Publications Thomas Poder - Centre de recherche IUSMM

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Publications Thomas Poder

Camden, C., Zwicker, J.G., Morin, M., Schuster, T., Couture, M., Poder, T.G., Maltais,
D.B., Battista, M.-C., Baillargeon, J.-P., Goyette, M., Pratte, G., Hurtubise, K., Phoenix, M.,
Nguyen, T., Berbari, J., et Tousignant, M. (2021) Web-based early intervention for children
with motor difficulties aged 3–8 years old using multimodal rehabilitation (WECARE):
protocol of a patient-centred pragmatic randomised trial of paediatric telerehabilitation to
support families. BMJ Open. 11 4: e046561. Abstract
Azzano, P., *Dufresne, E., Poder, T.G., et Begin, P. (2021) Economic considerations on
the usage of biologics in the allergy clinic. Allergy. 76 1: 191-209. Pubmed
Lévesque, A., Kermagoret, C., Poder, T.G., L'Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., He, J., Sauvé, S., et
Dupras, J. (2021) Financing on-farm ecosystem services in southern Quebec, Canada: A
public call for pesticides reduction. Ecological Economics. 184: 106997. Abstract
*Dufresne, E., Poder, T.G., Samaan, K., Lacombe-Barrios, J., Paradis, L., Des Roches,
A., et Begin, P. (2021) SF-6Dv2 preference value set for health utility in food allergy.
Allergy. 76 1: 326-338. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Carrier, N. Poder, T.G. et Carrier, N. (2021) Predicting SF-6Dv2 utility
scores for chronic low back pain using the Oswestry Disability Index and Roland-Morris
Disability Questionnaire. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research. 21
1: 105-110. Pubmed
Chapdelaine, A., Lamoureux-Lamarche, C., Poder, T.G., et Vasiliadis, H.M. (2021)
Sociodemographic factors and beliefs about medicines in the uptake of pharmacogenomic
testing in older adults. Pharmacogenomics. 22 3: 125-135. Pubmed
Singh, J.K., *Acharya, D., Rani, D., Gautam, S., Bajgain, K.T., Bajgain, B.B., Park, J.-H.,
Yoo, S.-J., Poder, T.G., Lewin, A., et Lee, K. (2021) Underweight and Associated Factors
Among Teenage Adolescent Girls in Resource-poor Settings: A Cross-sectional Study.
Risk Manager Healthcare Policy. 14: 9-19. Abstract
Poder, T.G., Guertin, J.R., *Touré, M., Pratte, G., Gauvin, C., Feeny, D., Furlong, W., et
Camden, C. (2021) Canadian French translation and linguistic validation of the health-
related quality of life utility measure for pre-school children. Expert review of
pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research. 1-7. Pubmed
Gagnon, M.P., Tantchou Dipankui, M., Poder, T.G., Payne-Gagnon, J., Mbemba, G., et
Beretta, V. (2021) Patient and public involvement in health technology assessment: update
of a systematic review of international experiences. International journal of technology
assessment in health care. 37: e36. Pubmed
L'Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., Dupras, J., He, J., Auclair, J., Kermagoret, C., et Poder, T.G.
(2021) The economic value of Canada's National Capital Green Network. PLoS One. 16
1: e0245045. Pubmed
Laberge, M., Poirier, A., Berthelot, S., Poder, T.G., Strumpf, E., et Zomahoun, H.T.V.
(2021) Chapter 19: Bringing health economics knowledge to non-economists in Quebec,
Canada: A case study of a multi-modal knowledge transfer approach for patient-oriented
Publications Thomas Poder

research, in International Handbook on Teaching Health Economics: Best Practices,
M.P.A.C. Goodman, Editor Edward Elgar Publishing. Book section
Poder, T.G., *Dufresne, É., He, J., *Talba, L., et Borges Da Silva, R. (2021) Confinement
et qualité de vie reliée à la santé : Analyse des effets et des facteurs de risque. 2021RP-

