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I    N       T      E      R       N       A   T   I    O       N          A         L
Supporting the potato industry worldwide                      Issue 2 • Volume 28 • 2020

Products           Spotlight – Robotization        Markets - Eastern Europe
Cashing In         and Smart Packaging             Potato Chips Will Experience
with Chips         Consider a Greener Future       Moderate Growth

PB       visit potatobusiness.com incorporating our digital magazine
22                                                                                                       38
4 Comment                                                 34 Markets - Eastern Europe
What Will Smart Packaging Be Like in the Future?          Potato Chips Will Experience Moderate Growth

6 News                                                    38 Process: Seasoning and Coating
Latest Industry News                                      The Market Provides Equipment for Every Need

12 Showtime – Europatat Congress                          42 Products - Chips
A New Age for Potatoes                                    Cashing in with Chips

16 Process - Drying                                       46 Exclusive Interview - The Little
Keeping an Eye on Water Evaporation                          Potato Company
                                                          “Organic Means Growing Responsibly”
20 Expert View - Bühler Aeroglide
Lab Testing for Drying Success                            50 Exclusive Interview – Belpotato
                                                          Sustainability High on the Agenda for New Belgian
22 Process - Sorting                                      Branch Organization
Identifying Foreign Material with the Latest Technology
                                                          54 Storage Special
26 Expert View - Tomra Food                               Reasons Why Energy Efficiency Is Important
Welcome to The Optical Sorting Revolution
                                                          56 Storage Management
30 Spotlight -                                            Keeping an Eye on Everything
   Robotization and Smart Packaging
Consider a Greener Future

                            42 46

What Will Smart
                                 Packaging Be Like
                                 in the Future?
                                  Dan Orehov - Managing Editor
                                  email: dan.orehov@trade.media, Skype: dan.orehov

F                                                To achieve higher
        rom my talks with various                                                           detectors and date coders. This
        industry experts and                                                                allows operators to control a
        equipment manufacturers,              levels of automation                          complete system from a single,
        one thing same thing with                                                           intuitive User Interface (UI) to
reiterates: the future of packaging is          in their packaging                          promote greater productivity,
undoubtedly digital, and that’s where          lines customers are                          reliability and serviceability.
anyone can see some of the most                                                             As for plastic, while right now it is still
interesting developments recently.              using technologies                          essential, it is important not to view
Food manufacturers are facing
numerous challenges; from ensuring
                                               such as the Internet                         it as a standalone solution to the
                                                                                            world’s sustainability challenges.
their operations are as energy                of Things (IoT), self-                        Sourcing material from sustainable
efficient as possible and striving for                                                      suppliers, applying eco-friendly
the lowest possible carbon footprint,
                                                learning software                           practices in manufacturing and
to delivering transparent solutions –              and artificial                           finding innovative ways of reducing
all while meeting consumer demand                                                           carbon footprint are additional ways
for relevant experiences, real-time              intelligence (AI).                         in which manufacturers can improve
interaction and personalized content.                                                       their sustainability credentials.
This means that packaging systems with higher levels of              The industry is constantly evolving to find new energy-
automation and improved diagnostics are in growing                   saving solutions, such as power-saving software for food
demand.                                                              processing and packaging lines. Such developments help
To achieve higher levels of automation in their packaging            brand owners reduce carbon footprint and energy usage
lines and for increasing machine up-time and therefore the           by offering features that include ‘stand-by time’.
economic efficiency of operations, customers are using               What measures does your company undertake to be more
technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), self-             sustainable and environment-friendly in terms of the
learning software and artificial intelligence (AI). The latest in    packaging equipment and materials you use?
packaging equipment can streamline all components of
the packaging line, including multi-head weighers, metal                                                                                  Stay safe! l

Dan Orehov (managing editor)                   Nicoleta Marasescu
email: dan.orehov@trade.media                  (managing director)                                  Like our page and join our online community:
Tel: +40 770 951 871                           nicoleta.marasescu@trade.media
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Tudor Vintiloiu (web & digital editor)                                                                      features and show attendance.

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    Reveals New Storage Projects                                                                    last few years to become a successful

               olsma-Grisnich recently              outside air is also possible. All QCCs and      place for storage and grading. The storage
               announced the delivery of a          QMLs are controlled by a Vision Control         facility has a 2,100 tons capacity for the
               brand-new storage and grading        climate computer. The grading installation      cooling of seed and processing potatoes
               line, designed for one of the        features a roller inspection table, the         and is climate-controlled. The potatoes
    biggest potatoes and grains wholesale           MV13 grading machine and buffer-bins            are stored in boxes. The Vision Control
    production companies in the Bryansk             with integrated box-fillers. The grader         storage computer saves data such as
    region, in Russia. The storage and grading      contains four sieving decks, which sort         temperature, relative air humidity and
    line have the capacity to handle over           out three different sizes of potatoes. The      CO2 and ensures the storage is
    6.000 tons of seed potatoes. The building       box filler starts automatically after sensing   permanently monitored. The units are
    of this new seed potato business in Russia      the box in its place. The total hourly infeed   designed to run in an energy efficient
    began in early 2019, and the completed          capacity is 30 tons of potatoes per hour,       manner, to keep the power bill low.
    operation includes storage locations for        and the fully automated process ensures a       Both the Quadro Air Mix Unit 60 (QML
    boxed potatoes, as well as a fully-             significant reduction in the amount of          60) and the Quadro Compact Cooler are
    equipped grading hall. Four storage             labor required.                                 characterized by their high efficiency
    facilities have been equipped with the          At the same time, the company revealed          and easy installation. The QML can be
    latest QCC 60 and QML 60 compact                the completion of another storage facility      connected to a cooling unit and the
    coolers. Each cell has a capacity of 1,500      in the heart of Rakaia, Timaru, New             QCC achieves different cooling
    tons of boxed potatoes. The QCCs are            Zealand. The beneficiary is the Rakaia Hub      capacities, using the variable control on
    fitted with a hatch, so that ventilation with   Ltd, a company that has grown over the          the compressor.

