Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
    Undergraduate 2023 Entry
    Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry
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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
Committed to a Greener Planet                                                Why Northumbria?                 Support For You
At Northumbria, we are passionate      As part of our efforts to reduce      Discover why you should study    At Northumbria we’ll support you at
about saving our planet.               our impact, we have produced this     at Northumbria – a research-     every step of the journey. Whether
                                       mini-guide in replacement of our      intensive modern university      it’s helping you understand the
Northumbria has recently been          larger prospectus. In doing so, we    with a global reputation for     application process, applying for
named 50th in the world for            have saved almost 5 million pages     academic excellence.             that dream job, or just coping with
sustainability in the Times Higher     of paper and over 10 tons in weight                                    the transition to university life.
Education Impact Rankings 2021.                                              Check out pages 4 – 11
                                       when printing and distributing
                                                                                                              Check out pages 44 – 57
We are committed to optimising         the guide.
our contribution to the UN             All of the up-to-date information     Where You Belong
Sustainable Development Goals          about coming to university is best    Learn more about life both at    It Starts Here
(SDG) through our research,            found on our website.                 Northumbria and in the city of   Whatever your passion or career
teaching, campus and operations.                                             Newcastle. Become part of the    ambitions, it’s time to get into
                                                                             #IAmNorthumbria family.          the details and find the perfect
                                                                                                              course for you.
                                                                             Check out pages 12 – 35
                                                                                                              Check out pages 58 – 61

                                                                             This is Your Time
                                                                             Discover how to make the         Our Courses
                                                                             most of your time studying       We offer a range of Undergraduate,
                                                                             at Northumbria. Enhance your     Postgraduate, Degree Apprenticeships
                                                                             CV through placements, study     and Foundation courses. Take a look
Chancellor                             Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive
                                                                             abroad and build connections     through our range of programmes
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson           Professor Andrew Wathey
                                                                             for your future.                 and find a course that is right
DBE DL                                 CBE MA DPhil FRHistS FRSA FSA
                                                                                                              for you. Read our admissions and
                                                                             Check out pages 36 – 43
                                                                                                              selection process, and find out how
                                       Academic Registrar                                                     to get in touch.
                                       Maureen McLaughlin
                                                                                                              Check out pages 62 – 90
                                       BA, PGDip

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
At Northumbria University we embrace tomorrow.
                                            We pursue new thinking, forge new partnerships, create
                                            and exchange new knowledge, and find new solutions.

                                            Our inspirational academics, partners and students
                                            work together to tackle tomorrow’s challenges head on.
                                            We’re ready for the future whatever it may hold.

                                            Confident and creative in everything we do, we offer leadership
                                            and direction in this fast-changing world. Those with courage will
                                            transform lives and make a remarkable impact on the world.

                                            Tomorrow. How will you handle it? Join us today
                                            and we can tackle this exciting new world together.

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
Northumbria is leading debate and responding to today’s
challenges through ground-breaking research which is
brought into the classroom.
Northumbria ranked in the top 50 in the UK for research power (REF 2014):     Professor Tanya Wyatt                  Professor Christopher Newman
marking the highest rise in any institution. Our academics explore some       Department of Social Sciences          Northumbria Law School
of the world’s most urgent and complex problems and use their research        Tackling the illegal wildlife          Bringing order and
to fight disease, increase life expectancy and protect our planet. They ask   trade to protect other species         governance solutions to
the questions that mean we can tackle tomorrow’s challenges.                  and the planet.                        the space environment.

    Associate Professor                      Dr Alana James                   Associate Professor                    Professor Greta Defeyter
    Eamon Scullion                           Northumbria School of Design     Longzhi Yang                           Department of Social Work,
    Department of Mathematics,               Creating a responsible future    Department of Computer                 Education and Community
    Physics and Electrical Engineering       for fashion.                     and Information Sciences               Wellbeing
    Predicting solar flares that could                                        Using AI to improve people’s lives     Leading on the fight against
    damage the earth.                                                         without negative side effects.         holiday hunger.

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
We create confident leaders with the stamina,                                 Professor Matt Baillie Smith
determination, talent and commitment to inspire                               International Development
and get results.                                                              Working with the Swedish Red
                                                                              Cross, Matt is bringing to light the
Fit for the 21st century and beyond, our students, staff and alumni
                                                                              challenges faced by volunteering
do amazing things. Here are a handful of examples:
                                                                              and developing ways to protect and
                                                                              support all volunteers.

Karl Wharton MBE                       Sir Jonathan Ive                       Professor Sir Chris Whitty             Louise Trotter
Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching     KBE, Hon FREng, Hon DCL, RDI           Chief Medical Officer (CMO)            Creative Director, Lacoste
Recognised by the Queen,               Former Senior Design Officer – Apple   for England                            Louise graduated from Fashion
Karl has received an MBE for his       Sir Jonathan Ive is the designer of    Professor Sir Chris Whitty is          and Marketing (1991). She has held
leading work in gymnastics. Karl       the MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook         the UK government’s Chief              leadership roles at Gap, Tommy
was Head Coach for the British         Air, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch   Medical Adviser and head of the        Hilfiger, Jigsaw, Calvin Klein and
National Gymnastics Team at six        and iOS 7. He is a Northumbria         public health profession. He is        Joseph and more recently
World Championships.                   Design for Industry graduate (1989),   also Chief Scientific Adviser for      Creative Director at Lacoste.
                                       and in 2012 he was knighted for his    the Department of Health and
                                       services to design and enterprise.     Social Care and a practising NHS
                                                                              Consultant Physician. He is an LLM
                                                                              Medical Law (2005) graduate.

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
                                             OUR GAME
                                             Top 50 in the UK                           Top 50 UK university
                                             for research power                         The Guardian University Guide 2022
                                                                                        and Complete University Guide
                                             Research Excellence Framework
                                                                                        University League Tables 2022
                                             (REF 2014). The national system for
                                             assessing the quality of research
                                             in all UK universities
                                                                                        5th in the UK for
                                                                                        graduate start-up
                                             One of the best UK                         businesses
                                             young universities                         Higher Education Business Community
                                             in global rankings                         Interaction Survey 2019/20 (HEBCIS)
                                             Times Higher Education Young
                                             Universities Rankings 2021
                                                                                        Top 15 for sport
                                                                                        in the UK
                                             Best UK student city                       British Universities & Colleges
                                             Student Hut ‘Best for 2020’ league table   Sport (BUCS)

                                             Top 25 in the UK                           50th in the world
                                             for the number in                          for sustainability
                                             graduate jobs                              Times Higher Education Impact
                                             Graduate Outcomes 2018/19                  Rankings 2021

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education
     You come to university              Making the most at Northumbria
     to learn, but there’s so            means opening your mind,
                                         learning by doing, embracing
     much more to experience.
                                         the community and shaping
     Newcastle is consistently ranked    an adventure that is completely
     as one of the best cities in the    yours. You aren’t just getting
     UK for students (Student Hut,       an education; you are building a
     2020). You’re at the start of an    foundation for lifelong success.
     incredible experience. New place,
                                         Whether you love sport or
     new people. With over 100,000
                                         culture and creativity, want to
     students across the North East,
                                         make a difference or be part
     Newcastle is the perfect place
                                         of a global community, this is
     to start your student journey.
                                         where you belong.
     Northumbria has modern
                                         Through societies, volunteering,
     facilities, extensive course
                                         team sports and our alumni
     choices and it’s based in a
                                         society, this is your chance to
     cosmopolitan city with a
                                         challenge yourself, build your
     vibrant student community.
                                         confidence, try new things and
     What more do you need?
                                         meet new people with different
                                         ideas and viewpoints.

