PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide

Page created by Johnnie Green
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
                                     Allied Health
                                     Health and Medical Sciences
                                     Oral Health



                        Integrating innovative teaching,
                        hands-on experience and cutting-
                        edge research, our Faculty of
                        Health and Medical Sciences is a
                        world leader in health education.
                        We’re ranked at the top of the Group
                        of Eight universities nationally
                        for good teaching; and second
                        across all Australian universities for
                        overall satisfaction of the student
                        experience (Australian Graduate
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
 OF UNIVERSITIES      FOR GRADUATE           THE GROUP                 5 NOBEL PRIZE      100 RHODES
   WORLDWIDE         EMPLOYABILITY*           OF EIGHT                    WINNERS          SCHOLARS

Education that enlightens                 Our long and proud tradition instils           01   Why the University of Adelaide?
                                          confidence in our students. We are
                                                                                         02   Why Health?
Studying with South Australia’s highest   Australia’s third-oldest university and
ranked university—consistently placed     have a history of excellence in education      07   Careers and study
among the world’s top 1%—equips           spanning more than 145 years.
                                                                                         08    election rank isn’t the only
students to be tomorrow’s leaders.        We are distinguished by a commitment                way into university
Having learnt from, and with, teachers    to equality and an ongoing focus on            10   Allied Health
and researchers who are themselves        delivering outstanding research for
international leaders in their fields,    the benefit of society. The University         16   Dentistry and Oral Health

our graduates are highly regarded         has played key roles in many of the            22   Medicine
and professionally recognised around      world’s important discoveries and
the globe. What’s more, they’re well      advancements, and our alumni have              26   Nursing

prepared to take advantage of the         contributed significantly to shaping           30   Health and Medical Sciences
opportunities this recognition can        the educational, political and social
                                                                                         34   Psychology
bring; with a complementary emphasis      arenas of their day.
on practical career skills, we’re also                                                   38   Related degrees
                                          At the University of Adelaide, students
the state’s leading university for        are taught, supported and inspired to          40   Undergraduate degree index
graduate employability*.                  be everything they can be.                     41   Applying to the University of Adelaide
                                          * QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2020.
                                          ^ Times Higher Education and QS Ranking

                                                                                                         Why the University of Adelaide?   1
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
                  The University of Adelaide’s wide range
                  of undergraduate health-related degrees
                  can open doors to a successful, rewarding
                  career that enables you to improve
                  health and wellbeing around the globe.

                  Integrating innovative teaching, hands-on
                  experience and cutting-edge research, our
                  Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is a
                  world leader in health education. We’re ranked
                  number one in South Australia for Life Sciences
                  and Medicine, Nursing, Psychology and
                  Dentistry (QS Rankings by Subject, 2019).
                  Our degrees are underpinned by a vibrant
                  student culture. Our state-of-the-art facilities
                  are among the best in Australasia. We have
                  strong, well-established links to research
                  centres, institutes and the health care industry,
                  giving you the opportunity to immediately start
                  building your professional networks.
                  You will graduate as a compassionate, high-          DEVELOPING FUTURE
                                                                       LEADERS IN HEALTH
                  achieving professional with the skills, knowledge,
                  and leadership expertise to make a difference
                  in our community, whether in health care,
                  research, policy or all of the above. To learn       The Faculty of Health and Medical
                  more, visit:              Sciences has a reputation for producing
                                                                       highly skilled graduates who are well
                  Adelaide Health and Medical                          regarded by industry. The faculty is
                  Sciences building                                    ranked number one in South Australia
                                                                       for Life Sciences and Medicine, Nursing,
                  In 2017, the faculty entered an exciting new         Psychology and Dentistry (QS Rankings
                  era in health education with the opening of the      by Subject, 2019). Our degrees will
                  14-floor, $246 million Adelaide Health and           provide you with hands-on experience in
                  Medical Sciences (AHMS) building. Located in         real-world environments, allowing you
                  the heart of the Adelaide Biomed City alongside      to develop the skills and confidence to
                  the Royal Adelaide Hospital and South Australian     excel in your chosen career.
                  Health and Medical Research Institute, the
                  AHMS building is home to the new Adelaide
                  Dental Hospital, our expansive research and
                  our flagship medical and nursing degrees.
                  The building brings together more than 1600
                  students and 700 health researchers in a vibrant,
                  innovative environment where learning and
                  discovery work hand-in-hand.

2   Why Health?                                                                                                   Why Health?   3
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
The scheme offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                                                                                                                                   Islander Australians an alternative entry pathway                      LIFE EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THROUGH GLOBAL
                                                                                                                                                                   to study the following degrees:
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Health and Medical
                                                                                                                                                                     Sciences (Advanced)
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Medical Studies /
                                                                                                                                                                     Doctor of Medicine                                                   All students will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)                                  study overseas (subject to any travel restrictions)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          through a range of programs, including student
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)                               exchange, study tours and summer and winter
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)                           schools. There are many exciting opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa.
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Nursing
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Oral Health

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ABORIGINAL AND
                                                                                                                                                                   • Bachelor of Psychological Science.
                                                 World-class simulation                                   discipline, Global Learning experiences*                 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access
                                                                                                          can include short study tours, semester                  Entry Scheme applicants are assessed on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TORRES STRAIT
                                                 and clinical skills facilities
                                                                                                          exchanges, clinical placements or volunteer              several factors, including: educational history;
                                                 State-of-the-art facilities, new teaching styles,        opportunities. This opportunity will give                employment experience; understanding of the

                                                 and the latest technologies are taking our               you a global perspective on major health                 chosen degree of study; an interview, and other
                                                 degrees into the future and transforming                 challenges, and provide the chance to                    factors that demonstrate their skills and study.
                                                 health sciences education, research and                  build confidence and intercultural skills.
                                                 patient care in South Australia.                                                                                  The interview panel will include an Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                   Student Support Officer, a representative from               
                                                 Our world-class facilities include the: Dental           Yaitya Purruna Indigenous Health Unit                    the academic area in which the applicant seeks
                                                 Simulation Clinic; Ray Last laboratories,                The words ‘yaitya purruna’ are from the                  enrolment, and a student representative.                               The University of Adelaide values diversity
                                                 for bioskills, surgical skills and anatomy;              Kaurna language of the Adelaide Plains                                                                                          where the rich cultures of Aboriginal and
                                                 and Adelaide Health Simulation. Located                                                                           For more information about the scheme,                                 Torres Strait Islanders are taught, supported
                                                                                                          People, and mean ‘our own health and                     eligibility criteria and admissions process,
                                                 in the AHMS building, Adelaide Health                    wellbeing’. Yaitya Purruna Indigenous Health                                                                                    and celebrated. Wirltu Yarlu provides a range
                                                 Simulation is the most high-tech health care                                                                      visit:                               of services, schemes and preparation programs
                                                                                                          Unit provides support for all Aboriginal and             study-with-us
                                                 teaching facility in Australasia and the only            Torres Strait Islander students studying in                                                                                     that are designed to support your desire to gain
                                                 Australian simulation facility accredited with           the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.                                                                                     educational outcomes. Wirltu Yarlu is a place
                                                 the Society for Simulation in Healthcare                                                                          Incidental fees                                                        where students can soar to new heights.
                                                 for excellence in learning and teaching.                 For more information, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                   Most students in the faculty will have additional
                                                 It includes 24 real-life simulation spaces,    
                                                                                                                                                                   costs, over and above their tuition fees.
                                                 four critical-care operation theatres, eight             facilities-services/yaitya-purruna
                                                                                                                                                                   Depending on the degree, this can include
                                                 acute-care ward suites, and four virtual
                                                 home environments. Our AHMS location                     Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                                                                          Islander Access Entry Scheme
                                                                                                                                                                   things like textbooks, equipment, required
                                                                                                                                                                   immunisations, clearance renewals, first aid                           WANT TO GET A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HEADSTART ON UNI?
                                                 is seamlessly linked to an additional 12                                                                          certificates, travel and accommodation for
                                                 simulation spaces in the city’s East End.                                                                         placements, and student amenities fees.
                                                                                                          Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education
                                                                                                          administers the Aboriginal and Torres Strait             For each degree’s specific fees, visit:
                                                 Global Learning experiences                              Islander Access Entry Scheme in partnership    
                                                 The faculty provides you with the valuable               with the Faculty of Health and Medical                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                   * Subject to travel restrictions
                                                 opportunity to study overseas* during                    Sciences’ Indigenous Student Support                                                                                            The University of Adelaide’s Headstart scholarship
                                                 your degree. Depending on your chosen                    Officer and Admissions Team.                                                                                                    program gives high-achieving students the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          opportunity to study at university while still in Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12, and have these university studies count towards
    FIT UNI                                                                                                                                                                                                                               their SACE and their university aggregate/ATAR.

