POLICY OFFICER HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP - Sept 2021 and Jan 2022 starts - University of ...

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POLICY OFFICER HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP - Sept 2021 and Jan 2022 starts - University of ...
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     Sept 2021 and Jan 2022 starts
     Information for employers
POLICY OFFICER HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP - Sept 2021 and Jan 2022 starts - University of ...
2        University of Kent / Policy Officer Higher Apprenticeship


Higher and degree                         • support both on- and off-the-job       Benefits to employers of
apprenticeships are a                       learning and training through          this higher apprenticeship
partnership between the                     regular workplace visits and
                                                                                   • Helps you to utilise your
                                            progress reviews with the
University and you, the                                                              Apprenticeship Levy fund and
                                            apprentice and their employer.
employer.                                                                            secure your apprenticeship target
                                                                                   • Can improve employee retention
At the University of Kent, we offer a
                                          Our commitment to                          and motivation by attracting
Policy Officer Higher Apprenticeship      employers                                  talented, loyal staff who are
that is tailored for aspiring policy      At the University of Kent we               committed to excellence
professionals.                            recognise the importance of              • Helps you build a diverse and
                                          employers being at the centre of           loyal workforce
Our Level 4 Policy Officer Higher         apprenticeships. For that reason,        • Available across England
Apprenticeship is a formal                we seek early engagement with            • High-quality tuition from
qualification for working                 employers to understand their              academics with internationally
professionals near the start of their     organisation’s culture and values          recognised experience and
career in public administration or        and how they need their                    expertise
policy-making.                            apprentice’s learning to be              • Develops practical skills that
                                          structured.                                can be applied in the context of
Apprenticeships allow employees                                                      your organisation from day one
to combine paid work, on-the-job          We work with small- and medium-          • Leads to a recognised Certificate
experience and training, and              sized, as well as large organisations.     of Higher Education
gaining recognised qualifications.        We provide induction for line            • As students of the University of
You employ the apprentice and we:         managers, such as training                 Kent, your employees benefit
• provide an off-the-job academic         sessions, a line manager handbook,         from the added value of a higher
   programme of learning for 20%          instructional videos and a                 education experience.
   of the apprentice’s paid hours         workplace induction checklist.
• help you design on-the-job
   training plans

                                                                                   “The University of Kent higher
    Contact us                                                                     apprenticeship gives aspiring
    To talk to us about any aspect of our apprenticeships, just get in touch       policy professionals the tools to
    with our team:                                                                 do their job. It equips them for
    apprenticeships@kent.ac.uk                                                     problem-solving, evidence-
    01634 888459 or 888467
                                                                                   gathering, policy analysis and
                                                                                   working with a wide range of
    If you would like to discuss the Policy Officer Higher Apprenticeship,
                                                                                   stakeholders, all with integrity
    please contact the Programme Director:
                                                                                   and objectivity.”
    Dr Lavinia Mitton                                                              Dr Lavinia Mitton
    L.Mitton@kent.ac.uk                                                            Programme Director
    07808 161845
www.kent.ac.uk/apprenticeships                    3

The University has been awarded a        negotiating of new policies;              Policy Officer
gold rating, the highest, in the UK      handling sensitive information and        Apprenticeship Standard*
Government’s Teaching Excellence         keeping accurate records of policy
                                                                                   The Apprenticeship Standard
Framework (TEF). The TEF Panel           history; and assisting their wider
                                                                                   specifies that apprentices need to
judged that Kent delivers                team by providing administrative
                                                                                   achieve the following knowledge,
consistently outstanding teaching,       support.
                                                                                   skills and behaviours.
learning and outcomes for its
students. It is of the highest quality   Policy roles are often based within
                                         organisations that interact with and
found in the UK.
                                         strive to influence government            Including: the political environment;
The University’s Centre for Higher       policy, such as:                          economic, social, technological,
and Degree Apprenticeships               • local authorities                       legal and environmental factors;
(CHDA) was described as a ‘Good          • national government                     programme and project
Provider’ of Higher Apprenticeships      • public bodies                           management; consultation
following a full inspection by Ofsted.   • statutory regulators                    processes; policy delivery of
                                         • private sector organisations            a policy area relevant to their
Supporting you to develop                • non-profit, charity and voluntary       employment.
the next generation of                      organisations.
policy experts
                                         This qualification is suited to all the   Including: the ability to gather
This apprenticeship is particularly      following types of employees:             evidence; carry out evidence-based
suited to the following roles:           • new starts                              problem-solving; carry out
• Policy Officer                         • existing employees                      evaluation; communicating with
• Policy Manager                         • career changers                         influence; presentation skills; time
• Policy Adviser                         • school leavers                          management.
• Policy Analyst                         • individual apprentices and
• Political Affairs Manager.                 cohorts                               Behaviours
                                         • full- and part-time employees.          Including: continuous learning and
The responsibilities of those working
in such roles encompass the                                                        agility; big-picture thinking; looking
development, implementation and
                                         Apprenticeship Standards                  to the future; working collaboratively;
evaluation phases of policy-making,      The Apprenticeship Standard               resilience; self-awareness.
and may include: researching and         specifies what is required of an
understanding the political              apprentice. It has been developed
environment in order to support the      by a group of employers and
continuous, uninterrupted                approved by the Institute for
development of a policy; gathering       Apprenticeships and Technical
evidence and being objective to          Education (IfATE) to ensure that
support the influencing and              apprenticeships are delivered and
                                         assessed consistently.

