Pragmatic information in translation: a corpus-based study of tense and mood in English and German

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Pragmatic information in translation:
                                                a corpus-based study of tense and mood in English and German

                                                      Anita Ramm† , Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski‡ , Alexander Fraser†
                                                           Center for Information and Language Processing, LMU Munich
                                                                                  Saarland University

                                                              Abstract                         Finally, we take a look to the modeling of tense
                                                                                               and mood for machine translation pointing to im-
                                             Grammatical tense and mood are important
                                                                                               portant features needed to transfer tenses between
                                             linguistic phenomena to consider in natural
                                                                                               languages. Our analysis indicates that bilingual
arXiv:2007.05234v1 [cs.CL] 10 Jul 2020

                                             language processing (NLP) research. We con-
                                             sider the correspondence between English and      modeling of tense and mood cannot be properly
                                             German tense and mood in translation. Human       done by considering solely lexical/syntactic fea-
                                             translators do not find this correspondence       tures, e.g. words, POS tags, etc., also supported
                                             easy, and as we will show through careful anal-   by the previous work (Ye et al., 2006). Instead, in-
                                             ysis, there are no simplistic ways to map tense   corporation of pragmatic information is required,
                                             and mood from one language to another. Our
                                                                                               which is currently not directly accessible to most
                                             observations about the challenges of human
                                             translation of tense and mood have important      NLP systems. We summarize the pragmatic in-
                                             implications for multilingual NLP. Of partic-     formation required and provide a list of available
                                             ular importance is the challenge of modeling      tools for automatic annotation with the respective
                                             tense and mood in rule-based, phrase-based        information, which will be of direct use in future
                                             statistical and neural machine translation.       efforts to solve this difficult modeling task. In
                                                                                               the following, we present theoretical issues and
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                               related work (Section 2), quantitative analysis on
                                         This paper analyzes tense and mood in En-             the usage of the tense/mood correspondences in
                                         glish and German from the perspective of the          English-German parallel data and their modeling
                                         data commonly used to train MT systems or to          in the context of MT (Section 3), summarizing the
                                         model tense/mood, namely freely available bilin-      findings in Section 4.
                                         gual texts. The need for a thorough analysis of
                                         tense/mood in parallel texts arises from the fact     2     Theoretical issues and related work
                                         that there is a high degree of variation between
                                                                                               2.1    Contrasts in English and German tense
                                         the two languages resulting in a many-to-many re-
                                                                                                      and mood systems
                                         lation in the tense/mood translation between En-
                                         glish and German. Particularly, frequently oc-        As known from contrastive grammars (König
                                         curring unintuitive tense correspondences and the     and Gast, 2012; Hawkins, 2015), English
                                         low frequency of the many tense/mood combina-         and German share a common ground of six
                                         tions is problematic for different NLP tasks us-      morpho-syntactic tenses: present/Präsens, simple
                                         ing parallel corpora. We study the correspon-         past/Präteritum, present perfect/Perfekt, past
                                         dences in a large English-German parallel corpus      perfect/Plusquamperfekt, future I/Futur I and
                                         and explain them from the point of view of dif-       future II/Futur II. We summarize those with
                                         ferent pragmatic factors – contextual constraints     examples in both languages in Table 1, which
                                         in terms of genre/user preferences or textual prop-   we created to show the correspondence between
                                         erties, and tense interchangeability. We compare      these languages. In English, each of the tenses
                                         English and German morpho-syntactic tense sets        has a progressive variant. The German tense
                                         suffering from tense correspondence gaps in both      system does not have an explicit marking of the
                                         directions and discuss the impact of translation      progressive aspect. But German has a larger
                                         process on the tense/mood variability in our data.    set of subjunctive tense forms. While a few of
Morph.                                  English                                                                German
    tense    Synt. tense                                            Example                  Synt. tense                       Example
             present simple                          (I) read                                Präsens            (Ich) lese
             present progressive                     (I) am reading
             present perfect                         (I) have read                           Perfekt            (Ich) habe gelesen
             present perfect progressive             (I) have been reading
                                                     (I) will read
  present    future I                                                                        Futur I            (Ich) werde lesen
                                                     (I) am going to read
                                                     (I) will be reading
             future I progressive
                                                     (I) am going to be reading
             future II                               (I) will have read                      Futur II           (Ich) werde gelesen haben
             future II progressive                   (I) will have been reading
             past simple                             (I) read                                Präteritum         (Ich) las
             past progressive                        (I) was reading
  past       past perfect                            (I) had read                                               (Ich) hatte gelesen
             past perfect progressive                (I) had been reading
  present*   conditional I                           (I) would read                          Konjunktiv II      (Ich) würde lesen
             conditional I progressive               (I) would be reading
  past*      conditional II                          (I) would have read                     Konjunktiv II      (Ich) hätte gelesen
             conditional II progressive              (I) would have been reading
                                                                                                                (Er) lese
  present*                                                                                   Konjunktiv I
                                                                                                                (Er) werde lesen

