Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College

Page created by Audrey Ayala
Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College
St Mary’s
              Catholic College

        Prospectus Supplement
               2021 - 22

Supplementary information for prospective parents and students
Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College
Contents Our Curriculum
                                 KEY STAGE 3 (YEARS 7 – 9)              ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS
THE CURRICULUM               2   The following subjects are taught at   All children, regardless of ability, are
                                 Key Stage 3:                           fully integrated at St Mary’s Catholic
Key Stages Three & Four      2
                                 • Art                                  College. We take careful
Additional Education Needs   2   • ICT/Computing                        consideration of their needs and,
                                 • Drama                                where appropriate, Student Centred
Physical Education           2   • Dance                                Profiles are drawn up for them. These
                                 • DT                                   plans are regularly monitored by
Key Stage Five               3   • Food                                 subject teachers, Form Tutors and
                                 • English                              SEND, with provision reviewed
POLICY STATEMENTS            4   • Geography                            throughout the year.
                                 • History
Admissions                   4   • Maths                                The College prides itself on its links
                                 • MFL                                  with Primary feeder schools to
                             6   • Music                                ensure a smooth transition for all
                                 • PE                                   children and especially those with
Behaviour Policy             6   • RE                                   additional educational needs.
                                 • Science
Charging Policy              6                                          The College also forges strong
                                 KEY STAGE 4 (YEARS 10 – 11)            parental links and parents have
Security                     6   All students follow courses leading    regular opportunities to participate in

                                                                                                                   Our Curriculum
                                 to GCSE qualifications in these        ensuring that each child can achieve
RHSE                         6   subjects:                              his or her full potential. For children
                                 • Religious Education                  with physical difficulties, links are
Religious Education          6   • Mathematics                          formed with many branches of the
                                 • English Language                     Local Health Authority together with       KEY STAGE 5 (YEARS 12 – 13)            All students follow the following      Curriculum Footnotes:
Examinations                 6   • English Literature                   the service for visually and               We consider our Sixth Formers at       courses:                               The notes above describe the
                                 • Science                              hearing-impaired students.                 SMCC to be the most influential        • General Religious Education          curriculum planned for the
Homework                     6
                                                                                                                   students at the College and all of     • Sports, community activities         Academic Year 2021 -22.
Arrangements for Students        Students also have a further choice    Physical Education                         them are given leadership                   and other enrichment activities
                             6   of subjects, leading to GCSE or        The PE Department delivers a broad
with Disabilities                                                                                                  responsibilities throughout their                                             Please note that the curriculum on
                                 equivalent.                            and balanced physical education            journey at SMCC. For example,          A Level (and equivalent) courses are   offer changes periodically and may
Complaints Procedure         6                                          programme. There are a wide variety        some of our Sixth Formers take up      available in the following subjects:   differ in some respects in future
                                 Qualifications:                        of clubs, practices and after-school       additional responsibilities in peer    • Art                                  years.
Smoking Policy               6   • Art                                  fixtures whose popularity points to        mentoring and in the House System.     • Biology
                                 • Business Studies                     the enthusiasm staff and students          Each year, we appoint a chair and      • Business Studies
Attendance Policy            7
                                 • Childcare                            have about competitive sport. In           vice chair of the Junior Leadership    • Childcare
Parental Letters             7   • Dance                                addition to traditional team games,        Team.                                  • Dance
                                 • DT Food                              students participate in athletics,                                                • English Combined
Education Social Welfare     7   • Engineering                          badminton, tennis, basketball, girls’      We understand that choosing            • English Literature
                                 • French                               soccer, gymnastics and dance.              post-16 education can be a daunting    • Forensic Science
Applications                 7   • Geography                                                                       prospect and so we do our utmost to    • Geography
                                 • Health & Social Care                 * In all year groups, students             provide the mixture of courses that    • German
GENERAL INFORMATION          8   • History                              participate in Core PE as part of the      best meets the needs of the            • Health & Social Care
                                 • ICT                                  College’s commitment to the                individual. Students can take a        • History
Uniform & Equipment          8   • Maths                                promotion of healthy lifestyles.           mixture of A Level and BTEC            • ICT
Transport to and from            • Music                                Students may also choose to study          qualifications in order to maximise    • Maths
                             9   • PE                                   this subject to BTEC level.                their opportunities for progression.   • Media
                                 • Performing Arts                                                                                                        • Music
                                 • Product Design                                                                  We expect most students to study       • PE
                                                                                                                   the time equivalent of 3 A Levels.     • Performing Arts
                                                                                                                   Students hoping to follow advanced     • Physics
                                                                                                                   courses need to have achieved 5 or     • Product Design
                                                                                                                   more GCSE passes at grades 4 - 9.      • Psychology
                                                                                                                   Our Parent Handbook is available on    • RE
                                                                                                                   our College website.                   • Sociology

