Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners, Focusing on the Mindray Resona 7

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Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners, Focusing on the Mindray Resona 7
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Premium General-Purpose
Ultrasound Scanners, Focusing
on the Mindray Resona 7
A Report Excerpted from the Device Evaluation Website | May 2021

Also Includes Ratings and Purchasing Advice for:
Canon Medical Systems Aplio i800
Philips Healthcare Epiq Elite
Samsung RS85 Prestige
Siemens Healthcare Solutions Acuson Sequoia
Siemens Healthineers Acuson S3000 HELX Evolution with Touch Control
Toshiba America Medical Systems Aplio 500

The Most Trusted Voice in Healthcare                                  e | w   |
This report reprints material from the Device Evaluation website as of December 22, 2020. It does not reflect modifications that may
have been made after that date.
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We evaluate a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, examining safety, effectiveness, cost, human factors, and other
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Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound
Scanners, Focusing on the Mindray Resona 7
A Report Excerpted from the Device Evaluation Website | May 2021

This report focuses on our Evaluation of the Mindray Resona 7 premium general-purpose ultrasound scanner. For perspective, it
also includes our findings for the other products we evaluated: the Canon Medical Systems Aplio i800, Philips Healthcare Epiq Elite,
Samsung RS85 Prestige, Siemens Healthcare Solutions Acuson Sequoia, Siemens Healthineers Acuson S3000 HELX Evolution with
Touch Control, and Toshiba America Medical Systems Aplio 500.
A summary of our findings is presented below and on the next 5 pages. Our detailed Evaluation results for the Resona 7 begin on page 9.

                                                                                                                                                                          Cost of
                           Where                                                                    Patient        Interop-      Cyber-                      User         over Seven
Model                      Marketed      Rating            Performance      Safety    Workflow      Experience     erability     security    Maintenance     Experience   Years
Mindray Resona 7           Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Good          Not            Good          Good        Good            Good         Good;
Last updated 6/2019                                                                                 evaluated                                                             $137,000

Canon Aplio i800           Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Excellent     Not            Good          Good        Good            Good         Good;
Last updated 11/2019                                                                                evaluated                                                             $220,000

Philips Epiq Elite         Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Good          Not            Good          Good        Good            Good         Good;
Last updated 12/2020                                                                                evaluated                                                             $190,000

Samsung RS85 Prestige      Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Fair          Not            Good          Good        Good            Excellent    Good;
Last updated 12/2020                                                                                evaluated                                                             $210,000

Siemens Acuson S3000       Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Excellent     Not            Good          Not         Good            Good         Good;
HELX Evolution with                                                                                 evaluated                    evalu-                                   $220,000
Touch Control                                                                                                                    ated
Last updated 6/2017

Siemens Acuson Sequoia     Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Good          Not            Good          Good        Good            Excellent    Good;
Last updated 12/2020                                                                                evaluated                                                             $200,000

Toshiba Aplio 500          Worldwide                       Excellent        Good      Good          Not            Good          Not         Good            Good         Good;
Last updated 11/2016                                                                                evaluated                    evalu-                                   $152,000

©2021 ECRI                                                                                           e |            w          |                | 3
                         ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Summary of Findings: Premium
General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners
MINDRAY RESONA 7                                                                          CANON MEDICAL SYSTEMS APLIO I800
Rating                                                                                    Rating

Findings                                                                                  Where Marketed
The Resona 7 is a premium general-purpose ultrasound scan-                                As of the time of publication, this product is sold worldwide.
ner that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler capabilities and
supports a wide range of transducers for general imaging appli-                           Findings
cations. A number of options are available that have the potential                        The Aplio i800 is a premium general-purpose ultrasound scanner
to enhance the clinical performance of the scanner, as well as                            that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler capabilities and sup-
improve workflow.                                                                         ports a wide range of transducers for general imaging applications.
Our rating is based on the following findings:                                            We evaluated the device for both general-purpose (GP) applica-
                                                                                          tions and obstetric and gynecologic (OB/GYN) applications. A num-
Performance—Excellent. The Resona 7 met our required B-mode
                                                                                          ber of options are available that have the potential to enhance the
and Doppler performance criteria. The scanner demonstrated
                                                                                          clinical performance of the scanner, as well as improve workflow.
advantages in its optional advanced technologies of strain and
                                                                                          Our ratings are based on the following findings:
shear-wave elastography, fusion imaging and needle navigation,
and contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging.                                                 Performance—Excellent (GP applications); Good (OB/GYN
                                                                                          applications). The Aplio i800’s advantages include the optional
Safety—Good. The Resona 7 met our safety criteria, including
                                                                                          advanced technologies of strain and shear-wave elastography,
fulfilling all recommendations in the Industry Standards for the
                                                                                          fusion imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, excellent
Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Sonogra-
                                                                                          B-mode axial resolution, and strain imaging for fetal echocardiog-
phy, published by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
                                                                                          raphy studies.
Workflow—Good. The Resona 7 met our required workflow criteria
                                                                                          Safety—Good (GP and OB/GYN). The scanner met our required
and demonstrated advantages in being able to simultaneously
                                                                                          safety criteria, including those pertaining to the Industry Standards
display in real time conventional B-mode and contrast-enhanced
                                                                                          for the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
ultrasound data, and for having multiple ways to import data for
                                                                                          in Sonography, published by the Society of Diagnostic Medi-
fusion imaging.
                                                                                          cal Sonography.
Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
                                                                                          Workflow—Excellent (GP); Good (OB/GYN). The scanner met our
a purchasing factor for these devices.
                                                                                          required workflow criteria, and has advantages related to automat-
Interoperability—Good. The Resona 7 met our required interop-
                                                                                          ed gynecologic data acquisition, measurement, and calculation
erability criteria. The scanner can communicate via Ethernet with
                                                                                          capabilities, as well as other features that enhance its usability for
a hospital information system (HIS) and picture archiving and
                                                                                          both conventional and advanced GP applications.
communication system (PACS). Wi-Fi is available as an option.
                                                                                          Patient Experience—Not evaluated. Patient experience is not a
Cybersecurity—Good. The scanner met our required cybersecu-
                                                                                          purchasing factor for these devices.
rity criteria.
                                                                                          Interoperability—Good (GP and OB/GYN). The Aplio i800 met our
Maintenance—Good. The vendor does not specify the frequency
                                                                                          required interoperability criteria. The scanner can communicate
of inspection and preventive maintenance procedures, allowing
                                                                                          via Ethernet with a hospital information system (HIS) and picture
facilities to set their own frequency.
                                                                                          archiving and communication system (PACS). Wi-Fi is available
User Experience—Good. Surveyed users confirmed the findings                               as an option.
of our tests.
                                                                                          Cybersecurity—Good (GP and OB/GYN). The scanner met our
Cost of Ownership—Good; $137,000 (estimated) over seven years                             required cybersecurity criteria.

