Police & Crime Plan 2021-2025 - Fighting crime. Preventing crime. Improving lives - Northumbria PCC
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Police & Crime Plan 2021–2025 Fighting crime. Preventing crime. Improving lives. northumbria-pcc.gov.uk
A message from your Police and Crime Commissioner. I have always been passionate about Here in the North East, we have a you informed of everything that’s the North East and I am honoured force that listens well, responds to happening. You can sign up to my to have been elected to represent views and ideas and puts them into newsletter on my website too. the views of local people so we can action. A force that isn’t afraid to be work together to make real change bold and do things differently and a I look forward to working with you happen. As your Police and Crime force that is committed to improving and Northumbria Police on bringing Commissioner, I’m here to give you its performance and the service it this plan to life. a voice on police and crime matters. provides. We all want the North East to My job is to oversee our police force be the very best it can be and feeling because that’s what it is – our force. safe, secure and supported by our police is at the heart of this. To everyone who took part in the huge consultation we held to help shape We are already delivering real change this plan, I am very grateful, and in and this plan is our opportunity to return you have my word; I will make build on that. Before COVID-19 took Kim McGuinness sure Northumbria Police delivers on hold and we went into lockdown, our Police and Crime Commissioner its commitments to keeping you, your region saw knife crime fall 17 per cent family, and your community safe. I compared to the previous year – a want to make sure that not only are really promising drop. And from April officers out there fighting crime and 2020 to March 2021 the force will responding to emergencies but that we have taken on 459 new officers. Not are planning for future generations and only is this well above the targets set preventing crime from happening too. by government but it’s record level recruitment for the force as we work to So what we have created here is a four reverse the numbers cut by austerity. year plan which, crucially, will also see I know that building our force back up us through a critical time when we are is what local people want to see – a learning to live with and recover from strong police force, fit for the future a pandemic which has placed immense and that’s what this plan sets out to strain on us all. Northumbria Police achieve. has certainly had to adapt to a great deal over the last 12 months and I’m This is your plan so let’s keep very thankful for the hard work and talking. You can follow the work of dedication we have seen right across my office on Twitter, Facebook and our force during such challenging times. Instagram where I will regularly keep 2 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 3
About this plan. Contents. This Police and Crime Plan sets out how your 6. Policing at a glance priorities will be acted on by Northumbria Police, covering the years 2021 to 2025. 8. Plan on a page The document goes over the key areas of focus the force will 10. Y our priorities be expected to deliver on, alongside other national policing requirements. It was put together after a region-wide consultation 10. Fighting crime process in which thousands of residents and organisations had their say on what those priorities should be. 16. Preventing crime This plan will form the basis of how I hold the force to account for 20. Improving lives you the public, and as part of that process I will report regularly on the force’s performance towards your priorities. 24. Your plan in action The plan also commits our region to working together, and I will 24. Anti-social behaviour continue to work with community safety organisations, victim support, criminal justice services and others to ensure our streets 26. Reducing crime are safer. 28. Preventing violent crime Alongside this, the Strategic Policing Requirement identifies 30. Neighbourhood policing threats to national security and risks that need to be countered by countrywide policing capabilities. I am committed to supporting 32. Support for victims Northumbria Police in playing a full and active role in tackling national threats such as terrorism, civil emergencies, threats 34. Tackling domestic and sexual abuse to public order, national cyber or digital crime and child sexual abuse. Forces need to work collaboratively on these issues and the Chief Constable and I will ensure that Northumbria Police can 36. Resources play its part. 38. How I will report back to you Of course, policing is a constantly evolving process, and our lives and community needs also change. That’s why I am committing 39. Delivering on the plan to an annual refresh of this plan, making sure it is still relevant to the needs of our region. If you have any thoughts on policing and crime prevention, you can contact me at enquiries@northumbria-pcc.gov.uk 4 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 5
Ours is the 6th largest force in the country and is made up of three Area Commands. Working for Northumbria Police are 3,154 police officers; 1,649 police staff; 125 Special Constables and 204 Police Community Support Officers. At the time of writing, we are going through our biggest recruitment drive yet and are working hard to build our police officer numbers up after a decade of austerity. My office has a relatively small team who work to make Northumbria Police accountable to you, managing the budget and the police estate, driving collaboration, working with a wide range of partners, commissioning services and delivering a Violence Reduction Unit. Policing Northumbria Police on a typical day: at a glance. • Phone calls received 2,444 • 999 calls 672 • Incidents recorded 1,134 • Crimes recorded 402 • Arrests made 84 Our wonderful region stretches There are 632,061 households in • Miles travelled 30,991 for more than 2,000 square miles, Northumbria, 32% of the population is aged 20-44 years-old, whilst 18% is • Serious road collisions attended 4 from the Scottish Border to County Durham; from the Pennines to aged over 65. 29% of families (181,208) • Breath tests administered 12 have someone with a long-term health the North East coast. It is made problem or disability. Almost 95% of the up of North and South Tyneside, Amongst other crimes, population is white, while 5% (77,106) are Sunderland, Newcastle, Gateshead from minority ethnic groups, mainly Asian officers will deal with: and Northumberland. Our region or Asian British (3%). 69% of Northumbria has it all – rural, urban and coastal • Residential burglary 14 people identified with a recognised communities – and they all need their religion. 66% said that they were Christian, • Thefts 83 own special focuses. 2% are Muslim and many other religions • Thefts from motor vehicle 15 were also followed in smaller numbers. • Thefts of motor vehicle 6 Northumbria has three large shopping • Violent crimes 146 centres – the Metrocentre, Eldon Square • Robberies 2 and The Bridges, and four universities – Northumbria, Newcastle, Sunderland and • Road traffic incidents 16 the Open University in the North. • Missing person reports 29 6 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Policing at a glance. 7
