PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...

Page created by Shane Yang
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
     1          Grammar School                             Page 2
                                 The Rockhampton Grammar School
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

                        from the Headmaster
                                                                    1 Welcome to Primary
                                                                    2 Primary Orientation
                                                                    3 Dress
                                                                    5 General Information
                                                                   10 Co-Curricular
                                                                   11 Music
                                                                   13 Red & Black Shop
Welcome to The Rockhampton Grammar School.                         15 Outside Hours and
As Headmaster, I am looking forward to working                        Vacation Care
with you to enact the School’s motto Macte Virtute
Et Litteris or Grow in Character and Scholarship.                  16 Campus Map
As you know, we are passionate about our children’s
character formation and learning in all aspects of their
life, throughout life. Of our students, we seek to instill
among them a commitment to community service which
enables them, as young Grammarians men and women, to
become responsible and respected members of society.
                                                                Primary School
We take seriously the challenge of preparing
students for tomorrow through balanced academic,
sporting, co-curricular and social activities.                  Telephone............... 07 4936 0650

Our expectation is that every student will seek to do           Email..............................................
his or her personal best in all that they undertake.  

We have organised Orientation Programmes, described             Primary Office Hours:
here in this booklet, to ease new students into the             Term Time
School as quickly and as easily as possible.                    Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 3.30pm
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Please contact the Registrar’s office on 1300
GRAMMAR if you have any concerns.
Yours sincerely,                                                2021 Term Dates
                                                                Semester 1
                                                                Term 1:
                                                                Thursday 28 January –
                                                                Thursday 1 April
                                                                Term 2:
                                                                Tuesday 20 April –
                                                                Friday 25 June

                                                                Semester 2
                                                                Term 3:
                                                                Tuesday 13 July –
                                                                Friday 10 September
                                                                Term 4:
                                                                Tuesday 5 October –
                                                                Thursday 25 November
                                                                Please note:
                                                                For events such as student free days,
                                                                camps, public holidays, sporting
                                                                carnivals, and other significant event
                                                                dates, please refer to the School
                                                                calendar on Parent Lounge.
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

to RGS Primary

The teachers and staff extend a very warm welcome to The Rockhampton Grammar Primary School in 2021.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s ongoing education.

To spark curiosity from an early age, we use a student-based learning framework in our
Primary School. Getting off to the right start at RGS also teaches our Primary students
to respect themselves and others. We believe that through consistent and positive
behaviour management, we can nurture exemplary members of the community.

We know that you will enjoy being a part of the Grammar community, and we will do our best to ensure that
your time with us is productive and enjoyable. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, dedication and
care for our students and trust that you will help us maintain the high standard and integrity that we have

The information contained in this booklet will provide you and your child with an insight
into the policies and procedures currently practised at our School. However, you
should always feel free to ask anyone of us should you need any clarification.

Early in Term 1, parents are also invited to a class information session where the teacher outlines the
programme for the year ahead.

We look forward to a successful partnership with you in your child’s future education.

Yours faithfully,

                    Geoff Hadwen                                      Janet Spark
                    Head of Primary                                   Assistant Head of Primary

PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

RGS Primary
Orientation and Welcome: Years 1–6
The Rockhampton Grammar Primary School will hold
an Orientation/Enrolment Session for students who
are new to the School and their parents on Wednesday
27 January 2021 commencing at 10.30 am. This
session will enable your child to familiarise themselves
with the Primary School before classes commence
for the year. The programme will be as follows:
Wednesday 27 January 2021
New students will assemble with their parents
in the Auditorium, which is situated near the
swimming pool, on Archer Street.
10:30 am Head of Primary welcome.
10:45 am Teachers will take students, with their
         parents, to their classrooms to outline
         their plans for the year and their
         expectations and answer any questions.
11:30 am Morning Tea
12 noon     Orientation session concludes.

Please note: Students will be required to wear their
day school uniform. It is encouraged for students to
bring their books/stationery with them to School on
this day so they are ready for the first day of School.
The School’s uniform shop (The Red & Black Shop)
will be open for purchases of uniform requirements.
It is anticipated that all year levels will hold a Parent/
Teacher Information Evening within the first three weeks
of Term 1. Details of these meetings will be forwarded
to parents via email from classroom teachers.
Thursday 28 January 2021 (your school day)
8:30 am		                   School commences
10:30 am – 11:10 am         Morning Tea
1:10 pm – 1:50 pm		         Lunch
3:10 pm		                   School finishes
We look forward to seeing you and your child/
children on Wednesday 27 January 2021.