Langlois, A., Lavergne, M.H., Leroux, H., Killer, K., Azzano, P., Paradis, L., Samaan, K.,
Lacombe-Barrios, J., Eiwegger, T., Upton, J., Sussman, G., Poder, T.G., Masse, B.,
Roches, A.D., et Begin, P. (2020) Correction to: Protocol for a double-blind, randomized
controlled trial on the dose-related efficacy of omalizumab in multi-food oral
immunotherapy. Allergy, asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian
Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 16: 38. Pubmed
Langlois, A., Lavergne, M.H., Leroux, H., Killer, K., Azzano, P., Paradis, L., Samaan, K.,
Lacombe-Barrios, J., Eiwegger, T., Upton, J., Sussman, G., Poder, T.G., Masse, B.,
Roches, A.D., et Begin, P. (2020) Protocol for a double-blind, randomized controlled trial
on the dose-related efficacy of omalizumab in multi-food oral immunotherapy. Allergy,
Asthma & Clinical Immunology. 16 1: 25. Abstract
Poder, T.G., Safianyk, C., Fournier, M.F., Ganache, I., *Touré, M., Pomey, M.P., et
Gagnon, M.P. (2020) Patients, users, caregivers, and citizens' involvement in local health
technology assessment unit in Quebec: a survey. International journal of technology
assessment in health care. 1-6. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., *Wang, L., et Carrier, N. (2020) EQ-5D-5L and SF-6Dv2 utility scores in
people living with chronic low back pain: a survey from Quebec. BMJ Open. 10 9: e035722.
Ameri, H., Safari, H., et Poder, T.G. (2020) Exploring the consistency of the SF-6Dv2 in a
breast cancer population. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research. 1-
8. Pubmed
Tremblay, D., Poder, T.G., Vasiliadis, H.M., Touati, N., Fortin, B., Levesque, L., et Longo,
C. (2020) Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Patient Self-Administered Financial
Effects (P-SAFE) Questionnaire to Assess the Financial Burden of Cancer in French-
Speaking Patients. Healthcare (Basel). 8 4. Pubmed
*Dieng, A., He, J., et Poder, T.G. (2020) Web Comparison of Three Contingent Valuation
Techniques in Women of Childbearing Age: The Case of Ovulation Induction in Quebec.
Interactive journal of medical research. 9 1: e13355. Pubmed
*Dufresne, E., Poder, T.G., et Begin, P. (2020) The value of oral immunotherapy. Allergy.
75 6: 1291-1293. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., et *Kouakou, C.R.C. (2020) Quebec Health-Related Quality-of-
Life Population Norms Using the EQ-5D-5L: Decomposition by Sociodemographic Data
and Health Problems. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 23 2: 251-259. Pubmed
Publications Thomas Poder

Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., Roy, M., et Camden, C. (2020) A Discrete Choice Experiment on
Women's Preferences for Water Immersion During Labor and Birth: Identification,
Refinement and Selection of Attributes and Levels. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health. 17 6. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Maltais, S. (2020) Systemic analysis of medication administration omission
errors in a tertiary-care hospital in Quebec. Health information management : journal of the
Health Information Management Association of Australia. 49 2-3: 99-107. Pubmed
Marsh, K., van Til, J.A., Molsen-David, E., Juhnke, C., Hawken, N., Oehrlein, E.M., Choi,
Y.C., Duenas, A., Greiner, W., Haas, K., Hiligsmann, M.l., Hockley, K.S., Ivlev, I., Liu, F.,
Ostermann, J.n., Poder, T.G., Poon, J.L., et Muehlbacher, A. (2020) Health Preference
Research in Europe: A Review of Its Use in Marketing Authorization, Reimbursement, and
Pricing Decisions—Report of the ISPOR Stated Preference Research Special Interest
Group. Value in Health. 23 7: 831-841. Abstract
Lévesque, A., Bélanger, N., Poder, T.G., Filotas, É., et Dupras, J. (2020) From white to
green gold: Digging into public expectations and preferences for ecological restoration of
asbestos mines in southeastern Quebec, Canada. The Extractive Industries and Society.
7 4: 1411-1423. Abstract
*Ntumba, J.M., Damasse, J., Jézéquel-Bréard, T., et Poder, T.G. (2020) Impact de la
COVID-19 sur l’affluence des patients à l’urgence psychiatrique et le taux d’hospitalisation
à Montréal. International Journal of Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment. 1:
12-24. Abstract
*Touré, M. et Poder, T.G. (2020) Évaluation économique en santé mentale : concepts et
enjeux. International Journal of Health Preference Research. 1: 12-24. Abstract
Cardinal, M.P., Poder, T.G., Roy-Lacroix, M.E., Cavalle-Garrido, T., Vaujois, L., Dallaire,
F., et Investigators, F.S. (2020) Considerations for Scaling Down Fetal Echocardiography
During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 36 6: 969 e5-969
e6. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et *Beffarat, M. (2020 epub ahead of print) Attributes Underlying Non-surgical
Treatment Choice for People With Low Back Pain: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review.
International journal of health policy and management. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Carrier, N. (2020) Predicting EQ-5D-5L Utility Scores from the Oswestry
Disability Index and Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for Low Back Pain. Journal of
pain research. 13: 623-631. Pubmed
He, J., Dupras, J., Ndefo, F., et Poder, T.G. (2020) Payment and provision consequentiality
in voluntary contribution mechanism: separate or joint effects? Letters in Spatial and
Resource Sciences. 13 1: 11-36. Abstract
Poder, T.G., Rhainds, M., Bellemare, C.A., Deblois, S., Hammana, I., Safianyk, C., St-
Jacques, S., et Dagenais, P. (2020 epub ahead of print) Experiences of Using Cochrane
Systematic Reviews by Local HTA Units. International journal of health policy and
management. Pubmed
Publications Thomas Poder