Table 1: List of the tenses in English and German in active voice. The table indicates the tense correspondences in
terms of their morpho-syntactic structure.

them have direct morpho-syntactic counterparts                                (1). Such sentences may, for instance, indicate po-
in English, most of them correspond to indicative                             liteness.
tenses in English. The meaning of a specific tense
                                                                                   (1) Ich hätte gern ein Glas Wasser.
form may considerably vary too. We summarize                                             I   have gladly a       glass water.
the contrasts related to the meaning of the English
                                                                                         ’I’d like to have a glass of water.’
and German tenses described by König and
Gast (2012) in Table 2. This description refers                               Both Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II can be used in
to different aspects such as the time reference                               the context of the reported speech. Note, however,
(past, futurate, future, etc.) and relation to the                            that the use of the subjunctive mood is not gram-
moment of utterance (resultative, universal,                                  matically required to signal reported speech. In
narrative). In other words, the (non-)parallelism                             fact, the two Konjunktiv forms and the indicative
of the respective tenses can be established by                                mood are often used interchangeably in reported
considering specific semantic properties of a given                           speech (Csipak, 2015). For the English subjunc-
verb and the utterance that the respective verb                               tive mood, König and Gast (2012) rather use the
occurs in. Different aspects in the English tense                             term quasi-subjunctive, since subjunctive mood in
system have different impacts on the use of tenses.                           English exists only for the verb be. Other forms
For instance, in contrast to the simple present                               used in the subjunctive contexts correspond to the
tense, the present progressive can be used in the                             infinitives. The German Präsens and Futur I are
futurate context. In German, Präsens can almost                               interchangeable in many contexts. In the futurate
always be used to refer to the future. The English                            use, Präsens is usually combined with a tempo-
progressive tense lacks direct counterparts in                                ral phrase which points to the future; in (2), the
German and is therefore translated into a number                              adverbial morgen provides the respective temporal
of different German tenses.                                                   information. However, the temporal phrase is not
                                                                              always overtly given in a considered sentence: in
   English and German also differ greatly with re-
                                                                              (3), the verb kommen in the present tense refers to
spect to the grammatical mood. In German, the
                                                                              the future which is obvious solely by considering
subjunctive is expressed in the verbal morphology
                                                                              the preceding sentence.
and interacts with the German tense system chang-
ing the time of an utterance. German distinguishes                                 (2)   Ich komme morgen. I come tomorrow.
between two subjunctive morpho-syntactic forms:                                          ’I’ll come tomorrow.’
Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II. The latter is used
                                                                                   (3) Kommst du morgen?              Ja, ich komme.
in the context of conditional and contrafactual ut-                                      Come           you tomorrow? Yes, I come.
terances. Usually, sentences with Konjunktiv II are
                                                                                         ’I’ll come tomorrow.’
composed of at least two clauses. There are, how-
ever, also free factive occurrences of Konjunktiv II,                         Another prominent example of tense interchange-
where it occurs in a simple sentence, see Example                             ability in German is related to the past tenses.
Use                                             German                                              English
      Präsens/present tense
      non-past                  Ich schlafe von 12 bis 7.                            I sleep from midnight to seven.
      futurate                  Morgen weiß ich das.                                 → future tense (I will know that tomorrow.)
      Präteritum/simple past
      past time                 Ich schlief den ganzen Tag.                          I slept the whole day.
      Futur I/future tense
      future time               Ich werde schlafen.                                  I will sleep. I am going to sleep.
      Perfekt/present perfect
      resultative               Jemand hat mein Auto gestohlen.                      Someone has stolen my car.
      existential               Ich habe (schon mal) Tennis gespielt.                I have played tennis.
      hot news                  Kanzler Schröder ist zurückgetreten.                 Chancellor Schröder has resigned.
      universal                 → Präsens (Ich lebe hier seit 2 jahren.)             I have lived here for two years.
      narrative                 Ich bin gestern im Theater gewesen.                  → past tense (I was in theater yesterday.)
      Futur II/future perfect
                                Ich werde das bis morgen erledigt haben.             I will have done this by tomorrow.
      Plusquamperfekt/past perfect
      pre-past                  Ich hatte geschlafen.                                I had slept.

