PUBLIC NOTICE Educational year 2023-2024 - Enrollment of Kindergarten Of Rome Capital - Roma Capitale

Page created by Earl Butler
Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

 Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

                             PUBLIC NOTICE

                   Enrollment of Kindergarten
                        Of Rome Capital
                 Educational year 2023-2024

Registration is open from January 9th to 31st 2023

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale


1. CONDITIONS FOR ACCESS TO THE SERVICE                                        pag. 3

2. APPLICATION FOR ENROLLMENT                                                  pag. 5

3. ADMISSION RANKINGS AND WAITING LISTS                                        pag. 7

4. FORFAITURE – ABSENCES – RENUNCIATION OF SERVICE                             pag. 9

5. HOW THE ROME CAPITAL KINDERGARTEN WORKS                                     pag. 11

6. INCLUSION                                                                   pag. 12

7. SUPPORT SERVICES - CATERING AND TRANSPORTATION                              pag. 14

8. INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE                                                  pag. 18

9. MUNICIPAL OFFICE CONTACTS                                                   pag. 19

10. CRITERIA AND SCORES                                                        pag. 21

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale


  1.1 Age.
     At kindergartens of Roma Capital are eligible to enroll: all boys and girls, in
     compliance with the mandatory vaccinations established by Law 119 of July 31,
     2017, who on December 31, 2023:
        have completed their third year of age;
        have not completed their sixth year of age.

     Also eligible for enrollment are those who will turn three years old:

     1. by January 31, 2024;
     2. by April 30, 2024 (born in February, March, April 2021, so-called "anticipatory").

     In the first case, they may be admitted only following the exhaustion

     - of the applications submitted by users in points (a) and (b)
     - of the waiting list for applications submitted "After deadline" (see Section 2.1).

     In the second case, in order to ensure pedagogical quality, flexibility and specificity of
     educational offerings consistent with the particular age group concerned,
     the admission of those admitted to early attendance is arranged under the following

     a) availability of places;
     b) ascertainment of the exhaustion of the municipal waiting list, if any, and the list of those
     who have applied after deadline, as well as those who will turn three years old by January
     31, 2024;
     c) availability of suitable space and equipment in terms of usability and functionality, such
     as to meet the various needs of children under the age of three, born in
     February/March/April 2021;
     d) pedagogical and didactic evaluation, by the board of teachers, of the timing and manner
     of reception.

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

1.2. Residence

   All families with at least one parent/caregiver/ or a person exercising parental responsibility
   residing or domiciled in one of the 15 Municipalities of Roma Capital may apply. The
   household may consist of both parents, a single parent, a guardian/ a foster caregiver.

   Families from other municipalities waiting to transfer their residence to one of the
   Municipalities of Roma Capital will have to self-certify, in accordance with DPR 445/2000,
   the current transfer of residence or domicile, by August 31, 2023; the Municipal Childcare
   Management Office will verify these certificates, under penalty of forfeiture of the

   Application can also be presented by all boys and girls who are asylum seekers and
   holders of international protection, in relation to current international and national norms,
   as well as belonging to family units present in one of the Municipalities of Roma Capitale,
   with fictitious residence or without a tax code or falling among the subjects "deserving of
   protection" as provided by the Directive of the Mayor of Rome n.1/2022 may also apply; in
   these cases, the Administration ensures the best inclusion.

1.3. Priority of access
   The Administration of Roma Capitale guarantees priority access to educational and school
   services by recognizing a dedicated score, specified in the "Criteria and Scores" table
   contained in the appendix to this Public Notice, to users with:
       social and/or economic hardship of the family, attested by the competent territorial
          social services, recognizing priority to the single-parent family;
       condition of imprisonment of one or both parents;
       other family situations identified by the municipalities, counseling centers, family
          homes, shelters or anti-violence centers referred to in Regional Law March 19,
          2014, No. 4 (Reorganization of provisions to combat violence against women as
          gender-based and for the promotion of a culture of respect for fundamental human
          rights and differences between men and women), and subsequent amendments;
       orphans of feminicide.

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  2.1 When and how to submit the application.

