Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

Page created by Terry Bush
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022
Preqin Territory Guide:
Greater China 2022
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022


 3           Driving into the future with new energy vehicles – Christine Fu, CS Capital
 5           Key developments in China’s economy
 10          Navigating uncertainty in China’s PEVC markets
 16          League tables


Preqin contributors:                                                Preqin data support:                                                 External contributors:
Cat Hall                                                            Moses Chan                                                           Christine Fu, CS Capital
Ee Fai Kam                                                          April Huang
Valerie Kor                                                         Reuben Lai
Jasmin Naim                                                         Samantha Lai
Harsha Narayan                                                      Vincent Li
Milly Rochow
Deisy Rojas
Tim Short

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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022                                      Sponsored by

Driving into the future with
new energy vehicles

China is taking the lead in the production of new energy vehicles, an
industry that offers high growth potential for investors
The trend in the global automotive industry is shifting
towards electrification in the hope of realizing a low-
carbon, energy-efficient future. In China, new energy                                        Christine Fu
vehicles (NEVs), including battery electric, plug-in                                         Managing Director,
hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, are a crucial                                       Head of International
part of the country’s ambition of becoming carbon                                            Business
neutral by 2060. In 2021, 3.5 million NEVs were sold
in China, the world leader for seven consecutive
years. Sales rose by 158% over the previous year,
                                                                                             CS Capital
achieving a 13% penetration rate for NEVs with
private buyers accounting for nearly 80% of sales.

We believe that the NEV sector in China offers one
of the most attractive investment tracks in the next          and the construction of more efficient electric vehicle
decade. Investments in this sector have amounted              charging and battery swapping networks to make
to more than $160bn between 2015 and 2020, with               electric vehicles more accessible.
venture and growth capital playing a significant
role.1 Tech start-ups, digital titans, and new energy         Chinese government incentives include reducing
companies in the battery sector are also actively             taxes and extending subsidies for NEV purchases,
looking to move into this sector. Original equipment          expediting the elimination of older polluting vehicles,
manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers are increasing             promoting electric car sales in rural areas, and
investment in new areas to gain a foothold in this            developing the battery recycling system. Policy
sector. We forecast that China’s NEV sector will              makers have also introduced a green car quota
continue to grow at 20% CAGR on the back of                   system to encourage automakers to make more
favorable policies, higher spending power, strong             environmentally friendly vehicles after NEV subsidies
market demand, technological innovation, and a                end in 2022, and to boost NEV sales for public use
world-class supply chain.                                     such as buses and trucks.

Strong policy support                                         Changing market supply and demand
In China’s blueprint for the development of NEVs,             In an era of booming NEV sales, many foreign
the China Society of Automotive Engineers estimated           global OEMs, including Ford and Hyundai, are losing
that NEVs may account for 20% of total new                    favor with Chinese consumers. Companies such
vehicle sales by 2025, and 50% by 2035.2 China’s              as Volkswagen and GM may also find themselves
State Council advocates significant technological             under pressure. China’s NEV market in 2021 was
improvements in China's electric vehicle components           dominated by local brands, and Tesla was the only


                                                                       © Preqin Ltd.                  3
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

