Page created by Barbara Peterson
Trust in the future
Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA)
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                            I am interested in the future
                                                                                                                                         more than the past because I intend
                                                                                                                                                    to live in it.
                                                                                                                                                   (Albert Einstein)

                                              Vision, mission and core values                                                 FOREWORD                        Dear reader,                               confidence consumers and others
                                                                                                                                                                                                         can have in the quality of the
                                                              Vision                                                                                          Whether it is with regard to the           work on the basis of accreditation
                  The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) wants to be the national accreditation body which:                                                    economy, our safety in all kinds of        by the accredited establishments
                                                                 •                                                                                            forms or the accessibility of good         is justified, where this is often
                  performs accreditations transparently in all the required sectors, both private and public;                                                 care: consumer confidence is often         experienced unconsciously as
                                                                 •                                                                                            linked to the future and in this           obvious.
      increases the confidence of society in services and products by the certificates of conformity issued to its clients;                                   connection someone else must
                                                                 •                                                                                            ensure that everything will be all         As the RvA we try to create bridges
                             provides the quality image of the organisations assessed by the RvA;                                                             right. That other must provide             between users, the public sector
                                                                 •                                                                                            confidence but without anyone              and accredited establishments. All
                                            contributes to removing trade barriers;                                                                           indicating what the measure for            of us must bear in mind that we
                                                                 •                                                                                            confidence is. This is a difficult task,   can influence today the confidence
    is a strong link in the global accreditation network; is seen internationally as a leading accreditation organisation;                                    we will not deny it.                       in the future by making standards
                                                                 •                                                                                                                                       more explicit and learning together
                                               offers its staff challenging work.                                                                             So long as everything is going well,       from what often goes wrong.
                                                                                                                                                              nobody says anything. As soon as           This report is about building
                                                                                                                                                              things go wrong, it often appears          confidence in the future. In it you
                                                            Mission                                                                                           that an unexpressed expectation has        can also find the story of the work
                      The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) ensures that the confidence interested                                                            not been fulfilled. That unexpressed       we are doing today on building
                 parties have in all the certificates of conformity and assessment reports issued under its                                                   expectation is often that it must be       confidence.
                                                    supervision is justified.                                                                                 ‘impossible’ for ‘it’ to happen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         We hope you enjoy reading it and
                                                                                                                                                              On the other hand in some cases it         that it gives you a challenging
                                                       Core values                                                                                            is indeed accepted that things can         perspective on a future with
                Our organisation has the following core values as its starting points in everything it does:                                                  go wrong. Think of near-disasters          confidence.
                                                             •                                                                                                involving aircraft, unintended
                                                       competence,                                                                                            consequences of operations,
                                                             •                                                                                                building site accidents and so much
                                             impartiality and independence,                                                                                   more. To this the response in many
                                                             •                                                                                                cases is not: how can we exclude
                                                  market-orientation,                                                                                         them, but how can we reduce them,
                                                             •                                                                                                what can we learn from this, so that       Jan van der Poel
                                                  people-orientation,                                                                                         the chances of this happening again        Chief Executive
                                                             •                                                                                                become smaller?
                                                         integrity,                                                                                           The work of the RvA fits in with
                                                             •                                                                                                the latter because we establish in
                                                      transparency.                                                                                           advance whether the organisations
                                                                                                                                                              we assess are independent and
                         In Dutch the first letters of these words read as the acronym ‘commit’,                                                              expert and have their own culture
      this indicates ‘commitment’. It is particularly this commitment based on our core values which offers clients                                           for improvement.
                                  an actual guarantee of trust, now and in the future.
                                                                                                                                                              Accreditation provides confidence
                                                                                                                                                              assurance that these organisations,
                                                                                                                                                              which are testing, measuring,
                                                                                                                                                              inspecting and certifying will do
                                                                                                                                                              well in the future. This is not a
                                                                                                                                                              guarantee that things will never go
                                                                                                                                                              wrong in the same way as holding
                                                                                                                                                              a driving license doesn’t guarantee
                                                                                                                                                              that a driver would never cause
                                                                                                                                                              a traffic accident. But that the


Part 1                                   Part 2
trust in the future:                     connection leads to confidence:
the contribution by the Dutch            personal visions of trust in the future
Accreditation council (rvA)
                                         VOC: Quo Vadis?
By way of introduction               7   Column by Kees Pasmooij              36

Accreditation as a bridge of             People want safety.
confidence between a cohesive            A plea for clarity and continuity
public sector and society.               by Paul Schnabel                     37
Vision and practice                  9
                                         Justified confidence in the future.
Supervision and advice:                  Column by Paul Hesselink            40
guaranteeing confidence             11
                                         Provide clear quality mechanisms.
International cooperation           13   A conversation with
                                         Louise Gunning-Schepers           41
The internal organisation           15
                                         Accreditation of medical
Quality leads to confidence              laboratories 2.0: quality now even
in the future                       18   more recognisable.
                                         Column by Marc Thelen              43
Medical laboratories: in the lead
with transparent quality            20   Confidence in the future?
                                         Realise the connection!
                                         A group discussion with
Annexes                                  Ed Nijpels, André Knottnerus
                                         and Frits Spangenberg                44
The primary process of the RvA      22
                                         Confidence in the future?
Administrative bodies and                Make sure there are clear rules
advisory committees                 23   and supervision!
                                         Column by Albert Jan Maat            49
Brief financial overview            24

Our work in figures                 25

Accepted scheme managers            28

Quality marks of the RvA            31

List of abbreviations               33
6                                                                                                                                                                                          7
                                                              “Never be intimidated by the future.
                                                              The weapons of reason by which you
                                                            defend yourself now will also be of use to
                                                                 you then when it is necessary”
                                                                         (Marcus Aurelius)

