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S U C C E S S I O N   S E R V I C E S

          Private Banking
Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 1
2 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
Our Approach								04

HSBC and Family Businesses					07

Our Capabilities								13

 Enterprise and Wealth Transition				                                              14
   Passing on the Family Business to the Next Generation

   Exiting the Family Business and Preserving the Family’s Wealth

 Managing your Family’s Wealth				                                                 25
   Investing your Family’s Wealth

   Creating a Family Office to Protect your Family’s Prosperity

                                                  Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 3
Our Approach
                                          Business can be difficult.
                                   Families can be difficult. With our help,
                                     family businesses don’t have to be.

                             Entrepreneurs and business            responsible for a business and a
                             owners need a banking partner         family, how the two are intertwined,
                             with one foot in their world and      and how you need to balance the
                             one foot outside of it: someone       needs of one with the other.
                             who understands their vision for
                             their wealth and for what they        We recognise that the balance is
                             hold dear, and connects them with     in constant motion, as both your
                             opportunities and insights they       business, your family and the world
                             wouldn’t have access to. HSBC         itself evolves.
                             is here to help you advance your
                             prosperity for both your personal     No matter how alarming change
                             and business needs, now and           can be, it’s best to start on the
                             into the future.                      front foot. We encourage business
                                                                   families to make plans for the
                             HSBC works closely together to        future they want and can assist
                             support our clients from different    them in making the difficult
                             countries and walks of life as they   conversations easier today,
                             grow, manage, preserve and pass       so that the difficult decisions
                             on their wealth.                      are easier tomorrow.

                             Every day we work with successful     We’re here to help you manage
                             business owners and entrepreneurs     and maintain continuity in times of
                             from all over the globe, so we        change.
                             understand what it feels like to be

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HSBC and
                                    Family Businesses
                                                   Change is inevitable.
                               Ever since we started financing       Selling is uppermost in the mind
                               trade between Europe and Asia         of UK entrepreneurs – with 58%
                               over 150 years ago, we’ve been        saying this is their objective – but
                               working with family-owned             far from front of mind in either
                               businesses across the globe.          Hong Kong (30%) and even less
                                                                     so in mainland China (14%).
                               We know that they represent a         There are similar variations across
                               large part of the world’s economy,    the continents – in Europe selling
                               but also that at one point every      the family business is more
                               entrepreneur will move from           common in Germany (46%) than in
                               running the family business to        either France or Switzerland (37%);
                               attending to the business of          the same in the Middle East, with
                               the family.                           the UAE showing 30% with Saudi
                                                                     Arabia reporting only 17%. Yet in
                               Our research1 suggests that           Australia (49%), Singapore (49%)
                               almost 40% of business owners         and the USA (43%) selling is a
                               anticipate ownership transition of    more popular route.
                               their business in the next 5 years,
                               whether to the next generation
                               or through an exit, but we see
                               differences across countries.

    HSBC Private Banking,
    Essence of Enterprise Report 2017                                                Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 7
Attitudes towards change are diverse.

                             We know business owners from          Culture has an impact too.
                             all over the world and we see how     Business ownership in the UK,
                             they come in all shapes and forms,    US and France tends to be high
                             well beyond the conventional way      frequency, with success measured
                             that society looks at them.           in terms of the wealth generated.
                                                                   In the Middle East, mainland
                             With many nations now having          China, Hong Kong and Singapore
                             one-fifth of their populations over   success is more likely to be judged
                             the age of 65, a golden retirement    by the scale of the enterprise that
                             is being replaced by a sense of       the entrepreneur has built.
                             active ageing. In the US 25%2
                             of all start-ups were headed by       The factors that inspire
                             entrepreneurs aged between 55         entrepreneurs to start their
                             and 65, up from 14% in the 1990s.     businesses will, in time, affect
                             In the UK one-sixth of start-ups      the type of business owner they
                             are headed by people over the         become, the economic and
                             age of 50.                            corporate success they achieve
                                                                   and the influence they have on the
                             At the other end of the spectrum      next generation of their family.
                             millennial entrepreneurs evidence
                             different motivations too. The
                             younger generation are more
                             likely to want to leverage their
                             networks and collaborate, where
                             their predecessors tended to
                             prioritise self-reliance. Younger
                             entrepreneurs are also more
                             focused on how they can benefit
                             the broader community as they
                             build their wealth.

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                                                                                         2015 Kaufman Index
You started your business with a plan.
                              Make sure you leave it with one.