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education

                                             At Northumbria we welcome talented, curious, confident
                                             and creative students and staff from all around the world.
                                             We want you to embrace life            By joining Northumbria you are
                                             at Northumbria, explore new            joining a global family, we have
                                             opportunities, get involved and        alumni and staff from over 170
                                             be part of our community of            countries. Our alumni stay
                                             inclusive, like-minded people          connected to Northumbria to offer
                                             just like you, who are making          future talent new opportunities.
                                             a difference.                          So even after you graduate, you’ll
                                                                                    always be a part of Northumbria.
                                             Our culturally diverse environment
                                             will stimulate ideas, innovation and
                                             debate to enhance your learning
                                             and student experience. We’re
                                             passionate about what we do and
                                             we are proud of our community.

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Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education

 Tyne Bridge                                                                                             City Centre

Newcastle is often voted one of the                         Compact and easy to navigate, Newcastle offers
best (Student Hut, 2020) and most                           a wealth of entertainment and activities. From
                                                            galleries and museums to theatres and music
affordable student cities in the UK
                                                            venues; from restaurants and cafes to pubs and
and we’re proud to call it our home.                        clubs, there is so much to do within walking
Newcastle is the vibrant capital of North East              distance of our city campus.
England and one of the most exciting places
in the UK.

The city blends the old and new beautifully,                  “ Newcastle has everything! Great transport
with rich historic landmarks and modern                         links, great night life – definitely one of the best
architecture.                                                   student friendly cities in the country.”

                                                               Rebecca Craig | BA (Hons) Fashion
                                                 Quayside      Communication

16   Discover more                      Discover more              17
Prospectus Undergraduate 2023 Entry Postgraduate and Degree Apprenticeship 2022 Entry - QA Higher Education

 Hadrian’s Wall                                                                                   Alnwick Castle

The fun doesn’t stop there. With even                           Six North East beaches have been granted
more to do just on our doorstep;                                the International Blue Flag status, making them
                                                                amongst the best in the world. These include
from rugged countryside to fabulous
                                                                Tynemouth Longsands, where you can enjoy
beaches, historic market towns and                              award-winning fish and chips, King Edward‘s
intriguing attractions.                                         Bay and Whitley Bay.
Newcastle’s surrounding area of Northumberland                  If you fancy something closer then you can
is full of culture and places to explore. You can               head to Gateshead to view the Angel of the
take a walk along the World Heritage site                       North, an iconic sculpture created by Anthony
Hadrian’s Wall, or head to Alnwick Castle which                 Gormley, and discover the powerful message
was made famous as ‘Hogwarts’ in the Harry                      behind its creation.
Potter film franchise.
                                                                No matter what your interests, Newcastle and
                                                    Tynemouth   the North East have something for everyone.

18   Discover more                          Discover more   19
MAP OF                                                                                RVI HOSPITAL
                                                                                                                                                                                         GIBB                              TO JESMOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TO COACH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LANE CAMPUS

THE CITY                                                                                                                              CIVIC CENTRE



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TO HEATON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     & SANDYFORD

                                                                                                                                                      St Mary’s Pla                    NORTHUMBRIA
Take a look around and get to know                                                                                                                                                                                                    GLENAMARA


                                                                                                                                                                                       CAMPUS WEST                                    HOUSE
the city of Newcastle.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    art St
                                                                ST. JAMES’ PARK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            COURT                    WINN
Newcastle has its own international airport

and national rail links, making it easy to explore

the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.


                                                                                                                                       ELDON                                                                CAMPUS EAST

                                                                                                     yP                                                                                                                                          NEW


                           TRAVEL BY RAIL                                               Str


                           Edinburgh - 1h 30m

                                                                                  ST JAMES                                                              MONUMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TO OUSEBURN
                           Manchester - 2h 30m                                                                                                            MONUMENT                                                 MANORS

                           London - 3 hours                                                                                                                    St

                                                                                  CHINA TOWN                                        GRAINGER            Mar


                           TRAVEL BY AIR                                                     THE GATE

                                                                  ’ Blvd
                           Dublin - 1h 10m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A186                                         Rd

                                                                St James                                                                                                                                                                               City


      NEWCASTLE            Amsterdam - 1h 20m

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A186     LIVE THEATRE
                                                                             O2 ACADEMY

                           Paris - 1h 50m            A186


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                                                                                                                                                                                                     SQUARE                       STUDENT ACCOMMODATION

20   Discover more                                                                                                                                                        Discover more                                 21

                                                                                                                 Coach Lane

                                               City Campus                              Coach Lane Campus
                                               Our students study in a world-class      This campus is home to our
                                               campus that adds to an exceptional       healthcare and education courses.
                                               student experience.                      Our state-of-the-art Clinical Skills
                                                                                        Centre is a purpose built facility
                                               We have recently completed Student       that gives our students valuable
                                               Central and City Campus Library, a       experience of real life situations
                                               £7 million Computer and Information      through a simulated environment.
                                               Sciences Building, new Architecture
                                               Studios in Sutherland Building, a 24/7   Located just three miles from
 CIS Building, City Campus
                                               computer hub in Northumberland           the city centre, Coach Lane is an
                                               Building and the refurbishment of        extensive site with its own Students’
We are passionate about our campuses and       the University Gallery.                  Union, Library and IT suites.
have invested almost £300 million since 2005   Our City Campus is in the heart          Coach Lane can be easily reached
to provide new learning, working and social    of Newcastle city centre, so it’s the    from City Campus by a free bus
spaces to improve services and support for     perfect place to make the most of        service seven days a week.
our students’ welfare and education.           your time at university.

