PROGRAM OF EVENTS NOV 1 - NOV 12, 2021 - State Department

Page created by Roberto Torres
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            NOV 1
                                                      GLASGOW 2021

            WORLD LEADERS

            1:00-1:30 pm   LAUNCHING THE DECISIVE
                           DECADE OF CLIMATE ACTION
                           The White House &
                           U.S. Department of State

            2:30-4:00 pm   AMERICA IS ALL IN:
                           A SOCIETY-WIDE MOBILIZATION
                           TO MEET U.S. CLIMATE GOALS
                           America is All In Coalition

            4:00-5:00 pm   THE ECONOMIC CASE FOR INVESTING
                           IN CLIMATE ACTION: HOW COUNTRIES
                           ARE LEVERAGING CLIMATE AMBITION
                           TO BUILD BACK BETTER
                           The White House &
                           U.S. Department of State

            6:00-7:00 pm   CLIMATE SCIENCE LEADING THE WAY

                           The White House O�ce of Science
                           and Technology Policy

ACTION                                                        3

NOV 2                                                                 NOV 3
                                                                                                                             GLASGOW 2021

WORLD LEADERS                                                         FINANCE
SUMMIT                                                                GMT

GMT                                                                   10:00-11:00 am      LEAF COALITION: SIGNIFICANT STRIDES
                                                                                          TOWARDS TROPICAL FOREST
11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:                                          CONSERVATION AT SCALE
                                                                                          U.S. Department of State & Emergent
                    EARTH SCIENCE
                                                                                          Forest Finance Accelerator
11:30 am-12:30 pm   EQUITABLE DEEP DECARBONIZATION:                   11:00-11:15 pm      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                    A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSING THE                                           APPLICATIONS OF SATELLITE
                    HISTORIC JUSTICE40 INITIATIVE                                         OBSERVATIONS TO THE GLOBAL
                    U.S. Department of Energy                                             ECONOMY
1:00-2:00 pm        OUR OCEAN, OUR PEOPLE,                            11:30 am-12:30 pm   MOBILIZING CAPITAL FOR CLIMATE
                    OUR PROSPERITY                                                        FINANCE IN DEVELOPING ECONOMIES
                    Oce of the Special Presidential
                                                                                          U.S. International Development
                    Envoy for Climate
                                                                                          Finance Corporation
3:00-4:00 pm        ADVANCING ADAPTATION AT HOME AND                  1:30-2:30 pm        U.S. EFFORTS TO CONSERVE GLOBAL
                    IN VULNERABLE COUNTRIES: U.S.                                         FORESTS AND OTHER CRITICAL
                    ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE PRIORITIES                                  CARBON SINKS
                    The White House & Oce of the                                         U.S. Department of State
                    Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
                                                                      3:00-4:00 pm        CLEAN TECHNOLOGY FUND 2.0:
4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:                                          INNOVATIVE FINANCING FOR IMPACT
                    WHAT’S CAUSING RECENT CLIMATE                                         U.S. Department of Treasury
                                                                      4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
4:30-5:30 pm        TECH FOR NET- ZERO                                                    SATELLITE VIEW OF THE BLUE ECONOMY
                    Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)
                    & US Council for International Business (USCIB)   4:30-5:30 pm        GROWING ECONOMIES BY REDUCING
                                                                                          EMISSIONS:’ CLIMATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP
6:00-7:00 pm        AMBITION BEYOND COP26                                                 FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT’(CEED)’
                    Center for Climate and Energy Solutions                               U.S. Department of State

                                                                      6:00-7:00 pm        NET-ZERO WORLD INITIATIVE LAUNCH:
                                                                                          ACCELERATING GLOBAL ENERGY SYSTEM
                                                                                          U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department
                                                                                          of State, National Renewable Energy Lab

NOV 4                                                               NOV 5
                                                                                                                            GLASGOW 2021

ENERGY                                                              YO U T H + P U B L I C
10:00-11:00 am      THE NEXT WAVE OF CLIMATE SOLUTIONS:             GMT
                    UP IN THE ‘30S & ‘40S"                          10:00-11:00 am      LIFE-AR COMPACT: STRENGTHENING
                    Breakthrough Energy, Information Technology &                       AMBITION AND COOPERATION
                    Innovation Foundation (ITIF), Third Way                             BETWEEN LDCS AND THE
                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY
11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION: CARBON                                 O−ce of the Special Presidential
                    IN THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE                                           Envoy for Climate
                                                                    11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                                                                                        THE GLOBE PROGRAM
                    National Renewable Energy Laboratory
                                                                    11:30 am-12:30 pm   ELEVATING INDIGENOUS YOUTH
1:30-2:30 pm        EXPANDING GLOBAL WIND AMBITION IN                                   U.S. Department of the Interior
                    U.S. Department of the Interior                 1:30-2:30 pm        GOING NEGATIVE ON CARBON
                                                                                        U.S. Department of Energy
                    CLEAN ENERGY ACCESS TO HOUSEHOLDS               3:00-4:00 pm        CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE AND
                    U.S. Agency for International Development &                         FORESTRY: A VISION FOR THE FUTURE
                    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                        U.S. Department of Agriculture
                    REACTOR SIGNING CEREMONY                        4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                    U.S. Department of Energy                                           STUDENT AIRBORNE SCIENCE
                                                                                        ACTIVATION FOR UNDER-REPRESENTED
4:30-5:30 pm        THE CLEAN ENERGY DEMAND INITIATIVE:                                 AND UNDER-SERVED LEARNERS
                    U.S. Department of State                                            AIMING FOR NET-ZERO
5:30-5:45 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:                                        Edison Electric Institute
                    FROM A BIRD’S EYE VIEW                          6:00-7:00 pm        OUR SHARED FUTURE: LIFE ON A
                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE PLANET
6:00-7:00 pm        CLEAN ENERGY MINISTERIAL AND MISSION                                Smithsonian Institute
                    FOR THE CLIMATE
                    U.S. Department of Energy

NOV 6                                                           NOV 8
                                                                                                                        GLASGOW 2021

