Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies

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Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020) Preprint 18 November 2021 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0

 Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of
 Candidate ≥9 Galaxies

 N. Laporte,1,2★ R. A. Meyer,3 R. S. Ellis, 3 B. E. Robertson, 5 J. Chisholm, 6,7
 G. W. Roberts-Borsani 4
 Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK
 2 Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 19 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
arXiv:2104.08168v3 [astro-ph.GA] 17 Nov 2021

 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, 430 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
 5 University of California–Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
 6 Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, 2515 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712, USA
 7 Hubble Fellow

 Accepted 2021 April 16. Received 2021 March 5; in original form 2020 November 12

 We discuss the spectral energy distributions and physical properties of six galaxies whose
 photometric redshifts suggest they lie beyond a redshift '9. Each was selected on account of
 a prominent excess seen in the Spitzer/IRAC 4.5 m band which, for a redshift above = 9.0,
 likely indicates the presence of a rest-frame Balmer break and a stellar component that formed
 earlier than a redshift ' 10. In addition to constraining the earlier star formation activity
 on the basis of fits using stellar population models with BAGPIPES, we have undertaken the
 necessary, but challenging, follow-up spectroscopy for each candidate using various combi-
 nations of Keck/MOSFIRE, VLT/X-shooter, Gemini/FLAMINGOS2 and ALMA. Based on
 either Lyman- or [O III] 88 m emission, we determine a convincing redshift of =8.78 for
 GN-z-10-3 and a likely redshift of =9.28 for the lensed galaxy MACS0416-JD. For GN-z9-1,
 we conclude the case remains promising for a source beyond '9. Together with earlier
 spectroscopic data for MACS1149-JD1, our analysis of this enlarged sample provides further
 support for a cosmic star formation history extending beyond redshifts '10. We use our
 best-fit stellar population models to reconstruct the past rest-frame UV luminosities of our
 sources and discuss the implications for tracing earlier progenitors of such systems with the
 James Webb Space Telescope.
 Key words: galaxies: high-redshift – galaxies: formation – galaxies: stellar content

 1 INTRODUCTION ciated with UV photons produced by early star formation (Bowman
 et al. 2018).
 An important goal of contemporary cosmology is to locate the epoch
 when the universe was first bathed in starlight, popularly referred to Recent deep imaging with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Tele-
 as ‘cosmic dawn’. According to numerical simulations, dark matter scopes has extended our redshift horizon to '9-11 (Ellis et al.
 halos sufficiently massive to induce star formation could develop 2013; Oesch et al. 2018). At this redshift, the universe is less
 as early as 150-250 Myr after the Big Bang, corresponding to the than 600 Myr old and the presence of main sequence stars older
 redshift range '15-20 (Wise et al. 2014; Villanueva-Domingo than 250 Myr would imply galaxy formation originating before
 et al. 2018). With some assumptions about their ionising capabili- a redshift '14. Such a case of ‘age-dating’ a high redshift
 ties, studies based on the demographics of early galaxies (Robertson galaxy was presented by Zheng et al. (2012) for the lensed galaxy
 et al. 2015) have claimed to be compatible with independent con- MACS1149-JD1 based upon a prominent photometric excess seen
 straints on early reionisation based on analyses of the optical depth in the Spitzer/IRAC 4.5 m band. For the assumed photometric red-
 of electron scattering to the cosmic microwave background (CMB; shift of =9.6 ± 0.2, the IRAC excess would imply the presence of a
 Planck Collaboration et al. 2018), as well as tentative measures of Balmer break indicative of a burst of star formation some 200-300
 21cm absorption at a redshift '16-19 in the CMB possibly asso- Myr earlier. However, central to this conclusion is excluding the pos-
 sibility of a redshift below '9 where such an IRAC excess could
 arise from contamination of the 4.5 m band by intense rest-frame
 optical [O III] 5007 Å emission consistent with a much younger stel-
 ★ E-mail: lar population (Labbé et al. 2013; Roberts-Borsani et al. 2016). An

