Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council

Page created by Julie Austin
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
          Program Planning

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Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
About the Greater Alabama Council
The Greater Alabama Council serves the youth of North and Central Alabama. Serving the counties of Blount, Calhoun,
 Cherokee, Cleburne, Cullman, DeKalb, Etowah, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madi-
                         son, Marshall, Morgan, Randolph, St. Clair, Shelby, and Talladega.

                     Greater Alabama Council Service Centers
         Charles T. Clayton Scout Service Center                           Goodloe Scout Center
                  516 Liberty Parkway                                     2211 Drake Avenue SW
                 Birmingham, AL 35242                                      Huntsville, AL 35805
                      205-970-0251                                            256-883-7071
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Position Specific Training for Unit Volunteers
         Are you the Cubmaster? Den Leader?
            Scoutmaster? Committee Chair?
       Or in any leadership position in your unit?

  Every Scout deserves a trained leader, & every leader
                deserves to be trained!

        Find training for your position online at
 or attend a classroom training provided by one of our
  Districts. visit

Planning on going camping?
       - Complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation – BALOO (Cub Scout Leaders)
       - Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills IOLS (Scouts BSA & Venture Leaders).

These trainings are required to take kids camping, so don’t procrastinate! Learn everything you need to know to keep
Scouts safe and having fun in the outdoors. Dates for these trainings are found in the calendar or at

                     Scout Days!                                    Website & Digital Eagle eNewsletter
Scout Days are unique opportunities for Scouts and their     Stay up to date on the latest happenings within Scouting
families to attend exciting events and experiences with      and the Greater Alabama Council by signing up to receive
other Scouting families. Through partnerships with var-      our monthly eNewsletter - The Digital Eagle.
ious local and national organizations, Scouts can attend
events at a discounted price of admission and a portion of   Sign-up for other distribution lists like Summer Camp,
the proceed supports the Scouting movement.                  Cub-chatter, Popcorn sale, Exploring and your District.
                                                             eNewsletter sign-up can be found on the homepage of
Scout Days include: sporting events, car racing, muse-       our website.
ums, zoos, theme parks and more. Often these tickets in-
clude extra experiences, such as on-field flag ceremonies    Our website is a great location to get in-
or a special patch.                                          formation on Council & District programs and offerings.
                                                             Don’t hesitate to contact us if you ever need anything! We
Our partners typically include the University of Ala-        are hear to help!
bama, The Birmingham Legion, Auburn University, Bir-
mingham Barons, UAB, Memphis Grizzlies, The Atlanta
Braves, the Rocket City Trash Pandas, and more!                   
                                                                         Office: 205-970-0251
Scout Days are advertised in the Digital Eagle Newsletter
        and can also be found on our website at

                                - 205-970-0251                                                 3
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Annual Program Planning for Units

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what keeps Scouts in the program. They like to have fun, do cool and chal-
lenging activities, earn merit badges, go places, and learn things even though they might not want to admit it. That is what
we call program and it doesn’t just happen by chance. It takes planning and preparation and starts with your unit’s annual
program planning conference.

The planning conference is a unit meeting, held annually where the unit schedules the key activities and events they want
to do for the next year; along with a plan for how they will pay for these activities. What this looks like is different from
unit to unit, the following steps will serve as a guide to help you. Additional Information and training support can be
found at

 Program Planning Pre-Work

Before the scheduled face-to-face conference, the committee chair and unit leader gather the following information:

        o Key school and community event dates                      o Important chartered organization dates
        o Personal dates that may affect your unit’s activities     o District and Council dates (pages 16-39)
        o Last year’s unit annual plan (if you have one)            o Unit priorities and goals (JTE)

To maximize the efficiency of your planning, the following people should attend the conference:

        o Chartered Organization Representative                     o All unit committee members & unit leaders
        o Your unit commissioner (optional)                         o Anyone else you think might be helpful
        o For Troops & Crews: Youth Leadership

 Using This Guide as a Tool

From Pages 16 to 36 of this guidebook. The left of the
page shows the calendar (blue) and you will notice that                                       Council Events
there are no dates. This is intentional. Please fill in the
dates, events, and activities that are specific to your unit
and District.
                                                                                              District Events
The right page has two sections. The top section (red)
shows Council events and programs. The bottom section
(green) shows District events and programs. Use the map           Notes:______________
on page 2 to identify your District. We have also added
labels to help you identify events based on program type.

         Cub Scout Event                Venturing Event

         Scouts BSA Event               Exploring Event
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Annual Program Planning Conference Steps for Success!
The program planning conference is a unit meeting to plan your next year of Scouting. At the start of the meeting
explain to the group the importance of annual program planning, why you are doing it, and the rules for the process
you will follow during the meeting. While this meeting is similar for all units, please remember that in Troops and
Crews the youth are the ones who should be holding this meeting. Adults are there to help them and guide them
through this process.

  Training materials including videos can be found at
Step 1
This part is easy. Take the dates you collected prior to the meeting and put them into your master calendar—including
meeting dates—either on a hard copy or by plugging the information into an electronic calendar on a computer.

Step 2
Review what the unit did last year. Ask yourself questions like, what events went well, what events didn’t go so well?
Did we earn the National Summertime Award? The Journey to Excellence Award? How did we do with weekly atten-
dance? Did we participate in day camp, summer camp, high adventure? Did we sell popcorn and camp cards? Feel free
to ask as many questions as you want, but don’t spend too much time on this, as the key issue is planning the upcom-
ing year. Just use this research to help guide what you might want to keep, replace, or improve.

Step 3
Brainstorm activities your unit might want to do in addition to weekly meetings. Include things such as: Blue and gold
banquet, Courts of honor, Pinewood Derby, Scouting for Food, Weekend Campouts, Community service activities,
youth recruitment events, District Events, Council Events, etc. Remember the brainstorming rule, which is anybody
can suggest anything without critique or criticism. Feedback and analysis come later, after all the ideas have been
captured. Once you have a list of things your unit might want to do, start prioritizing the list. Take a vote(s) on which
activities to include on the schedule, then add the activities to your calendar.

Step 4
By now, the calendar should be taking shape. The next step is to assign the person who will be responsible for each
event (if possible) and then to create your funding plan. All events and activities have costs that need to be estimated,
the unit should then have a plan to fund these cost, such as popcorn sales.

Step 5
The final step is to review your annual plan to ensure you have captured everything your unit wants to do in the up-
coming year. Once complete, publish your plan and get it to each family. Sharing the annual plan with your families
could be the most important step in retaining your Scouts and building tenure, so don’t shortcut this one.