                              The saying ‘shirtsleeves to            Our view of how this can be tackled
                              shirtsleeves in three generations’     requires families to demonstrate
                              appears in so many cultures and        urgency, planning and preparation
                              languages and is backed up by          ahead of generational transition
                              research3 showing that a significant   and change.
                              proportion of family businesses fail
                              to survive generational transition.    Research5 into family wealth
                              Communication breakdown (60%)          transition suggests the pre-requisites
                              and failure to prepare heirs (25%)     to success typically include total
                              are cited as the two biggest factors   family involvement, a process that
                              behind these business succession       integrates the decision made by
                              failure statistics.                    the family and the learning and
                                                                     practising of certain skills (including
                              Our research4 shows that even          communication, openness and
                              for families working on an             trust, accountability, team
                              agreed wealth transition between       consensus building, shared values
                              the generations, perceptions           and unifying behind a common
                              of the quality and clarity of          vision) in the family setting.
                              communication vary significantly:
                              while parents believe they are         Understandably this is likely to
                              clear on their goals and how to get    become a greater challenge as
                              there – the next generation doesn’t    the family grows and the family
                              always agree.                          business passes down through
                                                                     the generations.

  Williams and Preisser, 2003
  HSBC Family Enterprise Forum, November 2016
  Williams and Preisser, Preparing Heirs: Five Steps to
   a Successful Transition of Family Wealth and
   Values, 2003                                                                       Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 9
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Generational transition
– the family journey

From as far back as William              find its own way, having to chart
Shakespeare’s play “As You Like          its own path, without the additional
It”, literature, thinking and research   inter-generational challenges,
has identified that our lives follow     whether that be trying to find
a series of stages, with transitions     the balance between freedom
occurring as we move between             and responsibility for the next
them.                                    generation or having multiple
                                         generations under one roof, let
In families this is made more            alone dealing with the sorts of
complex as the different                 challenges thrown up by the rapid
generations are not only passing         changes in technology. And as well
through their own life stages and        as planning for how we deal with
transitions, but each generation         the inevitable life events, some of
comes with a different view on           us will have to deal with unplanned
the world. The senior generation         or unforeseen events – family
and baby boomers are being               disputes, divorce and incapacity.
succeeded by Gen X, Gen Y and
the teenage Gen Z.                       With all of this to take into
                                         account, it’s no wonder that each
It sometimes feels enough of a           family is unique.
challenge for each generation to

                                                         Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 11
Generational transition
                             – the business journey
                             Family-owned businesses have            through exit and re-generation
                             their own growth and transition         by the next generation.
                             path too.6
                                                                     The business roles and leadership
                             A first generation business start-      dynamics are different too.
                             up by a single, controlling owner       Leadership roles in family
                             from a nuclear family will grow         businesses tend to be for much
                             in two generations through              longer terms than in large, publicly
                             sibling partnership to a cousin’s       owned companies, offering
                             consortium; perhaps supporting a        greater stability on the one hand,
                             network of families, and it may well    but perhaps frustrating personal
                             have expanded internationally or        growth and development on
                             through acquisition, or alternatively   the other.

                             For years you’ve run the family
                             business, now it’s time to attend
                             to the business of the family
                             Families planning enterprise and        Those families that choose to take
                             wealth transition are embarking in      a more proactive approach to these
                             two revolutions at once, and it may     challenges – acting with clarity
                             be tempting to postpone critical        and purpose, communicating
                             decisions but let’s face it: the        openly and building trust – are
                             awkward conversations will only         more likely to build continuity in
                             ever get more awkward.                  times of change and create firm
                                                                     foundations for their family’s future
                             What you don’t talk about will create   prosperity.
                             confusion, misunderstandings and
                             disharmony as every person within
                             the family and the business will
                             have a different interpretation of
                             the decisions not yet taken.

                                                                                         K. Gersick, J. Davis, M. Hampton, I. Lansberg,
                                                                                        Generation to Generation Lifecycles of the Family
12 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services                            Business, Boston 1997
Our Capabilities⁹
                                                    At HSBC Private Banking we dedicate the time
                                                      required to learn about you, your business,
                                                              your family and your plans.

                                                 We’ll build a relationship with you, because it’s the
                                                 only way to have honest conversations about the
                                                 most important and intimate decisions of your life,
                                                 and to identify the right solutions at the right time.

                                                  On the next pages you’ll learn how to make sure
                                                      that your succession plan is a success.

