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PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES DAFTAR ISI TABLE OF CONTENTS Halaman/ Page SURAT PERNYATAAN DIREKSI 1 DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT LETTER LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN – CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Per 30 September 2013 (tidak diaudit) dan 31 As of September 30, 2013 (unaudited) and Desember 2012 (diaudit) dan untuk periode December 31, 2012 (audited) and for the sembilan bulan yang berakhir 30 September nine-month periods ended September 30, 2013 dan 2012 (tidak diaudit) 2013 and 2012 (unaudited) Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian 3 Consolidated Statements of Financial Position Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Konsolidasian 5 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas Konsolidasian 7 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity Laporan Arus Kas Konsolidasian 8 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian 9 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements INFORMASI TAMBAHAN – SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION – Per 30 September 2013 (tidak diaudit) dan 31 As of September 30, 2013 (unaudited) and Desember 2012 (diaudit) dan untuk periode December 31, 2012 (audited) and for the sembilan bulan yang berakhir 30 September nine-month periods ended September 30, 2013 dan 2012 (tidak diaudit) 2013 and 2012 (unaudited) Laporan Posisi Keuangan Tersendiri Entitas 92 Statements of Financial Position - Parent Perusahaan Entity Only Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Tersendiri 93 Statements of Comprehensive Income – Entitas Induk Parent Entity Only Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas Tersendiri Entitas 94 Statements of Changes in Equity - Parent Induk Entity Only Laporan Arus Kas Tersendiri Entitas Perusahaan 95 Statements of Cash Flows - Parent Entity Only Catatan Atas Investasi Saham 96 Notes on Investment in Shares of Stock
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 31, 2012 (AUDITED) 30 September/ 31 Desember/ Catatan/ September 30, December 31, Notes 2013 2012 Rp'000 Rp'000 ASET ASSETS ASET LANCAR CURRENT ASSETS Kas dan setara kas 5 167.573.153 176.775.748 Cash and cash equivalents Piutang usaha 6 Trade accounts receivable Pihak berelasi - setelah dikurangi Related parties - net of allowance cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai for impairment losses of sebesar Rp 10.803.361 ribu per Rp 10,803,361 thousand at 30 September 2013 dan September 30, 2013 and Rp 16.614.430 ribu Rp16,614,430 thousand per 31 Desember 2012 31 11.737.481 4.417.435 at December 31, 2012 Pihak ketiga - setelah dikurangi Third parties - net of allowance cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai for impairment losses of sebesar Rp 3.270.654 ribu per Rp 3,270,654 thousand at September 30, 30 September 2013 dan 2013 and Rp 2,237,103 thousand Rp 2.237.103 ribu per 31 Desember 2012 196.229.993 146.046.073 at December 31, 2012 Piutang lain-lain Other receivables Pihak berelasi 32 31.188.095 32.282.953 Related parties Pihak ketiga 7 8.389.773 8.052.774 Third parties Persediaan - setelah dikurangi Inventories - net of allowance cadangan penurunan nilai persediaan for decline in value of Rp 1,149,424 thousand sebesar Rp 1.149.424 ribu per 30 September 2012 and at September 30, 2013 and dan Rp 1.536.347 ribu Rp 1,536,347 thousand per 31 Desember 2012 21.628.612 13.159.002 at December 31, 2012 Pajak dibayar di muka 8 35.755.699 34.365.856 Prepaid taxes Biaya dibayar di muka dan aset lain-lain Prepayment and other assets Pihak ketiga 29.794.485 15.212.008 Third party Aset derivatif 34 - 57.820 Derivative assets Jumlah Aset Lancar 502.297.291 430.369.669 Total Current Assets ASET TIDAK LANCAR NON-CURRENT ASSETS Pinjaman kepada pihak berelasi 9, 32 181.545.031 145.223.793 Loans to a related party Aset tetap - setelah dikurangi Property and equipment - net of akumulasi penyusutan sebesar accumulated depreciation of Rp 327.992.288 ribu per 30 September 2013 Rp 327,992,288 thousand at September 30, 2013 dan Rp 295.270.836 ribu per and Rp 295,270,836 thousand at 31 Desember 2012 10 158.770.229 149.588.095 December 31, 2012 Aset pajak tangguhan 28 45.910.064 43.453.537 Deferred tax assets Goodwill 30 16.640.205 16.640.205 Goodwill Aset lain-lain 4.416.634 9.740.159 Other assets Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar 407.282.163 364.645.789 Total Non-Current Assets JUMLAH ASET 909.579.454 795.015.458 TOTAL ASSETS Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. -3-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 31 DESEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) - Lanjutan SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND DECEMBER 31, 2012 (AUDITED) - Continued 30 September/ 31 Desember/ Catatan/ September 30, December 31, Notes 2013 2012 Rp'000 Rp'000 LIABILITAS DAN EKUITAS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITAS JANGKA PENDEK CURRENT LIABILITIES Utang usaha 11 Trade accounts payable Pihak berelasi 32 106.124 686.002 Related parties Pihak ketiga 73.036.383 62.627.429 Third parties Utang Lain-lain Other payables Pihak berelasi 32 - 2.867.098 Related parties Pihak ketiga 1.285.801 7.890.700 Third parties Utang pajak 12 69.127.877 49.403.937 Taxes payable Biaya masih harus dibayar 13 89.635.168 64.762.568 Accrued expenses Utang dividen 22, 32 30.000.000 - Dividend payables Liabilitas derivatif 34 - 5.788.509 Derivative liabilities Uang muka dan deposit dari pelanggan 33 6.045.122 2.526.148 Advances and deposit from customers Utang jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun Current maturities of long-term liabilities: Utang bank 14 59.273.013 50.860.363 Bank loans Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 328.509.488 247.412.754 Total Current Liabilities LIABILITAS JANGKA PANJANG NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Utang bank jangka panjang - setelah dikurangi bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun 14 145.207.548 141.064.128 Long-term bank loans - net of current maturities Liabilitas imbalan kerja 15 55.980.549 51.153.621 Employee benefit obligations Liabilitas derivatif 33 11.554.961 4.027.806 Derivative liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 212.743.058 196.245.555 Total Non-current Liabilities JUMLAH LIABILITAS 541.252.546 443.658.309 TOTAL LIABILITIES EKUITAS EQUITY Modal saham - nilai nominal Capital stock - par value of Rp 100 per saham Rp 100 per share Modal dasar - 7.500.000 saham Authorized capital - 7,500,000 shares Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh - Issued and fully paid capital - 2,086,950,000 