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Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College
Policy Statements
ADMISSION POLICY SEPTEMBER 2022              Children from other Primary Schools         For ‘In Year’ applications received
St Mary’s Catholic College. A Voluntary      whose parents seek a Catholic               outside the normal admissions round,
Aided Academy, is an 11-18                   education.                                  and if places are available, then
Co-educational Catholic Secondary                                                        children qualifying under the
School under the trusteeship of the          Within each priority the Governors          published criteria will be admitted. If
Diocese of Shrewsbury. As a Catholic         will always give preference to Roman        there are places available, but more
Voluntary Aided Academy the Holy             Catholic children.                          applicants than places, then the
Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust                                                      published over-subscription criteria will
is the Admissions Authority and is           NOTES                                       be applied. ‘In Year’ and late
responsible for taking decisions on                                                      applications will be treated as per the
applications for admissions.                 Within each of the categories listed        admissions arrangements published
                                             above, the following provisions will be     by the Local Authority.
All decisions relating to admissions         applied in the following order.
applications to this school will be                                                      If an application for admission has
taken by the Governing Body of this          (i) The attendance of a sibling at the      been turned down by the Governing
school. The Catholic Faith and the           school at the time of enrolment will        Body, parents can appeal to an
Teachings of the Catholic Church             increase the priority of an                 Independent Appeals Panel. This
have an essential role in school life        application within each category so         appeal must be sent in writing to the
and influence every aspect of the            that the application will be placed at      Clerk to the Governors at the College
Curriculum. We expect all parents            the top of the category in which the        within 20 College days of refusal.
applying for a place here to respect         application is made after children in (1)   Parents must give reasons for
this ethos and its importance to the         above.                                      appealing in writing, and the decision
school community. This does not                                                          of the Appeals Panel is binding on the
affect the right of parents who are not      (ii) The children of staff will be given    Governing Body.
of the Faith of this school to apply for     increased priority within each
and be considered for a place here.          category so that the application will       Sixth Form Admission Policy
                                             be placed at the top of the category        2022/2023
The co-ordination of admissions is           in which the application is made after
undertaken by the Local Authority. For       children in (1) above.                      In addition to places available for
the school year commencing                                                               students already in the College, the
September 2019 the Governing Body                                                        Governing Body will make available a
has set its admissions number for Year                                                   further 30 places for external students.
7 at 210.                                    Tie Break                                   For both, entry to the Sixth Form is
                                                                                         subject to the Entry Qualification
Admissions to the school in Year 7           Priority will be given to children living   for individual courses of study, as
will be determined by the Governing          closest to the school determined by         published annually in the Sixth Form
Body, in accordance with its published       the shortest distance. Distance will        Prospectus. If more applications are
criteria. If the school is oversubscribed,   be measured using the shortest road         received from external candidates
places will be allocated according to        route, unless it is possible to use a       than the number specified then the
the following criteria given in priority     footpath which we consider a safe           criteria applied at Year 7 will be used
order.                                       walking route, from the seed point of       to determine admissions.
                                             the child’s home address to the
Children who are in the care of the          nearest pedestrian gate of the              NOTES
Local Authority (Children Looked After)      College, using the Local Authority’s
and previously Children Looked After.        computerised measuring system, with         All applicants will be considered at the
Baptised Catholic Children from our          those living closer to the College          same time, and after the closing date
partner Catholic Primary schools:            receiving the higher priority. In the       for admissions.
Ladymount, Our Lady of Pity, Sacred          event of distances being the same for       The Governing Body reserves the right
Heart, St Alban’s, St Joseph’s, SS Peter     two or more children where this would       to check on evidence of baptism into
& Paul, Holy Cross, St Joseph’s (Upton)      determine the last place to be              the Roman Catholic Church.
and St Paul’s; and our partner school        allocated, random allocation will be        (Roman) Catholic children: This means
Holy Spirit Catholic and Church of           carried out and supervised by a             children who are baptised Roman
England Primary. Baptised Catholic           person independent of the school. All       Catholics; Children who are under
children from other Primary Schools.         the names will be entered into a hat        instruction (having provided
Children from our partner Catholic           and the required number of names will       satisfactory confirmation of this).
Primary schools: Ladymount, Our Lady         be drawn out.                               Sibling is defined as: A brother or
of Pity, Sacred Heart, St Alban’s, St                                                    sister by the same parents; A half or
Joseph’s, SS Peter & Paul, Holy Cross,       If the school is named in a Statement       step-brother or sister living in the same
St Joseph’s (Upton) and St Paul’s; and       of Special Educational Needs or             household; Children under the
our partner school Holy Spirit Catholic      Education Health and Care Plan the          guardianship of either parent, and
and Church of England Primary.               Governing Body will admit the child to      living in the same household; An
                                             the College.                                adopted brother or sister.