     The application must be submitted exclusively online from January 9 to January 31,
     2023, through the Institutional Portal of Roma Capitale by following the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Scuola
     dell’Infanzia > Servizi on line>Iscrizioni Scuole Capitoline dell'Infanzia > Domanda online
     a.s. 2023-2024

     or at the following link:

     For all information on how to access the Reserved Area and the online services of Roma
     Capitale, you can consult the link .
     Applications arrived first do not give priority in the ranking for access to the service.
     In case of an equal score, priority will be given to the child born first. In case of further ties,
     the information system will proceed by random drawing.
     All requirements must be met on the deadline date of the notice.
     As of June 1, it will be possible to submit an application "after deadline" but it should
     be understood that enrollment can only take place if there are still places available
     following the inclusion of users who have submitted regular applications within the
     deadlines stipulated in the Public Notice. In this case, all requirements must be met at the
     time of submission of the application.

  2.2. Choice of school

     Up to three schools, located in a single municipality, can be indicated in the online
     application form. To find out the Kindergartenss in Roma Capitale, the appropriate list is
     available by following the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Scuola
     dell’Infanzia > Descrizione del servizio e iscrizione > 15. Elenco Scuole dell’Infanzia
     or at the following link:

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   Only one application is allowed for schools falling within the selected municipality.
   If a brother/sister is already enrolled in and will continue to attend a municipal kindergarten
   or primary/secondary school in the year 2023/2024, the family may indicate the
   kindergartens located in the same complex, as the only choice, in order to be eligible for
   the score referred to in item 14 of the "Criteria and Scores" table in the appendix. This
   score will not be awarded in case of multiple choice.
   The list of available places and sections for Kindergarten enrollment is made known by
   each Municipality through the report attached to this Public Notice.

2.3. Warnings on filling out the application
   Users are advised to proceed well in advance with the entry of the online application in
   order to have sufficient time to resolve any problems and/or clarify doubts by the
   application deadline.
   Special care must be taken in filling out the application by indicating all the required data,
   in the absence of which the application itself will be considered inadmissible, also attaching
   all the documentation useful for the attribution of scores. Once the application is submitted,
   the system will issue an appropriate receipt.
   The Municipal Childcare Management Office will point out any deficiencies in the
   documentation in compliance with current regulations.
   In any case, any changes and/or additions to the applications already submitted must be
   submitted to The Municipal Childhood Management Office by January 31, 2023, with
   the exception of the health certification for disability referred to in Section 6.1.
   The relevant municipal offices, as listed in the attached list, are available, according to
   their respective opening hours to the public, as indicated in the web pages, to provide any
   clarifications on the submission of the application, as well as to ensure the necessary
   support for its online submission.
   In filling out the application, please note that the fields marked with an * character
   are mandatory and that it is necessary to check all fields of interest for the recognition of
   the correct score. Any errors or omissions cannot be remedied on appeal.
   Any decision regarding the completion of the application must be made in compliance with
   the provisions on parental responsibility set forth in Articles 316, 337b and 337c of the
   Civil Code, which require the consent of both parents except in the case of sole custody,
   in which the custodial parent is required to sign a special declaration while filling the
   application, regarding compliance with the provisions of Article 337c, third paragraph, of
   the Civil Code, on the subject of decisions in the best interest of the children.

   The data of children attending and being enrolled will be transmitted to the Lazio Region
   for verification, through the Vaccination Registry, of the fulfillments required by Law No.
   119/2017. For minors not in compliance with the prescribed vaccination requirements, the
   denial of access to the service and finally the forfeiture of enrollment is cautiously foreseen.
   In this regard, it should be noted that since an affidavit of vaccination regularity is required
   when completing the application. In case of false declarations, pursuant to and for the
   purposes of Articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000, the penalties of Article
   483 of the Penal Code "Ideological falsehood committed by the private individual in a public

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     act" are provided for, as well as the forfeiture of the benefit obtained. To this end, the
     competent municipal offices reserve the right, as by law, to direct controls to ascertain the
     information provided.
     The data provided are prescribed, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation
     (GDPR)-(EU) 2016/679, Articles 13 and 14, by the provisions in force and acquired for the
     institutional purposes provided by law for the sole purpose of the administrative procedure
     for which they are requested and will be used exclusively for that purpose.


