Progressive Duplicate Detection - Yadlapalli Teja Sri, Miss G.Keerthana Sri.V.Bhaskara Murthy

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Progressive Duplicate Detection - Yadlapalli Teja Sri, Miss G.Keerthana Sri.V.Bhaskara Murthy
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                                 Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

                                   Progressive Duplicate Detection
                     Yadlapalli Teja Sri, Miss G.Keerthana Sri.V.Bhaskara Murthy
                               MCA Student, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
                                                  Dept Of MCA
                                        B.V.Raju College, Bhimavaram

        ABSTRACT Duplicate detection is the process          data. It allows users to analyze data from many
        of identifying multiple representations of same      different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and
        real world entities. Today, duplicate detection      summarize        the    relationships  identified.
        methods need to process ever larger datasets in      Technically, data mining is the process of
        ever shorter time: maintaining the quality of a      finding correlations or patterns among dozens of
        dataset becomes increasingly difficult. We           fields in large relational databases.
        present two novel, progressive duplicate
        detection algorithms that significantly increase     How Data Mining Works?
        the efficiency of finding duplicates if the
        execution time is limited: They maximize the         While large-scale information technology has
        gain of the overall process within the time          been evolving separate transaction and analytical
        available by reporting most results much earlier     systems, data mining provides the link between
        than traditional approaches. Comprehensive           the two. Data mining software analyzes
        experiments show that our progressive                relationships and patterns in stored transaction
        algorithms can double the efficiency over time       data based on open-ended user queries. Several
        of traditional duplicate detection and               types of analytical software are available:
        significantly improve upon related work.             statistical, machine learning, and neural
                                                             networks. Generally, any of four types of
            I.      INTRODUCTION                             relationships are sought:
            What is Data Mining?
                                                                    Classes: Stored data is used to locate
                                                                     data in predetermined groups. For
                                                                     example, a restaurant chain could mine
                                                                     customer purchase data to determine
                                                                     when customers visit and what they
                                                                     typically order. This information could
                                                                     be used to increase traffic by having
                                                                     daily specials.
        Structure of Data Mining
                                                                    Clusters: Data items are grouped
        Generally, data mining (sometimes called data                according to logical relationships or
        or knowledge discovery) is the process of                    consumer preferences. For example,
        analyzing data from different perspectives and               data can be mined to identify market
        summarizing it into useful information -                     segments or consumer affinities.
        information that can be used to increase revenue,
        cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one            Associations: Data can be mined to
        of a number of analytical tools for analyzing                identify associations. The beer-diaper                                                                                       Page 1483
Progressive Duplicate Detection - Yadlapalli Teja Sri, Miss G.Keerthana Sri.V.Bhaskara Murthy
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                                 Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

                example is an example of associative                 Classification and Regression Trees
                mining.                                              (CART) and Chi Square Automatic
                                                                     Interaction Detection (CHAID). CART
               Sequential patterns: Data is mined to                and CHAID are decision tree techniques
                anticipate behavior patterns and trends.             used for classification of a dataset. They
                For example, an outdoor equipment                    provide a set of rules that you can apply
                retailer could predict the likelihood of a           to a new (unclassified) dataset to predict
                backpack being purchased based on a                  which records will have a given
                consumer's purchase of sleeping bags                 outcome. CART segments a dataset by
                and hiking shoes.                                    creating 2-way splits while CHAID
                                                                     segments using chi square tests to create
        Data mining consists of five major elements:                 multi-way splits. CART typically
                                                                     requires less data preparation than
                1) Extract, transform, and load                      CHAID.
                   transaction data onto the data
                   warehouse system.                                Nearest neighbor method: A technique
                2) Store and manage the data in a                    that classifies each record in a dataset
                   multidimensional database system.                 based on a combination of the classes of
                3) Provide data access to business                   the k record(s) most similar to it in a
                   analysts and information technology               historical      dataset    (where k=1).
                   professionals.                                    Sometimes called the k-nearest neighbor
                4) Analyze the data by application                   technique.
                5) Present the data in a useful format,             Rule induction: The extraction of useful
                   such as a graph or table.                         if-then rules from data based on
                                                                     statistical significance.
        Different levels of analysis are available:
                                                                    Data     visualization:      The      visual
               Artificial neural networks: Non-linear               interpretation of complex relationships
                predictive models that learn through                 in multidimensional data. Graphics tools
                training and resemble biological neural              are used to illustrate data relationships.
                networks in structure.
                                                             Characteristics of Data Mining:
               Genetic     algorithms:     Optimization
                techniques that use process such as                 Large quantities of data: The volume of
                genetic combination, mutation, and                   data so great it has to be analyzed by
                natural selection in a design based on               automated techniques e.g. satellite
                the concepts of natural evolution.                   information, credit card transactions etc.
                                                                    Noisy, incomplete data: Imprecise data
               Decision trees: Tree-shaped structures               is the characteristic of all data
                that represent sets of decisions. These              collection.
                decisions generate rules for the                    Complex data structure: conventional
                classification of a dataset. Specific                statistical analysis not possible
                decision      tree  methods      include                                                                                         Page 1484
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                                   Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

                Heterogeneous data stored in legacy           will have appropriate approach to sell profitable
                 systems                                       products to targeted customers.