                          Annual program planning is an ongoing process.
                     Review the plan regularly to make sure you are still on track

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Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Scouts BSA Summer Camp at Camp Comer
                            Camp   C
                                   Comer, sitting h
                                                     h      Lookout
                                                                k    Mountain in Northeast
                                                                                        h   Al
                                                                                                 b    is a unique and
                            beautiful camp. With cooler summer temperatures, dark evening skies, and permanent
                            year-round campsites, Comer is a wonderful Summer Camp or weekend camping trip
                            destination! Located on the shoreline of beautiful lake Republic, and 88-acre, the water-
                            front includes separate boating and swimming areas as well as a motorboat dock. Camp
                            offers all typical summer-camp Merit Badges plus: Bird Study, Astronomy, Medicine, Pot-
                            tery, Sculpture, Robotics, Space Exploration, Fly Fishing, and more!
                                                                               Sci-Tech Programs!
                                                                             Thunderbird Trail Hike!
      2022 Dates                                                            C.O.P.E Program & Course!
     June 5th - 11th
    June 12th - 18th                                                           50’ Climbing Tower
    June 19th - 25th                                                           Chimney Climbing!
  June 26th - July 2nd                                                        Comer 5K Challenge!
   July 3rd - July 9th
  July 10th - July 16th                                                              Fishing!
                                                                           World-class shooting facilities!
 Amazing Showers!
Individual stalls with
      hot water,
  flushing toilets, &
 climate controlled!

                                                                         Whitewater Rafting!

                                                        Comer HD! (High Adventure for older Scouts)
                                                     Canoeing on Tennessee river! Island Camping!
                                                       Caving! Jet Skis! Rock Climbing! Pistols!

             Hiking!                                                             4-Day River Trek
                                                                                Monday to Thursday!
            Eagle Bound Program                                               On the Tennessee River!
Scouts complete Trail to 1st Class advancement,                               Camp on the riverbanks!
  do a 5-mile hike, go swimming and boating,                                  Prepare your own meals!
          and receive a special patch!
                                                                            Includes Whitewater Rafting!
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Scouts BSA Summer Camp at Camp Sequoyah
Camp Sequoyah is nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, in the shadows
of Mt. Cheaha, Alabama’s highest peak. With a beautiful 86-acre lake, extensive mountain
bike trails, and tree-shaded campsites, Camp Sequoyah truly is a Land of 1,000 dreams!
The camp is a classic scout-camp designed to support the delivery of a quality program
to your youth. Camp offers all typical summer-camp Merit Badges plus: Backpacking,
Entrepreneurship, Fly Fishing, Inventing, Whitewater, Medicine, Dentistry, Metalwork,
Personal Fitness, and more!
                                                          Metal Working!
                                                        50’ Climbing Tower!                      2022 Dates
                                                               Hiking!                           June 5th - 11th
                                                         Mountain Biking!                       June 12th - 18th
                                                                                                June 19th - 25th
                                                              Fishing!                        June 26th - July 2nd
                                                       Drop in Merit Badges!                      July 3rd - 9th

 Mountaineer Program:
   (Designed for older Scouts)
    Mountain Biking!
        Kayaking!                 Eagle Bound Program
                      Scouts complete Trail to 1st Class advancement,
        Climbing!        earn Swimming & 1st Aide Merit Badges,
    River Canoe Trip!           and receive a special patch!
                                                                                        Troop Activity Focus!
                                                                                         Troop Boat Fishing!
                                                                                           Troop Shooting!
                                                                                         Troop Canoeing &
 On the lake after dark,
  see the Milky Way
                                                                                            Troop Hikes!

Our Council operates 5 camping properties that are available for use year-round by Scouting units and outside groups.
For more information and pricing, please contact us at (205) 970-0251 or visit

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Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Attention all Cub Scouts and Families! Join us for fishing, fun, priz-
es, and a patch! Don’t know how to fish? That’s ok! We’ll teach you!
Poles, bait, and other fishing supplies will be furnished, or bring your
own. Prizes for the Biggest Fish, Smallest Fish, & Ugliest Fish! Attend
any or all of the dates below! (The Fishing Derby’s replace Rocket
       Cost: $10.00 per Scout,
       $5.00 for additional Scouts or siblings.
       Events start at 9am, and end at 12pm.
       September 18:           Camp Jackson, Scottsboro
       October 2:              Joe Wheeler State Park, Rogersville
       October 2:              Joe Tucker Park, Helena
       October 9:              Thorton Lakes, Hokes Bluff
       October 9:              Camp Sequoyah, Delta
       October 16:             Aldridge Gardens, Hoover
       November 6:             Madison Co. Public Lake, Gurley

Cub Haunted Weekend
Every Halloween ghosts and goblins are on the prowl at our council camps! This exciting overnight campout experience
for Cub Scouts is packed with events and activities! Fun for the entire family!

                                                                                     Haunted Hayrides!
                                  Oct. 8-9 at Camp Comer                            BB Guns & Archery!
                                  Oct. 8-9 at Camp Westmoreland                       Haunted Trails!
                                  Oct. 9-10 at Camp Comer
                                  Oct. 15-16 at Camp Comer                           Costume Contests!
                                  Oct. 16-17 at Camp Comer                           Haunted Houses!
                                  Oct. 22-23 at Camp Comer                          Campfire Programs!
                                  Oct. 23-24 at Camp Comer
                                  Oct. 30-31 at Camp Sequoyah                          Face-painting!
                                                                                      Games & Crafts!
Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Cub Scout Day Camp 2022                                         Cub Adventure Weekend
Chock-full of adventures, attend Day Camp! BB guns              Calling all Cub Scouts! Get ready for a weekend of fun in
& Archery, STEM & Scout Crafts, Field Sports, Nature            the Jungle at Camp Comer! As a Jungle Explorer you will
hikes and much more! Scouts will complete program ad-           test your skills on daring explorations, activities, shooting
ventures and work on advancement!                               sports, competitions, and more! Exciting activities for the
                                                                entire family! Are you ready to conquer the jungle?
                                                                        April 22nd – 24th 2022 at Camp Comer
                                                                        Cost: $65.00 per Cub and Partner,
                                                                        $85.00 for 2 Cubs and Partner

                                                                Cub Family Camp
                                                                Scouting fun has no age
                                                                limit! Bring the whole
                                                                family and experience
        Theme is Wild Wild West!                                an all-inclusive fam-
Our Council offers 4 unique Day Camp Experiences,               ily holiday at Camp
attend one camp or all of them! Early drop-off and late         Comer! This four-day,
pick-up is available at each of these camps.                    three-night adventure
                                                                provides campers the
       March 28 - April 1 in Bessemer
                                                                freedom to choose from
       June 6 - 10 at Oak Mountain
                                                                a wide variety of activi-
       June 13 - 17 in Huntsville
                                                                ties and events. Shoot-
       July 11 - 15 in Birmingham                               ing sports, swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, crafts,
Regular Fee: $125 / Early Bird Fee: $95                         climbing, waterslides, and more! There’s something for
Early Drop Off & Late Pick Up: $30                              everyone! The fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down.
Additionally, Westmoreland and Arrowhead Districts              Evening programs, activities, campfires, and more! Meals
also offer great week-long day camps that are available         are served in the Dining Hall 3 times a day with plenty of
for anyone to attend in June.                                   delicious options. Attend family camp and make memo-
                                                                ries that will last a lifetime!
        June 6 - 10 is Westmoreland’s Twilight Camp
        June 10 - 11 is Mulberry’s Day Camp                             July 20th - 23rd 2022
        June 12 - 17 is Arrowhead’s Day Camp