foreign brand in the top 10 lists of both overall brand      combustion engines and exhaust systems, are losing
and nameplate sales, ranking second with a 13.4%             their importance.
market share.
                                                             China is the leading frontier for electric and other
The reason for global OEMs’ weak performance                 advanced technology vehicles. Chinese OEMs and
in China’s booming electric market is that their             suppliers are well-positioned and have a first mover
NEVs lack the features that consumers expect. The            advantage. For example, Chinese manufacturers are
attractiveness of today's electric vehicles is not           emerging as leaders in the field of electro-mobility,
just derived from the power source. In the Chinese           with battery maker CATL recording high growth,
market particularly, smart and network connectivity          controlling 50% of the market share in the world’s
have become fundamental product features and                 battery manufacturing sector.
major components of NEVs. In our view, start-up
automakers in China perform notably better in                Innovative start-ups will continue to shape the future
innovation when compared to other automakers,                of mobility. More Chinese enterprises are entering
exceeding them in both the adoption of advanced              the race with Silicon Valley tech companies. Though
technologies and the user experience.                        their revenues may remain low, their influence on
                                                             the supplier industry is growing by leaps and bounds.
Just as in the transition between smartphones                For instance, in 2021, German supplier Continental
and traditional cellphones, the focus of Chinese             AG signed an agreement with Chinese AI start-up
consumers is no longer just on durability, but on            Horizon Robotics to establish a joint venture in
including online and offline applications, as well as a      Shanghai to integrate Horizon Robotics’ AI-enabled
myriad of smart eco-experiences. By this standard,           processors and algorithms into Continental’s smart
most foreign brands’ products are viewed as basic            cameras and control units for advanced driver-
smart electric vehicles, still in the fuel car era in        assistance systems and automated driving.
terms of product definition. Path dependence and
inertia in product positioning constrain their ability       Based on our team's 20-plus years of experience in
to innovate. It's easy to see why they are not as            China's auto industry, we believe that technological
competitive as new entrants such as Tesla and NIO.           advances in the energy and information fields
                                                             are transforming the global auto industry and
Technological edge                                           providing unprecedented opportunities. In the past
The transformation of the automotive industry will           decade, CSC has invested more than RMB 15bn
not stop with the electrification of the powertrain.         in over 30 companies in the NEV sector, covering
New digitalization possibilities will open up other          OEM, batteries, motors, electric drivetrains, power
fields, such as automated driving, mobility services,        electronics, materials, operating systems, and
vehicle connectivity, and big-data applications. In          microchips, hydrogen fuel cells, and more. Rapid
moving from motorized vehicles to digital mobility           innovation and robust domestic demand are creating
products, the future of NEVs will be emission and            strong momentum that investors and fund managers
accident-free, electrical, autonomous, and fully             can leverage to capitalize on the opportunities in
networked. As we edge closer to such a future,               this sector.
manufacturers of traditional components, such as

    CS Capital ("CSC") is one of the largest private equity investment firms headquartered in Beijing with
    over RMB 100bn of AUM from a diversified investor base. Riding on the need for advances in technology,
    tech-enabled services, smart devices, and next-generation communication networks in China’s NEV and
    healthcare industries, CSC invests in companies with attractive prospects for growth driven by anticipated
    emerging trends and proven technological advantages and has generated strong returns for its LPs over a
    ten-year period.

                                                                      © Preqin Ltd.                4
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

Key developments in
China’s economy
China lowered its GDP growth target amid policy maneuvers toward
‘common prosperity’ and ‘dual circulation’, while geopolitical tensions
add uncertainty to the growth of private markets

The Chinese government announced its GDP target                                         In pursuit of ‘common prosperity’
of around 5.5% growth in March this year, the lowest                                    To improve domestic demand and consumption,
compared to prior decades. This target was over 6%                                      China has announced the Dual Circulation Policy,
last year, which the country met with an expansion                                      aiming to increase domestic consumption while
of 8.1%. The lower GDP target for 2022 extends from                                     maintaining openness to international investments.
the policy pivot announced in the 14th five-year plan,                                  This departs from the previous export-led economic
which now focuses on ‘high-quality GDP growth’.                                         model, which allowed China’s economy to grow at
This means that China will rebalance its economy in                                     an average of 9% from 1989 to 2021 as the world’s
three key aspects:                                                                      low-cost factory. China now wants to transition its
• to focus on domestic demand and consumption                                           manufacturing sector to key high-end sectors such
     rather than external;                                                              as electrical equipment, information technology,
• to move from reliance on the state to the private                                     robotics, and new energy vehicles (NEVs)4 as part
     markets, and                                                                       of the ambitious Made in China 2025 program. It's
• to transition from a high to a low-carbon                                             already a global leader in the NEV sector. As early as
     economy.3                                                                          2017, Chinese cities were using electric buses as a