    INTO LIFE                                                                                                                                                                                                                             While studying at the University part-time,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Headstart students not only have the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to find out what university life is like before they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          finish school, but also contribute to, and benefit
This diary snapshot is an example of how you may
choose to schedule your university study and life.
                                                          MONDAY                               TUESDAY                              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                              from, the diverse cultural and intellectual life of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the University of Adelaide.
Attendance at university is less structured than at       8-9am Human Biology lecture          10am-12pm Clinical Skills tutorial   10am-12pm Case Based       8am-12pm Medicine lectures             8am Bioscience lecture              For further information:
high school. Hours spent on campus in lectures,           9-11am Human Biology tutorial        12-1pm Medicine lecture
                                                                                                                                    Learning tutorial
                                                                                                                                                               1-2.30pm Ethics/Medical Personal       9-11am Anatomy practical session    Telephone: +61 8 8313 0165
tutorials, practicals or in the field—known as                                                                                      12pm Lunch at UniBar       and Professional Development                                               Email:
                                                          11am-2pm Private study/lunch break   1pm Meet in Hub Central                                                                                1-3pm CBL tutorial
‘contact hours’—depend on the degree enrolled                                                                                       4-5pm Bioscience lecture
                                                                                                                                                               (MPPD) tutorial
in, study mode selected (internal, external, online       2-4pm Case Based Learning            3-4pm Interprofessional                                                                                5.30pm Friday drinks on Rundle St
                                                                                                                                                               4-5pm MPPD lecture
                                                          (CBL) tutorial                       learning tutorial                    6pm Private study
or flexible learning) and course choices.                                                                                                                      5.30pm Rowing practice
                                                          6-8pm Private study                  6-8pm Adelaide University
                                                                                               Medical Orchestra practice                                      7pm Private study

4   Why Health?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Why Health?     5
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
         IS RANKED IN THE TOP 1% OF                                                                                                       CAREERS                                                                     PLEASE           Some careers will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       require further study

                                                                                                                                          AND STUDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOTE             at postgraduate level

         UNIVERSITIES WORLDWIDE AND SOUTH                                                                                                                                                                             Indicative study-to-career pathways
                                                                                                                                           Areas of interest    Degrees              Potential career pathways         Areas of interest      Degrees            Potential career pathways

                                                                                                                                          Anatomy               Bachelor of Health   Community health worker          Anatomy                 Bachelor of        Aged care
                                                                                                                                          Biology               and Medical          Health information and           Biology                 Speech Pathology   Mental health

                  118                                   106                                            152
                                                                                                                                          Health                                     promotion officer                Communication                              Health promotion
                                                                                                                                          Medical sciences                           Health policy advisory/planner   Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Public and private
                                                                                                                                          Neuroscience                               Medical/research/clinical/       Health promotion                           health organisations
                                                                                                                                          Nutrition                                  nutrition scientist              Language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Palliative care
                                                                                                                                          Public health                              Researcher                       Psychology
                                                                                                                                          Reproductive health                                                                                                    Rehabilitation centres
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Public health
               2020 Times                           2020 QS World                                2019 Academic          Member of
                                                                                                                                          Research                                                                    Physiology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rehabilitation                             Schools
            Higher Education                          University                                Rankings of World       the Group                                                                                     Research
             world ranking                             ranking                                 Universities (ARWU)       of Eight         Anatomy               Bachelor of          Community health worker          Social sciences
                                                                                                                                          Entrepreneurship      Health and           Health information and
                                                                                                                                          Health                Medical Sciences     promotion officer
                                                                                                                                          Leadership                                 Health policy advisory/planner   Anatomy                 Bachelor of        Academia
                                                                                                                                          Medical sciences                                                            Biology                 Medical Studies/   Accident and emergency

                                                                                                                                          Neuroscience                               nutrition scientist              Chemistry               Doctor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Medicine           Clinical and medical research
                                                                                                                                          Nutrition                                  Researcher                       Clinical practice

         TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                  ARTS AND                            HEALTH
                                                                                                                                          Public health
                                                                                                                                          Reproductive health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Community health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Disease prevention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 General practice

         AUSTRALIA FOR:                                                           HUMANITIES                          (Times Higher Ed,
                                                                                                                      QS, ERA)
                                                                                                                                          Research                                                                    Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Healthcare leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Intensive care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Medical research
                                                                                  (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Human behaviour                            Medicine
                                                                                                                                          Biology               Bachelor             Academia/clinical testing        Medical sociology                          Obstetrics
                                                                                                                                          Community health      of Nursing
                   COMPUTER                                                      ALL 6                               SCIENCES             Clinical practice
                                                                                                                                                                                     Aid organisations
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hospice care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Surgery                                    Population and global health

                                                                                                                                                                                     Infection control
                                                                                                                     (Times Higher Ed,    Health promotion                                                                                                       Sports medicine
                   (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)                                    FIELDS (QS)                         QS, ERA)             Infection control
                                                                                                                                                                                     Public, private or
                                                                                                                                                                                     community health care

                                                                                                                                                                                     Registered nurse
                                                                                                                                          Medical care
                                                                                                                                                                                     Research                         Biology                 Bachelor of        Academia
                                                                                 NURSING (QS)
                                                                                                                                          Palliative care
                   MATHEMATICS                                                                                        STEM                Social care                                                                 Clinical practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Community health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dental Surgery     Defence forces

                   (QS, ERA)                                                     9th in Australia                     (QS, ERA)                                                                                                                                  Private practice
                                                                                 Top 50 in the world                                                                                                                  Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Public practice in government,
                                                                                                                                          Anatomy               Bachelor of          Aged care                        Disease prevention                         community or school-based
                                                                                                                                          Biology               Occupational         Mental health                    Health                                     facilities

                                                                                                                                          Health                                                                      Health promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                     Health promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Oral health care
                                                                                                ONLY SOUTH AUSTRALIAN
                                                                                                                                          Health promotion

