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COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY PLAN & GUIDELINES 2021 - 2022 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 Updates 2021-2022 3 2. WBIF VISUAL IDENTITY 4 2.1 WBIF Logo 4 2.2 WBIG Collage 4 2.3 WBIF Investment Areas 5 2.4 Disclaimer 5 2.5 Visual identity color and font specifications. 5 2.6 What is the Western Balkans Investment Framework? 6 3. WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS 8 3.1 Messages 8 3.2 Objectives 9 3.3 Target groups 9 3.4 Principles 10 4. OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS 12 4.1 Milestone Events 12 4.2 Online Activities 14 4.3 Feature Stories 14 4.4 Publications (print/online) 15 4.5 Video/Photo Production 15 WBIF Key Communication and Visibility Action Calendar 2021-22 16 5. EXAMPLES OF TOOLS 17 5.1 Organisation of Events / Site visits 17 5.2 Publications 18 5.3 Online Communication and Visibility 19 5.4 Videos 20 CONTENTS 5.5 Berlin Process Summit 2021 20 5.6 Webinars 21 2
1 INTRODUCTION The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) is a joint initiative of the EU, financial institutions, bilateral donors and beneficiaries, aimed at enhancing harmonisation and cooperation in investments for the socio-economic development of the region and contributing to the European perspective of the Western Balkans. The WBIF operates according to specific Rules of Procedures and the General Conditions of the European Western Balkans Joint Fund. Both documents specify the need for Communication and Visibility actions with a view to ensuring adequate visibility for WBIF operations. The WBIF Communication and Visibility Plan and Guidelines provide details on the awareness raising and the promotion of milestone WBIF activities through a selection of C&V tools, targeted at institutional partners, as well as the final beneficiaries in the Western Balkan region. They aim to assist key WBIF stakeholders with the implementation of communication and visibility actions by providing details on WBIF visual identity and define principle means and tools to be used in promoting the WBIF to specific and/or general audiences. In addition, the Guidelines offer concrete guidance on how best to coordinate multi-stakeholder communication and visibility activities, with a focus on investment projects. The documents are produced on an annual basis and discussed amongst WBIF Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) Members, usually in the spring meeting. The actions for the period June 2021 to May 2022, proposed therein have been identified based on meetings and reports prepared by the IFIs as well as information received from the European Delegations, WBIF Country Managers and by the contractors involved in the implementation of WBIF projects (IPFs). The WBIF C&V activities are reviewed on an annual basis, in terms of specific indicators. A brief report (maximum 5 pages) will be prepared by IFICO/WBIF Secretariat on the activities proposed in the following sections and introduced to the WBIF Project Financiers’ Group meeting participants in 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemics, all activities planned will be adjusted according to developments, i.e. dates are in general uncertain at this point and due to be reconfirmed. Updates 2021-2022 INTRODUCTION Due to the its collaborative nature in line with the ‘Team Europe’ approach, the WBIF is the main vehicle for implementation of the EU’s ambitious Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027. To align the EU and its partners’ C&V activities regarding the infrastructure investments in the Western Balkan region, the WBIF will follow the specific visual and narrative definitions, set in the Plan - e.g. naming and symbols of sectors (investment areas) and flagships. Download brochure here 3
2 VISUAL IDENTITY 2.1 WBIF Logo The WBIF has its own logo and slogan BUILDING THE EUROPEAN FUTURE TOGETHER, as follows. When used for the general WBIF C&V material (roll-ups, website, factsheets ...), the logo is accompanied by the EU flag on the left side, somewhat larget in size than the WBIF logo. For the EU funded projects, the EU Delegations should always be consulted, if the additional promotion of the EU on-going campaigns in the beneficiary countries is required (e.g. #EU4YOU). See example for Serbia. 2.2 WBIF Collage When a large visual element is required to represent the WBIF (e.g. powerpoint presentation, roll-up, folder, dedicated web-page etc.), the photo-collage of the WBIF investment areas (former sectors) should be used. The collage is always used together with the WBIF logo and EU flag, as well as according to the associated color scheme. VISUAL IDENTITY 4
2 2.3 WBIF Investment Areas 2.4 Disclaimer The naming and symbols representing WBIF investment When explaining what the WBIF is and how it operates, the areas follow the approved design and narrative of the following visual layout is usually used, in order to ensure the Economic Investment Plan: visibility of all key stakeholders. A JOINT PARTNERSHIP OF: Sustainable Clean Environment Transport Energy & Climate IN COOPERATION WITH: BILATERAL DONORS: Digital Private Human Future Sector Capital BENEFICIARIES: 2.5 Visual identity color and font specifications. Font Font Font SansSerifFLF SansSerifFLF bebas neue Medium Demibold regular Color CMYK Uncoated Color CMYK Uncoated Color CMYK Uncoated C 87 C 46 C 58 M 60 M 19 M 0 Y 0 Y 0 Y 84 K 0 K 0 K 0 VISUAL IDENTITY PANTONE 3005 U PANTONE 291 U PANTONE 360 C RGB RGB RGB R 38 R 134 R 116 G 105 G 179 G 193 B 179 B 224 B 95 5
2 2.6 What is the Western Balkans Investment Framework? The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) is a joint initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), bilateral donors and Western Balkans beneficiaries launched in December 2009 aimed at enhancing harmonisation and cooperation in investments for the socio-economic development of the region and contributing to the European perspective of the Western Balkans. The KfW Development Bank on behalf of the German Federal Government (KfW) and the World Bank Group (WBG) subsequently joined the platform. In December 2018, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) became a participating organisation in the WBIF. Due to its collaborative nature in line with the ‘Team Europe’ approach, the WBIF is the main vehicle for implementation of the EU’s ambitious Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027. In the case of need for a more elaborate narrative on WBIF achieved results, investment figures and benefits, the following paragraphs can be added: Since its inception in 2009, the WBIF has primarily aimed at addressing the Western Balkans region’s extensive infrastructure investment needs and at supporting the EU accession process of the beneficiaries. By blending grants from the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), bilateral donors and financial institutions, with loans and beneficiary contributions for strategic projects in the investment areas Sustainable Transport, Clean Energy, Environment & Climate; Digital Future and Human Capital. The WBIF also supports Private Sector development - notably micro, small and medium enterprises - through the Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF), as well as energy efficiency and renewables through the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP/ REEP Plus). Investments in the public and private sectors in the region are coupled with structural reforms that enable the twin green and digital transition. In recognition of the specificities of the Western Balkans, the WBIF particularly supports projects that enhance regional cooperation, connectivity and competitiveness: well-connected transport, energy and digital networks, renewable energy and energy efficiency, water supply and wastewater systems, flood protection, education, research, healthcare and judicial facilities, as well as the small and medium enterprises in the private sector. With a grant volume of over €1.4bn for technical assistance and investment co-financing, the WBIF has leveraged up to €22.6bn investments across the region so far. These tangible results spur the long-term recovery of the region and contribute to the objectives and flagship investment priorities of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, to step up the region’s socio-economic convergence with the EU. WBIF Achieved results (2009-2020): • 123 MW electricity from renewables VISUAL IDENTITY • 2.1 million people benefiting from water/wastewater systems • 96,600 students benefiting from better schools • 937 km of new roads • Broadband deployment, data centres, edge and cloud infrastructures • 7,414 SMEs financed through WB EDIF 6