Fig. 1: Nominal GDP

























                                                                                                                                              Source: World Bank

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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   mode of public transport,5 and in 2021 alone, China                                                    Policy impact on private capital
   exported nearly 500,000 electric vehicles – more than                                                  Moving from a reliance on the state to the private
   half of the world’s total output.6                                                                     markets has been a theoretical goal since then
                                                                                                          leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Xiao
   At the core of the Dual Circulation Policy is the                                                      Ping, famously said in the 1960s: “Black cat or white
   ideology of ‘common prosperity’— that the fruits of                                                    cat, if it can catch mice, it’s a good cat.” However,
   economic development are primarily shared by the                                                       in recent years, the role of the state in the economy
   Chinese people in an equitable way. To that end, the                                                   has in fact been strengthened. Last year’s regulatory
   government increased taxes to distribute income                                                        shake-ups sent strong signals to private markets
   from the rich to the poor, announced curbs on tax                                                      that paying attention to China’s long-term policy
   evasion, limited working hours in the tech sector,                                                     decisions is key to investing in China. Conversely,
   and banned for-profit tutoring, among other moves.                                                     ignoring signs and messages from the government is
   At the same time, it set borrowing thresholds under                                                    done at investors’ peril. In edtech, GPs and LPs failed
   ‘three red lines’ for property developers to rein in                                                   to respond to signs that the government planned to
   excessive credit and take the heat out of a potential                                                  regulate the sector, only to have their businesses
   housing bubble. Housing prices and sales have fallen                                                   severely affected by the ban on for-profit tutoring.
   as a result.                                                                                           Similarly, borrowing limits for real estate developers
                                                                                                          were announced in August 2020, but developers did
   A major headwind to economic growth for China is                                                       not act quickly to comply.
   a looming demographic challenge. Its population is
   rapidly ageing—the number of people aged 65 and                                                        China’s consumer tech industry is arguably among
   older has increased by 60% over the past 10 years,                                                     those hardest hit by regulatory pressure. The
   and now account for almost 14% of the population,                                                      Chinese government ordered ride-hailing platform
   according to the latest census, released in May                                                        Didi to stop user registration last year ahead of its
   2020.7 While this is still lower than other developed                                                  planned $4.4bn IPO on the New York Stock Exchange,
   economies – 21% in the European Union and 28% in                                                       citing data security concerns. Instead, Didi has
   Japan8 – the pace of ageing may lead to a shrinking                                                    plans to delist from the US and list in Hong Kong.
   workforce, posing problems for productivity and                                                        E-commerce giant Alibaba and food delivery giant
   social spending.                                                                                       Meituan were investigated by antitrust authorities





   Fig 2: Domestic consumption

Final domestic consumption


        (% of GDP)


























                                                                                                                                                                 Source: World Bank

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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

