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PLCs starting at only $69.00                                                                                                                                                        HMIs starting at $98.00
            Whether the job is very simple or extremely complex, we have the affordable PLC solution you                                                                                                                                  Our C-more HMIs are designed to provide
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1904-AutomationWorldSupplement(1)-TrainingADC-inside-Gatefold.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3/18/2019 3:23:21 PM

                                                                   PRODUCT SELECTION AND APPLIED
                                                                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
07   Don’t Wait to Migrate Your Aging PLCs and HMIs

10   Understanding IIoT Communications

13   7 Considerations for Mechanical and Automation Migrations

15   6 Steps to Supporting an Automation System

17   Getting the Right Information From Big Process Data

20   5 Principles of Flexible Assembly Line Design

23   Network Resiliency on the Manufacturing Floor

25   Are You Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets?

27   Testing, Testing. Developing, Developing. Discover Test-Driven Development

Your Success is Our Success
                                         AutomationDirect is your trusted source for cost-effective control solutions

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                            “We recently upgraded our entire plant from a hardwired,
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                                                           Order Today, Ships Today!
                                                      * See our Web site for details and restrictions. © Copyright 2019 AutomationDirect, Cumming, GA USA. All rights reserved.                1-800-633-0405           the #1 value in automation

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                1910-AutomationWorldSupplement(2)-CTC_P2000-MAG.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                          9/20/2019 9:13:55 AM

Step Back Before Moving
Ahead with Your Digital Future
N     ew, advanced automation technologies are constantly emerging
      in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, and smart
manufacturing space. And while the emergence of these new capa-
                                                                                   mine if you have the proper foundational technologies in place before
                                                                                   moving forward. The articles in this handbook will also illuminate a
                                                                                   number of potential approaches to your digital future. From assess-
bilities can be exciting, it can be easy to lose sight of what drove you           ing your current PLC and HMI tehnologies to preparing for necessary
to investigate them in the first place.                                            updates, incorporating data analytics into your processes, and investi-
   So, as you begin adopting digital technologies as a means of staying            gating critical industrial network considerations, you will find in these
competitive in the years ahead, don't lose sight of fundamental business           pages a wealth of real-world information from experts in the field.
practices as you move towards your more connected, digital future.                   As you take what are likely some of your early, yet important, steps
   To ground yourself, first take a few steps back and look at the whole           towards your company's digital transformation, make sure to repeat-
picture. Focus first on the specific problems you need to solve, real-             edly assess your current situation as it develops to ensure that the
izing there will likely be numerous ways to solve them. The array of               choices you are making are the right ones at the right time for your
options presented by new automation technologies underscore the                    operations. And remember to keep taking those few steps back to
importance of having a plan that identifies your goals from the be-                maintain a proper view of your entire operations to support the deci-
ginning. Though those goals will likely change as you move forward,                sions you'll continually have to make. After all, since the promise of the
having those initial plans clearly identified is a critical first step. When       digital future is to connect everything for a better view of your busi-
you don't have such a plan, it's harder to identify the technologies that          ness, decisions can't be made by looking at your operations as sepa-
can help you the most and that will be flexible and scalable enough to             rate functions. The digital future is all about eliminating these siloes of
be of use in the long term.                                                        information and connecting them not just to improve production, but
   This handbook is designed to provide you with an array of practical             to introduce new ideas and opportunities for your company that do
ideas—in line with core business fundamentals—to help you deter-                   not currently exist.

                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Don’t Wait to Migrate Your
      Aging PLCs and HMIs
      As systems, interfaces, and technology age, the chance of
      something going wrong rises and the chance of manufacturer
      support gets lower. Modernization and migration of these
      items is key to making sure everything operates smoother.
      By Jack Fillenwarth, automation engineer, Panacea,