 © 2020 The Authors
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
2 N. Laporte et al.
early attempt to secure a spectroscopic redshift of MACS1149-JD1 for exploring this early period further with the James Webb Space
using grism capabilities onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Telescope.
(Hoag et al. 2018) provided a tantalising hint of a Lyman-break at A plan of the paper follows. In Section 2, we describe the se-
 > 9, however the lack of an emission line prevented a secure lection criteria we applied to construct our sample of ≥9 objects.
redshift constraint. A convincing redshift of = 9.11 was eventu- In Section 3 we present the relevant spectral energy distributions
ally determined through Lyman- and [O III] 88 micron emission (SEDs) and use these to infer the likely photometric redshifts and
by Hashimoto et al. (2018), using ALMA and VLT/X-Shooter. The their star formation histories. This analysis provides a first assess-
subsequent re-analysis of the object using the secure spectroscopic ment of the early star formation history for an enlarged population
redshift and improved IRAC photometry resulted in an estimated of '9 galaxies. The results of our spectroscopic follow-up cam-
age of 290 ± 150 Myr for the dominant stellar component, consistent paign are described in Section 4. Given the challenges of working at
with a formation redshift of 15.4 ±2.3. these limits, we are not able to convincingly secure a redshift for all
 Various studies have discussed whether MACS1149-JD1 of our candidates. Section 5 returns to a discussion of the physical
might be representative of the galaxy population at early times and properties of the sample in the light of the limited spectroscopic
hence provide a realistic first estimate of when cosmic dawn oc- data. We also discuss the extent to which our IRAC excess sample
curred. However, accurate interpretation of the associated photom- may be representative of the broader population of '9 galaxies
etry is not without its challenges. For instance, although Hashimoto and the frequency with which Lyman- emission is being located
et al. (2018) derived a stellar mass of ' 109 for MACS1149-JD1, deep in the reionisation era. Finally we discuss the implication of
this relied on an assumed and uncertain lensing magnification, thus our findings in the context of direct searches for earlier activity with
introducing important uncertainties when comparing its properties the James Webb Space Telescope in Section 6.
to theoretical predictions. Furthermore, a fundamental difficulty has Throughout this paper we use a concordance cosmology with
been that a prominent Balmer break requires a declining star for- 0 = 70, Ω = 0.3, Ω = 0.7. Magnitudes are in the AB system
mation rate with cosmic time for at least some portion of the early (Oke & Gunn 1983).
history of a galaxy, something that is difficult to reconcile with
contemporary numerical simulations (Binggeli et al. 2019).
 Observationally, several 7.5 < < 9 objects (both lensed 2 SELECTION OF Z>9 SOURCES
and unlensed) with secure spectroscopic redshifts display a signif-
 To make further progress in charting the cosmic star formation
icant IRAC excess which could be indicative of the presence of a
 history beyond the limits directly accessible to HST, we have se-
Balmer break and early episodes of star formation (e.g., Tamura
 lected further candidates for detailed study from three near-infrared
et al. 2019,Bakx et al. 2020, Strait et al. 2020). However, here
 surveys: CANDELS (Grogin et al. 2011) and the Frontier Fields
the interpretation is confused by the likely prominence of [O III]
 (Lotz et al. 2017) from Hubble Space Telescope imaging, and the
5007 Å emission. To break the degeneracy of line emission and
 UltraVISTA ground-based campaign (McCracken et al. 2012).
starlight as contributors to the IRAC excess, Roberts-Borsani et al.
 We applied the following selection criteria to likely '9 can-
(2020) combined HST and Spitzer/IRAC photometry with ALMA
 didates with H-band < 26.5 mag (see Section 3): (i) a 2 non-
far-infrared [O III] 88 m emission and dust continuum constraints
 detection in all bands bluewards of the Lyman-break at the putative
for four > 7 sources (including MACS1149-JD1). Although their
 redshift; (ii) a 5 detection in two consecutive bands redwards of
analysis gave a lower age for MACS1149-JD1 than Hashimoto et al.
 the Lyman-break; (iii) red Spitzer/IRAC colours (3.6 m - 4.5 m >
(2018), they nonetheless concluded that, collectively for these four
 0.5); (iv) a photometric redshift probability distribution permitting
sources, nearly half the stellar mass was produced prior to '10.
 ≥9 at 1 . We used publicly available catalogues for the CAN-
 Even for sources believed to be beyond ' 9, it is possible DELS and UltraVISTA fields. AstroDeep catalogues were used for
that an IRAC excess may not entirely arise via a Balmer break. For four Frontier Field clusters (A2744, MACS0416, MACS0717 and
MACS1149-JD1 Hashimoto et al. (2018) ruled out strong contami- MACS1149) and we constructed our own catalogues for the clus-
nation of the 4.5 m band from intense [O III] 4959 Å and H , which ters A370 and AS1063 following the method described in Laporte
would have indicated a much younger system. Likewise, very strong et al. (2016). The Spitzer/IRAC data used in this paper are drawn
[O II] 3727 Å emission might contaminate the band, but only if the from several surveys and therefore not uniform in depth. CANDELS
true redshift approaches '10. Using hydrodynamical simulations IRAC data have a 5 depth of 25.5 mag; the 5 depth of the Ultra-
and a comoving volume of 70 Mpc3 , Katz et al. (2019) predicted VISTA IRAC data is 25.8 mag and the Frontier Fields data reach a
the presence of three massive > 9 galaxies with similarly strong 5 depth of 26.5 mag. We extracted the Spitzer photometry using a
IRAC colours and matched photometry to MACS1149-JD1. While 1.2 arcsec radius aperture centred at the position of the source on the
their results also point to likely episodes of extended star formation, F160W image, and applied the usual aperture correction. However
they conclude that dust may contribute to the IRAC excess, thereby noting that, for blended sources, this may overestimate the IRAC
reducing the strength of the Balmer break. flux, in those cases we extracted the photometry more carefully,
 Given the implications for the birth of galaxies, determining taking into account the shape of the galaxies with GALFIT (Peng
the amount of star formation prior to '9 is an important, but chal- et al. 2010) assuming a Sersic profile.
lenging endeavour. While ambiguities of interpretation may remain Including MACS1149-JD1, these criteria led to six suitable
given the signal/noise of the available photometric data, our motiva- sources distributed as follows : two (presumably lensed) sources
tion in this paper is to further explore the Balmer break interpretation viewed behind a Frontier Fields cluster, three in the CANDELS
for six promising ≥9 candidates (including MACS1149-JD1) each fields GOODS-N and GOODS-S, and one in UltraVISTA survey
with a 4.5 m IRAC excess. A major advance is a concerted attempt (see Table 1). The most restrictive criterion in their selection is
to secure their spectroscopic redshifts. Our goal is to explore the that relating to the red IRAC colour as this can only be applied to
possible extent of star formation activity prior to a redshift '10. relatively bright targets given the depth difference between ∼1 m
We consider this timely given it may have important consequences data and the IRAC images. All these sources have already been

 MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
Probing Cosmic Dawn with z≥9 galaxies 3
identified as promising high-redshift candidates by previous studies which our six IRAC excess sources were selected, they span a lim-
(Oesch et al. 2018; Ishigaki et al. 2018; Bowler et al. 2020). ited range in luminosity and stellar mass. As a consequence of its
 detection to the shallower magnitude limit with a ground-based
 telescope, UVISTA-1212 is the most luminous and massive galaxy
 in the sample. Later in Section 5 we discuss how representative is
3 PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS our sample with respect to the larger population of sources thought
The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and photometric redshift to be at '9. For all of the sources except UVISTA-1212, the
likelihood distributions for our selected six > 9 candidates are most probable photometric redshift derived is above '9 and thus
presented in Figure 1. The SEDs utilise photometry drawn from a Balmer break may be the most likely explanation for the IRAC
publicly-available imaging data taken with Hubble and Spitzer excess. Nonetheless, as discussed by Hashimoto et al. (2018) and
Space Telescopes and, where available, the VISTA deep surveys. Roberts-Borsani et al. (2020), alternative explanations based on
We matched the Point-Spread Function (PSF) of HST images us- contributions from strong nebular emission lines or dust reddening
ing TinyTim models (Krist et al. 2011). We extracted the total SED can be considered.
following the method described in Finkelstein et al. (2013) with Although [O III] 5007 Å is redshifted out of the IRAC 4.5 m
an aperture correction computed from the Sextractor MAG_AUTO band for > 9.1, Hashimoto et al. (2018) considered the contribu-
measured on the F160W image from WFC3/IR or the H-band from tion of H and [O III] 4959Å. Even for a very young starburst with a
VISTA. The IRAC/Spitzer photometry following method described hard radiation field (log U = -2.0) and low metallicity (20% solar),
in the previous section . Two sources in our sample, MACS0416-JD it is not possible to reproduce a significant IRAC excess. Further-
and MACS1149-JD1, are located behind Frontier Fields clusters more, for the youngest ages, the IRAC 3.6 m flux is raised by the
and thus are gravitationally-lensed. We estimated the magnification presence of a significant nebular continuum. Likewise, [O II] 3727
for these using the online magnification calculator for the Frontier Å will enter the 4.5 m band for redshifts above '9.7. The photo-
Field survey1 which is based on lensing models developed by Hoag metric likelihood distribution does extend to such a high redshift for
et al. (2016), Caminha et al. (2017), Jauzac et al. (2014), Richard some of our sources (Figure 1). However, the IRAC excess would
et al. (2014), Kawamata et al. (2016), Kawamata et al. (2018), Ishi- only be matched if [O II] had a rest-frame equivalent width of over
gaki et al. (2015), Johnson et al. (2014) and Grillo et al. (2015). 1000 Å which seems improbable. Finally, it is possible to match the
This yields a magnification of 1.90+0.03
 and 28+44
 respectively for SEDs by combining a delayed SFH with dust extinction. In this case,
MACS0416-JD and MACS1149-JD1. The latter estimate represents to match the IRAC excess, the extinction would typically need to
a revision of the magnification adopted by Hashimoto et al. (2018). exceed >1.7 mag, which is larger than that inferred in previous
 We simultaneously determine the optimal photometric redshift measures of reionisation era galaxies (e.g. Schaerer & de Barros
and a range of physical properties for the six selected galaxies using 2010, Strait et al. 2020).
BAGPIPES (Carnall et al. 2018). We allow the photometric red- In Figure 1 we show the posterior distribution of the age and
shift to lie in the range 0.0 < phot < 10.0 which, for ≤ 9.0, stellar mass to indicate the reliability of concluding there was star
permits the IRAC excess to be formed, in part, from [O III] line formation prior to = 10 as listed in Table 1. Despite uncertainties
emission (Roberts-Borsani et al. 2020). BAGPIPES generates HII in the available photometry, the shape of the posterior is reasonably
regions from CLOUDY photoionisation code (Ferland et al. 2017) well-defined for ages greater than 200 Myr, indicating the likelihood
and assumes that the nebular emission is the sum of emission from of significant earlier star formation. The BAGPIPES solution for
HII regions of different ages following Byler et al. (2017). In par- MACS1149-JD1 can be compared with the solutions derived by
ticular, it is capable of reproducing intense [O III] emission with Hashimoto et al. (2018) and Roberts-Borsani et al. (2020), both
equivalent widths EW[O III+H ]>1000Å , sufficient for considera- of which included ALMA [O III] 88 m fluxes and upper limits on
tion of dominant contributions to an IRAC excess at high redshift. the dust continuum in Band 7 as additional constraints. Although
BAGPIPES assumes that the gas-phase metallicity is similar to Roberts-Borsani et al advocated the use of ALMA to break the
that of the stars producing the ionising radiation (with a range of degeneracy between optical [O III] emission and a Balmer break as
 ∈[0.0:2.5] ). Finally, BAGPIPES accounts for dust emission contributors to the IRAC excess, it is not a key issue in this case
via the Draine & Li (2007) model, with a reddening law following given the spectroscopic redshift of =9.11 precludes the former
the Calzetti (2001) relation. We fit the SED of our candidates as- case. Although an academic exercise given its redshift is known,
suming a single-component model with four possible star-formation both our photometric redshift ( phot = 9.44+0.02
 ) and age ( 484+17
histories (SFH) : delayed, exponential, constant or burst-like. The Myr) are consistent with the range of early estimates. We include a
best SED-fit is selected to be that with the largest likelihood and separate entry in Table 1 for the case where the redshift is fixed at
is presented as the grey curve for each candidate in Figure 1, with its spectroscopic value of =9.11 (Hashimoto et al. 2018).
the associated physical parameters listed in Table 1. The best fit We emphasise that the inferred contribution of early star for-
is always obtained for the delayed or constant SFH. Although we mation is uncertain in many cases, particularly for GN-z10-3 whose
tabulate the age of the best-fit stellar population, a more meaningful IRAC excess is the least prominent. Nonetheless, overall our sample
measure is the fraction (expressed as a percentage) of the observed is consistent with having significant star formation prior to '10,
stellar mass that was assembled prior to a redshift = 10. For as was concluded for MACS1149-JD1. We will return to a further
the two gravitationally-lensed galaxies, the luminosities and stellar discussion of this in Section 6.
masses have been corrected for the magnifications assumed above.
Table 2 shows the range of parameters adopted in BAGPIPES for
each particular SFH.
 Despite the different HST and ground-based datasets from
 Although Lyman- is the most prominent rest-frame UV emission
 line in star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshift (Stark et al.
1 2010, 2011), its visibility deep in the reionisation era at '9 is