for alleged monopolistic conduct in their respective                              regulations surrounding environmental information
sectors.9 Last month, China’s top regulator signaled                              disclosure, and in December 2021, the Ministry
that streaming services, social networks and online                               of Ecology and Environment released new
messaging services will have to restrict children’s                               environmental disclosure rules. The rules came
usage, in line with requirements for online gaming                                into effect in February 2022, mandating that five
platforms. Failing to do so might bring about                                     types of enterprises must disclose environmental
administrative penalties. The announcement                                        information, including key polluting enterprises, and
triggered a sell-off in the shares of Chinese                                     listed companies at all levels.10 These developments
internet companies.                                                               will spur investments in sustainability-related
                                                                                  sectors, such as NEVs and renewable energy.
Investors and fund managers have grown cautious
with regard to investing in Greater China. According                              Geopolitical tensions
to a survey conducted by Preqin in November 2021,                                 This year, all eyes are on how the Russian invasion
27% of private equity fund managers said that they                                of Ukraine will impact on the Chinese economy and
will be targeting China in the next 12 months, which                              US-China relations. China has not condemned the
is significantly lower than 38% in 2020.                                          war nor imposed sanctions, compared with severe
                                                                                  sanctions by many other nations. Many countries
On the other hand, there is evidence that Asia-based                              have cut Russian banks off from SWIFT, the global
fund managers remain committed to China. With four                                cross-border payments messaging system, isolating
offices in the Greater China region, global venture                               the country and limiting its ability to access foreign
capital firm Sequoia Capital invested $20bn across                                reserves. According to US sources, Russia has asked
over 200 deals. It is currently raising four funds                                China for military equipment to support its invasion
dedicated to Chinese investments. Local private                                   of Ukraine,11 and if China extends help, the US has
equity firms such as IDG Capital, Primavera Capital                               said the consequences will be severe.
and Oceanpine Capital have continued making
venture capital investments. The country’s tech                                   Underlying these hot-button issues is the ongoing
giants have also actively participated in China-based                             US-China trade war, which persists despite the
venture capital deals, with e-commerce powerhouse                                 change in US administration. Biden has not undone
Alibaba Group participating in 47 deals amounting to                              tariffs levied by his predecessor on China, which may
$5.2bn, and TikTok-owner ByteDance participating in                               have negatively impacted dealmaking. More crucially,
over 50 deals worth $1.3bn in 2021.                                               Chinese companies listed in the US markets now face
                                                                                  challenges amid more stringent rules set by the US
The nationwide push towards decarbonization will                                  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under
generate new investment opportunities. China has                                  the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act. The
announced its goal of achieving carbon neutrality                                 regulator will ban foreign companies listed in the
by 2060 and launched its national carbon market                                   US from trading if their auditors do not comply with
in July 2021 with the aim of becoming the world’s                                 requests for information. Fast food giant Yum China
largest. The National Emissions Trading Scheme                                    and biotechnology group BeiGene are some of the
aims to consolidate the seven regional pilot markets                              companies named by the SEC, which will be forced to
that enable trading in carbon emissions allowances.                               delist from the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq
Carbon trading infrastructure and capabilities are set                            exchange if their three-year audit records cannot be
for further improvement in the country.                                           inspected. However, Beijing has blocked the Chinese
                                                                                  auditors of these companies from complying with
Additionally, ESG reporting is becoming more                                      such requests, with the exception of companies that
important in China. Last year, significant progress                               do not gather sensitive data.12
was made as Shenzhen started to implement


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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

Local Chinese authorities continue to be open to                                suspending public transport. Almost all Chinese
foreign investments. Some have released investment                              cities require visitors to complete a minimum 14-
plans worth billions of dollars and introduced                                  day centralized quarantine at a designated facility.
incentives to attract foreign investment in advanced                            The capital city of Beijing has the strictest rules—
technology. At the same time, China has revised the                             visitors must also self-isolate at home for another
Negative Lists that govern foreign investments under                            seven days and monitor themselves for yet another
the 2021 National List and 2021 Pilot Free Trade                                seven days. These measures have caused business
Zones List. These lists further remove restrictions on                          uncertainty and strain supply chains, and could affect
foreign investment in certain industries in China. For                          the flow of foreign investments.
instance, foreign investors can now invest in vehicle
manufacturing in the same way as Chinese domestic                               Understanding the challenges and headwinds
investors.13                                                                    ahead, investors’ attitudes are mixed towards China.
                                                                                Some have hit pause, while others believe that
COVID-19 headwinds                                                              paying attention to China’s long-term strategies and
Moving into the second half of 2022, industry players                           investing in key growth sectors, such as robotics
are observing whether China can maintain with                                   and NEVs, can remain a winning strategy. Despite
its zero COVID-19 policy, even as the rest of the                               regulatory risks, China remains an emerging
world relaxes restrictions. Chinese authorities have                            economy, open to foreign investments, with a
continued to rein in new outbreaks by introducing                               burgeoning middle class.
strict measures such as city-wide lockdowns and


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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   Navigating uncertainty
   in China’s PEVC
   Deal activity remains strong despite regulatory risks, but IPOs remain