22   Discover more                                      Discover more    23
London                                                                              Amsterdam
Located in the heart of the city,           Students benefit from studying in a     In the cultural heart of the           We offer postgraduate courses
our London Campus is situated               location where the financial district   Netherlands, our Amsterdam             in Business, Luxury Brand
just minutes away from Liverpool            meets the heart of London’s digital     Campus offers students the chance      Management and Project
Street station. The campus is               and technology sector.                  to study a range of Postgraduate       Management. We also offer
in a well-known student hub,                                                        programmes in a city that is full      a Year in International Business
around the corner from several              We offer full-time and part-time        of history. Within the excellent       and Year in International
other university campuses.                  courses in Business, Management,        teaching facilities provided by the    Multidisciplinary Innovation
                                            Computing, Cyber, Project               Amsterdam University of Applied        for undergraduate students.
                                            Management and Technology.              Sciences, students can experience
                                                                                    a semester or a year in one of the
                                                                                    world’s leading cities.

  “ It’s very culturally diverse here in London which is nice. I have people from     “ When I came to Amsterdam, my eyes were opened. To come here and learn
    Nigeria, Kenya, China, India – places all over the world – in my lectures.”         from so many cultures was great, it has really shaped me as a person.”

     Emua Rose Edebr Asuen | MSc Project Management with Advanced Practice             Saba Gebreyohannes | MSc Business with International Management

24    Discover more                                                                                                                      25
Camden Court

                                   “ I loved living in student accommodation
                                     as I was able to meet new people. I lived
                                     in Glenamara and two years on I still live
                                     with the girls I lived with in first year.”

                                    Isobel Tallentire | BA (Hons) History

                                                                                    Trinity Square                                         Glenamara House

                                                                                   We offer a wide range of             The whole process can be
                                                                                   options when choosing your           completed online in minutes:
                                                                                   accommodation including
                                                                                                                        • Enter your interests to help your
                                                                                   en suite rooms and catered
                                                                                                                          flatmates learn more about you

                                                                                   accommodation. You can book
                                                                                   your place as soon as you make       • Browse the live building
                                                                                   Northumbria your firm choice.          availability and learn more
                                                                                   Much like choosing a seat in the       about potential flatmates

                                                                                   cinema, you can pick your exact      • Select your exact building, floor,
                                                                                   room from the building floorplans,     flat and room and finalise the
                                                                                   giving you the opportunity to          booking online within minutes
                                                                                   shape your experience from
                                                                                   start to finish.                     All of our residences are within
Living in halls is a once in a lifetime experience.                                                                     walking distance of the campus
From meeting new people, to unwinding in your room.                                                                     and are easily accessed through
Where you live forms a large part of your student life.                                                                 local transport links.

26   Discover more                                                                Discover more    27
     OF IT

It’s not all work and                        You’ll never be short of things to do.
no play. Far from                            We have over 100 societies to join, from Surf
it. You’re in a city                         and Snow to Dr Who and the DJ Society you’re
renowned for its                             sure to meet your people here.
friendliness, so why
                                             And if sport is more your game, Northumbria
not get involved?
                                             Sport is the perfect place to get fit, have fun
                                             or punch above your weight. Whether you
                                             want to take part in challenges, join clubs and
                                             leagues, or just keep your mind and body on
                                             track, you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

28   Discover more         Discover more   29

We are committed to                          We offer opportunities in over                 gym, Fitness Members can access
ensuring our students can                    35 different sports across our                 instructor led and virtual exercise
                                             Clubs, Social Sport programme                  classes each week as well as
access a wide variety of
                                             and Leagues. For competitive                   enjoying the pool environment.
physical activities, whether                 student athletes, we deliver an
it’s to try a fun new sport to               extensive support service                      Student Leadership is at the heart
meet people or to compete                    programme and have a range                     of what we do. We have hundreds
in a team representing                       of sport scholarships on offer.                of volunteer and paid internship
the University.                                                                             opportunities available within areas
                                             Our Sport Central facility boasts a            such as coaching, club committees,
We have a longstanding reputation            six-lane 25m swimming pool, sauna,             marketing and strength and
for Student Sport, consistently              steam room and a fully refurbished             conditioning plus positions with
ranking within the Top 20* overall           fitness centre. In addition to the             our community partners.
and with many of our teams ranked
in the Top 10*.                              *British University and College Sport (BUCS)

30   Discover more                                          Discover more         31
Zambia Project

                                                                                                          Student Radio

                                             If you want to make                   Volunteering helps you stand out,
                                             a difference or there’s               with many employers saying they
                                                                                   prefer candidates with a degree
                                             a cause close to your
                                                                                   plus experience. So you won’t
                                             heart, there are lots of              just be helping others. You’ll be
                                             opportunities to become               helping yourself.
                                             part of our community
                                             of volunteers.                                           Gardening Project

                                             At Northumbria, we roll up
                                             our sleeves. Students and staff
                                             alike get involved in a wide range
                                             of volunteer projects. Choose

                                             from things like sports, animals,
                                             teaching, IT, arts or helping the
                                             elderly. You can get involved in
                                             the production of our magazine,

                                             TV and radio stations and get your
                                             name out there.

32   Discover more                               Discover more   33

                                                                                                                                   The Greenhouse Café

Our Students’ Union makes              At Northumbria University, the        Here’s a taster of what you can do at NSU:
a positive impact on the               Students’ Union (NSU) is the centre
                                                                             • Enjoy great value food & drink     • Attend numerous gigs each year
                                       of student life on our campus, with
lives of all our students.                                                     at their on-campus bar, Habita,      – previous acts have included
                                       outstanding facilities made up of
                                                                               or The Greenhouse Café               Editors and Frank Turner
                                       bars, entertainment venues, coffee
                                       shops, workspaces, chill out zones    • Join one of over one hundred       • Get discounted Starbucks
                                       and meeting rooms.                      societies or get involved
                                                                               with volunteering
                                       NSU is represented at City, Coach
                                       Lane, London and Amsterdam            • Get support through our free,              @NorthumbriaSU
                                       Campuses. It is run by a team of        independent advice service.
                                       students called Sabbatical Officers     We offer everything from advice            /mynsu
                                       who have been elected by students       with academic appeals and
                                                                               academic misconduct to housing             NSU/TV
                                       to represent you on all aspects of
                                       your university experience.             advice and Personal Extenuating            @Northumbriastudentsunion
                                                                               Circumstances (PECs)

34   Discover more                                                                                Discover more   35
     Make it count.                          We play to your strengths.
     Join a talented, global learning        At Northumbria, everything we do
     community filled with ambitious,         is about you. We’re connected, so
     inquisitive people – just like you.     you’ll get the chance to work with
                                             global companies, study abroad,
     Northumbria is the place to
                                             expand your horizons, stretch your
     study courses shaped by
                                             knowledge and build your CV.
     world-leading research and
     created in consultation with            Our inspirational academics will
     students, employers and                 equip you with everything you
     professionals, statutory and            need to fulfil your potential –
     regulatory bodies. Here, you’ll         professionally and personally.
     learn to question, analyse,             Your learning experience will be
     challenge, innovate and make            tailored to ensure you’re ready
     an impact.                              for life beyond graduation – for
                                             a future yet to be explored.