  3.1. Rankings

    With reference to the received and eligible applications, the Municipalities shall proceed to
    assign the overall score for each child/children, according to the "Criteria and Scores" table
    contained in the appendix to this Public Notice. All requirements must be met as of the
    deadline of the notice.
    On the basis of the score, the timetable chosen, the school or schools indicated in the
    application, and the available places, the relevant Municipal Departments will formulate
    provisional rankings, indicating admissions to each school and municipal waiting lists.
    Said rankings will be published by March 2, 2023, and the position of each user can be
    consulted online by accessing the appropriate section available by following the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Scuola
     dell’Infanzia > Servizi on line> Iscrizioni Scuole Capitoline dell'Infanzia > Graduatorie

     or at the following link:

     If the family finds errors in the evaluation, it may file an appeal by addressing it to the
     Director of Socio-Educational Direction of the territorially competent Municipality by P.E.C.
     or delivery to the Municipal Protocol Office, within 10 working days from the date of
     publication of the ranking list.

     The Director of Socio-Educational Direction shall give feedback within the next 10 days.
     Eventual errors or omissions on the part of the applicant cannot be remedied on appeal.

     Final rankings, approved by the Director of Socio-Educational Management, after review
     of appeals, will likewise be posted online by March 31, 2023. Those who have applied
     to the service are required:

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           to verify their placement on the final ranking list in a timely manner;
           to accept, in case of admission, exclusively online, the place offered by April 20,
            2023, under penalty of forfeiture for all schools indicated in the application;
           to notify the municipality to which they belong, at the time of accepting the place,
            of the presence of any food allergies and/or intolerances documented with a
            medical certificate, in order to provide appropriate menus.

    Twin child(ren) will be given a specific score. In the event that the score attributed and/or
    the availability of places allow the inclusion of only one twin sister or twin brother, the family
    is given the option of not having the admitted child(ren) attend without losing the acquired
    right, pending the possible sliding of the ranking list for the inclusion of the twin sister or
    twin brother. To this end, applicants must submit an appropriate declaration to the
    Municipal Childcare Management Office before the deadline for acceptance.

3.2. Municipal waiting lists

    With regard to users who are not admitted as a result of the procedure for the formation of
    rankings referred to in Section 3.1, the Administration will put in place the following actions:
           the child(ren) not admitted will be placed on the municipal waiting list according to
            the score obtained and the choice of full-time or antemeridian (a.m. classes)
           places made available at the chosen schools will be offered, and if the offered place
            is not accepted, the application will be considered forfeited for all the schools
    The offered place, with appropriate notice from City Hall, must be formally accepted
    within the period of two working days from the date of the notice.

    Within the 15 days following the acceptance of the place, those who have chosen full-
    time hours must submit the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) or ISEE statement to
    quantify the School Food Service fee.
    Failure to submit the necessary documentation will result in the application of the
    maximum                                                                             rate.
    Refusal of the offered place will also result in exclusion from the waiting list for any
    other schools indicated in the application.
    Non-acceptance does not result in disqualification in the case of siblings or twins who have
    won a place in different schools for whom it is permissible to accept the place even after
    the deadline by submitting a special declaration to the Municipal Childcare Management
    Office before the deadline set for April 20, 2023.

    Further admissions may be made up to the deadline of January 31, 2024.

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    Users with disabilities may be admitted to attendance with priority at any time of the
    school year, subject to the availability of places.
    Children reported by social services upon                    presentation       of   appropriate
    documentation also fall under this category.

    Also eligible for admission at any time of the year, subject to the availability of places,
    although with lower priority than for children with disabilities and reported by social
    services, are children who are already in school, who have a certificate of attendance,
    even if it relates to only a few days, and who come from other municipalities, or from other
    cities, following transfers due to changes in the family's registration, without prejudice to
    cases in which the failure to start schooling is attributable to the Local Authority responsible
    for the school.