2 In the case of Bilateral Donor-funded actions/projects, the following should be added, as updated for the date concerned: By the end of 2020, Bilateral Donor contributions reached €107.3 million, including €5.2 million transferred from the EBRD Western Balkan Fund at the inception of the WBIF. The largest individual cumulative pledges to date have been made by Norway, Sweden, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, and Italy. Austria is the WBIF Co-Chair for 2021. In the case of publications/videos produced with EU support, the standard EU disclaimer should be used: This publication/video has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the [Western Balkans Investment Framework/Lead IFI/Contractor, etc. as appropriate] and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. In the case of Flaghsip project promotion (newsflash, leaflet, press release), the dedicated banner and the reference to the Economic and Investment Plan should be used: The WBIF project [Name of project] has been identified as one of the Flagships within the Investment window [Name of the Investment window] in the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027. VISUAL IDENTITY 7
3 WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS . 3.1 Messages The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) is a unique blending facility. Since its inception in 2009, the WBIF has primarily aimed at addressing the Western Balkans region’s extensive infrastructure investment needs and at supporting the EU accession process of the beneficiaries. By blending grants from the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), bilateral donors and financial institutions, with loans and beneficiary contributions for strategic WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS projects in transport, energy, digital, environment, social and private sectors. Investments in the public and private sectors in the region are coupled with structural reforms that enable the twin green and digital transition. Economic and Investment Plan aims to spur the economic recovery and accession process of the region. In October 2020, the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027 (EIP) was adopted by the European Commission, with up to €9 billion in grants and the Western Balkans Guarantee, expecting to trigger at least €20 billion in investments. This equals about 1/3 of the current economic output of the entire region. The EIP aims to spur long-term economic recovery, to foster the twin green and digital transition and to boost not only the region’s economic development, resilience and competitiveness, but also its social cohesion. The WBIF is the main vehicle for the implementation of the Plan. Due to its collaborative nature in line with the ‘Team Europe’ approach, the WBIF is the main vehicle for implementation of the EU’s ambitious Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. A first step could be a package of infrastructure projects frontloaded for funding in 2021-22 with the expectation that these would unlock significant investments. WBIF Flagship projects have a significant positive impact on people’s lives. Since its inception in 2009, the WBIF is bringing tangible benefits for people and businesses in the region. Thanks to these projects, people benefit from safer and shorter travel times, cleaner and reliable water and wastewater services, better schools, healthcare and judiciary facilities, cleaner energy, and financial support mechanisms that foster sustainable growth. Every project supported by the WBIF brings the region closer to the European Union and contributes to the common regional market. The investments in the ten flagship projects, as defined by the Economic and Investment Plan, support the Western Balkans in building the European future together. The WBIF supports investments in the competitiveness and energy efficiency of the private sector. The WBIF also supports private sector development - notably micro, small and medium enterprises -through the Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF), as well as energy efficiency and renewables through the Regional Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP/REEP Plus). 8
3 3.2 Objectives WBIF communication and visibility actions aim to: Objective Target Group Content Inform Relevant policies and financing resources; WBIF Stakeholders Progress with the WBIF project portfolio Raise General public in Beneficiary countries Results and benefits associated with EU Awareness and/or EU Member States and BD contributions to the WBIF and/or Bilateral Donors’ home countries Beneficiaries’ testimonials; Success stories; Involve End-Beneficiaries Potential results and benefits; Financing resources WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS (EU/Bilateral Donor grants; IFI loans; Beneficiaries contributions) 3.3 Target groups The table below provides details on principle WBIF target groups, the actions and tools that are most appropriate to address these as well as the potential providers of such actions and tools. As it may be noticed, given the multi-faceted nature of the WBIF as a blending facility which addresses several sectors and six beneficiary countries, key stakeholders also play a role in the promotion of WBIF and its (potential) results and benefits to other target groups. Table 1: Target Groups for WBIF Communication and Visibility Actions Communication and Target Group Lead Support Objective Visibility Actions & Tools Key WBIF Stakeholders Communication and visibility in print IFICO (European Commission; IFIs; Online Communication and Visibility IFIs Bilateral Donors; Beneficiary WBIF Organisation of events/site visits Relevant Inform Countries - NIPACs; Project Secretariat Information campaigns contractors Promoters2) Audio-visual communication and (e.g. IPFs) photography Communication and visibility in print End-Beneficiaries (Network Lead IFIs and their Online Communication and Visibility Inform of relevant institutions and contractors (including EC 3 Organisation of events/site visits civil society organisations in IPFs) WBIF Information campaigns Raise beneficiary countries) NIPAC/Project Pro- Secretariat Audio-visual communication and Awareness moters photography Organisation of events/site visits Information campaigns Inform EC Audio-visual communication and General public in Lead IFIs and their WBIF photography Raise Beneficiary Countries contractors Secretariat / IFICO Communication and visibility in print Awareness NIPAC/Project Pro- Online Communication and Visibility moters Press and media Involve Displays General public in Lead IFIs WBIF Information campaigns EU Member States Raise EC Secretariat / IFICO Communication and visibility in print and/or Bilateral Donors Awareness Bilateral Donors Relevant contractors Online Communication and Visibility 2 Project Promoter: Institution/Organisation in the Beneficiary Country who is mandated to manage/operate the proposed investment (e.g. a railway/water company, hospital, etc.). The term is used to differentiate between NIPAC, NIC Technical Secretariat or the Ministry of Finance from a Beneficiary Country who sanction the application for financing and/or the loan but who have little role in the execution of a project. 3 DG NEAR and / or EU Delegations / EU Office in Beneficiary Countries. 9