                                                                                                         BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION                   The core task of the Dutch
                                                                                                                                                  Accreditation Council (RvA) is to
                                                                                                         The year 2012 is coming to an end.       guarantee the confidence of the
                                                                                                         As Christmas approaches, Marcia          people, the public sector, companies
                                                                                                         Luyten has a talk in the Buitenhof       and bodies. In the first part of this
                                                                                                         television programme with two            report you will not only find an
                                                                                                         ‘éminences grises’ of Dutch politics,    account of the manner in which
                                                                                                         Hans Wiegel and Ruub Lubbers,            our organisation contributed as
                                                                                                         and two younger people who are           an autonomous administrative
                                                                                                         also involved in the future of our       authority in 2012 to cementing
                                                                                                         society: Dennis Wiersma, chairman        trust but also our contribution to
                                                                                                         of FNV Jong, and IJmert Muilwijk,        confidence in the future. In the
                                                                                                         chairman of CNV Jongeren. It was         second part you can read the positive
                                                                                                         a debate between two generations,        views of several people with regard
                                                                                                         quite confrontational but highly         to confidence in the future. We do
                                                                                                         respectful. Generations meet each        this in the form of a representation
                                                                                                         other in the truest sense of the         of two personal interviews with Paul
                                                                                                         words.                                   Schnabel, director of the Social and
                                                                                                                                                  Cultural Planning Office, and Louise
                                                                                                         Several subjects were reviewed such      Gunning-Schepers, chairman of the
             TRUST IN THE FUTURE                                                                         as the gap that has arisen with          Executive Board of the University
    Contribution by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA)                                                regard to pensions between the baby-     of Amsterdam and Hogeschool
                                                                                                         boom generation and the younger          [Polytechnic] of Amsterdam. We
                                                                                                         people. The central subject is the       also had a very fascinating group
                                                                                                         confidence in the future. Obviously,     discussion on this topic with Ed
                                                                                                         some statements will not make you        Nijpels, whose role includes being
                                                                                                         cheerful. Both older gentlemen           chairman of our Supervisory Board,
                                                                                                         indicated that a fundamental lack        André Knottnerus, chairman of
                                                                                                         of trust on all fronts has crept up on   the Netherlands Scientific Council
                                                                                                         our society. But nevertheless, one of    for Government Policy, and Frits
                                                                                                         the last statements by Ruud Lubbers      Spangenberg, founder of the market
                                                                                                         was: “Let’s look at the future of the    research company Motivaction.
                                                                                                         Netherlands and restore confidence
                                                                                                         in the society.”                         These are authentic opinions which
                                                                                                                                                  you perhaps might not always
                                                                                                         Several days later on 25 December,       share. However: they are a source
                                                                                                         Queen Beatrix gave her traditional       for reflection. Reflection fits into
                                                                                                         Christmas address. She calls for the     a report such as this one. It is a
                                                                                                         people to trust our constitutional       line we started as autonomous
                                                                                                         State. This is the basis of a just       administrative body with the public
                                                                                                         society. But according to Queen          report for 2010.
                                                                                                         Beatrix this trust must be earned. A
                                                                                                         quotation: “Openness and tolerance       What remains, is the question: “In
                                                                                                         forms a major basis of trust.            what way will the market cement
                                                                                                         Throughout the ages our society          trust in the future?” We put this
                                                                                                         drew strength from the presence of       question to four organisations that
                                                                                                         people with different cultural and       play a major role in the certification
                                                                                                         ideological backgrounds. Tolerance       of the service provision and
                                                                                                         made our country strong.”                products. You can find their opinion
                                                                                                                                                  in several columns which are also
                                                                                                                                                  included in the second part of this
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9
                                                                                                        The national government will start to work more cheaply, more flexibly and more efficiently,
                                                                                                          with less administrative and official fuss and regulatory pressure. This should contribute
                                                                                                             to improvement of the service provision to the people and to businesses. Policy and
                                                                                                       implementation will be simplified, supervisory duties and advisory roles will be joined, duties
                                                                                                       terminated or decentralised to other authorities and deregulation will be forcefully continued.
                                                                                                                                   This will lead to lower compliance costs.
                                                                                                                                      (Coalition agreement 29 October 2012)

                                                                                      ACCREDITATION AS A BRIDGE                     bodies and certifiers. The risk                  The Accreditation Council considers
    The authors are the following:          A report such as this should              OF CONFIDENCE BETWEEN A                       assessments formulated by the                    that the Dutch public sector
    • Kees Pasmooij, until recently         obviously also include the more           COHESIVE PUBLIC SECTOR AND                    official inspectorates can help                  authorities notifying the bodies
      chairman of the Vereniging            ‘solid’ details. Therefore following on   SOCIETY. VISION AND PRACTICE.                 address any problems jointly. It is              should better use accreditation
      Overleg Certificatie-instellingen     from this you will find information                                                     a joint approach for a common as                 as an alternative way of assessing
      association, a vital organisation     about the organisation of our             Society assumes that the reports              well as a social interest for all the            the notified bodies - often called
      which because of its role             primary process, the composition          and certificates issued by the                respective parties.                              NoBos, an abbreviation for ‘Notified
      supervises the reliability of the     of the executive committees and           assessment bodies are reliable and                                                             Bodies’ - which these authorities
      products and services which we        advisory bodies providing an              offer security for our health, safety         In this way we aim on the one hand               are still currently conducting
      want to trust.                        essential contribution to the duties      and the environment. We often                 for a proper division of roles and               themselves. This encourages the
    • Paul Hesselink, until recently        of the RvA, a brief overview of           rely on this blindly and as a result          type of work and on the other hand               European harmonisation of the
      chairman of Fenelab, the              the financial results for the year        great disappointment is expressed             for good communication in order                  notified bodies. The work method in
      trade association of accredited       2012, the information of our work         with regard to setbacks. This is              to establish jointly what are the                connection with accreditation can
      laboratories and calibration and      in figures, the accepted scheme           understandable. But much is being             most important possibilities for                 then be coordinated between the
      inspection bodies and also General    managers, the marks of the RvA and        done to prevent faults. However,              improvement and how they can be                  ministries, the bodies and the RvA.
      Director of Kiwa.                     a glossary of the abbreviations used.     the exclusion of faults would not             realised.                                        This would create accreditations
    • Marc Thelen, attached as                                                        be 100% achieved, however much                In 2011 the RvA indicated to the                 which comply with the expectations
      medical manager to the clinical       And finally, let us return to the         we say that we want this. It would            ministries which possibilities it was            of the national authority as well
      chemistry and molecular biology       overture of this introduction. In it      yield an unliveable and unaffordable          contemplating. In 2012 we explained              as the international standards. In
      department of Amphia Hospital         we refer to a special meeting in the      society.                                      this in many discussions and                     addition, accreditation contributes
      in Breda. In addition, as an          Buitenhof television programme                                                          presentations at the ministries. In              to transparency, regular and
      initiator he provides guidance to     and the Christmas address of              In this connection the RvA fulfils            the meantime this has contributed                structured supervision and
      the transition of the laboratory      our monarch. And then there               a sort of bridging role. The core             to several concrete projects. A part             European support.
      specialisms to the ISO-standard       was the statement of our queen            activities of the RvA are aimed               of this has already been realised,
      15189.                                in her abdication address: “The           at determining in advance                     others will be implemented in 2013.              From 1 July 2013 onwards in
    • Albert Jan Maat, chairman of LTO      responsibility for our country            the expertise, independence,                  We will review them below on the                 connection with the Construction
      Nederland, the entrepreneurs’         must be in the hands of a new             impartiality and the ‘self-purifying          basis of the three variants which we             Products Regulation the Ministry
      organisation for the agricultural     generation.” In short: new, inspiring     operation’ of the management                  proposed last year:                              of the Interior, Construction
      sector in the Netherlands.            challenges are facing us.                 system of bodies assessing the                                                                 and Housing decided to re-notify
                                                                                      quality, safety and trustworthiness           1. Notification and Designation                  the inspection agencies for
    In the core text of this report         The answer is in all cases                of products and services.                     In order to issue certificates of                building products on the basis of
    we offer you our account of the         unequivocally positive. This is                                                         conformity for CE marking, bodies                accreditation. The Ministry also
    activities undertaken by the RvA in     apparent not only from the contents       The Accreditation Council takes               are often notified by or on behalf               authorises the RvA to make these
    the year 2012 in realising its social   of this public report but certainly       the responsibilities of the market            of ministers. Brussels considers                 notifications in the database of
    role of guaranteeing confidence.        also from the talks we had and the        parties and supervising authorities           accreditation for the respective                 NoBos, called NANDO.
    After this introduction you will        columns from the market. With             as a starting point. This means               area of operation sufficient
    subsequently read more about            dedication and involvement the RvA        that the suppliers of products and            proof of expertise. Other forms                  The Ministry of Social Affairs and
    the contribution which we can           will also continue in the coming          services are primarily responsible for        of demonstrating expertise are                   Employment (Sociale Zaken en
    and will continue to make to the        years to contribute to cementing          the safety of the consumers. In our           discouraged and made unattractive.               Werkgelegenheid: ‘SZW’) takes
    formation of a more cohesive            trust in the future.                      opinion the effectiveness of the work         The statements of notified bodies are            care of European notification and
    public sector, the organisation                                                   of official inspectorates would be            recognised throughout Europe in                  national designation of certification
    of supervision and advice, the                                                    increased if they focussed more on            connection with free movement of                 and inspection bodies on the
    international developments in the                                                 detection and enforcement and less            goods and services.                              basis of the designation criteria
    area of accreditation, the internal                                               on indirect forms of control, as this                                                          proposed by the field of activity.
    developments and quality care                                                     is already happening by certificates                                                           The assessment of the bodies on
    and the transition of medical                                                     and accreditation. The outcomes of                                                             the basis of these criteria, strongly
    laboratories from a national to an                                                their work could then more often                                                               resembling accreditation, has been
    international standard.                                                           form an input for improving the                                                                outsourced to the RvA. In 2012 the
                                                                                      controls carried out by the market                                                             first assessments were carried out,
                                                                                      parties themselves, and of the                                                                 as much as possible by overlapping
                                                                                      systems of external supervision by                                                             already existing accreditations in
                                                                                      accredited laboratories, inspection                                                            order not to increase the burden
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11