   Private equity and venture capital (PEVC) industries                            There was also a huge increase in the number of
   account for an overwhelming $1.78tn of the                                      buyout deals. A total of 223 deals were concluded,
   $1.92tn total private capital industry assets under                             up 69% year on year, amounting to $33bn (Fig. 6).
   management (AUM) based in Greater China (as                                     Aggregate deal value was up only 9%, however,
   of June 2021). Venture capital AUM, which stood                                 indicating that the average deal size has shrunk.
   at $675bn as of June 2021, grew by 34% since
   December 2020 (Fig. 3).                                                         In terms of fundraising, 194 Greater China-focused
                                                                                   PEVC funds closed in 2021, the lowest since 2009,
   Despite regulatory shake-ups in private markets                                 and 45% lower year on year. Interestingly, despite
   last year, a total of 5,611 venture capital deals                               significantly fewer funds closing in 2021, they raised
   were completed in 2021, up 34% year on year. The                                an aggregate of $72bn, surpassing the previous
   aggregate deal value of $133bn is 48% more than the                             year’s $50bn by 43%. Venture capital funds raised
   previous year and more than double that of 2019 (Fig.                           the most at $25bn, or 35% of the total, followed by
   4). Dry powder climbed to record levels, reaching                               growth funds, which raised $22bn, or 30% of the total
   $105bn as of June 2021.                                                         (Fig. 10).

   Fig 3: Greater China-based private equity assets under management by fund type, 2010 - 2021

Asset under management


                                 Dec-10   Dec-11   Dec-12   Dec-13   Dec-14   Dec-15   Dec-16    Dec-17   Dec-18   Dec-19   Dec-20   Jun-21

                                                                Venture Capital    Growth       Buyout    Others

                                                                                                                               Source: Preqin Pro

                                                                                            © Preqin Ltd.                      10
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   Fundraising of RMB funds continued to fall from                                 giants Tencent Holdings and Ant Group. This also
   the highs between 2016 and 2018, which saw the                                  illustrates that the line between private equity and
   aggregate capital raised per year average over                                  venture capital is blurring, as private equity players
   $100bn. In 2021, 135 RMB funds raised $27bn, or                                 enter the venture capital space to buy companies at
   34% lower than 2020, reflecting decreased demand                                lower valuations.
   from domestic investors. On the other hand, there
   was a spike in USD funds the same year as 57 USD                                In the buyout space, the $6.6bn bail-out of Hong
   funds raised a record $45bn, 49% higher than the                                Kong-based investment holding company Huarong
   previous record in 2019.                                                        International Financial Holdings was the largest
                                                                                   deal in 2021 and 2022 year to date. Led by state
   For the first time since 2008, the capital raised by                            enterprise CITIC Group, it prevented Huarong from
   USD funds overtook RMB funds in 2021 (Fig. 11).                                 defaulting on billions of dollars in international debt,
   This trend looks set to continue as international LPs                           effectively preventing a Lehman Brothers situation in
   seek a presence in China’s promising policy-aligned                             China. Huarong is known as China’s largest bad-debt
   sectors. For instance, NIO Capital, an investment                               manager, and it incurred a huge loss last year. The
   firm under the electric vehicle maker NIO, recently                             rescue of Huarong contrasts with the treatment of
   achieved final close of a flagship USD venture fund                             privately held Evergrande, which did not get bailed
   at $376mn. The fund will focus on investments in                                out despite having over $300bn in liabilities.
   energy, automobiles, and deep technology industries.
                                                                                   Exits under scrutiny
   PEVC opportunities in property                                                  Chinese tech start-ups attempting to file for IPOs
   The property sector saw more venture capital and                                on US stock exchange are being scrutinized by
   buyout deals in the aftermath of regulatory changes.                            both the US Securities and Exchange Commission
   The largest in 2021 was the $6.0bn pre-IPO (initial                             (SEC) and Chinese regulators. The SEC requires
   public offering) round of Beijing-based Wanda Light                             Chinese companies listing on US stock exchanges
   Asset Commercial Management, the commercial                                     to disclose whether they are owned or controlled by
   property management unit of conglomerate Dalian                                 a government entity, and to allow audit inspections.
   Wanda Group. The round was led by Hong Kong-                                    However, Chinese regulators forbid start-ups from
   based private equity firm PAG and pushed the                                    allowing foreign audit inspections, with the exception
   business’ valuation to $28bn post-money. Other                                  of companies that do not gather sensitive data. Back
   investors included property developer Country                                   home, China has launched domestic tech boards
   Garden, private equity firm CITIC Capital, and tech                             STAR and ChiNext with registration-based public

