Page created by Erik Medina

Over 35 Years of Weather Innovation
                          1984 | TURBO METER                              1988 | DIGITAR                                  1989 | DIGITAR
                          This hand-held device                           WEATHER PRO                                     WEATHER MASTER
                          reads wind speed                                A micro weather station for                     A complete weather
                          in miles/hour, knots,                           measuring basic weather conditions.             station with barometer,       1990
                          feet/minute, or                                 The Weather Pro is the origin of                affordable enough for
                          meters/second.                                  Davis’s home and industrial                     home use.
                                                                          weather market leadership.

                                 1996                                           1991 | WEATHERLINK                              1991 | PERCEPTION II
                                 New mounting                                   For the ultimate in weather                     Monitor indoor
2000                             allows you to
                                 install many
                                                                                monitoring, link any Davis
                                                                                weather station to an IBM-
                                                                                                                                climate using the
                                                                                                                                most advanced
                                 sensors in one                                 compatible PC or Macintosh.                     technology available.

                   2000 | WEATHER ECHO                                     2001 | VANTAGE PRO                              2004 | WINDSCRIBE
                  Take the weather with you                                A sensor suite paired with                      An ultrasonic wind
                  wherever you go. The wireless                            the iconic Davis console.                       meter that uses patented
                  Weather Echo receives and                                The console includes                            technology to read
                  displays data from any of the                            quick-view icons, graphing,                     current wind speed.
                  Davis transmitters.                                      and forecasts.

                                 2009 | VANTAGE VUE                            2008 | WEATHERLINKIP                          2005 | VANTAGE PRO2 PLUS
                                 An accurate and                               Uploads data directly                         A wireless, frequency-hopping,
2010                             reliable weather station                      to                            sensor suite that includes a
                                 that's tough, sleek, and                      without a PC.                                 24-Hour Fan-Aspirated Radiation
                                 sets up in minutes.                                                                         Shield, and Solar Radiation and
                                                                                                                             UV Sensors.

                     2011 | VANTAGE CONNECT                            2017 | AEROCONE                          2017 | ENVIROMONITOR
                     A cellular telemetry data                         This rain collector                      Create a network of Davis and
                     logger that provides
                     remote, real-time weather
                                                                       reduces wind-induced
                                                                       errors with its
                                                                                                                industry-leading, third-party
                                                                                                                sensors. View the data anywhere,
                     and sensor readings.                              aerodynamic design.                      anytime on and
                                                                                                                the Mobilize app.

                             2019 | WEATHERLINK LIVE                                                      2018 | WEATHERLINK CLOUD PLATFORM
                             WeatherLink Live connects to 80+                                             A suite of web, mobile, tablet, and API-based
                             sensors at a time and live-streams                                           applications for viewing and managing personal
                             data over Wi-Fi or Ethernet directly to                                      weather data. Access real-time data anywhere,
                             the WeatherLink Cloud.                                                       anytime and on any device.

 2     Davis Instruments •
Table of Contents

Weather Stations                                      Data Collection                                           Data Viewing

                                               P5                                                  P14                                                            P18

 •   Vantage Vue                                       •   WeatherLink Live                                        • WeatherLink data viewing
 •   Vantage Pro2                                      •   Vantage Connect                                         • WeatherLink Cloud
 •   Weather station comparison                        •   EnviroMonitor Gateways                                  • WeatherLink Computer
 •   How to upgrade Vantage Pro2                       •   WeatherLink data loggers                                  Software
 •   Installing your weather station                   •   Weather Envoy                                           • WeatherLink Cloud plans
 •   Why Davis Instruments                             •   Data collection comparison                                and pricing
                                                                                                                   • WeatherLink and
                                                                                                                     Mobilize apps
                                                                                                                   • Station consoles

EnviroMonitor                                         Sensors & Accessories Tech Specs

                                             P22                                                  P30                                                             P36

 •   Gateways and Node                                 • Sensor Transmitters                                       •      Vantage console features
 •   Davis and third-party sensors                     • Wireless Leaf & Soil                                      •      Weather station tech specs
 •   Mobilize app                                        Moisture/Temperature Station                              •      Weather station compatibility
 •   Integrated Pest Management                        • Additional consoles                                       •      Installation diagrams
 •                                   • Repeaters & antennas                                      •      FAQs
 •   EnviroMonitor installation app                    • Sensor options
 •   EnviroMonitor applications                        • Accessories

     Identifies the products that can be integrated        Identifies the stations or sensors that can be
     with the EnviroMonitor system.                        NIST traceable. See page 37 for details.
                                                                                                                 Sensor     Transmitter   Repeater     Receiver   Software
                                                                                                                                          (optional)              (optional)

     Identifies the products that can be integrated        Identifies the products that can be integrated
     with the Sensor Transmitter.                          with the Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station.
                                                                                                                                 ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY

                                                                                                            Davis Instruments •                  3
What's New?

New Tipping Spoon in 		                                         New EnviroMonitor IP Gateway
Vantage Pro2 Products                                          Send field data to the Cloud
Adds even greater rain accuracy                                Our newest Gateway collects data from EnviroMonitor Nodes
                                                               via a mesh network, then sends it to via Wi-Fi
We’ve upgraded from tipping buckets to tipping spoons in all   (or Ethernet). Easily set up your IP Gateway and a network of
our Vantage Pro2 rain collectors. The new spoon increases      sensors with the EnviroMonitor app. Compatible with all
our already-great accuracy from ±4% to ±3%.                    sensor suites. Check it out on page 23.

New Vantage Vue + 		                                            New Sonic Anemometer
WeatherLink Live Bundles                                       Measure wind with no moving parts
Everything you need in one bundle                              Upgrade your system to get instantaneous wind speed and
                                                               direction using ultra sonic waves. No moving parts means
Get both WeatherLink Live and a full Vantage Vue weather       even greater reliability. See it on page 33.
station (sensor suite and console), or choose a bundle with
no console and access your data on your smartphone or See the bundles (6110 & 6120) on
pages 10-11.

4   Davis Instruments •
Vantage Vue    Weather Stations

                                                            Vantage Pro2

Measure Weather Where it Matters
Davis stations have been weathering storms and
delivering accurate environmental data for over 30 years.
Meteorologists, farmers, research scientists, backyard
gardeners, and weather enthusiasts worldwide rely on
our durable, precision instrumentation.                                      P5
Weather Stations | Vantage Vue

Vantage Vue®: Get serious about weather                                                                                    Features:
Vantage Vue provides accurate, reliable weather monitoring in a self-contained,
                                                                                                                           • Up to 10x faster updates than the
easy-to-install system. Sleek but tough, Vantage Vue gives you all the weather
                                                                                                                             competition (Every 2.5 seconds)
data you need:
                                                                                                                           • Wireless transmission 3x farther
     •   Inside & Outside Temperature                           •   Wind Speed & Direction
     •   Inside & Outside Humidity                              •   Wind Chill                                               than the competition (1,000 ft./
     •   Barometric Pressure                                    •   Dew Point                                                300 m from station to console)
     •   Rainfall                                               •   More
                                                                                                                           • Easy-to-read backlit screen
Your outdoor sensor suite sets up in minutes and transmits data wirelessly to                                              • Glow-in-the-dark keypad
your console anywhere in your home, school, or business. In addition to
displaying current weather conditions and trends, Vantage Vue also boasts the
innovative Weather Center that displays more information on weather variables
over the last 25 days.