           First Day of School at RGS
     The first day of School is an exciting day,
   whether that be for our Preps or those entering
                  a new year level.

                        THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 2
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

 Our dress standards for students are                         Jewellery
 high and enforced by staff.                                  • Girls are permitted to wear a wristwatch and a
                                                                 single pair of plain gold/silver studs/small sleepers
                                                                 worn only in the bottom of the ear lobes.
 Day Uniform
                                                              • Boys are permitted to wear a wristwatch
 All students, must wear full day/sport uniform including        but not permitted to wear earrings.
 the appropriate hat. Students can wear their sport uniform
 to school on the days they have PE classes. Day uniform      • Students are not permitted to wear
 shoes must be traditional plain black and lace up.              rings, or chains that are visible.
 Girls: White socks must cover anklebone
 Boys, Years 1 – 3: Grey ankle socks
 Boys, Years 4 – 6: Grey knee-high school socks               Hairstyles
 (red & black trim); Ties must be worn from                   Girls: Long hair must be tied neatly with blue, black
 1st May through to 1st September.                            or red ribbons, or fastened with plain hairpins.
 Year 6 students will wear the formal uniform as notified.    Short haircuts must be neat and above the collar.
                                                              Exaggerated hair style or hair colour is not allowed.
                                                              Make-up or nail polish is not allowed.
                                                              Boys: Haircuts must be neat; hair must be cut
 Sports – Boys and Girls:                                     above the collar (off the ears and above the eyes)
   • White or a predominance of white sports shoes            and no hair product to be used. Exaggerated
       with white shoe laces. No skate shoes permitted.       hair style or hair colour is not permitted.
   • White RGS sport socks
   • All swimwear must be black – sun shirt to
       be worn, as well as thongs/slip-on shoes
       from dressing shed to pool deck.
   • The sports house shirt is optional for Years
       1-3, but is compulsory for Years 4-6. These
       shirts are to be worn at the swimming carnival,
       athletics carnival, cross country, free dress days
       and can be worn for after school training.

PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

Mission Statement
  The School provides a disciplined and challenging, stimulating learning environment to
  inspire our students to become successful lifelong learners, responsible local and global
  citizens, and men and women of strong ethical and moral character. We promote high
  standards of scholarship and work with all members of the School community to pursue
  personal excellence in their intellectual, physical, creative and emotional development.

Primary School
Code of Conduct
The School aims, in partnership with the home, to develop           attending School or representing the School and include:
good character and self-discipline; consequently:                   any place or occasion when a student is in School uniform
Anything contrary to common sense, good man-                        or can be recognised as a member of the School; any
ners and decency is unacceptable.                                   situation that could be recognised as related to the School.
All staff are responsible for the behaviour management of the
students in their care. To this end, with minor issues the staff    1. Students will at all times respect and obey all school staff.
should determine the consequences of inappropriate behaviour        2. A student’s personal appearance will always
and follow through with the student to its successful conclusion.      conform to the School’s dress standard.
The classroom teachers at our School have requested                 3. Swearing, fighting and harassment will not be tolerated.
that they be advised of any incidents of inappropriate              4. Unauthorised borrowing or theft of others
behaviour involving their students. This may include                   property will not be tolerated.
activities at sport or in the playground.                           5. Wilful damage or destruction of any property is prohibited
Classroom teachers keep anecdotal records                              and could require the payment of compensation.
of any inappropriate behaviour they have                            6. All dangerous substances (including matches, explosives,
deemed necessary for future reference.                                 fireworks, ammunition, knives, etc.) are strictly forbidden.
Detentions can be given by teachers but adequate supervision        7. Students will not leave the School grounds
must be provided. Students may be detained after School                during the day without permission from the
provided parents have been notified. It is important that              Head of Primary or class teacher.
teachers contact parents if behaviour does not improve.             8. Students in Years 3 to 6 are expected to attend
Missing out on Co-curricular activities as a result of student         the following School events: athletics, cross
misbehaviour must have the Head of Primary’s approval.                 country, swimming carnivals and Speech Night.
The School’s rules exist to ensure that the comforts,
rights and safety of all school members are protected.
These rules apply to all Primary students, of all ages, while