       he need to update legacy systems becomes more urgent                  increasing security and inheriting enterprise password requirements.
       as automation hardware increases in complexity and reg-               More importantly, HMI actions would now be attributable to individual
       ulations become stricter and more defined. However, mi-               users, a major regulatory requirement in many industries.
grations can be costly and time-consuming, so many of us would                  The importance of secure and updated communication proto-
rather put them off until next year…or maybe the year after that             cols is not limited to HMIs. On another project, we were tasked
to keep processes up and running. After all, the increased uptime            with upgrading a legacy PLC. The only copy of the code was on
leads to more revenue, right?                                                the live processor, which was equipped with a DH-485 port. Simply
  Advancements in functionality have made the case for accelerating          connecting to this processor turned out to be comically compli-
the migration timeline. On a recent project, there was a need to reset       cated. First, we tried a DH-485 to serial converter, but we couldn’t
passwords when operators were locked out. But, because the pass-             find a computer with an old enough operating system (OS) for the
words were hardcoded, the legacy system required me to access the            driver to work. Then, we tried an adapter that went straight from
programmable logic controller (PLC) remotely, since there was no oth-        DH-485 to USB, but after many attempts, we determined the cable
er way to change them. This practice poses security risks and impacts        was defective. It took multiple trips to the distributor looking for
the regulatory compliance of the system. A modern device could be            something that would talk to this controller, which was the sole
integrated with the site domain, allowing users to authenticate into         device controlling a critical site utility function.
the human-machine interface (HMI) using their domain credentials.               Eventually, we tracked down a PC-card converter, a special propri-
Password changes would now be governed by company policies,                  etary cable to use with it, and a computer with the exact Windows XP

                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED Don’t Wait to Migrate Your Aging PLCs and HMIs

service pack we needed and straightened out the licensing to use the
software and drivers. Finally, we were able to upload the code, though
with a significant chunk of our schedule spent just trying to commu-
nicate to the PLC.
  The point of this is not just to add to the war stories told by oth-
ers, but to serve as an example of why modernization is important
and grows in importance as systems age.
  Also, manufacturer support doesn’t last forever. The longer an
older device sits in its panel untouched, the less likely help will be
available when something goes wrong. And eventually, something
will go wrong.
  This process doesn’t have to be scary. Carefully considering new
power and I/O requirements, hardware sizing, and required testing
can help prevent headaches during the migration process. Often,
tools within automation software packages carry out most of the
code migration for you, and a migration gives you the chance to
implement other changes to your code that would be too exten-
sive for a typical downtime period. So, consider moving your mi-
gration project to the top of your to-do list. It might pay off sooner
than you think.

                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Efficient Operation at Your Fingertips

                  Superior Connectivity with Preconfigured
                  Displays Maximize Productivity
                  Smart Machines speak volumes, and your HMI needs to
                  be ready to report instantaneously. Whether monitoring
                  production, operating machines, or maintaining availability,
                  connectivity and response are key. Access to operations
                  from simultaneous devices, on machine and mobile, in
                  multiple form factors provides you maximum flexibility
                  and reliability.
                  It’s all you need to know about your machines, on both your
                  HMI and right at your fingertips.
                                                                                       Learn more about Smart Machine
                                                                                 visualization options from Mitsubishi Electric.

         Full Page Ad.indd 73                                                                                              10/2/19 11:49 AM

Understanding IIoT
      Though the cloud and Big Data analytics are important
      components of the Industrial Internet of Things, don’t
      forget to start with the necessary communications
      layer and work your way up from there.
      By Michael Bachelor, president, Bachelor Controls,

   have had several discussions with various vendors, distributors, and other inte-
   grators regarding Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offering. I have read articles
   regarding whether or not IIoT is really coming. I am not sure if we’re all on the
same page regarding what IIoT is and the communications demands therein.
   If you believe we already have all the devices in our control systems, and IIoT is
getting everything on Ethernet, and adding the cloud with Big Data analytics and
dashboards, then you’re focusing on analytics. That’s fine, but that’s not IIoT. That’s
advancing analytics that have been around for a while, which is a good place to be.
But that is not necessarily IIoT.
   The cloud and Big Data analytics are important components of IIoT solutions and
smart manufacturing. So, it is indeed an advancement to get there. However, you
cannot solve an IIoT offering with software and the cloud alone any more than
you can a control system. A control system needs control hardware with a control
communications layer along with the equipment and devices. Then software can
contribute. Likewise, an IIoT offering is about the “things” first.
   Look up the Purdue Reference Model (PRM) used in ISA-95, and look at Level 0
and Level 1. That’s where we start an IIoT offering just like a control system, even
if we know we are also implementing Level 3 solutions and integrating top to bot-

