Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry

Page created by Jared Campos
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Pitch Deck
December 18, 2020

Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen   A GAME BY

CEO & Founder
Eduplaytion AS
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Executive Summary
Today, there is a rising demand for quality education with a modern and interactive
approach. This gave birth to Eduplaytion – a Norwegian-based EdTech company made
                                                                                             Key Milestones
up of experienced teachers and skilled game developers on a mission to create high-end,
game-based learning solutions for the international B2C and B2B market                        July ’18          Dec ‘18         July ‘19         Dec ’19          Sept ‘20           Dec ‘20

                                                                                               Pre-Production                    Production                        Beta Launched

Brass Tacks
                                                                                              Created and user-tested the        Created various tools and          Published games through an
                                                                                              first prototypes, choosing         supporting technologies,           online portal, first paying user
≈ 25%                                       $ 480 USD                                         technology, ensuring financial
                                                                                              buoyancy, hiring team
                                                                                                                                 ensuring financial buoyancy,
                                                                                                                                 established a system of
                                                                                                                                                                    rolling in, collected feedback
                                                                                                                                                                    and automated metrics.
The amount of 5th graders word-wide                                                           members, creating story            feedback metrics and parent        rapidly iterated user
                                            The yearly amount spent by US parents             concept and characters, finding    controls, created a workflow       experience based on data,
demonstrating difficulties with maths       on video games for their children                 the voice of the game              to follow academic guidelines      preparing to scale

8/10                                        4,000
Children (aged 8–15) in Nordic countries    The number of users Eduplaytion’s first title,
who play video games daily                  Numetry the Math Game, currently holds

Market Trends                                                    30                          Go-Getters
                                                                                             We don’t wait for things to happen. We make them happen
The global game-based learning market worth listed in B USD
                                                                         2020       2025
                                                                                             MNOK 11                                                       +20 Schools
                                                                                             The total amount of money raised from                         The total of amount of partner schools
The Proof is in the Pudding                                                                  private investors and public grants                           we work with to ensure quality

The biggest provider of math-based solutions is Prodigy. Since their humble                  University of Agder                                           3 Continents
beginnings back in 2011, they have grown from 3,000 local users to more than 50
million users. Today, they are bringing home $ 56.1 M USD in annual revenues                 A two-year R&D project to be initiated                        The team is strategically positioned to
                                                                                             Jan ‘21 with an acknowledged university                       scale business in Europe and America
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Pain Point

Too many children dislike mathematics and don't see the point of studying it
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Why is That?

• Lack of FUN experiences when learning

• Mostly ABSTRACT concepts presented in textbooks

• There is NO EASY WAY to access adaptive content and stay informed
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
  Numetry – a game-based learning experience where children aged 9 to 12 …

    PLAY                          MASTER                                ACCESS
     as they                  mathematics through              tailored material that their
explore and learn           relatable and meaningful                parents can track
                                 gameplay; and
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Numetry’s Core Loop

    Numetry CAPTIVATES        … presents them with
    students through          RELATABLE missions as
    exciting storytelling …   they travel through space

                              … gives their parents real-
… grants them COMPELLING
                              time INSIGHT into their
rewards upon completion;
                              children’s academic journey
and …
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Key Crew Members

    Lead Pedagogue                        CTO               Creative Director          Community Manager                 CEO & Founder

•    Well-known lecturer and   •   +10 years experience     •   Author of six books    •   +8 years experience       •   Master’s in international
     TV persona                    leading small and big        on game design             running one of Norway’s       business
                                   software projects                                       most popular YouTube
•    Author of numerous                                     •   Experienced, highly-       channels                  •   Extensive international
     educational titles        •   Strong business skills       sought narrative                                         network and language
                                                                designer               •   Well-known by our             skills
•    +15 years of teaching     •   One of the biggest                                      target audience
     experience                    shareholders in                                                                   •   Previous entrepreneurial
                                   Eduplaytion AS                                                                        & teaching experience
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Board of Directors
Versatile composition with extensive experience in strategic fields
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Shareholders per October 25, 2020