                                                                                   *The Standard is under revision. The new
                                                                                   Standard is due to start teaching in
                                                                                   January 2022. The full Standard is available
                                                                                   at www.instituteforapprenticeships.org –
                                                                                   search for ‘Policy Officer Apprenticeship’
4      University of Kent / Policy Officer Higher Apprenticeship


The course                            • Applied Policy Analysis                working on their own at a time
                                      • Implementing Policy                    and location to suit workplace
Start date and duration
                                      • Making and Communicating               priorities. It includes videoed
The apprentice can start in             Policy                                 talks, links to related reading,
September 2021 or January 2022.       • Project Management for Policy          activities with feedback provided
The duration of this apprenticeship     Officers                               and discussion forums. The
is 24 months including the EPA, but   • Critical Thinking for Policy           course content can be easily
this is flexible.                       Analysis                               accessed on a range of devices,
                                      • Applied Research Methods for           with no need for specialist
Course content                          Evidence-based Policy.                 software, giving apprentices
On the Certificate of Higher                                                   a high level of flexibility about
Education in Policy Studies,          Learning delivery                        when and where their learning
apprentices immerse themselves in     The University of Kent has designed      takes place.
public policy strategy, design and    this apprenticeship for delivery       2 Interactive online learning in a
delivery. They also discover how      throughout England. The                  virtual classroom where the
policy professionals can make a       programme is delivered primarily         apprentice receives teaching
difference. The emphasis of the       using our web-based online               support in real time. We hold
Certificate is to link the academic   learning environment, Moodle.            real-time live webinars online,
knowledge to work-based learning      This offers an integrated suite of       providing convenient contact
and employment.                       interactive teaching and learning        with the lecturers for apprentices
                                      tools and provides apprentices           in locations across England,
We listen to you so that the course   with a flexible distance-learning        while maintaining a first-class
meets your needs, but typically the   experience led by academics.             education experience. The
modules studied are:                                                           lecturer holds a weekly
• Readiness for Policy Officer        There are two elements to the            consultation hour, which is
  Apprenticeship                      distance learning.                       optional, at which apprentices
• Who runs the UK? Power, Politics    1 Guided independent online              can ask questions.
  and Policy                             learning, where the apprentice is

“I have identified several
areas for self-development,
particularly in my time-
management and presentation
skills. I have already learned
new techniques for improving
these skills.”
Harry Howell
L4 Policy Officer Apprentice, Ofcom
www.kent.ac.uk/apprenticeships               5