1. TIME & DATE               5. RETRANSMITS                8. RAIN                          such as daily highs       12. GRAPHS                14. ALARMS
View the current time        Console can extend            Console updates rain             and lows, temperature     Graphs the last 25        Set 22 simultaneous,
and date, or time of         range to additional           totals and rain rate every       changes by the hour,      hours, days, or months.   different alarms to
sunrise/sunset.              consoles up to                20 seconds for the last          and barometric value      View up to 50 graphs      warn of dangers such
                             1,000 ft. (300 m).            25 hours, days, and              changes. Also displays    for temperature, rain,    as high winds, freezing
2. MOON PHASE                                              months.                          astronomical data.        rain rate, wind, and      temperatures, rain
Track the eight phases of    6. BAROMETER                                                                             barometric pressure—all   rate, heat index, flood
the moon.                    Five-position trend           9. “CHANGE IN                    11. USER-FRIENDLY         on the console.           warning, and more.
                             arrow shows whether           WEATHER SINCE                    KEYPAD
3. FORECAST                  barometric pressure is        YESTERDAY” FEATURE               Domed buttons are         13. “THIS TIME            15. WIND SPEED
Icons let you know to        rising, falling, or stable.   Allows comparisons               easy to feel and press.   YESTERDAY” FEATURE        See wind speed updates
expect sun, partly cloudy,                                 of temperature and               Glow-in-the-dark keypad   A data point on the       every 2.5 seconds.
clouds, rain, or snow.       7. VARIABLE                                                    buttons give you access   graph indicates the       Displays wind speed in
                                                           barometric pressure from
                             DISPLAY OPTIONS               day to day.                      to weather information    weather during the same   miles per hour, meters
4. TEMPERATURE               See updated values every                                                                                           per second, kilometers
                                                                                            at night. The “DONE”      time yesterday to help
& HUMIDITY                   10 seconds for heat           10. WEATHER CENTER               key returns you to the    compare and analyze       per hour, or knots.
Console updates outside      index and wind chill to       Weather Center provides          “current” screen.         day-to-day weather        Provides the average
temperature every 10         get a better “feel” for the   additional information for                                 trends.                   and high wind speed for
seconds and inside           outside environment.          each weather variable,                                                               2-minute and 10-minute
temperature every                                                                                                                               intervals.
minute. In addition,
outside humidity updates
every 50 seconds and                                        1        2     3            4
inside humidity every

                                               15                                                                     6


                                               12                                                                     10


6    Davis Instruments •
Weather Stations | Vantage Vue

Rugged, accurate, affordable
The fully-integrated, corrosion-proof sensor suite is built to take all the weather your
location can give—freezing winters, springtime thunderstorms, blistering summer
sun, and brisk autumn winds. The small profile sensor suite is designed to minimize
visual impact in your yard or on your roof.

6250 Vantage Vue                                                                                                               Pair with a data collection product
                                                                                                                               (pages 14-17) to access data anywhere,
                                                                                                                               anytime, and on any connected device
                                                                                                                               with the WeatherLink Cloud.

1. WIRELESS                     4. WEATHER-                   6. TEMPERATURE &              9. SOLAR PANEL
Frequency-hopping, spread-      PROOF HOUSING                 RELATIVE HUMIDITY             Energizes the station
spectrum radio ensures          Corrosion-resistant cover     Provides outside              during the day. Onboard
consistent transmission up      provides durability in        temperature readings from     supercapacitor provides
to 1,000 ft. (300 m) line-      extreme conditions.           -40° F to 150° F (-40° C      power at night. Lithium
of-sight from sensor suite to   Electronics are potted or     to 65° C) and measures        battery provides backup
console.                        overmolded for added          relative humidity from        when needed.
                                moisture shielding.           1 to 100%.
2. RAIN COLLECTOR                                                                           10. BUILT-IN
Self-emptying tipping           5. RADIATION SHIELD           7. EASY INSTALLATION          BUBBLE LEVEL
spoon measures rain             Provides excellent            Installs easily and quickly   Allows for more accurate
in 0.01" increments.            protection from solar         with included mounting        installation and better data
Metric version measures in      radiation and other           hardware kit.                 collection.
0,2 mm increments.              sources of radiated and
                                                              8. WIND DIRECTION                                                                      6250 Vantage Vue
                                reflected heat for accurate
3. ANEMOMETER                   temperature and humidity      Measures wind
Wind tunnel-tested to           readings.                     direction in
200 mph (320 km/h).                                           compass points
                                                              or degrees.

                                                        1        2                          3


                           9                                                                                               4


                                                                                            7          6

                                                                                                                               «   The sensor suite mounts on poles from
                                                                                                                                   1.00" to 1.75" (2,54 cm to 4,45 cm) in
                                                                                                                                   diameter (pole not included).

                                                                                                                   Davis Instruments •         7
Weather Stations | Vantage Pro2

Vantage Pro2™: Professional and rugged                                                                                       Features:
                                                                                                                             • Up to 10x faster updates than the
Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Pro2 Plus offer the professional weather observer or serious                                          competition (Every 2.5 seconds)
weather enthusiast robust performance with a wide range of options and sensors.
You’ll get your own local forecast, highs/lows, totals or averages, and graphs for                                           • Wireless transmission 3x farther
virtually all weather variables over the past 24 days, months, or years—all on the                                             than the competition (1,000 ft./
console. Vantage Pro2 uses frequency-hopping, spread-spectrum radio to transmit and                                            300 m from station to console)
receive data up to 1,000 ft. (300 m) line-of-sight. Vantage Pro2 is also an excellent                                        • UV/solar radiation and
choice for emergency professionals, farmers, educators, researchers, municipalities,                                           evapotranspiration updates
and others, to monitor wind and moisture conditions, irrigation requirements, and                                              (Included with Vantage Pro2 Plus,
potential flooding.                                                                                                            optional for Vantage Pro2)
                                                                                                                             • Large, backlit 3.5" × 6"
                                                                                                                               (9 × 15 cm) LCD screen

1. CURRENT &                 6. RETRANSMITS                9. SOLAR RADIATION           11. VARIABLE                     13. STATUS INDICATOR       16. GRAPHS
HISTORICAL DATA              Main console can              Included on Vantage          DISPLAY OPTIONS                  Blinks to let you know     Graphs the last 24
View current data or         retransmit to additional      Pro2 Plus. View              View inside or additional        that data packets are      hours, days, or months
highs and lows for up        consoles up to 1,000 ft.      solar radiation, highs       temperatures, humidity,          being received.            of readings; or highs
to 24 days, months,          (300 m).                      for the day, month,          soil moisture, UV index,                                    and lows. View over
or years.                                                  and year, as well as         leaf wetness, wind chill,        14. CONTROL KEYS           80 graphs, including
                             7. BAROMETER                  evapotranspiration and       dew point, and two               Use arrow keys to scroll   additional analyses
2. FORECAST                  Five-position trend           Temp/Hum/Sun/Wind            different heat indices.          through data on the        of temperature, rain,
Icons let you know what      arrow shows whether           (THSW) index. Set            (Additional sensors              graph or view highs        rain rate, wind, and
to expect: sun, partly       barometric pressure is        alarms for high readings.    or stations may be               and lows over time.        barometric pressure.
cloudy, rain, or snow. 12-   rising, falling, or steady.                                required.)                       "Plus" and "minus" keys
hour icon forecast plus                                    10. UV                                                        simplify data toggling.    Vertical scale changes
24–48 hour ticker-tape       8. FIXED DISPLAY              Included on Vantage Pro2     12. RAIN                                                    depending on what you
forecast at the bottom       Fixed display area shows      Plus. View current UV        Umbrella icon appears            15. TICKER-                are graphing.
of the console screen.       the outside temperature,      index, UV index for the      when it is currently             TAPE DISPLAY
                             humidity, and barometric      day; the daily, monthly,                                      Provides expanded     5    17. ALARMS
                                                                                        raining. View last 24
3. MOON PHASE                pressure at all times.        and yearly highs; or                                          forecast details as        Set more than 70 alarms
                                                                                        storm totals with start
Track the eight phases                                     change scale to see UV in                                     well as additional         for multiple functions
                                                                                        and end dates. View
of the moon.                                               current, hourly, and daily                                    information on             simultaneously.
                                                                                        daily, monthly, or yearly
                                                           MEDs. Set alarm to warn      rainfall and rain rate.          current conditions.   6
4. TIME & DATE                                                                                                                                      18. WIND
                                                           of high UV dose/index.                                        Displays more
View the current time                                                                                                                               Compass rose with 16
                                                                                                                         than 100 different
and date, time of                                                                                                                                   points shows current and
sunrise/sunset, time                                                                                                                                dominant wind direction.
and date of highs/lows,                                                                                                                             Inside the compass rose,
and time and date of a                                          1     2       3         4                                                           view wind direction to 1°
graphed data point.                                                                                                                                 resolution, or view wind
5. WIRELESS                                                                                              7
spread-spectrum radio                                                                                    8
provides three times the             17                                                                  9
transmission distance
of the competition,                                                                                      10
improved reception                   16
through multiple walls,                                                                                  11
and greater immunity                 15                                                                  12
from RF interference.