N AT U R E                                                      A D A P TAT I O N , L O S S
                                                                & DAMAGE
10:00-11:00 am      SAVING NATURE TO SAVE OURSELVES             GMT
                    U.S. Department of the Interior &
                                                                10:00-11:00 am      POWER-UP: FACTORING RESILIENCE INTO
                    U.S. Agency for International Development                       TRANSITIONING ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                                    U.S. Agency for International Development
                                                                11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
11:30 am-12:30 pm   OCEAN & CLIMATE AMBITION:                                       FIRES IN A WARMING WORLD
                    BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE             11:30 am-12:30 pm   PARTNERSHIPS FOR ISLAND RESILIENCE:
                    National Oceanic and                                            SHARING SOLUTIONS IN THE GREAT
                    Atmospheric Administration                                      OCEAN STATES
                                                                                    U.S. Department of State & National Oceanic
1:30-2:30 pm        INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE: AGRICULTURE                            and Atmospheric Administration
                    U.S. Department of Agriculture              1:30-2:30 pm        ADAPTATION: FROM PLANNING TO ACTION
                    & O†ce of the Special Presidential                              NAP Global Network
                    Envoy for Climate Change
                                                                3:00-4:00 pm        CLIMATE SERVICES FOR DECISION MAKERS
3:00-4:00 pm        CONGRESS’ ROLE IN ENHANCING U.S.                                National Oceanic and
                    CLIMATE LEADERSHIP AND AMBITION                                 Atmospheric Administration
                    U.S. Congress
                                                                4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
4:00-4:05 pm        SILVACARBON FILM SCREENING -                                    CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND DISEASE
                    CELEBRATING 10 YEARS                                            OUTBREAKS
                    U.S. Forest Service
                                                                4:30-5:30 pm        HEALTHIER LIVES ON A HEALTHIER
4:30-5:30 pm        OUR CLIMATE FUTURE IS FEMALE: WOMEN                             PLANET: LINKING CLIMATE CHANGE
                    AND GIRLS LEADING CLIMATE ACTION                                AND HEALTH EQUITY
                    U.S. Agency for International Development                       U.S. Department of Health and
                                                                                    Human Services
                    OCEAN ECOLOGY                               6:00-7:00 pm        ADAPTING TO THRIVE: U.S. ACTION
                                                                                    ON GLOBAL CLIMATE ADAPTATION
                                                                                    U.S. Agency for International Development
                    SOLUTIONS INTO NDCS
                    World Wildlife Fund                                                                                           9

NOV 9                                                                NOV 10
                                                                                                                                GLASGOW 2021

GENDER, SCIENCE                                                      TRANSPORT
& I N N O VAT I O N                                                  GMT

GMT                                                                  10:00-11:00 am      BUILDING A BETTER BATTERY
                                                                                         U.S. Department of Energy
10:00-11:00 am      FURTHER, FASTER, TOGETHER:
                    A STATE-FEDERAL PARTNERSHIP FOR A                11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                    NET-ZERO FUTURE
                                                                                         HOW DO WE KNOW FOR SURE ABOUT
                    U.S. Climate Alliance
                                                                                         ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS?
11:00-11:15 am      NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:                                         ASK AERONET!
                                                                     11:30 am-12:30 pm   H2 TWIN CITIES - CONNECTING
          `         MARKED INCREASE IN EARTH’S
                                                                                         COMMUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD
                    HEATING RATE
                                                                                         TO DEPLOY CLEAN HYDROGEN
11:30 am-12:30 pm   ACCELERATING EQUITABLE CLIMATE                                       SOLUTIONS
                    ACTION THROUGH GLOBAL SUPPORT FOR                                    U.S. Department of Energy
                    STARTUP INNOVATION
                                                                     1:30-2:30 pm        COMING BACK GREENER:
                    National Renewable Energy Laboratory                                 CLEAN TRANSPORTATION
                    & The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator                                U.S. Department of Transportation
1:30-2:30 pm        SECURING THE CLIMATE BENEFITS OF THE             3:00-4:00 pm        DECARBONIZING TRANSPORTATION
                    GLOBAL HFC PHASEDOWN: PREVENTING                                     IN EMERGING ECONOMIES
                    ILLEGAL TRADE IN HFCS                                                U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
                    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency                                 U.S. Agency for International
                                                                                         Development, National Renewable
3:00-4:00 pm        SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY'S ROLE IN                                     Energy Laboratory
                    White House O•ce of Science &                    4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                    Technology Policy                                                    NEW CLIMATE FOR A BETTER(?)
                                                                                         TOMORROW: EARTH ENERGY, HEAT,
4:00-4:15 pm        NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:                                         AND WATER IN A CHANGING CLIMATE
                                                                     4:30-5:30 pm        LEADING THE WAY TO THE
4:30-5:30 pm        OBSERVING OUR PLANET                                                 FUTURE OF FLIGHT
                    National Aeronautics and Space Administration,                       Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance
                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                     (SABA)
                    Administration, U.S. Geological Survey
                                                                     6:00-7:00 pm        BUSINESS LEADERS: A CALL
6:00-7:00 pm        BUILDING BETTER TOGETHER:                                            TO CLIMATE ACTION
                    PARTNERSHIPS TO ADVANCE CLIMATE                                      Glasgow is Our Business
                    National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

NOV 11                                                              NOV 12
                                                                                                                         GLASGOW 2021

CITIES, REGIONS &                                                   CLOSE
                                                                    10:00-11:00 am       A CHANGING ARCTIC: THE U.S.’
10:00-11:00 am      CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE:                                   CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCTIC RESEARCH,
                    YOUTH LEADING THE WAY IN THE U.S.                                    APPLICATIONS, AND DECISION SUPPORT
                    AND AROUND THE WORLD                                                 National Aeronautics and
                    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency                                 Space Administration
                    REGULATION FOR OZONE RECOVERY AND               11:00-11:15 am       NASA HYPERWALL PRESENTATION:
                    A HEALTHY PLANET                                                     THE EVER-CHANGING CO2 SOURCES
                                                                                         AND SINKS SEEN FROM SPACE
                    FROM ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT                   12:00 pm - 1:00 pm   CLIMATE SMART INFRASTRUCTURE:
                    U.S. Department of Transportation                                    BUILDING BACK BETTER AND
                                                                                         CATALYZING GREEN GROWTH
1:30-2:30 pm        GLOBAL NETWORK ENABLES CLIMATE                                       U.S. Trade and Development Agency
                    SPACE TO VILLAGE
                    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
                    & U.S. Agency for International Development