                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED Understanding IIoT Communications

tom. I don’t think this idea is foreign to most reading this. However,   on Ethernet, hardwired or via Wi-Fi. We know how to convert or
there is a gap between the Level 0 and 1 control system and the          bridge the gap to many different legacy plant floor networks and
Level 0 and 1 IIoT offering. I have mentioned this before, but I want    protocols of the past. What is new is thinking about things outside
to bring a focus to it now.                                              of that domain. We might have to think about communications
  As control system integrators, we typically consider that we have      such as cellular, redundant cellular, RF and low-power RF, NFC,
the device-level communications (PRM Levels 0 and 1) covered. If         LoRaWAN, BLE (Bluetooth low energy), ZigBee, Thread (IPv6), CAN
new devices come into the system, we solve any communications            bus, long-range Wi-Fi, specialized new IoT sensor modems, and
hurdle and bring it into our system. Not all IIoT offering will come     more. This is a communications integration project by itself within
back to the control system, though. For instance, a safety application   an IIoT solution, and probably a proof-of-concept hurdle for many
using a camera should be integrated with control. Calculating inven-     customers who are forward-thinking in this way already.
tory levels that a batching system uses as source raw material will be      Furthermore, once you can reach out and touch a thing, you will
integrated to some degree. Safety inspections might not be. Security     need to be able to speak its language as well. That might or might
might not be. Accountability systems might not be.                       not happen via a typical hardware module or OPC driver that con-
  Sensors might or might not be connected with control. If a sen-        trol system integrators are used to.
sor contributes to analytics but is not a tangible contribution to the      If engaging IIoT, engage it at the tangible hardware level first. IIoT
control system, then it might just be clutter for the control system.    is a bit like a control system or a plant floor analytics solution, ex-
  If a sensor is remote, it might not make sense to add it to the        cept with more parts and pieces that could come in from a broad-
control system. It might not make sense to connect drones to the         er area and a larger context of business factors than operations.
control system. It might not make sense to tie trucks in the supply      We have more things in more places to talk to over various net-
chain to the control system.                                             works that speak various hardware languages we are not necessar-
  Communications with enterprise resource planning (ERP) sys-            ily used to. Solve problems for IIoT at ground level, going back to
tems, databases, cloud solutions, Big Data, and other various soft-      the days when communications were half of the battle. Then build
ware solutions are important. Communications with control sys-           up to the cloud from there where warranted.
tems and integrating with enterprise software is important. These
are covered well. This does leave a gap, however. What about the
Level 0 and 1 IIoT offerings that extend control solutions or add
solutions not even related to control?
  This gap between control systems and IIoT offerings is met by a
gap in communications as well. We know how to get our systems

                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
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7 Considerations for Mechanical
       and Automation Migrations
       To help you get through the pressures that your team will undoubtedly
       face during a migration, consider these important steps to prepare.
       By Heather Johnson, division manager, Interstates Control Systems,

        aking major mechanical and automation upgrades can put a             4. Limit the number of changes leading up to and during checkout/
        lot of pressure on a facility and its team. As with most projects,   startup. If a change is made at this time, it should be critical to the
        challenges will be experienced. Here are the top seven things        success of the project.
to consider during the migration process:
                                                                             5. Make time for system training before and after the shutdown. Ideal-
1. Ensure you have the right people available in the right area of the       ly, hands-on training will be implemented with the system through a
plant during the checkout/startup phase. This includes site personnel,       user acceptance test prior to the shutdown. The number of changes
representatives from vendors, and/or system integrators. Everyone            applied to the control system will determine how much time is need-
will be working within a budget and there will be a limited number of        ed for the system integrator to stay onsite and work with operations
people who know the system. Be sure to keep the schedule in front of         and maintenance in understanding the system.
everyone and plan accordingly.
                                                                             6. Consider scheduling a follow-up trip several weeks or a month
2. During the commissioning phase, expect things to not go perfect.          post-startup to fine-tune how the system is running. This time can
Make sure to involve people who understand how the system needs              also be used for more detailed training with your controls mainte-
to run and, if doing a retrofit, how it ran previously. Working as a team    nance team to help them better understand how to effectively trou-
is crucial to successfully make adjustments to the programming or            bleshoot the new system.
mechanical when needed.
                                                                             7. An operator manual is a standard expectation with a control system.
3. Establish a chain of command. Assign a point person who has the           Another option to consider that might be more effective for future use
final say on decisions during checkout/startup.                              would be short training videos made on frequently needed topics. It is
                                                                             common to use websites such as YouTube to find a visual on how to
                                                                             do something rather than reading written steps.