2.086.950.000 saham 16 208.695.000 208.695.000 shares Selisih kurs atas modal disetor 17 2.701.493 2.701.493 Foreign exchange difference on paid in capital Tambahan modal disetor 18 48.016.769 48.016.769 Additional paid-in capital Selisih nilai transaksi restrukturisasi Difference in value of restructuring transaction entitas sepengendali 19 (138.675.807) (115.741.966) of entities under common control Selisih nilai transaksi ekuitas dengan Difference in value of equity transactions kepemilikan nonpengendali 20 (46.086.238) (46.086.238) with non-controlling interest Cadangan revaluasi lindung nilai - bersih setelah dikurangi pajak tangguhan 34 (2.535.295) (3.020.854) Hedge revaluation reserve - net of deferred tax Saldo laba Retained earnings Ditentukan penggunaannya 41.739.000 41.739.000 Appropriated Tidak ditentukan penggunaannya 151.291.627 104.602.509 Unappropriated Ekuitas diatribusikan kepada pemilik Perusahaan 265.146.549 240.905.713 Equity attributable to the owners of the Company Kepentingan nonpengendali 21 103.180.359 110.451.436 Non-controlling interest Jumlah Ekuitas 368.326.908 351.357.149 Total Equity JUMLAH LIABILITAS DAN EKUITAS 909.579.454 795.015.458 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 0 Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. -4-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN LABA RUGI KOMPREHENSIF KONSOLIDASIAN CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG BERAKHIR FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) Catatan/ Notes 2013 2012 Rp'000 Rp'000 PENDAPATAN 23, 31 964.056.878 744.560.496 REVENUES BEBAN USAHA OPERATING EXPENSES Pergudangan dan penunjang penerbangan 24 (427.946.913) (352.457.906) Cargo and ground handling Katering 25 (197.409.676) (129.647.838) Catering Perbengkelan penerbangan 26 (61.807.302) (46.496.830) Aircraft release and maintenance Perdagangan dan jasa kebersihan (9.503.955) (11.311.185) Trading and cleaning services Umum dan administrasi 28 (24.863.703) (18.298.903) General and administrative Jumlah Beban Usaha (721.531.549) (558.212.662) Total Operating Expenses LABA SEBELUM POS KEUANGAN INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL AND DAN LAINNYA 242.525.329 186.347.834 OTHER ITEMS Penghasilan bunga 12.923.340 11.612.497 Interest income Keuntungan (kerugian) atas transaksi Gain (loss) on derivative derivatif - bersih 34 (8.549.301) (4.632.169) transaction - net Beban keuangan (14.281.034) (13.890.653) Finance cost Keuntungan (kerugian) selisih kurs 19.148.358 (2.996.995) Gain (loss) on foreign exchange Keuntungan dan kerugian lain-lain - bersih 339.003 3.887.132 Other gains and losses - net LABA SEBELUM PAJAK PENGHASILAN 252.105.695 180.327.646 INCOME BEFORE TAX MANFAAT (BEBAN) PAJAK PENGHASILAN 28 TAX BENEFIT (EXPENSE) Pajak kini (75.518.051) (56.335.574) Current Pajak tangguhan 2.618.380 12.426.583 Deferred Beban pajak penghasilan (72.899.671) (43.908.991) Tax Expense LABA BERSIH PERIODE BERJALAN 179.206.024 136.418.655 NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD PENDAPATAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Laba atas transaksi derivatif - bersih 34 406.305 (2.197.573) Gain on derivative transactions - net JUMLAH PENDAPATAN KOMPREHENSIF 179.612.329 134.221.082 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME LABA BERSIH YANG DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA: NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Pemilik entitas induk 29 76.689.118 63.871.138 Owners of the Company Kepentingan nonpengendali 21 102.516.907 72.547.517 Non-controlling interest Laba bersih periode berjalan 179.206.024 136.418.655 Net Income for the period JUMLAH LABA KOMPREHENSIF TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME YANG DAPAT DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Pemilik entitas induk 77.095.422 61.673.565 Owners of the Company Kepentingan nonpengendali 102.516.907 72.547.517 Non-controlling interest Jumlah Laba Rugi Komprehensif 179.612.329 134.221.082 Total Comprehensive Income Laba Per Saham Dasar Basic Earnings Per Share (dalam Rupiah penuh) 29 37 31 (In full Rupiah) Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. -5-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN PERUBAHAN EKUITAS KONSOLIDASIA CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED Ekuitas entitas anak Selisih nila Cadangan sehubungan dengan Selisih nila transaksi ekuitas revaluasi lindung penyajian kembal Ekuitas yang dapat Tambahan transaksi restrukturisasi dengan kepemilikan nilai - bersih laporan keuangan diatribusikan kepada Selisih kurs atas modal entitas sepengendali/ nonpengendali setelah dikurang konsolidasian/ pemilik entitas modal disetor/ disetor/ Difference in value of Difference in value of pajak tangguhan/ Equity in a subsidiary Saldo laba/Retained earnings induk/Equity Kepentingan Foreign exchange Additional restructuring transactions equity transactions Hedge revaluation resulting from restatement Ditentukan Tidak ditentukan attributable to nonpengendali Catatan/ Modal disetor/ difference on paid-in of entities under with non-controlling reserve - net of consolidated Penggunaannya Penggunaannya owners of Non-controlling Jumlah ekuitas/ Notes Capital stock paid-in capital capital common control interest of deferred tax financial statements Appropriated Unappropriated the Company interest Total equity Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Saldo per 1 Januari 2013/ Balance as of January 1, 2013 208.695.000 2.701.493 48.016.769 (115.741.966) (46.086.238) (3.020.854) - 41.739.000 104.602.509 240.905.713 110.451.436 351.357.149 Dividen/Dividends 22 - - - - - - - - (30.000.000) (30.000.000) (117.363.361) (147.363.361) Selisih nilai transaksi ekuitas dengan kepemilikan nonpengendalDiffference in value of equity transactions with non-controlling interest 20 - - - (22.933.841) - - - - - (22.933.841) 7.575.377 (15.358.464) Jumlah pendapatan komprehensif Total comprehensive income - - - - - 485.559 - - 76.689.118 77.174.677 102.516.907 179.691.584 Saldo per 30 September 2013/ Balance as of September 30, 2013 208.695.000 2.701.493 48.016.769 (138.675.807) (46.086.238) (2.535.295) 0 41.739.000 151.291.627 265.146.549 103.180.359 368.326.908 Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integrawhich are an integral part of the consolidated financial stateme -6-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN PERUBAHAN EKUITAS KONSOLIDASIA CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 - Lanjuta FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 - Continue Ekuitas entitas anak Selisih nila Cadangan sehubungan dengan Selisih nila transaksi ekuitas revaluasi lindung penyajian kembal Ekuitas yang dapat Tambahan transaksi restrukturisasi dengan