Priority IO Scheduling in the Cloud
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Priority IO Scheduling in the Cloud Filip Blagojević, Cyril Guyot, Qingbo Wang, Timothy Tsai, Robert Mateescu and Zvonimir Bandić HGST Research 3403 Yerba Buena Road San Jose, CA 95135 Abstract rassingly parallel (map-reduce). Widely accepted due to the easiness of use, map-reduce is also convenient for Current state of the art runtime systems, built for manag- performing large scale data analysis – a workload fre- ing cloud environments, almost always assume resource quently present in large scale storage systems. sharing among multiple users and applications. In large Cloud systems allow sharing and oversubscription of part, these runtime systems rely on functionalities of distributed resources. Two main reasons initiate resource the node-local operating systems to divide the local re- sharing: (i) to further improve the cost effectiveness and sources among the applications that share a node. While reduce power consumption, cloud providers frequently OSes usually achieve good resource sharing by creat- enforce resource sharing among the users; (ii) back- ing distinct application-level domains across CPUs and ground system jobs can interfere with user initiated jobs. DRAM, managing the IO bandwidth is a complex task Furthermore, it is very common that the jobs sharing due to lack of communication between the host and IO the resources in a cloud have different latency require- device. In our work we focus on controlling the HDD ments. For example, while serving real-time queries IO bandwidth available to user-level applications in a from a distributed database, certain nodes can also host cloud environment. We introduce priority-based (PBS) background, low-priority jobs. Some examples of the IO scheduling, where the ordering of IO commands is low-priority jobs are data analytics map-reduce jobs, or decided cooperatively by the host and IO device. We load balancer and data recovery jobs that are triggered implemented our scheduling policies in the Linux stor- by the system in case of a node failure. Computing envi- age stack and Hadoop Distributed File System. Initial ronments, where multiple jobs with different latency re- results show that in a cloud environment, the real-time quirements run simultaneously, require careful schedul- commands managed by PBS outperform the real-time IO ing of computational and IO tasks. scheduling of the Linux kernel by up to a factor of ∼ 5 To achieve fair resource distribution among for the worst case latency, and by more than 2x for aver- users/applications, system architects developed var- age latency. ious runtime systems that provide resource virtualization and to each user/application give the impression of 1 Introduction running in isolation. Sharing techniques in modern operating systems have been studied for resources such In recent years, cloud platforms emerged as an indispens- as CPUs and DRAM [11, 3], i.e individual processes can able resource for development of novel large-scale ap- be limited on the number of CPU cores and the amount plications in industry and academia. Cost-effectiveness of DRAM they are allowed to use. However, achieving and availability of computational and storage resources efficient multiplexing of the IO requests is a challenging at a large scale, provide opportunities for complex algo- problem, mostly due to the independent operational rithms that are computationally expensive and can gen- structure of the IO device. erate large amounts of data. We explore the opportunities for host-HDD co- The potential of cloud computing has been convinc- -operative IO scheduling and examine the effects that IO ingly demonstrated in numerous studies and real-world misscheduling have in a shared resource environment. In examples [13, 2]. In terms of computational models, current computing/storage systems, IO request schedul- cloud environment is not restrictive, but a common com- ing is a two-level process: (i) initial request reorder- putational model used in these environments is embar- ing/merging is performed by the local filesystem, and (ii)