Aadland Invest AS 0.50%                    Magnus Berglund Informatica EPP 4.55%
Acquire AS 2.25%                           Malo Invest AS 1.09%
Angel Challenge AS 0.50%                   Missi Holding AS 5.58%
Breivik Invest AS 1.49%                    Orage AS 1.01%
Endre Johan Bukkøy Natvik 0.87%            Patrick N. Holleman 0.09%
Forlagshuset Vigmostad & Bjørke AS 5.95%   Procopius AS 1.49%
Fjord Invest Såkorn AS 4.49%               Produksjonsboksen AS 1.24%
Fjordvekst AS 2%                           Sogn og Fjordane-Fondet AS 1.50%
Germán Barros 0.50%                        Soput Acceleration AS 2.50%
Ganymede AS 0.50%                          Tjora Undervisning AS 0.87%
John Helge Lunde 0.98%                     Vatek AS 1.50%
Kristoffer E. Hundershagen  51.84%         Vestlandets Innovasjonsselskap AS 2.48%
LAÅ Holding AS 0.98%                       Vitali Holding AS 3.24%
Pitch Deck December 18, 2020 Kristoffer Engebø Hundershagen CEO & Founder Eduplaytion AS - Numetry
Competitive Overview

        DULL                   FUN

How We Make a Difference
1                    2                    3                        4
Embodiment & Skins       Engaging Story       Relatable Missions       Analytical Tool
Business Model

    Consumers & Schools                        Price Model                          Recurring Model                       Highly Scalable
•   Parents are target buyers         •   Free for everyone                   •   The Premium plan will be            •   Supports rapid creation of
                                                                                  offered as a subscription               new content
•   Early adapting teachers to        •   Access to all features requires a
    spread the game in their school       premium account                     •   Seamless cashier solutions, such    •   Fast and cost-efficient
    and local school districts                                                    as Vipps, Stripe, or payments via       localization
                                      •   Identifying the most valuable           mobile provider
                                          features for schools, then have                                             •   Virtually all code is reusable
                                          them upgrade to Premium
Dipping our Toes – Establishing B2B

1                                                 2                                                  3

     Comparative Advantage                            Video Game Mercenaries                               Growing Another Arm
•   Eduplaytion’s comparative advantage lies in   •   In today’s day and age, this skill is highly   •   That is why Eduplaytion aims to close our
    our ability to transform the syllabus into        sought after. That is why we, in additional        first B2B sale in 2021, with the hope that
    highly entertaining video game experiences        to selling our own products, see a                 this could turn into an additional revenue
                                                      tremendous opportunity in offering our             stream for the company
                                                      services to learning content providers, such
•   Unique team composition and well-                 as publishers                                  •   This could yield a higher compensation,
    established and proven successful                                                                    without us needing to worry about sales
    partnership with schools                      •   These actors already have customers but            and marketing
                                                      might not have the know-how in how to
                                                      effectively digitalize and gamify their
                                                      content to meet today’s high standards.
Why Go Premium
                Level Up                                                Ranking                                          New Content                                                Keep Up

                    Why?                                                   Why?                                                   Why?                                                  Why?
Kids love the prospect of being able to upgrade their    We all love to beat our friends at something – and   Whether it's daily quests or weekly challenges, kids        Parents want to stay on top of their child's
characters – and of course having the coolest skins      particularly kids. Today, most kids play with and    love getting new content on a regular basis. We will      academic performance and growth, and with
   and decals amongst their peers. They can’t get        against other kids from all over the world. With        create new content constantly so that our users     Numetry’s powerful analytical tool, they can. All of
enough of them! Kids today beg their parents to pay     Numetry, we can harness that love of online playing     always have something new to do in the world of       a student's progress is tracked, and our tools can
    20 USD to unlock a dance in the online game          to get kids to practice and master mathematics.                           Numetry.                          point out any weak areas in the student's learning,
                      Fortnite.                                                                                                                                         so that teachers and parents can intervene in
                                                                                                                                                                                        specific skills.