kepemilikan nilai - bersih laporan keuangan diatribusikan kepada Selisih kurs atas modal entitas sepengendali/ nonpengendali setelah dikurang konsolidasian/ pemilik entitas modal disetor/ disetor/ Difference in value of Difference in value of pajak tangguhan/ Equity in a subsidiary Saldo laba/Retained earnings induk/Equity Kepentingan Foreign exchange Additional restructuring transactions equity transactions Hedge revaluation resulting from restatement Ditentukan Tidak ditentukan attributable to nonpengendali Catatan/ Modal disetor/ difference on paid-in of entities under with non-controlling reserve - net of consolidated Penggunaannya Penggunaannya owners of Non-controlling Jumlah ekuitas/ Notes Capital stock paid-in capital capital common control interest of deferred tax financial statements Appropriated Unappropriated the Company interest Total equity Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Rp'000 Saldo per 1 Januari 2012/ Balance as of January 1, 2012 208.695.000 2.701.493 48.016.769 (86.324.612) (22.760.236) (2.290.531) (24.798.595) 41.739.000 24.114.106 189.092.394 101.003.636 290.096.030 Dividen/Dividends 22 - - - - - - - - (7.037.799) (7.037.799) (47.030.138) (54.067.937) Selisih nilai transaksi ekuitas dengan kepemilikan nonpengendalDiffference in value of equity transactions with non-controlling interest 20 - - - - (14.133.029) - - - - (14.133.029) - (14.133.029) Selisih nilai transaksi restrukturisasi entitas sepengendali/Difference in value of restructuring transactions of entities under common control - - - (29.417.188) - - 24.798.595 - 4.618.593 - - - Jumlah pendapatan komprehensif Total comprehensive income - - - - (2.197.573) - - 63.871.138 61.673.565 72.547.517 134.221.082 Saldo per 30 September 2012/ Balance as of September 30, 2012 208.695.000 2.701.493 48.016.769 (115.741.800) (36.893.265) (4.488.104) - 41.739.000 85.566.038 229.595.131 126.521.015 356.116.146 Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integrawhich are an integral part of the consolidated financial stateme -7-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN ARUS KAS KONSOLIDASIAN CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG BERAKHIR FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 UNAUDITED 2013 2012 Rp'000 Rp'000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS OPERASI ACTIVITIES Penerimaan kas dari pelanggan 931.789.573 707.260.610 Cash received from customers Pembayaran kas kepada pemasok dan karyawan (681.052.749) (553.134.585) Cash paid to suppliers and employees Kas dihasilkan dari operasi 250.736.824 154.126.025 Cash generated from operations Penerimaan pembayaran kembali STP 3.984.552 1.059.795 STP refund received Penerimaan bunga 3.355.409 3.106.248 Interest received Pembayaran bunga dan biaya bank (16.031.792) (8.820.839) Interest paid and bank charges Pembayaran pajak (67.716.737) (42.908.152) Taxes paid Arus Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari Aktivitas Net Cash Flows Provided by Operating Operasi 174.328.256 106.563.077 Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS INVESTASI ACTIVITIES Pembelian aset tetap (39.183.180) (21.223.274) Acquisition of property and equipment Investasi mandatory convertible bonds - (14.132.763) Investment in mandatory convertible bonds Uang muka investasi (195.580) - Advance for investment Pengembalian uang muka investasi 253.500 4.000.000 Refund of advance for investment Hasil penjualan aset tetap 520.560 765.988 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment Arus Kas Bersih Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Net Cash Flows Used in Investing Investasi (38.604.700) (30.590.049) Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS PENDANAAN ACTIVITIES Pembayaran dividen (117.363.361) (47.039.996) Dividends payments Pembayaran pinjaman bank (28.609.314) (21.433.908) Payment of bank loan Arus Kas Bersih Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Pendanaan (145.972.675) (68.473.904) Net Cash Flows Used in Financing Activities KENAIKAN BERSIH KAS DAN SETARA KAS (10.249.119) 7.499.124 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Pengaruh perubahan kurs mata uang asing 1.046.524 (808.310) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes Kas dan setara kas kas entitas anak baru - 1.029.527 Cash and cash equivalents of new subsidiaries SALDO KAS DAN SETARA KAS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT AWAL PERIODE 176.775.748 188.395.542 BEGINNING OF PERIOD SALDO KAS DAN SETARA KAS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT AKHIR PERIODE 167.573.153 196.115.883 END OF PERIOD Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. which are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 196.115.883 - -8-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 ( TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER DESEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BULAN YANG BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) ( TIDAK DIAUDIT) 1. UMUM 1. GENERAL a. Pendirian dan Informasi Umum a. Establishment and General Information PT. Cardig Aero Services Tbk (Perusahaan) PT. Cardig Aero Services Tbk (the Company) didirikan berdasarkan Akta No. 25 tanggal 16 was established based on Notarial Deed No. Juli 2009 oleh Notaris Siti Pertiwi Henny 25 dated July 16, 2009, of Notary Siti Pertiwi Singgih, S.H., di Jakarta. Akta Pendirian telah Henny Singgih, S.H., notary public in Jakarta. disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi The Deed of Establishment was approved by Manusia Republik Indonesia dalam Surat the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Keputusan No. AHU-34028.AH.01.01.Tahun Republic of Indonesia by the Decision Letter 2009 tanggal 21 Juli 2009, dan telah No. AHU-34028.AH.01.01.Tahun 2009 dated diumumkan dalam Lembaran Berita Negara No. July 21, 2009, which has been published in the 62 tanggal 3 Agustus 2010 dengan Tambahan State Gazette No. 62, dated August 3, 2010 Berita Negara No. 7168 Tahun 2010. and Additional State Gazette No. 7168, Tahun 2010. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah beberapa The Company’s Articles of Association have kali mengalami perubahan dan terakhir been amended several times most recently berdasarkan Akta No. 35, tanggal 26 Juli 2011 based on deed No. 35 dated July 26, 2011, of dari Fathiah Helmi, SH., notaris di Jakarta untuk Fathiah Helmi, SH., notary in Jakarta, to disesuaikan dengan Peraturan OJK, antara lain conform with the OJK Regulation, including the mengenai perubahan status menjadi change in the Company’s status from non Perusahaan Terbuka, perubahan nilai nominal listed Company to listed Company, change in saham, penerbitan saham dan perubahan the nominal value, issuance of shares and susunan komisaris dan direksi. Akta perubahan changes in composition of Board of Directors ini telah disetujui dan diterima oleh Menteri and Commissioners. These amendments have Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik been approved and accepted by the Minister Indonesia dengan Surat Keputusan No. AHU- of Law and Human Rights of Republic 39264.AH.01.02.Tahun 2011 tanggal 3 Agustus Indonesia in his decision letter No. AHU- 2011. 