05   About ARQ              16   Financial Services &

07   Why Malta              17   Gaming Advisory

08   Services & Industry
     Overview               18   Shipping & Aviation

10   Risk & Compliance      19   Trusts & Foundations

11   Corporate Services     20   Training

12   Tax Services           21   Investment Migration

13   Accounting Services    22   Resource Outsourcing

14   Transaction Advisory
     Services               23   ARQ Group Partner Firms &

15   Business Advisory      24   Meet the Team
“I have worked with ARQ on many projects and
    they have been commercial and responsive and
                                                                                                                   About ARQ
    perfect for our international clients”

         Jeremy Glover, Partner at Jurit LLP Solicitors, London.    ARQ is a professional services organisation based in Malta with a branch in Sri
                                                                    Lanka. We provide a wide range of corporate and advisory services to local and
                                                                    international clients operating within different industry sectors.

                                                                    At ARQ Group we take a 360 degree view, integrating professionals from various disciplines - lawyers,
                                                                    accountants, tax advisors and compliance specialists – who work closely together to deliver innovative
    “ARQ has been an integral part of our licensing                 solutions that drive our clients’ growth and success. We have secured a strong reputation built on our
    process for Wildz Casino by providing sound                     expertise and the quality of our service delivery.
    guidance and relevant experience every step of
    the way. ARQ personnel carried themselves in                    The ARQ Group collaborative structure includes a professional relationship with a leading local law
                                                                    firm, Fenech Farrugia Fiott Legal, and a reputable assurance practice, Capstone Group, that support
    a professional manner and we look forward to
                                                                    the group in delivering a complete A to Z solution to our clients.
    working with them in the future.”

                                                                    One partner for all your business needs.
                             Lasse Rantala , CEO at Rootz Ltd.

    “Quality work and professionalism is why we
    choose to work with ARQ. They are solutions
    driven and very practical. We are very happy with
    the whole experience.”                                         Collaborative            Trusted              End-to-end                Top                    100
                                                                    Framework               Partner               Solutions               Talent                 Team

           Paolo Balen, Partner at a global financial & business
                         consultancy firm based in Switzerland.

4                                                                                                                                                                            5
Why Malta
    Malta’s rapid yet robust growth has resulted in the development
                                                                      Malta has an innovation-driven, service-based economy, which has grown rapidly over the past
    of several strong economic sectors, including financial
                                                                      five years.
    services and FinTech, ICT, remote gaming, real estate, high
    value-added industrial activities such as the aviation and bio-
                                                                      This economic development has been driven by a unique combination of factors, primarily
    tech industries, and the tourism and entertainment sectors.
                                                                      Malta’s access to the European Single Market and its strategic location in the middle of the
                                                                      Mediterranean, bridging Europe, Africa and the Middle East. This has resulted in a diverse and
                                                                      open economy. Other drivers include a multilingual and highly educated population, a productive
    Economic Indicators:                                              labour force, a low corporate tax regime which incentivises Foreign Direct Investment, and
                                                                      well-developed finance and ICT infrastructure.
    •   Nominal GDP Growth (2019)                 6.8%

    •   Real GDP Growth (2019) 		                 4.4%

    •   HICP Inflation (2019 average) 		          1.8%

    •   Unemployment rate (2019)                  3.4%

    •   Government balance (2019 / % GDP)         1.4%

    •   Government debt (2019 / % GDP)            42.9%                  Pro Business            Socio Economic         Robust Regulatory         Favourable Tax
                                                                                                    Stability              Framework                Solutions
    •   Growth in tourism arrivals (2019)         5.9%

    •   Tourist arrivals (2019) 		                2.7 million

                                                                                                               VIEW VIDEO

6                                                                                                                                                                       7
Industries                                                                                                   ARQ Services

      Shipping, Aviation      Consumer and         Financial      Life Sciences          Corporate           Risk and          Tax               AML / CFT
      and Transportation         Retail            Services      and Healthcare                             Compliance                            Advisory

        Public Sector          Energy and        Manufacturing   Real Estate and   Trusts and Foundations   Accounting      Investment         Transaction and
                               Resources                          Construction                                               Migration       Investment Advisory