 4.1 Grounds for forfeiture.

    a) It shall be considered grounds for forfeiture to fail to formally accept the position to be
    made online by April 20, 2023, or by the deadline set in case of call from the waiting

    b) Failure to comply with the requirements of Law 119 of July 31, 2017 regarding
    vaccination prevention is also considered grounds for forfeiture.

    c) Any child(ren) who, after 10 days from the opening of the school, has never attended
    and, for this absence, no formal justification has been provided, will be considered to have
    forfeited the service, with consequent forfeiture of the place.

    (d) Any child(ren) admitted "in the course of the year" who has not attended for 10
    consecutive days from the date of admission fixed by the City Hall, for whose absence no
    formal justification has been provided, shall also be considered as forfeiters.

     e) Absences during the course of the year exceeding 20 consecutive days, not justified
    by a medical certificate or parent's declaration, in accordance with Presidential Decree
    445/2000, by email, P.E.C. or by hand, stating substantiated reasons, shall automatically
    result in forfeiture of the position, which may be ordered by the Municipal Childcare
    Management Office as of October 15, 2023.

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4.2. Absences due to illness

   With the termination of the state of emergency, is again in force: L.R. 22/10/2018, No.
   7 (Article 68 Provisions on the simplification of health certifications in the field of health
   protection in schools, paragraph 2)
   After absence, even more than 5 days, therefore, a medical certificate is not required for
   readmission to school. It is understood that the medical certificate must be produced in
   cases where it is required by internationally and nationally prescribed prophylactic
   measures for public health needs (Paragraph 1(A)).
   In case of Covid-19 positivity, to return to school, it is sufficient to show the negative
   test result; no medical certificate is required.

4.3. Waiver of service

   Reconfirmation from one school year to the next is automatic for all enrollees who
   are old enough to attend the service.
   Citizens who do not wish to reconfirm their place in Kindergarten may opt out through the
   online feature available by following the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Scuola
   dell’Infanzia > Servizi on line> Rinuncia alla riconferma
   or at the following link:

   Pupils whose age is inconsistent with the school cycle remain excluded from automatic

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale


    Attendance       at    the      Capitol      Kindergarten       is      free     of   charge.
    The service of each individual Kindergarten is divided into sections normally composed
    of 25 pupils. Without prejudice to the inclusion of the child/children within their class
    group, specific laboratory activities, including interclass activities, are implemented in the

  5.1. Calendar

     The Roma Capital Kindergarten follows the school calendar established by the Lazio
     Region, which mandatorily provides for opening on September 15 of each year -
     automatically extended to the next day if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday - and closing
     on June 30 of each year.

  5.2. Schedules
     The school's timetable, where both full-time and antemeridian sections are in operation,
     is as follows:

      antemeridian sections: Monday to Friday with a schedule from 8 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.
     with exit starting half an hour earlier;
      full-time sections: Monday through Friday with a schedule from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
     with exit starting at 4 p.m. The family may indicate an additional option with exit 14:00
     to 14:30. In full-time sections, school food service is provided (see Section 7.1).

     The choice of schedule - antemeridian or full-time - is binding for the entire
     school year. For subsequent school years, users interested in changing the time slot,
     with a change from antemeridian to full-time and vice versa, will have to submit a new
     application under the new Public Notice.

  5.3. Catholic Religion Teaching
     When filling out the application for the service, the family can choose to avail or not to
     avail of the teaching of the Catholic religion. The school will guarantee alternative
     activities for boys and girls whose parents choose not to avail themselves of such

     This choice is binding for the entire school year

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

  5.4. Time and manner of entry
    Entering Kindergarten represents a particularly sensitive time for the child(ren) in their
    growth as it can be for many the first encounter with a larger community. The school
    promotes the welcome of each child/children by organizing spaces and times for
    welcoming and acclimatization, through collective and individual meetings with parents,
    scheduled before the start of school and providing, as well, gradual and personalized
    times of stay for the child/children. For newly enrolled users, a staggered and
    personalized insertion is planned, which should be carried out in continuity over the
    first week of school opening. Respecting the rhythms and needs of each child/children,
    the settling-in period should be completed for all by September.