       “ This is your opportunity to develop personally and professionally,
         transforming who you are, what you do and how you do it, in the
         best research-rich learning environment.”

        Professor Tom Lawson | Deputy Vice-Chancellor

36   Discover more                                        37
Northumbria has a long and             Working with over 60 Professional,
successful history of professional     Statutory and Regulatory Bodies
accreditation for its courses.         (PSRBs), over 400 of our courses are
We are proud to provide our            accredited by these professional
students with opportunities to         bodies, who periodically visit
gain the best education possible.      Northumbria to ensure our courses
                                       meet professional standards.
Studying a course with professional
accreditation makes you more           Our academic staff hold the same
employable and will help you secure    professional registrations and
your dream job after graduation.       accreditations.

38   Discover more                                    Discover more   39
Live projects offer the opportunity         Choosing to study abroad will
                                                                              to work with a company to                   not only give you unforgettable
                                                                              answer a real brief. Thanks to              experiences and memories, but
                                                                              our extensive connections, we               also considerably increase your
                                                                              give you opportunities to gain              employability prospects and help
                                                                              experience at the highest level.            you gain personal contacts that you

     SUPERCHARGE                                                              You could find yourself working
                                                                                                                          can benefit from for years to come.

     YOUR CV
                                                                              with companies and organisations            By the time you graduate,
                                                                              like Northumbrian Water, Procter            you’ll really know what it takes
                                                                              and Gamble, Nissan and the                  to succeed in the workplace:
                                                                              BALTIC Centre for Contemporary              to respond to a brief, develop
                                                                              Art, or working on live legal cases         innovative solutions and present
To build that perfect CV,              Working on live projects, taking       while you study.                            yourself with confidence.
you need to get hands-on               part in a placement year or studying
                                       abroad will build upon your skills
                                       and make your CV stand out to
                                                                                “ We’re introduced to live projects on our course. The most recent one
                                       future employers.                          was with Seaton Delaval Hall, where we worked with the National Trust.
                                                                                  It was really interesting; we had a client that we could talk to and ask
                                       Placements allow you to get
                                                                                  what they liked and what needed to change.”
                                       workplace-ready, test your
                                       knowledge and skills and gain             En-Xi-Wu | Interior Architecture
                                       invaluable work experience.

40   Discover more                                                                          Discover more   41
STUDY                                     “ Studying abroad was the highlight
                                                 of my university experience.

                                                 Every day was a new adventure
                                                 full of amazing memories and
                                                 lifelong friendships. I’ve returned
                                                 to Northumbria with increased
                                                 confidence, new language skills
                                                 and a profound eagerness to
                                                 work abroad in the future.
                                                 I’d encourage every student
                                                 to take the opportunity!”

                                                Chloe Pirt | LLB

                                             We offer exciting opportunities for you to study and visit
                                             countries all over the world, including Japan, Australia,
                                             France and the USA.
                                             At Northumbria, we’re proud of            invaluable experience studying
                                             our global community. Bringing            modules which will help them
                                             together a wide range of people           advance within their chosen
                                             from diverse backgrounds and              industry. Some programmes allow
                                             cultures makes incredible                 you to study abroad for up to three
                                             things happen.                            semesters, or even combine study
                                                                                       and a work placement to develop
                                             For some students the opportunity         your professional profile even
                                             to study their subject in a different     further. Our students have studied
                                             academic environment is key, and          at institutions such as:
                                             for others the opportunity to live
                                             in another culture and interact with      • RMIT University (Vietnam)
                                             students of different nationalities
                                                                                       • The College of New Jersey (USA)
                                             is the real attraction.
                                                                                       • Auckland University of Technology
                                             Over 200 students choose to                 (New Zealand)
                                             study abroad each year to help
                                             enhance their CV, expand their            • University College Syddanmark
                                             academic networks and gain                  (Denmark)

42   Discover more                                  Discover more   43
Being a student can be one of the best experiences of
                                             your life, but we understand that sometimes it can also
                                             be a challenge. Students and their wellbeing are at the
                                             forefront of everything we do here at Northumbria.
                                             As well as the academic support           your health and wellbeing and much
                                             you’ll receive from tutors, our           more, our support teams are there
                                             dedicated and professional services       every step of the way.
                                             – which hold the Customer Service
                                             Excellence Award – provide advice         Over half of all Northumbria students
                                             and support at every stage of your        use our services in their academic
                                             student journey. From money               life. You will even be able to access
                                             matters and plans for the future,         our Student Support teams before
                                             to keeping your studies on track,         you’re enrolled in the University.
                                             visas and international issues,

                                               “ University is a huge step and the tutors and support teams have helped
                                                 me adjust to the new environment of life at university. They make you feel
                                                 comfortable to go and ask them anything.”

     FOR YOU
                                                Patience Moyo | BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

44   Discover more                          Discover more        45
STUDENT                                  “ Student Central is in the heart of our Campus. Students can access advice
                                                from Ask4Help and books in the Library collection. It is also a great place

                                                to study collaboratively, accessing online learning in the hub spaces and
                                                independent study is made easy in the quiet zones.”

                                                Gareth Smith | Northumbria University Students’ Union President

                                             Student Central can be                    Our state of the art, 24/7 Digital
                                             found at our City Campus                  Commons is also adjacent to
                                                                                       Student Central.
                                             Library and Coach Lane
                                             Library, providing a focal                Ask4Help can provide support on:
                                             point for students in the                 • Accommodation
                                             heart of our Campus.
                                                                                       • Applying for jobs
                                             Here you will find the Ask4Help
                                                                                       • Assessments
                                             service, the first point of contact
                                             for all student support enquiries.        • Change of student status
                                             Students can contact the team in          • Choosing a career
                                             person, by phone or via their portal
                                                                                       • Counselling and mental health
                                             to raise queries and seek support
                                             or guidance on a range of topics.         • Course information

                                             At City Campus, the main Student          • Disability and specific
                                                                                         learning difficulties
                                             Central is located within the
                                             University Library in a purpose-          • Learning and research skills
                                             designed communal space. This             • Money and finance
                                             includes our Student Skills Centre,
                                             where you can access a wide variety       • Placements
                                             of group support, presentations           • On-course support
                                             and training sessions, plus private       • Using the Library
                                             consultation rooms and access to
                                             experts in a wide range of fields.        • Visas and welfare

46   Discover more                              Discover more        47
“ The library is like my second home. There are different floors for the type
                                                                   of study you are doing. I usually go with my course mates and like to discuss
                                                                   our ideas, so we work in the group study area.”