                                      FOR GRADUATE
                                                                                                                                                                                     Public and private
                                                                                                                                          Psychology                                 health organisations

                                                                                                UNIVERSITY WITH QS
                                                                                                                                          Public health

                                                                                                                                                                                     Rehabilitation centres
                                                                                                                                          Physiology                                                                  Biology                 Bachelor of        Community and social welfare
                                                                                                                                                                                     Research                         Data analysis           Psychological
                                                                                                                                          Rehabilitation                                                                                                         Family and social justice
                                      Our graduates are the most
                                      employable in South Australia
                                                                                                RANKING IN VETERINARY                     Research
                                                                                                                                          Social sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                     Schools                          Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Human behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Health promotion

                                                                                                SCIENCE AND DENTISTRY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Human resource management
                                      * QS Graduate Employability ranking 2020                                                                                                                                                                                   Juvenile justice and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Social sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 correctional services
                                                                                                                                          Anatomy               Bachelor of          Aged care                        Sociology
                                                                                                                                                                Physiotherapy                                                                                    Market research and advertising
                                                                                                                                          Biology                                    Mental health                    Statistics
                                                                                                                                          Health                                                                                                                 Mental health services
                                                                                                                                                                                     Health promotion
                                                                                                                                          Health promotion                                                                                                       Product development
                                                                                                                                                                                     Public and private
                                                                                                                                          Psychology                                 health organisations                                                        Research/academia
                                                                                                                                          Public health                                                                                                          Training and development
                                                                                                                                                                                     Rehabilitation centres
                                                                                                                                          Research                                   Sporting organisations
                                                                                                                                          Social sciences

6   Why Health?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Careers and study   7
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
                            Choose subjects at school that will help you prepare for               Subject-based pathways are available into:
                            success at university and take advantage of the subject-               •   Arts
                            based entry to some of our most popular degrees. Apply as              •   Commerce
                            normal through SATAC, and list the University of Adelaide
                                                                                                   •   Engineering
                            in your preferences, and we’ll assess your application
                                                                                                   •   Health and Medical Science
                            against your subjects as well as your Selection Rank.
                                                                                                   •   Media
                            Note: you must complete your SACE and have achieved                    •   Psychological Science
                            an ATAR to be considered.                                              •   Science

                             University of Adelaide degree          Subject-based entry criteria                                      Grade

                           Bachelor of Arts                         English Literary Studies (2ELS20) or English (2ESH20)             B or better
                           All varieties except Advanced            and
                                                                    Any other Humanities or Social Science subject                    B or better

                           Bachelor of Commerce                     English Literary Studies (2ELS20) or English (2ESH20)             B or better
                                                                    Specialist Mathematics (2MSC20) or Mathematical                   B or better
                                                                    Methods (2MHS20) or General Mathematics (2MGM20)

                           Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)        Specialist Mathematics (2MSC20)                                   B or better
                           (Chemical), (Environmental)              and

                                                                                                                                                    HEALTH HQ
                                                                    Mathematical Methods (2MHS20)                                     B or better
                                                                    Chemistry (2CEM20)                                                C or better

                           Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)        Specialist Mathematics (2MSC20)                                   B or better
                           (Architectural and Structural),          and
                           (Civil), (Electrical and Electronic),    Mathematical Methods (2MHS20)                                     B or better
                           (Mechanical), (Mining), (Petroleum),     and
                           (with/without major), (Software)         Physics (2PYI20)                                                  C or better

                           Bachelor of Media                        English Literary Studies (2ELS20) or English (2ESH20)             B or better
                           All varieties                            and

                                                                                                                                                    Discover your future at Adelaide
                                                                    Any other Humanities Social Science subject                       B or better

                           Bachelor of Psychological Science        English Literary Studies (2ELS20) or English (2ESH20)             B or better
                                                                    Specialist Mathematics (2MSC20) or Mathematical                   B or better
                                                                    Methods (2MHS20) or General Mathematics (2MGM20)

                           Bachelor of Health and Medical Science   Biology (2BGY20) or Chemistry (2CEM20) or Physics (2PYI20)        B or better                             A free event showcasing the degrees
                                                                                                                                                      MAY 2021
                                                                    and                                                                                                       available from the Faculty of Medical
                                                                    Biology (2BGY20) or Chemistry (2CEM20) or Physics (2PYI20)        B or better
                                                                    or Specialist Mathematics (2MSC20) or Mathematical
                                                                                                                                                                              Sciences at the University of Adelaide.
                                                                    Methods (2MHS20) or General Mathematics (2MGM20)

                           Bachelor of Science                      Biology (2BGY20) or Chemistry (2CEM20) or Physics (2PYI20)        B or better
                                                                    or Earth and Environmental Science (2EES20)
                                                                    Biology or Chemistry (2CEM20) or Physics (2PYI20) or              C or better
                                                                    Earth and Environmental Science (2EES20) or Specialist
                                                                    Mathematics (2MSC20) or Mathematical Methods (2MHS20)
                                                                                                                                                    Register your interest:


8   Selection rank isn’t the only way into university
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
                     A degree in physiotherapy, speech
                     pathology or occupational therapy is
                                                                     A career in speech pathology offers a
                                                                     rewarding opportunity to have a profound                         WHY THE
                     more than a career, it’s an opportunity
                     to have a profound positive impact on
                                                                     and lifelong positive effect on the lives of
                                                                     individuals, families and communities.                           UNIVERSITY
                     the lives of others.
                     With comprehensive hands-on practical
                                                                     Clinical placement requirements                                  OF ADELAIDE?
                                                                     To undertake clinical placements—

                     experience in both simulated and real
                     health care settings, you will be equipped      a compulsory part of our allied health                                     SA’s most complete
                     to work in a broad range of areas. These        degrees—you must satisfy a number                                          and globally
                                                                     of requirements. These include:                                            recognised health
                     include mental health or community                                                                                         education environment
                     health services, public or private              • criminal history clearance
                     hospitals, rehabilitation centres, sporting
                     organisations, schools or private practice.     • first aid certificate (including CPR)                                    Learn from practising
                                                                     • immunisations and prescribed                                             professionals with
                     You’ll graduate with the knowledge and                                                                                     an emphasis on
                     skills required to work with people and           communicable infections (PCI) screening                                  real-world experience
                     communities in inter-professional and           • tuberculosis screening
                     culturally responsive ways that enable
                                                                     • clinical placement deed poll                                             Enjoy high-level inter-
                     them to reach their physical, cognitive                                                                                    professional learning
                     and developmental goals, enhancing              • student and professional registration.                                   in a safe, supportive
                     their quality of life.                          Students will be required to undertake                                     environment
                                                                     clinical placements in metropolitan
                     What is occupational therapy?
                                                                     and rural locations, in line with the
                     Occupational therapy helps people of            requirements of their degree, and the
                     all ages to actively and independently          clinical placement program.
                     participate in activities they find
                                                                     For more details, visit:
                     meaningful, and those critical to daily life:
                     parenting, work, education, socialising,
                     leisure, and looking after themselves.                                                             Time dedicated to study
                     A career in occupational therapy will           Inherent requirements                              Our allied health degrees are not available
                     enable you to significantly enhance             Inherent requirements are the fundamental          for part-time study. As a full-time student
                     quality of life for individuals, families       parts of a degree that must be met by all          you can expect to spend about 30 to 38
                     and communities.                                students. They are the abilities, knowledge        hours (Monday to Friday) on campus
                                                                     and skills you’ll need to complete the             each week, engaged in: classes, simulated
                     What is physiotherapy?                                                                             learning activities, clinical instruction,
                                                                     degree. If you have a disability or chronic
                     Physiotherapy is concerned with helping         health condition, of course, reasonable            small-group discovery sessions, tutorials
                     people recover, maintain and enhance their      adjustments can be made to help you                and learning laboratories.
                     ability to move freely and without pain.        meet the requirements. But this must not           Clinical courses may require out-of-hours
                     Employing physical examination, diagnosis,      compromise academic integrity.                     involvement, and some courses require
                     prognosis, intervention, rehabilitation and                                                        off-campus placements.
                                                                     For more details, visit: http://health.adelaide.
                     education, physiotherapists help people
                     of all ages overcome injury and disability,
                     preserve physical condition during and after
                     illness, and improve athletic performance.
                     Choosing physiotherapy will lead to a wide
                     range of rewarding career opportunities.

