2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College

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2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College

                    Look how far we have come,
                    but how far can we go?
                           attributed to John Maclean
2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College

From the Chairman		          04

From the Principal		         06

Christian Education		 08                              04

Junior Schools		      10                           Chairman

Junior School Arts		         12
Junior School Sport		        14
                                                 Dr Linda Evans
Middle School		              16

Senior School 		             18                       10
Teaching and Learning        20                   Junior School
Boarding			                  22

Distinctive Curriculum Offerings &
Co-Curricular Activities                         Middle School
The Arts			                  24

Business 			                 26                       18
English			                   27
                                                  Senior School
Health, Sport and
Physical Education		         28

Home Economics		             31                       20
Humanities		                 32                    OP Results
Information Technology       33

Languages		                  34                       43
Library & Information        36
Services			                                          Service

Mathematics		                37

Science			                   38                       44
VET			                       39                 A Fairholme Story

Careers			40

Pastoral Care		              42

Service			                   43

A Fairholme Story		          44
2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
From the Chairman
                                              MR IAN ANDERSEN, CHAIRMAN

It’s 99 years since Fairholme College          Enjoyment, Seeking Excellence, and           their positive support of me and for their
commenced operations on its current            Respect.                                     commitment to the College.
site at Wirra Wirra Street, 108 years
since our beginnings as Spreydon               These factors keep us grounded when          The membership of the Board of
College, and in that time over 10,000          we consider what the future might hold;      Directors changes regularly and this
students have benefited from attending         something that the Board and Senior          happened again this year. We welcomed
this great College.                            Staff did early this year. Our facilitator   the Right Reverend Phil Campbell to his
                                               that day, futurist Stephen Gould,            twelve-month term on the Board as the
Why does Fairholme exist? It exists            reminded us that ‘the future is now, not     Moderator of the Presbyterian Church
because we believe we can provide the          somewhere tomorrow – the decisions           of Queensland. We also welcomed
very best learning environment for our         that we make right now are creating the      Ms Alaina Macdonald who replaced
students; and because we can provide           future for Fairholme’.                       the Reverend Graeme Morris when
the very best in teaching practices.                                                        he retired from the Board in June. We
                                               We asked ourselves these questions:          thank Rev Morris for his exemplary and
The ancient Chinese philosopher,               what is our capacity to deliver cutting      dedicated service to the College as a
Confucius, once said, ‘If you think in         edge content on-line? How flexible is        member of the Board of Directors for 21
terms of a year, plant a seed; if you          our pedagogy? Does Fairholme only            years, since 1995.
think in terms of ten years, plant trees;      exist at Wirra Wirra Street? How can we
but if you think in terms of 100 years,        indiviualise our curriculum?                 The Board approved the 2017 Budget
teach the people’. One years on, the                                                        at its November meeting and is very
noble calling to teach is alive and            What we know is that we need to be           mindful of the many, often competing,
well at Fairholme. It is evident in our        prepared, to be at the forefront, to         needs, including the ongoing financial
ever- improving teaching practices,            initiate change, but also to have the        difficulties confronting many of our
the fact that we are at the forefront of       ability and openess to react rapidly to      families, as well as the level of funding
curriculum changes, and that we aim            changes that are thrust upon us.             from Government sources. The 2017
to provide the best and widest possible                                                     Budget provides for a 3.0 per cent
subject selection for a school of our size.    We look forward to celebrating 100           increase in tuition fees; a 2.5 per cent
                                               years at Fairholme next year. It will be     increase in boarding fees, with the
As a Board, our key task is to ensure that     exciting to be involved in the events        capital levy to increase by 3.0 per cent.
Fairholme continues to provide the very        planned for 2017, such as the P&F Ball,
best education possible for our students.      the Official Assembly to mark 100 years      Fairholme is about people - students,
                                               as Fairholme, the Art Exhibition. The        staff, parents and friends - the extended
It is interesting to reflect on our history    opportunities to connect with Fairholme      Fairholme Family. Our greatest legacy
as a way of informing our plans for            in 2017 are endless.                         is the impact we have on each other
the future. We acknowledge the                                                              and the lives of those around us. I
significance of Fairholme’s precious           It is important to recognise the             trust you will immerse yourself in our
culture, built upon the best aspects of        contribution the Fairholme College           celebrations, as we mark 100 Years since
a strong Christian community – we are          Board of Directors makes to this College,    Fairholme commenced operations on
a College of the Presbyterian Church           and I acknowledge the exceptional            the Wirra Wirra Street site.
of Queensland - as well as our Values:         service provided by the Board
Christ-Centred Faith, Collaboration,           throughout this year. I thank them for

2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
Projects in 2016

‘If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed;
if you think in terms of ten years, plant trees;
but if you think in terms of 100 years, teach the

Board House improvements - refurbishment
of Nancy Shaw Dormitory at a cost of almost
$1.3 million

Repairs and refurbishment of the Swimming
Pool – new deck surface, painting new
starting blocks and replacement of windows

Reconfiguration, extension and
refurbishment of the HolmeStore

Construction of a new fence along the
Dudley Street boundary

Major upgrade works to the Principal’s
residence, including construction of a new
garage, fencing and entrance

Provision of new Middle School
Administration Reception, Offices and
Meeting Room

Construction of a new office in the Gym
Foyer for Aquatic Centre Staff.

2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
From the Principal                          having been inculcated during her time       willingly face difficulty, hardship and
       DR LINDA EVANS                       as a student: hard work, respect and         sacrifice’ (1920). Respect, perseverance
                                            perseverance. These guiding principles       and hard work continue to be the
                                            are just as relevant for a twenty-first      underpinning elements for achievement,
                                            century life. Wander around Fairholme        whether in spheres of the academic,
As we stand on the brink of 100 years       classrooms on any given day and there        cultural, service or sport. Yet we must
of Fairholme College at the Fairholme       is evidence of these very principles in      be mindful too that whilst values and
site, it is appropriate to celebrate a      action and in abundance. Whilst it is        principles underpin our daily practice,
century of education but also important     easy and appropriate to be excited by        our approach, our curriculum design
to give consideration to the future:        Raspberry Pi computers; interactive          and our lesson pedagogy cannot simply
the paradox of simultaneously looking       whiteboards; Youtube clips or girls          be more of what we had, when we
forward and looking back. One can look      exploring the internet on their laptops      went to school. We must prepare our
back nostalgically at the simplicity of     or iPads, it is as important that they       school leavers for their world, not ours
education in the early 20th century,        understand and can enact hard work,          (Hattie, 2016, p. 21). Most jobs that our
and yearn for the ‘perfect past’: such a    respect and perseverance. After all,         daughters will pursue don’t exist yet.
pleasant indulgence. Alternatively, we      technology is a tool; its effectiveness in   They will live a lot, lot longer than us.
can sigh deeply when pondering the          facilitating or supporting learning relies   Their learning also involves a capacity to
complexities inherent in a twenty-first     upon human interaction. Technology           unlearn and relearn because their world
century, technology-rich world of too       can be used for advancement in learning      is, and will be, increasingly volatile,
much choice. Or, importantly, we can        or as a platform for positive social         uncertain, complex and ambiguous
hold fast to the values that are timeless   interaction – it always comes back to the    (Chan, 2013). It is a world that
and use these as our anchor as we           skills and intent of the user and where      Fairholme’s forebears could simply not
consider a future for which the only        respect for self and others fits within      predict, as they stood on the homestead
certainty is its uncertainty.               that equation.                               veranda and absorbed the beautiful
                                                                                         surrounds. Toowoomba at that time was
Listen to Jean le Broc, also on the brink   Thus the words of Fairholme’s second         a city of 22,000 people, its transport
of turning 100 years of age in 2017,        principal, Miss Nancy Jobson are still       included horse-drawn carriages, and
and possibly Fairholme’s oldest old         apt today – ‘This is my ideal for you        1160 of its men and 35 of its women
girl, speak with passion about her time     girls of Fairholme, that every one of        were involved in the First World War:
at Fairholme, and one is struck by the      you should regard her character as a         a somewhat incongruous juxtaposition
fundamental principles she identifies as    pearl of great price … that you should       when considering today’s Toowoomba.