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |            w       |   | 4
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Summary of Findings: Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners

Maintenance—Good (GP and OB/GYN). The vendor recommends                                   Our rating is based on the following findings:
annual inspection and preventive maintenance. Several mainte-                             Performance—Excellent. The Epiq Elite met ECRI’s required perfor-
nance options are available.                                                              mance criteria, including supporting advanced modes such as
User Experience—Good (GP and OB/GYN). Surveyed users con-                                 elastography, contrast-enhanced imaging, 3D/4D, fusion imaging,
firmed the findings of our Evaluation.                                                    and needle navigation. The scanner offers the vendor’s Micro Flow
Cost of Ownership—Good (GP and OB/GYN). Estimated at                                      Imaging HD (MFI HD) advanced blood flow detection mode.
$220,000 for GP applications and $230,000 for OB/GYN applications                         Safety—Good. The scanner met our required safety criteria.
over seven years. Note that these calculations are based on prices                        Workflow—Good. The Epiq Elite demonstrated workflow ad-
for the United States, a major market for the product.                                    vantages in having a battery-operated standby mode and Auto
                                                                                          Color, which is an automated image optimization feature for color
Considerations for Challenging Environments
                                                                                          Doppler imaging (CDI).
No significant challenges or concerns. The Aplio i800 is designed
                                                                                          Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
to be used in a controlled hospital environment by trained
                                                                                          a purchasing factor for these devices.
operators. Hospitals have biomedical engineers to perform
                                                                                          Interoperability—Good. The scanner met our required interopera-
preventive maintenance, and service contracts that include OEM
                                                                                          bility criteria.
service are common.
                                                                                          Cybersecurity—Good. The manufacturer has completed ECRI’s
PHILIPS HEALTHCARE EPIQ ELITE                                                             cybersecurity questionnaire, which allows us to identify the cyber-
                                                                                          security capabilities of the scanner. We judged the responses to
Rating                                                                                    be satisfactory.
                                                                                          Maintenance—Good. The scanner met our required mainte-
                                                                                          nance criteria.
Where Marketed                                                                            User Experience—Good. Surveyed users confirmed the findings
                                                                                          of our tests.
As of the time of publication, this product is sold worldwide.
                                                                                          Cost of Ownership—Good; $190,000 (estimated) over seven years
Findings                                                                                  for an installation including four two-dimensional (2D) transducers
The Epiq Elite is a premium general-purpose ultrasound scan-                              commonly used for general-purpose applications. This calcula-
ner that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler capabilities and                              tion is based on prices for the United States, a major market for
supports a wide range of transducers for general imaging appli-                           the product.
cations. A number of options are available that have the potential
to enhance the clinical performance of the scanner, as well as
                                                                                          Considerations for Challenging Environments
improve workflow.                                                                         These scanners are typically used in hospital radiology depart-
                                                                                          ments and vascular laboratories by ultrasound imaging profes-
The Epiq Elite is a very good choice for general-purpose ultrasound
                                                                                          sionals. There are no significant concerns for use of this product
applications and, when configured with the required options, may
                                                                                          in challenging environments. However, users should be aware
be used for advanced applications that include strain and shear-
                                                                                          that there are limits for use of the device in extremely humid, cold,
wave elastography, contrast-enhanced imaging, fusion imaging,
                                                                                          or hot environments. Also, as with any ultrasound scanner, parts
needle navigation, and 3D and 4D (i.e., real-time 3D) imaging. The
                                                                                          and servicing in remote areas may involve delays and increased
scanner supports desirable workflow enhancements such as auto-
                                                                                          shipment costs.
mated image optimization features, as well as Wi-Fi connectivity.