                     What is speech pathology?
                     Speech pathology involves working
                     with children and adults of all ages to
                     overcome developmental or acquired
                     communication and swallowing challenges.
                     Speech pathologists use knowledge and
                     skill spanning anatomy, neurophysiology,
                     linguistics and psychology to provide
                     evidence-based, patient-centred care in
                     diverse community, education, disability
                     and health settings.

10   Allied Health                                                                                                                                        Allied Health   11
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
BACHELOR OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (HONOURS)                                                                 BACHELOR OF
                                                                                                                PHYSIOTHERAPY (HONOURS)

                                                              You’ll regularly access our purpose-built                                                                  You’ll regularly access our purpose-built
     SATAC CODE       DURATION            CAMPUS                                                                SATAC CODE     DURATION            CAMPUS
                                                              training facilities and state-of-the-art                                                                   training facilities and state-of-the-art
     354271           4 years full-time   North Terrace                                                         354251         4 years full-time   North Terrace
                                                              simulation suites—among Australasia’s                                                                      simulation suites—among Australasia’s
     PREREQUISITES                                            most advanced. In addition, you’ll                PREREQUISITES                                            most advanced. In addition you’ll
     SACE Stage 2: Biology or Chemistry or Mathematical       benefit from collaborative learning with          SACE Stage 2: Biology or Chemistry or Mathematical       benefit from collaborative learning with
     Methods or equivalent.                                   key complementary disciplines speech              Methods or equivalent.                                   key complementary disciplines speech
     IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry         pathology and physiotherapy.                      IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry
     (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications                                                       (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications
                                                                                                                                                                         pathology and occupational therapy.
     and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis        From late in third year, you’ll choose one        and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis        From third year, you’ll choose one of two
     and Approaches (SL), or equivalent.                                                                        and Approaches (SL), or equivalent.
                                                              of two streams—research* or industry—                                                                      streams—research* or industry—and
                                                              and undertake a major project. Research           ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                            undertake a major project. Research
     Strict quotas apply and late applications will           will hone your skills in developing new           Strict quotas apply and late applications will           will hone your skills in developing new
     not be considered.                                       knowledge; industry focuses on integrating        not be considered.                                       knowledge; industry focuses on integrating
     To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,        research into practice.                           To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,        research into practice.
     applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or                                                          applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
     above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of                                                     above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of
     33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).     Where could it take you?                          33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).     Where could it take you?
                                                              You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a wide                                                                  You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a wide
            Search occupational therapy
                                                              range of career opportunities working with               Search occupational therapy
                                                                                                                                                                         range of career opportunities. You could help
                                                              communities and populations to achieve                                                                     cancer patients improve their condition—
                                                              and maintain health and well-being. You                                                                    and spirit—during treatment. You could
                                                              could help children with sensory issues                                                                    help a range of people better manage a
     Transform lives by promoting health                      realise their full learning—and life—             Transform lives through freedom                          variety of health conditions. You might
                                                              potential. You might help elderly people                                                                   help a child take their first steps, or you
     and well-being                                           maintain the capacity to live in their            of movement                                              could help someone get back to work, sport
     Occupational therapists help us build and                treasured family homes. Perhaps you’ll help       Physiotherapists help us recover, maintain               or other activities. Those in the research
     protect the specific capabilities we need                those recovering from workplace trauma            and enhance our ability to move freely and               stream may change the way we assess and
     to effectively participate in the critical               return to their passion.                          without pain. They help us overcome injury,              manage a range of conditions, leading to
     activities of our daily lives: learning,                                                                   preserve physical condition during and after             better health outcomes for the population.
     socialising, playing, doing our jobs and                 Professional accreditation                        illness, and improve athletic performance.
     simply looking after ourselves.                          Accredited with conditions by the                 But the psychological impact of that is                  Professional accreditation
     By guiding and supporting physical and                   Occupational Therapy Council and approved         far from purely technical; it’s a critical               The Bachelor of Physiotherapy program has
     psychological progress, they help individuals,           by the Occupational Therapy Board.                component of positive mental health and                  been conditionally accredited for a period
     families and communities create or restore                                                                 an enabler of a rewarding quality of life.               of 4 years, starting from the 31/12/2020.
     meaning, purpose and independence.                       Industry placement                                                                                         The University of Adelaide looks forward
                                                                                                                What will you do?                                        to continuing to work with the Australian
     What will you do?                                        Students will be introduced to clinical
                                                              placement in the second year of study,            Our Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)                  Physiotherapy Council during this period.
     Our Bachelor of Occupational Therapy                     before completing 1000+ hours of clinical         equips you to assess and manage a range
     (Honours) equips you to identify, prevent                placement in a range of metropolitan              of health conditions.                                    Industry placement
     and manage the full range of challenges to               and rural settings throughout the final           With many courses taught by registered                   From first year, students will undertake
     everyday activity.                                       18 months of the program.                         practising physiotherapists, the degree                  an observational clinical placement,
     With many courses taught by registered                   * Entry into the research stream will be based   places an emphasis on real-world experience.             before completing 900+ hours of clinical
     practising occupational therapists, the                     on academic merit.                             In up to 900 hours of work-based training,               placement in a range of metropolitan
     degree places an emphasis on real-world                                                                    you’ll work with children and adults of all              and rural settings throughout the final
     experience. In over 1,000 hours of work-                                                                   ages in multiple settings, which may include:            18 months of the program.
     based training, you’ll work with children                                                                  public and private health organisations;
     and adults of all ages in multiple settings:                                                               schools; rehabilitation centres; sporting                *E
                                                                                                                                                                           ntry into the research stream will be based
                                                                                                                                                                          on academic merit.
     public and private health organisations;                                                                   organisations; aged care and more.
     schools; rehabilitation centres; aged care;                                                                You’ll gain high-level knowledge and
     mental health and more.                                                                                    skills in:
     You’ll gain high-level knowledge and                                                                       • human anatomy, biomechanics
     skills in:                                                                                                   and physiology
     • human anatomy, physiology and                                                                            • clinical assessment and management
       pathophysiology                                                                                            of patients with cardiothoracic,
     • rehabilitation from short- and long-term                                                                   musculoskeletal and neurological
       injury, musculoskeletal and neurological                                                                   dysfunction, and developmental disorders
       conditions, chronic illness, disability and                                                              • safe patient handling practices and
       mental health issues                                                                                       patient education
     • specialised practice with children                                                                       • broad public health issues
       and families
                                                                                                                • evidence-based, patient-centred care.
     • broad public health issues and population
       approaches to health and wellbeing
     • cultural diversity, with a focus on
       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
       people and communities, and rural or
       international health perspectives
     • evidence-based, patient-centred care.