      Japan’s Calbee Buys    Haith Appoints
      Sweet Potato Processor Financial Controller
     C                                                                          P
               albee, Inc. announced in a press release that it has reached               The designer and manufacturer of vegetable
               a definitive agreement for the purchase of stocks with J-                  handling equipment has appointed a new financial
               GIA I Limited Partnership, which was founded by Japan                      controller to head up its accounts department. Emma
               Growth Investments Alliance, Inc. and are individual                       Johnson joined Haith Group last month, reporting to
                                                         shareholders of        Nigel Haith, managing director. With nine years of financial
                                                         Potato Kaitsuka        experience gained at an industrial hose manufacturer, Emma
                                                         Co. Ltd.               has been given responsibility for managing all aspects of
                                                         Under the long-        Haith finances, dealing with day-to-day financial
                                                         term vision            administration as well as producing monthly accounts,
                                                         announced in May       forecasting and budget management.
                                                         2019, Calbee aims      Emma Johnson is pleased to be joining the company at an
                                                         to establish           exciting period. “Haith is well known and is synonymous with
     overseas markets and new food domains as growth pillars. The entry         excellence in the farming sector. I’ve only been here a few
     into the sweet potato business by making Potato Kaitsuka a                 weeks, but it is clear that the company is growing. As the team
     subsidiary will strengthen their efforts to enter new food markets.        here focuses on meeting the increasing demand, we need to
     Potato Kaitsuka started operation in 1967 as a wholesale company           ensure the financial side of the
     specializing in sweet potatoes. Today, based mainly on their original      business runs as smoothly and
     brand of sweet potato, “Beni-Tenshi”, they engage in the sale of raw       effectively as possible. I’m looking
     materials for baked sweet potato to retail stores, as well as the direct   forward to working with the accounts
     sales of baked sweet potatoes. With the demand for sweet potatoes          team to ensure this continues.”
     expanding due to the introduction and utilization of baking potato         Incorporated as a limited company in
     machines in retail stores, the amount of exports is also increasing in     1964, Tickhill Engineering, which trades
     recent years, thanks to the rising recognition of baked sweet potato       as Haith, has a long tradition of
     products in Greater China and South Asia. The Ibaraki Prefecture,          innovating vegetable handling. The
     where Potato Kaitsuka is located, ranks second in terms of domestic        company invented the modern barrel
     sweet potato yields in 2018, and Potato Kaitsuka has a considerable        washer in 1961, developed the brush
     share of this production.                                                  roller bed in the 1970s, which was
     While the acquisition of shares has no impact on consolidated              superseded in the ’80s by the Hydro
     results for the year ending March 31, 2020, the acquisition will           Flow washer. The company introduced
     contribute to improving the performance of Calbee Group over the           the Self Clean washer at the beginning
     medium- to long-term.                                                      of this century.

6                                                                                                                   Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING

                                                     Key Technology Promotes
                                                     Quentin Kemph
                                                     high-performance digital sorting,             to that, Service Technician and
                                                     conveying and other automation                Precision Welder/Supervisor. Innovative
                                                     systems to customers that process             problem solving has led Kemph to
                                                     fruits, vegetables, potatoes, nuts, snack     develop five patents at Key.
                                                     foods, poultry and more.                      “As I pivot my career to become more
                                                     Quentin Kemph has been with Key for           directly involved with customers, I’ll
                                                     more than 30 years, holding a variety of      continue to be available to our
                                                     positions of increasing responsibility.       applications and technical support
                                                     Most recently, he was Sales and               teams, as needed,” said Kemph.

              ey Technology, a member of             Applications Technical Support                Prior to Kemph’s appointment, Jeff
              the Duravant family of                 Specialist where he worked closely with       Nielsen was responsible for Key sales in
              operating companies,                   customers and Key teams to customize          both the Southeast and South-Central
              announced the promotion of             equipment that improves product               United States. To better serve this large
    Quentin Kemph as Area Sales Manager              quality, increases yield and reduces          12-state area, Nielsen will now focus on
    for the South-Central United States.             operating costs. Previously, he was           the Southeast territory as Kemph takes
    Kemph is responsible for bringing Key’s          Senior Applications Specialist and prior      on the South-Central region.

      tna Launches Latest robag 3
      Packaging Series
           na will showcase its range of integrated, start-to-finish food   “The food packaging industry is evolving
           processing and packaging solutions for the snack industry        at a rapid pace, with manufacturers
           at this year’s SNAXPO - including the newest addition to the     finding themselves under ever-increasing
           tna robag® 3 packaging portfolio, the tna robag® 3e. Visitors    pressure to improve the operational
     are also invited to experience live demonstrations of the tna          efficiency of their packaging processes. In
     intelli-flav® OMS 5.1 on-machine seasoning system, the tna             an industry where the real and virtual
     roflo® HM 3 horizontal motion and tna roflo® VM 3 vibratory            worlds are increasingly converging, digital
     motion conveyors - suitable for a range of snack applications,         control systems must become more
     from potato chips and pellets, to french fries. The new tna            sophisticated to deliver the levels of
     robag® 3e will take centre stage at their booth at the 2020            automation and performance expected -
     SNAXPO trade show. With fully integrated real-time                     from a single piece of equipment to entire
     communication software and smart diagnostics, the system               production lines,” comments Steven Wolfe,
     focuses and delivers on control sophistication.                        general manager at tna North America.”

    Tong Engineering Upgrades Coil Cleaner

                                                      egetable              of root crops including potatoes, carrots, parsnips, onions and
                                                      handling              more,” says Richard Knighton, sales manager at Tong Engineering.
                                                      equipment             He adds that “with reduced downtime and maximum efficiency
                                                      manufacturer,         remaining at the forefront of equipment upgrade decisions, the
                                            Tong Engineering, is            new super-speed self-cleaning function on the latest models is
                                            building upon the success       already proving to bring invaluable time-saving and operational
                                            of its popular potato and       benefits.”
                                            vegetable coil cleaning         Incorporating a heavy duty, scissor-action shaft design, the
                                            unit, with new                  deformable PU coil shafts feature an easy-maintenance coupling
                                            advancements for                and are fully adjustable to suit a wide range of sizing
                                            optimum performance and         requirements. With a direct-drive motor on every shaft, the coil
                                            ease of maintenance. Tong’s     cleaning and sizing unit is not only easy to maintain, but also
                                            range of coil cleaning and      ensures maximum energy efficiency during operation. The next
    pre-grading systems are designed to offer gentle handling of crop       generation coil cleaner from Tong can be built to suit all
    while combining soil removal and crop sizing within one unit.           throughput and sizing requirements, available in 4, 6 and 8 row
    “Our PU coil cleaner is a very popular choice among growers and         configurations as standard, and is popularly combined with Tong’s
    processors, offering very flexible application across a wide variety    EasyClean separator for efficient cleaning and sizing results.