3:00-4:00 pm        THE ROLE OF CITIES IN DRIVING AN
                    AMBITIOUS CLIMATE AGENDA
                    Climate Mayors

                    AND CLIMATE

                    U.S. Department of Housing
                    and Urban Development

NOV 1                                                                        NOV 2
                                       McCarthy will host a ministerial                                            and prepare major initiatives
                                       level discussion on how investing                                           to announce at the Our Ocean
                                       in climate action can spur                                                  Conference on February 16 and 17
WORLD LEADERS                          equitable economic growth.            WORLD LEADERS                         in Palau.
SUMMIT                                 Panel participants will share         SUMMIT
                                       stories and lessons learned from                                            Advancing Adaptation At Home
                                       the government to government                                                and in Vulnerable Countries:
                                       perspective on how investing                                                U.S. Adaptation and Resilience
Launching the Decisive                 in climate ambition has grown         Equitable Deep Decarbonization:
Decade of Climate Action               economies around the world.           A Roundtable Discussing the           Priorities
The White House & U.S.                                                       Historic Justice40 Initiative         The White House & Ofce of the
Department of State                                                          U.S. Department of Energy             Special Presidential Envoy for
                                       Climate Science                                                             Climate
Welcoming the world                    Leading the Way                       Achieving net-zero emissions
back to the U.S. Center - a            The White House Ofce of Science       economy-wide by 2050 will             White House National Climate
showcase of U.S. eforts to raise       & Technology Policy                   provide an unprecedented              Advisor, Gina McCarthy, and
ambition and action to tackle the
                                       Climate change represents an          opportunity to create new jobs        Special Presidential Envoy for
climate crisis at home and abroad.
                                       existential threat that requires      across multiple economic sectors      Climate, John Kerry, will discuss
                                       bold and urgent action. The           and help to realize the Biden         the importance of advancing
America Is All In: A Society-wide      United States is committed            Administration’s intersecting         efective climate adaptation and
Mobilization to Meet U.S.              to continued investments in           priorities on climate, equity, and    resilience eforts and share U.S.
Climate Goals                          scientifc research and enhanced       the economy. This roundtable          priorities, policies, and initiatives
America is All In Coalition            international collaboration that      focuses on the Justice40              to implement adaptation and
The United States is back in the       will allow society to understand,     Initiative, a cornerstone of          resilience strategies domestically
Paris Agreement and ready to           respond, and adapt to climate         the Administration’s climate          and in vulnerable countries
go far beyond its ambition. U.S.       change. This session will highlight   strategy that commits 40% of          and communities around the
cities and counties, states and        perspectives from U.S. experts        the benefts of Federal climate        world, as articulated in the U.S.’s
tribal nations, businesses and         on how advances in science are        and clean energy spending to          Adaptation Communication.
investors, faith groups, colleges      informing our collective response     disadvantaged communities.
and universities, and institutions     to climate change.                    Participants will include senior
                                                                             Administration ofcials and            Tech for Net-Zero
of faith, health, and culture                                                                                      Business Council for Sustainable
have built a solid framework of                                              members of civil society.
                                                                                                                   Energy (BCSE) & US Council for
support which the U.S. federal                                                                                     International Business (USCIB)
government can rely on to                                                    Our Ocean, Our People,
strengthen and implement its                                                 Our Prosperity                        Leading U.S. companies will
climate targets. They’re also                                                Ofce of the Special Presidential      dive into the global challenge
here at COP in full force to                                                 Envoy for Climate                     of achieving net zero by 2050
stand shoulder to shoulder with                                                                                    and explore how technologies
the federal government and                                                   The ocean sustains all life on        across sectors can make
international counterparts. The                                              this planet, yet the health of        signifcant gains toward this
next decade is critical, which is                                            the ocean is under threat from        goal in this critical decade for
why it will take all of us - working                                         the impacts of greenhouse gas         climate action. Coordination
together - to keep 1.5 degrees                                               pollution and other anthropogenic     across sectors, investment
Celsius within reach.                                                        stressors. At the same time, the      in innovation, deployment of
                                                                             ocean is a source of sustainable      existing technology solutions and
                                                                             solutions that can help us            public-private partnership are
The Economic Case for Investing                                              address the climate crisis. This
in Climate Action: How countries                                                                                   all essential tools to achieve this
                                                                             armchair discussion featuring         long-term global target.
are leveraging climate ambition                                              Special Presidential Envoy for
to build back better                                                         Climate John Kerry and President
The White House & U.S.                                                       Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. will launch   Ambition Beyond COP26
Department of State                                                          a 90-day challenge for countries      Center for Climate and Energy
                                                                             and non-state actors to carry         Solutions (C2ES)
National Climate Advisor Gina                                                forward the momentum of COP26         This long-awaited conference is
an opportunity for countries to                                            fnance -- and key challenges to
deliver timely commitments that                                            fnancing -- in emerging markets.
take us further toward achieving                                           U.S. Eforts to Conserve Global
the Paris Agreement’s goals, but     Finance                               Forests and Other Critical
we already know that we will                                               Carbon Sinks
still be far of track by the end                                           U.S. Department of State
of COP26. This side event will       LEAF Coalition: Signifcant
focus on the Paris Agreement’s       Strides towards Tropical Forest       Join us for a high-level event to
global stocktake (GST) process,      Conservation at Scale                 highlight major new United States
the success of which depends on      U.S. Department of State &            announcements on support for
attention to urgency, opportunity,   Emergent Forest Finance               global eforts to conserve and
and near-term scalable action,       Accelerator                           restore forests and other natural
including through enhanced                                                 ecosystems, including those that
NDCs and their efective              Participants in the Lowering          serve as critical carbon sinks
implementation, as well as wider     Emissions by Accelerating Forest
collective enhanced action. C2ES     fnance (LEAF) Coalition will          Clean Technology Fund 2.0:
and EDF will further announce the    announce signifcant advances          Innovative Financing for Impact
launch of our GST project, which     in implementing a new model           U.S. Department of Treasury
in 2022 and 2023 will help shape     of public-private support for
and support the GST by ensuring      tropical forests, highlighting        U.S. Department of Treasury will
a strong focus on opportunities to   developments since the $1             host an event with international
scale up climate ambition in line    billion call for proposals was        partners to highlight an innovative
with the Paris Agreement’s long-     announced in April 2021. The          fnancing model that would
term goals.                          LEAF Coalition aims to raise          support clean technology
                                     global climate ambition and           investments in developing
                                     contribute to halting tropical        countries. Treasury will also
                                     and subtropical deforestation         outline eforts to help developing
                                     and forest degradation by 2030.       economies transition away from
                                     It is a voluntary global coalition    coal.
                                     bringing together companies and
                                     governments to provide fnance
                                                                           Growing Economies by
                                     for tropical and subtropical forest
                                                                           Reducing Emissions: Climate
                                     protection at a scale not seen
                                                                           Entrepreneurship for Economic
                                     before.                               Development (CEED)
                                                                           U.S. Department of State
                                     Mobilizing Capital for Climate        Entrepreneurs from around the
                                     Finance in Developing                 world working on scalable climate
                                     Economies                             solutions will join U.S. business