        Benefits of Data Mining:                                   Data mining brings a lot of benefits to retail
                                                               companies in the same way as marketing.
        1) It’s one of the most effective services that        Through market basket analysis, a store can
             are available today. With the help of data        have an appropriate production arrangement in a
             mining, one can discover precious                 way that customers can buy frequent buying
             information about the customers and their         products together with pleasant. In addition, it
             behavior for a specific set of products and       also helps the retail companies offer certain
             evaluate and analyze, store, mine and load        discounts for particular products that will attract
             data related to them                              more customers.
        2)   An analytical CRM model and strategic
             business related decisions can be made with           2. Finance / Banking
             the help of data mining as it helps in
             providing a complete synopsis of customers             Data mining gives financial institutions
        3)   An endless number of organizations have           information about loan information and credit
             installed data mining projects and it has         reporting. By building a model from historical
             helped them see their own companies make          customer’s data, the bank and financial
             an unprecedented improvement in their             institution can determine good and bad loans. In
             marketing strategies (Campaigns)                  addition, data mining helps banks detect
        4)   Data mining is generally used by                  fraudulent credit card transactions to protect
             organizations with a solid customer focus.        credit card’s owner.
             For its flexible nature as far as applicability
             is concerned is being used vehemently in              3. Manufacturing
             applications to foresee crucial data including
             industry analysis and consumer buying                 By applying data mining in operational
             behaviors                                         engineering data, manufacturers can detect
        5)   Fast paced and prompt access to data along        faulty equipments and determine optimal control
             with economic processing techniques have          parameters. For example semi-conductor
             made data mining one of the most suitable         manufacturers has a challenge that even the
             services that a company seek                      conditions of manufacturing environments at
                                                               different wafer production plants are similar, the
                                                               quality of wafer are lot the same and some for
        Advantages of Data Mining:                             unknown reasons even has defects. Data mining
                                                               has been applying to determine the ranges of
             1. Marketing / Retail:                            control parameters that lead to the production of
                                                               golden wafer. Then those optimal control
        Data mining helps marketing companies build            parameters are used to manufacture wafers with
        models based on historical data to predict who         desired quality.
        will respond to the new marketing campaigns
        such as direct mail, online marketing
        campaign…etc. Through the results, marketers                                                                                          Page 1485
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                              Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

            4. Governments                                     A user has only limited, maybe
                                                                unknown time for data cleansing and
            Data mining helps government agency by              wants to make best possible use of it.
       digging and analyzing records of financial               Then, simply start the algorithm and
       transaction to build patterns that can detect            terminate it when needed. The result
       money laundering or criminal activities.                 size will be maximized.
                                                               A user has little knowledge about the
            5. Law enforcement:                                 given data but still needs to configure
                                                                the cleansing process.
             Data mining can aid law enforcers in              A user needs to do the cleaning
          identifying criminal suspects as well as              interactively to, for instance, find good
          apprehending these criminals by examining             sorting keys by trial and error. Then, run
          trends in location, crime type, habit, and other      the progressive algorithm repeatedly;
          patterns of behaviors.                                each run quickly reports possibly large
            6. Researchers:                                    All presented hints produce static orders
                                                                for the comparisons and miss the
             Data mining can assist researchers by              opportunity to dynamically adjust the
          speeding up their data analyzing process; thus,       comparison order at runtime based on
          allowing those more time to work on other             intermediate results.
            II.      EXISTING SYSTEM
             Much research on duplicate detection,           III.     PROPOSED SYSTEM
                also known as entity resolution and by         In this work, however, we focus on
                many other names, focuses on                       progressive algorithms, which try to
                pairselection algorithms that try to               report most matches early on, while
                maximize recall on the one hand and                possibly slightly increasing their overall
                efficiency on the other hand. The most             runtime. To achieve this, they need to
                prominent algorithms in this area are              estimate the similarity of all comparison
                Blocking and the sorted neighborhood               candidates in order to compare most
                method (SNM).                                      promising record pairs first.
             Xiao et al. proposed a top-k similarity          We propose two novel, progressive
                join that uses a special index structure to        duplicate detection algorithms namely
                estimate       promising       comparison          progressive sorted neighborhood method
                candidates. This approach progressively            (PSNM), which performs best on small
                resolves duplicates and also eases the             and almost clean datasets, and
                parameterization problem.                          progressive blocking (PB), which
             Pay-As-You-Go Entity Resolution by                   performs best on large and very dirty
                Whang et al. introduced three kinds of             datasets. Both enhance the efficiency of
                progressive       duplicate       detection        duplicate detection even on very large
                techniques, called “hints”                         datasets.
        DISADVANTAGES OF EXISTING SYSTEM:                      We propose two dynamic progressive
                                                                   duplicate detection algorithms, PSNM
                                                                   and PB, which expose different                                                                                     Page 1486
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                              Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