                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Full Page Ad.indd 73        10/3/19 3:18 PM

6 Steps to Supporting
      an Automation System
      When you find yourself trying to get a broken system up
      and running again, going through the troubleshooting
      process systematically can help. Here’s a six-step process.
      By Ed Miller, engineer, Avanceon,

     very automation system eventually develops a situation requir-         STEP 2: REPLICATE THE ISSUE YOURSELF
     ing advanced engineering support. This type of break-fix support       Sometimes the information you’ve gathered in the first step might not
     could be due to any number of causes—power outages, server             quite paint the full picture of the situation. When I try to replicate the
maintenance, operator error, etc. But no matter what the root issue         issue, I often gain insight into what the user is actually reporting.
turns out to be, sooner or later, every system will need it. And that’s
why it’s equally sure that, here at Avanceon, all our engineers will at     STEP 3: CHECK THE LOG FILES
some point find themselves helping to support customers to keep             A well-built system will provide evidence into what is happening in the
their manufacturing processes running.                                      event something is not working properly. If you’re lucky, error mes-
  Troubleshooting, like coding, is a unique and special set of skills,      sages will provide the context for understanding the actual problem.
and each person might have a slightly different approach to resolving       Even if the system hasn’t generated any error messages, the system
an issue. When I find myself in a break-fix situation, I tend to follow a   logs can often provide details regarding behind-the-scenes issues in
regular procedure to try not only to fix the problem but also determine     a script or database transaction. Analyzing these messages can often
the root cause of the issue.                                                reveal the issue at hand.

STEP 1: ASK QUESTIONS                                                       STEP 4: TRACE BACKWARDS
Begin by discussing the symptoms of the issue with the person report-       Start at the point in the system where the issue has been reported and
ing it. If you think about it, how can you solve a problem if you don’t     trace backwards. For example, let’s assume the user is experiencing
know what the problem is? Asking the right questions in this first phase    an issue on a specific application screen. Begin drilling down into the
of the support process is vital to enabling a successful resolution.        specific elements of the screen that are not working—a button, for
                                                                            example. Dig into the code/function behind the button to see how
                                                                            it’s supposed to work. Perhaps the button triggers a script that que-

                    TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED 6 Steps to Supporting an Automation System

ries a database for data, but that data isn’t displaying on the screen. Tracing
through these individual elements/functions can often help you understand
where in the process the malfunction occurs.

Usually, it’s not going to be possible to restart servers in a manufacturing
system without taking down other, still functioning, parts. However, I find it
amazing how simply turning it off and on again will often fix a system when
some underlying aspect gets out of sync.

It’s always good practice to document the issue, both for the customer’s                CONVEYOR AUTOMATION
benefit and to provide insight to the support team. One of the main benefits
of documentation in a support situation is to provide some guidance should
the same situation reoccur. You don’t want to spend valuable time trying to
reanalyze an issue if you don’t have to.
                                                                                       We get your product to the exact location, in the
   There’s nothing revolutionary in my six-step process, but I find it’s a work-
able model for helping me find, analyze and correct system issues. If you              exact position, at the exact time it needs to be
have a similar best practice, please share it with us!                                 there for the next phase in the process.

