PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE Front Matter: Volume 9908

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                   Front Matter: Volume 9908

                                  , "Front Matter: Volume 9908," Proc. SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne
                                  Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 990801 (30 November 2016); doi:

                                  Event: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2016, Edinburgh,
                                  United Kingdom

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                   Ground-based and Airborne
                   Instrumentation for Astronomy VI

                   Christopher J. Evans
                   Luc Simard
                   Hideki Takami

                   26–30 June 2016
                   Edinburgh, United Kingdom

                   Sponsored by

                   Cooperating Organizations
                   American Astronomical Society (United States) ● Australian Astronomical Observatory
                   (Australia) ● Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) ● Canadian
                   Astronomical Society (CASCA) (Canada) ● Canadian Space Agency (Canada) ● European
                   Astronomical Society (Switzerland) ● European Southern Observatory (Germany) ● National
                   Radio Astronomy Observatory ● Royal Astronomical Society (United Kingdom) ● Science and
                   Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom)

                   Published by

                                                                                                                              Volume 9908
                                                                                                                       Part One of Five Parts

                                                                 Proceedings of SPIE 0277-786X, V. 9908
                               SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.

                         Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, edited by Christopher J. Evans, Luc Simard, Hideki Takami
                               Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908, 990801 · © 2016 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/16/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2255839

                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-1
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                                  ISSN: 0277-786X
                                  ISSN: 1996-756X (electronic)
                                  ISBN: 9781510601956
                                  ISBN: 9781510601963 (electronic)

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                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-2
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                                xix      Authors

                                 xli     Conference Committee

                   Part One


                         9908 02         The ESO Paranal instrumentation programme (Invited Paper) [9908-1]

                         9908 03         Overview of the instrumentation programme of the 10.4m GTC Telescope (Invited Paper)

                         9908 05         New developments in instrumentation at the W. M. Keck Observatory (Invited Paper)


                         9908 06         An overview of current and future instrumentation at the Subaru telescope (Invited Paper)

                         9908 07         The JCMT future instrumentation project (Invited Paper) [9908-6]

                         9908 09         The European Solar Telescope (EST) (Invited Paper) [9908-8]


                         9908 0B         FLITECAM: delivery and performance on SOFIA [9908-10]

                         9908 0C         300 nights of science with IGRINS at McDonald Observatory [9908-11]

                         9908 0D         VISIR upgrade: all's well that ends well [9908-12]


                          9908 0E        Operational performance of MOSFIRE with its cryogenic configurable slitmask unit at the
                                         W. M. Keck Observatory [9908-13]

                          9908 0F        Performance updates of HAWK-I and preparation for the commissioning of the system
                                         GRAAL+HAWK-I [9908-14]


                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-3
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9908 0G         Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance
                                         analysis from re-commissioning [9908-15]

                          9908 0I        The "+" for CRIRES: enabling better science at infrared wavelength and high spectral
                                         resolution at the ESO VLT [9908-17]


                        9908 0M          AOLI: near-diffraction limited imaging in the visible on large ground-based telescopes

                         9908 0N         LINC NIRVANA at LBT: final preparations for first light [9908-22]


                         9908 0O         Laboratory testing and performance verification of the CHARIS integral field spectrograph

                         9908 0P         FRIDA: diffraction-limited imaging and integral-field spectroscopy for the GTC [9908-24]

                         9908 0Q         Three years of harvest with the vector vortex coronagraph in the thermal infrared [9908-25]

                         9908 0R         Efficiently feeding single-mode fiber photonic spectrographs with an extreme adaptive
                                         optics system: on-sky characterization and preliminary spectroscopy [9908-27]

                          9908 0S        The Balloon Experimental Twin Telescope for Infrared Interferometry (BETTII): towards the first
                                         flight [9908-28]

                      SESSION 7          NOVEL CONCEPTS AND INSTRUMENTS I

                          9908 0T        Opening a new window on the southern stars for less money: PAIX the first Antarctica polar
                                         mission photometer (Invited Paper) [9908-29]

                         9908 0U         Six winters of photometry from Dome C, Antarctica: challenges, improvements, and results
                                         from the ASTEP experiment [9908-30]

                         9908 0V         GLUV: a balloon-borne high-cadence ultraviolet monitoring telescope for supernova
                                         shock breakouts and exoplanet atmospheres [9908-31]

                        9908 0W          Evryscope robotilter automated camera / ccd alignment system [9908-32]

                      SESSION 8          NOVEL CONCEPTS AND INSTRUMENTS II

                         9908 0Y         HiPERCAM: a high-speed quintuple-beam CCD camera for the study of rapid variability in
                                         the universe [9908-34]

                          9908 0Z        The PAU camera at the WHT [9908-36]


                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-4
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9908 10         A near-infrared SETI experiment: commissioning, data analysis, and performance results

                         9908 11         Performance of the e2v 1.2GPixel cryogenic camera for the J-PAS 2.5m survey telescope


                         9908 12         CARMENES: an overview six months after first light [9908-38]

                         9908 14         WISDOM: the WIYN spectrograph for Doppler monitoring: a NASA-NSF concept for an
                                         extreme precision radial velocity instrument in support of TESS [9908-41]


                         9908 18         Development and construction of MAROON-X [9908-45]

                         9908 19         iLocater: a diffraction-limited Doppler spectrometer for the Large Binocular Telescope

                         9908 1A         GIARPS: the unique VIS-NIR high precision radial velocity facility in this world [9908-47]

                         9908 1B         Precision radial velocities with inexpensive compact spectrographs [9908-48]

                     SESSION 11          HIGH-MULTIPLEX INSTRUMENTS I

                          9908 1F        Hector: a new massively multiplexed IFU instrument for the Anglo-Australian Telescope

                         9908 1G         Final design and progress of WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility
                                         for the William Herschel Telescope [9908-53]

                     SESSION 12          HIGH-MULTIPLEX INSTRUMENTS II

                         9908 1H         VIRUS: first deployment of the massively replicated fiber integral field spectrograph for the
                                         upgraded Hobby-Eberly Telescope [9908-54]

                          9908 1I        VIRUS early installation and commissioning [9908-55]

                          9908 1J        EMIR at the GTC: results on the commissioning at the telescope [9908-56]

                         9908 1K         MEGARA, the new intermediate-resolution optical IFU and MOS for GTC: getting ready for
                                         the telescope [9908-57]

                          9908 1L        MIRADAS for the Gran Telescopio Canarias [9908-58]


                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-5
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                        9908 1M          Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru telescope: overview, recent progress, and
                                         future perspectives [9908-59]

                         9908 1O         4MOST: the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope project at preliminary design
                                         review [9908-61]

                         9908 1P         Mauna Kea Spectrographic Explorer (MSE): a conceptual design for multi-object high
                                         resolution spectrograph [9908-64]

                         9908 1Q         ULTIMATE: a deployable multiple integral field unit for Subaru [9908-65]


                          9908 1S        Cosmological surveys with multi-object spectrographs (Invited Paper) [9908-66]

                          9908 1T        Progress along the E-ELT instrument roadmap (Invited Paper) [9908-67]

                         9908 1U         Instrumentation progress at the Giant Magellan Telescope project (Invited Paper) [9908-68]

                         9908 1V         Thirty Meter Telescope science instruments: a status report (Invited Paper) [9908-69]

                     Part Two


                        9908 1W          The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: instrument overview [9908-70]

                         9908 1X         The E-ELT first light spectrograph HARMONI: capabilities and modes [9908-71]

                         9908 1Y         GMTIFS: The Giant Magellan Telescope integral fields spectrograph and imager [9908-72]

                          9908 1Z        MICADO: first light imager for the E-ELT [9908-73]

                         9908 20         Status of the mid-infrared E-ELT imager and spectrograph METIS [9908-74]

                         9908 21         GMTNIRS: progress toward the Giant Magellan Telescope near-infrared spectrograph


                         9908 22         The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF): an optical Echelle spectrograph for the
                                         Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) [9908-76]

                         9908 23         EELT-HIRES the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT [9908-77]


                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-6
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9908 24         The E-ELT multi-object spectrograph: latest news from MOSAIC [9908-78]


                         9908 27         SpUpNIC (Spectrograph Upgrade: Newly Improved Cassegrain) on the South African
                                         Astronomical Observatory's 74-inch telescope [9908-81]

                         9908 28         Detector upgrade of Subaru's Multi-object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS)

                         9908 29         Commissioning SITELLE: an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer for the Canada-France-
                                         Hawaii Telescope [9908-83]

                         9908 2B         Regaining the FORS: making optical ground-based transmission spectroscopy of
                                         exoplanets with VLT+FORS2 possible again [9908-85]