                                Webelos Resident Camp
                                4 Days and 3 nights of Scouting adventure! Webelos get a taste of Scouts BSA summer
                                camp while completing Webelos Adventures! Programs may include: Aquanaut, Into-
                                the-Woods, & Stronger-Faster-Higher. Scouts will have a BLAST as they canoe, swim,
                                go climbing, take hikes, shoot bb-guns and archery, adventure games and more! Open
                                to all youth who will be Webelos by June 1st.
                                        July 17th - 20th 2022

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Program Planning Guide 2021-2022 - Printing Provided by: Greater Alabama Council
Fund your Annual Program Through Popcorn!
Our Council popcorn sale allows our units to raise the         COMMISSION STRUCTURE
funds needed to have a great year of Scouting. A portion        30% - Base Rate
of the sale helps support Scouting within our Council,          3% - Attend Kickoff Training & Pay On-Time
providing investments in our camps, programs, and in            2% - Unit Sale Improvement Bonuses (see below)
growing the Scouting movement. Lastly, the sale instills        1% - Volume Bonus #1, Sell more than $5,000
a strong work ethic in participating youth, it helps instill    2% - Volume Bonus #2, Sell more than $7,500
in them the value “A Scout is Thrift. A Scout works to pay      3% - Volume Bonus #3, Sell more than $10,000
his way and to help others.” We kindly ask all units to help    4% - Volume Bonus #4, Sell more than $20,000
by participating in this annual sale.                           5% - Volume Bonus #5, Sell more than $30,000
                                                                6% - Volume Bonus #6, Sell more than $40,000
CALENDAR                                                                     (Volume Bonuses DO NOT stack)
Popcorn Kick-off: Huntsville           Thursday, July 15th
Popcorn Kick-off: Gadsden              Thursday, July 29th     UNIT SALE IMPROVEMENT BONUSE:
Popcorn Kick-off: Birmingham           Saturday, July 24th     Units who improve their sale over what they sold in 2019
Popcorn Kick-off; Birmingham            Monday, July 26th      will earn an additional 2% commission.
Popcorn Kick-off: Westmoreland          Monday, July 26th
Popcorn Kick-off: Anniston              Tuesday, July 27th     HIGHLIGHTS:
                                                                - 9 Weekends to sell, including Labor Day
Show-n-sell Orders Due:                 Thursday, Aug 5th       - Improved Trails End App on new platform
Units hold Popcorn Kick-offs             August 9th - 20th      - No credit card fees!
Show-n-sell Unit Pickup                  August 26 & 27th       - Improved Prize Levels!
Sale Begins                               Friday, Aug 27th      - Military Sales Patch & Pin (see image)
                                                                - District Top Seller Prizes
Take Orders & Prize Orders Due          Tuesday, Oct 26th       - Prizes for our top sellers Council-wide!
Take Order Unit Pickup                  Friday, Nov 11-12       - 8 Weekly Prize Drawings!
Final Payments Due                       Friday, Nov 19th
                                                               For more information, go to:
   Units from our Council that used the Trail’s End app
              increased their sale by 18.4%!

 Camp Card Program
Our Council is pleased to offer the spring Camp Card
Sale initiative to support your unit’s year-long program
and help all Scouts attend Day Camp, Webelos Camp,
or Summer camp! The sale begins in February and ends
in May. Unit’s earn a 50% commission on all cards sold.
IN-ADDITION to this commission, youth can earn the
prize of a youth campership (free camp) to one of our
Council Camps.
 For more information visit:
Membership Resources
Inviting new families to join Scouting is the most important thing we can do. Every fall, a sign-up night is held at each
elementary school across the nation. These sign-up nights are heavily advertised and are the main way that most families
sign-up to participate in Scouting. The Unit New Member Coordinator is a member of the Unit committee that organizes
these sign-up nights, inviting new families to join and ensuring they feel welcome.

 Fall Membership Kick-offs
Get trained and recieve all your free marketing materials!
       District                Date           Time           Location
       Arrowhead:              July 21st      6:30pm         Walh Supply. Decatur.
       Cheaha:                July 20th       6:30pm         St. Mark United Methodist Church. Anniston.
       Cherokee:              July 29th       7:00pm         Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church.
       Choccolocco:           July 20th       6:30pm         St. Mark United Methodist Church. Anniston.
       Etowah District:       July 29th       6:30pm         1718 W. Grand Ave. Gadsden.
       Mountain Lake:         July 8th        6:30pm         Guntersville Scout Hut.
       Mulberry:               July 20th      6:30pm         St. Andrews United Methodist Church. Cullman.
       Sequoyah District:     Aug 10th        6:30pm         Scout Hut – 659 Wallace Ave. NE. Fort Payne.
       Shelby District:        July 22nd      7:00pm         Helena United Methodist Church.
       Talakto:               July 22nd       6:30pm         1st United Methodist Church. Huntsville.
       Three Rivers:          Aug 4th         6:30pm         Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
       Vulcan:                July 29th       6:30pm         Oakmont Scout Center, 1817 Patton Chapel Rd. Hoover.
       Westmoreland:           July 8nd       7:00pm         Camp Westmoreland.


Marketing and Promotion
Marketing, advertising, and promoting
each sign-up night is vital to your suc-
cess. Submit a flyer order form (found at for pre-printed flyers, stickers,
and free online facebook advertising! & Online Applications
Accessed through, unit leader can manage their BeaScout.
org pins, tell families about your unit, and accept online adult and youth
See for more information!

                                 - 205-970-0251                                                11
What is Recharter? Every October through December, all units (packs, troops, teams, crews, posts) are required to renew
their affiliation with Scouting. Through the process, chartered organizations renew their partnership with the Greater
Alabama Council, youth and adult members update their information and pay their annual registration fees, and Boys’
Life magazine subscriptions are renewed. A representative of each unit completes this process via an online system known
as Internet Recharter. Unit rechartering has earned a reputation as being difficult when, in fact, it is pretty easy. If there
is a hard part, it’s that some rules must be followed, to assist each unit to have a successful and easy annual recharter, the
Greater Alabama Council will provide training and support per the following plan.
 Step 1 - Attend Your District’s Recharter Kickoff in October
All units are expected to have at least 1 person (recommend more) in attendance at this training. You’ll receive your re-
charter packet with a detailed training on how to easily and successfully complete your unit recharter. Even if you’ve done
recharter before, the expectation is that you attend this meeting, pick up your recharter packet and receive a review of the
process. October 1st – The Only Online Recharter System will open.
 Youth Protection Training – All Adult Leaders must have a current Youth Protection Training Certificate which lasts
 two years. Many of our Adult leaders took the training 2 years ago when this policy was implemented which means
 many will need to re-take the course before the unit can complete their re-charter. It is preferred that all adults take this
 training online at For those who cannot, classroom trainings will be offered in October & November.