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College Polices & Other Documentation
                                                                                                                            Attendance Policy
                                                                                                                            The College’s attendance rates are
                                                                                                                            very high. Parents should note that
                                                                                                                            we take all possible measures to
                                                                                                                            encourage full attendance, as
Behaviour Policy                         Policies covering the following areas    Students may also gain additional
                                                                                                                            students who are absent are
Our Code of Conduct is published         maybe of interest:                       qualifications at GCSE level. Courses
                                                                                                                            inevitably being held back in their
annually on our website. Parents are     • Attendance Guidance                    are available at Foundation,
requested to read it carefully and to    • Behaviour                              Intermediate and Advanced Level
remind children to value their rights    • Pastoral Care and Safeguarding         covering a wide range of curriculum
                                                                                                                            Following absence, a student must
and responsibilities.                    • Health, Safety, Security and the       areas. Please see our Parent
                                                                                                                            bring in a note of explanation in the
                                             Environment                          Handbook for further details. Most
                                                                                                                            Student Planner. The law states that
Charging Policy                          • Education in Personal                  students have the opportunity to
                                                                                                                            College alone may authorise an
Students should not be required to           Relationships                        study the subjects which contribute
pay for any material, books,             • RHSE                                   to the ‘English Baccalaureate’.
instruments or other equipment for       • SEND Education Needs
                                                                                                                            Notes on Attendance
use in connection with lessons           • Equal Opportunities and                Homework
                                                                                                                            Students may not be absent from
provided during College hours, but           Racial Equality                      Students will receive homework
                                                                                                                            College without permission and no
the College may charge for, or           • Collective Worship                     regularly day. This homework
                                                                                                                            one may leave College early on any
require the supply of, ingredients or    • Privacy Notice and Data                will be made known to parents via
                                                                                                                            day without prior authorisation. It
materials for practical subjects             Protection                           the Student Planner and Units of
                                                                                                                            is important that parents seeking
where parents have indicated in          • Child Protection Guidance              Work which outline the homework
                                                                                                                            permission for Leave of Absence            Parental Letters                        Education Social Welfare
advance a wish to own the finished                                                set.
                                                                                                                            should write rather than telephone         A note must be brought by every         The Education Social Welfare
product.                                 RHSE
                                                                                                                            and that their letter should arrive at     student:
                                         Relationship, Sex and Health             Arrangements for students with
                                                                                                                            least three days before the day            a) returning after illness              Officer for the College can be
Charges are made to cover the            Education is delivered parallel to our   disabilities
                                                                                                                            concerned. Visits to the doctor or         b) requiring leave of absence           contacted via
costs of board and lodging on            PSHE Programme (Personal, Social         All necessary considerations are
                                                                                                                            dentist should be made outside                 (see below)
residential trips.                       and Health Education). All aspects of    taken to prevent students with
                                                                                                                            school hours, except in an                 c) requesting to be excused PE for      This service is concerned with
                                         the programme are informed               disabilities being treated less
                                                                                                                            emergency.                                      medical reasons                    school attendance and may be able
No charge shall be made for entry        by the teachings of the Catholic         favourably during Admissions
                                                                                                                                                                       d) unable to follow the regulations     to assist with other matters which
fees for prescribed public               Church. Our aim is to ensure that        procedures.
                                                                                                                            Drinks Policy                                   for uniform                        affect the welfare of students.
examinations for which registered        students have the knowledge “that
                                                                                                                            We encourage children to lead              e) arriving late either in the
students have been prepared at           will enable them to make informed        Ramps are provided to allow access
                                                                                                                            healthy life-styles. We strongly                morning or afternoon               Examination Results