                         9908 2C         Mosaic3: a red-sensitive upgrade for the prime focus camera at the Mayall 4m telescope

                         9908 2D         FIFI-LS diffraction grating vibration on SOFIA [9908-88]

                         9908 2G         The NUMOIRCS project: detector upgrade overview and early commissioning results

                         9908 2H         Upgraded cameras for the HESS imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes [9908-94]

                          9908 2I        On-sky tests of a polarization grating for visible astronomy [9908-95]

                          9908 2J        Gemini Instrument Upgrade Program [9908-96]

                         9908 2K         Commissioning the polarimetric modes of the Robert Stobie spectrograph on the Southern
                                         African Large Telescope [9908-97]

                          9908 2L        Data reductions and data quality for the high resolution spectrograph on the Southern
                                         African Large Telescope [9908-98]

                        9908 2M          CCD system upgrading of the Kyoto 3DII and integral field spectroscopic observation with
                                         the new system [9908-99]

                         9908 2N         A new Cassegrain calibration lamp unit for the Blanco Telescope [9908-101]

                         9908 2O         Commissioning and first observations with Wide FastCam at the Telescopio Carlos Sánchez

                         9908 2P         Damage and removal of the coating on the first lens of the MegaCam wide-field corrector

                         9908 2R         Optical design of the slit-viewing camera for the NIRSPEC upgrade [9908-105]

                          9908 2S        On-sky commissioning of Hamamatsu CCDs in GMOS-S [9908-106]


                                                                         Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-7
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9908 2T        Easy mounting interface for compact instruments at TNG [9908-107]

                         9908 2U         A method for reducing atmospheric noise without chopping for ground-based mid-infrared
                                         observations [9908-108]

                         9908 2V         SOFIA's secondary mirror assembly: in-flight performance and control approach [9908-109]

                        9908 2W          Development of the FPI+ as facility science instrument for SOFIA cycle four observations

                                         POSTERS-MONDAY: HIGH-SPATIAL-RESOLUTION INSTRUMENTS

                         9908 2X         Avalanche photo diodes in the observatory environment: lucky imaging at 1-2.5 microns

                         9908 2Y         Final integration and alignment of LINC-NIRVANA [9908-112]

                          9908 2Z        An instrumental puzzle: the modular integration of AOLI [9908-113]

                         9908 32         The V-SHARK high contrast imager at LBT [9908-116]

                         9908 34         SPHERE IRDIS and IFS astrometric strategy and calibration [9908-118]

                         9908 35         Modeling the transmission and thermal emission in a pupil image behind the Keck II
                                         adaptive optics system [9908-119]

                         9908 36         Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations XIV: polarimetric contrasts and new data
                                         reduction techniques [9908-120]

                         9908 37         Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations XI: pipeline improvements and enhanced
                                         calibrations after two years on sky [9908-121]

                         9908 38         Gemini planet imager observational calibration XIII: wavelength calibration improvements,
                                         stability, and nonlinearity [9908-122]

                         9908 39         Design of the ERIS calibration unit [9908-123]

                         9908 3A         Gemini planet imager observational calibration XII: photometric calibration in the
                                         polarimetry mode [9908-124]

                         9908 3B         An ADC for the SAM on the SOAR Telescope [9908-125]

                         9908 3C         Infrared photometry with 'wall-eyed' pointing at the Large Binocular Telescope [9908-126]

                         9908 3D         SPHERE on-sky performance compared with budget predictions [9908-127]

                          9908 3F        NIX, the imager for ERIS: the AO instrument for the VLT [9908-129]

                         9908 3H         Pushing down the contrast: scientific performances of the SPHERE IFS [9908-130]


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                          9908 3I        H2RG detector characterization for RIMAS and instrument efficiencies [9908-131]

                          9908 3J        An optical design of the wide-field imaging and multi-object spectrograph for an Antarctic
                                         infrared telescope [9908-132]

                        9908 3M          Advances in the development of a Mach-Zehnder interferometric Doppler imager for
                                         seismology of giant planets [9908-136]

                         9908 3O         Design and assembly of the low-resolution spectrograph 2 integral field unit [9908-138]

                         9908 3P         Development of a prototype of the Tomo-e Gozen wide-field CMOS camera [9908-139]

                         9908 3Q         The Wide Integral Field Infrared Spectrograph (WIFIS): optomechanical design and
                                         development [9908-140]

                          9908 3S        Optical design of a multi-resolution, single-shot spectrograph [9908-142]

                          9908 3T        Survey of materials and coatings suitable for controlling stray light from the near-UV to the
                                         near-IR [9908-143]

                         9908 3U         NIR camera and spectrograph SWIMS for TAO 6.5m telescope: overview and development
                                         status [9908-144]

                         9908 3V         Developing scanning-slit spectrograph for imaging the Sun [9908-145]

                   Part Three

                        9908 3W          Development status of the mid-infrared two-field camera and spectrograph MIMIZUKU for
                                         the TAO 6.5m Telescope [9908-146]

                         9908 3X         The SKA low frequency aperture array [9908-148]

                         9908 3Y         SAAO's new robotic telescope and WiNCam (Wide-field Nasmyth Camera) [9908-149]

                          9908 3Z        Requirements analysis for a modular low resolution spectrograph [9908-150]

                         9908 40         OCTOCAM: a fast multi-channel imager and spectrograph proposed for the Gemini
                                         Observatory [9908-151]

                         9908 41         The new SOXS instrument for the ESO NTT [9908-152]

                         9908 42         Design and modeling of a moderate-resolution astronomic spectrograph with volume-
                                         phase holographic gratings [9908-153]

                         9908 43         Science with OCTOCAM: a new workhorse instrument proposed for Gemini [9908-154]

                         9908 44         The Wendelstein three channel imager (3KK): alignment, commissioning, and first results


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9908 45         Gamma/hadron separation in HAWC using neural networks [9908-156]

                         9908 46         The prototype cameras for trans-Neptunian automatic occultation survey [9908-157]

                         9908 48         The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope: an end-to end Schwarzschild-Couder telescope
                                         prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array [9908-159]

                         9908 4A         PRAXIS: a near infrared spectrograph optimised for OH suppression [9908-161]

                         9908 4B         Update on BOMBOLO: a 3-arm, wide-field, near-UV/optical imager for the 4-meter SOAR
                                         telescope [9908-162]

                         9908 4C         LRS2: design, assembly, testing, and commissioning of the second-generation low-
                                         resolution spectrograph for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope [9908-163]

                         9908 4D         Cryogenic near infrared spectropolarimeter for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope

                          9908 4E        Balloon UV experiments for astronomical and atmospheric observations [9908-165]

                          9908 4F        Development of high reflectivity coatings for large format Fabry-Perot etalons [9908-166]

                         9908 4G         The PAU camera carbon fiber cryostat and filter interchange system [9908-167]

                         9908 4H         Qualification of HEIDENHAIN linear encoders for picometer resolution metrology in VTF
                                         etalons [9908-168]

                          9908 4I        MOPTOP: a multi-colour optimised optical polarimeter [9908-169]

                          9908 4J        The PAUCam readout electronics system [9908-170]

                         9908 4K         Characterization and performance of PAUCam filters [9908-171]

                          9908 4L        PLC-controlled cryostats for the BlackGEM and MeerLICHT detectors [9908-172]

                         9908 4N         End-to-end simulations of the visible tunable filter for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope

                         9908 4O         Bokeh mirror alignment for Cherenkov telescopes [9908-175]

                         9908 4Q         First results and future plans for the Canarias Infrared Camera Experiment (CIRCE) for the
                                         Gran Telescopio Canarias [9908-177]

                         9908 4U         TAUKAM: a 6k×6k prime-focus camera for the Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope [9908-181]

                         9908 4V         Calibrating the SNfactory Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) with SCALA [9908-182]

                         9908 4Y         Design and development of control unit and software for the ADFOSC instrument of the
                                         3.6m Devasthal optical telescope [9908-186]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-10
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9908 4Z        The opto-mechanical design for GMOX: a next-generation instrument concept for Gemini

                         9908 51         The AST3-NIR camera for the Kunlun Infrared Sky Survey [9908-189]

                         9908 54         Blue camera of the Keck cosmic web imager: fabrication and testing [9908-192]

                         9908 57         SIOUX project: a simultaneous multiband camera for exoplanet atmospheres studies

                         9908 59         Concepts of the mosaic array of numerous ultra-small lens (MANUL) design [9908-197]

                         9908 5A         DKIST visible broadband imager alignment in laboratory: first results [9908-198]

                         9908 5B         Nanoradian ground-based astrometry, optical navigation, and artificial reference stars

                         9908 5C         Throughput of commercial photographic camera lenses for use in astronomical systems