                       Table 2: Meaning of tenses in English and German (König and Gast, 2012, p. 92)

There are some fine-grained differences between                            ent (i.e., domain-specific) distributional specifics:
the respective tenses, but at least Präteritum and                         past tenses are rather typical for narrative texts,
Perfekt are interchangeable in many contexts,                              while present tense verbs are more typical for ar-
see Sammon (2002). In fact, the dominance of ei-                           gumentative texts such as political essays, popu-
ther of the forms is a matter of author’s preference                       lar science articles, etc. These findings are in line
or contextual constraints, see 2.2 below. For in-                          with the classification of tenses proposed by Wein-
stance, Perfekt is often used in spoken language,                          rich (2001). In addition to contextual constraints
while Präteritum is more frequently used in writ-                          expressed in genre or register, translation of tenses
ing. Furthermore, there is a certain lexical prefer-                       may also follow a set of rules defined for a spe-
ence: auxiliaries and modals are more frequently                           cific translation project. For instance, the transla-
used in Präteritum than in Perfekt.                                        tion guidelines of the European Commission for
                                                                           German require the session minutes or reports be
2.2     Contextual constraints                                             written in the present tense.1
Contextual constraints on the tense/mood usage
                                                                           2.3   Tense and mood in human translation
have been analyzed mostly in a monolingual con-
text. For example, Weinrich (2001) differentiates                          Tense and mood were analyzed in previous studies
between two groups of the German tenses: (i) dis-                          on English-German translation (Teich, 2003; Neu-
cussing (Präsens, Perfekt, Futur I, Futur II) and                          mann, 2013). However, a systematic description
(ii) narrative (Präteritum, Plusquamperfekt, and                           of tense/mood transformation patterns for this lan-
subjunctives Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II). His                          guage pair has been missing until our work. At
classification is relevant for genre differentiation.                      the same time, translation studies provide us with
For instance, the narrative tenses are mostly found                        valuable information on how translation process
in written German (e.g., literary works), while the                        has an impact onto translated texts which, as a re-
discussing tenses are more often used in the spo-                          sult, differ from non-translated texts both in the
ken language. In a multilingual context, there exist                       source (SL) and the target language (TL). These
a few studies that analyze the role of tense/mood                          differences are reflected in the features of trans-
in functional variation of language called register                        lated language (Gellerstam, 1986; Baker, 1993).
variation. Biber (1995) uses preferences for spe-                          Two of these translation features are important for
cific tense and mood as linguistic indicators for                          bilingual modeling of tense and mood: (i) shin-
specific registers in a number of languages. Neu-                          ing through and (ii) normalization. The former
mann (2013) presents a contrastive corpus-based                            one indicates the closeness of the translation to the
study of English and German (including transla-                            source (Teich, 2003), whereas the latter one is re-
tions), in which the tense frequency is used among                         lated to the tendency to conform (and exaggerate)
other textual properties to induce the goal type of                        the patterns typical for the TL (Baker, 1993). We
the text (one of the parameters of register varia-                         would observe shining through in our data if tenses
tion): argumentation, narration, instruction, etc.                         used in the sources are preserved in the transla-
She observed that the frequency of present vs. past                          1
across texts from different registers expose differ-                       files/german_style_guide_de_0.pdf
tions. While there is much parallelism with re-        reported encouraging results, Gispert and Mariño
spect to tense in the two languages under analy-       (2008) and Ramm and Fraser (2016) left unan-
sis, many cases may expose a TL-specific usage of      swered questions about the appropriate method
tense, which may considerably differ from a form       and the necessary contextual information for mod-
given in the source due to a smaller set of tenses     eling tense and mood in a bilingual context.