    Inclusion affects all children and ensures participation in educational and school life in
    order to achieve the maximum possible in terms of learning and socialization through
    personalized paths of growth and training.

    In inclusive Kindergarten educates to the value of diversity understood as an enriching
    exchange that overcomes preconceptions. One is included in a context when there are
    common experiences that foster the sharing of goals and strategies and develop a
    sense of belonging to the group. This process is the result of collegial initiative, is
    carried out in tune with the entire educating community and not guaranteed exclusively
    by the individual teacher and/or operator.

     The Administration of Roma Capital is committed to implementing and ensuring full
    participation in normal school life for all users, regardless of their personal and social
    conditions, valuing the rights of each, in implementation of constitutional principles.
    It also ensures the best inclusion of children of citizenship other than Italian.

 6.1. Children with disabilities

    The Administration of Roma Capital protects the rights to care, education and health of
    the child/children with special educational needs, in accordance with constitutional
    principles and current legislation (L.104/92).

    In particular, for users with disabilities, the kindergartens of Roma Capital outline, on
    the basis of an interactive pedagogical and organizational model, inclusive teaching
    and an individualized educational project shared with parents, ASL and/or Accredited
    Centers, which follow the child(ren). The project is aimed at individual and collective

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

   well-being and growth; it is aimed at achieving, with respect to the possibilities of each
   individual, high levels of learning, sociality, identity and autonomy, as well as ensuring
   the harmonious development of the person within a coherent life project promoted in
   collaboration with the families.

   For the purpose of scoring, the disability must be recognized with a report or
   provisional certificate issued by the INPS medical-legal commission (Law 104/92) after
   the first visit, or with certification issued by public health facilities (ASL or Hospital
   This documentation must be attached to the application or submitted to the Municipal
   Childcare Management Office, by February 27, 2023, in view of the publication of the
   provisional ranking set for March 2, 2023.

   Subject to the availability of places, children with disabilities may be admitted at any
   time of the year, excluding classes that already accommodate 3 users with

6.2. Assignment of staff for school integration

   In relation to current regulations, for the assignment of staff for school integration,
   families must submit the following valid certifications as an attachment to the

   a. Verification report of the INPS L.104/92 by medical-legal commission; the
   recognition of L. 104/92 establishes a term of validity of the disability within which it
   must be renewed, if necessary;

   b. Certification for school integration issued by the TSMREE service of the ASL of
   residence of the child/children. The aforementioned certification must include the
   clinical diagnosis and indicate the necessary professional resources (Support Teacher,
   Educational Worker for Autonomy, Assistant Specialist for sensory disability), as well
   as specify the timeframe for updating the same;

   c. Functional diagnosis drawn up by the TSMREE service of the ASL or the
   rehabilitation center recognized by the Regional Health System, the specialized center
   of hospital, university, and scientific research and treatment institutes (IRCCS), at
   which the child/children is undergoing diagnostic/rehabilitation treatment;

   d. The request for staff for integration, signed by the parents.

   In the kindergartens of Roma Capital, the continuity and stability of the educational path
   is guaranteed by the regular teachers of the section and not by teachers with fixed-
   term assignment. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Teaching Board, to engage in

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

     the path of inclusion and implementation of the Individualized Educational Plan of users
     with disabilities, sharing with any new additional figures the path to be taken.
     The additional teachers for inclusion, while possessing appropriate qualifications to
     carry out the role, do not have specific training on the different types of disabilities, so
     they are assigned by the Administration to support the entire service for the presence
     of the child(ren) with disabilities, with the aim of ensuring the educational co-
     responsibility of the teachers present in the relevant section. The support teacher is
     employed in support of the Teaching Board for the presence of the user with disabilities
     and not assigned exclusively to the individual child(ren). (D.G.C. 697/2003).
     Should the presence of users with disabilities occur in the chosen school to such an
     extent as to compromise an effective educational experience for all children, the
     municipal Childhood Management Offices, considering the number of users already
     present in the section and with the aim of guaranteeing an inclusive action appropriate
     to the development of all children, are obliged to agree with the families on the
     identification of an alternative school with respect to the options initially
     formulated, also taking into account the actual distribution of the requests for
     access to the service in the municipal territory. Families of the child(ren) with
     disabilities, must submit an annual request for support and/or assistance to City Hall if
     the health request includes educational or autonomy support.