                                     U.S. International Development        and government leaders to
                                     Finance Corporation                   launch Climate Entrepreneurship
                                                                           for Economic Development
                                     Developing economies face             (CEED), a new State Department
                                     an annual multi-trillion dollar       initiative. Through partnerships
                                     fnancing gap for climate              with the private sector, CEED
                                     mitigation, adaptation, and           connects climate entrepreneurs
                                     resilience. The Development           with peer thought partners,
                                     Finance Corporation is embarking      industry mentors, and partnership
                                     on a set of commitments to            opportunities needed to scale
                                     mobilize climate fnance from          innovative climate solutions
                                     the private sector for economic       and drive economic growth in
                                     mobility and investment in            Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin
                                     developing economies. The             America.
                                     program will explore strategies in
Net Zero World Initiative Launch:
                                     NOV 4
                                                                          energy grids, collaboration and
Accelerating Global Energy                                                technical assistance, building
System Decarbonization                                                    a robust workforce, and much
U.S. Department of Energy, U.S.      Energy                               more.
Department of State, National
Renewable Energy Laboratory
                                     The Next Wave of Climate             Expanding Global Wind
The United States of America         Solutions: Accelerating              Ambition in Pursuit of a Clean
together with partner                Innovation Now to Scale Up in        Energy Economy
governments, the philanthropic       the ‘30s & ‘40s                      U.S. Department of the Interior
community and business leaders       Breakthrough Energy, Information
will be launching the Net Zero       Technology & Innovation              U.S. Secretary of the Interior
World Initiative, aimed at           Foundation (ITIF), Third Way         Deb Haaland will be joined
accelerating the transition to                                            by international colleagues to
net zero, resilient and inclusive    Getting to net-zero by 2050          showcase US and international
energy systems. This whole-          will require multiple waves of       commitments toward a global
of-government initiative will        solutions to be deployed at global   challenge for accelerating
harness expertise from national      scale. As the current wave crests    ofshore wind development
laboratories and federal             in the 2020s, governments and        to reduce carbon emissions,
agencies to enable clean energy      businesses need to be building       promote economic growth in the
transformations in partner           the next one, and the one after      clean energy sector and keep 1.5
countries, at national and sub-      that, to address emissions           degrees of global warming within
national levels. Join us for the     challenges that are hard or          reach.
launch to hear from U.S. Secretary   impossible to abate today. Join
of Energy Jennifer Granholm,         us to hear a diverse set of
U.S Special Presidential Envoy                                            Climate and Health Equity:
                                     perspectives on the priorities
for Climate John Kerry, and                                               Advancing Clean Energy Access
                                     and modalities for a decade of
several leaders from partner                                              to Households
                                     ambitious action to accelerate
governments, foundations, and                                             U.S. Agency for International
                                     innovation, which must unfold in
private sector institutions.                                              Development, U.S. Environmental
                                     the 2020s to unlock decades of
                                                                          Protection Agency
                                     opportunity to follow.
                                                                          This event, hosted by USAID
                                     Unlocking Grids to Decarbonize       and USEPA, will announce
                                     Power Systems Globally with the      US commitments and involve
                                     G-PST Consortium                     a thoughtful discussion on
                                     National Renewable Energy            strategies to advance clean
                                     Laboratory                           energy access to households
                                                                          domestically and abroad to
                                     The G-PST Consortium is              reduce energy poverty while
                                     accelerating innovations and         reducing harmful emissions.
                                     adoption of world class solutions    Experts will focus on how to
                                     to transition to zero emission       deploy a range of cooking and
                                     power systems in all regions of      heating appliances and utility-
                                     the world. This event will bring     based and of-grid systems that
                                     together high-level ministers and    support improved health equity
                                     energy sector leadership from the    and quality of life.
                                     U.S., U.K., and Denmark (TBC), as
                                     well as several system operator
                                     CEOs, to discuss tangible results
                                     achieved through the G-PST
                                     Consortium since the launch in
                                     April 2021 including - innovative
                                     research to reach 100% renewable
U.S.-Romania Small Modular            key accomplishments of several                                            is afecting their communities
Nuclear Reactor Signing               CEM and MI workstreams as well                                            around the globe and
Ceremony                              as highlight important future work                                        recommend actions they would
U.S. Department of Energy             under the new phases of both         Youth + Public                       like world leaders to undertake
                                      organizations: MI 2.0 and CEM        Empowerment                          to achieve our international
DOE Secretary Granholm                3.0. Chilean Minister of Energy                                           climate commitments for future
will be joined by Romanian            Juan Carlos Jobet, as host of the                                         generations.
Minister Popescu and private          CEM and MI ministerial meetings
sector partners to share a new        in 2021, will hand of the 2022       LIFE-AR Compact: Strengthening
project that will help Romania        ministerial hosting duties to        Ambition and Cooperation
                                                                           between LDCs and the                 Going Negative on Carbon
accelerate the clean energy           U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer                                            U.S. Department of Energy
transition through deployment of      Granholm. Secretary Granholm         International Community
small modular nuclear reactors.       will announce the location of the    Ofce of the Special Presidential
                                                                           Envoy for Climate                    To avoid catastrophic climate
The new technology will be            2022 CEM and MI ministerials.                                             change, we must achieve net
a centerpiece of Romania’s                                                                                      zero emissions by 2050 – that
decarbonization eforts and                                                 Despite being the most vulnerable
                                                                           to climate impacts, the LDCs         cannot be possible without
contributions to the Paris                                                                                      negative emissions solutions
Agreement’s climate goals.                                                 have set out an ambitious target
                                                                           to “be on climate-resilient          as a complement to aggressive
                                                                           development pathways by 2030         mitigation actions. This two-part
                                                                           and deliver net-zero emissions by    event will focus on the innovation
The Clean Energy Demand                                                                                         and collaboration led by the
Initiative: Catalyzing Private                                             2050 to ensure our societies and
                                                                           ecosystems thrive”. Achieving        United States and its partners to
Sector Renewable Energy                                                                                         drive innovative technological
Investment in Leading                                                      this ambitious target will require
                                                                           partnership on both sides. The       solutions to removing carbon. At
Economies                                                                                                       this event, Secretary Granholm
U.S. Department of State                                                   LDCs are therefore, inviting the
                                                                           international community to join      will announce both a new
                                                                           them in support of a shared LDC      domestic Carbon Negative Energy
Private sector and country                                                                                      Earthshot and an international
leaders will come together to                                              Vision to strengthen development
                                                                           cooperation and climate              Mission Innovation research
discuss demand for renewables                                                                                   Mission on Carbon
to complement broader sectoral                                             action, for a more efective and
                                                                           ambitious response to the triple     Dioxide Removal.
investment and options for