                         9908 5D         Okayama astrophysical observatory wide-field camera: status and performance

                          9908 5E        Efficient coupling of starlight into single mode photonics using Adaptive Injection (AI)

                          9908 5F        Concept design of an 80-dual-polarization-element cryogenic phased array camera for
                                         the Arecibo Radio Telescope [9908-204]

                         9908 5H         Astrophysical Research Consortium Telescope Imaging Camera (ARCTIC) instrument for
                                         the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m telescope [9908-206]

                          9908 5I        Status of Focal Plane Instrumentation (FPI) project of the 4m DAG telescope [9908-207]

                          9908 5L        Design of a derotator for the 4m DAG telescope [9908-210]

                        9908 5M          The Zwicky Transient Facility camera [9908-211]

                         9908 5N         Wide field of view spectroscopy using solid Fabry-Perot interferometers [9908-214]

                         9908 5O         COATLI: an all-sky robotic optical imager with 0.3 arcsec image quality [9908-215]

                         9908 5P         Optical design of COATLI: an all-sky robotic optical imager with 0.3 arcsec image quality

                         9908 5Q         Systems design of COATLI: an all-sky robotic optical imager with 0.3 arcsec image quality

                         9908 5R         Conception of a near-IR spectrometer for ground-based observations of massive stars

                          9908 5S        LSST camera grid structure made of ceramic composite material HB-Cesic [9908-219]


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9908 5T        The Fly's Eye camera system: new results with an autonomously observing telescope

                         9908 5U         An airborne infrared spectrometer for solar eclipse observations [9908-222]

                         9908 5V         Project PANOPTES: a citizen-scientist exoplanet transit survey using commercial digital
                                         cameras [9908-223]

                                         POSTERS-TUESDAY: HIGH-SPECTRAL-RESOLUTION INSTRUMENTS

                         9908 5W         Stability of the FOCES spectrograph using an astro-frequency comb as calibrator [9908-39]

                         9908 5X         Conceptual design of wide-field focal plane with InGaAs image sensors [9908-147]

                         9908 5Y         Dramatic robustness of a multiple delay dispersed interferometer to spectrograph errors:
                                         how mixing delays reduces or cancels wavelength drift [9908-224]

                          9908 5Z        High sensitivity, wide coverage, and high-resolution NIR non-cryogenic spectrograph,
                                         WINERED [9908-225]

                         9908 60         Thermal stability improvements to the ESPaDOnS spectrograph with the addition of a
                                         thermal enclosure [9908-226]

                         9908 61         Performance characteristics of two volume phase holographic grisms produced for the
                                         ESPRESSO spectrograph [9908-227]

                         9908 62         A system to provide sub-milliKelvin temperature control at T~300K for extreme precision
                                         optical radial velocimetry [9908-228]

                         9908 63         Multi-fiber coupling through a miniature lens system into the FOCES spectrograph

                         9908 64         Relative stability of two laser frequency combs for routine operation on HARPS and FOCES

                         9908 65         CARMENES: the VIS channel spectrograph in operation [9908-231]

                         9908 66         An ultra-stable cryostat for the detectors of ESPRESSO [9908-232]

                         9908 67         The Leiden EXoplanet Instrument (LEXI): a high-contrast high-dispersion spectrograph

                         9908 68         Calibration unit for the near-infrared spectropolarimeter SPIRou [9908-234]

                      Part Four
                         9908 6B         CARMENES: interlocks or the importance of process visualization and system diagnostics in
                                         complex astronomical instruments [9908-237]


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9908 6C         GIANO and HARPS-N together: towards an Earth-mass detection instrument [9908-238]

                         9908 6D         Development of illumination optics in optical scheme of high-resolution fiber-fed echelle-
                                         spectrograph for the Big Telescope Alt-azimuth (BTA) [9908-240]

                          9908 6E        Achieving the resolution of the spectrograph of the 6m large Azimuthal telescope

                          9908 6F        HARPS3 for a roboticized Isaac Newton Telescope [9908-242]

                          9908 6I        On-sky Doppler performance of TOU optical very high-resolution spectrograph for
                                         detecting low-mass planets [9908-246]

                          9908 6J        Optical design of the NASA-NSF extreme precision Doppler spectrograph concept
                                         WISDOM [9908-247]

                         9908 6K         Performance and future developments of the RHEA single-mode spectrograph [9908-248]

                        9908 6M          NEWS: the near-infrared Echelle for wideband spectroscopy [9908-251]

                         9908 6N         Commissioning the dual etalon Fabry-Pérot modes of the Robert Stobie spectrograph on
                                         the Southern African Large Telescope [9908-252]

                         9908 6O         A high-resolution spectrograph for the 72cm Waltz Telescope at Landessternwarte,
                                         Heidelberg [9908-253]

                         9908 6P         A comprehensive radial velocity error budget for next generation Doppler spectrometers

                         9908 6R         Precision velocimetry planet hunting with PARAS: current performance and lessons to
                                         inform future extreme precision radial velocity instruments [9908-256]

                          9908 6T        EXPRES: a next generation RV spectrograph in the search for earth-like worlds [9908-258]

                         9908 6X         NRES: the network of robotic echelle spectrographs [9908-262]

                         9908 6Y         PFES2: new primary focus echelle spectrograph for Russian 6m telescope [9908-263]

                          9908 6Z        Spectrograph sensitivity analysis: an efficient tool for different design phases [9908-264]

                         9908 70         KPF: Keck Planet Finder [9908-265]

                         9908 71         Ultra-stable temperature and pressure control for the Habitable-zone Planet Finder
                                         spectrograph [9908-266]

                         9908 72         MMP, the multi mini prism device for ESPRESSO APSU: prototyping and integration

                         9908 73         The iLocater cryostat: design and thermal control strategy for precision radial velocity
                                         measurements [9908-268]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-13
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Terms of Use:
9908 75         VINROUGE: a very compact 2-5μm high-resolution spectrograph with germanium
                                         immersion grating [9908-270]

                         9908 76         Precision single mode fiber integral field spectroscopy with the RHEA spectrograph

                         9908 79         First high-efficiency and high-resolution (R=80,000) NIR spectroscopy with high-blazed
                                         echelle grating: WINERED HIRES modes [9908-274]

                         9908 7A         The precision radial velocity error budget for the Gemini High-resolution Optical
                                         SpecTrograph (GHOST) [9908-275]

                         9908 7B         Integration, alignment, and verification of the ESPRESSO Front-End [9908-276]

                         9908 7C         Integration and alignment through mechanical measurements: the example of the
                                         ESPRESSO front-end units [9908-277]

                          9908 7E        The fiber noise suppression of astro-comb fiber link system for Chinese 2.16m telescope

                          9908 7F        The Gemini High-Resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST) bench spectrograph optical
                                         design [9908-280]

                         9908 7G         Fiber link design for the NASA-NSF extreme precision Doppler spectrograph concept
                                         WISDOM [9908-281]

                         9908 7H         Design of NEID: an extreme precision Doppler spectrograph for WIYN [9908-282]

                         9908 7K         The HARPS-North@TNG polarimeter [9908-285]

                        9908 7M          First light of a laser frequency comb at SALT [9908-387]

                                         POSTERS-WEDNESDAY: HIGH-MULTIPLEX INSTRUMENTS

                         9908 7N         Optical design of MEMS-based infrared multi-object spectrograph concept for the Gemini
                                         South Telescope [9908-62]

                         9908 7O         Performance characteristics for a suite of volume phase holographic gratings produced for
                                         the Subaru prime focus spectrograph [9908-287]

                         9908 7P         The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) instrument mechanism control systems

                         9908 7Q         Fusion splicing: a novel approach to fiber connections for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic
                                         Instrument [9908-289]

                         9908 7R         Toward the final optical design MOONS: the multi-object optical and near infrared
                                         spectrometer for the VLT [9908-290]

                          9908 7T        The DESI shutter with integrated fiber illumination system [9908-292]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-14
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9908 7U         Developments in fiber-positioning technology for the WEAVE instrument at the William
                                         Herschel Telescope [9908-293]

                         9908 7V         4MOST low-resolution spectrograph: design and performances [9908-294]

                        9908 7W          Integration and testing of the DESI spectrograph prototype [9908-295]

                         9908 7X         ProtoDESI: risk reduction experiment for the dark energy spectroscopic instrument

                         9908 7Y         Integration and characterization of the cryogenic system of MEGARA [9908-297]

                          9908 7Z        Towards the cryogenic sliding mechanism for MOONS-ESO [9908-298]

                         9908 80         VIRUS characterization development and results from first batches of delivered units

                         9908 81         Metrology camera system of prime focus spectrograph for Subaru telescope [9908-300]