3 3.4 Principles WBIF communication and visibility actions should be planned at project level and on a yearly basis with all key stakeholders, including the EU Delegation/Office in the beneficiary country concerned. This will allow for joint actions to be organised well in advance, contingent on the status of the project(s) concerned. The WBIF Secretariat will prepare an annual Communication and Visibility Plan based on the feedback received from the IFIs on potential project-level actions. The Plan will be circulated for comments to the WBIF PFG participants and endorsed for implementation after the WBIF PFG spring meeting. The following principles will inform the preparation and implementation of the Plan as well as any other WBIF-related communication and visibility actions not foreseen in the Plan at a given moment in time: A. Communication and visibility actions should match the size of the WBIF commitments (i.e. grants and loans) and / or the WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS importance of the given project as one of the Flagships, identified in the Economic and Investment Plan. B. Communication and visibility actions should reflect: 1. Status of the project along the project cycle: Communication and visibility efforts should increase as the project progresses from identification towards feasibility/design, implementation, and, finally, commissioning and operation. 2. Status of the WBIF investments in a given sector and/or beneficiary country: Communication and visibility actions, particularly in the case of projects that reach implementation/execution and commissioning (operation), should undertake to promote the overall results and benefits in a given sector and/or beneficiary country , which have been made possible with WBIF support. Moreover, to the extent feasible, joint communication and visibility events should be organized in the case of WBIF projects which pertain to the same sector, which run in parallel (e.g. two road/railway sections under different projects/lead IFIs; water treatment systems in two different municipalities), and/or are multi-country (e.g. cross-border transport and/or electricity connections). 3. Project financing structure and the source of funding for the grants allocated to project preparation and/or implementation: The WBIF pools together grant and loan resources as well as national contributions. In addition, projects get executed with financing that is external to the WBIF (e.g. bilateral contributions from various governments and/or national IPA/EU contributions, outside the WBIF). Such a financing structure should be reflected in overall communication on a given project, while making specific reference to the WBIF as a blending facility. 4. End-beneficiaries actual benefits from the implemented WBIF-supported project: C&V Actions should reflect the testimonials from the end-beneficiaries on the concrete benefits of the WBIF projects for the local communities, households and individual citizens. These testimonials can be prepared in the form of written stories, short quotes, audio-video material, photography and included in print, online communication and press releases. 5. Compliance of the WBIF projects with the beneficiaries’ national reforms: A broader context of the EU-support to WB beneficiaries should be reflected at all times – how do WBIF projects comply with the national reforms, how the sustainability of the project is achieved, what is the status of the project one-year after the implementation etc. 2 Project Promoter: Institution/Organisation in the Beneficiary Country who is mandated to manage/operate the proposed investment (e.g. a railway/water company, hospital, etc.). The term is used to differentiate between NIPAC, NIC Technical Secretariat or the Ministry of Finance from a Beneficiary Country who sanction the application for financing and/or the loan but who have little role in the execution of a project. 3 DG NEAR and / or EU Delegations / EU Office in Beneficiary Countries. 10
3 C. Communication and visibility actions should seek to reflect visibility requirements associated with the source of financing for the WBIF grants. Specifically: • In the case of projects benefiting from WBIF grants provided by the EU (through IPA) and implemented by the Infrastructure Project Facility, communication and visibility actions should accommodate specific EU requirements, as defined in the latest Communication and Visibility Requirements for EU External Actions: In the case of projects benefiting from WBIF grants provided by the EU (through IPA) and implemented by the lead IFI’s contractor(s) (e.g. Connectivity Projects) communication and visibility actions should accommodate specific EU requirements, as defined in the latest Communication and Visibility Requirements for EU External Actions, as well as reflect the lead IFI’s framework agreements/arrangements with the European Commission. WBIF COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY ACTIONS • In the case of projects benefiting from Bilateral Donor contributions and particularly in the case of investment grants into the social and environment sector, communication and visibility actions should be undertaken with and seek to promote the contribution of the Bilateral Donors to the WBIF. 2 Project Promoter: Institution/Organisation in the Beneficiary Country who is mandated to manage/operate the proposed investment (e.g. a railway/water company, hospital, etc.). The term is used to differentiate between NIPAC, NIC Technical Secretariat or the Ministry of Finance from a Beneficiary Country who sanction the application for financing and/or the loan but who have little role in the execution of a project. 3 DG NEAR and / or EU Delegations / EU Office in Beneficiary Countries. 11
4 OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS Based on discussions with the IFIs, NIPACs, and EU Delegations/Office in the region, the following projects have been selected for communication and visibility actions. Additional activities (to those detailed below) may be carried out, given timely coordination with the EUD/EUO, BDs, IFIs, and beneficiary institutions, as appropriate, is ensured by the party having the lead role on a given project/portfolio. 4.1 Milestone Events Flagship Projects FLAGSHIP PROJECT BENEFICIARY IFI ACTIVITY TIMELINE C&V ACTIONS MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EBRD Completion of Q2 2021 Coordination with FLAGSHIP 2: Buna – Pocitelj works EUD/IFI: Press Connecting North to release; Video/ South MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EBRD Completion of Q2 2021 photo coverage Zenica Tunnel – Donja Gracanica works Vc Billboards along the completed sections (EUD/ MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EBRD Completion of Q2 2021 EBRD/EIB) Zenica By-pass works; Open for traffic Newsflash/ MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EIB Completion of Q3 2021 Newsletter Svilaj cross-border bridge works, Border facilities in place, Country summary Open for traffic for media MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EBRD Completion of Q1 2022 Johovac-Rudanka Interchange works Feature story MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EIB Completion of Q2 2022 Outlets: IFI, Tarcin – Ivan Subsection I works EUD Websites/ MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: Tarcin – Ivan Subsection II BIH EBRD Completion of works Q2 2022 social media;; OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: Completion of BiH EIB Q2 2022 Ponirak– Vraca / Zenica Tunnel works MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EBRD Start of works Q2 2021 Poprikuse – Nemila MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: Putnikovo Brdo 2 Tunnel – BiH EBRD Start of works Q3 2021 Medakovo I MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: BiH EIB Start of works Q4 2021 Kvanj Tunnel - Buna Vc FLAGSHIP 3: MED Extension: Tirana Bypass in ALB EBRD Start of works Q1 2022 Connecting the coastal Albania regions MED Extension (R2a): BiH-CRO Completion of FLAGSHIP 1: BiH EIB Q2 2022 Road Interconnection (Gradiška) works Connecting East to West 12