                                                                                              THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 4
PRIMARY SCHOOL 2021 HANDBOOK - The Rockhampton ...
Grow in Character and Scholarship

Primary School Information
ABSENCE OF STUDENTS                                              BUSES
Parents and/or carers are asked to notify the School of any      The School uses its own buses for most local
student absence. You can advise the School by emailing           excursions. Parents do not incur costs for the use of and you are also welcome to              these buses. Charter bus costs may be charged to
cc your child’s teacher. For the safety of your child we will    student accounts. School policy requires that buses
make contact with you if your child has not arrived and the      have high back seats and lap sash seatbelts.
School has not been notified by you of any absence.              Buses taking students to and from School stop in Agnes
                                                                 and Archer Streets and timetables can be obtained
ACCIDENTS                                                        from the relevant bus companies. The School also
All reasonable care is taken to prevent accidents but            operates Yeppoon and Emu Park bus services.
when they occur students will be taken to the RGS Health
Centre where an assessment will be carried out by                CLEANLINESS
medical staff. If the incident is of a serious nature, parents   The School is proud of its wonderful environment.
and/or outside medical authorities (ambulance) will be           The grounds are extremely well maintained by
contacted and a formal report on the circumstances of            the grounds staff. If you see an area that needs
the accident will be written and placed in School files.         improvement please advise the Primary Office.

AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP/DROP-OFF                                    COMMUNICATION
The School recommends collection of students from                It is important that communication channels between
the front of The Beasley Centre, where staff are on              teachers, students, parents and community are as open
duty. Students not collected by 3.40pm will be taken             as possible. To this end, teachers are always available
to the Primary office and parents will be contacted.             for discussions with parents and students (appointments
Please follow the requests of teachers on duty.                  generally necessary). The Head of Primary School looks
                                                                 forward to input from parents and community.
ASSEMBLIES                                                       Communication is also enhanced through newsletters,
Assemblies are held each week in the Auditorium. Prep to         emails, reports, parent meetings and Parent Lounge.
Year 3 is held every Monday at 2.35pm and Years 4 - 6 each
Tuesday at 2:35pm. These gatherings are used to remind           AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM
students of coming events, and provide updates on,               Our curriculum is the crux of our formal learning. Staff
e.g. sport results, uniform checks, emphasise School rules.      jointly plan and implement a whole School programme. Class
They are also a time to recognise student achievements.          teachers are responsible for literacy, numeracy, Humanities
A Formal Assembly is conducted in Terms 1 and 3 at               and Social Sciences (History / Geography), Science and
which the Year 6 students are required to wear their formal      Technology which are planned School-wide (Years Prep
uniform. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies.         – 6) while specialist teachers take other areas such as
                                                                 Physical Education, Music, Art, Japanese and Cooking.
Bicycles may be ridden to School and left in the                    Specialist Studies:
racks under the Beasley Centre. Bicycles are                        Art:
not to be ridden in the School grounds.                             Art is an integral part of the School curriculum
                                                                    and a specialist art teacher conducts the lessons.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                   Prep has their own aprons for their art lessons.
The Board has ultimate responsibility for the efficient             The art teacher is responsible for ordering all art
running of the School but the day to day running                    equipment and purchases quality materials with an
of the School resides with the Headmaster.                          eye for health, safety and creativity in mind.

BOOK CLUB                                                           Cooking:
Students are able to order books through Book                       Students from Prep to Year 3 are involved in cooking
Club. This is advertised in the newsletter and                      lessons run by the staff from the Home Economics
is managed by the Primary School.                                   Department. Due to safety issues, it is a requirement
                                                                    that adults are present to assist in the supervision of
BOOK LISTS                                                          this activity. It is therefore necessary for parents to
Booklists are determined each year by classroom teachers.           assist in the delivery of these lessons. Insufficient adult
A number of companies in Rockhampton will be able to fill           supervision will mean the cancellation of the cooking
these orders. The book lists are mailed out at the end of           lesson. If your child has any special dietary, allergy and/or
each year. It would be appreciated if appropriate books             cultural requirements, please notify the Home Economics
are covered and the student name placed on all items.               Department so that they can cater for their needs.