           COVID–19                             Digitalization                                   STEM                                 EdTech

•   COVID-19 has increased the          •   Norwegian students soon have          •   Tomorrow’s jobs require students   •   Great momentum within the
    demand for digital learning             one computer each at school               to master more and more STEM           EdTech industry
    solutions                                                                         fields
                                        •   Developing countries’ digital                                                •   The global market for game-
•   Millions of students across the         infrastructure is increasing          •   Many students experience               based learning solutions
    world are either currently being                                                  learning difficulties in maths         estimates to earn over $28
    home-schooled or may be soon        •   The demand for high-end digital                                                  billion USD by 2025
                                            learning solutions is only going up   •   Know-how in STEM is no longer
•   Even in developed regions                                                         just for select groups; everyone   •   Highly profitable market
    like Scandinavia, students,         •   More and more subjects in                 will need extensive knowledge
    parents and teachers are short of       schools are being digitalized                                                •   Key-market players keep
    high-end digital solutions that                                               •   Drop-out rate at high-schools in       acquiring and buying in on
    engages and motivates students      •   UN’s Sustainable Development              Norway has been consistently at        exciting EdTech companies
    to learn over time                      Goal # 4 – Quality Education              25% for the past years                 around the world
Market Validation

    Consumer Behaviour                               Outlook                      The Nordic Legacy                              Acquisitions

•   8 out of 10 children play video       •   The global game-based          •   Norway – a pioneer in the world of    •   In recent years, we have seen
    games on a regular basis                  learning market was worth          EdTech. We stand in high regard           several acquisitions of game-based
                                              around US$ 7 Billion in 2020       with most of the world’s countries,       learning companies
•   Parents spend $ 430 USD/year on                                              which gives us a significant
    video games for their children        •   Looking forward, the market        advantage as suppliers in these       •   The rapid user growth and scaling
                                              value is projected to exceed       markets                                   potential drives these acquisitions
•   Educational content is the most           US$ 28 Billion by 2024
    valued component when parents                                            •   Company such as Its Learning and      •   Company’s are being acquired from
    assesses a video game                 •   Game-based learning                Kahoot! have really put Norway on         three to five years of operations
                                                                                 the map
                                              expected to play an
•   Virtually every school in the world                                                                                •   Kahoot! alone acquired Dragonbox,
                                              important role in children’s
    uses ICT solutions as supplements,                                       •   The latter has already completed          Poio and Drops for a total of 500
                                              education in the years to
    with mathematics being the most                                              several acquisitions of other games       MNOK
    frequent subject area
Case Study – Prodigy
The biggest provider of math-based solutions is the Canadian company Prodigy. From their
humble beginnings in 2011, they have grown from 3,000 local users to more than 50 million
                                                                                                The Sky is the Limit
users. We have analysed the strategic decisions that triggered their growth.
                                                                                                The company is now spreading their wings as they aim to enter more markets.
                                                                                                Below is a list of the estimated market size in some countries (children aged 9–12)
User Growth                                                                        50,000,000

                                                                                                China                      Australia
                                                                                                53,000,000                 930,000

                                                                      34,200,000                India                      UK
                                                                                                66,000,000                 2,000,00
                                                                                                Brazil                     Mexico
                                                                                                11,000,000                 8,000,000



 3,000    130,000
                                                                                                Key-Take Aways
 2013      2014       2015        2016        2017          2018        2019          2020
                                                                                                Highly profitable market with great opportunities to scale