                                                                                                                                                               What wise rulers are obliged to do:
                                                                                                                                               not solely and exclusively take into account the wrongs that exist
                                                                                                                                                    at certain times but also those which can arise in future
                                                                                                                                                      and this should be countered by all possible means.

     for the bodies. In this way trust       expectations, that the parties            In 2012 a discussion was held with     SUPERVISION AND ADVICE:                             It is preferable for the following     Supervisory Board will be heard. The
     can be built up between the parties     acknowledge and use each other’s          the Ministry of Safety and Justice     GUARANTEEING CONFIDENCE                             competence areas to be represented     Accreditation Committee reports
     and within a few years they can         criteria and that they do not each        about accreditation of laboratories                                                        on the Supervisory Board:              annually on its activities to the
     probably be incorporated into the       apply their own yardstick.                engaged in DNA tests and               The Dutch Accreditation Council                     • commercial sector,                   Supervisory Board.
     accreditation protocols. The SZW                                                  accreditation of forensic research.    (RvA) is allowed to operate with a                  • public sector,
     Inspectorate can keep its finger on     The RvA considers this to be a very                                              high degree of independence but                     • research/technology,                 objection chairmen committee
     the pulse via its market supervision    feasible option, an option which is       There were discussions with the        forms of supervising the work of the                • healthcare/medical,                  It is possible that there may be an
     and feed its findings back to the       also in line with previous positions      Ministry of Social Affairs and         RvA and advice in the accreditation                 • food and goods,                      objection to a decision by the RvA.
     RvA in order to improve the system      of the cabinet with regard to the use     Employment regarding a quality         decision-making process are of major                • quality.                             If that is the case, the Chairmen
     where necessary.                        of accreditation and certification.       mark scheme for temping agencies.      importance in this connection. They                                                        Committee for Objection will be
                                             In 2012 the Ministry of SZW                                                      guarantee independence, expertise                   When selecting the Members the         engaged. This Committee consists of
     Since 2012 the Ministry of              announced that it will be deploying       At European level the employees        and provide a critical evaluation of                major personal qualities are:          at least one and not more than five
     Infrastructure and the Environment      the Labour Inspectorate less with         of the RvA contributed to              our activities.                                     • wide knowledge and experience        legally trained Members. If a notice
     has been notifying in Brussels          regard to companies that voluntarily      harmonisation of accreditation                                                               of professional organisations;       of objection has been received,
     inspection agencies for inland          have an OHSAS certificate                 criterions via schemes for food        Supervision and advice contribute                   • being able to advise and             the Executive Board will appoint a
     vessels on the basis of an              according to the SCCM scheme.             safety, a current theme with           to a major extent to the trust of                     encourage properly;                  Member of the Chairmen Committee
     accreditation. Specific methods have    Along comparable lines in the             interfaces to the Dutch Food and       the public sector, society and                      • objective, detached approach;        to form an advisory committee for
     been jointly determined by the RvA      domain of the Ministry of Health,         Consumer Product Safety Authority.     our customers in performing                         • integrity and sense of               that objection. The Members of this
     and the Human Environment and           Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van                                                our activities. Various bodies and                    responsibility;                      Committee are strictly independent.
     Transport Inspectorate (Inspectie       Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport:        In 2013 the RvA will also              committees are active in the RvA                    • independent and critical attitude;   They will never be Members of the
     Leefomgeving en Transport: ‘ILT’)       ‘VWS’) the HKZ certification in           communicate intensively with the       to this end. In the organisational                  • formulation of a balanced opinion.   Executive Board of the RvA and do
     and have been laid down by the RvA      mental healthcare is incorporated         ministries with regard to the above    chart in Appendix 2 you can see the                                                        not carry out any activities under
     in a Specific Accreditation Protocol.   as a risk-mitigating factor. We are       three themes. We are convinced         relation they have to each other and                The Members of the Supervisory         the responsibility of the Executive
     In this connection the ILT can keep     looking forward to the evaluation:        that thereby we can contribute to      their composition. In this text we                  Board are appointed for a period of    Board. They are appointed by the
     its finger on the pulse and feed its    will this approach mean there will        achieving a more cohesive public       will outline the role and activities of             three years and can be reappointed     Supervisory Board. This guarantees
     findings back to the RvA in order       soon be as many, fewer or more            sector, which in future will also      the different bodies and committees.                twice for the same period.             impartial treatment of objections.
     to improve this system too where        problems than with the traditional        enjoy society’s trust that important
     necessary.                              inspection approach?                      matters such as health, safety         Minister of economic Affairs                        Accreditation committee                eA Multilateral Agreement committee
                                                                                       and the environment are being          Pursuant to EU Regulation 765, the                  The Accreditation Committee            In order to remain a signatory of
     Via the Dutch Emissions Authority       We are in talks with the Dutch            guaranteed at a good level.            Dutch National Accreditation Body                   consists of four members. They are     the MLA the RvA must satisfy the
     the same ministry is going to use       Food and Consumer Product                                                        Appointment Act (Wet aanwijzing                     appointed by the Supervisory Board     requirements of the European
     accreditation for the notification of   Safety Authority about the way in                                                nationale accreditatie-instantie) and               on the basis of their expertise in     Regulation 765/2008 and the ISO
     verification agencies in connection     which defects in compliance they                                                 the Dutch Independent Executive                     accreditation, their integrity and     17011. Every four years the RvA
     with the Emission Trading Scheme.       have established can be improved                                                 Agencies Framework Act (Kaderwet                    independence. The Accreditation        is assessed by a team of about
     In this scheme a small error of         by companies certified under                                                     ZBO), the Minister supervises the                   Committee meets once a month.          eight ‘peers’ in the form of a Peer
     measurement can save or cost            accreditation and what is to be                                                  RvA via regular communications                      Its duty is to advise the Director/    evaluation. Representatives on
     millions.                               applied as a detection threshold.                                                as laid down in the protocol dated                  Chief Executive about granting         behalf of the Ministry of Economic
                                             After all, not all defects constitute a                                          18 November 2010, by approval of                    accreditations. In addition, the       Affairs (Ministerie van Economische
     2. Reduction of inspection pressure     risk to food safety.                                                             rates, budgets, annual accounts,                    Committee has the power to advise      Zaken: ‘EZ’) are invited as a standard
     Since the previous cabinet period                                                                                        amendments to the Articles,                         on the suspension or withdrawal        in this connection.
     sound ways are already being sought     3. Self-regulation                                                               appointment of Director and by                      of accreditations of bodies that
     in order to reduce the pressure         Policy departments of the various                                                attending the EA Peer Review.                       have been granted accreditation.       executive board
     of inspection on companies with         ministries can focus on self-                                                                                                        It receives information from           The Director/Chief Executive is
     a good track record. For instance       regulation via the so-called ‘Integral                                           Supervisory board                                   the Executive Board and the            responsible for the realisation of the
     inspections could be carried out        Balancing Framework’. This means                                                 The Supervisory Board of the RvA is                 management about measures and          Accreditation Council’s objectives,
     less often if there was proper self-    that the ministries have to formulate                                            comparable to the Supervisory Board                 sanctions against bodies.              its strategy and policy, and the
     regulation. Inspectorates could         the expectations of and the criteria                                             of a commercial organisation. This                  The Accreditation Committee            developments resulting from
     then deploy their manpower in less      for the result to be achieved. A                                                 Board ensures that the Executive                    does not take decisions. The           these. He accounts for this to the
     properly regulated and higher-risk      system can then be designed in                                                   Board realises the objectives of the                decision-making is entrusted to the    Supervisory Board.
     sectors. To this end it is important    consultation with the scheme                                                     RvA. Selection of the Members takes                 Executive Board. If the Executive
     that the public sector and the          managers and the RvA which meets                                                 place on the basis of expertise and                 Board has a different view from
     market are aware of each other’s        the expectations and the required                                                competencies.                                       the advice of this Committee, the
12                                                                                                                                                                               13