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |            w       |   | 5
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Summary of Findings: Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners

SAMSUNG RS85 PRESTIGE                                                                     security capabilities of the scanner. We judged the responses to
                                                                                          be satisfactory.
Rating                                                                                    Maintenance—Good. The scanner met our required mainte-
                                                                                          nance criteria.
                                                                                          User Experience—Excellent. Surveyed users confirmed the find-
Where Marketed                                                                            ings of our tests.
As of the time of publication, this product is sold worldwide.                            Cost of Ownership—Good; $210,000 (estimated) over seven years
                                                                                          for an installation including four 2D transducers commonly used
Findings                                                                                  for general-purpose applications. This calculation is based on pric-
The Samsung RS85 Prestige is a premium general-purpose                                    es for the United States, a major market for the product. The RS85
ultrasound scanner that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler                                Prestige has a five-year warranty standard.
capabilities and supports a wide range of transducers for general
imaging applications. A number of options are available that have
                                                                                          Considerations for Challenging Environments
the potential to enhance the clinical performance of the scanner,                         These scanners are typically used in hospital radiology depart-
as well as improve workflow.                                                              ments and vascular laboratories by ultrasound imaging profes-
                                                                                          sionals. There are no significant concerns for use of this product
The RS85 Prestige is a good choice for general-purpose applica-
                                                                                          in challenging environments. However, users should be aware
tions and, when configured with the required options, may be
                                                                                          that there are limits for use of the device in extremely humid, cold,
used for advanced applications that include strain and shear-wave
                                                                                          or hot environments. Also, as with any ultrasound scanner, parts
elastography, contrast-enhanced imaging, fusion imaging, needle
                                                                                          and servicing in remote areas may involve delays and increased
navigation, and 3D and 4D (i.e., real-time 3D) imaging. The scanner
                                                                                          shipment costs.
supports desirable workflow enhancements such as automated
Doppler optimization features and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Our rating is based on the following findings:
                                                                                          SIEMENS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS
Performance—Excellent. The RS85 Prestige met ECRI’s required
                                                                                          ACUSON SEQUOIA
performance criteria, including supporting advanced modes such
as elastography, contrast-enhanced imaging, 3D/4D, fusion imag-
ing, and needle navigation. The scanner offers up to 43 cm (16.9 in)
of B-mode penetration and offers the vendor’s MV-Flow advanced
blood flow detection mode.                                                                Where Marketed
Safety—Good. The scanner met our required safety criteria.                                As of the time of publication, this product is sold worldwide.
Workflow—Fair. The RS85 Prestige offers automated data ac-
quisition features for general-purpose applications, but lacks an
                                                                                          The Sequoia is a premium general-purpose ultrasound scan-
effective automated B-mode image optimization feature.
                                                                                          ner that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler capabilities and
Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
                                                                                          supports a wide range of transducers for general imaging appli-
a purchasing factor for these devices.
                                                                                          cations. A number of options are available that have the potential
Interoperability—Good. The scanner met our required interopera-                           to enhance the clinical performance of the scanner, as well as
bility criteria.                                                                          improve workflow.
Cybersecurity—Good. The manufacturer has completed ECRI’s                                 The Sequoia is a very good choice for general-purpose applica-
cybersecurity questionnaire, which allows us to identify the cyber-                       tions and, when configured with the required options, may be

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |            w       |   | 6
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Summary of Findings: Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners

used for advanced applications that include strain and shear-wave                          SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS ACUSON S3000
elastography, contrast-enhanced imaging, fusion imaging, and
needle navigation. The scanner supports desirable workflow en-
                                                                                           HELX EVOLUTION WITH TOUCH CONTROL
hancements such as automated image optimization features and
Wi-Fi connectivity.
Our rating is based on the following findings:
Performance—Excellent. The scanner met ECRI’s required perfor-
mance criteria, including supporting advanced modes such as elas-
                                                                                           The Acuson S3000 HELX Evolution with Touch Control is a premium
tography, contrast-enhanced imaging, fusion imaging, and needle
                                                                                           general-purpose ultrasound scanner that offers B-mode, M-mode,
navigation. 3D and 4D (i.e., real-time 3D) imaging is supported on
                                                                                           and Doppler capabilities and supports a wide range of transducers
the endocavity probe. The scanner also offers up to 40 cm (15.7 in)
                                                                                           for general imaging applications. A number of options are available
B-mode penetration when using the DAX transducer, as well as the
                                                                                           that have the potential to enhance the clinical performance of the
vendor’s S-Flow advanced blood flow detection mode.
                                                                                           scanner as well as improve workflow.
Safety—Good. The scanner met our required safety criteria.
                                                                                           Our rating is based on the following findings:
Workflow—Good. The scanner offers a hibernation mode.
                                                                                           Performance—Excellent. The Acuson S3000 met all of our required
Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
                                                                                           B-mode and Doppler performance criteria. The scanner offers
a purchasing factor for these devices.
                                                                                           advantages in its optional advanced technologies of strain and
Interoperability—Good. The scanner met our required interopera-                            shear-wave elastography, fusion imaging and needle navigation,
bility criteria.                                                                           contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, and 3D and 4D imaging.
Cybersecurity—Good. The manufacturer has completed ECRI’s                                  Safety—Good. The scanner met all of our safety criteria, including
cybersecurity questionnaire, which allows us to identify the cyber-                        fulfilling all recommendations in the Industry Standards for the
security capabilities of the scanner. We judged the responses to                           Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Sonogra-
be satisfactory.                                                                           phy, published by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography,
Maintenance—Good. The scanner met our required mainte-                                     as well as ECRI’s established security criteria.
nance criteria.                                                                            Workflow—Excellent. The scanner met our workflow criteria and
User Experience—Excellent. Surveyed users confirmed the find-                              demonstrated several advantages that enhance its use for both
ings of our tests.                                                                         conventional and advanced applications.
Cost of Ownership—Good; $200,000 (estimated) over seven years                              Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
for an installation including four 2D transducers commonly used                            a purchasing factor for these devices.
for general-purpose applications. This calculation is based on pric-                       Interoperability—Good. The scanner can communicate via Ether-
es for the United States, a major market for the product.                                  net with a hospital information system (HIS) and picture archiving
                                                                                           and communication system (PACS). Wi-Fi is available as an option.
Considerations for Challenging Environments
                                                                                           Maintenance—Good. The scanner requires inspection and preven-
These scanners are typically used in hospital radiology depart-
                                                                                           tive maintenance once every 24 months.
ments and vascular laboratories by ultrasound imaging profes-
sionals. There are no significant concerns for use of this product                         User Experience—Good. Surveyed users confirmed our findings.
in challenging environments. However, users should be aware                                Cost of Ownership—Good. Based on ECRI’s SELECTplus database
that there are limits for use of the device in extremely humid, cold,                      of scanners in this category, the typical cost of the Acuson S3000
or hot environments. Also, as with any ultrasound scanner, parts                           HELX Evolution with Touch Control is higher than average.
and servicing in remote areas may involve delays and increased
shipment costs.

©2021 ECRI                                                                                        e |            w       |   | 7
                      ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Summary of Findings: Premium General-Purpose Ultrasound Scanners


The Aplio 500 is a premium general-purpose ultrasound scan-
ner that offers B-mode, M-mode, and Doppler capabilities and
supports a wide range of transducers for general imaging applica-
tions. A number of options are available that have the potential to
enhance the clinical performance of the scanner as well as improve
workflow. Our rating is based on the following findings:
Performance—Excellent. The Aplio 500 met all of our required
B-mode and Doppler performance criteria. The scanner received
advantages based on its optional advanced technologies of
strain and shear-wave elastography, fusion imaging and nee-
dle navigation, contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, and 3D
and 4D imaging.
Safety—Good. The Aplio 500 met all of our safety criteria, including
fulfilling all recommendations in the Industry Standards for the
Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Sonogra-
phy and ECRI’s established security criteria.
Workflow—Good. The Aplio 500 demonstrated several workflow
advantages that enhance the use of the scanner for both conven-
tional and advanced applications; however, we found the complex
user interface to be a major disadvantage.
Patient Experience—Not evaluated. The patient experience is not
a purchasing factor for these devices.
Interoperability—Good. The Aplio 500 can communicate via Ether-
net with a hospital information system (HIS) and picture archiving
and communication system (PACS). Wi-Fi is available as an option.   
Maintenance—Good. The Aplio 500 requires inspection and pre-
ventive maintenance once per year.
User Experience—Good. Surveyed users confirmed the findings
of our tests.
Cost of Ownership—Good. Based on ECRI’s SELECTplus database
of scanners in this category, the typical cost of the Aplio 500 is
lower than average.