39264.AH.01.02.Tahun 2011, dated August 3, 2011. Perusahaan bergerak di bidang perdagangan, The Company’s activities are mainly to engage keagenan, perwakilan, jasa, angkutan, dan in trading, agency, representatives, services, industri. Perusahaan mulai beroperasi secara transportation, and industry. The Company komersil tahun 2010. started commercial operations in 2010. Perusahaan berkedudukan di Menara Cardig, The Company is located at Menara Cardig, JI. Raya Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur. JI. Raya Halim Perdanakusuma, East Jakarta. Perusahaan tergabung dalam kelompok usaha The Company belongs to a group of (grup) PT. Cardig International (CI). Dewan companies owned by PT. Cardig International Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan per (CI). The Company’s Board of Commissioners 30 September 2013 dan 31 Desember 2012 and Directors as of September 30, 2013 and adalah sebagai berikut: December 31, 2012 are as follows: 30 September 2013 dan 31 Desember 2012/ September 30, 2013 and December 31, 2012 Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Presiden Komisaris : Jusman Syafii Djamal : President Commissioner Komisaris : Hasiyana Syarain Ashadi : Commissioners Cheong Tuck Kuen Kenneth Adji Gunawan Komisaris Independen : Simon Halim : Independent Commissioner -9-
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued 30 September 2013 dan 31 Desember 2012/ September 30, 2013 and December 31, 2012 Direksi Board of Directors Presiden Direktur : Nurhadijono Nurjadin : President Director Wakil Presiden Direktur : Radianto Kusumo : Vice President Director Direktur : Raden Ajeng Widianawati *) : Director Direktur tidak Terafiliasi : Adhi Cahyono Nugroho : Unaffiliated Director Komite Audit Audit Committee Ketua : Simon Halim : Chairman Anggota : Agus Kretarto : Members Teuku Radja Sjahnan *) Menjabat sebagai Corporate Secretary *) Serves as the Corporate Secretary. Perusahaan. Pada tanggal 30 September 2013 dan 31 As of September 30, 2013 and December 31, Desember 2012, jumlah karyawan tetap 2012, the Company and its subsidiaries (“the Perusahaan dan entitas anak (“Grup”) masing- Group”) had a total of 2,394 and 2,271 masing sebanyak 2.394 dan 2.271 karyawan. employees, respectively. b. Entitas Anak b. Consolidated Subsidiaries Pada tanggal 30 September 2013 dan 31 As of September 30, 2013 and December 31, Desember 2012, Perusahaan mempunyai lebih 2012, the Company has more than 50% direct dari 50% kepemilikan secara langsung dan and indirect ownerships in the following tidak langsung pada entitas anak berikut: subsidiaries: Jumlah aset/Total assets Tahun operasi Persentase kepemilikan/ (Sebelum eliminasi/Before elimination ) komersial/ Percentage of ownership 30 September 2013/ 31 Desember 2012/ Entitas anak/ Domisili/ Jenis usaha/ Start of commercial 30 Sep 2013/ 31 Des 2012/ September 30, 2013 December 31, 2012 Subsidiaries Domicile Nature of business operation Sept 30, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 (Diaudit/Audited) Rp'000 Rp'000 PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk Jakarta Jasa penunjang angkutan udara/ (JAS) Ground handling services of airplanes 1984 50,10% 50,10% 335.206.373 346.738.318 PT. JAS Aero Engineering Services Jakarta Jasa perbengkelan pesawat udara/ (JAE) Aircraft release and maintenance services 2003 51,00% 51,00% 84.955.405 66.470.126 PT Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama (CASB) Jakarta Facility management 2011 100,00% 100,00% 8.945.250 6.526.906 PT. Cipta Anugrah Sarana Catering (CASC) Jakarta Jasa boga/Catering services 2011 100,00% 100,00% 119.153.601 98.168.210 PT. Cardig Aero Sarana Dirgantara Jakarta Jasa pengelolaan bandara udara/ (CASD) Airport management services 2.013 100,00% 100,00% 2.400.000 2.400.000 PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua (PMAD) Jakarta Jasa boga/Catering services 2001 97,92% 69,65% 51.242.560 33.711.253 Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd Singapura/ (AG) Singapore Investasi/Investment - 100,00% 100,00% 21.538.346 19.053.593 PT. Cardig Aero Sarana Dirgantara PT. Cardig Aero Sarana Dirgantara Pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2012, Perusahaan On August 14, 2012, the Company established mendirikan PT. Cardig Aero Sarana Dirgantara PT. Cardig Aero Sarana Dirgantara (CASD). (CASD). Perusahaan memiliki 2.399 saham dari The Company owns 2,399 shares of CASD CASD sedangkan 1 saham yang tersisa dimiliki while the remaining 1 share is owned by oleh PT. Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama. PT. Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama. - 10 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua Pada tanggal 19 Juli 2012, Perusahaan On July 19, 2012, the Company acquired mengakuisisi PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua (PMAD). (PMAD). Perusahaan memiliki 2.500.000 saham The Company owns 2,500,000 C series seri C atau 69,65% kepentingan pengendalian shares or 69.65% ownership interest while the sedangkan saham yang tersisa (termasuk remaining shares (including the series A, B saham seri A, B dan C) dimiliki oleh PT Cardig and C shares) are owned by PT. Cardig International, PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa, International, PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa, PT. Angkasa Pura II dan Devro Group Limited. PT. Angkasa Pura II and Devro Group Limited. Saham Seri A, B dan C di PMAD yang dimiliki The A, B and C series shares in PMAD owned oleh PT Cardig International entitas induk utama by PT. Cardig International, the ultimate parent Perusahaan dan PMAD, akan dijual dan company of both the Company and PMAD, will dialihkan kepada Perusahaan pada tanggal be sold and transferred to the Company upon pelaksanaan call option agreement its exercise of the call option agreement (Catatan 31c). (Note 31c). Pada tanggal 3 Juli 2013, Perusahaan On July 3, 2013, the Company injected melakukan penambahan setoran modal kepada additional capital to PMAD through conversion PMAD melalui konversi promissory notes milik of promissory notes which is issued by CI Cardig International yang dimiliki Perusahaan owned by the Company amounting to Rp sebesar Rp (Catatan 32) 10,000,000,000 (Note 32) with 4,790 shares of dengan 4.790 lembar saham seri A, 9.588 A series, 9,588 shares of B series and lembar saham seri B dan 1.000.000 lembar 1,000,000 shares of C series. Therefor, the saham seri C. Dengan demikian Perusahaan Company owned 97.92% of shares in PMAD. memiliki 97,92 % saham PMAD. Transaksi ini diperlakukan sebagai kombinasi This transaction was accounted for as bisnis dalam pengendali yang sama. common control business combinations. Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd Pada tanggal 28 September 2012, Perusahaan On September 28, 2012, the Company mengakuisisi Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd (AG) acquired Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd (AG) melalui konversi mandatory convertible bonds through the conversion of the Mandatory yang diterbitkan oleh AG kepada Perusahaan. Convertible Bonds issued by AG to the Perusahaan memiliki 2.708.886 saham Company. The Company owns 2,708,886 sedangkan 1 saham yang tersisa dimiliki oleh shares while the remaining 1 share is owned Harun Kussuwhardono. by Harun Kussuwardono. PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk Pada tanggal 26 April 2010, Perusahaan On April 26, 2010, the Company acquired mengakuisisi PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta Tbk 258,433,590 shares of PT. Jasa Angkasa sebesar 258.433.590 saham atau sebesar Semesta Tbk. The Company owns 50,10% 50,10% kepentingan saham dari PT. Cardig ownership interest from PT. Cardig International dengan nilai buku dan nilai beli International with book value and purchase sebsar Rp 79.134.664.729 dan price amounting to Rp 79,134,664,729 and Rp 161.540.900.000. Rp 161,540,900,000, respectively. PT. JAS Aero-Engineering PT. JAS Aero-Engineering Pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2009, Perusahaan On 20 August, 2009, the Company acquired mengakuisisi PT. JAS Aero-Engineering (JAE). 2,200,000 shares of PT. JAS Aero- Perusahaan memiliki 2.200.000 saham atau Engineering (JAE). The Company owns 51% sebesar 51% kepentingan saham dari ownership interest from PT. Cardig PT. Cardig International dengan nilai buku dan International with book value and purchase nilai beli sebesar Rp 27.057.923.281 dan price amounting to Rp 27,057,923,281 and Rp 30.976.300.000. Rp 30,976,300,000, respectively. - 11 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued PT. Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama PT. Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama Pada tanggal 17 Pebruari 2011, Perusahaan On February 17, 2011, the Company with dengan PT. Cardig Logistics Indonesia (CLI), PT. Cardig Logistics Indonesia (CLI), a fellow salah satu entitas anak dari Cardig International subsidiary under Cardig International Group, Group, mendirikan PT. Citra Anugra established PT. Citra Anugra Saranaboga Saranaboga (CASB). Perusahaan memiliki (CASB). The Company owns 504,999 shares 504.999 saham sedangkan 1 saham yang while the remaining 1 share is owned by CLI. tersisa dimiliki oleh CLI. Pada tanggal 13 September 2012, Perusahaan On September 13, 2012, the Company melakukan penambahan setoran modal kepada injected additional capital to CASB and CASB CASB dan CASB merubah nama menjadi changed its name to PT. Cardig Anugra PT. Cardig Anugra Sarana Bersama. Sarana Bersama. The additional capital and Penambahan modal dan perubahan nama changed in name of CASB have been CASB telah disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dalam Rights of the Republic of Indonesia by the Surat Keputusan No. AHU- Decision Letter No. AHU- 50925.AH.01.02.Tahun 2012 tanggal 1 Oktober 50925.AH.01.02.Tahun 2012 dated October 1, 2012. 2012. Pada tanggal 30 Nopember 2012, Perusahaan On November 30, 2012, the Company further melakukan penambahan setoran modal kepada injected additional capital to CASB which has CASB dan telah disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum been approved by the Ministry of Law and dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia by dalam Surat Keputusan No. AHU-AH.01.10- the Decision Letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-02270 02270 tanggal 29 Januari 2013. Pada tanggal dated January 29, 2013. As of September 30, 30 September 2013, Perusahaan memiliki 2013, the Company owns 6,004,999 shares 6.004.999 saham sedangkan 1 saham tersisa while the remaining 1 share is owned by CLI. dimiliki oleh CLI. PT. Cipta Anugrah Sarana Catering PT. Cipta Anugrah Sarana Catering (Note 20) (Catatan 20) Pada tanggal 25 April 2011, Perusahaan On April 25, 2011, the Company with Anugrah dengan Anugrah Gemilang Pte Ltd (AG), Gemilang Pte Ltd (AG), established CASC mendirikan CASC, dengan kepemilikan with the Company owning 102,000 shares or perusahaan 102.000 saham atau 51% 51% ownership interest and AG owning kepemilikan, sedangkan AG memiliki 98.000 98,000 shares or 49% ownership interest. As saham atau 49% kepemilikan. Pada tanggal 31 of December 31, 2011, the Company owns Desember 2011, Perusahaan memiliki 2,295,000 shares or 51% ownership interest 2.295.000 saham atau 51% kepemilikan and AG owns 2,205,000 shares or 49% sedangkan AG memiliki 2.205.000 saham atau ownership interest. 49% kepemilikan. Pada tanggal 12 April 2012, Perusahaan On April 12, 2012, the Company injected melakukan penambahan setoran modal kepada additional capital to CASC. As of CASC. Pada tanggal 30 September 2013 dan September 30, 2013 and December 31, 2012, 31 Desember 2012, Perusahaan memiliki the Company owns 4,689,757 shares or 68% 4.689.757 saham atau 68% kepemilikan ownership interest, while AG owns 2,205,000 sedangkan AG memiliki 2.205.000 saham atau shares or 32% ownership interest. CASC is 32% kepemilikan. Dengan demikian secara therefore 100% directly and indirectly owned langsung dan tidak langsung CASC 100% by the Company. dimiliki oleh Perusahaan. - 12 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued c. Penawaran Umum Efek Perusahaan c. Public Offering of Shares of the Company Pada tanggal 22 Nopember 2011, Perusahaan On November 22, 2011, the Company memperoleh surat pernyataan efektif dari Badan obtained the Notice of Effectivity from the Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Capital Market and Financial Institutions Keuangan (BAPEPAM-LK) melalui Surat No. S- Supervisory Board (BAPEPAM-LK) in its Letter 12603/BL/2011 untuk penawaran umum No. S-12603/BL/2011 for its public offering of perdana atas 313.030.000 saham Perusahaan 313,030,000 shares. On December 5, 2011, kepada masyarakat. Saham tersebut telah these shares were listed on the Indonesia dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Stock Exchange. tanggal 5 Desember 2011. Seluruh saham Perusahaan sejumlah All of the Company’s 2,086,950,000 2.086.950.000 saham telah dicatatkan pada outstanding shares have been listed on the Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tanggal Indonesia Stock Exchange as of September 30 September 2013 dan 31 Desember 2012 30, 2013 and December 31, 2012 (Note 16). (Catatan 16). 