the second-level request reordering is performed within is designed based on the Bigtable [4], a NoSQL database the IO device. The existing host-side IO request sched- initially developed by Google. HBase can serve many ulers do not interact with the IO device, and any prior- users simultaneously and at the same time the HBase itized request issued from the host-side will almost cer- data can be used in map-reduce style data analytics. tainly be re-ordered once it reaches the drive (we refer to this re-ordering as misscheduling) . As a result, in a cloud where multiple jobs might exist on the same node, 3 IO Request Scheduling in OS / HDD high-priority real-time data accesses cannot gain signifi- cant advantage over low-priority IO requests. On a single node, scheduling of the IO requests is per- To address IO multiplexing in a cloud, we design formed at two levels: (i) at the top level, the IO request priority-based scheduler (PBS) that exploits HDD prior- reordering and merging is performed by the filesystem ity commands and instructs the drive to process certain scheduler, (ii) at the lower level, the IO requests are re- (usually real-time) requests at high priority. To the best ordered by the IO device. The lack of communication of our knowledge, this is the first IO scheduler that al- between the two scheduling layers can result in poor lows passing priority information between a distributed scheduling decisions for the real-time IOs. filesystem and the storage device, aiming at improving For example, the default Linux scheduler, Completely the response latency for high-priority requests. PBS is Fair Queueing (CFQ), maintains multiple scheduling not limited to the cloud environments. However, prior- classes: real-time (RT), best-effort (BE), and idle. RT ity scheduling is the most effective in a cloud due to the requests have priority over the other two classes. How- intensive sharing of storage devices among applications ever, HDD does not recognize the IO priorities assigned with different latency requirements. We integrate PBS at the OS-level, and allows request reordering, aiming at with Hadoop distributed filesystem (HDFS) and HBase achieving the highest possible IOPS rate. Consequently, – a NoSql database frequently used to manage large if reordered within the HDD, the RT requests can expe- amounts of cloud data. In our prototype implementation, rience high latencies or even starvation. we assign priorities to HDFS and HBase IO requests, and allow these priorities to be passed to the priority-based 4 Priority-Based Scheduler scheduler and further to the storage device. We conduct a set of experiments where real-time Priority-Based Scheduler (PBS) enables prioritization of HBase queries compete with background map-reduce read IO requests by issuing SATA priority commands di- jobs, and find that co-operative priority-based schedul- rectly to the HDD, therefore forcing the drive to process ing improves the worst case response time for real-time certain IO requests with high priority. SATA priority queries by up to a factor of ∼ 5, and the average response commands are part of SATA specification, and are passed time by more than 2x. to the drive by setting a specific bit in the Command De- scriptor Block (CDB). PBS is a middleware that resides 2 Hadoop / HBase between the distributed filesystem and the HDD, as pre- sented in Figure 1, and is composed of kernel and user Although our work is not limited to any specific cloud modules. Spanning kernel- and user-space is required: environment, we chose integrating our scheduler with the scheduler intercepts read IO commands issued by the Hadoop/HBase, as these are runtimes widely used in cur- distributed filesystem (user-level), and further passes the rent cloud systems. Hadoop/HBase, or some variation of intercepted commands to the HDD (from within the ker- them is currently installed in large number of academic nel). Depending on the application issuing the IO re- and industrial cloud systems, including companies such quests, PBS decides if the requests will be prioritized or as Facebook, Google and Amazon [2, 7]. not. Note that setting high priority for a request does not Hadoop is a scalable runtime designed for managing guarantee immediate processing when the HDD contains large-scale storage systems. Hadoop runtime contains multiple high-priority requests. Hadoop Filesystem (HDFS) and a map-reduce frame- It is worth mentioning that the strict ordering of IO work, suitable for algorithms that target processing of requests can be achieved if the device queue is reduced large amounts of data. HDFS was initially developed as to a single request, i.e. the host never issues two or more an open source version of the Google filesystem (GFS), IO requests concurrently. In that case, the ordering of and contains some of the key features initially designed the commands established by the host scheduler will be for the GFS. enforced. However, reducing the device queue depth to HDFS also serves as an underlying distributed filesys- one can reduce the random IOPS rate by up to 50% (even tem for HBase – a NoSQL database that allows real-time more for sequential IOs), if the storage device is hard fine-grained accesses to a large amount of data. HBase disk drive. PBS enforces command ordering (based on 2