12    Allied Health                                                                                                                                                                                                       Allied Health   13
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide

                                                              You’ll regularly access our purpose-built
     SATAC CODE       DURATION            CAMPUS
                                                              training facilities and state-of-the-art
     354261           4 years full-time   North Terrace
                                                              simulation suites—among Australasia’s
     PREREQUISITES                                            most advanced. In addition you’ll benefit
     SACE Stage 2: English PLUS one of Biology or Chemistry   from collaborative learning with key
     or Mathematical Methods or equivalent.                   complementary disciplines physiotherapy
     IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry         and occupational therapy.
     (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications
     and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis        From late third year, you’ll choose one
     and Approaches (SL), English or equivalent.
                                                              of two streams—research* or industry—
                                                              and undertake a major project. Research
     Strict quotas apply and late applications will           will hone your skills in developing new
     not be considered.                                       knowledge; industry focuses on integrating
     To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,        research into practice.
     applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
     above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of
     33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).     Where could it take you?
                                                              You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a
            Search speech pathology
                                                              wide range of career opportunities. You
                                                              could help children with disabilities or
                                                              developmental delays connect with their
                                                              peers by overcoming social communication
     Transform lives through the power                        challenges. You might help a person who
                                                              has had a stroke regain their ability to eat
     of communication                                         and communicate, or support a patient
     Speech pathologists help us make use of                  in end-of-life care. Perhaps you’ll enable
     arguably our most precious capability—                   adults with acquired or traumatic brain
     communication. As humans, we are innately                injuries communicate with others, or be
     social, our lives revolve around connecting              part of a therapeutic team working towards
     with others through eating, drinking, work               achieving the person’s goal of gaining
     and play. Speech pathologists help people                employment.
     of all ages to participate in their life and
     connect with others.                                     Professional accreditation
     Talented speech pathologists are already highly          The Bachelor of Speech Pathology
     sought-after, and demand is growing fast.                (Honours) is undertaking the Qualifying
                                                              Accreditation process in accordance with
     What will you do?                                        the accreditation procedures of the national
     Our Bachelor of Speech Pathology                         professional body, Speech Pathology Australia.
     (Honours) equips you to assess, diagnose
     and treat conditions across the full scope               Industry placement
     of speech pathology practice; speech and                 Students will be introduced to clinical
     language, swallowing, fluency, voice and                 placement in the third year of study and
     multimodal communication. Our courses                    will be required to complete 800+
     have an emphasis on inter-professional and               hours of clinical placement in a range
     culturally responsive practice. With many                of metropolitan and rural settings
     of the courses taught by certified practising            throughout the program.
     speech pathologists, the degree facilitates
                                                              * Entry into the research stream will be based
     the development of transferrable skills
                                                                 on academic merit.
     through real-world learning experiences.
     In over 800 hours of clinical-based training,
     you’ll have the opportunity to work with
     children and adults of all ages in public
     and private health, community, disability,
     education and aged-care settings.
     You’ll gain high-level knowledge and skills in:
     • head and neck anatomy and
     • speech and language development,
       linguistics and phonetics, motor speech,
       aphasia, cognition and swallowing
     • current public health and justice
       system topics
     • working with culturally and linguistically
       diverse populations, including Aboriginal
       and Torres Strait Islander people
       and communities
     • evidence-based, person-centred care.

14    Allied Health                                                                                             Allied Health   15
PSYCHOLOGY MEDICINE - The University of Adelaide
                                 A centre of excellence since 1920, Adelaide
                                 Dental School is the highest ranked dental
                                                                                 Run by the Adelaide Dental School, with
                                                                                 assistance from a group of dedicated                          WHY THE
                                 school in Australia and offers you the chance
                                 to learn in one of the country’s most
                                                                                 volunteer private dentists and allied health
                                                                                 professionals, the program has provided                       UNIVERSITY
                                 advanced dental facilities. In 2017, the
                                 school relocated to the $246 million Adelaide
                                                                                 care for over 1,240 disadvantaged South
                                                                                 Australians since its establishment in 2011.                  OF ADELAIDE?
                                 Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS)

                                 building, which is also home to the state-      Dental Simulation Clinic
                                 of-the-art Adelaide Dental Hospital.
                                                                                                                                                            CHAIR DENTAL
                                                                                 As one of our dentistry or oral health
                                                                                 students you’ll have the opportunity to
                                 Our staff have won national awards for
                                 their outstanding teaching, knowledge           perfect your skills in a clinical environment
                                 and practical skills. Together with real-       using the latest simulation technology.

                                                                                                                                               01           RANKED NO.1
                                 world clinical placements and hands-on          With 90 individual simulators available,
                                 simulation learning, this will ensure you       dental students spend more than 550                                        IN AUSTRALIA*

                                 gain the knowledge, skills and confidence       hours in the simulation clinic as part of
                                 to excel in your chosen career.                 their curriculum, and oral health students
                                                                                 more than 330.
                                 What is dentistry?
                                                                                                                                                            RANKED 28TH
                                 Dentistry is the profession concerned with      Dentistry and Oral Health clinical
                                                                                 placement requirements
                                                                                                                                                            IN THE WORLD^
                                 preventing, diagnosing and treating problems
                                 of the teeth, jaws and mouth. Good dental       To undertake clinical placements in
                                 health is important for everyone, making        dentistry—a compulsory part of the
                                 dentistry a primary health care profession.     degrees—you must satisfy a number of                         * Dentistry, Academic Ranking of World
                                                                                                                                                 Universities by Subject, 2020
                                 Choose a career in dentistry and you’ll         requirements. These include:
                                 make a difference to the lives of many.                                                                      ^ Dentistry, QS World University
                                                                                 • Australian Health Practitioner                                Rankings by Subject, 2020