The apprenticeship can be                Gateway                                    “The course has provided
delivered entirely online or as a        Once students have completed the           Katia with the confidence and
combination of online learning with      Certificate of Higher Education and        skills to undertake research
in-person face-to-face teaching at       their on-the-job learning and              and step up in advising both
three, day-long intensive sessions.      training, a meeting is held between        Officers and Members. She is
We usually hold these on a Saturday      the apprentice, their Apprenticeship       now the go-to person on
so that apprentices can travel at off-   Adviser and the employer to confirm        executive decision making.”
peak times. We offer these Saturday      that the apprentice is ready to
intensive sessions in central London                                                Kayode Adewumi
                                         proceed to the end-point
and at various locations in England,                                                Line Manager, Hammersmith and
                                         assessment (EPA).                          Fulham Council
subject to demand. Dates are
announced well in advance.               End-point assessment
                                         The end-point assessment requires          About apprenticeships
Apprentices are also supported by
                                         the apprentice to demonstrate that         Apprenticeships combine paid work
a University of Kent Apprenticeship
                                         they have achieved the Standard.           and study towards a recognised
Adviser who meets every 6-12
                                         An end-point assessment                    qualification. An apprenticeship
weeks with the apprentice and their
                                         organisation (EPAO) that is both           allows individuals to have a real job,
line manager to ensure that they are
                                         approved by the Education and              and to earn while they learn and
supported to successfully complete
                                         Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and           train. Government reforms now
the apprenticeship.
                                         a nationally regulated awarding            ensure apprenticeships are a viable
                                         organisation delivers the EPA              alternative to studying full-time at
A supervisor in the workplace
                                         qualification service. Throughout          university, leaving students debt-
provides on-the-job training and
                                         the apprenticeship we liaise               free.
support for the apprentice.
                                         between you and the EPAO, and
                                         communicate the requirements               Apprenticeship Levy
                                         of the EPA from the start to both          All employers in England with a pay
Apprentices need to develop              apprentices and managers.
confidence and competence in all                                                    bill of over £3m are required to pay
aspects of the Standard. This is                                                    an Apprenticeship Levy of 0.5% of
                                         Qualification                              their total pay bill. The levy can be
achieved through ongoing
                                         On successful completion the               used to pay for training related to
assessment and quarterly cycles of
                                         apprentice will be awarded both            approved apprenticeship standards.
review to prepare the apprentice for
                                         a Certificate of Higher Education          As a higher education institution, we
successful completion. Progress is
                                         in Policy Studies and an                   are uniquely placed to support
assessed by a variety of methods
                                         Apprenticeship. Apprentices are            employers to maximise the
including presentations and written
                                         eligible to receive their certificate at   opportunities of the levy.
assignments. Apprentices also
                                         a Congregations ceremony held in
maintain a portfolio (a record of
                                         Rochester Cathedral.
activity) to showcase their
exemplary practice in achieving
the knowledge, skills and                Progression
behaviours of the Standard.              There will be the possibility to
                                         progress to Level 6 and beyond
                                         once these Apprenticeship
                                         Standards are available.
6      University of Kent / Policy Officer Higher Apprenticeship


Off-the-job training                    apprentices. It is used throughout        The Level 4 Policy Officer
Education and Skills Funding            the apprenticeship, from on-              Apprenticeship funding band is
Agency (ESFA) funding rules require     boarding, initial skills assessments,     £6,000** to pay for the training of
that apprentices must have at least     and workplace reviews, right              each apprentice, including the EPA.
20% of their paid hours as off-the-     through to preparation for the EPA.       This does not include the cost of
job learning. The reason for this is    It is easy for apprentices to keep        travel to the day-long intensives.
to ensure that a quality programme      their records up to date. APTEM
is delivered. This benefits not only    allows employers, apprentices             The University works with levy and
the apprentice but also you, as         and University of Kent staff to           non-levy employers to provide
you have a skilled, well-rounded        see quickly how apprentices are           apprenticeships. For further
employee by the end of the              progressing and identify any issues.      information and a quote, please
apprenticeship.                                                                   contact us.
What counts as off-the-job              Apprentices receive a salary, have        Entry requirements
training?                               an employment contract, spend a           Apprentices must be employed.
Off-the-job training is learning that   minimum of 20% of their work time         Supported by the University of Kent,
leads towards the achievement           on off-the-job learning and pay no        each employer decides on their
of an apprenticeship and is             tuition fees.                             entry requirements and selection
undertaken outside of the                                                         process for the programme.
apprentice’s normal working             This qualification is eligible for levy
duties. Off-the-job learning on         funding in England, meaning the full      Since this apprenticeship exists to
this programme includes:                cost can be met by an employer’s          both diversify the workforce and up-
• guided independent learning           levy fund.                                skill aspiring policy professionals, a
   online                                                                         broad range of entry routes can be
• live real-time webinars               Approved apprenticeships are              considered. As a guide, the
• face-to-face day-long intensive       placed into funding bands, which          minimum prior qualifications needed
   sessions (optional and subject       inform the maximum that can be            to successfully complete the
   to government guidance on            taken out of your levy pot for any        programme are five GCSEs
   Covid-19)                            specific apprenticeship. If there is      (including English and mathematics)
• support with learning                 not enough in your levy pot to cover      at Grade C/4 or above, or an
• optional enrichment activities.       all the apprenticeship training you       equivalent qualification.
                                        would like to undertake as an
APTEM                                   employer, the government will fund        All apprentices must have the right
                                        90% of any additional training, with      to work in the UK.
APTEM is the web-based system for
                                        employers funding the remaining
apprentices to record their learning
                                        10%, subject to the maximum cap.
against the Standard’s knowledge,
skills and behaviours. It is a
complete learner tracker system,
accessible by employers and

