risk plots were located between 70                    tested a series of transformations and x0.2 best
and 100 m from the nearest human develop-                         normalized the data.
ment, while high-risk plots were 340–400 m                           We measured foliar nitrogen to evaluate poten-
away from development. This arrangement pro-                      tial anthropogenic changes in nitrogen availabil-
vided one experimental factor (risk) with 15                      ity and potential corresponding changes in
replicates for each of the two levels. We selected                browsing rates in high- vs. low-risk sites. We also
plots within closed-canopy forest and matched                     measured leaf tissue carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:
vegetation type within pairs (e.g., paired red-                   N) to evaluate plant tissue palatability and nutri-
wood low-risk plots with redwood high-risk                        tional content in high- and low-risk plots; lower
plots, paired mixed deciduous stands, etc.) to                    C:N ratios indicate higher nutrition content and
minimize site-level habitat differences. All plots                greater palatability (Bryant et al. 1983). We addi-
were located within forested areas, and edge                      tionally compared foliar C:N in browsed vs.
habitat was defined as boundaries between                          unbrowsed plants to determine whether tissue
changes in habitat types. We then verified our                     quality shifted in response to herbivory.
selection by comparing the plots with statistical                    During the last week of April and the first
tests. We used paired t-tests to compare slope,                   week of May 2013, we collected tanoak leaf sam-
aspect, elevation, distance to edge habitat, and                  ples from all plots. Tanoak was selected for anal-
                                                                  ysis because it was the most heavily utilized
Table 1. Best fit RSF for puma feeding site selection.             browse species and found in all sites. Ten leaf
                                                                  samples were collected from each plot, five sam-
Habitat covariate              Coefficient     SE       P
                                                                  ples from unbrowsed plants and five from
Distance to community scrape      0.066      0.027   >0.01*       browsed plants. Plants were selected randomly
Distance to road                 −0.165      0.031   >0.01*       along the browse survey transect, and samples
Slope                             0.103      0.027   >0.01*
                                                                  were collected from branches originating from a
Elevation                        −0.100      0.032   >0.01*
Distance to river                −0.087      0.027   >0.01*
                                                                  height of 20–50 cm. In order to control for leaf
Sex                              −0.026      0.073    0.72        developmental stage, leaves from the current
Housing density                  −0.342      0.051   >0.01*       year’s growth were collected. Leaves were stored
Vegetation cover                 −0.040      0.052    0.44        in coin envelopes and dried at 65°C for 48 h.
   Notes: Sample size for feeding sites was 1980, and 9,900          We sampled 0.10 g from each leaf and pooled
for random points. Asterisks denote significant P values.          samples by plot and browse status. The pooled

                    v www.esajournals.org                     6            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

sample was homogenized in a ball-mill grinder             collected: species, number of bites available,
for seven minutes to create a fine powder. Three           number of bites taken, and a binary classifica-
milligrams of each pooled sample were loaded              tion of whether there were signs of browse
into tin capsules and used to measure leaf nitro-         from previous years (0 = none, 1 = one or more
gen and carbon concentrations with a Dumas-               browsed branches). Bites were defined as a
style combustion analyzer (EA 1108 Carlo Erba).           group of leaves likely to be taken as a single
All analyses were conducted at the University of          bite based on size and position on the branch,
California, Santa Cruz Stable Isotope Laboratory.         or as bitten stem ends/groups of bitten stem
We used a mixed-effects model with risk level,            ends of similar size and orientation. Deer her-
browse status, and their interaction as fixed              bivory can be distinguished from rodent or
effects and site as a random effect to compare            other forms of herbivory based on tooth marks
leaf N content and C:N ratios from high- vs. low-         left behind (Swift and Gross 2014). Each branch
risk plots and from browsed vs. unbrowsed                 end of every woody plant occurring along the
plants.                                                   transect was examined to determine bites avail-
   We used program R (v.3.0.0; R Core Team                able, bites taken, and bites remaining.
2013) for our statistical analyses. Before perform-          We compared wood plant species composition
ing each statistical analysis, we tested each con-        in low- vs. high-risk sites using nonmetric multi-
tinuous variable dataset for normality with               dimensional scaling of Bray-Curtis similarity
Shapiro-Wilk’s normality test and tested for              estimates. We visually assessed potential spatial
homoscedasticity of variance with Levene’s test.          grouping of points in the similarity plots (Legen-
Non-normal data were transformed as noted                 dre and Legendre 1998). We also compared
below.                                                    browsable plant density in low-risk and high-
   Lower trophic level: deer influence on plants.—In       risk sites using a paired t-test.
the fall of 2013, we surveyed woody plant species            We compared herbivory pressure in low- vs.
and browse pressure in each site. In the study            high-risk plots in several ways. First, we calcu-
area’s Mediterranean climate, fall rains stimulate        lated percent consumption by dividing the num-
herbaceous plant growth, providing a relatively           ber of bites taken by the number of bites
more palatable food source over woody plants.             available (taken plus remaining) for each plot.
We conducted browse surveys in the fall, just             We also calculated a relative index of browse
after deer shift from relying on woody plant spe-         pressure per deer unit by dividing the total num-
cies to consuming herbaceous plants (Gogan and            ber of bites taken within a site by the number of
Barrett 1995). In addition to being a critical sea-       deer photographed per day. We use paired t-tests
sonal food source, woody species persist year-            to compared browse intensity. We normalized
round and hold the marks of previous and cur-             the percent of plants with evidence of previous
rent herbivory. This standing record serves as an         browsing with a square root transformation and
important metric for assessing deer use, which            then compared high- and low-risk plots with a
can be used as a proxy for their perception of            paired t-test.
predation risk across space and time (Beschta
and Ripple 2013).                                         RESULTS
   We used a line-intersect method, as described
by Cummings and Smith (2000) to measure                   Puma feeding site selection
woody plant species composition, abundance,                  We visited 777 GPS clusters from 25 pumas,
browse availability (bites available), and browse         and located prey remains at 265. Using these
use (bites taken and percent of bites consumed).          data to train our kill prediction model (Wilmers
We measured woody vegetation grown during                 et al. 2013), we were able to identify an addi-
the current season with a height below 2 m that           tional 1,715 probable feeding sites, for a total of
fell within 1 m of a 25 m transect, as 2 m is the         1,980 used points. Our analysis revealed that
maximum height deer can reach while feeding               feeding site selection was best fit by an RSF
(Gill 1992). We measured growth from the cur-             model with a housing density scale parameter of
rent year; it is the most palatable and most              75 m and a binary vegetation classification
likely to be selected. The following data were            scheme. The remaining habitat covariates