First figure SCSI Sublayer ATA Sublayer AHCI Interface HDFS ATA Taskfile PBS struct sg_io_hdr FIS PBS-JNI PBS-CDB Byte 0 27H (host to device) User-Level Intercepts read IO Creates CDB Sense buffer Field Command CDB byte CDB Byte 14 Byte 1 Timeout CDB Byte 2 Taskfile->command Kernel-Level Data buffer Byte 0 85H Byte 3 Taskfile->feature PBS-Kernel Byte 1 0CH Byte 2 0DH Feature CDB Byte 4 CDB pointer Communicate to HDD Byte 4 1 IO Device Byte 14 60H (Read) Figure 1: PBS spans both, kernel-level and user-level space. PBS communicates with the IO device through the modified SGIO interface, and with the HDFS through Figure 2: PBS-Kernel module a JNI module. 4.2 Kernel-Level PBS IO priorities), but PBS also allows multiple concurrent Kernel-Level PBS implements two steps. First, PBS con- IO requests to be issued to the storage device, therefore verts the CDB to an appropriate data format, such as maximizing the IOPS rate. FIS (Frame Information Structure), when using a SATA AHCI interface. The second step includes dispatching of the prioritized request to the HDD, where the NCQ 4.1 User-Level PBS scheduler prioritizes the request. We further introduce implementation schemes for each of the steps. User-Level PBS module is composed of two entities: (i) LIBATA in the Linux kernel 2.6.35 can conveniently PBS-JNI library that is attached to HDFS and intercepts be extended to accomplish the first step. When a SATA the read IO requests issued by the HDFS-Server, and drive is used, a SCSI command with the priority bit set (ii) PBS-CDB library that creates the priority CDB and in the CDB structure can be sent via SCSI generic driver passes the CDB further to the kernel PBS module. interface (SG IO) directly into the HDD. This process is The user-level PBS library communicates directly to explained as an example in Figure 2. We use a 16-byte the kernel-level PBS module and bypasses the standard CDB with operation code 0x85H (ATA Command Pass- kernel IO interface. To allow PBS reading from the Through). Byte 5 bit 7 of the CDB is set to 1 for a priority DRAM cache and avoid accessing HDD when data is command, and 0 for non-priority one. The SCSI ATA cached, we use the mincore system call – determines if Translation Layer (SATL) transfers the content of CDB a file (or parts of a file) is present in the DRAM. In case into Task File of SATA protocol without losing priority data is cached, the PBS issues read call through the stan- setup. This data structure is further converted into Frame dard filesystem interface, and let the filesystem retrieve Information Structure (FIS). During the second step, FIS the data from the cache. is sent to HDDs using AHCI interface. Note that CDB In current implementation, data fetched through PBS is part of a data structure called sg io header when it is does not get cached in the DRAM. Caching can be passed from user-level library to the kernel-level drivers. achieved either by introducing a PBS cache layer or by Certain other fields within sg io header are also essential merging PBS with the existing filesystem infrastructure. for the success of the priority-based scheduling, but will The reader should note that the current lack of caching not be discussed in details here. This implementation only hurts PBS, and the advantage of the PBS over the is available as an open source kernel patch1 . Within the Linux IO scheduling could only improve. drive, the priority commands are placed ahead of all non- priority commands in the IO queue. The PBS-JNI library accepts several parameters from the HDFS, such as file descriptor, offset in the file, num- ber of bytes to read, buffer where the returned data is 4.3 PBS Integration with HDFS/HBase stored, and the IO priority level. Using the fiemap sys- To allow interaction between HDFS and PBS, we intro- tem call, the PBS-JNI library translates the file descriptor duce IO priorities in Hadoop. In our current work we and the file offset into the LBA. In case of high prior- assume that various applications running in the Hadoop ity IO, the PBS-JNI sends all the IO request information environment are prioritized, and the priorities have been to PBS-CDB. Upon generating the Command Descrip- determined ahead of time. One common prioritization tion Block, PBS-CDB sends the CDB to the drive via the PBS-kernel module. 1 3