 Step 2 - By October 29th, Complete Steps 1 - 2 Online
At your District’s recharter kick-off you will receive your unit’s access code for internet recharter, use that code to create
a new user account in the online system and proceed to complete steps 1 - 2 of the online portion of the re-charter, this
should only take 5 minutes. This will give you a current roster from the BSA’s registration system.

 Step 3 - By Nov 19th, Complete Steps 3-5 Online
This includes updating your roster of members, removing those no longer in involved with your unit, adding new youth
and adults not currently registered and collecting the annual dues. At the end of the Internet Rechartering process (step
5), click the option to “Submit to Council”, which electronically sends your completed recharter to our council registration
staff. You MUST print out the paper roster/recharter to use for the rest of the process.

Step 4 - By Dec 3th, (before holidays) have printed re-charter signed and missing items collected.
The Institution Head and Unit Leader must sign the Recharter approving all adults and youth for membership. Any
missing items such as applications or youth protection certificates will be outlined in red on the front page of the printed
recharter. A hard copy of these items must be attached to the re-charter for the re-charter to be accepted by the office.

 Step 5 - Attend your District’s Recharter Celebration!
At the December Roundtable, each District will host a Recharter Celebration This fun event serves multiple purposes and
is designed to be fun and social. It gives all unit leaders and committee members the opportunity to meet in-person the
District Leadership, and it also serves as our Re-charter turn-in night. The event is a pot luck of food with a District des-
ignated theme. This event is a wonderful opportunity to meet with fellow Scouters and unit leaders and exchange success
stories and learn from each other.
One of the methods used in Scouting is Advancement. This refers to the process by which youth members progress in
their program. For Cub Scouts this refers to the progress the Cub Scout makes toward their annual badge of rank along
with additional adventures they may complete. For Scouts BSA it refers to the Scouts progress as they move from rank to
rank on their way to becoming an Eagle Scout. All Scouts are recognized and rewarded for each achievement they earn,
which helps them gain self-confidence, grow in self-reliance, and in their ability to help others.
Advancement is Important and Scoutbook is here to help! Scoutbook is the BSA’s online unit management tool that all
units should be using. The system allows for improved program consistency and deeper engagement with our youth, lead-
ers, and families. Scoutbook is a Scout’s advancement book in the cloud and is directly connected to and
the BSA’s database.
Through Scoutbook units can view their current youth roster, track and record advancements, upload photos, send mes-
sages to Scouting families, plan events, and track service hours. Using Scoutbook means more time for leaders and Scouts
to enjoy those life-changing experiences they can’t get anywhere but Scouting. We highly encourage all our units to utilize
this powerful tool.

                                   How to Use Scoutbook
                                 FOR SCOUTS & PARENTS: Every Scout and Parent can sign up by visiting
                        (same login info as Unit Leaders can also create
                                 Scoutbook accounts for everyone in their unit.
                                 FOR UNIT LEADERS: Great news! Your unit is already set up in Scoutbook. To
                                 access Scoutbook, log in using your account info. Scoutbook access is
                                 based on the Adult’s registered position with the BSA.

                                   Attention all Cub Scout Leaders! Check out the Den Leader Beta!
                                 National has released through Scoutbook the new Den Leader (pictured here).
                                 ALL DEN LEADERS NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT! This amazing tool is everything
                                 you need to be a successful Den leader. The tool walks you through every meeting and
                                 automatically updates advancement as you accomplish it. Registered Den Leaders can
                                 log into the beta at It streamlines and simplifies the work for Den lead-
                                 ers, so they can be more prepared for their Scouting adventures.


                                - 205-970-0251                                                   13
For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath
and Law in their daily lives. The OA is Scouting’s National Honor Society and its members, known as Arrowmen, main-
tain camping traditions and spirit, promote year-round and long-term resident camping, and provide cheerful service to
others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development
and programming that enrich and help to extend Scouting to America’s youth.
Greater Alabama Council is the home of the Coosa Lodge of the Order of the Arrow. The program is led by our local youth
leadership with the lodge chief leading our lodge and the chapter chiefs leading each District chapter.

 How do I become a member?
To become a member of Scouting’s Honor Society you must be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America in a
Scouts BSA Troop, Venture Crew, or Sea Scout Unit. You must be of First-class rank or higher. You must complete 15
nights of Scout camping while registered that includes a long-term camp of at least 5 consecutive nights. Lastly, you must
be approved by our leader and elected by the youth members of your unit. Adults who meet the camping requirements
may be elected following nomination to and approval by the lodge adult selection committee.

         Attend Induction Weekend!                                        Need an OA Election?
  Have you been elected by your Unit to become a mem-          Does your Troop need to hold an Order of the Arrow
  ber of the OA? Take your next step by completing your        Election? Make the request at and a mem-
  Ordeal at one of our Induction Weekends. Register on-        ber of our Unit Election team will contact you to sched-
  line at                                     ule and guide you through the process.

 2021-2022 Lodge Events
    August 13 - 15         Induction Weekend at Camp Comer
    October 9              Lodge Officer Candidate Interviews
    November 19 - 21       Fall Fellowship at Camp Comer (Lodge elections)
    December 10 - 12       Lodge Leadership Development Retreat (By invitation only) at Tekakwitha
    January 7 - 9          SR-9 Indian Winter
    January 29             Lodge Winter Banquet
    March 11 - 13          Spring Pow-wow at Camp Comer
    April 1 - 3            SR-9 Conclave
    May 13 - 15            Spring Induction Weekend at Camp Sequoyah

    Contacts:      Lodge Chief: John Dodd Beck (Youth) 
                   Lodge Advisor: Don Russell (Adult)  

Wood Badge
                                    Wood d Badged is theh ultimate
                                                             l       lleadership
                                                                         d h training program ffor adult   d l lleaders.
                                                                                                                   d     Similar
                                    courses on the corporate side cost thousands of dollars per attendee. The course deliv-
                                    ers the latest in 12 leadership skills that will help you be the best leader possible. These
                                    are skills that will become part of your everyday life. You will use these skills at home,
                                    church, and anywhere leadership is needed. The course is made to provide the highest
                                    quality course with the most experienced staff to a diverse audience. We promise you
                                    friendship, camaraderie, knowledge, personal awareness, and most of all fun!
                                    The five-day course is split over two weekends.
                                    Weekend 1: April 8-10 / Weekend 2: April 30- May 1
 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
Attention all YOUTH! NYLT is an inspiring six-day program, designed to provide
youth with communication, planning, interpersonal skills, and experience that they
can use in their home units and in other life situations demanding leadership of
themselves and others. Participants will be engaged in an outdoors leadership train-
ing experience led by their own Scout BSA peers. This is a challenging hands-on
leadership training program for Scouts ages 13 and older of at least First-Class Rank,
and registered Venturers. This is an inspiring leadership course that ALL Scouts
should attend!
Winter Course: January 15 - 17; February 19 - 21 at Camp Comer
Summer Course: TBA
Cost: $250
                                   University of Scouting
                                  Whether you are new to Scouting or a veteran of many years, the University of Scouting
                                  has something for you! This annual one-day supplemental training event offers more
                                  than 100 classes that emphasis programs, skills, and resources to help you deliver high
                                  quality opportunities your Scouting youth. Classes are taught by volunteers who share
                                  not just their knowledge, but their passion about the subject. You’ll learn practical skills
                                  and gain valuable knowledge in a fun and festive atmosphere. Be the best leader you can
                                  be - attend University of Scouting!
                                  For all leaders, parents, and volunteers in our Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and
                                  Sea Scout programs.
                                  Saturday, March 5th - Birmingham Metro Area