Fighting crime Preventing crime Improving lives Plan Priority 1 Anti-social behaviour Priority 3 Preventing violent crime Priority 5 Support for victims on a We need a plan to prevent people, Anti-social behaviour is an issue in many particularly young people, getting into Being a victim of crime can undermine a parts of our region, and in many cases it’s a life of violent crime. person’s confidence and make them unhappy about something other than laws being or frightened. It can affect a person’s outlook page. broken and criminality. on life, that’s why it is so important that we That’s why I set up a Violence Reduction put victims at the heart of policing. Unit to ensure the police are not alone I’m committed to hiring more police in standing up to violent crime and I am officers and supporting youth services to Protecting vulnerable victims is absolutely committed to its long-term success. a priority for Northumbria Police and I will help your neighbourhood. continue to make sure this focus remains. I will ensure there is a clear plan to I will ensure the police support others to reduce serious and violent crime – reduce anti-social behaviour, including I will introduce a new system for targeting the illegal drugs trade and supporting victims of crime, whilst education providers, local councils and the crime that follows this. The North East is one of the safest housing organisations. continuing to invest in the services that support people through this journey. places to live in the country, and it is I will publish data on the number of my job to ensure it remains that way. I will report back exactly how many crimes involving serious violence with a I will tell you how many victims of crime I will give the force the resources it incidents of ASB the police have dealt with, knife, as well as the number of hospital have been supported, their satisfaction needs to tackle these crimes, keep whether this has gone up or down and admissions for knife-related, serious with the service provided and how we are what is being done to keep crime down. violence. you safe, and reduce crime in your meeting the Victims’ Code of Practice. community. Priority 2 Priority 4 Priority 6 In Northumbria, we are committed Reducing crime Neighbourhood policing Tackling domestic abuse to preventing crime before it is able to manifest itself in our communities At the core of my work for the public is and sexual violence Early intervention keeps crime down, – we believe that by working with, a simple aim; I am elected to ensure the and the best way to achieve this is with police fight crime and keep you safe. Violence and abuse can blight and improving the lives of our trusted neighbourhood police officers communities and lead to devastating communities, we can prevent this and staff. consequences. It has devastating, Crime and anti-social behaviour can occurring. Using a public health traumatic and long-lasting impact on damage and destroy lives, and the public The Chief Constable and I have agreed approach, and through my Violence want to see crime reduced – myself and victims, families and wider communities. Reduction Unit, we will work with that neighbourhood policing is a top the Chief Constable will continue to work priority, alongside working with other individuals and families to improve together to reduce these crimes. I will make it my business to encourage organisations such as local councils to people to come forward and report it, and lives to prevent crime. help keep our streets safe. support them through their experience I will ensure the force reduces volumes of when they do. Crime can destroy livelihoods and crime committed and has the technology I will continue to invest and support communities, and that is not right. I and training needed to keep our streets neighbourhood policing, whilst I will continue to develop our methods am committed to ensuring victims of safe while maintaining a focus on serious engaging with communities to ensure of support, increase our education offer, crime get the best possible support and organised crime. their priorities are being acted upon. build on our VAWG strategy and challenge and they are put at the heart of the the force to ensure the best support for I will report back on how many crimes are I will seek public feedback and victims is provided. criminal justice system. I will also being committed in different parts of the confidence in the force and report invest the proceeds recovered from Northumbria force area. criminals back into communities to back on this. If this falls, I will ensure I will tell the public exactly how many the force are held to account. victims have reported these crimes, how provide projects to improve the lives many of these are repeat incidents and of those affected. how many victims are satisfied with their service from Northumbria Police. 8 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Plan on a page. 9
Your priorities. Fighting Giving the force the tools of this, I have authorised budgets which example, replacing departing and to do the job. will ensure that over the course of this retiring officers. plan every police officer will have access crime. From anti-social behaviour to serious and to taser training if relevant to their role, Alongside this, I will oversee the organised crime, we need to make sure the ensuring those who protect us are kept multi-million pound refresh of force force has the resources it needs to keep safe and those who threaten our safety infrastructure, especially digital our neighbourhoods safe. face well-equipped officers. infrastructure, ensuring Northumbria The North East is one of the safest Police is equipped to deal with emerging places in the country and my job is to I will continue to ensure Northumbria I have also committed to reversing the crime trends. ensure Northumbria Police maintain Police has a solid financial footing from impacts of austerity when it comes to their great record here. That’s why my which to plan and respond to public safety officer numbers. Since 2010, Northumbria By giving Northumbria Police these demands. After ten years of austerity, Police has lost some 1,100 officers and resources I can ensure that the force is number one priority is fighting crime police forces now urgently need long- £140m from its budget. ready to deliver on your priorities. in our region. term funding certainty from central government, and I will continue to lobby The government has so far offered to for this for our region. replace only around a third of those officers, a figure which doesn’t go far As Police and Crime Commissioner, I enough. In response to public demands have backed the force with the frontline for a strong police force, I have committed resources needed to fight crime. As part to going above and beyond government recruitment targets, including for 10 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Fighting crime. 11