Grow in Character and Scholarship

Primary School Information
Japanese:                                                     DAILY ROUTINE
Students in Year 5 and Year 6 study Japanese. This provides   We begin the School day at 8.30am and finish at 3.10pm.
an early introduction to the language before continuing       There is limited formal supervision at School before 8:00am.
Japanese studies in Secondary School, in Year 7.              All students are urged to be at School on time. A morning
                                                              tea recess is held from 10:30am-11:10am and lunch from
Music:                                                        1:10pm – 1.50pm. Lunch times may vary on Friday for sport.
Students from Prep to Year 6 have the opportunity
to participate in the RGS Music programme. Private            EMERGENCY DRILLS
tutorial lessons are also available through the RGS           These are carried out on a regular basis to make staff
Music Department which can provide further details            and students aware of procedures in times of emergency.
on costs and available times. Further information             In the event of a fire emergency everyone in the Primary
on Music can be found on pages 11 and 12.                     School moves to the bottom oval. Teachers check to
                                                              see that all students are accounted for. In the event of a
Physical Education:                                           lockdown, all students will remain in their classrooms.
Students from Prep to Year 6 participate in the Physical
Education (PE) programme in the Primary School. The           EXCURSIONS/CAMPS
PE programme provides important Gross and Fine Motor          Advice regarding excursions and / or camps appears in
Skills that are key to students development areas for         the newsletter or on a separate document sent home
PE. Prep students are introduced to PE through our            with the students. Excursions in and around Rockhampton
Perceptual Motor Programme where they gain skills in          are covered under a general consent form at the
Locomotor, Motor Skills, Balance, Coordination, Spatial       beginning of the year. Other excursions and camps have
Awareness & Body Rhythm. These skills are undertaken          individual consent forms and a parent meeting may be
before students continue to further develop and be            arranged to outline details of the planned event.
introduced to different activities/sports. Each year as
they progress through the Primary School, classes
have 2x 40min Lessons of PE per week. In terms 1 and
4 students will participate in Swimming, two lessons
a week for years 1 to 3, and one lesson a week for
years 4 to 6. This then covers a wide range of skills to
lead into a child’s development of a healthy lifestyle.

                                                                                        THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 6
Grow in Character and Scholarship

Primary School Information
HOMEWORK                                                          PARENT COMMITTEES
Homework may take many forms e.g. reading, research,              The RGS Parent Association meets regularly and serves the
projects, completing Schoolwork or specific homework              School (Years Prep – 12). Meeting times are advised in the
sheets. Many students have outside School commitments             School calendar.
on some evenings and therefore adjust their homework
schedule accordingly. Parent involvement and interest in          PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT
homework forges a strong link between School and home.            Parental involvement in the Primary School is encouraged.
Suggested maximum amounts of homework per day are:                From time to time your child’s teacher may require assistance
Prep     - At teacher’s discretion                                with classroom, cooking, swimming and/or co-curricular
Year 1 - At teacher’s discretion                                  activities. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher to
Year 2 - 15 minutes                                               volunteer your help for any of these activities. Parents are
Year 3 - 20 minutes                                               to use the staff toilet facilities at the swimming pool change
Year 4 - 20 minutes                                               rooms or on the bottom floor of the Beasley Centre.
Year 5 - 30 minutes
Year 6 - 40 minutes                                               PARKING/DRIVING IN SCHOOL GROUNDS
                                                                  No unauthorised vehicles are permitted to drive
                                                                  onto the School grounds. This includes the entry
LIBRARY                                                           off Quarry Street leading up to the pool area.
The Library is for use by students from Prep to Year 12 and
is open from 7:45am – 4:45pm Monday to Thursday and               PHOTOGRAPHS
7:45am – 4:30pm Friday. It is also open for a limited time        Each year professional photographers take individual,
on weekends mainly for boarders’ use. Students are asked          class, family and specific group photographs. Parents
to have a library bag for carrying books. This facility is for    are advised through the newsletter of the date/s of
research purposes and is not to be used as a childcare option.    photographs and how to order photographs.
LOST PROPERTY                                                     RECORDS
Lost property is kept in a basket outside the Primary             Student files are not accessible to anyone but parents and staff.
Office. Items that are named are returned. Parents are            Parents are urged to inform the Primary School of any changes
urged to check lost property as quickly as possible               to address or contact numbers as soon as they occur. It is in
if their child has misplaced an item. Parents can                 your child’s best interest if this information is kept up to date.
contact the School if items have not been located.
LUNCHES                                                           Student reports are available on RGS Parent Lounge. Parents
Lunches should include a range of nutritious foods. Primary       can also contacted Primary Reception to request a hard copy
students in Years 1 to 6 may access the tuckshop at the           of the report. Prep and Year 1 Report Books are sent home
Morning Tea break only. Students place written orders at the      at the end of each semester and are to be returned after the
Primary Office before School. A new menu/price list is issued     holidays. Students in Years 3 and 5 will undertake the National
with the Primary newsletter, which also provides information on   Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).
how to order from the tuckshop.                                   These independent reports will be mailed home once received.
MEDICATION                                                        SAFETY
Parents are required to updated their child’s/children medical    All School buildings etc. are considered to be safe but we must
information on RGS Parent Lounge. All medication is kept in       be very vigilant to keep our students free from harm. Parents
the Primary School Office and administered from there.            and teachers are urged to raise any safety issues without
Students requiring medication whilst on an excursion              delay. Special attention needs to be paid when students are
or school camp are to hand their named medication                 arriving or departing School due to traffic movements.
to staff who will administer it as directed.
                                                                  SPEECH NIGHT
MOBILE PHONES                                                     Held during the final week of the School year, this night
Students are not permitted to have mobile phones                  provides an opportunity to recognize students’ achievements
turned on at all during the School day. We understand             and to enjoy some light entertainment. The format of the
that there may be times when students are required                evening varies each year as determined by the staff. It is
to use the phone and if this is the case during School            an expectation that all students in Years 3 to 6 will attend,
hours, the classroom teacher must be notified.                    as these students are eligible to receive awards.
These are published fortnightly on a Wednesday and will be
emailed to you by Primary Reception. Parents can request
a hard copy. Students, parents and staff are urged to use
the newsletter for communication on School matters. Items
should be lodged by Monday preceding a newsletter date.