                                                                                        The Result?
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                                                                                        • Maximized Production Output          • Less Downtime
         Troubleshooting, like coding, is a
        unique and special set of skills, and
         each person might have a slightly
     different approach to resolving an issue.
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                                                                                   Dorner_AutomationWorld_319.indd 1                       3/21/19 4:03 PM

                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Getting the Right Information
       From Big Process Data
       Operational data can help drive strategic decision-making.
       But we must take care to not overlook the importance of
       operators having the information they really need.
       By David Lee, department manager, Avid Solutions,

  n the automation world today, we see a heavy emphasis on using               tial that the fundamental elements of the system are working as de-
  operational data to drive strategic decision-making within an organi-        signed. Properly functioning instrumentation is essential—it should
  zation. There is certainly a lot of value in this, and the ability to make   be specified correctly, installed correctly, maintained, and calibrated
near real-time data available to decision-makers can offer a significant       periodically. How often do operators simply tolerate instruments
competitive advantage. However, we must be careful to not overlook             that are not working or known to be inaccurate? This is often iden-
the importance of operational personnel having the information they            tified by the number of PCS overrides in place, alarms inhibited, or
need to make tactical decisions—decisions that have an immediate               controllers operating in manual. How many companies capture this
and significant impact on safety, throughput, and quality.                     sort of information as monthly key performance indicators (KPIs)?
  This information—which I like to call Big Process Data (BPD)—is tar-            Once we have a solid foundation, we can start to concentrate on
geted at operators, often presented to them through their human-ma-            providing the operators the information they need. The basis of a good
chine interface (HMI). It is imperative to carefully ensure that the defi-     HMI design is a thorough understanding of how the plant will work
nition of an HMI considers not just the process control system (PCS)           and how the operator interacts within. This can be accomplished by
screen, but any system that can provide information to the operator,           using one of the many formal task analysis methodologies to capture
such as a hardwired alarm panel, pneumatic control board, historian,           important information. I find that using a physical model—such as that
lab information system, or video camera.                                       in ISA-88—in the early stages of the design can offer big dividends.
  Sounds obvious, right? Unfortunately, experience suggests other-             Performing this ground work will facilitate a task-based HMI design
wise. Before we begin to look at information presentation, it is essen-        and coherent alarm configuration.

                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED         Getting the Right Information From Big Process Data

   Hopefully, at this point, the operators have strong real-time data. We     • Communications: not only radio to the field, but between opera-
can further help them not only by putting data in a physical and op-             tors as handover logs to maintain situation awareness across shifts.
erational context, but by providing tools to put the data in a temporal       • Building automation systems: often processes are susceptible to
context. This is where historians play a big part: By allowing operators         changes in temperature or humidity within the building.
to view past performance, we can provide them a way to predict fu-            • Weather information: outside equipment, such as distillation columns,
ture performance and proactively address potential issues.                       can be impacted by rain events.
   We refer to an operator’s situational awareness as the ability to de-      • Geo-positioning: real-time tracking of resource locations (such as
tect, diagnose, and respond to abnormal situations, and attempt to               load trucks in a mine).
move them from a reactive to a proactive operational stance. Often,
we have a very narrow view of what this means; therefore, it is import-       Finally, we must remember to be cognizant of human limitations—
ant we do not lose sight of other sources of BPD. These need to be          even with the best-quality information, an operator who is overloaded
tightly integrated within the HMI to be of real value, for example:         or fatigued is not set up for success.
   • Video: real-time view of equipment or location (to detect leaks or      None of the above should come as a surprise. My message is that as
      mechanical breakdowns).                                               we look to spend capital dollars, it is wise to make an honest determi-
   • Laboratory information systems: near real-time quality infor-         nation of where it will have the greatest short- and long-term impact.
      mation on which to base process adjustments.

                    TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
5 Principles of Flexible
       Assembly Line Design
       By following these principles of flexible assembly line
       design, manufacturers can pursue lean manufacturing in
       their current operation while also building capabilities to
       maintain or add lean improvements in the future.
       By Mark Sobkow, vice president of manufacturing solutions, RedViking,