*Araj, M., Bolduc, J., Bolster-Foucault, C., Borges Da Silva, R., Bourassa Forcier, M.,
Brundisini, F., Coulibaly, S., Dubois, C.A., Fonseca, R., Michaud, P.C., Fortin, B.,
Godefroy, R., Golo, K.T., Isabelle, M., Laberge, M., Lacroix, G., Montmarquette, C., Poder,
T.G., Quesnel-Vallee, A., Savard, C., Strumpf, E.C., Toussaint-Martin, O., et Tchouaket,
E. (2020) La santé au cœur de la relance économique du Québec - 2020PR-01
Poirier, M.B., Poder, T.G., et Dagenais, P. (2020) Chirurgie endocanalaire de libération du
canal carpien Unité d’évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé et
services sociaux du CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS Sherbrooke, Québec Report
Tremblay, D., Touati, N., Poder, T. G., Vasiliadis, H.M., Bilodeau, K., Berbiche, D., Denis,
J.L., Pomey, M.P., Hébert, J., Roch, G., Prady, C., et Lévesque, L. (2019) Collaborative
governance in the Quebec Cancer Network: a realist evaluation of emerging mechanisms
of institutionalization, multi-level governance, and value creation using a longitudinal
multiple case study design. BMC health services research. 19 1: 752. Pubmed
*Kouakou, C.R.C. et Poder, T. G. (2019) Economic impact of harmful algal blooms on
human health: a systematic review. Journal of Water and Health. 17 4: 499-516. Pubmed
L'Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., Kermagoret, C., Dupras, J., He, J., Leroux, J., Schinck, M.P., et
Poder, T.G. (2019) Understanding the preferences of water users in a context of
cyanobacterial blooms in Quebec. Journal of Environmental Management. 248 109271:
1. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., *Fauteux, V., He, J., et Brazier, J.E. (2019) Consistency Between Three
Different Ways of Administering the Short Form 6 Dimension Version 2. Value in health :
the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.
22 7: 837-842. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., *Beffarat, M., Benkhalti, M., Ladouceur, G., et Dagenais, P. (2019) A discrete
choice experiment on preferences of patients with low back pain about non-surgical
treatments: identification, refinement and selection of attributes and levels. Patient
preference and adherence. 13: 933-940. Pubmed
Upton, J.E.M., Poder, T.G., et Begin, P. (2019) Early introduction without screening is a
good deal, if caregivers will buy it. Allergy. Editorial. 74 2: 213-215. Pubmed
Li, Q., Larivee, P., Courteau, J., Couillard, S., Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., Belanger, M., et
Vanasse, A. (2019) Greater eosinophil counts at first COPD hospitalization are associated
with more readmissions and fewer deaths. International journal of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. 14: 331-341. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., McFadden, N., et Pavic, M. (2019) Health utilities in cancer
patients: A study protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort using online survey.
Medicine (Baltimore). 98 9: e14647. Pubmed
Noel, C., Gagnon, M.H., Cardinal, M.P., Guertin, O., Dery, A., Tetu, C., Vanasse, A., Roy-
Lacroix, M.E., Poder, T.G., Marelli, A.J., Cavalle-Garrido, T., Vaujois, L., Bigras, J.L., et
Dallaire, F. (2019) Rationale and Design of the FREQUENCY Study: The Fetal Cardiac
Publications Thomas Poder