                         9908 82         The current status of prime focus instrument of Subaru prime focus spectrograph [9908-301]

                         9908 84         iSHELL: construction, assembly and testing [9908-303]

                         9908 85         Performance of MEGARA spectrograph optical elements [9908-304]

                         9908 86         Design and testing of AR coatings for MEGARA optics [9908-305]

                         9908 88         Optical design for the TAIPAN and Hector transmissive spectrographs [9908-307]

                         9908 89         Wide-field corrector for 4MOST: design details and MAIV processes [9908-308]

                         9908 8A         DESI-GFA testbench facilities for CCDs characterization [9908-309]

                         9908 8C         The alignment and assembly of the DESI prime focus corrector [9908-311]

                         9908 8D         The prime focus corrector for dark energy spectroscopic instrument [9908-312]

                          9908 8E        Implementation and performance of the metrology system for the multi-object optical and
                                         near-infrared spectrograph MOONS [9908-313]

                          9908 8F        Impact of distortions on fiber position location in the dark energy spectroscopic instrument

                          9908 8I        4MOST fiber feed preliminary design: prototype testing and performance [9908-317]

                          9908 8J        Progress on the fabrication of the DESI corrector optics [9908-318]

                         9908 8O         Stray light assessment and mitigation for the DESI front-end optical system [9908-323]

                         9908 8P         PSF modeling by spikes simulations and wings measurements for the MOONS multi fiber
                                         spectrograph [9908-324]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-15
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Terms of Use:
Part Five

                         9908 8Q         DESI focal plate mechanical integration and cooling [9908-325]

                         9908 8R         Design of the calibration unit for the WEAVE multi-object spectrograph at the WHT

                          9908 8S        MEGARA spectrograph mechanics and opto-mechanics in the AIV phase [9908-327]

                          9908 8T        The DESI slit design: science and calibration solutions [9908-328]

                         9908 8U         SUBARU prime focus spectrograph: integration, testing and performance for the first
                                         spectrograph [9908-329]

                         9908 8V         SAMOS: a versatile multi-object spectrograph for the GLAO system SAM at SOAR

                         9908 8Y         Visible camera cryostat design and performance for the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph
                                         (PFS) [9908-333]

                          9908 8Z        EMIR electronics AIV and commissioning [9908-334]

                         9908 90         4MOST: the high-resolution spectrograph [9908-335]

                         9908 91         4MOST metrology system image processing [9908-336]

                         9908 92         The DESI fiber positioner system [9908-337]

                         9908 93         Detectors and control system design and performance for the SuMIRe prime focus
                                         spectrograph (PFS) cameras [9908-338]

                         9908 95         Development of the fibre positioner unit for MOONS [9908-340]

                         9908 96         Very fast transmissive spectrograph designs for highly multiplexed fiber spectroscopy

                         9908 9A         Fiber system design for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) [9908-345]

                         9908 9B         Optical fiber termination method for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

                         9908 9C         The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: throughput optimization [9908-347]

                                         POSTERS-THURSDAY: INSTRUMENTS FOR ELTS

                         9908 9D         Operational challenges for astronomical instrumentation in Antarctica: results from five
                                         years of environmental monitoring of AMICA at Dome C [9908-87]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-16
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Terms of Use:
9908 9E        Study of the impact of E-ELT and MICADO distortion and wavefront errors residuals on the
                                         MICADO astrometric observations [9908-348]

                          9908 9F        GMTIFS: challenging optical design problems and their solutions for the GMT integral-field
                                         spectrograph [9908-349]

                         9908 9G         MICADO: the camera support structure at the E-ELT Nasmyth focus [9908-350]

                         9908 9H         Design of a large image derotator for the E-ELT instrument MICADO [9908-351]

                          9908 9I        A new test facility for the E-ELT infrared detector program [9908-352]

                          9908 9J        Science requirements and trade-offs for the MOSAIC instrument for the European ELT

                          9908 9L        E-ELT-HIRES, the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT: dynamics and control of the
                                         repositioning mechanism for the E-ELT HIRES polarimeter [9908-355]

                        9908 9M          Optomechanical design of the G-CLEF flexure control camera system [9908-356]

                         9908 9N         Polishing test of a poly-crystal calcium fluoride lens: toward the development of TMT WFOS

                         9908 9O         The MANIFEST prototyping design study [9908-358]

                         9908 9P         WEBSIM-COMPASS: a new generation scientific instrument simulator for the E-ELT [9908-359]

                         9908 9Q         Preliminary optical design for the common fore optics of METIS [9908-360]

                         9908 9R         Can the European ELT detect super-Earths? Measuring the contrast limit of an image slicer
                                         spectrograph in a laboratory experiment [9908-362]

                          9908 9S        Developing an integrated concept for the E-ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOSAIC):
                                         design issues and trade-offs [9908-363]

                          9908 9T        Preliminary design study of the integral field unit for the E-ELT HARMONI instrument

                         9908 9U         Development of cryogenic components based on COTS parts for the HARMONI instrument

                         9908 9V         Novel instrument concepts for characterizing directly imaged exoplanets [9908-366]

                         9908 9Y         Simulated observations of high-redshift galaxies with the HARMONI spectrograph for the
                                         European Extremely Large Telescope [9908-369]

                         9908 A0         The optical design of the G-CLEF Spectrograph: the first light instrument for the GMT

                         9908 A1         The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: the ADC optical design [9908-373]

                         9908 A2         The opto-mechanical design of the GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) [9908-374]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-17
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Terms of Use:
9908 A3         Optomechanical design concept for the Giant Magellan Telescope Multi-object
                                         Astronomical and Cosmological Spectrograph (GMACS) [9908-375]

                         9908 A4         Optical design concept for the Giant Magellan Telescope Multi-object Astronomical and
                                         Cosmological Spectrograph (GMACS) [9908-376]

                         9908 A5         Design and analysis of the NFIRAOS thermal optics enclosure [9908-377]

                         9908 A6         High-contrast imaging with METIS [9908-378]

                         9908 A7         Generalized atmospheric dispersion correctors for Thirty Meter Telescope [9908-379]

                         9908 A8         The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: prototyping of cryogenic compatible
                                         stage for the imager [9908-380]

                         9908 A9         The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: multi-tiered wavefront measurements and
                                         novel mechanical design [9908-381]

                        9908 AA          A concept for seeing-limited near-IR spectroscopy on the Giant Magellan Telescope

                         9908 AB         Optical design of the post-focal relay of MAORY [9908-383]

                        9908 AC          Wavelength dependence of star images formed by large ground-based telescopes
                                         including ELTs [9908-384]

                        9908 AD          Flowdown of the TMT astrometry error budget(s) to the IRIS design [9908-385]

                         9908 AE         The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: optical design of IRIS imager with co-axis
                                         double TMA [9908-386]


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-18
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Terms of Use:

                              Numbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the six-digit citation identifier (CID) article
                              numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first four digits reflect the volume number. Base 36
                              numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume.
                              Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B...0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.