  Not all of the capabilities listed are available in all
jurisdictions. Please contact your Relationship Manager
for more information.                                                                         Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 13
Enterprise and
                                      Wealth Transition
                                        Succession planning is not
                                  going to go away. But if you don’t do it,
                                           your business might.

                             Enterprise and wealth transition are   too many siblings are eager to
                             the issues that should always be       take on the company, and they
                             discussed before they become           want to avoid the rivalry and
                             an issue.                              disappointments that would
                                                                    disrupt the family. We’ve seen how
                             They can be approached together        balancing fairness and meritocracy
                             or separately, but they both require   can feel like an impossible
                             preparation and dialogue.              equation, but trying not to hurt
                                                                    feelings can hurt the business.
                             At first glance, business ownership
                             transition is a simple choice          That’s why it’s important to make
                             between two options: passing           plans in advance, and design a
                             the family business on to the next     framework for decision-making
                             generation or selling it to a third    that both the business and the
                             party. Whatever your preference        family can recognise. Doing that at
                             is, it’s important that it remains a   the right time and in the right way
                             choice, and not an inevitability.      will not only give the family more
                                                                    options in times of change, but
                             Some business owners find              also make it easier to manage
                             themselves forced to exit the          their future and their wealth down
                             business for a lack of successors.     the line.

                             Others end up in the same
                             situation for opposite reasons:

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Passing on the business to the
next generation to ensure business
and wealth continuity.

Planning strategically in business      and the family’s wealth is such a
often comes naturally, even             challenge. And that’s before the
when there’s the added focus            question of the family’s legacy over
and pressure of it being a family-      the longer term is considered.
owned business. The same level
of strategic thinking is not so         For those who want to grow the
often applied to the development        family and the family business
of families and family members,         together, planning starts earlier and
which tend to follow or be              takes longer. Sharing the passion
organised around a series of life       and drive that the family has for the
stages – the early years, primary       family business tends to happen
and secondary education,                within the family from when the
university, and then the children       next generation are quite young.
leaving the family home or nest to      For family businesses to succeed
develop the path of their own lives.    over long periods of time, the
Very often the aim of parents is to     generations need to have a shared
support their children in developing    sense of purpose and vision for
their own sense of purpose to           the future.
pursue what really interests them.

So it’s not surprising that combining
strategic business planning with
strategic planning for the family

                                                        Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 17
HSBC Private Banking

Our family governance and                                      Formulating the family vision
wealth planning specialists
                                                               »» Establishing and recording the family’s agreed
have considerable experience                                      shared goals and objectives
working with multiple
                                                               »» Articulating the family’s shared philosophy,
generations of families to assist                                 values and culture
them in developing their own
                                                               »» Creating the family’s vision for the future of the
perspective, as well as a wider                                   family business and wealth
family perspective, to support
the continuity of the family and                               Developing a family governance framework
the family business through the
generations.                                                   »» Strategic analysis of your family’s situation,
                                                                  current ownership structures and governance

                                                               »» Preparation of a family governance blueprint
                                                                  covering the structures through which the
                                                                  family business and wealth is held

                                                               »» Assistance in drawing up family governance
                                                                  documentation and advice on the establishment
                                                                  and operation of such committees, bodies or
                                                                  structures as required under the governance

                                                               Building a succession plan for the management,
                                                               ownership, and governance of the family business

                                                               »» Inter-generational succession planning for the
                                                                  family business and wealth

                                                               »» Fostering family communication and unity

18 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
Family wealth structuring                               Philanthropy

»» Assistance with wealth planning and structuring      »» Help you to establish and grow strategic
   advice across jurisdictions and generations             philanthropic structures and approaches in
                                                           support of the causes that matter to you and
»» Help with the implementation of your chosen             your family
   solutions to enhance your family’s control over
   your financial position and facilitate its orderly   »» Provide support at every step from initial vision
   succession, as well as protecting the safety,           and planning through to the implementation
   security and confidentiality of your assets             and ongoing management of your philanthropic

Financial planning

»» Help to identify and formulate your personal
   goals, assessing a wide range of options that
   will meet your financial and wider goals

»» Produce a personalised strategy for your wealth

»» Advise you how to hold, protect, manage and
   transfer your wealth in line with your goals and
   as efficiently as possible

Investment strategy and portfolio construction

»» Assistance for you and your family in the
   management of the proceeds of your financial

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Exiting the Family Business
and Preserving the Family’s Wealth.