                                                                                                                     The only limit to our realisation
                                                                                                                of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
                                                                                                                          (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

     user council                            INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION                In its turn the RvA also contributes            In 2011 the ISO 14065 standard for
     The User Council is an advisory                                                  to Peer Reviews in other countries by           the accreditation of the validation
     panel laid down in the Articles. This   Accreditations are mutually              sending lead assessors and assessors            and certification of greenhouse gases
     Council consists of representatives     recognised internationally (Mutual       for such Reviews. In connection                 was added to the area of operations
     of the direct RvA clients. The          Recognition/Acceptance). To this         with European cooperation for                   of the RvA. This is important for the
     Supervisory Board receives the          end accreditation bodies enter           accreditation assistance was                    trust that society should have that
     minutes of the meetings, so that it     into agreements within the global        rendered in 2012 to the evaluations             the emission rights of greenhouse
     can include the opinions of users in    umbrellas of IAF and ILAC and the        of the National Accreditation Bodies            gases are being determined in the
     its deliberations.                      regional umbrella for Europe: the        of Turkey, Poland and Norway. In                proper way.
                                             EA.                                      connection with the International
     Management                                                                       Accreditation Forum (IAF) the                   europe
     The management of the RvA consists      What is good enough for one              RvA provided the lead assessor                  The EA was put on a formal basis
     of the Director/Chief Executive         country, is good enough for the          for the assessment of the Pacific               via European Regulation EU
     and the Operational Director. They      other country. Certificates of           Accreditation Cooperation (PAC)                 765/2008. The Peer Review is a
     take care of the proper policy and      conformity operate as a passport         in the Asia-Pacific region. The RvA             process acknowledged throughout
     management of the organisation          in the free trade of products and        provides a major contribution to                Europe. Accreditation of a European
     and they report on this to the          services with the result that trust is   the training of and the continuous              establishment is legally effective for
     Supervisory Board.                      created amongst buyers and users.        refresher courses for these peer                harmonised standards throughout
                                             Accreditation should justify this        reviewers.                                      Europe.
     The forms of supervision and advice     trust.                                                                                   In order to promote harmonisation
     outlined in this chapter are a major                                             international normalisation is the              when standards appear (again)
     contribution towards the RvA having     peer review                              basis of harmonisation                          at European level, trainers will
     confidence in the future. This is       In order to support mutual               The assessments of the RvA take                 be trained who can pass on the
     confidence that not only applies to     recognition, the accreditation           place on the basis of accreditation             European interpretation locally
     our organisation, but also to our       bodies assess each other. This takes     standards. In order to harmonise                to colleague assessors. In 2012 too
     clients and the civilians. Therefore    place in a so-called Peer Review,        these assessments internationally,              the RvA provided many European
     this is the place to thank all these    in which a team of assessors             a standards framework is required               trainers.
     members for their input in the year     from other accreditation bodies          which has international force.
     2012.                                   verify whether the organisation          For laboratory and inspection                   In the areas of health, safety and
                                             being assessed complies with the         activities these are currently the ISO          the environment there are many
                                             agreed international ISO/IEC 17011       standards, which enjoy worldwide                European guidelines. In order to
                                             standard. This is a guarantee of the     support. This movement got into                 enhance compliance with them,
                                             expertise and independence of the        its stride later with regard to the             inspection bodies are being notified
                                             accreditation body.                      certification activities. In this               at national level to Brussels, the
                                             In Europe, apart from this, there        respect the European EN standard                so-called ‘Notified Bodies’. Although
                                             are also evaluations with regard         and the international IAF Guidelines            these bodies are only accredited
                                             to the additional requirements           were effective side by side. In the             nationally they are considered to
                                             for national accreditation bodies        meantime there are ISO standards                have the expertise to be able to
                                             on accreditation and market              for certification of management                 carry out their activities throughout
                                             supervision laid down in Regulation      systems and people.                             Europe. So their results must be
                                             765/2008.                                                                                recognised throughout Europe.
                                                                                      In 2012, after many years of work,              According to Regulation 765
                                             The Accreditation Council will again     the ISO accreditation standard for              accreditation is the obvious route
                                             be subjected to a Peer Review at the     product certification, the ISO/IEC              for the Member States to determine
                                             end of 2013. The complete report         17065, appeared. Moreover, renewed              the expertise of inspection bodies.
                                             will, after it has been determined, be   versions of the standards for the               In order to allow this to take place
                                             published on the website of the RvA,     accreditation of inspection bodies              unequivocally in Europe, the EA
                                                                 and medical laboratories have come              has drawn up a guideline (EA -2/17)
                                                                                      into effect. An ample transitional              specifically for use at Notified Bodies.
                                                                                      period has been determined for all
                                                                                      these standards in order the save
                                                                                      the extra costs for the accredited
                                                                                      establishments which would result
                                                                                      from a faster implementation.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15