2. PENERAPAN STANDAR AKUNTANSI 2. ADOPTION OF NEW AND REVISED KEUANGAN BARU DAN REVISI (PSAK) DAN STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INTERPRETASI STANDAR AKUNTANSI STANDARDS (“PSAK”) AND KEUANGAN (ISAK) INTERPRETATIONS OF PSAK (“ISAK”) a. Standar yang berlaku efektif pada periode a. Standards effective in the current period berjalan Dalam periode berjalan, Grup telah menerapkan In the current period, the Group has adopted semua standar baru dan revisi serta interpretasi all of the new and revised standards and yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar interpretations issued by the Financial Akuntansi Keuangan dari Ikatan Akuntan Accounting Standards Board of the Indonesian Indonesia yang relevan dengan operasinya dan Institute of Accountants that are relevant to its efektif untuk periode akuntansi yang dimulai operations and effective for accounting periods pada tanggal 1 Januari 2013. beginning on January 1, 2013. Berikut ini standar baru dan standar revisi serta The following new and revised standards and interpretasi yang diterapkan dalam laporan interpretations have also been adopted in keuangan konsolidasian. Penerapan ini tidak these consolidated financial statements. Their memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan atas jumlah adoption has not had any significant impact on yang dilaporkan dalam laporan keuangan the amounts reported in these consolidated konsolidasian tetapi mempengaruhi akuntansi financial statements but may impact the untuk transaksi masa depan: accounting for future transactions or arrangements: PSAK 38 (revisi 2012), Kombinasi Bisnis PSAK 38 (revised 2012), Business Entitas Sepengendali Combination Under Common Control Penyesuaian atas PSAK 60, Instrumen Amendment to PSAK 60, Financial Keuangan: Pengungkapan Instruments: Disclosures - 13 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued b. Standar yang telah diterbitkan namun belum b. Standards issued not yet effective berlaku efektif Efektif untuk periode yang dimulai pada atau Effective for periods beginning on or after setelah 1 Januari 2014 January 1, 2014 ISAK 27, Pengalihan Aset dari Pelanggan ISAK 27, Transfer of Assets from Customers ISAK 28, Pengakhiran Liabilitas Keuangan ISAK 28, Extinguising Financial Liabilities dengan Instrumen Ekuitas with Equity Instruments ISAK 29, Biaya Pengupasan Lapisan ISAK 29, Stripping Cost in Production Tanah Tahap Produksi pada Phase of a Surface Mine Pertambangan Terbuka PPSAK 12, Pencabutan PSAK 33: Aktivitas PPSAK 12, Withdrawal of PSAK 33: Pengupasan Lapisan Tanah dan Stripping Costs Activities and Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Pada Environmental Management in the Public Pertambangan Umum Mining Manajemen telah menetapkan bahwa standar Management has determined that these tersebut tidak berdampak signifikan pada standards had no significant impact on the laporan keuangan, tetapi mungkin berdampak financial statements, but may impact the pada akuntansi dan pengungkapan untuk accounting and disclosures for future pengaturan dan transaksi di masa yang akan transactions and arrangements. datang. 3. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PENTING 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a. Pernyataan Kepatuhan a. Statement of Compliance Laporan keuangan konsolidasian disusun The consolidated financial statements have sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan been prepared in accordance with di Indonesia. Laporan keuangan tersebut tidak Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards. dimaksudkan untuk menyajikan posisi These financial statements are not intended keuangan, hasil operasi dan arus kas sesuai to present the financial position, results of dengan prinsip akuntansi dan praktik operations and cash flows in accordance pelaporan yang diterima secara umum di with accounting principles and reporting negara dan yurisdiksi lain. practices generally accepted in other countries and jurisdictions. b. Penyajian Laporan Keuangan b. Consolidated Financial Statement Konsolidasian Presentation Dasar penyusunan laporan keuangan The consolidated financial statements, konsolidasian, kecuali untuk laporan arus kas except for the consolidated statements of konsolidasian adalah dasar akrual. Mata uang cash flows, are prepared under the accrual pelaporan yang digunakan untuk penyusunan basis of accounting. The presentation laporan keuangan konsolidasi adalah mata currency used in the preparation of the uang Rupiah (Rp), dan laporan keuangan consolidated financial statements is the konsolidasian tersebut disusun berdasarkan Indonesian Rupiah (Rp), while the nilai historis, kecuali beberapa akun tertentu measurement basis is the historical cost, disusun berdasarkan pengukuran lain except for certain accounts which are sebagaimana diuraikan dalam kebijakan measured on the basis described in the akuntansi masing-masing akun tersebut. related accounting policies. Laporan arus kas konsolidasian disusun The consolidated statements of cash flows dengan menggunakan metode langsung are prepared using the direct method with dengan pengelompokan arus kas dalam classifications of cash flows into operating, aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. investing and financing activities. - 14 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued c. Prinsip Konsolidasian c. Principles of Consolidation Laporan keuangan konsolidasian The consolidated financial statements menggabungkan laporan keuangan incorporate the financial statements of the Perusahaan dan entitas yang dikendalikan Company and entities controlled by the oleh Perusahaan (entitas anak). Company (its subsidiaries). Control is Pengendalian dianggap ada apabila achieved where the Company has the power Perusahaan mempunyai hak untuk mengatur to govern the financial and operating policies kebijakan keuangan dan operasional suatu of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its entitas untuk memperoleh manfaat dari activities. aktivitasnya. Penghasilan dan beban entitas anak yang The results of subsidiaries acquired or diakuisisi atau penjualan selama tahun disposed of during the year are included in berjalan termasuk dalam laporan laba rugi the consolidated statement of komprehensif konsolidasian sejak tanggal comprehensive income from the effective efektif akuisisi dan sampai dengan tanggal date of acquisition and up to the effective efektif penjualan. date of disposal, as appropriate. Jika diperlukan, penyesuaian dapat dilakukan When