                                                                   Mark Robertson | MSc Health Psychology

                                                                Wherever, and whenever, you               Our University Library operates
                                                                choose to study you’ll find the           generous opening hours and
                                                                University Library has the resources      Ask4Help are always on hand to
                                                                and services you need. Our online         support you with any queries.
                                                                Reading List service ensures that         You can also take advantage of our
                                                                you have access to the print and          academic support sessions to help
                                                                digital material needed for your          you improve your academic writing,
                                                                programme modules, and                    research and presentation skills.
                                                                Library Search, your single point
                                                                                                          The Law Practice Library, based
                                                                of discovery for exploring the
                                                                                                          in the Northumbria Law School,
                                                                Library collection, will enable your
                                                                                                          is home to a reference collection
                                                                independent study by allowing
                                                                                                          of law resources, including
                                                                you to access resources within
                                                                                                          textbooks, law reports and journals.
                                                                and outside the Library collection.
                                                                                                          The collection primarily supports
                                                                We also have an extensive
                                                                                                          the Legal Practice Course (LPC)
                                                                collection of online learning skills
                                                                                                          and the Bar Course.

                                                                guides that can help you become
                                                                an effective, independent scholar.        The University Library Digital
                                                                                                          Commons is located on the ground
                                                                On campus, our learning spaces
                                                                                                          floor of Northumberland Building.
                                                                are inspiring places where you
                                                                                                          It provides over 160 learning spaces,
                                                                can think, read, write and learn.
                                                                                                          including spaces with PCs/Macs and
Northumbria boasts one of the best academic libraries           Whether you’re looking for a quiet
                                                                                                          collaborative tables for group work.
in the UK. We hold the Customer Service Excellence              place to work or a more social area
accreditation, with a collection of just under half a million   to collaborate, there are over            Coach Lane Library provides learning
print books, over a million electronic books and over           2,300 study spaces in our                 spaces over three floors and offers
                                                                City Campus Library so we’re              silent, quiet and collaborative spaces
82,000 electronic journals, to help support students
                                                                confident you’ll find the ideal           to enable you to find your perfect
during their degree.                                            area for you.                             learning space.

48   Discover more                                                          Discover more        49
“ Receiving support from Student Life and Wellbeing improved
                                                 my self-esteem and my approach towards my studies. It is one
                                                 of the most valuable things I’ve done throughout my time
                                                 at university.”
                                                Student | Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences

                                             Our Student Life and Wellbeing service is always on hand
                                             to support you throughout your student journey.
                                             Before you apply, our specialist          If you’re an international student,
                                             advisers are here to explain              we offer immigration and visa
                                             your funding options, including           advice together with information
                                             information on scholarships, loans        on working in the UK.
                                             and grants. They can also advise
                                             you on how to apply for extra             Those flying into Newcastle
                                             support, such as childcare.               International Airport can register
                                                                                       for our free Meet and Greet service,
                                             We have a dedicated Inclusion Team        which means someone will
                                             providing tailored support for under-     meet you and take you to your
                                             represented student groups such as        accommodation when you arrive.
                                             care leavers, while our Counselling
                                             and Mental Health Team provides           Our services include:
                                             support for those with personal,          • Financial support
                                             emotional or mental health issues.

                                                                                       • International student support
                                             If you have a disability, we can          • Disability and specific learning
                                             explain how you can be assessed             difficulties support
                                             for support, so that any help you

                                             need can be put in place as early         • Counselling and mental
                                             as possible. This support will              health support
                                             continue throughout your studies          • Welfare and health support

                                             and we can provide you with
                                                                                       • Student inclusion support
                                             tailored advice on any disability
                                             or specific learning difficulty,          • Chaplaincy and faith advice
                                             such as dyslexia.

50   Discover more                                           Discover more     51
From first year through to final year and beyond
                                             graduation, our Graduate Futures team are here to
                                             help you with your career. We want you to achieve
                                             your ambitions and make the most of your experiences,
                                             develop your skills and manage your future.
                                             Right from the start of your journey     You may also like to attend one of
                                             with us, your Graduate Futures           the many careers fairs, workshops
                                             team are here to help you with:          or enterprise events that take place
                                                                                      throughout the year.
                                             • Student or graduate job
                                               opportunities                          Our Graduate Futures team
                                             • Specialist careers and                 also provides a range of self-help
                                               employability guidance                 resources designed to boost
                                                                                      your employability. They cover:
                                             • Advice on placements
                                               and self-employment                    • Career possibilities

                                             • Opportunities to work and              • Self-awareness

                                               study abroad                           • Workplace skills
                                                                                      • Job-hunting skills
                                                                                      • CVs and applications

                                                                                      • Interview and offers
                                                                                      • Preparing for work

52   Discover more                              Discover more    53
Higher Education is an important investment in your
                                             future. At Northumbria we offer a range of support
                                             packages to ease the financial commitment of studying
                                             at university, allowing you to focus more on your studies.

                                             Tuition Fees and Maintenance Loan       fees for a postgraduate course.
                                             All of our tuition fees can be found    For further information on what
                                             on our website. Undergraduate           is available and how to apply
                                             home students are eligible to apply     please visit the website.
                                             for a Student Finance Maintenance
                                             Loan. Postgraduate students can         Managing Your Money
                                             find information on Master’s Loans      Learning to manage your money
                                             on the UK government website.           whilst studying is an integral part of
                                                                                     university life. Graduate Futures, our

                                             Support Packages                        careers and employment service,
                                             There is a range of scholarships,       can support you in finding part-time
                                             bursaries and financial aid available   work, whilst our Student Life and

                                             depending on your circumstances.        Wellbeing teams can provide
                                             Alumni can also receive a 20%           advice and guidance on handling
                                             discount on their annual tuition        your finances.

54   Discover more                              Discover more    55
We strive to be the best, but don’t just take our
                                             word for it. Our rankings show that we deliver
                                             on our promises.