available in the German language system. Follow-
ing Teich (2003), shining through is less promi-       3     Analyses
nent and normalization is more prominent when
                                                       3.1    Tense and mood in human translation
translating into a language which has fewer op-
tions with respect to a specific grammatical sys-      Data and tools Since one of our aims is to serve
tem. This means that our parallel texts may expose     the task of machine translation, our contrastive
a great variation in the tense translation. Finally,   analysis of tense and mood in English and German
parallel corpora represent a concatenation of the      relies on the parallel corpora provided for WMT15
translations produced by many different transla-       shared tasks on machine translation (Bojar et al.,
tors. Therefore, we expect that the observed vari-     2015). We make use of the News corpus (news ar-
ation in tense translations can be impacted by the     ticles, 272k sentences), the Europarl corpus (1,9
preferences of a specific translator.                  mio. sentences) and the Crawl corpus, a large
                                                       collection of mix-domain bilingual documents re-
2.4   Tense and mood in machine translation            trieved from the Internet (2,4 mio. sentences). In
      and NLP                                          addition, we also consider Pattr2 , a medical corpus
                                                       (1,8 mio. sentences). In this way, we have a con-
In the context of the rule-base MT, i.e., in EURO-     stellation of various domains (as they are called in
TRA (Copeland et al., 1991), translation of tense      NLP) or registers/genres (as they are called in the
and mood relies on an interlingua representation       studies described in 2.2 above). The corpora are
to which the SL sentence is mapped, and which is       tokenized with a standard tokenizer provided with
then mapped to the syntax of the TL respectively.      the SMT toolkit Moses (Koehn et al., 2007) and
This mapping is rule-based and follows a set of        parsed with the Mate parser (Bohnet and Nivre,
manually defined rules which make use of differ-       2012) which provides dependency parse trees for
ent kinds of information. The rules for English-       both languages, and, for German, morphological
German formulated within EUROTRA indicate              analysis of words. Both sides of the parallel cor-
that tense cannot be considered in isolation, but      pora are annotated with tense, mood and voice in-
rather in a combination with other related linguis-    formation using the TMV annotator (Ramm et al.,
tic features such as aspect and Aktionsart. Thus,      2017). The English-German verb pairs annotated
specific modality, as well as voice properties, need   with the respective information are then extracted
to be considered in the bilingual modeling of tense    by (i) automatically computing word alignment
and mood.                                              of the parallel texts with Giza++ (Och and Ney,
   Recently, there have been attempts to automat-      2003) and (ii) identifying pairs of VCs from the
ically model tense and mood for different NLP          aligned, annotated parallel data (see example in
tasks. In the monolingual context, for instance,       Figure 1). In our analyses, we do not differenti-
Tajiri et al. (2012) used a tense classification       ate between translation directions, because we are
model for detecting and correcting tense in the        interested in all transformations possible for the
texts produced by English learners. In the bilin-      analyzed language pair.
gual context, Ye et al. (2006) presented an em-
pirical study of the features needed to train a        Indicative tense As already mentioned in Sec-
classification model for predicting English tenses     tion 2.1, the English progressive tenses are trans-
given the source sentences in Chinese. Gispert         lated into a number of different German tenses.
and Mariño (2008), Loáiciga et al. (2014) and          Figure 2 illustrates the frequency distribution of
Ramm and Fraser (2016) presented work on build-        the English present perfect (progressive) in our
ing tense classification models which are used to      data. It is striking that both English tense forms
improve tense choice in statistical MT systems         correspond to three different German tenses in
for English-Spanish, English-French and English-         2
German, respectively. While Loáiciga et al. (2014)     statnlpgroup/pattr/de-en.tar.gz
                                                                                                                                 tense:   present
                              OBJ                       CONJ
         NMOD   SBJ      VC           COORD                    NMOD                                                              mood:    indicative
    New     drugs     may     slow   lung   and     ovarian      cancer   .                                                      voice:   active

                                                  New          drugs      may3   slow4   lung     and      ovarian    cancer .