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*Scout Offices

*Independance Day Observed: July 5th, All offices closed

Council Events - July
Popcorn Kick-offs:                Summer Camp @ Camp Comer
July 15 - Huntsville              July 4 - 10
July 29 - Gadsden                 July 11 - 17
July 24 - Birmingham
July 26 - Birmingham              Summer Camp @ Camp Sequoyah
July 26 - Westmoreland            July 4 - 10
July 27 - Anniston
                                  Webelos Resident Camp
Day Camp                          July 18 - 22
July 19-23 at Sicard Hallow,
           Libery Park

 District Events - July
Arrowhead:                        Mountain Lake:                        Three Rivers:
July 1 - Roundtable               July 1 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   July 1 - Roundtable
July 1 - District Committee       July 8 - Membership Kick-off          July 15 - District Committee
July 1 - Commissioner Meeting                                           July 15 - Commissioner Meeting
July 21st - Membership Kick-off   Mulberry:
                                  July 8 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Cheaha:                           July 20 - Membership Kick-off         Vulcan:
July 6 - District Committee                                             July 29 - Membership Kick-off
July 6 - Commissioner Meeting     Sequoyah:
July 8 - Roundtable                                                     Westmoreland:
July 20 - Membership Kick-off     Shelby:                               July 8 - District Committee
                                  July 1 - Roundtable                   July 8 - Commissioner Meeting
Cherokee:                         July 1 - Commissioner Meeting         July 8 - Roundtable
July 8 - District Committee       July 1 - OA Chapter Meeting           July 8 - Membership Kick-off
July 8 - Roundtable               July 22 - Membership Kick-off
July 29 - Membership Kick-off
Choccolocco:                      July 8 - Roundtable
July 1 - Roundtable               July 8 - OA Chapter Meeting
July 20 - Membership Kick-off     July 22 - Membership Kick-off
                                  July 29 - District Committee
Etowah:                           July 29 - Commissioner Meeting
July 29 - Membership Kick-off

                         - 205-970-0251                                            17
Council Events - August
Popcorn:                             Order of the Arrow
Aug 5 - Show-n-sell orders due       Aug 13-15 Induction Weekend
Aug 9-20 - Unit’s hold Kick-offs               at Camp Comer
Aug 26 & 27 - Unit Popcorn Pick-up
Aug 27 - Sale Begins

 District Events - August
Arrowhead:                           Mountain Lake:                      Three Rivers:
Aug 5 - Roundtable                   Aug 5 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.  Aug 5 - Membership Kick-off
Aug 5 - District Committee                                               Aug 5 - Roundtable
Aug 5 - Commissioner Meeting         Mulberry:                           Aug 19 - District Committee
                                     Aug 12 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Aug 19 - Commissioner Meeting
Cheaha:                              Aug 12 - Youth Protection Training
Aug 10 - District Committee          Aug 27-28 - Cub-O-Ree               Vulcan:
Aug 10 - Commissioner Meeting                                            Aug 5 - Roundtable
Aug 12 - Roundtable                  Sequoyah:                           Aug 5 - Commissioner Meeting
                                     Aug 10 - Membership Kick-off        Aug 10 - District Committee
Cherokee:                            Aug 10 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Aug 21 - Advance-O-Rama
Aug 12 - District Committee
Aug 12 - Roundtable                  Shelby:                              Westmoreland:
                                     Aug 1 - District Committee           Aug 5 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Choccolocco:                         Aug 5 - Roundtable
Aug 3 - District Committee           Aug 5 - Commissioner Meeting
Aug 3 - Commissioner Meeting         Aug 5 - OA Chapter Meeting
Aug 5 - Roundtable                   Aug 29 - District Committee
Aug 31 - District Committee
Aug 31 - Commissioner Meeting       Talakto:
                                    Aug 5 - Roundtable
Etowah:                             Aug 5 - OA Chapter Meeting
Aug 19 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Aug 26 - District Committee
                                    Aug 26 - Commissioner Meeting

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*Scout Offices

*Labor Day: Sept 6th, All offices closed

Council Events - September
Cub Scout Fishing Derby
Sept 18 - Camp Jackson, Scottsboro

 District Events - September
Arrowhead:                             Mountain Lake:                        Three Rivers:
Sept 2 - Roundtable                    Sept 2 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Sept 2 - Roundtable
Sept 2 - District Committee                                                  Sept 9 - District Banquet
Sept 2 - Commissioner Meeting          Mulberry:                             Sept 16 - District Committee
Sept 2 - Youth Protection Training     Sept 9 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Sept 16 - Commissioner Meeting
Sept 17-19 - Fall Camporee             Sept 9 - Life to Eagle Seminar
Cheaha:                                Sequoyah:                            Sept 2 - Roundtable
Sept 7 - District Committee            Sept 14 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Sept 2 - Commissioner Meeting
Sept 7 - Commissioner Meeting                                               Sept 7 - District Committee
Sept 9 - Roundtable                    Shelby:                              Sept 18-20 - BALOO Training
                                       Sept 2 - Roundtable                  Sept 18-20 - IOLS Training
Cherokee:                              Sept 2 - Commissioner Meeting
Sept 9 - District Committee            Sept 2 - OA Chapter Meeting          Westmoreland:
Sept 9 - Roundtable                    Sept 24-25 - BALOO Training          Sept 2 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Sept 24-26 - IOLS Training             Sept 24-25 - IOLS Training
Sept 24-26 - BALOO Training
Sept 24-26 - Adult Leader Training     Talakto:
                                       Sept 2 - Roundtable
Choccolocco:                           Sept 2 - OA Chapter Meeting
Sept 2 - Roundtable                    Sept 30 - District Committee
                                       Sept 30 - Commissioner Meeting
Sept 16 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.

                              - 205-970-0251                                            21
Council Events - October
Popcorn:                               Cub Haunted                          Jamboree on the Air
Oct 26 - Popcorn & Prize Orders Due    Oct 8-9 at Camp Comer                Oct 15-17
                                       Oct 8-9 at Camp Westmoreland
Cub Scout Fishing Derby                Oct 9-10 at Camp Comer               Order of the Arrow
Oct 2 - Joe Wheeler Park - Rogersville Oct 15-16 at Camp Comer              Oct 9 - Lodge Officer Interviews
Oct 2 - Joe Tucker Park - Helena       Oct 16-17 at Camp Sequoyah
Oct 9 - Thorton Lakes - Hokes Bluff    Oct 22-23 at Camp Comer              Fish Camp
Oct 9 - Camp Sequoyah - Delta          Oct 23-24 at Camp Comer              Oct 1- 3 at Camp Sequoyah
Oct 16 - Aldridge Gardens, Hoover      Oct 30-31 at Camp Sequoyah
                                                                            Recharter System Opens Oct 1st.