corporate renewable procurement                                            crises of climate change, nature
in countries with large industrial,                                        degradation and poverty. This
                                                                                                                Climate Smart Agriculture and
manufacturing, and technology                                              event presents an opportunity
                                                                                                                Forestry: A Vision for the Future
centers. The discussion will                                               for LDCs and the international
                                                                                                                U.S. Department of Agriculture
highlight private sector renewable                                         community to share progress
energy investment goals and                                                on the LDC Vision and for
                                                                                                                USDA’s Climate Smart Agriculture
policy options.                                                            governments to join the LIFE-AR
                                                                                                                and Forestry strategy leverages
                                                                           Partnership Compact in support
                                                                                                                USDA tools and authorities and
                                                                           of a shared LDC Vision, open to
                                                                                                                describes additional actions
Clean Energy Ministerial and                                               all.
                                                                                                                to drive emissions reductions,
Mission Innovation: Delivering on                                                                               increase forest carbon
Clean Energy for the Climate                                                                                    sequestration, decarbonize rural
U.S. Department of Energy                                                  Elevating Indigenous Youth
                                                                           U.S. Department of the Interior      electricity generation, invest in
                                                                                                                renewable fuels production, and
The members of Mission                                                                                          increase agriculture and forest
Innovation (MI) and the Clean                                              U.S. Secretary of the Interior
                                                                           Deb Haaland will host a virtual      resilience to climate impacts.
Energy Ministerial (CEM) are                                                                                    Secretary Vilsack will give an
working to deliver on their climate                                        question and answer session
                                                                           with Indigenous youth about the      overview of the U.S. strategy to
ambition through accelerating                                                                                   position farmers, ranchers, and
the innovation and deployment                                              impacts of climate change on the
                                                                           rising generation. Participants      forest landowners as part of
of clean energy technologies                                                                                    the solution to climate change
worldwide. This event will present                                         will share how climate change
                                                                                                                and discuss the new Climate
Smart Agriculture and Forestry                                               The event will showcase the
Partnership Initiative. The                                                  Partnership’s progress to date
stakeholder panel discussion                                                 and provide a brief introduction
will focus on opportunities to         Nature                                to current and future activities.
leverage climate-friendly supply                                             Government agencies, national
chains to connect producers to                                               representatives, and other
consumers demanding climate-           Saving Nature to Save Ourselves       interested parties can learn
smart products.                        U.S. Department of the Interior,      about how to become a member,
                                       U.S. Agency for International         benefts to members, national
                                       Development                           case studies, and upcoming
America’s Electric Companies:
                                                                             events through thematic
Aiming for Net Zero
                                       U.S. Secretary of the Interior        presentations by high profle
Edison Electric Institute
                                       Deb Haaland and Administrator         speakers from the countries and
                                       of the United States Agency           organizations represented by the
This event will highlight actions by
                                       for International Development         Partnership (Chile, UK, France,
U.S. electric companies to quickly
                                       Samantha Power will discuss           U.S., and Costa Rica).
decarbonize the power sector
and achieve net-zero. CEOs from        the impact of meaningful
fve of America’s investor-owned        engagement of Indigenous
                                       peoples and local communities on      Investing in Our Future:
electric companies will outline                                              Agriculture Innovation Mission
how the industry is working with       the development of nature-based
                                       solutions to climate change. The      for Climate
the Administration and Congress                                              U.S. Department of Agriculture &
to develop federal policies that       two leaders will highlight U.S.
                                       domestic and international eforts     Ofce of the Special Presidential
will accelerate the clean energy                                             Envoy for Climate Change
transition and help address            to conserve biodiversity, including
climate change. The event also         President Biden’s America the
                                       Beautiful initiative, a decade-long   Launching at COP26, the
will focus on the key role that                                              Agriculture Innovation Mission
clean, efcient electricity plays       challenge to pursue a locally led
                                       and voluntary, nationwide efort       for Climate (AIM for Climate /
in achieving net-zero emissions                                              AIM4C) is a joint initiative created
economy-wide, including reducing       to conserve, connect, and restore
                                       30 percent of our lands and           by the United States and the
emissions from transportation and                                            United Arab Emirates. AIM for
driving reductions in the natural      waters by 2030.
                                                                             Climate seeks to drive more
gas supply chain.                                                            rapid and transformative climate
                                       Ocean & Climate Ambition:             action in the agricultural sector,
                                       International Partnership on          empowering agriculture to be
Our Shared Future: Life
                                       MPAs, Biodiversity and                part of the solution to address
on a Sustainable Planet
                                       Climate Change                        the climate crisis, build resilience
Smithsonian Institute
                                       National Oceanic and                  to its impacts, and create co-
                                       Atmospheric Administration            benefts of climate action. AIM
Through a series of short
                                                                             for Climate participants intend
talks and panel discussions,
                                       This event will highlight current     to signifcantly increase and
participants will hear from
                                       U.S. and international eforts to      accelerate investment in, and
Smithsonian leadership and
                                       address climate change impacts        other support for, climate-smart
scholars about plans to advance
                                       through marine protected              agriculture and food systems
a new signature initiative looking
                                       areas (MPAs). Coinciding with         innovation over fve years (2021 –
holistically at global crises – such
                                       the launch of the International       2025).
as climate change, biodiversity
loss, inequities, and global           Partnership on MPAs, Biodiversity,
pandemics. Creative solutions for      and Climate Change, of which
                                       NOAA’s Ofce of National               Congress’ Role in Enhancing
people and nature will be inspired                                           U.S. Climate Leadership and
by a bridge between science and        Marine Sanctuaries is a founding
                                       member, the event will showcase       Ambition
culture through collaborations                                               U.S. Congress
with domestic and international        the scope of this international
partners.                              partnership.
                                                                             A Conversation with U.S. Senators
and U.S. Representatives on           A Natural Response to Climate                                               Adaptation: From
Congress’ role in enhancing U.S.      Change: Integrating Nature-                                                 Planning to Action
climate action and ambition.          Based Solutions into NDCs                                                   NAP Global Network
                                      World Wildlife Fund                   Adaptation, Loss &
SilvaCarbon Film Screening -                                                Damage                                This event will highlight
                                      Panelists will discuss the need for                                         the importance of National
Celebrating 10 Years
                                      countries to incorporate quality                                            Adaptation Plans in building
U.S. Forest Service
                                      nature-based solutions (NBS) and                                            climate resilience at scale. It bring
                                      natural climate solutions (NCS)       Power-up: Factoring Resilience        together donors and developing