                              A. G., Sreejith, 4E                                             Ángeles, Fernando, 5O, 5Q
                              Abareshi, Behzad, 2C                                            Angeloni, Rodolfo, 4B
                              Abchiche, A., 48                                                Anglada-Escudé, G., 12
                              Abe, Lyu, 0T, 0U                                                Ansorge, Wolfgang R., 1O
                              Abrams, Don Carlos, 1G, 7U, 8R                                  Antichi, Jacopo, 39, 3H
                              Abreu, Manuel, 23, 8E                                           Antognini, Jonathan, 8E
                              Abril, M.,12                                                    Anwad, Heiko, 1H
                              Absil, Olivier, 0Q, 9Q, A6                                      Anwand-Heerwart, Heiko, 12, 1Z, 9G
                              Aceituno, J., 12                                                Aoki, Tsutomu, 3P, 3U, 3W
                              Ackley, Kendall, 1L, 4Q                                         Appourchaux, Thierry, 3M
                              Acosta-Pulido, José A., 0P                                      Arabaci, Mehtap Ö., 5I
                              Adam, J., 4O                                                    Arai, Akira, 5Z
                              Ade, P., 0S                                                     Arasaki, Takayuki, 5Z, 75
                              Adibekyan, V., 23                                               Argomedo, Javier, 0F
                              Adkins, Sean M., 05, 0E, 35                                     Arimatsu, Ko, 3P
                              Aerts, Conny, 4L                                                Arimoto, Nobuo, 28, 2G
                              Afşar, Melike, 0C                                               Aristidi, Éric, 0T, 0U
                              Agabi, A., 0T, 0U                                               Armstrong, T. P., 48
                              Aghazarian, Hrand, 1M                                           Arnouts, Stéphane, 1M
                              Agócs, Tibor, 1G, 1Z, 20, 9Q, A6                                Arns, James A., 61, 7O
                              Aguerri, J. Alfonso L., 1G, 1K, 7U, 8R                          Arriaga, Pauline, 35, 37, 3A
                              Aguirre, D., 85                                                 Arribas, Santiago, 1X
                              Ahnen, M. L., 4O                                                Arrillaga Echaniz, Xabier, 1K, 8S
                              Aitink-Kroes, Gabby, 1G, 20, 9Q                                 Arriola, Alexander, 5E, 6K, 76
                              Aldering, Greg, 4V                                              Arsenault, Robin, 0F
                              Aliş, Sinan, 5I                                                 Artigau, Étienne, 7A
                              Aliverti, Matteo, 6Z, 72, 7B, 7C                                Asano, Akira, 5Z, 79
                              Allan, D., 48                                                   Asano, Kentaro, 2U, 3U, 3W
                              Allen, Jamie R., 1X                                             Ashley, Michael, 51
                              Allen, Lori, 2C                                                 Ashton, Terry, 2H
                              Allen, Richard D., 1H, 1I                                       Asmus, Daniel, 0D
                              Allende Prieto, Carlos, 1G, 23                                  Atkinson, David, 95
                              Allington, James, 2K                                            Atwood, Jenny, A5
                              Alonso, José, 1G                                                Ávila, Gerardo, 64
                              Alonso-Floriano, F. J., 12                                      Avilés, J. L., 1K
                              Álvarez-Núñez, Luis C., 0P, 5O, 5Q                              Avner, Louis, 6I
                              Alves, J., 1Z                                                   Ayuso, Ismael, 2O
                              Amado, P. J., 12, 23, 65, 6B                                    Azais, Nicolas, 89
                              Amans, J. P., 48                                                Azzaro, M., 12
                              Amato, Stephen M., 46                                           Baack, D., 4O
                              Ambrosino, F., 32                                               Bachmann, Walter, 3F
                              Ameel, Jon, 92                                                  Bacon, Roland M., 1X
                              Amico, Paola, 0G, 3F, 9I                                        Bailey, Vanessa P., 37
                              Ammler-von Eiff, M., 12                                         Baisert, Nils, 5W, 63
                              Anandarao, B. G., 6R                                            Baker, Gabriella, 1O
                              Andersen, David, A5, A9, AD                                     Bakholdin, Alexey, V., 6D, 6E
                              Anderson, David, 1W                                             Baksai, Pedro, 0D, 0F
                              Anderson, Joseph, 2B                                            Balard, P., 8U
                              Anderson, Tyler B., 62, 71                                      Balbo, M., 4O


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-19
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Terms of Use:
Balcells, Marc, 8R                                              Benford, D. J., 0S
                              Baldwin, Daniel, 22, A2                                         Benítez, D., 12, 6B
                              Ballester, Otger, 0Z, 4G                                        Benn, Chris, 1G, 8R
                              Baltay, Charles, 2C, 7X, 8F                                     Bennett, John Greg, 1L, 4Q
                              Balzer, Arnim, 2H, 48                                           Bensby, Thomas, 1O
                              Baraffe, Isabelle, 6F                                           Benthem, P., 3X
                              Barban, Gabriel, 1M                                             Bento, Joao, 6K, 76
                              Barbieri, M., 0U                                                Benz, W., 23
                              Barboza, Santiago, 1Z, 9H                                       Berdiñas, Z. M., 12
                              Barbuy, B., 24, 9J                                              Berge, David, 2H, 48
                              Barden, Samuel C., 1O, 7V, 89, 8I, 90, 91                       Bergemann, Maria, 1O
                              Baril, Marc R., 29                                              Bergmann, M., 4O
                              Barkhouser, Robert H., 1M, 4Z, 8V, 8Y                           Bernstein, R., 1U
                              Barnes, Rory, 6I                                                Bertone, E., 1K
                              Barnes, Stuart I., 14, 21, 22, 6J, 6X                           Bertram, Thomas, 0N, 20, 2Y, 9Q
                              Barnsley, Robert M., 9R                                         Besuner, Robert W., 7X, 8C, 8D, 8F, 8O, 8Q, 8T, 92
                              Barrado y Naváscues, D., 12, 1K                                 Betters, Christopher H., 0R, 1B
                              Barreto, Carmen M., 8Z                                          Bettonvil, Felix, 20, 9Q
                              Barreto, M., 1J                                                 Beuzit, Jean-Luc, 34, 3D, 3H
                              Barrette, R., 8U                                                Bezawada, Naidu, 0Y
                              Barrick, Gregory A., 29, 2P, 3T, 60                             Bhatia, Ravinder, 1V
                              Baruffolo, Andrea, 1A, 1G, 3H, 41                               Bianco, Andrea, 1G, 40
                              Basa, S., 41                                                    Bij de Vaate, J. G., 3X
                              Basso, S., 41                                                   Biland, A., 4O
                              Bassom, Richard, 1G                                             Biller, Beth, 3F
                              Bastable, M., 11                                                Bintley, Dan, 07
                              Bates, A., 11                                                   Biswas, Abhijit, 5B
                              Bates, Stuart, 1G                                               Bizenberger, Peter, 0N, 1Z, 2Y, 9E
                              Battaglia, Giuseppina, 1X                                       Black, Martin, 0Y
                              Baudet, Jérémie, 5L                                             Blaizot, Jeremy, 1X
                              Baudoz, P., 1Z                                                  Blake, Cullen, 6P, 7H
                              Bauer, F., 12                                                   Blanc, Guillermo, 1H
                              Bauer, Svend-Marian, 4A, 8I                                     Blanc, P.-E., 7W
                              Baumeister, Harald, 2Y                                          Blanchard, Guillaume, 2B
                              Baumgartner, Jörg, 4F, 4H, 4N                                   Blanchard, P., 8U
                              Bayliss, D. D. R., 0U                                           Blanco, Leonardo, 1X
                              Bean, Jacob L., 18, 22, A2                                      Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, 1B, 1F, 4A
                              Beard, Stephen, 95                                              Blank, Basil, 3Q, 62, 71
                              Beard, Steven, 8E                                               Blank, M., 4O
                              Bebek, Christopher, 2C, 7X                                      Blazit, A., 0U
                              Becerra-Godínez, Rosa L., 5O, 5Q                                Bloemen, Steven, 4L
                              Becerril, S., 12                                                Bloxham, Gabe, 0V, 1Y, 2X, 9F
                              Béchet, Clémentine, 8E                                          Blum, Bob, 2C
                              Bechter, Andrew, 19                                             Boccaletti, A., 1Z, 3H
                              Bechter, Eric, 19                                               Boettger, David, 8E
                              Beck, James, A3                                                 Boffin, Henri M. J., 2B
                              Becklin, E. E., 0B                                              Boisse, Isabelle, 23, 68
                              Beckmann, Simon, 2D                                             Boisson, C., 48
                              Bejár, V. J. S., 12                                             Boland, W., 1Z
                              Belhadi, M., 8U                                                 Bonaglia, M., AB
                              Belicki, Justin, 5M                                             Bondoux, E., 0T, 0U
                              Bell, Alexander, 4F, 4H, 4N                                     Bonfils, X., 23
                              Bellido-Tirado, Olga, 1O, 7V                                    Bonhomme, S., 0U
                              Bellm, Eric C., 5M                                              Bonifacio, Piercarlo, 1G, 1Z, 7U, 8R
                              Belmar, Francisco, 8E                                           Bonnet, Morgan, 84
                              Ben-Ami, Sagi, 22, 9O, A0, A2                                   Bonomo, Aldo Stefano, 57
                              Benatti, S., 1A                                                 Borges, Renato C., 1M
                              Bender, Chad F., 62, 6P, 71, 7H                                 Born, Andy, 1X
                              Bender, Ralf, 1Z, 44, 5W, 63                                    Borsa, Francesco, 57
                              Benedict, Tom, 29, 2P, 3T, 60                                   Boucher, Luc, 2S, 5V