     ean manufacturing seeks to make clear what adds value by reducing             DESIGN FOR THE FUTURE
     everything else. Lean is clearly not a fixed-point objective; accelerating    Though it’s not possible to accommodate all future production require-
     global market competition demands operational flexibility to achieve          ments, designing a flexible assembly line to accommodate future capability
lean objectives. Here are five principles where flexibility can be added to an     and adaptability will set you apart. A couple examples include an aircraft and
existing assembly line to eliminate waste and build quality into the system.       a jet engine manufacturer.
                                                                                      In the first example, an aircraft manufacturer was taking up to 70 hours to
MAKE YOUR MACHINES DO MORE                                                         measure and cut doors and hatch covers. Rather than simply automating the
Consolidating machine functions and using docking station architecture are         cutting process, they instead chose to integrate a laser radar point cloud into
two great examples of how to make your machines do more.                           a robotic cutting path. The current process takes less than 10 hours. Because
   Automotive exhaust system producers have been extremely successful at ef-       they studied the process in its entirety, they now have future capability to
fectively implementing docking station architecture. Where they once created       precisely measure and cut doors for all future aircraft.
a dimensional gage, a leak test machine and a weld station for every part, they       In another case, a jet engine manufacturer needed to exponentially in-
have now isolated uniform functions such as the programmable logic con-            crease capacity. They began the process with an engineering study and sim-
troller (PLC) and barcode reader, and placed them on a dock. Wheeled fixture       ulation, which clearly identified potential bottlenecks and areas for functional
stations are created for unique parts and hooked to the docks with quick con-      consolidation. Again, their evaluation of the process as a whole has enabled
nects. Significant waste is eliminated by retaining the docks through multiple     them to create a plant operation that will be flexible for future engine designs.
part and fixture modifications.
   Helicopter powertrains were tested on dynamic test stands built for each        DETACH YOUR FACTORY FROM THE FACILITY
unique helicopter. Today, the industry is moving to flexible designs with inter-   The separation of plant infrastructure from machines and data is crucial.
changeable gearboxes and dynamic motor configurations.                             Some factories have gone so far as to remove all plumbing.

                      TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED 5 Principles of Flexible Assembly Line Design

   Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are a staple of material handling, but        DON’T OVER-AUTOMATE
their use in manufacturing has only recently accelerated due to changing          Seek guidance on when to automate and when to retain manual processes.
technologies. AGVs are a way to improve assembly line flexibility, improve        As system integrators, we look at every manufacturing problem as an oppor-
quality, and eliminate waste. Even manufacturers of very heavy equipment          tunity for brilliantly engineered automation. At the same time, we understand
are using inductively powered AGVs. Generally assumed to require full tear-       that every piece of automation needs to earn its place on the line. This means
out, AGVs can in fact be implemented incrementally.                               that there are plenty of times when manual processes should be retained.
   By moving data acquisition and analysis onto mobile devices, operators           Deciding when to automate or not? Ask yourself these five questions.
and managers can respond more quickly to new plant information such as              By implementing these five principles of flexible assembly line design, man-
bottlenecks, starved stations, and machine downtime. On the data acquisi-         ufacturers can pursue lean manufacturing in their current operation while also
tion side, barcode readers can be replaced with mobile devices to track part      building capabilities to maintain or add lean improvements to future operations.
inventories. With mobile data analysis tools, managers can remotely identify
and address production problems and dispatch service staff.                          See this article online at for links to additional
                                                                                  information on this topic.
There are risks in customizing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software and
choosing specialty controls. Avoid becoming the only customer of a particu-
lar software or controls implementation
   Plants often choose COTS manufacturing execution system (MES) software
because of its functionality, but then modify it so heavily that their internal
programmers become the only experts for their system. Plant improvement
programs could then be constrained by programming resources. By choos-
ing your MES based on widely accepted industry programs—such as Oracle or
SQL—plant operations gain access to a wide base of programmers.
   When controls are selected based on a unique application, the same risk
exists. By choosing industry-standard controls—such as Siemens and Rock-
well—a plant significantly expands its pool of controls engineers.

                      TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
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Network Resiliency on
       the Manufacturing Floor
       Unplanned downtime is a significant detriment to any business.
       In order to make sure that processes remain uninterrupted,
       consider implementing these resiliency protocols when
       designing your industrial network infrastructure.
       By Ricardo Romero, system analyst, Interstates Control Systems,