2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
‘And now the school is housed
                                                at Fairholme … with a bright
                                                future before it’ (1917)

Flash forward to 2016. Education affords us choice. It also makes us responsible
to affect positive change. To be curious. To take roads less travelled and to not be
afraid of failure. As we well know, life is so much more that the Snapchat fad; being a
participant on every social networking site or engaged in an obsession with the lives
of celebrities. Whilst women continue to earn less than 10% of the world’s wealth,
and education is not accessible to so many of our female peers, now is the time to
make a difference. Let us not reach too readily for easy success, or a blue ribbon for
participation, or be drawn to the vice of entitlement, and let us never lower the bar
on our expectations to do our best and be our best selves. Let us tread humbly when
we do so, not reaching too quickly for extrinsic rewards, accolades and titles.

Invariably, in the whirl and opportunities of an unpredictable future which seems
to be coming too quickly, and in the wrong order, we must hold fast to our values,
sending out graduating students with the ability to work hard, persevere and to be
respectful in their interactions: it’s as difficult and as simple as that. May the next
century at Fairholme, one founded upon its Christian faith, hold fast to a bright
future, albeit one that our forebears, standing on the Homestead veranda in 1917,
could never have imagined.

Look how far we have come, but how far can we go?
					                                                   attributed to John Maclean

Chan, E. (2013). ‘Future of Education’ Australian Heads of Independent Schools
Shared Futures Conference. Melbourne 30 September – 2 October 2013.
Maclean, J. and Tabb, M. (2016). ‘How Far Can You Go?’ Simon & Schuster Australia.
Moore, J. (1992). FAIRHOLME – ‘The First Seventy-Five Years’ Harrison Printing Co.
Pty. Ltd. Toowoomba

2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
Christian Education

                                                                          Almighty God, in whom we move
                                                                          and live and have our being, make
                                                                          this school as a field which the Lord
                                                                          has blessed, that whatsoever things
                                                                          are true, pure, lovely, and of good
                                                                          report, may here forever flourish and

                                                                          Preserve in it an unblemished name,
                                                                          enlarge it with wider usefulness, and
                                                                          exalt it in the love and reverence of
                                                                          all its members as an instrument
                                                                          of Your Glory; for the sake of Jesus
                                                                          Christ our Lord.


                                             Education classes once a week. Although     of our formal times together.
                                             the Middle and Senior School students
                                             had a short devotion at Assembly once       This year, we have been especially
It has been a full year. Whilst trying       a week, their Christian Education classes   blessed by the official presence of the
to get to know the Fairholme school          occurred fortnightly. Our Christian         Presbyterian Church of Queensland in
culture, I have sought to encourage us       Education classes in the Junior School      the school, through Reverend Stuart
all to give thanks for the signposts of      and Middle School cover Christian           Hoadley. Stuart has been a source of
God’s presence among us and to see the       content, predominantly, laying the          wisdom in the role of Honorary Chaplain
work of his Spirit in our community. As      foundation before we branch off into        and he gave a simple but poignant
we remain rooted in Christ, it is my hope    broader issues of World Religions and       gospel presentation at both the College
that we continually learn and re-learn       Worldview formation as students move        Easter Assembly and Christmas Carols
the art of inhaling daily of the breadth     towards Year 12.                            Service.
and depth and richness of God’s love for
humanity, so that we may gently exhale       Whilst there is this formal structure in    And so I ask, as we move into 2017
that love in the school community – a        when and how we invite people to be a       and the celebration of 100 years at
fragrant aroma – and encourage, I hope,      part of acknowledging God in our midst      Fairholme, that you remember us in
a curious wondering in those who are         and worshipping him as head of all          your prayers. As the scripture says,
yet to taste and see God’s goodness.         that we do, such moments are the full       ‘With people [as far as it depends on
                                             stops at the end of our sentences; the      them] it is impossible, but with God
We have had Chapel services for Middle       times when, I hope, we take a breath        all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26
School and Senior School students on a       to re-focus our gaze, ready for the next    (AMP)
weekly, rotational basis. The Boarders       thought. However, there are lovely
attended local churches for roughly          commas along the way – colons, full
half the Sundays in a term, and Boarder      stops, semi-colons, parentheses – that
Chapel took place on campus for the          interrupt the narrative and suggest that
other half of the term. Junior School        the process of spiritual formation is
students had Chapel and Christian            happening in the hearts of girls outside

2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
2016 PRESENTING FAIRHOLME - Fairholme College
Fairholme Junior
                                   ERIN TONSCHECK, HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL

                                         Academically, the integration of Digital   Continued success within the sporting
In my first year as Head of Fairholme    and Design Technologies into rich tasks    arena is evidenced with Fairholme
Junior, I have been amazed at the        has enabled the Year 6 girls to engage     Junior victorious in percentage point
engagement of the girls in all aspects   with coding and robotics in a meaningful   competitions at Andrews Cup events.
of their learning and co-curricular      way. We look forward to expanding our      Our girls also continue to achieve great
opportunities.                           technologies program further into the      success at local, regional, state and
                                         Prep to Year 3 classrooms.                 national level competitors.
The respect and genuine care that
permeates the classrooms and beyond,     The Year 5 girls were placed 1st in        We’ve enjoyed numerous cultural,
provides a platform for the students     Queensland in the 2016 National            and performing arts opportunities
to both respect others, and always       Assessment Program Literacy and            with Chorale performances, lunchtime
endeavour to succeed.                    Numeracy (NAPLAN), and one of              concerts and Eisteddfod competitions.
                                         our Year 3 girls achieved the highest      We have much to celebrate within the
                                         score in Queensland within her ICAS        unique learning environment that is
‘Striving for Excellence,                Mathematics test.                          Fairholme Junior.
one of the five core values
of Fairholme, is at the heart            These great successes are built on
                                         exceptional teaching and learning
of all that we do, and it was            opportunities across all classrooms from
especially evident in our                Kindergarten upwards. Our Kindergarten
academic achievements, our               program continues to receive accolades
                                         with a rating of exceeding the National
sporting pursuits and our                Quality Standard. We have much to
cultural performances this               celebrate.