                                 What is oral health?                              Regulation Agency student registration
                                 Oral health includes dental hygiene,            • criminal history clearance
                                 prevention and treatment of oral disease,       • immunisations and prescribed
                                 professional cleaning, and health                 communicable infections (PCI) screening
                                 promotion through education. Good
                                 oral health is essential throughout life.       • tuberculosis screening
                                                                                                                                 Time dedicated to study
                                 Choosing to work in oral health will lead       • clinical placement deed poll.
                                 to a rewarding career helping people of all                                                     If studying full-time, you can expect to
                                                                                 For more details, visit:
                                 ages maintain healthy teeth and gums.                                                           spend about 25 to 35 hours (Monday to
                                                                                                                                 Friday) on campus each week, engaged
                                 Adelaide Dental Hospital                                                                        in: classes, simulated learning activities,
                                                                                 Inherent requirements                           clinical instruction, small-group discovery
                                 Featuring 89 dental chairs, the Adelaide                                                        sessions, tutorials and learning laboratories.
                                 Dental Hospital in the AHMS building            Inherent requirements are the fundamental
                                 is one of the advanced clinical training        parts of a degree that must be met by all       Clinical courses will require out-of-hours
                                 grounds available to our dentistry and          students. They are the abilities, knowledge     involvement, and some courses require
                                 oral health students.                           and skills you’ll need to complete the          off-campus placements.
                                 Run in partnership with the South               degree. If you have a disability or chronic
                                                                                                                                 Global Learning experiences
                                 Australian Dental Service, the hospital         health condition, of course, reasonable
                                 offers you the chance to work alongside         adjustments can be made to help you             As a dentistry student you’ll have the
                                 professional dentists to deliver year-round     meet the requirements. But this must not        opportunity to undertake a two-week
                                 oral health services for disadvantaged          compromise academic integrity.                  study tour to Vietnam (subject to travel
                                 members of our community.                                                                       restrictions) as part of your clinical
                                                                                 For more details, visit:
                                                                                                                                 placement, working as part of a clinical
                                 Community Outreach Dental Program                                                               team in schools and private practices.
                                 The Community Outreach Dental                   health-inherent-requirements
                                 Program provides dental and other
                                 health services for people experiencing
                                 homelessness or having difficulty
                                 accessing conventional care.

16   Dentistry and Oral Health                                                                                                                              Dentistry and Oral Health   17

     SATAC CODE      DURATION              CAMPUS
                                                              Where could it take you?                       Application process                              Information for                                 Application process                                3.	Applicants must submit their application
                                                                                                                                                              international students only                                                                            and payments prior to 30 June 2021.
     314122          5 years full-time     North Terrace      You could work in a local or community         There are two distinct parts to the                                                              1.	University Clinical Aptitude Test
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicants who have not yet completed
                                                              dental clinic or provide dental care for       application process.                                                                                 (UCAT ANZ) application. International
     PREREQUISITES                                                                                                                                            Bachelor of Dental Surgery admission overview                                                          their current qualification will still be
                                                              people in the developing world. You might      1.	University Clinical Aptitude                                                                     applicants are required to register and sit
     SACE Stage 2: Two subjects—one from Chemistry,                                                                                                                                                                                                                  required to apply by this date. Closing
     Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics or          become a defence force dentist. Perhaps            Test (UCAT ANZ) application                  Applicants will be ranked in consideration          for the UCAT ANZ. The UCAT ANZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     dates are strictly adhered to and late
     Physics and one from Biology, Chemistry, Geology         you’ll be a researcher, making new                 All applicants, with the exception           for an offer based on their performance in          is used widely to help universities select
     or Physics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     submissions will not be accepted.
                                                              discoveries to improve oral health care.           of those entering via the Aboriginal         the following three components:                     applicants with the most appropriate
     IB: two science subjects (SL grade 4/ HL grade 3), or                                                                                                                                                                                                       Please note: testimonials, character/school
     one science subject plus Mathematics: Applications                                                          and Torres Strait Islander Pathway,          • interview results—first ranking level             mental abilities, attitudes and professional
     and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics:                 Professional accreditation                                                                                                                          behaviours required for new doctors and        references, awards, certificates and predicted
     Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL). Note: subject
                                                                                                                 are required to register and sit for         • University Clinical Aptitude Test                                                                results do not make up any of the selection
                                                                                                                 the UCAT ANZ. The UCAT ANZ                                                                       dentists to be successful in their clinical
     prerequisites are applicable to all Bachelor of Dental   The Bachelor of Dental Surgery is accredited                                                      (UCAT ANZ)—second ranking level                                                                  components and will not be considered.
     Surgery entry pathways.                                                                                     is used widely to help universities                                                              careers. To register for the UCAT ANZ
                                                              by the Australian Dental Council.                                                                                                                                                                  Details of performance in individual
                                                                                                                 select applicants with the most              • academic results—final ranking level (to          and access the practice materials, visit:
     ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                              separate applicants with equal-summed                          components of the admissions process are
     To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,
                                                              Graduate registration                              appropriate mental abilities, attitudes                                                                                                         not given to applicants. Information regarding
                                                                                                                 and professional behaviours required           interview and UCAT ANZ scores).               2.	All international applicants must
     applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90                                                                                                                                                                                                              an applicant or application is confidential
                                                              To be eligible to work in Australia as                                                                                                              submit a formal application online via
     or above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB)                                                            for new doctors and dentists to be                                                                                                              and cannot be released to members of
     score of 33 or above (or the interstate/overseas         a dentist, you’ll be required to register                                                                                                           the University’s International website.
     equivalent). New applications/preferences for                                                               successful in their clinical careers.                                                                                                           family or friends. For more information,
                                                              with the Australian Health Practitioners                                                                                                            Visit
     Dental Surgery will not be considered after the                                                             To register for the UCAT ANZ and                                                                                                                visit:
     closing date of 30 September 2021. Late applications     Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the                                                                                                                   au/apply and select Step 4: Apply online.
                                                                                                                 access the practice materials, visit:                                                                                                           with-us/dentistry-oral-health
     will not be considered.                                  Dental Board of Australia on completion of
     Please note that strict quotas apply to the
                                                              your degree. In order to register, you must
     Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree. This degree                                                          2.	South Australian Tertiary Admissions
     does not contain elective courses—all courses            comply with the English language skills
     are compulsory.                                          requirements as determined by AHPRA.               Centre (SATAC) application
                                                                                                                 Once you’ve registered with UCAT ANZ,
                                                              For further details, visit:
     ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE                                                                                           you must lodge your SATAC application
     A necessary precursor for success in the Bachelor
                                                                                                                 online at by the
     of Dental Surgery is a high proficiency in the written
     and oral use of the English language.
                                                              The Bachelor of Dental Surgery                     September 2021 closing date. You’ll
                                                              qualification is recognised by the:                be asked to enter your UCAT ANZ
                                                              • Dental Board of Australia (once                  identification number when doing so.
            Search dental                                       registered, graduates are also eligible                                                                       CHRISTOPHER
                                                                                                             Merit selection criteria
                                                                for membership of the Australian
                                                                Dental Association)                          Selection for the Bachelor of Dental
                                                              • Dental Council of New Zealand                Surgery is based on three components.                            Bachelor of Dental Surgery
     Keep your community smiling                                (under the Trans-Tasman Mutual               1. Performance in the UCAT ANZ.
     Dentists work to improve oral health in our
     communities. They’re lifelong learners who
     care about their patients and their work.
                                                                Recognition Agreement)
                                                              • Commission of Dental Accreditation
                                                                of Canada (further examinations are
                                                                                                             2. Performance in an interview.
                                                                                                             3.	Achievement of a Selection Rank of 90
                                                                                                                                                                              “   The best part of the
                                                                                                                                                                              Bachelor of Dental
                                                                                                                                                                              Surgery is indisputably
                                                                necessary to work in Canada)                     or above (or equivalent) for appropriate
     Dentistry is a science and an art. It’s flexible
     and rewarding, and it changes lives.
                                                                                                                 Year 12 studies; credit average (GPA                         the hands-on component
                                                              • Singapore Dental Council.                        5.0) for tertiary studies; or STAT rank in                   of the program. Dental
                                                                                                                 the top decile. Please note: you will only
     What will you do?                                        Industry placement                                 be invited to sit an interview following a                   students have the
     Our Bachelor of Dental Surgery supports                  From your first year, you’ll undertake             satisfactory UCAT ANZ result.                                privilege of taking what
     you in becoming a highly skilled and                     compulsory clinical placements in a range                                                                       they learn and applying
     patient-focused dentist. You will:                       of metropolitan and rural settings. These      Dental Surgery Admissions Guide