 District Events - October
Arrowhead:                            Mountain Lake:                        Three Rivers:
Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.    Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.    Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.
Oct 7 - District Committee            Oct 7 - District Committee            Oct 14 - District Committee
Oct 7 - Commissioner Meeting          Oct 7 - Commissioner Meeting          Oct 14 - Commissioner Meting

Cheaha:                               Mulberry:                             Vulcan:
Oct 12 - District Committee           Oct 14 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.   Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.
Oct 12 - Commissioner Meeting         Oct 14 - District Committee           Oct 7 - Commissioner Meeting
Oct 14 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.   Oct 14 - Commissioner Meeting         Oct 12 - District Committee
Oct 14 - Recharter Training
Oct 14 - Annual Business Meeting      Sequoyah:                            Westmoreland:
                                      Oct 12 - Roundtable / Committee Mtg. Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Cherokee:                             Oct 12 - Recharter Training          Oct 7 - Recharter Training
Oct 14 - District Committee                                                Oct 7 - Youth Protection Training
Oct 14 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.   Shelby:                              Oct 7- Annual Business Meeting
Oct 22-24 - Camporee                  Oct 3 - District Committee           Oct 14-16 - Camporee
                                      Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.
Choccolocco:                          Oct 7 - Commissioner Meeting
Oct 5 - District Committee            Oct 7 - OA Chapter Meeting
Oct 5 - Commissioner Meeting          Oct 29-31 - Camporee
Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.    Oct 31 - District Committee
Oct 7 - Annual Business Meeting
Etowah:                               Oct 7 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.
Oct 21 - Roundtable/ Recharter Tng.   Oct 7 - OA Chapter Meeting
Oct 21 - District Committee           Oct 7 - Annual Business Meeting
Oct 21 - Commissioner Meeting         Oct 15-17 - Leader Training Weekend
                                      Oct 28 - District Committee
                                      Oct 28 - Commissioner Meeting

                             - 205-970-0251                                                23
*Scout Offices

                                                           *Scout Offices   *Scout Offices
                                                              Closed           Closed

*Veterans Day / Thanksgiving Holiday, All offices closed
Council Events - November
Popcorn:                               Order of the Arrow                   Unit Re-charter
Nov 11-12 - Unit Popcorn Pick-up       Nov 19-21 - Fall Fellowship          by Nov 19 - Complete Online Steps 3-5
Nov 19 - Final Payments Due                        at Camp Comer

Cub Scout Fishing Derby
Nov 6 - Madison Public Lake - Gurley

 District Events - November
Arrowhead:                             Mountain Lake:                       Three Rivers:
Nov 4 - Roundtable                     Nov 4 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Nov 4 - Roundtable
Nov 4 - District Committee             Nov 4 - Annual Business Meeting      Nov 18 - District Committee
Nov 4 - Commissioner Meeting                                                Nov 18 - Commissioner Meeting
Nov 4 - Annual Business Meeting        Mulberry:                            Nov 18 - Annual Business Meeting
                                       Nov 5-7 - Fall Camporee              Nov 18 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off
Cheaha:                                Nov 11 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Nov 9 - District Committee             Nov 11 - Annual Businesss Meeting   Vulcan:
Nov 9 - Commissioner Meeting           Nov 13 - Merit Badge Day            Nov 4 - Roundtable
Nov 11 - Roundtable                                                        Nov 4 - Commissioner Meeting
Nov 11 - Youth Protection Training     Sequoyah:                           Nov 4 - Annual Business Meeting
                                       Nov 9 - Roundtable / Committee Mtg. Nov 9 - District Committee
Cherokee:                              Nov 9 - Annual Business Meeting     Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day Parade
Nov 4 - Youth Protection Training
Nov 11 - District Committee            Shelby:                              Westmoreland:
Nov 11 - Roundtable                    Nov 4 - Roundtable                   Nov 4 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Nov 11 - Annual Business Meeting       Nov 4 - Youth Protection Training
                                       Nov 4 - OA Chapter Meeting
Choccolocco:                           Nov 4 - Commissioner Meeting
Nov 2 - District Committee             Nov 4 - Annual Business Meeting
Nov 2 - Commissioner Meeting           Nov 28 - District Committee
Nov 4 - Roundtable
Nov 4 - Youth Protection Training   Talakto:
Nov 30 - District Committee         Nov 4 - Roundtable
Nov 30 - Commissioner Meeting       Nov 4 - OA Chapter Meeting
                                    Nov 18 - District Committee
Etowah:                             Nov 18 - Commissioner Meeting
Nov 18 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Nov 18 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off
Nov 18 - Annual Business Meeting

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*Scout Offices

                 *Scout Offices

*Christmas Holiday: Dec 24th, 27th, All offices closed

From All of us at the Greater Alabama Council, We wish you
                                                        ou a
         y      a very merry and happy holiday season!
Council Events - December
                                       Winter Camp at Camp Comer                Cub Scout Jolly Jamboree
                                       Dec 27-31 - Cost $195                    Dec 27 - Camp Sequoyah

                                       This is a 5-day, 4 -night camping        Unit Re-charter
                                       adventure offers over 30 merit-badges    By Dec 3 - Print Re-charter/ Signatures
                                       with activities, themed dinners, camp-   Turn-in Re-charter at District Turn-in
                                       fire programs, Eagle Bound Program
                                       for 1st year campers, and more!          Journey to Excellence Scorecards Due

 District Events - December
Arrowhead:                             Etowah:                                  Talakto:
Dec 2 - Roundtable                     Dec 16 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.      Dec 2 - Roundtable
Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in              Dec 16 - Recharter Turn-in               Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in
Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off   Dec 16 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off    Dec 2 - OA Chapter Meeting
Dec 2 - District Committee                                                      Dec 16 - District Committee
Dec 2 - Commissioner Meeting           Mountain Lake:                           Dec 16 - Commissioner Meeting
                                       Dec 2 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Cheaha:                                Dec 2 - Re-charter Turn-in               Three Rivers:
Dec 7 - District Committee             Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off     Dec 2 - Roundtable
Dec 7 - Commissioner Meeting                                                    Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in
Dec 9 - Roundtable                     Mulberry:                                Dec 16 - District Committee
Dec 9 - District Banquet               Dec 9 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.       Dec 16 - Commissioner Meeting
Dec 9 - Recharter Turn-in              Dec 9 - Recharter Turn-in
Dec 9 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off   Dec 9 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off  Vulcan:
                                                                             Dec 2 - Roundtable
Cherokee:                              Sequoyah:                             Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in
Dec 9 - District Committee             Dec 14 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Dec 2 - Commissioner Meeting
Dec 9 - Roundtable                     Dec 14 - Recharter Turn-in            Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off
Dec 9 - Re-charter Turn-in             Dec 14 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off Dec 7 - District Committee
Dec 9 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off                                         Dec 8 - Service Project Day
                                       Shelby:                               Dec 18 - 20 Mile Hike
Choccolocco:                           Dec 2 - Roundtable
Dec 2 - Roundtable                     Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in             Westmoreland:
Dec 2 - Re-charter Turn-in             Dec 2 - OA Chapter Meeting            Dec 2 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Dec 2 - District Banquet               Dec 2 - Commissioner Meeting          Dec 2 - Recharter Turn-in
Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off   Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off  Dec 2 - Friends of Scouting Kick-off