8    Davis Instruments •
Weather Stations | Vantage Pro2

The ultimate in versatility and options
All Vantage Pro2 stations include a console and a versatile sensor suite (pictured
below) that combines our rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, and
anemometer into one package. You can customize your Vantage Pro2 by adding
extra consoles or the Sensor Transmitter options shown on page 31. Vantage
Pro2 weather stations are available in both wireless and cabled versions. Vantage
Pro2 Plus includes UV and Solar Radiation sensors; however, all stations can be
                                                                                                                             Pair with a data collection product
customized with either.                                                                                                      (pages 14-17) to access data anywhere,
                                                                                                                             anytime, and on any connected device
Vantage Pro2 stations
                                                                                                                             with the WeatherLink Cloud.
(See pages 10-11 for models.)


1. ANEMOMETER               2. RAIN COLLECTOR           4. 24-HOUR                   7. SOLAR PANEL
& WIND VANE                 The patented AeroCone       FAN-ASPIRATED                Powers the wireless
Rugged components           Rain Collector meets        RADIATION SHIELD             station during the
stand up to hurricane-      the collection area         Models with 24-Hour          day and charges the
force winds, yet are        guidelines of the           Fan-Aspirated Radiation      supercapacitor for night
sensitive to the lightest   World Meteorological        Shields include additional   operation. Lithium battery
breeze. Wind tunnel-        Organization. Reads         radiation shield plates      provides backup on
tested to 200 mph           rainfall amounts in         and a second solar           cloudy days. (Solar panel
(320 km/h).                 0.01" increments. Metric    panel to power the           is not included
                            versions measure in         motor-driven fan.            with cabled version.)           9. OPTIONAL
Anemometer can be           0,2 mm increments.                                                                       MOUNTING POLE
installed separately        Includes debris screen      5. TEMPERATURE &             8. SOLAR RADIATION
                                                                                                                     One of several
using 40 ft. (12 m)         and spikes to keep birds    HUMIDITY SENSORS             AND UV SENSORS                  installation options.
cable (included).           from landing.               Located inside the           (VANTAGE PRO2 PLUS)             For more, including
                                                        radiation shield, which      Includes sensors to             our mounting tripod,
Optional Sensor             3. PASSIVE                  protects the sensors from    track solar radiation,          see page 12.
Transmitter allows you to
                            RADIATION SHIELD            solar radiation and other    evapotranspiration and
mount the anemometer
                            The most effective          sources of radiated and      UV indices. Time
even farther from the
                            passive shelter             reflected heat.              settings are                                                           8
rain collector and the
                            available. Protects                                      programmable
rest of the sensor suite.
                            your temperature and        6. WEATHER-                  to meet your
                            humidity sensors from       RESISTANT SHELTER            specific needs.
                            solar radiation and other   Provides protection          Sensors can be
                            sources of radiated and     against the elements         added separately
                                                                                                                                                 2                7
                            reflected heat. Multi-      for the sensor suite’s       to the Vantage Pro2.
                            plate construction for      electronic components.
                            maximum airflow.                                                                                                                      6




6152 Wireless Vantage Pro2. Includes built-in bubble level for accurate
installation. The NEW tipping spoon in our rain collector is self-emptying,
corrosion-resistant, and precisely-calibrated for exceptional accuracy.
                                                                                         Pictured: 6163 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus
See page 41-42 for installation diagrams.                                                with 24-Hour Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield

                                                                                                                  Davis Instruments •        9
Weather Stations | Comparison

Weather Stations
Choose the configuration that's
right for you. Buy a complete
station with sensor suite and                   Vantage Vue                            Vantage Pro2                            Vantage Pro2 Plus
                                                Shown here: 6120                       Shown here: 6152                        Shown here: 6163
console, or as separates. Vantage
                                                Davis accuracy in a          Create a customized professional station with a   Includes UV & Solar Radiation sensors.
Vue is also available bundled with
                                                self-contained, easy-        wide range of options and sensors. Sensor suite
                                                                                                                               24-Hour Fan Aspiration model achieves
WeatherLink Live.                               to-install system.           has detachable anemometer for flexible siting.
                                                                                                                               maximum accuracy of temperature & humidity
                                                Available bundled with       Choose a cabled station for the most              readings by circulating the air. Ideal for arid
                                                WeatherLink Live.            economical installation where lightning           climates.
                                                                             risk is minimal. Choose wireless for easiest
                                                                             installation, additional sensor options
                                                                             and reduced risk of lightning damage.

 The Davis line of Vantage weather stations      6120             6250        6152C            6152             6153            6162C            6162             6163
 is built to provide a full weather system.     Wireless         Wireless     Cabled          Wireless         Wireless         Cabled          Wireless         Wireless
 To maximize your weather watching,
 a variety of additional sensors and stations
                                                Bundle                                                          w/Fan                                             w/Fan
 are available to make your weather station
 even more comprehensive.

 Should be run using the included
 AC adapter. Add three C batteries (not                                                                                            
 included) for backup during power outages.
 May be run full-time using three C
 batteries (not included). May also be run                                                                                                                       
 using the included AC adapter.
 12-hour advance forecast icons                                                                                                                                

 24-48 hour advance forecast ticker-tape                                                                                                                         

 Weather Center with scroll-through
                                                                       
 data screens
 Anemometer, rain collector, temperature,
                                                                                                                                                               
 and humidity sensors
 Detachable anemometer with 40'
                                                                                                                                                                 
 (12 m) cable
 Solar Radiation Sensor                                                       Optional         Optional          Optional                                           

 UV Sensor                                                                    Optional         Optional          Optional                                           

 100' (30 m) cable                                                                                                                 

 Solar-powered wireless transmitter with
                                                                                                                                                                 
 battery backup
 Standard Radiation Shield                                                                                                                      

 Daytime Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield                                       Optional         Optional                         Optional         Optional
 24-Hour Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield                                                                                                                              

 WeatherLink Live                                                Optional                     Optional          Optional                        Optional         Optional
 Add console (or additional consoles) to
                                                 Optional         Optional                     Optional          Optional                        Optional         Optional
 view data in more than one location
 Special-purpose Wireless Leaf & Soil
                                                 Optional                                      Optional          Optional                        Optional         Optional
 Moisture/Temperature Station
 Sensor Transmitter                              Optional                                      Optional          Optional                        Optional         Optional

10   Davis Instruments •
Weather Stations | Upgrade Vantage Pro2

Sensor Suites                                                                                         Three ways to upgrade
Don’t need a console? Your data can be pushed directly to the WeatherLink Cloud
with a data collection device (pages 14-17) and a sensor suite that includes just
                                                                                                      your Vantage Pro2
the outdoor sensors. Sensor suites are a great choice for those who want to access                    1. Choose a wireless
                                                                                                                                              Sensor Suite
their data only on their smartphone, tablet, or computer; or who want to integrate                       model
the sensor suite into an EnviroMonitor system. Choose from wireless or cabled, in a                   •     Listen to up to eight
variety of options. (No console included.)                                                                  channels of data.
                                                                                                      •     Use multiple consoles
                                                                                                            with one station.
                                                                                                      •     Move the console             Console/Receiver
                                                                                                            wherever you want.