Tackling crime. Serious and organised crime. a strong track record in tackling burglary, and I commit to regularly publishing Whether it’s a small number of people Organised crime often operates at an burglary data so the public can see that making a neighbourhood unhappy with international level, but its impact can be Northumbria continues to have a strong anti-social behaviour or the organised seen on our streets. Every part of the record on tackling burglary. I’ll also back crime gangs that infuriate our sense of force has a role to play in tackling this, home safety measures in the most at risk justice, crime has no place in our region. especially neighbourhood policing, and I areas to help people feel more secure in will continue to ensure Northumbria Police their own home. This Police and Crime Plan commits the have the resources they need to contribute police to tackling crime, using all available at every level. resource to reduce crime and to stand by our communities for the greater good. We know, for example, that criminals involved in serious and organised crime frequently commit ‘low level’ crimes in The illegal drugs trade. their local area, sometimes creating a climate of fear. I will back Northumbria Drug addiction destroys lives, spreads County Lines. These are drugs networks Police to disrupt organised crime at every crime and fear, and puts money in the in which organised crime groups and level, ensuring the public can see that hands of organised criminals; Northumbria professional criminals from elsewhere those who try to profit from crime are Police will target and disrupt the illegal exploit vulnerable people in rural locations, targeted and inappropriate role models drugs trade at all levels and I will ensure towns and smaller cities to sell drugs, are stopped in their tracks. they deliver on this commitment. often forcing people into committing criminal acts based on violence, debt, I will ensure your police continue targeting Part of the answer to the drugs misery we addiction and lies. the organised crime groups behind the see on our streets is direct police action, illegal drugs trade, ensuring those who investigating drug dealers, arresting them For the people at the top of these seek to profit from the misery of addiction and taking them to court. But part of networks this is a business and it can be are in our sights and brought to justice. the response has to be about supporting a sophisticated operation. For the victims those with addictions, those people who who are sucked in, this ruins lives and Northumbria Police works regionally often turn to crime to fund their addiction. blights communities. with Durham and Cleveland police forces I will work with others to try and rebuild to tackle serious organised crime as a drug treatment programmes lost to Part of the solution to this will be Regional Organised Crime Unit, as well austerity. This will include looking at ensuring Northumbria Police use the full as with the National Crime Agency, wider help available to those suffering enforcement options available to break which comprises operational teams, from substance abuse and mental health up County Lines, and punish the gangs Regional Asset Recovery Team, Regional concerns. responsible. But part of the solution will Intelligence Unit, Regional Cyber Unit and involve finding those at risk and getting other functions. A new threat that has grown since the last them out of a life of crime. Police and Crime Plan is the emergence of The North East Regional Special Operations Unit provides specialist capabilities to tackle serious and organised crime in support of Northumbria, Durham and Cleveland Police forces. Reducing burglary. Burglary is a crime that often feels deeply personal, and many people taking part in my police and crime plan survey said they wanted to see those who commit this crime brought to justice. I’m proud to be Police Commissioner for a force that has 12 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Fighting crime. 13
Online crime. Stolen farm equipment, livestock thefts Responding to your needs. Business crime. and sheep worrying are all typical crimes Cybercrime, including online fraud, is a known to impact those living in rural areas In order to fight crime, people need to In the North East we boast a strong, vibrant growing threat both regionally, nationally but I want to make sure issues like domestic have the confidence that the force will business community and it’s vital we do all and internationally. abuse and violence aren’t hidden crimes respond when they are called upon. We we can to protect it. The impact of business that get forgotten about in the remote know that satisfaction is linked to the crime can be very damaging, particularly to The type, frequency and sophistication parts of our region too. To make sure of this, experience at the first point of contact small or medium sized enterprises – losses of cyber-enabled crimes are continually I’m determined to keep supporting rural with the police and in keeping the caller can ruin them. I’m pleased with how local increasing, ranging from organised crime policing. Over the past year, I have allocated updated. I will ensure that when you business owners recognise the importance groups to individuals targeting victims via funds for investment in the police vehicle call the police there is an appropriate of working closely with our officers, sharing social media. fleet, as well as tools for rural policing and I response. Emergency calls to the police intelligence and making sure they’re taking want to keep investing further to help fight need an emergency response, and I will the right steps to prevent them from being I’ll commit to raising awareness of and prevent all crimes that take place in ensure the force continue to focus on targeted by criminals. I will make sure cybercrime and fraud and enhance the the countryside. response times. Northumbria Police keeps building on its force’s investigation of these cases. I’ll focus on preventing and fighting business explore with the force the potential for I understand the negative impact rural crime When incidents come into our control crimes such as theft, cybercrime and fraud. more dedicated cyber fraud campaigns, can have on remote communities, but there room they are assessed using an approach and back the cyber volunteers who bring is a real positive in the way that volunteers called THRIVE, which is used by policing I will also continue to give my full support even more expertise to Northumbria Police. and local partners come together to keep nationally to determine how best to to schemes and initiatives that help Many cyber-enabled crimes lead to complex neighbourhoods safe and I’m proud of respond. THRIVE stands for Threat, raise awareness and tackle issues in the investigations, and I’m committed to this. We will remain proactive in policing Harm, Risk, Investigation opportunities, workplace too, from the continued roll-out ensuring the force has the resources to carry rural crime to ensure communities are Vulnerability and Engagement. This of our nationally-acclaimed Hate Crime these out. But we must recognise that online protected. In recent years, we’ve seen assessment allows a judgement to be Champions Scheme to lending my support crime ignores all borders, and it’s clear our Farmwatch and Operation Checkpoint, our made about the response required and to the Co-op’s Respect for Shopworkers response has