College providing the Headteacher        decisions about their wellbeing,         to ground floor areas and toilet
                                                                                                                            recommend that students drink              f) failing to complete homework.        A full list of exam results are
recommends entry. Students are           health and relationships.” (DFE          facilities are available for students
                                                                                                                            water throughout the day.                                                          available on our college website.
entered for a variety of external        Statutory Guidance). Parents/            with physical disabilities. There
                                                                                                                                                                       A student who has received    
examinations and tests,according to      carers who do not wish their children    remain areas of the College which
                                                                                                                            Fizzy drinks and energy drinks such        permission to leave College during
their abilities, including               to receive particular strands of the     present difficulties for wheelchair
                                                                                                                            as Lucozade, Powerade etc are not          school hours must sign out at           Holidays should not be taken
qualifications in GCSE, BTEC and         RSHE programme are invited to write      users to access. Lifts are installed in
                                                                                                                            allowed. High-caffeine drinks              Reception.                              during term time, as these absences
A Level. Provided that coursework        to the Headteacher.                      the main block. The College
                                                                                                                            including Red Bull, Monster etc are                                                impede students’ progress.
is completed where required, work                                                 complies with the Disability
                                                                                                                            not permitted. If they are brought         Equally, students arriving at College   Following amendments to national
is up to date and intermediate tests     Religious Education                      Discrimination Act.
                                                                                                                            into school they will be confiscated       after the start of the school day       regulations, Headteachers may not
or examinations are satisfactorily       Religious Education is taught
                                                                                                                            and disposed of.                           (08:35) must sign in at Reception.      grant any leave of absence during
completed, these entries are made        throughout the College. Parents who      Complaints Procedure
                                                                                                                                                                                                               term time unless there are
without cost to students.                do not wish their children to receive    All complaints, whether by a staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                               exceptional circumstances. Please
                                         Religious Education are invited to       member, a parent or guardian,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               see our Attendance Policy for
Security                                 write to the Headteacher.                or generally by a member of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               further details.
We make all reasonable attempts to                                                public, must always be addressed
ensure the security of all members       Examinations                             in writing in the first instance to the
of the College community and             All students in Years 11-13 attempt      Headteacher in accordance with the
members of the public on the             public examinations (including GCSE      Governors’ Policy.
premises. All visitors sign in at our    and BTEC). A range of other
Reception and are required to wear       accreditation is also available to       Smoking Policy
a visitor’s badge from this point on.    students.                                The College Campus is a no
                                                                                                                                                                Number of students, applications and places offered
The College campus is monitored by                                                smoking area. Vaping is also
CCTV throughout the building.            Students in the Sixth Form have the      prohibited.                               Key Stage 4 Footnotes                            Students on Roll 2021 - 22            Applications and places offered
                                         opportunity to follow A Level, BTEC                                                On roll in May 2019, having reached the                                                Number of places offered for Year 7,
Full copies of College policies, Units   and other courses.                                                                                                                   Year 7             187
                                                                                                                            age of 15 in the 12 months preceding                                                   September 2021 - 210
of Work, and our Ofsted Report are                                                                                          the start of the 2020 -21 academic year.          Year 8            203
available upon request or can be                                                                                                                                              Year 9             153               Number of 1st preference
viewed on our College website                                                                                               Key Stage 4 Footnotes                                                                  applications received for Year 7,
                                                                                                                            On roll in May 2019, having reached 16,           Year 10            179                                                                                                                                                                                            September 2021. 131
                                                                                                                            17 or 18 in the 12 months preceding the           Year 11            174
                                                                                                                            start of the 2020 - 21 academic year.
                                                                                                                                                                              Year 12            91
                                                                                                                                                                              Year 13            82