                                                              can extend beyond the academic year and
                                                                                                                                                                              it immediately.
     • build clinical experience starting in your                                                            You’re required to read the Dental Surgery
       very first year                                        may include after-hours and weekend work.      Admissions Guide before applying for the
     • learn in Australia’s newest dental teaching                                                           Bachelor of Dental Surgery. The guide
       hospital, in the state-of-the-art Adelaide                                                            covers essential information regarding:
       Health and Medical Sciences building                                                                  • admission requirements
     • explore the full range of dental                                                                      • key dates and deadlines
       therapies—from complex restorative
                                                                                                             • the merit ranking process
       to preventative-based treatments
                                                                                                             • inherent requirements
     • practise using equipment in our Dental
       Simulation Clinic                                                                                     • subject prerequisites and more.
     • tackle real-life case scenarios in teams                                                              At the Faculty of Health and Medical
                                                                                                             Sciences we regularly review the admission
     • benefit from extensive placements across                                                              criteria and application processes for our
       metropolitan and rural settings
                                                                                                             degrees, and reserve the right to change
     • improve lives through community                                                                       them without notice.
       outreach programs.
                                                                                                             Please note that failure to read the Dental
                                                                                                             Surgery Admissions Guide will not be grounds
                                                                                                             for special consideration. For more inform-
                                                                                                             ation, visit:

18    Dentistry and Oral Health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dentistry and Oral Health   19

                                                             Advocate for oral health                        • benefit from early clinical exposure          Professional accreditation                         Merit selection criteria                           Information for
   SATAC CODE      DURATION             CAMPUS
                                                                                                               and extensive placements                                                                                                                             international students only
   314701          3 years full-time    North Terrace        Oral health is an essential component                                                           The Bachelor of Oral Health is accredited          Selection will be based on three components.
                                                             of a healthy life. Complex dental work          • practise using equipment in our               by the Dental Board of Australia.
   PREREQUISITES                                                                                               Dental Simulation Clinic                                                                         1. Performance in the UCAT ANZ.                    Bachelor of Oral Health admission overview
                                                             contributes to this, but proper care and
   SACE Stage 2: one 20-credit mathematics                                                                                                                                                                      2. Performance in an interview.
   or science subject.                                       prevention are just as important.               • tackle real-life case scenarios in teams      Graduate registration                                                                                 Applicants will be ranked in consideration
   IB: equivalent subjects.                                  While dentists perform specialised              • improve lives through community                                                                  3.	Achievement of a Selection Rank of 70          for an offer based on their performance in
                                                                                                                                                             To be eligible to work in Australia,
                                                             treatments, oral health therapists have           outreach programs.                                                                                   or above (or equivalent) for appropriate       the following three components:
                                                                                                                                                             you’ll be required to register with the
                                                             broad expertise in general oral health                                                                                                                 Year 12 studies; a pass average for tertiary   • interview results—first ranking level
   Please note that strict quotas apply and late                                                                                                             Australian Health Practitioners Regulation
                                                             care and education.                             Where could it take you?                                                                               studies; or a completed VET diploma
   applications will not be considered. To meet the                                                                                                          Agency (AHPRA) on completion of your                                                                  • UCAT ANZ results—second ranking level
   minimum academic threshold for entry, applicants                                                                                                                                                                 or advanced diploma; or a satisfactory
                                                                                                             You will be part of providing high-quality      degree. To gain professional registration
   must achieve a Selection Rank of 70 or above, or
                                                             What will you do?                                                                                                                                      STAT rank. Please note: you will only          • academic results—meets threshold and
   an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of 25 or                                                        clinical care for all ages. You might develop   through AHPRA and register as an oral
   above, or the interstate/overseas equivalent.                                                                                                                                                                    be invited to sit an interview following         final ranking level (to separate applicants
                                                             Our Bachelor of Oral Health is an               hygiene maintenance programs for people         health therapist with the Dental Board
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a satisfactory UCAT ANZ result.                  with equal-summed interview and UCAT
                                                             evidence-based degree that prepares you         managing chronic gum pain. You could            of Australia, you must comply with the
   ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ANZ scores).
                                                             for providing general oral health care and      advise on public health policy or design and    English language skills requirements as
   A necessary precursor for success is a high proficiency                                                                                                                                                      Oral Health Admissions Guide
   in the written and oral use of the English language.      health promotion. You will:                     implement educational campaigns. Perhaps        determined by AHPRA. For further details,                                                             Application process
                                                                                                             you’ll open an oral health clinic with a team   visit:          All applicants are required to read the Oral
                                                             • learn in Australia’s newest dental teaching                                                                                                      Health Admissions Guide before applying            1.	University Clinical Aptitude Test                        hospital, in the state-of-the-art Adelaide    of oral health therapists and dentists you’re   Upon graduation, you will also be eligible for                                                            (UCAT ANZ) application. International
          Search oral health                                                                                 yet to meet at the University of Adelaide.      membership with the Australian Dental and          for the Bachelor of Oral Health. The guide
                                                               Health and Medical Sciences building                                                                                                             covers essential information regarding:                applicants are required to register and sit
                                                                                                                                                             Oral Health Therapists Association and the                                                                for the UCAT ANZ. The UCAT ANZ
                                                             • study within a close-knit oral health                                                         Dental Hygienists Association of Australia.        • admission entry requirements
                                                               learning community                                                                                                                                                                                      is used widely to help universities select
                                                                                                                                                             International applicants should note that          • key dates and deadlines                              applicants with the most appropriate
                                                                                                                                                             successful completion of this degree may           • the merit ranking process                            mental abilities, attitudes and professional
                                                                                                                                                             not qualify them to practise/register in their                                                            behaviours required for new doctors and
                                                                                                                                                             home country. Students will have to contact        • inherent requirements                                dentists to be successful in their clinical
                                                                                                                                                             the relevant health registration bodies of         • subject prerequisites, and more.                     careers. To register for the UCAT ANZ
                                                                                                                                                             their home country for further information.        At the Faculty of Health and Medical                   and access the practice materials, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sciences we regularly review the admission   
                                                                                                                                                             Industry placement                                 criteria and application processes for our         2.	All international applicants must
                                                                                                                                                             From your first year, you’ll undertake             degrees, and reserve the right to change               submit a formal application online via
                                                                                                                                                             compulsory clinical placements in a range          them without notice.                                   the University’s International website.
                                                                                                                                                             of metropolitan and rural settings. These          Please note that failure to read the Oral              Visit
                                                                                                                                                             compulsory placements can extend beyond            Health Admissions Guide will not be                    au/apply and select Step 4: Apply online.
                                                                                                                                                             the academic year and can include after-           grounds for special consideration.                 3.	Applicants must submit their application
                                                                                                                                                             hours and weekend work.                            For more information, visit:                           and payments prior to 30 June 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Applicants who have not yet completed
                                                                                                                                                             Application process                                with-us/dentistry-oral-health                          their current qualification will still be
                                                                                                                                                             There are two distinct parts to the                                                                       required to apply by this date. Closing
                                                                                                                                                             application process.                                                                                      dates are strictly adhered to and late
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       submissions will not be accepted.
                                                                                                                                                             1.	University Clinical Aptitude
                                                                                                                                                                 Test (UCAT ANZ) application                                                                       All international applicants to the Bachelor
                                                                                                                                                                 All applicants, with the exception of those                                                       of Oral Health (BOH), including International
                                                                                                                                                                 entering via the Aboriginal and Torres                                                            students studying in Australia, submit an
                                                                                                                                                                 Strait Islander Pathway are required                                                              application online via http://international.
                                                                                                                                                                 to register and sit for the UCAT ANZ.                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                 The UCAT ANZ is used widely to help                                                               Please note: testimonials, character/
                                                                                                                                                                 universities select applicants with the most                                                      school references, awards, certificates and
                                                                                                                                                                 appropriate mental abilities, attitudes                                                           predicted results do not make up any of
                                                                                                                                                                 and professional behaviours required for                                                          the selection components and will not
                                                                                                                                                                 new doctors and dentists to be successful                                                         be considered. Details of performance in
                                                                                                                                                                 in their clinical careers. To register for                                                        individual components of the admissions
                                                                                                                                                                 the UCAT ANZ and access the practice                                                              process are not given to applicants.
                                                                                                                                                                 materials, visit:                                                                 Information regarding an applicant or
                                                                                                                                                             2.	South Australian Tertiary Admissions                                                              application is confidential and cannot
                                                                                                                                                                 Centre (SATAC) application                                                                        be released to members of family or
                                                                                                                                                                 Once you’ve registered with UCAT ANZ                                                              friends. For more information, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                 you must lodge your SATAC application                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                 online at by the                                                                 with-us/dentistry-oral-health
                                                                                                                                                                 September 2021 closing date. You’ll
                                                                                                                                                                 be asked to enter your UCAT ANZ
                                                                                                                                                                 identification number when doing so.