                                                                                  **Correct as of June 2021
www.kent.ac.uk/apprenticeships            7


Our academic team                       We encourage all our apprentices       Additional benefits
                                        to support each other, share
Our staff have a huge breadth of                                               As students registered with the
                                        perspectives and learn from the
policy expertise. Across our social                                            University, your employees benefit
                                        contributions of others. Our online
sciences departments we have                                                   from a higher education experience.
                                        learning environment has social
recently carried out policy work                                               The following University services are
                                        learning functionality, such as
with: the Ministry of Justice; the                                             particularly relevant to apprentices:
                                        forums, video upload and sharing.
Department for Business, Energy                                                • Student Learning Advisory
and Industrial Strategy (BEIS);                                                   Service – a dedicated team of
the Women and Equalities Select         Inclusive culture                         learning advisers
Committee; the Government               We champion diversity and this         • Student Support and Wellbeing
Equalities Office (GEO); the            apprenticeship will help you build        – free confidential counselling;
advisory board of the Shared            a diverse workforce. It can be            dedicated mental health, specific
Parental Leave Review; Public           delivered nationally across England,      learning difficulty, autism and
Health England (PHE); NICE; the         which supports ‘levelling up’. We         disability support
Department of Health and Social         support apprentices who may find it    • Library and IT Services – access
Care (DHSC); the Department for         harder to adjust to the workplace or      to the resources apprentices
Education (DfE); the Care Quality       complete their apprenticeship. Our        need for their studies online,
Commission (CQC); the Health and        inclusive culture and community of        wherever they are. They have
Social Care Committee; the Drugs,       practice helps apprentices to feel        access to a huge range of high-
Alcohol and Justice Cross-              connected.                                quality digital resources, such as
Parliamentary Group; and the                                                      e-books, e-journals, databases,
Scottish Affairs Committee.             This apprenticeship promotes              newspapers and multimedia
                                        social mobility by creating visible    • Careers and Employability
As a well-resourced university we       opportunities for career                  Service – events and one-to-one
have a large staffing pool to draw on   progression. Working with you,            advice.
to support delivery, enabling us to     we can help you to develop your
scale up or down depending on           apprenticeship recruitment
cohort sizes.                           processes, for example by more
                                        inclusive entry requirements.           Contact us
Networking and                                                                  To talk to us about any aspect
community                               Kent Inclusive Practices are
                                        powerful practices embedded             of our apprenticeships, just
Valuable learning often takes place                                             get in touch with our team:
                                        across the University to make the
informally, through conversations,                                              apprenticeships@kent.ac.uk
                                        delivery of our teaching more
social interactions and projects – a                                            01634 888459 or 888467
                                        inclusive. They anticipate the needs
community of practice. Apprentices                                              www.kent.ac.uk/apprenticeships
                                        of our learners, reducing the need
are part of a wider cohort, with
                                        for retrospective adjustments, and
opportunities for interaction with                                              If you would like to discuss
                                        benefit all students, not just those
their peers, creating communities                                               the Policy Officer Higher
                                        with disabilities. For example, we
of practice throughout the                                                      Apprenticeship, please contact
                                        ensure that our digital content can
apprenticeship journey. Apprentices                                             the Programme Director:
                                        be used by the widest audience,
come from a wide variety of working                                             Dr Lavinia Mitton
                                        by, for instance, captioning videos,
backgrounds and can form valuable                                               L.Mitton@kent.ac.uk
                                        promoting assistive technologies
new contacts.                                                                   07808 161845
                                        and providing learning materials
                                        in advance.
DPC 130965 06/21 PUB1401
     OUT MORE?
     Contact Dr Lavinia Mitton
     Programme Director
     T: 07808 161845
     E: L.Mitton@kent.ac.uk
     Or our general number:
     T: +44 (0)1634 888459 or 888467
     E: apprenticeships@kent.ac.uk

University of Kent, The Registry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NZ
T: +44 (0)1227 764000 www.kent.ac.uk
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