                                             Ranked 7th in the UK               Ranked 11th in the UK
                                             for Building                       for Criminology
                                             Times Good University Guide 2022   Guardian University Guide 2022

                                             Ranked 13th in the UK              Ranked 10th in the UK
                                             for Food Science                   for Communication and
                                             Times Good University Guide 2022   Media Studies
                                                                                Complete University Guide 2022
                                             Ranked 14th in the UK
                                             for Civil Engineering              Ranked 6th in the UK for
                                             Times Good University Guide 2022
                                                                                Counselling, Psychotherapy,
                                                                                and Occupational Therapy
                                             Ranked 11th in the UK
                                                                                Complete University Guide 2022
                                             for Design and Crafts
                                             Times Good University Guide 2022
                                                                                Ranked 3rd on the UK
                                                                                for Information Technology
                                             Ranked 16th in the UK
                                                                                and Systems
                                             for Fashion and Textiles
                                                                                Complete University Guide 2022
                                             Guardian University Guide 2022

                                             Ranked 13th in the UK              Ranked 13th in the UK
                                             for Geography and                  for Manufacturing and
                                             Environmental Studies              Production Engineering
                                                                                Complete University Guide 2022

                                             Guardian University Guide 2022

                                             Ranked 14th in the UK              Ranked 13th in the UK
                                             for Health Professions             for Nursing

                                             Guardian University Guide 2022     Complete University Guide 2022

56   Discover more                                                                       57
You’ll be part of a vibrant learning community engaging
                                             in lectures, seminars, workshops and experiential study.
                                             This may be a blend of on-campus and online learning,
                                             depending on government guidance at the time of study.
                                             You’ll help to shape your learning by choosing modules,
                                             projects and a dissertation topic to take you exactly
                                             where you want to be in your career.

                                             Northumbria Pathways                 Foundation Year
                                             All of our pathway courses are       This is a four or five year study
                                             taught directly on our campuses.     route for an undergraduate degree.
                                             Our courses can help international   This course is designed for students
                                             students improve their English       who have not achieved the entry
                                             language and academic skills to      requirements for their chosen

                                             give you the confidence to start     course. Following successful
                                             your degree.                         completion of the foundation year,
                                                                                  you will automatically progress onto
                                                                                  the first year of your degree. Check

                                                                                  individual course webpages for
                                                                                  progression routes.

58   Discover more                                                                         59
Undergraduate Degrees                  Integrated Master’s                   Postgraduate Taught Degrees            Postgraduate Research
Undergraduate degrees include          Some courses offer a fully fundable   Postgraduate degrees include           We have a vibrant community
BA (Hons), BEng (Hons), BSc (Hons)     undergraduate degree with the         MA and MSc qualifications. Master’s    of postgraduate researchers,
and LLB qualifications. We offer       opportunity to undertake a year       usually last one year. We also offer   supported by excellent facilities,
placements or study abroad             of study at master’s level.           a two-year Advanced Practice           and offer a range of PhD/MPhil
options on the majority of our                                               option, where students may have        programmes, research projects
courses which can vary in length       Higher and Degree                     the opportunity to undertake           and studentships throughout the
depending on the course.               Apprenticeships                       a 12-15 week internship, study         year. PhD’s provide an opportunity
                                                                             abroad or research study project       to become an expert in a field
                                       These specialist courses are          in your second year.                   you are passionate about, opening
                                       co-designed with employers to                                                doors to prestigious careers in
                                       ensure they’re providing the skills   PG Cert and PG Dip awards are          academia, or to research positions
                                       that industries are looking for.      qualifications you can achieve         across industry and public service.
                                       Students are employed and divide      by studying fewer modules at           PhD opportunities are regularly
                                       their time between the workplace      master’s level.                        posted on our website, please check
                                       and study.                                                                   this for current opportunities.
                                                                             MRes degrees also have a taught
                                                                             component, but the majority of
                                                                             your time will be spent undertaking
                                                                             independent research.

60   Discover more                                                                                                          61
                                                                                          All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                          To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

NORTHUMBRIA PATHWAYS                      APPLIED SCIENCES                                ARCHITECTURE AND                                   ARTS
                                                                                          BUILT ENVIRONMENT
International Year One - Business         Biochemistry BSc (Hons)                                                                            Animation BA (Hons)
                                                                                          Architecture BA (Hons)
                                          Biology BSc (Hons)                                                                                 Film and TV Production BA (Hons)
International Foundation Programmes in:                                                   Architecture MArch
                                          Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)                                                                      Fine Art BA (Hons)
Applied Science                                                                           Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
                                          Chemistry BSc (Hons)                                                                               Journalism and English Literature BA (Hons)
Art, Design and Media                                                                     Interior Architecture BA (Hons)
                                          Chemistry MChem (Hons)                                                                             Mass Communication BA (Hons)
Business                                                                                  Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
                                          Criminology and Forensic Science BSc (Hons)                                                        Mass Communication with Advertising
Computing                                                                                 Real Estate BSc (Hons)                             BA (Hons)
                                          Food Science and Nutrition (with optional
Engineering                               pathway in Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)                                                             Mass Communication with Business
                                                                                          FOUNDATION YEARS                                   BA (Hons)
Humanities and Social Science             Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
                                                                                          Architecture and Built Environment                 Mass Communication with
                                                                                          Foundation Year                                    Public Relations BA (Hons)
Pre-Sessional Course in:                  FOUNDATION YEARS
                                                                                                                                             Media and Journalism BA (Hons)
Pre-Sessional English and Study Skills    Applied Sciences Foundation Year
                                                                                                                                             Theatre and Performance BA (Hons)

                                            Medicine Pathway Programmes                                                                      TOP-UP/COMPLETION COURSES
                                            Our partnership with St George’s University
                                            of Grenada School of Medicine offers                                                             Mass Communication and Business BA (Hons)
                                            various pathway routes to a Doctor                                                               Mass Communication (Completion Award)
                                            of Medicine (MD). Please visit the website                                                       BA (Hons)
                                            for further information.

                                                                                                                                             FOUNDATION YEARS
                                                                                                                                             Drama Foundation Year
                                                                                                                                             Film and Media Foundation Year
                                                                                                                                             Fine Art Foundation Year

62    Discover more                                                                                 Discover more                  63
Undergraduate courses 2023                                                              All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                        To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

Accounting BSc (Hons)                     Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)              Computer and Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)          3D Design BA (Hons)
Business and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons)   Business BA (Hons)                            Computer Networks and Cyber Security               Design for Industry BA (Hons)
                                                                                        BSc (Hons)
Business and Human Resource               Business and Finance BA (Hons)                                                                   Fashion BA (Hons)
Management BA (Hons)                                                                    Computer Science BSc (Hons)
                                          Business and International Management                                                            Fashion Communication BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing BA (Hons)          BA (Hons)                                     Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                                                           Fashion Design and Marketing BA (Hons)
                                                                                        BSc (Hons)
Business and Supply Chain Management      Business and Management BA (Hons)
                                                                                                                                           Graphic Design BA (Hons)
BA (Hons)                                                                               Computer Science with Games Development
                                          Business with Law BA (Hons)
                                                                                        BSc (Hons)                                         Interior Design BA (Hons)
Business Management BA (Hons)
                                          International Banking and Finance BA (Hons)
                                                                                        Computer Science with Web Development
Economics BSc (Hons)
                                          International Business Management BA (Hons)   BSc (Hons)                                         FOUNDATION YEARS
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
                                          International Hospitality and Tourism         Information Technology Management                  Design Foundation Year
Finance and Investment Management         Management BA (Hons)                          for Business BSc (Hons)
BSc (Hons)
                                          Logistics and Supply Chain Management
International Business Management         BA (Hons)                                     FOUNDATION YEARS
BSc (Hons)
                                          Marketing Management and Business             Computing and Information Technology
International Business Management         BA (Hons)                                     Foundation Year
with French BSc (Hons)
International Business Management         LONDON CAMPUS TOP-UP COURSES
with Spanish BSc (Hons)
                                          Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)
Marketing BA (Hons)
                                          Business BA (Hons)
Tourism and Events Management BA (Hons)
                                          Business Enterprise Creation
                                          and Management BA (Hons)
                                          International Banking and Finance BA (Hons)