Registry of Quebec to Improve Resource Utilization in Fetal Cardiology. Journal of
obstetrics and gynaecology Canada : JOGC. 41 4: 459-465 e12. Pubmed
Camden, C., Couture, M., Pratte, G., Morin, M., Roberge, P., Poder, T.G., Maltais, D.B.,
Jasmin, E., Hurtubise, K., Ducreux, E., Léger, F., Zwicker, J., Berbari, J., Fallon, F., et
Tousignant, M. (2019) Recruitment, use, and satisfaction with a web platform supporting
families of children with suspected or diagnosed developmental coordination disorder: a
randomized feasibility trial. Developmental neurorehabilitation. 22 7: 470-478. Pubmed
He, J., Enomana, H., Dupras, J., Kermagoret, C., et Poder, T.G. (2019) Measuring
Recreation Benefit Loss under Climate Change with Revealed and Stated Behavior Data:
The Case of Lac Saint-Pierre World Biosphere Reserve (Québec, Canada). Environmental
Management. 64 6: 746-756. Abstract
Côté, E., He, J., Langlois, M.F., Brown, C., et Poder, T.G. (2019) Volonté à payer pour un
programme de gestion intégrée de l’obésité dans les Groupes de médecine de famille au
Québec. International Journal of Health Preference Research. 1: 3-19. Abstract
Benkhalti, M., Dagenais, P., Poder, T.G., et Carroll, M.S. (2019) Infiltrations de
corticostéroïdes, autres traitements et modes de prise en charge pour la douleur chronique
musculosquelettique lombosacrée d’origine non cancéreuse Unité d’évaluation des
technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé et services sociaux du CIUSSS de
l’Estrie – CHUS Sherbrooke, Québec. Rapport d’avis d’évaluation rapide

Poder, T.G. (2019) IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket 2019 Virtual Booklet Institute of
Health economics Alberta Canada. Report
Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., Mead, H., et Stevens, K.J. (2018) Canadian French translation
and linguistic validation of the child health utility 9D (CHU9D). Health and quality of life
outcomes. 16 1: 168. Pubmed
Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.C., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Doucet, S., Ramsden, V.R.,
Brodeur, M., Bush, P.L., Couturier, Y., Dubois, M.F., Guenette, L., Legare, F., Morin, P.,
Poder, T.G., Poitras, M.E., Roberge, P., Valaitis, R., Bighead, S., Campbell, C., Couture,
M., Davis, B., Deschenes, E., Edwards, L., Gander, S., Gauthier, G., Gauthier, P., Gibson,
R.J., Godbout, J., Landry, G., Longjohn, C., Rabbitskin, N., Roy, D.A., Roy, J., Sabourin,
V., Sampalli, T., Saulnier, A., Spence, C., Splane, J., Warren, M., Young, J., et Pluye, P.
(2018) Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with
chronic diseases and complex care needs: an implementation and realist evaluation
protocol. BMJ Open. 8 11: e026433. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. (2018) Challenges to make cost-effectiveness studies usable by decision
makers. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 156 5: 1931-1932. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., *Kouakou, C.R.C., Bouchard, P.A., Tremblay, V., Blais, S., Maltais, F., et
Lellouche, F. (2018) Cost-effectiveness of FreeO2 in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease hospitalised for acute exacerbations: analysis of a pilot study in
Quebec. BMJ Open. 8 1: e018835. Pubmed
Publications Thomas Poder

Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., Belanger, M., Couillard, S., Courteau, J., Larivee, P., et Vanasse,
A. (2018) Eosinophil counts in first COPD hospitalizations: a 1-year cost analysis in
Quebec, Canada. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 13: 3065-
3076. Pubmed
Belanger, M., Couillard, S., Courteau, J., Larivee, P., Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., Girard, K.,
Vezina, F.A., et Vanasse, A. (2018) Eosinophil counts in first COPD hospitalizations: a
comparison of health service utilization. International journal of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. 13: 3045-3054. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., et Bedard, S.K. (2018) Health Technology Assessment Unit
Processes for the Validation of an Information Tool to Involve Patients in the Safety of Their
Care. International journal of technology assessment in health care. 34 4: 378-387.
Poder, T.G., Bellemare, C.A., Bedard, S.K., Fisette, J.F., et Dagenais, P. (2018) Impact of
Health Technology Assessment Reports on Hospital Decision Makers - 10-Year Insight
from a Hospital Unit in Sherbrooke, Canada: Impact of Health Technology Assessment on
Hospital Decisions. International journal of technology assessment in health care. 34 4:
393-399. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Bellemare, C.A. (2018) Importance of Contextual Data in Producing Health
Technology Assessment Recommendations: A Case Study. International journal of
technology assessment in health care. 34 1: 63-67. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Fisette, J.F., Bedard, S.K., et Despatis, M.A. (2018) Is radiofrequency ablation
of varicose veins a valuable option? A systematic review of the literature with a cost
analysis. Canadian journal of surgery. 61 2: 128-138. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Carrier, N., et Bedard, S.K. (2018) Measuring interdisciplinarity in clinical
practice with IPC59, a modified and improved version of IPC65. PLoS One. 13 7:
e0197484. Pubmed
Baillot, A., Baillargeon, J.P., Pare, A., Poder, T.G., Brown, C., et Langlois, M.F. (2018)
Physical activity assessment and counseling in Quebec family medicine groups. Canadian
family physician. 64 5: e234-e241. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Fisette, J.F., et Dery, V. (2018) Speech Recognition for Medical Dictation:
Overview in Quebec and Systematic Review. Journal of medical systems. 42 5: 89.
*Kouakou, C.R.C, Langlois, M.-F., Baillargeon, J.-P., Brown, C., et Poder, T.G. (2018)
Cost-effectiveness of an integrated obesity management program in family medicine
groups in Quebec. International Journal of Health Preference Research. 1: 17-47. Abstract
Bellemare, C.A. et Poder, T.G. (2017) Effectiveness of biplane angiography compared to
monoplane angiography for vascular neuro-interventions: a systematic review of the
literature Clinical radiology. 72 7: 612 e1-612 e5. Pubmed
Publications Thomas Poder

Poder, T.G., *Erraji, J., *Coulibaly, L.P., et *Koffi, K. (2017) Percutaneous coronary
intervention with second-generation drug-eluting stent versus bare-metal stent: Systematic
review and cost-benefit analysis. PLoS One. 12 5: e0177476. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Boileau, J.C., Lafreniere, R., Thibault, L., Carrier, N., de Grandmont, M.J., et
Beauregard, P. (2017) Quantitative assessment of haemolysis secondary to modern
infusion pumps. Vox sanguinis. 112 3: 201-209. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. (2017) Using the Health Technology Assessment Toolbox to Facilitate
Procurement: The Case of Smart Pumps in a Canadian Hospital. International journal of
technology assessment in health care. 33 1: 54-62. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. (2017) Water immersion during labor and birth: is there an extra cost for
hospitals? Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. 23 3: 498-501. Pubmed
*Fauteux, V., Poder T.G. (2017) État des lieux sur les méthodes d’élicitation du QALY.
International Journal of Health Preference Research, 1:2-14. Abstract
Poder T.G., Carrier, N., Bédard, S.K. (2017) Interdisciplinarity in clinical practice in
Quebec: Results of a survey with IPC59. International Journal of Hospital-Based HTA, 1:3-
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2017) Willingness to pay for a cleaner car: The case of car pollution
in Quebec and France. Energy. 130: 48-54. Abstract
He, J., Dupras, J., et Poder, T.G. (2017) The value of wetlands in Quebec: a comparison
between contingent valuation and choice experiment. 6: 51-78. Abstract
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2016) Willingness to pay and the sensitivity of willingness to pay for
interdisciplinary musculoskeletal clinics: a contingent valuation study in Quebec, Canada.
International journal of health economics and management. 16 4: 337-361. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Pruneau, D., Dorval, J., Thibault, L., Fisette, J.F., Bedard, S.K., Jacques, A.,
et Beauregard, P. (2016) Pressure Infusion Cuff and Blood Warmer during Massive
Transfusion: An Experimental Study About Hemolysis and Hypothermia. PLoS One. 11
10: e0163429. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Dupras, J., Fetue Ndefo, F., et He, J. (2016) The Economic Value of the
Greater Montreal Blue Network (Quebec, Canada): A Contingent Choice Study Using Real
Projects to Estimate Non-Market Aquatic Ecosystem Services Benefits. PLoS One. 11 8:
e0158901. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Fisette, J.F. (2016) Are drug-coated balloons cost effective for
femoropopliteal occlusive disease? A comparison of bare metal stents and uncoated
balloons. Journal of comparative effectiveness research. 5 4: 335-344. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Pruneau, D., Dorval, J., Thibault, L., Fisette, J.F., Bedard, S.K., Jacques, A.,
et Beauregard, P. (2016) Effect of warming and flow rate conditions of blood warmers on
red blood cell integrity. Vox sanguinis. 111 4: 341-349. Pubmed
Publications Thomas Poder