                                                                                                      2. Choose a Plus
                                                                                                      •     Solar and UV sensors
                                                                                                            come pre-installed.
                                                                                                      •     Console calculates ET
                                                                                                      •     Save money over                   Shown here:
                                                                                                            buying separately.       Solar and UV sensors,
                                                                                                                                       and mounting shelf.
Vantage Vue           Vantage Pro2                 GroWeather          Vantage Pro2 Plus
Shown here: 6357 Shown here: 6322                  Shown here: 6820 Shown here: 6328

 6110 6357 6322C 6322 6323 6820C 6820 6327C 6327 6328
Wireless Wireless Cabled Wireless Wireless Cabled Wireless Cabled Wireless Wireless
 Bundle                                   w/Fan                                          w/Fan

                                                                                                       3. Choose a model with 24-Hour
                                                                                 
                                                                                                          Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield
                                                                                               Models 6153, 6163, 6323, and 6328 include
                                                                                                       our 24-Hour Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield
                      Optional Optional Optional                                      
                                                                                                       for maximum accuracy of temperature and
                      Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional                                  humidity readings. A motor-driven fan draws a
DATA TRANSFER                                                                                          constant airflow through the sensor chamber
                                                                                                    at 500 feet per minute (2,5 m/s). At night,
                                                                                                       when the effects of radiation are less, the
                                                                                                solar-powered model runs on battery power
                                                                                                       and the airflow slows to 280 feet per minute
                                                                                                       (1,4 m/s). In far northern or southern latitudes,
                                                                          
                                                                                                       or in areas with extended periods of heavy
                      Optional Optional            Optional Optional Optional Optional                 cloud cover, there may not be enough sunlight
                                                                                                     to power the fan or recharge the battery during
WEATHERLINK LIVE                                                                                       the winter. However, as the level of sunlight
                                                                                                       goes down, the need for fan aspiration also
          Optional            Optional Optional            Optional          Optional Optional
                                                                                                       diminishes. The fan will start running and
                                                                                                       the battery will recharge as soon as sufficient
Optional Optional              Optional Optional            Optional          Optional Optional        sunlight returns.

Optional                       Optional Optional            Optional          Optional Optional                All consoles and all Vantage Pro2
                                                                                                               Sensor Suites are NIST traceable.
Optional                       Optional Optional            Optional          Optional Optional

                                                                                                  Davis Instruments •        11
Weather Stations | Installing Your Weather Station

Installing your weather station
Davis weather stations give you accurate data wherever they are installed. Whether you want to know the temperature on
your back deck, are concerned about the wind speed in your garden, or want to report your data to NOAA, Davis weather
stations can be installed to perfectly suit your needs.

                                                                 Mounting Tripod
                                                                 This galvanized steel tripod with tilting brackets
                                                                 makes for easy installation anywhere, even on
                                                                 a roof or uneven surface. Perfect for mounting any
                                                                 sensor suite, Vantage Connect or EnviroMonitor
                                                                 Gateway/Node. Poles measure 36.38" (0,92 m)
                                                                 long. Assemble the two together to make a single
                                                                 69.75" (1,77 m) pole. Outside diameter is 1.31"
                                                                 (33 mm). For ground installation use 7716A,
                                                                 which includes three 18" (0,46 m) lag bolts.
                                                                 7716 Mounting Tripod

                                                                 7716A Mounting Tripod
                                                                 with 18" (0,46 m) lag bolts

Vantage Pro2 on Mounting Tripod

Mounting Pole Kit
Ideal for mounting a sensor suite, Vantage Connect, or
EnviroMonitor Gateway/Node to a preexisting structure
such as a deck, a fence post, or roof eaves. Includes two
galvanized steel poles, connector, and mounting hardware.
Poles measure 19.5" (0,50 m) and 21" (0,53 m) long.
Assemble the two together to
make a single 37.5" (0,95 m)
pole. Outside diameter is 1.31"
(33 mm). Includes mounting
7717 Mounting Pole Kit

                                                                 Vantage Vue on Mounting Pole

Installation Guidelines
Mount your Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2 Sensor Suite:

•    5-7 feet (1,5-2,1 m) above the surface (ground              •    At least 2 feet (0,6 m) above the average maximum
     or roof).                                                        yearly snow depth.
•    Over a flat area that is gently sloping, regularly mowed,   •    So that the anemometer is not blocked by surrounding
     or naturally landscaped, with good drainage.                     obstructions such as trees or buildings.
•    Away from heat radiators, such as asphalt or air            •    The Vantage Pro2 anemometer can be extended from
     conditioning units.                                              the station with the 40' (12 m) included cable, or by
•    Where you can access the rain collector for                      combining with a Sensor Transmitter.
     maintenance.                                                     (See page 31 for options.)

12   Davis Instruments •
Weather Stations | Why Davis Instruments

                                                                Join the Davis Community: Hundreds
                                                                of thousands of stations around the
                                                                world with common goals: accuracy,
                                                                durability, and dependability

Why Davis Instruments:
When you purchase a Davis Instruments weather station, you join a community of weather enthusiasts and professionals
around the world that are committed to collecting, analyzing, and sharing accurate weather data. Our products are meant
to withstand the harshest environments and many of our customers have enjoyed their stations for over a decade with
minimal routine maintenance.

Made by "US"                                                       Precision & Accuracy
Our products are designed, assembled, and rigorously tested        Our products provide scientific-grade precision and accuracy.
by the Davis team at our headquarters in Hayward, California.      We have spent decades improving and refining every sensor
                                                                   that we make.

Durability                                                         Value
Our weather stations go through a minimum of 10 tests              Our products are designed to provide professional-grade
before shipping. They have been engineered to withstand            instruments at an affordable price. You can find a cheaper
corrosion, 200 mph (90 m/s) winds, the scorching sun,              station, but you won’t be disappointed by a Davis station.
and extreme temperatures.

                                                                   WeatherLink Network:
                                                                   The Davis online community
                                                                   Join the WeatherLink Network by connecting your
                                                                   weather station to the WeatherLink Cloud to access your
                                                                   data anywhere, anytime, on and the
                                                                   WeatherLink mobile app.
                                                                   See pages 19-21 for more information.

                                                                                     Davis Instruments •   13
Your Data, Your Way
Data Collection                      Staying connected to your weather conditions is critical.
                                     Davis offers a wide array of data collection options to keep
                                     the data coming. No matter if it’s from your backyard, the
                                     back forty, or the back woods, we’ve got you covered.

                  WeatherLink Live

                  Vantage Connect

                  EnviroMonitor Gateway
                  Cellular+Mesh Network

                  EnviroMonitor IP Gateway
                  Wi-Fi/Ethernet+Mesh Network

                  WeatherLink USB/Serial

Data Collection | WeatherLink Live

WeatherLink Live™:
A smart way to stream live data
WeatherLink Live makes getting your data from any Davis sensor simple, reliable,
and fast. This data hub uses Davis’s dependable, frequency-hopping, spread-
spectrum radio to collect data from your weather station and a network of indoor
and outdoor sensors. Access your data from the WeatherLink Cloud on the website
and mobile apps.

Monitor YOUR environment                                Enjoy real-time data
Configure a custom network of multiple Davis            •   Experience the fastest reporting weather data

                                                                                                                       80+                     10+
sensors with one WeatherLink Live.                          on the market with any personal device.