     Technology, Media and   Medical Marijuana     Education         Gaming          Financial Services      Training    Business Advisory        Resource
      Telecommunications                                                                and Fintech                                              Outsourcing

8                                                                                                                                                                  9
Risk & Compliance                                                    Corporate Services

      ARQ has a highly specialised risk and compliance practice            ARQ’s corporate services solutions are backed by several
      focused on providing advisory services in AML/CFT, financial         years’ experience. From company incorporation to company
      crime, GDPR and regulatory compliance. We provide a broad            administration, our team of trained administrators provide
      range of support services to clients in the financial services and   a comprehensive range of support services required by an
      gaming sectors, professional firms and regulators.                   enterprise, particularly in its crucial, initial phases.
      ARQ has positioned itself as the leading advisory service provider   Companies, Trusts and Foundations established under the laws
      in this area, relying on a team of top professionals with many       of Malta are subject to diverse statutory, administrative and
      years of advisory and regulatory experience.                         fiscal regulations. ARQ ensures clients remain fully compliant
                                                                           with all such statutory obligations.

           •    AML/CFT and Financial Crime Compliance                             •      Company Incorporation

           •    AML/CFT Advisory                                                   •      Secretarial Services and Corporate
           •    AML/CFT Training
                                                                                   •      Management and Infrastructural
           •    Regulatory Compliance                                                     Support

           •    GDPR Compliance                                                    •      Redomiciliation of Companies

                                                                           ARQ Corporate Ltd is authorised to act as a Company Service Provider by the Malta Financial
                                                                           Services Authority.

10                                                                                                                                                                       11
Tax Services                                                         Accounting Services

          At ARQ we offer a full range of advisory and compliance services     ARQ provides highly specialised accounting services backed by
          in direct and indirect taxation on both domestic and international   robust financial reporting and analysis.
          tax systems.
                                                                               Our expertise ensures timely delivery on all financial compliance
                                                                               and reporting deadlines. We are well positioned to provide
          This broad expertise targets one of a business’s key challenges:
                                                                               tailored services that address specific issues as well as cost-
          how to align local and foreign taxes with its overall objectives
                                                                               effective integrated outsourcing packages that cater for a
          and operations in the most effective and cost-efficient manner
                                                                               company’s full financial and accounting requirements, allowing
                                                                               it to focus on its core business.

                •   Tax Structuring
                                                                                    •    Book Keeping Services
                •   Corporate Tax Services
                                                                                    •    Payroll Services
                •   Indirect Tax
                                                                                    •    VAT Reporting
                •   Estate Planning
                                                                                    •    Management Accounts
                •   Personal Tax
                                                                                    •    Voluntary Liquidations
                •   Cross Border Taxation
                                                                                    •    Feasibility Studies
                •   Tax Compliance

     12                                                                                                                                            13

Transaction Advisory                                                Business Advisory
     At ARQ our dedicated team of finance professionals is ready          At ARQ, we believe advice should not only focus on the numbers.
     to assist you with complex transactions, such as when you are        We take a 360-degree approach to truly understand your business
     seeking to raise finance, acquiring or selling a business, or        model, allowing us to give you comprehensive feedback.
     forming a strategic alliance.
                                                                          Building on your knowledge of your business, our technical
     Leveraging on our technical and industry specific expertise, our
                                                                          expertise, and our vast local and international network, we
     team is ready to assist you throughout the whole life cycle of the
                                                                          strive to help you achieve your objectives. This can range from
     transaction, from initial investigations to successful conclusion.
                                                                          growth through expansion or diversification, to a complete re-
     Furthermore, our team can access a wide range of internal            engineering of your business.
     expertise, in areas including tax, corporate and regulatory
     advisory, to offer you comprehensive and practical insights.