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-20
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Bouchez, A., 1U, 2X                                             Caballero, J. A., 12, 65, 6B
                              Bouchez, G., 0U                                                 Cabral, Alexandre, 23, 8E
                              Bouchy, François, 0U, 23, 68                                    Cabrera-Lavers, Antonio, 03, 4Q
                              Boudon, Didier, 7V                                              Cagigas, Miguel, 1X
                              Boulade, Olivier, 20                                            Cagnoli, G., 4F
                              Boumier, Patrick, 3M                                            Caillier, Patrick, 1O, 7V
                              Bousquet, J.-J., 48                                             Calcidese, Paolo, 57
                              Boz, Robert, 1Y, 2X, 9F                                         Calcines, Ariadna, 1X
                              Bradley, Alaina, 5H                                             Calero, María Martín, 4Q
                              Brake, Martyn, 6F                                               Campana, S., 41
                              Bramall, David, 8T, 9A                                          Campbell, Donald B., 5F
                              Brandl, Bernhard R., 20, 9Q, A6                                 Campbell, Randall D., 35
                              Brandt, Timothy, 0O                                             Cano, Diego, 1G, 8R
                              Braun, David F., 1M, 82                                         Cantarutti, Rolando, 3B
                              Brennan, Patricia, 22, A2                                       Canto Martins, Bruno L., 23, 64
                              Bresson, Yves, 3M                                               Capistrán, T., 45
                              Bretz, T., 4O                                                   Capone, John I., 3I
                              Briegel, F., 0N, 1Z                                             Cappellaro, E., 41
                              Bringas-Rico, Vicente, 0P                                       Carbillet, Marcel, 0T
                              Brink, Janus, 2K                                                Carbonaro, L., 6C, 7Z
                              Brinkmann, Martin, 9I                                           Cárdenas, M. C., 12
                              Brinkmöller, M., 12                                             Cardiel, Nicolás, 0P, 1J, 1K, 1L
                              Bristow, Paul, 0I                                               Cardiel-Sas, Laia, 0Z, 4G, 4J, 4K
                              Brock, Matthew, 1G, 7U                                          Carleo, I., 1A
                              Brooks, Cynthia, 21                                             Carlomagno, Brunella, 0Q
                              Brooks, David, 8C, 8D, 8F, 8J                                   Carlotti, Alexis, 1X
                              Brousseau, Denis, 29                                            Carr, Michael A., 0O, 1M, 8Y, 93
                              Brown, A. M., 48                                                Carrasco Licea, Esperanza, 1G, 1K, 7U, 7Y, 85,
                              Brown, David M., 1F, 1Q, 9O                                      86, 8R, 8S
                              Brown, Rebecca A., 9O                                           Carrera Astigarraga, Miguel Ángel, 1K, 1L
                              Brown, Timothy M., 6X                                           Carretero, Jorge, 0Z
                              Browne, Keith, 2K, 6N                                           Carter, David B., 27, 3Y
                              Brucalassi, Anna, 5W, 63, 64                                    Casal, E., 12
                              Bruegge, K. A., 4O                                              Casali, Mark, 1T
                              Brun, Francois, 2H                                              Casas, Ricard, 0Z, 4J, 4K, 8A
                              Bruno, P., 3H                                                   Cascone, E., 3H, 41
                              Bruzzone, Sebastian, 36, 37, 3A                                 Case, Scott, 4A, 9O
                              Bryan, M., 48                                                   Casey, Andrew R., 1Q
                              Bryant, Aaron, 2D                                               Cassette, Anthony, 6I
                              Bryant, Julia J., 1F, 1Q                                        Castagnoli, G., 7W
                              Brynnel, Joar G., 1O                                            Castander, Francisco J., 4G, 4K, 7X
                              Bryson, Ian, 1X, 9T, 9U                                         Castilla, Javier, 0Z, 4J
                              Buchhave, Lars A., 14, 23                                       Castillo, Roberto, 0F
                              Buchholtz, G., 48                                               Castillo-Domínguez, E., 1K
                              Buckley, David, 2K                                              Castillo-Morales, A., 1K
                              Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth, 7X                                     Castro, N., 1J
                              Budynkiewicz, Jamie, 22, A2                                     Castro-Tirado, A. J., 4Q
                              Buey, T., 1Z                                                    Cava, A., 1K
                              Bundy, D., 1Y, 2X                                               Cavalieri, David A., 19, 73
                              Burley, Greg, 7A, 7F                                            Cecconi, Massimo, 1A, 7K
                              Buron, A., 0G                                                   Cedazo, R., 1K
                              Burse, Mahesh P., 1L, 4Q                                        Cenarro, Javier A., 1K, 4Q
                              Burton, Michael, 51                                             Centrone, M., 32
                              Buscher, D., 23                                                 Chabaud, Pierre-Yves, 1M
                              Buschkamp, P., 90                                               Chadid, Merieme, 0T
                              Busonero, Deborah, 57                                           Chadwick, P. M., 48
                              Busoni, L., AB                                                  Chakraborty, Abhijit, 6R, 7H
                              Buss, J., 4O                                                    Challita, Z., 0U
                              Byrnes, Peter, A5                                               Chalmer, Dean, A9
                              Cabak, Jerry, 54                                                Chaminade, Thomas, 2H


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-21
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Chan, Dwight, 0E                                                Cook, Erika, A3, A4
                              Chang, Yin-Chang, 1M, 46, 81, 82                                Corbett, Henry T., 0W
                              Chapa, Oscar, 0P, 5O, 5P, 5Q                                    Corradi, Romano L. M., 03
                              Chapin, Edward, A9                                              Correia, Carlos, 1X
                              Chapman, Steve, 9O                                              Cortecchia, F., AB
                              Chapron, F., 1Z                                                 Cortés-Contreras, M., 12
                              Charcos, Miguel, 4Q                                             Cortes-Medellin, German, 5F
                              Chaturvedi, Priyanka, 6R                                        Cosentino, Rosario, 1A, 41, 7K
                              Chauvin, Gaël, 34, 3H                                           Costantini, H., 48
                              Chávez, M., 1K                                                  Costille, Anne, 3D
                              Cheimets, Peter, 5U                                             Cotter, G., 48
                              Chemla, Fanny, 9S                                               Couch, Warrick, 1F
                              Chen, Hsin-Yo, 1M, 46, 81, 82                                   Coutts, David W., 6K, 76
                              Chen, Ming-Tang, 07                                             Cowley, David, 54
                              Chen, Shaojie, 7N                                               Crane, Jeffrey D., 1U, 22, 9M, A2
                              Chené, André-Nicolas, 60                                        Crass, Jonathan, 19, 73
                              Chételat, Olivier, 0E                                           Crause, Lisa A., 27, 2K, 2L, 7M
                              Chiappini, Cristina, 1O                                         Crawford, Steve, 2K, 2L
                              Chiavassa, A., 23                                               Crepp, Justin R., 19, 73
                              Chiba, Masashi, 1M                                              Cristiani, Stefano, 23, 7B
                              Chiboucas, Kristin, 2S                                          Crocce, Martin, 0Z
                              Chilcote, Jeffrey K., 0O, 36, 37                                Croom, Scott, 1F
                              Ching, Greg, 84                                                 Crouzet, N., 0U
                              Chinn, Brian, 1L, 4Q                                            Csépány, G., 5T
                              Chisholm, Eric M., 1V, 1W, AD                                   Cuby, J.-G., 24, 7W, 9J
                              Chonis, Taylor S., 1H, 1I, 3O, 4C, 80                           Cuevas Cardona, Salvador C., 0P, 5O, 5P, 5Q
                              Chordia, Pravinkumar, 4Q                                        Cui, Xiangqun, 51
                              Chou, Richard Chueh-yi, 1M, 3Q, 81, 82                          Cumani, Claudio, 0I
                              Christensen, L. B., 23                                          Cvetojevic, Nick, 0R, 5E
                              Christiaens, Valentin, 0Q                                       Czesla, S., 12
                              Christille, Jean Marc, 57                                       Czoske, O., 1Z
                              Christlieb, Norbert, 1O                                         Daban, J.-B., 0U
                              Chu, You-Hua, 1M                                                Daguisé, Eric, 1X, 7V
                              Chun, Moo-Young, 0C, 22, 9M, A2                                 D'Alessio, F., 41
                              Churilov, Vladimir, 51, 9O                                      Dallilar, Yigit, 1L, 4Q
                              Ciliegi, P., AB                                                 Dalton, Gavin, 1G, 1H, 1I, 24, 7U, 8R, 9J, 9S
                              Cioni, Maria-Rosa L., 1O                                        Daly, Phil, 2C
                              Cirasuolo, Michele, 1T, 8E                                      Damasso, Mario, 57
                              Cisneros G., M. E., 7Y                                          Dangeon, L., 48
                              Claret, A., 12                                                  Daniel, M. K., 48
                              Clarke, Fraser, 1X, 9T, 9U, 9Y                                  Daniels, Alroy, 27
                              Claudi, Riccardo U., 1A, 34, 3D, 3H, 41, 57, 6C                 Dauvin, Lousie, 8E
                              Claybaugh, T. M., 8Q                                            David, N., 2N
                              Clénet, Y., 1Z, 9P                                              Davies, J., 1Y, 2X
                              Cochrane, William, 95                                           Davies, Ric, 0G, 1Z, 3F
                              Coelho, J., 23                                                  Davis, A., 6T
                              Cohen, Judith, G., 1M                                           de Almeida, Rodrigo P., 1M
                              Cohen, M., 1Z                                                   De Caprio, V., 3H, 41, AB
                              Coker, Carl T., 7P, 7T                                          de Castro Leão, Izan, 23, 64
                              Colditz, Sebastian, 2D                                          Dekker, Hans, 66
                              Collados, Manuel, 09                                            Dee, Kevin, 1G
                              Colless, Matthew, 1S, 1U, 9O                                    De Franco, A., 48
                              Colodro-Conde, Carlos, 0M, 2Z                                   Defrère, Denis, 0Q
                              Colomé, J., 12                                                  De Frondat, F., 48
                              Conan, R., 2X                                                   De Guindos, E., 12
                              Connelley, Mike, 84                                             Deiries, Sebastian, 66
                              Conroy, Charlie, 22                                             de Jong, Roelof S., 1O, 8I
                              Content, Robert, 1F, 40, 4A, 51, 88, 9O                         Dejonghe, Julien, 3M
                              Conzelmann, Ralf Dieter, 0F                                     de Juan, E., 12
                              Cook, David, 28, 2G                                             Dekany, Richard G., 1M, 1W, 5M