              v www.esajournals.org                   7             January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

retained in the reduced model were the distance                         Table 3. Mixed effects models addressing plant tissue
to the nearest community scrape, road with a                              percent nitrogen and in C:N in high- and low-risk
speed greater than 35 mph, and river; slope; ele-                         sites.
vation; housing density; sex; and vegetation
                                                                        Fixed effects                Coefficient    SE      |t|     P
cover (Table 1). The single strongest covariate
influencing puma feeding site selection was the                          Plant tissue percent
proximity to human development. The average
                                                                          Risk level                  −0.046      0.089   −0.37   0.72
distance between human development and pre-                               Browsed                     −0.123      0.069   −1.78   0.08
dicted low-risk areas (a relative risk of 25% or                          Browsed × risk level         0.138      0.098    1.34   0.18
lower) was 70 m, and the average distance                               C:N
between human development and high-risk                                   Risk level                   2.508      3.462    0.72   0.47
areas (a relative risk of 75% or greater) was                             Browsed                      3.253      1.846    1.76   0.08
340 m (Fig. 2).                                                           Browsed × risk level        −3.923      2.610   −1.50   0.13
                                                                           Notes: In the plant tissue percent nitrogen model, fixed
                                                                        effects were risk level, whether or not the sample was taken
Deer browse and relative activity                                       from a browsed or unbrowsed plant, and the interaction
   We found no significant differences in slope,                         between, and site was a random effect. None of the variables
aspect, elevation, canopy cover, or distance to                         in either model was significant.
forest edge between high- and low-risk plots
(Table 2). We also found no significant difference
between high- andlow-risk sites for tanoak leafper-                     Plants and browse pressure
cent nitrogen (low-risk = 1.24  0.07, high-risk =                         There was no spatial segregation within the
 1.26  0.10 [mean  SE]), leaf C:N ratios (low-                        Bray-Curtis similarity plots, indicating that high-
risk = 41.04  2.04,     high-risk = 41.59  2.47),                     and low-risk plots within sites had indistinguish-
and no significant difference in C:N ratios                              able species composition. We also found no sig-
between browsed (41.61  1.61) and unbrowsed                            nificant difference in the density of individual
(40.27  1.76) plants (Table 3).                                        woody plants within browse height in low-risk
   We recorded a total of 52,260 camera trap pho-                       (0.48 plants/m2  0.06) vs. high-risk (0.48 plants/
tographs collected from 30 trapping stations,                           m2  0.07) plots (Table 4). However, there were
each deployed for an average of 400 d ( 17).                           26% more bites available per plant in low-risk
There were nearly three times as many deer visits                       plots (7.08  0.43) than in high-risk plots
per camera day in low-risk plots (2.94  1.00)                          (5.60  0.33; Table 4, Fig. 3). Furthermore, in
than in high-risk plots (1.13  0.30; Fig. 3).                          low-risk plots, deer utilized available forage at a
                                                                        rate 4.5 times higher than in high-risk plots (low-
                                                                        risk = 35.82%  1.98, high-risk = 7.94%  1.07;
                                                                        Table 4, Fig. 3). There was no significant differ-
Table 2. Physical properties comparisons                    made        ence between high- and low-risk sites with
  between high- and low-risk plots.                                     respect to total bites taken per deer unit (low
                                                                        risk = 6.90  0.43,     high     risk = 5.79  0.35;
                     Low-risk         High-risk
Physical                                                                Table 4). In addition, the percent of plants show-
property           Mean      SE     Mean      SE      |t|     P
                                                                        ing evidence of browse from previous years was
Slope               4.69    0.88     5.19    0.72    0.61    0.55       higher in low-risk plots (94.29%  1.26) than it
Elevation          320.23   48.11   336.75   45.05   1.37    0.19       was in high-risk plots (87.79%  3.46) with a
Distance to        31.07    5.76    73.13    24.00   1.69    0.11
 habitat edge
                                                                        large effect size (ϕ = 0.6; Table 4).
Aspect, North      −0.10    0.18    −0.12    0.13    0.11    0.91
Aspect, East        0.11    0.19     0.05    0.23    0.30    0.77       DISCUSSION
Distance to        206.40   45.52   197.28   46.09   0.19    0.85
 river                                                                     Our data are consistent with a human-initiated
Canopy closure     15.98    0. 72   15.29    1.08    0.53    0.60
                                                                        trophic cascade in which human activities elicit
   Notes: We compared plot characteristics using a paired t-            bushier growth in woody plants adjacent to
test with the site as the pair. None of the habitat variables we
measured differed significantly between high and low-risk                human development. In high-risk plots farther
plots. (The df value for each comparison was 13.)                       from human disturbance, deer visitation rates