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
4 N. Laporte et al.

Figure 1. Spectral energy distributions and best-fit BAGPIPES (Carnall et al. 2018) models for the 6 galaxies in Table 1. Blue points represent photometric
data or limits, and red points represent the predicted fluxes. All models incorporate contributions from nebular emission (see text). The right inset panel shows
the redshift probability distribution, while the left inset panel shows the posterior distribution of the stellar mass as a function of the age of the stellar population.
HST upper limits are showed at 1 , IRAC limits are at 2 

 MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
Probing Cosmic Dawn with z≥9 galaxies 5
 Target RA DEC phot Muv M★ [×109 M ] Age (Myr) (z>10) [%]
 MACS0416-JD 04:16:11.52 -24:04:54.0 +0.08
 9.25−0.09 -20.83±0.22 1.50+0.84 360+108 +8.1
 −0.61 −157
 9.44−0.03 -19.17±0.04 0.44+0.05 484+17 86.5+2.0
 MACS1149-JD1 11:49:33.59 22:24:45.76 −0.04 −36 −4.3
 9.11 -19.12±0.04 0.66+0.09
 GN-z10-3 12:36:04.09 +62:14:29.6 +0.23
 9.57−0.27 -20.72± 0.12 1.57+0.81 265+153 38.0+23.1
 −0.63 −145 −38.0
 GN-z9-1 12:36:52.25 +62:18:42.4 +0.32
 9.22−0.33 -20.81± 0.18 +1.24
 2.18−0.85 323+137 65.1+18.7
 −168 −32.2
 GS-z9-1 03:32:32.05 -27:50:41.7 +0.41
 9.26−0.42 -20.38±0.20 2.47+1.62 326+128 70.6+12.5
 −1.03 −176 −25.4
 UVISTA-1212 10:02:31.81 02:31:17.10 +0.27
 8.88−0.46 -22.93±0.20 9.7+5.10 280+172 32.4+47.2
 −4.72 −174 −32.4

