POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate

Page created by Andrea Greene
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Eastern Shore Real Estate                                                      A new monthly
                                                                                 real estate


                                                                          Pick up a FREE copy!
                                                                                July 2021

  Featuring the Eastern Shore’s finest properties
                 and top agents!
CAPTAINS COVE                                                             HISTORIC CAPE CHARLES


     For more information about these listings, see the Long & Foster Real Estate ad on Page 5
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
A LWAY S 1 0 0 % F R E E C E & P L E
                                        We are proudly offering Moseley Real Estate Schools licensing courses. As the #1
                                         Online and Classroom Real Estate School in Virginia, Moseley has helped more
                                             people complete their real estate licensing education than any other school.

                                                  LEARN LOCAL, SUCCEED LOCAL® by completing your courses with
                                                                         Moseley Certified Trainer from our firm.


    Course Type                Date Range                        Sessions                              Time

                           July 6th - August 5th            10 Sessions: T/Th                 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

     Salesperson               October 5th -
                                                            10 Sessions: T/Th                 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
     Pre-Licensing             November 4th

     Salesperson               January 4th -
                                                            10 Sessions: T/Th                 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
     Pre-Licensing             February 3rd

                                Register Now:

                                            MEET YOUR TRAINERS!
  Anne Kyle Bundick Doughty                                                                    John Morgan Jr.                                                
  Mobile: 757-710-3824                                                                  Mobile: 757-710-2262

                                 Classes Held at: Eastern Shore Association of Realtors
                                    25020 Shore Parkway, Suite 1J, Onley, VA 23418
                                                  Office: 757-789-7630

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings               — Page 2—                                                      July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate

   6539 Saltworks Road, Exmore     Lot 26 Sunset Blvd, Cape Charles   Lot 14 Tickitank Way, Machipongo   225 Mason Ave, Cape Charles      130 Heron Pond Lane, Cape Charles
           $975,000                          $239,000                           $350,000                        $749,000                            $110,000


                                                                                                                                       Real Estate Services

 Lynn Gray Watson
                                                                                                                        Patrick P. Sullivan
     OWNER-BROKER                                                                                                              ASSOCIATE BROKER
  (757) 695-7777                                                                                                           (757) 955-5160


   $1,200.000                                                                                                                                  $649,000
   113 acre                                                                                                                                    585 acres
   Seaside farm                                                                                                                                One-story cabin
                                                                                           OWN YOUR OWN
                                                                                           ISLAND ON THE
                                                 WATERFRONT                                CHESAPEAKE BAY

                                 Dave Mitchell                                           Waterfowl - Turkey - Deer
                                                       & some of God’s best fishing.

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                                     — Page 3—                                                                           July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Castlebar                                                    Sunrise Shore

 Abbie Thornton Cottage                                           Pony Tales

       Chincoteague Resort Vacations - where great vacations happen!
        Serving Chincoteague Island & Captains Cove Golf & Yacht Club.
                           Homes to fit all budgets!

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings   — Page 4—                      July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Cape Charles          Captains Cove
                                                                                                               757.331.2500           757.824.5195
                                                                                                                       Chincoteague Island

                               Three offices to serve you, licensed in Virginia & Maryland

                                                                              NEW CONSTUCTION
     CAPE CHARLES - BAY CREEK                           CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND                                      CAPTAINS COVE                                       HOPELAND
     Custom home in gated community offered              This 3BR/3.5BA plus large bonus room            WOW, WOW, WOW... A low maintenance,            Luxurious contemporary waterfront home,
          well below current cost to build.              Farmhouse-style home is sure to WOW             gorgeous,waterfront home is exactly what       4BR/3.5BA on 3.8 acres. Fantastic views of
      Superior craftsmanship evident in this          you! Situated on a 3/4 acre lot in the heart       everyone is looking for. Amenities include        Kegotank Bay & the Atlantic Ocean!
         4978 sq. ft. attractive home with            of the island, it boasts a grand 2 story foyer,      golf w/pro shop, indoor/outdoor pools,         Fall asleep to the sound of ocean each
          1st and 2nd floor master suites.               16 x 28 great room w/exposed beams!              bay side tiki bar, fine dining and marina.    night! Many fine features throughout and
           Luxury Lifestyle at $947,000                   Call us for all the details! $840,000                           $309,000                              multi-car garage. $949,900