                              - 205-970-0251                                                 27
*Offices Closed

*Martin Luther King Day: Jan 18th, All offices closed
Council Events - January
NYLT                                  Order of the Arrow
Jan 15-17 - Weekend 1                 Jan 7-9 - SR-9 Indian Winter
            at Camp Comer             Jan 29 - Lodge Winter Banquet

 District Events - January
Arrowhead:                            Mountain Lake:                        Three Rivers:
Jan 6 - Roundtable                    Jan 6 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.    Jan 6 - Roundtable
Jan 6 - District Committee                                                  Jan 13 - District Committee
Jan 6 - Commissioner Meeting          Mulberry:                             Jan 13 - Commissioner Meeting
                                      Jan 13 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Cheaha:                                                                     Vulcan:
Jan 11 - District Committee           Sequoyah:                             Jan 6 - Roundtable
Jan 11 - Commissioner Meeting         Jan 11 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Jan 6 - Commissioner Meeting
Jan 13 - Roundtable                                                         Jan 11 - District Committee
                                      Shelby:                               Jan 28 - District Banquet
Cherokee:                             Jan 2 - District Committee
Jan 13 - District Committee           Jan 6 - Roundtable                    Westmoreland:
Jan 13 - Roundtable                   Jan 6 - OA Chapter Meeting            Jan 13 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
                                      Jan 6 - Commissioner Meeting
Choccolocco:                          Jan 22 - Merit Badge Day
Jan 4 - District Committee            Jan 30 - District Committee
Jan 4 - Commissioner Meeting
Jan 6 - Roundtable                    Talakto:
                                      Jan 6 - Roundtable
Etowah:                               Jan 6 - OA Chapter Meeting
Jan 20 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Jan 22 - District Banquet
                                      Jan 27 - District Committee
                                      Jan 27 - Commissioner Meeting

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*Scout Offices

*President’s Day: Feb 21st, All offices closed

Council Events - February
NYLT                                  Camp Cards
Feb 19-21 -Weekend 2                  Feb 1 - Sale begins
           at Camp Comer

 District Events - February
Arrowhead:                            Mountain Lake:                       Three Rivers:
Feb 3 - District Banquet              Feb 3 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Feb 3 - Roundtable
Feb 19 - Scout Expo                   Feb 3 - District Banquet             Feb 17 - District Committee
                                                                           Feb 17 - Commissioner Meeting
Cheaha:                               Mulberry:
Feb 8 - District Committee            Feb 10 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Vulcan:
Feb 8 - Commissioner Meeting          Feb 12 - District Banquet           Feb 3 - Roundtable
Feb 10 - Roundtable                                                       Feb 3 - Commissioner Meeting
                                      Sequoyah:                           Feb 8 - District Committee
Cherokee:                             Feb 8 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Feb 18-20 - BALOO Training
Feb 10 - District Committee           Feb 8 - District Banquet            Feb 18-20 - IOLS Training
Feb 10 - Roundtable                                                       Feb 18-20 - Camporee
Choccolocco:                          Feb 3 - Roundtable                  Westmoreland:
Feb 1 - District Committee            Feb 3 - OA Chapter Meeting          Feb 3 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Feb 1 - Commissioner Meeting          Feb 3 - Commissioner Meeting        Feb 12 - Leader Specific Training
Feb 3 - Roundtable                    Feb 27 - District Committee

Etowah:                               Talakto:
Feb 17 - Roundtable/ Committte Mtg.   Feb 3 - Roundtable
Feb 17 - District Banquet             Feb 3 - OA Chapter Meeting
                                      Feb 24 - District Committee
                                      Feb 24 - Commissioner Meeting

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Council Events - March
University of Scouting                Order of the Arrow
Mar 5 - Metro Bimringham Area         Mar 11-13 - Spring Pow-wow
                                                  at Camp Comer

                                      Council Day Camp
                                      Mar 28 - Apr 1 - Bessemer

 District Events - March
Arrowhead:                            Mulberry:                           Three Rivers:
Mar 3 - Roundtable                    Mar 4-6 - Camporee                  Mar 3 - Roundtable
Mar 3 - District Committee            Mar 10 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Mar 17 - District Committee
Mar 3 - Commissioner Meeting                                              Mar 17 - Commissioner Meeting
                                      Sequoyah:                           Mar 26 - Pinewood Derby
Cheaha:                               Mar 8 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Mar 8 - District Committee            Mar 12-14 - Camporee                Vulcan:
Mar 8 - Commissioner Meeting                                              Mar 3 - Roundtable
Mar 10 - Roundtable                   Shelby:                             Mar 3 - Commissioner Meeting
                                      Mar 3 - Rountable                   Mar 8 - District Committee
Cherokee:                             Mar 3 - OA Chapter Meeting
Mar 10 - District Committee           Mar 3- Commissioner Meeting         Westmoreland:
Mar 10 - Roundtable                   Mar 17 - District Banquet           Mar 3 - District Banquet
Mar 11-13 - BALOO Training            Mar 11-13 - BALOO Training          Mar 10 - District Committee
                                      Mar 11-13 - IOLS Training           Mar 12 - Pinewood Derby
Mar 1 - District Committee            Talakto:
Mar 1 - Commissioner Meeting          Mar 3 - Roundtable
Mar 3 - Roundtable                    Mar 3 - OA Chapter Meeting
Mar 11-13 - BALOO Training            Mar 31 - District Committee
Mar 11-13 - IOLS Training             Mar 31 - Commissioner Meeting

Mar 17 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Mar 18 - Camporee

Mountain Lake:
Mar 3 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Mar 19 - Camporee

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*Scout Offices

*Good Friday: April 15th, All offices closed

Council Events - April
Wood Badge                           Cub Adventure Weekend                 Order of the Arrow
Apr 8-10 - Weekend 1                 Apr 22-24 - at Camp Comer             April 1-3 - SR-9 Conclave
Apr 30- May 1 -Weekend 2