Grow in Character and Scholarship

Students in Years 5 and 6 are given as many opportunities
as possible to participate in Inter-School, and ultimately
Capricornia and State sporting pursuits. On Friday
afternoons Years 5 and 6 are involved in local Inter-
School sport. Year 4 students may also be given an
opportunity. Training for all School teams takes place on
a Thursday afternoon between 3:15pm and 4:15pm.

There are also many Co-curricular activities on offer.
Some of which include cross country, athletics, vocal
and signing choirs, rugby league, band, chess, netball,
swimming, tennis and touch football. Details of participation
and sign up requirements will appear on the sport notice
board and in the School newsletter. Further information on
RGS Primary Co-Curricular can be found on page 10.

Student information such as address, telephone and medical
information is kept on the School’s Student Management
System. Parents are asked to keep this information up to
date. Changes to your details can be made by accessing
Parent Lounge or by contacting the Primary School Office.

Visitors are always welcome within our Primary
School. For everyone involved these visits are more
beneficial if an appointment is made first. Please report
to the Primary Office when visiting the School.

At times family disputes can have an effect on children
at School. We try not to enter into these problems
but we are also compelled by court orders. Should
there be any legal issues relating to your child, please
inform the Head of Primary as soon as possible.

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Page 7   The Rockhampton Grammar School
Grow in Character and Scholarship

at RGS
The Rockhampton Grammar School has a long and proud history of co-curricular activities in the region,
state and at a national level. The School provides extensive facilities designed to complement and
balance the curriculum by encouraging participation, team-work, self-confidence and creativity.
The Co-Curriculum Programme aims to develop students’ skills and to fulfill their potential for intelligent performance
while providing the opportunity to participate and enjoy a vast array of activities. The programme caters for
all levels of ability in an attempt to assist students with developing a well balanced and healthy lifestyle.
RGS Primary School students in Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in inter-school Friday
Sport throughout the year, across varied sports. The School has provides club opportunities in Cricket,
Taekwon-Do and Touch Football. Various sporting organisations also provide after school activities throughout
the year. Primary students also participate in RGS Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming carnivals.

Friday Sport (Year 5/Year 6)
Season 1                               Season 2                               Season 3
(February - March)                     (May - August)                         (October - November)

AFL                                    Hockey                                 Basketball

Soccer (Football)                      Netball                                Cricket

Softball                               Rugby League                           OzTag


                                                                              * These sports may be subject to change.