        •   Financial Modelling and Restructuring
        •   Financial Feasibility Studies                                      •   Strategy and Growth
        •   Access to Finance (including bank financing and                    •   General Business Consulting
            capital markets)
                                                                               •   Family Business Consulting and Succession
        •   Investment Support (including access to funding)                       Planning
        •   Assistance with Foreign Direct Investment                          •   Business Planning
        •   Mergers and Acquisitions                                           •   Business Process Re-engineering
        •   Financial Due Diligence (buyer and vendor)                         •   Financing and Funding

        •   Valuations

14                                                                                                                                          15
Financial Services
     & FinTech                                                          Gaming Advisory

     ARQ’s advisory division includes the Financial Services and        ARQ’s Gaming Advisory Unit has been providing the full suite of
     FinTech Unit, a dedicated team which offers specialised bespoke    professional services to this important sector for many years.
     solutions to meet the ever-growing needs of operators in this
     sector.                                                            The team has deep expertise in regulatory, legal, financial
                                                                        and technological matters and includes professionals who
     ARQ provides advisory support services to credit and other         were instrumental in the design and implementation of AML
     financial institutions – electronic money institutions, payment    regulations in Malta’s remote gaming sector. ARQ’s Gaming
     service providers, investment service providers and funds. The     Compliance Forum is a very popular fixture in the sector’s
     Unit also provides support for operators in the banking, capital   calendar.
     markets and insurance sectors.
                                                                        Whether you have an exclusive assignment or need ongoing
                                                                        support, ARQ can support you.

                                                                             •    Licensing Applications and Support
       •    Regulatory Licensing
                                                                             •    System and Compliance Audits
       •    Licensing Advisory Support and liaison with MFSA
                                                                             •    Outsourced / Co-sourced Regulatory Compliance
       •    Post Licensing Regulatory Advisory and Support
                                                                             •    Internal Audit
       •    RegTech advisory
                                                                             •    AML Support
       •    Legal, Tax and Compliance Support
                                                                             •    Consulting Services

16                                                                                                                                        17
Trusts &
     Shipping and Aviation                                             Foundations

     Malta has developed a strong legal and regulatory platform that   ARQ is fully licensed to act as a Trustee as well as an Administrator
     has established its position as a reputable international ship    of Foundations. We have a number of professionals who are
     register and one of the largest in the world.                     individually licensed for this purpose, given that some clients
                                                                       prefer individual involvement and commitment. Our partner
     This reputation has also extended to the aviation sector, which   firms also include lawyers, accountants and other professionals
     has been strengthened in recent years through systematic          who are experienced in offering specialist advice for optimal
     policies implemented by the Maltese government. ARQ,              organisational design and development.
     together with our partner legal firm, can support its maritime
     and aviation clients with a range of services.                    Malta’s trust legislation is broadly built around the Jersey law
                                                                       model. The integrated approach adopted by Maltese legislators
                                                                       in the area of trusts has led to increased reference to our
                                                                       jurisdiction as a successful legal system, which integrates
                                                                       Anglo-Saxon and Continental notions of law.

       •    Ship/Yacht/Aircraft Registration

       •    Ship and Aircraft Financing                                       •    Trusts
       •    Ship/Yacht/Aircraft Charter, Sales and Leasing                    •    Foundations
       •    Maritime and Aviation Litigation                                  •    Family Office
       •    Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) Applications

18                                                                                                                                             19
Training                                                           Investment Migration

      We believe in the continuous development of our people and         ARQ’s private clients team specialises in assisting clients
      those of our clients, nurturing innovative thinking and the        relocating to the EU. As accredited agents for all local residency
      sharing of expertise and best practice in each of our fields of    and citizenship programmes, we have the experience to advise
      expertise.                                                         clients on the best options to suit their particular needs, as
                                                                         well as to manage the application process for any specific
      Aiming to set high professional standards, we invite you to work   programme.
      with us to make a meaningful impact on the professional lives of
                                                                         Our strong relationships with estate agents, insurance brokers,
      people and the organisations they represent.
                                                                         investment advisors and property managers ensure that we
                                                                         are able to guide you in the right direction, with trusted and
                                                                         reputable partners.