 District Events - April
Arrowhead:                           Mountain Lake:                        Talakto (cont.)
Apr 7 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   Apr 2 - Pinewood Derby                Apr 15-17 - IOLS Training
Apr 7 - Commissioner Meeting         Apr 7 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.    Apr 15-17 - Camporee
Apr 2 - Merit Badge Day                                                    Apr 28 - District Committee
Apr 29-May 1 - Camporee              Mulberry:                             Apr 28 - Commissioner Meeting
                                     Apr 14 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Cheaha:                              Apr 23 - Pinewood Derby             Three Rivers:
Apr 9 - Pinewood Derby                                                   Apr 7 - Roundtable
Apr 12 - District Committee          Sequoyah:                           Apr 17 - Merit Badge Day
Apr 12 - Commissioner Meeting        Apr 12 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Apr 21 - District Committee
Apr 14 - Roundtable                  Apr 16 - Pinewood Derby             Apr 21 - Commissioner Meeting

Cherokee:                            Shelby:                               Vulcan:
Apr 2 - Pinewood Derby               Apr 3 - District Committee            Apr 7 - Roundtable
Apr 14 - District Committee          Apr 7 - Roundtable                    Apr 7 - Commissioner Meeting
Apr 14 - Roundtable                  Apr 7 - OA Chapter Meeting            Apr 9 - Pinewood Derby
                                     Apr 7 - Commissioner Meeting          Apr 12 - District Committee
Choccolocco:                         Apr 9 - Pinewood Derby
Apr 5 - District Committee           Apr 23 - Outdoor Merit Badge Day      Westmoreland:
Apr 5 - Commissioner Meeting                                               Apr 7 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
Apr 7 - Roundtable                  Talakto:                               Apr 8-10 - Camporee
Apr 16 - Pinewood Derby             Apr 2 - Pinewood Derby                 Apr 22-23 - BALOO Training
                                    Apr 7 - Roundtable                     Apr 22-23 - IOLS Training
Etowah:                             Apr 7 - OA Chapter Meeting
Apr 21 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg. Apr 15-17 - Leader Specific Training
April 23 - Pinewood Derby           Apr 15-17 - BALOO Training

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*Scout Offices
*Memorial Day: May 30th, All offices closed
Council Events - May
Pinewood Derby Championship                                                   Summer Camp at Camp Sequoyah
May 7 - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place division                                        May 29 - June 4 - Staff Week
winners from the District Pinewood
Derby’s compete for the Council                                               Summer Camp at Camp Comer
Championship!                                                                 May 29 - June 4 - Staff Week

The divisions are:                                                            Order of the Arrow
       1 – Lions & Tigers,                                                    May 13-15 - Induction Weekend
       2 – Bears,                                                                         at Camp Sequoyah
       3 – Wolves,
       4 – Webelos 1 & 2

 District Events - May
Arrowhead:                               Mountain Lake:                       Three Rivers:
May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off        May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off    May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off
May 5 - District Committee                                                    May 19 - District Committee
May 5 - Commissioner Meeting             Mulberry:                            May 19 - Commissioner Meeting
                                         May 12 - Program Planning Kick-off
Cheaha:                                                                       Vulcan:
May 10 - District Committee              Sequoyah:                            May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off
May 10 - Commissioner Meeting            May 10 - Program Planning Kick-off   May 5 - Commissioner Meeting
May 12 - Program Planning Kick-off                                            May 10 - District Committee
Cherokee:                                May 1 - District Committee           Westmoreland:
May 12 - District Committee              May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off    May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off
May 12 - Program Planning Kick-off       May 5 - Commissioner Meeting         May 5 - District Committee
                                         May 5 - OA Chapter Meeting
Choccolocco:                             May 29 - District Committee
May 3 - District Committee
May 3 - Commissioner Meeting             Talakto:
May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off        May 5 - Program Planning Kick-off
May 31 - District Committee              May 5 - OA Chapter Meeting
May 31 - Commissioner Meeting            May 26 - District Committee
                                         May 26 - Commissioner Meeting
May 19 - Program Planning Kick-off

                                - 205-970-0251                                              37
Council Events - June
Council Day Camps                      Summer Camp at Camp Comer             Summer Camp at Camp Sequoyah
June 6-10 - Oak Mountain               June 5-11 - Session 1                 June 5-11 - Session 1
June 13-17 - Huntsville                June 12-18 - Session 2                June 12-18 - Session 2
July 11-15 - Birmingham                June 19-25 - Session 3                June 19-25 - Session 3
                                       June 26-July 2 - Session 4            June 26- July 2 - Session 4
District Day Camps                     July 3-9 - Session 5                  July 3-9 - Session 5
June 6-10 - Westmoreland               July 10-16 - Session 6
June 10-11 - Mulberry
June 12-17 - Arrowhead                 Webelos Resident Camp
                                       July 17-20 - at Camp Comer
Cub Family Camp
July 20-23 - at Camp Comer

 District Events - June
Arrowhead:                             Mountain Lake:                        Three Rivers:
June 2 - Roundtable                    June 2 - Rountable/ Committee Mtg.    June 9 - District Committee
June 2 - District Committee
June 2 - Commissioner Meeting          Mulberry:                             Vulcan:
June 12-17 - Day Camp                  June 9 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.   June 2 - Roundtable
                                       June 10-11 - Day Camp                 June 2- Commissioner Meeting
Cheaha:                                                                      June 14 - District Committee
June 7 - District Committee            Sequoyah:
June 7 - Commissioner Meeting          June 9 - Roundtable / Committee Mtg. Westmoreland:
June 9 - Rountable                                                          June 2 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.
June 11 - Cub Activity Day             Shelby:                              June 6-10 - Day Camp
                                       June 2 - Roundtable
Cherokee:                              June 2 - OA Chapter Meeting
June 9 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.    June 2- Commissioner Meeting

Choccolocco:                           Talakto:
June 2 - Roundtable                    June 2 - Roundtable
June 11 - Cub Activity Day             June 2 - OA Chapter Meeting
                                       June 30 - District Committee
Etowah:                                June 30 - Commissioner Meeting
June 17 - Roundtable/ Committee Mtg.

                              - 205-970-0251                                          39
Visit our Scout Shops for all your Scouting Needs!

Your source for Scouting uniforms and supplies, as well as camping, craft, and gift items. Many of the items listed in the
BSA Catalog or on are in stock and what isn’t can be ordered through the Scout Shop. Visit one of our two
                       locations in Birmingham or Huntsville. We look forward to serving you.
We have all the Official BSA supplies you need to outfit your Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturer, and Explorer. You get per-
sonal help from professional Staff who know all the BSA Programs. We take phone and email orders – pick them up or we
              can ship directly to you. We also carry the latest Eagle Scout merchandise and camping gear!

             Birmingham Scout Shop                                          Huntsville Scout Shop
             Located at the Charles T. Clayton                         Located in the Goodloe Service Center
                   Scout Service Center                                         2211 Drake Ave SW
                   216 Liberty Parkway                                          Huntsville, AL 35805
                 Birmingham, AL 35242                                              256-880-1488

                       Store Hours:                                               Store Hours:
                Monday-Friday: 9am - 6pm                                    Monday-Friday: 10am - 6pm
                  Saturday: 10am - 4pm                                        Saturday: 10am-4pm

                                              We offer sewing services for Scouts and Scouters
                                              who need help getting their uniform looking its
                                              best! Ask a sales associate for details and pricing
You can also read