Selling the family’s business can        but also often with business
be an investment in your family’s        associates or communities you
future.                                  have worked with and within for a
                                         long time, whilst also looking to the
Many paths lead to the eventual          future. All of this can be mixed with
exit from a business. For some           the uncertainty of a sale process
the exit is a natural transition after   that may or may not complete.
many years or generations building
and investing in a business. For         Additionally, a large number of
others the exit is planned from the      business sale processes start for
outset. And the journey beyond           unplanned reasons, whether that
the exit is equally varied, with         be due to a family situation, an
some business owners looking to          issue between business partners,
retirement, some starting up new         concerns about future trading
ventures, and others looking to a        prospects or even an unexpected
new or different role, for instance,     offer for the business.
as an angel investor or working in
the charitable sector.                   With the experience we have
                                         gained through working with a
Exiting from a business that you         large number of entrepreneurs our
have built is a difficult process that   approach is to start the planning
requires preparation on both the         and preparation early, being ready
business and personal levels.            for the unexpected or expected
It involves a simultaneous process       challenges alike.
of letting go, not just personally,

                                                         Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 21
HSBC Private Banking

Our wealth and financial planning                              Preparing for the sale of your business
specialists have deep experience
in supporting business owners and                              »» Having worked with many entrepreneurs
                                                                  looking to exit their business we can help you
their families through the exit from
                                                                  to understand the varied factors that should be
their business. They will help you                                considered as you plan your next steps
to take a step back and consider
matters through a personal                                     »» We will share the experiences and perspectives
                                                                  we have gained regarding the preparations
and family lens, evaluating and                                   entrepreneurs undertake
reflecting on what matters most
to you and your family, and then                               »» And help you to develop plans for yourself and
                                                                  your family, getting the balance right between
putting in place the necessary
                                                                  your head and your heart as you work through
steps to realise your plan.                                       the questions that need to be answered

                                                               Global Solutions Group (GSG)

                                                               »» GSG can provide access to HSBC’s strategic
                                                                  advisory services globally which may be able
                                                                  to provide transaction support in business
                                                                  valuation, sell-side advisory including buyer
                                                                  identification and buyer financings

                                                               Family wealth structuring

                                                               »» We can assist you with wealth planning
                                                                  and structuring advice across jurisdictions
                                                                  and generations, and also help with the
                                                                  implementation of your chosen solutions

                                                               »» Wealth structuring and planning can help you
                                                                  enhance your family’s control over your financial
                                                                  position and facilitate its orderly succession,
                                                                  as well as protecting the safety, security and
                                                                  confidentiality of your assets

22 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
Financial planning                                     Commercial banking support for new ventures

»» Help to identify and formulate your personal        »» In many markets we can introduce your new
   goals, assessing a wide range of options that          business to HSBC’s Commercial Banking
   will meet your financial and wider goals               (CMB) to see whether they are able to support
                                                          your needs in transactional banking, hedging,
»» Produce a personalised strategy for your wealth        working capital, asset financing and liquidity
»» Advise you how to hold, protect, manage and
   transfer your wealth in line with your goals and    »» If you allow it, we can facilitate the opening of
   as efficiently as possible                             a relationship with CMB by using our existing
                                                          knowledge of you and your source of wealth.
                                                          This is just one way of benefitting from your
Philanthropy                                              existing Private Banking relationship; others can
                                                          include cross-collateralisation of credit facilities
»» Help you to establish and grow strategic               from personal assets or future dividends
   philanthropic structures and approaches in
   support of the causes that matter to you            »» Through CMB you may also be able to access
   and your family                                        business education and networking seminars

»» Provide support at every step from initial vision   »» Your Relationship Manager will be able to check
   and planning through to the implementation             on CMB’s market coverage and eligibility of
   and ongoing management of your philanthropic           your business

                                                                       Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 23
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Managing your
        Family’s Wealth
           It’s time to go from investing
       in your family business to investing
               in your family’s wealth.
Whether you are looking to             you saw as commonplace you
grow, manage or preserve it,           might see as uncomfortable.
your approach to your family’s         Or alternatively as you look to the
wealth should start with a deep        longer term preservation of your
understanding of your goals.           wealth you are looking for more
In other words, what’s the             sophisticated opportunities to
purpose of your wealth?                diversify your family’s wealth.