necessary, adjustments were made to terhadap laporan keuangan entitas anak agar the financial statements of subsidiaries to kebijakan akuntansi yang digunakan sesuai bring their accounting policies in line with dengan kebijakan akuntansi yang digunakan those used by other members of the Group. oleh Grup. Kepentingan nonpengendali pada entitas Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are anak diidentifikasi secara terpisah dan identified separately and presented within disajikan dalam ekuitas. Kepentingan equity. The interest of non-controlling nonpengendali pemegang saham mungkin shareholders maybe initially measured either awalnya diukur pada nilai wajar atau pada at fair value or at the non-controlling bagian pemilikan kepentingan nonpengendali interests’ proportionate share of the fair dari nilai wajar aset bersih yang dapat value of the acquiree’s identifiable net asset. diidentifikasi dari pihak yang diakuisisi. Pilihan The choice of measurement is made on pengukuran dilakukan pada akuisisi dengan acquisition by acquisition basis. Subsequent dasar akuisisi. Setelah akuisisi, jumlah to acquisition, the carrying amount of non- tercatat kepentingan nonpengendali adalah controlling interests is the amount of those jumlah kepemilikan pada pengakuan awal interests at initial recognition plus non- ditambah bagian kepentingan nonpengendali controlling interests’ share of subsequent dari perubahan selanjutnya dalam ekuitas. changes in equity. Total comprehensive Jumlah pendapatan komprehensif entitas income of subsidiaries is attributed to the anak tersebut diatribusikan kepada pemilik owners of the Company and to the non- Perusahaan dan pada kepentingan controlling interests even if this results in the nonpengendali bahkan jika hal ini non-controlling interests having deficit mengakibatkan kepentingan nonpengendali balance. mempunyai saldo defisit. Perubahan dalam bagian kepemilikan Grup Changes in the Group’s interests in existing pada entitas anak yang tidak mengakibatkan subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of hilangnya pengendalian dicatat sebagai control are accounted for as equity transaksi ekuitas. Nilai tercatat kepentingan transactions. The carrying amounts of the Grup dan kepentingan nonpengendali Group’s interests and the non-controlling disesuaikan untuk mencerminkan perubahan interests are adjusted to reflect the changes bagian kepemilikannya atas entitas anak. in their relative interests in the subsidiaries. Setiap perbedaan antara jumlah kepentingan Any difference between the amount by which nonpengendali disesuaikan dan nilai wajar the non-controlling interests are adjusted imbalan yang diberikan atau diterima diakui and the fair value of the consideration paid secara langsung dalam ekuitas dan or received is recognised directly in equity diatribusikan pada pemilik entitas induk. and attributed to owners of the Company. Ketika Grup kehilangan pengendalian atas When the Group loses control of a - 15 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued entitas anak, keuntungan dan kerugian diakui subsidiary, a gain or loss is recognized in didalam laba rugi dan dihitung sebagai profit or loss and is calculated as the perbedaan antara (i) keseluruhan nilai wajar difference between (i) the aggregate of the yang diterima dan nilai wajar dari setiap sisa fair value of the consideration received and investasi dan (ii) nilai tercatat sebelumnya dari the fair value of any retained interest and (ii) aset (termasuk goodwill) dan liabilitas dari the previous carrying amount of the assets entitas anak dan setiap kepentingan (including goodwill), and liabilities of the nonpengendali. Ketika aset dari entitas anak subsidiary and any non-controlling interest. dinyatakan sebesar nilai revaluasi atau nilai When assets of the subsidiary are carried at wajar dan akumulasi keuntungan atau revalued amount or fair values and the kerugian yang telah diakui sebagai related cumulative gain or loss has been pendapatan komprehensif lainnya dan recognized in other comprehensive income terakumulasi dalam ekuitas, jumlah yang and accumulated in equity, the amounts sebelumnya diakui sebagai pendapatan previously recognized in other komprehensif lainnya dan akumulasi ekuitas comprehensive income and accumulated in dicatat seolah-olah Grup telah melepas equity are accounted for as if the Group had secara langsung aset yang relevan (yaitu directly disposed of the relevant assets (i.e. direklasifikasi ke laba rugi atau ditransfer reclassified to profit or loss or transferred langsung ke saldo laba sebagaimana directly to retained earnings as specified by ditentukan oleh PSAK yang berlaku).Nilai applicable accounting standards). The fair wajar setiap sisa investasi pada entitas anak value of any investment retained in the terdahulu pada tanggal hilangnya former subsidiary at the date when control is pengendalian dianggap sebagai nilai wajar lost is regarded as the fair value on initial pada saat pengakuan awal aset keuangan recognition for subsequent accounting under sesuai dengan PSAK 55 (revisi 2011), PSAK 55 (revised 2011), Financial Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Instruments: Recognition and Measurement Pengukuran atau, jika sesuai, biaya perolehan or, when applicable, the cost on initial saat pengakuan awal investasi pada entitas recognition of an investment in an associate asosiasi atau pengendalian bersama entitas. or a jointly controlled entity. d. Kombinasi Bisnis Pengendalian yang d. Common Control Business Combinations Sama Kombinasi bisnis atas perusahaan yang Merger of entities under common control is a berada dibawah pengendalian yang sama restructuring transaction between entities merupakan transaksi restrukturisasi entitas under common control. Assets and liabilities sepengendali. Aset dan liabilitas yang transferred were recorded at net book value, pemilikannya dialihkan dicatat sesuai dengan similar to merger accounted for using pooling nilai buku seperti kombinasi bisnis of interests method. The difference between berdasarkan metode penyatuan kepemilikan. the acquisition cost and the Company’s Selisih antara biaya perolehan dan bagian interest in subsidiaries’ assets and liabilities aset dan liabilitas entitas anak yang disajikan that are transferred in restructuring dalam transaksi restrukturisasi antara entitas transaction of entities under common control sepengendali dibukukan dalam akun “Selisih is recorded in account “Difference in value of Nilai Transaksi Restrukturisasi Entitas restructuring transaction between entities Sepengendali” dan disajikan sebagai unsur under common control” and presented as ekuitas. part of equity. - 16 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued e. Transaksi