6                                         Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22                                                                                               Prospectus
                                                                                                                                                                             Total Supplement1069
                                                                                                                                                                                               2021 - 22                                               7
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General Information
                                                                                                                              Hair and Make-up
                                                                                                                              Students are expected to wear hair
                                                                                                                              in a neat and acceptable style. Hair
                                                                                                                              must be of one colour, natural in
                                                                                                                              appearance. Hair styles (including
Timing of the College Day                 It is the policy of College that           Tracksuit tops or hooded sweatshirt
                                                                                                                              shaved heads) judged to be extreme
                                          uniform should be worn by all              tops are not allowed to be worn
  8.35am     9.30am        Period 1                                                                                           by the Headteacher are not
                                          students and students in our Sixth         whilst students travel to or from the
  9.30am     10.25am       Period 2                                                                                           permitted. Hair should be worn off
                                          Form.                                      College.
                                                                                                                              the face. Make-up, including
  10.25am    10.45am        Break         This is because personal
                                                                                                                              coloured nail varnish, lip gloss and
  10.45am    11.40am       Period 3       presentation is important in the           Optional Main Uniform
                                                                                                                              fake tan, is not to be worn. False
  11.40am    1.00pm    Lunch & P&A Time   world of work and we want to make          Embroidered student initials in white
                                                                                                                              nails or other such beauty
    1.00pm   1.55pm        Period 4       sure that our students develop a           on PE items/bag
                                                                                                                              accessories are not acceptable.
    1.55pm   2.50pm        Period 5
                                          sense of pride in their appearance.
                                          We would advise that all items of          Compulsory PE Kit List (new 2021)
                                                                                                                              Hair fashion accessories including
College Dates 2021 - 22                   clothing are clearly marked with           • Aptus Essentials 1/4 Zip Training
                                                                                                                              ‘Holiday Braids’ are not permitted.
Autumn Term:                              your child’s name.                            Top
                                                                                                                              ‘Bobbles’ not ‘scrunchies’ are to be
College re-opens on                       Compulsory Main Uniform                    • Aptus Essentials Polo Shirt
                                                                                                                              used when tying hair back. Hair
Friday 3rd September 2021                 • Blazer – Navy blazer with SMCC           • Aptus Essentials Training Shorts
                                                                                                                              bands are permissible but should be
                                                badge (Please note that the          • Contrast sports socks and plain
                                                                                                                              navy blue or black in colour.             Should you need to contact your               The Headteacher reserves the right
Autumn Half Term:                               colour of the lettering on the          white ankle socks
                                                                                                                                                                        child in an emergency, please use             to make the final decision on what is
Close on Friday 22nd October 2021               badge is different for each year     • Predominantly white or black
Open on Monday 1st November 2021                                                                                              Jewellery                                 the main College number                       or what is not appropriate.
                                                group).                                 sports trainers
                                                                                                                              Apart from watches, jewellery             0151 639 7531
                                          • Jumper – Navy, with SMCC                 • Football boots for football and
Christmas Holiday:                                                                                                            (including studs, rings, earrings or
                                                badge (a sleeveless version is          rugby lessons
                                                                                                                              any other body/facial piercings) is       Do not seek to contact your child in
Close on Friday 17th December 2021              also available); please note that    • Shin pads for football lessons
                                                                                                                              not to be worn. This is because of        school directly as your child’s phone
                                                a College jumper is compulsory
                                                                                                                              the potential risk of accidental          should be switched off as they enter
Spring Term:                                    from the beginning of 		             Optional PE Kit List
College re-opens on                                                                                                           damage from the wearing of such           the premises in the morning.
                                                September onwards.                   • Aptus Essentials SMCC leggings
Tuesday 4th January 2022                                                                                                      items and they will be
                                          • Shirt – Light blue (short or             • Aptus Essentials SMCC training