   Fig 4: Number and aggregate deal value of venture capital deals* in Greater China, 2018 - 2022 YTD
                                                                                                                                                 Aggregate deal value ($bn)
No. of deals

                                                                                                        Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022
   *Figures exclude add-ons, grants, mergers, secondary stock purchases, and venture debt

                                                                                            © Preqin Ltd.                        11
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   offering rules, but scrutiny from regulators has                                 program in Shanghai that allows investment shares
   caused IPO applicants to withdraw filing plans.14                                of PEVC firms to be transferred, which was approved
                                                                                    in November 2021.16
   While Chinese tech start-ups can still IPO on the
   Hong Kong Stock Exchange, they are still at risk                                 Key growth sectors
   from policy changes. TikTok-owner ByteDance, one                                 Investors now seek to invest in line with top-level
   of China’s largest decacorns, has delayed plans to                               policy to manage risks. The Chinese government
   file an IPO in Hong Kong to address data security                                favors sectors relating to core technologies, such
   concerns around how it stores and manages                                        as semiconductors, 5G applications, the Internet of
   consumer information.                                                            Things, and autonomous driving. In the 14th five-
                                                                                    year plan, the Chinese government announced that,
   In terms of buyout exits, a record 61 deals were                                 under the Made in China 2025 program, it will also
   completed in 2021, amounting to $11bn, which is                                  boost development in the following sectors: new
   46% higher than 2020 (Fig. 7). Almost half of the                                materials, new energy, aerospace, biotechnology,
   buyout exits in 2021 were IPOs. The largest deal was                             advanced manufacturing, and integrated circuits.
   the trade sale of Hong Kong-based forwarder Apex                                 Sustainability-related sectors will also do well
   Logistics International to Swiss logistics provider                              as China will require private capital to achieve its
   Kuehne + Nagel. The takeover is part of Kuehne +                                 ambitious goal of transitioning to a carbon-neutral
   Nagel’s expansion in Asia after consolidating its                                economy by 2060. Given the difficulties of listing and
   footprint in Europe and North America.15                                         operating in the US, investors will also back domestic
                                                                                    companies seeking regional expansion while avoiding
   As IPO exits become challenging, the number of                                   those with a long-term plan to expand into the US.
   secondary sales to GPs has increased. Fourteen
   buyout deals were sold and acquired by private equity                            These will be key growth sectors for potential
   firms in 2021, more than tripling that of 2020 (Fig                              investors, offering plentiful dealmaking opportunities
   7). There were also 18 sales to GPs in the venture                               in China’s PEVC industries. Challenges in listing may
   capital space, doubling that of 2019 (Fig. 5). This                              affect long-term investor confidence but could also
   trend could be due to institutional investors seeking                            contribute to the growth of China’s secondary buyout
   to sell early before listing portfolio companies and                             market.
   is helped by regulatory changes such as the pilot


   Fig 5: Venture capital exits in Greater China by type (number and aggregate deal value), 2018 - 2022 YTD
                                                                                                                                                  Aggregate exit value ($bn)
No. of exits

                                                                                                         Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022

                                                                                              © Preqin Ltd.                       12
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   Fig 6: Number and aggregate value of buyout deals in Greater China, 2018 - 2022 YTD

                                                                                                                       Aggregate exit value ($bn)
No. of exits

                                                                              Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022

   Fig 7: Buyout exits in Greater China by type, 2018 - 2022 YTD

                                                                                                                       Aggregate exit value ($bn)
No. of exits

                                                                             Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022

                                                                   © Preqin Ltd.                       13
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

     Fig 8: Largest decacorns in China

                                             Post-money       Total no. of    Primary
     Portfolio company                      valuation ($bn) funding rounds    industry                     Verticals