                  v www.esajournals.org                             8              January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

  Fig. 3. Comparisons of the number of deer photographed per day (A), the percent of available bites consumed
by deer (B), and the bites available per plant (C) in high- vs. low-risk plots. Bars represent mean values and error
bars represent standard error around the mean. All comparisons were significant in paired t-tests (P < 0.05).

Table 4. Comparisons made between pairs of high-risk                  with corresponding alternating influences on
  plots far from human development and low-risk                       deer, and plants (Fig. 1B). Woody plants below a
  plots near human development.                                       height of 2 m sustained lower browse pressure
                                                                      in high-risk areas and were more heavily
                     Low-risk       High-risk                         browsed in human-dominated areas. The end
Comparison          Mean     SE    Mean     SE     |t|     P          result is that woody plants growing near human
Browsable plant      0.48   0.06   0.48    0.07   0.27    0.79        development grew bushier than their counter-
 density                                                              parts in habitats identical in all aspects we exam-
Bites available      7.07   0.43   5.60    0.33   2.18   0.03*        ined, other than predation risk.
 per plant
Previous browse     94.29   1.26   87.79   3.46   2.38    0.03*          This bushier growth pattern could create a
Percent browse      35.82   1.98   7.94    1.07   4.74

differences in leaf tissue N or leaf C:N ratios for        height within each plot and found no significant
the most abundant browseable woody species in              difference between low-risk and high-risk plots
our system, additional examination of plant                in any of these metrics. Furthermore, although
responses to herbivory is needed to elucidate the          the number of bites available per plant was 26%
finer mechanisms at play here.                              higher in low-risk sites, and the stem densities of
   The changes in plant architecture we detected           plants within browse height were equal between
were likely brought about by herbivore res-                high- and low-risk sites, deer percent consump-
ponses to predation pressure. Two common anti-             tion of available bites was 4.5 times greater in
predator strategies include modifying habitat              low-risk sites. This mismatch between forage
selection and changing foraging behavior (Lima             availability and percent consumption suggests
and Dill 1990, Lima 1998). Other studies have              that greater deer use of low-risk sites is not dri-
documented prey capitalizing on human pres-                ven by forage availability alone.
ence as a shield against predation by utilizing               A second alternative explanation to higher
habitats adjacent to human activity (Martin and            browse pressure in plots close to human devel-
Szuter 1999, Hebblewhite et al. 2005, Berger               opment is that deer were responding to increased
2007). For example, Hebblewhite et al. (2005)              anthropogenic resources, such as irrigated land-
found that wolves in Banff National Park                   scapes, gardens, or other human-derived subsi-
avoided areas with greater human activity, and             dies in adjacent developed areas (Fenn et al.
as a result, elk spent more time near human                2003). If this were the case, we would expect to
structures. Similarly, pumas in our study area             see higher relative deer activity in low-risk sites,
avoided areas occupied by humans. Our study                and lower browse rates since they would be con-
indicates that deer respond by increasing use of           suming the human-associated resources that
plots closer to human structures relative to plots         attracted them to the site. Consistent with either
farther from humans and consumed a greater                 a nutrient subsidy explanation or predator shield
percentage of the available forage in low-risk             explanation, we did find that the number of deer
areas. We attempted to test for changes in forag-          visits per day was over twice as high in low-risk
ing behavior specifically by measuring deer anti-           sites vs. high-risk sites (Table 4). Deer were not
predator behavior in high- and low-risk sites;             individually identifiable, so we were unable to
however, our experiment failed. We set out a               determine whether the difference between high-
standardized feed paired with a video camera               and low-risk sites were from increased activity of
trap in each site to compare how predation risk            resident deer, or increased numbers of deer pass-
influenced deer vigilance rates. Unfortunately,             ing through on their way to a human-provided
the majority of the bait stations were urinated on         attractant. To differentiate between the two
by foxes, rendering them unattractive to deer.             explanations, we compared the relationship
We also tried establishing feed stations off the           between risk level and the number of bites taken