              strengths and outperform current
             We introduce a concurrent progressive
              approach for the multi-pass method and
              adapt an incremental transitive closure
              algorithm that together forms the first
              complete progressive duplicate detection
             We define a novel quality measure for
              progressive duplicate detection to
              objectively rank the performance of
              different approaches.                           V.      IMPLEMENTATION
             We exhaustively evaluate on several         MODULES:
              real-world datasets testing our own and
              previous algorithms                                 Dataset Collection
                                                                  Preprocessing Method
                                                                  Data Separation
                                                                  Duplicate Detection
                                                                  Quality Measures
             Improved early quality
             Same eventual quality
             Our algorithms PSNM and PB                  MODULES DESCSRIPTION:
              dynamically adjust their behavior by
              automatically      choosing       optimal   Dataset Collection:
              parameters, e.g., window sizes, block
              sizes, and sorting keys, rendering their    To collect and/or retrieve data about activities,
              manual specification superfluous. In this   results, context and other factors. It is important
              way, we significantly ease the              to consider the type of information it want to
              parameterization       complexity     for   gather from your participants and the ways you
              duplicate detection in general and          will analyze that information. The data set
              contribute to the development of more       corresponds to the contents of a single database
              user interactive applications.              table, or a single statistical data matrix, where
                                                          every column of the table represents a particular
                                                          variable. after collecting the data to store the

                                                          Preprocessing Method:

                                                          Data Preprocessing or Data cleaning, Data is
                                                          cleansed through processes such as filling in
                                                          missing values, smoothing the noisy data, or
                                                          resolving the inconsistencies in the data. And
                                                          also used to removing the unwanted data.                                                                                     Page 1487
Journal of Engineering Sciences                                                 Vol 13 Issue 07,2022, ISSN:0377-9254

        Commonly used as a preliminary data mining           that achieve uniformity of a product in order to
        practice, data preprocessing transforms the data     satisfy specific customer or user requirements.
        into a format that will be more easily and
        effectively processed for the purpose of the user.       VI.     CONCLUSION

        Data Separation:                                     This paper introduced the progressive sorted
                                                             neighborhood method and progressive blocking.
        After completing the preprocessing, the data         Both algorithms increase the efficiency of
        separation to be performed. The blocking             duplicate detection for situations with limited
        algorithms assign each record to a fixed group of    execution time; they dynamically change the
        similar               records                (the    ranking ofcomparison candidates based on
        blocks) and then compare all pairs of records        intermediate results to execute promising
        within                                      these    comparisons first and less promising
        groups. Each block within the block comparison       comparisons      later.   To     determine      the
        matrix represents the comparisons of all records     performance gain of our algorithms, we
        in one block with all records in another block,      proposed a novel quality measure for
        the equidistant blocking, all blocks have the        progressiveness that integrates seamlessly with
        same size.                                           existing measures. Using this measure,
                                                             experiments showed that our approaches
        Duplicate Detection:                                 outperform the traditional SNM by up to 100
        The duplicate detection rules set by the             percent and related work by up to 30 percent
        administrator, the system alerts the user about      For the construction of a fully progressive
                                                             duplicate detection workflow, we proposed a
        potential duplicates when the user tries to create
                                                             progressive sorting method, Magpie, a
        new records or update existing records. To
        maintain data quality, you can schedule a            progressive multi-pass execution model,
        duplicate detection job to check for duplicates      Attribute Concurrency, and an incremental
        for all records that match a certain criteria. You   transitive closure algorithm. The adaptations
                                                             AC-PSNM and AC-PB use multiple sort keys
        can clean the data by deleting, deactivating, or
                                                             concurrently to interleave their progressive
        merging the duplicates reported by a duplicate
        detection.                                           iterations. By analyzing intermediate results,
                                                             both approaches dynamically rank the different
        Quality Measures:                                    sort keys at runtime, drastically easing the key
                                                             selection problem. In future work, we want to
        The quality of these systems is, hence, measured     combine our progressive approaches with
        using a cost-benefit calculation. Especially for     scalable approaches for duplicate detection to
        traditional duplicate detection processes, it is     deliver results even faster. In particular, Kolb et
        difficult to meet a budget limitation, because       al. introduced a two phase parallel SNM [21],
        their runtime is hard to predict. By delivering      which executesa traditional SNM on balanced,
        as many duplicates as possible in a given            overlapping partitions. Here, we can instead use
        amount of time, progressive processes optimize       our PSNM to progressively find duplicates in
        the cost-benefit ratio. In manufacturing,            parallel.
        a measure of excellence or a state of
        being free from defects, deficiencies and signific
        ant variations. It is brought about by strict
        and consistent commitment to certain standards                                                                                        Page 1488
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