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |            w       |   | 8
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7
RATING                                                                                           (2) The console dimensions (W × D × H) are 54.4 × 94.5 × [136
                                                                                                      to 167] cm (21.4 × 37.2 × [53.5 to 65.7] in). It weighs 135
                                                                                                      kg (297 lb) and has 12.5 cm (5 in) double casters that all
The Resona 7 is a very good choice for general-purpose applica-                                       have swivel locks and brakes that the user can engage
tions and, when configured with the required options, may be                                          and disengage, both independently and with a central
used for advanced applications that include strain and shear-wave                                     foot control located on the front of the scanner. On the
elastography, fusion imaging, contrast-enhanced imaging, needle                                       front of the console above the transducer ports there is a
navigation, and 3D and 4D (i.e., real-time 3D) imaging. The scanner                                   USB port, a microphone input, and a patient physiologic
met our required criteria, including those for safety and cyberse-                                    data input port. A DVD+RW drive is on the left side of the
curity, and incorporates desirable workflow enhancements such                                         console, and a data input/output panel is on the rear
as simultaneous display of conventional B-mode and contrast-en-                                       that includes three USB ports, one HDMI output, one
hanced ultrasound (CEUS) images and the ability to fuse ultra-                                        network port, one VGA output, one S-Video output, and
sound images with imported data. The scanner offers wired and                                         L/R audio output ports.
optional Wi-Fi connectivity.                                                                  b) A control panel user interface
                                                                                                 (1) The control panel is used to enter patient data, select
DEVICE DETAILS                                                                                        transducers, select presets and imaging modes, adjust
  ― Name: Resona 7                                                                                    image quality, obtain measurements, annotate images,
  ― Date evaluated: June 2019                                                                         and perform calculations. The scanner supports the ven-
  ― Manufacturer: Mindray Medical International Ltd. [455416]                                         dor’s ZONE Sonography Technology (ZST) and various
  ― Healthcare Product Comparison System (HPCS) comparison                                            modes and features, including: M-mode, anatomical
    chart: Scanning Systems, Ultrasonic, General-Purpose                                              M-mode, pulsed-wave (PW) Doppler, continuous-wave
    (HPCS is available to members of Health Devices Gold
                                                                                                      (CW) Doppler, Color Doppler Imaging (CDI), power
    and SELECTplus.)
                                                                                                      Doppler imaging (PDI), tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)
  ― Software version evaluated: 2.51
                                                                                                      and PW-tissue Doppler, V Flow, tissue harmonic imag-
                                                                                                      ing (THI), Dynamic Pixel Focusing (DPF), Sound Speed
DEVICE DESCRIPTION                                                                                    Compensation (SSC), Total Recall Imaging (TRI), UWN+
1. T
    he Mindray Resona 7 is a general-purpose (GP) ultrasound                                         (Ultra-Wideband Non-linear Plus) contrast imaging,
   scanner that can be configured for specific applications.                                          contrast imaging quantification and analysis (QA), Sound
                                                                                                      Touch Elastography (STE), iBeam Spatial Compound
  a) These scanners are typically used to perform ultrasound ex-
                                                                                                      Imaging, iClear Speckle Suppression Imaging, iTouch
      aminations of the abdomen, pelvis, and superficial structures
                                                                                                      Auto Image Optimization, iNeedle Needle Visualization
      such as the thyroid gland, testes, and breast.
                                                                                                      Enhancement, extended field of view, HD Scope, and
  b) They are also used for ultrasound guidance during interven-                                     iWorks exam protocols.
     tional procedures such as needle biopsies and fluid drainages.
                                                                                                 (2) The control panel is a “floating” (i.e., position-adjust-
2. T
    he major device components and software features include:                                        able) design, with electronic up/down and side-to-side
  a) A console                                                                                       position controls; the scanner must be powered on to
                                                                                                      use these controls. There is a 30.7 cm (12.1 in) high-reso-
     (1) The console contains a computer that controls the
                                                                                                      lution color LCD touchscreen that tilts to allow opti-
          ultrasound signal generator, receiver, and processor. The
                                                                                                      mal viewing, QWERTY hard keyboard, trackball, hard
          console also contains a 1 TB hard drive and a 120 GB sol-
                                                                                                      controls, and softkeys that change function based on the
          id-state drive for onboard data storage, and has data input
                                                                                                      mode of operation. There is one audio speaker on each
          and output ports.
                                                                                                      side of the control panel. A handle is used to position the

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |            w       |   | 9
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7

         control panel during exams and for transport. Integrated                                (3) Gel-bottle warmer to maintain scanning gel at a us-
         into the control panel are transducer holders, a gel-bot-                                    er-selectable temperature of 34°C, 37°C, or 40°C (93.2°F,
         tle holder, and transducer cable hooks.                                                      98.6°F, or 104°F) for patient comfort
  c) A 54.6 cm (21.5 in) high-resolution, flat-panel LED video                                  (4) ECG module to input patient physiologic data such as
      display used to view ultrasound images and other data.                                          ECG into the scanner for correlation with imaging data
      The display has a wide viewing angle and is attached to                                    (5) Footswitch with programmable functionality to allow
      the scanner on an articulated arm to allow users to posi-                                       foot activation of commonly used controls such as freeze
      tion it separately from the console panel for optimal use                                       and print during examinations. Two-switch and three-
      during exams. The display can be folded down and locked                                         switch models are available.
      during transport.
                                                                                                 (6) One-dimensional and two-dimensional bar-code read-
  d) Four transducer ports, used to connect the scanner’s pinless                                    ers, which allow patient bar-code data to be imported
     transducer connectors to the scanner. The ports are located                                      into the scanner for efficient data entry. The use of a
     on the lower front of the console. There is also an inactive                                     bar-code reader also reduces data-entry error compared
     port that can hold a probe connector. A blue light in the                                        with manual entry.
     probe connector indicates the active probe.
                                                                                                 (7) Integrated wireless adapter for a Wi-Fi connection
3. Typical locations where the Resona 7 is used include:
                                                                                              b) Software
  a) Hospital radiology department
                                                                                                 (1) Natural Touch Elastography (strain elastography)
  b) Freestanding imaging facility
                                                                                                 (2) STE Sound Touch Elastography (shear-
  c) Private physician office                                                                        wave elastography)
4. Optional hardware and software. Because the Resona 7 is a GP                                 (3) STQ Sound Touch Elastography (quantitative anal-
    scanner that can be configured for general, cardiac, vascular,                                    ysis for STE)
    obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN), and shared service ap-
                                                                                                 (4) Contrast imaging
    plications, there are a large number of hardware and software
    options available. Listed below are the typical options used on                              (5) Contrast imaging quantitative analysis (QA) package
    a scanner for GP applications:                                                               (6) iFusion
  a) Hardware                                                                                   (7) Needle Navigation Guiding
     (1) Application-specific transducers—see the table Trans-                                  (8) iNeedle enhanced needle-visualization mode
          ducers Supported by the Resona 7 on the next page.
                                                                                                 (9) iScape View real-time panoramic imaging
     (2) Integrated DVR to digitally record images and video clips
                                                                                                 (10) Application-specific quantification and analysis soft-
          to removable media
                                                                                                      ware packages including obstetric and gynecologic