                                                                                                $ 56.1 M USD                                    +300 Employees
Their Secret Sauce
                                                                                                Prodigy’s annual revenue stream,                They look for a cultural fit, that is, people
The freemium model has been a great way to try to find product-market fit. Prodigy              generated from 1.8% of their users              who have a growth mindset and grit
figured out the core features people love, and then withheld some of them drive
subscription. Moreover, deploying the game for the web (rather than as an app) and              Math is Math                                    Data-Driven
linking all content to a math curriculum were paramount for their success.
                                                                                                The nature of math has made it easy to          Build things based on what the
                                                                                                scale the product and enter new markets         customer actually wants
Prodigy vs. Numetry

 Characters / Avatars

 Story / Fiction

 Leaderboards / Competition

 Social Features
 Gameplay / Visual Design
 Learning Output / Relatable
Go-to-Market Strategy
Two paths – same objective: recruiting freemium users and convert a
certain percentage of them to premium

  Path #1 – Academic Credibility             Path #2 – Community Building
     We take the role as credible content    For the children, we take the role as the cool
    providers for the parents and teachers         older brother that they look up to
Path #1 – Academic Credibility

                                                                                                                                       Cold-Calling Schools

                                                                                                                 •   Our team’s credibility, our   •   +2,000 users acquired from
                                                                                                                     product’s appeal (and             less than 30 calls to date
                Direct & Inbound Marketing                                                                           freemium content) makes
                                                                                    Legitimize                       trying out Numetry a no-      •   Managing these schools,
                                                                                                                     brainer for schools               turning them into ambassadors
                                                                        •   Havard's academic reputation
•   Engaging content via blog      •   Ads in (local) newspapers to         helps us reach out to schools and
    posts, photos, and general         promote the game and our             parents to make sales pitches
    information about our              mission
                                                                        •   Our team’s composition gives us
                                   •   Clearly communicate our user-
                                                                            credibility and depicts us as
•   Extensive SoMe strategy,           driven approach and how we
                                                                            serious actors with an interesting
    driving people to our              iterate based on user feedback
    website and game
                                   •   Presence at educational fairs
                                                                        •   Customers realize that we are one                                User-Driven
•   Paid Facebook and                                                       of them – we are parents and
    Instagram campaigns            •   Partnership with publishers
                                                                            teachers, we scratch our own itch    •   Organized as a TV series      •   Keeping engagement high
•   Strategic partnerships, e.g.                                                                                     with weekly content drops         during the wait with new
                                                                        •   We genuinely want to solve a                                               content
    with ADO Arena, Bergen                                                  problem
                                                                                                                 •   Episodes, chapters and
                                                                                                                     monthly meet-ups              •   Leaderboards and in-game
                                                                                                                                                       rewards for players to collect
Path #2 – Community Building

                                                                                                                                   Active Ownership

                                                                                                            •   Children are invited to        •   Making customers feel a
                                                                                                                participate in every step of       sense of ownership to the
                          Engagement                                                                            the development                    end- product, which
                                                                         Hitting the Trends                                                        eventually will lead to referrals
                                                                                                            •   Engaging competitions
•   Creating engaging and          •   Partner up with up-and-     •   Preben Fjell ran one of Norway’s
    diverse content, driving           coming youtubers with           most popular YouTube
    users to our game                  +3,000 followers                channels. 5+ years of content with
                                                                       as many as 350k views per video
•   Inviting children to engage    •   Digital and physical Meet       and 252k subscribers
    with our community outside         Ups to promote the game
    the actual game                                                •   Extensive knowledge in how to
                                   •   Heavily referral-based          build and engage audience
•   Strategic partnerships, e.g.                                       through social channels                                      Content Release
    with ADO Arena, Bergen         •   Leaderboards and in-game
                                       competitions                •   Helping us take the role as the
                                                                                                            •   Organized as a TV series       •   Keeping engagement high
                                                                       cool older brother that they look                                           during the wait with content
                                                                                                                with weekly content drops
                                                                       up to
                                                                                                            •   Episodes, chapters and         •   Leaderboards and in-game
                                                                                                                monthly meet-ups                   rewards for players to collect
Estimated User Growth 2021
Two-step model: continue to gain traction and tune the product in the
Norwegian market through Q1 of 2021. We plan to introduce it
to the Brazilian market in Q2, where we already have a strong