                                                                                                                                                      If you dedicate yourself completely to the present
                                                                                                                                                                     it indicates a general
                                                                                                                                                          short-sightedness with regard to the future
                                                                                                                                                                         (Albert Camus)

     The RvA applied this guideline to       Within the global accreditation          THE INTERNAL ORGANISATION                In addition, two new positions                   Absenteeism policy and employee
     its assessments for the first time in   community more regions are                                                        were created in the RvA in 2012: a               satisfaction
     2011. In 2012 in the Netherlands the    increasingly arising such as EA. It is   As of 1 January 2010 the RvA went        functional manager and a part-time               In 2012 extra attention was paid to
     experiences were evaluated with the     often quicker to harmonise within        for a fundamental change in its          lawyer. The functional manager has               cutting back absenteeism due to
     bodies and the notifying authorities.   these regions. How the regions           management structure. In 2010            an important role in streamlining                illness. The management followed
     We are inputting these experiences      which actually form the basis of         and 2011 this structure had to           the increasingly further expanding               a workshop to improve skills in
     into the discussions on this subject    the global, mutual recognitions are      gain shape, be embedded into the         ICT provisions and in addition acting            dealing with absenteeism due
     in the EA.                              related to individual countries in       organisation and find support            as an intermediary between ICT                   to illness and to make uniform
                                             the membership of ILAC and IAF,          amongst its personnel. At the same       and the operational work process.                arrangements about procedures in
     Globally                                still has to crystallise in the coming   time our personnel had to get used       The lawyer was appointed because                 this area. The result was that in 2012
     The autonomous organisations of         years. Not all EA MLA signatories are    to the consequences for our work         the RvA with its ZBO status is                   absenteeism due to illness reduced
     ILAC (Laboratories and Inspection)      also a member of IAF/ILAC.               of the autonomous administrative         increasingly more involved in legal              by 0.7% to 4%.
     and IAF (Certification) co-operate                                               agency (‘ZBO’) status becoming           cases pertaining to administrative
     intensively in several areas. This      The status of the participation in       effective in 2010. In 2012 the process   law.                                             In May/June 2012 the RvA had
     applies to the organisation and the     mutual recognition as of April 2012      in this respect has become clear.                                                         an employee satisfaction survey
     completion of the Peer Reviews,         was:                                     We specifically chose not to start       The details referred to above only               carried out by an external agency.
     for communication and for the           EA:                                      any new time-consuming internal          relate to the employees directly                 For the proper operation of the
     assistance to countries just starting   35 signatories in 35 countries           projects but to follow the routes        employed by the RvA. In addition,                organisation it is important to
     accreditation.                          IAF:                                     already taken and to finish what had     we work together with roughly 750                know where there are any problems
                                             54 signatories in 51 economies           been started in the previous years.      external professionals and assessors             preventing efficient and practical
     In 2012 the ILAC formulated             ILAC:                                    This created a calm atmosphere           who are deployed on call for specific            work. This survey showed points for
     standpoints in the area of the          80 signatories in 66 economies           in the organisation and space to         assessments. All together this is the            improvement which were already
     traceability of measurement values                                               dedicate ourselves optimally to          equivalent of about 25 FTE work.                 partly addressed in 2012 and which
     to international standards. The         Of establishments accredited by          the quality of our services. This        In order to guarantee the quality                are partly included in the annual
     Inspection Committee established        the RvA 32 laboratories and 32           was obviously with the objective         of the assessments, with the future              plan for 2013. Overall, the score of
     in 2011 held its first meeting in       certification bodies have taken out      of also continuing to guarantee          in mind, the assessor management                 the RvA employees was an ample 7.
     2012 and was busy introducing the       a license to be able to carry the ILAC   confidence in future in the way the      department is working continuously
     renewed accreditation standard for      mark or the IAF mark respectively        Accreditation Council expects and        on maintaining and where necessary               training and education
     inspection bodies.                      on their statements.                     which we ourselves certainly expect.     expanding this pool of specialists.              In order to guarantee quality, now
                                                                                                                               In anticipation of the expected                  and in the future, it is essential to
     In 2012 the IAF unequivocally laid                                               personnel                                retirements of experts and the                   pay continuous attention and time
     down the minimum requirements                                                    The total number of employees            need for new experts in certain                  to training and education. The world
     for time spent by certification                                                  remained almost level in 2012. On        fields, an assessor management                   of accreditation and accreditation
     bodies in a document that is                                                     31 December 2012 93 employees            workgroup started at RvA in 2012.                standards is constantly in flux. In
     compulsory for all accredited                                                    were permanently employed by the         This workgroup is mapping the                    order to provide good and reliable
     certification bodies. A start was                                                RvA and six employees had a flexible     capacity need for the coming years               services personnel must be aware
     made on determining the minimum                                                  employment contract. All together        and developing an action plan to                 of the latest developments in the
     requirements for the drafting of                                                 this is a work force of 86.9 FTE         be able to fulfil this need. Moreover,           area of accreditation but must
     reports on certification assessments.                                            with an average age of 48.3 and an       the workgroup is focussing on the                also develop their other skills or
     In the IAF community a lot of                                                    average of 8 service years.              cooperation between the assessor                 keep them at the required level. In
     attention is being paid to the                                                                                            management department and the                    addition, it is important to let the
     reliable certification of management                                             But several shifts took place in the     operational departments.                         assessors carry out their work with
     systems. Additional methods                                                      work force in 2012 because seven                                                          the least possible mutual differences
     are being worked out in order to                                                 employees resigned from the RvA                                                           (harmonised). A lot of energy and
     determine whether certificates have                                              and eight new employees started                                                           time is put into this as well.
     been granted with good reason.                                                   this year. One of the employees
     Control audits, unannounced                                                      who resigned was the Operational                                                          In 2012 over 250 days were spent on
     inspections and shadow audits are                                                Director. At the beginning of                                                             education and training by employees
     solutions being reviewed.                                                        2013 we conducted a successful                                                            of the RvA. Part of this training was
                                                                                      recruitment to fill this vacancy. The                                                     given internally by our own trainer;
                                                                                      new Operational Director, mr. J.A.W.                                                      part of the training was outsourced
                                                                                      de Haas, started on 4 March 2013.                                                         to external agencies.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17