                       JUNIOR SCHOOL

                    Year 3 NAPLAN Results

                     Fairholme   State   National

                    Year 5 NAPLAN Results

                     Fairholme   State   National

   NAPLAN                   NAPLAN                  ‘These great
     Year 3                  Year 5                   successes
Fairholme held           Fairholme held             are built on
the best results         the best results           exceptional
 in the region           in Queensland                teaching’

Junior School Arts

‘Whether you excel at Sport or Music
or Academics, there is a place for every
student in the Performing Arts world at
Fairholme Junior.’

Our first major event for the year was the Junior School
Musical at the start of Term 2; Mr Big and the Alien
Invasion. Our successful show was set in the year 2030,
when jails no longer exist and criminals are sent off to
Mars in a spaceship to serve their time.

In Term 2 we welcomed Footsteps Dance Company
back to Fairholme Junior, and they led us through
many fantastic dances as we explored moving to music
and many different styles of dance steps.

A highlight in this year’s performance program came
at the end of Term 2 as our Chorale girls participated
in the Sing Out Choral Festival at the Empire Theatre,
where we sang together with 500 children from 15

Our instrumental program has flourished this year,
especially with the introduction of the Fives at Band
F@B Program where girls from the Year 4 Band
Program elected to continue in a small group in Year
5. This has enabled our Junior Band to grow and the
resulting sound has been fantastic!

Once again, we have run a series of Lunchtime
Concerts each term, where students who learn musical
instruments have been given the opportunity to

The year finished with the Christmas musical for Kindy
to Year 3; A Miracle in Town! Our young performers
delighted the audience with their charming rendition
of the Christmas story.

1st Place			    Junior String Orchestra   		   String ‘A’ Grade Ensemble – Primary School
1st Place			    String Ensemble           		   Small String Ensemble – Primary School
2nd Place 		    Junior School Chorale		        A Grade Primary School Choir
2nd Place			    F@B5 Brass Group			            Small Instrumental Ensemble – Primary School
2nd 			         Year 5 String Quartet     		   String Trio/Quartet – Primary School
3rd Place 			   Fairholme Junior Band     		   Small Concert Band – Primary School
HC			           Junior School Chorale		        Spiritual – Primary School Choir
HC			           Year 6 String Trio        		   String Trio/Quartet – Primary School

Junior School Sport
                      LEE-ANN GRANTHAM, CO-ORDINATOR OF
                         PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT

     ‘Fairholme Junior Sport offers a wide range of sports and
     activities for the girls and involvement, and participation
     rates are excellent in Interhouse activities. The girls from Prep
     through to Year 6 are involved in these activities and the Kindy
     students also participate but no points are awarded at this

     SPORTING OPPORTUNITIES                         Andrews Cup carnivals in 2016. Over
     These include Interhouse competitions          60% of Year 5 and 6 students attended
     in swimming, cross country, athletics          three or more of these carnivals.
     and gymnastics. Tennis and aquathon
     are optional and the Interhouse junior         HPE AND AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
     swimming knockout tournament is by             During scheduled HPE lessons and
     invitation. Students can participate in        After-School Activities delivered by
     Local Interschool Carnivals in swimming,       Development Officers from various
     athletics and cross country and Andrews        clubs such as hockey, soccer, basketball,
     Cup sporting competitions in swimming,         cricket and AFL and Development
     athletics, cross country, tennis, touch,       squads in a variety of sports, further skill
     track and field, netball, softball,            development is encouraged.
     gymnastics, as well as an invitational
     Andrews Cup basketball carnival. Zone          AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
     and Regional Sports include swimming,          Term 1
     athletics and cross country, as well           Net-Set-Go Netball for Prep – Year 3
     as hockey, basketball, tennis, cricket,        students
     netball, softball, touch, aquathon, AFL,       Term 3
     orienteering and girls’ soccer.                Auskick: six-week program; Aussie
     Interschool Friday Sport for Year 5 and        Hoops: six-week program
     6 students is through the Toowoomba            Term 4
     Primary Sports Association. Year 4             Net-Set-Go Netball for Prep – Year 3
     students participate in a friendly             students
     competition with The Glennie School            In2cricket
     Junior Years and Toowoomba Anglican            Basketball: Mountaineer player Krystal
     College and Preparatory School at least        Watson, coached the Friday night
     three times a term in touch, netball and       basketball team.
     softball.                                      Hot Shots Tennis: for students in Years
                                                    1 – 3 on a Wednesday afternoon
     FAIRHOLME CLUBS AND ASSOCIATION                in preparation for the Brisbane
     Our involvement is in the following            International Schools challenge.
     sports: swimming, track and field, cross
     country, netball, touch and basketball.        SPECIALIST CLASSES
                                                    Term 1
     ANDREWS CUP                                    Intensive Learn to Swim: two-week
     The Andrews Cup competition provides           Intensive Learn to Swim classes for
     an avenue for development and                  all students from Prep to Year 3 were
     training in several sports after school on     conducted by our own Aquatics Swim
     Wednesdays, including touch, tennis,           School staff.
     netball, softball, track and field and cross   Orienteering: Sporting Schools grant
     country. Additional out of school hours        Mrs Felicity Crosato was engaged
     training opportunities are provided in         through Sporting Schools, to deliver
     swimming, cross country, basketball and        a unit on Orienteering for students in
     gymnastics. Over 75% of all Year 4-6           Years 4 – 6.
     students were involved in one or more          Term 2

                                                 Thirty Junior School students represented
                                                 the Range Zone in various sports. Eleven
                                                 girls from Fairholme Junior were members
                                                 of Darling Downs teams, as well as one
                                                 State representation in two sports. (Some
                                                 of these girls represented in more than one

                                                 ZONE AND REGIONAL REPRESENTATION
                                                 These tables indicate the number of Junior
                                                 School students involved at each level.
Hockey: a representative from Toowoomba
Hockey Association delivered a five-week         Swimming
unit for students in Year 4 and Year 5.
Athletics: Throws – Grahame Pitt and Lara        Zone                9 Representatives
Nielsen worked with students in Years 4 – 6.
Term 3
                                                 Darling Downs       3 Representatives
Gymnastics: Sporting Schools grant
Allstar Gymnastics Club conducted the
gymnastics unit for students from Kindy          Athletics
through to Year 6, both at school and at the
Allstar venue. Fairholme continues to foster     Zone                10 Representatives
strong links with the Allstar Gymnastics
Club that provided coaching sessions and         Darling Downs       3 Representatives
coaches to assist with preparation for the
Andrews Cup Gymnastics competition.
Basketball: Coach Despena Dickerson              State               1 Representative (AWD)
conducted sessions in Basketball for
students in Year 2 and Year 3.                   Netball
Term 4
Cricket: Miss Anna Paton and Mr Callum           Zone                6 Representatives
Duncan, Development Officers from Qld
Cricket, made two class visits to Years 3 and
4 and a further two class visits to Year 4 and   Darling Downs       2 Representatives
6 students.
Survival Swimming: LTS staff from our own        Orienteering
Aquatics Swim School assisted with the
delivery of these sessions and were in the       Darling Downs       1 Representative
water for Prep and Year 1 sessions.