     This application is valid only for the current year.

     In case of the child(ern) need to stay beyond the 6th year of age, the parents will
     have to go to City Hall to confirm the possible enrollment by accompanying it with the
     due       health     documentation       of      the     disabled    child's     stay.
     However, the family is required, since the request for permanence is subject to a
     subsequent authorization of the competent Capitoline offices, to enroll their
     child/children also in elementary school according to the current regulations on
     compulsory education.

   7.1. School Catering
     Users enrolled in full-time, after formal acceptance of the place, must pay a cost-
     sharing contribution fee for the use of school food service. This fee is due in full
     regardless of the actual attendance of the child/children and must be paid for 10
     monthly payments from September to June of each school year, as provided by the
     Resolution of the Roma Capital Assembly No. 117/2018.

     The application for the discounted rate for food service, for the school year 2023-
     2024, must be submitted from March 1, 2023 and no later than September 30, 2023

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

(Roma Capital Assembly Resolution No. 83 of 21/07/2020), through the appropriate
web application accessible by following the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Ristorazione
scolastica e diete speciali > Servizi on line> Domanda Tariffa Agevolata Ristorazione
or directly at the following link:

To apply for the discounted rate, you must meet the following requirements:

Residence in one of the Municipalities of Roma Capital of the child and the applicant
(parent/guardian/caregiver), or ongoing change of residence (for parent and child) to
be finalized by the application closing date set for September 30.

Non-resident users will not be eligible for the subsidized rate but will be charged the
maximum contribution fee of €80.00 per month.

The discounted fee is calculated based on the value of the Indicator of Equivalent
Economic Situation (ISEE) reported in the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU).
Beyond the deadline of September 30, 2023, the maximum contribution fee of €80.00
per month will be applied. For enrollments finalized after September 15, the application
for the subsidized fee must be submitted within 15 days after the place is accepted.

Parents/guardians/caregivers, interested in obtaining the discounted rate for the food
service are urged to promptly activate the procedure for the issuance of the ISEE
certificate by INPS, including through CAFs, given the processing and issuance time
of the certificate by INPS.

It will be the responsibility of the applicant to monitor, in the private area of the Roma
Capital Institutional portal, the processing status of the request for a discounted rate to
verify the acceptance of the application by the Administration. If not, a notice will be
displayed in which the reason for rejection will be indicated, pursuant to Article 3 of Law

Parents/guardians/caregivers who do not wish to apply for Discounted Rate for School
Catering will be able to proceed with the online payment of the contribution fees due at
the following link:

The applicant may apply to the relevant City Hall for special diets:

- for health reasons upon presentation of a certificate prepared by a physician in
accordance with the instructions contained in Model 1 and Model 2;

- for ethical-religious reasons upon submission of Model 1.

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           The forms can be downloaded in the Forms section at the following link:

           The above documentation must be delivered to the Dietitians Office of the territorially
           competent Municipalities, in order to provide for the development of appropriate
           menus, before the start of school activities.

           The submission of the special diet request can be made at the territorially competent
           offices, by P.E.C. to the address of the Municipal Protocol Office or by email to the
           addresses listed in the table (Special Diet Offices Addresses).

           For all information pertaining to school food service payments, contact the Municipal
           Offices at the addresses given in the list below (Fee Office contact details).