     A lot of attention was paid to           which processes are dealt with and       the future
     training in the area of skills and       the quality of the service.              In 2013 the streamlining of internal
     communication. Communication             Moreover, in 2012 a start was made       processes continues in full. The aim
     training is relevant to all RvA          on a fixed structure for evaluations     is to improve our own quality and                                                 executive boArD
     employees. Skill training is detailed    and the follow-up of the findings        efficiency.
     according to personal need, for          arising from this. The effects of this   In addition, a lot of attention will
     instance training in the area of         will become noticeable from 2013         be paid to the continuity of our
     often-used software, in order to         onwards.                                 knowledge base built up over past
     improve efficiency and output.                                                    years. During the course of the year
     Basic accreditation training and         The quality project started up           lead assessors in particular will be
     training with regard to assessing        in 2012 is - apart from better           recruited and settled in, in order
     according to accreditation               guaranteeing our PDCA cycle for          to anticipate several lead assessors
     standards in connection with the         continuous improvement - also            resigning due to retirement later                                        unit
                                                                                                                                unit heAlth cAre             ASSeSSorS                     unit A            unit b
     process of settling-in employees are     aimed at achieving even more             in 2013 and 2014. The internal lead
     often given internally. These are        clearly defined processes and at         assessors form the lion’s share of our
     hardly available in the market. In       including benchmarks in this, for        knowledge base.
     connection with harmonisation and        instance for the completion time.
     professionalisation of assessment,                                                Finally, in 2013 three other matters
     almost 500 assessors in total            Annual plan according to the A3          will also keep our organisation busy
     gathered together on 18 days to          method                                   again: the internal quality project
     achieve uniform opinions according       In 2012 the RvA worked for the first     of the RvA, the Transition Project
     to an accreditation standard             time with an annual plan according       in which over 250 medical labs
     relevant to them. The outcomes of        to the A3 method.                        will move in a time frame of four
     the scheme for settling different        This is an annual plan with a lot        years from a nationally recognised
     interpretations were for instance        of cohesion in which objectives          to an internationally recognised                                                   quAlity AnD
                                                                                                                                                       FinAnce,                                 StrAteGy &   GenerAl
                                                                                                                                    hrM                                    proceSS
     used as case subjects.                   and points for action are directly       accreditation standard and three                            itc & FAcilitieS
                                                                                                                                                                                               DevelopMent   Support
                                              related to mission, vision and           processes in which accredited
     ict and Facility Management              success-determining factors, all this    establishments move to a new
     As mentioned earlier, the resources      compiled in A3 format in an orderly      standard version. You will read more
     in ICT have increasingly expanded        and digital manner. The initial          about this elsewhere in this report.
     at RvA.                                  experiences with this method have
     In 2012 new software was purchased       been very positive. The big lines can
     in order to manage (non-primary)         be easier adhered to throughout
     processes and software for Facility      the year and the focus on objectives
     Management. Personnel have been          is better. For 2013 this method has
     trained to work with this software so    therefore again been used for the
     that it can be optimally deployed.       formulation of an annual plan.
                                              Points of action or objectives that
     cooperation and efficiency               were not completely finished in
     At RvA the consultation structure        2012 are included in the annual
     reached its definitive form in 2012.     plan for 2013 so that a meticulous
     The cooperation and distribution         completion is guaranteed and
     of work between the various              certain points are not lost.
     departments have profited from this.
     The lines are short and clear and
     that aids efficiency. The divisions of
     duties in the management team are
     also better synchronised and this has
     a positive effect on the speed with
18                                                                                                                                                                                                              19

                                 Only the watchfulness of public opinion
                                     ensures the future of a society.
                                            (Noam Chomsky)

     QUALITY LEADS TO CONFIDENCE                   handling complaints about the rvA        complaints being dealt with            There was one session of an             recorded reports about the perfor-
     IN THE FUTURE                                 According to the provisions in the       concerning the performance of the      objections committee. In two cases      mance of accredited establishments
                                                   Dutch General Administrative Law         rvA per category                       the parties lodging objections          by category
     internal quality care and handling            Act (Algemene bestuurswet: ‘Awb’)                                               withdrew the objection after
     complaints and reports                        the RvA has a complaints scheme in       Accreditation                          additional communication and            Accreditation
     The Accreditation Council has its             place for any complaints about its       category         2012   2011 2010      arrangements.                           category         2012   2011 2010
     own quality care system in order              management. This scheme has been         Laboratories        4      1    3      In one case the decision on the         Laboratories       7       0    0
     to guarantee the execution of its             published as the Policy Directive        Inspection          8      1    1      objection was appealed from.            Inspection        12      10    7
     mission and objectives. To monitor            BR-008 and is directly accessible on     Certification       6      5   17      An appeal brought in 2010 was           Certification     15       6   13
     and optimise the proper operation                                 CCKL                                   withdrawn in 2012.                      CCKL
     of the system we for instance use             In 2012, in most cases the               Code of Practice    1       0     0                                            Code of Practice   0      0      0
     observations during internal audits,          organisation did not yet achieve         Other               7       7     5    reports and signs of dissatisfaction    Other              0      4      3
     complaints and feedback we have               the processing period of six weeks       Total              26      14    26    with accredited establishments          Total             34     20     23
     received from users of accredited             but the number of complaints                                                    Reports on the conduct of accredited
     services.                                     where this was indeed reached has        In 2012 all complaints about the       establishments should first be made
                                                   doubled. The objective for 2013 is       performance of the RvA were            known to that establishment. If
     Each year a management assessment             to improve this processing period        declared admissible.                   the establishment complained of
     will determine whether the                    further and to have dealt with all       Of the complaints dealt with           does not deal with the complaint
     quality care system meets our own             the complaints at least within 3         from 2012, 15% were found to be        properly, the complainant can turn
     wishes, the requirements of ISO/              months.                                  justified, 35% partly justified and    to the RvA.
     IEC 17011, the European Regulation                                                     50% not justified. One complainant
     EU 765/2008, the Dutch National               From the complaints about the            turned to the National Ombudsman       In 2012 a relatively large number
     Accreditation Body Appointment                RvA in the year 2012 the following       because of the way his complaint       of reports and signs were
     Act and the Dutch Independent                 particular aspects emerged:              was dealt with. In this connection     received about certification and
     Executive Agencies Framework Act              • the communication between RvA          the Ombudsman advised to               inspection bodies. In particular
     (Kaderwet ZBO).                                 and the accredited organisation;       make a clearer distinction in the      the subject matter was the quality
                                                   • the (project) management of            communication between complaints       or the conduct of the auditors
     In 2012 the accent of the internal              assessments.                           about the RvA and reports or signs     and inspectors. With regard to
     audits was on the implementation                                                       about accredited establishments.       laboratories the use of the right
     and effectiveness of the preventative         The complaints partly led to a           This recommendation has been           methods and the reference to
     and corrective measures. In addition,         project to improve the planning          adopted and implemented.               accreditation require particular
     we concentrated on following the              process. In addition, the quality                                               attention. Attention by authorities
     internal procedures and work rules            project mentioned above must             processing notices of objection        in the course of enforcement
     in the organisation.                          contribute to improvement on these       In 2012 objections to a decision of    resulted in extra complaints about
     We have established that we want to           points.                                  the RvA were lodged four times. The    the correctness of the final audits
     improve ourselves on both points.                                                      decisions against which objections     of asbestos removal and soil quality
     A quality project was started to              More than half of the complaints         were lodged related to:                for instance. Signs such as these,
     improve the effectiveness of our              originated from the sector of            • accreditation extension restricted   but also those in connection with
     system and the embedding of this in           certification bodies and inspection        to one year,                         the public debate, gave the RvA
     the organisation and this continues           agencies. Interpretation of standard     • tougher control,                     reason in many cases to conduct
     into 2013.                                    texts at these bodies tends to lead      • the formulation of the decision,     extra investigation by itself. If the
     The management assessment was                 to an almost legal discussion.           • Request for information under the    complaint - and thereby the extra
     discussed with the Supervisory                Sometimes the assessor is blamed           Dutch Government Information         investigation of the RvA - appears
     Board. The processing of complaints           for this and a complaint then              (Public Access) Act (Wet             to be unjustified, the establishment
     is a permanent agenda item in the             results. In order not to obfuscate the     openbaarheid van bestuur: ‘Wob’).    complained of without grounds will
     meetings of the Supervisory Board             complaints scheme unnecessarily,                                                not pay for the investigation. The
     and in the management meetings.               a so-called dispute settlement                                                  RvA will then bear the costs.
                                                   scheme has been set up. Should
                                                   there be an important specific
                                                   difference of opinion about the
                                                   interpretation of the standard, the
                                                   assessed establishments can submit
                                                   this to the RvA by reporting an
                                                   interpretation dispute.
20                                                                                                                                                                                                  21
                     I found that patients receive sparse information about quality and that it is unclear how reliable this information is.
                                             There is no fixed point where you can find that up-to-date information.
                     Many people have worked hard on quality improvement and the development of standards, guidelines and protocols.
                                       My compliments for this but it is going too slowly and is insufficiently systematic.
                                                            Pooling knowledge and power is the motto.
                                                                (Edith Schippers, Minister of VWS)