dan Penjabaran Laporan e. Foreign Currency Transactions and Keuangan Dalam Mata Uang Asing Translation Pembukuan masing-masing entitas di Grup The individual books of accounts of each diselenggarakan dalam mata uang Rupiah, entity in the Group are maintained in mata uang utama lingkungan ekonomi dimana Indonesian Rupiah, the currency of the entitas beroperasi (mata uang fungsional). primary economic environment in which the Transaksi-transaksi selama tahun berjalan entity operates (its functional currency). dalam mata uang asing dicatat dengan kurs Transactions during the year involving yang berlaku pada saat terjadinya transaksi. foreign currencies are recorded at the rates Pada tanggal pelaporan, aset dan liabilitas of exchange prevailing at the time the moneter dalam mata uang asing disesuaikan transactions are made. At reporting date, untuk mencerminkan kurs yang berlaku pada monetary assets and liabilities denominated tanggal tersebut. Keuntungan atau kerugian in foreign currencies are adjusted to reflect kurs yang timbul dikreditkan atau dibebankan the rates of exchange prevailing at that date. dalam laporan laba rugi. The resulting gains or losses are credited or charged to profit or loss. f. Transaksi Pihak Berelasi f. Transactions with Related Parties Pihak-pihak berelasi adalah orang atau A related party is a person or entity that is entitas yang terkait dengan Grup (entitas related to the Group (the reporting entity): pelapor): a. Orang atau anggota keluarga terdekat a. A person or a close member of that mempunyai relasi dengan entitas pelapor person's family is related to a jika orang tersebut: reporting entity if that person: i. memiliki pengendalian atau i. has control or joint control over the pengendalian bersama atas entitas reporting entity; pelapor; ii. memiliki pengaruh signifikan atas ii. has significant influence over the entitas pelapor; atau reporting entity; or iii. personil manajemen kunci entitas iii. is a member of the key management pelapor atau entitas induk dari entitas personnel of the reporting entity or of a pelapor. parent of the reporting entity. b. Suatu entitas berelasi dengan entitas b. An entity is related to a reporting entity if pelapor jika memenuhi salah satu hal any of the following conditions applies: berikut: i. Entitas dan entitas pelapor adalah i. The entity and the reporting entity are anggota dari kelompok usaha yang members of the same group (which sama (artinya entitas induk, entitas means that each parent, subsidiary anak, dan entitas anak berikutnya and fellow subsidiary is related to the terkait dengan entitas lain). others). ii. Satu entitas adalah entitas asosiasi ii. One entity is an associate or joint atau ventura bersama dari entitas lain venture of the other entity (or an (atau entitas asosiasi atau ventura associate or joint venture of a bersama yang merupakan anggota member of a group of which the other suatu kelompok usaha, yang mana entity is a member). entitas lain tersebut adalah anggotanya). - 17 -
PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK PT. CARDIG AERO SERVICES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PER 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) DAN 31 DESEMBER AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 (UNAUDITED) AND DECEMBER 2012 (DIAUDIT) DAN UNTUK PERIODE SEMBILAN BULAN YANG 31, 2012 (AUDITED) AND FOR THE NINE-MONTH PERIODS BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 DAN 2012 (TIDAK DIAUDIT) - ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AND 2012 (UNAUDITED) - Lanjutan Continued iii. Kedua entitas tersebut adalah ventura iii. Both entities are joint ventures of the bersama dari pihak ketiga yang sama. same third party. iv. Satu entitas adalah ventura bersama iv. One entity is a joint venture of a third dari entitas ketiga dan entitas yang lain entity and the other entity is an adalah entitas asosiasi dari entitas associate of the third entity. ketiga. v. Entitas tersebut adalah suatu program v. The entity is a post-employment imbalan pasca kerja untuk imbalan benefit plan for the benefit of kerja dari salah satu entitas pelapor employees of either the reporting atau entitas yang terkait dengan entitas entity or an entity related to the pelapor. Jika entitas pelapor adalah reporting entity. If the reporting entity entitas yang menyelenggarakan is itself such a plan, the sponsoring program tersebut, maka entitas employers are also related to the sponsor juga berelasi dengan entitas reporting entity. pelapor. vi. Entitas yang dikendalikan atau vi. The entity is controlled or jointly dikendalikan bersama oleh orang yang controlled by a person identified in diidentifikasi dalam huruf (a). (a). vii. Orang yang diidentifikasi dalam huruf vii. A person identified in (a) (i) has (a) (i) memiliki pengaruh signifikan atas significant influence over the entity entitas atau personil manajemen kunci or is a member of the key entitas (atau entitas induk dari entitas). management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity). Seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan dengan All transactions with related parties, whether pihak-pihak berelasi, baik dilakukan dengan or not made at similar terms and conditions kondisi dan persyaratan dengan pihak ketiga as those done with third parties, are maupun tidak, diungkapkan pada laporan disclosed in the consolidated financial keuangan konsolidasian. statements. g. Aset Keuangan g. Financial Assets Seluruh aset keuangan diakui dan dihentikan All financial assets are recognised and pengakuannya pada tanggal diperdagangkan derecognised on trade date where the di mana pembelian dan penjualan aset purchase or sale of a financial asset is under keuangan berdasarkan kontrak yang a contract whose terms requires delivery of mensyaratkan penyerahan aset keuangan the financial asset within the timeframe dalam kurun waktu yang ditetapkan oleh established by the market concerned, and kebiasaan pasar yang berlaku, dan awalnya are initially measured at fair value plus diukur sebesar nilai wajar ditambah biaya transaction costs, except for those financial transaksi, kecuali untuk aset keuangan yang assets classified as at fair value through diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba profit or loss, which are initially measured at rugi, yang awalnya diukur sebesar nilai wajar. fair value. Aset keuangan Grup diklasifikasikan sebagai The Group’s financial assets are classified pinjaman diberikan dan piutang dan nilai wajar as loans and receivables and at fair value melalui laba rugi (yaitu derivatif seperti yang through profit or loss (i.e, derivatives dijelaskan di Catatan 3k). discussed in Note 3k). - 18 -
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