DEVELOPMENT SQUADS and QLD ALL                   Basketball
Athletics: An Athletics development squad,       Zone                1 Representative
under the coaching of Mr John Sessarago,
continues to flourish.
                                                 Darling Downs       1 Representative
Swimming: The FAST swimming club
continues to develop a squad of high
achievers at both State and local levels.        Cross Country
Cross Country: Many students attended
the Qld Primary All Schools Individual Cross     Zone                4 Representatives
Country competition.
Touch: A team participated in the 2016
                                                 Darling Downs       2 Representatives (AWD)
South West Region Primary Touch
competition and the Queensland Primary
All Schools Touch competition.                   State               1 Representative (AWD)

Middle School
                                      JAYE ROSS, HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL

2016 has been a very successful year in the Middle School. We had the pleasure of welcoming our new girls into Yr 7 in January
and they quickly settled in to the busy and full pace of life at Fairholme. Our Middle School girls have achieved outstanding
results in their Academic Learning, Sporting achievements and Cultural participation. Fairholme girls have, once again, achieved
well above State and National averages in all areas of the NAPLAN test. Thank you to the girls for their hard work and to the
teachers for their preparation of the students for this testing.

         Co-Curricular Opportunities                   Service Opportunities                      Inclusive Activities

• Debating: Three Year 7 teams, three       Service is an important aspect of           It is important for Middle School girls to
Year 8 teams and two Year 9 teams.          Fairholme Middle School. The following      feel they belong to a community. We
One of our Year 8 teams was the Grand       highlights demonstrate the work of the      have offered the following activities to
Champion team of Year 8 QDU Debating        girls in this area:                         help foster this feeling for every girl:
and one of our Yr 9 students was named      • Middle School Sponsor child through       • Year level camps in Term 1
Junior Debater of the Year.                 Compassion; Various fundraising             • yLead team building activities for Year
• Maths Team Challenge: One of our          activities throughout the year such         7 and Year 9
Year 7 and Year 8 teams reached the         as Bake Sales, selling Boost drinks
Regional Final of this competition.         and Crackerjack chips, competitions         • Insight Day for Year 8 building self-
                                            such as Middle School has Talent and        esteem and self-belief
• Year 7 and 8s competed in Maths
Olympiad.                                   Masterchef.                                 • Father and Daughter games

• Middle school girls competed in Chess     • Year 9 Eco Trip to North Queensland;      • Socials, both dancing and sporting
competitions.                               students learn about this fragile habitat   activities, with St Mary’s and
                                            and how they can support it.                Toowoomba Grammar School.
• Choirs, bands and Ensembles.
                                            • Middle School Box of Chocolates           • Book Week Dress Up Day
• Public speaking: Year 7 Competition.      concert: raising money for The Arts at
                                            • Middle School buddies; supporting our
                                            new students

                                        MIDDLE SCHOOL

                                  Year 7 NAPLAN Results






                            440   460     480       500        520         540     560    580      600

                                   National      State        Fairholme

                                  Year 9 NAPLAN Results






                            480   500    520     540      560        580     600    620     640    660

                                   National      State        Fairholme

  Year 7 girls                                 Year 9 girls                                ‘Fairholme girls
 recorded the                                   recorded                                  have, once again,
highest overall                                the highest                                  achieved well
NAPLAN results                            NAPLAN results                                   above State and
 in the region                                in the region                               National averages’

Senior School

     ‘Senior schooling is a unique
     phase of learning in which                   enriched our community and welcomed
                                                  our girls into their families and schools.
     the girls grapple with a
     broadening sense of the                      Leading
     world – and their place in                   True to the 'Be in the Mix' theme, the
                                                  Senior Leaders served and led eight
     it, while sharpening their                   areas of College life - Communications;
     skills and negotiating their                 Environment; Junior School; Middle
                                                  School; Pastoral Care; Restorative
     pathway’.                                    Practice; Teaching & Learning, Technology
                                                  and Wellness.
     Naturally, perspective ebbs and flows
     for the girls in the Senior School, as our   Specialists
     girls focus simultaneously on what is        The Year 10 Specialist Elective Curriculum
     unfolding in their Fairholme life and what   cemented itself quickly as a positive focus
     may lie ahead in a yet-to-be-discovered      for the girls as they explored industries
     world. It is a privilege to witness the      of interest and secured vocational
     girls’ emerging awareness of their           qualifications.
     own potential as their independence
     flourishes.                                  Service Learning
                                                  The Interact Club continued to lead
     The Senior School is a living example of     student service activities; the Year 10
     rich learning and service. So dynamic        local service studies strengthened,
     is this area of the College, that the        and both TRAMS Homework Outreach
     following offers a mere glimpse of its       and Rosies Friends on the Street were
     richness through just a few moments-in-      introduced to our program.
                                                  Young Scholars
     QATSIF Success                               Again in 2016, girls were selected
     Two girls were acknowledged as               to participate in the University of
     2017/2018 scholarship recipients from        Queensland's Young Scholars' Program
     the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres
     Strait Islander Foundation.                  Knockout
                                                  The College's success in the State
     Outspoken! Outstanding!                      Knockout Athletics Competition meant
     Our future in mooting circles is strong!     another trip to the National contest, in
     Several Fairholme teams competed in          Canberra.
     contests facilitated by Bond University
     and the University of Southern               Special Arts
     Queensland. Fairholme was 2016               The Get SmART program included a
     Queensland Debating Unions' School of        workshop series over several weeks,
     the Year for Debating in this region, with   which enabled girls to focus on one
     many champion teams and Junior and           aspect of The Arts while continuing with
     Senior Debaters of the Year. Several girls   Interhouse contests for choir, dance,
     once again contested the United Nations      and the individual /small group Arts
     Evatt Trophy - the nation's longest          competition.
     running battle of debating and diplomacy.

     Boarders & Borders
     In addition to our Boarders who travel to
     live and learn at Fairholme, we welcomed
     girls from Germany, France, Switzerland
     and Japan, for a time. We are grateful
     for the way our international friends

Teaching and Learning

Did you know that in 2015 Fairholme          A major educational initiative is currently   and encouraging.
achieved the second highest OP 1 – 5         being advanced in Queensland, namely
results in our region? We were listed as     the review of Senior Assessment and           A rigorous QCS preparation program
one of Queensland’s leading OP schools       Tertiary Entrance. Fairholme is at the        commenced on the first school day in
ranked in 30th position out of a total       forefront of this initiative, having being    January. Using data from practice tests,
of 835 school across the state. What a       selected as one of the trail schools in       our teachers were able to target areas of
benchmark to start the year.                 Queensland. Additionally, Fairholme           need.
                                             teachers are well advanced in preparing
Fairholme College is of is now part of the   Fairholme students for the new senior         Fortnightly Friday QCS Breakfast
‘Blue Group’ that is produced annually.      schooling system through proactive            workshops were independently organised
                                             engagement consultations and devoting         and run by the Year 12 students.
                                             considerable resources and effort to
‘We  are one of only 19                      careful planning for the new system.          Year 12 student Clara Lee’s 2016 QCS
Queensland schools, and the                                                                Writing Task will be published in the 2017
only school on the Darling                   Current Year 8 students will now be the       Retrospective as an exemplar to all future
                                             first to experience the new system as         Year 12 students; quite an achievement
Downs, who have met the                      Year 11s in 2019 and the first to graduate    for a student for whom English is a
criteria of achieving over                   as Year 12s in 2020.                          second language. Clara is one of the
                                                                                           27, 000 OP eligible students who sat the
90% OP 1-15 for three years                  Fairholme College was selected by             state-wide 2016 QCS Test in September
in succession’                               The Australian Council for Educational        this year.
                                             Research (ACER) to participate in a
Fairholme shows no trend of a declining      trial test involving Year 12 students         Individual QCS Results were impressive;
number of OP eligible students over this     in February 2016. The test contained          almost 30% of our students achieved an
period.                                      multiple-choice items similar to the          ‘A’ standard.
                                             items in two of the QCS Tests. Feedback
Our NAPLAN results were outstanding;         from ACER on the performance of each          The Alternative Pathways program
Year 5 students topped the State while       student on the verbal (humanities/            continues to go from strength to
Years 3, 7 and 9 achieved the highest        social studies) and quantitative items        strength. Through systematic, one-
results on average in the Darling Downs      (mathematics/science), and their position     on-one conversations with all Senior
region.                                      relative to that of students from other       students, from the initial SET planning in
                                             participating schools was both invaluable     Year 10 through to Year 12, the College