4 FLAGSHIP PROJECT BENEFICIARY IFI ACTIVITY TIMELINE C&V ACTIONS OEM Extension: North Macedonia Coordination with FLAGSHIP 1: – Albania CVIII Road, Bukojcani – MKD EBRD Start of works Q2 2022 EUD/IFI: Press Connecting East to West Kicevo release; Video/ OEM Extension: Serbia – Kosovo* photo coverage KOS EIB Start of works Q4 2021 R7 Road, Niš – Plocnik Section Billboards along OEM Extension: MKD–KOS– SRB the completed R10 Rail: Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje KOS EBRD Start of works Q3 2021 sections (EUD/ – Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica Section in EBRD/EIB) Kosovo Newsflash/ OEM Extension: Montenegro FLAGSHIP 2: Newsletter – Serbia R4 Rail, Bar – Vrbnica MNE EIB Start of works Q4 2021 Connecting North to Section South Country summary for media MED Extension: Montenegro – FLAGSHIP 3: Albania – Greece R2 Rail, Tirana ALB EBRD Start of works Q4 2021 Feature story Connecting the coastal – Durrës Section regions Outlets: IFI, OEM Extension: North Macedonia EUD Websites/ FLAGSHIP 1: – Bulgaria CVIII Rail: Beljakovce – MKD EBRD Start of works Q4 2021 social media; Connecting East to West Kriva Palanka; OEM Extension: Serbia – Bulgaria CXc Rail Interconnection, Sicevo – SRB EIB Start of works Q1 2022 Dimitrovgrad Section in Serbia OEM Corridor: MKD–SRB Rail: SRB EBRD Start of works Q1 2022 Tabanovce Joint Border Station Rhine/Danube Corridor: Bosnia and Herzegovina – Croatia Waterway BiH EBRD Start of works Q2 2021 Interconnection, Brcko Port ALB-MKD Power Interconnection FLAGSHIP 5: (I): Grid Section in Albania (Fier – ALB KfW Start of works Q1 2022 Transition from coal Elbasan – border) Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor (II): Completion of Grid Section in Serbia (Kragujevac SRB KfW Q2 2022 works – Kraljevo) Project of Mutual Interest: North Macedonia –Greece Gas Interconnector MKD EIB Start of works Q2 2022 OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS Completion FLAGSHIP 7: of works in Waste and Waste water Water Sanitation (WATSAN) Project BiH EIB Republika Q4 2021 management Srpska and FBiH Rehabilitation of Fierza Hydropower FLAGSHIP 4: ALB KfW Start of works Q1 2022 Plant in Albania Renewable energy 13
4 4.2 Online Activities TOOL/ACTION ACTIVITY TIMELINE CONTENT OUTLETS Refurbished Enhanced role of WBIF – EIP, EDIF, REEP, Promoted via; WBIF Website Q2 2021 online Flagships Newsflash; DG NEAR Intranet WBIF Mailing list (460 emails); DG Q Newsletter WBIF Highlights Quarterly Quarterly highlights NEAR Intranet Newsflash Project milestones Regularly Narrative, Quotes, Photo, Links WBIF Mailing list; As per Presentation of EDIF, Opportunities SME support; EE EU Info Centres web platforms; Webinars agreement for SME financing (ENIF); EE financing opportunities WBIF Newsletter with EUDs opportunities (for households, SMEs) Berlin Process Summit 2021; Short videos on WB/ WBIF Results; Covid-19 Response; EIP Infographics Q3 2021; WBIF Newsletter; EU relations Highlights EUD and NIPACs EIP Investment window, Flagship and Flagship banners Graphic disclaimers Q1 2021; Newsflash; Newsletter Main benefits 4.3 Feature Stories FLAGSHIP TOPIC BENEFICIARY IFI TIMELINE CONTENT OUTLETS Stakeholders/ Published Introduction of Nearly Zero-Energy MNE (ALB, FLAGSHIP 6: KfW Q2 2021 Beneficiaires on; Buildings in the Western Balkans MKD) Renovation wave quotes; Promoted Results/ via FLAGSHIP 7: Improving Water and Wastewater Impact Newsflash/ SRB EBRD Q2 2021 infographic; Newsletter; Waste and Waste water Treatment in Subotica management Photos/Videos Published and External on n/a Digital Education MKD CEB Q3 2021 links webalkans. eu, IFI Windpark Bogdanci and Engineering websites/ FLAGSHIP 4: MKD KfW; EDIF Q3 2021 Student Renewable energy FLAGSHIP 2: Connecting Svilaj, cross-border bridge BiH-CRO BiH EIB Q3 2021 social media OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS North to South FLAGSHIP 1: Connecting East to West MNE, ALB, FLAGSHIP 2: Connecting Railways of the Western Balkans EIB Q4 2021 SRB North to South FLAGSHIP 3: Connecting the coastal regions n/a Closure of Collective Accomodation BiH CEB Q1 2022 FLAGSHIP 9: Investing in EU Support to the SME in Western EIB, EBRD Regional Q4 2021 the competitiveness of Balkans (EDIF) the private sector n/a Closure of Collective Accomodation BiH CEB Q1 2022 EBRD, KfW Energy Efficiency in Public/Private FLAGSHIP 6: Renovation Regional (REEP/ Q1 2022 Buildings wave REEP+) 14
4 4.4 Publications (print/online) PUBLICATION CONTENT TIMELINE C&V ACTIONS Annual Report 2021 WBIF Highlights 2020; Enhanced role (EIP/EDIF/REEP) Q2 2021 WBIF Newsflash; WBIF LIbrary; WBIF Country Summaries WBIF by Beneficiary; Public/Private investments; Project examples Q2 2021 Events;; WBIF At a glance WBIF in a nutshell Q2 2021 DG NEAR Intranet; IFI websites/social WBIF Sector Factsheets WBIF Sectors Overview Q2 2021 media; EUDs; NIPACs; Milestone events WBIF Bilateral Donors Factsheet WBIF BD Pleadges and Projects overview Q2 2021 Overview of sections progress; Map; Beneficiary/Stakeholders Corridor Vc BiH Factsheet Q2 2021 quotes Flagship project Fiche Project background; EU Ambassador quote; Benefits Q2 2021 EU Corridors Extensions Overview of ENE/TRA Corridors; Maps; Photos Q3 2021 4.5 Video/Photo Production TITLE FORMAT CONTENT TIMELINE OUTLETS WBIF SC Meeting;; Newsletter; Corridor Vc Video Video 120’’ 2021 Update Q4 2020 EUD BiH social media WBIF SC Meeting;; Newsletter; EIP Video Video 120’’ 2021 Update Q4 2020 DG NEAR social media Statements in local Berlin Process Summit promo campaign (A2); Beneficiary Testimonials Video collage 120’’ Q3 2021 language; EUDs Short infographics Berlin Process Summit promo campaign (A2); Animated Infographics WBIF/EIP Highlights Q3 2021 (3 x 30’); EUDs OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS 15
WBIF Key Communication and Visibility Action Calendar 2021-22 2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Rhine/Danube Corridor: Trans-Balkan OEM Extension: Rehabilitation Bosnia and Herzegovina Electricity Corridor (II): Montenegro – Serbia R4 Rail, of Fierza Hydropower – Croatia Waterway Grid Section in Serbia Bar – Vrbnica Section Plant in Albania Interconnection, Brcko Port (Kragujevac – Kraljevo) Start of works • EIB Start of works • KfW Start of works • EBRD Completion of works • KfW EVENTS MED Extension: MED Extension: BiH-CRO Vc Road: Tirana Bypass in Albania Svilaj cross-border bridge Start of works • EBRD Completion of works • EIB Railways of the Closure of Improved and Western Balkans Collective Digitised Education #YearofRail Accommodation • MKD • CEB • Regional • BiH • CEB FEATURE STORIES C&V Support WBIF Webinars Berlin Process Website Launch (SME/EE support) Summit 2021 June 2021 • EDIF, REEP July 2021 TOOLS AND ACTIONS
5 EXAMPLES OF TOOLS The following sections introduce examples of tools used so far with regard to WBIF projects. Editable files can be requested from IFICO. As indicated in the title of this sections, these are not mandatory for use. The minimum visibility requirements have been outlined in Section 2 above on Visual Identity. 5.1 Organisation of Events / Site visits PPT Presentation Folder Roll-up EXAMPLES OF TOOLS Construction display 17