Table 1. Bright phot ≥9 galaxies with red IRAC colours (3.6 m - 4.5 m > 0.5) with physical properties determined using BAGPIPES (Carnall et al. 2018).
Photometric redshift uncertainties represent 1 values and absolute magnitudes and stellar masses are corrected for lensing magnification where appropriate
(see text). The final column displays the inferred percentage of the presently-observed stellar mass formed before =10.
 Laporte et al. (2016), Zheng et al. (2012), Oesch et al. (2014), Oesch et al. (2018), Bowler et al. (2020)

 Parameters Burst Exponential Constant Delayed ALMA pipeline (v. 5.6.1-8) with a natural weighting scheme, a uv-
 tSF begin [Gyr] 0.0-0.1 0.0 ; 1.0 tapper of 0.35 arcsec with a channel width of 16 MHz and a beam
 tSF end [Gyr] - - 0.0 ; 1.0 - size of 1.00×0.76 arcsec in order to maximise the signal to noise
 [Gyr] - 0.1 ; 10.0 - 0.1 ; 10.0 ratio of any emission line (Tamura et al. 2019). At the HST position
 logM★ [M ] 0.0 ; 12.0 of MACS0416-JD we identified a clear feature at =329.69 GHz
 Z [ ] 0.0 ; 2.5
 corresponding to a redshift =9.28 (Figure 2).
 Av [mag] 0.0 ; 3.0
 The offset between the centroid of the UV continuum and the
 log U -4.0 ; 0.0
 peak of [OIII]88 m emission is 0.40 arcsec, corresponding to an
Table 2. The BAGPIPES parameter ranges used to fit the SEDs of the 6 observed physical separation of '1.8 kpc at ∼9.28. Such a small
targets studied in this paper. The age (or maximum age) is chosen to be displacement is consistent with previous [OIII]88 m observations
less than 1 Gyr given the selection criteria applied to build our sample. The at high- (e.g. Carniani et al. 2017, Harikane et al. 2020). We
ionisation parameter range we used is large to account for extreme values measured the integrated flux on a map created using the immoments
(log U>-2) as observed in previous high-redshift galaxies (Stark et al. 2017).
 CASA recipe. We determine =0.298±0.051−1 which
 is within the range values found previously in ≥8 galaxies (Tamura
expected to be significantly diminished via resonant scattering by et al. 2019, Hashimoto et al. 2018). Assuming a Gaussian profile, we
neutral hydrogen. For this reason, various efforts have been made measure a FWHM of 313±22 km sec−1 . The significance of the line
to target metallic UV lines such as [C III]1909 Å and C IV1548 Å can be estimated via a histogram of the pixel by pixel signal to noise
with limited success (Laporte et al. 2017; Mainali et al. 2020). ratio (SNR) at the spatial position of the target. In the absence of
Surprisingly, for 11 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts above emission, this will approximate a Gaussian distribution. If emission
 = 7.5, Lyman- was detected in 7 with additional UV metallic is present, a second peak will be seen indicating its significance.
lines in only 4 cases. In all cases, detecting the intrinsically fainter The lower panel of Figure 2 reveals such a second peak at SNR'6
metallic lines has been more challenging than searching for Lyman- consistent with the analysis above. No dust continuum was detected
 . to a 1- level of 18 Jy/beam.
 Far infrared emission lines, such as [O III] 88 m arising from We also observed this target in service mode with X-
ionised gas and [C II] 158 m from the neutral gas, have been piv- Shooter/VLT between August and September 2019 (ID: 0104.A-
otal in spectroscopic confirmation at high redshifts with the ALMA 0028(A), P.I. : R. Ellis). The target was centred using a small blind
interferometer (Inoue et al. 2014). For the same 11 > 7.5 galaxies offset (
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
6 N. Laporte et al.
 Target Redshift Instruments Feature Flux / 1 
 MACS1149-JD1★ 9.11 X-SHOOTER Ly- (4.3±1.1)×10−18 cgs
 MACS0416-JD 9.28 X-SHOOTER Ly- 
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
Probing Cosmic Dawn with z≥9 galaxies 7

 Figure 3. Portion of the X-Shooter spectra of MACS0416-JD indicating
 no convincing detection of Lyman- at the redshift of [O III] 88 m (red
 arrow). Grey rectangles show the position of sky lines. The grey line shows
 the 1 noise spectrum and blue line shows the extracted spectrum at the
 position of MACS0416-JD.