                                                                               •    Maltese Citizenship Programme for Direct
         •    Bespoke Training Programmes                                           Investments
         •    Short courses                                                    •    Malta Residency Programmes
         •    Online Webinars & Training                                       •    Other EU Migration Advisory
         •    CPE Accredited Courses and Events                                •    Work Permits & Employment Licences
         •    Forum Events for specific industry sectors                       •    Relocation and Concierge Services

 20                                                                                                                                           21
Resource Outsourcing                                            ARQ Group Collaborative Partner Firms

     ARQ embraces a multifaceted organisational approach providing                Capstone Group is a mid-tier audit and assurance firm providing a wide variety of clients
                                                                                  with statutory and non-statutory financial audits as authorized by the Malta Accountancy
     a comprehensive range of business solutions for clients.
                                                                                  Board. The firm is also approved by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) to act as a systems and
     Ideal for businesses wanting to reduce human resource                        compliance auditor. Capstone also undertakes various assurance engagements and expert
     investment and overheads, these services are available on                    reports for clients operating across a wide spectrum of industry sectors.
     a pay-per-use manner tailored to the specific needs of each
                                                                                  Fenech Farrugia Fiott Legal is a Malta-based law firm whose partners are recognized
                                                                                  leaders in the legal profession. The firm provides a comprehensive range of legal services
                                                                                  to private clients and businesses operating in a wide range of economic sectors. Its
                                                                                  areas of specialization include corporate and commercial law; mergers and acquisitions;
                                                                                  financial services; maritime and aviation law; trusts and foundations; estate planning and
                                                                                  private client work.

        •   Billing and Credit Control
                                                                     ARQ Group Memberships & Associations
        •   Human Resources
        •   ICT
        •   Marketing and Business Development
        •   Administration and Organisational Support
        •   Fully Serviced Office Space for Short /Long
            Term Rent

22                                                                                                                                                                               23

     Bringing Talent Together.                                                 PAUL MERCIECA                                     MANFRED GALDES                                   CHRISTIAN FARRUGIA
                                                                               Non-Executive Chairman                            Managing Partner                                 Partner
                                                                               FCCA FIA FIT                                      B.A., LL.M., LL.D.                               LL.M.(Lond), LL.D.
     Our greatest asset is our people. Talented people, experienced people,
     adept people. Our people are excited by change and driven to move the     Paul has twenty three years of experience as      Manfred leads a team that advises major          A lawyer with over thirty years’ experience,
                                                                               the Chief Executive Officer of a Big 5 firm and   financial institutions and gaming companies      Christian has a wealth of practical expertise
     needle on our clients’ objectives under the leadership of our partners.                                                     in the area of regulatory and AML compliance,    in several areas, notably: corporate law,
                                                                               has served as a member of the Accountancy
                                                                               Board and Council of the Malta Institute          having held leading roles in both the private    mergers and acquisitions, gaming, financial
                                                                               of Accountants. Currently, Paul acts as an        and public sector. He has been involved in the   services and maritime law. Christian is a part
                                                                               independent non-executive director serving        drafting of various laws in Malta and lectures   time lecturer at the University of Malta and
                                                                               on a number of Boards and Audit Committees.       on a number of related areas.                    is Honorary Consul for the Commonwealth
                                                                                                                                                                                  Pacific island State of Vanuatu.

                                                                               DAVID BORG                                        KRIS BARON                                       TONIO FENECH
                                                                               Partner                                           Partner                                          Partner
                                                                               FCCA FIA Dip. Tax CPA                             CPA(PC), FCCA, FIA, CISA                         LL.M. (Lond), LL.D.

                                                                               A chartered accountant, David has held senior     A chartered accountant, financial auditor        A practising lawyer with a range of expertise
                                                                               finance positions where he gained exposure        and certified information systems auditor        in various sectors, Tonio leads ARQ’s trust
                                                                               to various industry sectors and currently         with a wealth of experience both in private      and financial services advisory units. Dr.
                                                                               serves as the advisory partner developing and     practice as well as the public sector, Kris      Fenech lectures at the University of Malta and
                                                                               diversifying the Group’s service lines.           is in charge of regulatory and compliance        is the Honorary Consul of Lebanon in Malta.
                                                                                                                                 matters at ARQ and responsible for gaming
                                                                                                                                 and e-commerce clients.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                        GET IN TOUCH
Ewropa Business Centre, Level 3, Suite 701,
Dun Karm Street, Birkirkara, BKR9034, Malta

T: +356 2549 6000

The information provided in this document is for information purposes only and should not be treated or interpreted
as investment, legal, tax or professional advice. ARQ Group does not accept liability for any loss, whether direct or
indirect, that may be incurred by any recipient who acts solely on the basis of the information being provided.

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