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                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7

 The following data was provided by the vendor.​​

                               Frequency                                                                            Biopsy            Elastography      Contrast-Enhanced   Fusion
 Model ID and Type             Range (MHz)        Applications                                                      Attachment        Type              Imaging             Imaging

 SC6-1U*                       1.0-6.0            Abdomen, obstetric and gynecologic (OB/GYN), vascular             Yes               Shear wave        Yes                 Yes
 Convex linear array (CLA)

 SC8-2U*                       1.8-8.2            Abdomen, OB/GYN, pediatric                                        —                 —                 Yes                 Yes

 C4-1U                         1.0-4.5            Abdomen, OB/GYN, vascular                                         Yes               —                 Yes                 Yes

 C6-2GU                        1.2-6.0            Abdomen, OB/GYN, pediatric                                        Yes               Shear wave        Yes                 —

 C11-3U                        2.6-12.8           Neonatal head, pediatric                                          Yes               —                 —                   —

 L14-5WU                       4.0-14.0           Musculoskeletal (MSK), nerve, pediatric, small parts,             —                 Strain, shear     Yes                 Yes
 Flat linear array (FLA)                          vascular                                                                            wave

 L14-6WU                       4.0-14.0           MSK, nerve, pediatric, small parts, vascular                      —                 Strain            —                   —

 L20-5U                        7.6-20.0           MSK, nerve, small parts, vascular                                 —                 Strain            —                   —

 L9-3U                         1.8-9.8            Abdomen, MSK, nerve, obstetric, pediatric, small parts,           Yes               Strain, shear     Yes                 —
 FLA                                              vascular                                                                            wave

 L11-3U                        3.0-10.0           Abdomen, obstetric, pediatric, small parts, MSK, nerve,           Yes               Strain, shear     Yes                 Yes
 FLA                                              vascular                                                                            wave

 L16-4HU                       3.5-16.0           Intraoperative, MSK, nerve, pediatric, small parts, vascular      —                 Strain            —                   —

 P10-4U                        3.0-11.4           Pediatric abdomen, pediatric cardiac, neonatal                    —                 —                 —                   —

 P7-3U                         2.3-8.0            Abdomen, cardiac, pediatric                                       —                 —                 —                   —

 V11-3HU                       3.0-11.0           OB/GYN, urology                                                   Yes               —                 Yes                 —
 Endocavity CLA

 D8-2U                         1.8-8.2            Adult abdomen, OB/GYN                                             Yes               —                 Yes                 —
 Volume CLA

 DE10-3U                       2.0-9.0            OB/GYN, urology                                                   Yes               —                 Yes                 —
 Volume endocavity CLA

 * Single-crystal probe technology.​​

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                             ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7

SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS                                                                      3. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging:

We performed a variety of tests on this product, including physical                           a) The Resona 7 supports the vendor’s UWN+ (Ultra-Wideband
testing, a review of product literature/specifications, and asking                                Non-linear Plus) CEUS software that can be used on several
users about their experience with the device. For more details,                                   2D and volume probes; see the transducer table for more de-
see the ECRI’s Testing section of our Evaluation Background on                                    tails. When used with the ultrasound contrast agent Lumason
premium GP scanners.                                                                              (Bracco Diagnostics, Princeton, NJ), contrast enhancement
                                                                                                  was demonstrated qualitatively within the Doppler flow phan-
Performance—Excellent                                                                             tom, and the degree of signal enhancement met our quantita-
The Resona 7 met ECRI’s required performance criteria and offers                                  tive criteria. The scanner offers optional contrast quantifica-
several major and minor performance advantages, as listed below.                                  tion software to enhance diagnoses and workflow.
Major Advantages                                                                              b) CEUS improves the ability to assess blood flow and tissue per-
1. Elastography:                                                                                fusion. It also improves the ability to characterize focal liver
                                                                                                 tumors and can be used for other applications. For additional
  a) The Resona 7 has Natural Touch Elastography (strain elas-                                  information regarding ultrasound contrast agents, see our
      tography) and Sound Touch Elastography (STE; shear-wave                                    article Advances in Diagnostic Ultrasound: Contrast-Enhanced
      elastography) capabilities on a variety of probes; see the                                 Ultrasound Imaging.
      transducer table above for more details. STE correctly and
      reproducibly demonstrated the relative stiffness of the 10 kPa,                     Minor Advantages
      40 kPa, and 60 kPa targets in the phantom. Strain imaging                           1. Three-dimensional and four-dimensional imaging:
      correctly and reproducibly demonstrated the relative stiffness
                                                                                              a) The scanner’s 3D and 4D capabilities, which we qualitatively
      of the 10 kPa and 60 kPa targets, but did not demonstrate the
                                                                                                  assessed using dedicated volume phantoms, were easy to use
      40 kPa target. The scanner has software to quantify elas-
                                                                                                  and offered rapid data acquisition rates.
      tography data.
                                                                                              b) Three- and four-dimensional imaging can enhance the ability
  b) Elastography provides tissue stiffness data that enhances
                                                                                                 to assess both normal and abnormal structures and can
     the diagnostic capabilities of the modality. Read more about
                                                                                                 enhance the diagnostic capabilities of the scanner.
     elastography in our article Advances in Diagnostic Ultra-
     sound: Elastography.                                                                 2. Needle-enhancement mode:

2. F usion imaging and needle navigation:                                                    a) iNeedle is available on flat linear-array transducers. Our tests
                                                                                                  on the L14-5WU probe confirmed the effectiveness of this
  a) We reviewed product labeling and other information
                                                                                                  mode to increase the conspicuity of needles in a soft-tissue
      regarding the scanner’s iFusion and Needle Navigation Guid-
                                                                                                  phantom. User-adjustable controls include needle angle,
      ing capabilities.
                                                                                                  magnification, gain, and single or dual image display.
  b) Fusion imaging allows users to simultaneously view previ-
                                                                                              b) Needle enhancement is used to improve a clinician’s ability to
     ously acquired ultrasound, CT, MRI, or PET/CT data during
                                                                                                 identify and localize needles and other devices (e.g., radio-fre-
     a real-time ultrasound exam. Fusion imaging is used for a
                                                                                                 quency ablation probes) during ultrasound-guided interven-
     variety of clinical applications, including to guide sonographic
                                                                                                 tions. This feature has the potential to reduce the user-depen-
     localization of a target lesion or area for diagnosis and for
                                                                                                 dence of performing ultrasound-guided procedures, and to
     ultrasound-guided interventional procedures. Needle Naviga-
                                                                                                 improve accuracy of needle placement.
     tion Guiding is used alone or in combination with iFusion to
     guide interventional procedures. Read more in our article Ad-
     vances in Diagnostic Ultrasound: Fusion Ultrasound Imaging.

©2021 ECRI                                                                                      e |           w         |   | 12
                     ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7

Safety—Good                                                                                       pler data and facilitate examination processes by reducing the
                                                                                                  number of parameters that must be adjusted manually. This
The Resona 7 met our required safety criteria.
                                                                                                  feature also has the potential to reduce work-related muscu-
Workflow—Good                                                                                     loskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) because fewer user keystrokes
The Resona 7 met our required workflow criteria, and demonstrat-                                  are required to optimize data.
ed advantages for features that enhance the use of the scanner for                         2. Auto-optimization for CDI and PDI:
both conventional and advanced applications, as listed below.
                                                                                               a) The optional Smart Track control improves suboptimal CDI
Major Advantages                                                                                   or PDI data by adjusting the color region of interest (ROI)
1. D
    ual display of conventional B-mode and CEUS modes and                                         position and angle. This feature is available on flat linear-ar-
   individually adjustable controls:                                                               ray transducers.
  a) A dual display can be used to simultaneously view conven-                                b) Effective CDI and PDI auto-optimization features reduce the
      tional B-mode and contrast-enhanced images in real time.                                    user-dependence of obtaining diagnostically acceptable data
      There are individual user-adjustable controls for CEUS and                                  and facilitate examination processes by reducing the number
      conventional B-mode.                                                                        of parameters that must be adjusted manually. This feature
                                                                                                  also has the potential to reduce WRMSDs because it requires
  b) Contrast enhancement can obscure anatomical details that
                                                                                                  fewer user keystrokes to optimize images.
     can be visualized on the conventional B-mode image. Having
     simultaneous display of the conventional B-mode and CEUS                              Notable Finding
     data can reduce problems associated with this phenomenon.                             The Resona 7’s iTouch feature is described in the user manual as a
     Individual user-adjustable controls allow users to optimize                           control to optimize the B-mode image based on tissue character-
     the image quality of each mode.                                                       istics. However, it does not actually change the imaging param-
2. D
    ata import for fusion imaging:                                                        eters based on tissue characteristics; instead, the iTouch control
                                                                                           simply sets the B-mode gain and TGC levels at a user-selected
  a) Data can be imported in Digital Imaging and Communications
                                                                                           default value.
      in Medicine (DICOM) format, from a DVD or from a picture
      archiving and communication system (PACS) via an Ether-                              Patient Experience—Not Evaluated
      net connection.
                                                                                           Patient experience is not a purchasing factor for these devices.
  b) Having multiple ways to import data provides flexibility and
     enhances workflow.                                                                    Interoperability—Good
                                                                                           The Resona 7 met our interoperability criteria, including the ability
Minor Advantages
                                                                                           to communicate via Ethernet with a hospital information system
1. A
    uto-optimization control for PW Doppler (optional):                                   (HIS) and PACS. Wi-Fi is available as an option.
  a) The optional iTouch one-button auto-optimization control
      improves suboptimal PW Doppler spectral data by adjusting
                                                                                           The Resona 7 met our required cybersecurity criteria.
      the pulse repetition frequency—which is a key parameter that
      impacts blood flow detection—and the baseline position to                            Maintenance—Good
      optimize the display of data. Additionally, the Smart Track
                                                                                           The vendor does not specify the frequency of inspection and
      feature automatically adjusts the PW Doppler sample volume
                                                                                           preventive maintenance procedures, allowing facilities to set their
      size and position.
                                                                                           own frequency.
  b) Effective PW Doppler auto-optimization features reduce the
     user-dependence of obtaining diagnostically acceptable Dop-