Baillargeon, J.P., St-Cyr-Tribble, D., Xhignesse, M., Grant, A., Brown, C., Poder, T.G., et
Langlois, M.F. (2016) Erratum to: Impact of an integrated obesity management system on
patient's care - research protocol. BMC obesity. 3: 23. Pubmed
Poder T.G. (2016) Editorial: Why a new HTA journal? International Journal of Hospital-
Based Health Technology Assessment, 1:1. Abstract
Poder T.G. (2016) Editorial: Better Understanding Health Preferences. International
Journal of Health Preference Research, 1:1. Abstract
Bellemare, C., Fisette, J.-F., Poder, T.G., Bédard, S.K., et Dagenais, P. (2016) Chapter 16
The Healt technologiy assesment unit of the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke
(Canada« Hospital-based Health Technology Assessment. The Next Frontier for Health
Technology Assessment, in Hospital-based Health Technology Assessment, L.S.-C.a.J.
Martin, Editor Springer: Switzerland. p. 185-200. Book section
Dupas, J., Réveret, J.-P., He, J., Poder, T.G., et Boyer, J.-P. (2015) Chapitre 6 : Des outils
et des méthodes pour une évaluation économique des services écosystémiques, in Nature
et économie: Un regard sur les écosystèmes du Québec, D.e.J.-P.R. (eds), Editor Presse
de l’Université du Québec. p. 115-138. Book section
Dupas, J., Réveret, J.-P., He, J., Poder, T.G., et Boyer, J.-P. (2015) Chapitre 12 :
L’analyse coûts-avantages et la prise de décision publique, in Nature et économie: Un
regard sur les écosystèmes du Québec, D.e.J.-P.R. (eds), Editor Presse de l’Université du
Québec. p. 225-234. Book section
Duval, K., Langlois, M.F., Carranza-Mamane, B., Pesant, M.H., Hivert, M.F., Poder, T.G.,
Lavoie, H.B., Ainmelk, Y., St-Cyr Tribble, D., Laredo, S., Greenblatt, E., Sagle, M., Waddell,
G., Belisle, S., Riverin, D., Jean-Denis, F., Belan, M., et Baillargeon, J.P. (2015) The
Obesity-Fertility Protocol: a randomized controlled trial assessing clinical outcomes and
costs of a transferable interdisciplinary lifestyle intervention, before and during pregnancy,
in obese infertile women. BMC obesity. 2: 47. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., Bellemare, C.A., Bedard, S.K., et Lemieux, R. (2015) Social acceptance and
population confidence in telehealth in Quebec. BMC health services research. 15: 72.
Poder, T.G., *Nonkani, W.G., et *Tsakeu Leponkouo, E. (2015) Blood Warming and
Hemolysis: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Transfusion medicine reviews. 29
3: 172-180. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2015) The role of ethnic and rural discrimination in the relationship
between income inequality and health in Guatemala. International journal of health services
: planning, administration, evaluation. 45 2: 285-305. Pubmed
Baillot, A., Baillargeon, J.P., Brown, C., Poder, T.G., et Langlois, M.F. (2015) The 6-min
Walk Test Reflects Functional Capacity in Primary Care and Obese Patients. International
journal of sports medicine. 36 6: 503-509. Abstract
Publications Thomas Poder