20 Dentistry and Oral Health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dentistry and Oral Health    21
              The University of Adelaide’s medical
              degree is the third-oldest in Australia,
                                                              • students will have the opportunity to
                                                                complete a year-long course in the rural                        WHY THE
              with a rich and prestigious history
              dating back to 1885.
                                                                setting in Year 5
                                                                                                                                OF ADELAIDE?
                                                              • clinical placements will occur in a variety
              135 years of teaching and research has            of settings
              led to an impressive list of groundbreaking     • simulation of clinical scenarios will play
              discoveries and achievements at the

                                                                a key part of student learning                                             Ranked No. 1 in
              University that continue to transform health
                                                              • you will be required to attend lectures,                                   South Australia
              care and make an impact on the world
                                                                workshops, tutorials, practical sessions                                   for Medicine*
              today. Among the University’s notable
              alumni are Nobel Prize winners, pioneering        and placement
              researchers and world-renowned clinicians.      • you will learn alongside students from                                     Hands-on experience
              Following in their footsteps as an Adelaide       other disciplines, such as nursing, in                                     with diverse range of
              Medical School student, you’ll be provided        specific interprofessional learning activities.                            clinical placements
              with state-of-the-art education, training
              and facilities to ensure you’re ready to face   Rural placements
              the challenges of medical practice in the       All Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor                                   Study in the
              twenty-first century.                           of Medicine students are encouraged to                                       $246m AHMS building
                                                              undertake rural clinical placements. Rural                                   alongside future
              New medical degree launching 2022               placement provides a diverse range of                                        nursing colleagues
              In 2022, the University of Adelaide will        experience wherein one day you may be
              welcome its first cohort into Year 1 of         assisting with the medical care of multi-
              the new Bachelor of Medical Studies             car trauma accident and the next day                             * QS World Academic Rankings
                                                                                                                                  by Subject, 2020
              and Doctor of Medicine. The two new             helping to deliver a baby. Commonwealth-
              sequential degrees will replace the existing    supported students (in both bonded and
              Bachelor Medicine and Bachelor of               unbonded places) must complete at least
              Surgery (MBBS).                                 four weeks of rural placements before
                                                              graduation, with 25% of students required
              In the Adelaide medical program you will:       to complete a year-long rural placement.
              • learn in partnership with clinicians and                                                          Inherent requirements
                                                              Short term rural placements usually occur
                health professional educators whereby         during clinical training in years 4 to 6 of the     The University of Adelaide medical
                educators become coaches                      Adelaide medical program. In fifth year, you        program places substantial demands on
              • learn in state-of-the-art facilities,         have an opportunity to undertake year-long          students. The learning style and assessment
                Adelaide Health Simulation, including         rural placements through the Adelaide Rural         techniques used are likely to be different
                the new immersion lab which utilises          Clinical School. In recent years, applications      from those experienced elsewhere requiring
                360° technology                               for these placements have been highly               the ability to learn and work in small groups,
                                                              competitive however, if these 12-month              and undertake self-directed learning.
              • learn from curriculum based on real-
                                                              places are not filled voluntarily, students         For more details, visit: https://health.
                world scenarios and global perspectives
                                                              will be allocated in a random ballot.     
              • be work-ready by the end of the six-year                                                          surgery/inherent-requirements
                degree, with all competencies required        Medicine clinical placement requirements
                by the Australian Medical Council                                                                 Time dedicated to study
                                                              To undertake your compulsory clinical
                (AMC) completed
                                                              placements you must satisfy the                     As you will be studying full-time you
              • develop research skills with all students     following requirements:                             can expect to spend about 25 to 35 hours
                undertaking a substantial research project.                                                       (Monday to Friday) on campus each
                                                              • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
              The Bachelor of Medical Studies and               Agency student registration                       week, engaged in: lectures, tutorials,
              Doctor of Medicine is a six year program                                                            workshops, seminars and practical
                                                              • criminal history clearances                       laboratory classes. In addition, you will
              of study resulting in Australian
              Qualifications Framework (AQF)                  • immunisations and prescribed                      also be expected to undertake private
              Level 7 and Level 9 qualifications.               communicable infections (PCI) screening           study and self-directed learning.

              Key features of the the Adelaide                • tuberculosis screening                            Within years 4 to 6 of the program you
              medical program:                                                                                    will be required to undertake substantive
                                                              • clinical placement deed poll                      clinical placements off campus with
              • six year medical degree                       • hand hygiene.                                     expectations that you will be available for
              • to progress to the Doctor of Medicine,                                                            full-time placement with some out-of-hours
                                                              If you don’t meet these requirements you
                you will need to successfully complete the                                                        involvement.
                                                              won’t be able to complete your placements,
                Bachelor of Medical Studies                   putting you at risk of not graduating. Detailed     Global Learning experiences
              • the degree focuses on students learning       information on the above criteria will be
                in the following domains: science and         provided when you commence your studies.            As an Adelaide Medical School student
                scholarship, clinical practice, health and                                                        you can undertake a training placement in
                                                              For more details, visit:                a local or overseas hospital or clinic of your
                society, and professionalism and leadership              choice (subject to travel restrictions) prior
              • emphasis is on developing and applying        support/clinical-placements                         to completing your degree. Past students
                research skills. You will undertake a                                                             have worked and studied in countries
                research project in Year 6 of the program.                                                        including the UK, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
                                                                                                                  South Africa and Canada.

22 Medicine                                                                                                                                                Medicine   23
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