to be part of a co-ordinated network of rural crime volunteers, go from places the needs of the victim at the campaign. national approach. strength to strength and we need to build centre of that decision. Your force will on this. With such a vast, largely isolated continue its commitment to this approach Northumbria Police also need to be backed landscape, every bit of intelligence gathered to help provide victims with a bespoke to tackle other online crimes, including and every report of suspicious activity can response fitting their needs based on what abuse and exploitation. I’ll work with the make a difference, and it does. has happened. force to ensure those grooming children online or those who download or share As part of this commitment, I will images of abuse are found and those at publish regular information setting out risk are helped. I will continue to ensure call handling and response time data. early identification of child and adult sexual exploitation cases and provision of long- term support for victims to assist their recovery. Rural crime. Rural crime can have a devastating impact on our more isolated communities, of which there are many within our region. So, it’s important to me that these communities feel heard, well-connected and supported by their police force. Recent reports have found that Northumbria continues to be amongst those least affected by rural crime but it is happening and while the figures represent lots of hard work, the fight against rural crime is still as important as ever. 14 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Fighting crime. 15
young people, working with those who but there is also evidence that effective could become the biggest risk to others, youth diversion is better for young people alongside key services and organisations than getting stuck in the criminal justice to address wider needs of other family system. I will work with others to ensure members such as siblings. young people have the option of doing more than just hanging around on street I will back continued funding for the life- corners and getting enticed into anti- changing youth workers at the You Only social behaviour and other crimes. Live Once (YOLO) project. This scheme involves matching young people to We see the benefits of youth footballing and other mentors from the diversionary work when we look at the Foundation of Light and the Newcastle criminal gangs that young people could United Foundation and has had many otherwise be involved with, and this is success stories to date. Working with 8-14 especially true of the emerging County year-olds, the scheme supports those who Lines style drugs trade. are at risk of slipping into a life of crime. It’s about showing young, often vulnerable In order to prevent vulnerable people people, that there is another way – anti- being coerced into gangs or exploited social behaviour, knife crime and violence through the people behind County Lines don’t have to be a part of your life, it’s not drugs-dealing operations, I will ensure too late. young people are aware of the dangers Your and risks involved in criminal gangs. Alongside this, it is clear that after ten years of government austerity we need to We will continue to do this through increase the provision of family support education and intervention – both in school priorities. within areas of most need. This approach and colleges, and community settings. has two elements: the promotion of Through our Education Engagement universal services to all and the targeting Team we are able to engage thousands of specific services to those who need of young people a month in a safe and them at the earliest opportunity. trusted setting. Then to complement that, our intervention partners can engage with The Community Link Worker projects, a different audience in the community and funded by the Violence Reduction Unit, work with young people to direct them Preventing I am committed to using a public health are an example of the long-term approach away from criminality, and address any approach to reducing violence. That we are seeking to support families most needs identified. means treating violence the same way in need – empowering them to develop crime. we would a disease, recognising the symptoms, understanding the causes and then stopping its transmission, helping resilience and seek out support services at the earliest opportunity. By utilising those with lived experiences to develop We live in a safe region, and part of the reason for that is because across many different sectors there are people people to avoid it and giving people the relationships with families and knock down dedicated to keeping the North East safe. I will continue to fight for a well- tools they need to tackle it. previous trust barriers, we aim to reduce As your Police and Crime Commissioner resourced police force to ensure public the burden on frontline services such as I will coordinate this early intervention safety, but we cannot simply arrest our There is a strong commitment across the police. and prevention approach and implement way out of crime. As your Police and Northumbria to tackle the root causes a serious violence and criminal Crime Commissioner I have worked with of violent crime and in the years ahead, One way I will help keep people, especially exploitation strategy to ensure we are the Chief Constable to ensure we are the prevention element of the region’s young people, out of crime is support for all working together to prevent crime. violence reduction efforts will focus on a youth services. Effective youth diversion intervening to stop crime in its tracks. package of measures to reduce crime. can reduce crime and create better One key way to prevent crime is by working One key tool in that mission has outcomes for young people. But after a with local councils and their Community This will include taking a direct approach decade of austerity, youth services are Safety Partnerships, and I will continue to been the Violence Reduction Unit. I to intervening with those who are showing already cut back. There is strong evidence work with these organisations as a key part established this team with the belief signs of vulnerability or are on the fringes that early involvement in the criminal of delivering on your priorities. that if we improve lives we can prevent of criminal/anti-social activity. This will justice system significantly increases the crime, especially violent crime. take the form of direct intervention with likelihood of young people reoffending, 16 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Preventing crime. 17