          n the plant floor, communication uptime in the manufactur-         topology that meets the performance, cost, and spatial requirements
          ing process is a top priority. And—for any business—ensuring       of your industrial applications.
          the supply-chain process remains uninterrupted is also a top         Convergence times are defined as the time it takes a switch port to
priority. Corporate and industry standards, and many other factors,          go from forwarding to blocking on a ring port and blocking to forward-
play into the level of robustness and system availability on a network.      ing on another. The IEEE and industrial network hardware manufac-
A resilient network reduces the risk of unplanned downtime on the            turers have also introduced significantly faster protocols with quicker
plant floor and application communication downtimes.                         convergence times in the low milliseconds. Some examples of con-
  Resilient network technologies include layer 2 protocols, Ether-           vergence times of the resiliency protocols are: 1-3 ms for a Device
Channel, and others, which can be used to construct a loop-free log-         Level Ring which is supported on Allen-Bradley hardware, 30 ms for
ical topology and are designed specifically for Ethernet networks. The       N-Ring which is supported on N-Tron hardware, and 250 ms for Rapid
primary function of a spanning tree protocol (STP)—a layer 2 proto-          PVST+ which is supported on most common switching hardware.
col—is to prevent loops and broadcasts but can also be used to pro-            It is important that the application requirements are understood
vide redundant links if the active links fail. Consider a ring topology—at   when selecting a protocol, such as the type of traffic (motion con-
the switch- and device-level—for automation applications that require        trol, time sync, and I/O and safety control), Requested Packet Intervals
high-speed convergence and single fault recovery for perpetual man-          (RPIs), and bandwidth. Most major vendors have tools or charts that
ufacturing. Many automation devices have embedded switch tech-               can assist with determining which protocol will work best.
nology which allows them to participate in ring topologies. Select a           Convergence is controlled by a manager or supervisor and is typical-

                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED         Network Resiliency on the Manufacturing Floor
                                                                                                          HELUKABEL offers a
ly applied to a primary switch which monitors       connections that must go uninterrupted.               wide assortment of
the health of the ring topology via ring packets.     To support further resiliency and real-time        cable accessories that
When the role holder stops receiving health         communications, any latency and jitter can be
                                                                                                            comply with the
check packets, it converts the ring topology to a   minimized with the use of Internet Group Man-
                                                                                                          latest international
linear bus topology by blocking one of the ring     agement Protocol (IGMP) to control the deliv-
ports in a matter of milliseconds, depending on     ery of multicast traffic and the use of Quality of
the protocol used. Convergence times in an in-      Service (QoS) to achieve real-time requirement
dustrial network architecture must be consid-       of multiple types of traffic flows.
ered to avoid application and device timeouts         Remember to include these resiliency proto-
due to connectivity failure. Human-machine          cols as a topic of discussion in your next design
interface (HMI), message instructions, I/O, and     meeting and you will be on the way to a 100%
produce tags are a few examples of network          production uptime status.

                                                                                                            FACT: Whether connecting,
                                                                                                              fastening or protecting,
        It is important that the application requirements                                                      HELUKABEL offers an
                                                                                                         assortment of cable accessories
         are understood when selecting a protocol, such                                                   to ensure our cables and wires
         as the type of traffic (motion control, time sync,                                              perform at optimum levels, and
                                                                                                               comply with the latest
          and I/O and safety control), Requested Packet                                                      international standards.

                 Intervals (RPIs), and bandwidth.

                    TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Are You Protecting Your
      Most Valuable Assets?
      Safety in manufacturing is nothing new. And though an
      investment in safety can do so much for a manufacturing plant,
      it’s something that can easily be ignored or pushed to the side.
      By Brian DeFanti, project engineer, Avanceon,

  n today’s world, safety seems to be at the forefront of many peoples’   electronically, lockable guarding gates designed to keep the opera-
  mind. However, in the last century, that was not always the case,       tors out of critically dangerous areas until the process came to a safe
  particularly in manufacturing.                                          and complete stop. The light curtains were also designed to bring the
  I was recently involved with an upgrade project where the sole pur-     process to a safe state if an operator crossed over one or more of the
pose was to add complex, safety protection to an old but powerful line    beams in the sensing field.
of equipment that previously had none. The equipment was designed            The production line was separated into several safety sections. De-
and placed into production sometime in the mid to late seventies—a        pending on which safety inputs were tripped in each section, the PLC
time when the idea of safety was “out of sight, out of mind.”             would instantly shut down corresponding safety air valves, hydraulic
  Back in those days, there wasn’t as much thought put into potential     valves, or motor starter contactors. This setup allowed some pieces of
hazards like protection from pinch points—the machine’s potential to      equipment to be safely locked out, while other sections were able to
grab a finger, hand, clothing, or an arm—and an overall consideration     keep producing, but only as long as the safety permissive needed for
of the machine’s fast motions that, in the event of an emergency, can-    those sections were met.
not stop quickly enough.                                                     While many companies claim that safety is their number one goal,
  In order to address these problems, the brains of the project includ-   it’s all too common that safety upgrade projects—such as the one
ed a new safety programmable logic controller (PLC) processor com-        above—are put into place too late, and only after damage or personal
bined with several safety I/O cards. This processor was programmed        injury has occurred. Most manufacturing companies know and under-
to monitor an array of safety rated limit switches, light curtains, and   stand the importance of allocating resources to protect, maintain, and
emergency push buttons. The limit switches were partnered with            improve their capital assets. But what’s a company’s greatest asset?