8                                                                                                                  Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING

     J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods
     in Patent Legal Battle

            .R. Simplot and McCain Foods have          of a high electric field directly to the         that while the claimed process employs a
            spent the last few years battling in       vegetables and/or fruit under conditions         well-known natural phenomenon, it does
            the U.S. District Court for the District   such that the resulting increase in the          not preempt the use of the phenomena.
            of Idaho, over issues concerning a         temperature of the vegetables and/or fruit       Instead, the claim only seeks to foreclose
     design patent related to a spiraled potato.       is almost zero or at least sufficiently low as   the use of the phenomenon “in conjunc-
     The challenge refers to McCain’s utility          to not amount to a preheating step.”             tion with all of the other steps of the
     patent that is directed to the process of         Simplot argued that vegetables softening         claimed process.” Simplot also argued that
     using high-energy electric field technology       (i.e., becoming easier to cut) when exposed      the claim is directed to an abstract idea. It
     to pretreat potatoes (and other vegetables)       to an electric field is a natural law and,       reasoned that softening vegetables before
     before cutting and cooking them. Simplot          therefore, a patent directed to an electric      cutting and cooking is a vague idea, so
     filed a motion for judgment on the                field making vegetables easier to cut is not     there must be some inventive concept for
     pleadings, arguing that McCain’s patent is        patent eligible. In Simplot’s view, claim 1 is   the patent to survive. The court, again,
     ineligible because it contains an overbroad       impermissibly directed at the natural law        disagreed. It said the inventors recognized
     claim directed to both a natural law and an       itself. The court, however, noted that while     that applying an electric field to vegetables
     abstract idea: that vegetables soften when        it is true that Section 101 prohibits patents    would soften them, but that’s not what
     exposed to an electric field. Claim 1 of the      based on laws of nature, a claim drawn to a      they patented. Their patent claims an
     asserted patent reads: “A process for             law of nature or natural phenomena does          application of that knowledge to create a
     treating vegetables and fruit before              not become nonstatutory simply because           new process. The court found the asserted
     cooking in order to reduce their resistance       it contains a law of nature. Looking at Rapid    claim patent eligible and denied the
     to cutting, characterized by the application      Litigation v. CellzDirect, the court stated      motion for judgment on the pleadings.

       Burts Potato Chips                                                              Patatas Meléndez
       Secures Growth                                                                  Acquires Integral Potato
       Through Costa Coffee
                                                                                                atatas Meléndez recently announced the purchase
                                                                                                of the Integral Potato facilities, located in the
                                                                                                Valladolid town of Medina del Campo, Spain, which

                                                   ne of UK’s leading
                                                                                                was declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court of
                                                   independent snacking
                                                                                      Valladolid in November 2017 and which began liquidation
                                                   companies has marked the
                                                                                      procedures in November 2019. The purchase agreement,
                                                   next stage in its growth
                                                                                      authorized by the bankruptcy judge, states that in addition
                                      towards GBP100m worth of sales by
                                                                                      to the acquisition of the tangible assets of the bankrupt
                                      2022, announcing nationwide
                                                                                      company and the payment of a significant amount towards
                                      distribution of Burts Potato Chips
                                                                                      reducing its liabilities, the company must retain the
                                      through the Costa Coffee chain.
                                                                                      workforce of Integral Potato. The aforementioned operation
                                      According to retailtimes.co.uk, Burts
                                                                                      authorized by the Commercial Court has also allowed
                                      Snacks has revealed the new listing
                                                                                      Patatas Meléndez to acquire the ownership of the land in
                                      following its GBP7m investment into the
                                                                                      which Integral Potato was carrying out its activity. The
                                      business last year. This aided the
                                                                                      purchase of the Integral Potato factory is part of the growth
                                      introduction of a range of new frying and
                                                                                      and innovation strategy of Patatas Meléndez, who will make
       popping techniques across its two manufacturing facilities, helping
                                                                                      a significant investment
       Burts to satisfy increasing demand for its unique products. The
                                                                                      in the new facilities
       Plymouth and Leicester based business forecasts sales of GBP54.3m
                                                                                      acquired, in a clear
       by the end of this financial year, as it continues to outperform in the
                                                                                      commitment to social
       chips, snacks and nuts category. Burts Snacks’ top-selling hand cooked
                                                                                      cohesion in the Medina
       chips, Burts Potato Chips, will be available in four flavors – Sea Salt, Sea
                                                                                      del Campo region.
       Salt & Malted Vinegar, Mature Cheddar & Spring Onion and Sweet
                                                                                      Patatas Meléndez is the
       Chilli – at Costa Coffee stores across the UK from March 2020.
                                                                                      leading Valladolid
       Simon Knight, sales & marketing director at Burts Snacks, commented:
                                                                                      company in the
       Eric Tavoukdijan, commercial marketing director at Costa Coffee,
                                                                                      production of fresh
       added: “At Costa Coffee, we’re passionate about providing our
                                                                                      potatoes in Spain with
       customers with the highest quality produce and are constantly on the
                                                                                      a 19.1% market share
       lookout for innovative products from provenance-based, authentic
                                                                                      and a turnover of
       brands, that will appeal to everyone who walks through our doors.”
                                                                                      over EUR88m.

10                                                                                                                      Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Showtime – Europatat Congress

                                                                                   A New
                                                                                  Age for
                                                                                         In anticipation of this year’s
                                                                                             edition of the Europatat
                                                                                        Congress, I talked to Raquel
                                                                                              Izquierdo de Santiago,
                                                                                            managing director of the
                                                                                              European Potato Trade
                                                                                         Association about the most
                                                                                      pressing issues of the industry
                                                                                          today, as well as about the
                                                                                                 upcoming congress.
                                                                                                        By Dan Orehov