Sports Houses
Each student is assigned a Sports House on arrival at the School. RGS Sports Houses for Primary and
Secondary School are named after the first four Headmasters of The Rockhampton Grammar School.








John Wheatcroft was the first      Frederick William Wheatley was     Henry Arthur Kellow was              Fitzroy Jardine was Headmaster
Headmaster of RGS from 1881        the second RGS Headmaster          Headmaster at RGS from 1912 -        at RGS from 1936 - 1964. Mr
- 1906. Born in England, Mr        from 1907 - 1912. Mr Wheatley      1935. Mr Kellow was born in          Jardine studied at RGS from
Wheatcroft constantly sought to    arrived from Adelaide with         St Andrew’s, Scotland, five          1910 and was a winner of the
improve the quality of education   Bachelor of Science and Arts       months after RGS opened.             Archer Cup athletics prize.
offered at the SChool, revising    degrees. After leaving RGS,        A sensitive, peace-loving man,       Mr Jardine served in World War I
and adapting to meet the needs     Mr Wheatley would later received   Mr Kellow struggled with the         before continuing studies at
of his students. Mr Wheatcroft     the Cross of the British Empire    loss of many young men during        Sydney University. Mr Jardine
retired from the position of       for breaking a German code         World War 1. Mr Kellow was also      also taught Science at RGS before
Headmaster in 1906.                during World War II.               a skilled poet.                      being appointed Headmaster.

                                                                                                  THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 10
Grow in Character and Scholarship

RGS Music
The Music Co-curricular programme involves students from Prep                                              Music, Head of
through Year 12. It is comprised of an instrumental and vocal tuition                                      Ms Jessica
programme involving over 130 students and 13 visiting teachers in weekly                                   Marrinan
individual and group lessons as well as an ensemble programme.
Instrumental and Vocal Tuition
Individual instrumental or vocal tuition is available
through the School on the following instruments:

Bass Guitar		French Horn		Trumpet			Clarinet			Guitar
Tuba			Cello			Piano/Keyboard		Ukulele			Drums/Percussion
Saxophone		Viola			Euphonium		Speech & Drama		Violin
Flute			Trombone		Voice

Tuition for students consists of one thirty-minute lesson per week in Prep to Year 4 or one forty-minute
lesson per week in Years 5 to 12, usually during class time. Further information, including relevant
forms and the current fee schedule, is available by contacting the RGS Music Department.

Grow in Character and Scholarship

Early Years String Programme
Students in Prep – Year 3 can enrol in a small group violin programme. This programme is
offered to beginner students and consists of one forty-minute lesson per week.

Co-curricular Music Ensembles
The Music Department offers a wide range of ensemble activities for Primary students. Students are
encouraged to participate in this important aspect of school life and it is expected that all students who
receive instrumental tuition will participate in at least one of the music ensembles available.

The following ensembles are currently offered in the Primary School:

 Choral                     Signing                    Concert Bands              Strings                    Small Ensembles
 Prep                       Prep Signing Choir         Beginner Concert Band      Primary School             Woodwind Ensemble
 Vocal Choir                                           (From Semester 2.          String Ensemble            (Years 4 - 6)
                                                       After 6 months tuition)    (Prep - Year 6. After
                                                                                  6 months tuition)
 Year 1 - 3                 Year 1 - 3                 Primary School             Violin                     Primary Rock Band
 Vocal Choir                Signing Choir              Concert Band (1+                                      (Year 6)
                                                       years experience)
 Year 4 - 6)                Year 4 - 6                                                                       Primary Jazz Ensemble
 Vocal Choir                Signing Choir                                                                    (Selected students)

                                                                      RGS Music Council
                                                                      The RGS Music Council is a parent support group that
                                                                      supports the co-curricular music programme by contributing
                                                                      to the funding and running of music events as well as
                                                                      the provision of additional ensemble resources.
                                                                      Meetings occur the first Thursday of the month and
                                                                      new parents are always welcome. Please contact
                                                                      Music Administration for more information:
                                                                      Email –

                                                                      Phone – 4936 0626

                                                                                               THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 12
Grow in Character and Scholarship

                                                                   Boys Uniform for Primary 2021
                                                                   Prices include GST and are subject to change