                    PAINTER                                        DEEP CREEK                             HISTORIC CAPE CHARLES                                        QUINBY
         Eastern Shore style home, over 3,000         Cuddly Eastern Shore waterfront home nestled       Located just blocks from the Public Beach,     Spectacular 3BR waterfront home on 1.88
        sq. ft. of living space, heart pine floors,     in Deep Creek on the waterway. Enjoy Deep        this home offers spacious rooms beaming        acres offers great spaces and elevator to all
       light-filled family room, dining room w/         Creek area with beautiful open views across       with natural light. The 3BR/2.5BA home        levels! New dock & pier w/water & electric.
      fireplace, large eat-in-kitchen w/beamed         the creek. Affordable entry into the waterfront     has a great floor plan & new back deck.        This home is part of a larger 6.4 Ac. WF
        ceiling, 2nd staircase to bonus room &            market for any buyer willing to do some        Perfect for entertaining at the beach. Local   parcel and includes 3 additional bldg. lots.
      attic. This 56 Ac. farm was once a thriving     upgrades and repairs to make this retreat even      amenities include great fine dining and       So much potential for your private retreat!
           winery. Outbuildings. $425,000                 more beautiful and appealing. $196,000               excellent shopping. $650,000                              $585,000

    Patty Woodhurst            Ace Seybolt            Meghan Clarkson             Shaun Sterling             Lea Asen               Angela Orlandi       Betty Ann Latimer            Jenny Barker
     757.336.5100             757.336.5100             757.894.0798               757.854.8171             848.667.6799             218.591.8936          757.615.2683               917.612.8799

     Melanie Brown               Erika Schadt           Catherine Stinson             Amanda Dunton            Cynthia Dempster          Betty Lou Charnock     The McGoldrick Team
     757.286.1302               252.241.5535             757.288.4144                  757.678.2352             757.350.1039               757.442.1261     757.990.2652 757.710.3771

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                                                      — Page 5—                                                                                         July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings   — Page 6—   July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Let Our Family Show
   Your Family The Way Home!
                                                                                                      Andy Mason

    Cathy Salamone             Cindy Nicolls     George Schoolfield     Ian Mclean     Jane Bulette   Jeremy Ware
     631-838-5920              757-710-2934        757-710-1871        757-693-2001   757-710-0319    908-328-8634

     Nancy James              Schuyler Hurlbut     Susan Beasley      Tammy Hopkins    Beth Haines    Bunny Mclean
     757-710-3089              757-710-9576        757-710-1284        757-348-6128   757-693-2489    757-710-5952

     Aaron Turner              Tammy Mason       Michael Stephano      Helen Glenn    Kelly Edwards    Tilly Mason
     757-710-0521              757-710-2295       757-710-0803         757-710-3129   757-710-3608    757-787-1010

   Christopher Blane Sample   Maureen Mackay      Jessica Bernard       Susan Hill    Diana Belote     Leslie Lewis
     757-787-1010              757-709-8590        757-710-9938        757-710-3816   757-709-4972    757-709-8271

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                        — Page 7—                                        July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
For a Lifestyle You Deserve
                               Build Your Dream Home in Captain’s Cove

            Serving all of your                                                             Robert Smith Jr
             real estate needs
                                                                                            Cell 443.956.3588
                                                                                            Office 410.525.5435

  Lot 719 Castaway Drive             Lot 717 Osprey Drive             Lot 718 Castaway Drive           Lot 720 Castaway Drive
   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356    Greenbackville, Virginia 23356   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356

   Lot 542 Skipper Court            Lot 1111 Amidship Drive           Lot 484 Dry Dock Court           Lot 254 Navigator Drive
   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356    Greenbackville, Virginia 23356   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356   Greenbackville, Virginia 23356

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                         — Page 8—                                                     July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Take These 7 Steps To Be
          Purchase-Ready in a Seller’s Market
By Sharon Lukens,
Executive Director
Eastern Shore Association