Over the past decade, the                                                   into Transitioning Energy
                                      into their NDCs, to both reduce                                             countries to discuss progress and
U.S. Government interagency                                                 Infrastructure
                                      emissions and build resilience.                                             needs, as well as announcements
SilvaCarbon program has been                                                U.S. Agency for International
                                      The discussion will highlight what                                          of new funding for the NAP Global
at the forefront of global eforts                                           Development
                                      certain countries have already                                              Network to increase support
to address climate change by
                                      done and what more others,                                                  developing countries in achieving
supporting developing countries                                             Countries around the world are
                                      including the US, can be doing                                              their adaptation goals.
to generate and use improved                                                transitioning to cleaner sources of
                                      to implement and achieve their
information related to forest and                                           energy and simultaneously facing
                                      climate commitments by investing
terrestrial carbon. This short flm                                          the impacts of climate change         Climate Services for
                                      in nature.
features diverse perspectives                                               in a variety of ways. This session    Decision Makers
from SilvaCarbon partners around                                            will bring together policy makers     National Oceanic and
the world on the importance                                                 to discuss the urgent need for        Atmospheric Administration
of forest carbon monitoring                                                 adoption of national policies that
for tracking and ultimately                                                 incorporate disaster and climate      This roundtable discussion
reducing deforestation; the                                                 risks into energy infrastructure      will highlight challenges, best
crucial role that direct, sustained                                         investment decisions.                 practices, and lessons learned
technical cooperation plays in                                                                                    when developing climate-related
achieving international climate                                                                                   tools and services in partnership
change goals; and some of the                                               Partnerships for Island               with communities and other end-
key successes and challenges                                                Resilience: Sharing Solutions in      users. The panel discussion will be
encountered through ten years of                                            the Great Ocean States                an opportunity to showcase USG
SilvaCarbon collaboration.                                                  U.S. Department of State, National    climate tools, services, programs,
                                                                            Oceanic and Atmospheric               and approaches, such as NOAA’s
                                                                            Administration                        US Climate Resilience Toolkit,
Our Climate Future Is Female:                                                                                     Climate Equity Roundtables,
Women and Girls Leading                                                     Island nations are among the          Regional Climate Service Centers,
Climate Action                                                              most vulnerable to climate            and the Regional Integrated
U.S. Agency for International                                               change, but they are also at the      Sciences and Assessments (RISA)
Development                                                                 forefront of eforts to adapt and      program. This could also serve
                                                                            develop pathways to climate           as an opportunity to annouce
Climate change is sexist, but our                                           resilience and sustainable            that NOAA’s Regional Integrated
response to it can’t be. Around                                             development. The United States        Sciences and Assessments
the world - from rural villages to                                          is working closely with many of       (RISA) program is aiming to
the halls of parliament - women                                             these islands to address island-      invest $50 million for nine new
are leading the way in designing                                            identifed needs, and foster           5-year RISA team awards to
solutions to mitigate and adapt                                             great ocean state leadership in       conduct innovative research on
to the impacts of climate change.                                           combating the climate crisis and      climate adaptation and ongoing
This session will bring together                                            promoting resilience in ways that     engagement with a range of
leaders giving voice to the                                                 refect their unique cultures.         communities across multiple
gendered impacts of the climate                                                                                   socioeconomic sectors in order to
crisis and highlighting how they                                                                                  build local and regional capacity
are taking action to empower                                                                                      to plan for climate change Topics
women and girls as leaders in the                                                                                 could include: building climate
fght against climate change.                                                                                      tools/services with an equity
                                                                                                                  and inclusion lens, iterative tool
and service development, and                                               Securing the Climate Benefts
fostering strong connections                                               of the Global HFC Phasedown:
between national and local action.                                         Preventing Illegal Trade in HFCs
                                     Gender, Science &                     U.S. Environmental
                                     Innovation                            Protection Agency
Healthier Lives on a Healthier
Planet: Linking Climate Change
and Health Equity                                                          Phasing down the production
U.S. Department of Health and        Further, Faster, Together: A          and consumption of climate-
Human Services                       State-Federal Partnership for a       damaging hydrofuorocarbons
                                     Net-Zero Future                       (HFCs) is an important part of our
                                     U.S. Climate Alliance                 global response to the climate
This session will provide an
                                                                           crisis, and could avoid up to 0.5°
update on new activities related
                                                                           Celsius of warming by 2100.
to climate change and health         The United States is back and our     Although many countries are
equity across the US government.     bold new climate goals are both       implementing a phase down of
Hosted by the new Ofce of            achievable and durable because        HFCs, including the United States,
Climate Change and Health            the Biden Administration and          these eforts must be supported
Equity within the Department of      states across America have joined     by a robust enforcement and
Health and Human Services, the       forces and are moving forward         compliance regime to ensure that
event will feature presentations     together. Join top Administration     illegal trade does not undermine
on community health resilience,      ofcials and governors from            the expected climate benefts
climate action co-benefts that       the U.S. Climate Alliance for         of these programs. Hosted by
can reduce health disparities, and   a discussion on how the U.S.          U.S. EPA, this event will highlight
health sector decarbonization        can secure a net-zero future,         international eforts to ensure
and resilience. It will also         safeguard public health, and          rigorous compliance with and
feature updates on a new all-of-     drive economic growth across          enforcement of HFC phasedown
government approach to health        multiple industries through a         programs, and opportunities
resilience to extreme heat.          strong, sustained state-federal       for international cooperation to
                                     partnership.                          prevent illegal trade in HFCs.
Adapting to Thrive: U.S. Action
on Global Climate Adaptation         Accelerating Equitable Climate        Science and Technology’s Role in
U.S. Agency for International        Action Through Global Support         Getting Us to Net-Zero Emissions
Development                          for Startup Innovation                White House Ofce of Science
                                     National Renewable Energy             and Technology Policy
Climate change is threatening        Laboratory and the Los Angeles
the lives and livelihoods of         Cleantech Incubator                   To reach net-zero-emissions by
millions of people worldwide.                                              2050, we’ll want to draw on the
As the world works to slow           Representatives from NREL, LACI,      full creativity and capabilities
emissions, developing countries      and their partners will share plans   of science and technology to
urgently need support to reduce      and examples to create a global       develop, deliver, and deploy
the impacts of climate change        network of cleantech incubators       solutions—including zero-carbon
on vulnerable communities.           as well as an innovation fund         energy and infrastructure that
This event will feature USAID        to help cities invite and scale       can address the energy needs
Administrator Samantha               equitable climate innovation. LACI    of all countries. Dr. Eric Lander,
Power, US Special Presidential       will announce their LA Cleantech      President Biden’s Science Advisor
Envoy on Climate John Kerry,         City Pilot Innovation Fund and        and Director of the White House
a NOAA or NASA principal,            NREL and partners will launch         Ofce of Science and Technology
Ministerial level representatives    a global clean energy incubator       Policy, will host a panel of experts
from the Vulnerable 20, and          network and assistance program.       to explore the strategic steps