     What should participants look             Association during the meetings of        potatoes" with the key word of the
     forward to, at the upcoming               the various Europatat Commissions         day being digitalization. With this
     Europatat Congress this year?             (seed potatoes, early and ware            topic, we want to convey to the
     The Europatat Congress has become         potatoes, packers, technical and          sector, our members and
     a key gathering for all potato            regulatory issues and RUCIP). These       participants, that digitalization is not
     professionals on the edge of a new        sessions will also feature different      only a business buzzword, but that
     potato season. Under the title “A new     guest speakers.                           digital technologies have the
     age for potatoes”, this year’s                                                      potential to help tackle important
     Congress will explore the                 Which are the main topics for             economic, social, climate and
     possibilities and barriers to             discussion that you have prepared         environmental challenges facing the
     successfully make the most of             and what determined you to                EU's agri-food sector, while offering a
     digitalization in the potato sector.      choose these themes?                      huge advantage for companies,
     Key speakers from both the business       This year’s event will be organized       including those in the potato sector.
     and the European institutions will        around the theme "A new age for           High-tech and digital solutions are
     share with the audience their
     insights on the benefits for
     sustainability and the economic            “Europatat, together with the relevant
     potential that digitalization can offer
     to companies. Besides the                  bodies in Belgium, France and Ireland,
     professional working program, our
     Congress will also offer plenty of         have launched a promotion campaign to
     opportunities for networking, such
     as the exclusive Cocktail & Gala           put fresh potatoes back in the minds and
     Dinner that will take place at the
     beautiful BELvue Museum with a
                                                lives of millennials, under the title
     view over the gardens of the Royal         “Potatoes, prepare to be surprised –
     Palace. In addition, Europatat
     members will have the chance to            Europe’s favorite since 1536.”
     review the different activities of the

12                                                                                                     Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Showtime – Europatat Congress

gaining ground not only at the
producer level but also along the
whole supply chain. The use of             “Potato traders and packers are
digital technologies and big data
throughout the potato chain can
                                           improving skills machine-operators to
have a huge potential to mitigate          limit packaging losses, as well as choosing
increases in environmental costs
stemming from higher standards. In         optimal packaging materials that preserve
our view, research and innovation is
one of the key drivers to enhance          the quality of potatoes while reducing the
competitiveness along the whole
food supply chain, and it is also an       amount of plastic used.”
important factor in generational
renewal, particularly in agriculture.     currently traded, and that the EU-27      European policy and regulatory
Future research should help               operators do not loose                    framework for sustainable food
producers to apply digital and            competitiveness in the UK and             systems should be developed to face
innovative instruments such as            international markets. For this           all these challenges and to achieve a
remote sensing applications and           reason, Europatat has sent a position     sustainable food system.
artificial intelligence technologies on   paper to the EU-UK negotiation team
their farms and crops.                    of the European Commission on             What initiatives are in place, or
Even though one of the main               which the sector calls on the EU to       will be introduced in the coming
priorities of the new European            make a priority the amendment of          years, with regards to creating a
Commission is to achieve a digital        current EU legislation in order to        more sustainable potato
transformation for all the sectors of     include the UK as one of the third        industry, supply chain and come
the economy including agriculture,        countries from which the EU can           up with solutions that help
there are still significant gaps in the   import seed and ware potatoes.            reduce food waste.
knowledge, applications and                                                         The European potato sector is
perceptions around these                  What are the current                      already contributing to the
technologies that need to be              challenges, facing the European           sustainability of the supply chain and
addressed. Therefore, digital             potato industry at present,               the transition to a circular economy,
education for agri-food businesses        besides Brexit?                           which includes the reduction of food
must be a key component of the EU’s       The concern regarding food                waste. Potato traders have already
strategy for the upcoming years.          sustainability along the whole            put in place specific strategies to
                                          supply chain has been increasing in       reduce both the generation of
Please discuss Brexit and the             the political agenda in the past years.   potato waste and the environmental
impact this can have on the entire        There is a need to secure a fair,         impact of their commercial activities.
European potato industry.                 healthy and environmentally-friendly      For instance, breeding companies
Europatat members are highly              food system, a message that the           are constantly involved in the
concerned by the future of trade in       potato sector fully endorses. In this     research of new potato varieties with
potatoes between Member States of         sense, our sector is already taking       higher yields and less susceptible for
the EU-27 and the UK. The UK              responsibility towards relevant EU        diseases and defects. Potato traders
imports annually about 255.000 tons       ambitions such as a better                and packers are, for example,
(EUR 112 million) of fresh or seed        management and reduction of               improving skills machine-operators
potatoes, of which around 191.000         chemical plant protection products;       to limit packaging losses as well as
tons (EUR 84 million) are from the        reduction of plastic packaging while      choosing optimal packaging
EU-27 countries. The largest              ensuring that no food waste is            materials that preserve the quality of
proportion of UK imports are by far       generated; promotion of sustainable       potatoes while reducing the amount
the frozen products, such as frozen       food consumption; or the transition       of plastic used. The potato sector is
chips, which are not counted for          towards a more sustainable storage        also jointly creating alternative range
above and come entirely from the          and transport.                            options for out of size potatoes.
EU-27. Regarding UK exports of            Research and innovation can provide
potatoes, these concern mostly seed       solutions for sustainable food            How do you believe the ban of
potatoes, and almost 70% in volume        systems and market opportunities.         CIPC will impact the European
(around 205.000 tons) and over 60%        For instance, new technologies such       potato industry?
of value (around EUR 84 million) is       as new plant breeding techniques          The European potato sector is
sent to the EU-27 countries.              can contribute to various goals of        indeed facing a major challenge. On
Therefore, it is of outmost               the European Union by saving land         the one hand, it is important to
importance for our sector that the        resources and reducing crop               prevent possible cross-
negotiations result in securing the       protection products while stabilizing     contamination of potatoes that are
most stable situation as possible on      and increasing crop yields to provide     stored or transported in installations
what refers to volumes and values         food security. However, a coherent        that used to work with CIPC. On the

POTATO PROCESSING • Issue 2/2020                                                                                              13
Showtime – Europatat Congress

                                                                                        with young families). Under the title
                                                                                        “Potatoes, prepare to be surprised –
                                                                                        Europe’s favorite since 1536”, the
                                                                                        joint initiative, which is co-financed
                                                                                        by the European Commission under
                                                                                        the EU Promotion policy, has just
                                                                                        started and will run until December
                                                                                        2022. Young consumers in other EU
                                                                                        countries will also be reached thanks
                                                                                        to the translation of recipes into
                                                                                        Italian, German, Spanish and Polish.
                                                                                        The campaign’s backbone will be
                                                                                        Instagram and a common website,
                                                                                        but other social media channels such
                                                                                        as Facebook, Pinterest or YouTube
                                                                                        will be also used to provide tips and
                                                                                        tricks on how to easily integrate
                                                                                        potatoes into millennials’ daily
                                                                                        lifestyle. The message of the
                                                                                        campaign will be clear: potatoes fit
     other hand, it is also important to        campaign to put fresh potatoes back     in a modern, healthy and sustainable
     gain knowledge of the use of               in the minds and lives of millennials   lifestyle of millennials, because they
     alternative means. Besides proper          (people between 18 and 34 year old      are a tasty, versatile and have good
     cleaning practices, many storage           living on their own, co-habiting or     nutritional and health benefits! l
     facilities will most likely also have to
     be modernized in order to make use
     of alternative means possible.
     In cooperation with various umbrella
     organizations in the supply chain at
     European level, Europatat has been
     very involved in the exchange of
     knowledge and input to have a
     workable future strategy. We are now
     awaiting further information from
     the European Commission regarding
     a temporary MRL and a protocol of
     sampling and cleaning that should
     allow growers, trade and processing
     to store and market potatoes
     without risk and provided that they
     do not longer use CIPC.