OP Results
                                                                                                Road trip. The day included tours of the Queensland
                                                                                                University of Technology (Kelvin Grove), Southbank
 90%                                                                                   81%
                                                                                                TAFE and the University of Queensland (St Lucia). For
 70%                                                                                            those travelling to the Gold Coast, Gold Coast TAFE was
 60%                                                    54%                                     followed by a tour of Griffith University and then Bond
 50%                                                                                            University.
 40%         30%
 30%                     21%                                                                    In Boarding, University students and newly qualified
 20%                                                                                            teachers fulfilled the role of tutors, covering all subject
 10%                                                                                            areas; their availability is unique to the Senior students.
                    1-5 OP                       1-10 OP                        1-15 OP
                                                                                                The ‘Robotics Club’ led by Mr Whittle and Ms Timmer
                        Fairholme College         State-Wide Results Female                     has continued to inspire and sow the seeds of innovation
                                                                                                among our youngest Middle School students. Each
                                                                                                Thursday the girls had the opportunity to build and
                                                                                                program robots using the Lego Mindstorm EV3kits.
        College Performance from 2011 - 2016
40                                                                                              The addition of two new subjects to the Fairholme
                                                                                                Curriculum in 2016, Agricultural Science and Legal
                                                                                                Studies were highly successful and added to the wide
20                                                                                              range of subject choices on offer at the College.
                                                                                                Academic Assemblies in February and August saw
 0                                                                                              the presentation of over 250 Certificates of Academic
         2011           2012            2013           2014             2015           2016
                                                                                                Excellence to students for Semester 2 2015 and Semester
                             QCS Result A in %             OP Result 1-5 in %                   1 2016, respectively. This indicates that more than one-
                                                                                                quarter of our girls are achieving impressive results. The
                                                                                                evidence is furthered littered with examples throughout
                                                                                                2016, from our successes in the University of New South
                                     QCS Results                                                Wales Academic competitions to the ever-increasing
40%                                                              36.80%                         number of university scholarships secured.
30%       28%                     28%   28.10%                                                  Our teachers, as well as our students, are learners.
20%             15.80%
15%                                                                                             ‘The culture among Fairholme teachers
10%                                                                                             has always been one of learning from
                                                                                                each other; collaborative practice among
                A                       B                       C                      D        teachers across all levels and faculties at
                        Fairholme College         State-Wide Results Female                     Fairholme is part of our fabric.’
                                                                                                 Much of our professional learning in 2016 has been
                                                                                                 unpacking methodologies to enhance a learning
     has been able to track student progress across a three-year                                 environment which focuses on independence,
     timeline, which lends advice towards meaningful career/                                    interdependence and self-motivation in every classroom.
     tertiary pathways.

     The number of students undertaking Vocational Education
     and Training or VET Programs, now immersed within the
     Year 10 academic program, increased to 100. Many were
     involved in Traineeships with local employers that will result in
     employment after the completion of their formal education.

     Year 10 Work Experience Week this year showcased potential
     architects, solicitors, operatic divas, surgeons, researchers,
     lawyers, aircraft mechanics, bankers and even zookeepers.

     As a part of our ongoing support of students considering
     Tertiary study pathways, in June all Year 11 students travelled
     to either Brisbane or the Gold Coast on our annual University

                                   MARGUERITE DUNNE, HEAD OF BOARDING

                                            The enhancement of a culture of            thinking about sending their daughters
                                            genuine pastoral care has occurred         to Boarding School.
                                            in 2016, through specialised staffing,
Friendships, a sense of belonging           professional learning, and planned         Across the year, Boarding and Academic
and a shared commitment to the              programs and opportunities to better       Staff travelled to North Queensland,
College values of Christ-centred faith,     relationships with and amongst             Western Queensland and Northern New
collaboration, enjoyment, seeking           students, staff, parents and the wider     South Wales regions to meet with new
excellence, and respect made the            community. The vertical structure of the   students for 2017.
Fairholme College Boarding House a          Boarding House, where all age groups
very special place to be in 2016. Aged      are found across the various floors,       In September, the Boarding House
from 11 to 18 years, the boarding           created an environment that fosters        welcomed new 2017 Boarders and their
students constituted approximately          friendship and support amongst all the     families for the College Orientation
a third of the student body in the          girls.                                     Program.
Middle School and almost half of the
Senior School. The girls who hail from      New Boarder Program                        ‘Aged from 11 to 18 years,
diverse backgrounds, from rural and         This included sessions on Management       the boarding students
remote areas to metropolitan centres in     of homesickness, Stress and Relaxation
Australia and from overseas, have taken     techniques and Problem Solving.            constituted approximately
advantage of the rich and wide range of                                                a third of the student
educational resources and opportunities     City Family Program
that are enjoyed by Fairholme students.     Daygirls meet with Boarders for a          body in the Middle
They have embraced the fullness of          sleepover in the Assembly Hall.            School and almost half of
life and learning, and there is no better
example of the renowned Fairholme           The Boarder Parents’ Support Group
                                                                                       the Senior School.’
College spirit than that found within the   Regular meetings were held in 2016.
walls of the Boarding House.                Current Boarder Parents become
                                            ambassadors to assist new Boarder
The connections made across year            families.
levels, and the care and concern that
the girls have experienced themselves       Connecting with Boarder Families
from staff and students, or have            Leadership Team and Staff travelled
given to others, are the valued extras      through towns across Queensland and
that Boarding at Fairholme provides.        New South Wales to meet with parents

Big Sister Program
Year 12 Boarders being a mentor
for a ‘little sister’, ensured that new
Boarders experienced a warm and
welcoming transition into their new

Refurbishment of Nancy Shaw
Girls returned to bright, vibrant
and purpose-built living spaces that
cater for the study and lifestyle
needs of teenage girls.