Municipi          Recapiti Uffici Quote Contributive                               Recapiti Uffici Diete Speciali

   1                     06 69617256 – 257

   2                0669602609 - 612 - 661 – 611

   3              0669604613 - 614 - 620 - 678 – 727

   4                0669605614 - 684 - 683 – 682

   5                         0669607858

                                                                                         0669608614 - 658
   6                         0669608652

   7           0669609366 - 611 - 889 - 877 - 628 - 366

                                                                                         0669611856 - 613
   8           0669611452 – 456 – 459 – 635 – 636 -460

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                                                                                0669612912 – 617 – 488 – 609 - 491
9                    0669612614 – 659 – 688 – 689

                           0669613588 – 617                                        0669613 620 – 644 – 904 - 996

                                                                                        0669615 692 - 690
11                            0669616643

                                                                                      0669616491 - 633 - 634
12                         0669616604 - 643

                                                                                      0669618623 – 239 - 241
13                 0669618626 - 650 - 655 - 242 –273

14                         0669619612 - 661

                                                                                         0669620625 - 627
15                         0669620622 - 602

7.2. School Transportation
      For all information on school transportation ISTITUZIONALE, please refer to the service
      information page: > PORTALE > Servizi > Scuola > Trasporto scolastico >
      Descrizione del servizio ed iscrizione
      at the following link:

       In particular, for Municipal contacts, follow the path: > PORTALE ISTITUZIONALE > Servizi > Scuola > Trasporto
      scolastico > Descrizione del servizio ed iscrizione > Uffici e contatti

      or at the following link:

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       More in-depth information about each school can be found in the P.T.O.F. (Piano
       Triennale dell'Offerta Formativa) which can be obtained from the schools themselves.

       In addition, at each school and in the Institutional Portal of Roma Capitale, are available
       for families to consult at

       • the Regulations of the Kindergarten;
       • the "Plan for the Integration of the disabled child(ren) attending the Roma Capital

Before submitting the application

       • for assistance in filling out the application online, contact the URP of the School,
      Labor and Vocational Training Department, specifying your name, surname and
      personal and interested parties' tax code, at the following number 06/671070353 or at
      the e-mail address ;
       • for clarifications on the Public Notice and requirements, contact the Childcare
      Management Office at the e-mail address and the
      Municipal Childcare Management Offices at the contact details given in the list below.

After the application has been submitted

       • in case of any errors or problems in the submitted application, contact only
       the Municipal Childhood Management Offices at the contact details given in the list

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale


 Municipi                      Indirizzo             Recapiti Uffici Scuola Infanzia Municipali

                                                                 06/69617622 - 607- 658
    1       Circonvallazione Trionfale, 19

                                                                  06/69602610 - 657 - 632
    2       Via Tripoli, 136

                                                          06/69604610 - 616 - 651 – 742 – 750
    3       Via Umberto Fracchia, 45

                                                                  06/69605645 - 675 - 672
    4       Via di Scorticabove, 77

                                                                   06/69607611 - 236 - 679
    5       Via Prenestina, 510

                                                                    06/69608663 - 613
    6       Viale Duilio Cambellotti, 11

                                                               06/69609616 - 622 - 634 - 635
    7       Via Tommaso Fortifiocca, 71/73

                                                                  06/69611342 - 627 - 618
    8       Via Benedetto Croce, 50

                                                                06/69612612 – 482 – 614
    9       Via Ignazio Silone, 2° ponte

                                                                06/69613689 - 590 - 681
   10       Viale del Lido, 6

                                                                   06/69615608 - 627
   11       Via della Magliana, 296

   12       Viale Luigi Moretti, 22

                                                             06/69618681 - 219 – 245 – 658
   13       Via Aurelia, 470

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

                                                         06/69619603 - 408 - 625 - 615
14   Piazza Santa Maria della Pietà, 5

                                                             06/69620818 - 609 - 621
15   Via Flaminia, 872

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

      10.CRITERIA AND SCORE                                                                                       Attachment 1

      Requirements must be possessed on the date of expiration of the notice

     Child with a recognized disability.
     *Attach the report of the Medical Examining Board or provisional certificate (Law 104/92), or certification issued by                 450
1    public health facilities (ASL, hospital institutions) 450
                                                                                   This score can be combined only with the score for criterion 16

     Child(ren) with particularly difficult social and/or economic family situation documented and
     proven by the date of the deadline of the notice by a report from the Municipal Social Service or from the
2    competent social-health facility of the territorial ASL
     The score is awarded on assessment of social services according to severity
     *Indicate the facility
     Child orphan of both parents
3                                                                                                                                           60
     *Please attach social services report or disposition by the Juvenile Court