                                                                              Financial           Processing & payment
     Ant Group Co., Ltd.                         150             10
                                                                              services         infrastructure, mobile apps
                                                                                                Machine learning, mobile
     ByteDance Ltd.                              100             13            Media
                                                                                                  apps, social media
                                                                                                 Artificial intelligence, big
     Cainiao Network Technology Co.,                                         Logistics &         data, cloud computing, iot
                                                 29               4
     Ltd                                                                     distribution       (internet of things), mobile
                                                                                                   Artificial intelligence, Digital Technology                                                Financial         financial data, blockchain,
                                                 28               6
     Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                       services        lending, wealth management,
                                                                                                        mobile apps
     Xingyin Information Technology
                                                 20               8           Internet          E-commerce, mobile apps
     (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
     Beijing Yuanli Education
                                                 17              11           Software              Edtech, mobile apps
     Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                Artificial intelligence, big
                                                                              Financial          data, blockchain, cloud
     Qianhai Webank Bank Co Ltd                  16               3
                                                                              services         computing, fintech, mobile
     SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.                 15               8                           Artificial intelligence, drones
                                                                                              E-commerce, manufacturing,
     SheIn Group Limited                         15               5           Internet
                                                                                                    mobile apps
     Genki Forest Beverage Co. Ltd               15               6                                           N/A
                                                                                          Source: Preqin Pro, Data as of February 2022

     Fig. 9: Greater China-focused private equity & venture capital fundraising, 2008 - 2022 YTD*

                                                                                                                                Aggregated capital raised
No. of funds closed


                                                                                          Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022
     *Excluding Government Guidance Funds

                                                                             © Preqin Ltd.                                14
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

   Fig. 10: Aggregate capital raised by Greater China-focused private equity & venture capital funds by
   fund type, 2008 - 2022 YTD*

Aggregate capital raised


                                 2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015    2016     2017   2018     2019   2020    2021     2022
                                                                           Year of final close

                                                                Buyout     Venture capital       Growth   Others
                                                                                                           Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022

   Fig 11: Aggregate capital raised by Greater China-focused private equity & venture capital funds: RMB- vs.
   USD-denominated funds, 2008 - 2022 YTD*
Aggregate capital raised

                                                                                                           Source: Preqin Pro. Data as of February 2022
   *Excluding Government Guidance Funds

                                                                                                 © Preqin Ltd.                      15
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

League tables
Fig. 12: Top performing Greater China-focused RMB-denominated private equity & venture capital funds
(vintages 2017-2019)

                                                                 Fund size               Net IRR        Date
Rank Fund                                    Firm      Vintage   (RMB mn)    Fund type    (%)         reported

1     EGP RMB Fund I                      Growth        2019       350                    108.0      30-Jun-21
                                        Immensus                              Venture
2     Immensus RMB Fund I                               2018       340                    83.0       30-Jun-21
                                          Capital                            (general)
                                           Unity                              Venture
3     Beijng Jiuhe Ruizhi Fund                          2019       507                    47.9       31-Dec-21
                                         Ventures                            (general)
                                        Eminence                              Venture
4     Eminence Ventures RMB I                           2017       100                    33.5       31-Dec-21
                                        Ventures                             (general)
5     Eastern Bell Capital RMB Fund V                   2018       735        Growth      31.7       30-Jun-21
                                        Bell Capital
                                          Hanne                               Venture
6     Hanne Capital RMB Fund I                          2018        64                    30.5       30-Jun-21
                                          Capital                            (general)
                                          Redhill                             Venture
7     Redhill Venture Fund                              2018        74                    28.2       31-Mar-21
                                          Capital                            (general)
8     Ally Capital RMB Fund II          Ally Capital    2017        75                    28.0       31-Dec-21
      Hidden Hill Modern Logistics      Hidden Hill
9                                                       2018       1,569      Growth      28.0       30-Sep-21
      Private Equity Fund                 Capital
                                        Langsheng                             Venture
10    Langsheng Investment Fund IV                      2017       500                    14.4       30-Jun-21
                                        Investment                           (general)

                                                                                                   Source: Preqin Pro

                                                                     © Preqin Ltd.                16
Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

Fig. 13: Top performing Greater China-focused USD-denominated private equity & venture capital funds
(vintages 2017-2019)

                                                                       Fund size                   Net IRR         Date
Rank Fund                                         Firm       Vintage   (USD mn)      Fund type      (%)          reported