College co-curricular program
Cultural Activities

Boarder Committees - chaired by
the Head Boarder and Boarder
‘Global awareness’ dinner
Fairholme Boarders Book Clubs
‘Q-C-Yes’ student mentoring study

Serving the Community
World Vision Sponsor Child
St Vincent’s Hospital Volunteer
Girls Night-In
Biggest Afternoon Tea for The
Cancer Council
Fundraisers for the Mizpah
Orphanage and the Cambodia Tour
Shave for a Cure

The Arts
                       KAREN HAYWARD, HEAD OF THE ARTS

     The Arts Department at Fairholme College has continued to develop and flourish in
     2016, with outstanding achievements, fantastic performance opportunities and creative
     experiences that have fostered student learning, development and enjoyment. With no
     fewer than 12 concerts included in this year’s Kaleidoscope Concert Series, 24 different
     Co-curricular options that encompassed all Arts Disciplines, and the new Get smART Arts
     Festival electives, students have been offered myriad Arts experiences.

              Co-curricular Offerings
     Dance Collective (Open to all students in Years 7 –
     Dance Troupe (Auditioned Group – open to stu-
     dents in Years 7 – 12.

                                                                   ‘There is a
     Vignettes Middle School Creativity Group (7 -9)
     Senior Drama Ensemble (10 – 12)                               new emphasis
     MUSIC                                                         in twenty-
     College Choir (7 – 12)
     Middle School Chamber Choir (Auditioned 7 – 9)                first century
     Senior School Chamber Choir (Auditioned 10 – 12)
     Symphony Orchestra                                            education on
     Symphonic Wind Band
     Stage Band
     Brass Ensemble
                                                                   the need for
     Chamber Strings
     String Quartet                                                creativity and
     Flute Ensemble
     Saxophone Ensemble                                            imagination –
     Clarinet Ensemble
     Guitar Ensemble                                               for learning to
     Nokie Middle School Art Group (7 – 9)
                                                                   wonder about
     Eikon Senior School Art Group (10 – 12)
     Arts Muster 2016                                              as well as to
     OTHER ARTS AREAS                                              wonder at.’
     Sound & Lighting Crew
     QDU Regional Debating Competition Teams
     Rostrum Public Speaking
     Kaleidoscope Concert Series
     Annual Get smART Arts Festival
     Annual Interhouse Choral and Dance Competitions
     Choral competition won by Cameron House
     Dance competition won by Black House
     Annual Interhouse Cultural Trophy presented to
     Cameron House

Achievements in 2016

Queensland Eisteddfod JAZZ 2nd Place; HIP HOP 3rd Place
Kingaroy Eisteddfod Hip Hop Open Section 4th place
Lockyer District Dance Festival
Senior Dance Showcase ‘Spotlight’
Outstanding Contribution to the promotion of The Arts at Fairholme College to the
Wider Community Award

Senior Drama Showcase ‘Sylph or Savage’
Barbara Sisley Award for Speech & Drama awarded to Sienna Davis for achieving the
Highest Mark in Queensland for her Grade 4 AMEB Exam.
Queensland Theatre Company’s Scene Project – Senior Drama Ensemble

Ha Rin Clara Lee A.Mus.A in Piano
Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium’s State Honours Ensemble Program:
Abbey Faulkner (Voice Soprano), Isabel Fitton (Cello), Alex Grimmett (Euphonium),
Georgia Hayward (Voice Soprano), Stephanie Millar (Voice Soprano) and Lindy Roos
(Voice Alto)
Gondwana Voices National Choral Program: Anna Roche-Kelly and Lindy Roos

FC Symphony Orchestra 1st Place
FC Chamber Strings 2nd place
FC Senior String Quartet 2nd Place
FC Senior Flute Ensemble 1st Place
FC Symphonic Wind Ensemble 2nd Place
FC Stage Band 1st Place
FC MS Flute Ensemble 3rd Place

University of Southern Queensland ‘Future Visions’ Awards Major Award Winners
Grace Lofting (Packers’ Prize) Georgia Hayward (1st Prize Overall)
24 Fairholme College Students’ works were selected as finalists in Toowoomba Art Soci-
ety ‘Chronicle Junior Art Expo’ Awards
Fairholme College awarded the Dornbusch Partners Schools’ Encouragement Award for
the school with the most acceptances (16 works)
Briana Dascombe (Year 11) Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society Runner-Up Award
Hannah Currie (Year 10) Sue Englart Runner-Up Award for Open Print-making

New York University’s Steinhart Summer Intensive Art Program: Isabella Grant (Year 11)

Georgia Hayward’s ‘Unknown Possibilities’ (awarded the Oxlades Art Supplies DDSWQ
Regional Encouragement Award), Grace Lofting’s ‘Primary Emotions’, Jiawhye Phoon’s
‘Memories of War’ and Hannah Scovell’s ‘Face of Destruction’

Queensland Debating Union DD Regional Competition:
Fairholme Champion School Trophy
Junior Debater of the Year: Anah Chung
Senior Debater of the Year: Georgia Hayward
Year 8, Year 9 and Senior teams Grand Final Debating team Champions
SWQ Rostrum Public Speaking Competition: Mindy Petersen (Year 9)

Business and Technology
                            KATRINA MAHER, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT - BUSINESS

The study of Business develops                Senior Business subjects: Economics and
knowledge, understanding, and skills          Accounting. Students examined some
that will inform and encourage students       Key Economic Foundations, including              Academic Achievement
to participate in, and contribute to, the     scarcity, needs, wants, costs and
financial world. Students are our future      benefits. In the Accounting component,
workers, savers, voters, consumers,           students acquired a knowledge and
producers and investors and they              understanding of the legal aspects of
need to be financially literate to make       setting up various forms of business                   YR 12 Accounting
informed decisions.                           ownerships.

Accounting in Year 12 provides the            Other activities included:                  SA
opportunity for students to develop           • Attending annual economic update         30%
a template in Excel for Budgeting             address by a senior economist from the
purposes, to ascertain if they will be able   Reserve Bank of Australia                                                   VHA
to afford to purchase a car or house, as      • Guest speaker from St. Vincent de Paul                                    45%
well as navigating the effective use of       Society
the accounting program MYOB.

Year 11 students had the opportunity to
undertake Legal Studies, of which there                                                     HA
is immediate relevance in their lives.                                                     25%
Students investigated areas of Criminal
and Civil Law and delved into the often       ‘Students are our future
grey area of the laws surrounding
Doping in Sport.                              workers, savers, voters,
                                              consumers, producers and                                YR 11 Accounting
Economics students studied units of
work that explored and applied theories       investors and they need
to current political, social and economic     to be financially literate to                     SA
issues present within Australia on a daily
basis. This was furthered through studies
                                              make informed decisions.’                        27%

of growing income and wealth inequality
in Australia, the 2016 federal budget                                                                                      VHA
and macroeconomic management,                                                                                              47%
Australia’s position in international
trade and the emergence of free trade
and, finally, the impacts of globalisation
on Australia and the effectiveness of
organisations such as G20 in addressing                                                   HA 26%
global issues.