                                          FOUNDATION YEARS
                                          Accounting, Finance and Economics
                                          Foundation Year
                                          Business and Management
                                          Foundation Year

64   Discover more                                                                                 Discover more            65
Undergraduate courses 2023                                                               All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                         To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

EDUCATION                                   GEOGRAPHY AND                                MECHANICAL AND                                     NURSING, MIDWIFERY AND HEALTH
                                            ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                       CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING
Primary Education BA (Hons)                                                                                                                 Midwifery Studies BSc (Hons)
                                            Environmental Science BSc (Hons)             Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
                                                                                                                                            Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Adult)
                                            Geography BA (Hons)                          Automotive Engineering MEng (Hons)                 BSc (Hons)
STUDIES AND MUSIC                           Geography BSc (Hons)                         Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)                      Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child)
                                                                                                                                            BSc (Hons)
American Studies BA (Hons)                  Physical Geography BSc (Hons)                Civil Engineering MEng (Hons)
                                                                                                                                            Nursing Science Registered Nurse
English Language and Literature BA (Hons)                                                Construction Engineering BSc (Hons)
                                                                                                                                            (Learning Disabilities) BSc (Hons)
                                            FOUNDATION YEARS
English Language Studies BA (Hons)                                                       Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
                                                                                                                                            Nursing Science Registered Nurse
                                            Geography and Environmental Sciences
English Literature BA (Hons)                                                             Mechanical Engineering MEng (Hons)                 (Mental Health) BSc (Hons)
                                            Foundation Year
English Literature and American Studies                                                                                                     Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons)
BA (Hons)                                                                                TOP-UP COURSES
                                            NORTHUMBRIA LAW SCHOOL                       Construction Engineering Management                TOP-UP/COMPLETION COURSES
English Literature and Creative Writing
BA (Hons)                                   Graduate Diploma in Law/Common               BSc (Hons)
                                                                                                                                            Nursing Science BSc (Hons)
                                            Professional Examination GDL/CPE
English Literature and History BA (Hons)
                                            Law LLB (Hons)                               FOUNDATION YEARS
History BA (Hons)                                                                                                                           FOUNDATION YEARS
                                            Mental Health Law and Practice Certificate   Mechanical and Civil Engineering
History and American Studies BA (Hons)                                                                                                      Health, Education and Social Care
                                                                                         Foundation Year
                                                                                                                                            Foundation Year
History and Politics BA (Hons)
                                            FOUNDATION YEARS
Music BA (Hons)
                                            Law Foundation Year

Humanities Foundation Year                  MATHEMATICS

Music Foundation Year                       Mathematics BSc (Hons)
                                            Mathematics MMath (Hons)

                                            FOUNDATION YEARS
                                            Maths, Physics and Electrical Engineering
                                            Foundation Year

66    Discover more                                                                                 Discover more              67
Undergraduate courses 2023                                                                   All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                             To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

PHYSICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING          PSYCHOLOGY                                       SOCIAL WORK AND
                                                                                             COMMUNITY WELLBEING
Electrical and Electronic Engineering       Psychology (with optional pathways
BEng (Hons)                                 in Business, Clinical, Experimental, Forensic    Childhood and Early Years Studies BA (Hons)
                                            or Health Psychology) BSc (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering                                                        Guidance and Counselling BA (Hons)
MEng (Hons)                                 Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)
                                                                                             Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)
Physics BSc (Hons)
                                                                                             Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
                                            FOUNDATION YEARS
Physics MPhys (Hons)
                                                                                             Social Work BSc (Hons)
                                            Psychology Foundation Year
Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons)
Physics with Astrophysics MPhys (Hons)
                                                                                             SPORT, EXERCISE AND REHABILITATION
                                            SOCIAL SCIENCES
TOP-UP COURSES                                                                               Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
                                            Criminology BSc (Hons)
Mobile Communications Engineering                                                            Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
                                            Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons)
BEng (Hons)                                                                                  Sport Coaching BSc (Hons)
                                            International Relations and Politics BA (Hons)
                                                                                             Sport, Exercise and Nutrition BSc (Hons)
FOUNDATION YEARS                            Professional Policing BSc (Hons)
                                                                                             Sport Management BSc (Hons)
Maths, Physics and Electrical Engineering   Sociology BSc (Hons)
Foundation Year
                                                                                             FOUNDATION YEARS
                                            FOUNDATION YEARS
                                                                                             Sport Foundation Year
                                            Social Science Foundation Year

68    Discover more                                                                                                                                 69
                                                                            All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                            To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

PRE - MASTER’S                         ARCHITECTURE AND                     BUSINESS                                           AMSTERDAM CAMPUS
                                       BUILT ENVIRONMENT
Business Graduate Certificate                                               Accounting and Finance MSc                         Business with Business Analytics MSc
                                       Architecture MArch
                                                                            Applied Economics MSc                              Business with International Management MSc
LONDON CAMPUS                          Interior Architecture PG Cert
                                                                            Business Analytics MSc                             Global Sustainable Business Management MSc
Business Graduate Certificate          Real Estate MSc
                                                                            Business and Management MSc
                                       Real Estate (International) MSc                                                         LONDON CAMPUS
                                                                            Business with Hospitality and Tourism
APPLIED SCIENCES                       Surveying (Building Surveying) MSc   Management MSc                                     Business with Business Analytics MSc