                                                  Neue Medikamente können3 Lungen- und Eierstockkrebs verlangsamen7     .
                                     MD                                                                                          tense:   present
    NK          SBJ                   CJ          CD                                                                             mood:    subjunctive
Neue Medikamente könnten Lungen- und Eierstockkrebs verlangsamen .                                                               voice:   active

Figure 1: Word-aligned, parsed English-German parallel sentence pair with TMV annotations. Parallel VC: may
slow ↔ können verlangsamen, tense/mood pair present/indicative ↔ present/subjunctive.

most cases: Präsens, Perfekt and Präteritum                                                     for the conditional I and Perfekt for the conditional
whereby Perfekt is the most prominent equiva-                                                   II.
lent. Considering the two German past tenses to-
gether, it becomes clear that both present perfect                                              Finite vs. non-finite verbal complexes Our
tense forms correspond to one of the German past                                                data shows that the usage of non-finite VCs in the
tenses more often than the present tense does. Pro-                                             two languages varies considerably. For instance,
gressiveness also seems to have a large impact on                                               in the News corpus, 16.7% of all VCs in English
the translation of present perfect into German: ca.                                             are non-finite, while this is the case for only 7.9%
77% of the non-progressive forms corresponds to                                                 of the German VCs. Similar ratio is also given in
one of the German past tenses, whereas 56% of                                                   the Europarl corpus in which 18.2% of the English
the progressive cases do so. In other words, the                                                VCs and 6.2% of the German VCs, respectively,
progressive present tense still prefers to be trans-                                            are non-finite. Figure 5 indicates that the major
ferred into one of the German past tenses. How-                                                 part of the English non-finite VCs have German
ever, the German Präsens more often corresponds                                                 finite VCs as equivalents. These translation equiv-
to this English tense than to the non-progressive                                               alents pose an interesting problem in the context
variant.                                                                                        of MT. When translating from English to German,
                                                                                                MT needs to generate a finite clause for the given
                                                                                                non-finite source clause. Particularly, it needs to
Subjunctive mood The frequency distribution
                                                                                                generate a finite German VC in a tense form for
of the tense correspondences between subjunc-
                                                                                                which there is no obvious evidence in the source.
tive forms based on news texts is shown in Fig-
ure 3. As expected, the German Konjunktiv tense                                                 Tense interchangeability In the data from the
forms are equivalents of all English indicative                                                 News corpus, we identified 190 occurrences of the
tense forms in the dataset at hand. Thereby, the                                                auxiliary sein (to be) in one of the composed past
Konjunktiv II is a more frequent equivalent than                                                tenses (i.e., Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt) in ac-
the Konjunktiv I. Assumed that the conditional and                                              tive voice in contrast to 10,247 occurrences in the
counter-factual situations in English are described                                             simple past tense Präteritum. This lexical prefer-
with conditional forms, it is quite unexpected that                                             ence is also given for a few additional full verbs
the other English tense forms more often corre-                                                 in German as shown by counts derived from the
spond to the German Konjunktiv II (used to in-                                                  Crawl corpus: denken (819 vs. 354), stehen (3083
dicate conditional contexts) than to Konjunktiv I                                               vs. 98), geben (7220 vs. 1523), ziehen (1565 vs.
(used to indicate reported speech) in our transla-                                              145). The data suggests the same preference also
tion data. A possible explanation for this is that                                              for the passive voice: denken (184 vs. 38), geben
in the news data, Konjunktiv II is more often used                                              (1517 vs. 395), ziehen (380 vs. 78).
to express reported speech than the Konjunktiv I
form. When expressing non-factual events, En-                                                   Contextual specifics Direct comparison of the
glish conditionals can be seen as direct counter-                                               tense frequencies extracted from the German data
parts of the German Konjunktiv II: Figure 4 shows                                               (Figure 6) shows variation in the usage of tenses
that Konjunktiv II is the most frequent equivalent                                              in different domains (or registers). Being the most
for all four English conditional tense forms in our                                             frequent tense form in all corpora, Präsens, how-
data. Further frequent counterparts are Präteritum                                              ever, differs in its relative frequency. For instance,
PresPerf                 PresPerfProg