         Loyal Valley Capital Advantage       Loyal Valley
1                                                             2018        390            Growth      83.0       30-Sep-21
         Fund I                                 Capital
                                                                                    Expansion /
2        GGV Capital VI Plus                  GGV Capital     2017        250                        58.5       30-Sep-21
                                                                                     late stage
3        HighLight Capital USD Fund II                        2017        250            Growth      58.0       30-Jun-21
4        Eastern Bell Capital USD Fund I                      2019        365            Growth      49.2       30-Jun-21
                                              Bell Capital
         Loyal Valley Capital Advantage       Loyal Valley
5                                                             2019        465            Growth      47.0       30-Sep-21
         Fund II                                Capital
                                               Eminence                               Venture
6        Eminence China Enterprise Fund                       2017         22                        45.2       31-Dec-21
                                               Ventures                              (general)
                                                Lilly Asia                            Venture
7        Lilly Asia Ventures Fund IV                          2017        450                        43.6       30-Jun-21
                                                Ventures                             (general)
8        IDG Breyer Capital Fund               IDG Capital    2019        2,870          Growth      42.3       30-Jun-21
9        Lyfe Capital USD Fund II             Lyfe Capital    2017        288       Early stage      41.8       30-Sep-21
10       IDG China Venture Capital Fund V      IDG Capital    2017        590                        39.0       30-Jun-21

                                                                                                             Source: Preqin Pro

Fig. 14: Largest Greater China-based private equity & venture capital funds closed in five years (2017-2021)

                                                             Fund size                                        Final close
Rank Fund                                      Firm            (mn)         Fund type       Industry focus       date

     1    Boyu Capital Fund V              Boyu Capital      5,000 USD          Growth        Diversified      15-Jul-21
     2    Ningbo Hongxi Fund                                 24,000 RMB         Growth        Diversified      14-Mar-18
                                          Venture Capital
                                            Zheshang                          Venture
     3    Hangzhou Fenhua Fund                               25,010 RMB                       Diversified      14-Sep-18
                                          Venture Capital                    (general)
     4    Boyu Capital Fund IV             Boyu Capital      3,600 USD          Growth        Diversified      08-Mar-19
     5    IDG Breyer Capital Fund           IDG Capital      2,870 USD          Growth                         23-Aug-21
                                                                                             telecoms &
     6    DCP Capital Fund I               DCP Capital       2,500 USD          Growth        Diversified      16-Apr-19
     7    Yunfeng Fund III                  YF Capital       2,500 USD                        Diversified      03-Aug-18
          FountainVest China Growth        FountainVest
     8                                                       2,100 USD          Growth        Diversified      22-Sep-16
          Partners III                       Partners
          Morningside China USD                                                              Information
     9                                      5Y Capital       1,700 USD          Growth                         12-Apr-21
          Fund II                                                                             technology
          Xiong'An Global Blockchain          Tunlan                       Early stage:       Business
    10                                                       1,600 USD                                         09-Apr-18
          Innovation Fund                   Investment                      start-up          services
                                                                                                             Source: Preqin Pro

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Preqin Territory Guide: Greater China 2022

Fig. 15: Most consistent top performing fund managers (all vintages)

                                                             Overall no.      No. of
                                                              of funds        funds     No. of funds      Average
                                                            with quartile     in top     in second        quartile
Rank Firm                             Headquarters            ranking        quartile     quartile        ranking

  1      Capital Today           Hong Kong SAR, China             3             2            1                1.3
  2      HighLight Capital          Shanghai, China               5             3            2                1.4
  2      Principle Capital          Shanghai, China               5             3            2                1.4
  4                              Hong Kong SAR, China             6             4            1                1.5
  5      Eminence Ventures          Shanghai, China               3             1            2                1.7
         Hillhouse Capital
  5                                   Beijing, China              3             1            2                1.7
         CAS Investment
  7                                   Beijing, China              4             2            1                1.8
  7      Harvest Capital            Shanghai, China               4             2            1                1.8
  7      Joy Capital                  Beijing, China              4             2            1                1.8
 10      Eastern Bell Capital       Shanghai, China               6             2            3                2.0
                                                                                                       Source: Preqin Pro

      For more such league tables and information on these funds,
      login to Preqin Pro. If you are not a Preqin Pro user currently,
      please book a consultative demo with us today.

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