Track barometric pressure and inside temperature        Never lose data
and humidity.                                                                                                     Connected sensors to    Different sensor types
                                                        •   Safeguard recorded data with
                                                                                                                  one WeatherLink Live
Add any combination of up to eight of the                   WeatherLink Live’s internal auxiliary memory.
                                                                                                                          8               1,000 ft.
                                                        •   Protect against data loss with redundant
•    Vantage Vue Sensor Suites                              battery backup.
•    Vantage Pro2 Sensor Suites                         Effortless setup                                               Listen to 8             (300 m)
•    Sensor Transmitters with up to five sensors                                                                      transmitters       Transmission distance
     (pages 31-35)                                      •   Simple setup using the WeatherLink app and
•    Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature              your phone's Bluetooth function.
     Stations (page 31)                                 •   No Wi-Fi? No problem. Easily connect to
                                                            Ethernet with the included cable.
Welcome to the smart home                                                                                           Stream live data     Just ask Amazon Alexa
                                                        Long-range wireless data
•   Ask Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant                                                                                                   or Google Assistant
    about your weather.                                 •   Depend on Davis’s industry-leading,
•   Connect your data to smart irrigation systems           proprietary, frequency-hopping, spread-
                                                                                                                Note: WeatherLink Live is not compatible with
    or other IoT/smart home devices.                        spectrum radio to transmit data up to
                                                                                                                WeatherLink Computer Software.
                                                            1,000 ft. (300 m), line-of-sight.
Securely share your data                                                                                        Comes Wi-Fi ready, with a 6.5 ft. (2 m) power
•   Contribute your weather data to the global                                                                  cable and a 5 ft. (1,5 m) Ethernet cable.
    WeatherLink community.                                                                                      6100 WeatherLink Live
•   Share data with friends, family, or co-workers                                           Wind Speed
    via the WeatherLink website and mobile                                                   & Direction
•   Upload to a growing list of third-party sites
    like Weather Underground or CWOP.                           Alexa, ask
•   Build your own weather tools with our                       WeatherLink
    powerful suite of API products.                             to get my
                                                                                               Temperature                 Water
                                                                current                                                                                Rainfall
                                                                                               & Humidity                  Temperature
             Leaf Wetness                Temperature            conditions.
                                         & Humidity

                                                                                                                                                       Solar Radiation
                                                                                                                                                       & UV

                                                                          Barometric                                                                   Temperature
                                                                          Pressure                                                                     & Humidity

                                             Soil                         Inside Temperature
                                             Moisture                     & Humidity

                                                                                                            Davis Instruments •        15
Data Collection | Vantage Connect and EnviroMonitor Gateway

Remote cellular telemetry solutions
Vantage Connect and the EnviroMonitor Gateway combine cellular technology with an
integrated data logger to transmit real-time sensor data to the WeatherLink Cloud. From
there, you can view data on WeatherLink and Mobilize apps.
These units are self-contained, weather-resistant, and powered by a 5-watt solar-panel.                                                  Vantage Connect/
                                                                                                                                       EnviroMonitor Gateway
They include a 6-volt rechargeable battery and come with mounting hardware.

  Vantage Connect:                                                             EnviroMonitor Gateway:
  Single Point Cellular Solution                                               Expandable Cellular Mesh Network
                          • Perfect for collecting weather and                                            • Perfect for building a flexible
            1               sensor data in remote locations.                           1                    network with multiple sensors.
       Vantage Vue or                                                             GroWeather or
                          • Combine up to eight Davis                                                     • Connects with 25+ Nodes, each
        Vantage Pro2                                                              Vantage Pro2
                            transmitters configured with 		                                                 with up to four sensors.
                            a selection of Davis sensors.                                                 • Compatible with cabled sensor
            8             • Compatible with both wireless                           25+                     suites.
  Maximum number of         and cabled sensor suites.                           Maximum number of
                                                                                                          • Compatible with Davis and
   Davis transmitters                                                           EnviroMonitor Nodes
                          6622 Vantage Connect, 2G/3G                                                       industry-leading, third-party
  1,000 ft.                                                                   10,000 ft.                  • Simple setup using the
                                                                                    (3,000 m)
          (300 m)                                                                                           EnviroMonitor app and your
                                                                                 Node to Gateway
       Transmitter to
      Vantage Connect
                                                                                with 8 dBi Antenna          phone's Bluetooth function.
                                                                                     (page 32)
                                                                                                          See pages 22-29 for more information on
       Wireless                                                                   Wireless                EnviroMonitor.
     Point-to-Point                               Cloud                         Mesh Network              6801 EnviroMonitor Cellular Gateway
                                        Davis Apps
       Network                                                                    Communication
                                                                                   Davis &                                       Cloud
          Davis                                                                   Third-Party                          Davis Apps
                                                     Vantage Connect                                            GroWeather
     Compatible Sensors         Sensor                                          Compatible Sensors
                                Transmitter with                                                               Sensor Suite
                                                              Leaf & Soil
                                                              Moisture/                                  EnviroMonitor
                                                              Temperature                                       Node
                                           Sensor Suite       Station
                                                                                 Bluetooth enabled                            Gateway

Annual Service Plan
Each Vantage Connect and EnviroMonitor Gateway/Node requires an Annual Service Plan. Annual subscriber fees depend on the selected update interval
frequency. The Vantage Connect and EnviroMonitor Gateway require a one-time activation fee (#6645).

                          VANTAGE CONNECT                                                 ENVIROMONITOR GATEWAY & NODES
          Update                      Annual Service Charge/                   Update         Annual Service Charge/             Annual Service Charge/
          Interval                          Product Number                     Interval              Product Number                  Product Number
                                           Per Vantage Connect                                         Per Gateway                         Per Node
         5 minutes                  Call                       6632A          5 minutes           Call           6892               Call              6882
        15 minutes                  Call                       6634A          15 minutes          Call           6894               Call              6884
        60 minutes                  Call                       6636A          60 minutes          Call           6896               Call              6886

16    Davis Instruments •
Data Collection | Comparison

WeatherLink USB and Serial Data Loggers                                                  Weather Envoy™
The USB and Serial Data Loggers connect the console                                      Receive data from a Vantage Pro2 Sensor Suite,
to a computer running WeatherLink Computer Software.                                     a Vantage Vue Sensor Suite, or other Sensor Transmitters.
Optionally upload data to the WeatherLink Cloud with an                                  Use with a required WeatherLink data logger to push data
internet-connected computer that is on and running the                                   securely to the WeatherLink Cloud and access it for FREE
software. Free WeatherLink Computer Software is available                                on and the WeatherLink Mobile app.
for download on                                                         From there you can view, share, compare, and download
6510USB USB Data Logger                                                                  data. With WeatherLink Computer Software and a data
6510SER Serial Data Logger                                                               logger, you can collect and store data from the outdoor
                                                                                         sensors and download it directly to your computer.
                                                                                         6316 Wireless Weather Envoy
                                                                   WeatherLink           6316C Cabled Weather Envoy

                                   Sensor Suite                            (optional)

                                                    Connected by
                                                     Data Logger

Data loggers compatible
with Vantage Vue and              Vantage Pro2/Vue           Computer with WeatherLink
Vantage Pro2 consoles.                Console                   Computer Software

Use the data
collection device
that's right
for you                                      WeatherLink             WeatherLink         WeatherLink        Vantage        EnviroMonitor     EnviroMonitor
                                                Live                    USB                Serial           Connect          Gateway          IP Gateway

 Data transmission                          Wi-Fi/Ethernet               USB                 Serial          Cellular         Cellular       Wi-Fi/Ethernet

 Data upload to WeatherLink Cloud
 requires computer and software                      No                   Yes                 Yes              No                No               No
 running 24/7

 Streams live data within LAN                       Yes                   No                  No               No                No               No

 Typical installation location*                    Indoor               Indoor              Indoor          Outdoor           Outdoor        Indoor/Outdoor

 Console or Envoy required                           No                   Yes                 Yes              No                No               No

 Storage capacity**                               180 days              26 days             26 days         26 days          180 days          180 days

                                              AC/battery            AC/battery via       AC/battery via   Solar/battery     Solar/battery      AC/battery
 Power source
                                               back-up              Console/Envoy        Console/Envoy      back-up           back-up           back-up

 Annual service plan required                        No                   No                  No               Yes              Yes               Yes

 Product Number                                    6100               6510USB              6510SER           6622              6801              6805

*WeatherLink Live, WeatherLink USB, and WeatherLink SER are intended for indoor use. To use an EnviroMonitor IP Gateway outdoors,
mount in a Universal Shelter, 6618. (See page 34.)
**Based on data from one sensor suite at a 15-minute archive interval.

                                                                                                           Davis Instruments •     17
Choose Your View
Data Viewing             Access, analyze, share, and compare your weather data from any
                         connected device, console, or desktop computer. Customize your
                         bulletin dashboard of current conditions, use forecasts, chart historical
                         data, and share your data with the WeatherLink Network and beyond.