Reducing reoffending. Roads policing. In some cases, the police and other I will work with probation and other Many of you have expressed your where local residents have asked for criminal justice organisations are dealing services to promote changes which concerns about people driving too fast them and there is intelligence to suggest with people for who criminality is already are known to reduce reoffending such and not paying attention to the roads in they will make a difference. We will do all a way of life. A small number of repeat as opportunities around employment, your neighbourhood. Every year too many we can to keep neighbourhoods safe. offenders are responsible for a significant training and education. We will seek to lives are lost on our region’s roads due to Road safety doesn’t just concern those proportion of all crime. As is the case engage at the earliest opportunity and reckless, dangerous or criminal motorists. behind the wheel either, and from nationally, evidence shows that short- support and guide individuals to access So, our objective is clear – reduce harm on what you’ve told me we need to keep term custodial sentences are ineffective services to address their issues. the roads and promote safer driving. promoting the message that roads are in terms of rehabilitation and desistance a shared space for all users. As well as from crime. 64.5% of prisoners released Access to employment and training is I will work with the Chief Constable working with others to offer advice to from sentences of less than 12 months widely recognised as a significant factor to enhance our road safety initiatives vulnerable road users, helping them to reoffend within one year. This is much in relation to offending and successful throughout both our rural and urban drive safely and responsibly, we need to higher than the 38% who reoffend after rehabilitation. By providing additional areas. We will also make sure Northumbria ensure action will be taken against those serving a community-based sentence. For support to address the need, we are Police’s long-standing commitment who endanger other road users and dangerous criminals, prison should always increasing the likelihood of individuals to road safety through Operation pedestrians. be an option, but we need to explore out- maintaining engagement with support Dragoon continues to address your of-court action for others, where swift services and reducing offending behaviour. concerns. Together, we will develop justice can benefit everyone. fresh educational campaigns and carry I will develop and implement a strategy out targeted enforcement. While we There is local evidence to suggest that on reducing reoffending which continue to focus on education, cameras most victims are happy with the outcome understands and addresses factors which are another tactic to help tackle those of a conditional caution which requires can lead to criminal behaviour including unwilling to follow the rules. Speed the offender to engage in a rehabilitative mental health and substance misuse. camera vans will be out in the areas intervention and makes sure the offender faces up to the impact they have had on the victim. 18 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Preventing crime. 19
Supporting people through the justice system. Whether you are a victim of crime or a improve the experience of everyone witness, I understand that navigating seeking justice. This is why I have, and will the criminal justice system can be continue to, lobby government to roll-out daunting, and as your Police and Crime an innovative Northumbria pilot scheme, Commissioner, I want to put victims and which has seen the success of offering witnesses at the heart of the criminal free and independent legal advocacy to justice system. I will work with partners complainants of sexual violence and abuse. to ensure a fair, just and effective progression of cases. In particular, work As was evidenced in a report by will continue to improve the timeliness Loughborough University, it would cost and effectiveness of domestic abuse trials the government just £3.9 million annually within Northumbria Magistrates’ Courts. to get legal help to victims in need, in England and Wales. We’ve seen how The Victims’ Code of Practice sets out doing this has improved best practice in a level of service victims should receive police and CPS responses, and improved from the criminal justice system. As the overall victim experience. Committing PCC, I will monitor Northumbria Police’s funding to this would be a small price performance against the code and Your to pay to help improve conviction rates ensure they comply with the things and treat victims with the respect they you said were most important to you deserve. I will do all I can to continue including: speaking out for victims so we can priorities. improve lives and prevent further crime. •w ritten acknowledgement that a crime has been committed; • an assessment of your support needs as a victim of crime; •opportunity to make a Victim Personal Statement telling us how the crime has affected you; Improving As part of this commitment, I have reformed how victim services are delivered, to ensure • feedback on the progression and outcome of your case; and • the Victim Contact Scheme that, if lives. there is a support team there to help those feeling vulnerable after being a victim of crime. needed, provides advance notification of a prisoner’s release. Crime, and the fear of crime, can At present, a priority for us all remains I have also committed to taking money the impact that COVID-19 has had on cause far-reaching damage both to illegally earned by criminals and giving individuals and local communities. the progression of cases through the it back to local communities. I set up Criminal Justice System. Locally, I have I want to make sure no one suffers a community fund that uses money commissioned a Recovery Group where alone, and that there is always recovered from criminals to benefit the police, CPS and courts are working support available for victims of crime grassroots projects, and over the course together to reduce delays and provide or parts of our region that have been of this Police and Crime Plan I will top up opportunities for victims and witnesses hit by crime. that fund with money recovered through to give evidence remotely. the Proceeds of Crime Act. I’m also committed to influencing, where I can, the bigger picture. By changing the whole system nationally, we can 20 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Improving lives. 21
Stalking and harassment. a diverse range of backgrounds to better Mental health. Use of force and reflect the communities we serve. I am pleased that Northumbria Police After a decade of austerity and cuts to stop and search. have pioneered new ways of investigating My vision for equality, diversity and public services, mental health concerns I know that for the public to have stalking, harassment and coercive control inclusion is one where everyone is treated are a regular feature of day-to-day confidence in the police, there needs to be using a range of advanced technologies. fairly and with respect, and has the right policing. Like other forces, Northumbria trust that the police will treat them with Welcome improvements have also been to the same opportunities, freedoms and is now routinely dealing with the respect, make fair decisions and take time to made to the risk assessment process. equal access to services. We value and consequences of reduced availability of engage and explain their actions. celebrate the differences of individuals mental health services. Northumbria Police Stalking, whether in person or online, is a and communities by embracing people’s have been responding to an increase in Some areas of business cause concerns for distressing and potentially life-threatening different perspectives, ideas, knowledge