     What initiatives are you taking or
     will be taking, in order to raise
     awareness of the benefits of
     potato consumption among all
     generations, especially the
     young adults?
                                                 “Europatat members are highly concerned
     Fresh potatoes remain Europe's most         by the future of trade in potatoes between
     popular main meal carbohydrate
     and are deeply anchored in the food         Member States of the EU-27 and the UK.
     habits of the European Union,
     however nowadays they face two              Therefore, it is of outmost importance for
     main obstacles: a long-term
     decrease in their consumption; and a        our sector that the negotiations result in
     stagnation of their image as a
     traditional food. To slow down this
                                                 securing the most stable situation as
     consumption trend, Europatat,               possible on what refers to volumes and
     together with the relevant bodies in
     Belgium (Flanders), France and              values currently traded. ”
     Ireland, have launched a promotion

14                                                                                                    Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Process – Drying

     Keeping an Eye on
     Water Evaporation
     The main challenge with the drying process is the time required for starting and stopping
     the process, mainly on larger dryers, in view of the required stabilization of the drying
     process during these phases.
     By Dan Orehov

             he fast migration of water     water depends on the heat input to      the desired uniform moisture profile
             during the drying process is   the potato mash, the temperature of     in combination with a high output.
             most important to achieve      the potato mash fed to the dryer,       “The Andritz dryers enable a fast
             a highly efficient drying      the consistency of the potato mash      filling and controlled emptying of
     process. By creating a thin layer on   and the exposure of the potato          the dryers by which off-spec
     the drying surface of a drying         mash to the air that need to absorb     product, that has to be sent to
     drum, the water migration can be       and evacuate the moisture, as well      waste, is kept to an absolute
     fast and homogeneous. By the           as the condition of that air, its       minimum,” says Alexander de Jager,
     equal thermal treatment of the         temperature, velocity and humidity.     Industry manager at ANDRITZ
     product, the final dry product has     The boundary layer of saturated         Gouda B.V. “Our main focus in potato
     an extreme low water activity,         vapor above the product layer being     processing is on key equipment for
     which inhibits the bacterial growth    dried inhibits further evaporation      the production of final consumer
     during storage. By this aspect, the    and therefore this boundary layer       products, such as dryers and milling
     drum dryer process is unique and       will need to be broken to create the    equipment to produce flakes and
     not comparable by any other            condition for further evaporation of    granules, and the processing of
     drying process. The equal              the potato mash. In order to achieve    potatoes for the production of a
     treatment also ensures a lump free     a uniform moisture profile, the         wide range of modified starches and
     instant product at reconstitution,     density and film thickness must be      derivatives. But what needs to
     comparable with fresh prepared         uniform over the width of the dyer,     mentioned here as well is that
     potato puree in appearance,            as well as the condition of the         Andritz not only provides dryers for
     consistency and taste.                 surrounding air. A well distributed     certain applications, but also
                                            flow of fresh air supply will need to   provides complete system solutions
     BALANCING THE                          be balanced with the water vapor        covering also up- and downstream
     AIR FLOW DISTRIBUTION                  containing air being extracted. After   processes such as sedimentation,
     According to representatives from      evaporation of the almost dry film is   centrifugation, filtration, and
     Andritz Gouda, the evaporation of      an important aspect for obtaining       solidification,” the added.

16                                                                                               Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Process – Drying

RESOURCES                              “A high rate of moisture removal depends
Effective drying is obtained by
using saturated steam. The new         on a good heat transfer of the energy of
generation steam boilers are
capable of using alternative fuel,     the steam inside the drum to the outside
like biomass, that often is
available from the production          surface temperature. In addition, a good
plants operating the steam heated
dryers. Other methods of drying
                                       evaporation area is needed, which is
can be considered in the near
future, such as electrical heating
                                       reached by means of the extremely large
and induction heating. The             surface of the drum.”
knowledge about various drying
and thermal treatment                  Dustin Dwight Tummers
technologies within Andritz, such
as in the Separation and Pulp &
Paper business areas, creates a
platform for further innovation on
drum technology, the company
says. By extraction of heat from
the continuous vapor flow,
heating of the required process air
can be realized, thus creating a
more efficient drying process.
Compact mechanical-electrical
drives make it possible to replace
air driven machine elements.
When high pressure cleaning is
applied, this can cause aerosol
contamination in the surrounding
area and creates high risk of
bacterial growth in a high hygiene
zone. Food producers that
recognize this risk apply dry
cleaning and only perform
fumigation once or twice per year.
When an atmospheric drum dryer        sensors to ensure product of a           CONSISTENCY
will be totally enclosed and          constant quality, i.e. density, film     IS A CHALLENGE
designed for CIP with smooth          (flake) thickness and residual           One of the main issues mentioned
surfaces and heated walls, as the     moisture. Automation of pre-             by the companies contacted for this
Andritz vacuum drum dryers, a CIP     heating, start-up and shut-down          article is the challenge to produce a
procedure will be possible in the     procedures are minimum                   consistent flake quality at the
future, making the cleaning           requirements, are already realized       highest possible capacity. With
activities operator independent. As   today with Metris addIQ control          years of experience and lab drum
potatoes are more and more used       systems from Andritz. In relation to     trials, Tummers has developed the
in other food products, like baby     this the constant quality of the         perfect drum to make this
food, the need for adapting the       potato mash is to be monitored for       combination work.
production environment and            anticipating on the machine              “A high rate of moisture removal
production regime will move           setting to realize an optimum            depends on a good heat transfer of
along, such as the need to            output. In a modern dryer, the           the energy of the steam inside the
introduce barriers and access locks   machine condition is monitored to        drum to the outside surface
for entrance to a pressurized         maximize uptime and predict the          temperature. In addition, a good
drying room.                          necessary service intervals to           evaporation area is needed, which
Alexander de Jager also says that     maintain output and quality of           is reached by means of the
an enclosed drum dryer                product, as well as an interrupted       extremely large surface of the
installation with defined             production during the life time          drum,” says Dustin Dwight
boundaries of the drying process      cycle of the dryer. Lastly, in view of   Tummers, marketing specialist at
will require full automation to       the increasing demand for potato         Tummers Food Processing Solutions.
control all required adjustments      flakes, the demand for more              On the other hand, there is a
based on strategically positioned     efficient dryers is inevitable.          defined balance between running