                                                                                                 VHA = Very High Achievement
                                                                                                 HA = High Achievement
                                                                                                 SA = Sound Achievement
Year 10 students who studied Commerce
                                                                                                 LA = Low Achievement
this year were introduced aspects of

                              ROHAN DAVIS, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT - ENGLISH

                                                                             Academic Achievements
                                            120              111
The tide is changing                        100
There is a tide in the affairs                                                                                                                                     78
                                             80                                                                                                  71
of men,                                             61
                                                                    67                               68                   68

which taken at the flood,                    60
                                                                                                                                  44                   43
leads on to fortune.                         40
                                                                                     2831                 2831
Omitted, all the voyage                      20        12               13                                                      17                    19 16
                                                                                            9                    9                     10
of their life is bound in                                   00               00                 00                   00                     00                00
shallows and in miseries.                           Year 12          Year 11           Year 10                 Year 9                Year 8             Year 7
On such a full sea are we                                                    VHA     HA         SA        LA     VLA           Total
now afloat.
And we must take the
                                                                        Queensland Debating Union
current when it serves, or
lose our ventures.                                                                          Grand Finalists
                  William Shakespeare
                                                  Year 8                                                  Year 9
                                                  Kaitlin Topalov                                         Lucinda Carey
You would almost think Shakespeare
                                                  Rani Brennan                                            Olivia Durkin
had friends in ACARA or the Queensland
                                                  Madeleine Randall                                       Phoebe Long-Heslop
Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
                                                  Laura Craft                                             Molly Rouse
Alas though, the affairs of Education in
                                                                                                          Anah Chung
Australia, Queensland and Fairholme
College are probably a little out of
Shakespeare’s scope or interest, yet              Senior                                                  Runners Up
we English tragics, desperate for                 Emily Wilson                                            Year 9
affirmation, like to draw parallels               Zazi Brennan                                            Eve Wilkes
between our experience and the wit and            Georgia Hayward                                         Kate Moule
wisdom of the bard.                               Beth Foley                                              Maggie Grigg
                                                                                                          Lucy O’Connor
There is indeed a tide in the affairs of
                                                                                   UNSW English Competition
education (wo/men), and we believe we
have turned our ship around, set our sail
                                                  Patrice Brosnan                               Jasmine Collison
and are looking forward to charting our
                                                  Laura Craft                                   Louisa Finlayson
course. The reintroduction of external
                                                  Zoe Crooke                                    Ellie Randall
assessment will have a revitalising
                                                  Charlotte Kath                                Lily Pagalis-Jackson
effect on curriculum and pedagogy, as
                                                  Phoebe Meyer Elks                             Chelsea Palmer
we revise assessment and explore the
                                                  Georgie Scouller                              Tessa Pruim
advantages of fewer but better quality
assessment instruments.
                                                                   United Nations Evatt Trophy Competition – State
Year 11 successfully trialled external                                             Stephanie Millar
assessment this year and the experience                                              Grace Elliott
was both instructive and challenging                                                 Zazi Brennan
for the students and the teachers                                                    Lala Grogan
involved. Nonetheless, this and other
opportunities I have pursued through                                               QCS Writing Task Exemplar
the QCAA will ensure that we are well                                                      Clara Lee
prepared to embrace future fortunes.

Health, Sport and Physical Education

‘Renowned as the premier                    Road Runners Meet, State All Schools     Term 4 B Grade Premiers

Girls’ sporting school on the
Darling Downs, Fairholme
College set the scene for
another outstanding year of
achievements in Sport. 2016
was filled with sensational
team and individual results’.
It must be acknowledged that our girls
participate in a multiplicity of sports
outside the range offered by School
Sport and they have also achieved
significant results. The data provided is
for School Sport only.

Darling Downs Youth Cup Finalists           Individual Championships
Years 10-12                                 13 Darling Downs Representatives         HOCKEY
12 Darling Downs Representatives            2 Queensland Representatives – Chloe     1 Association Team – School Club link
2 Queensland Representative –               Randall and Celeste Pratt                with Norths Hockey Club
Grace Elliott and Zoe Webster               Medals - Darling Downs – 2 x Gold, 2     4 Darling Downs Representatives
                                            x Silver, 1 x Bronze, Queensland – 2 x   2 Queensland Representatives – Selena
BASKETBALL                                  Gold, Nationals – 1 x Gold, 1 x Silver   McIntyre and Tatum Stewart
1 Association Teams                         Peak to Park Annual Charity Fun Run –    DD Schools Cup - Winners
3 Friday Night Teams – Yr7/8 Team           over 100 Fairholme family participants   Queensland All Schools Cup – 6th
second TSSS Term 1 Friday Night Grand                                                Division 1
Final                                       EQUESTRIAN
3 Darling Downs 13-19yrs                    Convenors of Fairholme IQ Show           NETBALL
Representatives and 2 Darling Downs         Jumping, Pittsworth                      28 Association Teams – Saturday &
12yrs Representatives                       Scots/PCG Weekend                        Wednesday nights – 10 Association
                                            12 Regional Competitors                  Teams Grand Finalists in respective
CHESS                                       10 Darling Downs Representatives         divisions, 7 Teams Premiers
Teams and individuals competing at          7 Queensland Representatives – Lauren    Junior Vicki Wilson Cup Competition –
Toowoomba schools tournament.               Bougoure, Amelia Doering, Alicia         Regional Division 1 and 2 Winners
                                            Freeman, Meg Gillan (Qld Captain),       Senior Vicki Wilson Team – Regional
CRICKET                                     Rebecca Gillan, Bree Robertson and       Runners Up; Queensland Top 16
7 Darling Downs Representatives             Amilia Schooley                          Laura Geitz Shield Competition –
                                                                                     Regional Champions
CROSS COUNTRY                               FOOTBALL                                 7 Darling Downs Representatives
Interhouse Carnival: Champions – Black      1 Association Team – School Club Link
Toowoomba Secondary School Sport            with Willowburn Football Club            ORIENTEERING
Champions                                                                            4 Darling Downs Representatives
Trophies – 13, 15, 17 and 19yrs             FUTSAL                                   Fairholme tied 1st at Queensland
Events participated in - St Aidan’s         2 Association Teams                      Schools Interschool Competition
Invitational Cross Country, St Hilda’s      2 SWQ Futsal Teams. U13 team 2nd.        3 Queensland Reps– Rani Brennan, Zazi
Invitational Cross Country, Toowoomba       3 Interschool Teams.                     Brennan and Jessica Rogers
Grammar Relay Meet, Toowoomba

pictured: (left to right) Gemma
                                                            Etheridge, Emilee Cherry, Dominique
                                                            Du Toit
              Pierre de Coubertin Award 2016
  Awarded by Queensland Olympic Council for outstanding sporting
   achievements, commendable, sporting behaviour and exemplary
                   leadership to: Natalie Webster

                Highlights and Achievements
      Intermediate Knockout Athletics Team finished 3rd at State
Championships in Brisbane in October and was invited to National finals
                    in Canberra in December, 2016.
 Toowoomba Secondary School Sport ‘Double Crown’. We retained our
 Swimming and Cross Country titles; unfortunately the Athletics titles
                 were abandoned due to poor weather.
   In February 2016 the Fairholme Equestrian team was announced
       Interschool Queensland Equestrian Team of the Year 2015

                        Additional News
Past students Gemma Etheridge and Emilee Cherry represented Australia
  at the 2016 Rio Olympics, while Dominique Du Toit was a travelling
               reserve for the Gold medal winning team.