               Mobile App

               Mobile App

               Computer Software


Data Viewing | WeatherLink

WeatherLink: Best-in-class meteorological data viewing
Our data-viewing options give you access to and apps from anywhere on any device via the WeatherLink
Cloud or by downloading the WeatherLink Computer Software directly to your computer. You can also combine these two
options. Both options are completely FREE, with the ability to upgrade based on your data needs. Pair your software needs
with a compatible data-collection device to view and record weather and sensor data.

WeatherLink Cloud                                                                 WeatherLink Computer Software
The WeatherLink Cloud                                                             The FREE WeatherLink Computer
family of products offers                                                         Software is available for download with
the ultimate in versatility                                                       a FREE account. It
for access to your data.                                                          allows you to store data directly on your
With the completely FREE                                                          computer’s hard drive. The software
Basic tier you can view                                                           package includes the ability to graph
current conditions on or the WeatherLink                          multiple variables and export data to popular spreadsheet and
Mobile app anywhere, on any internet-connected device.                            database programs.
Upgrade to a Pro or Pro+ account for access to all historical                     Use an internet-connected computer turned on 24/7 to share
data, charting, and raw data exports for a full-featured                          data with the WeatherLink Cloud for FREE. (Data logger
analysis tool.                                                                    required.)
WeatherLink Cloud is compatible with all Davis data-collection products.          WeatherLink Computer Software is not compatible with Mac OS Catalina
See page 17 for details.                                                          and forward.

                             WeatherLink Cloud                                    WeatherLink Computer Software
                             Access your data from any connected device           Access from a single computer, optionally connect to WeatherLink Cloud

 WeatherLink Live            Automatically sends data to WeatherLink Cloud.       Download data from WeatherLink Cloud to Computer Software.
 Vantage Connect                                                                  WeatherLink Computer Software is not compatible with WeatherLink Live.
                                                                          1   3
 EnviroMonitor Gateways
                             Optionally upload data to WeatherLink Cloud          Data stored and analyzed in WeatherLink Computer Software.
 WeatherLink USB/Serial
                             for FREE. (Data logger cabled to an internet-
 Data Logger                                                               2
                             connected computer running 24/7)

                                                                    WeatherLink Cloud
                                                                                                                                                Radio Transmission

                                                                                                                  WeatherLink App               Upload Data
                                                                                                1                                               Download Data
                Mobilize App
                                                   Computer Software

               GroWeather                                                                                         Vantage Vue
              Sensor Suite                                                        Console

                                         EnviroMonitor                                      WeatherLink Live
                                         Gateway            Data Logger

                                                                                                           Davis Instruments •    19
Data Viewing | WeatherLink Cloud

       All of your data, on the web
© 2018 Google

                View current conditions bulletin dashboards                                                             Use the chart feature to compare multiple
                from the global WeatherLink Network of                                                                  weather data variables at the same time.
                public stations. Free with Basic                                                                        Upgrade to Pro or Pro+

                                                                    Build a custom weather view on the bulletin
                                                                    dashboard. Free with Basic

                WeatherLink Basic                                                           WeatherLink Pro
                With the completely FREE WeatherLink Basic account you                      Enhance your WeatherLink experience by upgrading to Pro.
                get a versatile tool to monitor current conditions at home or               • Visualize multiple data points at once with historical data
                around the world.                                                             in charts.
                • Create a custom bulletin dashboard of current conditions                  • Analyze and download all raw data records.
                  with 16+ different data types.                                            • Increase data speeds for third-party uploads and
                • Share a secure station URL for anyone to view your weather                  WeatherLink API usage.
                  data. No account required to view.                                        • Pro share a station to give Pro capabilities to up to
                • View local weather forecasts.                                               six friends or colleagues.
                • Access the global WeatherLink Network of public stations                  • Use Mobilize web and mobile tools for smart farming
                  on the map.                                                                 and gardening.
                • Upload data to third-party sites, like Weather Underground
                                                                                            WeatherLink Pro+
                  and CWOP.
                • Get e-mails and text alerts with preset alarms.                           • Take advantage of the fastest third-party uploads and
                • Use the API to access weather data in XML or JSON formats.                  API usage.
                                                                                            • Protect crops and gardens with our Integrated Pest
                                                                                              Management tool.

                          WeatherLink App                                                             Mobilize App
                View your current and forecast conditions                                   Developed to help commercial growers
                from your station and the WeatherLink                                       with critical decisions, Mobilize gives
                Network of public stations around the                                       any farmer or sophisticated gardener the
                world, all from a mobile phone or tablet.                                   power to track site-specific conditions
                FREE with WeatherLink Basic.                                                related to irrigation, weather, frost, pest
                                                                                            management (Pro+), and more.
                Search “Davis WeatherLink Mobile” on iOS and
                                                                                            See pages 26-27 for details.
                Android app stores.
                                                                                            Upgrade to Pro or Pro+ to use Mobilize.

                20   Davis Instruments •
Data Viewing | Plans and Pricing Plans and pricing
                                         BASIC                         PRO                                         PRO+
                                                     1-year Plan, 6561 3-year Plan, 6561A 1-year Plan, 6562 3-year Plan, 6562A
                                         $0/mo                Call                Call                  Call                 Call
     Bulletin Data Tiles
     Data Viewing & Export
     WeatherLink Network Map
     Custom Charting
     Integrated Pest Management
     WeatherLink App
     Mobilize App
     Pro Shares                             0                            6                                          10
     Third-party Upload Rate           15 minutes                    5 minutes                               Up to 1 minute

1. Bulletin Data Tiles: Build and customize your bulletin            6. WeatherLink App: View your current and forecast
dashboard to display current data updates from all of your           conditions from your station and the WeatherLink Network of
installed sensors. You can move and resize tiles to see the          public stations around the world, all from a mobile phone or
data just the way you like it.                                       tablet.
2. Data Viewing & Export: Access all of your raw sensor data         7. Mobilize App: Use the Davis Mobilize app on iOS or
at the click of a button. You can sort by date/time or data type     Android to create custom frost, weather, crop, IPM, and
and export any data set directly to an Excel-friendly .csv file.     irrigation reports to view on and mobile. It's
3. WeatherLink Network Map: Use the WeatherLink map                  robust enough to protect your farm crop from frost—and fun
to view and interact with the community of public stations           for the data-savvy backyard gardeners looking to perfect their
in our worldwide WeatherLink Network. Click on a station to          tomato crop.
see a summary of current data and click "bulletin" to see the        8. Pro Shares: Pro Share your device to give another user
station's customized weather dashboard.                              access to historical data and charting.
4. Custom Charting: Visualize any of your sensor data with           9. Third-Party Upload Rate: This is the rate at which you
custom line and bar charts on up to four different y-axes.           can upload your device’s data to a third-party site such as
Zoom into an hour of data or out to a full year to view details      Weather Underground or CWOP, and avery data from the
and trends.                                                          WeatherLink API.
5. Integrated Pest Management: Access Integrated Pest                Pro upgrade is included with a Vantage Connect or
Management (IPM) on Mobilize to link your weather and                EnviroMonitor Gateway Service Plan.
sensor data to actual pest risk, giving you a powerful new tool
in protecting your crops from pest damage.

Vantage Consoles: Dynamic data-
visualization tools
These industrial-grade consoles are loaded with features far
beyond any other on the market. They display current
 conditions, have a user-friendly keyboard with a backlit screen,
                                                                     6312 Vantage Pro2 Console               6351 Vantage Vue Console
allow you to graph up to 80 different parameters and set up
                                                                     6351 Vantage Vue Console/Receiver
to 70 different alarms simultaneously. See page 32 for details.      6312 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Console/Receiver

                                                                                         Davis Instruments •   21





                           Measure, Monitor, and Manage
                           Easy to install, affordable, and third-party sensor
                           compatible. Track site-specific weather and use
                           the easily expandable EnviroMonitor system to

  P22                      build a custom network of sensors to help make
                           critical crop decisions.
EnviroMonitor | Gateway and Node

EnviroMonitor: Make critical decisions from
anywhere at anytime
EnviroMonitor is a simple and cost-effective way to get critical field data continuously
transmitted from the field to your mobile devices or computer. Get the timely and
meaningful information you need to manage your crops, reduce risks, and save money.