POTATO PROCESSING • Issue 2/2020                                                                                       17
Process – Drying

     high capacity and high quality,
     which often counter each other.
     Based on long years of experience
     and our in-house laboratory drum
     trials, we have found the perfect
     balance between these two
     features,” he adds.
     Improving the heat transfer factor
     of the drum has enabled Tummers
     to run at lower steam pressures,
     which is more sustainable. And
     they have improved the
     condensate return system, allowing
     better usage of the valuable energy
     which is still in the condensate.
     Furthermore, the focus of
     innovation is on capacity and
     hygiene, which is why the             by 10% and substantially           transfer. This combination allows
     company has increased the size of     improved the capacity per square   processors to make a significant
     their market leading flake drum       meter, by improving the heat       step up in producing higher
                                                                              capacities on a single drum. The
                                                                              other improvement aspect of
                                                                              Tummers’ flake drum is hygiene,
                                                                              with food safety as the main
                                                                              driver, but also enabling longer
                                                                              times between cleaning stops,
                                                                              which further increases the yearly
                                                                              line production.
                                                                              “The side shields of the applicator
                                                                              rolls generally have some leakage,
                                                                              which is a point for regular
                                                                              cleaning. Tummers has developed
                                                                              an innovative new side shield,
                                                                              which is greatly reducing this
                                                                              leakage. Other areas of
                                                                              improvement on the new drum are
                                                                              the cleanability of the so called
                                                                              back shield, the autotrax and the
                                                                              vapor hood,” says Dustin Tummers,
                                                                              adding that “rinse in place is a nice
                                                                              feature, which is incorporated in
                                                                              the new design, but the main
                                                                              focus in our development was to
                                                                              reduce build-up of contamination.
      “Our main focus in potato processing                                    With typical cleaning intervals of
      is on key equipment for the production                                  three to four months, it’s more
                                                                              economic to extend these intervals
      of final consumer products, such as                                     then to shorten the cleaning stop
                                                                              by a few hours.”
      dryers and milling equipment to                                         To conclude, depending on the
                                                                              production volume and dry solids
      produce flakes and granules, and the                                    content of the feed, several dryer
                                                                              sizes are possible. However,
      processing of potatoes for the                                          mechanical restrictions do not
      production of a wide range of modified                                  allow a production rate higher
                                                                              than 1,000kg of dry product per
      starches and derivatives.”                                              hour. Lastly, aerosol contamination
                                                                              needs to be eliminated during the
      Alexander de Jager, Industry manager                                    drying process, which remains one
      at Andritz Gouda B.V.                                                   of the most important steps in
                                                                              potato processing. l

18                                                                                         Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Expert View - Bühler Aeroglide

     Lab Testing for
     Drying Success                                                                     Aldo De Tuoni
     The drying step is key to achieving a high-quality product for a variety of process industries.
     It is of vital importance to keep processing on a uniform and optimized regime for most of
     the time, maintaining precise parameters needed to achieve a target moisture.
     By Aldo De Tuoni, PE, CEM, senior process engineer serving food, feed and
     industrial markets.

                                                 “For food applications, tests that consider
                                                 food safety are paramount. Drying,

             xtreme process variations
             have the potential to impact
             the safety and the reliability of   roasting, heating, toasting and
             the process line, as well as the
     profitability of a company. Drying          tempering, can have a direct impact on
     tests can be a path to success.             food stability. In many cases, a thermal
     PICKING THE RIGHT SOLUTION                  process acts as kill step destroying
     When choosing simple process
     equipment, such as a pump or a fan, it      potentially harmful microorganisms.”
     is only necessary to know some

20                                                                                Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Expert View - Bühler Aeroglide

pressure and flow requirements in
order to select the right model from a        “Laboratory testing helps identify
manufacturer’s catalog. But the
selection process is far more                 processing challenges and the
complicated with thermal processing
equipment because there are                   appropriate technology. For instance, if
multiple ways to introduce a product
to hot air. Combined with an infinite         product sticks to the dryer surface,
array of products and processes that
depend on thermal processing, along
                                              clumps, becomes brittle and breaks, or
with their different forms and sizes,
finding correlations or empirical
                                              produces fine dust, testing will enable the
equations for every situation is              drying manufacturer to design a drying
extremely difficult.
If the product is widely known and            process that will avoid specific problems.”
the dryer is part of a processing line
that has not changed in recent years,       strategy for drying, and this is          inside the drying process or outside
the drying equipment has likely been        equally important with a new or           of it. Test can also simulate changes
tested numerous times. But for a new        existing process where testing on a       before they happen, to determine
process and product, the possibility        smaller scale would save money on         what the impact will be on the
of drastic changes in processing            wasted product.                           process and the product.
variables makes testing mandatory.          Product development is probably           For food applications, tests that
From small scale pilot dryers to state-     the most interesting but most             consider food safety are paramount.
of-the-art laboratories, a supplier         challenging experience any research       Drying, roasting, heating, toasting
expert in thermal processing will           team can face, and brings many            and tempering, can have a direct
have knowledge of the widest range          questions. How will the product           impact on food stability. In many
of technologies.                            react to heating, cooling, tempering,     cases, a thermal process acts as kill
Laboratory testing helps identify           humid air and agitation? How can          step destroying potentially harmful
processing challenges and the               the product achieve the desired           microorganisms. Running a test
appropriate technology. For instance,       characteristics? And, is the test         under special conditions, using a
if product sticks to the dryer surface,     product representative of what can        surrogate organism identical to the
clumps, becomes brittle and breaks,         be processed in the production line?      real pathogen in its biological
or produces fine dust, testing will         The answer to this last question is       response, can determine the
enable the drying manufacturer to           yes, if the exact same technology is      processing conditions--temperature,
design a drying process that will           designed for production by a reliable     air velocity, retention time and
avoid specific problems. It also helps      manufacturer of thermal processing        thickness of the product-- necessary
the plant process engineer plan             equipment. But what if a company          to achieve a safe process.
processing equipment needed before          acquires an old facility or used          From confirming product
and after the dryer.                        equipment and needs to adapt the          characteristics and determining
Tests can examine small amounts of          existing equipment to a new               precise parameters to scale up, to
raw or wet product under different          product? In this case, the original       verifying food safe processing, lab
temperature, air flow and air humidity      equipment manufacturer can                testing is essential. Experienced
patterns. A test unit should be             provide guidance through small            applications engineers with global
capable of changing the quantities of       scale testing.                            state-of-the-art laboratories can
initial product, and the experimental                                                 provide the expertise needed for
data should be able to be scaled up to      THE IMPORTANCE                            drying success. l
an industrial size process. The test unit   OF FOOD SAFETY
should also allow flexibility, to split     But there are times when a process
the process into zones or stages,           must be modified upstream for the
which will allow process conditions to      drying process. For instance, a drastic
change in every zone.                       change in product formulation, a
                                            change in raw materials, or a change
IDENTIFYING                                 in a fundamental upstream
THE DRYING CURVE                            process—such as a change in a
This is the most important                  reactor or a catalyst in the chemical
information to gain from testing            industry—can dramatically impact
because it tells how fast a product         the process and cost of the final
will dry under very specific                product. Testing can determine the
conditions. Conducting experiments          best way to counteract the negative
that change processing conditions           impacts on the drying process by
will help determine the optimal             identifying the variables to change