250 1000 Application YCSB/rowcnt - High Prio. vs Low Prio. 95th Percentile Lat. (ms) priorities via env var. Average Latency (ms) 200 High Priority 800 HBase Client Low Priority priorities via extended RPC 150 High Prio. 95 perc. 600 HBase Region Server Other Applications Low Prio. 95 perc. priorities via extended read interface or env var. 100 400 HDFS Client priorities via extended communication 50 200 HDFS Server 0 0 PBS 16 32 64 128 #YCSB Threads Figure 3: Hadoop software stack with extensions for 250 YCSB/wordcnt - High Prio. vs Low Prio. 1000 passing IO priorities. 95th Percentile Lat. (ms) Average Latency (ms) 200 High Priority 800 Low Priority 150 High Prio. 95 perc. 600 Low Prio. 95 perc. scheme is to allow real-time operations (such as HBase 100 400 queries) to be processed at a high priority, while long running map-reduce (analytics) jobs would be assigned 50 200 low priority. 0 0 In HDFS, we introduce priorities on both, the client 16 32 64 128 and the server side. The HDFS client receives the IO pri- #YCSB Threads ority from the application either through an environment Figure 4: YCSB with high and low priority IOs, when variable, or through an extended read() call that accepts rowcounter and wordcount applications run in back- priority level as an additional parameter. Upon obtaining ground. Bars represent average latency and are associ- the application’s IO priority, the HDFS client passes the ated with the left Y-axis. Lines represent 95th percentile priority to the HDFS server through an extended client- latency and are associated with the right y-axis. server communication protocol. Similar to HDFS, we introduce priorities in HBase. HBase is also a client-server architecture. In the soft- with the PBS scheduling module. We use HDFS 0.20.2 ware stack HBase is one level above HDFS – HBase runs and HBase 0.20.6, with our extensions that allow IO pri- on top of HDFS, see Figure 3. To enable priority-based oritization, as well as priority passing to lower levels of reads from HBase, we extend the HBase client side to ac- the system stack. cept the applications’ priorities, and further passes them When running HDFS across the cluster, one node is to the HBase server side. On the server side of HBase, exclusively used as a metadata server, while the other we replace the HDFS read() calls with the extended calls 3 nodes are data nodes. In HDFS, the data replication that accept the priority value. factor is 3. Since each node contains 4 HDDs, we run 4 Hadoop datanode processes on each node, and we let 5 PBS Performance each datanode process manage a single HDD. Therefore, our setup contains 12 HDFS datanodes. When running In this section we focus on comparing the PBS with the HBase, we found that two region servers per physical Linux IO scheduler, CFQ. For performance comparison node provide the best performance in terms of memory we run real-time HBase queries generated by Yahoo! consumption and read latency. Cloud Service Benchmark (YCSB) [6], as well as low- -priority map-reduce applications. Our software stack comprises PBS at the bottom, HDFS above the PBS and 5.2 HBase with MapReduce Applications HBase above HDFS. We capture the effects of PBS in a multi-application en- vironment by simultaneously running the YCSB-HBase- 5.1 Experimental Platform -HDFS benchmark and map-reduce jobs. Figure 4 presents the average and 95th percentile HBase read la- The experimental platform we use is composed of four tency for high/low priority IO requests and map-reduce servers connected via 1GbE network. Each server con- applications running in the background. High pri- tains 2 Intel Xeon E5620 cpus, running at 2.4Ghz, ority HBase IOs are issued through the PBS, while 24GB of DRAM and four 3TB Hitachi UltraStar 7K3000 when we run the low-priority HBase queries we let all HDDs, with a customized firmware that supports request IOs to be completed by the Linux scheduler. We set prioritization. Servers run Linux kernel 2.6.35, extended the YCSB benchmark to complete 2000 randomly dis- 4
tributed queries. As background jobs, we use two map- hypervisor storage virtualization driver. The storage vir- -reduce applications: rowcounter and wordcount. row- tualization driver is required to accept the CDB created counter counts the total number of rows in the HBase by the user-level PBS and pass it down through the stor- database, and wordcount returns the number of occur- age stack. Note that this CDB is of somewhat different rences for each word in a given set of files. Both mapre- format than what the driver is by default ready to accept duce applications come with an HDFS/HBase distribu- (contains priority bits). Required changes in the hyper- tion, and represent a typical workload used in a cloud visor storage driver are similar to the implementation of environment. rowcounter runs on our 73GB HBase set, the PBS kernel-level