representatives from civil society                                         necessary to turn ambition into
to discuss the United States’                                              reality. Panelists and participants
role in supporting global climate                                          will discuss the range of eforts
adaptation.                                                                needed, as well as how countries
NOV 10
can cooperate to develop                                                   inclusion, particularly at the city
National Science and Technology                                            and municipality level.
Roadmaps to undergird national
commitments to achieve a net-          Transport
zero-emissions world.                                                      Coming Back Greener:
                                                                           Clean Transportation
                                                                           U.S. Department of Transportation
Observing Our Planet                   Building a Better Battery|
National Aeronautics and Space         U.S. Department of Energy           The pandemic changed the
Administration, National Oceanic                                           way the world moves, and as
and Atmospheric Administration,        The United States and European      we build back better now is the
U.S. Geological Survey                 Union will announce the Building    time to take critical actions to
                                       Resilient Battery Ecosystem         reduce emissions across the
This session will describe the         at the COP 26 event to bring        transportation sector. The U.S.
current status and plans within        the European Battery Alliance       is on the cusp of a generational
the US to observe our Earth,           and US Battery Partnership          investment that would help make
including quantifying its evolution    together to strengthen supply       our transportation network less
and the resulting physical,            chain resilience for lithium-       polluting, more resilient and
chemical, biological, and societal     ion batteries, which are key to     more equitable, all while creating
impacts from climate change,           transportation electrifcation       good-paying jobs for workers.
as well as providing information       and decarbonization of the          This event will explore these
about the forcings and processes       transportation sector. The 100-     investments and other ways the
that drive climate change,. It         day supply chain reviews under      U.S. is approaching greening its
will also emphasize how the US         Executive Order 14017 make clear    transportation system.
government inclusively works           the need to work with America’s
with a full range of domestic          allies and partners to strengthen
and international partners to          our collective supply chain         Decarbonizing Transportation in
share data and facilitate its use      resilience.                         Emerging Economies
in informing decisions made to                                             U.S. Environmental Protection
anticipate and respond to our                                              Agency, U.S. Agency for
changing global environment.           H2 Twin Cities - Connecting         International Development, and
                                       communities around the world to     National Renewable Energy
                                       deploy clean hydrogen solutions     Laboratory
Building Better Together:              U.S. Department of Energy
Partnerships to Advance Climate                                            Decarbonizing transportation is
Resilience                             Connecting communities around
                                                                           essential for achieving a net-zero
National Oceanic and                   the world to deploy clean
                                                                           future, but the implementation
Atmospheric Administration             hydrogen solutions. Advances in
                                                                           roadmap is not always clear.
                                       hydrogen energy present some
Partnerships are the key to the                                            USAID, EPA and NREL will
                                       of the greatest opportunities
efective delivery of timely and                                            lay out a vision for a “whole
                                       for decarbonizing hard to abate
relevant climate science and                                               of government” approach to
                                       industrial sectors and heavy-
services. This event will highlight                                        decarbonizing the transportation
                                       duty transportation. The United
examples of innovative U.S.                                                sector globally. This will include
                                       States recently launched the
public-private partnerships, where                                         lessons on domestic regulatory
                                       Hydrogen Energy Earthshot to
the benefts could be global in                                             and non-regulatory strategies to
                                       accelerate domestic investment
reach. This moderated panel                                                reducing emissions from vehicles,
                                       and innovation, and with our
discussion will focus on the role                                          as well as implications for the
                                       international partners at COP 26
of targeted climate information                                            power sector, infrastructure
                                       we will launch a new program
to inform infrastructure resiliency,                                       planning, fnance, air quality and
                                       – H2 Twin Cities – designed
that is, how the design and                                                urban governance. The event
                                       to foster global collaboration
construction of infrastructure                                             will culminate in a discussion
                                       on deployment of innovative
needs to be informed by an                                                 amongst a panel of feld-based
                                       hydrogen technology with a focus
understanding of future weather                                            transportation experts on the
                                       on environmental justice and
and climate conditions.                                                    successes and challenges for
NOV 11
emerging economies on the route                                             Global Network Enables Climate
to decarbonizing transportation                                             Change Resilience by Connecting
systems.                                                                    Space to Village
                                      Cities, Regions & Built               National Aeronautics and Space
                                                                            Administration, U.S. Agency for
Leading the Way to the                Environment                           International Development
Future of Flight
Sustainable Aviation Buyers                                                 A joint initiative of NASA,
Alliance (SABA)                                                             USAID, and leading geospatial
                                      Climate and Environmental             organizations in Asia, Africa, and
If you few to Glasgow, join the       Justice: Youth Leading the Way        Latin America, SERVIR partners
Sustainable Aviation Buyers           in the U.S. and Around the World      with countries in these regions
Alliance (SABA) to learn how          U.S. Environmental Protection         to address critical challenges in
you can play your part in             Agency                                climate change, food security,
decarbonizing the future of                                                 water and related disasters,
fight. SABA is uniting top airlines   This event and conversation           land use, and air quality. Using
and customers on a mission to         would engage youth leaders            satellite data and geospatial
advance investment in and uptake      on the specifc work that EPA          technology, SERVIR co-develops
of sustainable aviation fuels         does within the U.S. government       innovative solutions through
(SAF). Our panel discussion will      to combat climate change              a network of regional hubs to
unveil major new announcements        and advance environmental             improve resilience and sustainable
and updates about SABA’s              justice. Administrator Regan          resource management at local,
expanding work to ensure that         would share his personal story        national, and regional scales. This
businesses, organizations and         and hope to inspire and develop       session will showcase country-
even individuals can invest in        a new, diverse generation of          driven co-developed climate
high-integrity SAF to meet their      environmental leaders, and show       adaptation services and their
climate goals.                        environmental professional            impact.
                                      careers as a viable, meaningful
                                      career option.
Business Leaders: A Call to                                                 The Role of Cities in Driving an
Climate Action                                                              Ambitious Climate Agenda
Glasgow is Our Business               Leadership everywhere: Climate        Climate Mayors
                                      leadership and responsibility
Leading companies see                 comes from all levels of              The panel will focus on the
strong climate action as both         government                            leadership of cities in taking
an urgent imperative and an           U.S. Department of Transportation     climate action to date; the
unparalleled opportunity for more                                           importance of local-federal
sustainable prosperity. CEOs                                                partnerships in expanding and
and top executives representing       Over the last decade, much of
                                                                            amplifying these eforts; and the
companies and business groups         the creativity and innovation
                                                                            contribution of local action to the
from around the world will            on climate and transport has
                                                                            broader global agenda.
underscore the actions they are       been driven by the subnational
taking to achieve the goals of the    level. Climate leadership and
Paris Agreement and their call to     responsibility should be a priority   Justice and Equity at the Center:
governments to enact the policies     for all levels of government. This    Innovative Housing Policy to
needed to accelerate the net-zero     panel will explore opportunities      Build a More Sustainable Society
transition in this decisive decade.   to foster continued climate           for All
                                      innovations that are both             U.S. Department of Housing and
                                      collaborative and scalable.           Urban Development