POTATO PROCESSING • Issue 2/2020                                                                                              21
Process – Sorting

     Identifying Foreign Material
     with the Latest Technology
     In digital sorting, to optimize performance, the system must be designed specifically for
     the products being sorted and properly sized for the application. It must also be well
     maintained by the user to prevent diminishing performance.
     By Dan Orehov

          n digital sorting, performance is      sorting whole potatoes, the Herbert      system on the Oculus sorter achieves
          typically measured as a ‘defect        Oculus sorters were recently added to    20 percent more potato surface
          removal rate’ as well as a ‘good-to-   the Key sorting product range.           inspection to improve sort
          bad ratio.’ Sophisticated sorters      Inspecting tubers with 360° vision,      efficiencies and offers gentler
     typically achieve defect removal rates      Key’s Herbert Oculus sorters detect      handling than traditional cascade
     of 90 to 99 percent or higher. The          color defects, diseases and surface      sorters. Compared to other 360°
     good-to-bad ratio often ranges from         abnormalities. This includes skin        sorters, Oculus is the only sorter that
     1:4 to 1:10 and is sometimes as high        discoloration, green and dark colors,    can reach capacities of up to 80
     as 1:50 or 1:100. These results depend      bumps and notches, mechanical            metric tons per hour,” says Karel Van
     on the nature of the product, the           damage, common scab, cracks and          Velthoven, Advanced Inspection
     effectiveness of the sorter’s infeed        black dot. Oculus is ideal for sorting   Systems Product Marketing manager
     and the pitch of the sorter’s ejection      pre-peeled whole potatoes, either        at Key Technology.”“For potato strips,
     system, among other things.                 unwashed or washed, in or                VERYX is our best-selling digital sorter.
                                                 immediately following storage to         Featuring sustainable all-sided
     CHALLENGES FROM A TO Z                      eliminate defects and FM and identify    surface inspection, unique multi-
     The primary challenge associated            the dimensional profile of incoming      sensor Pixel Fusion™ and the highest
     with sorting wet potato products            raw whole potatoes to improve            resolution cameras and laser sensors
     comes from the splatter that can            downstream processes. For potato         on a digital sorter, VERYX removes
     obstruct sensor windows, light              strip sorting, Key’s VERYX® continues    more FM and the right amount of
     sources and backgrounds, which              to lead the industry with the most       product defects to make grade while
     hurts the sorter’s performance. For         advanced features. As the world’s only   virtually eliminating false rejects to
     whole potato sorters, the biggest           sorter that is able to inspect product   maximize yield,” Van Velthoven adds.
     sanitation challenge comes from dirt.       entirely in-air with both top- and
     Here, high-performing mechanical            bottom-mounted cameras and laser         DETECTING
     pre-cleaning solutions and the              sensors, VERYX achieves sustainable      FOREIGN MATERIAL
     sorter’s mechanical design help to          all-sided surface inspection to detect   One of the most important
     overcome the challenge.                     and remove more FM and defects.          characteristics that modern optical
     In the case of Key Technology, for          “For whole potatoes, the 360° roller     sorters must have is flexibility. In fact,

22                                                                                                        Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Process – Sorting

sorters must be able to identify any
kind of defects even if they have the        “Suitable for both wet and frozen potato
same color of the product. In order to
do so sorters should have many               strips, a Sort-to-grade-enabled sorter
frequencies, analyzing the light by
reflection, fluorescence and                 recognizes and categorizes every surface
translucency, and make shape and
dimension analysis.                          defect and the dimensional characteristics
Representatives of Raytec say that
machines can offer an efficiency very
                                             of every individual strip and makes each
close to 100% on foreign bodies and
higher than 90% on the other defects.
                                             accept/reject decision based on how it will
On discarded products Raytec                 impact the aggregate ‘in the bag’ grade, as
guarantees the presence of
maximum 5-7 good potatoes every              defined by the processor.”
100 rejections for whole potatoes and
15-20 good units every 100 rejections        Karel Van Velthoven, Key Technology
for cut potatoes.
“We are more and more focusing on
the precise detection of length and
shape of frozen french-fries. In this
case the presence of short or curved
fries makes the difference between a
second quality product and a
premium one. Since our peculiarity is
the high definition and the very low
margin of error, this sector is a fertile
ground to invest in,” say Raytec
representatives. “One of the most
important innovations in the potato
sorting sector is the application on
unwashed potatoes. The most
relevant problem consists in
separating potatoes from stones
because they are both covered with
soil and the tubers underneath are
invisible. The optical sorter
RAYNBOW uses its high-speed
double vision system to remove              general. CURIOSITY deserves a            procedure not only reduces wastes
stones, soil clumps, green and rotten       particular mention not only because      and contributes to improve the
potatoes and its effectiveness has          it is the company’s latest model, but    sustainability in food processing, but
been recently proved in our                 also because it is the only machine      it is economically efficient for
installation at AKP Group in North          which responds to the new American       companies,” Raytec representatives
Lincolnshire, UK,” they add.                guidelines dictated by representatives   say. “Raytec’s machines can offer an
Raytec has a wide range of optical          of the major GDO, fast-food chains       efficiency very close to 100% on
sorters for potatoes which are able to      and other important players in the       foreign bodies and higher than 90%
respond to the different needs of the       food processing sector. Moreover,        on the other defects. On discarded
potato processing phases. The               Raytec can also provide solutions for    products Raytec guarantees the
RAYNBOW model is, for example,              sorting frozen french-fries and other    presence of maximum 5-7 good
applied for washed and unwashed             cut potatoes. In fact, the model         potatoes every 100 rejections for
potatoes, so it collocates at the           DRYCE, thanks to its high-resolution     whole potatoes and 15-20 good units
beginning of the processing line.           cameras that examine the product         every 100 rejections for cut potatoes.”
RAYNBOW can sort peeled potatoes            using the "free fall double side view"   Coming back to Key Technology, with
but, to detect very small dots, Raytec      system, is able to analyze 100% of the   the acquisition of Herbert Solutions
designed the optical machine Dryce          surface of each product.                 earlier this year, the company has
with an optical resolution of only          “All our sorters can be equipped with    added whole potato sorting
0,3x0,3 mm and finger ejectors.             a double reject system, in this way we   technology to their family of world-
For processed products, for instance,       can differentiate wastes from second     class equipment and enhanced their
the models SPRAY, DISCOVERY and             quality products which can be            portfolio of potato processing
CURIOSITY can be used for chips,            destined to other process like potato    solutions. The Herbert Oculus for
french-fries and cut potatoes in            puree, flakes and croquettes. This       whole potato sorting enables Key to