Figure 2. (Top) ALMA contours overplotted on the HST F160W image (left) Figure 4. (Top) 2D MOSFIRE spectrum of GN-z10-3. Red circles show
and ALMA band 7 data (right) from a 2 level upwards for MACS0416-JD. the location of a 5 emission line detected at =11891.4 corresponding
The beam size is indicated at the bottom right of the ALMA panel. (Centre) to Lyman- at =8.78 in a pattern consistent with the telescope nodding.
Extracted 1D spectrum over the full frequency range sampled showing a (Bottom) 1D extracted spectrum (blue) with the emission line highlighted in
clear [O III] 88 m emission line at 329.69 GHz corresponding to a redshift yellow and the 1 noise level in grey. Grey rectangles indicate the position
of =9.28. (Bottom) Distribution of the pixel signal/noise ratio (SNR) along of sky lines.
the line of sight at the position of MACS0416-JD. In the case of non-
detection, the histogram shape should be consistent with a gaussian. The
yellow region highlights a deviation from a gaussian shape at SNR'6. EW > 50Å. Recent studies suggest this is close to the maximum
 possible for a young starburst (e.g. Yang et al. 2017). Although we
 are unable to distinguish between these two fits with the current
 data, we adopt the properties of an older stellar population in Table
IRAC excesses by Roberts-Borsani et al. (2020) who argued this
degeneracy may be broken with independent measures of [O III]
88 m emission. In the case of the young solution for GN-z10-3, the
required equivalent width (EW) of [O III]+H is ∼1000 Å which is
 5.2 The ∼9 Lyman- fraction
consistent with the range observed in some high redshift galaxies
(e.g., Strait et al. 2020, Bowler et al. 2020). The flat continuum We now consider the question of the visibility of Lyman- deep
between F160W and 360 m would then imply that [O II] has an in the reionisation era. This can be done in terms of a Lyman- 

MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn : Ages and Star Formation Histories of Candidate 9 Galaxies
8 N. Laporte et al.

Figure 5. (Top) 2D MOSFIRE spectrum of GN-z9-1. Illustrated features
follow those in Figure 4). (Bottom) The 1D extracted spectrum in a 1.0 arcsec
aperture is shown in blue. The grey line displays the 1 error. A tentative
(3 ) emission line is highlighted in yellow which may be Lyman- at Figure 7. The portion of the X-Shooter spectrum where Lyman- may lie
 =9.89. according to the photometric redshift uncertainties for GS-z9-1. No convinc-
 ing emission line is found. The blue line shows the 1D extracted spectrum
 at the position of the candidate, grey regions show the 1 noise extracted in
 400 the same sized aperture, and light blue rectangles show the position of sky
 lines. The red arrow displays the position of Ly- at ℎ =9.26
 300 .


 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250
Figure 6. The portion of the FLAMINGOS2 spectrum where Lyman- may
lie according to the photometric redshift uncertainties for UVISTA-1212.
No convincing emission line is found. Grey rectangles show the position of
sky lines.

emission fraction for our sample. Thus we have two targets with
a secure Lyman- detection and one (GN-z9-1) which is tentative
(see Section 4). All candidates have reliable photometric redshifts
at ∼ 9 or a far infrared emission line, suggesting the likelihood
of contamination of the sample by low redshift interlopers is small.
Despite obvious uncertainties for such a small sample, the Lyman-
 emission fraction calculated for the sample of 6 ∼ 9 galaxies
 +0.28 if we include
presented in this paper is very high: LAE = 0.33−0.21
GN-z9-1 or LAE = 0.50−0.26 otherwise. Figure 8. Best fit to the spectral energy distribution of GN-z10-3 now
 This high fraction of detections continues a trend of recent constrained at the spectroscopic redshift of =8.78. Blue points and lim-
results (Roberts-Borsani et al. 2016; Stark et al. 2017; Mason et al. its represent the observed photometry and red crosses show the expected
2018) that have weakened the originally-claimed rapid decline above measurements. The posterior distribution of the age and stellar mass is now
 '7 (Pentericci et al. 2011; Schenker et al. 2012, 2014). Our results bimodal, indicating it is not possible to distinguish the relative contributions
are compared with these earlier trends in Figure 9). As with Roberts- of [O III] emission and a Balmer break to the IRAC excess (see text).
Borsani et al. (2016) and Stark et al. (2017), we explicitly selected
bright galaxies amenable to ground-based spectroscopy with red
Spitzer/IRAC colours (3.6 m - 4.5 m > 0.5, Section 2). However,
while the 100% visibility of Lyman- in Roberts-Borsani et al.

 MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn with z≥9 galaxies 9
 1.0 Stark et al. 2011 de Barros+17 5.3 How Representative is our Sample?
 Ono+12 Stark+17

 Pentericci+18 Tilvi+14 Early evidence for mature stellar populations at > 7.5 (Hashimoto
 Cassata+15 This work
 0.8 Curtis-Lake+12 incl. GN-z9-1
 et al. 2018; Roberts-Borsani et al. 2020) has been hard to reconcile
Lyman- Emitter Fraction (

 with numerical simulations of the first galaxies. While Binggeli
 et al. (2019) conclude that ∼ 9 Balmer breaks must be very rare,
 Katz et al. 2019 find in the contrary that they can be formed easily in
 0.6 their simulations, although dust might complicate the interpretation.
 In light of our results, it is thus important to assess observationally
 the prevalence of ∼ 9 galaxies with older stellar populations.
 0.4 While we cannot compare Balmer-break objects with a larger
 population of spectroscopically confirmed ∼ 9 galaxies, we can
 assess the prevalence of Balmer-break objects in a parent sample
 0.2 of > 9 photometric candidates. In order to investigate the rela-
 tive abundances of the two populations, we have carefully selected
 > 9 galaxies candidates using the same procedure and magnitude
 0.03 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 cuts as in Section 2, but removing the IRAC excess criterion. The
 candidates were visually inspected by two authors (NL, RAM). Due
 Redshift to the absence of filters bluewards of < 8500 Å in ULTRAVISTA,
 we restricted our search to the Frontier Fields and CANDELS. This
 additional search results in 14 photometric candidates (including
 Figure 9. Fraction of Lyman-break galaxies revealing Lyman- emission
 with an equivalent width EW > 25 Å. Full symbols represent the more the 5 Balmer-break objects presented above). Balmer-break objects
 luminous population with −21.75 < UV < −20.25 and the empty symbols thus appear to represent a significant fraction(' 0.36+0.17
 ) of the
 indicate galaxies with −20.25 < UV < −18.75. The fraction for galaxies > 9 bright galaxy population, in contrast to the results of numer-
 in the present sample is indicated by the red symbols. ical simulations. Indeed this Balmer-break fraction could represent
 a lower limit since the denominator comprises galaxies without
 spectroscopic redshifts: several could be low redshift interlopers or
 8 < < 9 galaxies (given the large photometric redshift errors)
 whose IRAC excess may not arise from a Balmer Break. This is
 also the case for the nominator (e.g. GS-z9-1), although to a lower
 (2016)’s sample might be attributed to a correspondingly strong
 rest-frame optical [O III] emission responsible for the IRAC excess,
 We can compare the rest-frame UV luminosities of this parent
 for the three > 9 targets in the present sample, only a Balmer
 sample with those of our Balmer break galaxies. As most of the
 break synonymous with a mature stellar population (e.g., Hashimoto
 candidates are drawn from the GOODS-North/South fields(11/14),
 et al. 2018) could be responsible. This suggests that the enhanced
 we restrict the comparison to the CANDELS fields, ensuring we
 Lyman- fraction arises from the fact that some luminous galaxies,
 can avoid the need to make corrections for lensing magnification in
 regardless of their [O III] emission, are capable of producing early
 the cluster fields. We derive the rest-frame UV magnitude of our
 ionised bubbles. As discussed by Mason et al. (2018), much of
 candidates using the F125W magnitude, the best-fit photometric
 the early work probing the redshift-dependent fraction necessarily
 redshift and a UV slope = 2, ( ∝ ) for the K-correction.
 targeted sub-luminous galaxies in order to efficiently exploit multi-
 We compare the rest-frame UV magnitudes for the two samples
 slit spectrographs with limited fields of view.
 in Figure 10. Although the statistics are poor, our objects with red
 There is good evidence that intense [O III] emitters at low and IRAC colors are not notably brighter or fainter than blue IRAC color
 intermediate redshifts have high LyC escape fractions (Izotov et al. objects. A two-sided KS test is inconclusive and the null hypothesis
 2018; Fletcher et al. 2019; Nakajima et al. 2020) and/or ionising that the two distributions are different cannot be rejected ( = 0.12).
 efficiencies (e.g., Nakajima et al. 2016), consistent with the creation Thus, given the modest sample size to date, our > 9 Balmer break
 of ionised bubbles at high-redshift. What remains unclear is how sources remain broadly representative of the larger > 9 galaxy
 > 9 galaxies with IRAC excesses indicating a mature stellar population. We note that all > 9 candidates represent the brightest
 population can emit enough Lyman continuum photons to ionise objects existing at that early time due to obvious limited depth of
 large bubbles. The Strömgren radius of the ionised bubble created by the imaging data. The hypothesis that Balmer break objects are less
 a galaxy scales with ∝ ( em esc,LyC ) 1/3 (e.g., Cen & Haiman 2000), frequent in the fainter population is plausible, but can only be tested
 where esc,LyC is the escape fraction of Lyman continuum photons with JWST.
 and em the time the galaxies has been emitting such photons.
 Assuming an average ionising efficiency and esc,LyC < 3%,
 the galaxies in our ∼ 9 sample, which all sustained star formation
 over & 100 − 200 Myr (see Table 1), can create an ionised bubble
 as large as those of COLA1 (Hu et al. 2016; Matthee & Schaye In this article, we have argued that from a sample of six '9
 2018) or A370p_z1 (Meyer et al. 2021), two actively star forming galaxies with Spitzer/IRAC excess for which spectroscopic redshifts
 > 6 galaxies with very high escape fractions. Such a large ionised have now been secured for three, possibly four, we infer past star
 bubble may explain why Lyman- is observed in MACS1149-JD1 formation histories consistent with significant contributions beyond
 blueshifted by ∼ −450km s−1 with respect to [O III] 88 m. In a redshift = 10.
 summary therefore, the high detected fraction of Lyman- emission We can estimate the earlier rest-frame UV luminosity for each
 at '9 in luminous galaxies may offer further support of their of the six galaxies in our sample assuming the best-fit star forma-
 mature stellar populations. tion history (SFH). As described in Section 3, the best SED fit is

 MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
10 N. Laporte et al.
 z>9.1 IRAC2-IRAC < 0.5
 z>9.1, IRAC2-IRAC > 0.5


 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
Figure 10. A comparison of the rest-frame UV magnitudes for ∼ 9
candidates in CANDELS selected without regard to their IRAC excesses
with those for the three GOODS-S/N sources discussed in this article.

obtained for most of the objects with an evolved stellar population.
Table 1 shows the best-fit parameters for all galaxies, updated in Ta- Figure 11. Earlier redshift evolution of the rest-frame 1500Å luminosity
ble 4 with the spectroscopic redshift for 3 of them. Based on these computed from our SED fits for the six galaxies in our sample. Filled
SFHs we compute the rest-frame L1500 luminosity as a function of regions show the 5 sensitivity of NIRCam/JWST filters (F150W, F200W
redshift from ∼15 to the observed redshift taking into account the and F277W) in 3hrs.
dust reddening. For those galaxies without spectroscopic redshifts,
the photometric value is assumed. Figure 11 shows the evolution of
m1500 as a function of redshift and demonstrates that each galaxy is
as luminous in its earlier life. While these past star formation histo-
ries are clearly illustrative, they serve to demonstrate the feasibility
of searches for earlier progenitors with JWST (e.g., Roberts-Borsani
et al. 2021).
 From our SFHs, we can also determine the redshift-dependent
history of the assembled stellar mass providing independent insight
into the evolution of the UV luminosity density within the first 500
Myr (Figure 12). Two contrasting hypotheses are still debated in the
literature: a rapid (Oesch et al. 2018) or a smooth (McLeod et al.
2016) decline of the UV luminosity density over 8 < < 11. For
the case of a fast decline (∝(1+ )−11 ), the luminous galaxies probed
would have formed ∼50% of their stellar mass by redshift =10,
whereas for the smooth decline case (∝(1+ ) −4 ) ∼80% of the stellar
mass is formed at =10. Although our sample is admittedly small,
it represents the only relevant data currently available. Averaging
the SFHs of our 6 galaxies we determine that they formed ∼70% of
their mass by =10, which seems to favour a smooth decline.

The data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable request Figure 12. Redshift evolution of the assembled stellar mass computed from
to the corresponding author. the SFH deduced from our SED fits and averaged over the 6 galaxies dis-
 cussed in this paper (red). This is compared with that predicted for two
 contrasting measures of the rate of decline in the UV luminosity density
 deduced from large photometric surveys (Oesch et al. 2014, McLeod et al.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2016). We estimate that ' 70% of the stellar mass was already in place by
 = 10 for the 6 galaxies in our ≥9 sample.
NL acknowledges support from the Kavli Foundation. RAM and
RSE acknowledge funding from the European Research Coun-
cil (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme (grant agreement No 669253). BER

 MNRAS 000, 1–12 (2020)
Probing Cosmic Dawn with z≥9 galaxies 11
 Target spec M★ [×109 M ] Age (Myr) (z>10) [%]
 MACS0416-JD 9.28 1.37+0.75
 MACS1149-JD1 9.11 0.66+0.09
 GN-z10-3 8.78 1.27+0.70

Table 4. Updated properties for those sources in Table 1 with a spectroscopic redshift. The final column displays the percentage of the presently-observed
stellar mass already formed before =10.

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