     MEDICAL LABORATORIES: IN                           transition to the iSo 15189:2012                           Future-proof trust
     THE LEAD WITH TRANSPARENT                          standard                                                   In an era in which mergers and
     QUALITY                                            The appearance of the 2012 version                         other forms of economy of scale
                                                        of this standard was the immediate                         of medical laboratories are taking
     In the world of healthcare there                   reason for the scientific associations                     place, the fact that these laboratories
     is much ado about providing,                       and the RvA to consider how CCKL                           are again raising the bar somewhat
     buying and transparency of quality.                accredited establishments could                            higher for themselves demonstrates
     What for many specialisms is still                 move with due care and under                               a sense of responsibility. During a
     a rather young field, has already                  control from accreditation on the                          meeting for interested parties in
     been standard for over 10 years for                basis of the Code of Practice to                           January 2013 the health insurers
     medical laboratory specialisms.                    accreditation on the basis of the                          present expressed their appreciation
     More than 70% of the Dutch                         international ISO 15189 standard.                          of this step. Their major argument
     laboratories have been accredited on               In this connection the starting                            was: they could very well make a
     the basis of the CCKL (Foundation                  point is to retain as much as                              procurement criterion of it.
     for the Promotion of the Quality                   possible the involvement of the
     of Laboratory Testing and for the                  sector that launched the CCKL                              To conclude this contribution we
     Accreditation of Laboratories in                   system so successfully. In order                           return to the quotation by Minister
     Healthcare) Code of Practice (‘PRL’).              to be able to comply with the                              Edith Schippers with which we
                                                        internationally recognised standard,                       opened. This included a mention
     laboratory accreditation                           work is carried out in particular                          of the ‘pooling of knowledge and
     The CCKL accreditation is being used               on training and qualification of                           power’ motto. The Dutch medical           THE FACTS BEHIND TRUST IN THE FUTURE
     by over 250 medical laboratories                   assessors, the assessment regime                           laboratories are certainly aiming for                    Annexes
     to demonstrate their expertise and                 and defining the accredited areas of                       this, also in international context. It
     quality in the area of regulation                  operation. Moreover, it is important                       is an extraordinary challenge with
     as well as the contribution to                     that the CCKL guideline is of an                           much perspective for confidence in
     the diagnosis and treatment of                     outlining nature and that the ISO                          the future!
     patients. This system originates                   standard leaves more space to self-
     from scientific associations of the                demonstrate that the criterions have
     respective specialisms such as                     been complied with.
     clinical chemistry and medical
     microbiology and has been extended                 In order to assess these important
     into fields such as pathology,                     major adjustments for the
     embryology, hospital pharmacy                      laboratories, with the smallest
     and job tests. The Dutch Code of                   possible extra burden on them, a
     Practice played a major role in the                transitional period of four years
     formation of the ISO 15189 standard                has been determined, commencing
     for medical laboratories which has                 on 1 January 2015. Prior to this
     in the meantime been accepted                      the transition plan formulated in
     internationally. By complying with                 cooperation between the scientific
     this standard the results of the                   associations of the laboratory
     Dutch medical laboratories are                     disciplines and the RvA will be
     qualified for use in international                 tested in several pilots.
     research. Working for clients in
     other countries is also facilitated
     by this. Via this standard health
     insurers have an independent
     benchmark making the quality to be
     bought objective.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       23

     Annex 1                                                                                                                         Annex 2

     THE PRIMARY PROCESS OF THE                                                                                                      ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES AND
     DUTCH ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (RVA)                                                                                               ADVISORY COMMITTEES

                                                                                                                                     This overview contains the
                                                                                                                                     composition of the administrative
                                                                                                                                     bodies and advisory committees as
                                                                                                                                     of 1 March 2013. In addition, we
                                                                                                                                     regularly engage advisory panels
                                                                                                                                     the composition of which can vary.
                                                                                                                                     Hence you will not see any names
                                                                                                                                     of the members of these advisory
                                                                                                                                     panels in this summary.
                          ApplicAtion                                                   plAnninG                                     Supervisory board                                                               boArD

                                                                                                                                     - drs. E.H.T.M. Nijpels (Chairman)
                                                                                                                                       2nd session period until 22 June 2013
                                                                                                                                     - dr. A.G.M. Buiting
                                                                                                                                       2nd session period until 1 January 2014                   Accreditation                    Objection Chairmen
                                                                                                                                     - dr. S.A. Hertzberger                                       committee                           Committee

                                                                                      ASSeSSMent                          Report       3rd session period until 22 June 2015
                                                                                                                                     - ing. J. Visser
                                                                                                                                       2nd session period until 27 March 2014
                result      ASSeSSMent       Extension                                                                               - ir. L. Visser
                                                                                                                                       1st session period until 26 October 2014   User council                   Director/chieF                        Advisory panels