Spring Half Term:
                                          • long-sleeved)                               pants
                                                                                                                              confiscated. The College does not
                                                                                                                              take any responsibility for the loss of
                                                                                                                                                                        Transport to and from the College
                                          • Blouse – Light blue open neck            • Separate bag for PE kit (SMCC
Close on Thursday 17th February 2022                                                                                          or damage to personal possessions         Free transport by bus is available to those students eligible under
                                                ‘revere collar’ blouse                  College Bag)
Open on Monday 28th February 2022                                                                                             brought on to site. Large amounts of      Local Authority Regulations. For other students, passes may be purchased
                                          • Tie – SMCC clip on tie                   • Gum shield
                                                                                                                              money or items of value                   on a weekly or monthly payment schedule or in a one-off payment for the
                                          • Skirt Checked skirt SMCC
Spring Break:                                                                                                                 (including personal electronic            whole year and can be brought from the operators, Mersey Travel. Routes
                                                checked knee length skirt or         When PE kit is brought into school, it
Close on Friday 8th April 2022                                                                                                equipment [such as iWatches,              are reviewed annually.
                                                the option to wear black school      must be carried in a school bag.
                                                                                                                              iPods, iPads or other similar devices
                                                trousers. Skirt must be worn to
Summer Term:                                                                                                                  etc], electronic games or jewellery)      Those published here are for guidance only.
                                                knee length and not rolled up at
College re-opens on                                                                                                           should not be brought into the
                                                the waist.                             All items of uniform are available
Monday 25thApril 2022                                                                                                         College. Such items will be
                                          • Trousers – black                                          from:                                                             Routes to SMCC                                Routes from SMCC
                                                                                                                              confiscated by staff (and can be
                                          • Socks - black
Summer Half Term:                                                                                                             obtained by parents from
                                          • Tights & Socks – Navy or black
Close Friday 27th May 2022                                                                                                    Reception).                               Route 655                                     Route 655
                                                plain tights (not patterned).
Open Monday 6th June 2022                       Knee-length or mid-length plain                                                                                         1 Gayton Barnston Road Brimstage Road 07.35   1 St Mary’s College 14.57
                                                                                                                              Mobile Phones
                                                navy socks. (Navy ankle socks                                                                                           2 Irby Village 07.53                          2 Upton Village Arrowe Park Road 15.22
Summer Holiday:                                                                                                               We advise that students do not bring
                                                may be worn as part of the 		         Wirral Uniform Centre, Birkenhead                                                 3 Greasby Well Lane 08.01                     3 Greasby Well Lane 15.29
Close on Friday 15th July 2022                                                                                                mobile phones into the College.
                                                summer uniform.)                                 Town Centre
                                                                                                                              However, we do recognise                  4 Upton Village Arrowe Park Road 08.09        4 Irby Village Thingwall Road 15.37
                                          • Shoes – plain black – without       
Open Days & Evenings                                                                                                          that some parents may wish their          5 St Mary’s College 8.25                      5 Gayton Barnston Road Brimstage Road 15.55
                                                logos or accessories
Please see the back cover for                                                                                                 child to have a mobile phone with
                                          • (Please note that black training                                                                                            Route 656                                     Route 656
opportunities for prospective parents                                                                                         them as they travel to and from
                                                shoes, or shoes designed to                                                                                             1 Hoylake Kings Gap 07.52                     1 St Mary’s College 14.57
and students to visit the College.                                                                                            SMCC. Any mobile phones brought
                                                look like training shoes including
                                                                                                                              in should be switched off as they         2 Moreton Cross 08.08                         2 Leasowe Station 15.06
                                                ‘hybrids’, pumps, fabric shoes
Uniform & Equipment                                                                                                           enter the school premises and put         3 Leasowe Station 08.16                       3 Moreton Cross 15.14
                                                are NOT acceptable. Please also
The College has its own uniform                                                                                               away until they have left the
                                                note bows, flowers or tags are       The Other Uniform Store, Brimstage                                                 4 St Mary’s College 08.25                     4 Hoylake Kings Gap 15.28
and PE kit which has been selected                                                                                            premises. We do not take any
                                                not acceptable).                                                                        Route 658                                     Route 658
so that students will feel part of the                                                                                        responsibility for loss of or damage
                                          • College Bag – SMCC bag is                                                                                                   1 Saughall Massie Kingfisher Way 07.42        1 St Mary’s College 14.57
College community. Items of                                                                                                   to mobile phones.
                                                compulsory for Year 7-11
clothing have been chosen carefully                                                                                           Inappropriate use of phones in            2 Beechwood First Avenue 07.51                2 Birkenhead Park Merseyrail Station 15.07
                                                students. Pupils should have a
so that they are not unduly                                                                                                   school will result in confiscation        3 Hurrell Road 08.03                          3 Hurrell Road 15.13
                                                school bag personalised with
expensive, but are smart.                                                                                                     without notice (a receipt will be
                                                their initials (not full name).             Wallasey Schoolwear                                                         4 Birkenhead Park Merseyrail Station 08.11    4 Beechwood First Avenue 15.21
                                                                                                                              issued and phones may
                                                During cold or inclement                                                         5 St Mary’s College 08.25                     5 Saughall Massie Kingfisher Way 15.27
                                                                                                                              subsequently be collected by
                                                weather students are advised to
                                                                                                                              parents/carers from Reception).
                                                wear a suitable coat for school.

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Open Evening
The College will host its annual Open Evening on Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 6.00pm

College Address
St Mary’s Catholic College, Wallasey Village, Wallasey, Wirral, CH45 3LN

Telephone: 0151 639 7531
General Email:

Follow Us

Mr Peadar McLouglin BSc (Hons)
Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College Prospectus Supplement 2021 - 22 - St Mary's Catholic College - St Mary's Catholic College
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