5 5.2 Publications Annual Report Country Factsheets ALBANIA EU SUPPORT TO ALBANIA WBIF AND ALBANIA INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS ALBANIA AND THE WESTERN BALKANS 2020•ANNUAL REPORT 2020•ANNUAL REPORT INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK (WBIF) The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), in- The WBIF has been instrumental in effecting key improve- WBIF MILESTONES 2008-2020 cluding its private sector platform the Western Balkans ments in the everyday lives of the citizens in Albania by: ESTIMATED PROJECTS Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB • Creating key road, rail and maritime transport links PROJECT VALUE SUPPORTED EDIF), gathers Western Balkans partners, bilateral donors €2.2bn 35 with neighbouring countries; and International Financial Institutions in support of the about the wbif region and individual countries growth and convergence. • Ensuring continuous and competitive energy supply The WBIF was created in 2009, with the European Union for the people and businesses; 10-11 December 2020 as major donor through the Pre-Accession Assistance In- • Securing access to efficient water and wastewater WBIF SC acknowledges new governance; strument (IPA). services; WBIF SIGNED sixth IPA II/ENV INV grants (€139m); WBIF grants pass €1.4bn EUROPEAN UNION The Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) also provides addi- GRANTS LOANS Achieved Results 2009-2020 • Improving flood protection and mitigation measures; The largest provider tional funds as bilateral grants directly to Albania, to sup- port projects in the fields of transport, energy, environ- • Upgrading healthcare facilities and schools. €144.2m €470.0m Investments in the public and private sec- 6 October 2020 The European Commission adoptions of financial assistance to Albania The Western Balkans Investment tors in the region are coupled with structur- the Economic and Investment Plan ment, competitiveness, innovation and capacity building. Results Framework (WBIF) is a joint al reforms that enable the twin green and for the Western Balkans €100.9m initiative of the EU, financial digital transition. ENERGY ENVIRONMENT WBIF IPA II Investment Grants 16-17 December 2019 The Economic and Investment Plan for the Western EU in Albania grants bilateral grants 945 km of motorways and new roads institutions, bilateral donor In recognition of the specificities of the Balkans, adopted by the European Commission on 6 2009 - 2020 2014 - 2020 €43.3m and beneficiaries, aimed at Western Balkans, the WBIF particularly 123 MW electricity 2.1 million people Reintegration of WB EDIF under WBIF; October 2020*, aims to spur the long-term economic fifth IPA II/ENV INV grants (€189m); Technical Assistance Data as of June 2020 enhancing harmonisation and supports projects that enhance regional from renewables benefiting from WBIF grants reach €1.3bn recovery of the region, to support a green and digi- Transport €91.0m €22.7m 195 km of railway lines rehabilitated cooperation in investments for water/wastewater systems cooperation, connectivity and competitive- tal transition, to foster regional integration and con- 6 December 2018 the socio-economic development ness: well-connected transport, energy and vergence with the European ALBANIA Union. The plan sets up a Energy _ €21.8m 174 km of electricity transmission lines SME Access to Finance and Competitiveness of the region and contributing digital networks, renewable energy and en- Fourth IPA II INV/ENV grants (€191m); substantial investment package in support of sustain- WBIF grants pass €1bn upgraded to the European perspective of ergy efficiency, water supply and wastewa- Genoveva Ruiz Calavera able connectivity, human capital, competitiveness and ter systems, flood protection, education, inclusive growth, and the twin green and digital tran- Environment €26.3m €30.3m Western Balkans Enterprise Development the Western Balkans. Due to its DG NEAR Director research, healthcare and judicial facilities, 13 December 2017 sition. The investment package will be a key driver for Improved water/wastewater systems & Innovation Facility (WB EDIF) collaborative nature in line with WBIF PUBLIC SECTOR • Blending investments for majorfacilitating infrastructural projects WBIF PRIVATE €3.0m SECTOR • Access to finance and competitiveness, energy efficiency and renewables the 'Team Europe' approach, as well as the small and medium enterpris- 'Every project supported by the Third IPA II/ENV INV grants (€110m); increased public and private investments Social €166.8m for 1.1 million people €36.9m in financing for SMEs es in the private sector. With a grant volume Digital Infrastructure - eligible sector in the region by European and international financial the WBIF is the main vehicle for Western Balkans Investment The WB EDIF provides diversified access to finance for of over €1.4bn for technical assistance and institutions. Digital €2.1m _ implementation of the EU’s Framework (WBIF) brings the 15 December 2016 *COM(2020)641 final Infrastructure Better schools for 18,500 students SMEs via a range of financial instruments, accompanied by investment co-financing, the WBIF has lev- Green for Growth Fund* ambitious Economic and eraged up to €22.6bn investments across region closer to the European Second IPA II INV grants (€98m); Western Balkans Enterprise Development advisory services to boost the SMEs investment readiness. Competitiveness Breakdown of Investment Plan for the Western the region so far. Union and contributes to the WBIF grants pass €600m & Innovation Facility SOCIAL TRANSPORT and innovation support provided €204.7m Objective: Support regional Healthcare measures treatment and to cut energy research use facilities Balkans. common regional market. Our including agriculture below* European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) Objective: Improve capacity and access to affordable fi- and CO₂ emissions for 2.8by 20%.people million investments in the flagship 16 June 2016 nance for companies in the Western Balkans. €110.9m sub-loan investments 96,600 students 937 km Under the same structure than EFSE, the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) Since its inception in 2009, the WBIF has These tangible results spur the initiatives, as defined by Overhaul of WBIF framework documents €144.2m TotalThe Western Balkans €424.5m finances renewable energy projects. Intermediate lending institutions on- benefiting from better schools of new roads Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility lend to micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and to private households. The EFSE fosters economic development through the primarily aimed at addressing the Western long-term recovery of the region the recent Economic and (WB EDIF) is the EU-led platform for private sector development in 16 December 2015 the Western Balkans. It unites key The Fund has a special focus on energy efficiency and renewable provision of finance to intermediate lending institutions Balkans region’s extensive infrastructure in- and contribute to the objectives Investment Plan, support the *The WBIF includes investments to stakeholders including increase support tothe Western ‘Connecting energy investments. Itspeople Technicaland im- Assistance Facility supports MSEs to vestment needs and at supporting the EU First IPA II INV grants approved (€150m) Rehabilitation of regional and local roads Albania – North Macedonia power interconnection: Balkan governments, IFIs, regional organisations, and bilateral donors the private sector in Albania: prepare investment projects