                                                                            A conversation with U.S.
                                                                            Department of Housing and
                                                                            Urban Development’s leadership
                                                                            on how the United States is
NOV 12
centering environmental justice                                           and partnership building
and equity in innovative housing                                          activities.
and housing fnance policy to
reduce emissions, adapt to           Close
climate change, and build a strong
and more sustainable society.
                                     A Changing Arctic: The U.S.’
                                     Contributions to Arctic Research,
                                     Applications, and Decision
                                     National Aeronautics and Space

                                     A series of talks and visual
                                     animations targeted for the
                                     general public to demonstrate
                                     how US data, models, and
                                     science enable Arctic monitoring,
                                     understanding, and predictions
                                     with implications for global
                                     climate change. Especially
                                     animations of satellite-derived
                                     variables or animations from
                                     climate models illustrate Arctic
                                     processes, connections, and
                                     changes in a way that are
                                     otherwise difcult to explain.

                                     Climate Smart Infrastructure:
                                     Building Back Better and
                                     Catalyzing Green Growth
                                     U.S. Trade and Development

                                     President Biden launched
                                     USTDA’s Global Partnership for
                                     Climate-Smart Infrastructure
                                     during April’s Leaders Summit
                                     on Climate. This roundtable,
                                     hosted by USTDA Acting Director
                                     Vinai Thammalapally, will
                                     spotlight how the Partnership is
                                     achieving its objective of helping
                                     countries transition to net-zero
                                     economies by connecting U.S.
                                     industry to clean energy and
                                     transportation infrastructure
                                     projects in emerging markets.
                                     Participants will include emerging
                                     market project sponsors and U.S.
                                     companies that are tackling the
                                     climate crisis through USTDA’s
                                     project preparation assistance
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