complex cases in which their frontline communities and can impact on confidence crime and must be taken very seriously. and cultures to strengthen communities. officers are acting as the first point of and trust in a significant way. We all know I will work with Northumbria Police to By recognising the benefits of a diverse contact to people with mental health that for the police, the power to stop and ensure that relevant legislation and workforce where difference is welcomed, needs that are in crisis. search people who they suspect of being powers are effectively adhered to, and people can use their unique talents to involved in crime is an important crime- measured in my scrutiny process. I know provide services that meet the needs of Alongside this pressure, our victim support fighting tactic. As part of my scrutiny that many victims of stalking want to see diverse communities across Northumbria. services report that mental health is the programme, I will ensure that stop and concerning behaviours result in immediate main support need being presented by search is only used when police have action – to protect the victim and As part of this commitment, I will ensure victims and referrals to specialist mental sufficient grounds to act thereby protecting effectively deal with the perpetrator. With the police recruitment process reflects the health services remain high. communities. Where there is disparity thorough training, officers will be able to diversity of our region. Your force should between different racial groups, the police intervene and take action at the earliest look like your community. Northumbria Police will continue to will work to reduce this rate. opportunity. promote mental health awareness and work with other emergency services to When fighting crime, there will sometimes Community cohesion make sure that people facing a mental need to be a use of force, such as handcuffs. Hate crime. and extremism. health crisis get the appropriate support. On your behalf, I will monitor the use of But this will not in itself solve the problems force by Northumbria Police. I want to Tackling hate is an area in which we It is crucial that people get on well we face. I will continue to lobby for better are leading the way – with a nationally know that they understand where and how together, respect differences and work resourced mental health services. these tactics are used, any disparity in their acclaimed Hate Crime Champions Scheme. towards achieving shared goals. This programme helps people explore the use and that ongoing internal and external impact of hate on victims and the wider scrutiny can see that force, when used, is Working with communities is at the heart Complaints. applied lawfully and proportionately. community, the barriers to reporting and of what Northumbria Police does. I will the best ways to seek help. I take complaints about Northumbria continue to support all efforts working with Police very seriously and want to While I am proud to be Police and Crime partners to strengthen relations, understand make sure that the service provided to Environmental policy. issues and improve cohesion. As well as Commissioner of such a welcoming region communities is professional, effective and Northumbria Police is a major employer actively tackling extremism, I will ensure our made up of many diverse communities, efficient. and provider of services to the community, force continues to build on collective efforts there are always some people who want to prevent vulnerable people from being and its activities and operations will to incite hatred and that’s completely It is important your complaints are inevitably have an impact on the drawn into extremist activity. unacceptable. I want all victims to feel listened to and that you receive a timely environment. I will continue to ensure the listened to, whoever you are, whatever response from Northumbria Police. Often force works to reduce its carbon footprint, your background. I want you to know that complaints can identify areas where especially in areas such as building design Northumbria Police are here for you and service delivery can be improved and I or supply chain issues. we are committed to ensuring that all receive regular reports from Northumbria victims get the right support to overcome Police that tell me how many complaints their experience. have been received. These can identify any trends in complaints, disparity between I recognise the importance of reaching out different communities or geographical to those communities who are perhaps areas within Northumbria and most uncomfortable contacting the police. importantly any learning that Northumbria We will do all we can to strengthen Police have identified from analysis of their relationships with all communities and complaints process. we will continue striving to recruit from 22 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your priorities. Improving lives. 23
Your plan in action. Anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour is a concern in many parts of I will improve this by: our region; it is one of the most frequent issues reported to the police and undoubtedly impacts on the lives of • Working with your councils to build ASB are identified and get a prioritised many people. joint ASB task forces, ensuring every response. I will ensure these are used local organisation plays their part to their full effect to support victims of ASB concerns include the behaviour of some neighbours, in working alongside the police to ASB and that you can find out about people behaving in a loud and disorderly manner, public address concerns about ASB. I will this easily. drinking or drug use, dog fouling, littering and riding of support the roll out of this approach motorbikes. The people involved often concentrate in to some of our most affected • Continuing to hold senior police and public areas such as parks and can impact on the sense communities. Such projects are local authority leaders to account for of safety of the wider community. already established in Gateshead and their response to community concerns Southwick and are being developed in around ASB, my expectation is that the Northumbria Police are committed to addressing anti- Ashington, Wallsend and other areas. public will get a prompt and effective social behaviour in both urban and rural settings. We These are working. Let’s establish response with these organisations know that to do so effectively requires working with more. jointly taking ownership to address the others including local councils, youth services, housing causes and prevent repeat incidents. providers, schools and further education providers, • Ensuring your ASB concerns are acted I will continue to support investment businesses and the voluntary sector to understand the on, the police and local authorities, in in youth services and diversion causes and intervene to change behaviour. consultation with my office, will review programmes to provide young people and redevelop the ASB case review with life opportunities. We saw the benefits of working together like this during process to ensure repeat incidents of the COVID-19 pandemic, when reports of anti-social behaviour increased. The police deployed dedicated task forces and met weekly with each local authority to discuss the response in that area and coordinate work I will publish regular crime and with businesses, public transport providers, education and voluntary sector organisations. policing data to show you – Every three months, I will tell the public exactly how many incidents of ASB the police have dealt with, whether this has gone up or down and what is being done to keep crime down. 24 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Anti-social behaviour. 25