EnviroMonitor Gateways                                               EnviroMonitor Nodes
EnviroMonitor Gateways collect all essential data from the           Nodes connect over a self-optimizing mesh network and
Nodes and push it securely to the WeatherLink Cloud via              transmit critical sensor data to the EnviroMonitor Gateway.
either cellular connectivity, Wi-Fi, or Ethernet. The data           Nodes communicate with each other, allowing complete
can then be accessed on your phone, tablet, and computer.            network flexibility around barriers and across distances.
Mounting hardware is included. Requires an Annual Service            Each EnviroMonitor network can host 25+ Nodes. The
Plan and a one-time activation fee. (See Annual Service              solar-powered Node is self contained and weather resistant.
Plans on page 29 for details.)                                       Includes a 3-watt solar panel and mounting hardware.

            EnviroMonitor Gateway                                                     Node Features
            Cellular+Mesh Network                                                     •   Connect up to 4 sensors to each Node
            Solar-powered Gateway uploads using cellular                              •   Communication range: Up to 10,000 ft.
            connectivity. Includes a 5-watt solar panel and                               (3,000 m), Node-to-Node and
            a rechargeable 6-volt backup battery encased                                  Node-to-Gateway with 8 dBi
            in a weather-resistant housing. Works with                                    Long-Range Antenna (7678).
            EnviroMonitor Nodes and any cabled sensor suite.                              Note: Range varies with terrain and environment.
            6801 EnviroMonitor Cellular Gateway                                           (See page 32.)
                                                                                      •   Configures easily with a smartphone
             New EnviroMonitor IP Gateway                                             •   Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (included)
            Wi-Fi/Ethernet+Mesh Network                                                   powers the unit at night
            The IP Gateway uploads via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.                             •   4 D-cell batteries (not included)
            AC-powered with 4 AA batteries (not included) for                             provide backup
            backup. Includes AC adapter and optional Ethernet                         •   Optional AC adapter (6714) (see page 35.)
            cable. Mount indoors or outdoors with a Universal                         6810 EnviroMonitor Node
            Shelter (6618). (See page 34.) Works with
            EnviroMonitor Nodes and any wireless or cabled
            sensor suite.
            6805 EnviroMonitor IP Gateway

Never miss a sensor reading.
EnviroMonitor uses a secure,
self-optimizing mesh network
                                                           Mobilize App
to make sure you always get
your data.                                        Sensor Suite

                        EnviroMonitor                                     EnviroMonitor
                            Node                                            Gateway

                                                                                          Davis Instruments •       23
EnviroMonitor | Sensors

Easily Expandable: EnviroMonitor is compatible with hundreds of
different Davis and third-party sensors

                                                                                 It all starts with the weather
                       Temperature         Wind Speed    Rainfall &
          GroWeather   & Humidity          & Direction   Rain Rate               Connect a Davis Sensor Suite to the Gateway to get
          6820C                                                                  all the benefits of complete weather monitoring. These
                                                                                 rugged, low-maintenance sensor suites are available
                              UV               Solar     Barometric              with Solar and/or UV Sensors and a variety of radiation
              EnviroMonitor                  Radiation    Pressure               shield options. The IP Gateway can pair with any
                                                         via Gateway
                                                                                 sensor suite, while the cellular Gateway works with
                              Calculations include:                              any cabled sensor suite.
                                                                                 See pages 10-11 for sensor suite details.

       Dew Point       Wind Chill & Evapotranspiration    Wet Bulb
                       Heat Index

     Expand effortlessly with Davis                                          Soil         Soil          Soil      Water Level      Leaf          Weight
     and third-party sensors                                                Moisture   Temperature     Salinity                   Wetness

     Each Node can support up to four sensors from
     Davis and other leading sensor manufacturers.                                                                                             EnviroMonitor
                                                                            Pressure     Pressure    Flow Meter       Solar          PAR
     EnviroMonitor is an open-sensor platform that                                                                                             Node
                                                                             Sensor       Switch                    Radiation      (PPFD)
     is compatible with hundreds of industry-leading
     sensors from the manufacturers you know and trust.                                                                             CO2
     See pages 33-35 for Davis sensors.                                 Temperature Temperature Wind Speed           Rainfall      Carbon
                                                                        & Humidity              & Direction                        Dioxide

EnviroMonitor is compatible with SDI-12, analog voltage
(i.e. 0-3V; 0-5V; 0-12V), contact closure, pulse, and I2C
sensors. We are constantly integrating new sensors to expand
the capabilities of the EnviroMonitor platform and software.
Please contact us if you would like a sensor added.

 Supported Sensors:

Easy to Install                                                                  Measure, Monitor, and Manage
              Install and manage your entire EnviroMonitor sensor network                      Track all of the data from your EnviroMonitor sensor network
              with Davis Instruments’ EnviroMonitor iOS and Android app.                       with Davis Instruments' Mobilize iOS and Android app.
              Download for FREE!                                                               Download for FREE!

              See page 27 for more information on the EnviroMonitor app.                       See pages 26-27 for more information on the Mobilize app.

24    Davis Instruments •
EnviroMonitor | Use Case

Use Case: Getting to the root of the issue
Located in California's beautiful Livermore Valley,
this historic boutique winery was built in 1889
and is still producing award-winning wines.
                                                      Water is a precious resource
To help use resources wisely and reduce the
                                                      in California. With pressure
damage brought on by environmental conditions,
                                                      switches and soil moisture
they installed an EnviroMonitor system and have
                                                      sensors, the grower knows
been acting on the data since 2018.
                                                      when the irrigation system is on            Temperature/Humidity Sensor (6830)
The system includes:                                  and runs it only long enough to
                                                      penetrate the vines' roots. The
•   1 EnviroMonitor Gateway (6801)                    Leaf Wetness and Temperature/
•   1 GroWeather Sensor Suite (6820C)                 Humidity Sensors give the team
                                                      insights on conditions where
•   4 EnviroMonitor Nodes (6810)
                                                      the grapes are growing. With
•   3 WatermarkTM Soil Moisture Sensors (6440)        forecasted data in hand, they
•   1 Leaf Wetness Sensor (6420)                      can take actions to reduce
•   1 Temperature/Humidity Sensor (6830)              damage caused by frost, freezing
                                                      conditions, and heat while
•   2 SentekTM Soil Moisture Probes
                                                      tracking chill portions, growing
•   4 GemsTM Pressure Switches                                                                            Leaf Wetness Sensor (6420)
                                                      degree days, ET, and much more.
•   1 Decagon/MeterTM Soil Moisture Sensor
                                                      With this installation, the team
•   1 Aquacheck Soil Moisture Probe
                                                      has the data they want and the
                                                      ability to add additional Nodes
                                                      and sensors when they’re ready.

                                                      The Fenestra Winery installation
                                                      has been made publicly available
                                                      for viewing on
                                                      Search for “Fenestra Winery” and
                                                      click "bulletin" to view a selection
                                                      of weather sensors.                                       Gems Pressure Switch

                                  Sensor Suite

                                                                                   Davis Instruments •   25
EnviroMonitor | Mobilize App and

Mobilize: Critical field data delivered to your mobile phone
Mobilize is an agriculture-focused, decision-making app with some of the latest advancements in agronomy. You can easily
create custom views of your farm, receive alerts, and browse sensor data to track specific report conditions related to weather,
frost, irrigation, growth cycle, pest management, and more.

Mobilize Home                                       Irrigation Management                    Frost Tracking
See custom views of your fields 		                  Track soil moisture levels to know       Precise forecasting allows you to stay
or crops.                                           when, where, and how much to irrigate.   ahead of critical conditions.
• Color-coded flags alert you                       •   Custom soil moisture thresholds      • Forecast frost conditions
  immediately to conditions that                    •   Irrigation alerts                    • View real-time temperature
  require your attention.                           •   Evapotranspiration (ET) data           threshold alerts
• Click through for more information                •   Past and forecast rain totals        • Wet-bulb temperature and
  on each view.                                                                                humidity tracking Your field data, your way is the web-based portal for accessing all of
your EnviroMonitor data. The website displays reports created in
Mobilize and provides more ways to utilize your sensor data.
• Build a custom bulletin dashboard of visual data tiles to track
  key current conditions.
• Visualize any combination of field data in the chart section.
• Analyze all of your system data in the data section, or export
  the data into spreadsheet-compatible formats.
• Set custom alerts for specific sensors or calculated conditions.
• Generate and share a daily data summary with anyone
  on your team.
• Securely share field data with colleagues.