The RGS Red & Black Shop                                           Prep     We recommend 3 sets of uniforms
07 4936 0653                                                       Sport Hat     RGS white with School logo                44.00
The Red & Black Shop’s experienced staff are ready to              Polo          RGS red & black with logo                 33.00
assist in the outfitting of student uniforms. The Shop sells all   Shorts        RGS with logo                             33.80
uniform items (except shoes) both new and when available,          Socks         RGS initials or plain white (2 pk)        11.90
second-hand. The Shop also sells some Co-Curricular
uniforms, souvenirs, stationery and toiletries. Hard to find       Jacket        RGS red & black                         147.00
needs on the stationery lists are often stocked such as            Pants         RGS Track Pants                           39.60
gridbooks in 7 and 10 mm, red library bags, chair bags             Bag           RGS Backpack                              94.90
and A3 Handy pouch. Second hand goods CANNOT be
exchanged as they are sold on consignment (as is condition).       Shoes         Predominantly white, velcro is allowed in Prep
All uniform items are compulsory including backpacks.
                                                                   Day Years 1-3         We recommend 2 sets of Day uniforms
Red & Black Shop Hours                                             Hat            RGS grey                                     44.00
Term Hours 8.00 am – 10.00 am and 12.00 pm – 5.00 pm               Shirt          Blue with RGS logo                           48.40
Extended Trading Hours                                             Shorts         Grey with elastic back                       34.90
2020:                                                              Socks          Plain grey anklet (2 pk)                     13.40
Monday 16 November through to Friday 11                            Bag            RGS Backpack                                 94.90
December – 8am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)                           Winter         RGS Jacket                                 147.00
2021:                                                              Winter         Pullover                                     66.00
Monday 4 January through to Friday 29                              Winter         Vest                                         58.60
January – 8am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
                                                                   Shoes          Black leather lace-up traditional (Not jogger style)

                                                                   Day Years 4-6         We recommend 2 sets of Day uniforms
1 February.......................Return to Term Time Hours
                                                                   Hat            RGS felt with School logo band             122.00
                                                                   Shirt          Blue with RGS logo                           49.90
                                                                   Shorts         RGS grey with belt loops                     35.95
The Red & Black Shop is located at:
                                                                   Belt           Plain black                                  22.30
                                                                   Socks          RGS knee high (2 pk)                         17.10
                                                                   Tie            Red & Black stripe; Worn in winter           19.80
                                                                   Bag            RGS Backpack                               104.50
                                                                   Winter         RGS Jacket                                 158.00
                                                                   Winter         Pullover                                     66.00
                                                                   Winter         Vest                                         58.60
                                                                   Shoes          Black leather lace-up traditional (Not jogger style)

                                                                   Sports Years 1-6           We recommend 2 sets of Sport uniforms
                                                                   Sport Hat      RGS white with School logo                  44.00
                                                                   Polo           RGS red & black with logo                   36.60
                                                                   Shorts         RGS with logo                               33.80
                                                                   Socks          RGS initials or plain white (2 pk)          11.90
                                                                   Jacket         RGS red & black                            158.00
                                                                   Pants          RGS Track Pants                             39.60
                                                                   Bag            Plain black Swimbag                         23.60
                                                                   Shoes          Predominantly white

                                                                   Boys Trunks    Plain Black                                  34.10
                                                                   Rashie         Plain Black                                  33.00
                                                                   Thongs         (not available at Red & Black Shop)

                                                                   Year 6 Formal        Only one Formal Uniform is required
                                                                   Blazer       RGS                                      253.00
                                                                   Shirt        RGS, white long sleeve                    57.90
                                                                   Trouser      Grey                                      51.60
                                                                   Socks        Plain grey ankle (2 pk)                   13.40
                                                                   Worn with day uniform shoes, socks, hat, tie and belt

Grow in Character and Scholarship

Girls Uniform for Primary 2021
Prices include GST and are subject to change

Prep     We recommend 3 sets of uniforms
Sport Hat     RGS white with School logo                44.00
Polo          RGS red & black with logo                 33.00
Shorts        RGS with logo                             33.80
Socks         RGS initials or plain white (2 pk)        11.90
Jacket        RGS red & black                         147.00
Pants         RGS Track Pants                           39.60
Bag           RGS Backpack                              94.90
Shoes         Predominantly white, velcro is allowed in Prep