                    TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED         Are you Protecting your Most Valuable Assets?

It isn’t the equipment or physical plant, and it
isn’t data. The most valuable part of a company
is its people—the human capital. By investing
in workplace safety, companies can attract and
retain quality employees, operate more effi-
ciently, and enjoy a healthy bottom line.
   How is your company making appropriate
provisions to protect its most important assets?

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                    TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
Testing, Testing. Developing,
      Developing. Discover
      Test-Driven Development
      Develop document and code for an automation
      project easier and quicker with a method that
      develops a little, tests it, then develops some more.
      By Duane Grob, principal engineer, Avanceon,

       ack in 2003, Kent Beck and David Astels first proposed the           Lots of development going on here—but many projects can’t sup-
       concept of test-driven development (TDD) as a new ap-             port the cost and time required for such an effort.
       proach to develop project code. Simply explained, the con-           By looking at a test design prior to any code development, we
cept postulates that for each step in the development cycle, only        eliminate the separate task of creating requirements for our code.
enough application code should be created to successfully com-           More precisely, we incorporate requirements development into
plete a given test requirement. Developers begin with a simple test      the test protocols, minimizing or eliminating the unique phase of
requirement and revise the code until the test is successful. They       creating a specification.
then create the next test, develop the associated code and contin-          Simply put, you define the requirements of the application by spec-
ue the cycle. As the process moves forward, the developers refac-        ifying the test that will verify the requirement is satisfied correctly—
tor/retest the code to ensure nothing broke while new tests were         then write the code for that test. You test the code and modify it until
incorporated into the application requirements.                          it passes the test, then move onto the next required test.
  This all sounds good, but how do we leverage this concept for au-         The reality is you will likely have many tests defined prior to writing
tomation applications?                                                   your first bit of code, but you could write and test one at a time. Some
  Typically, we’re tasked with defining the requirements for a system    of this becomes redundant, especially if you have a library of prov-
as a separate documentation effort from test protocol development.       en, quality code from which you can draw. It’s just more efficient to
This, in turn, is separate from the actual code development. In short,   test when you have only written a few lines of code rather than after
this means we might develop requirements and then develop the ap-        you’ve written several hundred (or thousands) of lines.
plication code and the test scripts in parallel.                            The objective here is to develop clean code that meets the test pro-

                   TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
CONTINUED          Testing, Testing. Developing, Developing. Discover Test-Driven Development

tocols in a short time, with sufficient documenta-        than just code development. You can also use it to de-    NEW HOLLOW-SHAFT
tion to develop, test, and verify that the application    fine and test hardware implementation and unit and          KIT ENCODERS
is sound. Many clients have little or no specifications   system architectures. In the end, your test document
or requirements and prefer to not purchase design         and requirements specification are one and the same
documents. We have all seen projects where the            and complete before any code is developed, hard-
expected results are “obvious” or “easy” and only         ware is purchased, or field work is executed.
require a few hours of dialog with the owner/end             I suggest you try this on a small project first
user in order to proceed. However, we always need         and verify for yourself that you can develop doc-
a way to test and verify with the client that what we     umentation and code easier and quicker. You’re
have developed is indeed what they want.                  more likely to have a successful project and hap-
   The other advantage of TDD is it can apply to more     py client to boot!

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                     TECHNOLOGY HANDBOOK 2019
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