ground to avoid this issue, but deer showed no             per deer unit, as lower browse rates would indi-
interest in the high-quality human-provided food           cate use of other local resources. We found no
and proceeded to forage on native vegetation               significant difference between bites taken per
instead.                                                   deer in low-risk compared with high-risk sites,
   In order to ensure that the relationships we            suggesting that deer fed at the same rate in low-
describe were derived from human-induced                   risk sites as they would feed elsewhere, but the
changes in predation risk, we explored potential           increase in deer activity in those sites resulted in
alternative explanations for the observed                  heavier browse pressure in safe areas. Further,
increases in deer activity near human develop-             deer failed to consume high-quality forage from
ment (Augustine and Naughton 1998). Deer are               our proffered feeding plots, regardless of habitat
an edge-adapted species and could have been                risk level. Deer consuming unintentionally sup-
selecting for preferred edge habitat with a more           plied human resources may be an issue in some
well-developed understory, rather than protec-             contexts (Conover et al. 2018), but it does not
tion from predation. We measured distance of               appear to be as commonplace in our study area.
the plot to the closest habitat edge, canopy clo-             A third alternative explanation is that deer
sure, and the number of plants within browse               were attracted to plots closer to human-

              v www.esajournals.org                   10            January 2021   v Volume 12(1) v Article e03309

dominated areas by differences in resource avail-            over space and time could cause substantial and
ability. Fertilizer and pollution from human-                difficult to remedy ecosystem-level shifts. There
altered landscapes can increase plant growth                 are rich literatures about the effects of human
rates (Fenn et al. 2003) or enhance tissue chemical          development on surrounding ecosystems, as well
composition (Vallano and Sparks 2008), by exten-             as on trophic cascades. However, this study
sion, increasing foraging reward in plots near               contributes to a new and growing field tracing
development. A twist on this alternative explana-            human-initiated trophic cascades through
tion is that the additional browse pressure could            ecosystems and linking them to changes in plant
induce plant tissue defenses, reducing forage                architecture. Further research would shed light
nutritional availability, thereby increasing the             on the influence altering plant structure has on
amount of forage required to maintain equiva-                surrounding ecosystems, how observed differ-
lent nutritional requirements. In either case, we            ences contribute to changes in individual plant
would expect to see differences in foliar chem-              life history, as well as local bird, invertebrate, or
istry. However, when we measured leaf nitrogen               non-woody plant species composition.
and C:N ratios, we found no significant differ-
ences between high- and low-risk plots, nor did              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
we find any significant difference between
browsed and unbrowsed plants (Table 4). It is                   We thank the California Department of Fish and
possible that different chemistry could result in            Wildlife for their support of funding and staff; B.
the same C:N; future studies could examine plant             Nickel and A. Cole for their counsel on spatial analy-
                                                             ses; J. Velzy, D. Polk, and M. Dillingham for green-
defensive chemistry in high- vs. low-risk plots. In
                                                             house help; C. Wylie and D. Tichenor for puma
total, our exploration of alternative hypotheses
                                                             capture support; the Santa Cruz Puma Project staff
leads us to the conclusion that increased browse             and interns for help collecting and processing data; the
pressure in low-risk plots reflects increased pro-            many land owners who allowed us access to their
tection against predators rather than differences            property; T. Pearce for help in the field, laboratory, and
in proximity to preferred edge habitat, woody                beyond; and the National Science Foundation grants
plant availability, plant palatability, or the nutri-        #1255913 and #0963022, the Gordon and Betty Moore
tional content of plant tissues.                             Foundation, the American Museum of Natural His-
   Extending these results beyond our local study            tory, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and the
area, these trophodynamics are likely playing                UC Santa Cruz Environmental Studies Department for
out over a large spatial extent. Pumas can be                their generous funding.
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of South America to the sub-Arctic. Cervids are              LITERATURE CITED
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