Your plan in action. Reducing crime. At the core of my work for the public is a simple aim; I am elected to ensure the police fight crime and keep you safe. And whether that is alcohol-fuelled incidents in our city centres on a night-time or theft in our rural and farming communities, your priorities must be translated into policing targets and outcomes. After a decade of austerity and cuts to the force worth £140m, the police have never been under greater pressure in their work to reduce crime. But I am proud that Northumbria I will ensure the force Police have maintained our region’s reputation as one of the safest places to live. Crime and anti-social behaviour can continues to fight crime by: damage and destroy lives, and the public want to see crime reduced. • Reducing the volume of crimes • Prioritising crimes that present committed and ensure Northumbria the greatest risk of harm to The consequences of even a single offence can be continues to have a lower recorded vulnerable people. devastating and widespread; going beyond the immediate crime rate compared to other victim to impact on the lives of wider family, friends and similar forces. • Ensuring the force has the technology communities. Myself and the Chief Constable will continue to and training needed to keep our streets work together to reduce these crimes. • Monitoring levels of crimes being safe while maintaining a focus on committed and ensuring the police and serious and organised criminals. others are tackling them. I will publish regular crime and policing data to show you – How many crimes are being committed in different parts of the Northumbria force area. 26 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Reducing crime. 27
Your plan in action. Preventing violent crime. Getting more police officers on our streets and in our neighbourhoods is one way to tackle violent crime, but it is only one part of the solution. We need a plan to prevent people, particularly young people, getting into a life of violent crime. If we offer people an alternative, alongside a targeted focus on those already routinely turning to violence, we can make a real difference. I will improve this by: That’s why I set up a Violence Reduction Unit to ensure the police are not alone in standing up to violent crime and I am • Ensuring the Violence Reduction Unit • Lobbying government for more committed to its long-term success. Response Strategy to reduce serious and funding to ensure the Violence violent crime is clear and co-ordinated Reduction Unit can continue to across the Northumbria force area. make a difference. • Encouraging partners to improve data • Ensuring the force targets the and intelligence sharing practices, illegal drugs trade and the crime which will allow for more effective that follows this. targeting of interventions and resources for those areas most in need. • Supporting organisations seeking to help people out of gangs and the cycle of crime. I will publish regular crime and policing data to show you the result of efforts to reduce – The number of crimes involving serious violence with a knife, and the number of hospital admissions for knife-related serious violence. 28 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Preventing violent crime. 29
Your plan in action. Neighbourhood policing. Early intervention keeps crime down, and the best way to achieve this is with trusted neighbourhood police officers and staff. The Chief Constable and I have agreed that neighbourhood policing is a top priority, alongside working with other organisations such as local councils to help keep our streets safe and intervene in anti-social behaviour. But after ten years of government austerity and spending cuts, maintaining a local neighbourhood police service has I will continue to back your not been easy. The force have had to make some difficult decisions in order to prioritise use of officers and staff out in neighbourhoods by: our communities. I stand by these choices, and, for example, when it comes to deciding between having a police station • Protecting frontline policing and giving • Engaging with communities to build open at 3am or having officers out in your local community, I the force the resources to deter, detect relationships and to provide safety back a visible police presence. I will also back residents looking and deal with criminals. advice, education and guidance, in for increased CCTV in some areas, where funding allows. particular to young people, vulnerable • Committing to investing in people and marginalised communities. Whether it’s in a rural village or a city estate, neighbourhood and supporting neighbourhood I will ensure information is always policing is the key to safer streets. I will ensure it is easy for policing teams. provided in a way everyone can access. people to find out who the officers and PCSOs are in their area. Different neighbourhoods will often have different needs and by having a local policing team that understands the area, we can tackle local problems at the source. The force will continue to focus on problem-solving with our partners in our I will publish regular crime communities. and policing data to show – How local residents feel about the police – including the results of regular satisfaction surveys including public confidence data and police insights reports. If satisfaction levels fall, I’ll ask the force to explain why and what it will do to rebuild that relationship. 30 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Neighbourhood policing. 31
Your plan in action. Support for victims. Being a victim of crime can undermine a person’s confidence and make them unhappy or frightened. It can affect a person’s outlook on life, that’s why it is so important that we put victims at the heart of policing. We absolutely have to put victims first and make sure we are doing things right by them. I will improve victim support by: I plan to further enhance the delivery of victim support • Introducing a new co-ordinated and • Asking the police to effectively services across Northumbria, by streamlining the whole streamlined approach to supporting cooperate with our communities process, making things simpler and doing everything we victims of crime from report to court, so information about crime within can to ensure that all victims receive the help they need. In ensuring consistent professional input neighbourhoods can be shared but doing this, we will deliver genuine end-to-end support for all and effective communication with also to build trust and confidence for victims, including those pursuing a route through the criminal victims. victims to report crime and be assured justice system, resulting in an improved offer to victims and of Northumbria