This can sometimes feel hard to        Your view of the purpose of your
determine and even harder to           wealth will also be a reflection of
articulate – perhaps it differs from   your values and beliefs, perhaps
other members of your family or        influenced by the generations of
because you are in the growth          your family that preceded you, in
phase for your wealth – but doing      the same way that your values and
so can help you to separate the        beliefs are likely to influence your
conflicting emotions that arise        next generation.
when family, business and wealth
are so closely entwined.               Your wealth will take a number of
                                       different forms over your lifetime
Your view of the purpose of your       – family businesses, property or
wealth changes over the years          financial assets – or indeed be a
as your life and the lives of those    mix of these. Understanding how
close to you develop and change.       the forms in which your wealth
And so will your attitude to your      is held relate to the purpose of
wealth – opportunities that you        your wealth can help to clarify the
see as very exciting in your earlier   objectives specific to each as well
years, may seem adventurous            as to your overall wealth goals.
sometime later, a level of risk that

                                                       Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 25
Investing your                        Our approach
                             Family’s Wealth

                             With a clear understanding of the     »» We favour investing for
                             broader purpose of your wealth,          the long run and remaining
                             the role it plays in your life and       invested
                             what you need it to do for you, we
                             will open up opportunities that can   »» Our long-term investment
                             support your financial goals –           view supports a diversified
                             a mix of the level of return you         investment approach
                             wish to see, the level of risk you
                             are comfortable with and are able     »» The anchor for your
                             to withstand, and the degree             investments should be a
                             of liquidity you need in your            strategic asset allocation that
                             investments.                             on the one hand optimises the
                                                                      highest level of expected return
                                                                      for a given level of risk appetite,
                                                                      whilst on the other achieves
                                                                      diversification across asset
                                                                      classes and geographies

                                                                   »» This is not meant to be
                                                                      a straitjacket. It allows
                                                                      you to decide the level of
                                                                      involvement you wish to have
                                                                      in the management of your
                                                                      investments and alongside your
                                                                      core investment approach you
                                                                      can build in satellite themes to
                                                                      exploit tactical opportunities or
                                                                      secular themes

                                                                   »» And of course we will build in
                                                                      your requirement for liquidity to
                                                                      satisfy your shorter-term cash
                                                                      flow needs

26 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
HSBC Private Banking

Our investment capabilities are
designed to suit your individual
needs and requirements.

Advisory Services                                      Managed Solutions

»» Allow you to retain control across all investment   »» Allow you to delegate the management
   decisions, supported by our advice on portfolio        of your investment portfolio to dedicated
   construction and investment opportunities              specialists, taking advantage of our global
                                                          expertise and reach without the need to
»» Provide guidance to help you develop an asset          be involved in the day-to-day management
   allocation strategy and investment guidelines          of your investments
   tailored to your needs, goals, time horizon and
   risk/reward expectations                            »» The investment solutions you choose will
                                                          be tailored to your specific circumstances,
»» Monitor your portfolio and inform you when             investment objectives and risk tolerance
   relevant opportunities arise or portfolio
   adjustments seem appropriate                        »» Include Discretionary Wealth Management
                                                          Solutions and Alternative Investments (Private
»» Provide wide access to all asset classes:              Equity, Hedge Funds, Real Estate) and Mutual
    »»   Equities
    »»   Fixed Income
    »»   Funds                                         Credit Advisory
    »»   Structured Products
    »»   Alternative Investments
    »»   Capital Markets Solutions including           »» Provision of a full range of credit solutions to
         derivatives, foreign exchange and                allow the efficient use of your personal wealth
         precious metals                                  to maximise returns, including:

                                                          »» Lending against financial assets, including
Self-Directed Investments                                    stocks, bonds, and funds
                                                          »» Real estate financing
                                                          »» Single stock lending
»» Allow you to make your own investment                  »» Specialised asset financing
   decisions and have full control of your portfolio      »» Life insurance premium financing

                                                       Themes and Ideas

                                                       »» From seminars to asset allocation views,
                                                          to portfolio considerations, ad hoc market
                                                          commentary and high conviction themes,
                                                          our aim is to keep you up to date

                                                                         Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 27
Creating a Family Office to Protect your Family’s Prosperity