                          Präsens              Präteritum              Perfekt                Pluperfekt                     Futur I                      Futur II                 Konj I pres                           Konj I past               Konj II pres                  Konj II past

        Figure 2: German correspondences of the English present prefect (progressive) in the Europarl corpus.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Konjunktiv I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Konjunktiv II





                             es               og      st           g            rf                 g        erf               og        reI                  g           I                         g            dI                 g          II                   og       nd                      e
                           pr               Pr     pa            ro          Pe                Pr
                                                                                                                          Pr         tu                   ro         reI                         ro            n                ro         nd                  r          ru                     tiv
                                       es                     stP         es                 rf          stP           erf         fu                  eIP        tu                        IP              co                IP        co                  IP          ge                  ni
                                    pr                      pa          pr                Pe           pa                                            ur        fu                    reI                                   nd                          dI                                nfi
                                                                                       es                           stP                       fu
                                                                                                                                                                                    u                                   co                         co
                                                                                     pr                           pa                                                         f

                    Figure 3: English correspondences of the German Konjunktiv tenses in the Europarl corpus.

    1                                                                                                                                                      0.6
                                                                                            Präsens                                                                                                                                                                       News                    Europarl
                                                                                            Perfekt                                                        0.3
  0.8                                                                                       Pluperfekt
                                                                                            Futur I
                                                                                            Futur II
                                                                                            Konjunktiv I
  0.6                                                                                                                                                     0.05
                                                                                            Konjunktiv II







                                                                                                                                                                                        s                               kt              t       rI          I               I              II           e

                                                                                                                                                                                                         um                          ek                  rI

                                                                                                                                                                               en                                                                                       tiv                          tiv


                                                                                                                                                                                                      rit            rfe         erf         tu                                         iv

                                                                                                                                                                             äs                                                                       tu                             kt           ni



                                                                                                                                                                       Pr                                          Pe                     Fu       Fu



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              up                                  ju              un          nfi


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pl                                                               I


                                                                                                                                                                                            Pr                                                                  n             n j