module, i.e. the CDB data struc- while for wordcount we create a set of files with a total ture needs to be updated with the priority bits and this size of 50GB. information needs to be passed further down to the de- For map-reduce jobs we allow up to 4 map and 4 re- vice. Enabling PBS in a virtualized environment will be duce jobs per HDD. Since our server nodes contain 4 addressed in future work. HDDs, maximum allowed number of jobs per node can With the introduction of priorities, possible IO re- be 32. Note that the number of jobs per node actually quests starvation becomes an important problem. If not running at any time is smaller, since not all tasks run at handled with care, starvation significantly affects the per- the same time. formance of low-priority jobs. The starvation problem In both experiments average IO latency with PBS out- can be addressed in multiple ways, including both host performs Linux scheduling by more than a factor of 2. It and device-level approaches. Commonly, storage de- is interesting to note that the 95th percentile latency gap vice firmware is designed to trigger anti-starvation mech- significantly increases with the number of YCSB threads anism for IO requests that have spent certain time in in use. This is explained by higher HDD contention the processing queue without a successful completion. which can result in starvation of low-priority requests. The anti-starvation mechanism enables progress of low- High-priority IO requests, routed through PBS, compete -priority requests even in a highly contended environ- only with other high-priority requests, and in the pre- ment. However, the latency of an IO requests that was sented experiments the HDD anti-starvation mechanism processed by the anti-starvation mechanism usually ex- has never been triggered for high-priority requests. The ceeds 5 seconds. Consequently, in a mixed environment highest recorded 95th percentile latency difference be- of high and low-priority requests, no real-time queries tween PBS and standard scheduling is close to a factor can be processed at low-priorities, if only the device of 5. PBS can significantly affect the performance of anti-starvation mechanism is used. To prevent starva- the background jobs, particularly when competing with tion at the host level, PBS supports autonomous prior- a large number of high-priority requests. Our assumption ity increase, where long lasting low-priority IO requests is that the background jobs are long lasting analytics jobs can be canceled and re-issued as high priority requests. that are not performance critical. This approach allows improving the worst case latency of low-priority commands, at the cost of increased latency for high-priority commands. 6 Discussion In this section we discuss various properties of PBS, and 7 Related Work address applicability of PBS in different environments. While in the presented study we focus on a case where IO scheduling has been the main topic of many studies IOs are handled with either high or low priority, it is not in the past years. We briefly summarize published re- difficult to imagine environment where multiple prior- search in the area of scheduling in a multi-process en- ity levels would bring significant benefits to the over- vironment. Closest to our work is the study performed all QoS. PBS relies on SATA software stack in Linux by Young Jin et al. [15] address the issue of host-IO De- kernel to deliver priority IO requests. Although SATA vice misscheduling. They acknowledge the misschedul- command set natively supports only two priority lev- ing problem and design a dynamic scheduler that allows els, multiple-priority levels can be achieved through the switching on/off the host and the device schedulers at SATA isochronous commands, also supported by PBS. runtime. They do not attempt passing the IO priorities Virtualized environment represents another area that to the device. A set of real-time scheduling algorithms could significantly benefit from priority-based IO has been developed [14, 5]. While they rely on SCAN scheduling. Prioritization in virtualized environment can to deliver highest throughput, we allow our priority com- be accomplished in two ways: (i) applications within a mands to be processed completely independently of the single guest domain could be assigned priorities, or (ii) standard drive request processing algorithm. Other tradi- priorities could be assigned per guest domain. Support- tional schedulers [10, 12] allow IO priorities, but do not ing either of the two approaches requires changes in the pass them to the IO device. 5
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