andstand- builds the capacity of intermediate that on-lend to MSEs, farmers, agro-businesses, and and flagship investment Western Balkans in building grid section in Albania to pull and leverage together financing and expertise. WB EDIF provides proving their living lending institutions. The heart initiators of the GGF are the European households. accession process of the beneficiaries. By priorities of the Economic and the European future together. diversified access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ards is at the of the 28 August 2014 Investment Bank (EIB) and Germany’s KfW Development Bank. blending grants from the EU’s Instrument The Plan means immediate Albania’s regional and local road network face significant Significant increases in annual power load and several new WB EDIF via a•range financing for SMEs of financial instruments (i.e. guarantees, €36.9mequity and loans). WBIF investments. While Al- Investment Plan for the Western Private Sector Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), bilater- Berlin Process – new dynamics for EU path problems: only a small number of sections are paved and about generation sources added to the Albanian grid have put a This is accompanied by advisory services to boost the SMEs investment bania goes through its nec- €32m sub-loan investments Balkans, to step up the region’s action, with the WBIF and its 75-80% of the system is in a poor or very poor condition. A strain on existing transmission systems, leading to frequent readiness and support for policy reforms in the region. al donors and financial institutions, with EFSE • sub-loan investments €110.9m essary reform process to pre- socio-economic convergence stakeholders as a driving force 1 July 2013 number of sections are impassable for parts of the year, thus interruptions in electricity supply to consumers. The financial 73 sub-loans pare for EU membership, the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) loans and beneficiary contributions, the restricting access to essential services. This poor provision support provided by WBIF assists with the construction of a 130 €36.9m in financing for SMEs WBIF finances strategic projects in trans- with the EU. for the implementation.' 11,540WBIF brings MWh/yr immediate primary energyandsavings Accession of Croatia to the EU also hinders economic growth. The WBIF project entailed the km-long 400 kV transmission line as well as two substations. 561 SMEs supported in Albania concrete benefits to people.’ €32.0m sub-loan investments port, energy, digital, environment and so- rehabilitation of 500 km of regional and local road infrastructure. This project thus ensures the interconnection between the grids GGF • sub-loan investments €32.0m 9,882 tCO2/yr emissions reduction 14 June 2012 This improvement in transport conditions eases linkages to of North Macedonia and Albania, resulting in increased regional 1 equity investment (€1m) The GGF finances renewable energy projects through the cial sectors. Ambassador Luigi Soreca *Number and amount of sub-loans since inception markets, health and education services, as well as contributes transmission of electricity, improved security and quality of Technical assistance and advisory to SMEs for €3m Head of EU Delegation to provision of finance to intermediate lending institutions REEP – Energy efficiency project approved to economic development through employment and creation of supply, as well as lower greenhouse gas emissions through the Total €179.8m Albania that on-lend to MSEs and private households. The WBIF also supports private sector new opportunities. reduction of technical losses. development - notably micro, small and digital infrastructure PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT 7 December 2011 Regional Energy Efficiency Programme medium enterprises -through the Western Bilateral donor, EIB and EBRD grant: €4m EU grants: €15.4m for the Western Balkans** Balkans Enterprise Development and Inno- Broadband deployment, 7,414 SMEs WB EDIF – thematic SME platform launched; total grants pass €220m European Fund for Southeast Europe* vation Facility (WB EDIF), as well as energy data centres, edge and cloud financed through WB EDIF EBRD loan: €50m; EIB loan: €50m KfW loan: €50m Objective: Create a sustainable market for energy effi- ciency in the Western Balkans. efficiency and renewables through the Re- HUNGARY infrastructures 9 December 2009 Objective: Provide sustainable funding to micro and gional Energy Efficiency Programme (REEP/ Total investment: €138.5m Total investment: €70m The Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans Launch of WBIF; 26 TA grants approved small enterprises and low-income families. REEP Plus).Investments in the public and (REEP/REEP Plus) provides a combination of financing instruments, The European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) is an EU supported technical assistance and policy dialogue to address market barriers EUROPEAN UNION private sectors in the region are coupled March 2008 public-private fund fostering economic development through and stimulate longer-term market development. Implemented by the provision of finance to intermediate lending institutions that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the with structural reforms that enable the twin The largest provider The European Council calls for aid CROATIA on-lend to MSEs, including farmers and agro-businesses, and to Energy Community Secretariat and KfW with the support of the EU green and digital transition. of financial assistance coordination in the Western Balkans private households. Its development facility provides technical and other bilateral donors, the programme supports the improvement to the Western Balkans assistance to build the capacity of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the regulatory environment for investments in energy efficiency, (e.g. entrepreneurs, financial institutions, public institutions). KfW is sustainable and renewable energy. It also facilitates access to the initiator and lead investor of the Fund. finance to municipalities, SMEs and private households. ROMANIA 6•ANNUAL REPORT 7•ANNUAL REPORT €110.9m sub-loan investments €140m on-lent for project financing 13,656 sub-loans provided 20,000 households receiving finance 34 advisory projects supported Improved energy efficiency *Number and amount of sub-loans since inception **Regional results Pogradec water supply and wastewater Communal infrastructure works in Albanian Alps collection systems area KREDIA SME The WBIF supported the extension of the sewerage system The WBIF grant financed the development of a masterplan and SME LOANS in the city of Pogradec, to allow the treatment of all the feasibility study which identified key communal infrastructure ZHVILLONI BIZNESIN TUAJ wastewater produced locally and in the surrounding area. These investments focusing primarily on waste management, water GROW YOUR BUSINESS infrastructure investments ensure environmentally/hygienically and wastewater treatment, flood protection, and erosion control. sound wastewater collection and treatment in Pogradec as well Moreover, a special focus was dedicated to improving conditions BOSNIA AND as reliable drinking water provision to surrounding villages. for tourism in the Albanian Alps. HERZEGOVINA SERBIA These measures contribute to the protection of Lake Ohrid’s water quality and reduce health risks to the population. EFSE support is transforming FED Invest into a strong rural Owners of residential buildings in Albania will be able to benefit MONTENEGRO financial institution offering a broad range of financial services from energy efficiency measures thanks to a €5m loan provided EU grant: €3.5m Bilateral donor grant: €1m to the rural and peri-urban population. EFSE