Day Years 1-3         We recommend 2 sets of Day uniforms
Hat            RGS blue                                     44.00
Dress          RGS blue and white stripe                    88.20
Tie            RGS Red & Black                                9.90
Socks          White ankle, must cover ankle bone 2pk)      13.70
Bag            RGS Backpack                                 94.90
Winter         Black tights                                   7.70
Winter         RGS Jacket                                 147.00
Winter         Pullover                                     66.00
Winter         Vest                                         58.60
Shoes          Black leather lace-up traditional (Not jogger style)

Day Years 4-6         We recommend 2 sets of Day uniforms
Hat            RGS polybraid with school logo band          95.70
Dress          RGS blue and white stripe                    88.20
Tie            RGS Red & Black                                9.90
Socks          White ankle, must cover ankle bone (2pk)     13.70
Bag            RGS Backpack                               104.50
Winter         Black tights                                   8.80
Winter         RGS Jacket                                 158.00
Winter         Pullover                                     66.00
Winter         Vest                                         58.60
Shoes          Black leather lace-up traditional (Not jogger style)

Sports Years 1-6           We recommend 2 sets of Sport uniforms
Sport Hat      RGS white with School logo                  44.00
Polo           RGS red & black with logo                   36.60
Shorts         RGS with logo                               33.80
Socks          RGS initials or plain white (2 pk)          11.90
Jacket         RGS red & black                            158.00
Pants          RGS Track Pants                             39.60
Bag            Plain black Swimbag                         23.60
Shoes          Predominantly white

Girls Suit     Plain Black                                  33.00
Rashie         Plain Black                                  33.00
Thongs         (not available at Red & Black Shop)

Year 6 Formal        Only one Formal Uniform is required
Blazer       RGS                                     253.00
Blouse       RGS, white                               44.00
Skirt        RGS, red                                 48.40
Worn with day uniform shoes, white socks, hat and tie

                                                                        THE ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / 14
Grow in Character and Scholarship

Outside School Hours Care
and Vacation Care
The Rockhampton Grammar School Outside School                  Vacation Care
Hours (OSH) Care operates Before School, After
School and Vacation Care programmes. Our Before                The Vacation Care programme is a planned holiday
School Care programme commences from 6:30                      programme with a variety of excursions to keep the
am until 8:30 am, with After School Care from 3:10             children entertained over the holiday period.
pm until 6:00 pm for RGS Primary students.                     The programme runs from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm week
                                                               days (closed Public Holidays). The programme is based
This service is a fully supervised recreational programme      on the After School Care model and is developed in
where children can participate in a variety of organised       consultation with children and community events.
activities, choose their own or just hang out in the purpose   Children enjoy local attractions such as Putt Putt Golf,
built OSH room which is situated in the Primary precinct.      Cinemas, Ten Pin Bowling, local parks and our beautiful
Students have access to a purpose built self-contained         coast. We offer a Junior Vacation Care programme
OSH room with kitchen and bathroom.                            for children in Prep to Year Four and and Senior
Children can chose from age-appropriate activities             Programme for children from Year 5 to Year 7.
such as art and craft, music, board games, computers,
construction as well as thinking and problem solving
games. Students mostly use the undercover area just            If families are eligible to receive Child Care Benefit
outside the room or the very popular Bottom Oval, where        and Child Care Rebate the daily charge is reduced.
cricket, football, soccer and other ball games as well.
breakfast and afternoon tea are provided. RGS                  For more information please contact
preppies are escorted to and from the classroom.               Mrs Adeina Shackleton at the Early Learning Centre.

Bookings are essential – please contact the Early Learning     Phone: 07 49 360 880
Centre, which administers the Outside School Hours             Email:
programme. A separate enrolment form is to be completed
prior to commencement, this is a requirement under the         Contact the RGS Early Learning Centre for details on
Education and Care Services National Regulations.              costs for Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care
Phone: 07 49 360 880

Grow in Character and Scholarship

Campus Map

The Rockhampton Grammar School
Archer Street, Rockhampton Queensland 4700
Non-denominational, Co-educational, Boarding and Day School
Prep to Year 12, Early Learning Centre (6 weeks to 5 years)

Enrolment enquiries

CRICOS: 00507F
ABN: 71 055 702 035
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