©2021 ECRI                                                                                       e |           w         |   | 13
                      ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7

User Experience—Good                                                                              4. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging—The Resona 7 per-
                                                                                                      formed very well for CEUS studies.
Surveyed users confirmed the findings of our Evaluation and did
not report having many maintenance problems. Specific features                                    5. Vendor support is very good for both clinical applications and
of the scanner that users commented about include:                                                    technical issues.
1. D
    oppler sensitivity—Users frequently indicated that CDI and PW
   Doppler provided high sensitivity to blood flow.                                               Cost of Ownership—Good; $137,000 (Estimated)
                                                                                                  over Seven Years
2. U
    ser interface is easy to learn and use.

3. A
    utomated B-mode optimization—The iTouch feature does
   not perform as well as the auto-optimization controls on other
   scanners they have used.

 The costs reported in this table represent typical quotation and purchase costs reported to ECRI’s SELECTplus and PriceGuide databases, respectively.
 Note that we updated our Cost of Ownership calculation methods in 2019, so some figures in this table may not compare directly with cost figures for products evaluated in prior years.

 Factor                                                               Cost            Assumptions

 Purchase Costs

 Capital cost                                                         $73,000         Based on average quoted price in ECRI’s SELECTplus database. This cost does not include software
                                                                                      that may be required for advanced imaging capabilities such as elastography, CEUS, or 3D/4D
                                                                                      imaging, or for automated data acquisition and analysis features.

 Typical accessories                                                  $34,000         Four 2D transducers @ $8,500 each.

 Warranty                                                             $0              Five-year warranty that covers accidental probe damage is standard.

 Clinical staff training                                              $0              Included.

 Biomedical staff training                                            $0              None required.

 Infrastructure modifications                                         $0              Assumes facility has an existing exam room and network.

 Total purchase cost                                                  $107,000        —

 Annual Operational Costs

 Consumables                                                          $580/yr         Assumes 60 patients per week (3,100 per year).
                                                                                      Acoustic gel from third party (four 5 L containers per case, enough for 340 imaging studies); nine
                                                                                      cases per year @ $64 per case.

 Expected part replacement—averaged throughout life of device         $0              None.

 Service                                                              $13,000/yr      Annual warranty that covers accidental probe damage after the initial five-year warranty.

 Annual license fee                                                   $0              None required.

 Average annual operational cost                                      $4,300          $580/yr for years 1-5 (warranty period), $13,580/yr for years 6-7.

 Estimated Total Cost of Ownership                                    $137,000        Total purchase cost + (annual operational cost × estimated life)
 (for an estimated life of seven years)

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                             ECRI prohibits the reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, except by member institutions, without prior written permission.
Mindray Resona 7


 Mindray Claim                                                                  Category          ECRI Perspective

 Acquisition and software processing of large ZONES of acoustic data cre-       Performance       ECRI does not agree.
 ates individual ultrasound image frames 10 times faster than conventional                        The frame rates of the probes tested were not significantly faster than those of other
 line-by-line beam forming methods.                                                               devices we evaluated.

 Total Recall Imaging (TRI) allows the user to retrospectively modify numer-    Workflow          ECRI agrees, but the benefit is not likely significant.
 ous imaging parameters and optimize clinical information. It eliminates                          Other devices we evaluated also allow retrospective modification of imaging
 the need for repeat scanning and improves patient throughput.                                    parameters.

RECALLS AND HAZARDS                                                                             OEM Maintenance
A review of Health Devices Alerts records from May 2016 through                                 1. Standard OEM service options: N/A
May 2019 did not identify any alerts related to the Resona 7.                                   2. Remote monitoring: No

                                                                                                3. Software upgrade and update policy:
The following information is provided largely verbatim from                                         a) 5 years of software upgrades/updates included with the
the manufacturer.                                                                                       purchase of the system. Adding new functionality may not be
                                                                                                        free. Software update is free.
Warranty                                                                                            b) An update would be correcting a known bug or improving im-
Standard warranty terms: 5 years parts and labor                                                       age quality on existing transducers or technology. Upgrades
                                                                                                       are included as long as they are software related. Any hard-
Inspection and Preventive Maintenance (IPM)
                                                                                                       ware that has to be changed or added would be chargeable to
1. I PM frequency: The Resona 7 does not require regular preventa-                                    the customer.
    tive maintenance.

2. D
    owntime for IPM: N/A                                                                       OTHER PURCHASE OPTIONS
                                                                                                None specified.
In-House/Third-Party Service
1. M
    anufacturer supports user repair: Yes

2. T
    raining is optional; typical cost is $3,000/person

3. A
    vailability of service manual: Yes

4. D
    edicated test equipment and/or software required: No

5. A
    vailability of manufacturer assistance: Yes, technical sup-
   port toll free

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About ECRI
ECRI is an independent, nonprofit organization improving the safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness of care across all healthcare settings. With a focus
on patient safety, evidence-based medicine, and health technology decision solutions, ECRI is the trusted expert for healthcare leaders and agencies
worldwide. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is an ECRI affiliate. Visit and follow @ECRI_Org.

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