          # of Premium Users                                                                                     73.000
          # of Freemium Users                                       40.000

 Jan 21         Feb 21          Mar 21   Apr 21   May 21   Jun 21   Jul 21   Aug 21   Sep 21   Oct 21   Nov 21   Dec 21
For the past four weeks, some thirty Norwegian schools have been
contacted by phone.

Our team’s credibility, our product’s appeal and the free-to-play
aspect, makes trying out Numetry a no-brainer. And from those
thirty calls, around 2.000 accounts were generated.

Now, we want to reach out to each of the almost 3.000 elementary
schools in Norway and offer them the same thing. In order to do
that, we intend to hire two students.
Why Invest in Eduplaytion

1                                     2                                       3                                     4                                         5

    Great Timing & Product                    Industry Experts                            Go-Getters                       Make a Difference                         Launched On-Time

       From a one-man start-up             Demonstrative ability to attract         We are a scrappy team that                As recent times have                 Product launched as scheduled
    operation to arguably being one          and hold skilled personnel,              doesn’t wait for things to           demonstrated, investing in             and are receiving great feedback
      of the most exciting EdTech         successfully established a global       happen. We make them happen.           EdTech can easily turn highly             to date. We are now starting to
          companies in Norway               team from three continents.           Offering a game-changing GTM           profitable. Moreover, making a             get our first paying customer
                                               Moreover, a corporate               strategy and a highly scalable       difference for millions of children                     rolling i
                                              governance is stablished                    business model                        across the globe
                                           ensuring good internal routines
                                                                                                                     Beta Launched.

                                                                                                       MNOK 5.2 in
                                                                                                        Grants and
                                                                                         MNOK 2.8      Investments
                                                                                        Res. Council

                                                                       First MVP &
                                           Recruiting   MNOK 2.6 in   with 12 Schools
                                             Team        Grants and
                                           Members      Investments
           The Birth of   Early Concepts
           Eduplaytion        & First
Technical Road Map
    Phase I: Performance                               Phase II: New Content
•    Implementing version control                 •      Increase the number of mini-
     allowing for faster builds                          games and expand each
•    Implementing addressables to                        existing mini-game’s playtime
     allow faster loading time and                •      General playtesting
     playtesting of that                          •      Come April 1, min. 3 chapters          Phase I       Phase II      Phase III      Phase VI      Phase V       Phase VI        Phase VII
•    Improve production routine and                      and a total of 13 mini-games         Performance   New Content   Achievement   Infinite Modes   Tutorials   Social Features
     project management
                                                         to be done
•    Continue to improve on-                      •      Min. 5 chapters and 21 mini-
     boarding                                            games come August 1

    Phase III: Achievement                            Phase IV: Infinite Modes
•    Leaderboard support                          •      Instead of having three levels
•    Profile screen                                      inside each min-game, we will
•    (Daily) rewards                                     keep adding more levels. The
•    Artifacts                                           constant pursuit of new and rare
•    Character customization                             artifacts will incentives children
                                                         to keep grinding

                                                                                               Dec 2020                     Jan 2021                     Feb 2021                      Mar 2021
      Phase V: Tutorials                              Phase VI: Social Features
•    Making it easier for children to            •       Rewarding players that recruit
     understand what they should do                      friends in-game
     with each mini-game                         •       My Crew – allowing players to
•    According to feedback, the top-                     create their own guild and see
     tree most important feature to                      each other’s avatars and
     implement/significantly improve                     achievements

                               Phase VII: Systems
           •     FEIDE integration
           •     Beta version of the parent portal, and sending them weekly e-mails
Effectivization – Reducing Overhead

1                                                   2                                                 3