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-22
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Delabre, Bernard, 7R, 89, 9I                                    Donaldson, John, 2C
                              Delacroix, Alexandre, 5M                                        Donaldson, Robert, 0F
                              Delacroix, Christian, 0Q                                        Donoso, Hipatia V., 1L, 4Q
                              de la Cruz García, J. M., 1K                                    D'Orazi, V., 3H
                              Delagnes, Eric, 2H                                              Dorn, Reinhold J., 0I, 3F
                              de la Luz Hurtado, J., 85                                       Dorner, D., 4O
                              de la Rosa, José Marco, 0P                                      D'Orsi, S., 41
                              del Burgo, C., 12                                               Dorval, Patrick, 10
                              Delfino, Manuel, 0Z                                             dos Santos, Jesulino B., 1M
                              Delgado, José Miguel, 1G                                        dos Santos, Leandro Henrique, 1M, 82
                              Delgado-Mena, E., 23                                            Doughty, Caitlin, 5H
                              Della Valle, M., 41                                             Doughty, D., 0R
                              Delorme, Philippe, 34                                           Dournaux, J. L., 48
                              del Ser, Daniel, 0W                                             Drake, Frank D., 10
                              DeLuca, Edward, 5U                                              Draper, Zachary H., 37
                              Dembicky, Jack, 5H                                              Drass, Holger, 8E, 95
                              Dempsey, Jessica T., 07                                         Dreizler, S., 12, 1Z
                              de Naurois, Mathieu, 2H                                         Drew, Janet, 1G
                              de Oliveira, Antonio Cesar, 1M, 82, 8U                          Drissen, Laurent, 29
                              Depagne, Éric, 2K, 2L, 7M                                       Driver, Simon, 1O
                              DePascale, M., 3H                                               Drory, Niv, 1H, 1I, 4C, 80
                              DePoy, Darren L., 1H, 1I, 1U, 5C, 9O, A3, A4                    Dryer, M., 11
                              De Rosa, A., AB                                                 Duenas, Andres, 10
                              De Rosa, Robert J., 37                                          Duggan, Gina, 5M
                              Derwent, Mark A., 7P, 7T                                        Duhoux, Philippe, 0D, 0F
                              Desidera, Silvano, 34, 3H                                       Dumas, D., 48
                              Desselle, R., 5R                                                Dunlop, Colin, 8T
                              de Ugarte Postigo, Antonio, 40, 41, 43                          Dunn, Jennifer S., 1W, A9, AD
                              de Vicente, Juan, 0Z, 4J, 8A                                    Dünner, Rolando, 8E
                              Devost, Daniel, 29                                              Dwelly, Tom, 1O
                              Devriendt, Julien, 9Y                                           Ealet, A., 7W
                              Dey, Arjun, 2C, 7X                                              Eames, S., 11
                              Dhabal, A., 0S                                                  Eastman, Jason D., 6X
                              Dhara, Sajal Kumar, 3V                                          Edelstein, Jerry, 5Y, 70, 7Q, 8T, 9A, 9B
                              Dhillon, Vikram S., 0Y                                          Edgar, Michael, 7A
                              Díaz García, José Javier, 0P                                    Edwards, Michelle, 4Q
                              Díaz, C., 4K                                                    Egan, Mark, 14, AA
                              Diaz, Ruben, 2J                                                 Egner, Sebastian, 1T, 3F
                              Di Cianno, Amico, 9D                                            Egron, Sylvain, 89
                              Di Lieto, Nicola, 0D                                            Ehrlich, Katjana, 8I
                              Di Marcantonio, Paolo, 23                                       Eikenberry, Sophia A., 1L
                              Diolaiti, E., AB                                                Eikenberry, Stephen S., 0P, 1L, 3Q, 4Q
                              Dionies, Frank, 4U                                              Einecke, S., 4O
                              Di Rico, Gianluca, 39                                           Eisenhauer, F., 0G
                              Disseau, K., 9P                                                 Eislöffel, Jochen, 4U
                              Di Varano, I., 23, 9L                                           Eisner, Joshua, 19
                              Dixon, Simon, 0Y                                                Ellerbroek, Brent L., 1V, 1W, AD
                              Dmytriiev, A., 4O                                               Elliott, Ann, 7W, 7X
                              Dobrzycka, Danuta, 0D, 0F, 2B                                   Ellis, M., 2X
                              D'Odorico, V., 23                                               Ellis, Richard, S., 1M
                              Doel, A. Peter, 8C, 8D, 8F, 8J                                  Ellis, S. C., 1Q, 4A
                              Doellinger, M., 12                                              Ellis, Scott, 8O
                              Dohlen, Kjetil, 1M, 1X, 34, 3D, 3H, 8U, 8Y                      Ellwarth, Monika, 4N
                              Doi, Mamoru, 2M, 3P, 3U, 3W                                     El Madi, Kacem, 1X
                              Dolci, Mauro, 39, 9D                                            Elms, Brian, 28, 2G
                              Dolgopolov, Andrey, 6F                                          Ely, Todd, 5B
                              Dolon, François, 68                                             Emmet, William, 2C, 7X
                              Dominguez, Raul, 4Q                                             Epinat, Benoit, 1X
                              Domínguez Palmero, Lillian, 1G, 8R                              Epps, Harland, 22, A0, A2
                              Donahue, Megan, 8V                                              Erasmus, Nicolas, 7M