contributes to by the EBRD for on-lending to borrowers focusing on green the financial inclusion and rural economic development in investments. Investments will cut energy bills and reduce CO2 KOSOVO KfW loan: €10m CEB loan: €28.7m Albania. EFSE financing supported the development of a plan emissions. The funds are part of the Green Economy Financing SERBIA BULGARIA for agricultural business development and capacity building, Facility (GEFF), a joint initiative of the EU, Austria and the WBIF Total investment: €13.5m Total investment: €37.3m including credit risk, audit and compliance skills. beneficiary countries. Villanova Adriatic Sea ENERGY SECTOR ITALY NORTH MACEDONIA NORTH MACEDONIA - ALBANIA POWER INTERCONNECTION GRID SECTION IN NORTH MACEDONIA This project is important for the integration of European elec- tricity markets and is a Project of Energy Community Interest ALBANIA GREECE Project Factsheets (PECI) since 2013. It is included in the Strategy for Energy Development of North Macedonia until 2040 and is funded under the Connectivity Agenda of the European Commission, GRID SECTION IN ALBANIA Related WBIF Project one of the EC’s highest priorities for the Western Balkans. Its investments strengthen the power systems in the region, en- PROJECT BACKGROUND hance cross-border exchanges in electricity, and contribute to This EU-funded project is part of the European Com- the development of the regional market. Estimated total investment €70m mission’s initiative to establish an East-West electricity EU Grants Corfu €14m transmission corridor between Bulgaria, North Macedo- KfW Loan €50m nia, Albania, Montenegro and Italy. The section between Samuel Žbogar Bulgaria and North Macedonia (financed by the EBRD) has EU Ambassador RESULTS to North Macedonia been completed, and a new 400 kV connection between Albania and Montenegro as well as the undersea power ‘Reflecting on the European 95 km of 400 kV overhead transmission Green Deal, this project sup- line between 400/110 kV Bitola 2 interconnector between Montenegro and Italy are already Investments include a 400 kV transmission system from ports the creation of a reliable substation and the border with Albania operational. Bitola to the border with Albania, a new 400/110kV sub- interconnector which ena- TOTAL ESTIMATED INTERNATIONAL BENEFICIARY ABOUT THE WBIF PROJECT station in Ohrid, upgrading of 400/110 kV Bitola 2 sub- bles free energy flow without New 400/110 kV substation in Ohrid any technical barriers. It pro- INVESTMENT FINANCIAL Around 60% of the power generated in North Macedonia station with a new bay, and introduction of grid efficiency vides secure, sustainable and and 400/110 kV Bitola 2 substation €1.2bn is from coal, while in Albania it is predominantly based components in the Electricity Transmission System Opera- upgraded with a new bay INSTITUTIONS affordable energy, and at the on hydropower. By providing the first interconnection be- tor of North Macedonia (A.D. MEPSO). same time delivers on jobs, tween the two countries, this project completes the 400 Contribute to the integration of BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Smart grid components of this project have already facili- competitiveness and empow- EU GRANTS kV electricity ring between Albania, North Macedonia and erment of citizens beyond na- European electricity markets and the WORKS ON CORRIDOR Vc PROGRESS tated the upgrading of the remote monitoring and control creation of a balanced regional market €223.4m Greece, which will enhance cross-border exchanges in tional borders.’ system (SCADA) in the Dubrovo substation in Negotino, electricity and contribute to the development of the re- DESPITE COVID-19 DISRUPTIONS installation of hardware and software to improve energy gional market. forecasting and load dispatch for renewable power plants, BENEFITS Connecting the systems of North Macedonia and Alba- more sophisticated automated demand response mech- At least 270 jobs created by MEPSO and its contractors for nia will help balance the two power markets and enable anisms in meeting requirements for balancing and an- the duration of building works, i.e. a minimum of 36 months more efficient management of the reserve and emergen- cillary services, a Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS), Corridor Vc is the most ambitious in- Despite the disruptions brought by the SAFETY MEASURES vestment programme in Bosnia and COVID-19 outbreak, all the construc- cy capacities in the region and Greece. Moreover, the new and a study on the effects of plug-in electric vehicles. As ON CORRIDOR Vc transmission line will trigger better and less expensive en- a result, the regional dispatching of energy between the Herzegovina, requiring significant tion sites are active, safety measures Reduced transmission losses in the grid financial and human resources. So have been introduced, and the works CONSTRUCTION SITES ergy supply to residents and businesses in North Macedo- power systems of North Macedonia and Albania and the far, the European Union has allocat- are ongoing. The most advanced con- The authorities in Bosnia and Her- nia by normalising voltage levels, stabilising load flow and Balkan countries more widely will be improved, leading to ed more than €220 million in grants nectivity projects are Buna - Počitelj zegovina and the contractors have frequency fluctuations, and decreasing technical losses in market expansion, enhanced supply stability, and inclu- Power supply in the region secured by eliminating under the Connectivity Agenda for and Tunnel Zenica - Donja Gračanica jointly designed and put in place a the overall transmission system. sion of renewables the current energy mix. overloads in existing systems and reducing outages the construction of 12 motorway sections, planned to be finished in the health and safety protocol, allowing subsections on Corridor Vc in the first half of 2021, and Svilaj - Odžak, the works to continue on all the sub- ESTIMATED NATIONAL country. The grants are channelled where the motorway section and the sections open. Workers are provided EU EBRD Improved capacity and reliability of the TOTAL CONTRIBUTION through the Western Balkans Invest- cross-border bridge have already been with protective equipment and follow GRANTS LOAN power supply system INVESTMENT (A.D. MEPSO) ment Framework and, together with completed and the border crossing safety and healthcare restrictions, loans from the European Investment facilities are expected to be finalized their health condition is monitored Bank and the European Bank for Re- in the second half of 2021. The con- with non-contact thermometers, and Enhanced cross-border exchanges in electricity and contribution construction and Development, help struction sites for Rudanka - Johovac, the sites are regularly disinfected and function as temporary isolated zones. €50m €12m €37m €1m to the development of a functional regional market finance investments of more than Počitelj - Zvirovići, Ponirak - Vraca/Ze- €1.2 billion. nica Tunnel, Tarčin - Ivan I and Tarčin - Ivan II/Tunnel Ivan opened in 2019- 2020. The sections Rudanka - Putniko- vo Brdo, Putnikovo Brdo - Medakovo, 1 2 3 WORKS UNDER CONSTRUCTION / CASE STUDIES Poprikuše - Nemila and Tunnel Kvanj - Buna are due to start during 2021. Slavonski Brod SVILAJ – ODŽAK JOHOVAC – RUDANKA SECTION TARČIN – IVAN SUBSECTION II Svilaj / SVILAJ BRIDGE SECTION / IVAN TUNNEL 1 The 660 m cross-border bridge between Works are also progressing well on the The drilling works for the double-tube Prijedor MrBosnia SemirandMuslić Herzegovina and Croatia is connectivity project between Tovira and tunnel at Ivan started in March 2020. The close Site to completion; Supervisor at Ivanhorizontal Tunnel signalling, Kostajnica, with the construction of a 6 tunnel is part of the Tarčin – Ivan motor- Banja Luka CROATIA Bihać 1 2 Zenica 3 2 1 2 Tuzla Brčko SERBIA ‘We testing and necessary inspections are to betry asway in was sites to reorganise finalised we can section completed normal the are works in May. our and keep on border isolated due to begin in May. m cross-border and border All workers 10.7 kmfor important facilities here are like motorway, Thework going between 10.7 as in December circumstances. as we Svilaj facilities zones, couple of days in a row and rarely go home, 660to reduce the riskbridge in aBiH; us is to 2stay kmmuch and motor- would Odžak 2017, and Construction in BiH aare we work of exposure. family; most interchanges, healthy and km motorway on the Svilaj to Doboj sec- tion of Corridor Vc, including two inter- changes at Johovac and Rudanka. 