Police’s ability to witnesses across the Northumbria Police area. • Investing in Victim Services to give protect them and their local values. people a greater chance of coping with Everyone involved in the criminal justice system wants the the impact of crime and recovering • Supporting the introduction of a best for victims. One route to this is restorative justice. This from their experience. multi-agency victim hub, set up to is where victims get a chance to get answers to questions support our most vulnerable and and tell their offender how they have been affected. It also • Encouraging the police and criminal exploited victims. gives offenders a chance to understand what they have done, justice system to develop trauma how it affects others and a chance to make amends for their informed practice so the support behaviour. We have evidence to show that it makes a real options made available to victims best difference in helping victims to recover from their experience meet their needs. of crime. My challenge is to make high-quality restorative justice available to all victims of crime in Northumbria by linking I will publish regular crime and together Victims Services, offender-focused organisations and a wide range of agencies. policing data to show you – Protecting vulnerable victims is absolutely the number one Every three months, I will tell the public exactly how many victims of crime have priority for Northumbria Police and I will continue to make been supported, how many are satisfied with their service from Northumbria sure this focus remains clear. Police and how we are meeting obligations in the Victims’ Code of Practice. 32 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Support for victims. 33
Your plan in action. Tackling domestic abuse I will improve this by: and sexual violence. • Continuing to develop my Workplace around healthy relationships, and other Domestic Abuse Champions Scheme, issues such as knife crime awareness. so more than ever, workplaces can Violence and abuse can blight communities and lead to recognise abuse and offer support to • Continuing to build on the work of the devastating consequences. It has a traumatic and long-lasting their staff, building on the important Violence Against Women and Girls impact on victims, families and wider communities. Domestic role that friends, families and strategy to bring together our vision, abuse is one of the biggest contributors to violent crime communities can play in connecting ambition and actions to tackle violence locally and nationally and PCCs have a hugely important loved ones to the right help and against women and girls in one place, lead role in tackling this. support as early as possible. strengthening our work to change attitudes, improve prevention and Domestic abuse and sexual violence can affect anybody – • Working with partners to focus on where possible rehabilitate offenders. regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality or disability. perpetrators of abuse, providing I will make it my business to encourage people to come behaviour change and stabilisation • Introducing focussed and regular forward and report it, support them through their experience work to the highest harm/high risk challenge sessions with the Chief when they do, and oversee Northumbria Police’s role in domestic abuse perpetrators. By its Constable and his team where we bringing those responsible to justice. very nature, this will result in improved explore together what has been safety and feelings of safety for achieved and what more needs to Children must not be the forgotten victims of abuse and the survivors and their children. be done to best support victims and right support is crucial and must be there at an early stage to improve criminal justice outcomes. help avoid trauma in later life. • Enhancing the role of the VRUs Education Team who have a key role to work with schools and communities I will publish regular crime and policing data to show you – Every three months, I will tell the public exactly how many victims have reported these crimes, how many of these are repeat incidents and how many victims are satisfied with their service from Northumbria Police. I will also focus on criminal justice outcomes and will tell you how we are performing as a criminal justice system to bring crimes to justice. 34 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Your plan in action. Tackling domestic abuse and sexual violence. 35
How funding is allocated to policing services: Resources. Roads Investigative support 2.3% Operational policing support 5% 2.3% Police and Crime Our police need the right resources to For Northumbria, 82% of total funding Commissioner deliver on your priorities and keep you and comes from central government, the 0.5% your community safe. I will do all I can to highest proportion of all forces in England make sure Northumbria Police have the and Wales. The remaining balance is raised resources they need and are efficient and locally through the precept. Criminal justice cost-effective in the service they provide. arrangements The current financial climate remains a 6% Northumbria Police receive two main difficult one. The last 12 months have sources of funding; grant income from reinforced just how important our police central government and the part of council force is and we continue to need resources tax which is allocated to the police called to deal with the ongoing pressures the ‘police precept’. presented by the Coronavirus pandemic. The last decade saw unprecedented cuts Additional funding is sometimes made to the government’s policing grant and available by the government to help Northumbria was the hardest hit of any encourage new ways of working. We are force in England and Wales, with the always eager to explore innovation to expectation that the shortfall would be Intelligence deliver better services and to save public met through the local precept. 6.8% money, and for this reason we are keen to bid for some of these extra resources. We Local precept income is therefore essential have been very successful. to grow our force back and keep serving the public to a high standard. The Office of the Police and Crime Local policing 48.1% Commissioner has been successful in Part of my role as Police and Crime securing Innovation and Transformation Commissioner is to set the annual police Dealing with the public Grants in excess of £11m over the last four budget and determine the level of precept 9.3% years. These awards have been used to required for our force area. focus on a number of key areas, ranging from early youth intervention to preventing My Medium Term Financial Strategy serial perpetrators offending, reflecting our describes the financial direction of my ongoing commitment to fighting crime, office and the force over a four-year Public protection preventing crime and improving lives. period. The strategy demonstrates an 9.3% affordable position, balancing costs with available resources and provides an overarching framework for police budgets Investigations over the medium-term. I will make sure 10.4% your money is spent as effectively as possible. 36 Police and Crime Plan / 2021–2025 Resources. 37
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