Figure 4: German correspondences of the English con-                                                                                           Figure 5: German correspondences of the English non-
ditionals in the News corpus.                                                                                                                  finite VCs – gerunds and to-infinitives.
in News, the relative frequency of Präsens is 9%        which is important for translation of the German
lower than in Europarl (0.66 vs. 0.75), while           subjunctive mood. However, the set of syntactic
Präsens represents 97% of the tense forms in Pattr      rules described by Olivas et al. (2005) can be re-
(medical texts). We also observe variation in the       used to identify the respective contexts in English.
past tense use within the respective corpora. For       To our knowledge, there are no publicly avail-
instance, in Europarl, Präteritum and Perfekt have      able tools for automatic annotation of texts with
almost equal relative frequency (0.08 and 0.10, re-     genre and/or domain information, although there
spectively), whereas News clearly prefers the nar-      has been ongoing research in this area (Santini,
rative tense Präteritum over the discussing tense       2007; Sharoff et al., 2010; Petrenz, 2014; Biber
Perfekt (0.19 vs. 0.08, respectively).                  and Egbert, 2016). As seen from Table 3, textual
                                                        properties carrying pragmatic information repre-
3.2   Modeling tense and mood                           sent their own subtasks in NLP. Tools for annota-
Many-to-many relation Corpus analyses of hu-            tion of the respective information are mostly based
man translations presented in Section 3.1 show          on classification models that use many different
that the respective monolingual, as well as bilin-      subtask-related information. While predicted an-
gual linguistic tense-related specifics in English      notations are correct in many cases, they may also
and German result in a many-to-many relation.           be erroneous, consequently having negative im-
Figure 7 illustrates this relation on the basis of      pact on training a tense/mood translation model.
distributions of tense transformation patterns de-      Instead of using outputs of many different tools re-
rived from our data. A formal description of the        quiring a complex processing pipeline, one might
respective many-to-many relation requires knowl-        train a model directly with the features used to
edge on different linguistic levels: lexical, syntac-   train models for predicting each of the relevant
tic and semantic/pragmatic.                             textual properties.
   One of the reasons for the many-to-many rela-           The information on the distribution of various
tion is the different granularity of the tense sys-     tenses and mood in the bilingual data is also im-
tems in the two languages. While there are tenses       portant. Therefore, training data should be care-
in English which do not have a direct counterpart       fully preselected to account for this specific distri-
in German, some tense forms in German do not            bution.
have a direct counterpart in English (Konjunktiv I)
either.                                                 4   Discussion and Conclusion
Tense/mood-related contextual features For              The paper describes a contrastive analysis of En-
automatic modeling of tense and mood, textual           glish and German tense and mood by means of
characteristics discussed in the preceding sections     parallel data. We provide an overview of the cate-
need to be mapped to the specific contextual in-        gories available in both language systems, point to
formation overtly given in a sentence. The respec-      the existing asymmetries providing corpus-based
tive contextual features are summarized in Table        evidence from human translations and formulate
3. Many of these features can be derived from           assumptions on their impact on MT. Our trans-
parsed and POS-tagged data. However, some of            lation data shows considerable amount of varia-
them require access to other annotation tools, as       tion of tense/mood translation between the two
well as lexical databases which include informa-        languages. Translations also vary a lot leading
tion about semantic properties of the words/ Au-        to many unexpected tense/mood correspondences.
tomatic annotation of the temporal ordering can         The observed variation may be explained by a
be done with the tool TARSQI (Verhagen et al.,          number of different factors which are not only re-
2005). Information about tense, mood and voice          lated to the differences on lexical/syntactic level
of the VCs in the English texts can be obtained         between the considered languages, but also to a
with the TMV annotator (Ramm et al., 2017).             number of pragmatic factors, including the pro-
Information about Aktionsart in terms of state,         cess of translation. We also show that modeling
event and progress can be gained from the out-          tense/mood for MT requires additional informa-
put of the tool Sitent (Friedrich and Palmer, 2016).    tion beyond the morpho-syntactic properties of the
Currently, no tools are publicly available for au-      source, and we discuss tools for obtaining this in-
tomatic identification of conditionals in English,      formation, which can (and should) be used in fu-
      0.6                                                                                                                                                  News         Europarl           Crawl          Pattr







                    Präsens                      Präteritum                             Perfekt                           Pluperfekt                        Futur I                          Futur II

          Figure 6: Relative frequencies of the indicative active tense forms in four different German corpora.




    0.4          Perfekt
                 Futur I
    0.2          Futur II
                 Konjunktiv I
                 Konjunktiv II









































              Figure 7: Distribution of tense translations derived from the News, Europarl and Crawl corpus.

          Textual property                                         Lexical/syntactic level                                                                 Annotation tool availability
                                            VC, main verb                                                                          POS tagging and parse trees
                                            tense, mood, voice                                                                     TMVannotator (Ramm et al., 2017)
                                            temporal expressions (NPs and PPs):                                                    TARSQI (Verhagen et al., 2005)
                                                         head, preposition, adjective, adverb                                      POS tagging + parse trees
                                            temporal ordering                                                                      TARSQI (Verhagen et al., 2005)
 Aspect                                     auxiliary (combination)                                                                POS tagging and parse trees + mapping rules
                                            event/state/progress                                                                   sitent (Friedrich and Palmer, 2016)
                                            subject NP:                                                                            parse trees
                                                         determiner, quantifier                                                    semantic properties
 Aktionsart                                              number                                                                    POS tagging
                                                         mass, count                                                               WordNet
 Domain/ genre                                                                                                                     -
 Reported speech                                                                                                                   QSample (Scheible et al., 2016)
 Conditional clauses                                                                                                               -

Table 3: Mapping of the different textual properties to the corresponding lexical/syntactic levels. Column Tool
availability lists tools for automatic annotation of the English texts with the respective information.

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