Biotechnology MSc                      Surveying (Quantity Surveying) MSc   Business with Human Resource                       Business with Entrepreneurship MSc
                                                                            Management MSc
Forensic Science MSc                   Surveying (Real Estate) MSc                                                             Business with Financial Management MSc
                                                                            Digital Marketing MSc
Microbiology MSc                                                                                                               Business with Hospitality and Tourism
                                                                            Doctor of Business Administration DBA              Management MSc
Nutritional Science MSc                ARTS
                                                                            Economics and Sustainability MSc                   Business with Human Resource
                                       Arts MRes                                                                               Management MSc
                                                                            Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                                       Conservation of Fine Art MA          Management MSc                                     Business with International Management MSc
                                       Creative and Cultural Industries     Finance MSc                                        Business with Marketing Management MSc
                                       Management MA
                                                                            Forensic Accounting MSc                            Digital Marketing MSc
                                       Master of Fine Art MFA
                                                                            Global Logistics, Operations and Supply            Global Logistics, Operations and Supply
                                       Preventive Conservation MA           Chain Management MSc                               Chain Management MSc
                                       Theatre and Performance MA           Human Resource Management                          Strategic Leadership MSc
                                                                            and Development MA
                                                                            International Business Management MSc
                                                                            International Finance and Investment MSc
                                                                            Marketing MSc
                                                                            Multidisciplinary Innovation MA/MSc

70   Discover more                                                                      Discover more                71
Postgraduate courses 2022                                                                All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                         To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

COMPUTER AND                               NORTHUMBRIA SCHOOL OF DESIGN                  ENGLISH, HISTORY                                   NORTHUMBRIA LAW SCHOOL
INFORMATION SCIENCES                                                                     AND CREATIVE WRITING
                                           Communication Design MA                                                                          Bar Course PGDip
Advanced Computer Science MSc                                                            Applied Linguistics for TESOL MA
                                           Design MA                                                                                        Bar Course LLM
Artificial Intelligence MSc                                                              Creative Writing MA
                                           Design MRes                                                                                      Bar Knowledge Course (Stage 1) 40 Credits
Computer Science MSc                                                                     English Language and Linguistics MA
                                           Design Doctorate                                                                                 Bar Skills Course (Stage 2) PGDip
Data Science MSc                                                                         English Literature MA
                                           Fashion Design MA                                                                                Data Protection Law and Information
Information Science (Data Analytics) MSc                                                 English Literature MRes                            Governance PG Cert /PG Dip/LLM
                                           Fashion Design (Menswear) MA
                                                                                         History MA                                         Graduate Diploma in Law/Common
                                           Fashion Design (Performancewear) MA
LONDON CAMPUS                                                                                                                               Professional Examination GDL/CPE
                                                                                         History MRes
                                           Fashion Design (Sustainable and Ethical) MA
Artificial Intelligence Technology MSc                                                                                                      Information Rights Law and Practice PG Cert
                                                                                         Publishing MA
                                           Fashion Design (Womenswear) MA
Big Data and Data Science Technology MSc                                                                                                    Law (Criminal Justice) LLM
                                           Multidisciplinary Innovation MA/MSc
Computer Science with Artificial                                                                                                            Law (Cyber Law) LLM
Intelligence MSc                                                                         GEOGRAPHY AND
                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                             Law (International Commercial Law) LLM
                                           AMSTERDAM CAMPUS
Computer Science with Data Analytics MSc
                                                                                         Disaster Management and Sustainable                Law (International Criminal Law and Practice)
                                           Luxury Brand Management MA
Computing and Technology MSc                                                             Development MSc                                    LLM
                                           Professional Design Doctorate
Cyber Security MSc                                                                       Environmental Monitoring, Modelling                Law (Space Law) LLM
Cyber Security Technology MSc                                                            and Reconstruction MSc                             Legal Practice (LPC) PGDip
                                           LONDON CAMPUS
Information Security Management MSc                                                                                                         Legal Practice LLM
                                           Luxury Brand Management MA
Professional Practice in Computing                                                                                                          Professional Legal Practice LLM
and IT MSc
                                                                                                                                            Professional Practice in Mental Health Law
Technology for Sustainable Cities MSc                                                                                                       PG Cert
Web and Mobile Development
Technologies MSc

72    Discover more                                                                                  Discover more                   73
Postgraduate courses 2022                                                                  All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                                           To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND               NURSING, MIDWIFERY AND HEALTH                       SOCIAL WORK, EDUCATION                             SPORT, EXERCISE
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING                                                                     AND COMMUNITY WELLBEING                            AND REHABILITATION
                                       Healthcare Management MSc
Electrical Power Engineering MSc                                                           Autism MA                                          Clinical Exercise Physiology MSc
                                       Healthcare Professional Practice MRes
Microelectronic and Communication                                                          Education MA                                       International Sport Management MSc
                                       Midwifery Studies MSc
Engineering MSc
                                                                                           Education (Leadership and Management) MA           Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc
                                       Nursing MSc
                                                                                           Education (SEND Inclusion) MA                      Sport, Exercise and Health Science MRes
                                       Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Adult) MSc
MECHANICAL AND                                                                             Education (Teaching and Learning) MA               Sport, Exercise and Nutrition MSc
CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING               Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child) MSc
                                                                                           Education Leadership in Learning                   Sport Performance and Analysis MSc
Construction Project Management        Nursing Science Registered Nurse
                                                                                           (Teach First) MA
with BIM MSc                           (Learning Disability) MSc                                                                              Strength and Conditioning MSc
                                                                                           Master of Public Health MPH
Engineering Management MSc             Nursing Science Registered Nurse
                                       (Mental Health) MSc                                 Master of Public Health (Nutrition) MPH
Mechanical Engineering MSc
                                                                                           Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) MSc
Project Management MSc
                                       PSYCHOLOGY                                          Primary Education PGCE
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Technologies MSc                       Health Psychology MSc                               Secondary Art, Craft and Design PGCE

                                       Occupational and Organisational                     School Direct PGCE
AMSTERDAM CAMPUS                       Psychology MSc                                      Social Work MA
Project Management MSc                 Psychology MSc
                                       Psychology MRes
                                       Sport and Exercise Psychology MSc
International Project Management MSc
Programme and Project Management MSc
                                       SOCIAL SCIENCES
                                       Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
                                       International Development MSc
                                       International Relations, Conflict and Security MA

74   Discover more                                                                                     Discover more             75
                                                                               All course information is correct at the time of printing.
                                                                               To ensure you have the most up-to-date information please visit our website.

APPRENTICESHIPS                                                                UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE
                                                                                                                                  POSTGRADUATE DEGREE
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                                                                               BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
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                                                                               BEng (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
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                                                                               BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
higher and degree apprenticeships       the form on the website to request     Police Constable
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                                        a call back.
between the workplace and flexible                                             Project Manager
                                                                               BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
university study.                       If you have a question relating
                                        to an apprenticeship programme         Registered Nurse (Adult)
                                                                               BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
                                        or you would like to talk further
                                                                               Registered Nurse (Child)
                                        about how apprenticeships at           BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship
                                        Northumbria University work,
                                        call 0191 215 6300.

                                                                               *also available without Degree Apprenticeship

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