POTATO PROCESSING • Issue 2/2020                                                                                               23
Process – Sorting

     offer a broader set of integrated
     systems throughout the potato value
     chain that will advance the custo-
     mers’ product quality, production
     efficiency and yield. Key’s Herbert
     Oculus sorter has a leading position
     in the fresh pack potato industry and
     is quickly gaining traction in potato
     processing plants inspecting pre-
     peeled whole potatoes.                   higher throughput than any other         to the cutters, so downstream digital
     Moreover, the VERYX sorters are ideal    360° full-surface whole potato sorter    sorters can focus on FM that is
     for wet and frozen potato strips and     on the market. For potato strips and     inadvertently introduced during
     specialty potato products, and Key’s     specialty products, our family of        production, either from faulty
     Optyx sorters continue to lead the       VERYX sorters includes systems of        equipment upstream or careless
     potato chip/crisp industry. Beyond       various widths to satisfy a wide range   operators. Unlike other suppliers in
     their state-of-the-art sorters, they     of capacity requirements. The largest    the market, Key offers both optical
     have a range of mechanical solutions     VERYX is the B210, which features an     sorters and mechanical grading
     that we can integrate pre- and post-     inspection area that is 2100-mm wide     solutions, so their customers benefit
     sorting to optimize the customers’       and offers a production capacity in      from a seamlessly integrated
     product quality, yield and               excess of 23 metric tons of product      customized solution from one source.
     process efficiencies.                    per hour, depending on the
     “For whole potatoes, Key’s Herbert       application,” explains Van Velthoven.    KEEPING SANITATION IN MIND
     Oculus sorter is capable of sorting up   Most foreign material (FM) from the      Keeping a sorter clean helps
     to 80 metric tons per hour, depending    field, such as rocks and dirt, is        maximize FM and defect removal and
     on the potato variety, which is a        removed by mechanical systems prior      minimize false rejects to improve food
                                                                                       safety and increase yield. On VERYX,
                                                                                       Key positions sensors, light sources
                                                                                       and backgrounds away from product
                                                                                       splatter. This innovative design helps
                                                                                       keep these surfaces clean, enabling
                                                                                       us to configure VERYX to achieve full-
                                                                                       surface inspection sustainably
                                                                                       throughout the longest production
                                                                                       cycles in the most demanding, high-
                                                                                       volume environments using entirely
                                                                                       in-air top and bottom viewing.
                                                                                       At the same time, Raytec
                                                                                       representatives say that the company
                                                                                       is always attentive to the latest food
                                                                                       safety standards. For this reason, it has
                                                                                       created a new machine that makes its
                                                                                       strength in the totally hygienic
                                                                                       concept. CURIOSITY, presented at

      “Machines can offer an efficiency very
      close to 100% on foreign bodies and
      higher than 90% on the other defects. On
      discarded products, Raytec guarantees
      the presence of maximum 5-7 good
      potatoes every 100 rejections for whole
      potatoes and 15-20 good units every 100
      rejections for cut potatoes.”

24                                                                                                    Issue 2/2020 • POTATO PROCESSING
Process – Sorting

Cibus Tec in 2019, is the first belt           cameras on a sorter to detect the     5. Add Sort-to-Grade software to
sorter which can replace its conveyor          widest variety of FM and defects.        achieve the most complex final
belt in only five minutes. In addition,     2. Leverage sensors with higher             product quality specifications
the sliding guides of the belt can be          resolutions to detect smaller FM         without operator intervention
disassembled without the use of tools          and defects.                             while increasing yield and
for a deep and hygienic cleaning out        3. Add Pixel Fusion to find the             eliminating mechanical length
of the machine. This technology has            most difficult to detect FM and          grading equipment.
been adopted precisely to meet the             subtle defects while minimizing       6. Add Information Analytics software
hygiene measures promoted in the               false rejects.                           to turn a sorter into a data center
United States and Raytec is sure that       4. Combine top- and bottom-                 that collects, analyzes and shares
could be adopted as a technological            mounted sensors to see all sides of      production and product data
standard for all kind of food sectors.         each object to detect and remove         with the enterprise to optimize
                                               more FM and defects.                     line management. l
To reduce waste and improve
sustainability, potato processors are
increasingly using sorters equipped
with powerful Sort-to-Grade (STG)
software. Suitable for both wet and
frozen potato strips, a STG-enabled
sorter recognizes and categorizes
every surface defect and the
dimensional characteristics of every
individual strip and makes each
accept/reject decision based on how
it will impact the aggregate ‘in the
bag’ grade, as defined by the
processor. By controlling the output
for defect types and strip lengths that
must be managed to a particular
grade or “spec,” STG accurately
maintains the most complex final
product specifications without
operator intervention while
increasing yields by one to three
percent and enabling processors to
eliminate mechanical length grading.
Moreover, because each processor is
unique, there is no ‘must have’ list that
applies to everybody. Having said
that, Key Technology concludes that
some popular options are as follows:
1. Combine laser scanners and color

POTATO PROCESSING • Issue 2/2020                                                                                              25
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