Hammana, I., Lepanto, L., Poder, T.G., Bellemare, C., et Ly, M.-S. (2015) Speech
Recognition in the Radiology Department: A Systematic Review. Health Information
Management Journal. 44 2: 4-10. Abstract
Poder, T.G., He, J., Simard, C., et Pasquier, J.C. (2014) Willingness to pay for ovulation
induction treatment in case of WHO II anovulation: a study using the contingent valuation
method. Patient Preference and Adherence. 8: 1337-1346. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Lariviere, M. (2014) Bénéfices et risques de l'accouchement dans l'eau:
une revue systématique. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité. 42 10: 706-713. Pubmed
Baillargeon, J.-P., St-Cyr-Tribble, D., Xhignesse, M., Grant, A., Brown, C., Poder, T.G. et
Langlois, M.-F. (2014) Impact of an integrated obesity management system on patient's
care - research protocol. BMC Obesity. 1, 19. Abstract
Gagnon, M.-P., Desmartis, M., Poder, T.G., et Witteman, W. (2014) Effects and
repercussions of local/hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA): a systematic
review. Systematic Reviews. 3: 129-129. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Lemieux, R. (2013) How effective are spiritual care and body manipulation
therapies in pediatric oncology? A systematic review of the literature. Global journal of
health science. 6 2: 112-127. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Fortier, P.H. (2013) Implantable Doppler in monitoring free flaps: a cost-
effectiveness analysis based on a systematic review of the literature. European annals of
otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases. 130 2: 79-85. Pubmed
Comtois, J., Paris, Y., Poder, T.G., et Chausse, S. (2013) L'approche Kaizen au Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS) : un avantage organisationnel significatif.
Santé Publique. 25 2: 169-177. Pubmed
Bedard, S.K., Poder, T.G., et Lariviere, C. (2013) Processus de validation du questionnaire
IPC65: un outil de mesure de l'interdisciplinarite en pratique clinique. Santé Publique. 25
6: 763-773. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et Fortier, P.H. (2013) Doppler implantable dans la surveillance des lambeaux
libres : une analyse coût-efficacité basée sur une revue systématique de la littérature.
Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale. 130 2: 84-
91. Abstract
Poder, T.G. (2013) Chapitre 11: Social Capital and Health: Are they Linked in Developing
Countries? The Case of Guatemala, in Social Capital: Theory, Measurement and
Outcomes, C.D.J. (ed.), Editor Nova Science Publishers. p. 237-261. Book section
Poder T.G. (2013) Les outils d’aide à la décision. In J.P. Révéret « L’évaluation
économique des biens et services écosystémiques dans un contexte de changements
climatiques ». Consortium OURANOS. Book section
Publications Thomas Poder

Poder, T.G., Godbout, S.T., et Bellemare, C. (2011) Dual vs. single computer monitor in a
Canadian hospital Archiving Department: a study of efficiency and satisfaction. Health
information management : journal of the Health Information Management Association of
Australia. 40 3: 20-25. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., He, J., et Lemieux, R. (2011) Efficacité du casque réfrigérant en
chimiothérapie. Bulletin du cancer. 98 9: 1119-1129. Pubmed
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2011) How can sanitary infrastructures reduce child malnutrition and
health inequalities? Evidence from Guatemala. Journal of Development Effectiveness. 3
4: 543-566. Abstract
Poder, T.g. (2011) Inégalité de revenu et état de santé : une relation ambiguë. ¿
Interrogations ? 12: 233-256. Abstract
Poder, T.G. (2011) What is Really Social Capital? A Critical Review. The American
Sociologist. 42 4: 341. Abstract
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2011) Tumeurs rénales : techniques opératoires standards versus
cryoablation. Évaluation des coûts. Gestions hospitalières. 508: 1-5. Abstract
Poder, T.G., Bellemare, C., Bedard, S.K., He, J., et Lemieux, R. (2010) New design of
care: Assessment of an interdisciplinary orthopaedic clinic with a pivot nurse in the
province of Quebec. Orthopedic nursing. 29 6: 381-389. Pubmed
Poder, T.G., He, J., et Renald, L. (2010) Standard of Care and New Operative Techniques
for Small Renal Tumors: a Meta-analysis with a Special Focus on Cryoablation. Global
Journal of Health Science. 2: 3-19. Abstract
Poder, T.G. et He, J. (2010) Social Capital and Health: What the Empirical Literature
Teaches Us? Global Journal of Health Science. 2: 3-7. Abstract
Poder, T.G. (2010) Capital social, inégalités de revenus et développement des jeunes
enfants : le cas du Guatemala: Editions universitaires europeennes. 296 pages. Book
Poder, T.G. et Bellemare, C. (2009) Émergence d'une nouvelle technologie au service de
la gestion des hôpitaux : les systèmes de reconnaissance vocale. Journal d'économie
médicale. 27 6: 329-339. Abstract
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