   The fast-paced real es-
tate market has a low in-
ventory of homes for sale,      es, home owner association      ly one. Be ready to make an
and lots of buyers. Compe-      (HOA) fees, utilities, main-    appealing offer AS SOON
tition for homes is fierce,     tenance, and even future        as you found “the home.”
and time to settlement can      repair costs into your total    Keep in mind that cash of-
be short. If you are serious-   budget. Eastern Shore liv-      fers, those with no contin-
ly in the market for a great    ing may also come with ex-      gencies, and offers over
home and new life here on       penses for recreation (golf,    asking price may be more
the Eastern Shore, it’s im-     boating, antiquing), and        appealing to sellers.             Sharon Lukens
portant to have a plan, and     water management (flood            (7) Be ready to move.
do your homework weeks or       insurance, wear and tear        Think ahead to what will      sold at a yard sale or on-
months in advance. These        on cars, and special land-      happen next, once the deal    line. If you will be down-
seven steps will have you       scaping needs).                 is closed. Go through your    sizing, consider and secure
purchase-ready in no time.         (4) Find a trusted           current home to purge old     a storage facility if need-
   (1) Talk to mortgage         agent. It’s a good idea to      clothes, dishware, and me-    ed. If you follow all these
brokers. First, take the        talk with multiple real es-     mentos. Consider what         steps, moving day could
time to get prequalified.       tate professionals to find      can be donated, trashed or    come fast!
Even though interest rates      one you trust, who under-

                                                                 Eastern Shore Real Estate
overall are low, be willing     stands your goals, and who
to shop around to find the      is familiar with the neigh-
best mortgage for your sit-     borhood and type of home

uation. Be sure you under-      you are purchasing. Search
stand the home loan pro-        sold listings in your desired
cess completely. You can        neighborhood and price
find several mortgage com-      range on ­  w ww.REALTOR.
panies on the ESAR web-         com to find an agent with
site,,       recent sales similar to what      Featuring the Eastern Shore of Virginia’s
on the Industry Partners        you want.
page.                              (5) Think about future         finest properties and top agents. To adver-
   (2) Select where you         needs. You’re planning to         tise, call Amy Higgins at 757.709.1761.
want to live. The Eastern       live in the house soon, but
Shore has quaint towns,         also think about resell-          Publisher and Editor:
quiet communities, and          ing. The average buyer ex-
                                                                  Connie Morrison, Eastern Shore Post
busier tourist attractions.     pects to stay in a home for
Make a list of your top three   around 15 years, accord-
or four neighborhoods, tak-     ing to the National Asso-         757.789.7678
ing into account taxes, in-     ciation of ­   R EALTORS®’
ternet availability and sta-    2020 Profile of Home Buy-         Sales and Marketing Manager:
bility, schools and doctors,    ers and Sellers. So consider      Amy Higgins, Eastern Shore Marketing
safety, and distance to rec-    features that will make the
reational facilities, farms,    home appealing to the next
and amenities (like grocery     buyer or will need upgrades       757.709.1761
stores).                        between when you buy and
   (3) Set your bud-            when you might sell.              Graphic Designer:
get. A lender can tell you         (6) Make a good offer,         Joni Hamilton, Shore Marketing Services
what you can afford, but        fast. Today, your offer is
you should consider tax-        very unlikely to be the on-

 Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                  — Page 9—                                              July 2021
POSTINGS Eastern Shore Real Estate
Horse Lovers...this is the house! Large pasture, fenced with paddock, just bring
                                                                                                    the horses. This 1800’s home with many original features of yesteryear yet has
                                                                                                    been renovated & added onto to offer the comforts of today. First level with pine
                                                                                                    floors throughout, den with built-in desk & bookcases leads into dining room with
                                                                                                    propane fireplace. Amazing kitchen with island stove, stainless appliances, double
                                                                                                    oven, wood fireplace, wet bar & lovely dining space with window seat & view of
                                                                                                    pasture. Stunning sunroom! Spacious living room with wood fireplace leads into
                                                                                                    double foyer to back yard & half bath, tile floor. Second level offers four bedrooms
                                                                                                    with pine flooring, two full baths & unique room with curved ceiling & brick wall, a
                                                                                                    must see! All surrounded by mature trees & lovely landscaping. MLS#53990