   Fairholme Friends of Sport successfully ran the FOS Social & FOS
Term 4 Interhouse Sporting Competition – Touch, Netball, Football and
                          Champions: Black

RUGBY LEAGUE                              TOUCH                                       VOLLEYBALL
1 Darling Downs Representative            5 Association Teams – A Grade Premiers      3 Association Teams
                                          7 Summer Touch Teams                        Queensland Schools Cup
SOFTBALL                                  6 Darling Downs Representatives             Darling Downs Schools Cup
1 Association Player                      1 Queensland Representative
1 Darling Downs Representative- Ms        Queensland All Schools Tournament – 5       WATER POLO
Gierke (Official)                         teams - Open 1 and U15 1’s Quarter          2 Association Teams
Queensland Representative – Ms Gierke     Finalists                                   3 Darling Downs Representatives
(Official)                                SWQ Tournament – 5 teams – Open 1           Chris Stumkat Shield Winners
Queensland Golden Glove convenor –        Winners                                     Fairholme College host venue for State
Ms Gierke                                 All Hallows’ Tournament – 5 teams –         Championships and DD team training
Golden Glove Cup                          Open 1 Semi Finalists, U15 2’s Plate
                                          Winners                                     TOOWOOMBA SECONDARY SCHOOL
SWIMMING                                                                              SPORT
Interhouse Carnival Champions –           TRACK AND FIELD                             Term 1 Summer Competition
Stephens                                  Interhouse Champions – Black                18 Teams entered
Toowoomba Secondary School Sport          Toowoomba Secondary School Sport –          4 Premier Teams, 1 x 3rd
Winners for 15th successive year          washed out                                  Term 2 Winter Competition
Trophies – Aggregate, 13s, 19s & Relays   32 Darling Downs Representatives            12 Teams entered
16 Darling Downs Representatives          4 Queensland Representatives – Ellie        1 Premier Team 2 x 2nd, 1 x 3rd
Medals – Darling Downs – 9 x Gold, 8 x    Bowyer, Samantha Lenton, Bella
Silver, 9 x Bronze.                       McLoughlin and Natalie Webster (13-
Senior, Middle and Junior School          19yrs) and 1 Queensland Representative
Swimming Tournaments                      12yrs – Chloe Randall
Moreton Bay College and Clayfield         Medals – Darling Downs – 27 x Gold, 19 x
College Swim Meets                        Silver, 10 Bronze, Queensland – 6 x Gold,
                                          5 x Silver, 4 x Bronze.
TENNIS                                    Intermediate Knockout Athletics Team
Knowles Cup Tournament                    finishes 3rd & qualifies for Nationals
Sacre Coeur Tournament, Toowoomba –       Fairholme Athletics Club
Winners Overall, C Grade, Year 7/8 and
Year 9/10                                 TRIATHLON
3 Darling Downs Representatives           8 Darling Downs Representatives and 1
Queensland Secondary School Cup –         Aquathlon Representative
Regional Champions                        Triathlon Club and Training introduced at
Fairholme Open Tournament                 Fairholme

Home Economics

‘Fairholme continues to                     Year 11
                                            Food and Nutrition
hold the status of the largest              Fashion and Textiles
Home Economics cohort in                    Brisbane Fashion Excursion
the region, maintaining its                 Fairholme Fashion Week

reputation as a                             Year 10
significant institution for the             Increased number of students in Home
                                            Economics subjects
study of Home Economics.’                   Food Technology
                                            Fashion and Technology
‘I’ve never come across a school that       Fairholme Fashion Week Designs
openly encourages students from all         Fashion Excursions
over the region to participate in a show,
where really every one is a winner. All     Year 9
of these designers have had a chance to     Individual products developed through
put their hard work on show. And in the     design challenges
process, they’ve learnt how important       Food Technology
it is for Australia to have a sustainable
Fashion Industry.’ – Julie Tengdahl,        Year 8
owner of fashion label, Tengdahl.           Design and production of everyday
                                            products that enhanced wellbeing
To have a Queensland Designer who           Food technology
has not only survived an incredibly
tough industry, but remained successful,    Year 7
describe Fairholme College as innovative    Textiles and Design
and unique is all the encouragement         More than 70 students designed patterns
we need to continue Fairholme Fashion       and created items
Week.                                       Discussions surrounding the importance
                                            of sustainable fashion
This year Queensland Designers Julie        Food technology
Tengdahl (of Tengdahl label), Pia Du
Pradal (who designs for Dame Quentin
Bryce), Claire Greenhill (of Rowen
Couture) and Alexander Kennedy judged
student fashion from across the region.              Year 12 Results
Cotton Australia once again came on                          1
board to sponsor the ‘Home Grown’
event, which encouraged students to                                           12
understand that behind every garment
is a cotton farmer.

Textiles is just one unit of Fairholme’s
Home Economics course, which
continues to thrive as a subject. The
specialist teachers and state of the
art facilities and program, ensure that
students are able to hone their interest
and skills to a level that prepares
them for careers within the fast-paced                 VHA       HA   Sound
and ever-evolving Food and Fashion

                              KIM SCUDAMORE, HEAD OF HUMANITIES (ACTING)

‘Post-truth (adjective): relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are
less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.’
We live in an information rich society,
with the internet and social media at
our fingertips, yet paradoxically, it seems
that we are becoming increasingly
knowledge poor. Testament to this is
the recent announcement by Oxford
Dictionaries that their ‘Word of the Year’
for 2016 is ‘post-truth’. This concept
acknowledges that in our information-
saturated world, there are now myriad
conflicting versions of ‘truth’ that can act
to shape our beliefs – that we can, to an
extent, define our own version of reality.
Thus, we are particularly susceptible to
misinformation if we do not have the
critical capacity to evaluate the wealth
of ‘facts’ that we encounter on a daily

So how can we equip students to
navigate a ‘post-truth’ world? The key,
as elucidated by US economist and
academic, Timothy Taylor, is perhaps
as simple and as complex as ‘knowing           ‘It is this sort of thinking,   Highlights
enough to ask more meaningful                  both analytical and
                                               reflective, objective and       Handscape Enrichment Day and Gab
Whether it is in Year 11 Ancient History,      empathetic, that builds a       Fest (Year 7 English and Humanities)
where we explore both democracy and            foundation for students to
demagoguery, in Year 8 Humanities, as                                          Place and Liveability Local
we examine patterns of migration, in           form their own judgements       Community Study
                                                                               (Year 7 Humanities)
Senior Modern History, where students          about the world in which
ponder the nature of dictatorship, or as
our Geographers contemplate questions          they live.’                     ‘Fightin’ the Kaiser’ World War 1
of sustainability, Fairholme’s Humanities                                      Performance (Year 9 Humanities)
students are always engaging in critical
inquiry.                                                                       ‘Follow the Crowd’ program in
                                                                               Brisbane CBD (Year 9 Humanities)
                                  Academic Results
                                                                               ‘I Was Only Nineteen’ Vietnam War
     70                                                                        Performance (Year 10 Humanities)
     50                                                                        Nerang River Managing Catchments
     40                                                                        Study (Year 11 Geography)
     20                                                                        Fortitude Valley Sustaining
     10                                                                        Communities Study
      0                                                                        (Year 12 Geography)

                                                                               Toowoomba Escarpment Sustaining
                                                                               Biodiversity Study
                                                                               (Year 12 Geography)

                                     VHA %     HA %   SA %

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