                           Positive result                                                                                           executive board and Management
                                                                                                      Yes                            ir. J.C. van der Poel
                                                                                                                                     (Director/Chief Executive)
                                                                                                                                     mr. J.A.W.M. de Haas
                                                            Yearly cycle                   No
                                                                                                                                     (Operational Director)
                            preliMinAry      Positive
                           inveStiGAtion      result                                                                                 Accreditation committee
                                                                                                                                     ir. M.N.D. de Vries (Chairman)                                                  oFFice
                                                                                        DeciSion                                     dr. W. Huisman
                           Negative result
                                                                                                                                     K.J. van Schalm
                                                                                                                                     Prof. dr. ir. O.A.M. Fisscher
                                                                           Positive                         Negative
                                                                            result                           result
                                                                                                                                     objection chairmen committee
                               End of                                                                                  SuSpenSion/   mr. L.A.F.M. Kerklaan
                            accreditation                AccreDitAtion
                              process                                                                                  withDrAwAl    mr. M.N. van Zijl

                                                                                                                                     user council
                                                                                                                                     ir. J.C. van der Poel (RvA, Chairman)
                                                                                                                                     mr. J.A.W.M. de Haas (Operational
                                                                                                                                     Director RvA)
                                                                                                                                     P. Cornelissen (VOC)
                                                                                                                                     B. Meekma (VOC)
                                                                                                                                     H. Tolman (Fenelab )
                                                                                                                                     ing. R.P. Veerman (VEROCOG)
                                                                                                                                     J.H.F. van der Wart (Fenelab)
                                                                                                                                     Vacancy 2x (Medical labs)
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25

     Annex 3                                  Balance sheet as at 31 December 2012     Results for 2012 (x € 1,000)              Annex 4
                                              (x € 1,000)
     BRIEF FINANCIAL OVERVIEW                                                                                   2012     2011    OUR WORK IN FIGURES
                                              Assets                  2012      2011   Net turnover           12,422   11,241
     As an independent foundation             VFixed assets            224       360   Costs of turnover       3,958    3,314    Confidence in the future also requires
     and ZBO the Dutch Accreditation          Receivables and                          Gross margin            8,464    7,927    the possibility of audits. A summary
     Council (RvA) is a non-profit            Transitory Assets      3,271     2,886                                             in figures of our activities in 2012
     organisation. Our independence is        Liquid resources       2,729     2,552   Personnel costs         6,034   5,543     will be found in this Annex. As a
     guaranteed via the Dutch National        Total                  6,224     5,798   Miscellaneous                             comparison we also added previous
     Accreditation Body Appointment                                                    expenditures            2,221   2,243     figures in several cases.
     Act (Wet aanwijzing nationale            Liabilities            2012       2011   Sum total of costs      8,255   7,786
     accreditatie-instantie: ‘Wanai’) and     Equity capital         3,010     2,737
     by a modern governance structure         Short-term debts and                     Operational result        209     141     Accreditations granted as at 31 December
     with the Supervisory Board, the          transitory liabilities 3,214     3,061   Interest income            63      59
     Accreditation Committee and the          Total                  6,224     5,798   Result                    272     200     Standard                           Explanation     NL. 2012    Abroad 2012    Total 2012   NL. 2011   Abroad 2011   Total 2011
     Objection Committees.                                                                                                       Certification
     We also guarantee our independence       profit and loss account for 2012         rates                                     EN 45011                   Products & Services            45              7           52        43              7          50
     by a healthy but limited amount          (x €1,000)                               The starting point - subject to special   ISO/IEC 17021            Management systems               48             38           86        50             42          92
     of equity capital. This prevents us      The income of the RvA is generated       circumstances - is to increase the        ISO/IEC 17024                            Persons           6              1            7         8              1           9
     from taking too great financial risks    particularly from activities carried     rates by not more than the index          Subtotal certification                                    99             46          145       101             50         151
     when conformity issuing bodies           out on the basis of rates. We            of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) for       Inspection
     decide to discontinue accreditation      determine these rates on the basis       business services. The rates have         ISO/IEC 17020                         Inspection       125                5          130       122              6         128
     if the RvA takes a decision which        of a discussion of the budget with       been adjusted as follows:                 ISO/IEC 14065                         Inspection         5                0            5         0              0           0
     is disagreeable to them. That also       the User Council and after approval                                                Subtotal inspection                                    130                5          135       122              6         128
     provides confidence in the future.       by the Supervisory Board and the                                  2012   2011      Laboratories RvA mark
                                              Minister of Economic Affairs.            Index applied            1.8%   1.1%      ISO/IEC 17025                        Calibration        56                3           59        54              3          57
     The figures have been taken as a         The activities level was approx. 5%      Rate (lead) assessor    +1.0% +1.1%       ISO/IEC 17025                            Testing       230               16          246       225             17         242
     summary from the adopted annual          higher than estimated. This was          Rate specialists        +1.0% +1.1%       ISO/IEC 17043               Proficiency testing         13                2           15        12              1          13
     accounts for 2012. No rights can be      particularly caused by:                  Other rates             +1.0% +1% to      ISO Guide 34               Reference materials           2                0            2         2              0           2
     derived from them. The full annual       • extra assessments in connection                                       +1.1%      ISO15189                Medical laboratories in
     accounts as prepared and adopted            with the transition to the new                                                                          Multilateral Agreement           9                2           11        10              1          11
     after approval by the Supervisory           version of the 17021 standard         The rates for the activities in           Subtotal laboratories                                  310               23          333       303             22         325
     Board and the Minister of Economic          which appeared in 2011;               connection with the CCKL Code of          Regulation (EG)
     Affairs and provided with an             • a larger number of extension           Practice were also increased in 2012      Nr. 1221/2009 (EMAS)          EMAS verification          1                0            1         1              0           1
     unqualified report, can be viewed           assessments than anticipated;         by 1.0% (in 2011 by 1.1%). These rates    Total RvA mark                                         540               74          614       527             78         605
     on If you type the           •the SZW project.                        are not covered by the Ministerial        Laboratories healthcare
     search word “jaarrekening” (annual                                                approval but for the rest are formed      CCKL Code of Practice                    Medical
     accounts), you will have access to the   Although this involved having to         in the same manner as the other                                               laboratories       246                0          246       246              0         246
     annual accounts for 2012. Obviously      hire an extra number of external         rates.
     we will be pleased to send you a copy    assessors, nevertheless a higher                                                   Total number of accreditations granted                 786               74          860       773             78         851
     at your request. You can contact us      positive result was able to be
     via telephone number +31 (0)30 23        achieved. The result is added to the
     94 500.                                  reserves.                                                                          Recommendations given by Accreditations Committee per report

                                                                                                                                 Norm                                     RvA mark 2012 Healthcare 2012 Total 2012    RvA mark 2011 Healthcare 2011 Total 2011
                                                                                                                                 Initial assessment
                                                                                                                                 positive recommendation                             23%            20%        22%               28%           30%        29%
                                                                                                                                 Re-assessment of
                                                                                                                                 positive recommendation                             72%            69%         70%              67%           60%        64%
                                                                                                                                 Postponed reports                                    1%             6%          4%               3%            8%         5%
                                                                                                                                 Negative recommendation                              4%             5%          4%               2%            2%         2%
                                                                                                                                 Total                                              100%           100%        100%             100%          100%       100%
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