      Structural Advantages                             Faster. Cheaper. Predictable.                             Reducing Burn
•   Numetry consist of a myriad of mini-games       •    Starting from Q1 2021, Eduplaytion will      •   The company has already identified areas
    on top of a platform                                 start moving away from being dependent           where we can improve our monthly burn
                                                         on in-house developers to create our mini-       rate by around 20% from February 2021
•   This was a technical decision we took to             games. We will put all our future mini-
    allow us to distribute work to developers all        games out for outside agencies around the
    over the world and not be depending on in-           world that can do the job fastest and
    house knowledge, these market players can            cheapest without compromising the quality
    do things faster and cheaper than us
                                                    •    This will allow us to keep the burn rate
                                                         more stable instead of having
Burn Rate 2021

                    JAN     FEB     MAR     APR     MAY     JUN      JUL    AUG     SEP   OCT        NOV        DEC           SUM

Progragramming      203     194      194    194     194     194      194    194     194    194        194        194          2,600

Design & illustr.   121     106      106    109      106    127      106     106    109    106        106        115          1,300

Employees. & Ped.   142     142      142    142     142     142      142    142     142   142        142         142          1,700

Other Costs         126     109     196     165     141     140     208     114     132   121        212        120           1,900

SUM                 567     526      614    585     558     578      650    531     815   538        629         546         7,100

CASH BAL.           4,400   3,900   3,300   2,900   2,400   2,200   1,900   1,500   900   1,900      1,500      1,300

                                                                                             Based on Eduplaytion AS – Cash Flow Forecast 2021.exe
Funding Needs

                                  Pre-Money Valuation

                                       MNOK 22
                        •   Product released, strong feedback with
    Asked Amount 2021       4.500 users registered, of which 300 paying   Innovation Loan 2021*
                        •   Strong momentum for EdTech solutions, ref.
                            COVID-19 and Kahoot!'s acquisition of Poio
       MNOK                 and Dragonbox in 2019                                  MNOK
                        •   Significantly reduced both technical and
      Up to 4.5             market risk in establishing a unique                    2
                            collaboration with ten pioneer schools in
                            Norway and abroad
                        •   Successfully built a team of constructed of
                            industry experts, such as Håvard Tjora &
                            Preben Fjell
                        •   Phenomenal traction to date and a unique
                            international team composition
                        •   Established R&D project with a university

                                                                          * Innovation loan from Innovation Norway is being considered
Media Coverage
Our Mission
Becoming the global go-to provider for captivating and high-end quality learning solutions
User Feedback

“   Som forelder opplever jeg at andre skolespill er trauste og
    ganske kjedelige. Dette spillet har jeg mer tro på fordi det
    engasjerer og ikke føles som skolearbeid.

                                                                   Jakob’s (10) Mom
                                                                       Aina Brekke
                                                                     Tlf.: 414 28 579
User Feedback

“   Det føltes ikkje som, du veit, noko matte-aktig. Det var meir
    som eit vanleg spel – berre at du lærer i tillegg!

                                                                        Viktoria (11)
                                                                        Askvoll School
User Feedback

“   Numetry er på et helt annet nivå enn konkurrentene når det gjelder
    spillopplevelsen. Tegningene, lydene og det visuelle i oppgavene er
    gjennomført gode. Elevene har lyst til å løse utfordringene for å se hva
    som skjer videre i fortellingen. Til tross for at spillet er laget for at det skal
    være gøy har skaperne også tatt hensyn til det vi lærere ønsker: korrekt
    begrepsbruk, umiddelbar tilbakemelding og ikke minst problemløsning.

                                                                                         Andreas Aanestad
                                                                                           Godvik skule
                                                                                          Tlf.: 988 57 283
Join our Quest
Email: kristoffer@eduplaytion.no
Phone: + 47 951 15 756

Address: Media City Bergen
Lars Hilles gate 30
5080 Bergen, Norway
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