At the heart of the decision to                            But family offices are complex         Once the family reaches an
create a family office is whether                          organisations operating in a           agreement on this, it can move on
the family wishes to invest                                sophisticated and demanding            to what vehicle is best suited to the
together, today, tomorrow and into                         environment, often involving           delivery of their objectives for the
the future. For families who do, a                         significant regulatory and reporting   management of their wealth, from
family office provides a number of                         requirements, and cross-border         a dedicated, single family office,
potential advantages and benefits,                         legal and tax planning. So beyond      to a multi-family office or even a
over and above the aim of the                              the central decision of whether the    “virtual” family office involving a
long-term growth and preservation                          family wishes to invest together,      mix of in-sourced and out-sourced
of the family’s prosperity, including:                     there are a number of further          provision.
                                                           questions that will need to be
»» Dedicated staff providing a                             answered:                              However, if family members have
   highly tailored service                                                                        different views or objectives for
                                                           »» What is the range of services       their wealth or are not comfortable
»» Confidentiality of the family’s                            that you expect your family         in answering the many other
   affairs                                                    office to provide?                  questions, then the creation of a
                                                                                                  family office may not be the right
»» Control over the processes                              »» Is the family’s wealth and the      solution.
                                                              level of return that can be
»» Aligned interests in the                                   generated at a sufficient level
   management of the family’s                                 to justify the expense?
                                                           »» Does the family have the time
                                                              and expertise to create and
                                                              oversee the family office and
                                                              be involved in the investment
                                                              process, now and into future

                                                           »» Can the family recruit and
                                                              manage a team of trusted
                                                              advisers in whom they will
                                                              place the management of
                                                              the family’s wealth?

28 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
HSBC Private Banking Capabilities

We have considerable experience in designing and administering ownership structures adapted to the needs of
international families with diverse assets.

Setting up a family office                                       Customised Credit Solutions

»» Supporting the design and assisting in the                    »» In addition to real estate financing and Lombard
   implementation of a family office                                lending we can provide clients with customised
                                                                    credit solutions for their personal and corporate
»» Assisting in the creation of the ownership                       investment vehicles including leveraged
   structure for the family office                                  acquisition finance, strategic equity financing
                                                                    and specialised asset financing
»» Ensuring that management and control of
   the family office is integrated into the wider
   governance for the family                                     Global Liquidity and Cash Management Services

»» Assisting in the design of the process for                    »» Enable clients to maximise control of their
   selecting advisers and service providers                         payments and cash flows in addition to
                                                                    providing yield-enhancing solutions for the
                                                                    surplus liquidity
Capital Raising and Investing in Equity
and Debt Issuance
                                                                 Global Solutions Group (GSG)

»» Support clients with the capital requirements for
   their corporate entities through debt and equity              »» GSG provides selected suitable clients with
   raising in the private and public markets                        opportunities to invest directly in real assets10,
                                                                    which can include real estate, whole businesses
»» Provide sophisticated clients with the                           or stakes in businesses. These opportunities
   opportunity to participate as investors in debt                  are sourced through the HSBC franchise. We
   issuance in public and private markets                           also provide buyside advisory and financing for
                                                                    real assets that clients may have identified from
                                                                    other parties
  Global Custody Solutions
                                                                 Support for portfolio businesses
  »» Designed for clients who require institutional-
     level Custody, Investment Administration and       »»          In many markets we can introduce your
     Asset Financing services, Global Custody                       portfolio businesses to HSBC’s Commercial
     leverages HSBC Securities Services, one of the                 Banking (CMB) to see whether they are able
     world’s largest securities services providers with             to support needs in transactional banking,
     over $6.6trn of assets under custody, and has a                hedging, working capital, asset financing and
     network covering 89 markets                                    liquidity management

  »» Global Custody allows clients to consolidate all »»            CMB may also be able to assist with a strategic
     their assets with one Global Custody bank while                review of the balance sheet and look to support
     maintaining relationships with multiple brokers                equity and debt issuance and leveraged
     and asset managers                                             acquisition finance

                                                                 »» Your Relationship Manager will be able to check
                                                                    on CMB’s market coverage and eligibility of
                                                                    your business
   The services listed are not available in all jurisdictions.
Please contact your Relationship Manager for more
                                                                                Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 29
30 | Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services
How can we help?
HSBC Private Banking helps           the various factors you need to
individuals and families who have    consider and help you to plan your
accumulated wealth through           next steps. Working through the
enterprises to grow, manage, and     questions you need answered,
preserve their wealth. We believe    we can help to get the balance
today’s entrepreneurs need a         between what your head and your
banking partner who shares and       heart are telling you.
understands their vision for their
wealth—and HSBC is that partner.     To learn more about the ways
                                     HSBC Private Banking can support
Whether you are just beginning to    you during the planning, execution
contemplate family enterprise and    and subsequent management of
wealth transition or whether you     your family enterprise and wealth
are ready to move forward with       transition, please contact your
it, we can help you understand       Relationship Manager.


                                                    Private Banking | Family Enterprise Succession Services | 31
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