26   Davis Instruments •
EnviroMonitor | Mobilize and EnviroMonitor Apps

Forecasting Solutions: Make decisions before problems occur
Mobilize integrates forecasts into reports to help predict growing degree days for harvest, forecast frost conditions before they
occur, and estimate future rain to help save water. Decisions are easier when you know what is coming.

Crop Management                             Weather Monitoring                            Integrated Pest Management
Track key growing degree day (GDD)          Improve daily decisions with real-time        Monitor pest/disease models specific to
and chill requirements against custom       field conditions that help you plan           a long list of crops.
targets by crop type.                       with confidence.                              • Track Pest Risk Index
• Chill and growing degree day              • Spray effectively with location-            • Update IPM models with
  progress tracking                           specific wind data                            remediation actions
• Integrated forecasts for planning         • Document extreme temperature                • Track past, current, and future
                                              conditions                                    pest stages
                                            • Collect in-field rain data                  Temperature, humidity and leaf wetness sensors
                                                                                          and Pro+ WeatherLink upgrade required.

EnviroMonitor: Effortless configuration
The EnviroMonitor configuration app is used to easily install, monitor,
and interact with your EnviroMonitor hardware and sensor systems.
• Securely connect to Gateways and Nodes with your phone
  via Bluetooth.
• Easily install and modify sensor configurations on Gateways
  and Nodes.
• Quickly determine mesh network and Gateway cellular
  connection strength.
• Remotely identify and troubleshoot any sensor issues.
• Share system access with team members to allow the ability
  to modify or view specific systems.

                                                                                      Davis Instruments •    27
EnviroMonitor | EnviroMonitor for Any Application

               EnviroMonitor for
               any application
               Build your own or pick from our
               application-specific systems. No
               matter how you configure your
               system, EnviroMonitor provides
               more features for a lower cost                     My Farm, My Weather                       IPM System                          Inversion System
               than the competition.                             Monitor field specific weather         Monitor weather and                Monitor weather and inversion
                                                                                                       manage pest conditions            conditions for frost and spray drift
                                                              • EnviroMonitor IP Gateway (6805) • EnviroMonitor Gateway (6801)           • EnviroMonitor Gateway (6801)
                                                              • GroWeather Sensor Suite (6820) • EnviroMonitor Node (6810)               • EnviroMonitor Node (6810)
                                                                                                   - Leaf Wetness Sensor (6420)             - 2 Temp/Hum Sensor
                                                                                                • GroWeather Sensor Suite                     w/Radiation Shield (6830)
               Sensors and Hardware                                                               (6820C)                                • GroWeather Sensor Suite

               Annual Service Plan
                                                                                -                                  -                                       -
               (15-minute interval)
               Activation Fee                                                   -                                  -                                       -

               EnviroMonitor First Year Price                                  Call                              Call                                    Call

                                                              Farm Weather:                       Farm Weather Plus:                     Farm Weather Plus:
                                                              • Rainfall                          • Leaf Wetness                         • Inversion monitoring for frost and
                                                              • Frost Alarms                      • Integrated Pest Management             minimizing spray drift risk
               Mobilize Reports &
                                                              • Growing Degree Days                 (Requires Pro+ Account)
               Agricultural Applications                      • Chill Requirements
                                                              • Evapotranspiration
                                                              • Wind Speed & Direction
                                                              Monitor UV conditions:              Monitor additional canopy              Profile wind for spray conditions:
                                                              Upgrade to Vantage Pro2 Plus        conditions:                            Add extra Anemometer (6410)
                                                              (6327)                              Add Temp/Hum Sensor (6830)             Manage irrigation:
               Optional Sensors                                                                                                          Add Soil Moisture Sensor (6440)

                                                                                                                  Node +
                      Node +                                   Node +                                                                                        Node +
                                                                                                                  Soil Moisture Sensor
                      Pressure Switch                          Soil Moisture Sensor                                                                          Rain Collector

                                                                                                                                           Node +
                                                               Gateway +                                                                   Soil Moisture Sensor
                                Node +                         Full GroWeather System
                                Soil Moisture Sensor +
                                Leaf Wetness                                                                                                                   Node +
                                                                                                              Gateway +                                        Flow Meter
                                                                                                              Full GroWeather System

                    Vineyard                                                                      Center Pivot
                    Set up sensors to trigger alerts when frost is a threat. Stay on top of       Irrigation is what matters most. Soil moisture sensors throughout the farm
                    irrigation needs with soil moisture sensors and a pressure switch.            will help determine when and how much to irrigate.

               28    Davis Instruments •
EnviroMonitor | EnviroMonitor for Any Application

                                                                                         Annual Service Plans
                                                                                         The annual fee is calculated for each Gateway and
                                            Node A 2x Node B                             Node activated and billed on a single anniversary
                                                                                         date. EnviroMonitor offers three upload interval
                                                                                         choices to meet your needs. A Gateway requires
                                                                                         a one-time activation fee (#6645).
                                                                                         Contact us directly for annual service plan information and
         Irrigation System                 Advanced Irrigation System                    availability for customers outside the US.
    Monitor weather and a single          Monitor weather, pump flow and two
            irrigation set                          irrigation sets                      Plans for Gateway
 • EnviroMonitor Gateway (6801)         • EnviroMonitor Gateway (6801)
 • EnviroMonitor Node (6810)            • GroWeather Sensor Suite (6820C)
    - 3 Soil Moisture Sensors (6440)    • EnviroMonitor Node A (6810)
    - Pressure Transducer                  - Flow Meter (third-party)
      (third-party)                        - Pressure Transducer (thrid-party)
 • GroWeather Sensor Suite (6820C)      • 2x EnviroMonitor Node B (6810)                   Update             Per Gateway                 Per IP Gateway
                                           - 3 Soil Moisture Sensors (6440)                Interval                Cellular                  Wi-Fi/Ethernet
                                           - Pressure Transducer (thrid-party)
                                                                                            5 min           Call          6892            Call        6892D
                                                                                           15 min           Call          6894            Call        6894D
                   -                                            -
                                                                                           60 min           Call          6896            Call        6896D
                   -                                            -

                 Call                                      Call

 Farm Weather Plus                      Farm Weather & Irrigation System Plus:
 • Irrigation set monitoring            • Multiple irrigation set monitoring             Plans for Node
 • Control irrigation costs             • Monitor pump flow
   and overuse                                                                             Update               Per Node                      Per Node
                                                                                           Interval                Cellular                  Wi-Fi/Ethernet

                                                                                            5 min           Call          6882            Call        6882D
 Monitor additional irrigation sets:    Monitor additional irrigation sets:
                                                                                           15 min           Call          6884            Call        6884D
 Add Node and sensors                   Add Node B and sensors
 Monitor multi-level soil moisture:     Monitor multi-level soil moisture:                 60 min           Call          6886            Call        6886D
 Upgrade to third-party soil moisture   Upgrade to third-party soil moisture
 profile probe                          profile probe

             Node +                      Node +                                                    Gateway +
             Temperature/Humidity                                                                                                            Node +
                                         Temperature/Humidity                                      Full GroWeather System
                                                                                                                                             Pressure Switch

                                        Gateway +                                                                             Node +
                                        Full GroWeather System                                                                Soil Moisture Sensor

Greenhouse and Nursery                                                           Row Crops
Monitor the weather conditions on your site. Measure temperature and             Monitoring soil moisture is crucial for effective and economic irrigation.
humidity inside each greenhouse for a holistic approach to decision-making.      Add precise current weather data to track growing degree days.

                                                                                                        Davis Instruments •           29
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