     Child in foster care, adopted not more than 1 year ago or in the process of adoption, or child of
4    student awaiting secondary school graduation or equivalent qualification                                                               50
     *Enter the details of the act of disposition by the Juvenile Court or the type of course of study to be completed

5    Child who will turn 5 years old by 31/12/2023                                                                                          40
     Child who belongs to a single-parent family cohabiting with a single parent, worker or student
     (enrolled in a degree program or a vocational training course recognized by institutional bodies),
6    not assisted by Social Services. See Household Section.
     *Fill out the appropriate section of the application (or else score will not be awarded)
                                                                                  This score cannot be combined with the score of criteria 7 and 8

     Child(ren) with both parents working and/or a student (enrolled in an institutionally recognized
7    degree program or vocational training course), including those not living together.                                                    18
     *Please fill in the appropriate section of the application (under penalty of not scoring).
     Child with at least one parent who is a worker or student (enrolled in a degree program or
8    vocational training course recognized by Institutional Bodies), even if not living with the other                                      10
     parent. * Fill out the appropriate section of the application (or else score will not be awarded)
     Child of parent with disability or disability (L.104/92 art. 3 paragraph 3 or disability min. 74%)
     *Attach documentation
     Child belonging to household in which there are one or more effectively cohabiting members with
     disabilities or disabilities, excluding parents (L.104/92 art. 3 paragraph 3 or disability min. 74%)                                   13
     *Attach documentation
                                                                                                             The two scores cannot be combined

     Child attending in S.Y. 2022/2023 the state or private kindergarten of Roma Capital or another
     municipality. The score will also be recognized in the event that the child has interrupted attendance at
     the school for supervening reasons attributable to Roma Capital (e.g., closure of the facility for reasons
10                                                                                                                                           6
     of extraordinary maintenance)
     *In the case of state or private kindergarten or those of another municipality, the identification data of the institute
     must be indicated in the application

Dipartimento Scuola, Lavoro e Formazione Professionale

     Child who attends in S.Y. 2022/2023 an authorized public or private educational service even if
     not affiliated with Roma Capital (nido, micronido, spazio, sezione ponte, sezione primavera
11   privata), The score will also be recognized in the event that the child has interrupted attendance at the                         6
     service, due to reasons attributable to Roma Capital (e.g. closure of the facility for reasons of
     extraordinary maintenance)
     Child with no. ____ siblings from 0 to 6 years of age not completed                                                               2
12   Child with no. ____ siblings from 6 years old to 14 years not completed                                                           1
                                                 Requirements must be met on the date of the notice deadline; the two scores can be combined
13   Twin children - score is for each twin                                                                                            9
     Child with brother/sister, who, in S.Y. 2022/2023 attends kindergarten in the same complex as the
     school indicated as the only choice, and will continue to attend in S.Y: 2023/2024 as reconfirmed
     (regardless of the number of brothers/sisters).
     Name of the Kindergarten: ________________________________________
14   Child with brother/sister who, in S.Y. 2022/2023 attends Primary/Secondary School in the same
     complex as the school indicated as the only choice and will continue to attend it in S.Y. 2023/2024 as
     reconfirmed (regardless of the number of brothers/sisters).
     Name of the primary/secondary school
                                                                                                         The two scores cannot be combined

     Child with both parents who are workers and/or students (enrolled in a degree program or vocational
     training course recognized by institutional bodies), one of whom for reasons of work/study resides
15   permanently, or travels continuously outside the Region, for at least six months (excluding Vatican                               2
     City). *Fill out the appropriate section of the application and attach documentation proving the requirement (under
     penalty of not scoring).

     RESIDENTS or domiciled (by way of example but not limited to: military personnel, diplomats) or with
16   fictitious residence or without a tax code or falling among those "deserving of protection" as provided for                     1000
     in the Directive of the Mayor of Rome No. 1/2022

      Fields marked with * are mandatory.

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