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-23
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Erdelyi, Robertus, 09                                           Figueroa, Liliana, 5O, 5Q
                              Eriksen, Martin, 0Z                                             Finger, Gert, 0D, 1X, 3H, 9I
                              Erikson, A., 0U                                                 Fini, L., 1A, 6C
                              Ernenwein, J. P., 48                                            Finkelstein, Steve, 1H
                              Erol, Ayşe, 5I                                                  Finoguenov, Alexis, 1O
                              Erskine, David J., 5Y                                           Fischer, Andreas, 4F, 4H, 4N
                              Eschbaumer, Siegfried, 0I                                       Fischer, Christian, 2D
                              Espejo, Carlos, 0P                                              Fischer, D., 6T
                              Espeland, Brady, 1U, 1Y, 2X, 9F                                 Fisher, Martin, 23, 6F
                              Esposito, Massimiliano, 64                                      Fitzgerald, Greg J., 1L
                              Esposito, Simone, 39, AB                                        Fitzgerald, Michael P., 05, 2R, 35, 36, 37, 3A
                              Esteban San Román, S., 1K                                       Fitzgerald, Roger, 93
                              Estévez, Cristian, 9U                                           Fitzpatrick, Mike, 2C
                              Etxegarai, Urtats, 2O                                           Fitzsimmons, Joeleff, A5
                              Evans, Christopher J., 1X, 24, 9J, 9S                           Fitzsimons, Ewan, 24, 9J, 9S
                              Evans, Geoff, 27                                                Fixsen, D. J., 0S
                              Evans, Ian, 22, 9M, 9O, A0, A2                                  Flagey, Nicolas, 9C
                              Evans, Janet, 22, A2                                            Flaugher, Brenna, 7X, 8C, 8D
                              Fabricius, Maximilian H., 1H, 1I, 1M, 28, 2G                    Fleury, Michel, 6F
                              Fabrika, Sergey N., 42                                          Flores, H., 9P
                              Fagrelius, Parker, 7Q, 7X, 9A, 9B                               Flores, Mauricio, 8E
                              Fairley, Alasdair, 8E                                           Flores-Meza, Rubén A., 0P
                              Falcini, G., 6C                                                 Follert, Roman, 0I
                              Falomo, R., 1Z                                                  Follette, Katherine B., 37
                              Fantano, Louis G., 19, 73                                       Fontaine, Gérard, 2H
                              Fanteï-Caujolle, Y., 0U                                         Fordham, B., 1Y, 2X
                              Fantinel, D., 1A, 3H                                            Fors, Octavi, 0W
                              Farah, Alejandro S., 5O, 5Q                                     Forsberg, Pontus, 0Q
                              Farcas, Szigfrid, 1G                                            Förster Schreiber, N., 1Z
                              Fariña, Cecilia, 1G, 8R                                         Fosalba, Pablo, 0Z
                              Farinato, J., 32                                                Foster, Jeff, 22, A2
                              Farisato, G., 3H                                                Foster, Rick, 14
                              Farrell, Tony, 9O                                               Fourie, Pieter A., 27, 3Y
                              Farrow, Daniel, 1H, 1I                                          Fournier, Paul, 7G
                              Fasola, G., 48                                                  Franzen, R., 41
                              Feautrier, P., 1Z, AB                                           Frebel, Anna, 22, A2
                              Fechner, T., 4A                                                 Freeman, D., 9T
                              Feeney, Michael, 5M                                             Fressin, F., 0U
                              Feger, Tobias, 6K, 76                                           Frey, Steffen, 1O, 7V
                              Fehlmann, Andre, 4D                                             Friberg, Per, 07
                              Feiz, C., 12, 90                                                Frommeyer, Raymond, 4Q
                              Feldt, Markus, 20, 34                                           Froning, Cynthia, A3, A4
                              Feltzing, Sofia, 1O                                             Fruth, T., 0U
                              Femenía Castellá, Bruno, 0Q                                     Fuentes-Fernández, Jorge, 0P, 5O, 5P, 5Q
                              Fenemore-Jones, G., 11                                          Fuhrmeister, B., 12
                              Ferayorni, Andrew, 5A                                           Fukue, Kei, 5Z, 79
                              Fernández, Enrique, 0Z                                          Fumi, Fabio, 2D
                              Fernández, M., 12                                               Funk, Stefan, 48, 4H
                              Fernández, Patricia, 1J, 8Z                                     Fűrész, Gábor, 14, 6J, 7G, AA
                              Fernandez Acosta, Sergio, 4Q                                    Fusco, Thierry, 1X, 3D
                              Fernández Cáceres, J. Israel, 4Q                                Füßling, Matthias, 2H
                              Fernandez-Valdivia, J. J., 0M                                   Fynbo, J. P. U., 23, 41
                              Ferrand, Didier, 1M                                             Gabriel, Jean-Francois, 8U, 8Y
                              Ferraro-Wood, Vanessa, 1X                                       Gaessler, Wolfgang, 1O
                              Ferreira, Décio, 1M, 82                                         Gaggstatter, Tim, 4Q
                              Ferro, I. M., 12                                                Galadí, D., 12
                              Ferrusca R., D., 1K, 7Y                                         Galeros, John, 5U
                              Ferruzzi, Debora, 39, 7R                                        Galipienzo, Julio, 1L
                              Feuchtgruber, Helmut, 0G, 3F                                    Gallardo, I., 12
                              Figueira, P., 23                                                Gallego Maestro, Jesús, 0P, 1K, 1L, 7Y, 85, 86, 8S


                                                                        Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9908 990801-24
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Galli, A., 1A                                                   Gillingham, Peter R., 1F, 1Q, 51
                              Gallie, Angus M., 1X                                            Gimeno, German, 2S
                              Gallo, Giuseppe, 8C, 8D                                         Giordano, Ch., 0T
                              Galvéz-Ortiz, M. C., 12                                         Girard, Julien H., 0Q, 34, 3D, 3H
                              Galvin, Michael, 0O                                             Giro, E., 3H, 41
                              Gal-Yam, A., 41                                                 Gironnet, J., 48
                              Gamble, Trevor, 0Y                                              Glasse, Alistair, 20, 23
                              Ganesh, Rajagopalan, 5F                                         Glauser, Adrian M., 20, 3F
                              Gao, Xiaofeng, 3F                                               Glazebrook, Karl, 51
                              Garcés, Eduardo, 4B                                             Glenday, Alex, A2
                              Garcés Medina, José Leonardo, 0P                                Glicenstein, Jean-François, 2H
                              García, M., 1K                                                  Glindemann, Andreas, 0G, 3F
                              García-Bellido, Juan, 0Z                                        Glück, M., 1Z
                              Garcia Dabo, Cesar Enrique, 0F                                  Goessl, C., 44
                              García-Lorenzo, Begoña, 1X, 9U                                  Golebiowski, Mirek, 1M, 8U, 8Y, 93
                              García-Piquer, A., 12                                           Golub, Leon, 5U
                              García-Rojas, J., 1K                                            Gómez, José María, 1L
                              García Vargas, María Luisa, 12, 1K, 40, 8S                      Gómez-Álvarez, P., 1K
                              Gardiol, D., 41                                                 Gómez Galera, V., 12
                              Garner, Alan, 1L, 4Q                                            Gómez González, Carlos A., 0Q
                              Garrido, R., 12                                                 Gonçalves, Ivan, 0U, 3M
                              Garzón López, Francisco, 0P, 1J, 1L, 8Z                         Gong, Qian, 6P, 7H
                              Gaudi, B. Scott, 19                                             Gonzalez, C., 1A
                              Gaulme, Patrick, 3M                                             Gonzalez, Manuel, 1A, 7K
                              Gauron, Thomas, 22, 5U, A2                                      Gonzalez, Oscar, 2B
                              Gaweda, J., 4K                                                  González-Delgado, R., 1K
                              Gaztañaga, Enrique, 0Z                                          González-Fernández, C., 1J
                              Ge, Jian, 6I                                                    González Hernández, Jonay I., 12, 64, 6F
                              Geary, John C., 46                                              Gonzáles Herrera, Juan Carlos, 1T
                              Gebhardt, Karl, 1H, 80                                          González Peinado, R., 12
                              Gee, Wilfred T., 5V                                             Gonzalez Solares, Eduardo, 1G
                              Geelhoed, Joost, 6F                                             Good, John M., 1H, 1I
                              Gehrels, Neil A., 3I                                            Goodsell, Stephen, 2J
                              Geier, Stefan, 4Q                                               Goodwin, Michael, 5E, 9O
                              Geis, Norbert, 2D                                               Gouvret, C., 0U
                              Gendron, E., 1Z                                                 Gräber, Tobias, 2H
                              Gennaro, Mario, 4Z, 8V                                          Gräff, D., 0G
                              Genoni, Matteo, 6Z, 72                                          Graham, J. A., 48
                              Genzel, R., 0G, 1Z                                              Graham, James R., 2I, 36, 38
                              George, Elizabeth, M., 0G, 3F                                   Granados, F., 85
                              Gerakis, J., 0U                                                 Grandmont, Frédéric J., 29
                              Gerarts, Andreas, 4Q                                            Grañena, Ferràn, 0Z, 4G
                              Gers, Luke, 18, 88                                              Gratadour, D., 1Z, 9P
                              Gershkovich, Irena, 7X, 92                                      Gratton, Raffaele, 1A, 34, 3D, 3H
                              Gesa, L., 12                                                    Gray, Peter, 1T
                              Geuer, L., 6O                                                   Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., 37, 38
                              Ghedina, Adriano, 1A, 2T, 6C, 7K                                Greene, Jenny E., 1M
                              Ghinassi, F., 1A                                                Greenshaw, T., 48
                              Giacobbe, Paolo, 57                                             Gregory, Scott B., 5A
                              Giannone, Domenico, 1O, 4A                                      Greimel, R., 1Z
                              Giarrusso, Marina, 7K                                           Gribbin, Frank, 1G
                              Giavitto, Gianluca, 2H                                          Grieves, Nolan, 6I
                              Gibson, Neale, 2B                                               Griffin, M., 0S
                              Gibson, Steven R., 70                                           Grill, M., 6O
                              Giebels, Berrie, 2H                                             Grobler, Deon S., 18
                              Giebink, Cynthia, 4D                                            Groff, Tyler D., 0O
                              Gigante-Ripoll, José Vicente, 1X, 9U                            Groot, Paul, 4L
                              Gilbank, David, 27                                              Gross, Johannes, 1M
                              Gilbert, James, 1G, 7U                                          Gross, Simon, 0R, 5E, 6K, 76
                              Gil de Paz, Armando, 1K, 7Y, 85, 86, 8S                         Grözinger, U., 12


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