6 km motorway, including 2 interchanges and 1 bridge Total investment (est.): €90.9m EU grant: €14.9m EBRD loan: €70m Beneficiary contribution: €6m way subsection, which connects the (al- ready built) Vlakovo – Tarčin and Ivan – Ovčari subsections. 1.7 km long double-tube tunnel Total investment (est.): €63m EU grant: €11.5m EBRD loan: €50m Beneficiary contribution: €1.5m Timeline: 2019 - 2022 EXAMPLES OF TOOLS BOSNIA AND rest area and toll station keep our jobs.’ Total investment (est.): €109.9m Timeline: 2019 - 2021 Western Balkans Investment Framework at a Glance HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo EU grant: €24.9m 4 EIB and EBRD loans: €67m 3 1 RUDANKA - PUTNIKOVO BRDO The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) is a unique and successful blending platform WORKS TO START IN 2020 / 2021 Goražde Beneficiary contribution: €18m Timeline: 2014 - 2020 SUBSECTION uniting beneficiaries, donors and lenders with the aim to enhance harmonisation and cooperation in MARCH 2021 5.2 km motorway, including 2 twin investments for the socio-economic development of the Western Balkans. Sector Factsheets tunnels, 1 bridge and 1 viaduct Mostar Total investment (est.): €190.9m 1 2 WORKS UNDER CONSTRUCTION EU grant: €37.9m EBRD loan: €150m Achieved results 2009 - 2019 Ploče 4 3 Beneficiary contribution: €3m Bijača Timeline: 2020 - 2023 2 PUTNIKOVO BRDO - MEDAKOVO MONTENEGRO PONIRAK – VRACA / ZENICA TUNNEL ZENICA TUNNEL – DONJA GRAČANICA SUBSECTION SUBSECTION SUBSECTION 8.5 km motorway, including 7 bridges, 2.8 km motorway, 4.1 km motorway, including 2 interchanges with a toll station and including 2.4 km twin tunnel 1 tunnel, 2 viaducts, 1 interchange Traffic Control and Management Center Total investment (est.): €69.6m and a toll station Total investment (est.): €86.3m CORRIDOR Vc FIGURES EU grant: €15.6m Private sector Digital EU grant: €19m Total investment (est.): €76.1m Transport Environment Energy Social (EU CO-FINANCED SECTIONS) EIB Loans: €50m EU grant: €12.1m EBRD loan: €60m development infrastructure Beneficiary Contribution: €0.6m EBRD loan: €56.7m Beneficiary contribution: €10.7m Timeline: 2019 - 2022 Beneficiary contribution: €7.3m Timeline: 2021 - 2022 Total investment (est.): €1.1bn 11 subsections supported by WBIF 68.3 km of motorway, including 1 cross-border bridge, Timeline: 2019 - 2021 3 POPRIKUŠE - NEMILA SUBSECTION TRANSPORT SECTOR 1.85 km motorway and 3.65 km supported by EU grants 3 4 twin tunnel, 2 bridges, 1 interchange, EU Grants*: 1 viaduct and a toll station 937 km 2 m people 5,390 SMEs 90 MW 96,000 pupils Broadband €202.7m Total investment (est.): €215.2m of new roads benefiting supported electricity benefiting from Internet EU grant: €41.2m from water / through WB EDIF generation from better schools deployment wastewater renewables through technical EIB and EBRD loans: EIB and EBRD loans: €160m assistance Beneficiary contribution: €14m systems €837m 18 bridges, 7 tunnels, 5,000 - 7,500 jobs created BUNA – POČITELJ SUBSECTION POČITELJ – ZVIROVIĆI SUBSECTION Timeline: 2021 - 2025 9 interchanges, 4 viaducts SECTOR SUMMARY WBIF blending facility Beneficiary contribution: 7.2 km motorway 11.1 km motorway, 4 bridges 4 TARČIN - IVAN SUBSECTION I WBIF portfolio Total investment (est.): €35.1m (including 945 m Počitelj bridge), The Western Balkans’ transport network still requires focused financing, • Grants from the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession €88.5m EU grant: €8.8m 1 tunnel and 1 interchange 4.9 km motorway, including 2 bridges PROJECTS ESTIMATED PROJECTS WITH WBIF GRANTS WBIF GRANTS Total investment (est.): €80m Assistance (IPA), bilateral donors and participating EBRD loan: €23.3m Total investment (est.): €111.2m as a considerable proportion of the region’s road and rail network needs SUPPORTED: PROJECT VALUE: LOANS SIGNED AWARDED: IN 2019: Projects supported 194 Beneficiary contribution: €3m EU grant: €5m EU grant: €11.8m rehabilitation and upgrading. Non-physical barriers affecting trade and financial institutions; Timeline: 2018 - 2020 EIB loan: €100m EIB loan: €50m 55 €9.4 bn 25 / €3.3 €834.7 m €162.8 m traffic in the region (interoperability, safety, security, traffic management bn signed • Loans from participating financial institutions; and Beneficiary contribution: €18.2m * Beneficiary contribution: €6.2m for all modes of transport) must also be addressed. loans • Beneficiary contributions to prepare and implement Estimated project value €20.8 bn Excluding fees. Timeline: 2019 - 2021 Timeline: 2020 - 2022 infrastructure projects. achieved results In 2015, the leaders of the Western Balkans adhered to and agreed on a WBIF grants awarded €1.3 bn regional Core transport network and an indicative extension of the EU Objectives Core Network and Corridors to enhance connectivity within the region • Address the extensive infrastructure needs of the and further with the EU network. The signing of the Transport Community 800 km of local and regional roads 137 km of high-speed roads Western Balkans; Loans leveraged €6.1 bn Treaty in 2017 encourages better planning of transport investments and • Support the beneficiaries’ EU accession process. procedural streamlining. The new Transport Community Secretariat is Expected results Donors 25 based in Belgrade and has a leading role in development of policies and Achievements cooperation mechanisms in the region. • Beneficiary ownership of projects; 846 km of new motorways, and two Beneficiaries 6 cross-border bridges and facilities • Strategic prioritisation of investments; WBif priorities and actions 1,400 km of railway lines rehabilitated, and one • Improving competitiveness and fostering growth; joint border railway station • Reinforcing regional cooperation and connectivity. Data as of May 2020. Transport is WBIF’s most active sector, accounting for 45% of the portfolio. The WBIF provides TA grants to develop projects that are part Increase in cargo capacity and safe and efficient of the Core network. Investment grants co-finance infrastructure projects transport in the Durrës and Brčko ports on the Core Corridors, making use of an allocation of €1 billion available Enhanced urban mobility for more than 1.3 for key connectivity investments over the 2015-2020 period. Roads and million people living in Belgrade railways are the main beneficiaries of funds. WBIF GRANTS BY SECTOR Transport subsectors Chart Title (€m) 8.4 1.2 WBIF GRANTS BY BENEFICIARY Value of grants (€m) Chart Title Number of grants Chart Title At a Glance 32.6 4.7 4 91.0 13 154.1 21 25 232.7 365.3 427.2 139.7 16 16 110.5 101.9 20 ALB BIH KOS MNE MKD SRB REG ALB BIH KOS MNE MKD SRB REG Roads Railways Roads Maritime and inland ports Urban transport Regional sector studies Albania Montenegro Railways Bosnia and Herzegovina North Macedonia Maritime and inland ports Kosovo* Serbia Urban transport Regional projects Regional sector studies Data as of May 2020. * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. 18
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