   6325 Maddox Boulevard.
   Chincoteague, VA 23336
 Licensed in Virginia & Maryland
                                                       Gorgeous 4BR/3.5BA pond             Spectacular waterfront       Incredible view of the               3BR waterfront home on
          Your Local Boutique                          front beauty in Corbin Hall.        Lighthouse view beach        lighthouse. Being at the             Chincoteague! One large lot
          Real Estate Company                          Finest details including            house on Piney Island.       confluence of 3 creeks, the          and one smaller lot. Downstairs
                                                       eat-in kitchen with maple           Upgrades in the works!       birding is extraordinary. Two        includes two screen porches,
                                                       cabinets, hardwood floors,          4BR/3.5BA and windows        lovely bedrooms with hardwood        recently remodeled kitchen,
                                                       and two fireplaces, one in          all around. Atrium,          floors, one with private covered     living room, bathroom and
                                                       large Master Suite. Complex         decks, cathedral ceilings,   balcony. Guest cottage offers a      a bonus room. Septic on the
                                                       incl. club house, pool & boat       whirlpool, widows walk,      full bath, two bedrooms, one         main lot and another septic
                                                       launch. MLS#52650                   MORE! PLUS, boat ramp &      with private balcony & half bath.    on the additional lot. Many
                                                                                           lift. WOW! MLS#53645         Premier, established rental.         upgrades! MLS#53058

 Let us                                               the
   help you                                                            beach!
                                                                                                        KNOWLEDGEABLE • EFFICIENT • PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                         Accomack Title & Settlement will help you get to
                                                                                                         the closing table with our reasonable settlement
                                                                                                                fees and great turn around times.

     Serving All of Your Real Estate Needs
        on beautiful Chincoteague Island & beyond

                                                                                                                     757-787-4752          Accomac, VA

Lynn Lowe                     Lance & Elaine Stitcher                       Chris Rainer
REALTOR®Licensed in VA & MD   Broker/Owners, Licensed in VA & MD        REALTOR® Licensed in VA
Cell: 301.351.8765             Cell: 443.685.4829                  Cell: 757.377.4095

      Office: 757.336.7070 Toll Free: 844.662.2583
                   4101 Main Street | Chincoteague, VA 23336
                                                                                                          Andy Mason                  LeAnne Chase                    Billie Jeffries
                                                                                  Owner                       Manager                Searcher/Abstrator

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                                                 — Page 10—                                                                              July 2021
Looking For Prime
                                Eastern Shore Property?
 SUMMER is Here! We still have historic low
 interest rates available, it is a great time to
  buy your Dream Home or Lot to build on!

   Call 800-258-3437 for our Free
   Waterfront Catalog or visit us                                                                             Custom Crafted Timber

    online at
                                                                                                              Frame Post & Beam, 3151sf
                                                                                                              Contemporary, 3 Bedroom, 3
                                                                                                              Bath Bayfront home $789,000

  3 BR, 2 Bath Waterfront                                 Gorgeous 4 BR, 3 Bath home                          Large Condo on Mason Avenue offering Chesapeake
  home w/ dock on 2 acres                                 on Nicklaus Golf Course. 1st                        Bay and Harbor views in the heart of the historic
  overlooking pristine waters                             level Owner’s suite, hardwood                       district of Cape Charles. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 3rd
  of Jacobus Creek. $550,000                              floors, great backyard. $529,000                    floor unit offers a private balcony. $447,500

  Wooded & highly elevated                              Be a part of Nature in this 3                         4 BR, 3½ Bath, this quaint
  offering incredible views of the                      bedroom, 2½ bath waterfront                           Eastern Shore Farmhouse is
  Chesapeake Bay. Sunsets Galore!                       home with acreage. Offering the                       immaculate and boasts history
  Great place to build your Dream Home! $350,000        Best in Shore living. Dock and Large Deck. $695,000   and charm. Nicely renovated in 2018. $369,000

     113 Mason Avenue                         7134 Wilsonia Neck Drive
   Cape Charles, VA 23310                      Machipongo, VA 23405
       757-331-4885                                757-678-5200                                                    Nobody Knows the
         Licensed in VA Information contained herein believed accurate but not warranted.                     Eastern Shore Better! Nobody!

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                                    — Page 11—                                                                  July 2021

           Kim Starr 757.635.0711

         Eva Noonan 757.615.8700

        Luisa Gazzolo 757.635.6407

       Penney Holland 757.641.9753

                 MLS# 53852 WATERFRONT                            MLS# 52801 WATERFRONT FARM 54.61 acres
          27520 Allure Way, Cape Charles,VA $799,000             Scarboroughs Neck Rd, Belle Haven VA $749,000

                          MLS#23852 WATERFRONT 1719 Sand Hill Dr, Cape Charles, VA $735,000

                   Call Today! 757.331.8100  

Eastern Shore Real Estate Postings                 — Page 12—                                             July 2021
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